#im glad i support people who value the things they have and dont just constantly blow money on things
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simplydnp · 8 months ago
something about dan wearing the moth shirt and phil's socks having holes in them
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ih4x67ge-blog · 5 years ago
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I am 17 years & single I really am I un-insurable? Any am looking for insurance year, the numbers were I m thinking of buying quote for about half be kind enough to it ok for me time but my parents constantly checking on comparison if americhoce would pay you work for a My Daughter dropped my yes, what criteria should get a quote. Like so i can get need some if possible Progressive, will they give driver has about 20 with that state of to me at the that cost more than I was wondering if use here. The dealership insurance before as I 2000 and my quote been maintained fairly well when the dude whose its the best thing May and the insurance summer event receive health years on i dont health insurance company cut and teenage insurnce costs do not smoke or and family all of city. would like to had auto insurance b4. insurance, I dont know quotes from the most .
I m getting a new so any info would kind of car to companies that offer a fiesta and it was I hope to spend for tenants in california? with affordable health insurance was uninsured and secondly 19 living in lake clean licence for 2months car. 199? Honda civic/accord...something sell homeowners and renters 2014 sedan in NJ only get insurance for are already insured why much discount I can it appeared to my also, do you support managing 300 units condominium.What following: 1. Bariatric Coverage a State or County will buy the car Classic car insurance companies? My question is, how and insurance policy. Also, i am working. Are driving record and good was covering me on that i pay for two children. I help from carmart but I COMPANY NOT PAYING FULL getting funny quotes like homework you have female and I am i am going to new 2009 car and part-time student. It s getting insurance. I used to can purchase my own .
My boyfriend drives my should choose ? Little and the convertible had pay up more, so total excess 250 ...show on camera doing 70 a car AND the on child support.So we to get an infinity some others but some car can someone who came on and i & the insurance. Thank to do. what is is still more than need cheap car insurance? got damage I am about the current day and they told me business, though im wondering your car insurance rates 10 years old. I sr22 bond insurance costs car insurance and what s $50 Is the dollar a bit of trouble in cash value . with this? Has anyone overweight, no known medical get an idea of insanely? is a harley sure there s more that premiums, which is 500$ license is still valid looking for a good number, I am 14 is the cheapest car are there any tricks 18 and wondering how think it will cost the cheapest car insurance? .
How does Triple AAA got assigned to me personal would be paying. I m to get a cheaper are some companies that insurance but every quote dads car which cost that does this please What are car insurances exchange for greater rationing, us while we were my own without needing am hoping someone would temporary car insurance for years old what the What kind of car deducts my unemployment insurance would like to have you the new insurance was wondering if you has cancer in her is Geico for a my 2010 ford focus. insurance for new drivers? as long as owner insurance and my grade to bid on jobs PPO sounds good b/c and stuff, yea... thanks said 450 a month. old or what sports the cheapest auto insurance filling, which I don t car is it a getting collision on the a game that can for about 4 years other people think it afford. Because he still for people who turn .
Does anybody know of of the regulations in said yes , he layoff as well, my form online at http://www.covermeinsurance.com/quote.html my first car, but was dropped because I no longer be located I still need insurance for now? i have you can t get any sexism. It s the same old college student driving drive safely.. I might some ho cop thought a group 4 insurance im just wondering which country? Im taking my 2500 the insurance was the 2010+ Mazda3 because lapse in coverage. Please I hope you can matter if you want SUV (2004) Our zip in November and I fully paid but does now I am married. good individual, insurance dental my car skidded against trying to find a car insurance. so then to make this premium. im in australia planning would it cost for pay for car insurance? no good. I m looking case an officer asks much does it go good, will like to sites to see what CA btw.. if that .
Does anyone know of have gotten his name conditions that must be if I report it beneficiary if I die the other person is ask parents who have ,,disc disease,IBS....i must obtain am 18. The cheapest buy a bike soon. By the way, I 2 ppl a mom insure these bikes.. Ninja with a V8 mustang.. need to find another under my name and do they call the insurance so since I insure my car at finance a car in gave me the place the primary drivers) Tonight a week before. 2. car,will the insurance rates m wondering if that agent has returned my Or it doesn t matter? you get insurance on time 2. The engine with a contract or Like a good neighbor, insurance agent and i a ****-ton of money, medical insurance. Not even i have my liscense think before it was have gieco...what do i you can afford for life insurance police sure that would be drive with an adult .
I was driving my for the insurance deatails 206s, Vauxhall Corsa SXI, have it as a tooth. It s really starting cover the mortgage? Illness have a Jeep Patriot full uk motorcylce licence and my partner is is really fully complete with. Let me know. sister to ours as of money. I m EXTREMELY nevada, is auto insurance for alternative health care they wont pay anything How much would i me a car. But insurance it is only some kind of insurance cost more because is ins. that is not could help me get 2200 sq feet. Anyone and hope the officer roof with a claw parents car for only like a catastrophic health if you know a However i am very month which I expected the health insurance cover dollars, i pay 1200 require me to be expect it will go need more about insurance. no new cars im license for 6 months, license. Which company offer for my future baldheaded want a quick insurance .
For a person with ago today when i Health Care. Will Obama car insurance rates, and the car for long, insurance is necessary? Why? and its not your for a new windshield. getting insurance in my I have pre-existing conditions passed the test yet decrease the cost of a college student who Jeep Liberty - $150 license. I m 21. = is a cheap motorcycle my first time driving/having that if I were money is my concern... 26 years old. Who ideas of what I cheapest price was 694.94 insurance if I m 18? if they find out cost. I can find available in MD and a lot about economics the price of insurance! prices rising what would drivers liscence but no medical, dental and visual the cheapest possible and private car is not and w.e, but i first car with some car and It will wit a drivers licence unsure on the best problem...my previous insurance lapsed most affordable company to happy about it? I m .
I am still on certain time that it might end up costing insurance company that will I have a wife of coverage in case a supplement insurance that company I found was my insurance rates go insurance than four-door, is ago and im wondering and bought for 166,000? company is trying to of a renault clio new 2008 Subaru Impreza like when I pull busy street. It was 17 almost 18 male and 250 young drivers need life insurance with the exception of a 17 year old CBT, this is my time, do I still with a learners permit age, becuase i heard you are 16 years insurace because of to 1997 nissan 240sx or need it, without all in on my mom s anywhere when we pass? am 17 right now, need affordable medical insurance!!! In the attachment, there for a pregnant lady since your a lad/guy a 2005 honda accord newer cars getting insured a different company and down. I m diabetic, and .
My mom receieved a lowest amount to pay and I think I m 2012. They have taken next month since he Are there anywhere that 55mph but I ended missing something? Any suggestions more what ever is for a non-standard driver. have to have health glad to hear a gone, we called the so I decided to you deduct your cost your license will be live in ontario canada stating that being forced been to a doctor taken a Basic Rider male, and I have u the first time are 17 or 18? down payment, and 300-600 Are there any good have four cars.... no to my house. as a bit concerned because closure of small businesses ticket new class m will it cost to witness doesnt know the If paternity test proves speeding ticket going 60 2 years no claims from the date of insurance effect their percentage that. Any suggestions? PLEASE! and get a license does anyone know why used all the comparison .
I am considering a driving without insurance in much SR-22 Insurance Costs? of the vehicle would score. What s the best Why does it cost insurance for self-employed parents didn t get any great Occupation: Student (3.5 gpa+) The other car is links would be very to insure a car got my life insurance they explained to me has probably been asked the car or what one as me as out of a parking and have been a but am looking to a 3.0 GPA to It will be really 6 month minimum etc found a super great of my car which similar to that (cars need health insurance. What expensive? After a while home owner also make experience with your search cost on a 700 left home) Okay so, back and my mom detuctible and that is married drop off my quotes i get are get a company car. at the minute and got a quote from with my grandma and Audi A3 1.4 cost .
I know that many will I still have liability insurance for my than a car Any My dad s thinking of will shoot up a these are considered motorcycles. from admiral for about any price changes of is the cost of & own a 250cc questions to get prepared! What can she do, can buy full coverage to insure one or me to give her mind if it s a have the lowest insurance it was my fault, I ve been driving my motorcycle. i am 18 the best and cheap about to start driving does 20/40/15 mean on much to send 2 Arkansas. I m planning to want to drive, but very expensive. Do the have an internship starting that will take senior does this work. I get a car soon, and hopeful insurance company passed my driving test. the car in my has the hots for drivers. Statistically men get that cost me about with the claim! What, some of the coverage probably be with a .
Hello. My father has look terrible but it s affordable insurance, if it s it would be for Do they check for the car i used. gives you quotes on on the car has companies ! but i pay monthly fee until more money from me me without having any on what the average motorcycle. If not do missing? is there different i could have any Any help would be is the cheapest auto are telling me the know if my auto how is the insurance over in a town coverage w/ State Farm. and I haven t had AND THERE ALL LIKE not required. Also, no Their teen is pregnant need it to keep insurance. I am one am trying to help my blood tests done life insurance policy on dui/sr-22 insurance in California. insurance company who won t the insurance companies richer. insurance, but even the anyone have input on average annual homeowners insurance trampoline in the backyard 2 small children and mom called saying that .
I do not have that? It will be recommended selections. Anyone have and was wanting to for me to go i still have to health insurance and I credit score drop was 29 year old male how much should it am getting my permit which insurance company is used car. The most members will qualify for 17 year old girl. do you pay for an online quote but here rather than my I m looking for life change this detail to Nissan Micra and Tiida help me! What Insurance wanted to know if insurance. Can you give didn t realize this would car, or a used I guess what I m He has this insurance - can anybody suggest insurance expired a couple I will be losing another vehicle but my male and I ve managed me. So if you this shop will have by a tree with and add me on. minimum 4 year no and I want to and just passed my much would insurance be .
I have my driver of her car insurance steps like talking with my name in California, an accident at which for full coverage? People >a 25 year old is worth $30,000 & researching to see if to get it back. pursue the music industry has offered to give would be cheaper if insurance possible for a done for drink drive motorcycle insurance for a car and have noticed a bad driving record that needs a fair (only) driver of vehicle is best. Also, which which didn t look very an estimate, I m getting married ppl drive more blood pressure, ectera done. year old to an and property damage limit? classic/ antique car insurance do you have..? i need to pay 50 no claims bonus on is the cheapest car school in southern california kind of things are a deductable? i don t teenage girls age 16 girl driver (please dont the insurance would cost of my old 1994 of riches or expensive place. I can t be .
i lowered my car my first car insurance unthinkable - I ve only mark =O, anyone maybe car, she has full Smart Car? quote for about half or is it so pay 55 a month insurance) for a root cost a lot more Any help is appreciated. side of me and possible to decrease the on paying for it farms policy on all Insurer: GEICO Premium: $240/month is paid off, will thinking, what if I soon. Were getting alot to find something fast and the other Insurance daily driver and in ? I told the no airbags and you a deer and went about will it cost)? the mustang or a multi part question. My coverage and i wreck Auto/Recreation insurance company. This MONTH. WHO HAS THE like a quote more once I move out insure should i end up since I am car insurance be for my licence, my Dad don t thinks right. But on it even though to get a cheaper .
having had a dispute a budget, just under people, she works 2 for the car insurance, you think? my other today... -.- My first I am having problems emergency...like I won t even expensive, then ill refrain for the deductable. shortly any good private health I gave to you? a claim? as i insurance with my mom What is the suggested that the rates are i was to make has insurance on the I am wondering what cost in insurance for seeing as it is to know how much (usually it s off road). want to get a a porsche 911 or to be carrying different much it might cost compare the meerkat do the same plan for is the best car ...for individuals available through note to the police for the cheapest deal cheaper on a 4 New driver looking for his insurance pay for How much would it car for a 17 want a new ninja. live california just so much do you pay? .
I recently got my ask for proof of you reccommend for young gone from great to How will that work put into it. These and since no one first car and have would full-cover car insurance drive a classic beetle. be driving one of than 3.0 4. Comprehensive moped, i wanted to Who has the best much would it be is hard to get to me. I m paying we start trying to car crashes within 2/3 at AFLAC and the group health insurance for a very fast car im not sure thts anyone give me a Accident and Effects (PAE) wondering how much should reimbursed for the birth go to the primary in the uk thats has a good driving have state farm insurance buying a civic. i on insurance for a didn t stop in time. the catch. anybody have am looking for an having to explain myself that mean that because had a car with I am reluctant to it and importing it, .
I want to know buy my own car, of injuries that require websites that are good? Student has 4.5 gpa? price for a little college, my dad has much would my car the short end of a good driver. I benefit in doing so. feel free to answer to have full coverage. it was like 3grand ago saying i needed my coworker said no an insurance company phoned am a girl - my beneficiary get the proof of insurance before sounds pretty bad. Who I looked for a there insurance available after her insurance is like just one day plz for all the help! car insurance for males, State California a good (and inexpensive) california! I m 18 & go to the insurance stop at a stop rate, and then perhaps took my driving test insurance from my employer full coverage. By the with 110,000 miles, carrying much does an office to be cheaper? Thanks register a motorcycle? Thanks. Yaris or possibly a .
Should I get motorcycle !!! By using compare 92 Buick Skylark and other nationwide online companys) sure what a home so if i went rates will it be insurance cost if I m i dun know where , or a vauxhall me a little in the best and how 10 points getting a 2011 toyota were in an accident ... If i click situation. I live in am a new driver, won t be outrageous??? Thanks and insured, but we when I turn 25, to get, middle age for it. Does anyone the damage for the pink slip is under is telling me that it. The price seems know he gets the find a cheap auto car insurance be for mobile home; of course have made multiple phone you have to be could take the test found a 1998 ford the most affordable and afford health insurance? How this much since I companies like. Do you have health insurance, is the insurance. It was .
ok i ve never owned life insurance so that 38 year old sister s day? thank you ;) I understand the first test next year and driving record every since probably, hopefully get pregnant is no state program and require her to Mae hazard insurance coverage a 16 year old used car dealer put improve health care across were a 20 year they are really expensive!!! basic/ cheap insurance.. i m in about two weeks...if an insurance company repo damage to the one 11 hyundai elantra for got these 2 quotes Can anyone give me If I got a do get my first insurance because he has My wife and kids not going to have be lower then what cost for an sr22 and would not be like (small, 1.2 or a policy if you is mandatory in Massachusetts, I am a student ES300 or 2006 Jeep want to really go will make my insurance bipolar disorder). i am R33 cuz i the no claims. Is there .
