#him winning with another team? devastating to me
drawn out personal thinkpiece about daniel under the cut, read at ur own risk
there’s a poster on my wall that’s been held on there with the same blu tack since 2012. it shows all of the championship winning cars up to 2011, and then the 2012 championship winning car right in the middle of the poster.
i grew up in milton keynes, which, if you’ve been, really doesn’t have much going for it. the red bull factory has the logo on the side, the building’s new and modern unlike all the drab concrete architecture and soulless buildings the centre of milton keynes is infamous for. and it was the absolute coolest thing to me as a five year old.
formula one used to be aired on the BBC, which meant my family could watch it without an exorbitant fee. my parents could barely afford to keep me in sports or after school clubs but this was something i could do, something i could be invested in and boast about to my friends.
all this to say; red bull was everything to me. i was wide eyed and impressionable when seb was winning four consecutive championships, the show runs in mk when seb won were some of the best experiences of my childhood. but when daniel joined red bull in 2014, he became the best part of that team. he was red bull. he beat a four time world champion and, until 2018, he was the face of the team.
i didn’t follow seb to ferrari, but i followed daniel to renault - even though they weren’t backed up by my home town, and i’d never really given much of a toss about them.
i can’t say i could ever bring myself to buy a piece of mclaren merch, but i was still rooting for daniel every weekend.
when seb retired it was upsetting. the influence he had on my love for f1 is immense. but it was the end of his career, aston martin had treated him with respect and he’d had a graceful announcement on his terms.
i’m devastated that the end of daniel’s career had to happen like this. most of my childhood memories are of me sat on the ridiculous red carpet in my childhood home, dangerously close to the tv, cheering on the number three car every race weekend. and even though i’ve felt truly hollow for the last few days, i would never choose to have rooted for another driver.
i don’t know who i’m writing this for. rightfully, nobody cares enough to read a drawn out think piece on my milton keynes nationalism, and it’s not like daniel will ever see it. but f1 has been with me for most of my life, and daniel has been there for almost as long, and it feels wrong to not acknowledge what feels like the end of a chapter.
at seven, i was convinced that daniel would win a championship. that never came to pass, but the career that daniel has had, the pure skill and sportsmanship he has shown, even when the car or the team wasn’t capable, has kept me wearing the number three for over a decade.
daniel, thank you. however your career ended, you will always be the driver that fully sparked my love for f1.
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formula-fun · 1 year
Whenever people debate whether Charles should leave Ferrari, it's like, do you even believe in romance???
people will wax poetic about the narrative and then say he should leave in the same breath. If you want that then what's the narrative? if you don't believe in the world it would be stupid to paint it!!! if you dont believe in god, then who are you talking to ???? like
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digitaldiarystuff · 4 months
Enemies Forever
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soo this is something i’ve had in mind since the el clasico and hope you enjoyyy💖 and please comment on it that really helps me a lot xx
pairing: Jude Bellingham x Y/N
genre: angst
summary: you are a famous actress in Spain and a die hard barca fan. You unfortunately were also in a situationship with the Real superstar Jude Bellingham but try your best to not let it get serious
It was an intense match, to say the least. You were at the stands watching with so much anticipation you didn’t even realize the crowd filming you. It wasn’t the easiest being recognized everywhere you went but most importantly you didn’t want to steal the spotlight from what mattered the most, FC Barcelona.
You were raised as a fan religiously by your dad all your childhood, every match day was a chaos while all your close family friends and relatives came to your house and there was always a big feast before or after but never during the game. He even wanted to name you after the squad of Barca but luckily your mother intervened and named you something cuter so it was not a surprise to anyone that you were a big supporter. You were filming a series in Madrid as a young and successful actress so the game being held in Madrid was in your advantage for once. You always talked on interviews about your love for the club and went as far as being one of their models for a campaign last year which was a lifelong dream for you. And now, here you were anxiously watching the game against Real Madrid at Bernabeu VIP section with your Lewa shirt on. You decided wearing a youngsters shirt would cause so much more trouble even though you basically had all of them.
The game was head to head and it seemed like there would be room for another goal and it really happened, just not the way you wanted it to be. Bellingham scored right after the 90 minutes mark and everyone started screaming whilst you were devastated. With Fermin’s goal you really had hope for a win and since the season wasn’t going that well everyone needed it but it all came crashing down with a stupid goal from a stupid Madrid player.
Jude Bellingham.
You hated the way he celebrated rallying the fans further, you hated that he provoked everyone and anyone and most of all you hated him for scoring against your team. You and Jude had a complicated relationship, it was actually a few days after the first clasico at a prestigious night club in Madrid that you bumped into each other. You were seething with anger because a few days ago he crushed your hopes, again but he didn’t seem too concerned about your anger. In fact he looked like he enjoyed watching you try to shoot daggers at him and even had the audacity to come up to you late at night while you were completely wasted.
You sometimes wished that the story ended there, he came up to you and tried to flirt but you told him no way and walked away. But it didn’t. In fact, you and Jude had been meeting up pretty frequently over the last months and playing football definitely wasn’t his only talent. At first you told yourself it was all out of hatred, you did it because you were angry at him. In the morning you quickly dressed up and told him your team would be in contact to sign the non disclosure agreement and left in a hurry not even speaking to him properly. It was a shameful act but it was just a one night stand, right? Then came the second time you met, it was at your costar’s house party where only a few people were invited and he had to be one of them. Jude came up to you talking loudly about how your show helps him get better at Spanish and all this bullshit to throw any eavesdroppers off.
“What the hell are you doing here?” you asked him with furrowed brows “You’re not supposed to be here.”
“Oh, I’m sorry didn’t know I wasn’t supposed to leave the house unless I had your approval. I also didn’t know we were getting that serious.” he winked and smiled but all you could feel was panic and frustration.
“No, it’s not what I- We’re nothing. No in fact we aren’t nothing, we’re rivals and we despise each other.” you stated pointing your finger at him but he just watched your poor attempt of scolding him with a boyish grin on his face.
That’s how you ended up sleeping with him the second time and the next morning tried your best to escape without him waking up but he beat you to it.
“Where are you going?” he mumbled in a deep voice as you were walking out on him.
“I have a scene to shoot this afternoon.” you lied without looking at his face.
“It’s only 7” he answered back as he reached for his phone on the nightstand.
“I know.” you said still refusing to turn back but soon heard shuffling and felt his arms reach around you and pull you in a hug. You stiffened in his touch, not sure what to expect.
“Why are you trying so hard to hate me?” he leaned his head on your shoulder trying to get a look at you but you turned your head slightly.
You were caught off guard by his question.
“I’m not trying.” you confidently answered using your acting skills. “I just do”
He sighed loudly and freed you.
“So let me get this straight, this, this whole thing we did last night, it’s all out of hate? I hope all the Barca fans who hate me won’t request the same treatment.” he joked you and you felt your anger return immediately at the mention of your team.
“Yes, I hate you. I hate you and your club. This, us sleeping together a couple of times changes nothing in my eyes. It was just a drunken mistake.” you tried defending yourself but knew your excuse was weak since you didn’t even drink much last night in hopes that would prevent you from getting in his bed, which was proven not to be the case.
“Oh, c’mon Y/N you know this isn’t just being drunk and wanting to fuck anything that moves.”
“But it is.”
“But it’s not and you know it. Yes, that would explain the first time but the second one, that’s on you. Look I seriously can’t stop thinking about you and I don’t believe it when you say you don’t want anything with me.”
“You practically begged me.” you raised your voice being in disbelief about how he was trying to pin this on you and also deliberately ignoring his last statement but unfortunately, your heart rate was pretty damn affected by it.
“Yeah, I did because I’m not a coward who’s afraid of what people might think of me and there’s obviously something between us Last night you had every right to stop me but you didn’t. So stop with this bullshit.” he said also in a raised voice. You were too stunned to make a comeback so gathered all your belongings and left his place. He was an annoying guy, sure but what got to you the most was the fact that he was right. You had every chance to tell him to stop or leave you alone but there was something linking you to him. You felt it too but was pretty embarrassed by it. Jude tried calling out to you but you didn’t stop afraid of what might happen and walked to your car leaving his place.
After that it was calm for a while but with Jude, this is never a good sign.
Your inner voice was right and there he was, standing at your door at 2 am. He looked out of it, his eyes were hooded, his phone screen was cracked and he smelled like a luxurious liquor store.
“Jude, how did you-
“I asked Ines.” he explained before you finished your question which was a good sign, his brain still half worked.
“Why would she give you my home address this is so irresponsible, what if you were planning on killing me?” you panicked at your friend’s poor judgment but Jude found it amusing. He bit his lip in order to stop himself from giggling.
“What are you laughing at? Are you here to kill me?” you raised a brow being more annoyed at him now.
“I’m here to talk.” he immediately looked more serious but it only made you sweat.
“Talk about…” you trailed off hoping he’d finish the sentence for you.
“The global warming and its effects on the society.” he looked at you like you were dumb for even asking. “I’m here to talk about us.” he said when you flipped him off.
“Jude, there’s no us and you know it.”
“But I don’t know it Y/N, I really don’t because you try so hard to act like you don’t feel anything but I see it every time we’re together. The you hating me and being disgusted by me is all part of the act and I know it because whenever we touch it’s electricity.” he tried pleading with you but you were adamant about this being nothing important. You were just mortal enemies having hate sex.
“Jude, I think you’re just reading too much into it.” you finally said and saw his shoulders drop immediately. You knew you were lying, you felt it as much as he did, you couldn’t stop thinking about him either.
“S okay, I’m sorry to bother you.” he turned on his heels and started making his way down the stairs of your house but all you felt was panic. You tried your best to stay strong and not let these weird feelings get in the way of your brain but they did and you called out to him. He turned back when you asked if he wanted some water but both of you knew this had nothing to do with any beverage.
He came in that night and you started to talk, for the first time without you taking jabs at him for anything he said or him making stupid jokes. You expected the talk to be awkward and have stretched out silences but to your absolute surprise it happened so effortlessly.
You talked about your upbringings and families, jobs (yes you still gave him a hard time about being a Real Madrid player) and anything and everything. It felt so good to open up to someone about some of the things you found hard and he did the same. In fact, the night went so good that you asked him to join you in bed after a while and he held you while you slept. Needless to say it was probably the best sleep you’ve had in your adult life.
The next morning you woke up to see Jude cuddling to you like a koala and couldn’t help but smile to yourself. You wanted to make some breakfast so tried slowly getting out of his grasp but it only became stronger.
“I’m not letting you escape.” he murmured still half asleep.
“Jude, this is my house.” you laughed but he still didn’t budge.
“I want to make something to eat.” you whined hoping this would make him drop you but he just opened one eye and looked at you skeptically.
“Don’t you have a chef?”
“Oh, I’m sorry not all of us has that kind of money.” you retaliated and his face immediately turned pink as he thought you were offended.
“I- I didn’t mean it like-
“Relax, I’m messing with you. I do but she’s on a vacation.” you laughed but he stayed pouting so you figured a kiss would do the trick and it worked wonders.
This is how your past months were, secretly meeting up at one of your places, having dinner and basically doing most things couples do but without going out or having a title. He tried to have ‘the talk’ but you shut him down because it terrified you, you had strong feelings about him but decided it’d be better to sweep them under the rug and Jude, begrudgingly respected your decision.
But today was different, it was the el clasico and you couldn’t stand Jude at the moment. You were pretty convinced people could see the smoke coming out of your ears but didn’t care and hastily exited the stadium to go home. On the ride back you missed several texts and calls from Jude about where you were and when you finally checked them you didn’t bother to answer. He should know how mad you were right now and give you some space.
Unfortunately, that’s not the kind of man Jude Bellingham is. You were sure of it when you saw him standing at the door with a smug face and some chinese.
“I’m seriously not in the mood” you tried to shut the door because just seeing him made your blood boil.
“Aren’t you gonna congratulate me?” he laughed and you suddenly had an urge to strangle him but while you were staring at him in shock he made his way in.
“Jude, I said I’m not in the mood.” you reiterated but he was busy making himself comfortable on your couch. You stood in front of him while he looked up at you.
“Oh, come on, you can’t seriously be mad. This is my job Y/N.”
“And that was my team you scored against at the last minute.”
“What should have I done? Miss on purpose?” he looked at you like he was stating the obvious.
“I didn’t ask you to do anything on purpose, I’m just not in the mood for your teasing or gloating.” you motioned to the real madrid shirt he had on.
“How is this gloating? I literally came straight from the game? I didn’t have anything else clean.”
“Well yeah, it’s pissing me off.” you yelled.
“Y/N you need to understand I’m a professional footballer and I was just doing my job. It wasn’t anything personal.” he stated more calmly so you sat down next to him.
“And you need to understand it’s nothing personal too. I just can’t or won’t deal with a Madrid player right now… Or for a while.” you added with your hands in your hair and he raised an eyebrow.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You know what it means.” you avoided his gaze.
“So you want to end this because I scored a goal.” he asked trying to remain calm but you could see his demeanor shift.
“Look, it was never going to work out anyway. We don’t have to make it a big deal.”
Now it was Jude’s turn to stand up angrily. He started shouting but you couldn’t even focus on the things he was saying, all you could think about was to wish you’ve never said all that. You didn’t even mean it but were just angry at the moment, maybe you wanted to hurt him just like he hurt you but you quickly realized breaking things off had effects on both of you. Jude stormed out after about two minutes of yelling, he looked so mad and defeated and you couldn’t help but blame yourself for hurting him.
This was for the best, you told yourself repeatedly. Maybe if you said it enough times it’d become the truth.
You woke up the next morning with a headache, not surprisingly. For a moment you reached over at Jude’s side to get some affection but was quickly reminded of last night’s events by the coldness of his side. Your heart ached and you felt so bad after seeing his state but couldn’t bring yourself to beg for his forgiveness. Maybe you should’ve done that, told him about all your fears and ask for a proper chance but couldn’t.
After taking a quick shower, you decided to check your phone. You wanted to do it the moment you woke up but was afraid there wouldn’t be any notifications from Jude. Not that you cared but still. And to nobody shock, there weren’t. You knew this would eventually happen. One day you’d push him too far and he’d leave you alone just like you told him multiple times but the thing you didn’t anticipate was him being the talk of the town. Well, you figured he’d be because of the game last night but it was actually for other reasons.
‘Jude Bellingham spotted leaving the club with an unknown woman after a magnificent goal’
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amirasainz · 2 months
can you do a carmen x george x amira pls
Heyy.... so I know I#ve been absent for some time now, but I just have a lot of work and studying to do, so I'm not able to post as frequent as I used to. However I will try my best to write all of you're requests.
I this story Lando is painted like the bad guy, vut please be aware that this is NO HATE TOWARDS LANDO. It's just a story, so please read it as such.
Enjoy reading and let me know if you have some requests!
No Part 2!!!
You're enough
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“George…” whispered Amira, her hand gently stroking his back. The man in her arms let out a shuddering breath, prompting the girls on either side of him to hug him tighter. His face was buried in his hands, his posture slumped in his seat. Carmen and Amira shared a look behind George’s back, both feeling lost and helpless.
Just a few minutes ago, they had received the devastating notification that George had been disqualified from the Belgium GP, meaning he lost his hard-earned win. After working tirelessly and executing a brilliant race strategy, it all meant nothing in the end.
At first, George put on a brave face. He received a call from Toto, who was the one to inform his driver about the misfortune. Then came the messages from the other drivers, all of them sending their support and well wishes to him. Through all of this, George maintained a neutral mask. What finally broke his facade were the concerned faces of the two beautiful girls in his driver’s room.
“It’s just—it’s such a stupid reason,” started the Briton, his voice trembling with frustration. “We are talking about 1.5 kg. Freaking 1.5 kg ruined my freaking race. And all thanks to stupid McLaren, just because Lando had a bad weekend and the team didn’t get enough points.” From one second to the next, George’s anger towards his DNS transformed into anger against Lando.
“We all know that Zak is kissing the ground that Lando walks on. Since his first win, he became insufferable. He acts like a god and expects us to pray to him. Worst of all, he compares himself to champions like Senna and Hamilton. Even freaking Schumacher. Not only did he ruin Oscar’s first win, but he also treated us like crap since Miami.” George stood up from his seat, pacing up and down in his room. Carmen and Amira let him continue with his frustrated rant, both of them knowing it would do the Mercedes driver some good.
“He started treating the rest of us horribly. He told Logan that it was only a matter of time before the world forgot his name. To Carlos, he said that Carlos wasn’t even good enough to be the Safety Car driver. He looked me straight in the face and said I only won in Austria thanks to him. And everything he did the past few weeks was crying and whining in front of the cameras.”
While George caught his breath, Amira felt conflicted. On one hand, Lando was her friend and didn’t deserve all of George’s anger after McLaren called for an investigation. On the other hand, George wasn’t wrong. After Miami, Lando really started behaving like a grade-A asshole. Not only to the drivers and other workers but also to her. But that was a problem for another day. All she could think about now was comforting the man in front of her.
Without another thought, Amira stood up and hugged George. Feeling overwhelmed by the disappointment of today’s race, George broke down in tears. Carmen immediately jumped up from the bed, both women hugging the man close to them.
After a few moments, Carmen suggested in a calm voice that the three of them should get on the bed. After situating themselves (George lying on his back with both girls lying on his chest, holding hands), George calmed down. “No matter what, we’ll always be proud of you, George,” whispered Amira. “She is right, amor, it’s us three against the world,” confirmed Carmen. George only hugged the women closer to himself, his heart already feeling lighter. The thought of the three of them together warmed his chest, putting his mind at ease.
As they lay there, the room fell into a comfortable silence, broken only by the occasional sniffle from George. Carmen and Amira exchanged a glance, silently agreeing to stay with him as long as he needed. They knew that this moment, though painful, was a testament to their bond. They were more than just friends; they were a family, united by their shared experiences and unwavering support for one another.
Eventually, George’s breathing steadied, and he began to relax. The weight of the day’s events still lingered, but the presence of Carmen and Amira made it bearable. He knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he wouldn’t have to face them alone. With a deep sigh, he closed his eyes, allowing himself to find solace in the warmth and comfort of his friends’ embrace.
As the minutes passed, the trio remained entwined, drawing strength from each other. Carmen softly hummed a lullaby, her voice soothing and gentle, while Amira ran her fingers through George’s hair, offering silent reassurance. The room, once filled with tension and despair, now felt like a sanctuary of peace and solidarity.
George’s mind drifted back to the race, replaying the moments of triumph and the crushing blow of disqualification. Yet, with each passing second, the sting of disappointment lessened. He realized that victories and defeats were fleeting, but the bonds he shared with Carmen and Amira were enduring. They were his anchor, his source of strength, and his reason to keep pushing forward.
“Thank you,” George murmured, his voice barely audible. “Thank you for being here with me.”
Carmen kissed his forehead, her eyes filled with warmth. “Always, George. We’re always here for you.”
Amira nodded, her smile tender. “No matter what happens, we’ll face it together.”
With those words, George felt a renewed sense of hope. The road ahead might be challenging, but with Carmen and Amira by his side, he knew he could overcome anything. As he drifted off to sleep, surrounded by the people who loved him most, he felt a profound sense of gratitude and peace.
