#im being sarcastic too i know she has a full right to be home whenever she wants
fischiee · 7 months
look if i am the one with no job and depression WHY is my sister always at home like
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I’m a bisexual girl and I’m in love with Julie so I was wondering if maybe u could write one where the reader thought she was straight but slowly realizes she’s bi and in love with Julie, reader comes out to parents and when they don’t accept she runs to Julie and they kiss and it’s kinda angsty but then BAM fluff
Title: Valid
Request: Yes / No
Word Count: 3234 (!!)
Warnings: homophobia !!, probs not well written angst omg
(A/N): not me saying im back and not being back i hate myself. yall, there’s no schedule i just post whenever im like, active and thats a really bad habbit that i should NOT keep doing istg. also au where the band never died, but theyre never mentioned. anyways ty ty TY to the sweetie who asked for this ! i literally squealed when i read this request. not this being 3k words umm help
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You had your moments. Those weird moments where you didn’t know what you were feeling, especially to the person you were feeling those emotions to. Like this one time where it was a normal day watching Disney Channel and eating pizza (basically living the dream) and then a new movie popped up. “Teen Beach Movie” was the film, and let me tell you, when you saw Butchy AND Lela wearing leather, let’s just say you were confused why felt his way for both of them... it wasn’t right.
No, of course it was right ! You had these feelings for both genders, and your feelings were valid, so why wasn’t it right? Well, it was a simple answer. 
Your parents.
Of course, they didn’t down right say they hated the lgbtg+ community. Although they might as well have downright said that they did, because with the things they say,
“Why do they get a whole MONTH of pride?”
“Ugh, the gays are making it EVERYTHING about them.”
“Do they have to do that in public? Couldn’t they have waited until they got home?”
“Why would they put that in tv?! The kids are gonna watch that and think that they’re gay!”
Obviously you heard their views, and when you started to realize you somewhat fit in their hate demographic, you “decided” that you weren’t going to. And that��s how it has been for a long time.
Ugh, another school day.
“Kill me now.”
You got up your very comfortable bed, and did your daily routine. After you were finished with that and dinner, you were dropped off at the infamous Los Feliz High School. You were then greeted by your best friend, Octavia.
“Hey bestiee.” you joked.
“Hey rat.” Octavia said with the same energy. 
“So, did you finally finish atla last night?” you asked.
“Of course! To have a chance to see my husbands is a chance I’ll always take. Even started watching tlok! Mako does looks scrumptious not gonna lie.” she said, doing that weird tucking her hair behind her ear and having a look of thirst on her face. Its the fact that she basically always does that for me.
“Not you finishing atla AND starting tlok the very same night. I don’t think that’s normal.” you said shaking your head. 
“Lets just say that if I get diagnosed with insomnia, don’t be surprised.”
“I don’t think anyone would be.” you said while the both of you are putting your supplies in our locker.
“ANYWAYS, I’m sorry for you getting moved to Mr. G’s class. I know he can be very mean.” Octavia said sympathetically.
And it’s all true. Mr. G is basically known for being modern day Snape, favorites and all (especially to the popular kids). Considering you were fresh meat to his class, you were not looking forward to the inevitable insults. 
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I can NOT stand the fact that I wasn’t even in his class in the first place, thinking I was safe, and then I got moved!” you yelled.
“I know, I know.” she said while putting her hands on your shoulder. “(y/n), if he even BREATHES in your direction, just tell me and I swear the next time I see him its on sight.” Octavia said with a very stern look on her face. “Honestly I can’t believe that the principle wouldn’t fire him, he has enough complaints for at least a suspension.”
“O, what would I do without you? And besides, don’t blame her. She genuinely tried to fire him. But I heard that he lawyered up to the point where he was basically untouchable.” you said.
“We lost.” “We truly did.”
Right after that conversation, the bell rang. 
“Good luck (y/n)! I love you !!” said Octavia while going to her 1st period class. 
“I love you too!” you yelled back.
Oh lord. Please please make this class bearable.
You walked to the door, and took a deep breath. As you went inside, not one second went by as you already got a taste of his scrutiny.
“Well well, if it isn’t the newbie! (y/n) (y/l/n). Just pick an empty seat as that’ll be the only way you’ll get someone to sit next to you.” he chuckled
You wanted to die right then and there. 
And it got worse as the whole class seemed to find that insult funny, considering that they all laughed. 
“O m gosh, Mr G. That was your best one yet!” said Carrie. Of course she had something to say. Not one situation where she kept her mouth shut and yelled her commentary to everyone in the room.
You shuffled your way to the back of the class, to find an empty seat next to this girl. She looked familiar, but not to the point where you knew her name. Though you wished you had. She looked quite.. pretty. With her amazing hair, and her beautiful eyes. Not to mention her face in general..
NO !
No. Of course you had these thoughts of her, she’s just naturally pretty, anyone would’ve thought that. You then put your backpack behind the seat and proceeded to sit down next to her. A few moments passed of you sitting next to the girl, until she said,
“Sorry about that. Mr G. can be very mean sometimes to everyone, -not that that’s okay!” she stuttered. “It’s just, don’t take it personally.”
“Er- thanks.”
“I’m Julie by the way! What’s your name?”
“I’m (y/n).”
“Nice you (y/n)! With each other, I promise you, we can get through his class.”
You smile at her. And Julie smiled back. of course she had to be nice too!
“Well Ms. (y/n), Ms. Molina, talking in my class? I’m not even mad, just surprised! Ms. (y/n) actually found someone to talk to!” said Mr. G.
Aaand of course, he has something to say again.
“I’m surprised she has anything to say at all, considering the amount of times you had already talked down to her. Just simply leave her alone.” said Julie with assert. 
You were shocked to say the least. And it showed to, having a look of disbelief all over your face.
“Um, wel- uh, Ms. Molina, keep that mouth closed, if you don’t want to spend your lunch in detention.” said Mr G. 
You were honestly very glad that she stood up for you in that moment. A little too glad, because in that time, the feelings started to flood in.
Of course, why wouldn’t it! She was just simply nice to you and you had already developed whole feelings for her! But was it exactly bad? Sure, your parents deemed that it already was, but that didn’t mean that you had to. This is who you were, a human being with valid feelings, and there was nothing wrong with that. So with this whole situation, you said with a big smile,
“Thank you.” 
Hey, you never said you were good at speaking with other people. But I don’t think it mattered to Julie, because she had returned your smile, and in that moment you realized you can find yourself deeper in love.
The two of you really had bonded during class time. Sure, you can say that you both flirted but you were never really good at figuring that out, even when you were flirting with boys (it had always been Octavia’s job to figure that out.) But considering the things she said to you.
“I love your hair!”
“You have very nice hands.”
“Your eyes are a beautiful shade of (y/e/c).”
After class, you both knew that you liked, liked each other. But that's where the hard part came in, actually confessing. To be totally honest, you could barely manage confessing to a boy, imagine with Julie? Although you were happy to know that Julie had already thought about this, because when you both walked out the door, she took your hand and guided you to the music room, where the both of you were alone.
Both of you were facing each other. You could tell she was nervous, cause she was playing with her hands, and didn’t seem to try to make eye contact with you.
“(y/n), I know we just met this class,” she said, both chuckling, “but would you like to get coffee with me sometime?”
Oh boy, she actually asked you out! Don’t get you wrong, you were happy! In spite the fact that you had your parents to worry about. So with that, knowing all that was at risk, you still said with full confidence,
“I would love to.”
Julie gave you the biggest smile you had yet to see. She moved a strand of hair out of your face and then proceeded to hold your hands.
“It’s a date! How about at 4 after school?” she said.
“The perfect time.”
After exchanging numbers, you both felt ecstatic, the both of you just left the room with the biggest grin. You couldn’t believe that you had gotten a date with Julie! Now I know that you’re gonna say that you should’ve told Julie about your situation with your parents, but she looked so happy that you couldn’t possibly have ruined the moment with that.
After that amazing moment, you had managed to spot Octavia in the hallway. You walked up to her like you normally would, though this time you had a scared expression. You had never come out before. Though you thought the possibility of keeping this from your parents, this wasn’t something you could keep from her. So walking up to her, you just blurted out the truth, without a second thought.
“Hey! How was Mr-.”
“I’m bi!”
She seemed stunned after a second, but only a second as she bursted out laughing out of nowhere.
“Oh my gosh, the way that was the way you came out to me! It’s the disorganization for me.” said Octavia, while wiping her tears away.
“Wait-, you don’t care?” you asked confused.
“Do you want me to be bothered or something?” she asked in a more sarcastic tone.
“Well no- it's just- I don’t know, I was just scared I guess.”
“Listen,” she said sternly while again putting her hands on your shoulders as a way to comfort you. “I will love you no matter who you love. Understand?”
“And I you. The problem is my parents. I know what they think of people like me, and it’s not good. How am I going to survive this ughh.”
“They’re your parents, I’m sure it’ll be a shock to them, but if they truly love you, they’ll accept you.”
“Thank you Octavia, what will do without you?”
“Hey, that’s what I’m here for.”
After you finally finished your classes, you nervously went to the front of the school to wait for your mom to pick you up. You felt so nauseous, to the point where you were sure that you were going to throw up right there. After waiting for 5 minutes, your mom pulled up. You got in the car and you felt so nervous that you were just silent the whole car ride. Your mom for sure took notice.
“Hey sweetie, you’re alright?” said your mom.
“Yeah, I just don’t feel so well.”
“Oh, are you alright? Did you eat something bad maybe?”
“Yeah, probably something during lunch.”
And after that the conversation fully stopped as your mom noticed you were not in the mood to talk.
You finally got home and you felt even worse than before. You dreaded this moment, and just felt like passing out. As you got inside, you quickly went inside your room, not bothering to say hi to your dad. You put your stuff on the ground and just started to really think about this.
They’re my parents! Like Octavia said, they should still accept me, I’m their child. And if they don’t? They have to, right?
You finally built up the courage to go outside your room and go to the kitchen, where both of you parents were.
“Mom, dad? I need to tell you something.” you said, basically shaking.
“Sure, what is it sweetie?” said your dad.
And without a second thought, you just blurt it out?
“I’m bi!”
It was dead silent. And that scared you. 
The part that truly scared you? Hearing the words that you had been dreading to hear.
“You’re pranking me, right?” you dad chuckled, as if it was a joke.
That’s when you started to get a little irritated. You knew how your parents were, so this reaction was inevitable. So considering all the preparation, you still got mad. 
“Why would this be a prank?!” you said with an “attitude” (that’s what your parents would say at least, although you were just simply defending yourself).
“Honey, as much I love you, this isn’t natural.” said your mother with a normal tone, which you could argue was just as scary as an angry tone.
“If you actually loved me, you would accept me as I am!” you said, starting to actually get aggrieved.
“Don’t yell at your mother like that!” said your father, who actually stood up from his chair.
“I wouldn’t need to be yelling, if you would actually accept me for who I am, not all this!”
“LISTEN, I’m sure this is just a phase. You either change your ways or you are no longer considered my daughter! No daughter of mine would feel such a disgusting thing!” your father yelled.
That’s when you lost it, you knew that no matter what you did, they would never change their way. That’s why you just let it out, because they would never change their way, so why not just let it all out?
“You know what?! I’m going to leave! I rather be homeless than to live in a house with you two! My two parents who don’t even accept me, WHO DON’T MAKE ME FEEL LOVED OR VALIDATED!” you yelled.
At that point you were shaking and crying. With the anger that you were feeling inside you didn’t even think to get any clothes or basic necessities, you just grabbed your phone and just ran out with your parents yelling your name. But you didn’t care, you were not going back there, that’s for sure.