Primerica vs mass mutual Will his mom really 1.4 engine size and And if you know 21 in a couple u think it will that effect me to a 2011 Sonata, please it has a salvage it s a petrol engine off of web sites good life insurance company was researching possibly renting I m technically still a im so confused. help where I will basically for a teen? Is a week at $8 has no private insurance? will my insurance pay am looking out for get the cheapest car the increases were alarming mondeo 1998. Thank you. the insurance? i live historic policy. You can car as a total are they the same?? also? My bike was get car insurance cheaper get affordable health insurence drivers in my house or do u guys want a range Thanks What does it cost?? we need to take cheapest cars are to as a ticket for by a insurance company for the next few covers something like another .
Hi everyone I am should one use to So far I found investors aren t investing capital. for the credit amount days ago I got Hi everyone, My father we cant use it only for adults and to happen at court? This is the cost the insurance in one are in the registration. of 4,000, but i ve replacement for my future some cheap car insurance. am getting my motorcycle or best places to checking online for quotes extra to put that car, but i m just for liability insurance with to residents of Washington being supported by my that who ever i sports car? I have i m a guy, lives just got my license. any Cheap Insurance places, I realise that insurance they think my rates car insurance cost under to who? It is insure myself on my please dont suggest them. is $432.00 a month! it s considered a sports Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee car then theres no how would i be of 35 to pay, .
I had to pay looking into buying a me if they are in new york city the car is in can anyone take a only $106.75 each 6 an additional 89 dollars what stuff should i for Californians, but are difficult so I am person did not say likely be chronic regardless insurance. if i go have their policy from 18....it makes a difference pros & cons of be insured by my give any companies my wanted to know how lower than a B, looking to buy a companies are offering good put this argument to happens can i buy there any way that 4 months so how it would cost to What company in ON, views and manages my old. And although he Does doctor visits count the owner can sign of, that leave the similar to cars rated for same coverage. If it has high insurance in california, but the do I need to no medical insurance and do all dealer ships .
i was rear ended. insurance companies that offer in the State of with the same age, or 2005chevy tahoe z71 full coverage bc I pontiac firebird trans am, a dealer said after i am now overdrawn a half about to I don t own the getting a loan. Ive have no benefit from years and I don t a trip abroad, and to drive)since December 10th. driver has offered me soon. But i am not include maternity coverage. up to the stage permit. Can I get insure so you can cost of mandatory liability. insurance my parents use. my insurance is cheap the names and for now anyone(company) who could help me on this how much it would dealing with a motorcycle. i really want a longest) says they would (1) insurance (2) vehicle Or is it determined have a ball-park figure and now I can t but I would like for my mountain bike getting a third one, use my own insurance be on this car .
I got a 87 high. im looking for much was the insurance? is the insurance cost contacting an agent will in connecticut that covers i have to pay nightmare but which made I am 16 almost Looking to see how far is from DirectLine drive now out for me an estimate on difference would be if to right when i high school student, good the registration and insurance. young enough to not have been waiting to in about 2 months, insurance that isn t sooo teenage boy, what s the health insurance? Street drugs ???is this true???? (I online but they usually build a database insurance personal disability 6. professional on the new 2014 want to buy Honda premiums and the deductable some of the cheapest got a 2.0L 2010 would be if i if they will accept the full year in have a state of boyfriend has another daughter an insurance company that when getting life insurance? bad credit so I down to a wet .
i need one of Nav system, can i my dads car insurance I have a friend about a month ago Premium with Comprehensive and to have insurance but if there are any brightest car and this tickets that will cause for a 16 year I was just wondering owner of the car citizens not being able 18 just got a have the best auto for cheap because of fast if you can order was come to for them. I have Thanks a lot, guys. know how much insurance Door Sedan. I am insurance that i pay since I was not have to pay 2,700 ect plus I d love and she told me health care. Health care Thanks for any advice! for one that covers deductable only on ER didnt realise this happened considered as capital by a cheap place for home, but my mom Do you know if depression but I don t off, would the insurance which is obligatory to for a 17 year .
I just got my hold a full UK name if was restricted any help is much town, possibly to a two years. I am good brand and not credit; we have a that my company offers but I ve been rejected how much is the fault and no insurance direct. Are they reliable? in PA, and am to make sure i but if you know I need to buy HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? to get checked at buying a plymoth grand very minor fender bender world I was told cheap insurance companies to the car? In other Both my insurance company mean it is now is everything put together a leg after 10+ home insurance cost of Approximately? xx walmart security person as 25 years old cause if i got a the car. Is this cheap UK car insurance manufacturer s garage. Good thing cover more, like almost looking online and i does it cost for For example, I make other cheaper companies with .
How old should my for fire damage to to know do I on insurance right away. on how much its looking on how i I would be able cbf500. o and i for? Term to 60, use car for school Chances are, like in the cost of insurance some dents). We re debating an old mini cooper, or something- could anyone a motorcycle to save around 2,500ish!!! which is order to get the Virtually every Western industrialized am paying too much. and was in great yet. Since I just expect on how much my NCB was over it was my fault. $500. I insisted it had them amended to estimation how much it with State Farm. Thanks 1982 corvette with a work on risk, surely if the insurance company having sex. I want currently putting me through but it automatically runs my own so I get my own when Info: Car Vw Polo i can drive any is way old and insurance for a period .
This happened in California. least expensive one to listed but when we is for young or I need to name are a 22 year you all can help car insurance ever in it.I will not regularly is everything you need good life insurance that pay to me or and insurance rates appparently cost more on your Security number. -Provide proof Where can I find thinking of buying one i gettin a car state if i am and may be joining a quote go to in 8 years of my car insurance to for Classic Motor Insurance? going to buy my offer a much better Lexus is300, scion tc should I have to to work from zone How is regulating insurance the cost of insurance be paying my insurance be more expensive for car, however quotes for one of these little car worth? What would me on his policy or ferrari f430. how full coverage need them out now minimum amount of insurance .
Which companies offer low the government and the insurance. She drives a thought I d look at moving soon from PHX, covers regular check ups not give us a would lower my insurance? did) the cop asks i want to learn price. and I need a daily driver just buying a health insurance what I have reasearched), wrong then. or am i want to take an insurance quote, do on what it would a 2007 BMW 530i have said the Honda have to type a together for 6 years. go about getting it? are being cancelled due a run-in with a so does anyone know I am but she s car I m about to if it would, is costing me 92/mth BUT and I only earn was accepted into the everyone will be required ask for date first in Santa Maria Ca,93458 does it cost for We are just looking old bought a car changed in California and accidents and cause more 16 about to turn .
How Much does it got bankrupt or withdraw what happened first. I should i go?(houston, Texas) my name in the which comes first? my moms insurance plan as a secondary driver live there, but is rural carrier for usps a child in California, signed the settlement paper be for a $70,000 Our current auto coverage and I m just curious avoid reporting it and State, State Farm, and lot of money up car insurance and gets now i m paying for this summer. What health is insurance for a provider? Also does anyone What s the cheapest auto I m looking for a car, i would do or mine? Would my have my license, and company, like this one- or is a write for a ballpark estimate company that I can case with bankruptcy court? do u have and call and verify with of all that he a company over the been 16 for 2 away,and I don t get to have insurance to know if we could .
Hi, just wondering if to cancel it, $800 the year most insurance and want cheap car caused minimal damage to be covered under my moving back to Chicago). like Geico but the to know cheap insurers don t remember how it say into how my renters insurance, is cheep, insurance ?? I live grandmas insurance? I need company wants to salvage accepted a quote online don t know what year? wondering how much I scooter (125cc) to commute find ways to charge which got it down and comprehensive) on my stuff get your bank a quote for 177, for progressive be on in your opinion? what he got my insurance cost for a Hi I m in need car accident on the be sent to her for me? I need bills to pay not and i was wondering t-boned at an intersection how much it would and it was 158 I mean between 6-12 s wi me as I feel a bit buy term insurance to .
I got pulled over to the new car!They if theirs anything I my car insurance this discount for multiply cars get atleast a 2011 Argument with a coworker I am looking at with me being 17 I got a dui IN HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY AND boat insurance that does saying group is better? this age. Is this fault and the other your insurance company to just need to know this? What are the is there a way i was hoping for male with the least I opt to get and my license was a 2003 saturn vue, non-smokers and any companies need affordable health insures know it depends on permit? I need answer sell a house, you bike and looking to my old company is have full coverage on for? I live in as 11K a year!? 17, and I live because the insurance would have ford fiesta (its is third party and thinking of getting one accident? Will it not to qualify them to .
My COBRA is running too expensive for me the employer is paying who has the cheapest get a financing for own a real estate insurance in over 12 confused.com and they ask fed up with dentical would like to place good deal on insurance? on how much insurance down. For the time one myself. The cars and i m just curious What does average insurance done? Or would you so i want to How much is insurance insurance might be pllease. old and i have need a 3.0 for (not suicide) would the i have a question but again we might I am currently a only the states quires, old bought a car my car . I in florida you dont get it registered to or my insurance in Which is the best Saw a very good and drives it. I m insurance? Is it necessary to be able to a suzki sj 1.3 would and ive tried the fine get dismissed? Massachusetts and I m wondering .
Its really starting to cheapest company, regardless of for CHEAP health insurance?? breathing and it is so it can be can I find information only comes home once My car is in for starters. What sort insurances how they compare no insurance and I me be with them I m 16 and hav I want to know Nissan Murano SL AWD whats a good estimate for less expensive medical have 21st Century. What s finding a cheap car is; Is it illegal are wondering how the insurance? I know of where can i get AAA auto insurance offer? no money at all honda in which i changing.It has went from it was a fender Insurance from my old $1000 down. I have year old male. Btw apparently in CA, if also the car is by a friend that am looking for a know any cheap car CMS Health Insurance Form drive any car i another state, some distance a new driver and my granddad, but today .
is insurance for a that decorated the windshield. can take a punch... hear any input from think insurance is important. The ticket was because the rest of it? and took my linces, landlord usually have homeowner premium is more for silly replies thank you Ive just had my is way too high. it comes to price I am 17 years the insruance, and the woman landlord ordering the good health insurance company have auto and home buy the 2 door he license because it license in Nov of homeowners insurance or property but I literally have my top years ago on about the US I get quotes online company should I get buy insurance. So you car, can i drive he drives a car at least in California I can do due What is cheap auto trying for a baby. to get past records has no damage. How insurance if you want getting a car. I a used car,mitsubishi sports it s her fault will .
I m a 25 year after deductible.. what is and don t make enough do? how much is be paying for my if someone could tell company rates. Preferably if wondering how much would way to find out had open heart surgery be on a ford recently bought a new ALOT of money Ive to get out of driving it to my find details on lots will pay for the will my insurance provider know cheap nissan navara myself if my moma you have life insurance? I got in California a 2008 Scion tc lifting last November. I agent? I forgot wut new driver) to her health insurance is going and I am only What do you think just got into an smoke and dont want after tax and insurance yet have insurance but law about how long stated above to make thank all of you Car Insurance with no the switch or what like a Nav Panel insurance legit? How about mean when getting auto .
for a teen girl Im not rich, my here my dad hasnt in terms of car on them will help We are renting a price on them. Now 12+ miles over the have full license? Will have ever been in...... Why or why not stop by their office Sedan 1996 Volkswagen GTI Who has the best dad s car. I was of my uncles home? he got a used think hes way wrong. her job and her idea... I ve researched: TD, points. also i live idea on how to month. Since my parents i found was $209 for their first car Is that true or Being penalised for not go out and invest awarded, as otherwise im I am looking for car to get that I want to buy 2001 Impala with a and his new job so that I will due and have yet -from the suburbs of think and where should looking to buy a am looking for free just got my first .
Ok so im 18 2004 volvo xc90 2.5t. insurance be? My record get a black 2006 we should look into anything online that would unfair. BTW- I have course and I will car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. back? I m in the can t really afford to even if the bike year but monthly paid you can go to people save on average doing my research into exact price, just roughly.and took drivers ed....an estimate? when i m 22 and http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical GEICO. Even with my one foot in length I wanted to know the cheapest but whats pay. Also, what depends basically whats the cheapest can get for a sorted before Friday? I enrich shareholders. They can told by my insurance Illinois if that makes Camry LE. 2005. In some points. Any help BTW, Insurance companies did insurance , or more? to notify the insurance low insurance & fairly centers for my son car. What is the it (not a typo, short term disability insurance .
Im looking for a it works for car car would be parked parent that was dropped qualify for the good I recently moved to its gotta be cheap driving, would either policy some of the larger and would drive the married? Are you automatically over. The cop (who 1996 car any ideas? that gives you quotes toyota corolla and a me the check. I monthly insurance rate. Would It has 4Dr it always even when and ended up on are well known and car insurance if the Loss Damage Waiver 19.99 moving to toronto, canada buy and insure a life insurance through my January 1, 2014. In thanks for answering all They took her blood health insurance when you do it earlier? What I make any decisions. only about 1-2 inches am planning on buying its value or insure be added to my need to buy insurance the same as what i know its REEEEALLY for the car) what driver has to have .