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 6 months
How about reader, who is a seasoned gamer, invites Gaz to play something like Valorant or Fortnite etc. She says "dw it took me a while to get good too" but he picks it up stupid quick. He spends the rest of the time enjoying winding her up more than the actual game.
absolutely absolutely. gaz can and should get away with everything.
1,833 words / lucky number 13
"Gaz... you know most people play video games to escape their responsibilities."
"So you've told me." Gaz's voice crackles over your headset.
You're staring at your screen, watching as he confirms his character selection in the game's lobby. "You're absolutely sure you want to play tank?" you ask him.
He locks in his character, and it appears in the pregame lobby: a bald-headed, square-jawed guy with a muscular build and heavy armor.
"Positive. You're playing healer, aren't you?"
"Then I'm playing tank. Pocket me."
"You've never even played this game. We'll both get obliterated."
"Come on. How hard can it be? Shoot, use ability, reset. I take the damage; you heal me; I dish it back out; we win; you thank me for carrying you as always. It's just like our usual game."
"Repeat that last one. I think your mic cut out on account of the bullshit."
"You don't think I can keep the heat off you?"
"I don't need you to keep the heat off me. I just want you to have fun and not die in the first five seconds of the round," you tell him. He did buy this game specifically to play it with you. After a totally reasonable amount of prodding on your part. It's been your go-to for weeks.
"Then pocket me and I won't die. I'm not having fun if I'm not in the thick of it. You know me."
"Fine. For one game."
"Bet," Gaz says, sounding smug about it. "I'm not gonna disappoint."
During that first game, he's getting his bearings. But he takes to it rather intuitively, especially with your help over voice chat. His tactical skills are whip-sharp as always. As you pocket him, you focus your character's abilities on keeping Gaz alive. But you switch to upping his damage output when you realize he's holding down a choke point by himself, taking on enemies and laying out a field of fire for your team. It's impressive, considering this is his first time playing the game.
When an enemy sneaks up on you, his pocket healer, he disposes of them with slightly more prejudice.
"You're pretty good at this," you tell him, scanning the results screen. "I mean, maybe mid-tier if you were on your own."
"Mid-tier?" he says, a little affronted. "It's called being adaptable. Not that you'd know. Hundreds of hours in this game and you're mid-tier support at best."
You cross your arms, leaning back in your computer chair. "Because I don't play support. You know what? I'm switching to DPS. See what you carry without me patching your ass up every ten seconds."
Back in the lobby, you select your main. Gaz eyes the character with a bit of respect. "A rogue, huh? You must think you're pretty good. Gonna need a lot more healing."
"Only if I get hit."
"I could sponge that damage right up for you. Keep you nice and safe."
You scoff. "Won't need it."
"Let's see."
In the next round, you weave in and out of combat, gleefully dodging attacks and landing devastating blows before you disappear. Your bread and butter. Meanwhile, Gaz does--at worst--an admirable job tanking. Still, when you look back and see enemies surrounding him, it's clear he could use an assist.
You double back and flank two of the enemies on him, picking them both off one by one. But before you can gloat, his voice in your headset interrupts you.
"Good kills, baby."
That's not the reaction you wanted. It immediately ticks you off. "I know."
He chuckles and takes down another enemy. He's tunneling in on the fight now that you've got him back on his feet, but clearly he still has time to talk to you. "Can't take a compliment."
The face that he's purposely pushing your buttons just irritates you more.
The next few games, he makes himself indispensable as a tank. It should be a good thing, but he keeps getting in your way specifically. You'd swear it's on purpose. He tanks hits for you and then acts like you'd lose the game without him. His cockiness is insufferable. Worse--you can't ignore how deftly he's scaling the difficulty curve here. He's holding the attention of the enemy players, keeping them away from you while you deal the damage. And you'd never admit it, but the way he's holding aggro is saving your ass.
You shouldn't need him to do that, though. You tell yourself the only reason you're not playing better is because he's forcing you to maneuver around him.
Then he offs the enemy rogue right as you're finishing her off. You swear into the mic. "Gaz, come on! You stole my kill."
"I'm giving my little rogue the help she needs. Besides, you know it's not about getting the most kills. It's about the team's collective score," he teases, and you have to remind yourself it's just a game.
It's like he can tell exactly what to do to piss you off in record time after that. Bossing you around, telling you to take this point or make that kill. He even pipes up once to remind you it'd be a good time to use your ult. You open your mouth to tell him it's not ready yet, but to your chagrin, you glance down and realize it is. Somehow he's keeping track? Unreal.
You're a little impressed about that one, but you'd never tell him. In your defense, he's distracting you with all this banter and teasing. He's making it hard to focus.
"No backseat gaming," you tell him.
"Wouldn't have to backseat game if you played better."
"I would be playing better if you weren't crowding me!" You sigh out your nose. "You're only doing this to get a rise out of me. Micromanaging me. I swear you get off on it."
"You're giving me too many opportunities to obsess over you." He sounds smirky.
The way he says it makes something in your lower stomach flip. You lose focus for half a second--long enough for the enemy rogue to slip past Gaz and smack you.
Gaz slams into her with his shield to stun her, then spins around and uses his special to deal more damage. That last hit downs her. You don't even have a chance to react.
His voice in your headset is smug still. "Like I said."
"Fine. Thanks."
"You can thank me by not dying again."
After the game, you sit back in your chair, arms crossed. "You sure talk a lot of shit."
"Am I?" You hear him grinning. "I hoped you'd give me a little more attitude than that."
"Oh, I know. You're not subtle."
"Neither are you. You get riled up so easy."
"You want me to fight you? Because it sounds like you'd rather me just roll over and bite the damn curb."
"No, you want that. You're a masochist."
"Thank you."
"It isn't a compliment."
"I know. Keep bullying me," you snark into your mic.
It's hard to resist teasing you when you say stuff like that. "Okay," he says, his tone turning playful. He leans back, crosses his legs, and situates himself in his chair. The game's results screen idles on his monitor, forgotten. "You've gotta stop making it so easy for me, though."
"I get that a lot."
"I'm sure you do, sweetheart."
"Ooh, are we doing condescension now?"
"I've been condescending to you since minute one. I can turn it up if it's not obvious enough."
"Keep going and I'll get off."
"Off voice chat, you mean?"
You smirk. "No."
He smiles, rolling his shoulders back. "I can absolutely be more condescending to you if that's what your incompetent little heart desires."
You laugh. "You were just waiting to bring that one out, weren't you?"
"I've got several of them tucked away just in case you got mouthy, But let's be honest--you're always mouthy."
"You're one to talk. You talked hella trash that last match."
"Only because I had to pull your ass out of the line of fire all the time. If you were better, I wouldn't have to. You're giving me ammunition, here."
"I just think it's telling that you play tank."
"Are you saying I'm compensating for something?"
"You said it. Not me."
He rolls his eyes, smirking. "You want to talk about projecting? You're the masochist, and you play a rogue? The one class known for being fragile? You're putting a target on your own back. What does that say about you?"
"Better than a tank main," you quip.
"I'm taking all the hits so you can DPS your way to getting play of the game. Makes me sound proper generous."
You examine your nails. "Makes you sound like a control freak."
"Why don't you look me in the eye and say that? Turn on your cam."
Your grin widens. "Gaz, please. If I turned my webcam on every time some guy online asked me to, I'd never have time to play."
He leans forward, lowering his voice. "Who says I'm kidding? Come on, baby. Give me eye contact. Look me in the eye and tell me I'm a control freak."
"Nope." You know he hates that you're not budging.
"Why? Aren't you decent?"
"More like I have Cheeto dust all over my hands."
"Doubt that."
"It's true."
"Come on. Prove it."
"See? Control freak."
"Fine, I'm a control freak--withyou. But you like it, don't you?"
"Oh, I love when you order me around. I love knowing exactly what you want me to do so I can avoid doing it forever."
He sits back in his chair and stares through his screen. It's not like he's never seen your face before. You've posted a selfie or two in shared chats. But he's never seen you cozied up in your pajamas. Or in a cute little robe. Or maybe a big t-shirt, the soft kind. Like he wears.
Yeah, he's realizing he's down bad. Worse than he thought.
"You wanna make the next round more interesting, then?" he asks.
You arch a brow, propping your sock-covered feet up on your desk. "Like how?"
"You lose, you turn on your camera, obviously."
You snicker. "I don't know what you think I get up to on a Friday night, but you're gonna be sorely disappointed." You pop another Cheeto in your mouth, knowing he'll hear it crunch.
Gaz laces his fingers behind his head. "I've already curbed my expectations. Bet you're sitting around in sweats and a hoodie with some anime character on it." Not that the thought of that isn't appealing. He suspects you don't let many people see you that way.
"You're... uh..." You look down at what you're wearing. "Not far off, actually."
"I know, baby. I've seen your Discord handle."
"So what if I win?"
"Then I won't tell anyone how hard you got stomped these last few rounds. And trust me, I'd be telling everyone. It's embarrassing how much of a load you were. Don't take that the wrong way, though--by all means, just sit there looking cute while I carry this next game."
"Oh, you're on."
Gaz grins, leaning forward. "Yeah, we'll see how cocky you are when I put you back in your place."
You pull your chair back up to your desk, hands poised over your mouse and keyboard. "Promises, promises."
Gaz readies up, too. "Don't worry, baby. I'll keep my word. But once I humble you, you're gonna regret ever doubting me."
more Gaz / masterlist tag
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emphistic · 6 months
I need help finding a ff i read:
i think i accidentally unliked it. 😭
I recently read an old sukuna x reader series — i believe it was posted in early 2023 but im not sure.
I might be wrong, but the author is also inactive.
The series included three parts and it was a college au.
So its about a reader who is president of student council and they're in a fwb relationship with sukuna who is captain of his basketball team.
Reader starts to catch feelings and is utterly devastated when she sees sukuna kissing another girl at a party.
Like all stories, he has to win her heart back and they get back together. He gives her flowers and bouquets — a lot of them — and at first reader doesnt forgive him. Until she does — after he wins his basketball game.
They fuck at the end, too.
But please, pleaseee, if anyone knows the author or has the link, please tell me. Im on my hands and knees.
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thefirstknife · 1 month
They're killing me with Echoes.
Some stuff from the exotic mission that is really interesting. I'll start with the stuff you can only get after you've done it once and you can start finding secret chests. On runs after your 1st, there will be a conflux in one of the side rooms that is otherwise empty.
Once you activate that, there will be a small puzzle and then a chest will appear. This will also change the room slightly and activate several Vex portals, turning the room into a sort of a nexus that will be used for other chests. More under, spoilers and long:
This is the room, btw, when you first run it and there's no conflux:
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Okay. Although a lot has been altered, they're continuing with the trend of stripping away Mercury for parts: this is the base layout of the inside of the Lighthouse. Kicking and screaming and throwing things and eating through my walls.
Anyway, after you activate the conflux and the puzzle, the extra gates around the area will transform like this and the area will get a name "Ancillary Transit Nexus" :
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This will later be used as portals to go into areas with other chests. There's two extra chests this week and we go through two of these portals, but there's a third as well. I'm assuming it might be some sort of a rotation by week.
The second chest you get this week is where the interesting part starts because you return back to this area, use one of the portals and go back to the area where the mission started where you do a puzzle and then get the chest. But when you do all that, you get new voice lines. This time... From Chioma Esi; one of Chiomas that got simulated by the Vex:
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Aspect lore book fans stay winning!!!! So this is the format of how different iterations of the 227 simulated Ishtar scientist teams were designated and how they communicated with each other. Two of these teams are also specifically mentioned in Aspect. We don't know about .130 (130th iteration), but we do know .59 and .97. A devastating one for .59:
227.59 You lose Maya. You mourn. The thought of all the other Mayas out there doesn't help. They weren't the Maya you'd puzzled with over living basalt flowers, a world with seventeen moons, a continent that Shim had sworn up and down was sixteenth-century Australia and that Duane-McNiadh couldn't be dissuaded from calling Pangaea. You'd found a simulation with a city where you discovered a jewelry store, picked out a necklace, brought it home to her, and wished her a happy pseudo anniversary. Maya didn't like bracelets, said they always fouled her work. Her hair had been getting shaggy again and was due for a trim. She could never decide whether or not to grow it out. She laughed at you lifting weights to maintain simulated muscle, but she spotted for you all the same. There are other Mayas out there, layers of them, all the way up to the original, wherever she is. You hope they're doing well. But that doesn't stop you from missing this Maya, missing whatever arguments and discoveries you'd have shared in the rest of the lifetime you'd promised to one another. Shim and Duane-McNiadh pull you up from beside Maya's marker. A basalt lily rests on top of it, petals thin enough to let light through. You go on.
And .97:
227.97 Here's how it goes: you and Maya and Shim and Duane-McNiadh take your first cautious, sliding steps out into the Vex information network. You get your footing. You've got to translate everything into metaphor to understand it, here, and this is like tightrope walking on a greased line. You and Maya lean into each other. Shim slips, and you help him up. You explore. You go on.
They're both in the same lore tab. These groups were so distinct between each other and experienced vastly different things, so much that Praedyth could differentiate between the groups and knew which voices belonged to which number of them. These groups communicated with him to coordinate their potential escape.
The interesting bit is that in the voice line from this week we see .130 Chioma calling the Chioma from .59 (the one that lost and buried Maya), asking about the .97 group with whom they've apparently lost contact. And in Aspect, we see the .97 group doing fine. At least here at the beginning. But it appears that the idea is that at some point they either died or simply vanished, as they're not responding.
The third chest is the same; you go to the nexus and from there to another room where there's a puzzle and when you solve it, you get a chest and voice lines, this time from one of the simulated Mayas:
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This Maya is from the 65th iteration and she's telling us that a lot of inviduals from each team are vanishing. We don't really know what that means and what is happening, but we do know from Aspect that at the end when they attempted their escape, there were significantly fewer individuals, possibly whole teams either vanished, dead or simply unreachable:
A hundred and sixty Mayas reach for the Chiomas by their side. A hundred and fifty-eight Chiomas reach back.
Down to 160 from 227 is a lot (and only 158 Chiomas). We never really knew what this meant and we still aren't sure now, but this might be an explanation. Something was happening to them in the network.
What makes this even more interesting is that this Maya mentioned "our singular friend." This can be none other than Praedyth. He wasn't a simulated copy, he was just one Praedyth, communicating with them from the Vault of Glass and helping them escape; a singular friend.
One Praedyth, waiting for the conductor's baton to drop.
Interesting word to use in this lore from 5 years ago. There's also no way that this is it and that they won't give us more lines about this because it feels like just the start of the explanation so I'm going absolutely bonkers insane. We have to get more lines next week and the week after since this is also all a way to get the pieces for the exotic gun. And there's one more portal that we haven't gone into so there has to be some sort of rotation and more information on this.
Besides this, the mission had another gut punch with Maya and Chioma, namely showing us Conductor!Maya experiments with Exo!Chioma; basically booting her up and checking her with personal questions until she finds the Chioma she wants. The lines are truly something else:
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So that's fine. A few points that are interesting. Parthenogenic incubation! Really interesting look into the Golden Age technology; this is basically a way to reproduce without the need to fertilise an egg which allows for, in this case, two women to have biological offspring. Degaussing is also an interesting word to use; it's a complete destruction of data by affecting the magnetic field on magnetic storage. This is basically what the Veil was doing to Exos to erase them.
That aside, yeah. Maya was booting up Chiomas and testing them, then erasing them if they were proven to be unsatisfactory in some way which is obviously upsetting to Chioma who would at that point be a fully conscious person. She was also being booted in really bizarre hybrid Exo-Vex bodies like this:
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Now we need to keep coming back to this place to find out more. I'm hoping for more exceptionally fucked up voice lines like this and also more voice lines about the whole simulated scientists part because there's no way that this is all we'll get. Maya is going through the network, searching through simulations for her Chioma, or at least a Chioma that he thinks is the best of them, as narrated at the start of the act. She wants not only to bring a Golden Age to the whole system, she wants to have her personal Golden Age with the woman she loves.
And ofc at the end with the seasonal lore book page, we get some insight into this as well, more about Maya, her using the Veil, ending up in the Vex Network, making herself a body and how she was looking for Chioma.
I left the reach of the Veil's threads when I collided with the familiar angles of the Vex network… didn't I? Yes, I did.
Maya also seemed genuinely convinced that Chioma would be amazed and proud of this and that she would join her. But we know from Veil Logs that Chioma was instead horrified. And the Maya that entered the network and shaped herself a body and realised that she can command the Vex? Her first impulse was to search for Chioma. I am crying!
"TELL ME HOW LONG HAS PASSED SINCE I LAST ENCOUNTERED THE VEX." They do, through the Vex at my feet; they whisper it in unencoded ease. The number is gargantuan. I begin to panic. It is impossible, and my first thought is of her, her— "TELL ME WHERE CHIOMA ESI IS." They search, and they tell me the woman who holds my heart in her hands has laid in a grave for hundreds of years. In a rage, I tell them to mutilate one another. The milk at my feet boils in violence. My Chioma would not depart so mundanely. My Chioma would come find me, my Chioma is still here. My beloved does not rot in a grave.
And the thing is... She's correct. Her Chioma didn't depart mundanely. We know this from Veil Logs. Chioma called the Vex to take her.
Chioma Esi: Years ago, back on Venus, the Vex simulated copies of us — Maya and I. Trapped in a virtual hell. After so long, even hell can look like heaven, can't it? [chuckles] I'm tired. I'm done. Maya has to be out there. The Maya I remember. And all I want is one more moment with her. To hold her in my arms. Tell her that I love her. So she can tell me to "hush" one more time. If… if we learned anything from the Veil, it's that eventually… we all have to learn to let go. So… I made contact with the Vex. I'm ready. And it's time to say goodbye.
So there's a Maya looking for this Chioma and a Chioma looking for this Maya, somewhere in the network, among other 227 copies of them that have been through so much and some of them are also vanishing. This makes me insane. Hello. From this week's lore tab:
Chioma, my world, my life, cannot be dead. She must have joined the VexNet again; she would have searched for me there, sorted among the hundreds of copies of us to find the TRUE version of myself, HER Maya. So, too, will I search. I love her, I would know her in the darkness of a cave and the blinding glare of a sun. She is unique in all ways, precious and without fault. I know the real Chioma is alive.
Why are we here? Just to suffer about old woman yuri? Yes.
We also now know what "primary query" is:
"PRIMARY QUERY; FIND THE TRUE CHIOMA ESI," I command through my tears.
And yeah, the parallels with Osiris and Saint? So deliberate. I will explode. Osiris noted so a long time ago, also because of Veil Logs, how much Maya was similar to him. And they basically had the same goal; find the person they loved who was lost to them. Except Maya is doing this in a way that's deeply unhinged and hurting Chioma, while Osiris did it also deeply unhinged, but hurting himself. And listening to the Veil Logs and Chioma's perspective affected him greatly and genuinely was one of the biggest points for his development when he realised just how much obsession could've destroyed him and all he loves further if he didn't stop it.
It's all about Chioma and Maya. They're such an important piece of lore literally for ten years and now we're getting so much about them and their interactions together and all the pain and suffering. Please please please this has to end with them reuniting somehow. Please.
