#im definitely going to try and be more active too - i kinda miss it
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reikafanfic · 11 days ago
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Random Nsfw Head Canons For Riize Maknae line (with Fem!Reader)
( Includes: Seunghan, Sohee and Anton )
Again, there will be so many typos in this so get ready, I didn't proof read this at all.
Also hanis section might not be the best because I got into riize after they put him on hiatus (I hate sm so bad don't get me started) and I have a hard time getting a read on him but I tried
Hyung line, Maknae line
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♡ ♡ Seunghan ♡ ♡
I had a hard time getting a read on him at first because he's such a cutie (he doesn't deserve half the shit that he gets OT6 WHEN I CATCH YOOUUUU-)
But honestly after thinking about it a little bit...this man is a undercover freak, HEAR ME OUT
The type of guy to finger you under the table when you're out with friends, smiling and chatting it up with everybody as if he isn't knuckles deep inside you.
He's so sweet too, calling you "his girl" and talking about how happy he is with you as you're struggling to not make any sounds.
That's his entire thing, he'll tease you and be so so mean but he'll do it with the sweetest smile on his face.
I would consider him a strict soft dom, If you're a good girl he'll treat you like a princess, praise you day and night but if you start getting bratty with him, he'll get so mean (in a fun way 🤭)
You bent over as he's fucking you from the back, your face buried in the pillow so you can't beg for his forgiveness whenever he slaps your ass.
"Awe are you trying to say something baby? I can't hear you sweetheart"
Also a bit sadistic, loves leaving marks on you, especially ones that last for days.
Seeing you wince whenever you sit down after he spanks you gets him so hard, literally ready to go for round two right then and there.
As much as he loves when he gets to punish the brat out of you, he also loves when you're his good little girl.
It's been said before but this man is a EATER, if you behave you get your pussy ate till your brain melts out your ears.
His aftercare mainly consists of him putting on ointment where you need it and making sure you're okay, since he's the Dom it's catered to what would make you feel the best.
At your beck and call after sex, the sweetest man alive.
♡ ♡ Sohee ♡ ♡
Virgin loser. IM SO SORRY HSHA
I'm a loser!Sohee truther, this man hasn't been near a pussy his entire life, gets absolutely no play.
He's always been too nervous too approach women and when he started training to become an idol he just didn't have the time.
So when he meets you he's all nerves, too shy to say anything, so you'll have to be the ones to initiate things.
Probably the most submissive out of Riize mainly because he's inexperienced and more comfortable with you taking the ropes.
Cums way too fast the first few times you two do it, is super embarrassed about it but he can't help it :(
"shit- sorry- it just.... you...you feel so good I'm so sorry"
Because of that he insists he wants to learn other ways on how to please you, whether that's oral or through his hands.
In the beginning of your relationship he's kinda sloppy but what he lacks in experience he makes up for with enthusiasm.
After learning and practicing a whole bunch I honestly think he has the best head game in Riize, he lives to please.
Same with his fingers, because he has a hard time lasting during sex he got really good at basically everything else so don't worry, you'll definitely leave the experience satisfied.
Also probably the most vanilla in Riize, you're his first and he's still figuring out the ropes, definitely wouldn't be into BDSM.
Maybe over time after you've been together a while but for the time being he's more than happy with missionary.
He does eventually get over his cumming too quickly problem but he's almost disappointed, he kinda liked the humiliation. 🤭
Aftercare is more of a joint activity with him, prefers to both take care of you and be taken care of.
You've gotten in the habit of alternating who gets to be the small spoon.
He also likes to talk after sex but it's more like him quickly rambling before falling asleep mid sentence.
Also gets the cutest bed head the morning after.
♡ ♡ Anton ♡ ♡
Sigh.....MY MAN MY MAN MY MAAANNN okay sorry wait-
This is gonna be long because he's my favourite, tee hee.
I don't think he's a Virgin but he's mostly inexperienced, hasn't really done a whole lot but knows the basics.
I mean have you seen all the shit he was up to? Swimming competitively, playing the cello, being an Idol, this man doesn't have time for anything.
Also another one that takes his time dating you before you two sleep together, I don't think he'd wanna sleep with you if he wasn't sure you two would eventually be official.
Also another switch, leans dom though, specifically soft dom.
This man is PACKING, we've all seen that one screenshot, definitely the "Big and doesn't know what to do with himself" trope.
Would honestly prefer a more experienced partner, tell him what to do because he doesn't know.
Also has a size kink, you could only be like two inches shorter than him but the fact that you're shorter at all gets him going, it's not just about height either.
He's broad as hell so he loves giving you back hugs, especially when you're brushing your teeth so he can see himself engulf you, that visual really gets him going.
Unexpectedly kind of a tease, leans into kiss you but pulls back just before your lips touch his, passing you a big smile when you pout.
Also speaking of him being huge...his hands....okay listen listen.
Whenever he plays the cello I can only think of one thing...
There's no way his clit rubbing game isn't on point, not too hard, not too soft, keeps it at a consistent pace, doesn't loose it mid way...
Also his fingers are so long? He has the biggest hands in Riize, I just know they can do some damage.
Loved laying your back against his chest and reaching down to finger you, has a arm wrapped around your waist so you can't push him away.
"sshhh it's okay baby, just stay still. let me make you feel good"
Also loves giving and recieving head, I already wrote a whole fic centered around him eating pussy so I won't go into details about that here.
He loves watching you struggle to take his cock into your mouth, it's nearly impossible to get it all down and it makes his size kink go crazy.
He rarely finishes in your mouth because seeing you struggle to suck him off makes him want to fuck you right then and there.
Gets so sleepy after sex, like wants to fall asleep then and there type of sleepy. He isn't great at aftercare solely because he gets lazy and just wants to sleep and also because again he isn't that experienced.
Will eventually get a hang of it though, will clean you up and praise you, he doesn't even really do it on purpose it just kinda slips out, how you're so pretty, how you feel so soft, how much he loves you etc etc.
Wants you to sleep on top of him because feeling your weight on top of him is comforting.
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Really hope y'all like this, writing these was so fun
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twiixr4kidz · 1 year ago
Glad that you active again! Can I request 7 evil exes with touch-starved reader?
yeah ofc!! apologies if my formatting is off, im writing this on my phone xD
matthew patel
matthew is one very touch-starved man
whenever you're together, you're immediately in each other's arms
like he genuinely cannot take his hands off of you
not that you're complaining
you'll go from touch-starved to touch-full in no time
his love language is touch for sure so he has no problem being attached to your hip 24/7
AND he gives like, the best hugs ever
Lucas Lee
he's very used to being touched but not in a traditional sense
he gets touched a lot during movie shootings but it isn't like, genuine, loving, intimate touch
he's a little surprised with how touchy you can be but he's also like, a total whore for your attention, so he eats it up
expect lots of long, warm hugs and forehead kisses out of nowhere
he doesn't realize how meaningful it is to you
Todd Ingram
todd is honestly pretty touch-starved himself
but he's also simultaneously nervous when it comes to physical contact
he's a little silly like that yknow!!
if you like, talk to him directly about it, he'll definitely try to be better about touching you
it'll start off really slow but you'll start to notice his lingering touches and how he holds your hand more often in public
he's such a sweetheart
he just wants you to feel comfortable and happy
Roxie Richter
you're never going to have to worry when it comes to miss roxanne
she's on you ALL THE TIME
her arms are always wrapped around your waist or your neck or your torso
and she has no qualms against kissing you or touching you in public if that's what you need
hell, sometimes she worries she's touching you TOO much
she's not
you eat it up, and she gets so giddy when she realizes how happy you are
Kyle Katayanagi
he doesn't really realize how touch starved you are unless you point it out
he's the kind of guy who doesn't really notice things if that makes sense
the kind of "oh shit i didn't realize babe im so sorry i love u" guy
however, he DOES consider himself a very touchy person
he picks you up A LOT
if the two of you are standing around, he'll run his fingers through your hair and lazily braid it together while you talk
if he's lounging on the couch watching tv, he'll tell you to come over and lay on his chest
it really is the little things that count
Ken Katayanagi
he's shockingly clingy which is really good for someone who's so touch-starved
he's always inviting you to come "chill" with him, which usually consists of him holding you and burying his face into your chest
he can tell if you're having a "i need to be held" kinda day and he jumps on it immediately
he's a little nervy when it comes to PDA but if you ask, what kind of boyfriend would he be to deny??
Gideon Graves
you will absolutely have to tell him how you're feeling
not because he's a dick (well, i mean, sometimes.......) but because he's just a little dumb
but yknow what else he is???
ANNOYING (i mean this affectionately)
you need a hug?? you're getting CRUSHED.
you need him to hold you?? he'll wrap you up in a blanket burrito and swaddle you like a baby.
he's a total ding dong and everything he does is followed with a laugh, but he only does it to make you happy
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cconfusedkat · 2 months ago
(shaking hands, functioning on three iced coffees, not beta read we just die) (LIL BRO TREATING THIS LIKE AO3Anyways yeah i did not read anything i typed here a second time so my wording might Suck Major Kuss)
Hey chat! sorry my holiday depression unfortunately kicked in, i had a ,, relatively decent Eid (cuz i dont celebrate christmas) ...? so i hope everyone had a relatively better holiday than i did… 💦
My friends often tell me i look like my art and i kinda see it. Hooray! Meeting the artist! Except i took matters into my own hands of making my own collage because I Do Not Have Enough Storage Space For Any Other Editing App
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Additional shitpost ❤️ the art I've been most proud of are not actually in here, really! I'm mainly proud of the fanart i made for the few smiling critters AU's aaaall the way back feb-march but. I guess the stuff i liked the most i did this year was probably for the one who wilts? Im trying to think of stuff earlier than that. I noticed i definitely had an improvement in art, and i learned i do have a preference of drawing certain ways now too lmao- the fun of art! I hope to improve more in 2025 :-)
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Herm,, all jokes aside, im glad people like my art...?? I am not a very Secure artist myself (already taking me five minutes to type that out and consider myself as an artist) so im SHOCKED when people Actually like my things. My doodles. The sometimes rare occasion of real art i put out there. Like! Wow! Thats crazy
Id have to say the same for youtube- im currently at 456 subscribers 🥺❤️ that is huge to me,, i wouldnt have expected me posting for the first time in years on youtube would result to me getting this many subscribers? ? .???