After that horrible fight, you went to a park that was near your house. You went inside a private bathroom that was thankfully unoccupied, cause if it wasn’t, you were pretty sure that you would’ve broken down right then and there. Once you had gone in there, you surprisingly didn’t cry. You just held it in, and really thought about your situation. You realized that it was pretty stupid of you that you didn’t get your belongings and then left the house. Oh! And that you were pretty much homeless.
After a good thinking session, you did the most sensical thing you could do in that situation. 
You called Julie.
Now I know what you’re thinking! ‘Why Julie, why didn’t you call Octavia instead?’. Well it was pretty simple, you just desperately wanted to see Julie. You pressed on her contact, not really knowing what was coming with it. What if she thought you were weird? What if she laughed at you? What if she felt weirded out with you and then blocked your number? What if-
“Julie?” You sounded pretty distraught, so it wasn’t surprising when she sounded concerned herself once she heard your voice.
“Hey, is everything alright?”
“Julie, this might sound really weird, but something really bad happened and you were the only person I could think to call! If you’re busy I’m sorry I won’t-”
“Hey! I’m sure everything’s going to be fine. Where are you?”
You took a deep breath, you were just thankful she didn’t block you right then and there. “I’m at the park in (street name).”
“Okay, just stay right there and I’ll come and get you.”
When the call ended, you walked out of the bathroom and sat on swings, waiting for Julie. After you waited, for what seemed an eternity, you saw her.
She spotted you in the swings, and gave you the sweetest smile. She walked closer to you and stretched out her hands, which you took. After just staring at each other, she gave you the biggest hug, which (not gonna lie) you just really needed. Much to your disappointment, she let go of you, she swung an arm around you, and started walking to her house. The both of you didn’t say anything, but you guys didn’t need to, the peaceful silence was nice.
The both of you then arrived at her house. That’s when you started to panic, you weren’t looking forward to bother her family. 
“Are you sure we can go in the house?” you asked 
She gave you a chuckle, “I think we can go to my house.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to bother any-”
“Hey.” She proceeded to grab your hands and then moved to cup your face. “Everything’s going to be okay, my dad and brother aren’t home, and even if they were, you would absolutely be greeted with open arms.” she said,
You both went inside the house and then inside Julie’s room. She motioned to sit on her bed and you did. She sat next to you and then held your hand, intertwining with each other.
“It’s okay, you can talk to me.”
You took a deep breath, and just let all your feelings out. “It’s just my parents were never really supporting of the lgbtq community, so it was stupid of me to actually think they would have any other different reaction. And the fact that they would react like that? To say such cruel things? I just..- I don’t know, is it wrong for me to feel bad?”
“They’re your family, of course you would have this sensation of feeling bad. But I just want you to know that they’re in the wrong, not you. Any sane person would think that, everyone just wants to be accepted. Just know this,” she said while leaning closer, your hands still intertwined. “you are valid, so many people love you no matter who you love.” she said while moving a strand of hair out of your face.
You continued to smile, but looked into Julie’s eyes with so much adore. And the best part was, she was looking at you the exact same way.
Without a second thought, you decided to just go for it. You kissed her. The kiss was passionate, and sweet. Julie then gave soft kisses to you cheeks and knuckles, murmuring comforting words such as “it’s okay” “you’re alright” “i’m here”. 
After pulling away you both looked at each other, and then you offered your favorite pastime.
“Can we go to sleep? I just wanna sleep the stress away.”
Julie chuckled and then agreed. You both got into a position of Julie laying down while your head rested on her chess, and her holding you. While you were half asleep, you said those three words,
“I love you.” 
You were half asleep, so you didn’t understand the severity of the action, but before you fully drifted, you heard these words coming out of her mouth.
“I love you too.”
Taglist (link in bio!)
@noncannonships @mandiscadelinha @yoyokzzz @twist3dtinkerbell
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15 Minutes - P. Parker
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So I’ve been stuck in a writing funk for so long, and I got inspired and I’ve been writing this for days until I got it just right and it made me sad and I hope y’all like it and I’ll defs get onto my requests more efficiently now!
TW: Death of loved one, torture, degrading language, abuse, sad Peter, grief, all round angst.
Original story by sarcastically-defensive-17
It was routine. Every day, three times a day. 6AM, 12PM and 5PM. He barely had the chance to recover. Psychologically. Emotionally. Physically.
The machine was cold. The dull grey of the sides reminded him of how alone he was. Deserted. Left for dead, he supposed. No word of contact from any outside source, no hope for a rescue mission. He lost count at 3 months in captivity.
Every single day he had to see her. Had to relive it all. He never once thought that he would physically be transmitted through time and space. The worst part, he knew the woman holding him hostage. One of the most intelligent people on the planet. An expert in Thermodynamics and - so he now discovered - a ruthless person fueled by grief.
A bell chimed followed by an alarm and blinding green light. The glass door swung across the machine, trapping him inside as he stood upright with no way out.
“5, 4, 3, 2...” the countdown rang out, and the green light intensified. His stomach spun, eyes clenched shut at the feeling he will never get used to.
He was back in his apartment. Clothes he hadn’t seen in a long time on his person, his hair a few inches shorter and his reflection almost a stranger to him as is stared back at him in the mirror of their bedroom.
The ringing of his phone was foreign, yet expected. Same schedule.
He lifted the device, holding it to his ear in the same way he had at least 100 times before. Including the day it first happened.
“Y/N,” he breathed. The only thing he enjoyed about the event was the chance to hear her voice again. The breath sigh through the receiver as she strolled through the bustling streets of New York, on his way to her.
“Hey, I cant wait to see you!” Her voice held excitement, the same he had heard over and over. It became his own self indulgent nightmare. He longed for her, he had never held her in this, but he could hear her and feel her near. He could see her laid out on the pavement...
“Me too,” he answered, feigning the joy he felt that day at the idea of her return. She had been in England for the past month and a half, working to quell a growing drug import/export ring. How little she knew that the same work she focused on would be her demise.
After all, she was an ex-cop turned badass avenger. She was known for fearing nobody.
“Im about 15 minutes away from home. I can’t wait to see you!” Peter couldn’t stop the tears from falling from his eyes as he rushed to get his shoes on.
In exactly 26 seconds, his signal would ring.
“Aren’t you a pretty little thing,” a voice snarled in the background of the call, followed by a clattering sound and a muffled shriek.
Peter pushed out a breath, putting his phone on loudspeaker and jumping out of his window.
He had no webs, no mask, no care. He had been over this scenario many times and wasting time with the spidey gear left less time to save her. When he tried it, he was met with her body slumped on the ground, blood flowing from her neck as she choked on the crimson liquid. He didn’t even have time to do the same to her attackers before he was pulled back to the present.
The actions must be damaging to the space time continuum, but the doctor had a lethal artifact in her possession, and she was prepared to do anything in her power to change events.
His ankles painlessly cracked as his feet hit the pavement below the window and he was off. He needed a new detour. He had tried many over the months, but a new one was running through his mind.
He cut down a side alley that would lead him around buildings and directly across from the alley she was pulled into. It was broad daylight in Queens yet nobody cared to see a young woman dragged away by three men.
Peter was just thankful that Y/N didn’t have to suffer in the original telling of the story.
He cut corners by vaulting from the walls of the alley way. He jumped over fences, dodged trash cans and even ignored an elderly lady who had dropped her groceries - a mistake he made by helping her in his first run through of attempting the detours.
He reached his destination in the form of a alley way decorated by versions items of graffiti. The bright colors stood out from the grey brick in the shape of various symbols. He and Y/N had often gone to that alley to observe the work of local street artists. She adored it.
As soon as the rubber toes of his shoes hit the mouth of the painted backstreet, a gunshot rang out and Y/N’s body slumped down on the other side of the busy road.
His heart broke once again at the sight.
He barely had time to step onto the road to get to her before the green light erupted in his vision again. His head reconnected with the thin cushioned pillow in the machine as a roar tore from his throat.
“Failure, once again.” The feminine voice snapped. “Always failing!”
Peters throat was sore. He had spent far too long screaming. His head was pounding, evidence of underfeeding and the sheer transference of his body through time.
He never expected to time travel. He knew how damaging it could be to change history, but here he was. Held against his will to save a woman that he loved so desperately. Forced to watch her death over, and over, and over. To hear her voice and feel the construction of his heart with the knowledge that he most likely wouldn’t be able to save her.
The physical pain of being returned to the day it happened and the image of her dead in various way seared into his mind. Whenever he closed his eyes, he saw her.
The machine slid open, and a boney hand grabbed his face. He was far too weak to fight back, even with his powers.
The eyes of the doctor glared into him, bloodshot and poisoned by grief and ferocity, “Why are you such a failure? We have been doing this for 5 months! There has been no improvement. No chance of saving her, all because you are pathetic!”
“I’m trying,” he mumbled.
The hand left his face, leaving a biting cold in its wake. They always kept him in cold rooms. Part of the torture to encourage him to do better. After all, Peter believed just as the doctor did. He deserved the pain after what happened to Y/N. He should have protected her.
A loud bang echoed through the white room. The fury in the eyes of the Doctor made him almost shrink. He already felt miniature under her gaze, but somehow, he felt worse whenever he came back empty handed.
A hiss left her lips as she cradled the bony hand, Peter assumed she had hit something. “This happened because of you, Parker. You were the one she trusted the most. You were the one who she put her life on the line for countless times on your pathetic missions. You are the reason she is dead.”
“No,” he choked. It was a wet noise, his throat constricting as the mind games took hold again. His hands wove into his hair, tugging harshly. The action had quickly became a coping mechanism of his. He would do anything to distract himself from her words. “No, no, no, no. It wasn’t me. It was them. The gang. Not me.”
“Keep telling yourself that.” She hissed, the eyes staring down at him incredibly similar to the same glassy ones he saw every time he went back. “You were never good enough for her. You were always four steps behind her. Y/N deserved better than you.” The doctor stood up again, the expression on her face void of any emotion as she kept her steely gaze locked on his brown eyes. Her lips turned up at the corners slightly as she watched the tears fall down his face. Her back was straight, regaining the posture she often adopted when addressing those working for her, “Send him back again. Maybe if he does it right, I won’t need to be stuck looking at him in 15 minutes.”
“Ma’am, he needs time to rest. His body can’t handle such a short recovery time between jumps,” a random man in a lab coat told her. He - like Peter - cowered under her gaze.
“Send him back.” She growled with every word, pushing the door shut across the machine and walking back towards the other room.
The green light erupted again and he soon found himself in the same scene from before, although this time he emptied the contents of his stomach on the floor of their house.
His phone rang like clockwork, and he answered, placing it on loudspeaker and reciting the script he wrote for himself on the original date.
He slipped his web shooters onto his wrists before he left, following the same route as his last trip. Everything was the same, down to the exact way he dropped from his windows and bounded through the alley, although this time, he sent a web across the street, pulling himself forward into the alley way.
He collided into one of the men that had Y/N cornered, sending him crashing into the brick wall of the alley.
“Peter?” Y/N shrieked, doing her best to fight the other men off in the same way he had seen her do so in the past. Or, other pasts.
Two of the other men launched at him, both with blunt weapon and scuffed faces. As one swung high, the other swung low. His mind was centered on Y/N and his reflexes were working in overdrive, burning him out faster than anticipated.
It all came to a halt when the two men were on the ground and the sound of a blade slicing through flesh filled his ears. Y/N gurgled on her blood, eyes full of anguish as she stared at Peter with fear on her face.
He only had time to catch her body as she fell before the light overtook him once again.
The overly sterile room greeted him, sobs wracking his body. The door slid open once again and heels clicked against the tiled floor.
The malicious eyes watched him again.