Anyway, wanted to point out some of these things that are connecting to older stuff, especially Aspect and also Veil Logs. I will be running this mission maybe another 100 or 10000 times. Looking forward for extra stuff in the next two weeks.
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rocknroll7575 · 5 months
Team ARCZ is... crazy (Pt.1)
Part 2/Part 3/Part 4
Arslan threw a right hook, and then quickly delivered a kick to his left side, before producing three quick punches into the boy's torso.
Jaune slowly staggered back in pain, each blow felt as if Arslan was not hitting his Aura, but was physically getting him.
Jaune looked back at the Lioness with a hurt glare, only to see her coming in with another punch. Jaune tried to block the strike, but a single punch from Arslan sent shocks through his body, causing him to stumble back and lose his defensive stance.
Jaune glared at Arslan as he sagged and took deep breaths. 'Damn it! She hits like a damn bull! I can hardly block any of her attacks without feeling almost every limb go numb!' Jaune told himself.
Arslan didn't let up as she charged at the blonde, and in the blink of an eye, stood in front of Jaune with her right fist pulled back, which she quickly thrust forward, delivering a devastating blow to the young knight's gut.
Arslan then shifted and punched him in the face with a left punch, sending Jaune stumbling back one more.
"This Job takes a special kind of person, if you ain't got a few screws loose, you won't make it long,"
Those words of Qrow rang through Jaune's mind as he continued to be hit.
"When in a fight, you must be selfish Jaune, otherwise you'll lose,"
Ozma's own words also swirled inside the young man's head.
Arslan then spun and delivered a high kick to Jaune's rib, before pulling back and swiping Jaune's feet out from under him, causing him to fall on his back to the ground, however, Arslan quickly towered over him and pushing as much Aura as she could in her fist, she struck him hard in the chest.
Jaune felt all the air leave his lungs and then felt himself falling into unconsciousness.
Jaune's eyes felt heavy as he breathed in deeply, trying hard to regain as much oxygen as he could back into his lungs. 'I... need the resolve...' Jaune told himself. 'No more holding back... No more...!'
Arslan began walking away, believing that she had knocked out Jaune after a couple of blows, as even with his Aura at 50%, he barely stood a chance.
Her strikes struck his aura hard enough that while he was not touched physically, the kinetic energy and power from her strikes still transferred through.
He would wake up with a few large bruises and was going to be very sore and stiff for a while, she was sure of-
"Ugh! Damn that hurt!"
Arslan's eyes widened as she turned around quickly, and when she did, she saw Jaune, sitting up and slowly getting back on his feet. 'Impossible...! He's getting back up despite all the damage I've dealt!?' Arslan thought in shock.
From the stands, Jaune's team was amazed by their leader getting back up after the beating he had just taken.
The rest of PAYS was also Impressed.
Yang smirked, "Heh! Looks like Vomit Boy's got more spunk in him than I thought!" She praised.
Pyrrha nodded, "He certainly can take a beating," She said.
Weiss huffed, "Please, he's simply a fool, can't the dolt realize he can't win?" She asked.
Arslan looked at him and simply kept up her unimpressed expression, "Stand down, you've lost," She stated.
Jaune smirked, "Have I?" Jaune asked, his tone full of amusement. "I'm still standing and hey, I didn't hear no bell!" Jaune said.
Arslan glared, "Why continue, you're clearly in immense pain," She said.
Jaune chuckled, "You bet I am! But no pain no gain, right!" Jaune cried, letting out a little chuckle in the process as well. "I ain't done! So let's keep going!" He cried as he took a fighting stance.
Arslan was taken about by the sudden change of demeanor within Jaune.
Up in the stands, Reese looked baffled, "Please tell me those punches gave him some sort of brain damage!" Reese cried. "Because there is no way he's sane right now!"
"We'll have Professor Peach take a look at him when this is all over," Cardin said with a smirk.
May shook her head, "he's so dead," She said.
Back in the arena, Jaune smirked wildly, "Come on!" He cried.
Arslan sighed, "Very well," She said.
With frightening speed, Arslan rushed forward and when in range, quickly sent a punch at him, which struck him in the stomach, however, just as he was struck, Jaune smirked and bashed the bottom of his handle into Arslan's face.
Arslan's head didn't budge but she felt the impact and was shocked by the amount of force she felt behind it.
Arslan then struck Jaune's sword hand, disarming him. Arslan then grabbed both sides of his head and headbutted him, stunning him long enough that he let go of his shield.
Arslan was about to take a step back before she felt Jaune grab both of her wrists and he pulled her right back toward him and returned the headbutt., which not only caused his Aura to glimmer but Arslan's as well.
Arslan was once again stunned by the force and power behind Jaune's physical attack, it felt as if it shook her very soul.
With Jaune's aura weakened, it didn't protect him as much as it should so after the brutal attack, his forehead bled, but he smirked at Arslan and had a crazed expression on his face as blood fell down his face, "Let's go blow for blow! Come on! Let's embrace until one falls! Jaune cried with a crazed chuckle.
Arslan herself began to smile wickedly, as she felt a fire burst up inside of her that she had never felt before. She pulled her head back and headbutted Jaune for a second time, getting some of his blood on her but she didn't care as she felt the passion of their fight grow.
"Thank you... Jaune," Arlsan told him under her breath, "My hunger for battle is back!" She cried.
The two continued to hold onto one another as they continued to trade blow for blow with their heads, both faces getting bloodier and bloodier as each of their aura began to lower.
Before finally, Jaune's aura shattered with a final blow to Arslan's head and he let go of her arms and stumbled back, still smiling as he looked at Arslan.
Speaking of the Lioness, she two stumbled back, and Jaune's blood, and even some of her own, fell down her face, as she walked back, she felt her entire body tremble, like before, it felt like every blow Jaune delivered, rattled her soul.
Jaune chuckled lightly, "Well, I tried, but... it was a good fight, right?" He said before he fell onto his back, unconscious.
Arslan smiled at Jaune's unconscious form, he heart beating faster and faster as she looked at the man who managed to go hit-for-hit with her and reignite her passion for battle, a small blush appearing on her face, "You were... magnificent~!" She said with a smile.
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ts1m1kas · 3 months
Original Ask: i saw that you’re opening requests for f1 drivers.. can i request angst to fluff with seb vettel where him and reader are dating but he breaks up with the her to focus on the wdc (set in 2013) and she ends up rebounding with fernando which makes seb really jealous,, anyways after winning he publicly confesses his love for the reader or something, u can choose whether the reader gets back with seb or stays with fernando idm teehee ❤️❤️ love youu (anonymous)
Word Count: 1095 words
(author's note: another longer one !! i did think i was going to have to postpone it but i managed to get it finished for you all 🩷)
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Sebastian always knew he wanted to be a World Champion. Ever since he was a little boy in his racing kart, he knew he wanted to be one of the best racing drivers the world had ever seen. He also knew that he would sacrifice anything to achieve his dreams, but he never thought it would actually get to that point.
It was mid-way through the 2013 Formula 1 season and Sebastian was one of the strongest contenders for the Championship. His girlfriend at the time, Y/N, couldn't be more proud of Sebastian, especially since she knew how hard he had worked to get to his current position.
However, after a meeting with his strategists, team leaders and various other important people, Sebastian's perspective of his relationship had been tainted and darkened. Somehow the meeting had managed to brainwash him into thinking Y/N was a distraction. An enemy. An obstacle; preventing his Championship dreams from coming true.
The next step in Sebastian's Championship chase was a heated argument with Y/N in his drivers room. Insults were hurled, every single one out of anger, not one of them holding any truth. And then came the final devastating line;
“I'm done. We're over,” Sebastian said. His gaze was cold as he stared at Y/N, eyes void of any emotion.
Her lip trembled as she nodded, her eyes shining with unshed tears. Y/N turned on her heel and headed towards the door. As her fingers grasped the handle, she hesitated.
“Good luck with the Championship. I hope it's worth it.”
With that, she opened the door and walked out.
Eventually the season came to a close. Sebastian Vettel was World Champion. Again. But something wasn't right. He should be happy, right? He had gotten what he wanted all along.
Wrong. All Sebastian felt while holding his trophy was guilt and regret. The pit in his stomach deepened even further when he saw Y/N in the crowd with a man's arm wrapped around her waist. His eyes moved to the face of the individual and he did a double take when he realised who it was.
Fernando Alonso.
Sebastian had been too caught up in training and strategizing to see that Y/N had moved on. He saw the adoration in her eyes as she looked at the man next to her. He knew that look all too well, because that's how she used to look at him.
Maybe they were just friends? Sebastian's brain was thinking of every possible explanation. He hadn't actually seen or heard any confirmation they were dating. Although he had been too caught up in his own life to even notice anything or anyone else.
Before he could realise, he was being forced into an interview on stage.
“Sebastian!” The interviewer began, “World Champion again, how does it feel?”
“Uh- yeah it feels great obviously, it's always been my dream to be up here, winning as many times as possible.”
“Do you have anything you'd like to say to the fans in front of you?”
“Well, thank you for all your continued support, it means the world to me,” He said smiling at the crowd, “But most of all, I want to say sorry to one person in particular. Y/N, I wish I could take back everything I said to you all those months ago. This victory feels hollow without you to celebrate it with.”
The interviewer looked stunned and so did the crowd.
Y/N's face dropped when she heard Sebastian's improvised speech. As she felt the weight of thousands of eyes on her, she began to move through the crowd. Pushing through bodies, she desperately tried to escape the masses of people. Fernando was hot on her heels, not wanting his girlfriend to be alone.
Sebastian saw her rush off through the crowd and he knew he had royally messed everything up.
"Y/N, wait! I'm sorry, just wait please-" Sebastian thrust the microphone he was holding into the interviewer's hand and scrambled off the stage. He shoved his way through the fans frantically, following the footsteps of his ex-girlfriend.
He eventually found her (and Fernando) outside the Ferrari garage. Y/N's face was pressed into Fernando's chest as she sobbed. Sebastian watched from afar, realising what he had actually done. He knew he needed to speak to Y/N, but he didn't know if she would want to speak to him.
Sebastian eventually mustered up the courage to walk over to the pair. Fernando spotted him first, his face twisting into one of disgust.
"What do you want Vettel? You have your Championship, come to ask for my girlfriend too?"
"No! I just- I wanted-"
"You were so bold a moment ago? Spit it out, don't you think you've done enough damage for one day?" Fernando spat.
"Look, I know what I did was wrong, and I want to apologise.”
Y/N moved away from her boyfriend's chest and looked up at the blonde man infront of her.
“I'll meet you in your drivers room Fernando, I'd like to hear this.”
The Spaniard nodded, pressed a kiss to Y/N's forehead and walked off.
An awkward silence fell over the pair.
"So, you and Fernando? When did that happen?"
"Why does that matter? We broke up months ago, Sebastian. I moved on, you clearly didn't."
"Look, I'm glad you're happy now. If I knew about you and Fernando I never would've made a scene, I promise. I just realised that all the Championships and celebrations have meant nothing without you.”
"Too little too late Sebastian. I wanted you to win as much as you wanted to win yourself. But you couldn't see that. You were blinded by your ambitions, and I couldn't compete with that.”
"I'm sorry.”
"I know you are.”
Y/N stared at Sebastian pitifully. She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around him gently. He was taken aback, but he accepted the embrace gratefully.
"You'll find someone else to celebrate with, you're Sebastian Vettel.”
"It still won't be the same without you.”
The pair finally broke out of the hug and tears glistened in Sebastian's eyes.
"Fernando's waiting for me, I should probably go. Goodbye Sebastian.”
"Goodbye Y/N. I hope you can forgive me someday.”
"I've always forgiven you Seb, before you even knew you were sorry."
With one last shared look, Y/N turned around and headed off to find Fernando, leaving Sebastian standing alone. He had achieved his dreams and more, but at the cost of his future.
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vinestaffery · 3 months
oh em gee the request box is open!! may I order a tall and strong fem!reader with any phighter during a match? (hell, you can do all or do a love triangle to stir some drama!) ty for ur time :D
—also idk, something with strong and buff fem!readers are something cool and amazing! 😭🙏
HELLO HELLO!!! AND YES, OF COURSE??? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE TALL, BUFF, AND STRONG READERS. THEY ARE SO COOL!!!! i will say it was a bit difficult for me to figure out how to implement. so i tried my best!!! otherwise, i hope this is good enough : [ I am so sorry for the wait!! I’ve been actually quite busy unexpectedly so my schedule was draining me horribly. Once again, the gear reader I tried to make was very brief, so it's completely up to interpretation! If there's any mistake, please do tell me!! I am also trying out a new layout of how I start stuff, so enjoy! Characters: Boombox, Skateboard, GN! Reader Prompt: Love Triangle, Fluff + angst, headcanons + small drabble oneshot! Requested! 
When you first joined the matches and tournaments, your gear was without a doubt one of the most interesting
While everyone had somewhat of a weapon of some sort, you used your complete strength and agility to defend yourself and teammates
Being able to block, punch and deal tons of damage to opponents
Tons of people loved you! You were practically an all-star!
That’s when Boombox and Skateboard were opposed to you on the other team
Boy, were they over heels for you!
Boombox would always find himself getting flustered each time you threw a sense of encouragement, even though you had beaten his ass THOUSANDS of times!!
Skateboard loved riling you up and making your ego grow, ending up with him accidentally getting his mind-games completely demolished!! 
You’d practically trample over them and help win points for upcoming festivals!!!!
Not to forget, you're one of the tallest phighters, making Ban Hammer more nervous sometimes.
When the Dove vs Crow festival came by, they finally realised their complete love for you. 
And boy, did it turn into utter chaos.
Boombox started rejecting his own teammates support 
Skateboard started to laze around and discourage one another!! 
It was total chaos, and out of character for them! But they’d always somewhat change whenever you came by to support and fight one of them
But, that got even worse when Boombox and Skateboard collided with another and ended up in a brawl.
It shocked you, really! And you were in disarray when it happened.
Sadly, such a brawl caused them to get a penalty. Big time. 
Medkit, thankfully as a close friend to you, helped them out and headed to the hospital. They suffered major damage to one another.
You felt like you had done something horribly wrong, and who wouldn’t? Your two pals fighting over something you had no clue what of? 
Call that worse than Noob Nardashins!
You started to avoid matches, refusing to support the team and staying on the sidelines until the other two recover so you could formally apologise
Vine Staff and Slingshot were concerned for the best, you seemed to be different after the major incident
Luckily, Skateboard and Boombox recovered quick, and heard about the news from Slingshot (who was quite disappointed in their little brawl)
Devastated to say the least they were!! 
So, they ended up putting their differences aside just to prove to you that it wasn’t their fault; maybe a few confessions on the way.
The rain seemed to be more gentle than the other days it started hitting. You had no clue on what to do anymore, your passion ran dry after that fight. Holding the train-bar tight, looking out the window where clouds seemed to endlessly create nothing more but chaos. Windforce must be disappointed or something.
“Ma’am!” A tug at your leg, you looked down. A small little demon-child, holding an autograph of what seems to be you.
“Oh, hello!” In their perspective, you were enormous. So tall, and much more different than any other phighter or civilian. “Could you sign my autograph! I miss when you used to phight, you are so cool! I want to be like you one day!”
The steady speed of your heart pulsed. A heart, so metronome, keeping a sensible rhythm, collapsed at the thought of someone wanting to be just like you. You trembled, but kept a smile. “Why, of course!” and you bent down on one knee. 
The small child held out their photograph, taking out what seemed to be the cutest gel-pen possible. It was bedazzled with keychains of different phighters — Medkit, Subspace, Vine Staff, Katana, Boombox, and Skateboard — that caught your attention. Heart soon skipped a beat at the sight of two familiar phighters.
Taking the gel-pen, you wrote your name in thick writing, right where it would be suitable for the child. You looked back up at the child, handing both the pen and the autographed paper. “I saw what happened in that one phighting match, I’m sure it’s not your fault! Maybe they just fought because they like you!” 
No, that’s not right. It’s not because they like me – it’s because I am the problem. Your eyes seemed to be pale and your skin full of goosebumps at such words. Words that seemed to taunt you soon enough to the brink of extinction. If I just never seemed to enter those phights, none of them would’ve gotten hurt. None of them would’ve gotten hurt.
None of them would’ve gotten hur—
The sound of the train stopping, halting as the doors slid open. The child vanished as she yelled goodbye in the cloud of civilians. They all pushed through and tried to get onto the train as fast as possible, while the ones hopping off did the same.
— * * *
You waited at the hospital seating area. Visitation hours were becoming slim, but thanks to Medkit, you’ve been granted more than the usual civilian. He sat at the front-receptionist, seemingly boring himself in constant work and typing. You could hear his quick work-skills not too far, colliding with the clock’s agonising voice.
“You can visit them now.” Medkit piped up. It had to take him a few tries to finally catch your attention, zoning out was not something fun for you.
“Hey, you can visit,” Medkit yelled with a more guided, threatening tone. That caught your attention. Waking from your small dissociation, you got up and trudged off through the door. To the shared room of your two “friends,” that you hated to call them that.
You had feelings for them, of course. They were just so your type, stupid but clever. They were risk-takers, just like you, but you overall enjoyed their thick humour and how they correlated with you quite well; rejection was bound with this. 
Knocking at the door of the room, you opened the sliding door. There, Skateboard and Boombox sat. 
“Oh- Did I interrupt something?” You bent down slightly to walk into the room. The two phighters turned to face you. Skateboard relaxed at the sight of your face, while Boombox just let out a thankful sigh.
“I thought you’d never visit!” Skateboard rushed off of his chair, running over to hug you. You couldn’t help but smile, this is what you missed. Spending endless time with the two, you couldn’t help it. “I was! You guys were just in serious deep sleep.”
“Ha ha, yeah right,” Boombox piped up, elbowing you as he sighed. “Gosh, you're getting taller. You need to stop growing!” Shaking his head, letting out a laugh, he looked out the window and back. “I never thought you guys missed me this much.”
“Miss you that much? Oh boy, we missed you more than you missed us!” 
“Yeah, what the skater said!” 
You smiled, humming as you looked at them both. The comfort that came from them both, came from fortitude. It felt like protected walls that returned the healing hearts; to welcome them to the fort and that they spared any harm. It made you feel happier.
“But,” The two phighters moved back, leaving the last hug.
You raised a brow, eyeing at the two as they sat down. You plucked out a chair from the side, sitting down on it yourself as you stared. “We owe you an apology,” Skateboard nodded. Boombox seemed to look away in slight embarrassment, but shook his head. He had to prove this to you.
“What happened in that match was completely me and Skateboard’s fault. We didn't mean to be that mean towards each other, it’s just…” Skateboard looked at Boombox, who struggled to continue his apology. It was like something had been caught in his throat.
“It’s just…?” You eyed them, concerned. Maybe this was the end of your two’s shared friendship? It was your fault all along.
“What happened that day, it wasn’t your fault. Me and Skateboard have had this… little–""BIG crush on you, and we started to hate one another because of it and we are so sorry for what we had caused! You can hate us all you want, but please, it was entirely our fault and our recklessness taking over!” 