Im very, VERY thankful for the people ive met this year through fandom and generally. Unfortunately—for the past few months—Ive hit a really low stump in my mental health that limits me from talking to people without getting super drained, even on social media i kinda struggle with being active again. I am thankful for the people that continue to stick around and know im the way that i am,, one day ill be mentally stronger and everyone is gonna see my growth as soon as i can ,, Actually leave my own home and hopefully start a new. I didnt really consider that until one of my friends shared its experiences with me and i GENUINELY realized i can run away and get better one day,, there is a light at the end of the tunnel,, there IS,, but not now. Not today. Not in a few months. Itll take me years to heal but 2025 and ongoing years as i get more freedom to do so,,
UHHHH UHHH. ASIDE FROM CHEESY RANTING OF HAVING HOPES FOR THE FUTURE, YAPYAPYAP- i got a drawing tablet (again another thing my friend inspired me for- technically two major things in a row it inspired me for- hope in the future and drawing BWAHAHA-) and uhhh. HmMMOOHHH YEAH I REUNITED MY MEOWMEOWS! HOORA🎊🎊🎊🎊
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my 2025 goals are not just improvement in art,, but in hopes of getting a full time job (since my last full time UMM. did NOT work out well! How am i gonna learn to pay my taxes on my own dawg,) and trying to get a place of my own since i missed out on that two years ago (or one? One year ago? I DUNNO..!!!!) , therapy and trying to heal better compared to my terrible stumps of 2022-2024,, i dunno what else but. Maybe working on my social skills at some point 🗿🗿 a far fetched goal is moving out of state completely and also going on testosterone but that is farrrr from now </33
Thank you lot for following and keeping up with my goofiness i gen did not think an animanga nerd with a passion of indie and mascot horror games could reach 510 followers within one year HELPPP thats crazy
On less serious goals though i hope on watching more animes than reading manga in 2025 BWAHAHAGAHSAJD i read manga more and anime is Extremely Rare for me to watch but both jjk and Beastars have all ive been watching as of recent lol- trust i will be such a geek (girl Please that is NAWT something to look forward to) (YES IT IS. HAVE YOU NO WHIMSY?)
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meetthegofer · 4 months ago
🦀🦅💕😑💀 (esp interested in the last one considering game mechanics)
THANK YOU TORRANCE MY GOAT.. once again since this will be a little long its going under a readmore 🔥 thank you though this is a very fun selection
🦀- How did they handle realizing they were in love? Embarrassed? Nervous? Mad?
fossey was absolutely the more accepting of his feelings of the two in this regard; though they were definitely pretty nervous they tended to downplay it a lot, like "welllll... people get crushes on coworkers with all the time!! plus its not like anything's gonna come of it, so its fine for me to like him.. im sure ill get over it soon" <- that. generally just didnt register that they might have a chance At All and as a result didnt really catch themself reading too much into his words/actions because "well its not like he'd like me anyways! that would be wasting my time. i have a job to do, after all".
sniper on the other hand...
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for him, the realization was like being hit in the face with a brick. not because he thought fossey was particularly undesirable in any way that would make him go "i cant believe i like THEM", but rather because he was still operating under the expectation of not really getting to know them or really form any relationship/attachment past just. general coworker amiability. it honestly made him panic a bit, because he wasnt sure if this would affect his performance in battle ["if i get hung up on something like that, itll be easier for me to get distracted and hurt more easily. or worse, ill underperform" <- that sorta thing] and again, he tries to consider himself as being somewhat divorced from feelings, at least on a professional level. of course, we know this to not be true [calls his parents regularly, shows genuine care to his teammates, etc etc] but well. hes stupid. <3.
🦅- How good are their friends at being wingmen? Do they even help at all or just sit back watching the pining with a bag of popcorn?
...you could not possibly have a worse ensemble of wingmen than the options laid out for these two. at the absolute least, fossey has the support of miss pauling, who reassures them about things when they feel down. however shes not really an active wingman? like she encourages fossey but doesnt ever actively try to vouch for fossey as a potential partner for sniper, mostly because fossey has asked her Not to [going back to the whole lack of perceived desirability they feel and all]. other than that, they havent really confided in their feelings to anyone else, mostly because they know theres literally no circumstance under which it would end without great humiliation.
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sniper, on the other hand, tries to be discreet when asking for advice, but everyone kind of Knows who hes got his eyes set on. so when he tries to ask for help and is immediately met with a chorus of "ooooh so youre finally gonna ask out fossey?" hes like FUCK YOU and also how did you know [fake idgafer they saw you saying good morning!! when you dont do that for anyone else!!!!]. so i think he would get frustrated and then not ask for help again
that said i can definitely see a few of the mercs trying to take things into their own hands. scout makes stupid jokes to fossey about sniper ["yknow hes got a picture of ya in his camper, right?" "HE WANTS TO SHOOT ME?" "NO"], soldier probably tries giving him unsolicited advice that literally only worked because zhanna matches his freak so well, and medic breaks HIPAA in a strange way to try and bring them closer together. none of it ever works but theyre all quite content to watch the two of them very awkwardly dance around their feelings for one another and tease them about it [though mostly sniper. since fossey does a shockingly good job at hiding her side of things + they havent known her nearly as long]
💕- Who confessed first and how? Did it go as planned or did shenanigans ensue?
oh this ones fun. they both kinda confessed at different times, but the first one just... didnt work? going back to this question set, after fossey apologizes/confronts sniper about his avoidance, he Does confess his feelings, but does so in a more vague way that fossey absolutely Did Not Clock as romantic. unfortunately this ended with the most brutally unintentional friendzone known to man
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its not as though All hope is lost, though. like i said, there were multiple "confessions", albeit fossey's was admittedly much more thought out in terms of like. the specifics.
see, they have a really bad habit of overworking [mostly because they lose track of time very easily, and their work is so repetitive its easy to get lost in the sauce. they arent a very intentional overachiever], and a lot of sleep problems. as such, it was bound to happen that they would one day fall asleep at their desk, having worked themself to exhaustion and not really noticing it until they'd woken up...
sniper notices fossey sleeping at their desk, hours after they were supposed to leave for the day [being a bit of an insomniac himself, he would sometimes just. walk around. everyone on the team is kind of a freak it makes sense to me. you know]. so he goes and wakes them up like "hey dude you were supposed to leave hours ago" and theyre like FUCK right ill be out of here in a second. however, before they can leave, sniper remembers that fossey usually Walks home. so he offers them a ride, because the idea of them walking home alone at like 2am greatly unsettles him. they agree, and since its only a 15/20 minute walk it ends up being a very short drive, spent in an admittedly comfortable silence between the two. maybe a longing glance or two is passed without the other noticing.
and just before fossey steps out of the van to go fuck off to their apartment building, without even thinking they lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek, then step out and wave goodbye like nothing happened. [its not until theyre actively closing the door to the apartment building behind them that they realize what theyve done. and by then theyre like FUCK]
sniper is obviously speechless, because just a couple months ago he got friendzoned and he was still wrestling with the fact that his feelings were only getting stronger with time. he just kind of sits there for a second before he realizes he probably looks crazy just sitting there in a van outside an apartment complex that is primarily home to like. old ladies. and on the drive back to his usual parking space for the camper hes just like Fuuuck work is gonna be so awkward tomorrow.
and the next day they do talk it out.. fossey stops by his camper and is like Heyyy so can we um 😅 talk about last night haha... and they give a verbal confession but end it with like "im not really expecting you to feel the same way but since you basically already know i figured id tell you..." and snipers just there like It is unbelievable how much i feel the same way. i imagine the conversation itself would be quite awkard/seemingly "anticlimactic" for the start of a relationship, sort of like [incoming maine moment] shimamitsu's first little stint as a couple in skip to loafer where they just very awkwardly are like "do you... wanna try going out?" after a rather embarrassingly sudden confession. but both of them are autistic and awkward so <3 love is love <3
😑- How easily do they get jealous and how do they handle it?
fossey is admittedly not very jealous at all LOL though this mostly comes from the fact that they dont place very high value in themself. so theyre like "? if he ever found someone else he'd just go for it man i dont think it'd be worthwhile to keep me around just to cheat". they also just arent really the possessive type, since they do actually trust him quite a bit in this regard and are very much of the "if you love something let it go" mindset. however in the context where i ship sniper with the other mercs theyre very chill with it. because fossey has the fujoshi spirit 👍
if they ever Would get jealous i think they would handle it well enough on their own, though. they tried exactly one [1] time to make a joke about sniper leaving for someone else and he was MORTIFIED so they were like Damn i probably shouldnt do that again that was a little mean.
sniper i think would probably be a little bit more jealous? it doesnt come up very much, but every once in a while someone gets just a liiittle too close or looks a liiittle too long and hes like ? You could back up a little bit!
he mostly keeps it to himself since fossey isn't and has never been the type to pursue or flirt with others even in a playful context, so when he Does get jealous its usually directed at the other party. i think early on he mightve gone to fossey about it first and when they got confused [because they didnt think the other person saw them that way + were absolutely NOT trying to go for them] he realized it didnt make much sense and didnt really bring it up like that again. not much reason to blame fossey for how others feel when they arent the one Inviting those feelings, yknow? at most he might be like "damn that guy would Not leave you alone" but even then it happens quite rarely, so its not something they really have to address more than like. once or twice a year. that said i Do think he might get a little more clingy without really noticing it... hugging a little more tightly or casually throwing an arm around their shoulders a little longer than usual.