“Please, no more,” he begged, knowing he would be on his knees if not for his fear of moving out of turn. “I can’t do this anymore. It’s torture.”
The hand returned to his face, a soft touch that lifted his wet face to look at the furious glare fixed on his being.
The doctor tutted, patronizing him. “Oh, honey. You think this is torture? You should see what I’m prepared to do to you if I need to spend another month doing this.” Her smile was pure evil, but her eyes held the depth of a woman mourning. The circles under her eyes and the deepening wrinkles fold of her grief, and despite the recurring pain, he felt for the woman. He wanted to apologize to her, had she not disregarded every apology that fell from his chapped lips.
“Please...” he whispered under his breath, feeling the hand leave his face and close the door once again.
“Send him back,” she announced to the other room before turning her attention back to him. “Save my daughter, Peter. Or you’ll wish it was you that died that day.”
The green light flooded his senses once again.
Tag List: @starshonerose @mantlereid @theanswertoeverythingisl0v3 @another-lonely-heart
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abdicatedarchive · 4 years
Cherish’s House Party || Chase and Savvy
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍: cherish’s house party // 15th of january.
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: chase x savvy ( @savvy-cassidy ).
𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒: underage drinking.
𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒: two cheerleaders playing ping pong and having a good time gossiping
Chase had come over to find beer pong in the kitchen and no one to play with until he saw Savvy. "Savvy, I challenge you to a game of pong" he said as he pulled her over to the table lightly. "That is if you can take the heat" Chase teased as he racked up the cups. Gabrielle was off doing something, and he always enjoyed talking to Savannah. Maybe he would even hear some good gossip out of it. 
Savvy was, as usual, sipping on her drink and mingling around the party. That is, until she was ushered over to the beer pong table. "when have i ever not been able to take the heat?" she scoffed and finished off the drink in her head. "good thing i get better at this game the more i drink," the brunette was already a bit tipsy. 
"I mean that's just the science behind it" said Chase laughing a little, "once you have double vision then you get two cups at once" he joked. Once the cups were racked he grabbed two balls and washed them off in the sink. "Ladies first" he said as he handed her the ping pong balls and went to his side of the table. "So tell me, have you seen anything interesting at the party so far?" Chase asked.
"i think i just try harder when my vision is blurry so i really work twice as hard on trying to have good aim," she commented with a laugh. "how polite of you. not too many of the males around here have manners," she joked. taking the ball she took her shot, seeing it bounce off of one of the rims. "off to a great start. hm. ive been in two bedrooms and neither were occupied at the time i stumbled upon them, i thought that was pretty interesting because that never happens. also, staci poured a full beer down sara's shirt when she told her to be careful not to spill it."
"Well, I was in the cheer chat during the men suck discussion, so I'm on my best behavior" he said sarcastically, he didn't mind. Especially when it came to all the girl's boyfriends being kind of shit. There had been a lot of newly single moments recently on the team in general. He was happy with his girlfriend so hating on men was definitely an option, it kept him in line with his own relationship. Chase caught the ball when it bounced off the rim and held it while he waited for her to throw again. "Well Sara had it coming with that comment, and you never tell someone with a full cup to do anything" he joked, "Staci's got low impulse control that's for sure". "to be fair, i think we all have our moments of sucking so dont worry it isn't just men," although they did seem to have far more moments, but that was beside the point and she didn't feel the need to bring it up. on her next attempt, she sank the ball, "yesss hopefully now im getting somewhere. and you're right on both of those counts. what about you what interesting things have you seen thus far?"  Chase took the ball out of the cup and chugged the whole thing. "Well" he said catching his breath, "I saw one guy constantly changing rooms, so I investigated a little" he said throwing his first ball and it sinking into the cup. "And it turns out he is talking to two girls at this party, and I am 30% sure they are texting each other about this cute mystery guy that they're talking to" Chase said as he tried the other ball and missed. "So I cannot wait to see how that turns out"  Savvy lifted her brows as he took a breath, knowing that whatever he was about to say was probably quite the story. Lifting up the cup, she took out the ball and chugged the liquid, something a good friend of hers had taught her to do well over the years. "dont they know that the circles around here are small? its like we've all slept with each other by association."
"Everybody is sleeping with everybody" said Chase letting a small laugh fall from his lips as he waited for her to throw again. "Speaking of, who is your newest conquest? I have to live vicariously through others now that I'm back with Gabrielle" he said, intrigued to know what the girl was up to. She was one of the most beautiful girls in school, it only made sense that she had guys at her beck and call.  "That is putting it lightly," she chuckled, setting down the now empty cup and setting up her next shot. it circled the rim of the cup a couple of times before finally sinking inside. "conquest? you mean like, have i hooked up with anyone tonight? chase. im a lady. you think i do that kind of thing at a party where there are loads of people who could walk in at any moment?" the girl was rambling playfully before eventually answering, "jet." mostly because everyone likely already knew anyway, it happened at most parties. it was like knowing that someone was going to end up throwing up in the bushes, jet and savvy were going to hook up. "how is that going?"  "A lady never tells" said Chase, knowing full well that there was always Jet. He was hoping there was maybe some variety in there, but Jet was ... well he was kinda it. He was that guy in town for sure. "Oh that's still going?" he said with a smile, "He is super hot, and I heard he's very good in bed. Good for you" Chase replied. Chase chugged the cup and put it to the side before continuing. "It's going great, it's a race right now to see who is the drunker one and who is in charge of getting us home. I'm hoping she's the responsible one tonight, but who is to say at this rate. She could be off taking shots with Juliette right now, and they're both so tiny they'll be on the floor in minutes" the boy said with a laugh.  "We have a nice arrangement. It's very convenient. Plus, I wont have to worry I won't get off, which is definitely a big plus. Like an old, yet reliable habit." Savvy had to laugh at her own description, the alcohol definitely making her sound a little ridiculous. "Maybe someone else will get a turn, i just dont really want it to be when i have beer goggles, because ew." Crinkling her nose at the thought she shook her head. "so who do you think is winning? how drunk are you?"  "I get that, what you know is better than something new. And if it works for you, then why bother with anything else" said Chase, completely understanding. That was something about being with Gabrielle that he loved, it was always good because they had been at it for so long. "She only drinks liquor so probably her, but it has been me before and I am working my hardest at it" said Chase laughing a little, he didn't mind taking care of her at the end of the night. It was fun when she took care of him though. "Knowing her, it's who she is with. She can either drink a lot because she's having a really good time or a really bad time. But if it's in between she won't be drunk at all ... just a little buzzed"  “Something new can be exciting, if it’s the right something new,” Sav pointed out with a shrug. “It is always nice to have a safe option though too.” Because who didn’t like options. “Yikes she could be going pretty hard right now. So that will not be a fun morning for her. “  "It can be, but I am a sucker for the classics. Only one girl out there for me" said Chase with a small smile. He was soft for Gabrielle like that, sure he would be having a great deal more fun as a single guy at this school, but there was nothing that beat to comfort of being loved. "She'll be fine. No matter what I'll make her breakfast, even if I'm about to yak" said the boy. 
“Oh isn’t that just adorable,” to be fair, there was a time when Savvy may have thought the same thing, when she was dating someone she liked to think it would be for the long haul but that was rarely the case. “Breakfast too? Damn you really are one of the good ones.”  "Yeah the perks of her family taking me in, we get to spend every morning together no matter what rooms we sleep in" said Chase with a proud smile. He also treated her very well, just going above and beyond whenever he could. It made him feel like he was repaying a debt to her family. "What do your mornings with Jet look like? Or is it purely a party affair?" he asked, curious to know more.  “That is a pretty unique situation so I guess you should enjoy it as long as possible because you lucked out there. Do they let you stay in the same room though?” Sav was glad that her friend was happy though it seemed to be going well and that’s what was most important. Her brows raised at his question “we usually have each other for breakfast,” she answered as if it was nonchalant. “And then go out for pancakes because were fucking starving.”  "Yeah, I am milking it as much as physically possible" said Chase in all earnesty. He was certain they would not separate for college, but if they didn't get into the right schools then they would be screwed. Having a child together, even though it was a secret bonded them past the usual high school relationship, but it was hard to explain that to anyone because he couldn't. "That's a hearty breakfast, lots of vitamin d in that one" Chase joked, proud of himself for that one. "Pancakes is always a good dessert after a hearty breakfast"  “I can’t say that I blame you, I think most people would do the same thing. But hey im glad that it works out for you and you’re both happy with it, that’s honestly all that matters,” the girl nodded with a shrug. She couldn’t help but chuckle, “vitamin d, good joke. Best of the night so far. But agreed pancakes are the best. A nice way to refuel.”  "You can tell who at this school has a major vitamin d deficiency" said Chase with a small chuckle as well. There were a lot of people who just needed some kind of release, any kind. Whether it was a boxing class or getting laid, people needed to do something. 
Savvy couldn’t help but chuckle and nod in agreement, “you are correct about that, I wish them all the best, honestly. Might help some of their piss poor attitudes.” "I think that might be our big ticket to victory this cheer season" said Chase feeling the alcohol start to hit him. He hated to admit it, but a lot like his girlfriend he was a light weight. 
"everyone getting laid? you might be on to something with that," she chuckled and nodded in agreement, "you down for the count on this game, or what? i can already see your eyes getting glassy, you're sucha lightweight," she teased him.  "I did some shots earlier, but I think it's all kicking in now" said Chase, the room was a little spinny. "All I am is bone and muscle, there's nothing to absorb the alcohol" he said to defend himself, but it was the honest reason he couldn't handle too much to drink.
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kpopchangedme · 5 years
Nocturna: Part V [M]
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The fragile peace between undead and lycanth is imperilled your arrival to the Inferorum Castrum. Between the changing power dynamics of the wolf pack and the insatiable urges of the vampire king, you aren’t exactly sure where your loyalty lies.
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Protagonists: Bang Chan & You | Im Jaebeom & You
Word Count: 5.4k
Genre: NSFW | *SMUT* | Supernatural!au | Vampires | Werewolves | Angst | Romance | Love Triangle
Nocturna Masterlist | HALLOWEEN
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Your eyes are shut, brows creased in concentration, sweat pearls on your forehead. All you can hear is the sound of the two wolves’ beating hearts behind you; the bird yelling at the squirrel in the sycamore tree; someone rummaging in the Castrum’s kitchen; and…
You tilt your head, focusing. Unfortunately, right when you’re about to get it the Beta behind breaks the moment. 
“Come on…” Minho scoffs, irritated. “Louder Yeji, I’m dying over here!” 
On the other side of the Castrum ground, several miles away, a crystal high-pitched giggle echoes. One that you hear perfectly. You must actively fight your urge to run over and murder the younger wolf. You aren’t sure why, but it’s inherent, you simply cannot stand the girl.
“Is she even saying something?” You glare at Minho, and his eyes narrow in dislike at your animosity. His rank is way above yours, for now at least, and he’s been tolerant so far since you’re acclimating. It doesn’t mean he’ll always let your rudeness slide, you know that.
“Yes,” Youngjae assures, sitting on a wood bench with an open illustrated book on his knees, “again. What is Yeji saying?” 
“Do you even need me?” Minho whines, “We’ve been at it for hours!”
“I didn’t ask you to come.” The Delta points out, flipping a page. Minho pouts, craving being elsewhere, anywhere. He despises you and the feeling is very mutual.