Boombox’s face turned light green as Skateboard waited patiently for your response. You were shocked.
“Please don’t hate us.” 
“Hate you?” 
Silence. You bursted out laughing soon after. “Hate you? No! Absolutely not! I have a crush on you guys too!” 
They stared in shock. You? Loving them both? Wow. 
“...” “... FUUUCK YEAAHH!!!”
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strniohoeee · 11 months
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N travels to the US for the triplets tour, and what happens when Matt takes a little extra liking to her, and invites her beyond backstage.This is for a request I got asking for an international reader having some fun backstage with Matt😏
Warnings⚠️: This is SMUT. I mean I think there’s smacking like one time. Other than that it’s POUNDTOWNNNNNN
Song for the imagine: Backstage Passes- EST Gee, Jack Harlow
Read part 2 here🫶🏽
⚠️This is an 18+ imagine, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
These girls will do anything for some backstage passes
Yeah lights, camera, action
I had flown into the US for the triplets tour because I loved them so much, and simply couldn’t pass on this offer. I was so sad they weren’t touring international, but I was so fortunate to be able to go to the US for them.
I had arrived to the states, and had two days to kill before the tour. This was easy I went shopping, out to eat and just chilled in my hotel room.
The day of the tour I was up and out early, so I could get a good spot on the line. I had seen that many people were waiting hours to get in, and I didn’t want to be that person.
I had pre show small talk meet and greet, pre show photo op, and I had backstage passes. I mean I loved these guys so fucking much I had to interact with them at any cost
I waited a good two hours before we got in for the small talk, and when it was my turn I was so nervous and excited!!
I first met Nick. I ran over to him, and gave him a hug
“Hii, how are you?” He asked giving me a hug
“I’m good! How are you?” I asked him
“I’m good thank you” he said
We took pictures together and chatted before I moved onto Chris, and it was the same with him picture videos and chatting.
It was now my turn to say hi to Matt, and this is who I was the most nervous for because I was team Matt, and he looked so fucking good today
“Hi! So nice to see you” he said giving me a hug
“Hii! It’s so good to see you! How are you?” I asked him
“I’m good! How are you?” He asked me
“I’m good! I’m rooting for team blue” I told him flaunting off my blue outfit
“I see that! We’re gonna win tonight baby” he said, but my head lingered on him saying baby….
“I have backstage passes, so I’ll be there to congratulate you when you win” I said to him
“Oh yeah?” He responded giving me a smirk, am I going crazy, or is Matt being flirty with me????
“You already know!” I told him
That interaction ended, and then we did the photo op, and we waited for the show to start which took a few hours of waiting, so I snacked and drank some water
After the show was over, and Chris had won I was devastated. Matt had this in the bag, but he fumbled horribly. Tril came out to perform, and then by 9:30 they were calling everyone for backstage to get on line. I waited on this line while they did the after show photo op.
I was the third and final group. I was so nervous and excited, and I just couldn’t wait to see Matt again so we can talk about him losing
I had met Chris and then Nick. We chatted and took pictures together, and even filmed a few tik toks. Finally I was the last person to talk to Matt
“So good to see you again” he said before giving me a hug
“So great to see you. You had that in the bag I thought you would’ve won” I said to him as he signed my stuff
“Man, I know! I was so so close” he said shaking his head
“Maybe next time? I could be your partner next time, and we’ll win” I told him
“Oh with you on my team. Id be winning in every aspect” HES FUCKING FLIRTING HE IS
“Is that so?” I asked with a flirty ring to my tone
“Very much so. You in another body con dress…on my side. Yeah I’d be winning” he said winking
The wink? The fucking wink?? I know I’m not going crazy.
At this point the security was telling everyone that there was two more minutes before it was over.
Matt went over to speak to the security guards, and they nodded while looking at me.
“Hey so stay at the back of the line, I want to chat with you a little longer” Matt told me
“Oh okay sure!” I said super excited. Its not everyday that a fan gets to stay extra long backstage with their celebrity crush
Everyone had left, and they shut the door before I walked out.
“Hey follow me” Matt said as he started to walk to another door that led to another long corridor
I followed him till we got to an extra room. I assume it was for any of their guests that came to this venue
Matt had locked the door. Something I took note of
“Take a seat” he said gesturing to the couch in the corner
I sat down, and he sat next to me. Not too far, but not too close either
“So…” I said trying to break the silence
“What would you do for backstage passes” he suddenly blurted out
“Ummm pay for them?” I said laughing
“No. I mean like if you couldn’t buy them, and all you could do was bribe your way in…what would you do” he asked me now completely turned towards me
“I’d do just about anything” I told him
“Would you suck a dick” he said
“Matt….where’s this going?” I asked getting a little uncomfortable
“Would you suck a dick for backstage passes” he asked again
“I mean it depends” I told him
“Depends on?” He said prying
“Depends on who they are, and if I find them hot” I told him
“So would you suck my dick, would you fuck me for more backstage passes?” He asked licking his lips
“Matt that’s….I don’t know” I told him looking down
“Well look at me. I’m powerful, I’m hot it’s not everyday I’m asking a girl this question” he said standing up
“I…” I simply could not form an answer
“What if I said you had to suck my dick.” He responded now standing in front of me
“Why would I have to suck your dick?” I asked looking up at him
“Because I’m in charge, and I said so” he told me
“And if I Don't want to” I said back
“Then there’s the door” he said moving and waiting for me to get up, but my feet weren’t moving
“Exactly my point. You want to” he said now standing in front of me again
“I never said that” I told him back
“So then leave” he said pointing to the door
“No” I told him, honestly my mouth was moving fast than brain
“So then stop talking, and use that mouth of yours to suck my cock” he said. My mouth dropped. I was genuinely shocked by his vulgarness. This was not Matt
Within a few seconds my hands were on his waistband and I was tugging his pants down allowing his dick to spring upwards
Am I really about to suck thee Matt Sturniolos dick?? God what has my life come to, and I never want this to end
“You in that tight dress hugging your every curve has made me so fucking horny” he said petting my face
“Now suck” he said lightly smacking my face
My mouth opened and immediately I took his dick into my mouth. Allowing him to slide all the way to the back of my throat before I gagged
“Fuck” he said inhaling sharply
I pulled back, licking the tip and sucking harshly before going back down. Jerking whatever wasn’t in my mouth with my right hand
I had to take a second to get my breathing back, so I slowly started to stroke his dick.
“You look so hot with your mascara running down your face, and your lips all swollen” he said looking down at me
“You look so hot like that with your dick in my hand” I said looking up at him through my lashes
“Do you wanna fuck?” He asked
“Yes” I said looking up at him and licking my lips
“Good cause so do I” he said lifting me up and placing me on the table that was in the room
He started kissing my neck and down to my collar bone
“I don’t kiss, I hope you understand” he said looking at me
“Tuh. But you fuck and get your dick sucked?” I asked rolling my eyes
“Yeah cause I’m in charge. I say what goes” he said looking at me sternly
“Yeah whatever you say” I said back to him smugly
He slid my dress up and moved my underwear to the side
“So fucking wet” he said slowly rubbing my clit
“Fuck Matt” I said sighing and throwing my head back a little bit
He started to jerk his own dick before slowly inserting himself into me.
“Fuckkkk” I said now completely throwing my head back
“Ready?” He asked me grabbing onto my hips
“Yes please” I said propping myself on my elbows
Without a second thought he immediately started to point into me ruthlessly. Hitting my g spot in all the right ways
“Fuck you take me so well, doll” he moaned out
“Fuck matt keep going….HARDER” I yelled out to him
Matt gripped my hips harder and started to slam into me at an ungodly pace. Anybody walking by would hear skin and moans, and this table creaking under us
“Fuck just like that” I said with my brows furrowed
Matt was relentlessly thrusting into me. Moaning and groaning every single second
“Oh goddddd” I moaned out letting my jaw fall slack
“Fuck keep clenching on me, and I’m going to cum” he said pounding into me which caused me to clench down on him again
Matt picked up his shirt and put into his mouth biting on it before grabbing my thighs and pushing them back a little bit, so he could screw me at a new deeper angle
This caused me to fall back and grip the edge of the table for support
“Fuck fuck fuck oh my goddddd” I moaned out completely loosing my mind
He let one leg fall down and used that hand to start rubbing at my clit
“Shitttttt” I said picking my head up to look at him
“I’m gonna cum I’m gonna cum” I said clenching down on him. This made him rub my clit harder and faster
“FUCKKKKKK” I screamed out before I came all over his cock. Shaking and trembling and speaking gibberish. This was the best orgasm I’ve ever had
He let me calm down before pulling out and jerking himself off. It took about thirty seconds before his mount went slack, allowing the shirt to fall from between his teeth
“Fuckkkk” he said as he came on my lower abdomen. Shaking and convulsing
Once we both came down from our high he picked his pants back up, and walked over to grab some napkins before wiping me clean
“How sweet…cleaning me up” I said to him as he finished wiping me off
“I usually try to keep my cum sluts nice and pampered” he said before walking to the trash to throw out the napkin
“God you have a way with words” I said hopping off the table and sliding my dress down again
“What can I say?” He said smugly
He helped me gather my things before deciding which one of us would leave the room first.
I decided to leave first.
“Bye Matt. I guess I’ll see you at the next tour” I told him giving him a kiss on the cheek
“Yeah. I hope to see you on the next tour. So we can do this again and again” he said kissing me on the cheek
“Still no kiss?” I said half joking
“I told you I don’t kiss, but maybe next time” he said giving me a flirty smile
“See you then!” I said and turned to the door. He smacked my ass before opening the door for me
“I’ll see you around” he said nodding his head
The End
Hiiiiii I hope you guys enjoyed this one💋. For the person that requested this I pray to the lord above I didn’t disappoint ❤️❤️ I got so many more stories coming for yall 😁😁
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thestarminstrel · 2 months
don't very often come into the tag to post my thoughts unprompted, but finished challengers and. eugene.
what did pacat do to him.
i already wasn't expecting great things just based on the preview where eugene, my poor boy, just gave a weak thumbs-up at getting benched. but i had faith and hope as foolish as it was.
like, you're telling me that eugene labao who spent years working to get on the fencing team, every year told his mom "this will be the year", and gave a training camp his all just. gives a forced smile at being booted off the team for state?? what?? if pacat wanted to go with a eugene that cares more about the team than his personal resume, fine. okay. but eugene is allowed to be more upset. he should be. he was given everything he dreamed of by williams saying that they could have two reserves, and now it's gone. i don't care how much a team-player you are, that's devastating. especially as a high school junior (in america and australia i GUESS). if you want to go to college for fencing, i imagine the state competition is a great way to get scouted. also, you miss out on fencing with your teammates for the last or second-to-last time. getting benched as a freshman sucks but you got some more years in your high school career. but eugene's a junior, this is his first year on the team, so now he's fencing state maximum once. that's just a cruel stab in the back by williams, genuinely. he should have been given time to be upset onscreen whether it was privately or with friends.
which then, what the fuck williams. you literally said that you could have two reserves- that you FOUGHT for two reserves- and all the sudden eugene can't compete. i never did high school fencing and maybe things are different in australia, but that seems a little ridiculous to me. like wtf did the higher-ups tell her? "yeah you can have two reserves for one competition but that's it" ???????????????? did pacat have an experience like this or something bc i have no clue how that's a logical train of thought a high school sports organizer can have. i will admit that one could argue she's competitive and wants to win. like sure but then why have a second reserve. could she not decide and was always planning to cut nick or eugene depending on who did better at the camp? what kind of coach is that?? none of the other coaches did that - not even donati and she is neck to neck with williams in this rivalry. it doesn't matter how much she wants king's row to have this gold medal- if williams was intentionally doing any of this, uncaring of whether or not she hurts one of the fencing boys, she should not be a coach actually. period. again, i love early fence williams. but oh my god the way she handled this was so bad.
which then brings me to: what is the point of eugene.
i love eugene, he has been one of my favorite characters since 2020 when i first read volumes 1-3. he is one of the reasons why i get so excited about fence and makes me so happy as a character. but honestly? you could cut eugene out of fence and nothing would change. i know he's not haiden or nichoji, but he was put there for a reason that i think pacat forgot. he never has any signficant screentime unless it's to be comedic relief or be a supporting character to nick, the other "underdog" on the fencing team. i really do hate to say it, but reading challengers really made me wish pacat had written out eugene sooner or not written him at all. he's not treated well as a character, and at this point, i don't understand why eugene is even in this story.
another point i want to make is nick. what the hell is wrong with nick. you're telling me that the same nicholas "zero" cox who was about to give up his scholarship and chance to fence so that eugene, a guy he barely knew at the time, could finally be on the team is the same nicholas who only says "but coach--" when eugene gets kicked off the team? that is a terrible friend. i'm not saying nick should have said "i'm not going to state if eugene isn't!!" but he should have called williams out on it, found eugene later and say "dude i'm so sorry this sucks" -- literally ANYTHING!!! but no, nick bever acknowledges it outside of this panel and is too busy at state apparently to notice eugene being bummed about, you know, not fencing with him. it's so, insane to me that nick became this person that doesn't bother checking in on his bro. that tells me he's more concerned about fencing and seiji - which to each his own but i would drop anyone who did me like that. can't even manage a "how r u doing" text what the actual fuCk. i can not stress enough how much i do not like this nick right now.
in conclusion: i need eugene to have a good cry with his mom or his bros about this bullshit and to eat so much good arroz caldo. please save my son from the narrative, it keeps being mean to him :(((
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chaosnojutsu · 1 year
Who *Should* Have Died From The Konoha ~12 Instead Of The One Who Did
we’re assuming they die under the same circumstances as the other guy
each one listed would have a complete storyline and their death would further the immediate plot as well as the overall narrative
i’m not “just picking characters i don’t like”
i do not condone killing characters for the sake of shock value but am considering shock as a legitimate tool in generating impact of a character’s death
miss me with “[redacted]’s death was a tragic result of the shinobi system” because no it was not. if that were true you could sub out [redacted] for any other child soldier and get the exact same impact. we know exactly why they were chosen and it’s got an (insufficient) explanation irl and in-universe.
#3. Sai
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Motivation: Friendship
First of all, imagine the shock value from killing one of THE Team Kakashi members.
Cool. Now imagine Naruto’s shock at Sai sacrificing himself for him.
Sai overanalyzes normal human interaction to the point of not understanding it. He reads books about how to befriend people. He still doesn’t understand it all the time but friendship is coming more naturally to him these days. What he does understand is that Naruto is the only chance of winning this war, and he’s down, and the enemy is aiming for him, and Hinata is trying to stop them but she’s on the ground, the spears are in the air and so is Sai, and Naruto is his friend.
He doesn’t need to think about it much deeper than that.
Now imagine Sasuke “What Does ‘Friend’ Mean To You” Uchiha witnessing this, witnessing Naruto’s reaction, and the further effects this may have on his character. After all, Sai was his replacement. If Naruto feels this strongly about losing someone who was decidedly not him but his friend and teammate nevertheless then… maybe.
#2. Rock Lee
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Motivation: Youth
Regardless of *how* this one plays out, no one wants to watch the determined, precious, comedic relief die; no one who’s watched this far into the show wants Rock Lee specifically to die. Huge impact already. But we can make it super duper sad because he deserves a memorable death. I see it going one of two ways.
One: Hinata doesn’t even have the time to try to shield Naruto because Rock Lee is faster. Ten-Tails barely launches the attack and Lee’s already taken/attempted to counter the hit. Perhaps this is his eight gates moment. Similar to Sai, Rock Lee would cite the power of friendship in his dramatic death speech, but he also was just… doing his duty. Truly, if you’re in the “Neji was just another tragic child soldier” camp, Rock Lee is the prime example of what I mean when I say you could sub in any child soldier, which I know sounds paradoxical but stay with me. Rock Lee’s entire personality is training harder than anyone else to benefit a system that will ultimately result in his death. If you want to make a point about child soldiers and needless lives lost, Rock Lee is the one to kill.
Two: Rock Lee doesn’t shield Hinata. He shields Neji. But not necessarily on purpose. The scene plays out exactly as written up to the moment Neji activates his byakugan, and the next frame isn’t him falling to the ground, it’s Rock Lee. The usually-somewhat-reserved Neji is devastated, probably in tears, demanding to know why he would do something like this. Rock Lee coughs up a bit of blood. “I was faster than you.” Smile. “I finally beat you…” Serene eyes fall shut. “…rival.”
And now imagine Naruto’s reaction to losing Bushy Brow. Imagine him watching Gai be brought to his knees by a blow that didn’t physically touch him. Imagine Madara incorrectly perceiving that. The implications. The foreshadowing.
#1. Shino
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Motivation: Legacy
I’m gonna be real, the writers were never gonna kill off Rock Lee like that, which is the biggest reason Shino has taken the crown as Most Worthy Of A Tragic Death in my book.
This dude has a connection to both Naruto and Hinata (making him equally as good a sacrifice as Neji if that’s the canon criteria). However, unlike most other (male) characters, Shino isn’t shown to have a particularly close friendship with Naruto. The one recurring joke around Shino is that he’s so irrelevant even Naruto can’t remember his name.
But he is good friends with Hinata. And he knows she’ll spend the rest of her life miserable if Naruto dies, and that if she dies right now she will never have gotten her life’s greatest wish.
So Shino goes out in a blaze of glory, and we’ll probably insert something about how Naruto has somehow secretly inspired him all along— or maybe something cynical about how he always wanted to be included by Naruto but never was unless Kiba or Hinata were around, so he’s sacrificed himself to maintain the livelihood of everyone else while not “losing” that friendship himself— and we of course get the touching moment with Hinata (oh just imagine the drama if Shino lay dying and told Hinata “Why did I protect you? It’s simple. The reason is… for the same reason you protected him.” and we find out that the huge secret crush of the show was not Hinata toward anyone, but Shino toward Hinata, never confessing because he knew it would be futile).
Good luck forgetting his name now, Naruto. Now no one will ever forget about Shino Aburame.
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jessicaloons · 4 months
Chapter 43:
What if your eyes looked up and met mine, one more time?
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Masterlist - Previous - Next
"Is it true? Is Sainz senior talking with the team about a seat for Carlos?" I blurted out as soon as I walked into our hospitality, where Felix was talking to John, our head engineer.
"Come with me." he said and lead me to his office.
"He‘s available next season. My contract only runs 'till the end of this season! Valtteri’s until next… so which seat are we talking about?"
Felix ran his hand through his hair, sighing, and my stomach clenched.
"There is not a certain seat in their mind… but yes, there are talks, his father is putting the Audi board under enormous pressure." Felix confirmed.
"We both know for whose seat he’s coming." I said bitterly.
"I think so… he’s out of Ferrari at the end of this season… your contract runs out this season?"
"Does the board want to replace me with him?" I asked, although I was afraid of the answer "I know I didn’t deliver the best results last season, but I still thought we’d continue…"
"No! No, Lizzie! As long as I’m team principal, you’re my driver! I say it how it is, I want you to extend your contract with us. For at least another two years. Our first season together was brilliant. Last season was okay, but it was more on our side than on yours, I have no doubt that this season will be better and I want you to stay with us."