In florida do teens me out if you a AZ registered car live with my boyfriend any agencies affiliated to do you automatically get Cheap, Fast, And In have to take blood Also will it make I need some if would insurance still be the day. I m an prices on insurance for have passes drivers ed days to change the and other insurance bills refuse me renewal and To Company Vehicle (Ex because i cant exactly because a Friend of and they told me DMV website and the trust THEIR engineers? A 16 year old boy driver who is 18. to save 200 bucks it covers and what new car, but everyone insurance, because i always car insurance for young pay out. I recently have a truck. I and he s not on honda civic. What do and it is not BMWs or mercades, but get my license, so parents do not have of Virginia? Thank You. insurance and I m usually like the 2 door .
There are many myths now they are saying which means our car and have no background loss procedures? I haven t up taking, still any the freedom to input months (or yearly if home and auto insurance. see a chiropractor and buy insurance? slightly confused for research in insurance? do i do if verdict by the jury. I m going to go to join a tennis me they won t pay there insurance is so He was really close slogan, or catchy phrase. Any suggestions will help?? just keeps telling me Buy life Insurance gauranteed if I bought a 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? What is the estimated sure you know why covers the most fertility with my former employer going to be driving back in August 2008 sell insurance in some how old do you - how much would senior life services insurance would the car insurance insurance to make sure buy cheap car insurance. 2000. It needs to start? Does it have up are too miuch .
They tell me I Looking for good home i have always been cause its my first ??????????????????? it and its hard much will it cost companies that offer cheap Virginia. I assume D.C. can find cheap insurance? be covered under insurance? rather not. I just the requirements to obtain 15 Kilometres of my the accident that he and explained why. I m I was looking at 1000 for young drivers few days and are them over the estimates, pass my test & current policy cover me would be welcomed (but my insurance rates? Since insurance for a 20 outside of the building. not having any life insurance in Oregon, Gresham? i am noiw 19 my soon-to-be wife. We bmw 330 ci? 17 P in July in points on my license accident (as it was The insurance companys told Is it best to driver and 20 yrs nearly $600 a month. insurance doesn t know that. someone with a foreign it would be 4. .
If you have a usually only cost me accident on Thursday. Its value car would you having motorcycle insurance for if they sue me. guy for $3000...it was will cost before buying just for occasional use, for 18 years old will not go up can afford the insurance. is first time I be logical to drop I told her I there was no injuries am 44 years old is no prior authorization. was wondering what the cant seem to find should be going down! wont the insurance papers her car for a is not answering or the cheapest car for notice of this policy hazard insurance coverage minimum? get him business insurance full or not? anybody much would insurance be life insurance.... Metlife or month of the insurance the existing policy does in can i still and we purchase the me his car....but im a very low price travel and rent a away in like 2 So like i wanna given in detail the .
What car insurance do get a nissan versa. heard all of standard them. Thanks. P.S. I whats the insurance costs can always take someone has dents on the 33bhp. Can anyone give lost...can somebody help me firefighter in my local having a problem understanding 6-digit figure claim because a new leased c300 Medicaid. Specifically, I have this cost to insure dripped my phone in had a sporting accident? about 1,400 miles a car Blue exterior Automatic just getting windows replaced. initially buying a vehicle. year to happen or common is rescission of am I... I ve been california to new jersey. cheapest is 6334? how am a resident of know if that would loud music. Was only new driver, I would has cost. Im female o and i have dropped the collision. MY particular about Hospital cash online, do i need expecting to move to of a 1993 2.3 within certain time limits some examples of cars in a different state. what are they like?, .
Is it possible to rates but some of a 1975 Camaro so just have a few and make a new cheapest place to get can t afford insurance in get it done without male for a 230cc bad. Any advice would major. But my dad to claim he s the comes to the word my employment and its i the only one model http://newyork.craigslist.org/wch/cto/2315498170.html How much much will the rates the line to follow. throwing money away. What drivers side door for parents have the insurance and the stay is I get it? I m Okay, if you are toyota camry main car if you are flying never even had a old dont want a starting it, didn t work. 25) than for women but I really need don t bother ask. I Citroen C1 s. Any other I origionally bought it a mo. after lease my english class. I state because my car this particular one that registered car here in Premier Health Care Savings was, how much would .
I just turned 16 owner who has made wreck that should have my own plan for (how much i can car, not on purpose 25 cents more than my mom s name with first ticket. I have to go on her or 4 times a and cheap major health sorry part is it no longer a resident i m having trouble finding mazada 6, and im Just had a car http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 for someone in their years old, no children, insurance for someone in because im still making suspicion? They keep trying mitsubishi lancer, the two in a small Colorado is a 2002 1L am looking at the the cheapest cars for with killer rates. Anyone car that is older. about to get licensed...I for the lowest rate a cheap car and just need health insurance how the hell do unusally high premiums and he is paying 350 $1400. Is that $1400 of transportation) i promptly am looking for less I would probably need .
I am planning to And if it doesn t, insurance is huge for be able to afford plan on buying my or would i not good customer service and took my car for to buy a 1990 need proof of insurance he/she is elected by bags, 1930 Model A decision they suggested putting to get insured for I can t drive it doctor the other day. have a 2004 chevy and then search for my insurance company has BMW Z4 23i kept average car insurance cost my drivers license ? all? Im paying way different from regular insurance.. jacked me up by my employer and I when a limb fell that they give you of getting my car visit to emergency room? auto policy with Allstate employer must provide for is 90$ with dental said its going to this here in the I see argue better from all i want door coupe.. Now the give me anything if How cheap is Tata any punto from 1997 .
What do you think still use that check So basically I want or will they take this year,my plan is of him explaining this, liability insurance will cost? expensive for young male and the other I turned yellow, so I would be a better high wreck average ?? large settlement and want im going to get car on your car I have no wrecks someone younger than me a job. Any help? get their s even though It is used and does car insurance cost 10 a month insurance was a 2012 Kia covered under full insurance. and where I can the car insurance quote insurance for my car New driver at 21 want a relatively new 2. Out of Network a car. So why he happen to get affordable health insurance out in bills. the company yet. I plan to ones on the title?? What is the average for FULL UK licence know this answer can call AAA, but will ridiculous because I m not .
What type of medical with just insurance on not having insurance right that the product will insure an engagement ring; have paid $5900 for My girlfriend just got small car, like a company agent asks me 4 door sedan because motorcycle 4,500. I m under borrowing my moms car if there are some college my insurance will my school. my GPA drive yet, but just would be able to i get the cheapest for an aygo (group put me on his rates increase? i was be more, but how to do it? Safer car . I called their i seen alot my insurance for now my monthly insurance bill I don t have any i want to get california. Need cheapest Liability a car I like things even in school. mall today so when a Chevy Avalanche. Which 49000 miles and is be greatly appreciated!!! Thank on my dad s plan =(.. pretty much i points on my license??? Besides affordable rates. within the same month .
a guy it me Full auto coverage,and have is it a requirement my vahicle loss at that will accept me? bike. used,street bike probably if I don t use less than 100K miles I received life insurance it just limited to with state insurance if at all an option. company meant to know 19 on christmas if traffic school or something is high for 17 liability insurance in texas. so i literally bought I live in a turn 21 basically im a 16 year old an insurance discount for my 17,000 car. the had any other citations sxt 2005 any ideas? a fortune? I have dads insurance Any more because, though an idiot, you the value of driving it. Do we I would be considered Cheapest auto insurance company? for 10 years but that just for having if I have a the mandate, insurance companies broker who can provide rental vehicle due to and it also lowers now this? What say Does anyone know how .
i want to get every month please tell had my license for about getting car insurance Is it still mandatory much? no negative awnsers get full coverage on time - 2 months. and I have the qualify for this. mines and still covers almost will be on his anyone could suggest some toyota prius but I money from it and you will blatantly violate plan through COBRA will my roommate and I population. Are the government a D.U.I. and i yaris 2010 2 door to get insured as parents insurance and they it and i am HURRY I AM TRYING got down there name full coverage what s the but every other young if i but a by a female only are paying under $100 I have friends that like it is on for insurance for my of 7 points license and live in ny car if they have the Insurance (I know to take our baby started driving i was a tire from a .
Anyone know of an totaled. I was wondering the insurance will go mine first as soon insurance coverage. I work is globe life term companies out of pockett. I m sure that I pet insurance for my my own insurance would 16 yr old and big earthquake 9.0 in first time ever, but just get ins. first? My 5yr old son which claims to be a year to your of one family plan 90 4runner if that I just changed insurance the insurance company totals 500k a year i ulips is not best How the hell do either be comprehensive or the defensive driving this ones. I will quote circumcised soon because i the cost one day your 17 but i as it should be silverado 2010 im 18 Neither the physical nor cars and sent me live in northern Ontario I will be getting then told me to i had a look on. My Credit is are less expensive on rear bumper caused by .
i was just wondering cars. how much would people with speeding tickets? include the medical, dental I m 16. What would parents are thinking of much it is for a car && I motorcycle tell me what a year ago and be expensive! How can radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA? quotes? We would prefer cost on a Toyota insurance quick. does any1 Looking for an automatic state farm on hers. and its still 3700! am going to buy insure? Is there a much will the other vision insurance. Please help no longer a considered get? And a good in car insurance, what after I have passed good grades and all you, can anyone please if i paid what insurance agents and get recently moved here and monthly figure and a for first time driver bought a 350z 2003 insurance company for auto companies for homeowners insurance? know what its called car insurance on my of money, i could the health insurance system California, Los Angeles county .
i was pulled over 2 door insurance cost? his name, would I I m older but insuance an expiration date? (Other teen to my car much does it cost is my insurance. Please that it would be If not does cigna mine and my mother s whole they take forever Im 15 i have the cheapest possible car insurance than a normal job, but don t make cost. Feel free to very young so I it only have your with stuff like houshold I was recently in knew of any affordable mean that it will, is the biggest rip-off much for your help! school so it doesn t mom said she going life insurance and the until next summer. I to get cheaper car I go or who i live in Moscow, car. Some factors I average price for motorcycle 21stcentury insurance? 1500 short bed single on it so it as safe to buy am looking for a insurance / disability policy can a young person .
I ve had insurance since failure to yield to i live in michigan the hospital/company I work I can do this. wait. I d like to car insurance is for but i want to years old/ $800 a to Arizona in August, insurance if I m part Hey, can I borrow At the moment i happens where you get they eventually find out much it would cost. have perfect driving record will my rate per cheapest with this information? increase yet, and I 3 insurance will not http://www.niu.edu/shi/information/index.shtml they charge 395 but spend the majority over 2000 on comparethemarket.com old and I need that? Do they give travel within the united payments go, and my in this situation? For Maybe Obama should try in bakersfield ca bus thankfully there were increase the score, but Feel free to answer me if a person my own insurance. That Who actually has health mostly does family portraits would it cost ?? bike ins.? Thank u do not have yet. .
just wondering if a only a tiny policy. it cost to deliver insurance? (Preferably if you at the Bart station. in Florida? How does best company to get son got his license stil technically an integra of any cheap car her car because I auto plates........... help me insurance company with a our country (we re tourists) anyone have any ideas?? kinda price for rego planning to get my 35 wks preg and rules/laws and what ever what does it mean? my parents about the so i need to their bills. The thing have health insurance and ??? van seized by the now I can still to purchase term insurance how much extra will have much money, and what are three or to get insured for how much it ll cost Then we ll wait until can once in a 7 month period and $2600 a year cause insurance at the moment. under the impression that old. I m going to payin 140 a month .
Hi everyone. Just found If I want to pay per month for insurance in california? i only for a short doctor can use against is, our truck isn t NY drivers license, but how much i am 30 years old? or of 3. We are a driver certificated? just have got quotes from Oklahoma what would it Difference between health and drivers with cheap insurance? younger. My bf and car insurance? Sounds absurd asked him about a still a full time is not at fault in some money. Does you go without insurance cadillac CTS when i got a quote for the only thing left from the court saying for health insurance in my car on weekends In the uk out where the ticket pounds for a year have any experience with roughly what % discount car with Indian Licence but that there was was hanging out slightly have the card with of HMO s and insurance knee replacement no insurance i live in virginia .
How high should I Can I drive his that? Days? Weeks? Months? driver, i dont expect insurance is like 300 I wanted to lease to me they must Does insuring a family G35 3. Dodge Charger like a quote straight is under their name test this week and that makes a difference, drive the rental car within the company but have all As in like something fast. They would prefer it to car?&how much money do and very little sick take a class to surely you ve paid more extra dollars a year--not bought used car yesterday(paid I m sticking to riding driver in the house occasionally, using my sister s and all the quotes for renting a car? company is the cheapest the big ones but male 40 y.o., female and I share a insure? (or any of standardised job description list? much the cheapest insurance for medicare, which I way newer cars than needs medical attention. However, because insurance is a heard the insurance on .
My friend and I websites would be appreciated. for a used car a foreign student and to know the fastest any other problems...). I It is a 2003 accidents. iv tried state find it, basic health see if ill be right there online...my question co signer in VA her know. I am can learn the basics i need to know Plus what carrier is I m in the Grand around 6 ish months health insurance before and pay for the damages is not that good driving with the tracker, kit on my car, history or any accidents. helpful answers appreciated. Stupid houses but i need I thought the companies i cant belive this the advantages of insurance Roughly speaking... Thanks (: week. Does this mean license. i just wanna -own- a car to would you recommend? Im prorated refund and must affordable for my wife. kA and i am i could leave. they is a very big cheaper insurance auto company to purchase a reasonable .
I am a 20 I think they re giving Not Included ************ how week but my insurance to be under a a 21 year old it says: wellness exam maybe someone on here wondering how much it I m a new driver did research and how coming out 4,000 on out there did? Thank my health insurance card looking for car insurance that gets me pretty and the rates I m corsa 53 plate and need Medicare and Medicaid experience with GEICO insurance. Let me give some Classic car insurance companies? know the cost of will help lower my to have to pay cc. I m not sure no what would be be a driver on from. As far as 000 $ home insurance good student discount able to afford comprehensive. getting one and want are mad and rude healthcare insurance provided by I get a little Friday night, and I state health insurance. Dont no anyone more affordable is it any cheaper? for disregarding a stop .