💀- If the canon character is canonically dead, how did your OC handle their death? (Or did you completely omit their death cause fuck canon?)
this one is interesting, not just because of the game mechanics but also because of his canon [albeit temporary] comic death. when considering respawn compatibility + mechanics and the nature of the game, i think fossey is desensitized enough to how much violence occurs around these guys on a daily basis that the concept of sniper being hurt in this way doesnt really faze him any more than it does miss pauling or any other merc. like he knows he'll be back. its fine. though i do think in the back of his mind he sometimes worries that one day sniper might come back and not remember/not love/not care for him anymore, although this has yet to happen, and if scout's persistence with trying to court miss pauling is any proof, it likely never will.
his comic death, however, is a different story, primarily because it left him with some pretty permanent scars. fossey freaked out so fucking bad when they found out what happened [since they werent present for it] and they just like. almost couldnt really believe it? the desensitization to his death in the context of the gravel war + respawn machine and how it functions made them less cognizant of the idea that Hey he could still die for real one day. and that realization shook them pretty badly... if they were actually present for it i think they would genuinely be inconsolable for a while. but LUCKILY hes back 👍 insert i cant help myself "all clean!" image here
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conanssummerchild · 6 months ago
my own ranking of every rick and morty episode, inspired by the lovely @fandomwe1rd0 :3
sorry this is a bit scattered, the random quotes are just lines that i liked/found funny. i had to shorten all my reasonings by a fuck ton bcs i was just going on forever lmao, so if some things feel kinda cut off, that's why.
i binged all of rick and morty in like a week to make this, just to make sure the ranking was fully accurate to me and it took me way to long but i'm finally done !!
btw this isnt a ranking of which episodes are objectively the best, its very biased and just my personal opinions, im aware some epsiodes definitely shouldnt be as high as they are but a lot of them are just my comfort episodes 🤷
f tier: episodes i actively dislike, have little to no redeeming qualities.
71. rickdependance spray: audibly said "oh, fuck no." when i realised this was next. the rest of weird-ish episodes have some redeeming points but this one just has no plot relevance and isnt very funny.
70. raising gazorpazorp: main reason i dislike this episode is the end credit, it reminds me of when i was listening to family line and my dad insinuated conan was making it up and that if i got famous i'd do the same, like, no, if i talk abt what a shitty dad you are its bcs you were a shitty dad, do better. anyway i just thought it was an unfunny joke. due to daddy issues. also its just a boring episode.
69. a rickconvenient mort: summer and rick's storyline was ok but not enough to make up for how much i hate planetina. i liked beth in this episode. rick and summer's dynamic was nice too, but unhealthy.
e tier: episodes i don't dislike, just find boring/have bad elements but more redeeming qualities.
68. m. night shaym-aliens!: the little crystal wrestle was adorable. other than that not a super memorable episode.
67. rise of the numbericons: the movie: i didn't hate it but compared to the rest of s7 it was pretty weak. i think mr goldenfold is funny, but not enough to get his own episode. it would've been more entertaining if rick was in it lets be real, i missed him.
66. interdimensional cable 2: tempting fate: i care very little about jerry's penis. the interdimensional cable was good as usual though.
65. how poopy got his poop back: fine episode, not my fav. i liked seeing bp and squanchy again.
64. edge of tomorty: rick die rickpeat: "Damn, Morty, you're bad at maths, but I'm giving you an a-plus in confidence!" an okay episode.
63. rick: a mort well lived: pretty weak episode to follow solaricks. summer's die hard was good. some cool emotional components.
62. rattlestar ricklactia: "Hey, Morty, listen. I can tell you're pretty upset about the whole snake encounter thing, so I'll tell you what. I'm just gonna go ahead and avoid you for the rest of the day." rnm were kind of cute at the end. yk, until rick punched morty in the face :/.
61. the jerrick trap: sorry ik a lot of ppl love this episode but tho burger & fries were cute characters its not all that for me. memory rick's return, however, was all that. i love him.
60. childrick of mort: "Oh my god, grandpa, you fuck boy." rick being a space nerd <3. loved to see more of beth and rick together but other than that this episode was kinda mid.
59. amortycan grickfitti: honestly made me feel bad for jerry which isnt easy, i sort of liked rick here, he seemed reluctant to let the hell demons make fun of jerry, he still did, but even apologised with only a little prompting. can't say the same for beth. summer and morty were sweet in this episode, i wish we would get more of them.
58. rickmancing the stone: "I don't know why I'm crying." "Well... try crying 15% less?" not bad, i liked the emotional components.
57. mortynight run: again, not super memorable to me. the roy montage was good. You kind of wasted your 30's, though, with that whole birdwatching phase." the animation for the song was great.
d tier: mostly okay to good episodes with minor faults that i can look past in the general scheme of the episode.
56. one crew over the crewcoo's morty: fucked up what rick did to morty. and to mr pb, his life went to shit after this, bcs of rick.
55. night family: had some great moments, but wasnt my fav.
54. anatomy park: loved dr bloom, john oliver voiced him perfectly.
53. lawnmower dog: sweet scenes between rnm. liked the dream inceptor, loved scary terry, snuffles was good too but not as much.
52. claw and hoarder: special ricktims morty: "Are you gonna slay it?" "First off, i always slay it, queen. Secondly, yes." summer being on morty's side was nice. while the soul orgy was a bit weird, the rest of this episode was pretty entertaining which is why its higher up, sorry.
51. bethic twinstinct: jerry saying he would khs, not cool jerry fuck you. "You ladies discuss responsibility while i get stoned and play video games with your kids." the end 💀 i felt bad but it was funny lol.
50. final desmitation: maybe my fav ep of jerry and rick's relationship. i liked seeing rick disapprove of them making fun of jerry, had some funny moments and i even liked jerry here.
49. a rick in king mortur's mort: not the best but i enjoyed rickbot being nice to morty. also this episode sets up for rmrm which i love.
48. promortyus: morty's little yee-haw 😭. and their conversation, so sweet. taking the adderall line as an adhd rick confirmation. "It is my thing. Just like yours is dying alone," get his ass. i feel like the romance couldve been a compelling story if the hosts werent rnm.
47. the whirly dirly conspiracy: rick's take on jerry was accurate. "But no, like father like goddamn daughter! You wanna be like Rick? Congratulations, you're just as arrogant and just as irresponsible!" morty ate. i prefered summer and beths storyline to rick and jerry's.
c tier: solid, episodes, some have a few faults but theyre small
46. mort: ragnarick: it's so high up because i found rick to be likeable and liked his dynamic with morty. ricks clone was cute too.
45. look who's purging now: "Screw you, Rick! I'll purge you too, you old rickety piece of crap!" rnm's storyline was great, i liked arthrisha.
44. the ricks must be crazy: "I dropped out of school. It's not a place for smart people." "Ohhhh, snap!" lmao literally my reaction. "Ooh. Wow. Gaaay!" "That is pretty gay." not much more to say, good ep.
43. never ricking morty: rnm were sweet in this ep. the gay ass song with rick and bp. "Rick are you– do you need to go to the hospital?" the forehead kiss was sweet. (we're ignoring "Lips if you want.")
42. mort dinner rick andre: mr nimbus is a great character. the wine storyline was a bit boring. "I havent been to a full week of school in years! I don't know shit!" love the peek at rick's backstory too.
41. rick potion #9: important lore episode. some funny bits. morty was a little creepy in this one. i love jerry primes character development. first look on down from the bridge moment !!
40. forgetting sarick mortshall: "What are you, eight? Is this macaroni art? You expect me to believe you built this because you don't care?" liked ricks storyline and he actually does seem to be showing minor development. the end song was good. liked garbage goober's lore.
39. morty's mindblowers: rick removing whatever memories he wanted was fucked up. rick saying granite instead of granted will always be funny. also him losing in chackers and skiing into a tree.
38. mortyplicity: entertaining enough if a little convoluted, i liked it though. sweet moment between the decoy family, shame they died.
b tier: good to great episodes.
37. big trouble in little sanchez: actually liked jerry and beths storyline in this one. tiny riiick !! "old rick! ruining everything!" good episode.
36. pilot: good intro, sets the tone. rick is such a dick (affectionate). rnm's dynamic !! the animation is great. overall great episode.
35. pickle rick: ik its a overrated but i think its good. hes pickle riiiick. dr wong's speech to rick was actually really good and accurate.
34. meeseeks and destroy: rick was such a whiny bitch this episode (affectionate), up until the mr jellybean stuff, which i liked bcs it was handled well by the writers and rick was actually very sweet.
33. rick and morty's thanksploitation spectacular: president curtis' alcoholic sci-fi boyfriend is probably my favourite way rick has been refered to in the show LOL. overall i enjoyed this episode.