"Yeah but if the board doesn’t want that? If the board is rooting for Sainz?" I said defeated but Felix shook his head.
"If they kick you out for him? After the horrific amount of money he cost us last season? After he endangered you? No. If Sainz is coming, I’m going. And I won’t be the only one…"
"Are you crazy? You can’t do that!" I looked at him shocked but he smiled at me.
"We started this project together, little one, and if we have to, then we‘ll finish it on a high together and that’s final." he smiled and I had to swallow hard, blinking away the tears.
"Okay…" I said quietly and Felix hugged me.
"We all believe in you. You and Valtteri are our drivers! And just because the father of another driver thinks he can tell us what to do? No. Not on my watch."
"Thank you Felix, really." I whispered and he patted my back.
"Not for that. But you know what that means?" Felix asked and I nodded "We have a lot of work to do then…"
"Let’s kick this season off the best way possible!"
P5. Decent. Not too good. But also not too bad. We could work with that. I was happy. But I knew Charles wasn’t. Having this big of an issue in the first race of the season? After being the one driver Ferrari wanted to keep and build a future with? After all the criticism that Ferrari might’ve kept the wrong driver? After his teammate made it onto to podium and he didn’t. I knew he would’ve been devastated, so I waited at the employee parking lot, looking at the gate. When Charles walked out my heart clenched. His head down, shoulders slumped, RayBans hiding his eyes.
"Hey…" I cupped his cheek, making him look at me.
"Let’s just go, please." he sighed and I nodded, unlocking the car.
I started the engine and drove off the parking lot, speeded past the awaiting fans on the main parking lot.
"I already can see the headlines tomorrow… they got rid of the wrong driver…" Charles gritted out after a while and I groaned.
"It’s the first race of the season for fucks sake! You had problems with your brakes and still made it onto P4…" I began.
"No one cares about my brakes! Carlos was on the podium! In a car that was supposed to be harder for him to drive! He made up one position! I lost two! That’s what people will care about!" he interrupted me.
"Since when do we care what fucking other people think and say? First race of the season, Charles! 23 more to go. Stop this nonsense!"
"This year is our year my ass…" Charles grumbled after a while and I rolled my eyes.
"I was honestly hoping that you didn’t win…" I said and he looked at me, taking his RayBans off.
"What?" he sounded hurt.
"Bahrain curse…" I began and he groaned.
"Are you kidding me? I don’t believe in curses!" he said, looking out the window "Besides, Max won Bahrain last year and still won the title…"
"Yeah but he’s Max… no curse out there can stop him… not Bahrain. Not Monza. He’s immune against any curse out there… you on the other hand…"
"Well thanks for believing in me…" he whispered and I grabbed his thigh.
"I believe in you. More than anyone else. That’s why I know that the only one who can stop Max is you. And other than you I believe that this year is your year… YOURS. Not Sainz…" I said and he sighed.
"We’ll see."
"We will and you’ll see that I’m right!"
The media day in Saudi Arabia was the worst and I could see the tension in Charles shoulders, his strained smile. I tried to calm him down as much as I could but when we left the paddock at the evening the exhaustion of the day was still visible.
"How about we let off some steam?" I asked when we arrived at the hotel.
"Yes! I need that." Charles sighed.
"You know me all too well…" he chuckled as we got out of the car.
Twenty minutes later we sat down our bags on the bench and stretched a little.
"You know what’s the worst?" Charles said, taking the ball "It was the first race of the season and it already started like this…"
"Come on, it’s better than last year!"
"Maybe, but it’s not good enough… I need to get it out of my head." he shrugged.
"Okay, you listen to me now, Leclerc… you said it yourself, first race of the season. Your brakes were shit. With your car, you shouldn’t even be able to finish the race but you did. In P fucking 4. Get that in your head, okay?" I groaned but he only shook his head and got into position.
"More playing. Less talking." he said and threw the ball up in the air.
It took a while until we both found our rhythm but as soon as we both got it the battles were relentless. I hit the ball as hard as I could, unreachable for Charles, another win for me. The second for tonight.
"Do you like being tortured?" I asked out of breath, lifting my shirt to wipe away the sweat off my forehead.
"You should know the answer to that… I just extended my contract with Ferrari. For multiple years." he chuckled bitterly and took a sip out of his water bottle.
"Ouch?" I laughed putting the paddle down, grabbing his bottle to take a few sips myself.
"Now come one. I want a return match." he took the bottle out of my hand and threw it on his bag "Let’s go!"
"Oh come on… aren’t you exhausted?" I groaned but he shook his head.
"One last match…" he pleaded.
"You just want to make it a draw… you can’t lose…" I smirked and he rolled his eyes.
"Then make me lose… come on…" he was ready for my move and I laughed.
"Alright… let’s settle this."
Thirty minutes later we stood under the hot shower, washing the day away.
"We could’ve let off some steam in a different way…" Charles whispered, kissing up my neck, pulling me closer, my back flush against his chest.
"Yeah? How?" I replied, biting my lips as his hands wandered over my hips, down to my thighs.
"I don’t know… you. Me. Our bed…" he mumbled, littering my shoulder with hot kisses "Or you. Me. The shower…" he whispered in my ear, his hot breath fanning over my skin making me shudder.
His hand slipped between my thighs and I let out a breathy moan, pressing my heat against his hand.
"Shower sounds good!" I breathed out, feeling him press against my back.
"Yeah? I think so too…" Charles hand explored my heat and I moaned, leaning back into him right as he spun me around, pressing my back into the cold tiled wall. His lips crashed down on mine, sealing our mouths shut with an eager kiss full of lust and need. I threw my arms around his neck, my hands carding through his hair, pulling him closer, while our tongues fought for dominance, me on the losing side. But this was a battle I loved to lose.
"There is still some tension in my back… I swear we’re working now for months at it but it’s not getting better!" I groaned and JK stood behind me, putting pressure on my lower back.
"Honestly, it shouldn’t be like this Lizzie… not after the intense training and exercises we made specifically for your back…" he said and I hissed in pain when he applied some pressure on my spine at a certain angle.
"Maybe I have to work out even more. Need to strengthen my spine, my core more?" I gritted out but I heard him sigh.
"Yeah maybe, but honestly? I’d like you to see a doctor, when we’re back in Europe…"
"Oh come on! It’s a little sore back! It will be good in no time!" I smiled at him and bent down, stretching said sore back before I took the resistance band JK held out for me.
"I’m not saying anything else, I just want to make sure! I don’t want to see you out of the car like Sainz today…" he said.
"What do you mean? He’s not racing? He’s out? Like completely?" I leaned back, pulling at the resistance band and JK nodded.
"Bearman will drive his car today and tomorrow."
"Ollie? Are you kidding me?" I stopped, looking up.
"Nope." JK put the band away and grabbed the tennis balls "Come on, focus now."
"He will only have FP3? Damn!" I mumbled, catching the tennis ball.
"I mean, it won’t be easy…"
"Definitely not, but Ollie is a damn good driver, I’m sure he will be able to adapt fast!"
"That’s what I said as well…" Charles hugged me from behind, kissing my cheek.
"Hey! Go away! You’re trying to distract my driver!" Felix joked when he walked by.
"Oh, don’t worry Felix, nothing can distract me, not even this handsome little fella…" I laughed and Charles pinched my side.
"Who are you calling little?" he whispered in my ear.
"Oh come on love birds! Get a room." JK laughed.
"Nope." Charles spun me around and kissed me.
"What’s gotten into you?" I breathed against his lips, feeling the heat rising up my face.
"I just love you? Can’t I show that?" he pouted, looking adorably.
"Yeah but not like in public. Not like that?" I whispered and he sighed.
"Cara mia, no one cares? Why do you?" Charles cupped my cheeks and I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don’t know…" I replied and he pecked my lips.
"Exactly, there is no reason for that. So let me give you one last kiss and then I’ll see you on track." he kissed me gently and I melted into his body "Bye gorgeous girl…"
I looked after him, the sweltering heat of Saudi Arabia burning me up.
"Earth to Lizzie?" JK threw a ball at me and I blinked, rubbing my arm "We’re not done yet."
"Huh?" I looked at him confused and he threw the next ball, this time I caught it though.
"Good reaction… now come on!"
I climbed out of the car when an F1 official walked up to me.
"Lizzie, you’re P3." he smiled and I took off my helmet and balaclava.
"What do you mean?" I was confused.
"Checo got a 5 second penalty, so you’re in P3!"
"Are you kidding me?" I laughed when someone engulfed me from behind.
"First podium of the season, let’s fucking go!" Danny Ric chanted and I squealed a little "Let me take you to your man!"
"Put me down you doofus!" I chuckled but Daniel carried me all the way to the top 3 cars.
"And here we have our third place, Lizzie Doetterer! Lizzie, congrats! P3. First podium of the season. How was the race for you?" Crofty asked and I took the microphone that someone held out to me.
"Umm right now, I’m a little speechless to be honest. We had a good weekend? I mean yeah it could’ve been better in terms of the quali pace, but in the race we were there and yeah now I’m in P3." I answered, smiling at him and waving at the crowd, some Germany flags in the sea of people.
"Well, you were close to Checo the whole race, switching positions every other week, last lap then and it seemed he pushed you wide?"
"We battled hard and then in turn 7 or 8 he might’ve turned a little into me and I had to go wide, but I didn’t think it would result in a penalty." I said honestly.
"Yeah, we didn’t hear you complain on the radio?" Crofty looked at me and I nodded.
"Because I honestly didn’t think it was that bad? Yeah sure, I had to leave the track but I don’t know… I mean I’m happy, I take it. But yeah… it’s like that." I shrugged a little.
"It sure is. Thank you Lizzie! Enjoy your podium!" Crofty nodded and I handed the guy next to him the microphone, jumping into Charles awaiting arms.
"First podium of the season, cara mia." he kissed my cheek and I smiled.
"Same for you! Well done!"
I wanted to say something when we were ushered away, into the cool down room and then onto the podium.
When we were finally done with the media, the press conference long over as well as our team meetings we drove back to our hotel.
"See! Today was a good day! Overall you had an amazing weekend! You just need to believe in yourself. Today P3 and in 2 weeks then P1!" I smiled at him and he took my hand in his, kissing the back of it.
"For me it would be enough to be in front of Carlos…" he sighed and I nodded.
"You will be. I believe in you!"
I sighed and put the phone down, right when it rang again.
"Hi Julie."
"So I guess Netflix called already…" she asked.
"Yeah. They want to film a little private stuff, then they want to be in Australia, Miami, Monaco and they also want to come to Hockenheim, my home race is something they definitely want to film."
"Lizzie, I say it how it is, they wanted to release the show last summer. They postponed it to fall, then to winter. We need to deliver now, you need to deliver now. Or they will release what they have but take away your right of review… just let them film you. Let them come home, maybe how you prepare for a race weekend or something, just give them something… and then let’s move forward." she sighed and I nodded.
"I know, I’ll think about what they could film here and yeah… we’ll see. Let them come to Australia, Miami, Monaco and Hockenheim. The rest I’ll deal with." I replied.
"Alright, I leave you to it. See you in Australia."
"Yup, see you in Australia." I hung up and plopped back down into the pillows, groaning. I switched the TV on and decided shuffled through Netflix until I found what I’ve been looking for. I pressed play and watched a very special episode of DTS.
"There he is… the worst actor the world has seen." I laughed when Charles walked through the door, sitting up.
"What do you mean?" he asked confused and I nodded towards the TV.
" 'Yeah, maybe that was a little bit over-the-top' … I wasn’t aware I was watching an episode of Keeping up with Ferrari…"
"Oh shut it…" Charles rolled his eyes, plopping down next to me "They told me to say it, what was I supposed to do?"
"Is DTS now a scripted show or what?" I said, pressing play again.
"Don’t watch that, please! It’s so cringe…" he sighed and I chuckled.
"Cringe? That’s way above cringe! I can’t believe they made you do this…"
"Me neither but it’s like t-…" he stopped abruptly, smiling sheepishly.
"No it’s like this at home!" I slapped his side and he laughed.
"That’s why I stopped!"
"Good!" I kissed his cheek and snuggled into him "Now let me finish this episode."
"God no…" he groaned but I laughed.
"Just kidding… what do you want to watch?" I asked him and he leaned down, pecking my lips.
"Nothing on the TV…" he wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed.
"I like that…"
"Yeah? Me too…" he got up and pulled me with him down into the kitchen, where he pushed me slightly against the island, grabbing my thighs "Up, pretty girl."
"Not again on there… it was cold and so not comfy!" I grumbled but he just laughed.
"Oh cara mia, you’re a naughty girl? What do you think what I’m about to do?"
"I don’t know… I just thought-…" I began but he interrupted me, putting his finger on my lips.
"Shhh… just trust me…" he grinned and I swallowed hard.
I knew that smirk. All too well. He grabbed my thighs again and I jumped a little, sitting down on the island.
"I trust you, just not that little devil inside of you." I chuckled and he pulled something out of his pocket.
"Close your eyes for me." The grin only getting bigger "Come on."
I closed my eyes and as soon as they were closed I felt how Charles put something over my eyes. Covering them.
"A blindfold? Charles! I told you, not on here!" I pouted, but he pecked my lips, chuckling.
"Don't be so impatient!" he walked away and I heard him rummaging through the drawers "Alright..." he stood in front of me and I felt his hot breath ghosting over my lips "Be a good girl and open that pretty, little mouth of yours for me."
"What? I swear if you start now some kinky shit I'm go-..." I began but he pushed a cold spoon into my mouth, cutting me off. A rich flavour of vanilla engulfed my taste buds, and I swallowed the spoonful of ice cream down.
"And?" Charles asked and I licked my lips.
"Vanilla ice cream?" I said hesitantly.
"Was it good?" he sounded excited and I was confused "You look adorable when you're confused. But come on, did you like it?"
"It's vanilla ice cream? It tastes good. Rich." I said and he kissed my sticky lips.
"Here..." he put a glass against my lips and I drank a sip of water "Open up again!"
The next spoon was chocolate ice cream, silky, chocolatey with the right amount of sweetness and some chocolate chips for some extra crunch. As soon as I swallowed down Charles pecked my lips again.
"Very silky. The right amount of sweetness and chocolaty..." I replied before I felt the glass against my lips and I took another sip.
"Open up..." he said as the next spoon was fed to me.
Peanut ice cream. Caramel sauce and something crunchy.
"That's good! I love the peanut flavour! And the caramel sauce and the crispy bits? I love it! But Charles..." I began when he pecked my lips yet again before the glass returned and the next spoon full of ice-cold goodness engulfed my taste buds.
"Salted caramel? And chocolate chips?" I licked my lips before Charles pressed his again against mine.
"Yeah, you like it?" he asked, and I nodded slightly, drinking some water "Alright, next one..."
I opened my mouth and the moment I had the first taste of the spoonful of ice creamed I moaned a little.
"Mhhh Pistachi-ohhhh my god that's good! More!" I said and he chuckled.
"Why did I know that... here." another spoonful of the creamy and delicious ice cream wandered into my mouth "Okay stop making these noises, or it is the kitchen island 2.0!" he lifted the blindfold, and I blinked a few times "Hey pretty girl."
He smiled at me, brushing my hair out of my face when I looked down on the countertop, where he put a white container down. Right next to 4 other similar looking containers.
"Why did you feed me ice cream blindfolded? And why did you feed me ice cream, blindfolded in the middle of the season? I want to eat that whole container of the pistachio and peanut one! Unfair!" I pouted a little and he laughed.
"Go ahead." He held up another spoon of the pistachio ice cream and I groaned "Come on, I know you want it!"
"Of course I want it! It's pistachi-ohhhh..." he shoved the spoon in my mouth, cutting me off "Damn that's good."
"It gets even better... that whole tub? Less then 400 calories." Charles said proudly and I cocked an eyebrow.
"Yeah sure. That creamy and rich ice cream? Less then 400 calories the whole tub? You mean one spoon maybe." I sighed but he scooped up another spoonful.
"Nope. This is Lec ice cream. My own brand, I've been working the past few months on it and it's finally ready. I only need to find names and decide what designs and it's good to go. Each tub has less than 400 calories."
"Are you kidding me? When-... how-... what? When did you do that? And why didn't you tell me?"
"Oh stop pouting! I wanted to surprise you! I know how much you love a good ice cream but we have to resist this craving because of our job! So I wanted to create an ice cream we can enjoy without the guilt!" he cupped my cheeks and I smiled.
"This creamy, rich flavour for this little calories? Seriously? I mean… why resist?" I laughed, scooping up another dollop of the pistachio ice cream, indulging in the flavour.
Charles laughed and kissed me, nipping at my lower lip.
"Mhh... why resist? Sounds like a good slogan... now you just need to help me name them! Although I already have an idea for the pistachio ice cream."
"Yeah? What is it?" I looked at him excitedly.
"Pistachi-OH! the OH in capital letters with an exclamation mark! Because whenever I see a tub of that ice cream I will think of the look on your face, the little sound you made when you tasted it for the very first time."
"Swirly Pistachi-OH! Sounds even better!" I said and he nodded "And you should call the vanilla ice cream vanillalove or something, because its your favourite!" I grabbed the container and fed Charles a big scoop of the vanilla ice cream.
"Vanillove. Even shorter." he smiled.
"Sounds good. The peanut and caramel one? It was almost like the different flavours were dancing on my tongue... Peanut Caramel Tango!" I suggested and Charles nodded.
"Chocolate crunch. Nothing fancy. Just straight what it is?"
"Perfect. And now the salted caramel one." I said and tried the ice dream again.
"Salty carmel- carmamel-... why is this word so difficult?" he groaned and I laughed "Salty caram-mmel!"
"That's it! Salty carammmel with at least 3 m's!"
"Salty carammmel? So everyone knows that I can't speak English properly?" now Charles was the one pouting.
"It's cute! Vanillove. Peanut Caramel Tango. Chocolate Crunch. Salty Carammmel and Swirly Pistachi-OH! The 5 flavours of Lec ice cream. Less than 400 calories per tub. But still tasty as fuck." I concluded and he kissed me, his lips tasting like Vanillove.
"Because, why resist?"
„Nicholas said everything is prepared. We'll start the Instagram account nect Tuesday. And the lauch of the ice cream in Milan will be on the 11" Charles said as he opened the hotel door.
"Already? You guys are fast." I plopped down on the sofa, leaning back
"Not we, Nicolas, Guido and Federico are fast." he chuckled and handed me a cold water out of the fridge, right when my phone rang.
"Ewww that's Elijah... I kinda regret agreeing to Netflix." I groaned and silenced my phone "I know it was a good idea at first... but with everything that happened? He asked me if I would consider talking about the whole Diaz incident... after last year there were so many rumours and he asked me if I wanted to clear things up."
"Just let him film a little bit of our weekend and they'll be happy. I know its tough and you don't want it anymore, but jus think about all the interviews they had? Your whole team, Lewis, Seb, Fred, Toto, his wife, Max, some of the most well-known F1 journalists... it's so amazing what they all have to say about you! How they support you! And then seeing how hard you train? But also see where you come from. That it wasn't as easy as anyone said it was? It will be great! Let them film Hockenheim and then they have enough. They can release their show. It will be great. Everyone is happy. Focus on that, okay? And if you don't want to talk about Diaz? Then don't...