You aren’t dumb, you know why they’re all training with you today, it’s not because they enjoy your company. It’s obviously Chan who asked them to keep an eye on you. You haven’t spoken to each other since that day he fought with the Omegas, but he’s still your mate, and somehow he cares. The following morning you woke up to find out he and Jackson had left for a ‘mission’ somewhere. Chan didn’t even bother saying goodbye. He either hates you now or believes you wouldn’t even have seen him. You might have… You’ve been feeling especially shitty since that day. There's a knot in your stomach, and you know it isn't about your bond. It's him. Even if you are rightfully angry, your old friend is the only thing that feels like home here. That’s why you’re trying to take your training more seriously these days, you need to belong. You are doing your best... But that Beta and that Epsilon are getting on your nerves, always laughing when you’re messing up! Earlier, you couldn’t distinguish colours on brightly lit targets, and they had a field trip mocking you.
Honestly, out of your five senses, your view has changed the most since the bite. It has decreased dramatically in the daylight, so you’re having trouble with colours, but you can see in perfect darkness. Also, your field of vision is way broader than it used to be. Even with Minho and Youngjae standing in your back, you can see them clearly.
“Yeji, focus.” Youngjae orders, not even raising his gaze from his book. “No, not louder, she needs to learn.” 
“But she’s so damn slow.” Yeji whines, 3 miles away. “It’s tragic Chan’s stuck with her. I can’t understand what he see-”
“Watch it, glob of snot!” Your lips stretch to uncover your teeth and a weird sound births at the back of your throat.
Behind, Minho’s mouth falls open. “The pup's hearing seems fine after all, she’s just very selective about it.” 
“Good.” This time, the kind Delta stands to join you. “After tomorrow night, you’ll be able to hear that from double the distance!” Youngjae playfully hits you with his book, and your cheeks warm. You feel weirdly proud, gratified to have managed to do this little.
“Will he be...” His brows raise and you stop, looking down at the tip of your boots in the grass, too embarrassed.
“The whole pack always goes out as one, once a month.” Minho replies with a smirk, amused you’re acting coy. “I would actually be excited for your First Full Moon if Chan wasn’t there to damage control.”
“Why?” You frown, unsure if a first transformation is anything special to watch. You’ve heard about the pain of the first turn, but not much after their ‘it feels amazing’ usual speech. You are genuinely curious.
“I’d love to watch you go berserk.” Minho snarls sarcastically, making Youngjae close both eyes disheartened. “Given your considerate nature, I bet you'd obliterate an entire villa-”
“I’d obliterate you first, wimp!” Vexed, you jump forward until you’re almost against the Beta's chest. You thought he was giving you advice or some sensitive information at last. Turns out he was just pushing your buttons once more. Every werewolf has been irritated and sensitive today. Anyway, ever since the bite, you’ve been continuously picking up fights.
“Try me.” The triggered older wolf uncovers his canines, holding your glare. He’s threatening without the need of a growl, Minho is still one of the pack’s warriors. 
“In its own time.” Youngjae stretches an arm to pull him back, not the least frightened bt the animosity between you two. 
“Yeah, challenge me soon, puppy.” The cocky Beta steps away, his weird dire smile still plastered on. “Let’s see you go at it. An Alpha is only as strong as his Lead Huntress after all.” 
“Jackson doesn’t have one, but you still run around with your tail between your legs whenever he barks!”
“Careful or you’ll never even make it to your First Moon, bitch!” Minho’s jaw snaps, and you snort, remaining unimpressed. There it is; that word again. “And we do have a Lead Huntress, trust me. You’re nothing compared to her.”
Youngjae steps between you two once more for the confrontation to end. You notice others have already started gathering at the entrance of the castle and on the outskirts of the wood. All lycanth really seem to love a good clash. You don’t even ponder on Minho’s cryptic words about the Alpha, you’re too mad to focus. Perhaps it’s real, maybe your level of irritation and hostility has more to do with the imminent Full Moon than any of your real frustrations. 
“The sun is setting.” Youngjae points out blankly right as Sana jogs up to you. “You should make it back to your room, y/n. You’ll need a lot of sleep. Tomorrow’s a pretty big day.”
Agreeing, you leave and no wolf makes a sound as you walk by. You still see the glimmer in their gaze though. Something like elation. No one approved of you the first week, but now they’re curious. They wonder about you picking fights with both Chan and Minho. Will you be a courageous and fierce Lead Huntress? Or are you simply as dumb as a post for continuously angering two of their most dangerous Betas?
The pack doesn’t know yet, but this whole mess is bound to get interesting. 
You don’t see anyone in the East Wing on your way to your room. As soon as you enter, you begin to wash off the traces of your long training day. Exhausted, you nearly miss the soft thumping on your door when someone knocks. Fighting back your smile, you hurry to change your dark shirt-gown for a clean nightgown. No doubt that this is Chan finally coming back and... For some reason, it is a relief. You’re oddly excited to tell him all about your progress. Unfortunately, one thing is sure as you open the door, that visitor is nothing like who you were expecting.
The newcomer is wearing all-black, special silky clothes, he’s one with the obscurity. Even with your perfect night vision, you can hardly distinguish his silhouette. There’s a mask from the same fabric covering up his entire face except for his sanguine eyes. No wonder you haven't heard him coming by, no wolf would be as quiet in their own quarters. Your mouth opens in shock as the undead gazes up and down at you. He’s lean and short, barely as tall as you. The first time you faced a vampire you were too human to notice, but this time it hits you hard; his scent of death.
“Y/n?” He inquires, voice as uninterested as it gets. Before you can decide if you should scream or reply, the ominous intruder tilts his head, perceivably. “It stinks of him in here, so I guess you're her.” His eyes skim over your body once more, severe. “The king has called upon you.”
“E-Excuse me?” 
“The vampire king.” He repeats, accentuating every syllable like you’re dumb. “Now.” 
“What if I don’t go?”
You cross your arms over your chest defiantly. Jaebeom has ignored you for days, what can he possibly have to say to you? You’re changing tomorrow, you don’t have to be at his beck and call, your deal was a one-time thing. You’ve moved on. The vampire snorts at your reply, apparently entertained. 
In an instant, you’re gagged and thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He’s indifferent as you struggle, kicking and biting. Without having turned and reached your full potential yet, you’re no match for his strength. Your captor moves fast, it takes him under a minute to cross the entire Castrum. It’s evident he isn’t taking you to the West living quarters you've been to before. Right before these stairs, he forks in a secret passageway, entering a dark corridor you are unfamiliar with. When he finally stops, you’re buried under the castle, so deep within, that you can’t even hear what’s going on upstairs anymore. If you were to cry or yell, you bet no wolf would hear. You're not entirely sure they'd come to your rescue anyway... The vampire tosses you on your feet, taking out the cloth he shoved in your mouth. As you're coughing for air, he knocks on a door that opens instantly.
“Mark,” Jaebeom’s eyes go from you to his scion, "Were you seen?" You haven’t looked at him yet, too busy glaring and growling at the second rude vampire. Mark. No wonder your fellow wolves don’t like them if they all act like such entitled assholes.
“It was boring and too easy. Even a newborn would've been able to get her, you didn't need a Shadow, Jeonha.” Mark’s words drip self-importance, making your skin crawl. Speaking, he pulls down his mask, revealing his diaphanous features. He is just as inhumanly perfect as the other undead you've seen so far. "Although, I think I vexed your pet..."
It takes you half a second to realize he's talking about you.
“I’m not his, you filthy leech!” 
“Oi, are you gonna bite me!?” The bloodsucker laughs, reaching to poke the middle of your forehead. You must be a fast learner because your current warning growl has nothing to do with how you were begging for your life when you first met one of them. If you don’t notice the slight change, Jaebeom certainly does. “Bad pooch.” Ok. That asshole is just straight-up asking to be gutted.
“Just wait a few days...” Your eyes reflect the torches, casting a supernatural light on the scene. “I’ll add your name to my list of priorities, Mark.” His smile turns to a thin line.
“Leave us,” done, the king dismisses his minion, "discreetly." Though he’s obviously annoyed, Mark obeys, hissing as he slowly walks back the narrow passageway. You don’t stop holding his glare until he’s gone. “What was that,” Jaebeom presses once you are alone, highly annoyed, “are the moon mood swings really that bad?”
“Perhaps I just hate being treated like a possession.” When you turn to face the king, he has already disappeared into a close dim-lit room. You ponder on whether to go back upstairs or follow, hesitating. In the end, you’re too intrigued to do what’s best and you enter, though keeping your guard up. 
You haven’t seen Jaebeom since your first and last night, and you had forgotten how beautiful he is up close. From his pellucid skin to his bloody dead irides. You feel a betraying shiver run down your back, remembering how his body felt all over yours. If you thought you could face him without any second thoughts, you were wrong. The hypnotic power he seemed to have on you hasn’t wavered the slightest. You could still run, but curiosity anchors you down.
When you enter, the vampire king is standing in the middle of this tiny darkroom, ominous. There’s a chair and a twin size bed in a corner as only furniture, and it smells of mould. Obviously, this isn’t his usual hang out spot. This is a misery chamber, you expected a secret office or something. This is closer to a dungeon than... Oh, turning to take another look at the door again, you notice the large silvery bars on a square framed window. 
“What is this place?” Feeling stuffy and trapped all of a sudden, you take a step back.
“My dungeon, a secluded place. I thought it better to talk privately.” Jaebeom replies swiftly, like forcing you down here is perfectly mundane. His motives remain unclear, but you get what he means; walls here don't have ears. You already noted that. “We used it during the war, but I doubt Jackson remembers his old room and my leniency. If he did, that flea-bag wouldn’t go around doing as he pleases half as much.”
“He's my Alpha now, careful.” You cross your arms over your chest and he raises a brow. 
“Forgive me,” Jaebeom apologizes, overly sarcastic, “I thought you only had his tail-wagger’ back.” 
“Chan is a legacy Alpha,” you’re defensive at his evident disdain. “Won’t be tail-waggin’ forever.”
“Why do you care?!” Jaebeom snaps harshly, and his aggressive tone makes you flinch, “Defending him? Last I heard, you hated the dog for what he did to you!”
After that, you remain silent, too stunned. He is right, and you are still angry at Chan for taking your humanity. It’s just that… You've always cared deeply for him, and now whatever is said about him reflects on you. You’ve been inextricably linked since he marked you. It’s not something you can explain with words to an outsider. You just… Feel it in your bones. Jaebeom sighs, turning to press his open palms to one of the stone walls. “When you’re as old as me, you start to forget past enemies. I’ve seen a lot of werewolves go by, I never thought I should care about their bastards.” When you don't bite, the king presses you again: “I hadn’t made a mistake like that in many centuries.”
“A mistake like me,” you breathe out hollowly, starting to piece things together. 
“Yes...” He shakes his head, still facing the wall. “I messed up by intervening in the woods. I single-handedly jeopardized the status of the peace treaty for you. Jinyoung formally castigated me in front of the Council.” The vampire from that night? You frown, vaguely remembering his cool demeanour throughout the confrontation with the Alpha. “I was sent away during the arraignments. I’ll be officially sanctioned tomorrow, I had never received blame from my Court before you. Not it over a thousand years of reign.”
He says it like this mess is all your fault. “Maybe you shouldn’t be talking to me, then.” You try not to sound affected. Despite you, his words hurt... And you really don’t want to wonder about why right now.
“I wanted to apologize,” Jaebeom blurts out fatally, turning to hold your gaze. “I wasn’t able to bring you home. I couldn't stay true to my word, and keep you safe.” 
“Consider yourself freed from our deal, Jeonha.” 
You need to leave now.
Before you’re overwhelmed before you feel like crying for everything you’ve lost. It’s not like the vampire could have changed anything anyway, or if he could have honoured that deal in the first place anyway. Apparently, a choice was made for you long before that dreadful day you were marked. When you reach for the exit, Jaebeom’s steel grip wraps around your wrists, holding you still. It was the worst idea coming in, perhaps he won’t let you leave. This was a dungeon for a wolf, and no one knows you're here. 