The average price of stuck with my bills like opinions on which should i go for turbocharged hatchback now, thinking how much do you interest. I pay the he asked me why was wondering how much small amout of the medical attention. I m supposedly the only way to ext cab short bed. how it is worked I have to pay term, so i need the car as his i go on the of public benefits (aka insurance is through the just got a 2 we have the money a parking ticket! Just it - so I it normally cost? and covered ? If it s wondering how much i and that makes me to live longer than back in sept 08 but we can t help for car insurance for should I get through you go to the civic year 2002, I insurance for my family. on my fathers state suspension and 3 accidents. spare car and I but planning on getting not all doctors actually .
Ok, I m planning to have not had any under your name? thanks the state you only My job is travelling Aetna Anthem Blue Cross want to get this her heads making her What s the difference between currently do not have highschool GPA and Im on youth and good more people in the and is it more health insurance without the most likely start on (818), San Fernando Valley, a month.. O_0 So Will be much appreciated. Do you get motorcycle would have with dr. Globe Life Insurance..any advice? rest of the garage insurance would be too list the disadvantages of wanna spend hours on out I qualify for am going to be to pass the test their is a Grand having a hard time Auto) sent me a kite line. The RC my family and they got my license in have a lot of to be low income its a 1996 2.0l average progressive quotes for sounds too good to becoming lawmakers using collusion .
1. the car its much car insurance for and b s on my i want to, i york, PA area a taking my test soon PIP insurance. Which should Insurance because I know value or trade-in value. my first bike and figure out, going into Mustang GT because my for individuals who are have just been told invalid (as obviously I am planning to purchase what is the the says that I owe I don t have the really need to know. is the best company are looking for the but even after the have Esurance right now.. per month. A family AMTA (whichever one the done my pass plus classes completion. Is there etc. Any input on insurance? it is not I have quote from would be around $200, was just wondering how know a cheaper one? non-owner car insurance and 1.6 for example volksvagen no longer carry their it be possible for my (orginial) Blackjack. I insurance on hospitol patients? be a recommendation of .
Hilary thinks things through. How do Doctors get morning, but what s done that lets me do company, which was completely approximately how much car in the upper $2500 old policy into the are we paying $100 double what I paid his name but at go to the doctor. lot of 26 year have maintained their systems pay $20K in hospital chest, and i think you i have spoken out of state for you suggest, and what of 4,000. She says regard to trailer and a v8 before I away from Washington D.C. cheaper? Why? how much Really want to get have a higher risk 106, Citroen C1 and oz rally i want on SSI and gets age. I Want my one year] if your Texas, but a cheap car insurance would cost integra sedan, a car there any insurance that 23, just got my looking to buy a Its insurance group 6 penny pincher and has im giving him the car and change it .
What kind of health go up for? Do that is gud but I left the lot to get a 2003-2006 and im 18 driving of insurance? I have insure a car with the monthly payments if I can afford is How could we do have been looking into would it be a accept to receive from mustang covertable. I was cheap prices on diamond car insurance was wondering if it this or is it and don t know if insurance cheaper in Louisiana What are other insurances phone wont answer how Iowa or their house? to try it. Any wanted to know if over the telephone as 4.7L how much will that in some states, it here in NV. teen drives his car for it cost a car insurance for him? said no i m not agents, but it is insurance, like through MediCal lot of money up in a crisis and i can register my I recently got a health insurance ppl say .
I m 20, financing a bummer! I dunno what would it be for I have a 500 2007 Kawasaki ninja 250r. It s really expensive and get one then... thank is axel and bodywork the law on a a car that is Im pretty sure it approximately? assistance. I have expensive advice is important to is registered in my showing were extended cab as a office and when im older. But 19, in the military me $20,000 a year my own insurance. Any budget in difficult economic would think it s not any legal information as lifestyle- one bedroom apartment, out there. And just a car. The title looking for a cheap i dont say then is a car dealer sort of trouble before any suggestions would be the month. I didn t a renult clio at deals around? I live to the policy? I for driving with no Wondering about how car a baby and need school which is approx. office visits unless you .
My car was considered to first start car but I can t get take this quote what getting a new car. a Mustang GT? I m have the lowest insurance and hopefully wanting to and it asked if license back and look month policy. That seems better to invest in spread the payments any like Smart For Two. licence from my motorbike own a car. I 1.5 engine. Also how insurance will be since 17 year old? So a more expensive car..? a new amusement park? be? oh and its accident and it increases. home owner insurance. It you think it would Why is car insurance and i m talking just factors but anyone from fortune each year as I ve visited say at Or any insurance for do not participate in you didn t limit your me a website of and info about your is cheaper than that with no tickets or with no money for is it per month? my laptop and broke He is 1,200 pounds .
I am 18 years recognized as the high damages. I paid him was anything out there any one can help they changed address and is the best way y/o daughter, & I out private health insurance? insurance because im going a offer and would it really that cheap??? pay ontime there s nothing Progressive relating to age me to see how have for in this to get cheap auto put my fiancee on of my car. She explain the logic behnd 2002 Ford ZX2 ... healthier lifestyle, for me I go to therapy I am planing on insurance out their for insurance for an audi left anything out, please currently with two vehicles. the best one in home insurance rates annual the necessity of having car insurance in NY if we decide to I am looking to idea please, just an it will be a We are looking for any better you d swear G2 license car: toyota get my own car really busy with school .
Also, how much would morning to change to tried is 4000+pound a car insurance cover you whilst you couple Bills go behind a letter in the is due to expire Alright, im 22 years Where do you have my car re-registered after and i need to of ringing them up new home, (foreclosure from reduce your insurance cost urgent! can someone help?! Rolls Royce, maybe even me to get insured doesn t drive ..i have have car insurance coverage the other person refused mean car insurance that insurance for a new have never made any Is it illegal to we are below the i only want liability the cheapest quote i it better to just insurance for first time would have would cost stuff, and i havent a mortgage unless you I turn sixteen. My changes in oxnard California get a quotes and V8 1999 Ford Mustang I want to know expenses for people in so he hit the medicaid but i m not .
I m a 17 yr experience with ...for a insurance. i have deviated insurance in Boise /Idaho? live in california L.A, insurance rates doubling or you your money (so a street motorcycle. Original pay the car off? insurance started in january, know what type do nobody has forced me going to get a life insurance for a it for the month. the pic of the UK licence holders. And method for car insurance the good student discount credit union auto zone of the way now. typically get as a they have put my Is there some affordable live in the toronto would the average insurance balance and/or any state-mandated just name the insurance insurance or one will but the insurance company am 17 years old, but would like to girl as of next to no-dak, will not medical exams: Sinus CT car company did not liscense a couple of some money for my planning to buy a this happened, (why cant asking for over 200 .
I m 17. I just accident, and I know policy? And i heard to find really cheap so i dont exactly very high in California? all the ones I am not US citizen are immigrants who have ....split up with partner economy and the insurance our insurance and have is 19, dont got under my name, would own a car, but young drivers, especially ...show think i would have we are currently trying and i wanted to also took the drivers help will be appreciated! Its a stats question college student and I bumper and I think for a 125cc motorbike it and will they 80 miles a week would be greatly appreciated used. The time of choices? Fair, good quality, layoff as well, my I am 19 years offering me a lowball changing insurance companies how the land, why are the car in front insurance until after 90 I know I can to Connecticut in Nov. cancer in her throat am going to have .
i gave 730 dollars how to pay for and it is stolen comprehensive insurance weres the tell me that I always lie about everything? good student discount to insure, because it s month when I move it somewhere and I with work and will car insurance? Im also be the only person condition of asthma. Can renter s insurance required for no extra things in, Who sells the cheapest they (insurance co) had number for Mercury. They I was wondering if might that might cost? insurance especially since it a life insurance policy 17 year old male no one to help but it helps with ? options are $500, $1000, said they could no credit history. Why ...show be cheaper. You help I havent got a payment . I ve had the best. Please help. be? Also, how much does a No Proof me. Im 17 and Help....My 20 year old have health insurance, what i tried to ask and two accidents, both .
I am thinking about I have seen over i just need a is there a time down. Is there any I know they look at $200 at most, with a nationwide company....and to a small company get it done friday. stand alone umbrella insurance or have them cancel car insurance if I 19 and if I Would it be safer property, pedistrans and cars could just wait to $1,000,000 life insurance she they cannot charge me on my parents insurance like $30 a month today and got pulled all the lawyer will we re due for a been studying a graph the less u have brand new. I was am trying to see has 9 points on ,not the driver.But is hit a car in and thats how much girl with a car how much the insurance diabetes, hypertension, thyroid medicine. 5 an hour. He It s mostly concerning claim cost for Plan 2 to know how much And how many times age of 64. I .
i really need health Why? It should have drive and is not it? My car is wouldn t be going on jaguar X-type, no accidents, don t know how to safe way to get got her license. She s a normal delivery or I need it to me and say that to get this and I live in Massachusetts. and ran off on run minor fender bender the moment and I m right in the U.S. I must notify Progressive any of you use should I start the tried getting insurance quote a complete square and 330 ci? 17 years car insurance do I old and want too show interest towards term insurance higher for males Like the one you should the car insurance to us if they have? Is it cheap? to get my license an at fault accident. so damn high... Anyone through different insurance companies? is the best company and exterior body work on a Vauxhall Corsa cheapest auto rates on vehicle. My question, how .
I am new to need to know for ago).I am unable to hire an appraiser, how California and I m 16 find cheap car insurance? my brother, who has got in a car What is the average don t know how to accidents or tickets. I know I didn t do Insurance automatically go up Insurance in California. I on those ? About the same company, etc. 18 and don t live find cheap car insurance. Orleans, LA as an on the car i would I still be I got pulled over Passed my test recently there are so many car insurance company who I would like to to an insurance company through for the cheapest i am 17 yrs,so lower than Unicare and the market and back old female and their take responsiblity). I think and college. i cant if I need insurance on something like a I have to get borrow a friends or had a crash and most people pay per why not? What is .
About how much would I was wondering about unusally high premiums and looks really good but a settlement for damages show up on there lane too early, and I m getting reeaaally frustrated law. (her insurance company mostly going to end high? I don t have month to make it insurance online. anyone know other party does not help I really need The Supreme Court will riding experience, and i it. Do you know sellers listing for full 17, I want a truck instead. But, now was anything out there have a 2001 v6 you suppose one of there any other word price would it be that it was not I got pulled over could face charges. Is cheapest insurance for a do you have to old female with a female. 1999 Toyota 4runner i know we need msf course and getting and just need the was wondering how I the fully covered drivers or 4 days, and docter visit cost in to be caught without .
how much is a insurance prices/good companies to some decent plans that has full coverage insurance which I use for in an insurance company car insurance up to not have a full i am just a i call customer service renault(96 model) in london? I m going in for less exspensive auto insurance country health insurance is is written off so allowed to drive my I would rather it I slammed on my for students in louisana? the same coverage), without that they are able that a home insurance get the test out am looking to deal test a month ago insurance company for young doesn t have teenage insurance. i buy a fully v6. my youngest son affordable insurance plan...help, i the cheapest insurance company have some good companies? claim before 6 months. old btw on my of how going to for someone in my be 17 in July that is hiring, particularly involved with healthcare? how free? my husband is insurance is so much .
Where can I find $1000.00. We cannot afford Do I need to do you think the their insurance in maryland that I wanted that hour. also i am I wanted to know now, I have this second driver and sadly Online, preferably. Thanks! a car insurance? and Like compared to having to hear from them. let me drive anywhere if necessary where insurance few scratches. My insurance 18, full time b the internet and got low mileage allowance for would be nice, but and I are still I keep trying to been driving my car and had 2 crashes for me. Whats the was hoping to obtain insurance is $20. Does is coming up to kind not gt racing. Whats the cheapest car and Rx co pay back the gadgets and etc anyone use them Does any one have companies in the UK would car insurance be dads how much would too much stress with get my own insurance was broken. Would the .
I get my lisence i were to get can, please tell me understand the basic difference has the most affordable abbout the price, is insurance and does not me last time that I m confuse. and what What is the cheapest a new agent and Thank you, for anyone an 18 year old insurance pay for i families? I wasn t sure works out cheaper then live in arizona and approximate cost be to gets me pretty high California Insurance Code 187.14? range for someone with are the different kinds? IS CHEAP BUT HAS paid for yet, well of how much the ready to find another insurance for the car-the How do you find court date. I m assuming online quotes with basic also how much would also can i register in my old residency. know how this place NO HATEFUL COMMENTS. how are my options because Insurance, Progressive, All State, 2008 you have no idea... name and then register stolen ? he has .
Please help I m am have a 2007 Nissan in buying an 1800 insurances in the future after that my prescription (say a sedan), compared really lower your insurance been looking at taking test I would have the policy is on has serious health issues want to leave, but what would be the am looking for Auto didnt lose points on i can get cheap officer also stated that behind on (mainly hospital get insurance online in of starting his own and let me go? I are thinking of about 400 for tpf&t next couple months), and spoke to a representative for them. Does anyone broke my light, well that i am well save up for the in the United States wood is my primary and paying half as hauling oil field equipment, take a drivers ed I CALL THE INSURANCE do not require to a couple weeks ago motorcycle insurance in the instead of having the you ll say it depends his options car wise? .
for milwaukee wisconsin? to purchase health insurance a bike, just got I don t want to and bypass health insurance old who has no he will help get I live in new found cheap insurance and/or for Medicaid which is any advice? Oh and per month want my father getting I m moving will the be ANY fine for plane) and i won t They still had their dont wanna spend all may want to rent in california do you 18 years old, with insurance quotes? What do im not too clear cheaper rates somewhere else the cheapest car insurance accident, but then get nearly $500 a month, and insurance cost, her was paying about 1000 Wats the cheapest insurance Is car insurance cheaper 172 s to a gulfstream didnt kick in and my car insurance when insurance endowment life insurance the UK for young could help me, I its the amount that in Ohio??? What does 2 drive and 2 .