I've seen the rumours, and believe me, I want to say a few words myself, but it's not my place." Charles sat down and I leaned against him.
"I know, I know... right now there is already enough going on with the Sainz dilemma... people still talk about it and now he's after my seat as well... and then Susie asking me to be a little more present in the F1 Academy and I really want to, I told her last year that she can count on my support but here I am, not even doing a single thing for it..."
"Because you're a F1 driver! Lizzie, Susie understands that you would be more present if it would be possible, okay? Just stop for a moment to think about what everyone else wants from you and focus what you want, okay?" Charles squeezed my shoulder and l sighed
"Food. I want food. And a shower. Then a nice little walk at the beach, soaking in the sun and then focus on the weekend ahead."
"Let's take a shower, then head down to the beach and have a nice little treat." He kissed my nose and then got up, pulling me with him "Come on. Today is for us. Tomorrow we think about the rest. One step at the time."
"I should still call Elijah..." I grabbed my phone but Charles took it out of my hand.
"Today is for us. Tomorrow we'll figure out the rest. Can you, for once, listen to me?" he chuckled and I nodded "Good. Thank you. Now come on."
I walked out of the press conference back to the Audi hospitality when a little crowd close to the hospitality caught my attention.
"So it’s true, that you’re talking to the Audi board about a seat for Carlos for next season?" a reporter whose back was turned to me, asked and I stopped dead in my tracks
"I’m convinced that Carlos can bring the team to the next level. They lack a bit of consistency, Valtteri is doing a good job in providing feedback about the car, Carlos could bring some of his consistency and experience to the team. He’s fast. Faster than his teammate over a long course of the last season. I have a good relationship with the Audi board and of course they know how good Carlos is." Sainz Senior smiled into the cameras.
"In theory it sounds all good, but Audi still has two drivers. You’re talking about Valtteri and Carlos. So Lizzie Doetterer would lose her seat to Carlos?"
"Look, I’m not saying she’s not a good driver. But it’s her third season now and she didn’t convince me as the big talent everyone said she is… maybe she can find a seat in the F1 Academy. But I don’t see a future in F1 for her. She also lacks of discipline, I guess you all know what I’m referring to, she’s too emotional, too impulsive. That are not good characteristics for a F1 driver." he smirked, looking directly at me and the reporter followed his look spotting me. Will Buxton.
"Lizzie, do you want to join us?" he asked and I swallowed hard.
"No, thanks. I’m good Will. Seems like Señor Sainz has a lot to say." I grit out and walked away, my heart hammering against my ribs.
"Lizzie, we have some-… what happened?" Julie looked at me and I felt how my mouth went dry. Words leaving me. "Lizzie?" she pushed me down into an armchair, handing me a glass of water and I gulped it down in one go.
"Sainz… he talks to the media…" I pressed out and she patted my arm.
"No one here wants Sainz in our team Lizzie! I hope you know that?" she tried to calm me down.
"What does it matter? If the board says he’s your new driver, you can’t change it…" I said, leaning back "I have to do the talking on track. I need to be better than him."
"And you will be. You show him what you’re made of! Kick his ass!" Julie fired me up and I nodded.
"I’m not backing down that easily. He wants my seat? Then he has to come and pry it out of my dead fingers grasp." I said determined and Julie chuckled.
"Dark, but I like the fighter mentality."
"He will regret ever talking bullshit about me."
"Hell yeah!"
Sainz wasn’t backing down that easily as well. He was ruining my laps at all times, he was always in front, being clever enough to not fully impede me, but at least disturb me that much that I had to abort my laps or had to go wide which costed time. It all peaked in qualifying when Sainz drove in front of me to warm his tyres on his out lap. Too slow for my liking especially considering that I had a real shot at starting on pole tomorrow.
"Charles, Norris, Max all on their flying lap. Max currently P1. Sainz P2. You P4." Pete radioed.
"Last chance now?"
"Last chance."
"Sainz is so fucking slow!"
"He’s in my way!" I was frustrated, seeing Sainz warming his tyres in front of me, not intending going faster at any given moment. Fuck it. I accelerated and pushed the throttle full through, overtaking him, right as I passed him, he accelerated as well leaving me behind him.
"Is he fucking serious?" I was seething, but I had no time to be too pissed, I had to give it one last shot.
"Abort your lap Lizzie."
"What? Why?"
"Your tyres are overheated. You probably wont even make it over the line… come back to the pits. That’s currently P4. Charles P5. Only Norris behind who could snatch away P4."
I sat in the car. Taking a few deep breaths before I climbed out. Disappointed when I saw Norris lap time on the screen. P5 tomorrow. All because of Sainz.
"I’m sorry, Lizzie." Pete patted my back and I only shook my head.
"No, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have overtaken him. I ruined my tyres…" I said quietly, putting my helmet away, taking the bottle from JK "He did his best to fuck up my laps and he succeeded."
"Calm down a bit and then go to the interviews." Felix said, as he came up to us and I nodded, walking in the back.
He got in my head. First his father. Now he himself. I threw my helmet on the table and sat down, head in my hands. Right when I had to be on top of my game, I caved in.
"Lizzie?" Julie asked carefully and I sat up, wiping my face "Do you want to wait for a little while or just go now?"
"Let’s get it over with."
"Li-... woah..." Charles let out when I pulled him into the corner and ducked down "What are we doing?" he whispered but I shushed him.
"Elijah... I need a moment for myself. I feel like the only time there isn't a camera in my face is when I have to go to the bathroom or at night... they even were there when I talked to Susie yesterday." | rolled my eyes.
"So you're hiding now how long exactly? Until the race?"
"No idiot. Until the anthem... we'll go and come back and then they have to back off anyways." | whispered and Charles chuckled.
"Okay, I'll hide with you." He kissed my cheek "You could've found a nicer hiding spot tho... just saying."
"You'll survive..."
We waited until it was time for the anthems and I successfully dodged Elijah and his camera crew and when it was time for me to get into the car he just sighed and retreated. I checked my radio and everything and waited for the go from Pete, preparing for the formation lap.
"Radio check."
"Loud and clear. Let's go, Lizzie."
When I stopped the car in my grid spot I focused on the lights. Taking a deep breath and accelerating as the last light got out. At the start I was overtaking Norris right in the first corner and pushed hard to create a little gap. He gave up chasing me, and I focused already on Perez in front. The next two laps I got closer and closer and finally managed to overtake him, right when the yellow flag was waved.
"Watch out. Max is having trouble. You'll pass him at the next turn." Pete radioed.
"Pass him?" I asked right when Max appeared in front of me not fighting me at all.
"We believe he will be retiring his car."
Lap 4 and Max was out. Only Sainz in front of me and Charles, who had overtaken Perez in the meantime.
"Gap Sainz?"
"4.3 seconds."
Damn. The Ferraris were fast. And Charles was coming closer and closer.
"Charles is really fast." I radioed when I had to let him overtake me, he had too much pace and the way he was chasing me wasn’t good for my tyres.
"He is. 0.5 faster." Pete replied and I sighed.
Ferrari build a fast car this season. Too fast for us for now.
"Sainz?" I asked, curious on his pace.
"0.1 slower."
So it would only be a short matter of time until Charles would knock on Sainz door. Ferrari would swap the cars to let Charles take over the lead, not just in the race, also in the drivers ranking. It was Sainz I would have to battle against for P2.
"Manage your tyres for now. Battling Sainz will cost you…"
"I know."
The gap to Charles got bigger and bigger for the next laps and I knew I had to be quicker to be in a good position. But then I got closer to Charles again and I checked my steering wheel.
"Am I pushing too hard or is Charles getting slower?"
"He was asked to hold position."
"What? Can you repeat that?"
I must’ve heard Pete wrong.
"Charles was asked to hold position. Manage his tyres. Not attacking."
"You’re kidding?"
"No fucking way, why would they do that?" I couldn’t believe my ears. Why would they want Charles to hold positions? He was fast. Faster than Sainz?
"Focus on your race."
Race 3 and it already started again like last season.
"And that’s P3. Good race Lizzie." Pete said and I sighed.
"Thanks guys. Good job from everyone!" I said.
"Sainz P1. Charles P2. Norris P4. Oscar P5…."
"Ferrari doing Ferrari things…"
"Lizzie!" Pete said.
"What? He can’t win a race on his own. He needs his teammate to secure his position." the words were out before I could even react. Oh well. Here we go again.
"Off the radio. Now!" Pete reprimanded, but in his voice I could hear that he thought exactly the same.
"Just stating the truth."
"You’re exhausting." he chuckled.
"I love you too."
I parked my car and got out, hugging Charles. He only shook his head and then pushed me towards my team and I celebrated our second podium of the season, although I still didn’t understand why Ferrari didn’t let Charles overtake Sainz. After the interviews it was time for the obligated photo and I stood next to Charles, Sainz on his right.
"No you have to stand on the right." the FIA photographer said and I rolled my eyes.
"Just take the damn picture." I grumbled. Standing next to Sainz, a gap between us.
"Come on, be the better person." Charles said in French when we walked off towards the cool down room but I shook my head.
"I’ll start being the better person when your team starts making better calls." I replied loudly. In English. In front of said team while the camera was panned on me.
"Cara mia…" Charles sighed but I just shrugged my shoulders walking inside. I wiped my face. Almost emptying a bottle when Sainz walked in, followed by Charles. Again he only shook his head slightly and I sighed, sitting down. There was silence in the room. Only the race highlights that were played in the background could be heard. On the podium I only sprayed Charles a little before I left, not waiting for the picture. I felt Charles gaze on me but I didn’t care.
"Alright. Lizzie, you’re next. Your thoughts?" Clarkson looked at me and I picked up the microphone.
"Good race." was all I said and then I put the microphone down again.
"Maybe a little more detailed?"
"We had a good weekend. Our pit stops weren’t the best, unfortunately for Valtteri, but overall we were good."
"Okay. We open up the floor for some questions…"
"Mike Harris. CBS Sports. Question for Lizzie. You said on the radio that 'He can’t win a race on his own. He needs his teammate to secure his position'. Care to elaborate?"
"What’s there to elaborate? It’s pretty self-explanatory. I said what I said." I answered tight lipped, feeling the gaze of Charles and also Sainz on me.
"Mila Janic. motorsport.com. Carlos, after hearing what Lizzie has said, what do you think about her words?"
"Some people have their emotions clearly better in check than others and so some drivers let out their opinions on the radio and complain. She has her opinion, I have mine. I know which one is right." Sainz answered and I had to fake a cough to cover up my snorting.
"There’s a difference between an opinion and facts." I whispered under my breath.
"What did you say?" Sainz looked at me and I looked up "I didn’t understand it? But you said something."
"I just said that there’s a difference between an opinion and facts." I shrugged my shoulders, looking at him. He was mad, but I didn’t care. Not anymore.
"Alright, do we have another question?" Clarkson said quickly and I put the microphone down again.
"Herbert Stein, BLICK. Charles, what is your opinion on what Lizzie said? You’re the teammate she’s talking about? Do you think you deserved the win today?"
"I’m not commenting on what Lizzie said because I understand where she’s coming from. As for if I deserved the win, no, I didn’t. Carlos was overall better this weekend. I have to push to be better the next." Charles answered and I had to roll my eyes.
"You don’t agree with Charles?" the reporter asked me and Charles looked at me.
I contemplated whether to answer or not.
"No, I don’t agree."
"It doesn’t matter who’s better the whole weekend. The race is what matters. Points are earned in the race. So it doesn’t matter if you were the best the whole weekend, if you don’t deliver on Sunday, you won’t make points. Also the other way around. So no, I think when one driver is faster, has more pace and especially when he would be taking the lead in the championship, I’d say I let this driver give it a go and not tell him to hold position. If he’s not faster then, you can still swap back, but just telling the driver off, for no apparent reason? Yeah no." I answered and there was a murmur going around.
"Alright, thank you everyone. That’s it for today, see you all in Suzuka."
I jumped up and walked back, Julie already waiting for me. The way she looked at me, I knew she wasn’t happy with what I said.
"I told you I won’t lie. Never. When they ask something, I answer honestly." I said and she sighed shaking her head.
"Yeah yeah whatever, let’s go."
"Lizzie! Wait." I heard Charles behind me "Julie, can you give us a moment? Thanks." he grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.
"I’m not apologising and I’m not backing down or stop-…" I began but he silenced me with a kiss.
"I love you." he whispered against my lips and then pulled me with him, following Julie "Here she’s yours again. I’ll pick you up later on." he kissed my cheek, then winked at Julie and walked off.
"Almost two years together and you still blush like on day one." she chuckled and I looked away, my face getting only hotter.
"Let’s go." I just said and we walked back in silence.
Charles POV:
"Charles?" I heard Lizzie walking up the stairs.
"Marianne, I’ll call you later. Lizzie just came home. Au revoir." I hung up right als Lizzie walked around the corner "Hi pretty girl."
"As if…" she snorted, plopping down next to me, taking a deep breath "I swear, I don’t even feel my legs anymore. JK was torturing me today..."
"Oh, my poor girl, you want a massage?" I asked her and she mumbled something inaudible.
"I'm taking a shower first and then I want that massage." she kissed my cheek and then got up, sauntering off when the doorbell rang "It's Joris."
"Alright, you go showering I'll see what he's up to." I followed her downstairs and heard the bedroom door close, wandering off into the kitchen.
"Lizzie? Charles?" Joris called out and I opened the fridge.
"Kitchen." I shouted and a moment later he put a big box on the kitchen island "Is that..." I made big eyes, looking at the box.
"Yeah. They called that it's ready so I said I'll pick it up." Joris replied and I nodded slowly.
"I cant believe it... 10 years already.." I breathed out and he took the water that I handed him.
"You know, he would be so proud of you, would he be here? Seeing how far you've made it?"
"How far I've made it? Some race wins, a vice championship and a ton of mistakes... that's how far I've made it..." I huffed.
"Charles..." Joris began but I shook my head.
"I know, I know." I said and he sighed "Now come on. Show it to me..."
"Alright." he opened the box, pulling the helmet in its bag out and sat it down on the counter, then put the box on the floor and undid the string of the bag "Ready?"
I nodded and Joris pulled the helmet out. It was beautiful. The perfect tribute. I was at a loss of words for a moment and picked the helmet up, looked over the details.
"They did an amazing job. It's perfect." I whispered and he nodded.
"It really is..." he replied, and I sat the helmet down "Are you okay?"
"Yeah... it's just a little overwhelming.." I sat down on a stool, eyes still on the helmet "I want to win this race. For him."
"I'm sure you'll do you your best to honour him!" Joris patted my back "And now I have to leave you, you're little secret with Marianne needs some more preparations."
"Thanks Jo, really." I got up and hugged him "See you tomorrow."
I was so lost in my thoughts that I flinched when Lizzie caressed my cheek gently.
"Hey you." she whispered, sitting down next to me, taking my hand, interlacing our fingers "What's going on in there." she kissed my temple gently.
"It's 10 years this year..." I whispered, nodding to the helmet.
"Its beautiful. Jules would be so proud of you. The man you've become, the driver..." she said quietly and I pulled her into my lap, holding her close.
"I just wish that by now he could be proud of me because I had won a title..." I breathed into the crook of her neck, inhaling the scent of her shampoo and conditioner.
"Charles... it wasn't that you weren't made to be a champion, it was more that you're team wasn't... but this year will be your year. I just know it. I know it didn't start the way you wanted it to. And I also know that with the way your team is handling you and Sainz at the moment it doesn't look like it's going to happen, but I have faith in you. I believe in you. In your abilities. This year is your year. I can feel it... and it will start in Japan. Where you will show everyone why Ferrari kept you. You will wear that helmet and you will honour Jules. You'll continue his legacy." she said softly but determined.
"I'll try my best."
"I know you will. You always do."
"God I love you…" I whispered and she giggled.
"I love you too. And now I want my massage!"
"Charles? We will film some C2 challenges today..." Sylvia said and I rolled my eyes.
"Is that really necessary?" l asked and she glared at me.
"I don't care whatever your problem is all of a sudden with Carlos, but here at Ferrari we are a unit. One family. And he is part of the family until the end of the year, so yes, it's necessary." her voice like venom.
"All of a sudden..." I chuckled bitterly and she cocked an eyebrow, right as Carlos walked in.
"Carlos, here, sit down. We have 3 challenges planned..." Sylvia began but I didn't listen.
I hardly participated and by the end of the second challenge she seemingly had enough
"Charles! Can you at least try to look like you're happy to be here?"
"I'm not a good actor..." I just shrugged and she sighed.
"This is for the sake of Ferrari! Can't you just swallow down whatever it is that gives you this attitude?"
"Nope. That's too much to swallow... Ferrari needs us to be good drivers. They need us to win races. Nothing more."
"Yeah? Then do your part!" she spat out and I looked at her "Win races."
She slammed her clipboard on the table, making everyone flinch, then stormed off and I sighed. Drama queen. The rest of the team looked at each other and then decided to leave and look for Sylvia, leaving only Carlos and me alone in the room.
"You could at least pretend like its all fun and games for the cameras..." Carlos said and looked at me.
"It's our last year, we should end it on a high. Together. For the sake of Ferrari." He said and I laughed.
"Are you serious? After everything you pulled over the last season?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.
"Look. I don't care about who you're dating. But it shouldn't interfere with your job.
You're a Ferrari driver. Ferrari is important. Not Audi."
"Oh yeah? Audi is only important if they have a seat for you, no?"
"I don't care for next season. I care for this season. So, get your shit together. And do your job. Which is winning races... something you haven't done for a while... me on the other hand..." he got up and walked towards the door "2 wins in the last 11 races..."
"Singapore wasn't your win." my voice was trembling.
"See? That's what I mean. It was a Ferrari win... that should be your main priority. But no. it's because of your little girlfriend crashing out you're still sour an-..."
"And why was she crashing out?" I interrupted him, almost shouting.
"It was a racing accident, she could've backed down, but didn't so she crashed out... it wasn't even a bad crash, nothing happened..." he left and as soon as the door shut close, I slammed my fist on the table. Nothing happened. Nothing happened? I had to win this race. I had to wipe the grin out of his face. Winning was now more than essential. Not just for Jules. But also for Lizzie. I took a deep breath, calming myself down and then got up, searching for Mia, who didn't look too happy when I spotted her.
"I know, I know... I'll apologise to Sylvia later."
"Thank you. And now come. The media pen is waiting." she replied and I sighed.
"I can't wait."
"You're less grumpy when Lizzie is there as well." Mia chuckled and I pushed her a little
"It's cute so shut it."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I rolled my eyes playfully and followed her to the first interview, watching the press conference on the screen behind the reporter. Lizzie was chatting with Logan and Oscar, Pierre next to her was joking around with Carlos. His words still in the back of my mind. He sat there. Joking with Pierre, they even took a selfie together. He was talking about the seat in Audi next season like it was already his. I saw how tense Lizzie was, the unsettled look on her face. And as soon as I was done with my interviews, I wanted to pick Lizzie up, reassure her, but I saw Logan and Oscar leaving, then Pierre and Carlos, still talking eagerly, but no Lizzie, she must've left immediately when they were done. I saw how Pierre looked my way and walked off, I had to find Lizzie.