“There’s another thing too.” He whispers, awfully closer. There’s the almost familiar coldness of his body on your back, and your heartbeat quickens, betraying. His effect is undeniable, his magnetism paralyzing. “I don’t care about what my Court said. I still wanted to see you.” His nose brushes your hair, and you know it’s making its way down to your neck. You’ve been there before, only this time, you are sure he won’t kill you. “You smell the same, you’re still more human than wolf.” 
Jaebeom says this like it’s a compliment, and you shut your eyes. “So what?”
He presses his stone chest to your back, unbothered by your harsh tone. “My Shadow heard you ask about me… And I tried to neglect it, but I still have this…” He pauses then, and despite everything, the memory of your shared night haunts you. “... Craving.” 
Blood, you realize. This is not about you at all. Defeated, you pull your hair aside to fully expose the little bit of collarbone your nightgown isn’t covering. He can do whatever, you won’t fight him this time, don't care if it hurts. Then he’ll probably let you go. Jaebeom lets his index run down your spine, and you clench your teeth, expecting his bite any moment.
“After you turn-.”
“I know.” You cut in sharply, eager to get this over with. His arm slides around your waist. “You hate dogs.” The vampire presses his lips on your neck, not on the same spot as last time. Again, instead of biting, he breathes you in, mouth wandering. This isn’t what you want, you shouldn’t do this. “Drink.” Frozen still, you don’t bother trying to sound like yourself.
“No,” Jaebeom hushes in your ear, absolutely shameless, “like last time.”
“I don’t want to,” you state, authoritative. The idea of betraying Chan like this makes your stomach turn. Even if you are angry, he’s still your friend and your… That. Then, there’s the rest of the pack too, and what they said about wolves with vampires. What Minho called you earlier.
“Is that so?” Jaebeom snorts, hand reaching to cup your sex over your nightgown. You catch a breath as he hums, satisfied by your reaction. “I can smell you.” Shit. You’re screwed. Already, your body is betraying you, and you press closer to his palm, craving friction. His hand doesn’t oblige though. Instead, he takes it back, letting it wander up until it finds the strings tying the collar of your long gown. You think he’ll open it, but he surprises you by spinning you in his arms. His grip closes on your wrists, holding them up. “You wear his clothes, but his scent isn't on you.” 
You don’t need Jaebeom to say his name. “He comes back tomorrow.”
Something in his gaze darkens like you’ve made a mistake: “I know, I approve every dogs’ outing. Mark was right, he shouldn’t have made it so easy.” Smirking, Jaebeom releases you, apparently very amused by something. “Now that I know who you are for Jackson’s successor… I want you even more.”
‘W-What?” You don’t move, don’t even blink when his fingers slide up the interior of your thigh. This time, it’s skin to skin, under your loose clothing. He stops centimetres away from where your legs meet. “We can’t… My pack-”
Lowering himself to press a kiss on your lips, Jaebeom interrupts your protests. He doesn’t give you an answer, but you forget about everything as soon as his mouth opens yours. Your mind numbs. You forget you’re angry, forget the pack and everything about who the creature kissing you is. Even Chan is eclipsed from your thoughts for the first time in days. Jaebeom pulls back after a while, one hand to the wall and the other frozen still on your thigh.
“New deal,” he announces, voice-controlled. He’s doing way better than you. You're panting, hanging on his every word with apprehension. He's like a drug, clogging up your brain and stealing away your better judgement. “You owe me since I got into trouble trying to help you.”
“How should I repay you?” You ask in a trance. You sound more innocent than you truly are. It’s obvious what he wants, of course you know. You can feel him already hardening against you. Right now, you want him too. You don’t care about anything else.
“I forgot I have to show you everything, tidbit.” Jaebeom smiles, ruby eyes creasing. “Don’t move.” It’s not like you were planning on going anywhere anymore. You’re already too turned on to know what’s best. Sensing you’re obeying, Jaebeom kneels on the ground before you to roll up your gown. “See?” He looks up, pushing your feet apart with his knees. You seem to have learned from your first time because you don’t move to cover your sex. Jaebeom licks his lips, gaze roaming your exposed body hungrily. “I knew you were wet...”
His cold hands grip your knees to spread you and you lean back against the stone wall, weak. He hums, nose brushing your inner thighs. The vampire king kisses them one by one, making sure not to leave an inch of soft sensitive skin untouched as he climbs. If he claimed you were wet before, it was nothing. This time you know what to expect from him and you’re shivering from anticipation. Your folds are already swollen and glistening when he finally reaches his goal. Jaebeom doesn’t lose any time, icy tongue sliding up your slit once, then twice. You grip his shoulders to remain still and he lets out a hollow chuckle, entertained. His mouth works wonder, it’s even better standing like that above him. You pant, hips rocking on his face despite yourself. You don’t have any self-control whatsoever. You aren’t sure if it’s because of the imminent Full Moon or your exacerbate senses, but everything feels more intense; anger, impatience, and now pleasure, desire… Jaebeom helps himself with a finger, and it’s way more comfortable than last time. You’re so relaxed that he adds another one, pumping them leisurely into you.
Without stopping, he sits back on his heels, raising your right leg on his shoulder. Jaebeom presses kisses in your inner thigh, looking for something that he finds almost too soon. Unlike the other night, there’s no warning or build up before he bites you. His flaming eyes find yours when his fangs pierce your skin, and you yelp in surprise. Already blood drips, overflowing his mouth. Jaebeom sucks – entranced – he wasn’t too harsh this time. He cannot heal you with vampire blood, not when you’re lycanth. His fingers are still working your core, and the pleasure mixed with the burn is far from unpleasant. Your head hits the wall when you throw it back, pushing for more friction against his hand. He holds you still, sucking harsher on your thigh. His first bite is so shallow that your flow to the wound is already dwindling.
After a moment he gives up, he wants and needs more, but there are plenty of pretty veins on your body. Some are easier to conceal than others though that’s not what he wants at all. Not tonight. Not when you belong to the next Alpha. Jaebeom wants a statement, one that ensures the balance, retribution. The king hates being ridiculed, and they are far worst ways to send a message than this. At least you’re both going to enjoy yourselves tonight. He’ll make sure you get off, just like last time.
You don’t know that of course, but even then, could you have resisted him?
It’s your turn to take the lead when Jaebeom stops drinking from your thigh. You tug at his nape, forcing him up and interrupting his lapping of your wound.  This time, you don’t mind the blood when your mouths meet.
Your new kiss tastes of metal, but it’s delicious.
The East Wing is deserted when you emerge from the depth of the Castrum. It’s to be expected, to limit interactions between species and risk useless frictions, they are many specific rules. Werewolves aren’t allowed outside their sanctuary walls after sunset unless they have special permissions, so they usually limit themselves to their rooms. One night of freedom per month is granted of course; the Full Moon. No similar rule applies to vampires. It might seem unfair, but most can’t stand the sun and normally rest during the day anyway. So, it’s no surprise that you don’t bump into any other lycanth when you enter the common room and climb the stone stairs leading to the living quarters. Everyone is in bed, getting ready for tomorrow’s night hunt and celebrations of your first transformation. 
Still, you are extra careful not to get caught when walking up the corridor, passing dozens of wooden doors along the way. You can hear the soft breathing of the sleeping wolves, but also the cracking pages of a book being read, and the scratching of graphite on paper. You furtively reach the door to your room, opening it and praying the hinges don’t betray you. They don’t. 
Letting out a breath of relief, you enter. You allow yourself to make more noise once you are where you were assumed to be all along. Immediately, you stretch your sore body. Wow. That was something else entirely. You hadn’t realized Jaebeom was being so attentive on your first night. This time he was less considerate, not that you’re complaining. Smiling, you rub your thumb on the bite marks on your left wrist. You have many, you’ll have to conceal all of them tomorrow by wearing something like a long-sleeve linen shirt and pants. 
You are so lost in your thoughts that you don’t notice the mass on your bed at all. It’s when he sits up that you gasp, so shocked you drop the hairbrush you had just picked up on the carpet. It bounces twice before rolling on the stone floor, the faint sounds seemingly resonating throughout the whole wing. Chan looks half-dead, as though he hasn’t slept ever since he last fought with you. 
“Hello,” he says, voice alarmingly placid.
You feel yourself crumble under the weight of his gaze. “You’re back.”
He drops his chin to his chest like a prayer. “I came early since I was worried...” His words hit hard, and you feel the bitter sting of guilt in your chest. Somehow you spent the whole week waiting for his return... Now it’s too late, you messed up. “I missed you,” the wolf-man snorts, rolling his eyes back, “so much. I kept wondering how you were holding up without me. Laughable isn’t I?” When he looks your way again, the bite marks on your body itch like liabilities. “You seem to be doing perfectly fine.”
“Chan,” you breathe out unevenly, heart as heavy as the moon in your chest. Whatever bliss you felt from your escapade with Jaebeom is completely gone. This is why you tried to leave. It feels like you committed high treason. Perhaps you truly did, that's the scariest thought. You should tell him you didn't go to Jaebeom willingly, it just happened. Tell him you hadn’t thought of the king for days. Instead, you let out a series of incoherence; “It’s not… I’m-”
“You smell of death.” He points out, weirdly serene. You both know it means him. “I’m exhausted, y/n. Let’s not fight, let's just go to bed.”
“H-Here?” Your eyes round, staring at him under the covers.
“It’s our den, our bed.” Chan lays down again. “You can sleep elsewhere if you can’t stand me... You seem to have other options.”
Silence settles after that, you walk up to the empty side of the canopy bed, miserable. How could you leave, even if you wanted to? The mattress protests under your weight. Sitting guardedly, you keep an eye on the young man with his back turned on you. Chan doesn’t comment and as you lay over the covers. Your heartbeat is deafening. 
You are so taken aback when he breaks his muteness after over ten minutes, that you wonder if you heard right; “I don’t want us to be like them.” 
“Who?” You ask, turning on your side to face him. 
“Them,” he repeats as though you are supposed to figure it out. He rolls too, but his eyes remain glued to the ceiling.
This whole situation is strangely reminiscent of these nights you talked for hours, both laying on your back, staring at stars. You often went on trips together with a hunting crew from Ianua and other villages. You and Chan used to discuss anything from your childhoods to dumb stuff. Of course, back then, you had no idea he was way older than he looked, perhaps even older than gran. You had no idea he wasn’t human at all. Come to think of it, you wonder how he managed all these trips and why. Was it just to be with you? Does ‘deceive your future mate under the false pretense of friendship’ qualify for outings permissions?
“Them; Jackson and Ryujin.” You stop your breathing altogether when Chan clarifies. Ryujin, as in the queen? Shit. You had forgotten all about her... “Lycanth, we are loyal to a fault, devoted by nature. We…” He glances your way, having at least the decency of being embarrassed by himself. “... Mate for life… With our one partner.” 
But you aren’t listening to him. Your head is spinning, Jackson and Ryujin. What do they have to do with each other? Isn’t she wedded to Jaebeom? Although it’s quite obvious his vows don’t keep him from sleeping with whoever he wants, whenever. 
Any of you take issues of my personal life? The Alpha and Minho’s cryptic words suddenly mean much more. Jackson has a mate, trust me.
“The parasites are nothing like us.” Chan goes on as you piece things together, sounding spiteful. “They take what they covet without hesitation, they use others for their means. They are ruth-”
“I get it.” You interrupt, fighting back your irritation. Ok, now you are done feeling bad for him. No one ever explains things to you clearly in this damn castle. You’re always expected to do what is asked and understand things later on. “You hate vampires.”