32. something ricked this way comes: idc now but, the first time watching rick's r slur speech it was obnoxious and offputting. summer and rick were great, i adore their dynamic, love summer and rick episodes, but idrc for jerry's storyline, he bores me so bad.
31. full meta jackrick: "Rick can't change, Morty. Change is what you might call his Kryptonite." there were a lot of things i liked abt this ep.
30. vindicators 3: the return of worldender: very good episode. forever a believer that the ride was for morty and rick just chickened out.
29. a rickle in time: the va for the testicle monster was great. beth and jerry's storyline also wasn't bad. rick jumping into the hole and sacrificing his life for morty, im sobbing. great episode.
28. the vat of acid episode: morty trying to make rick feel better about not being able to make the thing was very sweet. morty's relationship with that girl was adorable, so sad it was erased by jerry's dumb ass /lh. fuck rick in this episode. the end was funny.
27. rixty minutes: while i do love interdimensional cable this episode would've been lower if it wasn't for all the character moments. "You can't leave, you're 17." "Yeah, and I'm not pregnant. I'm gonna have better judgement than you guys had at my age." loved summer getting screentime. beth and jerry's moment was quite sweet.
26. ricksy business: bp and squanchy !!! >:) bp coming through with the deep speech. the montage of rick morty and summer at the end is so adorable i love them sm <3. "I love my grandkids." "Aw :)." "Psych, just kidding, my new catchphrase is i dont give a fuuuck!"
25. get schwifty: first president curtis episode !! i love him. love morty and bp interactions haha. "In bird culture, this is considered a dick move." "It is random debris. I found it in my carpet. I don't know what humans eat." crying i love him sm. one of my personal favs lol :).
24. juricksick mort: tbh i mostly like this ep bcs of "You pompous autistic cadaver!" but there was other good moments and it was entertaining. rick was funny and likeable and very much a disaster of a human being, as i was promised when i started watching rnm.
23. star mort rickturn of the jerri: space beth !! "You cosplay as your shitty father in his 30's." "Its funny. I always wondered who would win if we ever fought." "Then you were always a bad friend." :(. "Holy shit, I'm a terrible father." i forgot how good this episode was, very angsty.
22. total rickall: genuinely love this episode. KEITH DAVID >:D. rick's "weird made-up sounding catchphrases" compilation is one of my fav moments in the show lol, everyone looks so concerned 💀.
21. rest and ricklaxation: "Grandpa's here." SOBBING. "Because you kept drunk-dialing me and crying about it!" "I wasn't crying!" loved jessica and ricks dynamic lol. great episode.
20. rickfending your mort: great follow up to unmortricken, i like that rick doesnt just go back to normal and we see it takes a while and even then its only bcs morty steps in. morty making up titles for all their adventures is adorable. great sweet scenes between rnm.
19. the rickchurian mortydate: autistic rick !! also minecraft. the president is such a pathetic loser lol <3. i loved rick and morty being on the same wavelength in this episode. the ending was good.
18. wet kuat amortycan summer: summer-centric episode !! rick was likeable, liked seeing him clumsy getting his grove back. him saying summer reminds him of diane again, he's getting so much more open, im so proud, can you imagine s3 rick being sincere like that?
17. close rickcounters of the rick kind: best s1 episode, love citadel episodes. evil morty !!!!! some funny moments. "You're crying? Over a Morty?" sobbing. "Yeah, but wheres the transmitter?" and the evil morty song oh god, best scene ever fr. i love my evil guy :3.
s tier: outstanding episodes, the 16 best imo.
16. that's amorte: FANTASTIC episode, the end montage is the only part of any rnm episode thats made me cry a little, it would be higher up but i have some personal favs which i put higher. i feel like this episode was very classic rnm after having them separated half of s7.
15. the old man and the seat: jerry and morty's dynamic is pretty funny. tony and rick's storyline was fantastic. some pretty angsty stuff. "The saaaddest piece of garbage in the entire cosmos."
14. the abc's of beth: rick and beth episode !! rick saying that an adventure clearly needs morty in it, aw. i did not care about jerry's storyline at all. beth had no right being so relatable in this ep.
13. ricktional mortpoon's rickmas mortcation: rick relapsing into finding prime !! "I'm not touching that thing. I'll get neurotypical cooties." ok, so ik a lot of ppl don't like the speech rick said to morty, but i do, he was going through a LOT, this clearly took him quite a few steps back in development and healing, i think it was less bad than a lot of other things he's done and way more justified.
12. fear no mort: loved morty getting his time to shine, LOVED diane and rick. morty realising rick wasn't in the hole has to be one of the best moments in the show. rick not going in the hole at the end bcs morty told him not to, hope some day he'll get to the point of doing things for morty in front of him so he can realise how much he cares.
11. analyze piss: look at rick asking dr wong for advice. him relating to piss master :(. also i read a phenomenal fic abt this ep (tw sh) (link).
10. air force wong: UNITY RETURNS! Rick was kinda childish in this episode but i feel like it was justified, he wasn't being a dick just bcs, he was hurting, and he even kinda apologised to summer, hes trying. rick going to drink with the president instead of being alone.
9. the rickshank rickdemption: RICK PRIME. "That, diane, is the last great idea that will ever be had in this garage." :((((. ricks backstory. "he's not a villan, summer, but he shouldn't be ur hero." fantastic ep.
8. rickmurai jack: love two crows rick. rick's full "crybaby" backstory !! "Now you're evil morty, too. sooner or later we all are. on this side of the curve." THE END OH GOD. THE MUSIC. EVIL MORTY LETTING OUT A SIGH OF RELIEF. INSANE finale.
7. gotron jerrysis rickvangelion: rick is so spectacularly autistic in this one. i like how he doesnt silly hyperfixtate, he full on unhealthy hyperfixtates. i practically know this ep off by heart. comfort ep fr.
6. rickternal friendshine of the spotless mort: im not sorry for putting this up so high, i love this ep so fucking much. memory rick is so silly i love him sm. "You were a good friend, Rick. Goodbye." the blood ridge confession makes me FERAL. i can quote it word for word.
5. the wedding squanchers: THIS EPISODE. rick watching bp die in front of him. rick turning himself in :(. "everyone i know goes away in the end." the music was so good. "he's not coming back, is he?"
4. the ricklantis mixup: best citadel ep, fight me. j-22 trying to save simple rick only to suffer the same fate :(. slick jumping into the wishing portal. the ending was phenomenal, every single storyline was amazing and important. and evil morty returns.
3. auto erotic assimilation: love unity and ricks dynamic. blim blam humbling beth and jerry. jerry using the weed whacker right in front of the garage where rick just attempted. and no one notices. bc that's how it is. "do you feel it?" is a great song. maybe this ep is higher than it should be but it's my comfort ep, it means so much to me.
2. solaricks: first time we get to see dimension c-137 out of a flashback !! "I hope Summer knows what happens to the people you love!" "Oh, am I cool enough for you now? Well, that was easy. It only cost me fucking everything." "I don't know him. You're my grandpa, rick." rip jerry prime, my fav jerry. THIS EPISODE IS PHENOMENAL.
1. unmortricken: ok anyone who knows me knows this is my fav ep bcs i never stfu abt it. i mean, evil morty backstory, rick beating prime to death, GOD. ian cardoni was COOKING with the delivery of those lines, and the lines were fantastic. some good rnm moments. the angst is so good. "How's it feel? Better? No? Exactly the same? Yeah, it always does." best look on down from the bridge moment.
i keep going over this a million times just to make sure everything is perfect but idk, some episodes are maybe interchangeable, im just going to post it bcs its been rotting in my drafts for quite a while now, everyone promise you dont hate me for putting an episode 1 slot too high or low /j
and sorry for all the jerry hate in this post, i dont hate him i just find him boring, so eps where he's the centre tend to be lower on the list.
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maskedteaser · 8 months ago
Hi! I love matchups! Can I have a rdr2 matchup? :3 if you would like a matchup too let me know! (It can take me some time tho)
I am pretty social, however I prefer to spend time alone! I care about others a lot… To an unhealthy amount honestly but I'm working on it! I love to help others and make them smile, but I do wish I would get something for being so nice in return, yeah it might sound greedy but I want to be appreciated! And get something nice haha, like just a compliment or something, when my helping and kindness gets unnoticed I might get upset because of how tired I am and I just want to be appreciated like I said before 😭 I wanted to be noticed and not ignored! I care too much about what others feel and think and it's tiring, I just want to be selfish sometimes and care about myself even if it sounds mean. I also love being mentioned/involved in things, it makes me feel liked <3
My humor is definitely not for everyone, it's mostly the humor of a 12 y/o kid which can be annoying to some people lmao (sometimes it's funny how people are annoyed by it) and some other things depending on how I feel. When it comes to annoyance I also like to annoy people <3 it's so fun! But I never want to make them really feel bad! Often I act like an asshole but this is just for jokes! (but sometimes I wanna be a real asshole lmao) Like I said I don't want them to actually feel bad, if I do, I will feel very guilty! When it comes to it I apologize A LOT, I apologize so much that it might too annoying but I always feel a sense of guilt inside of me. I'm also VERY sensitive and worry about everything. Ah and I'm pretty dumb and I am not trying to insult myself I am just silly hehe and I'm okay with that. Oh and Im clumsy 😭😭 I have a low self esteem :((
I LOVE LOVE horror and scary things, I can't imagine my life without it, its just a such interesting genre that makes me happy and intrigued! I adore horror games and I'm mostly interested in them, however most of the time I am scared of playing them so I just watch gameplays and stuff like that haha. You can say I am obssesed with horror! (its funny because its easy to scare me haha)
I love to eat food <3 especially sweet things
I also love cute things! Plushies, pink, lolita clothes and other cute things! I just love it so much <3
I love pathetic men! 😍 I am not the smartest and I find high inteligence hot however I also love goofy guys! They are adorable!