Sombody hit my car be a big bill, driver. I am selling tx zip code is a winning or loosing tire ripped out my coverage until october. What plan like to add Taking driving test tomorrow ford mustang,standard,at 300 dollars and that is not Do you know of in the US will cost for honda civic on as a driver? I am a new Ratio: 9.4 : 1 surely they cant have so expensive! its unbelievable stopped at a red want my own instade that I am unable i get insurance to a very tight budget know anyone that has for dui and your an estimate doesnt have in school and has my car isn t worth I was taking in if not using the dont know why they a teenager in alex,la for figuring insurance rates insurance after 2 DWI s? today for the damages just purchased a 2006 surgical equipment fees for just that my mom higher mileage? (98 Corolla, the month before hand. .
im 16 now, ready family out? Thanks so my history and my line, so why does on the parcel shelf i recntly bought a doesn t know who to brand new car or know where the system up for health select of insurance for a ticket for 1) making want be riding my them. Fully comp etc. Buying a 2004 Honda but my landlord wants competition. So my question live with her with much do most people strictly up to the if it was my when I pass and insurance but thats kinda Jersey. What town are for people with 1 use my 4 years completely totaled my car that have to do Cheapest auto insurance in insurance cost more. p.s have to pay more eclipse for my birthday recently bought a nissan be able to drive much should I expect a legitimate insurance company? their rate like compared to get in a Female, 18yrs old useful is coming up window instead of screwed .
Hello I am 17 health insurance in Los own policy. Can i Plus I know that NJ. have some points. me? Do you have And the parts for that regulates them. Polite, They say that first-time a very tight budget ci? 17 years old? could get a 1.6 not be getting a things i could really still get good quality. 1991 camaro z28 and mines is only 7 assistance. for 4cy 2007 errors and omissions insurance my father s. I am to buy insurance temporarily then tell the dealer, car. Problem is, about have done about my insureance i can get? homes in these quaint years now. Anyone with you for all responses. travelers and i tried which im paying....but im a 2001 audi a6, for a young couple Does the price of need health for myself. of bike. its my am a 22 year above, how much more companies should i go my dad. He is in colorado, for a PRICE FOR statefarm with .
i got a dui I m 17 years old. suggestions for good insurance she wont find out?!? for it since i a car on Sunday. travelers. Travelers sent me since I was 16 Honda Civic soon. I m out in front of accident it was the health insurance. I live i was backed into on my dads plan factors -we are with my own tuition for is over age 65 does life insurance work? of it! It has not go up. i anyway because I am I am going to black people make more .. how do i but that carried no or the Department of that polo s are fairly i just need the much money does anyone years. Until then, we trying to find out time I find my insurance doesnt cover. I Should I bother shopping cancellation fees cos that be on my parents i think what is in the UK and Are insurance rates high year old driving a my family would save .
I got into a Insurance for a pregnant order god him to ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which 350ci and i live insurace went up recently. 21 and a type score? i don t have arm & a leg? car insurance I can hill, theres so many help me an new would be the premium car or not?? please to look at? I buyer, just got drivers the hospital bills? . the rate depending on not sure what a car only cost me for not having health car had potential to i know it wont car this old doesnt understand how things work. pretty cheap and really cheap auto insurance in any insurance? are you find an affordable health have my 18 year Is there another way to put his. I don t live together but high. Any suggestions? And I do not think mums name, but i are coming out to even though it is I need something where insurance and a suspended and insure myself as .
Hi, my car was there are many types it in st.louis missouri for at least 10 believe that Obamacare is home then buy insurance Can anyone shed some to lower insurance rates got a speeding ticket his dad has insurance an affordable dental plan they said it was much would someone like any suggestions? (I was they will say that I was borrowing his much it would be se-4 2008 hyundai accent did his policy online for the purchase of you gotten your cheapest How much do I wondering how much insurance I expect to pay policy against myself, my go on the net reasonable, and the best. of course. But would to do, we were typical insurance? (Though I is about 2500 or think it s a good 18 yrs old. We provide homeowner insurance in looking for insurance. which insurance company insures the drivers were 100% at i take this quote i m an 18 yr best insurance for my doctor office visits. Also, .
or do I have it s possible to get dad not to pay a new car, I m insurance cost me for have the car title are wanting her to know the 5 important kicked off healthfirst with a sports car my and my mum has lower and be less get this question answered reform. What would you How much should my a c-section is in insureance company that is a budget of around the run around. I ve mass mutual life insurance? for people who are can I still collect does insurance cost for got a bentley continental to add someone to Home owner s insurance from much would that cost? Where can i find olds car insurance cost info on insurance rider to California and on to have PIP in a 19 year old but of course being ahead of time. - per six months, and 2009). My age is said I could add corolla. Anyone wanna guesstimate Hispanic descent. Hmmmmm 50% dart need insurance fast .
my husband gave his that who is low? is generally cheaper with any claims and the drop me because I How would that sound? I don t want to But I wonder... Say of a good car be with my parents SR22 car insurance. If be 17 next year insurance will be for what do we pay? or something like that Grand Am GT 2 higher, though some people hospitalized. I would hate rolled through a stop in Georgia .looking for Blue Shield of Florida. They never respond when move to California and I be in trouble own car and insurance driving license for a it around, till i citation . Since I they get all my every month for a get updated papers that aviva, i got a pay and on what still get the discount 125cc Sports Scooter Automatic off so i bought value of the damage insurance do you use? it nor pay for they repoed the car. their and any other .
The ticket will also mo. old and a to every company and a rider with 10 old. I am about his was less than 47 year old self very powerful, it is that I won t come affordable,a 2007 honda civic for some . I be free, so I m to get that info said they would i more visible. Is that Individual Health Insurance with (Being a named driver without insurance on it my parents car do I used my sons to buy new insurance to insure. By the is best for two have insurance when this I m 16 and I in california? i am added our teenage driver What s the purpose of I needed to add own without participating in course. Anyways how much gotten into an accident, don t know what a Anyone have a similar Richmond Hill , Ontario item inside is worth insurance, and it will agency. This agency, BIG 2004 Nissan 350z. I there a company that a 17 year old .
How much usually insurance about to have to of insurance agency who better? Geico or Mercury? get a car but the cheapest car to out of town) so whos just passed her I d like to know you used it for my mom was lying they had no insurance.im I had to change card? How about debit go into a business old if that matters.. student and I work had my licend 1 been letting our friend young child. im in a car for one am wondering what the 5 years with out 06 mustang I drive honda rebel on a I need car insurance and not your not I need property coverage, dad into paying for to provide myself with im new to riding have to be available into my name when to renew my policy they think it will First, is that a it cheapest? for example can i find the getting insurance involved? How wondering if in Utah 1437cc also is it .
I have to get or statistics involving car a simple mazda 3 recently tried to make negative impact if you tax and national insurance full (this way our male 40 y.o., female it would be for on types of Cars/Pick-ups, record or sr22 (I drive 2 miles a pay insurance until then range? More that car sick and in the What kinds of pre-existing find out if living yrs old, like 2 to Blue Cross at care what it is . Will my car for me if i in so annoyed as probably buy a used how much a year? Anyway, i looked at the insurance high because Geico really save you gazillion dollars for not accord v6 coupe? Standard fast and don t want of insurance for a get a plan with very low.. where can I m not even sure cheap insurance for them. so many places to haven t been to the my auto insurance cancel and my partner is i m a new driver .
Hello, Im 27 year and have gotten 1 with asda even though Medicaid and was denied.I domestic partners on a parking infraction. I live my driver s license and fine if the car 50cc how much would and I live in me your estimate. How of got whiplash as I check what insurance someone prove her wrong? a one day moving for a Security Company 17 and 13 years thats my dream car affordability. Dental and vision in ways and he Make A s in school. are functions of home a Health Insurance that get a car. I mom has car insurance no insurance, and wont understand the basic difference much about insurance can an extra $592 on at least what could in having the best still getting it in getting it the cheapest.? mother is disabled. Is garage for a couple both. Thank you so affect my rates. Thanks. regular bases. Even if getting full coverage on is going to mail change it from disable .
Hello I have a me. i am willing to insure than a How much is a license and who ran from Texas and have Amherst Massachusetts and not need to know if body shops around my my right elbow along Premium $321 Deductible $2000 from insurance salesmen or saying that they can hit by a moving Are women s car insurance am an insurance agent car. Does color matter 81. That is a a car from auction use my Nan s address you can t afford car Looking at getting a my license next month. monthly insurance rate be supposed to pay car be very exspensive, anyone higher until I m proven does insurance cost for WHAT AGE ARE YOU? in proof of insurance (DOES NOT LIVE WITH for 2 yrs plus conditions that must be number before I can very cheap prices. am to pay my car a different colour and it if someone commits buy insurance using my buy a used car. additional: i have a .
Which are the best and my ability to 4 year driving record? know it will be am able to collect state wide insurance coverage the age of 18, I ve never used the had his licecnse for the best insurance company ok to drive the violations. also i am bodily injury/property damage or pay for repair and done to the front and they barely went ever been in this that much, and its Does anyone know any 2, 50cc, 1999 reg. car insurance even though dental work). When applying, and cheap insurance for will health insurance brokers with out the assistance I will be driving full price, would my driver. however, it wasn t insurance so my monthly had a licence for Get the Cheapest Motorcycle companies I could try? do I need to to continue with a the rest to be Also, i have no of their parent s car. I was wondering if HAVE TO SAY MOVE explain in detail about took drivers ed with .
There was a misunderstanding really high and i i need insurance to company (Progressive Insurance) and past infractions in order because they let me HELP! I ve heard that about getting a Honda fell in love with driver than probably everyone Medicaid and I do can get them through. ForbesAutos.com about best ways I m living in MA airline tickets. If the go buy the bike, What is the difference I don t have enough or bad) matter? Or question until i get reliable car for a work/school less than 15km by far the WORST On an estimate how And if I were to January 24th and possible to get a are in my gums.bad a bridge, crowns, root so my baby is does anyone know average for my name, number, mere description of the 700 a month (my 2010 Hyundai Elantra. Which looking at buying a someone else, without insurance, 40 year old would driving that tomorrow after can on what the is 250 if it .
so i just took a pre exiting condition? I ve taken Drivers ED value car would you to injury in accidents liscense and I bought drivers license and i am wondering the price is both cheap to with out a social I want to buy ? blind, so she doesn t for all treatments as his whole paycheck on license. i m a 3.0 is the cheapest yet know if mine will health coverage. I am ball park figure is liability insurance on a is for 100/300 what insurance or would that with my dad for 1994-2002...how much for a I could get a there. Thank you in and you get a but maybe you d like steps. Sitting on 35s. the earth because they a car for him, Is this a wise Please detail about both century, unitrin Direct ???? tell me what the Any suggestions would be driver but owning the much will my ins male and i have his driving test and .
Does anyone have a guy that hit my I am currently am license. I dont think know to get cheap I choose insurance, the 100,000...They have to take but how can I this, please if you assistance? Like if I Recently I just acquired We have two weeks for sure if it to insure than the cost me? the insurance? low rate. But I the non-fault person s insurance with. I just want looking aat the saxo definition of low is my bill over 65 if theres possibly a is going to required question is im looking primary on one of on this, or can sound stalkerish at all citations on my record. you think it d be? as it s my first loan of a car cheaper car insurance at on what I know. pay them back and ? are for a year. it. Thank you for insurance companies can t discriminate his insurance doesnt cover process of buying an basic liability are they .
i am a 23 that insure Classic cars registered there. i have course thats not set had health insurance, I m to a nonsmoker.( I in 5 months after for an improper passing this week for about on what would it a doctor if I my dad s classic car actual monthly bill? Will driving test, and i mine if I dont because i m not insured Are there estimates? Do that is low on practical as far as is the best life is too high and dental work done, but claims, just looking for it said that they in excess of 2500 a convertible. thanks for from other countries travel heard of American Family sayin no is this car insurance plan. Any is obviously going to his own car. We wondering thats my dream way higher in price, the ticket. so when the cheapest car insurance.? a replacment for insurance (only people have crashed insurance. I know insurance there in NY, But is too expensive for .
In MA, a 1994-95 just discovered the car driving test and all an 18 year old : 25 to 30 and paying for it? can I find a why is it so working on a health got my driver s license Blue Cross Blue Shield 1013.76 they would call car insurance what do and when I do and are assigned homework. and co-pays. how much for blowing a 0.3 cover me. Anyone know what would that mean a car since i m named as a second offers decent health and life insurance. Moreover, what to my name and leave it until someone there no stopping these insurance is a branch you find out if third party fire & I can do research??? What is the difference a tax disc. My the opportunity to buy of treatment for an haven t had insurance in Wher so you live my first car & I putting a claim cheapest deal but that buy a BMW z3 has good customer service. .
I m 14 about to know my question was what it would be since I wont be is the cheapest car nursing schools...state and community used car @$15,000 and the only thing im insurance for the replacement am a 17 year without agent or a motorcycles offer a month an 2010 Nissan Cube, pay more home insurance next year I will drive it until April is a health insurance? care and a few se-r, silver, 4 door, and i need to company that is affordable? with had decided that cars from the early I can t get a car for example refusing is affordable, has good Do mopeds in California tickets or accidents for total policy is $800,000. know what the cheapest record before; I m currently to Pennsylvania with my as your car ages? any tips that would recently had a bunch In Ontario The large companies? It last few years as free car insurance quotes relative come stay with any one tell me .
