#im cringing give me some funny asks this is so angsty
infamous-if · 11 months
If the vote didn't happen would MC and Seven be the same as high school? And the band?
The hopeless romantic in me wants to say yes, but the writer in me says no. I think something would've happened that would've made them break up. At the height of their relationship, Seven and MC were very unhealthily attached. I don't think they knew where they started and where the other ended. You lose a bit of your identity when you're so close to someone like that, especially when you bond over something like neglectful parent(s).
They didn't know how to exist without each other, and I think the relationship would've broken down if they didn't have that thing that forced them apart and forced them to mature and find their own identity without each other. Right person, wrong time? They always needed that opportunity to grow up without each other and become a person who is capable of that kind of relationship whether platonically or not.
I am a big fan of this older Seven and MC coming back together (both platonically and romantically.) Young Seven and MC were too volatile. Growth and maturity makes a relationship so much better dont ya thinkkk
BUT also that whole experience also makes it easier for MC to romance another RO. They learned from experience and can move on with a more mature, experienced mindset (go kick rocks sev /jjjj)
Even though Seven still has maturing to do (and they will), they can at least say they've experienced life without MC and they can at least know that they'll be fine. Even if MC leaves again, they will be fine. It'll hurt and stuff but they can still make a life for themself without completely crumbling.
As for the band, I think it would've worked out but if Seven and MC broke down, the band would've as well. Two lead singers and all that yk lmao
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
Oooh for Roach Verse, what about:
-Holiday funtime antics?
-Jinx has a school bully and those chuckleheads create the most over the top plots to help her out, lol
-Jinx brings home a stray
-The gang gives Roach the day off from cooking/ healing/general caretaking and it goes about as well as you'd imagine
-Jinx has a crush on some kid, and Silco/Sevika are not coping well
That's off the top of my head, I gotta go reread the Roach series now! lol
these are so fucking fantastic, i might revisit this a few times to do some of the other prompts too omg. but the one with jinx bringing home a stray??? chaos i love it.
men and minors dni
lock's been avoiding you all day.
it's strange. usually, you, lock and ran are like the three musketeers-- always getting into and back out of trouble together.
but today... lock's been avoiding you like the plague.
it's a little funny. the man's three hundred pounds of pure muscle, tattooed and pierced on nearly every inch of his skin, but each time he walks in a room with you there, he turns on his heel and runs away like a scared little girl.
mostly, though, you're just worried that you've pissed off your friend.
"he really hasn't said anything to you?" you ask ran. they're 'helping' you make sandwiches for lunch-- eating more than they are assembling, but still. you appreciate the company.
"nah, he's been jumpy around me too." they mumble around a mouthful of turkey. you cringe in disgust as you watch them squirt a dollop of mustard directly into their mouth, on top of the mush of turkey on their tongue. "don' worry. we'll get 'im drunk and interrogate him tonight." ran promises, patting your shoulder. you giggle, smacking your friend's hand away from the cold cuts.
twenty minutes later, you're making your rounds across the bar and delivering sandwiches to the crew.
singed and deckard barely notice you, both of them searching the lab for something when you drop off their sandwiches. singed shouts a distracted "thank you roach!" before the basement door slams behind you.
thieram's still asleep-- preparing to stay up all night tonight for work. you put his sandwich on his desk and gently nudge him. "'s almost two." you whisper. he grunts.
"thamk y' r'ch." he mumbles.
your next stop is silco's office, since lock is still hiding from you. you gently knock on the door. "lunch!" you call.
"come in!" silco shouts.
silco's laying back in his office chair, his feet propped up on his desk, a cigar between his lips as he scrubs at his temples. you raise an eyebrow at his haggard appearance, gently placing his sandwich beside the papers littering his desk.
"rough day?" you guess. silco groans. from the sound of his groan alone, you know he needs a bitch-session. you happily plop down on the couch next to his desk, tearing into your sandwich and nodding at silco. "spill. but make it quick, i still gotta feed the kid."
silco groans again at the mention of his foster daughter, and you burst into laughter. of course it's about jinx. silco's never this angsty about business. "she's been avoiding me all day." he sighs, dropping his hands to look at you. you furrow your brows.
"it's only one." you say. he huffs.
"she was acting cagey last night too. has she said anything to you?" he asks. you shake your head no.
you're usually the first person jinx goes to bitch about silco to. you or sevika. so the fact that you haven't heard anything only makes her behavior stranger. silco groans again.
"i don't even know what i did! we were perfectly fine at lunch yesterday, and now she won't even let me in her room!"
"she's probably just hormonal. puberty, silco, it's different for girls man." you try to explain. he just shakes his head.
"no it's not that."
you take another bite of your sandwich, gesturing at silco to do the same. he huffs and rolls his yes, but he at least takes a bite, so you're happy. "lock's been acting jumpy around me too. maybe it's just somethin' in the air." you suggest.
silco's eyes sharpen at your words. the second you hear yourself say it, you figure it out too.
"oh, shit." you mumble, jumping off the couch. "what did those shits get themselves into now?" you ask, scooping up the last few sandwiches you have left to deliver and running toward the office door. silco starts to chuckle behind you-- a defeated laugh, one that means he knows he's about to have an even bigger headache that he did when he just thought jinx was upset with him.
"don't let them drag you into it, roach. i need you as my informant." he begs. you laugh.
"i'll let you know what i find out." you call over your shoulder as you stumble into the hallway and slam silco's office door shut behind him.
you take off toward jinx's room, not bothering to knock, knowing it would only give them time to hide whatever shit they're up to.
you slam the door open, and your eyebrows fly up your forehead when not just jinx and lock; but jinx, lock and sevika all turn to look at you with big guilty eyes.
you groan. "what did you do?"
"now, hold on, why do you assume we--"
"babe, i promise i had nothing to do with it until just this morn--"
"i am so sorry roach, i told her not to--"
they all start to speak at the same time, flailing wildly as their voices overlap. and then, from a pile of blankets and plushies on jinx's bed, a raspy 'meow' floats above all the rambling voices.
they all cringe simultaneously, their heads snapping over to the bed. you burst into defeated laughter.
"a cat!?" you ask, walking over to the bed. jinx's eyes grow a little wider at the smile on your face, and she's the first to run up to your side. "oh, janna." you groan through your smile as you look down at the mangy thing. "fuck, jinx, it's probably getting fleas and lice all over your covers."
she blinks up at you with wide eyes. "but she's so cute, roach!" she squeals. you giggle at the girl, then look up at your friends.
lock's cooing down at the cat, gently patting its forehead as it purrs into his hand. sevika's watching it with a smile she's trying and failing to bite back.
"you're all suckers!" you cry. they both look up at you guiltily.
"jinx is gonna name 'er shitstorm." sevika supplies. you laugh despite yourself, reaching out to ruffle jinx's bangs. it's the perfect name for the poor little cat.
"where did you even find this thing?" you ask. jinx shrugs.
"i heard meowing in the lab last night. found her hiding in a corner, all scared and alone." jinx pouts, reaching down to pet the cat. it seems to know jinx is it's savior-- licking at her hand and closing its eyes as she pets it.
it occurs to you that this is probably what deckard and singed were looking for earlier. you have to bite back a laugh-- this cat is one lucky fucker, narrowly avoiding a brutal death of shimmer experimentation to become a little girl's fur-baby.
"roach..." jinx whispers. you look up from the little cat, rolling your eyes at the wet puppy eyes jinx is blinking at you. "please can we keep her?" she whines.
you huff, throw each of your friends their sandwich, then lean forward and pick the cat up, holding it to your chest. it's a docile little thing, cuddling against you the second you got it in your arms. jinx is wiggling with glee before you, already knowing what your answer's going to be. you flip her off, and she grins.
"fine." you grunt. jinx and lock burst into happy squeals, jumping up and down as they hold each other's hands. sevika's grinning behind the pair. "but you three gotta help me take care of this mess understand?" you ask. they all nod.
"whatever you need, roach." lock promises, grining. you giggle.
"okay. lock, take jinx's bedding out back and burn it-- it's easier than trying to wash out all the bugs and diseases." jinx pouts a bit at the thought of losing her star-themed sheets, and you nudge her with your foot. "you still got your dinosaur sheets in the closet. and i'll buy you a new set next time we're at the markets, okay?" you ask. she nods up at you. lock gets to work stripping her bed.
"jinx, go talk to silco. he thinks you're mad at him."
"you think he's gonna let me keep 'er?" she asks, worried. you snort.
"jinx, you could ask silco for the moon and he'd find a way to bring it to you." you say. jinx smiles shyly at this, and you ruffle her bangs again. "tell 'im i say that pets are good for kids' social development, or some bullshit like that. she'll be good for pest control in the bar. get him to take you shopping for some food and a litter box for little shitstorm, okay?" you ask.
jinx grins and nods up at you, wrapping your legs in a quick hug before taking off down the hall to talk to silco. you laugh as you watch her go.
sevika's the only one left, blinking at you guiltily from across jinx's room. you snort at the sight of her. "come help me clean this little shit." you mumble, nodding toward jinx's bathroom.
sevika follows with a smile.
"you're the sucker." she teases as you pass her the cat, plugging the sink and filling it with warm soapy water. you snort.
"you know she was supposed to be one of singed's test subjects?" you ask. sevika bursts into laughter, scratching the cat under her chin. she purrs so loud it's like a little motor. "i went down there today, he and deckard were tearing the lab apart looking for the cat." you laugh.
sevika snorts. "after her bath i'll go break the news to 'em."
down the hall, silco's shocked voice rings out. "a cat!?"
you and sevika burst into giggles.
you take the cat from her hands, firmly holding it as you start to scrub it's skin free of bugs. she yowls at the water, but settles down once you start to scrub her, seemingly liking her bath. sevika wraps an arm around your waist, kissing your head as you work.
"she is a cute little thing. makes me feel bad for all the creatures jinx didn't rescue from singed." you whisper. sevika chuckles.
"honestly, babe, we're just lucky singed hasn't started experimenting on humans yet." she jokes.
thumping footsteps come running toward jinx's room. you both look up in time to see ran round the corner, a manic grin on their face. "a cat!" they squeal, pushing into the bathroom to coo down at the sweet little thing. "awe, hello sweet girl!" they cry, taking the cat out of your hands and into their arms.
you giggle at sevika's shocked expression-- ran's just a ball of sunshine under their bangs and eyeliner-- and pass ran a clean towel to wrap the cat in.
"you got it from here?" you ask your friend, trusting that they know how to care for the creature better than you. they grin, pressing kisses to the wet cat's head.
"jinx already named me godparent. suck it, bitches." ran says, sticking their tongue out at you and sevika, hugging the cat closer to their chest.
sevika snorts and you roll your eyes fondly.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @chuucanchuucan @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby @sevikasbeloved @hellorai @vikasub @glass-apothecary @m0numents @macaroni676 @vixel352 @artinvain
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EP 4 was just mostly talking and conversations, but there was so much depth THAT I MUST TALK ABOUT IT.
I could literally feel the anguish exuding out of Sally trying to teach Percy to swim
Ngl i was a lil skeptical about azrien’s acting but hearing that scream changed everything
“Hey, you still sleeping?” “Yes” she’s so relatable i love it
i thought we were going to wait until the zebra truck scene for the trauma bonding but we got some of it now which is cool and also makes me wonder whether they’re going to take it to a whole level in the zebra truck scene
I kinda like how annabeth knows so much about grover their dynamic in the show is just so chef’s kiss
I dont know if the whole “thalia made me earn it” thing is canon but its an interesting spin on their dynamic
Grover is such a mood pls shoutout to grover (this episode focused a lil more on percy and annabeth’s dynamic)
Its interesting how they changed frederick chase in the show. In the book frederick never wanted annabeth but in the show frederick loved annabeth. It makes more sense now that percy asks her to go back especially in the books, that was very controversial to have annabeth seem like she was overexaggerating about what she went through with them
i was waiting for them to introduce the searcher pan stuff i almost thought they’d erased it, thankfully they brought it up
Medusa>>>>echidna in the show IM SORRY ECHIDNA WOULDN’T STOP TALKING
The architect in annabeth is coming out i hope she explicitly talks about it later on
I don’t think the writers knew what to do with grover when percy and annabeth were talking so they just made annabeth a little unnecessarily rude for some reason?? At least its better than the movies, where annabeth and grover just WALK AWAY from hermes and percy
i didnt expect the random posh voice it threw me off but it was so funny
OK but can someone help me with this? Percy in this scene says “i have a gift” to annabeth? Could someone pls explain? What gift?