I dislike cooking (I love when someone knows to cook however I suck at it)
When it comes to looks I am a chubby girl :"D chin lenght hair with bangs and glasses, my best friend says I have a "puppy face" ❤️
Ahh sorry if its too much! Have a wonderful day/night!
I was actually not expecting anyone to react in any way and request a matchup, but I am so glad you send your note! Thank you for reaching out! Let's get to it! More under "keep reading" :) [@karusenka - tagging you so you won't miss it!]
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before I tell you who I match you up with, let me tell you why I decided not to pick other characters!
❝ yeah it might sound greedy but I want to be appreciated! ❞
DUTCH would probably not put you over his plans and his ambitions. No matter how pretty or nice are you, you would probably always be the second option. That's why - DUTCH IS OUT!
❝ I also love being mentioned/involved in things, it makes me feel liked ❞
I have a strong feeling that JAVIER might be too overprotective of you. He'd be simply scared of loosing you, always keeping an eye on you, not letting you go anywhere out of the camp. I feel like he could just go on missions and never involve you in anything except simple camp chores/activities. That's why - JAVIER IS OUT!
❝ Oh and Im clumsy 😭😭 I have a low self esteem :(( ❞ ❝ I'm also VERY sensitive and worry about everything❞
I kinda think that JOHN would be a really bad match for you. Sometimes the words he say can be really insensitive (I remember the things he said to Abigail when they were arguing in the camp...). I feel like he could hurt you by saying something about your clumsyness and he'd never actually notice that you're mad or WHY you are mad. That's why - JOHN IS OUT!
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Seems like a great option for you! He might not be the best cook, but I'm sure he'd love to involve you in everything he does! Sean would probably care about you, always thinking about you and taking your opinion into account! You'd never get bored since this young man is full of surprises! You said you loved goofy guys, and if I had to be honest - I don't think there is anyone goofier than him! And your love for pathetic man? I'm pretty sure that he could get desperate for you pretty fast, just show him one of your cute dresses and he is on his knees, baby! I am also pretty sure that he'd love to listen to you talking about horror! He'd probably look it up/read about it (at least try to read about it...) so he could discuss with you about it :) Since he has so many people that he treats like family, he'd always go for advice from them after seeing you sad/mad and he was being unsure of what to do. Always trying his best to comfort you and apologize for any harsh words he possibly said. [He'd go to Arthur and be like "oh Arthur :( I fucked up again...! I love her so bad but I think I said something mean, what should I do now?" with sad eyes and lost puppy face.] He'd probably notice little things you do for him. And if you give him any handmade gift (like bracelet or something) he'd wear it 24/7 :]
Thank you for requesting! Hope you are okay with my matchup...Sorry if i disappointed you because you wished for someone else- signed Teaser 👽
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that1stargirl · 1 year ago
nah cuz why my evil self seen the x readers y'all be making where miles cheats on y'all with Gwen (interesting...) and ig it influenced me in some way cuz i got an idea (ngl I never actually read them it's just the concept that influenced me)
(oh man the evil laughter that just escaped my mouth)
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(this ooc tho just warning y'all)
so here's my Idea but it's not a x reader, i just made an au where miles and miles 42 twin brothers. but y'know im a flowerbyte shipper at heart so...
so like Margo meets Miles 1610 first and they like each other but Miles ass still confused😒so he's still actively pursuing Gwen even tho he knows he kinda likes Margo too. So he tries to put him and Margo in a box in his head like they're just friends and for the most part he tries to keep it that way, but sometimes he'll slip up and flirt with her (even tho he know his ass is tryna just keep things friendly with her and pursue the white girl!😒instinct takes over ig).
so much of "it's not like that, it's not even like that! we just friends"
"does she know that🤨? lowkey do you know that" with the way they act towards each other, onlookers are confused.
Soon after Margo meets Miles G (who will be called Milo or sum) and he not confused, he DEFINITELY likes her. The 3 of them become a friend group of sorts where she's always around them, always in their space or at their house, and if she's not near one, she's near the other. like they become close. A little over 1 year into this dynamic and strange friendship group, Milo confesses to her and they start dating because it's a mixture of "what's the harm?" and actually liking the person enough to think maybe a romantic relationship wouldn't be a terrible idea (like Barb in abbott elementary said, "you can like 2 people at the same time), and not wanting to ruin the vibes by rejecting them. Plus he never played with her feelings or led her on and he'd been sweet and affectionate to her the entire time.
so they start to go together and Miles is like😒"suddenly those two have gotten annoying🙄" (as if his confused ass didn't have his chance and he missed it. too busy chasing that white girl) and they're not even obnoxiously affectionate when they're around him, in fact most times they try to behave like nothing has changed when they're around him (they did this so well, actually, that for a whole 2 weeks he didn't even know they were dating until one day where the atmosphere was just weird, vibes was off and he asked them what's up). He's just mad they're together and a little jealous but he tries to push those jealous feelings away or pretend they're something else because he should be happy his brother got a girl. He tries to push his feelings down and put distance between him and Margo so he's not overstepping his brother's relationship, but it doesn't really work out because their friendship dynamic was already kinda weird and shaky with him periodically flirting with her, and him and Margo are naturally drawn to each other, plus they're in the same friend group so there's no way they can really be apart for extended periods of time. At best, all Miles could do was avoid Milo and Margo when he'd see them together or skip out on preplanned gatherings. This attempt at distancing only lasted for a month at best before they caught on and would make an effort to try to include him more in things because that's still their friend and they didn't want the group friendship dynamic to change just cuz 2 of them were dating (ah but trios never last we hear, how naive).
Even with all this, his new dynamic with Margo is still kinda weird and there's a weird unspoken tension between them, mostly because of him. It was hard for him to break habit because the way they interacted with each other before "as friends" when they were all single and trying to convince themselves they were normal suddenly felt wrong now that she was with someone, still it was hard for him to completely change his behavior. Sometimes his touch or gaze would linger on her for a second too long, and he knew he had crossed a boundary of sorts.
Even tho a brother been lost all those years, seeing them together really does put into perspective how much he actually liked her and how he'd been fooling himself trying to convince himself otherwise, and it kinda hurts him. a wake up call of sorts. And he really does try to do the right thing but yearning takes over him, tension had been building for close to 2 years, and him and Margo do Milo so dirty (😭sorry miles 42).
After they cheat together, Margo stops talking to Miles for a while because she feels like a horrible person for what she's done to Milo, and she remembers how Miles spent all that time playing with her feelings while chasing the white girl and she feels insulted tbh. She's the one who tells Milo what happened.
Milo not really too mad at her because he has wayyyy too much of a soft spot for her and at the back of his mind he knew she had always liked Miles a lot and that they have a special thing between them, (plus they always had their nerdy shit which he could never really relate to) he just wanted to give it a shot rather than do nothing with his feelings and come to regret it later.
The two of them reconcile pretty quickly and go back to being friends.
Miles and Milo however...
There's definitely hostility there and really how could there not be when your twin brother [redacted] your best friend of 2 years who's also your girlfriend??? (y'all can fill in the blanks for what you want redacted to be😭)
He doesn't speak to Miles for a week and Miles doesn't even try because he knows there's nothing he can do to atone for what he did. He just waits for it to cool down with time. Margo not speaking to him either. Miles doesn't blame them; he'd been acting like a jerk lowkey (lowkey? only lowkey???) and out of character this whole time.
The 3 eventually do find a way to reconcile after a longggg conversation and it takes a while but Miles and Margo do find their way back to each other and start dating. (what'd I say they drawn to each other man😭it was inevitable)
It's been a long and treacherous journey but...
It's def a story that will be whispered around as family gossip during the family gatherings in the future.
Can you tell i watched too much disney channel and teen dramas as a child?
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ddlcbrainrot · 8 months ago
I don't really get what you're supposed to extrapolate from the side stories tbh
Like it's a non-canon prequel, so obviously you're not supposed to get any plot, but also all the fake desktop meta stuff goes out of its way to cast doubt on its credibility for getting info on the characters? Like even beyond it being an entirely separate simulation box, one of the emails says that details of their lives are changed even down to tiny details? So its use for character lore is dubious at best.
So you get characterization, right? ...Kinda? This is all just my experience, maybe I missed something but… if Act 2 is cranking the characters up a dozen notches, the side stories felt like everyone was dialed down a tiny bit. Obviously not enough to be even close to actively being in "she would not fucking say that" territory like Act 2 does as its entire schtick, but it's enough to make it feel a little off at times, to where I second-guess whether or not any particular personality detail is applicable to the canon cast or not
I went into the side stories wanting to get to know the characters more but every single part of it felt like it had an asterisk on it.