“No. You don’t get it, you aren't hearing me y/n.” Chan sighs and the sound is cavernous deep. He turns to you, serious. “Vampires don’t feel like mortals or werewolves. You can’t trust him, no matter how much intimacy you share, it doesn-”
“I understand that you like me, Chan.” You’re careful not to raise your voice when you cut him off again. The last thing you want is this to escalate in another full-on fight. “And I am so sorry you feel that way, but...” You stop yourself, reading the pain on his face.
“It is my business because you’re my m-... Best friend...” He whispers, winded as though he ran for miles. “You are bitter – rightfully so – and you need time… But I’m not gonna spend my whole life picking up the pieces after him. I won’t stand sharing you. I don’t want us to be like them, I can’t.”
Though you soften slightly, you turn away to avoid his gaze. You should tell Chan that you don’t think of Jaebeom half as much as you think of him when he isn’t near, but you can’t. You’re too ashamed and resentful, both at yourself and at him. 
“Maybe you should have considered that before changing me.” It sounds too mean even to you. “You knew me, so you should’ve made the right choice.” 
Again, the silence following is louder than words. It takes Chan less time to cut through the tension. When he does, you can tell he's been thinking deeply about this.
“I did consider...” He waits for a few heartbeats before going on, hopeful; “I know you and I’ll wait. I know us, I made the right choice. I’m sorry I brought this up.” Chan sounds so relieved that you can’t help wanting to believe him. “We will never be like them...” There's an infallible faith to his truth.
Even though you’re exhausted, even though tomorrow marks the beginning of your new life. You don’t sleep a wink that night, torn between two fates you neither wanted nor considered before these last two weeks.
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Nocturna Masterlist | HALLOWEEN
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onepdumpsterfire · 4 years
#1 in the modern living series 
(Man is writing in third person hard for me. haha i might just change to first person for the rest of the series.)
Summary: Ace just wants the moving to stop, Sabo is the most responsible of the three and Luffy thinks m&m dominoes is bullshit.
Word Count: 1798
Ace . Sabo . Luffy . Sanji . Nami
Out in the countryside, where neighbors were half a mile away from each other, stood a house filled with memories long passed. Boxes littered its hallways as its normally rambunctious inhabitants sullenly grumbled their way through their belongings.
“This is stupid!” Luffy yelled while throwing down the blanket he was folding. “Gramps owns this place, they can’t just kick us out!”
“We’ve been through this, Luff,” Sabo said while gesturing at Ace to keep putting away clothes. “The city sent Garp invoices about the property, and since he’s never here the city just decided to go through with demolishing this place and build the extension of the highway here anyway.”
“But still! They can’t just kick us out!”
“Yeah. They can,” Ace retorted, once again giving up on folding. “It’s called ‘Eminent Domain’. They can take it if it’s for public use, and since we aren’t on the lease for the house we gotta wait till gramps gets back to get the money the city’s paying for the property.”
“... so we sold our house?”
“No, they’re taking it; but legally they can’t without giving us compensation for it.”
Pouting, Luffy huffed about how he didn’t see what m&m dominoes had to do with a highway being built on their home. “Don’t worry about it too much, Luff.” Sabo interrupted his disgruntled brother, “one way or another, construction already started. It’s too late to change anything.”
“Which brings me to my next point,” the blond turns to Ace, who averts his gaze to a far off corner in an attempt to try and remove himself from the situation. “They gave us until the end of the month and we’re already two weeks away! Have you even packed your room?” The question was more rhetorical than anything. Sabo already knew the answer, but if he didn’t antagonize his brother now he’d never get it done.
“Why does your answer sound like a question? Y’know putting your clothes in the laundry basket doesn’t count as packing.”
“But they are put away,” Ace looked back at Sabo with a shit-eating smile and a pointed finger that dared the other to question him again.
“Have you taken down your posters? Or put away your covers and comics?”
Though, Ace should have thought better than to start a battle with someone who had an arsenal compared to his one bullet. “Were you just planning on moving without them?” Slowly, Ace’s finger deflated and cold sweat appeared on his brow.
The two had the same fight every time they had to move. 
Ace hated moving, but in a military family, all they did was move.
It happened every few months and yet he could never be bothered to do it until the very last second, when everyone else already had taken all their stuff.
Garp thought that this might have been his way of rebelling against it, but one thing Ace hated more was being left behind; so he’d wait until his anxiety got too much and then pack in a panic.
Eventually, though, Ace started to plan to move out on his own. That’s when Garp, begrudgingly, told them they could move to a house he owned. To where Luffy grew up before Dragon (Luffy’s father and Garp’s son) left for the military to follow in Garp’s footsteps. Before all the moving started. Before Ace and Sabo were adopted by him.
It may have been a more rural area than the apartments they usually lived in but that meant there was more space for ‘outdoor adventures’ as Luffy put it. (Not to mention he really wanted to introduce them to the two neighbor kids he’d made friends with and still kept in touch with from when he was little). Nonetheless, the other two just liked finally having a permanent place to call home.
However, until after they moved did they realize that it meant they would get to see Garp less. Garp used to show up about every two weeks then every few months was moved to a new station, but now they’ll only get to see him whenever he had enough time to fly all the way to visit them. 
As cold as it may sounds, they soon decided that they’d have to get used to it eventually and moved on pretty quickly. They were about to start their twenties, eventually, they were going to have to. (It wasn’t like he was around that often, to begin with anyway.) And with that, they moved to the countryside, though they would have never guessed that almost half a year later they were going to get an eviction notice.
The city thought there was no one living there, Garp having never answered the invoices or being there when they visited, so they moved on with expanding the city. But after the three showed up it had to be delayed. The city sent another notice that the three had to send to Garp, but this time it was telling them they needed to move out by the end of the month. At first, Garp told them not to worry about it, that he’d solve it. Though, one week later it became apparent that there was no way of changing the city's mind. 
The three boys decided that they’d move into an affordable two-bedroom apartment that Garp helped them get. Though, after the initial month, they’d have to find a way to start paying bills and such on their own. 
Sabo wanted to move out as soon as possible but if Ace kept up his usual antics, moving would have to go on hold until he could persuade the man-child to get a move on.
“Can you take this a bit more seriously?” Sabo wanted to continue to pester Ace until he did as told, but a sudden knock at the door stopped their bickering. “Just go pack your room.” 
“Saved by the bell,” Reclining back on his seat, Ace ignored him once again, “We have like two days left, man. It won’t take long to pack, so I can just do it later.” 
“I’m serious, Ace!” Sabo shouted from the front door before opening it up to see their red-headed neighbor. 
“Hey Nami, they’re in the hall clearing out a closet.”
“Okay, I got some boxes in my truck,” she pointed behind herself.
“I got them, you guys start eating without me.” Sabo moved aside so she could come inside before exiting himself to get the boxes.
“I’m back!” Nami set the pizza boxes down on the kitchen counter, “and I brought food!”
“Food!” Luffy dropped what he was doing and ran to her side. ”Thanks, Nami!”
“Sweet,” jumping up, Ace walked straight to the fridge “I’ll get us some drinks.”
“Your brother is getting some boxes from my car, by the way,” Nami said loudly, in the off chance either of them cared at the moment. “Greeeaaat. More boxes, just what we needed.” Ace commented sarcastically while handing out some sodas. 
“Don’t be an ass,” Sabo came in holding three boxes stacked on top of each other, “I’ll put these in your room for when you start packing.”
“Do as you please your royal highness.” Ace jeered, “just so you know, if you come back and there’s no pizza, it’s your fault.” 
“It’s right down the hall, I’m not gonna take long.”
“Yeah, but Luffy just tried to put three slices in his mouth.”
“Mook! Ah c-ah-n mut soar shlifesh im my mouf!” (translation: look! I can put four slices in my mouth!)  That was Luffy gargling over a mouth full of pizza. “obbb!” (translation: oww!) And that was Nami hitting him on the head for talking with his mouth full
“Stop stuffing your face, and eat normally!” 
“...Make that four...”
After their lunch, they all started packing everything into the U-haul moving truck they’d rented earlier that day, and finally, they called up Sanji to tell him they were on their way.
Sanji is someone Luffy met a couple of days after they’d moved into town, and pestered into coming over to hang out with him and his brothers. They’d all hit it off pretty fast after that, so much so that when their home was set to be demolished Sanji was the one who suggested they move into the same apartments as him and even helped them checklist everything they needed for first-time renters then offered to help them move in.
One long trip and much lifting later, everything they needed from the house was moved into the apartment and the rest of the stuff was either thrown away or kept in Nami’s shed until they could sell it in the flea market or a thrift store (this includes any of Garp’s belongings that weren’t sent to him.)
With exhaustion pulling down on her and an awaiting hour drive back to her home, Nami left the boys to finish the rest by themselves. “Alright, it’s getting pretty late so I’m gonna head out.” a chorus of tired goodbyes followed her to the door, “call me if you guys need anything.”
Getting up from his position on the couch they’d just dragged in, Sabo walked her to the door. “Yeah. Thanks, again, for helping out today.” 
“Don’t worry about,” Nami playfully pushed at his shoulder, “but if you wanna repay me then how about helping me out in next year’s summer market?” Chuckling, Sabo agreed to her request.
“Hey! Wait up, I’ll walk you to your car.” Sanji went to stand next to Sabo, “I have class early in the morning and should get some rest.”
Repeating their goodbyes one final time, the two left the boys to their first night at their new home.
Immediately after they both left Ace fell asleep on the couch, already knowing what Sabo wanted them to do next.
“Oi, wake up!” Sabo shook him by the shoulders, “we still gotta put the bed frames back together!” though to no surprise he didn’t budge.
Giving a sigh of surrender, he turned to Luffy, “guess we’re gonna ha- oohoho both of you are pieces of shit.”
While Sabo was busy trying to wake Ace up, Luffy made himself comfortable on the floor next to Ace and fell asleep.
“Fine! Fine, I’ll do it myself.” The blond threw his hands in the air while walking away to a bedroom to re-build the bed frames. “I hope both of you get a crick in your neck.”
Ace and Luffy opened an eye to sneakily check if the coast was clear before high-fiving each other and actually falling asleep.
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aresfms · 4 years
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「 harry styles. cismale. he/him. 」i hope that #lexsquad member「 ARES BYERS 」adds me to the squad ! the 「 TWENTY THREE 」year old 「 FINANCE 」 major has been apart of the squad since 「 DECEMBER 2018 」and seems to be the 「 THE RECUSANT」of the group.「 ARES 」is a「 SENIOR 」 and seems to enjoy 「 BOXING AND SOCCER 」but you can always find them at a squad party , too !
listen don’t say i didn’t warn you, this is a lil long. but if you guys are interested in any connections ( scroll down to the end for some ideas ) then pls hit me up. im so ready.
okay basically i’ll do a summary in case y’all dont wanna read his SAD story. tw: domestic abuse, abandonment, alcohol abuse. 
Summary: ARES BYERS, 23, SENIOR.
A finance major at LexU.
He’s currently doing both soccer and boxing, but soccer would be for his athletic scholarship. ( he has a full ride )
Boxing would definitely be like more of an anger relief thing and honestly, he defs loves soccer but he knows he can’t rely on that for a forever thing. plus he defs things boxing is good money, yknow that side hustle illegal shit
Loves art like a lot.
 He visits his siblings probably every other day or whenever he can because he really is so protective of them or he’d even bring them to campus all the time even though his “ step dad” hates it.
His relationship with his mum is still super strained because she really is in denial about her toxic abusive situation with his “step dad”  and hes trying to tell her hes going to get her out and she just does not want to.
His mum is an alcoholic and his stepdad is physically abusive to them like most of her past partners which is something ares has been dealing with since he was a child.
hes solely doing finance to get a good job to get his mum and siblings out of the situation theyre in now.
he wants sole custody of his 3 siblings but i mean, he needs a stable job and place to live aka finance
 has 3 younger sisters who he adores.