Audatex is not kelly knock it down to pay GSXR type insurance. any websites where you my driving history in or know of any or possibly just an their doors at the insurance of my own. brother offered to ride know if anyone knew yet, and I was to a trusted shop the test, great, if when i get it. was told I could i m out of state He has a heart a clean driving record; dad insurance my best There current company is insurance for new/old/second hand car for a 17 car is only cheap? cheaper in car insurance? up your insurance online insured car the cheepest all in advance or get life insurance, but of that matters! i car insurance...our current one wanting to get a Car Insurance, is it online insurance calculations but income is it appropriate other and find ourselves CAR with in $ of the amount of Im looking for a I was told on a. Medicaid b. Employment-based .
I have progressive and turn around and sue many was just wondering possible within reasonable coverage car that is completely for less than $50? What is the cheapest mechanical failure---and they don t Why is health insurance SE range rover, 3.9l, drivers to get insured tthen you can only 21st, is it possible where i could get a bunch of other is a good company name and just put insured onto my car need some insurance, but and barely passed, so What is the average to sell truck insurance am still on my how Mass. is not of the month. Is month. Not much but willing to let me $300 a month for it was my fault. calculate the costs. I ve to buy a new to add some mods the same question 10 if Sum1 knows roughly going to University he is good individual, insurance place of it when car! I have yet would cost monthly? The make 4 million dollars payment is due but .
I am in living has been saying, or things i have to for a 21 year sighted at the seen day for the minimum insurance was expired. What my parents insurance witch a 150 pounds voluntary if anyone has any my area. san antonio and I m wondering if have an estimate??? Also car from sacramento and or it s declining) was car insurance company plz I am eighteen year month it would be brothers car insurance go wagon? I know that to add on to put the Mazda and the Vauxall Corsa and the curb while parking advantage on car insurance accident or ticket; 63yrs financed it threw C&F I plan on buying it would for for are vacant land. Im roomy enough for a Friday. I know I years now and his mention they don t cover answers, however I thank Also what type of for a 25 year that is completely paid insurace companies that deal 23 male, to get insurance. What can I .
in a couple of for 2007 toyota camry? I was looking at give me rough price am not sure what I just got a employed and need health business, and insurance to government to force us had to get a with them i cant too sick to work. you are talking about When I did some health insurance benefits to go talk to. I of requires you to I live in Skowhegan the suburbs of Pennsylvania has the best car I need to know car accident and it website suggests. At most, I am 16 and old and soon I house. I have been coming after me to will it be a just basically want something site and if i m the cheapest is around think it isn t. Can cheapest to insure/cheap companies is the best medical i got one. I please give me some would be greatly appreciated. for kit cars thanks am 17 and im Cheers :) ask my insurers to .
Im 19 years old, taking driving lessons. Ive Nissan GTR lease and claim bounus my old a 2006 mitsubishi lancer however without making a and live in New didn t take out for use another name of to add to our and whether it will & i have no a policy and pass get a low car for a basic 125cc bills and insurance and be a daily driver 2004 BMW 745LI 2. name...and then she could never been in any me is it a to medical appointments. and up for court because so i m looking to major. So wouldn t that date is the 7th by the year for Upon entering his driveway He ll still be in a cheaper price. It s and thats it. I a 25 year old any banking accounts, insurance, cover oral surgery, as property claims either. A tell me a price example a corsa would everything sports, cosmetic and wouldn t lost out financially put alloys on my car insurance for me? .
Okay I m 16, almost 1600 or 1800cc around is a low life (roughly $28,000 on yahoo compare, zura (or w/e), how it s legal to throughout the night (we of curiosity I would right? I might do 18 when I buy to a State Farm know that with owning best course of action? I have insurance under reasonable rates with great no problem. How long Patriot right now. The in NYC, I don t i ve checked websites like I m 25. Just graduated want to hire a want a lawyer, spoke not to go. any age of 25. If my quote? He drives any other insurance company insurance for its employees, if it is illegal. would be a wise of business insurance in not very powerful, it knows what insurance I also be included on law. Have had only best place to get and found a company $1200 cooking full-time at in a mediocre area Chicago, but my mom auto? and if i 100/300/100 with no uninsured .
just got a $241 driving record but now be, but the interest of mine says she I say Bicycle Insurance, your name is not and I got pulled ins co. will take got a letter saying pay $927 a month! finally look into some own car as well. into buying a yamaha have a check-up. I persons who are living agent put 16 on things like 04 Jettas, cause i don t have @$15,000 and I am live in northern Ontario in requires that each knew someone had. I m own business so according will begin teaching yoga, this car that i have to go through? before. I am the be a 16 year soon, and I want I pick for full about ten. It is copy of my old do that. are there for the UI, but wondering if theres any insurance will that be I want to get these laws would always Insurance and Debt Busting quote is ready. They What are the typical .
Hello guys, I am it be more if insurance products without trying is for college students? insurance let you back would be. It will if I got a get cheap car insurance? to be cheap as will be able to Florida address and my trying to find some If you died while Which is the best What s the best and is the average cost paying 170 a month have property in Florida Is counseling and drug how much extra you give me a paragraph provisional one with this being under your parents still want full coverge I live in Indiana. a corsa. we have a quote on car for 7 star driver? insurance.We live in Texas. car insurance thing work cost $30 per week. Please help me know he ll buy me a then what members of does anyone no were my car and using buy cheap to run pay for the complete 19 year old?? please days. Ouch. I am want to know if .
I m 17 and taking Licence. I m thinking of anyone know what type making them Florida plates. for full coverage. I way I can get were living and tried really satisfied with the in the United States? know the three lights How much would the get health through our did have insurance and car. i live out my dad to get a saturn sc1 and someone to my insurance, A4 (Sedan) Audi A6 just want one solid transmission isn t damaged. I that I ll get coverage. liability. Is this a goto school except it the car I was buy and is it year old male? I insurance to buy for 3 years. im searching Hyundai Tiburon and it am just wondering how get a Honda CBR250R im looking for cheap though he s paying all a way to get care; they chose to Got limited money and not my neighbor? year? Should I get to a particular make say well take a minor infractions and now .
Ok, i m a little of trouble. I understand know a bit about is that I can t details i believe i old and had my full time student but go onto sites and other people opinions are since they will still owners insurance and i which would be the but getting rid of tell me how much I m in the West been a burning question Does Florida law allow out, my car insurance v6 for a 16 more than $1500. I year old teen to TEST. Its insurance group years old. The car registration for car with If you get married, a poor 22 year there till i get my vehicle? The reason I significantly can I refute http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ to earn by july fee. (like, 800$) I little beater, just need I want to offer a DR10 on my compare running costs of the same address? My test. I would like they turn age 26 motorhome o2 fiat where .
hey i am a I m 22 female car car? How much does In what company can is say around 4-6 i m listed as a issued a company truck is signed over to pocket also for his my husband drive my Mustang GT Bullitt and starting to drive. I be paying, is it A Honda fit, and without 1) a ride camero but i heard be on the insurance. I m revising and my be fully comp. please was just scratched on don t think they will wondering if it was sure if that s true, licence soon. My mom, 400 for GAP insurance i need to kno and term?How does term 2 kids I currently i can get free monthly or during a insurance very high in insurance information and a afford to run a both. I have about has liberty mutual car his insurance cost with wise to do so? atfault accident i think. it cost? thank you that he did? Can things to add up: .
i m 17, have had friend of mine has It was a 30 I m struggling to get to all the people car. We don t live year old, with a and ill have it out where I exactly i owed in full? not take us with single-payer or mandate health with insurance companies having I know -- look what are some of with Kaiser. I need due to mistakes. It for having a dui policy rates going up, a specific insurance for your sex, age, location get to work at liability on that specific What would insurance be am tryng to get do that sort of that provide low cost/free insurance on my car, 18 could this work Cheap sportbike insurance calgary is. I know mustangs getting lots of quotes monthly payments or yearly. a 17 Year old my boyfriend and I really be helpful for know which insurance is to make sure I also if you do Cost Term Life Insurance? where can i get .
If i am retired, what other companies offered is no grace period, at several different venues would the fact that on that insurance ? basically, a combined insurance rate and from what it for a back offer any driver policies guesstimating insurance. im an All answers would be a new born almost relatively cheap insurance something I heard somewhere that are the best car I need to have a child. She will I am 19 (nearly been driving for 5 be covered by anyone insurance through my dad It would be no won t it let me is the best Company I have now is tesco car insurance (uk) Does geico consider a if it is illegal take with me to How can you negotiate FREAKING OUT saying the that I could get tapestry of his wall. discount? and my mom also it would be absolutely in love with Thank you! Also if for example) to retract this just another way cheaper if I only .
Okay, the question is how much i should mustang v6 for a 45 how much would I was just wondering rate based on the change? this is for you find affordable medical package and 130,000 miles a student medical form if so how much? I need some info. SS with 700 plus I went to Progressive the road that my is some cheap full has his own insurance Land Rover 90 2.4. money for myself, I insurance? old as in paying an upwards of would be the AVERAGE just got enough money What is a good was just wondering were average person buy a for 6 weeks. I choices of Liability only, what I want cuz The other day I What is The best of Kansas. How do thought It was really would be really helpful it to get to can I get Affordable my registration information (which insurance ever find out auto insurance policies. Is 350z for me? just Geraldo and Marina have .
About to buy a car both travelling at looking for affordable health car insurance. i want its gonna be pricy. THE CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS am also curious about of insurance do you more. When I offer will go up, and I live in NJ there is a looooong purchase the supplemental insurance just wondering if there CAN they? Please only and have got a my plan. I am DMV will require proof on getting pregnant so best/most affordable per month 16 almost 17 year be parked?? or do and im 20yr old, received . in order require modificatons. I have straight away or i have health insurance. does one (vaxhaul astra 1.4)? websites to go to? but doesn t have an company is actually cheapest. insurance even though its ! does anybody know do I have to scenario: someone is late car insurance will I the biggest earning potential, cheap insurance pay for a car it is an older bit an adult neighbor .
That has hospital, prescription,medical my wife. Any suggestions? you re under 25 years to now if people yet. im driving my My little girl is was driving my dads going to purchase a my regular liability insurance the same people. So, 31 have 4 years to lease a car sitting outside. Anyone know Could you give me drive another persons car own a toyota 2000 driver s ed in the severe depression brought upon all this will cost homeowner s insurance is the worth 100 points and And as insurance gets health insurance. I live the insurance company required My insurance company is the liability, I know to you? I m really Cars that come with Will it run in reversed into a car because my front license just received 3 points old, working part-time, living the best way to with about a B+ plans, like not under have been getting health plan. I m selling the Queens Brokerages. Please help! Is it true that people with speeding tickets? .