Last episode i was cringing at the screen at percy for the “can’t we just call your mom?” This episode i was cringing at the screen for annabeth’s “you wanna say hi to your dad :))))” these kids have no sense of touchy subjects do they
you’ve done so much more to me in the past few days than poseidon has done in my whole life. If i have to stick with somebody, i—“ “be careful, you were about to call me a friend” THIS DIALOGUE IS SO PRECIOUS ITS WORTH A BILLION DOLLARS
Im suspicious about the percabething this series is doing so far, i feel like its too early, its giving me a feeling that there’s going to be some big angst thats going to happen later on to break the world
When Percy fell, i was genuinely thinking he was going to give annabeth a hug lol (“wow annabeth no you are my friend!!” Something like that)
alexa play jump and fall by ts
I love that they’re expanding the consequences that came with sending medusa’s head to olympus, and how it negatively impacted annabeth, which will probably turn angsty later on
Also, percy looks half dead
The plan to push annabeth into the stairs was executed so smoothly wow
i like they are exploring the very concerning side of percy too, the part of him thats like “im the useless one im ready to die no probs” ALSO THALIA PARALLELS THEY’RE DEF GONNA TOUCH ON THAT NEXT EPISODE
i like how the water grabbed percy like a little tunnel
Its so funny how the nereid says poseidon’s name and percy just starts struggling more like “HELL NO”
What the heck is that throne thing? Why is percy turning golden? What is happening? HUGGGGGG!! (Too early, as i said), oh look ares—OMG ITS ARES!!
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ranboocore-moved · 3 years
ok so theres been conversation about how the dream smp is homestuck, just a decade later, and even if you hate homestuck, it’s literally the truth.
you can probably find plenty of posts about their similarities, and if you want I can make one, but i want to focus on the potential of the fandom moving to tumblrso the tumblr fandom is on the smaller side right now, but i’m going to paint you a picture and it’s going to be of homestuck’s golden age (which may have been cringe, but they were fun)
so here r cool things from homestuck’s tumblr fandom i miss that could be so easily recreated:
 upd8 tag!
this tag was used whenever the comic got an update, and everyone would liveblog or post about the update like IMMEDIATELY. it was SUPER cool, and i personally really liked it!! it felt like such a neat sense of community to go thru the tag and also refresh every few seconds because everyone was posting so frequently!!
speedy cosplays
the homestuck fandom had a lot of talented cosplayers, including people who would make a 5 minute cosplay immediately after the update of a new character or a characters new form or outfit. they were just REALLY cool and ridiculous sometimes and they would also be in the upd8 tag! i know there are talented cosplayers in the fandom, but they post more on tiktok because it is such a visual app! it’s literally a video app. however, tumblr is a jack of all trades and i just.. it would be cool lmfao
speedy fanart
this goes along with the speedy cosplays in the upd8 tag but dude seeing fanart of an upd8 that JUST happened that day was SO cool. it was so fucking awesome and it jsut made me like so happy sometimes??
 themes & the whistles
ok so themes were so important on tumblr they were like THE COOLEST thing and they used to be my FAVORITE thing because theyre so fun and customizable! i miss like going HAM on my theme and giving it all the bells and whistles like fandom scarves, the little sparkly cursor, finding a neat background and cool pixel art for the sidebar image, and also pixel families!!
fandom scarves
this is brief, and i’m working on making my own dsmpblr scarves, but they were images that would just hang down from your blog! for homestuck there were scalemates (dragon plushies), and banners of your classpects or moon orientation. that may not make sense, but they were personal and cool identity things! i really liked them and it’s why im trying to make some dsmp flag banners!
pixel families
these have gone out of style i guess because no one really has a big central fandom anymore who someone has made pixels of? but in homestuck there was a user @/feastings who made a BUNCH of homestuck pixels and everyone would use them to make a pixel family! essentially, you would make a page on your blog for your pixel family, ask your friends what character they wanted to be, and then hyperlink their blog through the pixel image!!! they were my FAVORITE dude and i miss them SO much because they were just so silly and fun!
 ask blogs!
now ik a lot of people make think these are or were cringe but personally i loved them. ask blogs where when you would make a blog for a character and essentially roleplay as them and have people ask you questions! a lot of artists did this and made funny or angsty comics with other ask blogs! they were super cute and i think it’d be fun to have like a dsmp ask blog community!
community au projects
we already have these and theyre definitely no “new thing” but i feel like it was such a cool community thing in the homestuck fandom. im sure your aware of the song “karkalicious” but it came from a community au called “broadwaystuck” and like, i don’t necessarily know if it was open, but a lot of people in the fandom knew about it and there were a lot of notable fandom members at the helm of it! im pretty sure the end of it was kind of messy, but i still think it was a really interesting thing! there was more than just “broadwaystuck” but im genuinely drawing a blank as broadwaystuck was one of the biggest
big meta
a lot of homestuck meta is... on tumblr. it’s lost to tumblr, because... no one made an archive really and unless you can remember urls it’s not necessarily easy to search for. something cool that the dsmp fandom has that homestuck didn’t though is... we already have an archive! imma self promote here, but @dsmpanalysis (s/o to @appleflavoredkitkats for being the head of it all!) is a whole archive of a lot of our meta! and i think it would be really cool to see how much more we could add! i just... really would like more analysis and theories because theyre SO fun
TLDR; more of the fandom moving to tumblr would be really fun, despite what a lot may think! i know it may be messy but big fandoms like this will always be messy. there are a lot of fun trends i would a) like to see brought back (big theme customizing, fandom scarves, pixel families, ask blogs, and community au projects) and b) could start on tumblr.
im really excited for the communities future and i’m for sure welcoming new tumblr users with open arms. tumblr is a really nice website in terms of functions and it gives communities tons of potential.
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hey-hey-chan · 4 years
The Protagonist - Hyunjin
❀ Slice of life 
❀ Warning: mentions of death & covid-19
❀ Word count: 8k 
❀ When your best friend Ryujin cheats on her boyfriend who you’re also friends with, you’re stuck to pick up the pieces of their relationship. When Ryujin starts pushing you away and Hyunjin starts keeping you close, you wonder who was a better friend to you in the first place and uncover new feelings you never knew you had. 
❀ A/N: i know i haven’t written in like a year?? but i suddenly had inspiration to write. Honestly, I felt the inspiration after I didn’t get picked job opportunity I really wanted (and thought I was going to get). I was put on the waitlist, but it still hurt my ego. But, I had some other good news and you can read on my blog about it, but I still wanted to write. I didn’t really have anything in mind, but I just let my words take me where it needed to be. Also, don’t get used to me writing, I won’t be writing often or at all. I’m not that into skz anymore LOL 
Do you ever feel like you’re not the protagonist of your own story? 
Yeah, that’s how I feel everyday. 
Especially today.
“Ok, on the count of three, we reveal our statuses ... one... two..”
“And three!” 
I tore open the letter from my dream college, Seoul University, probably giving myself a paper cut in the process. 
“OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, I GOT IN! I got in y/n, holy shit!” I heard my friend’s words over the speaker, but I just couldn’t get the stupid envelope open.
“Fuck this.” I grabbed the scissors nearby and cut the damn thing open, revealing a thin piece of white paper.
I regret to inform you that you have been...
I felt tears well up in my eyes instantly at the words “regret” and “inform”, already knowing where the letter is taking me.
“Y/N?? What does it say?!” 
I cleared my throat. “I didn’t get in...” 
I cried harder, silently, when I heard her moans of agony. “No fucking way! You’re a WAY better student than I am! There’s something wrong.” 
I shook my head. I was a good student, but I wasn’t the best personality. I was only in two clubs: acapella club and bagel club. Not good enough for the best university in our city.
“It’s ok. I have plenty more universities I applied to, I’ll be ok. I’m so, so happy for you though! I swear you’re gonna have so much fun!” 
My stomach churned as I said those words. Did I really mean them? I didn’t feel happy in the moment. 
“Ugh, I hate this... I really thought we would be roommates!” 
I set the pristine piece of paper on my desk; I didn’t even want to look at it anymore. 
“Don’t worry about it. This could even be a good thing! We’ll meet new people and just widen our group of friends. It’ll be awesome. Plus, I’m too weird for this clean cut college.” I joked. 
That made her laugh. “You’re right, they couldn’t handle your personality. Anyways, I got to go to drama club right now, talk later? And again, I’m really sorry y/n.” 
I pursed my lips. “Talk later, and don’t worry about me!” I ended the phone call and let the tears fall freely from my eyes. 
I knew this would happen. 
How could I compete with a chemistry major with a 4.0 GPA and the president of 2 clubs with a bombass personality? I was nothing compared to her. 
I picked up the piece of paper and took one good look at it before crumpling it into a ball and throwing it. The soft thud barely made a sound which was anticlimactic. I was trying to have an angsty teen moment here?? 
Sometimes I felt like I was just a side character in a movie or a book. I was that girl who watched her best friend experience all these things in life and you just stand by them and cheer them on. They are the ones who have a mental breakdown and somehow end up with the love of their life at the end. 
That was my best friend, Ryujin. 
She was the one that every guy and girl fell for. Her charisma bounced off walls and even made me dizzy at times. And it wasn’t even like she was the “girly-girl” that we see in movies, no no no, tomboys are much trendier nowadays. She was confident around guys and wasn’t afraid to embarrass herself in front of anyone. I was insanely jealous of her sometimes which I would never admit. 
She’s funny and adventurous, pretty and athletic: she is everything I ever wanted to be in a person. 
She even had the hottest guy in the school as her boyfriend, Hwang Hyunjin. 
I, on the other hand, was the opposite of her. I wasn’t overly awkward and uncomfortable to be around like the protagonists of some books. I wasn’t even cold and hostile like the mysterious girl in fanfiction. 
No, I was just completely and utterly average. 
I wasn’t “ugly” or whatever that means. You wouldn’t cringe away if you saw me, but the only guys I attract on the streets are the ones who might follow me home. I was friendly to people I met and was the queen of small talk. I was girlier than I wanted to be and try to put on makeup, but end up with botched eyebrows and nonexistent mascara-- that didn’t stop me from trying though. 
I cringed at every horror movie, I hate sports, I love astrology, and the only close friends I have are girls. 
Well, the only friend I truly have is Ryujin and all her friends became mine.
Any who, I was the girl that if a story was written about her, it’d be about 2 minutes long. I never had any big failures or big achievements. No family issues or tragic past. Nothing. I was a normal girl with a normal life. 
And now one who wouldn’t even be going to college with her best friend who she depends on for her social life. Oh yeah, I was a burden too. Now she can’t even be fully happy because of me. 
Great, just great. 
I felt a buzz near the bottom of my foot. I sighed and kicked it towards me. 
‘Ok i wasnt going to ask you this, but i just have to. did you know?’ -hyunjin
I squinted my eyes, re-reading the message to see if I got that correctly. What the heck is he talking about? 
‘what are you talking about?’ 
‘are you being serious?’ -hyunjin
Ok, now this is just weird. I sat up in my bed, suddenly interested in this conversation. 
‘im being serious. i have no clue what you’re talking about. care to inform me?’ 
I sent the text, realizing this is probably the longest conversation Hyunjin and I have had over text. We often hung out in person in groups, since he was Ryujin’s boyfriend and we did have the occasional deep conversation, but talking like this was new territory. 
‘im 100% sure ryu would tell her best friend that she cheated’ -hyunjin
Wait. What did he just say? 
Suddenly I was standing, pacing around the room. 
‘ok, i’ve officially lost whatever ur talking about. what the hell are you saying? ryujin did not’ I typed in confidence, but realized I shouldn’t immediately attack the victim. I erased the message and called him. 
He picked up almost instantly. 
“What the hell did you just say?” I heard him shift around, probably in his bed.
“I said, I’m sure that Ryujin would tell you if she cheated-”
“Ok, that, stop right there. You’re saying Ryujin cheated on you?” I felt my head spin.