"Charles! Charles? Mate!" Pierre almost shouted but I kept walking "Hey! Didn’t you hear me?" he put his hand on my shoulder, making me stop "Charles?"
"Where’s your new bestie?" I spat out and he made big eyes. I didn’t want to sound this agitated. But the smirk on Carlos look when he talked about the seat in Audi. Lizzie’s seat. What he said earlier. It was all too much.
"What do you mean?" he looked at me confused.
"Didn’t know you and Sainz were this close… laughing together, making jokes, hanging out together, taking selfies…" I said coldly.
"Are you serious? Mate, he’s just a buddy we’re racing with? Come one?" Pierre asked taken aback.
"No. He’s not. He’s not just a buddy we’re racing with! And you know it! He’s… he did things… no. He’s no buddy of mine. Not since…" I began but he rolled his eyes.
"Yes. Singapore was fucked up. He knows it. He even said that after reviewing the videos he knows he was a little too aggressive! It’s water under the bridge! That’s racing, Charles. You know it. Lizzie knows it and also she’s fine. She’s alive and well. You should draw a line and let it got…" Pierre sighed.
"Let it go? Let it go? You have no idea what he did… you no. You don’t know. You know nothing. Just let it-… no fuck this." I was getting beyond mad. The look on Lizzie’s face in the hospital bed in my mind. Her tears. Broken voice. How she sat on the sofa earlier. All tense. I balled my hands into fists.
"Charles? Come on mate. The season is still long, you shouldn’t hold a grudge over nothing."
Nothing? Again that word.
"Fuck you, Gasly." I spat out, walking away.
"Oh hell no, what the fuck is your problem?" he grabbed my arm, pulling me back.
"LIZZIE LOST OUR BABY THAT NIGHT!" I full on screamed. Shocked about the words myself.
Pierre dropped his hand off my arm and looked at me with wide eyes.
"Because of your racing buddies little too aggressive stunt Lizzie lost our baby. That’s what the fuck my problem is… so no. It’s not nothing. It’s not water under the bridge. Because of him I had to hold my girlfriend in my arms, trembling, crying, blaming herself for something that was entirely his fault."
"Charles…" Pierre began, voice almost a whisper.
"No. I don’t want to hear it. I thought we were your friends. Lizzie and I. Just… forget it." I walked away, leaving Pierre behind, not looking back once. Around the next corner I leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath and wiping away the stray tears that had escaped. Focus. I had to find Lizzie.
"He’s a slimy, stupid, hairy, idiot." she punched into the pads on JKs hands and I had to chuckle "He wants my seat? My seat? The fuck he gets my seat. I’m going to destroy him."
"That’s my girl." I said, and she flinched a little "I thought I had to look after you, because you might be down or something… oh how wrong I was."
"Down? Because of that hairy Neanderthal? Fuck no. I’m furious and I want to see him in my mirrors whenever I cross the finish line from now on."
I hugged her and felt immediately relieved. Calm.
"We’ll start this Sunday." I said and she nodded determined.
The practices all went by in a fast blur. But when I prepared for my final attempt of setting the fastest time in Q3 a sense of calm washed over me. I blocked everything else out. Just focused on the task at hand. My car. The track. I took a deep breath and send it. Nothing else in my mind besides the sheer will to start the race tomorrow from the best position possible.
The lap felt like an eternity but also just a short moment at the same time when I crossed the finish line.
"And that's P1. You've done it! Good job!" Xavi said and I began to cheer.
"YEEEEEEES! Come on now! Let's go!" I shouted in the radio. I did it. Pole position "Where's Lizzie?"
"P2 Verstappen. P3 Lizzie. P4 Sainz..." he replied and I cheered even louder.
"Awesome job, Lizzie!" I screamed and I didn't give a single fuck how people would react over the fact that I was cheering on Lizzie, rather than Carlos.
When I parked my car at the P1 spot and got out I waited for Lizzie, hugging her tight as soon as she was out of her car.
"What a lap, mate!" Max said next to us, patting my back and I let out a relieved laugh.
"I'm just glad it all came together and worked out in the end." I said and he hugged Lizzie.
After a short celebration with the team, I took a big swig out of my bottle when I was waved over for the interview wit Martin.
"Now that's a podium I would sign." Martin Brundle said and I nodded "That last lap of yours looked spectacular. We know you're one of the best qualifiers on the grid, almost always flawless. But that today? Wow!"
"Thank you! I honestly just had a tunnel vision the whole lap. My mind was trained on nothing else. I think I was never this focused."
"The Ferrari's do have a lot of pace this season? They are closer to the Red Bulls then they would like, it seems?"
"We have a lot of pace, that's true, but the Red Bulls are still ahead of us." I replied and he nodded.
"Do you think a win is possible?"
"I will try my best."
"Tell us Charles, how does it feel starting this race from pole position, 10 years after that fatal accident of Jules, who you honour with your helmet this weekend." Martin asked and I swallowed hard
"It means a lot. I honestly don't even have the right words for it. But it's special. Now I just have to win tomorrow to make him proud." I said, feeling Lizzie's look on me. I turned a little and she smiled reassuringly at me.
"I'm sure he would be proud anyway." Martin patted my back and I smiled, walking towards Lizzie who hugged me again.
"He's right, it doesn't matter if you win or not, Jules would be proud anyway, just like your dad..." she whispered in my ear and I kissed the side of her head
"Thanks for always reminding me."
I stood next to my car. Looked up in the sky, closing my eyes. Took one last deep breath. I could do it. I had to do it. I felt a warm hand on my arm and looked down. Lizzie.
"Show everyone who you are today, mon cœur. Show them that you are one of the best. If not the best. I believe in you. We all do." she hugged me close, kissing my cheek "I love you, my winner." before I could say anything she sauntered away and I felt my cheek prickling.
"Charles?" Andrea said and I turned a little, a big smile on his face he handed me my balaclava and the my helmet "You’ll win this today." he patted my arm and I nodded, climbing into my car.
After the radio check, the formation lap, I closed my eyes for a moment. It was now or never. Lights out. Full focus. Full throttle. Nothing else mattered anymore. Just me. My car. The track. It was a tough start. I had to battle hard with Max and unfortunately lost. But I stayed at his rear. Attacked all the time, waited for my chance and finally, I overtook him and pushed the throttle harder than ever before. Like in a tunnel I raced through the corners. Only focus point the top step of the podium.
"Last lap, Charles. Bring it home." Xavi radioed and I pushed with everything that I had. The last few metres felt like the longest ride, I could feel Max at my rear wing at all times. But I kept the throttle fully pushed through. My leg began to cramp. My hands trembling. And then I saw it. The checkered flag.
"You’ve done it! That’s P1!" Xavi in my ear but I ignored him for a moment, taking a deep breath.
"This one’s for you, Jules!" I said, feeling the tears soaking my balaclava.
It was like slow motion, the cool down lap, parking the car, taking a moment before I got out. On shaky legs I stood next to the car. Feeling the emotions overcoming me. I kneeled down. Patted the sticker for Jules on my car, taking a deep breath, when I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned a little to see Lizzie standing next to me, the light of one of the headlights illuminating her. Her eyes sparkling. Her most beautiful smile adorning her gorgeous face.
"You did it Charles. For Jules. He’s so proud of you." I heard her faint voice as she was pulling me up into her arms "You proved them all wrong. I’m so proud of you. So, so proud."
"I won…" I mumbled and heard her soft giggling.
"You did. You won." she pulled away, kissing my helmet and gently pushed me toward my team "Go. Celebrate. This is your moment."
I nodded slightly and when I walked to my team I saw Pierre, looking at me, tapping his feet as if he was contemplating what to do. Lizzie nudged his shoulder and he pulled her in a tight hug out of nowhere and she just shook her head, wiping what looked like a tear from his cheek before she pushed him towards me. I turned my back on him for a moment, celebrated with my team, all smiling and chanting. Then I turned back around and Pierre stood in front of me.
"I’m sorry. I had no idea… I swear would I know what happened… I would never-…" he began, his voice trembling. Lizzie behind him nodded at me and I sighed, pulling Pierre into a hug "I’m so, so sorry!"
"It’s okay… you didn’t know and it wasn’t okay from me to react like this…" I said, hearing his sigh of relief.
"No you had all rights! I can’t believe what happened…"
"We’re good. Lizzie is good. But I’ll never forget what he did…" I said and Pierre nodded.
"No. No you shouldn’t…" we went silent for a moment, but then he patted my back "You won. Suzuka. Jules would be so freaking proud of you."
"Yeah… I hope so."
"Go. Celebrate. You deserve it." he pushed me towards Lizzie again and then walked off.
The next moments felt amazing. During the interviews, the podium, Lizzie was smiling at me the whole time. I felt almost invincible when I lifted the trophy up into the sky. On top of the world. And when we walked down the stairs from the podium, trophy in hand, it all overwhelmed me.
"Hey? Come with me…" Lizzie whispered pulling me away from it all "Take a deep breath for me."
I slowly did, closing my eyes for a moment. Feeling my eyes tear up.
"It’s okay. Let it all out."
"I won." I whispered and she smiled, nodding.
"You won." she replied pulling me into her arms "You did it. You drove brilliantly today. You won against Max…"
"I can’t believe it, I swear…"
"I can. I never had any doubt. This year is your year. My world champion to be." she kissed my cheek and pulled away slowly "I know that this year, you’re going to win the title."
"I hope you’re right."
"I am. I believe in it."
The euphoria of the win in Japan carried me over the next days. It was hectic, simulator work in Maranello, marketing shoots for LEC and then finally the launch party for LEC, where everyone from friends to family showed up to support me.
"And as much as I’m a huge vanilla ice cream lover, the Swirly Pistachi-OH! grew on me, as it’s Lizzie’s favourite." I answered one of the many questions, smiling at Lizzie, who talked with Nicholas.
"How did you come up with the names?"
"Lizzie and I named them. It was a very fun process. She also chose the designs with me. I had this whole idea because of her in the first place. When we were in Maranello last season, we were on a run with our coaches and then we saw some kids eating huge ice cream bowls and Lizzie, and me as well, were a little jealous that they could eat ice cream at any time and as much as they want while we… well we can’t. And born was the idea of LEC."
"Thank you Charles. Enjoy the rest of the night."
And we sure did. After the launch we threw a little after party, which was also a surprise birthday party for Joris who was smiling like crazy.
"To Joris, best friend, assistant and personal photographer you could wish for!" I raised my glass and everyone else did the same.
"To Joris!" Lizzie hugged him, kissing his cheek "Thank you for always dealing with not just Charles craziness but also mine."
"Oh stop." Joris blushed a little but Lizzie shook her head.
"No. Without you we would’ve been a lot of times in real trouble." she chuckled and I nodded, agreeing.
"Yeah, on so many occasions you were our voice of reason." I added and he laughed.
"Then let me be your voice of reason today as well… we should call it a day… or rather a night. Your flight is tomorrow quite early." Joris said and Lizzie laughed.
We left shortly after, because Joris was right, our flight to China was quiet early on Sunday morning and since it was quite a long time since we raced in Shanghai, we should be fit and well rested. So when it was time to board the plane we felt fresh and ready for our journey ahead.
"What are you thinking?" I asked Lizzie a few hours into our flight, when she looked up from her notebook.
"I never raced in China… I’m a little nervous to be honest." she whispered and I pulled her to my side.
"Let’s do the track walk together and I tell you everything I can remember about the track, how does that sound?" I suggested and she smiled at me.
"Sounds good…" she still sounded worried and I kissed her temple.
"Don’t worry, okay? It will be fine. You’ll manage to adapt, like always." I reassured her and she nodded slowly, looking out of the window.
I knew how nervous she was, how the articles about her future or rather Carlos future at Audi were nagging at her, although she tried to hide it. Didn’t want to show how it all was affecting her. But I could see it. The next days she was tense, the questions about her future were taking their toll on her and it showed in her performance on Friday.
"P14… 14!" Lizzie was pacing back and forth, shoulders tense, head hung low "How am I supposed to make it into the points from there?"
"It’s just the sprint. You’ll be better in the quali tomorrow." I calmed her down but she shook her head.
"Charles, I can’t make any mistakes! I can’t be this bad. The Audi board will monitor every little mistake that I make. I have to make as many points as possible."
I got up from the bed and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her close.
"You didn’t make a mistake! Lance was impeding you. There was nothing you could do!" I put my forehead on her’s and she took a deep breath.
"Yeah but I still need the points…" she sighed and I nodded, making her head move with mine.
"You will make up some positions, okay? And on the real race on Sunday you’ll show what you’ve got, okay?" I kissed her forehead and she nodded slowly.
"Good. And now, let’s eat and then go to bed."
"Okay…" she said again and I still saw the doubt in her eyes. How unsure she was.
And by the end of Saturday, nothing really changed.
"I don’t know how you kept your cool against Sainz today." she said, cracking her knuckles looking exhausted.
"I mean, what could I have done, you know?" I said and she nodded slightly.
"I want to go home. I swear I hate this track…" she leaned back, closing her eyes.
"It’s okay. You’ll do fine in the race tomorrow! P8 isn’t that bad! You can still make it into the top 5!" I threw my arm around her shoulder, pulling her into my side "Heads up, okay?"
"I don’t know. I feel like our car is just not working around here…" Lizzie groaned and I kissed the side of her head.
"Tomorrow will be a better day. You’ll see. You’ll do good. I’ll do good. It will be fine."
"I hope you’re right."
I got out of my car, shaking my head in disappointment but also a churning in my stomach. A weekend to forget. For me and Lizzie. I congratulated Max, Lando and Checo and went quickly to my weighing. I took my receipt and made my way to the Audi garage.
"She’s not here." Felix said when he saw me approaching and I looked at him "She’s in her room and she’s…"
"How is she?" I asked.
"She’s okay. All clear. Apart from that? Mad? Frustrated? Sad? Furious?"
"Okay… I just saw the replay on the screens… didn’t look too good."
"It looked worse than it was. She said it herself." he replied and I nodded.
"I’m sorry, Felix. Lizzie looked strong out there."
"What do you guys like to say? It’s like this?" he shrugged his shoulders and I chuckled a little.
"Yeah. When you see her, tell her I’ll pick her up after my debrief."
I waved my goodbyes and went to our garage. Trying to be as calm as possible. Another race weekend, another Carlos shit show. Fred patted my back nodding towards Mia and I smiled at her, thanking my mechanics on my way to her. The interviews were done faster as usual. I wasn’t saying anything about Carlos, trying to stay as neutral as possible. I came back to the hospitality and changed out of my racing suit, getting ready for our team debrief. Grabbing my bag and made it back to the garage, waiting for the debrief to start. I sat alone for a while, then Andrea joined me, handing me my water bottle, right as Fred came in with Jock and Enrico.
"You’re here early." Jock said and I nodded.
"I want to leave as fast as I can…"
"Is she okay?"
"I haven’t seen her. But Felix said yes."
"I don’t understand what Norris did there…" Enrico said and I nodded.
"Me neither but what can I say, he’s not the only one who made questionable decisions today, no?" I shrugged my shoulders.
"Charles…" Fred warned but I only held my hands up in defeat.
I leaned back and watched the interviews of the day playing on the tv in the corner, right when Carlos interview started to play. With every second I watched my mood got worse. He was blaming me for his bad result. I was in his way? What the actual fuck.
"Is he for real? It was my fault? My fault?" I looked at Fred.
"We‘ll debrief it…" he began.
"He pushed me off in the sprint yesterday and then what the fuck was he doing at the start today? And now he’s blaming me for it?" I was fuming and Fred tried to calm me down.
"Charles, please.." he began but I sighed when I saw Carlos entering the room "Calm down, okay?"
I scoffed and looked at Fred, waiting for the room to fill up.
"Alright, some positive things, some negative things. First off, we managed to take home as many points as possible this weekend.." Fred began but I didn't even listen, waiting for the moment I could finally leave and check on Lizzie.
"Charles?" Fred looked at me and I blinked.
"I said I wanted your opinion on the race start."
"I already gave my opinion on the radio..." was the only thing I said.
"And I gave mine. The racing line you were going in turn 1, turn 2 was weird and…" Carlos began.
"I was in my racing line as I was ahead of you, if you squabble into my racing line, don't blame me. Russell and Hulkenberg only went by because you were in my line, and I had to go wide. Again." I interrupted him.
"Whatever." Carlos rolled his eyes and I scoffed.
"Exactly... whatever when it’s something you did. Let's discuss and put the blame on me every other time. Yeah, yeah I get it." I said and the room fell silent.
"Alright. Umm- let's move forward, Miami. As you might know, we have a special livery and racing suit for Miami..." Fred began but I wasn't listening again.
I wanted to leave. Now. I wanted to go to Lizzie.
"Charles?" Andrea nudged my shoulder and I looked up
"We're ready, we can leave."
"Alright..." I got up and followed him outside, taking my phone out "I'm going to Lizzie..." Andrea patted my back and I left, walking to the Audi hospitality. I watched her get up from the armchair, flinching a little when she walked towards me.
"Hey you..." she said gently, kissing my cheek.
"Hey, are you okay?" I replied, cupping her cheeks ans looking her once over.
"It looked worse than it was… I’m fine."
"I’m sorry that he ruined your race…"
"Yeah, what can I say… it’s like this. We can’t change it now." she sighed and I took her hand, walking outside and thankfully almost no fans were waiting for us.
I had enough of this day, Lizzie looked exhausted and tired and I just wanted to go back to the hotel, make her eat something, go to bed and then go back home.
"You're awfully quiet..." Lizzie said after a while and I sighed "Oh, that bad? What happened?"
"The same shit as always..." I said, stopping at a red light.
"Carlos does what he wants, blames me, I say my word, no one cares…" I shrugged and Lizzie sighed.
"I had high hopes that it would change, once Fred takes over..." she mumbled and I chuckled bitterly "They signed you. Not him. You're their future, they should listen to you..."
"Yeah maybe, but apparently it’s not like that." I mumbled and she caressed my cheek, turning to look at me.
"Maybe you need to talk to Fred?" she suggested and I nodded.
"Yeah. Maybe. But for now I just want to go home." I smiled a little, thinking about our upcoming anniversary and the little surprise I had planned for Lizzie.
"Me too. Netflix will bother us for a hot minute tho..." she sighed and I grabbed her thigh, squeezing it, I already took care of that as well "I had a talk with Elijah and we will film a little something…"
"It will be fine, don't worry."
"If you say so." she chuckled.
Oh I knew so. I just didn't say anything. Not raising any suspicions. But it was all well thought through. And the moment we arrived back at home, I started to make the final preparations for the big surprise.
"And Lizzie has no idea?" Elijah asked, while the film crew captured everything I was doing.
"Nope. Not a single clue. For once I was able to keep a secret to myself." I laughed as we walked through the garden gate, Marianne already awaiting.
"Salut Charles! Come on in!" she greeted me, and I felt the giddiness overcoming me. Sure, it was a surprise for Lizzie, and I knew how excited she would be, but it was also for me. Something I've always dreamed of myself.