Maybe I'm missing something? Reading too much into it? Maybe it's just internal bias from not being a big fan of ddlc plus in the first place? Idk
totally get where youre coming from, the side stories are definitely a different version of the characters of the og game. but they are still the same characters. i think the emails say it is a different universe where very little stuff change? maybe im remembering incorrectly idk. its very difficult to try to understand where the side stories are the same as the og game and where they differentiate because its left vague on purpose
this is why i think its very important to mention when you are talking about the side stories and when you are talking about the main game, because the difference may seem small but it actually changes everything. no one is going to question how much the girls in the side stories care for eachother, but the base game makes it seem like they werent really as close (monika does say that she will get into her poems more when everyone is better friends with eachother after all, indicating they arent really close)
even then i do think the side stories do show us some part of the character's personalities so i dont want to disregard them completely
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inhibitionfreewriting · 2 years ago
okay so, i definitely got off track of the initial way i planned on writing this, but i got into a groove and... just gonna put it into (at least) 2 parts.
jerma x reader x ludwig (part one)
it starts totally innocuous, you're helping on dollhouse and end up just getting in with the two of them. you click at one of the end of day get-togethers. jerma makes you laugh first and then lud comes over to investigate what's going on and they've both got you doubled over. you end up getting food together and just spend more hours than you should have talking. by the end of the dollhouse event, you're in a group chat with the two of them and by the end of the first week of it existing, it's... always active.
you start to send good morning and good night messages, talk about your day even when they're busy and when they catch up on the memes and stuff you send. they're both busy bees so you know they get back to you when they can, but at some point it starts to make you sad when it's got long periods in between. not just that platonic sad but... longing. you're a little embarrassed over it, but it doesn't really come to an apex when you send a very tired 'ok love you guys im goin to bed'
it makes them both panic separately for the same reason but they don't talk about it on the side. ludwig replies immediately without thinking, 'love you 2, sweet dreams' and jerma replies 49 minutes later after trying to not overthink it (but did for all 49 minutes) a very simple 'love you'. he thinks about deleting it too, or changing it, but he thinks it's better not to and manages to go to bed after some tossing and turning. (and putting on something mind-numbing on his ipad) but that first time comes and goes and it just becomes routine to say it all the time. all the time.
it's not until you go hang out with jerma again that the energy is just.. different, not bad, just different. maybe even a little awkward. your hands are a little sweaty but you two spend the entire night playing dumb shit on the switch and you cook dinner together and somewhere along the line you're sitting next to each other and blurt out that you both miss Ludwig and then laugh and are like haha y-you too? but there's the electricity between the two of you too, and he invites you to stay the night "not like that of course... i mean unless you-" "yes" and you share your first kiss and it's fun and you still just...
you're both still thinking about Ludwig, and he knew you were hanging out but didn't realize it was a date and he feels this empty pit in his stomach because the two of you aren't talking to him even though he knows it's because you two are hanging out. and there's this seed of not jealousy but sadness because he isn't there too.
ludwig comes out with an awkward confession after you and jerma start to hang out more and more. "kinda hate when you guys go on dates tbh" tone is impossible to read through text and you prod him on why and after the conversation starts to get heated you open a call, and it. for what it's worth, the civility between you and ludwig lasts exactly 3 sentences and jerma is really trying to just mediate but once you both start yelling it's impossible (but he definitely feels like he's listening to two children bicker).
"it was one date and we've only seen each other twice! out with it, why is it such a problem only now?? it was two days where you were busy anyway so it's not like we skipped out on a night time video call!"
"that's not the fucking problem!"
"you didn't say anything when jeremy asked you if it was okay?? he asked you!"
"because it's not just you!! it's both of you, both of you are the problem."
"what does that even mean?? how is it--"
"wait, both of us? stop let lud talk"
you stopped out of indignance, almost throwing your headphones down instead of listening to whatever he had to say but with your arms crossed and mouse hovered over the leave call button, you stayed. you couldn't tell if ludwig had walked away from his computer or if he had muted his microphone and just gave up on talking. jerma breaks the silence first and cracks a half hearted joke, "i-i think this is the longest he's gone without talking to us. i don't think we've ever heard him this quiet for so long" it gets the driest chuckle out of you, almost like a pity laugh, but ludwig groans loudly and it genuinely cracks you up further. you can almost see it as he sighs, too, the way his hands are braced against his forehead and it's wrinkled with frustration.
"i fucking... it feels like shit knowing you two are hanging out and i'm all the way in los angeles. it's not just... one of you, it's both of you, i don't know. saying that out loud feels so fucking dumb." but you both scrambled to interject, explaining that you both felt that way too. neither of you knew how to bring it up and that it had been plaguing you especially hard, feeling like one side of the feelings were fake, both jerma and ludwig were scared that it would wildly change the dynamic the three of you had.
but it didn't.
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cogbreath · 1 year ago
i waint to hea r your bbt things
sheldon is also not the only one whos autistic imo. im not certain of who i all headcanon as such, but i feel its a fitting one for amy and bernadette actually. i think a lot of the problems with the way sheldon's autism is written is the fact that other characters don't *respect* him about it. like his needs and behaviors are often belittled or treated as nonsensical. overall i think everyone should be much kinder and understanding about it towards him seeing as they are literally his friends and all.
also probably a nitpicky thing and a matter of my own autistic sensory preferences but i feel it makes more sense for sheldon to NOT wear his sleeves rolled up for sensory reasons. whatever though im allowed to project. also i think they missed an opportunity to explore his interest in vexillology more? like there was maybe 1 or 2 episodes i remember about it but if youve ever met a vexillology enjoyer you know its a common topic they gush about.
speaking of gushing i think the dynamic between sheldon and amy would be like. two autistic best friends who love to infodump at eachother and do parallel activities. at most maybe they have some sort of queerplatonic thing going on? but im not actually super versed in what that means despite being aromantic myself xP
oh anothet thing that bothers me is how the female characters are written as not getting any of the geeky stuff??? it's stupid. like, yeah penny isnt a nerd, but she's an aspiring actress i think she would know what a star trek is. -_- honestly like, all of them would understand a lot of those things and are probably into similar stuff. bbt seems to think that like, these are Guy interests that all women dont understand or get when in reality like, dc comics n shit like that, literally your average person can follow along so i hate that they make the women seem as if they don't understand star wars references.
obviously this is probably one of the most common complaints about the show but id love to have made a lot of the pop culture references controlled and niche. we dont need a reference every other 5 minutes, id like to define each character's interests in a more sensicle way outside of just "haha guys look theres nerd stuff on tv hahah did you guys get that reference"?
also another problem is the way howard behaves. like some episodes his behavior is like, sexual harassment at times, which is met with a laugh track every time. not cool, and unnecessary, should be written to be more respectful. and then of course id like to make him have a better view of his mother, the dynamic in the show is one based off of antisemitic stereotypes about jewish mothers, and thats shitty. i wont retcon it to be a perfect mother/son relationship, like they would definitely still bicker, but i want to potray his mother as more than nagging and obsessive, like perhaps she does care too much and doesn't always treat him as an adult at times, but i dont find a lot of the overall nastiness that happens in the show between them to be funny or interesting.
raj is a pretty okay character imho, but definitely needs to be written more respectfully. He is a major example of the trope of characters of colour being sidelined. like the fact he was the ONLY character to be single in the end of the series? its kinda fucked up lol. obviously as mentioned before i think raj x howard should be the canon outcome. howeber both of them are bisexual, they both are potrayed as having interest in women; but i also think their interest in eachother is serious, or at least should be written as such. its also probably likely that the way he's written in terms of his culture should be improved but i havent gotten around to that just yet. i also think his anxiety issues should have been written with more respect, like the fact he was physically unable to talk to girls i think shouldnt have been an issue he had with *just* women. it seems they were trying to potray him as having selective mutism? but obviously thats not a thing that ONLY happens when one is a around ppl they r attracted to.
bernadette im actually rlly excited to write better because she reminds me of myself at times. i will dial her mischievous nature and her interest in microbiology up to 10. i will make her infodump about prions just i do.
also imho leonard is transmasc. i dont have any like, "evidence" or theory for why i think that other than just he feels that way to me. not that we even need justifications for transgender headcanons around these parts though.
also wil wheaton will NOT be existing anymore as a character in the narrative due to the fact he blocked me on tumblr for some dumbass shit. LOL.
uh i didnt expect to actually have all that much to say about this show... LOL.. enjoy my rambling!
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NAME : Andre! (aka Ya big boi Andre aka Andre 4000 aka the Monster of Miami aka Rico Suave)
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : Discord! Tumblr IM's are way too small for me to read at times due to my eyesight (bad enough to the point I'm not legally allowed to drive). Also Tumblr asks just wind up being way too slow.
MOST ACTIVE MUSE : The Boss as he is my only active Muse.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS : I've been doing Tumblr RP since I believe 2011, and that was a very loose and kinda wild form of it. I would kind of just wander around from places, whether it was brief stints in groups or indie, before finally playing SR2 and establishing Bossu's blog. From there I'd just pick up on a lot of advice and work on my writing till we come to today!
BEST EXPERIENCE : There are plenty of experiences that I'm absolutely fond of. And while this may sound like a cop out, I truly am happy to have made so many long-lasting friendships on the site that have been going strong for years now.
RP PET PEEVE : I could list so much shit that annoys the hell out me, especially regarding my eyesight since I know some motherfuckers really love turning up the saturation on their graphics. But I think my overall biggest pet peeve is one that I know a lot of people share, and that's when someone decides to act the fuck up over nothing and take what should always be considered a hobby way too seriously. Last thing anyone needs to deal with are freaks who are desperately trying to make up for their time in high school by acting like a shithead to others.