Ryujin can’t be a cheater. That’s impossible. And plus, she would’ve told me if something was wrong in her perfect relationship. 
I heard a loud chuckle on his side. “Wow, you really don’t know do you.” I shook my head, but I realized he couldn’t see me.
“Um, I really don’t, so I would really love it if you explained.”
“What’s there to explain? She came to my house two days ago and told me she was cheating on me with Jeongin. Yang fucking Jeongin, who is, yes, a grade younger than us!” 
I winced at his volume. Hyunjin was a lot of things, but he definitely wasn’t a liar. Neither was Ryujin which is why I had no idea what was going on. 
“You have anything to say?” He asked. But I was in complete shock. 
“Well, um... I’m gonna talk to her about this. Bye, Hyunjin.” I hung up the phone and tossed it on the side of my bed despite his muffled talking. 
What the fuck is going on?
“I’m asking you a simple question, did you or did you not cheat on Hyunjin?” 
After Ryujin came home from drama club, I was already there waiting at her door. She gave me a weird look since we live a good 20 minute walk away from each other, but yes, this conversation was worth the exercise. 
“Excuse me, what did you just say?” She asked with a sassy tone, but I had no time for this bullshit.
“Did you cheat on Hyunjin? God Ryu, just answer the question!” I felt my face turning red and I knew I was losing my temper. I had no idea why I was so upset, but I just was. 
I saw her features contort, and I knew I was going to hear the truth.
“Ok, yeah, yeah I did.” 
My heart dropped.
We didn’t say anything to each other for a couple of seconds. It was like we were both taunting each other, which she doesn’t have the right to do in this moment.
“Are you serious? Why?” I asked incredulously. 
She didn’t say anything yet walked passed me and straight to her door. 
“Hey, what the hell?” 
“Y/N, I cheated on him, what else is there to say? It’s done, it happened!” I almost flinched at her tone. It was bitter and angry and it was a tone I was used to with her. 
“What the fuck? Ryu, why wouldn’t you tell me? And this is breaking Hyunjin’s heart-” 
“You know what? I don’t have to tell you everything about my relationship! It has nothing to do with you. It doesn’t even matter, ok? I just don’t wanna talk about it.” 
I stood silently, wondering who was this person in front of me. 
“Fine, I’ll leave then.” 
As I walked back to my house, I couldn’t help but feel like I was stuck in the protagonist’s drama once again. 
It was almost 1am when I got back home. Thankfully, my parents were asleep and thought I was staying the night at Ryujin’s like I told them. I snuck in the house and collapsed on my bed. This was too much emotion for one day. 
I peered down at my phone and saw the light illuminate the room.
‘So. is your world shattered like mine?’ -hyunjin
I bit my lip. Was it weird to text my best friend’s ex-boyfriend like this? Technically, we were somewhat of friends too. So I’m not breaking any rules.
‘this is fucked up. im rly sorry man, she really didn’t tell me.’ I brushed my hands through my hair and felt the sweat sticking to it. I had walked back in the spring heat, it was too much. 
‘Damn, I didn’t think she would pull something like that and not even tell YOU. that’s cold.’ 
‘tell me about it. we were just fine earlier today, dont know whats goin on with her.’ I hesitated before typing the next part. ‘also, i know we arent the closest and ik im also ryu’s friend, but im here for you bro. this is a messed up situation’ 
‘Thanks, that means a lot... most of my friends are making fun of me for getting cheated on... with a JUNIOR. disgusting.’ 
I snorted. ‘technically, if ryujin didn’t skip a grade, she’d be a junior too.’ 
‘y/n, pls don’t ruin this moment’ 
‘fine, fine, disgusting, she cheated on u with a junior. plus ur friends are felix and jisung who are also complete insensitive dickheads sometimes’ 
‘Thank you.’ 
I laughed. Hyunjin was always an interesting guy to hang out with. Sure we never texted or talked much, but he was always a joy to have around. He was quiet in school, but he was animated around his friends. And of course, an awesome boyfriend to Ryujin. 
Seeing them together made me more aware of my singleness. He would open doors for her, give her his jacket when she was cold, pay for her meals, he even knew how to braid hair, like what the fuck? He was perfect.
And then she cheated on him. 
And didn’t even tell me. 
I rubbed my forehead. I was always a fixer. I fixed other people’s problems, which made me quite involved in their issues even if I shouldn’t be. 
‘but seriously though, im rly sorry this happened to you...’ 
‘yeah ... a year down the drain. and plus, i got accepted to Seoul University with her today.’ My heart sank, even when I knew it shouldn’t. 
Hyunjin was a smart guy, maybe a little too studious for his own good. He had lots of fun in high school, but made sure to go home early to events and not drink if he had a test the next day. He spent hours at the library at times and read in his free time, like me. Ryujin always hated it and thought we were too similar at times. Which is untrue because Hyunjin was way cooler than me. 
‘If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t get accepted’ 
‘That actually did not make me feel better and made me even sadder because what the fuck?? you’re an amazing student!’ 
That made me smile of course, the valedictorian was complimenting my intellect.
‘aha thanks, i’ll probably end up going to incheon uni which isn’t too far from here so i’ll be ok’ 
‘That’s good, maybe i should consider going since half the senior class is going to seoul lol’ 
I scoffed. “hyunjin, don’t give up your dream uni just because ryujin will be there. you probably wont see her as often as u think’ 
‘If I decided not to go there, it won’t be because of Ryujin. But seriously, I rarely try anything new and i feel like i’m confined to a small group of people. At least at Incheon, I’ll know less people.” 
I sighed loudly. Oh Hyunjin, it must suck to get a mental breakdown right before going to college. It happens to the best of us though. 
‘well ok, where ever you go, i’ll know you’ll thrive!!’ 
‘:) thanks y/n. also, ik we dont talk much, but i really do appreciate you.’ 
Well, that warmed my heart... and my cheeks. 
The fact that I was texting my friend’s ex boyfriend snapped me back into reality. And the fact that she cheated on him. 
I gulped. 
‘aw thanks hyunjin, i appreciate you too. Now get some sleep! it’s almost 2am’
I didn’t get a response back, and I hoped he fell asleep. I changed into my pajamas and did my nightly routine and fell asleep to thoughts of my friend’s ex-boyfriend.
I woke up to several buzzes that tickled my side. I grunted and threw the blanket off of me. I found my phone that was flung somewhere and picked it up. I turned off the notifications to stop the constant moving. 
“It’s too freaking early for this.” I moaned.
I rubbed my eyes and peered down at the message.
‘hey im sorrrryyy for lashing out yesterday. i just feel guilty about the whole thing and i was afraid to tell you... also i think im in love with jeongin’ -ryujin
My eyes naturally widened at this confession. 
Love? Ryujin dated Hyunjin for a whole year! How could she fall in love with Jeongin so easily??
‘excuse me?? what the fuck did you just say cuz i think u just said u LOVE jeongin??’ 
‘stfu. just hear me out, he’s a great guy and he’s just... normal’ -ryujin
Ok, time to call this bitch.
“Define normal?” I heard her sigh and adjust in her bed. She’s always been an early riser.
“Just, when I was dating Hyunjin, it felt like it had to be this perfect relationship. We were all friends before and it just seemed right that we dated. He was super nice and perfect and not to mention, hot, but it just felt superficial. I don’t know.” 
Well this was new. Ryujin never told me much about the problems in their relationship and I thought everything was going well. Well, until now.
“I mean, I get that, you shouldn’t have to date anyone you don’t like. But, you should’ve broken up with him before!” 
“You think I don’t know that? I made a mistake, ok? Can you just get off my back about it?” 
There’s that temper again. 
“Are you serious? You’re the one who texted ME in the morning.” 
“I’m just, whatever.” She paused in between her words. “You just wouldn’t understand ‘cause you’ve never been in a relationship! I just can’t describe it, ok?” And on that note, I just hung up the phone. I was in no mood to play these games with her emotional roller coasters. 
I bit my lip, knowing she would probably call me more times for hanging up on her, but I wasn’t in the mood. I was caught in between two of my friends, and I knew who was in the right and who was treating me better. 
I saw my phone light up a few more times, which made me curious as to what she was sending me.
‘Hey, do you wanna have breakfast with me this morning?’ -hyunjin
I raised a brow. This was not the message I was expecting. 
‘only if you’re paying’
Soft r&b played from the speakers as I sipped from my small cup of apple juice, yes, I still drink apple juice. 
“So, how are you feeling?” I finally asked the boy. 
He was wearing a black tshirt and jeans and his hair was messier than usual. I could tell he wasn’t getting lots of sleep. 
“As good as I can be.” He shuffled around in his chair like he had more to say. “Just, it’s still crazy to me. Getting cheated on... it’s a whole new feeling.” 
I nodded, but I couldn’t relate to it. 
“Yeah...” I trailed off, not really knowing what to say or how to cheer him up. 
We locked eyes suddenly and I grew shy. Hyunjin was always hot in my eyes, even though I pretended he wasn’t, for my friend’s sake. And for mine. 
“What did she say when you talked to her?” 
I laughed. “She totally flipped on me and told me to leave. I have no idea what’s going on with her right now. She’s lashing out for no reason.” I confessed. 
“Yeah, she’s acting more temperamental lately. She always had a temper but this time... this time it’s out of control.” 
I nodded, understanding what he was talking about. Ryujin was a feisty girl with lots of emotions. I respect her for being in tune with her emotions, but sometimes her actions go too far. Most guys thought it was hot though. 
“Anyways, I don’t want to talk about her anymore. What about you? Any relationship problems?”
I forced a small smile. “Nope, all the guys that were ‘into me’ were trying to use me to get to her.” 
Hyunjin took a bite out of his sandwich and shook his head. “Stone cold Slytherin.” I laughed at that one.
“Stone cold Slytherin indeed.”
“You know, Ryu has never watched any of the Harry Potter movies?? Which is crazy because I swear the first time we talked to each other it was about what Hogwarts house we would be in.” 
I nodded slowly. “Yes, yes I do know that my best friend has never watched the movies. And it pains me everyday.” He rolled his eyes at my teasing tone. “Also, I think that’s because you guys met in Mrs. Park’s English class which I also happened to be in. Remember, we all were friends first?” 
I thought back to those days, those simpler times. Hyunjin and Ryujin only dated for a year, but they’d known each other since our first year of high school. We were all somewhat of friends, more like acquaintances. But one day, their friendship just went to the next level. 
Hyunjin nodded his head slowly. “Yeah, you’re right. Ryujin isn’t as nerdy as you.” I scoffed, knowing that was not true. I was the dumbest in the friend group. 
“Alright, whatever you say.” I was out of witty banter. 
We called for the check and walked slowly to his car. For a moment, we just seemed like two friends. Two kids from school who were eating breakfast together.
But we weren’t really. I was his ex-girlfriend’s best friend. And he was the guy my best friend cheated on. 
And we were both losing a person who was ignoring us. 
“This is me. See you sometime?” His expression was hard to read and I didn’t know if he was saying this just to be kind or if he actually meant it. Either way, I didn’t care. 
“Sure. See you.” I waved at him awkwardly and he gave me a small wave back.
A few weeks went by and soon, Ryujin and I were back to normal. I still texted Hyunjin quite often, but Ryujin didn’t know that. It’s not like I was lying to her, but I didn’t feel like she needed to know. It’s not like we were going behind her back and doing anything. He just needed a friend, and so did I.
The whole world was on lockdown and school got shut down early. Everyone was locked in their homes and told to keep a distance from each other in public. My electricity bill was off the charts and I was living off of Netflix for entertainment. Sometimes Ryujin came over, but she was the only one I really saw. She was an only child, so I pitied her. 
“Ok, this one or this one?” She held up two outfits that were completely different. One was a dark green shirt that tied in the front and sparkly paired with black jeans that flared slightly at the bottom. The other was a pink blouse with flowers paired with a blue denim skirt.
I looked up from my phone and sat up on the ground.
“That dark green one, it compliments your skin tone and the jeans are cute.” She nodded and tossed the other on her bed. 
“Great, Jeongin will love this.” 
“Are you sure he understands fashion? He’s like 12.” I felt a pillow hit me face in an instant, but the comment was worth it. The age jokes never got old. 