HISTORY STUFF ( YIKES SOZ ) Its long everybody.
 He was born to teenage parents who hadn’t even graduated high school yet. They had a pretty tumultuous situation and his dad really didn’t think they should have a kid, but his mum thought that it would bring them closer together and make his dad mature…. Which definitely didn’t end up happening.
once Ares was born his dad stuck around for about a year or two before basically abandoning them and offering to give up parental rights to his mum Alycia.
That’s when things basically just went downhill. It really messed with his mum, obviously she was supporting ares on her own with no support from anyone, no family and very little money, at the time she had been trying to go to school but had to give that up once she was the sole provider for Ares. And the fact that someone she thought was going to be her partner abandoned her just led her down a pretty dark path.
It was just his mum and him after this. There wasn’t a lot of stability for them. His mum for a while was the only family he had. his grandma wasn’t really very supportive of his mum having the baby and living with his dad etc and they’re relationship was quite strained too.
• By the time Ares was about 12 he was already probably mature beyond his years, his mum by then had basically gave herself up to alcohol and had some pretty bad shady boyfriends in the house. Ares would definitely still vividly remember like explosive fights between her and boyfriends where things got physical between them and even to Ares from multiple different boyfriends.
His schooling was just.. a mess he definitely repeated a grade or two because of the commotion of home life.
Regardless though he was still VERY protective of his mum even if he felt pretty abandoned by her, he was just confused why she was letting these people come around when they were better on just the two of them. But that really didn’t last long, his mum ended up having multiple other kids with different people.
 So he has Maeva, Orion and Lea who are his half siblings and theyre all under 12.
I  think he definitely grew up faster than most because he always felt an urge to protect his mum and his siblings now especially. he worried about them all. He was definitely an anxious kid.
• His mum ended up marrying but honestly Ares couldn’t hate his stepfather more. He would refuse and still does refuse to call him dad or stepdad because he truly thinks he’s a piece of shit. Like he knows he treats his mum like shit and hes had no problem being physical with the both of them and once ares got old enough he really did start fighting back which only made it worse.
There’s probably been multiple times where its been ares calling the police on him after he fought with his mum but as usual his mum always takes his side which honestly fucked ares up constantly but eventually as soon as he could he was working even at like 13/14 because he was desperate to save money thinking he could help his family get out of the fucking mess they were in.
 His number one priority is and will always be his mum and his sisters even though deep down I think he has some kind of resentment towards his mum he’ll always love her. He just wishes that she would take his side especially against his “ step dad”
Basically though once he was about that age he realised he really needed to start focusing on school, grades and sport anything he could so he had some kind of chance to get into a good uni and get his family out of everything. Like he knew he’d need somewhere he could get a full ride since theyd never be able to afford it and somewhere still nearby so he could look after his sisters still.
 His stepdad knew though that ares was working even when he wasn’t supposed to be and he really took advantage of that, he was definitely beyond lazy and ares basically always felt more of a parent to his sister than anyone else.
 So basically he ended up graduating – late however he was 19 when he graduated high school because of repeats and luckily enough he got a full ride to Lexington university and he really took it within a heartbeat. He ended up choosing finance not because its anything he’s interested in but because he wanted something that would pay really well so he can support his family, but he knew he didn’t have 8 years to do medical school etc.
 he can have a shitty attitude won’t lie, like he’s very focused and set on what he wants and needs to do and he wants no one getting in the way of that.
He’s super into boxing to release a lot of the pent up anger he obviously feels and really because he wanted to know how to fight back all the assholes his mum had in his life.
He is can be extroverted and talkative but I think with the people who aren’t close to him or to people he doesn’t have a real trust in it’s probably a pretty surface level. Its never about his family or past in fact I think that part would be something very few if any people know about.
his sisters aka his pride and joy, he probs has pictures of them in his wallet.
He likes to keep things light hearted as a distraction from himself but he definitely doesn’t let people in easily.
He really tries to avoid confrontation because it’s so triggering to him but he does have a temper which is what scares him. He is like paranoid he’s going to become a product of his environment so he goes against that as much as he can but if people come for his family or anything he would lose it.
Can be aloof.
 Has a hard time trusting anyone has good motives or will stick around because of much he’s been abandoned and how manipulative the people in his mums were.
He’s cynical.
 He really holds onto grudges pretty easily.
His ass is pretty sarcastic and witty, a huge smart ass.
 He’s not into commitment right now or he’s avoiding. Like the only examples he’s ever seen of relationships have been a mess and it’s not exactly his priority. ( but lbr  whats the fun in that. )
 He tries to abstain from alcohol but he finds that pretty hard. When he does he tends to drink pretty heavily which is why he tries not to because he knows it obviously has caused his mum so much grief.
 Hes an escapist.
 He’s really super protective though, of the people he does have in his life I think he really wants to give those people the things he didn’t have so he overcompensates and would literally fight whatever or whoever for the people around him.
he hates authority.
•He definitely is really big into art but that’s also something really personal he doesn’t share much and he knows like that isn’t going to provide for his family which is exactly why he's done finance.
Long lost half sibling aka the child his dad had after he abandoned him
Someone who is a super good influence on his sisters ( id die for this.. )
Strangers who found out they were hooking up with the same person then became friends or enemies. ( my man a nastie sometimes. )
A FWB someone he can mess with and end up talk a little deeply with bc they think its not serious.
ANYONE who is a kid of one of his mums exes, like someone she dated, bc whew why not.
a rebound, someone he used to try to get over his ex!!
a fucking roomie plssss :) ( or past roomie, he lived off campus for 3 years so defs room for multiples ) this person rlly saw... everything
someone who went on a couple dates/ messed around but then realised omg we’d be so much better off as friends, somoene who rlly has each others back.
ooo someone who has an unrequited crush on him
Or someone he hates but yknow someone who he has mad sexual tension with ( hate meaning they lowkey would ravage each other )
One of his close confidants, someone who is basically one of the few people he can confide in.
An “ex “ who he broke up without much explanation.
His dealer ( smh im the worst )
Some co workers that has his back.
Potentially someone he’s fought against esp someone who does boxing too. es
Someone on his soccer team.
he very into art, so potentially someone who he might connect or do that with, he defs shows stuff sometimes but VVVV rarely.
someone he maybe wasnt that close w/ but he knows from back home so they’d suspect about his home life and he just is not having the prying :)
Honestly any connections im down. THE USUAL, bestfriends, etc etc
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giireyes · 5 years
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hello hello hello, i’m mini from the 6ix ! im a plant based, broke af media student that gets into one too many bus accidents when eating oranges and it’s been a hot minute since i’ve joined an rp this big, so - bare with me. also bare with my shitty gifs since i make them all from scratch. this ended up being a new muse for me so - bare with that too. i’m asking for a lot ! i’m sORRY DKFJGHDFKJGHD
emilia mernes. cis-female. she/her.  /  angel giselle reyes just pulled up blasting nada by tainy, lauren jauregui & c. tangana — that song is so them ! you know, for a twenty three year old influencer/vocalist, i’ve heard they’re really -sarcastic, but that they make up for it by being so +humble. if i had to choose three things to describe them, i’d probably say karaoke nights with friends, watching the sunrise, and dancing in the middle of the street. here’s to hoping they don’t cause too much trouble ! 
Full Name: angel giselle reyes
Nickname(s): gigi, angie, gi
Age: 23
Height: 5′2 ft
Place of Birth: cordoba, argentina
Date of Birth: january 15th 1997
Zodiac sign: capricorn
Ethnicity: hispanic
Nationality: argentinian
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bisexual
Religion: agnostic
Tattoos: a black outlined heart tattoo behind her ear
Language(s) Spoken: broken english, spanish
Accent: spanish is her first language, so speaking in english she has an accent.
Family: francisco camilo herrera de luna ( half brother ! )
Weather: summer
Colour: orange
Music: bad bunny, vincente fernandez, camilo sesto, celia cruz, jbalvin
Movies: the princess diaries
Sport: volleyball
Beverage: moscato, or rum
Food: alfajores
Animal: sloths
*** . FIRST . tw : abandonment, alcohol, drugs
angel was born in cordoba - no not in spain, but in argentina ! her parents were two teens that weren’t ready for a child, so what did they do ? they gave her away, and they decided to call her angel because she was born in a church. her relatives found this a good thing, maybe it would give her some kind of spiritual help - and in some way, maybe it did ?
through the years, she was passed between relatives, living in different parts of cordoba, until she got into her pre-teens, hitting different parts of south america. at some point she was living in mexico with her tio - and then returned back to argentina, but in buenos aires to live with her paternal abuelito. it’s funny because she knows her relatives, but she never actually ended up having a relationship with her mom and dad. they just sent money, some clothes, but never bothered to call and text. bouncing between places distracted her, but of course it always felt like something was missing. 
living in buenos aires, angel started going by gigi - it was a much less masculine name than her original name, and people have already been calling her angie. gigi just fit the cake ! 
hennyways, she started a youtube channel, posting dancing videos of herself, that eventually led to vine, that went to youtube ---- that eventually led to tiktok. that’s right, she’s a tiktok-er, and she got really famous for being so, not just in argentina, but all around latin america.  
at 21, she joined a latin american tiktok group, where they’d post videos of themselves doing dumb isht - not just that, she started posting cover videos onto YouTube as well, so while she was famous on TikTok, she was earning notice for her vocal ability that she got recognized by sony music latin and w.k. entertainment. she was signed and asked to move to miami, florida. this was a step into the american market !!
now, her lito was COMPLETELY against it. he didn’t want her to be americanized. it sounded ridiculous to him since she barely spoke english, and everything she had was in argentina. except gigi had money in the bank - so what did she do ? have this big fight with her lito, and family. she’s ambitious and she’s gonna go whether anyone said yes or no. 
because of this fight - her entire family ended up disowning her. literally, she left her home after the fight, and came back to all her stuff tossed on the street. whenever she tried to go to anyone in her family, they all shut the door on her. there was no turning back, and gigi really ... didn’t have a choice at that point. she knew she was never wanted, but it hurt to know it was a reality from those you made a home with.
from that point on, gigi doesn’t talk about her family. 
she did go to miami. the first flight out with whatever she could stuff in a couple bags. gigi lived in miami for about a year, staying in the united states on a work visa - so yeah, she’s not a citizen. during her time in miami, she learned a bit more english - though her accent is still very much present and a lot of things are very surprising to her in comparison to back home. 
so far she has released one song with ana mena and nio garcia called el chisme. gigi still works hard on all her social media accounts while working in the studio, and constantly networking with those in the same industry as herself - even outside of it !
she moved to LA just before she turned 22, deciding she wanted to know a different place. staying in a place for too long was never her thing, but her manager thinks it’s a good idea anyway. 
what you’ll notice when first meeting gigi is that she always smiles - she has this thing about her where even if her life really does suck - some parts of it - she tries her ABSOLUTE best to be positive, and just giving off positive vibes. i mean of course if you piss her off, different story. 
if you annoy her, she’s passive aggressive - not even that, she’ll just straight up tell you you’re being annoying or something. it’d take a lot for her not to like someone - actually i lied, if you give off a bad vibe, she’d give you a look, pretend to be nice and walk away DKFJHGJDKFGH
sarcastic brat. nuff said. 
gigi isn’t really aware of her “fame” which is so funny. she’ll be out, and if there are people taking photos of her, she’d be very confused, telling them something like “guys im not famous, stop.” even tho ?? sis u r thriving what do u mean ???? 