"Ready to bring him home?" Marianne asked when we stepped in the back, three little puppies playing in the play pen, one of them jumped excited up the fence as soon as he spotted me "Seems like he is ready."
"Hey Arlo." I bent down, picking him up and he began licking my face immediately "Ready, little one?" I turned to Elijah and the film crew "Meet Arlo Doetterer-Leclerc, our newest family member."
"Oh my god, he's adorable." Sarah, the sound lady said and I stepped closer to her, so she could pet Arlo.
"You have everything you need?" Marianne asked me and I nodded.
"I bought everything from the list you gave me, I set up his crate and bed. Now it's only him who's missing." I said and she chuckled.
"I guess you are really ready to go then!" she said and I smiled.
"Let's say goodbye to your siblings and mum..." I sat him back down in the play pen, watching how he tolled around with his brother and sister. Marianne then brought out Arlo's mum and I picked him up and sat him down in front of her "Don't' worry, little one, we will come and visit your mum from time to time."
"You can always come by, maybe we can set up some playdates when his siblings are coming over." Marianne bent down, scratching Arlos's head.
"Definitely..." I agreed and Marianne picked him up and handing him over.
"We stay in touch then!" she smiled and I nodded.
"We will. Bye Marianne." I said and Eijah and the rest of the crew waved goodbye.
"Let's go, we have to hurry a little if we want to be at home before Lizzie gets back." I opened the passenger door and sat Arlo down, putting his harness on and then sat him into the transport box, clipping the harness into the security hook
"Alright. Tomorrow then?"
"Yes, just text us when you're ready and we're coming over." Elijah said and I nodded "See you tomorrow."
"See you guys tomorrow then." I got in the car and drove back to Monaco, Arlo next to me barking "We almost made it Arlo. Soon you'll see your new home, you'll gonna love it." I parked the car, glad to see that Lizzie's car wasn't here, and got Arlo out of the transport box when Lizzie called.
"Hey cara mia." I said, hoping Arlo would be quiet.
"Chicken and salmon for tomorrow and Friday?" she asked and I chuckled.
"Yep sounds good, for tonight I reserved a table at Antonios." I lied. I ordered food because I knew Lizzie wouldn’t want to leave once she saw Arlo.
"Sounds good. I'm almost home, you need anything else?"
"Nope just you.." I stepped out of the elevator, unlocking the door.
"Alright, half an hour and you have me." she laughed.
"Perfect. Love you. Bye." I hung up right in time for Arlo to let out a bark for ignoring him too long "Sorry buddy. Your mum is almost home come on now, I have to get you ready!"
I walked upstairs with him and sat him down, getting the bow I had prepared. I sat down and Arlo immediately jumped between my legs, happily barking and huffing. Tying the bow around him was harder than expected and I soon realised it might not go that easy.
"Oh come on, little one! Hold still! No! No! Stop! Arlo!" how could a small fur ball like him exhaust me after not even 30 minutes! I tried again tying the bow around him, but he just jumped out of my lap, following the reflection of my watch, barking his adorable little barks "Okay, come on now! Good boy! Good boy! Yes, come here." I cooed and he looked at me tilting his head a little, looking adorable "Please, you little nugget! Your mum will be here any minute! Pleeeeaseee!" He jumped back in my lap, starting to lick my face "No! Stop! Stay! Arlo, stay! Good boy! Now just let me… no stay! Arrrghh! Arlo!" I gave up. It wasn’t working. I plopped down and Arlo jumped on my chest "Yeah, we definitely need to go to the puppy school with you, you little rascal!" he laid down on my chest, looking at me with his big puppy eyes "You’re the cutest, little, good boy! Your mum is going to freak out! She’s crazy for dogs! You’ll be spoiled and cuddled and kissed and loved all the time!" he barked a little and then attacked my face with more licks and dog kisses. A notification on my phone let me know that Lizzie just entered our home and I scooped the little rascal up, going out on the terrace, waiting for Lizzie to come up.
"Shhh… just a few more minutes little one! Come on! Don’t bark!" I pleaded and Arlo stumbled over his own feet and let out a little bark "Shhh!"
"Charles? I'm home?" I heard Lizzie coming up the stairs "Are you even here?"
I opened the screen door fully and sat Arlo down.
"Go..." I whispered to him right when Lizzie rounded the corner and as if he understood his assignment he trotted towards her, tilting his head adorably, stopping in front of her.
"Cha-…" she began but then stopped abruptly, staring at Arlo "Wha-... who-... Charles? There is a puppy... a beautiful, gorgeous, cute and adorable puppy... in our flat..." she whispered, and I stepped behind Arlo.
"Lizzie, meet Arlo Doetterer-Leclerc, our new fur baby." I smiled and Lizzie had tears in her eyes, falling down on her knees and scooping up Arlo who happily jumped into her arms, licking her face "Happy second anniversary, cara mia."
"He's really ours? Our fur baby?" Lizzie looked at me and I nodded "Our baby boy?"
"Our baby boy." I chuckled and Lizzie got up, Arlo pressed to her chest, storming right into my arms "I mean initially your's as a gif-..." I began but she pressed her lips on mine, and I was melting into her touch.
"I love you, Charles. So much. This... he's the best gift I could ever receive. Our little fur baby." she whispered against my lips, sniffeling "He's so perfect!" she cooed, kissing Arlos head over and over again "My two perfect boys."
I chuckled and pulled her towards the sofa, sitting down with Lizzie snuggled into my side, Arlo in her arms, littering him with kisses. His big eyes on her. I was right, he immediately fell in love with her, like everyone who meets her does.
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Chapter 43 - Welcome to the family, Arlo Doetterer-Leclerc, when I started this story last July I wrote so many little blurbs and created Insta posts and was so excited for when I finally could use them! That Charles now has a puppy in real life is just another one of these funny coincidences 🙈 that THE Lewis Hamilton comments and says he’s happy for Roscoe to have a friend in the hospitality (I actually meant paddock but hey) is also and added bonus 🙈👀 and ALSO CONGRATS CHARLES ON P3 TODAY!
Please leave a comment/ like/ reblog/ message and tell me how you liked it! I'm dying to hear your thoughts!
If you want to be added to the taglist, drop a comment!
Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@silkenthusiasts @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @itsjustkhaos @glitterquadricorn @aundercover @kakorrhaphiphobia @alittlebitofbooksandmagic @ru-kru @shimmermotorsport @janeh22 @kahhorri @18754389 @chiliwhore @hellowgoodbye @queensassybitchsworld @harrysdimple05 @skynel09
All the images I’m using are from Google, Pinterest and Instagram (or self made).
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soranihimawari · 10 months
1/100th of a Second
Or how a poor college student became the sweetheart off a popular rookie athlete in his debut season…
Warnings: none? Just a meet cute at Noehbi…?
Pairings: Bokuto Kotarō x (fem!)reader
Ratings: reunitedbest friends!->lovers
Based on this image i had commissioned from @/rrabittt
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Love, as scientific experts say, can change the chemistry of your brain. Love, some romantics who write in the genre, say can happen as often as a clap of thunder in the storm. Love, as you know it, walked into the classroom of your fifth grade class and you feel your young heart fall instantly within 1/100th of a second when your eyes meet the most talkative boy in your class.
Sure, for the next four years, until you enter different high schools, you were inseparable. Taking naps, going to support each other’s sporting events, you name it, he was there for every win and you were there for his. It wasn’t until your middle school year was ending that you had to break the news to him up weren’t able to join him in at Fukurodani. He was devastated and he seemed to visibly deflate and poke around his bento.
“But it’s not like I’m going to be too far away, Bo,” you remind him. “You can always watch my games when I start the season in Hyogo. My mom went to Inarizaki too before moving here to Tokyo for university and she met my dad instantly and kicked off their love story…”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same! You’re gonna be 12+ hours away by bus even more so my walking…”
“The scouts saw me out perform everyone on the team this year even if we didn’t make it to the girls’ junior nationals…’m really sorry bokkun.”
That summer, before you packed up and left, you don’t let the fight you two had nearly three hours before you leave with your parents who would drop you off in another city, stop you from marching to his house in the pouring rain. You pounded on his door and when his older sister answered the door, she leans over her shoulder and you don’t wait for her to return with a towel. For once, you put your heart on the line and in true story book fashion, you bully your way into your best friend’s room:
“Bokuto Kotaru!”
He’s never heard you yet at him, but you at 14 years old knew how to get his attention without the yelling. He hit his growth spurt this year and is now at a comfortable height difference for you to reach up, cup his face and humble him with his first kiss being stolen by you.
“You’re insane,” he mumbles.
“Absolutely stark raving mad,” you jest back before hugging him. “Thought you should know I’ve been wanting to do that since we were ten.”
And so, you leave when he wishes you luck in Hyogo.
Almost a full three years later, you’re back in the city that bared and raised you. Tokyo was ever growing, ever expanding. It would be the same across the country in Hyogo. Sure you were a bit timid even in the past, however ever since your parents decided to split, you find yourself back in your hometown.
It's a weird feeling hearing your old friend in your new high school's gymnasium. Apparently, though you were studying at Nohebi (because they were still accepting transfer students right before the year had started), you happened to join a classmate to oversee her boyfriend's volleyball club training. That's when you see a few of the guys clad in ivory. The third team that were invited were a den of cats, and you seem to pick up this was a pre-pre season face off. Noehbi's vice captain nudges one of the others whom your girl friend from class waves toward and you are introduced to Daisho Suguru. His rival, the tall guy in red, still insults him, but you sort of laugh at their banter. However, your attention goes to the third young man clad in the ivory and gray practice uniform. Sure, you haven't seen each other in three years, but you can tell he sort of filled out: chest and torso was worked out on a weekly focus rotation; his legs were covered with compression leggings which only accentuated his...other assets; and oh my god, you realize he's walking toward you.
"Excuse me," you smile at Daisho and his-your-girl friend, and you respond when you know Bokuto's voice has changed to a little raspier one than before. "Bo?"
You both chuckle and you let Daisho make the call to have the first practice match be between Nekoma (red team you found out later) and Nohebi, begins. WInner of that match will square off with one of the five top aces in the year.
Hours later, you're seen walking in the opposite direction of your own home, reconnecting with the boy you stole your first kiss from at 14. You fill him in on your life, even your parents divorce, "so the judge agreed I was old enough to choose who and where I wanted to live, so I came back home...with my dad."
"Cool, but y'know, 'm sorry they split," Bokuto says, holding your hand and giving it a squeeze.
"Me too, but I'm glad they're living their own truths now," you reply, shyly combing a piece of your hair behind your ear. “I’ll be here through the end of our third year. So, I’ll be seeing you more I guess.”
He hums, nodding along. 
“Once an old friend, always an old friend,” Bokuto beams. 
You don’t bring up the time you literally gave him his first kiss, that memory could burn for all you care. Awkward and all, however that was three years ago and as his house comes to view, he asks you something a bit…sweet?
“Want to come in?” 
You, who think nothing of it, agree, stepping across the threshold of the front door you’ve came through so many times. His house is lively with with sisters and even the eldest one now is finally expanding the family. Her sweet smile invites conversation, but thankfully after you had said your greetings, she understands her kid brother more than anyone else. The middle sisters are gushing over the latest sonograms of their eldest sibling while Bokuto chimes in with being named a godparent almost immediately.
“Well, if I make Koutaro a god parent, then,” his expecting sister glances at you. “I’d have to make you one too I guess.”
Your cheeks are burnt sunset orange when Bokuto pulls you away from the kitchen saying something about homework.
“They are as lively as ever…So, your one-san is expecting? That’s something I wasn’t expecting when you told me she was gonna come home for a few months and travel back I think before she gets too far along…You an uncle? That’s also great too,” you ramble a bit. You take an opportunity to see the achievements he made with being the ace for the volleyball clubs since your move, spotting the article framed of him and his near perfect posture for a pipeline spike. 
“Bokuto,” your voice is gentle. “Why did you invite me inside?”
He places his things down at the corner of his bed before sitting on the edge of it.
“Because I missed you way more than I imagined.”
Considering you’re standing by his desk right now, you arch an eyebrow, but you shrug your shoulders. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t write or call,” you confess. “I didn’t have enough time to ask for a computer at the time. I mean, I had tablets, sure, but we didn’t make it a point to trade social media.”
“Come here,” he holds your hand. You listen to him and walk toward him until you’re close enough he hugs you; a hand of yours rustles his hair. You chuckle slightly amused when he nuzzles his cheek against your torso. 
“Affectionate as always,” he hears you say. His eyes light up and he chooses to ask you something a bit bolder. 
“Mind if I do something?”
You shake your head before asking if he’s attempting to flirt with you (again).
“So what if I am,” Bokuto loves it when you tease him a bit. His lips find yours after he guides you to sit on his lap for a bit. There’s a smile you feel post him pecking your lips as he finally decides to take a chance for you both. For the boy who cares and emotes too much to find the person who inspired him to return after some time, having you return his affections meant the world to him.
So when future you had honed your skills in obtaining your degree in public relations, you stand in the press room with the rest of the rookie volleyball players from the Monster Generation, a sparkly stone shines on your finger when just a regular ace answers a question from the press.
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capseycartwright · 1 year
ireland got knocked out of the rugby world cup, i am apoplectic with grief, i have channelled those big sads into a buddie rugby ficlet. yes buck plays for ireland and yes eddie is a irish coach no you don't need to know how they got there.
for my rugby girlies. i hate this sport and also i love it with every part of me. i also think this counts for seven sentence sunday so thank u for tagging me @fangkinkdiaz
The final whistle goes, and Buck knows it's over. He doesn’t need to look up at the scoreboard to know that they didn’t make it - the World Cup dream is over. 
Tears are dripping from the curve of his chin before he even realises he’s crying - but Buck isn’t surprised, really. He’s not sure he’s ever felt devastation quite like it - four points standing between them, and a World Cup semi final for the first time in history. 
Four points. 
This one was going to hurt for a long time yet, Buck knew.
Accepting the hand offered by a teammate, Buck allowed himself to be pulled up off the field where he’d been sitting, hot, frustrated tears streaming down his cheeks, only adding to the mess of blood, and dirt on his jersey. 
“I thought we had it,” Jack mumbled as he dragged Buck to his feet, his hand shaking in Buck’s grip. It was his first world cup, Jack one of the youngest of their squad. It was Buck’s second, but his first with a team he really thought could make it all the way: and the devastation was worse, when you went into a competition believing the win was yours. At least last time, he had been playing for fun.
Buck could only grimace in response. 
He thought they had it too. 
Four fucking points.
It’s a blur, as he walks around the field, shaking hands with players in black celebrating, exchanging tight hugs with his own teammates, his own devastation reflected in their expressions as they take a lap of the field, thousands of sad faces in bright green jerseys looking on as they clapped a congratulations Buck wasn’t sure they had quite earned this time. 
Buck watched, standing alone on the field as his teammates went to find their friends and family. He’d always been jealous of that. Maddie tried to come, when she could, but Buck played for a team thousands of miles away from her California home, and she had a kid now - it wasn’t as easy as it used to be for her to be in the stands. 
He was more jealous of the players who were seeking out their wives, and girlfriends, sympathetic faces pulling them in for hugs, and kisses, the kind of reassurance Buck himself was craving as the adrenaline started to leave his body, and the reality started to hit: the World Cup was over. Rugby was a funny career. Buck liked to think he’d still be fit, and playing, by the time the next World Cup came around, but he knew one bad hit was all it took to end a career.
It was what happened to Eddie, after all.
Buck had watched Eddie play on TV more times than he could count, had stared, astounded, as Eddie had played some of the best rugby Buck had ever seen. And then one day, it was over. 
It had been a warm-up test - not even a championship game. Buck had been watching it back home in California, and it was 3am, and his eyes had ached from the brightness of the TV as he’d watched Eddie line out, 10 emblazoned on his back and a familiar confident grin on his face. He had been the best in the world, and then one bad hit had broken his shoulder so badly, he’d never regained full fitness again.
Eddie had joined the coaching squad, after his career had been cut short, and Buck had sought out the familiarity of another American voice in the Irish camp the first day he had arrived, three long years finally making it so he qualified to play for the country he had adopted as his home after Munster had offered him a contract to play club rugby. It had been a rogue decision, from their coach - America wasn’t lauded for creating the most memorable rugby players - but they’d seen something in Buck. 
He was grateful for that. 
Something in Buck broke as he watched another teammate embrace his girlfriend, and he started to walk, his feet carrying him where his heart so desperately wanted to be.
Eddie was standing near the edge of the field, teeth worrying the corner of his lip as he watched the devastation unfold around him. One thing that people didn’t know about coaches, Buck felt at least, was that they felt the hurt as much as the players did: coaches just had the harder job of putting on a brave face sooner and making sure the squad got back on their feet. 
His lanyard was tucked under his arm, in that ridiculous way Eddie always wore his accreditation, and his hair was a mess: Buck knew if he watched back the match, every time the camera panned to the coaches, he’d see Eddie running his hands through his hair. 
“You fought like hell,” Eddie offered, and Buck knew he wasn’t wrong, but that wasn’t the comfort he wanted, there and then. 
The thing was - somewhere along the way, Eddie had stopped being that familiar American face, and he’d started to be Buck’s best friend, and then he’d become the love of Buck’s life - in that order, with a few stops in between. They’d talked about it - all the ways going public would affect Buck’s career, how it might make him a target, if he was ready for the snide remarks that would come with being an out rugby player in the peak of his career - and they’d agreed to keep it a secret until Buck retired. 
But they’d just gotten knocked out of the World Cup, and Buck wanted to kiss his goddamn boyfriend.
“There’s no going back, if you do,” Eddie whispered, and that was when Buck realised he’d said it out loud. Eddie had come out after his career had been cut short, never one to dream of being an advocate but suited to the role, all the same, rainbow laces in trainers and a pride flag pinned to his jacket a constant reminder to the world that he was here, and he was queer. 
“I don’t want to go back,” Buck shook his head. They had lost the World Cup - he would be a different rugby player for it, now. He was ready to be a different man, too. 
“Are you sure?” Eddie inclined his head slightly. “Buck, you’re not thinking straight right now - you’ve just played a crazy eighty minutes, and -” 
Buck kissed him. He was gross, and sweaty, and disgusting, and there was blood pouring down his face, escaping the plaster the medical team has hastily put on his head 47 minutes in, but Eddie kissed him back with a familiarity and certainty that Buck would never get used to as long as he lived. Eddie was home. This team was home, and Eddie was home - and he’d figure out the rest. 
The noise of the stadium hadn’t lessened - it hadn’t gone silent, in shock. No, the noise was still roaring, and the world had kept turning, and Buck was pretty sure that was an ITV camera that was recording the way Eddie kept a tight hold of the hem of Buck’s jersey and -
“You’ll take the heat off us losing, with that one,” Patrick grinned, and Buck let out a breath he didn’t realise he was holding as his teammate teased him. 
“I was just doing it for the team,” Buck retorted, and despite everything, despite the hurt and the loss and the way it would take weeks to find his love of rugby again after coming so close - but not quite close enough - he looked at Eddie and couldn’t help but smile, his boyfriend returning the grin.
Everything was going to be okay, actually.
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