“Shut up! He’s the same age as me, only a grade younger. You know because I skipped a grade.” She bragged. I rolled my eyes and went back to playing on my phone. 
“Okay~ Whatever you say. I’m just saying, your boobies hanging out might confuse him-” 
She gave me a glare to shut me up from finishing. I shrugged and looked down at my phone. 
“Should you even be hanging out with him? We aren’t supposed to hang out with people during this time.” 
Ryujin snorted. “It’s my boyfriend, am I supposed to ignore him? I’d rather die.” I rolled my eyes are her insensitive statement. “Plus, aren’t we hanging out right now? You’re not my family.” Ouch, I’d always considered Ryujin family, but I guess she didn’t feel the same.
“That’s different. We’re best friends and I consider you my sister, since you don’t have one.” I spat. She narrowed her eyes at me and I saw the wheels turning in her head to clap back.
“Whatever, these rules are impossible."
I stayed quiet for a little bit, but I had so much to say. 
“What? If you have something to say, spit it out.” Wow, was her aggressive tone always this annoying?
I threw up my hands in aggravation. “Fine, I just think you’re moving on too fast from Hyunjin. You just broke up with him-”
“I cheated on him.”
“Ok, you cheated on him. Shouldn’t you wait a little longer to get into a relationship? It’s ... It’s sort of cruel.”
She narrowed her eyes at me but her eyes softened. 
“Look, what happened happened already. He knows I have feelings for someone else. I have to live for myself, ok? I’ll see you later.” 
She left the room and I knew that was my queue to leave her house. 
I picked up my phone and checked my messages before I left. I only had one, how popular of me. 
‘what are you doing right now?’ -hyunjin
I furrowed my brows. His timing was impeccable. 
‘um... nothing now. why?’ 
‘can you meet up rn?’ 
My eyebrows rose in surprise. Mr. Rule Follower wants to break the rules of quarantine? Interesting. 
‘... we aren’t supposed to hang out unnecessarily right now.’ I reminded him, just in case he forgot. 
I stood from Ryujin’s floor and started to look for my car keys. The perks of being the youngest sibling is that I was given my older brother’s car when he went off to college. Sadly, he’s back, but we share the car.
‘my mom is sick. shes getting tested today’ 
I froze. 
You never expect those words to come out of your friend’s mouth.
‘where r u?’
I got in my car and booked it. It’s like I was moving faster than I could think. 
Hyunjin’s parents were divorced and he lived with his father, so I knew he was safe to be around. But still, he saw his mom during the summers and occasionally throughout the year. They were close.
I drove up to his house and saw him sitting there with his head buried in his arms.
I parked on the side of the road and ran out as soon as I could. He jolted up when he heard the slam of my car. 
I grabbed him and immediately pulled him into a hug. I wasn’t sure why I did it, but it felt right. 
“It’s ok, it’s going to be ok.” I said before I could think. I wasn’t sure she was going to be ok, or if he was going to be ok, but he didn’t need to know that.
I felt him shake as tears he sobbed into my shoulder. 
“She’s so old, y/n. I’m so scared. I hope she doesn’t have it. I fucking hope so bad.” I squeezed him tighter. Tears fell slowly from my eyes as I felt his pain. 
“I’m sorry. We’ll be ok. It’ll be ok.” I rubbed his back soothingly and sat on the steps with him when he calmed down. 
“I’m sorry for being such an emotional mess right now, I hope you weren’t anywhere important when I texted you. Honestly, I called Ryujin first but she didn’t pick up.” He mumbled the last part.
I frowned, but realized why she didn’t pick up. 
“You look guilty, why?” 
I thought about lying to him, but what was the use? 
“I was actually at her house when you texted me... she was getting ready to go on a date with Jeongin.” I admit. 
I saw his face contort and he let out a few strangled cries. I pulled him closer to me and felt his head on my shoulder. 
“I’m sorry, I told her not to go.” 
“Why? We broke up already. She made her choice.” 
He took a small glance at him. His face was red and puffy; his sleep schedule was also not getting better. I knew that because we always texted at 1am. 
“I know my opinion doesn’t matter, but I think she made the wrong one.” 
He turned to face me and we locked eyes. 
Usually with other guys, I’m skittish and sometimes awkward. I wanted to get away from them as soon as I could. But with Hyunjin, I felt at peace. I felt comfortable with him, safe even. 
The boy gave me a small smile and patted me on the back. He rested his head on my shoulder again. 
“Your opinion always matters, and thank you. For everything.”
“It’s not a problem.” I pet his head like I’ve seen in movies. I don’t think I’ve ever comforted a guy besides my brother. And my brother did not like to get his hair pet. 
I guess Hyunjin didn’t either when he shot up. I gave him a startled look.
“It is a problem. Why do you run to everyone who needs help, y/n?” 
I froze in my spot, not knowing what to say. 
“Um, I don’t know. I guess I’m just good at helping people. I like comforting people. I like making people happy.” I tried to cheer him up. I did not want him to feel like he was a burden.
Hyunjin moved out of my grasp and faced me. 
“Doesn’t it get tiring though? I’ve never seen you get sad about something. And you got rejected from your dream college that we’ve been talking about for years. Still, nothing.” 
I laughed and looked away. This conversation was getting too focused on me and I wanted to shift the topic immediately. 
“Um, well of course I get sad. It’s just I deal with my emotions better when I’m alone. I don’t mind people seeing me sad I just want alone time when I’m upset.” That was a good answer. 
He wasn’t buying it though. 
A calming silence washed over us for a short moment. He kicked a small rock to the side and it trickled down the steps. 
“Why do I feel like that’s a cop out answer?” 
I was about to give him a snarky response, but I saw the pain in his eyes. He wanted to be distracted from his pain and wanted to focus on me. 
“Do you ever feel like you’re just a side character of someone else’s story?” I blurt out. Immediately, I felt like I shared too much about myself, but I couldn’t take it back. 
His silence made me anxious. So anxious.
I started to shake my leg, a nervous habit I had. Suddenly, he placed a gentle hand on my leg to stop it from shaking. 
“Bad habit. Also, I guess I haven’t before. Because we are actually the protagonists of our own story. Even you.” He peered deeply into my eyes to get his point across. I gave him a weak smile because I knew he wanted to cheer me up. But I didn’t need cheering up, I accepted that I wasn’t protagonist material. I accepted it a long time ago.
But he didn’t need to know that. 
“You’re right. I’m being silly.”
“Oh c’mon, y/n. You’re not being silly. You’re an amazing person. Total main character material!” I raised my brow but said nothing. He knocked gently on my head. “What’s going on in that head of yours?” 
So many things were going through my head. Including the fact that if I were main character material, I wouldn’t be sitting here with him right now. I’d be on some date with a cute guy. And then the whole situation would blow up in my face. And I would learn from it. And everyone would forgive me except maybe one or two people, but I would be ok with that because I learned from my mistakes and am a better person.
But that’s not me. I don’t make mistakes. I pick up the pieces of those who make mistakes. I fix them. I heal them. I’m the one who makes the main character realize they’re a shitty person. 
“Too many things, Hyunjin. Too many things.” I whispered. 
We said nothing for a while until he wrapped his arms around me. 
“I hope your mom is ok.” I quietly said as I rested my head on his shoulder. 
“Yeah, I hope so too. And I hope you realize your worth one day.” 
‘she’s not sick!! the tests came back negative!! WOOO! party at my house... ok virutal party lol’ -hyunjin
I cheered alone in my room. The test results came back pretty quickly yet it seemed like forever ago when Hyunjin cried in my arms. And we ended up spending the whole day together after I vented my feelings to him. But that’s besides the point. 
‘that’s awesome bro!!!! im so happy !!!!!!’ 
‘:) Thanks for being the best friend i have right now lol’ -hyunjin
I paused at the words ‘best friend’. I knew he didn’t mean best friend, but it still made me smile. 
Honestly, it was pretty cool being friends with Hyunjin and I wished that we were closer friends sooner. I guess I didn’t want to get too close in case him and Ryujin broke up. I didn’t know I’d be comforting him and not her.
‘ofc. u deserve happiness hyunjin’ 
He didn’t respond for a couple of minutes which concerned me. He would usually tell me if he was busy, but he just left suddenly. 
I tried not to think much about it so I set my phone on my table. I kept peering down at my phone every few minutes, but still nothing. 
I pulled out a good book and started to read a few pages. 
“y/n! I think your friend is here.” 
I furrowed my brows and closed my book with a pink bookmark keeping my page. 
“Friend? Didn’t know Ryujin was coming over.” I whispered. “Ok dad, I’ll be there!” I threw off blanket and opened the door. I shuffled to the front door and opened it. I ignored my dad’s weird looks as he made his way back to his room. 
Once I opened the door, I saw not Ryujin, but Hyunjin. 
His face was bright and I couldn’t help but smile back. His happiness was contagious, which is why he was so well-liked. 
He finally fixed his hair that was getting long due to the quarantine, but it suit him. He wore gray shorts with a sweater on top. 
I was suddenly aware of the gray shorts I had on. 
“Hey, we’re matching.” I said lamely. He laughed with his eye smile which was his best look. “What are you doing here?” 
“Wow, I’m hurt, no hello Hyunjin, I hear you come bearing good news.” 
I laughed. “You texted me said good news.” 
“I know, but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out right now...?” I crossed my arms and leaned against the door.
“Hyunjin, we aren’t supposed-”
“I know, I know, but I’m bored! I’m an only child too you know and I only live with my dad who hasn’t gone anywhere. And neither have I unless to see you. I know you follow the rules, so you’ve probably only seen Ryujin besides your immediate family.” 
I hesitated, wondering if it was the right thing to do. My heart was saying yes, but my brain wasn’t sure.
“Just go, honey. Just be safe.” My dad’s voice boomed. I looked back and saw him giving a thumbs up. 
“Really dad?” He nodded.
“Yes, but sure not to come in contact with any other people.” 
I held my pinky up, and I noticed Hyunjin was holding his up too.
The roads were so empty. 
“You make me! Feel like I’m living a, TEENAGE DREAM!” 
Hyunjin and I bumped to Katy Perry bops as we drove through a deserted city. 
“Don’t ever look back! Don’t ever look back~” 
“My heart stops!! When you look at me!” I sang. 
“Just one touch, now baby I believe~” He playfully poked me. 
“This! Is! Real! So take a chance and don’t ever look back~” I finished. 
He turned down the volume as we reached our destination. 
An empty parking lot. 
“Aw, how romantic.” I joked. 
“Sorry, not much places were open.” He gave me a small smile as he parked the car and rolled down the windows. We didn’t get out in case other people were around. 
I unbuckled my seat belt and turned to him. He was already staring at me.
“I’m really, really happy about your mom,” I said finally. He smiled, I had never seen him this happy for almost a month now, ever since Ryujin cheated on him. 
“Thank you. Also, thank you for being there when I needed you.” 
I thought back to a few days ago when he was sobbing in my arms. I felt my heart shatter for him. I loved his mom too, she was always around when we were at school and was just a ball of light. 
“It’s no problem.” 
"Right, because you’re ‘a side character’.” He used quotation marks with his fingers to get the point across. 
I rolled my eyes and pushed him. “Stop! It’s true though.” 
He looked at me again, his eyes saying “explain”. 
“Stop giving me that look. It’s completely obvious.” 
“Tell me again, how is this obvious? Because, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but all of your thoughts are yours. You see things from YOUR eyes, your point of view, and whatever. Your life is your life; no one else is the main character y/n.”
I hated when he said my name so much. It reminded me too much of myself. I always made sure to use people’s names in sentences to show that I knew their name and to make them feel special. I knew what he was trying to do. I hated that it was working.
“Look, if I was the main character of my own story, then why would my only purpose right now to be helping yours and Ryujin’s?” 
He flinched at my words. 
I sighed, feeling uncomfortable again when the topic was focused on me.
“You know what I mean. For months now, it feels like all I do is to help Ryujin’s character development. And maybe even yours. She’s the one who makes shitty decisions, I’m the one who fixes them for her. She says stupid things, and I’m the one who makes her apologize. She even gets accepted into Seoul University, leaving me behind. I just feel like everyone is accelerating and changing while I’m static! I’m the same as I was in freshman year, sophomore, junior and now senior. I’m the same person!” 