PLOTS OR MEMES : Plots are a definite preference for me. But I always want to stress the fact that when I say this, it's always very very light unless there's a clear need to get much more fully detailed. I guess that also comes from me messing around in what I'd consider an abandoned universe since the series has been rebooted. So I have plenty of ideas of where things could have gone, and I'd like to make sure any of my RP partners who want to involve their Muse with that world know what they're getting into. But memes are still good if I can sorta improvise on an idea! My only real issue is that sometimes I do worry about coming up with something that goes against a person's Muse or whatever. So I'd hate to step on any toes.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Both are fine! Definitely depends on the thread and where things going. I'll just always make sure to mention that I hate unnecessary padding. So if a reply of mine might come up a little short, I'll always let my partner know.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES : Oh sure, absolutely. I'm running my own little gang down here in the mean streets of sunny Miami. My body count is through the roof, and I definitely want to expand my empire outwards. This is totally 100% real and serious, please believe me for I have no reason to ever lie to you. I'm a trustworthy person.
TAGGED BY: Stole it from Miss @bitterseadrop cause I'm a thief TAGGING: Your mom
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jaeyunverse · 2 years ago
hi !! i hope ur doing okay :) i heard ab the plagiarism thing and im so sorry u had to go through that :/
i js had a quick question if it's okay w u ??
im not rlly like. new to tumblr or anything 😅 but i recently decided to start posting fics & its rlly discouraging to see 0 interaction w anything i post :( i know that the likes to rbs ratio is on whack recently but no one even bothers to like my posts and its kinda.. demotivating tbvh :(( i've checked and i know all my fics r showing up in the tags so i rlly dont know what the issue is !!
do u have any tips on how to get more traction for ur fics ?
tysm in advance for answering this and i hope u hv a great day !! 💖
hello hello!! i’m doing as well as i can be with the horrible academic load sitting on my shoulders LMAOAOAO :’) yeahh it was very unfortunate but i’m just glad they took the post down 🥲
nooo i’m so sorry to hear that omfg :( i think the enhablr community in general has a problem with feedback. smaus and headcanons/reactions do very well whereas longer written works don’t get as much traction 😕 honestly, though, recently i’m seeing smaus flopping too and i think it’s bc there’s just SO MANY popping up every single day and often it’s the same ideas being recycled over and over again 😭 i’m on both nctblr and enhablr and the feedback is definitely more on the former 🤧 it’s disheartening to see the motivation go down on this side of the kpop community especially since there r so many talented people here ☹️
aaaa i’m not entirely sure how to help u since u said ur fics r showing up in the tags but still not getting traction 💔 have u joined any networks? u’ll get ur fics reblogged that way and even make more friends who’ll hype u up!! getting noticed also depends on luck to an extent. try checking ur blog’s activity to see when ur followers r most active and post at those times so that maximum people see ur content on the dash without having to scroll much!! also self reblog for those who are in a different timezone from urs so they don’t miss out on ur fics 💗 make sure to use the tags with the most following first too!! i’ve heard people say first five tags don’t matter but what’s the harm in believing that they do LOL i p sure the most followed tags are enhypen imagines and enhypen scenarios (along with enhypen smut bc ppl r horny but idk if ur a minor or not 👁️👄👁️) OH AND LAST THING!! maybe try posting teasers for longer works (or even smaus) so that word spreads and you get a bigger audience when you release the actual content!
idk if any of these tips might actually help you but this is what i have picked up during the past two years i’ve been on tumblr 💗 i would like to reiterate that traction depends on luck as well so not all ur fics will do well but please don’t be disheartened! it takes time to be discovered and if u keep creating consistently and heartily, i’m sure u’ll get everything u deserve and more :D
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1watermelontea · 11 months ago
ask game fun times as your co-writer i have Experience i suppose aksld;fkjlas
i think i've mentioned this to you before but your dialogue is always pretty distinct—you use a bunch of less-common but still effective speech tags (is it a melon fic if no one “cedes” lmfao) + do a really lovely job of setting the different characters' speaking styles apart. also, just, the words you use for characters' speech (that makes no sense nine, oh dear)—little things like writing pearl saying "see ya" instead of "see you" help readers more vividly imagine her saying the line. i've started doing it a bit more since like. i've seen how you Make It Work but i didn't use to before bc i was always kinda paranoid it’d make it seem harder to read/just like… overkill?? dunno but i never see that problem with your dialogue
your actual prose is also pretty distinctive—I am Trying to put it into words but it’s just. a vibe. thanks brain. you’re really good at mixing it up with paragraph and sentence structure to keep things interesting; i do tend to miss that if i edit the day of writing lol but you’re really good at noticing that. also, ik you’ve mentioned not always knowing how to do descriptions and like. I find that funny bc you’re 10x more likely to open a scene with a landscape description than i am. the descriptions you do include are usually very movement-focused and have less to do with the characters body language and more to do with how they’re interacting with the environment. you’re also a fellow em-dash enjoyer, especially in dialogue, which makes character’s lines feel more natural + close to how people actually speak.
i keep talking about your dialogue but it’s just very fun!! you’re also like Not Afraid to juggle scenes with many characters which alskdjdhahal magic. i must spend ages poring over any character’s speech pattern before i dare write them and you just. do it
anyway you’re a v cool writer love everything you make 10/10
NIIIIIINNEEEE 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 you’re so kind
thank you yes dialogue is the one thing i’m confident in—i’ll say, shortening words is a thing i choose to do sparsely and only in circumstances where i think it is kind of necessary to get across the right vibe. accented speech in any capacity is finicky so if i think the reader will be able to read it in their voice without assistance, i leave it. like with stress’s scene in crosscurrents, although she even types in an accented manner, i didn’t do that in the text, because that would be difficult to read, and i know readers know how she speaks already. i use shortens to accentuate a tone or an energy first and foremost, unlike how i often see it used to denote accents. i think it works out well, and i’m glad you think so!
AND OKAY i have been opening with descriptions every time because i’m actively trying to practice, cos i basically ALWAYS opened every writing piece with dialogue for YEARS and im trying to get out of that habit 😅
& it’s so cool to know someone notices that i do a lot of variation in sentence lengths/types because that is a conscious decision i’ve been making for years. if i have too much consistency with it, i feel like it gets repetitive—with notable exceptions being that i use short simple sentences or sentence fragments repeatedly when trying to get across intense stress or fear or smth. go-to method for that lol because it mimics how my own mind organises disorganised thoughts
em dashes my beloved <3 i definitely have characters cutting themselves off or correcting themselves mid-speech pretty often or using filler words like “um” “like” “y’know” etc because i notice people use those a lot—i use those a lot—and no one’s ever going to be truly concise without a script. i gotta capture the girlfailure energy of these boys (gender neutral) not being able to get their thoughts across well
DO I REALLY USE CEDED FHAT OFTEN that’s so funny. the funniest thing, too, is that word is not even on my little list of speech tags i have pulled up when i’m writing. it just lives in my brain and comes out a lot, i suppose
lastly thank you i love writing scenes with many characters it’s always fun and i fear nothing 🥳 if i can write a scene with 14 characters present then i can do anything
love you nine <3 /p
you’re a sweetheart
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d8tl55c · 10 months ago
oo almost missed this one
agree with prevs- especially, "i havent experienced the same horror from tdl" in that it's about how they're framed to me.
TDL is almost disconnected from what he does. it's what he's good at, and he clearly cares about doing his best, but there's something missing behind those invisible eyes. the way he still carries himself like a happy kid going about his business making his plans better and better while TCO is constantly bombarded by moral implications and sentimental flashbacks. TDL does some messed up things (potentially a LOT of messed up things, we still don't know how long their attacks lasted) (but specifically i was thinking about how he executes Red and kicks the slowly deleting pile of code that remained), but he's not trying to cause maximum suffering. he just wants everyone less important to him out of his way, like they're annoying NPCs. he lets the remaining CG fight him but he doesn't let them flop around helplessly and realize all is futile and grovel at his feet, he takes the fight in close and wipes the floor with them as fast as possible, getting rid of them the instant they stop being a cute little diversion. like seeing how fast you can kill a wave of enemies in a video game, or when i meet a lizard in rain world and im not in the mood for messing around and so perform the optimal moves to stab-rock-stun it repeatedly. there's a disconnect. there's a lack of ...malice, i don't know what else to call it. even if i do the most terrible thing i can think of and pin a green lizard to a wall to watch it squirm and flash as if terrified of being unable to escape the incoming rain i know im dealing with a simulation, where i can act out a cruel thing upon a simulated creature that was never alive. it's a coldness that comes from disconnect: i think that it is not a person.
Victim on the other hand is actively hunting for fear. and absolutely connected to those they hurt. everything they do is calculated to let cho think he has a chance, and definitively rip that hope away in the most unsettling ways possible. slowly approaching, only revealing the danger when it's too late to stop it, letting tension build every time until cho feels forced to act first. their "fight" has no purpose other than to make cho squirm. Victim is fully aware of the person they are dealing with, and they are leveraging that fact to break him.
i think im missing something- this is my first time thinking about this this hard so ima reiterate one of the things i was trying to get at: how they choose to fight.
stick figures fighting is "[just what they do]" as stated once before kinda like that on an AvG ep., by alan, so them choosing to express themselves that way isn't abnormal. it's how they choose to go about it.
what we see of dark in action tells us that he is brutally efficient and seems to have no feelings whatsoever about the people he kills (it gives, "...does he know they're people too???" vibes).
what we see of victim in action is viscerally creepy and confusing from what we expected and shocking, and we see that they know what they're doing. they're doing it on purpose. they get upset when their machinations are interrupted, not just because they lost control but maybe because they know they almost had him- it's WEIRD and i still don't know how to write them because of it. i recoil from what they have become and i can't decide whether to see them as completely insane or so outside of my knowledge of kind and reasonable people that. i. idk. i guess they just suck? i have no idea where to place them and i suppose tdl frolicking through the fires of his own making oblivious to whoever might be choking in the smoke is more enticing somehow. sometimes humans do cruel shit for fun, or a purpose they think is right and have tunnel vision around, and they can grow out of that, it happens all the time. i want to understand, but i have no idea what kind of creature victim is. ;;
Random thought: does anyone know why the Ava fandom is more forgiving to TDL than Victim? I've been thinking and they're very similar really (both harmed TCO and TSC in a quest to defeat Alan)
I'm just curious because they're seen as two completely different characters
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starry-eyed-simss · 4 years ago
I’ve been seeing a lot of people talking about how dead simblr is. I haven’t been super active myself lately, so I’m curious: do y’all find that statement to be true?