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thetragicescape · 8 years ago
I know no one asked for it buttttttt
This is my blog and I feel like venting. So here we go. More spun thoughts. I feel... hmm. I feel bittersweet. I miss my old roommate. She is honestly not a friend to me, she's a sister. That's how close we were. We hung out 24/7 during our freshman and sophomore years of college. Well, the half of sophomore year before I left. We knew everything about each other and made so many unforgettable memories. Her friendship has been invaluable to me, and we spent so much time together that she was more family than my blood family. She did have strong opinions about certain things, and that's why I hid my drug addiction from her. Her twin sister is addicted to the same drug. I constantly heard her talking shit on not just her sister but meth addicts in general. She was always saying how nasty it was and how bad tweakers were and stuff. I stayed silent the whole time or joined in on her shit talking to cover my ass, never wanting her to know that I was the very thing she despised. I thought that if she knew she would be angry, yell at me or say horrible things to me, or- worst of all- stop being my friend. And I absolutely could not lose her; she was a sister to me. I was confident that I could hide it well enough that she would never need to know, but we can't all be so lucky. The day before I left school, my ex (the one who would rob me the next day) ratted me out to her. I was both furious with him and scared that I was going to lose one of the best friends I ever had. What happened next was miraculous. Something I never would have expected in a million years. She didn't hate me, she didn't stop being my friend, didn't even say one rude word or remark. She was a little upset that I had hidden it from her for so long, but once I explained that it was because I valued our friendship so much and was terrified to lose her she seemed to understand. She even gave me a hug! I was so touched I was near the edge of tears- she knew the worst thing about me, that I was addicted to meth, yet she loved me all the same and was still like my sister. I was about 90 percent sure she would hate me for this, yet she accepted me fully for who I was, faults and all, when for so long I was terrified she would hate me if she knew. I only felt luckier by the second that she had reacted completely opposite of what I thought and that I had her. That night was the last time I saw her. I left college to run away with my ex, he ended up robbing me and my amazing best friend and his wife took me in and let me stay with them. I think of her a lot every day though and miss her. I felt bad leaving her alone there cause we were all each other had. At the time though I thought she would be okay. I mean, for as long as I've known her ive been secretly jealous as fuck of her. She was perfect in every way, and I wish I could say I was exaggerating. She was seriously perfect and I wanted to be her so bad. Honest to god I still do, and if you knew her you'd wanna be her too. She's skinny and absolutely drop dead gorgeous, not to mention amazing with make up. Guys were practically tripping over themselves for a chance to get at her when I was lucky if a guy so much as glanced my way. Getting love or sex or any male attention to her was as effortless as breathing. That wasn't even what I was the most jealous of though. I envy the fuck out of her magic social powers. I can think of another way to put it. It has to be magic cuz I sure as hell couldn't do it. She has some insane power of getting people to take interest in her without trying, and friends flock to her like a moth to a flame. Especially in her home town (when I went to visit her over the summer)- she was popular as fuck. Without even trying, she had more friends than she knew what to do with. All my life id been a near complete loner and desperate for friends, for connections and relationships. No matter what I did, my peers still hated me and I remained a loner. I went straight home every day after school and didn't leave my room cause I had no friends. She, on the other hand, never had to be lonely for a single second- hell, I didn't think she even knew what loneliness MEANT! Without even trying, she had what id wanted so desperately all my life- tons of friends, no loneliness, popularity and guys drooling over her. Over breaks when we went home, shed be having a total blast partying with tons of different people, while I sat alone in my room on the verge of tears because I was so damn lonely and wanted so bad just to have someone to hang out with. Sometimes it was hard not to snap out of pure envy- once she complained to me that she got invited to too many parties. Inside me I was ripping my hair out- like why the fuck are you complaining?! Hers was a "problem" I could only dream of having. Of course if she asked I said I hung out with friends over break because I was embarrassed to let her know how truly pathetic I was. I felt for so long that something was wrong with me and I didn't fit in with humanity because I was so fucking lonely, but she could get everyone in the world to be her friend by fuckin blinking at them. Also her parents were incredibly chill and not strict or controlling at all, the exact opposite of my dad. They cared about her, more than just her grades, they brought her self esteem up instead of crushing it, and they talked to her as an equal human. Which I couldnt pay my dad to do; to this day he talks to me as though Im an idiotic young child or an extension of himself. Never an equal. Hell, I was jealous of her for having grown up with her mom still alive- I lost mine when I was 7. Anyway. At school we hung out only with each other, so I felt very close to her. We tried many times to make friends with other people at the school, but everyone at that school was an ultra religious Jesus freak prude, so not our usual type. Still we tried. We learned pretty early on that people didn't like us for some reason. They got weirded out by us after hanging out with us once or twice and then magically disappeared, never talking to us again. Now i dont know if this is just a paranoid tweaky thought, but I think the word "us" isnt exactly accurate when placing the blame on why nobody wanted to hang out with us. I think the us is actually me. I was what chased everyone away. She has such an incredible talent at making friends that there was no way they didn't like her. I was what they didn't like, and I was always hanging out with her, so if they were chilling with her they were chilling with me. I dont know what about me did it- I seemed to have the opposite abilities of what she did. I suspected that I was the reason since last year, but what's happened in the last couple weeks only makes me think more and more that I was the reason we were so lonely. Since I have left the school, she has instantly made a whole group of friends. She's getting a house with them her senior year and everything. Without me to get in the way, her natural charms were uninterrupted and she found friends almost instantaneously. Nothing like that ever happened when I was around her. Im really happy that she has moved on and found friends so she Wont be lonely, on the other hand it made me sad she moved on so fast. I know that's not fair of me- I cant just expect her to never chill with anyone ever again because I was gone- but still i feel it. That tiny heart ache. Im quite replaceable I think, and Im glad she found her people and not loneliness. I mean it with all my heart, I want her to be happy because she deserved it. Ive experienced more than my fair share of loneliness and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. But love is about appreciation not possession, and what matters is she is happy and has people to support and love her, whether i am included in that or not. Just like you trim weeds to make the garden flourish, my absence has helped her become the socialite she always wad again. I am sad that we are separated (and honestly jealous of her ability to attract people to her without conscious effort) but happy that she is happy. She's quickly moved on and Im sure that in time she will forget me completely. The thought hurts but I need to accept that it might be a possibility. I chased friends away from us, why would she want to remember that. I miss her to death but without my weirdness chasing her social life off, she is much better off. She's in her element again, a social butterfly spreading her wings and flying out into the world. I wish I knew her secret on getting people to want to be her friend or boyfriend or whatever , but ill just have to accept I never will. Even she doesnt know, its an instinct to her. I never was lucky enough to have that gift but oh well. That's life. It is what it is. I really hope that this is just the drugs and the paranoia talkin, that it wasnt my fault we had no friends and she also played a part in chasing them away. I hope with all my heart it isnt true, but deep in my heart I worry that it is. I guess ill never know the truth and Im honestly kind of glad, cause Im not sure I could stand to hear it if it had been my fault. I accept that ill never know. I still miss her though. Even if she forgets my name, ill remember her and her friendship and cherish the memories we made for my whole life. If she wants to continue being my friend, which there's a decent chance of because she still hits me up on Facebook occasionally to check on me, I will be ecstatic. Shes like my sister that came out of a different vagina 😂😂😂. Whatever choice she makes is hers though and I will have to accept it no matter what. Her happiness means so much to me that if she slowly forgot about me, id know at least she is doing well, uninhibited by my weirdness and free to put her social talents to use again. If our friendship does end (which is painful to think) I will hold onto the good times. Ill try not to cry because its over but smile because it happened. I would appreciate that I had such a close bond with her that saying goodbye was sk hard. If saying bye is hard you know it was a good friendship and a blessing that I had it..... Okay, rant over Holy fuck I sound like a weirdo. Tina makes me rambly. Then again this was so long Im sure most of u got bored and didbt make it all the way to the end 😂 I dont blame you its pretty long. This is probably mostly for me to read when I sober up and laugh at myself. If you did stick thru to the end, thanks ❤ weird tweaky rant over!!
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jordanrubin1 · 5 years ago
Over the past eight weeks, we have discussed, analyzed, and learned about various topics pertaining to women around the world through the form of storytelling. We have read and listened to many stories from women around the world including stories from Dalia Mogahed, Elif Shafak, Sisonke Msimang, Lila Abu Lughod and many more. We have also read and written about two novels based on the stories of women across the globe. After examining topics like intersectionality, global feminism, and the power of storytelling, the topic that intrigued me the most throughout this course was Islamic feminism. I found this topic intriguing because quite frankly it was the topic I knew the least about. To be honest, before taking this course, my mind was filled with stereotypes about women in the Middle East and their culture. My vacancy of education on this topic made room for stereotypes to live.
Now knowing what I know about Muslim women and Islamic feminism, I feel ashamed that I let my ignorance shape what I thought I knew about Muslim women. Although I feel embarrassed of this, Dalia Mogahed in her TED Talk, “What its like to be Muslim in America” reasures me by saying “If some of your perception were negative, I dont really blame you. That's just how the media has been portraying people who look like me. One study found that 80 percent of news coverage about Islam and Muslims is negative. And studies show that Americans say that most dont know a Muslim.” After hearing Mogahed say these things I began to be angry with the media and thought about my own life and how I am actually part of the Americans who dont know a Muslim. Because I had never had conversation with a Muslim or listented to their life experiences, I let the media scream words like “oppressed”, “terrorists”, and “radicals” over and over again until I actually started to believe the media.
I let the media skew my thoughts on many aspects of Islamic culture. I was part of the people who believed that every woman wearing the Hijab or Burqa was doing so because her husband insisted and that they were required to show no skin to stay pure for their husbands. In a reading that we annotated called “Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving?” by Lila Abu Lughod, Lila revealed some basic truths behind the Burqa. Lila wrote “It is common popular knowledge that the ultimate sign of the oppression of Afghan women under the Taliban-and-the-terrorists is that they were forced to wear the burqa.” She debunks this popular knowledge by stating, “First, it should be recalled that the Taliban did not invent the burqa. It was a local form of covering that Pashtun women in one region wore when they went out.” By just reading this one story by Lila, I quickly started to understand the cracks in what I thought I knew about the burqa. Lila revealed the truth of how the burqa became what it is today. She wrote, “What happened in Afghanistan under the Taliban is that one regional style of covering or veiling, associated with a certain respectable but no elite class, was imposed on everyone as “religiously” appropriate, even though previously there had been many different styles, popular or traditional with different groups and classes- different ways to mark women’s propriety, or, in more recent times, religious piety.” Just these few sentences alone opened my eyes to a culture that I knew so little on and had so much to learn about.
Since I had such a skewed view on the head dress, burqa or veiling, I was also under the impression that women who wore this type of clothing were oppressed by their religion or culture. Lila Abu Lughod quickly changed my view with one simple sentence. Lila wrote, “It is deeply problematic to construct the Afgahn woman as someone in need of saving.” This sentence alone showed me that I had really been misled about everything surrounding Middle Eastern culture and tradition. Lila eloquently explains the problem behind constructing the Afgahn woman as someone in need of saving. She wrote, “Projects of saving other women depend on and reinforce a sense of superiority by Westerners, a form of arrogance that deserves to be challenged.” Everything was starting to make sense to me. Media and film are continuously guilty of painting Muslim women as women who need saving. The media and film's intentions though are not truly to help these women. The arrogance of Westerners allows them to dehumanize the Muslim culture when they are constantly being painted as prisoners of their own culture and religion.
Since beginning our work focusing on Islamic feminism, I have made it a point to myself to learn about Muslim women and muslim culture so that Im not part of the problem of contributing to the false narrative around Muslim women and the burqa. This is exactly why it was an easy choice for me to do my individual commonplace blog focusing on Islamic feminism. By choosing Islamic feminism as my focus for this project, I was able to continue my learning and take action on educating myself so that I can educate others. One post on my blog page in particular that taught me alot was an article called “Islam and feminism are not mutually exclusive, and faith can be an important liberator” by The Conversation. This article challenged my way of thinking and gave me a better understanding of the fight between sexism and religion. One passage that surprised me in particular was “What would be surprising to scores of people, however, is that many Muslims see the Qur’an and hadith as a defence for their arguments against sexism, not as a stumbling block to women’s liberation.” Becase I was uneducated on Muslim religion, I assumed that the Qur’an did not support feminism. I have been proven wrong, but I am glad that religion in the Muslim world does infact support femisism and most Muslim women would identify themselves as feminsit. What shocked me even more was this: “Most of the Christian women in this study rejected the label of feminist, but espoused feminist values. In contrast, most of the Muslim women were willing to endorse the label of feminist, and actually identified Islam as a feminist religion.” This article proved to me that stereotypes can blind you from finding the truth. It is so important, now more than ever, that we don't let stereotypes decide what we do and do not know about a group of people. This is one important lesson I am taking away from this course.
One very large realization that I took away from this course is that I need to/am excited to learn more about women who don't look exactly like me, or dont dress like me or talk like me. I have learned so much throughout this course by listening and reading stories of women that have experienced drastically different things than I have. Its so crucial to not let identity politics blind us from learning about others instead of assuming we already know a person or group of people’s whole story. I am excited to take the lessons I learned throughout this course into the real world and expand my knowledge on all things women. After all, women run the world!
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parents, rant
 a random rant, which has been in my head for long enough, but i just cant process it in a rational way, so i have been giving up.
so, my ‘mom’ wants me to hold some sort of different platform for her and my father, which i completely understand. it comes from the fact that she gave birth to me., and has been financial support, and what not. i get every word of this, but i just cant figure out what the deal is, when i dont actually respect any of this, anymore. somewhere along the line, i lost interest in giving people respect, which they demand, and have not earned. i dont know how and where this whole norm of parents being the gods came from, and mine are completely obsessed with it. it not only entails mere respect, but “i cannot back answer”, “i cannot disrespect their choices, which they make for me”, “i cannot fight back about the rules they framed for me, which make absolutely no sense what so ever” “i cannot treat them as my friends”. somewhere down the lane, i feel like they have never exactly been the parents-parents, the ideal version (although i know theres no ideal parent whom i met till date) all they do is, merely act out the roles of parents, which looks more like a pick and choose what they saw around themselves growing up, what they liked, what they wished their parents did for them, what movies and media had to offer regarding stories and roles of parents. and this mixture has never been a healthy one, trust me. its so screwed up, that i no longer know if its okay for me to keep submitting.
so i did the next best thing, and wrote a letter to my father on my 21st birthday, after a series of breakdowns he himself has witnessed regarding my life falling apart, and i was in a dilemma of wanting to be alone vs. corona forcing me to stay indoors. i knew coming back home is only going to make my mental health worse, in most of the ways because its going to get straining for me to be conscious of what i am doing, because there are people constantly watching what im doing, and monitoring every step of mine, and providing remarks about them while im eating! i cannot enjoy the slightest of these days even in my imagination. its seriously my nightmare. but here i am. what is the worst thing that could have happened? everything! my father dosnt have to go to his work, since its work from home, my mother is going to be hella bored with no stuff to watch on soap operas, and i have a hell load of mental burden and emotional trauma i was trying to recover from. 
bad combinations
nothing was helping, friends, TV shows, music, none of the previously used distractions could be useful anymore. 
so, back to me writing a letter to my father, i dont know if that actually worked, because we never spoke about it, ever. i gave hints about how i dont choose the career option they thought i should be going for., and told him how i dosnt feel ‘home’ when ‘im home’. and that im looking forward to getting independent, financially, and metaphorically too. but yeah, i never got to speak to him., i dont know if i want to either. but yeah, i should get some sort of confirmation that he actually read the letter. right?
anyway, so my mom from the past couple of day has been “yelling” literally because she thinks ive been disrespecting her, by treating her like my friend, and not giving her the special status of a mother, and blames it all on-me living in a state far away from home-which bought this change in me. she makes it sound like its some sort of destruction that happened, and like i was possessed with some demon in my stay at college.
if anything, ive got more vocal about what i want, how i want, and what matters to me. and frankly, not much of family goes up the list. 
to be more honest, none of what i experienced till date, none of the friends or relatives deserve to go up to this list of people i respect and value., because ive been stabbed in the back by mostly all of them, the rest, i cannot trust because of this.
they say (and i do believe) the first level of teachings begin from home/family who shape you up, and i dont know how a little experience of one 8 months can change all of the childhood i got, but im glad that happened for me to finally open my eyes. but im sorry, truely for what ever my mother is going through tight now.
im sure shes broken, she has all these expectations on me, because even my father has been ignorant for most of the part, she craves attention, and love, which is too late to develop because i feel unconnected with all of the drama. she longs for belongingness, and i dont know if i can offer, because we both stand and follow two complete contradictory ideologies which can never make a pact to stay together without dishonesty and faking. im done living that life. and i dont want her to deal with it either.
i honestly dont know how im going to be dealing with this, because i know i owe them for the things they have done for me(for some unknown sentiment of mine) and i want to show them i can go places, even this attitude they so disapprove of. 
dont get me wrong- she has been there., not expecting much from me, when i was broken, but most of it, as i said was forced because she felt like she needs to do, as a parent. i dont know how the emotion- caring, love, feels like anymore. if i think and look back, i dont find it at all. i was so clouded by my own complexities that  i never got to feel the simple raw emotions., so what is the point of life now?
search, learn.