Hyunjin stayed silent while I ranted. My chest rose and fell from my heavy breathing and my cheeks were dusted with pink. 
“Also, if I wasn’t a side character, would I be here, hanging out with you, to help you get over my best friend cheating on you?” 
He had no response for my words. And I knew he wouldn’t because he knew I was right. I was the push to get them back together. I was probably going to get a text or a call sometime by Ryujin while she begs for them to get back together. Or to ask me to fix this whole situation. 
I was right. 
“You really think I ask you to hang out so much because I want your help to get over Ryujin?” 
His accusing tone shocked me, and it made me nervous. 
I tried not to focus on the police cars passing by and calmed my nerves. 
“Um... yeah, why...”
He wasn’t looking at me initially, like he was focusing on something outside of the car. 
“Y/N, I ask you to hang out so much because I like hanging out with you.” He confessed. 
At my lack of words, he kept going and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Just... this is hard to say... but I-I feel like I made a mistake dating Ryujin.” He blurted. This definitely got my attention. 
“Please let me finish.” The desperation in his eyes lulled me to listen. 
“We were a good couple at first, but the chemistry wasn’t there. We never clicked. We didn’t talk about the same things and we could never have a deep conversation. Everything we talked about was so surface level or about her problems. She was fun to be with and a great girl while it lasted, but it wasn’t like when we hung out, even when I was still dating Ryu, we got along better. 
We could talk about conspiracy theories and weird things in history like it was normal! You were always the first one I talked to when I read a new book or if I learned a cool fact. I could never do that with her and I hate that I just realized it after we broke up. And when I started to hang out with you.
It was always you all long, y/n. It was always you.” 
What on earth was going on right now? This isn’t supposed to happen. I was supposed to fix this relationship-
“Ok, I see you’re kind of freaking out. And it’s freaking me out, please say something.” 
My leg wasn’t even shaking, that’s how numb I was at this conversation. 
“I-” my voice trailed off, like I couldn’t get the words out. 
“I have a lot to think about. I’m sorry, I can’t... I-” Tears filled my eyes. I didn’t know what was going on. This stuff never happened to me. Am I supposed to give an answer right away? That’s impossible! I need to talk to Ryujin first and maybe my brother and then just ignore the whole situation. 
“It’s fine, take as long as you need.” 
The drive back was silent, contrary to what it was before. I regret not taking my own car. I regret even hanging out with him in the first place. 
As soon as we got to my house, I got out.
“Thanks for the ride.” I mumbled, because I still had manners. 
“Hey y/n.” 
I paused and turned around, mortified of what he was to say next.
“I meant everything I said when I said it has always been you. I think.. I think if you think about our memories together, you’ll see that. 
I just.. I just needed you to know that.” 
I nodded slowly, unsure of what to say. 
Then he was gone.
My first reaction was to eat my pain away, but I couldn’t even finish my banana. 
Ryujin would never forgive me for dating her ex boyfriend right? That’s girl code 101. Even if she did cheat on him. Or does that cancel out if she cheated? 
I downed a cup of water in anger. 
“Woah, slow down there, you don’t want to drown yourself.” I slammed the cup down and glared at my older brother.
“Chan, please. I’m not in the mood right now.” I tried stomping away from him, but he kept talking. Like always. 
“Uh oh, is it because of your boy? I can beat him up if you want.” I felt my cheeks turn red. 
“No! Don’t beat him up. And he’s not my boy. He’s Ryujin’s.” I muttered. 
“Wooo what? That’s a plot twist! Dad said he was completely smitten with you though. And Dad’s usually never wrong about boys and their feelings. He’s a therapist you know-” 
“I know who my father is, thank you very much! And, ugh, God, I can’t even.” I couldn’t even make it to my room before I collapsed on the floor. 
In the blink of an eye, Chan was sitting next to me. “Woah there, okay, this is some teenage angst I don’t know how to deal with anymore.” 
Anger rushed through my body at his words. And I’m not sure why. 
“Shut up! I don’t have teen angst! I don’t have any problems, ok? Just Ryujin cheated on this guy. And now I don’t know what to do!” 
Chan was silent for a moment, unusual for a person like him.
“What? What do you mean what do you do?” 
“I mean, how do I fix it?” 
Chan laughed. “Fix what?” 
“Fix their problems, are you not understanding what is going on here?” 
Chan stood up, then picked me up. I would usually struggle but he plopped my on the couch, so I was ok with him... for now.
“Y/n, it isn’t your job to fix other people’s problems. How about you focus on your own right now?” 
I peered down at my hands, embarrass to tell him what was going on in my life. I felt like such a trader. I helped my friend her whole life and suddenly, I was catching feels for her ex-boyfriend. 
I opened my mouth to speak, but I got cut off my a buzz in my pocket. Then I got like 10 more. I pulled my phone out and saw the texts from Ryujin.
‘i think i made a mistake’
‘i dont like jeongin that much anymore’
‘hes not a gentleman like hyunjin!! he doesnt even pull out my chair when i sit or open doors for me. plus jeongin is lowkey childish and he is always pulling pranks on me!’ 
‘tell me what 2 do?? how do i fix this?!!??!!?’
‘also my parents are fighting again and it’s sooooo irritating !!!!’
‘sos 911 aaahhhh’ 
“Who is it? What do they say?” Chan asked curiously. I shoved him away from reading my phone. 
“They’re from Ryujin. She’s already regretting dating Jeongin. The guy she cheated with Hyunjin on.” I wasn’t sure the sentence made sense, but Chan would understand.
Chan’s eyes widened. “Damn, dick move.” I gritted my teeth.
“And now, she misses Hyunjin. She says Jeongin doesn’t compare to Hyunjin who is nice and a gentleman. And her parents are fighting again. I got to go help.” I stood up to grab my keys, but Chan stopped me.
“Tell me why you were upset earlier.” 
His stern voice shook me. 
“Y/n, tell me.” 
Suddenly, my tears were unable to hide and fell freely onto my cheeks. Chan’s face didn’t soften, but he let go of my arm. 
“Fine! Hyunjin told me he liked me. And that he regretted ever dating Ryujin.” 
I fell down on the couch while Chan held me close. He pet my head, like I did to Hyunjin earlier. I guess that was a good comforting tactic. 
“And now, Ryujin wants him back. What am I supposed to do?” I whispered. 
“Do you like him back?” 
I paused. 
Did I like him back? I wasn’t sure...
Chan patted my back and stood. “I’m gonna make us some lunch, sit here and think about it. And don’t you dare think about responding to those texts.” 
Hwang Hyunjin. 
We’ve been in school together since we were kids. We saw each other grow up. We were never close, but we wouldn’t be awkward if we were paired together in a project. 
He was always nice to me. He would remember my name contrary to all the boys in our grade. I faded into the background, especially when I became friends with Ryujin in the sixth grade. 
We were in acapella together and we were always in the same friend groups, especially when Ryujin and Hyunjin got closer. 
Everyone would yell and shout at us if we started talking about a book we just read or conspiracy theory we saw online. Or when we were both contemplating being vegan when we saw a deer get hit by a truck. 
He was the one who encouraged me to wear makeup even if Ryujin told me I was shit at it. He was the one who told me I could join acapella even if I was too shy to be on stage, because he was too. He was the one who dressed up as Harry Potter characters with me when no one else wanted to. He was the one I went to when I wanted to talk about the things I loved most. 
He was the one... He was the one all along. 
“Oh my god. It’s always been Hyunjin. Oh my god.” 
Chan set down a crappy sandwich in front of me, but I was on a mission. 
“You figure it out?” 
“Yes, yes I did! But what do I tell Ryujin?” 
Chan scoffed. “What do you tell Ryujin? She’s the one who cheated on him. And she’s always been a crappy friend to you.” I frowned. Ryujin wasn’t the best friend, but she was my best friend...  
“If she’s truly your best friend, she’ll forgive you for this. So go, go get your manz.” I cringed at his language. He was not as young as he thought. 
Then, I realized something. 
I looked at Chan who was just sitting on the couch, cheering me on. 
“Oh my god, you’re a side character in my story.”
The made him pause before he took a bit. “Uh, ok? Aren’t we all each other’s side characters? The protag will always be ourselves, dork. Now go!”
I ran out the door and checked my phone. Those can be dealt with later. Or right now. I’m not sure. Maybe at the same time. 
I jumped in my car and called Ryujin and put her on speaker. 
“Hello? Y/n?? Where have you been, I texted you like 20 minutes ago! I said SOS!” 
“Am I your best friend?” 
“W-what? Where is this coming from? Yes, of course you are-”
“Then you’ll forgive me for anything right?” 
She paused. 
“Maybe. I’m not sure, you’ve never really done anything wrong.”
I gulped. You can’t back down now.
“Is everything ok, y/n?”
“I have something to tell you. And you’re going to hate me for it.” 
There was silence.
“What, y/n, seriously-”
“I have feelings for Hyunjin!” I shouted. 
Dead silence. I could hear the few cars driving in my neighborhood and kids laughing outside. The silence was terrifying.
“You what?” 
“I have feelings for Hyunjin. Your ex-boyfriend.” 
I heard shuffling on the other side. 
“Y-you can’t. He’s my ex-boyfriend. That’s breaking girl code, and I am not over him. What the hell, y/n?”
I felt tears fall from my eyes. This is not how I wanted this to go. But this is what I expected. 
“I’m sorry. But my whole life, I have been living for you. Ever since I met you. And this time, I have to do things for myself. I’m sorry but I- I want to be selfish and I want to make mistakes that you’re gonna have to decide if you forgive me for. 
I want to be the main character of my story right now.” 
“Y/n, wait-”
I hung up the phone. I couldn’t let her get in the way of me living for me. Even if it was selfish and bitchy. I need to make mistakes to grow. And I haven’t made many ground breaking mistakes in the past, but this one feels pretty good. 
I parked outside of Hyunjin’s house and ran up the steps. 
Before I could knock on my door, it opened revealing a disheveled Hyunjin. 
“You came.” 
I was shocked at his sudden appearance, but nodded. 
“I did, um, how did you get to the door so quickly?”
“I was waiting.” A cute blush danced across his face. 
How have I not seen him before? For how I truly feel about him?
For a minute, we didn’t know what to say. 
We laughed. 
“You first,” he said.
I cleared my throat. 
“Hyunjin, um, I’m not very good at speeches to declare my feelings. Most likely because I’ve suppressed them over the years and haven’t shown them to anybody. 
I’m dumb and stupid and now I’m selfish because I don’t care what anyone thinks right now because I realized that I am falling in love with you.” 
His eyes grew to the size of his hand at my words. 
I laughed nervously. 
“Um, I was .. I was talking to my brother. And I just realized that every moment in my life that I was insecure or unsure of something, you helped me through it. And when I just wanted to talk about something nerdy like a book or a poem that made me cry, I wanted to talk to you. 
It really has been you all along.” I whispered the last sentence, but I knew he heard it. 
He took my hands and wrapped them around his waist. 
“I’m falling in love with you too. I think I always have been a little, which sounds fucking up since I dated Ryujin. But I think we both knew we weren’t right for each other.” 
I nodded, feeling safe in his embrace. 
Then, I felt him hold my face and bent down to kiss me. His lips were soft and it felt like he was hesitant. Before I lost the courage, I pulled him closer. I could feel his smile across my lips. 
He made my heart flutter like I was reading a cute romance novel. 
Except I was in the romance novel now. 
And I was the protagonist. 
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morkmywords · 6 years
Not Really a Cinderella Story | Royalty au | Exo | Sehun | Part 7
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Masterlist | Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 8.5 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 [FINAL]
Length: 5.8k
Note: Im sorry this took so long but its here now and i hope you like it, also this part is kinda angsty.
Summary: When a strange string of not so great events somehow and you with a job at the palace punching the wrong people can be not so great.
You could feel the warm sand between your toes as you watched the two in the center spin in circles. Qeca was known for its gladiator battles and that is what you were watching now, the two were dancing in circles in the center of the pit swords clashing together and creating a symphony of metallic noises mixed with the cheering of the crowd. The battles have gotten more civilized as time went on, there was no more killing but instead, they must surrender but still you had no taste for the violence. The other princes were completely invested in the fight cheering as loud as the crowd, Jiyoon was under the tent with the other court women gossiping and you were left alone in a chair at the edge of the booth. You watched the fight cringing every time the clash of metal on metal echoed through the stadium, you couldn’t wait for it to be over so you could get out of the blistering, hot sun.