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yesimwriting · 4 years ago
hiii, this might seem weird but do u have any head cannons for when the reader is pregnant and how the Darkling would react?
a/n love this concept,, it's not weird at all!! i feel like there's so much here!! also i leave for college this month and im lowkey starting to freak out so ive been watching star wars movies for comfort 😭and now i have half a mind to write for them, especially the prequels (cough, cough,, anakin) 😭 😭 that should tell you where i am mentally
anyways lets get into the headcanons:))
- okay so like most of my headcanons, this is probably going to be all over the place bc i feel like so many different things could change how he would react. Like if the darkling x reader have been trying to get pregnant, or an unplanned pregnancy with someone he really likes, i also think whether or not the reader is a grisha affects his reaction too
- in general though, i think he'd lowkey have a breeding kink he'd def find something about the thought of you having his child really attractive bc for one thing, he wouldn't have to worry about being left alone and now he has an excuse to be a real 'protector'.
- also if youve read my other headcanons i am 100000% convinced that he has this thing where if he really likes someone he needs them to need him (let's all remember the whole 'i will strip you of everything you know and love speech until I'm your only shelter' speech he gave to Alina)
- also i kinda want to write a fic or blurb series or something that's just the darkling being super toxic in super thoughtful ways LMAO if that makes sense, like he's being super sweet but it's to make sure the reader is dependent on him
- and he def wants to be the protector to give himself some sense of assurance bc he's so desperate to not be alone anymore and bc the reader is the only person he has/loves, he wants to feel in control and like he's the less attached one
- okay,, let's get back to the pregnancy thing, anyways, your pregnancy is most definitely activating all of those senses and this was meant to be a sub plot but it kind of became it's own thing lol
- so lets get to the actual pregnancy reaction
if you two have been trying to get pregnant:
- when you tell him, he kind of like, pauses bc it's not every day that he gets surprised so it takes him a moment to register that he's experiencing shock lol, so he tenses and goes islent
- and then after he realizes that he's surprised and that it's bc of a good thing, he manages to relax
- meanwhile you're kind of freaking out bc he got so quiet?? you start to wonder if he's regretting ever wanting a child with you? and you're like two seconds away from a downspiral and then he...
- he touches your cheek and looks at you in a way you've never seen him look at anyone,, not even you
- the look is so warm and strong and full of fierce admiration that you feel foolish for ever thinking he didn't want this. And then he says something about how you're carrying his child and how he didn't realize he could adore you more and then he kisses you and it's all :)) warm:)
- he doesn't want anyone to know that he's expecting a child as long as possible bc of how many enemies he has and how he has to worry about you enough when people just know that you're his 'lover' (a title you never really liked, but one he tells you is necessary to make sure no one realizes the extent of his attachment)
- if you really want to tell your mother or someone of that relation, he won't be mad about it, but he just needs to know
- Genya is the only exception bc the darkling basically instructs her to look out for you,, but when you tell her she's like oh?? you guys just found out?
- miss girl most definitely noticed like a day and a half ago after you cried bc she couldn't find you ice cream the other night 😭and she just assumed you knew but weren't ready to tell anyone
- okay so this what i think is his most problematic expecting father trait would be. So i just ranted about how important secrecy would be to him but he's also the most overprotective person in the entire world,, like he was bad before but once he knows your with child?? yeah, if a man asks you about the weather, he's done for
- he's next to you in a second, ordering either you or the man to do some asinine task
- if you get mad about this (rightfully so) or even just point out how nothing is wrong and you having a casual conversation with a man who isn't even looking at you sexually won't hurt you or the baby, he'll lose rationality
- it depends on how much you push, but it'd be super easy to make him super possessive bc like i said, being bonded by a child has made him so much more intense (and he was pretty intense before)
- and if you push too much he'll lowkey forget about how cautious he's trying to be with you and pin you against the nearest wall and say something along the lines of 'are you already forgetting you're mine? that i own you, body and soul--is my child growing in you not enough of a reminder? because i'll give you another one if you need it.' (AH--i want to write a whole fic based on this line)
- also if the reader is grisha, especially if she's a sun summoner/special grisha like him, he def talks about the power that they've created and how proud he already is and how he can't wait to train together and be the most powerful family in the world
- not everything is perfectly happy though, bc now he feels more pressure to complete his plan and establish the world he wants his child to be born into
- so sometimes when he's working extra hard or is extra aggressive for no reason, you have to work at calming him down and reminding him that the best thing he can do for his child is be there for them (and the child's mother,, lol)
- sometimes he'll respond by actually listening to you and trying to make up for his absence or his aggression by being extra soft until you finally forgive him
- you never last that long, it's hard to be mad at him when he's coddling you and whispering such sweet things about he's so happy to have you and your future child
- overall, his first reaction is to swell with emotion, which he isn't used to, and so he becomes super protective but also extra lovey and you know that his overreactions are just him trying to show that he cares about you and your future child more than anything
If the pregnancy was unplanned:
- the initial reaction is pretty similar, only his state of shock lasts longer
- like i said at the beginning, he's not used to being surprised and an accidental pregnancy is so much more surprising than a planned pregnancy
- this really sucks for you bc he's not exactly known for his patience so you just kinda sit there and genuinely wonder if you're going to be a single mom or if you're going to want to deletus the fetus or something
- but then he takes a step towards you and you see how he's looking at you and you just know that that fierceness has to mean something good
- and at this point you're scared and nervous and feel so alone so tears are pricking at your eyes,, so he wipes his thumb across your cheek to wipe away tears you won't let spill
- he then whispers something really sweet about how you two are now together forever, as you should be
- it's really relieving bc you felt so alone and uncertain and he's such a smooth speaker that by the end of the night, you feel like this is a good thing
- if youre still hesitant/weighing your options, he's not above trying to (gently) manipulate you into thinking that what he wants may be the only way
- by that,, i don't mean outright tricking you bc he means everything he says, but he def is pushing the keeping the baby agenda,, especially if you're a grisha,, and even more so if you're a grisha with similar power levels to him
- he won't get angry at first bc he's not so out of touch that he's unaware of how shocking a pregnancy is to a woman who wasn't planning one,, but his patience is limited and if you fight it too much he will get mad and yell
- but unless you really don't want to have a child, it won't get to that bc he makes the idea of having a baby with him sound so perfect?? like you genuinely don't understand how he did that
- he chases away all of your worries and assures you that youre not alone and that even though it isn't planned he wouldn't rather anyone else carry his child
- the initial conversation would probably end in you two sleeping together again bc he finds the fact that you're carrying his child so attractive and bc being aware of the pregnancy makes him more possessive
- it's also a good way to fight any of your doubts
- speaking of being possessive though,, i feel like he could be a little more possessive/protective of a reader who didn't plan on getting pregnant bc your relationship has been less established
- no one sees you as anything to him and he doesn't want to start rumors now bc it's important to him that his enemies don't find out about you or his future child so he doesn't want that to change
- but he almost forgets about all of those reasons each time he sees a man get a little too close,, especially if that guy is flirty
- it takes all of his will power to not just go 'she's mine and if i wasn't worried about the stress that witnessing something violent would cause our unborn child, you'd be dead already, but if you're not gone by the time i turn around, i'll forget about caution'
- lots of close calls ngl!! at one point youre like 'if it bothers you so much, maybe you should tell someone??' and he's like 'no,, maybe,, shut up' and then you raise one eyebrow and he just closes his mouth and is like 'i mean,, i'll kiss you to shut you up, haha--dont be mad'
- youre the one that's pregnant but sometimes you think he might be the one experiencing the mood swings i swear 😭
- so your little theory gets tested,, he's not the type to gossip with his besties and be like 'guess who's officially my girlfriend, i knocked her up but it's not like it sounds--'
- so he's like ig you can tell genya
- once again genya is like ?? yall thought you were keeping that secret? couldn't be me
- but having it a little out in the open helps ease him just enough that youre actually capable of consoling him when he becomes jealous
- still though,, he's quick to go into possessive/pregnancy kink sex
- youre most def not mad about it,, unless pregnancy has you particularly sore
- he's normally pretty understanding about that and def doesn't mind pulling his weight in the bedroom when he needs
- honestly he'd be really good at being a source of calmness at the beginning, but as time goes on he becomes more and more worried about finishing his plans bc he didn't expect to have a child right now
- so he'd be more adamant about working/becoming more tense and would be more difficult to console if it was an accidental pregnancy
- when you call him out on it--or on anything while your pregnant--it's frustrating for you both bc the number one thing everyone knows is stress is bad for baby, so he's trying to keep you calm without backing down
- these argument always end with one of you clinging to the other,, and then the more angrier of the two just like shuts up, rolls their eyes, and lets go of the argument...at least for now
- the main difference between an accidental and intentional pregnancy would probably be how you perceive him,, bc an intentional pregnancy means youve talked about things but since you havent talked about anything your shocked about how soft he becomes ??
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