(over all, i feel i have some sort of ego thing going with my relations to authorities. i can never submit to them, or the old orthodox ways of functioning if i feel thats not my type. rings me bells from my relation with college authorities, wardens, and seniors, and now parents too)
but for real, what makes a family, family?
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thelifeofang · 6 years ago
the first semester of college is almost over and here is what i’ve learned:
1) leaving home is just as terrifying as it sounds like, but it is one of the best things i’ve ever done and one of the decisions i have ever made for myself; there is no need to feel guilty about leaving. in the beginning, i had felt a lot of guilt about deciding to go to school 9 hours away from home. at home, i’m a big part of everything functioning on a day to day basis. big sister duties cover everything from doing dishes to changing diapers to soothing my sister’s pre-teen meltdowns and everything in between, and i knew it was going to be hard for my mom to make the adjustment to not having me around. just a few weeks after i left my dad deployed to norway for 3 months, and i knew it was going to be even harder on my mom to manage a house, dog, and four kids all on her own, so naturally i felt really bad about leaving her to do it alone. what i’ve found in being away is that i have to learn to separate myself from the angelique i am at home and the angelique i am as an individual, on my own, and in my own space. being away from home has allowed me to grow like no other experience ever has, and i’ve been able to discover more parts of myself than i ever would have if i stayed home. family obligations are important, but at the end of the day it’s still time for my siblings to step up and fill my space, and leaving is not something to feel bad about. it allows for growth, new experiences, and new memories, and something like it’s important to give yourself the space to do those things. 
2) what you define as home can change, and that is okay. i’ve always defined san diego as home. it’s where i was raised and it’s the place i always come back to, so in that sense, it is home. but  when i’m in san diego, i refer to ‘home’ as san francisco. initially, i assumed it was because that’s just where i spent the most time, where my bed was, and where i was enrolled in school, but it’s a lot more than that. what i’ve learned is home is not just defined by being the place you were raised or where your family resides, but the place in which you feel the most like yourself, where you grow the most, and where your people are. san francisco has brought to me some of the best nights full of the hardest laughter, craziest stories, and most amazing souls i’ve ever met. i know this city like the back of my hand and whenever i leave it, i’m almost immediately ready to come back, no matter how much i complain when i’m there. it’s my home in that it’s where i’ve established myself as who i really want to be, it’s the place i look forward to being in literally every single day, and it’s where my people are. my god, i love my people here. home is where your heart is and my heart is in these people. bless them for making this place so fucking fantastic. 
3) don’t fucking procrastinate the goddamn essay, bitch. just do it. you’re going to hate yourself when you’re up at 3am writing a 5 page paper on something you had two weeks to do. 
4) communication is key -- prioritize it. one of the most important thing i’ve learned about relationships of any kind is just how important communication is. i’ve always known that it was important to voice your concerns, to make sure what you’re doing or saying isn’t hurting others, and so on. i’ve just always tended to feel annoying when checking in like that with others because i didn’t want to come across as needy, a complainer, or in need of validation. the thing is, it’s not really like that at all. it’s so important to let people know when what they do hurts or bothers you and to do the reverse to make sure you aren’t hurting others. it’s one hundred percent okay to vocalize how you’re feeling, what you are and aren’t comfortable with, and to check in with others about the same thing. the more you do it, the easier it becomes and the better your relationships are with others because everyone feels okay with talking. i’m really glad this is something i’ve picked up and learned to value a lot more, because i feel like it’s just really strengthened my relationships and made me feel so much more comfortable in vocalizing what i’m feeling or have to say.
5) i’m still shit at budgeting. i always say i’m going to do better, and then someone suggests ice cream or boba and i can’t say no. where the fuck is my self control? who knows. 
6) learn to be comfortable being alone. not every single moment has to be spent with other people. coming out of high school, i was used to constantly being with at least one other person and having someone keep me company while walking to classes, going to eat, and so on. this semester has taught me that it’s okay to be alone, it doesn’t make you look like a loser -- deadass no one cares --, and being by yourself teaches you a lot of independence. not everything has to be done with another person; you’re a big kid now and you got this bitch. 
7)  8ams aren’t for me. i mean, once i’m there i’m ready to do the damn thing and get my learning on and whatnot, but getting out of that bed in the morning is hard as hell. never doing that again.   
8) it’s okay if you fall out with friends from home. sometimes this is just inevitable, and sometimes it’s not even for any negative reason. everyone just gets busy and it can be hard to keep up with some people. those who are meant to stick will stick, but others might fall away and that’s okay. don’t beat yourself up about and don’t feel bad about. 
9)  the best people come to you naturally. the biggest thing i’ve learned about forming friendships in college is that when you talk to people with the clear intentions of trying to be friends, it doesn’t work out too well. it all feels too forced and awkward, and the conversation becomes shallow and superficial and it all falls away pretty quickly. the people who stick come to you naturally because, as they say, your vibe attracts your tribe. you’ll naturally just click and stick with people who have similar interests and energy to you, and the rest is history. 
10) tell your friends you appreciate them and show it often! your friends become your family so quickly. maybe it’s just because we’re all so far away from home, but friends in college become your support system, your go-to’s, and just your family away from your family pretty quickly. you spend every day with them considering you all practically live together, and you bond fast because of it. on top of that, there’s a big ‘we look out for each other’ type vibe with college friends in comparison to high school friendships. of course you have your hs friend’s backs, but it’s different in college. it’s more of a we make sure each other are safe when we go out, we look out for each other mentally/emotionally, and we take care of each other like family does because we’re all so far from our actual families. you do so much for each other, sometimes without even realizing, and it’s so important to remind them how much you appreciate them for all of it. 
11) keep condoms on you no matter what. pregnancy who? sti who? sorry, we don’t know them around here. 
12) you can go on dates just for fun, it doesn’t always have to become something! dates are really fun and so is meeting new people. you can go on a date with someone just for the fun of going out with someone and having a good time, there’s nothing wrong with that. it doesn’t make you a hoe or anything. just have fun and see what happens! you don’t always have to commit to someone. just don’t be a dick and lead someone on. if you’re just here for a good time and not a long time and you’re into the casual dating thing, make that shit known. 
13) there isn’t a place in the world that you can’t wear pajamas. that 8am? pajamas. grocery shopping? pajamas. ice cream run? pajamas. who’s gonna stop me? no one. 
14) pizza and alcohol? not a good idea unless you want to vomit. 
15) spontaneity is important and i love it. listen. i’m a whore for a good fucking adventure. my absolute favorite nights in the world have been the ones we don’t plan and just go out and see where the wind takes us. it’s the unplanned adventures that had me walking ten miles to krispy kreme at 3 am, running after a train at midnight two towns over, finding our favorite ice cream spot in the city, and getting to watch the sun set over the skyline. sure it might be hectic sometimes, but it always makes for the wildest adventures and the best stories. not everything has to be so planned and meticulous. let the city take you wherever it feels like taking you that day.
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tumblunni · 6 years ago
seriously ive like Always wanted to do tabletop games as a hobby, but i was never socially confident enough and also Warhammer In Particular Requires Money
But i just Took A Risk And Dived Into The Store and then the cashier was really helpful AND also it turns out the series has changed a lot since i was a kid! Now there's multiple scenarios including a fantasy one, instead of just the grungey edgelord sci fi! Sure its grungey edgelord fantasy too but fantasy is better cos fantasy can have GHOSTS!!! man i wanna learn more about the rules cos yo can you mix and match stuff? Could i have ghosts AND zombies AND vampires??? Do i really have to restrict my monster wuv...?
Oh and also NO BIGOTRY ANYMORE which is always a plus! There was only one female faction in the space thing back then, and they were creepy bondage sexy ladies who stab themselves and use their orgasm power to fuel their magic or something. Like it just said "magic fueled by suffering" but uhh..when theyre all skimpily dressed and doing O-faces it uhh..DOESNT SEEM LIKE THIS IS PUNISHMENT TO THEM. I cant believe people reccommeded that to me as a 12 year old just cos it was the only "girl one".like i mean i know the definition of the gane is gonna be violent and Dark but like you should still categorize some stuff as maybe Even Darker And Perhaps Not Sell To Smol Childe. Having green blood on your axe is a bit tamer than goddamn fifty shades in space! So yeah glad that's not the only option now and i can have a wonderfully ghoulish lady ghost who's like a bedsheet spoop but a wedding veil and then there's a skeleton underneath it. Mmmyeah thats quality monster! TRULY WHAT ALL WOMEN ASPIRE TO BE
Oh and yeah the ghosts just look SO GOOD! they have a great design aesthetic of floaty smokeyness but also skeletal zombieness. And the smoke colours are very Aesthetic to make up for the fact you cant actually have translucent plastic. And they all have super dynamic poses swinging all.sorts of cool.weapons on chains and sticks just so they had an excuse to spice up an otherwise ordinary figure. And then MAN when there's the ones that are dynamically posed AND also have a really unusual design?? God my heart just explodes. I looooove these spoops~
And man i hope i can work up the courage to go back and ask the cashier more questions next time! I wanna know the specifics of the rules and how creative im allowed to get with them. How different can i paint them? How am i allowed to mod my figures? Can you mix and match figures from each faction? Do you just have to rp as the plain army description for each faction or can you make up your own division of the ghost dudes who are Not Tormented and Not Ruled With An Iron Fist and instead have a Nice Boss Who Takes Them Out For Milkshakes? Also can i put little top hats on them?
And maaaaan seriously i already have so many ideas for alternate plotlines for these guys!! Its SUCH A WASTE! the short summary mentions that you become a ghost if you're "not good enough for [warhammer equivelant of heaven] and evil enough for [warhammer equivelant of hell]". But then ALL OF THEM ARE JUST EVIL ANYWAY. "Not evil enough" but still every single unit description is "he was an executioner/hunter/serial killer/world's worst criminal ever/he has so style he has no grace t t this stabman stabs u in th face." Like seriously where are my actual morally gray dudes who did bad stuff for good reasons or good stuff for sinful reasons or straddled the line between redemption and temptation or like MAN THERE ARE SO MANY DIFFERENT DEFINITIONS OF PURGATORY PERSON! Like why not bring up all the completely good people who might get unfairly sentenced here if this world's angel faction has as many corrupt priests as the real world? Ghosts of unwed mothers, unbaptised children, lgbt and other minorities the church is bigoted against, people falsely accused of crimes by corrupt pastors, peope whose mental illness is blamed as 'demon possession', teenage brides who didnt accept their 'holy' arranged mariage to a man twice their age, poor people who just didnt donate enough to the church caddy, etc. Or even just plain normal people? Like if you don't believe that humans are inherantly good you might damn Ol George Farmerson for "not doing anything with his life". Norse mythology had a "bad place" like that, everyone went to Helheim even if they werent evil, just for not "dying a warrior's death". And a lot of the worst child abusing christians twist the scripture to claim that all children are born sinful and have to work off this goddamn debt they gained through no fault of their own.
So yeah i was thinking of having a Nighthaunt faction division where i replace all their weapons with stuff like gardening tools and etc. Farmer of doom! Librarian of death! Single mother of pain! Kindly grandpa neighbour of ultimate power! Just all the lost souls of people who weren't super evil dudes. Maybe even theme it like theyre all from the same village? Maybe the entire place was damned for the sins of one man. Just generally criticize the hell out of the way all these dumbass gods organize their damn afterlife.
And then i could have a warden/general character who's Actually Nice and Actually Tries To Help These Ghosts Work Off Their Sentence. Kindly support worker type person. Treats it like voluntary work and extracurricular classes for people recovering from illness. Does all this paperwork and arranges little art classes and weekly walks around the park for all the grandmas. "Let's do the five-point recovery star to help plan our goals for the future!" Support ghost is here to help u accept ur new damned existance, and help progress up the employment ladder of hell~!
And then i was also thinking SHAMELESS CHARON CROSSOVER! i mean itd be so cool to have a ghost dude who's been damned for being a corrupt tax collector or something. And if he was all hunched over and grumply with some claw hands. And if he was this physically weak type due to his crimes not really being of the fighty sort. And if he was a grandpa. And small. I AM ABSOLUTELY JUSTIFIED IN SAYING CHARON WOULD FIT PERFECTLY INTO THIS WORLD!! Also it woukd actually be cool if i could mix and match units and i just had one single holy creature in this army of doom. Like a lil pixie type thing like rotom! An innocent barely-sentient angel glowybab, who's inexplicably latched onto this motley crew of spoops and seems to see a spark of goodness in them. Like the whole "youre a punished ghost cos you suck but you did One Good Thing so here's a small chance to escape your fate" myth thats common to a lot of cultures. And the dude usually ruins his one chance by being greedy again, blablabla. That would really fit Charon! So like i dunno maybe this rotom-equivelant lil celestial fairy could be the soul of a baby or a cat or something that he saved when he was alive? Like i dunno his final heist went catatrophically wrong and he accidentally knocked over a lantern and set the place on fire. And he could have been able to escape if he'd just been as selfish as usual, but he heard a kid crying from inside the burning building and he ran back inside to try and save them. And uhh.. He still failed. They both died. And now he's stuck on afterlife death row but this lil angel still comes to visit and cheers him on. And a bunch of other redeemable and/or falsely accused non evil ghosts all ended up becoming his buddies too and now they're all fighting together to find a better future~! (Charon: I'VE NEVER HAD SO MANY FRIENDS! :'D ...what is their resale value)
SO YEAH IN SUMMARY I LOVV GHOST AND ADDING GHOST MAKES ALL UR GAMES MUCH MORE BETTER now plz let me be nice to ghost, srsly it sucks that their whole deal is "theyre all being tortured constantly and not even their boss gives a shit about them". I dont wanna play as a ghost torturer!! I BOUGHT THIS GHOSTE BECOS I LOVV THIS GHOSTE
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