“It doesn’t look like you’re having too much fun.” A girl who looked around your age, said as she came to stand beside you.
“Well aside from being cooked alive and feeling like I’m about to barf from the stench of sweaty men I’m having a great time.” You said sarcastically. When the girl on your left laughed it sounded like an actual angel and now that you got a better look at her, she looked like one too. You stared at her in as and amazement of how somebody could be so perfect until she caught your eyes and you straightened yourself.
She stopped her ethereal giggling and dropped the hand that was slightly covering her face before addressing you. “You’re funny.” Was all she said before she started laughing again at your face which had gone blank again, “I’m Princess Hyejin.” She said before curtsying perfectly. When you finally realized what she said you hurried to bow but ended up tripping over your own feet and bumping into her.
You rushed to help her up while apologizing profusely about your clumsiness which she just brushed off saying it was fine. Helping her up wasn’t much of an issue seeing as she was quite a bit smaller than you, even smaller than Jiyoon. “You’re Prince Jongin’s sister right?” You asked once you were both back to a standing position. She nodded excitedly before answering.
“You know Nini?” She squealed before grabbing your hand and bringing you closer to her face.
“It’s a nickname silly.” She giggled before letting you lean back from her face a bit. “Come sit with me for the rest of this.” She didn’t give you a chance object before pulling you into a pile of cushions under a separate tent.
You spent the rest of the afternoon chatting with Hyejin and eventually Jiyoon, you learned a lot about Qeca and their various traditions plus a ton of gossip which Hyejin seemed to know a lot about.
The air was still warm even though the sun had set hours ago. The pavilion where the ball was being held was lit by only lanterns and the moonlight. It was fitting for the theme, midnight, everyone was dressed in dark blues and black with pale stars or moons tastefully placed on skirts and suits. You were dressed very similarly in a plain deep blue gown, not nearly as dressed up as the two princesses who left your side to head to the dance floor. Unlike the heat of the day, the nights were cool and it became more noticeable as you drifted farther away from the crowd around the dance floor.  In Qeca there were hardly any trees that blocked the sky so you got the perfect view of the night sky, out of sheer boredom you began counting the stars and completely forgetting the world around you.
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to ignore you but since you showed up, I guess I’ll have to leave.” you said before you turned away from the railing you were leaning against and heading back towards the crowd. The heat was already getting you in a bad mood, not to mention the nasty sunburn you had received earlier in the day, and this was the last straw.
“Just wait, I really need to talk to you!” he called while following after you. “I want to make everything right between us, like it was before.”
You ignored him and kept walking while trying not to lose your temper, you were finished with all this drama and were beginning to regret your decision to become Jiyoon’s lady in waiting.
“I want to apologize.” he called as a last attempt to catch your attention and it worked.
“You really are an idiot Prince Sehun,” you exclaimed as you whirled around to face him, you found him with a smug smirk on his face which made you even more irritated, “Saying sorry or apologizing doesn't fix everything, its like putting a band-aid on a broken arm, it doesn't do anything!” At this point, the smile was gone from his face which was a small triumph for you. “It’s going to take more than just saying sorry for things to go back to the way they were before this whole mess happened.” With that, you stalked away back to the dance floor trying not to let him make your night even worse.
At some point during the night, Baekhyun offered some sort of wine he claimed would ‘loosen you up’ which you reluctantly took and drank with much encouragement from him and Chen. By the end of the evening, your mind was foggy and you felt really….. Weird, you had never had any sort of alcohol before and you guessed it was just something that came with drinking.
“What happened to you?” Jiyoon said as she and Hyejin came up to you. You were completely out of it and were holding onto a pole to keep yourself from falling over.
“Baek and Chenie gave me some weird drink and now it feels like my brain is inside a pillow.” You sighed Jiyoon took your face in her hands and started inspecting it.
“Baek? Chenie?! What's wrong with you?” She exclaimed turning your face in her hands. She poked one of your cheeks and you giggled before falling forward and leaning your head against her shoulder.
Hyejin let out a huge sigh and smacked her head. “The wine, I should have known something like this would happen.”
Jiyoon whirled around as best she could while supporting your at least 6 inch taller figure, “What do you mean ‘the wine’?” She exclaimed which woke you up from your almost asleep state, you yawned and shushed them both before closing your eyes again.
“Well,” Hyejin began, “Qecan wine is a whole lot stronger than regular wine so if she drank some, especially if she hasn't had alcohol before, she's probably pretty messed up. I should have kept an eye on her, it's my fault”
“Let's get her back.” Jiyoon said as Hyejin came over and draped your other arm over her shoulder. At first it was hard to start moving, it felt like you had two left feet and both of the girls were a lot smaller than you.  
“It's not your fault,” you mumbled as your head drooped to the side, “I drank it because Hunie made me sad so it's his fault.”
“Hunie?” Jiyoon asked, “Do you mean Sehun?”
“That's the one,” you slurred as you felt your eyelids get heavier. “He made my heart hurt a lot.”  That was the last thing you remembered before you fell asleep against a shoulder. You vaguely remembered a pair of strong arms picking you up before you woke up the next morning with a pounding headache.
“SeHuN?! How did that happen?” Hyejin exclaimed lowering her voice when she remembered the sleeping girl on her shoulder. “Your brother is kind of a jerk.”
Jiyoon sighed, “He is kind of a jerk but he means well, but I don't even know how that started.”
“It's kind of odd though, I’ve known your brother for my whole life and he's never had interest in girls that goes deeper than their makeup.”
“I know, I don't think he knows how relationships work and I don't want Y/n to be hurt because of it, I think he really likes her and I think she likes him too.”
Hyejin giggled, “They really do seem perfect for each other don't they.”
“They do but I don't think they realize it.” Jiyoon said as they continued to drag their tall friend back to the palace. A few minutes later they were stopped by somebody coming to help take their friend back to the palace.
“You really don’t have to do this Sehun.” Jiyoon said as her brother picked up Y/n and put her on his back.
“I won’t tell if you won’t.” With that, he walked away from the two princesses and started heading back to the castle.
“You’re warm, I like you,” You mumbled into his neck.  He only smiled and replied with “I like you too.” Before he put you back in your own room where you collapsed onto the bed.
“I’m still angry about you giving me that wine so I don’t know why you’re trying to joke around.” You huffed. You were at a rest stop in your way to Meadazia while Chen and Baekhyun were joking around. “My head is still pounding thanks to you two.”
“Admit that you’re thankful we gave that to you or else you would still be mopping.” Chen teased.
“And how were we supposed to know that you’d never had a drink before.” Baekhyun followed. You frowned at them while they just laughed.
“I’m going to go find someplace to lay down away from you two and all your annoying jokes.” You got up and stomped away from the two giggling boys to go find a nice tree to nap under. You wandered, lost in thought as usual while trying to find a nice spot to sit. Where Qeca was hot and dry Meadazia was hot and humid, you had passed the border a while ago and there was a stark contrast. You could practically feel the moisture gathering on your skin as the caravan travelled through the dense jungles and you were over hot weather. You were brought out of your thoughts as the one and only prince you hated grabbed your arm.
“You dropped this and it seemed important.” He said as he handed you back the notebook you hadn’t even realized you’d dropped.
“Thank you, your highness.” You mumbled as you bowed your head. You could practically feel the tension in the air and it definitely wasn’t making things any better.
He rubbed the back of his neck and he seemed… Nervous? The Sehun you knew never got nervous. “They’re getting ready to leave again and I was wondering if I could uh…. maybe walk you back.” He asked spitting out the last few words like they were chilli peppers burning his tongue. You just nodded and followed him back to where the carriages were waiting.
The heavy vegetation of Meadazia didn’t stop at the surrounding jungle but continued into the city with vines snaking up buildings and tree sprouting up wherever there was space. The people lived in harmony with the jungle and you had never seen anything like it, they used their surroundings for everything but at the same time treated the forest like it was a living being.
The ball was a whole other story. Because of the canopy glow bugs lit up the entire jungle city including the ball, they floated through the air illuminating things like tiny floating stars. Most of the party’s fashion was following the styles of Meadazia with loose pants and skirt with close fitted tops, and the nature theme made it even better with the sea of greens. The night passed with little to no issues, you chatted and danced with the guys and even met Chanyeol’s you see brother Daeho Who was an angel. The only issue arose when Chanyeol’s sister Sejung threw a fit because she didn’t like the music or something. You hardly talked to or even saw Sehun which you were sort of glad about but for some reason it made you uneasy. Overall Meadazia was a beautiful place and you were really happy you got to go.
Unfortunately, you were in for more warm weather as you headed to Edesea, thankfully it was a port city so it wouldn't be too warm. The road there was very rocky as it was built off cliffs but Minseok kept you entertained by telling you many things about his childhood and his country. Apparently when the boys were younger they snuck away from the palace and decided to go cliff jumping at the edge of the city, it was all fun and games until Jongin got caught in a fisherman’s net, Kyungsoo got pooped on by a seagull, and Baekhyun  got a piece of seaweed in his pants that he thought was an eel ad started freaking out. Long story short, they all got in loads of trouble and were forbidden from going to the cliffs for an entire year. Your entire visit was filled with stories like that as you wandered the streets and the castle with Minseok as your guide, the boys would float in and out and Sehun continued to act… different. You were at the market and Baekhyun and Yixing had left you alone to go find some food stalls, you had been browsing the various fabric stalls looking for some fabric to make pants for yourself so you could finally give Yixing his back.
“Chanyeol and Jongin ditched me, do you mind if I hang around you?” Sehun asked. Somehow he appeared in front of you between the rows of hanging fabrics and materials, it was odd how he kept showing up around you but you were about to send him away when you remembered something.
“Alright,” YOu smirked and crossed your arms, “You can come IF, you carry everything I buy.” You were almost one hundred percent sure that he would leave but to your surprise…
“I said sure so let's get going.” He said nonchalantly. You stared at him in disbelief, the Prince Sehun that hardly ever did things for anyone but himself agreed?? He noticed your expression and shot you a smirk to which you only glared back, that smirk was making you hate it more and more. You didn't want to fight this battle so instead you sighed and kept walking, Sehun followed behind you as you wandered through the various market stalls.
“What are you shopping for anyway?”He asked as you stopped in front of a stall with tons of work grade fabrics hanging.
You sighed as you kept sifting through the fabrics. “I need to find fabric to make pants so I can give Yixing his back.” you picked up a sample of material to inspect it closely while he still hovered behind you.
“Why do even need pants?”He asked as he stood beside you and started looking through the samples next to you.
You were starting to get irritated as you continued to walk down the table covered in samples. “Have you ever tried to wear a dress or a skirt?? They’re heavy and long and hot especially when you're wearing long sleeves and it's hard to do any other movement than walk and sit down in.” you huffed out as he followed you down the table, the heat wasn't doing anything to help your mood.
“If you're so hot why don't you just wear short sleeves?” He asked and you stopped in your tracks, nobody ever asked you that before and you were momentarily dumbfounded.
You mumbled, “It’s complicated.” before you grabbed the fabric you decided on and went up to the vendor. You purchased it quickly and gave the bundle of fabric to Sehun before saying something about how you should go back and meet up with everyone else, he told you he needed to get something and you should go ahead so you left back to the main square.
The masquerade was ocean themed which made sense since it was a port city but it was much more extravagant than the others. People had on extravagant headdresses and different pieces hanging off of them, they were covered in various ocean wildlife in a range of colours that made the ballroom look like it was full of a rainbow. Your dress was no exception, Jiyoon said yours was modelled after seafoam, something about Aphrodite and the goddess of beauty that you didn't really understand. To put it plainly you looked like a mermaid, the dress was tight but flared out around your knees and was covered in iridescent scales. Anyways you didn't really understand what seafoam had to do with it but you went with it anyways, at least you had one of the more normal dresses.
The dances and food they had were just as extravagant as the various costumes, Edesea really knew how to party. The boys went in turn teaching you the complicated and lively dances that were native to Edesea, you spun and twirled so many times that you felt like you were going to barf. You stayed far away from any wine or alcohol and overall had a great time but Sehun still lurked in the back of your mind. At one point you saw him dancing with another girl who you wouldn't recognize because of the masks but you felt a pang of something in your heart, you tried to brush it off and ignore it but he was in the back of your mind for the rest of the night.
“These lights are making my headache five times worse than it already was.” you groaned as you rested your head against the window of the carriage.
“Did you drink any more of the wine last night, Jiyoon told us all what happened.” Yixing, who was sitting across from you, asked.
You groaned again and rolled your forehead against the cool glass hoping it would provide some relief from your head, spoiler alert it didn’t. “I didn't have anything to drink but all that dancing sure did a number on me.” Yixing looked at you confused, he obviously had no trouble with dancing at all seeing as that's how he spent almost the entire night.
Vraetis was easily the most advanced out of all the countries on the continent, all the bright minds travelled there to learn and create in their academies. The streets glowed with Neon colours at all times of the day and it would have been beautiful if it weren't for the pulsing in your head, people wandered past in clothing from all over the world with additions that were only native to the tech capital of the world. Of course, other countries had the technology but it wasn't as prevalent as it was here, the building almost reached the sky and there were automated billboards covering them all from top to bottom. You ignored the pain in your head and admired the city that was so different from everything that you knew and before you realized, you were at the palace. It looked like it was made out of mirrors, it must have been the only building in the city with no neon lights or flashing signs. It was taller than you imagined sticking straight up into the clouds but once you got inside it was even larger with 20 floors of just guest bedrooms.
The ball was tech-themed with reflective and holographic everything, most of the pieces people wore were more avant-garde with harsh lines and folds not the usual flowing dresses. Jiyoon took full opportunity of the modern aspect and stuck you into a holographic pantsuit, it literally made you look like a disco ball but at least you were comfortable. And you weren't alone seeing as Jiyoon joined you wearing a colour block jumpsuit and some really wild eye makeup. You definitely drew some eyes with your glitter covered outfit but by the time you reached the dance floor you were at the back of people’s minds. After a few hours, everyone you knew was on the dance floor or off socializing with someone else and you were left alone in a corner table hiding behind a large bouquet of flowers.
“I don't see why you needed to get fabric to make pants when you have these bad boys.” Sehun gestured to your sparkling pants as he took a seat beside you.
“Yes I think thee would be totally appropriate for working around the palace.” you retorted. “Besides, shouldn't you be off flirting with some princess.”
He sighed and leaned back in his chair, “Well I was but then I saw you over here and wanted to make sure you weren't drinking any more of that wine because we all know what happened last time.” You were lost for words, how did he even find out about that?
“You know about that!?” You spluttered out and he just smirked which got you even more upset. You sat there in silence trying to cool down while avoiding his eyes which you could feel on the side of your face when suddenly he stood up.
“Dance with me?” He asked.
You sat for a moment and contemplated your next move, ”And why should I do that?” you asked him.
“Because you have nothing better to do?” He shrugged. You took a few more moments to decide before you took his hand and he led you onto the dance floor. You were tentative at first but as the night went on you found yourself having a good time, better than you thought. But you still had an inkling of uncertainty in you that grew and grew until eventually you knew you had to leave, as soon as the song finished you pulled your hand from his grasp.
“I’m not feeling well, I think I should go,” You said as you started walking to the edge of the dance floor, as you walked you could feel the gazes of the other attendees watching your retreat and the prince following you.
“I’ll come sit down with you or I’ll walk you back to your room.”  He said as he followed you through the crowd.
It felt like everyone’s eyes were on you as you turned around to face him, you already hear the whispers travelling through the crowd. “No, you’re a prince, this is what your life is. I can go on my own but you should just stay here.” You left before he had a chance to say anything else and just headed back to your room.
You had been sprawled on your bed for about twenty minutes until you heard a knock at the door. “I’m sorry I left early but Sehun was just something else I promise I’ll make it up to you……” You said as you opened the door, you expected to see Jiyoon but were surprised to see the face of Prince Sehun staring back at you. “What are you doing here?!”
“I came to make sure you were alright,” He said plainly, “but know I want to know why I was being ‘something else’.” He smirked at you and you were tempted to just close the door in his face but you knew that would probably get you into more trouble.
“You should really go back.” you said trying to change the topic, and it worked.
“But it would be ungentlemanlike if I left you all alone,” he countered.
“It would be ungentlemanlike if you didn't head back down to the ball that being held for you and the rest of the royals.” you said trying to shoo him away so your heart would stop racing.
He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest, “There really is no winning against you.” He gave you a small smile which really wasn't doing much for your current mental state. Suddenly he reached forward and placed it on your forehead and then your cheeks, you swear your heart stopped.
“You should get some rest, your face is really warm and red so you might have a fever.” He turned and left, as soon as the door was shut you fell back onto the huge bed. You were blushing and your heart was racing, what was wrong with you?
You were bundled up since Matus was drastically colder than even Kera, you had only travelled a few hours and it was already so much cooler. You sat next to Jiyoon draped in blankets and huddling for warmth, muffled conversation filled the air between you and the two other men in the carriage with you.
“So we all saw you and Sehun the other night.” Jiyoon elbowed you in the side which jolted you awake. “What’s going on between you two?”
“There's something going on between them?” Junmyeon asked, “I just thought they hated each other.”
“You haven't seen the way they look at each other all lovey-dovey?” Jiyoon asked and he shook his head. You groaned and buried yourself farther into the pile of blankets and tried to block out their chattering for the rest of the carriage ride. Eventually, you fell asleep even through the freezing cold but your dreams were something else. They were filled with flames and familiar feeling faces blurred out by smoke, screams echoed around you but you couldn't move. You called out but nobody could hear and suddenly it all disappeared, you were back at the palace, in the garden and he was beside you, he took your hand and led you through the flowers, he was laughing and smiling but soon that was gone too. Another scene appeared but this time it wasn't a dream, it was more like a memory, it was a sunny day and you were in the garden of your old house with your mother and father when a woman approached. Your father told you and your mother to go inside while he went to talk to her, you peaked out the window at the woman and her entourage of unfamiliar men. They were talking and then the woman was screaming and flailing her arms, eventually, your father turned and came into the house while she left but you couldn't shake the feeling of her being somewhat familiar. You jolted awake to everyone in the carriage staring at you and suddenly you felt very nervous.
“What happened? You were crying and shouting and we were all worried and trying to wake you up but nothing would work.” Jiyoon was obviously worried and the others in the carriage were as well but before you could say anything the carriage lurched to a stop and you had arrived at the palace.
Nobody brought the carriage ride up again except for Jiyoon who asked a couple of questions while you were getting ready but quickly stopped when she saw your uncomfort. Earlier in the day, you went out to explore Matus in all of its winter glory. You went ice fishing which was more difficult than you expected, you went sledding down the mountain slopes, and even went ice skating. At the end, you built snowmen and even had a snowball fight which was very disturbing to the people of Matus who were as cold and reserved as the weather.  You tried your best to enjoy yourself at those times but you were so confused about your own feeling it was incredibly difficult and now you were heading to the masquerade even more confused than before.
The castle was a huge ice sculpture in the outside and a cozy cobblestone mansion on the inside. It was amazing how the hundreds of fireplaces that heated the inside didn’t manage to melt the outside. Unsurprisingly the grand ballroom was covered in ice, even the floor, which somehow people didn’t slip on. Everyone was bundled up in many layers of fur to keep them warm and without frostbite, you were incredibly nervous for some reason but you soon loosened up after dancing with all your friends. You spun and twirled around with every prince and even Jiyoon Before you finally gave out, after these past weeks you found dancing became one of your favourite things to do and you hating it seemed like the distant past. You were burning hot after all that physical activity so you decided to take a walk in the garden.
Every plant was covered with ice and snow, icicles hung from the trees and sparkles in the moonlight. You were enchanted by the starlight and lost in your own thoughts as you wandered through the garden, boots crunching in the snow.
“Lost in your own thoughts again?” Sehun asked as he came up to walk beside you. You let out an involuntary shiver and he grabbed your bare hands and placed them in his own warm ones, you were about to pull away but you left them. He looked at you when you didn’t pull away but instead, you grabbed his hands and kept walking, as you kept walking eventually you tucked yourself into his embrace.
“I like this,” he smiled as he snuggled back into you, “but what’s with the change of heart?”
You sighed, after all the thing you had done over the past few days you had come to a conclusion but you didn’t know how to say it. “I’ve just been thinking about me,” you told him as you kept walking, “and you.” You added in a quieter voice.
“And what’s the verdict?” He asked while tightening his grip on your hands.
You continued walking, trying to pluck up the courage to say it. “I think…” you stopped walking, “I think, I-I-I’m….. in love with you.” Silence fell over the quiet garden and you went stoic, thoughts were running through your head at a mile a minute until you finally looked over at Sehun and what you saw was not what you expected.
His eyes were full of love, not anger and not disgust but love. He lowered his head and captured your lips with his own, the kiss was full all the emotions you both shared and when you finally pulled away he picked you up and spun you around. Once your feet touched the ground he pulled you into his chest and wrapped himself around you.
“You have no idea how happy I am because…. because I love you too!” He said into your neck. You were in utter shock of what just happened but you were broken out the trance by those four words, ‘I love you too’. You wrapped your arms around him and squeezed him back, it felt like you were floating on bliss and you never wanted this moment to end but eventually, it got too cold and you had to head back inside.
By the time you actually went back inside everyone had already gone back to their rooms and aside from the various servants, you were the only ones still wandering the halls.
“I’ll walk you back to your room.” He said and nodded before grabbing his hand and following him down the hallway still on a cloud. “Goodnight,” he whispered before giving another kiss and disappearing down the hallway, you never wanted this day to end. Jiyoon was already sound asleep when you entered so you changed as quietly as possible before climbing into bed and drifting to sleep.
You woke up early the next morning and decided to go down the kitchens to grab breakfast for you and Jiyoon. On your way to the kitchens, you passed the garden and memories from last night placed an instant smile on your face, you were about to keep walking when you heard voices.
“You’d better listen to me Sehun, I’m your mother.”
‘Sehun’? ‘Mother’? The queen must be talking to Sehun. You poked your head around the corner and saw three figures, one obviously the queen from her decorative crown, the other Sehun which you knew so well, and the third was an unfamiliar girl standing next to the queen.
“Step-Mother, and we’ve already talked about this.” Sehun groaned. He was obviously very irritated but what about?
“You’re being very rude to Kanghee, she is your fiancée after all.”
You let out a gasp and dropped the plate you were carrying which drew the three pairs of eyes, once you registered what was happening you felt your heart which you had so meticulously put back together shatter again. How could he not tell you and make you fall in love with him all over again, You picked up your skirts and broke into a run back to your room. The tears were falling freely as you crashed back into your room and tried to shut the door but something stopped it, you turned around to see Sehun with his arm stuck in the doorway.
“You had a fiancee and didn't tell me? How could you?!” You shouted at him while he pushed past the door.
“Just let me expl-”
“How long have you known?” You cut him off trying to hold back your sobs.
“How long?!” you demanded as he stepped farther into the room.
He stopped and let out a sigh, “ Since Lokya.”
“You mean that girl I saw you with, that was her?” you stuttered out and he looked away which was confirmation enough. “Get out.” you said as you back farther into the room.
“Y/n wait-”
“I said get out!” you shouted as he advanced closer to you.
“Leave me alone,” you shouted as you tossed a pillow at him, “You broke my heart for the second tie and I never want to see you again.”
He fell silent as he took in your words and was about to say something again before you cut him off.
“Get out.” At that point, Jiyoon walked into your room and immediately rushed over to you as she saw your distressed state.  You had sunk to the floor and you buried your head in her neck when she came next to you, thankfully you heard the door shut and you knew he was gone as you sobbed into Jiyoon’s shoulder.
“I think I should take some time off.” you mumbled out and Jiyoon just agreed before you continued to sob.
Jiyoon had agreed to let you take as much time off as you want under the circumstance you would write to her every week. You gratefully agreed and hugged her goodbye before you climbed into the carriage which was under orders to take you wherever you want, nobody knew what was happening except for Jiyoon and you were happy that way. As the carriage pulled away from the front steps you heard a familiar voice call your name and footsteps crunch against the gravel but you kept your eyes forward, refusing to let your heart crumble any more than it already had.
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kolorsoflife · 7 years
KAyesha: That Story you might be addicted to hear
Chap 1
While Ayesha was struggling with juggling both her school and work, Kabir too was trying to find a balance with his Soccer team and the drama club. That too now that he is trying out for the nationals with Sameer as the captain, he needed to put his 100% effort in to get in. But when they both get their line time together, it’s all fun and tease. Kabir loves Ayesha for her spontaneity and Ayesha loves Kabir for his goofiness. People might think this is the worst combination but to them, they are perfect. With all their imperfections from their past, they’ve learnt to be very open with their lives to each other.
*During breaktime, Kabir who was busy training for his nationals with Sameer was joined by Pari and Ayesha with some food.*
Ayesha: *tosses a sandwich to Sameer* Eat some of this first! Or else you’d faint!
Sameer: Excuse Me! Did you make this by the way?
Ayesha: Yes I did and I demand you to eat it!
*Sameer shakes his head and unwraps the sandwich*
Pari: Oh Sameer, Mr Sharma asked me to bring you along to the theatre right away! Let’s go, NOW!
*Sameer leaves with Pari giving cheeky looks at Ayesha who rolls her eyes at him*
Kabir: So no sandwich for me? Only for your best friend? Thanks.
Ayesha: its the same! How Meera gets a sari back from your hometown and I get a lame keychain. *rolls eyes*
Kabir: *hugs her from the side which caught her by surprise but she liked that and hugged him back* I gotta be back in an hour so lets go out for lunch. *grabs her by her hand and starts leading the way*
Ayesha: what, No! I need to get back for my gym session!
*But her reply was not taken as Kabir pulled her closer to him and started walking towards his friend’s car*
Ayesha: Kabir, I can't go! Are you even listening?
Kabir: Ayesha if you're not gonna get into the car then, *he looks around finding for something*
Ayesha: then what?
Kabir: then I don't know Ayesha, can you please just get into the car please!
Ayesha: OhGod you're not even gonna try to convince me why I gotta follow you?Why am I even with you?
Kabir: Okay. *he goes over to her and opens the car door for her and motions her to get in* Please get in. *he flashes his sweetest innocent smile which made her cringe but somehow she found it funny and giggled while shaking her head and get into the car*
Ayesha: So? Where we heading?
Kabir: Oh, yeah . That! *he places his hand on his mouth and thinks*
Ayesha: Are you for real Kabir? Im going back to class. 
Kabir: Ah I got it! Stay Angsty Ayesha!
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swearronchanel · 8 years
and my commentary continues: series 6, episode 2 (if this is now a thing idk what to title it)
You asked for it, my first class isn’t until noon tomorrow so I can sleep in & so, I complied Also the SAG awards finished at like 10pm so even after doing my night routine it’s still early haha here it goes …
- Oh shit I forgot color - ah I really like the new intro - Penny’s outfit is so cute - “Walk don’t run” stfu Sister Ursula this isn’t elementary school - “Have you lost your marbles bubsy” haha that’s cute - UGH I WANNA FIGHT THIS NUN - LET JULIENNE ARRANGE THE DAMN FLOWERS - This is when sister Ursula presses sister Monica Joan about the bon bons lol - “Unlike your sisters” guessing u don’t think u count - You’re damn right - Sister MJ sly af 😏 wish she was my grandma - Aw penny it’s ok sweetie all will be well - AlRight so where is St Cuthberts, is it closer than the London? Idk just wondering - I don’t care that much tbh - Damn this man gonna go blind how sad - I like knowing what happens when I’m watching bc I can’t take so much I get anxious - But are we not going to mention Patsy’s wig anymore? It’s still ugly, lucky emerald is beautiful anyway - - Ugh my bbys are still so hurt about the thalidomide 💔💔 - IT WAS NOT EITHER OF YOUR FAULTS - YES IT IS A MIRACLE PATRICK, YOU SHOULD’VE MENTIONED IT LAST WEEK but it’s all good - HE’S TOUCHING HER STOMACH AH - AND THEY KISSED Lmaoo I bet this will break Tumblr - UgH SUCH A SWEET MOMENT TO MELT MY COLD HEART - Jk this show has made me such an emotional mess, like I rarely ever used to cry or anything - But it could also be because of university diminishing my sanity - “We should really start telling people” - YEA PLS GIVE US A CUTE SCENE TELLING EVERYONE @ NONNATUS - - Buttt, I’m gonna guess it’s either going to be implied that they told them off screen or they won’t find out till she starts bleeding mid inspection ?? idk I’m just guessing, don’t come at me lmaoo - Patrick’s smirk “he’ll certainly understand” 😂😂 - SHELAGH’S CRINGING FACE I LOVE IT - YOU KNOW IM HERE FOR ALL CRINGEY EXPRESSIONS - Plus that’s my bby - - PHYLLIS SAW PATS AND DELIA - SHE KNOWS & IM GLAD IT WAS HER TO FIRST FIND OUT - - alright so let me be annoying real quick - From that clip from the casebook Valerie is problematic/lowkey racist & no estoy aquí para eso PERO I like her in the moment? - One, her outfit is cute - & B, she gets along well with my shelagh and seems nice.. I’m not gonna forget her comment though lol, so I’m going to stay neutral for now - - Ok the Marsh baby is born next - Lol sorry I love when sister Winifred is being cringey or funny but this was just kinda boring but I know it’ll get better later in the episode - BUT SERIOUSLY I WANNA KNOW SISTER WINIFRED’S REAL NAME - Idk why that was capitalized I don’t feel that strongly but I’m very curious !¡! - - Shelagh being all cute and cheeky giving those vaccinations - Penny is so sweet - - Alright this is so irrelevant but still, Shelagh is outside.. so Why would she throw up in a napkin in her hand? lol, all that open space 😭😂 idk I really hate throwing up and will not let my self throw up. Not even vlad can make me😷 - SHIT THAT EXPLOSION THO - what were they doing exactly? - like a bitch over here a lil confused :/ - MY LIL SUPERHERO SPRINGING TO ACTION YES BBY - shit George’s blind for good now it’s sad - and arthur’s gonna die damn - - look at disheveled Shelagh so damn pretty but I wonder when she got that cut lol - Lmaoo @ Valerie, so she knows the Nonnatuns - - Damn I’m only 17 mins in why do I talk so much shit to myself - Sister MJ sneaking that bread during sister Ursula’s prayer is me 😂 - I swear though if Sister Ursula tries to get rid of Sister MJ I will fight - My eyes roll every time this woman is on my screen - Phyllis chewing angrily is also me - “Travel visas there have been canceled” shit pats it’s too relevant right now - “I’m trifle deaf these days” PHYLLIS U ARE A GEM - Penny wins best dressed patient - - Patrick worrying is precious - SHELAGH TRYING TO HINT WHILE SMILING IS SO FUNNY BUT WHY - Lmao why are they acting like Tim is not literally right there? - Also this boy is 15 why is he not ever with friends - Of course he knew, he’s always around and isn’t dumb at all. He basically grew up around pregnant ladies tbh - “.. Good I don’t want to know any other details” lmao 😂 - I knew he’d be pleased but I lowkey wanted him not to upset or annoyed so he could have a good little story line - It’s not realistic that this 15 year old is so pleasant with his parents all the time - Like I was an angsty fright @ 15 - lol I’m acting like I’m old, I’m going to be 19 & I’m still like that^ with my parents a lot of the time - - Why do British people call bandaids “plasters”? Hm. I just think of plaster of Paris for like walls or whatever it’s used for - “I’m a slow healer” lol Shelagh is so precious - “If the baby’s a girl I’m moving out” I think it’ll be a boy. Actually Idk forget I said that - Don’t be nervous bby, speak up you got this - “That’s my girl” yes Patrick that’s our girl protect her at all freaking cost 😭 - I’ve gotten so far without saying “fuck” I’m proud - - “This is the dark before the dawn, but there is always a dawn” thanks sister I needed that - “I’ve committed a crime"😭😭 - I love sister MJ - also not gonna lie I cried a little the first time watching this - - Some mothers of color in the community centre makes me happy - Who’s the model though? 😏 - Someone find him & tag me - Ugh here comes sister “I ruin everything” - Honestly when is sister Julienne just gonna come out and say “you gotta go”? - No that’s not the way you do things - fuck yea sister J - “We must simply sit it out and wait for Churchill” - I HOPE THATS TRIXIE - BUT also I really want Sister Julienne to be the one who saves the day - Lol yea Babs your wardrobe should step it up but it’s okay - - Shelagh don’t be nervous you’re gonna kill it - Does sister Ursula even do anything? She doesn’t see patients does she? Nah she just makes everyone angry - Get up outta here - Lol I’m so Brooklyn for that - “Mrs Turner you look nice” - UM YES, MY BBY, her new dresses & coats slay - She finally took a break from the damn cardigans & I love it. Not that there’s anything wrong with cardigans but you catch my drift - Nah for real I wanted a fabulous wardrobe for Shelagh bc times are changing & Laura Main is literally gorgeous so she needs pretty outfits & got it I did - so here for it, now we wait for another pair of trousers. lets get it 1962 - this first dress had such jackie kennedy vibes, love it - - “Consequences be DAMMED” YES PATS - Phyllis and Sister J are proud, I really want one of them to press Sister Ursula - Look @ Delia actually being a nurse! - ah penny 💔 - - Shelagh’s so nervous at first but then is like YOU KNOW WHAT ASSHAT JUDGE - “Where is nurse Mount?” , “where she is needed” YES SISTER JULIENNE - love the blue coat Shelagh - “I’m not ill, I’m just tired and angry” same - Don’t cry bby - “Our best is worthless bc it won’t change anything” ugh crush my heart, especially that little hug. I need to hug them all - lol who invited Tom to the hospital - he’s so handsome though so it’s ok - TELL THEM, STAND UP - “We need to fight” yes ! - I was worried penny’s baby wouldn’t live - C'mon Pats be pc - okay patsy opening up, crushes my heart she’s so closed off but I feel - Here comes the wicked bitch of the east [end] - Whoops can I call a fictitious nun a bitch - YES PATS YES DONT TAKE HER SHIT - Aw patsy, you two will okay, I mean look sister Bernadette came back as Shelagh because of letters so you never know - - Shelagh’s baby blue outfit >> - she needs to go out in public more with her hair down and slay everyone’s life - “Not today.” Yes Delia - “You did it Mrs Turner, you made em listen!” - Yes tf she did. I’m so proud - the set makeup artist did a crazy good job with the burns - “We never really out grow our parents, we just think we do” aw I should call my mum and dad - mm maybe later it’s midnight lmao - DELIA SAID I LOVE U - I FEEL LIKE NO IMPORTANT COUPLE on here HAS SAID “I LOVE YOU” to each other ?? - They almost kissed aw - Fred just break the door damn - Reminds me a little of when Jenny left - Aw the Marsh fam - Phyllis you are gold - Phyllis is still learning Spanish, please give her an opportunity to use it! - the only Spanish speaking mother was conchita, wasn’t that the first episode ever? lets get another one - Anyway, this was so sad. - “The pain it costs to love..” PHYLLIS I LOVE You. You deserve everything good - Aw all the other mothers with penny! - Alright Lets hear it Vanessa - Aw Delia Bonus: preview for next week - my other bby Trixie is back !! - hope she loses her shit when she realizes sister Ursula is ruining everything + patsy/sister mary cynthia are gone - My bby Shelagh looks so pretty!💕 - BUT I KNOW NO ONE IS SHUTTING DOWN ANYTHING - I will not have it - Phyllis spilling the ever so obvious and boiling tea, sister Ursula is UNFIT - Pls let Sister Julienne say something crazy to her before she goes - Why is babs crying?? - ugh of course that’s the most of a preview we get - Nothing bad will happen to my bbys I won’t have it. Protect them at all costs or I’ll spontaneously combust - Jk but I might flip my shit or throw my laptop - But for real for Shelagh to miscarry 3 episodes in would be a waste of a storyline - Plus it is a drama, we’ll be shook for a while, then we’ll cry, we’ll laugh & then Vanessa Redgrave says something profound and we go on with the week - The End 🙃🙃 - If you read this far, you’re a champ - I did this for u all
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