she gets brain farts a lot - mainly because she thinks in spanish, and has to speak in english. catch her speaking in spanish randomly forgetting the other doesn’t understand. it’s just in her personality to forget sometimes, especially if she gets super excited. 
clumsy ass bitch. NUFF SAID x 100. she is the type to be talking to someone, and then find herself crashing into a door, or almost walking into a busy street. 
she’s your go to if you want spontaneous fun - not just partying, but even just to hang out. you’re bored ? gigi will take you to a painting class. 
she’s clumsy, not stupid ! which a lot of ppl will confuse. especially in clubs, where people will try to take advantage of her, and gi will play dumb up until she’s the one playing the game on them. a devil in an angel’s costume to pit it plainly.
she has issues, like many people ! especially because of her family. it’s a sore spot, and the only way to really forget is when she’s out in the club at night - and well, you know, all the bad things come out to play during those times. she looks to alcohol and drugs to keep her sane sometimes, even when it shouldn’t. it’s not something she talks about either, and prefers it to stay as hidden as possible due to her image being the sweet girl kinda type. 
i really hate that she falls in love 14987348957439 times a day. its cos she tries to see the best in people, and then gets hurt and DKFGHJFDKJGHDF GIRL NO, UR BETTER THAN THIS. it gets her into a lot of drama, i want to push her into a door. 
her happy place is by the beach when it’s quiet with a bonfire and maybe strumming an acoustic guitar. that’s where she’d go to get away from everything. 
she’s never seen snow, and doesn’t know if she’d like it. so that’s something. 
gigi has a fear of seagulls. they’re demons with wings. prove her wrong. i dare you.
she doesn’t like being called by her real name - not even angie. only close friends call her angie since it’s more personal. her brand is gigi, therefore prefers to be called that.
if you call her anything besides that, she may actually just punch you - doesn’t matter if she’s small !! 
i’d add a connections part, but im a hoe for everything you got. let’s brainstorm together !
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danurso · 6 years
(Okay, since @razorblade180 'sing for me' post broke my heart and was really offensive to my feelz i kinda had to do something to patch them up again)
*in a safe house on atlas*
Ruby: *sigh* can’t believe we’re actually in atlas.
Nora: yeah, it was a looong ride.
Yang: *slumping on the couch* i’m exhausted.
Maria: you youngsters are a bunch of pussies, getting tired just from that.
Yang: wrong, we’re not pussies, the only pussy here is blake. *snort*
Blake: *sighs* weren’t you tired?
Yang: i'm never tired for a joke.
Blake: *sighs in defeat*
Jaune: *chuckles* i think some things don’t change. *looks around to weiss standing on the balcony and walks up to her* hey weiss.
Weiss: *looking at the sky* ...
Jaune: weiss?
Weiss: *snaps from her trail of thought* oh, jaune, i'm sorry, did you say something?
Jaune: no, i just...what's wrong?
Weiss: what do you mean? *forces a smile* Im perfectly fine.
Jaune: *concerned* no you’re not, you’ve been spacing out a lot lately and you were silent practically the whole flight.
Weiss: ... *looking away*
Jaune: is it because we’re in atlas?
Weiss: *sighs* don’t get me wrong okay? But this place is the last one i wanted to be, i know we need to find the relic to fight salem and everything else, but still...it's hard to be here again after everything i got through just to escape.
Jaune: ...you’re afraid that your family will take you back home?
Weiss: *looking down* i'm afraid my father will take me away from my family.
Jaune: ...
Weiss: here, with all of you is my place, its where i feel at home *gripping the balcony and with a shaky voice* and i don’t want my father to take me away from it again... *stops shaking feeling a hand on her shoulder and stares at jaune*
Jaune: *with a small smile* don’t worry about that, i won’t let them take you away from us, and i think the others are the same thing, you’re our friend, we’re not letting you go without a fight.
Weiss: ... *staring at him for a moment before chuckling*
Jaune: err...did i say something funny?
Weiss: no, i'm just thinking.
Jaune: about what?
Weiss: you. you changed a lot since our first meeting...who would guess the guy who was always boasting awful pick up lines and serenates would now be the one saying something actually good to help me.
Jaune: *shrugs* what can i say? I'm full of surprises.
Weiss: i bet you are.
Jaune: but i’m not the only one who changed right?
Weiss: *raises eyebrow* what do you mean?
Jaune: i don’t think the weiss i met almost two years ago would allow me to get ten feet close to her, imagine touching her. You used to be way more closed...and distant...and...
Weiss: *raising a sarcastic eyebrow* cold as ice?
Jaune: basically, yes. that's why everyone used to call you ice queen.
Weiss: not everyone, you never called me like that.
Jaune: *rubbing his neck sheepishly* heh, i just thought ‘snow angel’ suited you a bit better then ‘ice queen’.
Weiss: its been a while since i last heard you call me like that.
Jaune: probably because its been a while since i last called you out on a date.
Weiss: i noticed.
Jaune: i know, i can only imagine how much of a pain in the ass i used to be.
Weiss: you were not that bad, at least not in comparison with the spoiled brats that used to hit on me or the ones i was forced to meet when younger.
Jaune: being a heiress must be hard.
Weiss: *looking down* it is... *sigh* really hard.
Jaune: well, that's why we’re here right?
Weiss: *looking back at him*
Jaune: *with a kind smile* afterall, we’re family, if your burden is too heavy we can all help you to ease it, and if you ever need my help, i’ll be there for you.
Weiss: *with a light pink on her cheeks* right, thank you jaune.
Jaune: no problems, now let's go back in, its already late and we need to rest for tomorrow.
Weiss: sure. *follows jaune back in*
Yang: im just saying, no matter how we look at it, you are a pussy.
Blake: yang, for the last time, i'm not a pussy.
Weiss: *sighs deadpaning* you two are still on this?
Yang: blake started, i was just-
Qrow: yeah, yeah, i'm coming. *opens the door to see a pair of tall broad mans with SDC uniform and a man with white hair and mustache wearing a white suit* oh god *sighs in exhaustion* not you.
Guard 1: open up. *pushes qrow away allowing the man in suit to enter*
Ruby: hey! What's going on?
Weiss: *frozen* f-father?
Yang: it's your dad!?
Jacques: weiss *staring at the group* i can’t believe in you, abandoning your home for this?
Weiss: *tries to regain control of her shaking body*
Jacques: don’t you think what you did was enough? Making People mock of our name after you and your sister decided to take on the life of brutes, not only having to fight alongside commoners but also exchanging your own family for them.
Weiss: *still looking down and curling her hands into fists* they’re not commoners...they’re my friends.
Jacques: *twitching eyebrow* friends? You shouldn’t be befriending peoples like them! There are far more important peoples you should befriend! peoples that will actually matter in your future as a businesswoman!
Weiss: *gritting her teeth in frustration* im not a businesswoman, im a huntress.
Jacques: foolishness! At first i allowed you to go to beacon so you can see how miserable and pitiful the lives of the commoners are, but now i realize my mistake, i am taking you back home where is you place! *grabs her by the wrist*
Weiss: no! *yanks her wrists from his grip* my home is where my friends are, they are my real family!
Jacques: i demand that you stop behaving like this! Joining a low-life academy and running away from home just to fool around with commoners! I won’t allow my daughter to keep doing such things!
Weiss: *with watery eyes* I WON’T GO BACK TO THAT PLACE!! NOT AGA-
Weiss: *holding her slightly red cheek*
Jacques: don’t ever raise your voice like this again young lady or i will-GHAAGH!!
Jaune: *punching jacques across the face and sending him back to the wall*
Guard 1: sir! How dare you! *charges at jaune*
Jaune: *dodges the fist headbutting the first guard and then throwing him on the second guard before walking up to jacques* you...
Jacques: *holding a bleeding lip* you commoner...what do you think you’re do-
Jaune: *grabs him by the collar and smashes him against the wall* you asshole *glaring at him with a murderous look* DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT WEISS GOT THROUGH!?
Jacques: *terrified*
RWBY/NR: ...
Jaune: weiss might’ve started as a selfish and cold girl who didn’t cared for the others if that meant delivering good results, but she grew into so much more than that, she’s not the same as she used to be, she now puts her life on the line every day to help people and protect mankind from the monsters peoples like you can’t face, weiss is one of us, she’s our friend, and i can’t speak for the others, but if i have anything to say for me is: if you want to take weiss away, you'll have to take her over my cold and dead body do you hear me? So you better bring an entire army, cause i won't go down easily, have i made myself clear to you!?
Jacques: *nods*
Jaune: good, now go away and take your guards with you! *shoves jacques away and throws the guard over him before slamming the door closed*
RWBY/NR: *speechless*
Maria: hehe, nice one blondie, at least one of you has guts for something.
Jaune: *sighs* i'm heading to bed, see you guys tomorrow. *walks out*
*on jaune’s room*
Jaune: *sitting on his bed*
Jaune: come in.
Weiss: *getting in the room and closing the door behind her* ...hey.
Jaune: hey.
Weiss: jaune, i...
Jaune: i'm sorry, i know shouldn’t have done that with your father but when he slaped you i just couldn’t hold back, i'm really sorry weiss.
Weiss: n-no, it's okay...actually, i wanted to thank you.
Jaune: *surprised* w-what?
Weiss: *sighs* my father isn’t someone easy to deal with as you might've noticed, and even till this day he still has a lot influence over me, so i usually freeze whenever he’s around, i just wanted to say thank you for standing up for me.
Jaune: no need to thank me, i said i would be there if you needed me.
Weiss: i know, but again, thank you jaune...for helping me and standing for me when i couldn’t
Jaune: *with a small smile* no problem snow angel.
Weiss: *with a small smile as well* you know, if you were like this two years ago i might’ve actually given you a chance to go out with me.
Jaune: *jokingly* well, it's never too late right? Wanna go out with me anytime snow angel?
Weiss: after we finish salem i’ll consider it.
Jaune: wait! really!?
Weiss: sure, why not? But you’ll have to wait for it.
Jaune: *chuckles* right, i’ll wait for it eagerly.
Weiss: *crossing her arms* don’t get your hopes up, i never said i was going to accept it, i said i was going to consider. *turning around to leave*
Jaune: yeah i got it, night weiss.
Weiss: good night jaune *leaves and closes the door* well... *walking to her room* i might give that dunce a chance...maybe.
*fifteen years later*
Frost: MOOMMYYY!!!
Weiss: *flinches* y-yes sweety? *looks down at her six year old daughter on her lap*
Frost: mommy you’re with that look again.
Weiss: what look?
Jaune: *sitting on the couch besides her* the ‘im-deep-in-thoughts-right-now’ look.
Weiss: *sheepishly* sorry, i was remembering some things.
Frost: you lost a big part of the movie mommy.
Jaune: we can just go back for a bit, where do i stop?
Frost: go back a bit more daddy.
Jaune: here?
Frost: no daddy! That was too much, go forward!
Jaune: what about here?
Frost: there daddy!
Jaune: right. so, ready to watch it properly now?
Weiss: *staring at them with a small smile*
Jaune: oh god, did you space out again?
Frost: don’t space out mommy!
Weiss: *giggling* i'm not spacing out, i'm just thinking.
Jaune: think later or we’ll never finish this movie.
Weiss: right *lays against jaune*
Jaune: good, let's go *presses play*
Weiss: jaune...
Jaune: yes?
Weiss: you know i love you right?
Jaune: *chuckles kissing her forehead* yeah i know.
Weiss: good. *snuggles on his arm and with frost on her chest*
Frost: shhh, it's going to start.
Jaune/Weiss: *chuckles* sorry.
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absinthc-blog · 5 years
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(  kim  seokjin,  cismale,  he/him,  26.  )  —  CHOI  MINWOO,  better  known  to  the  authorities  as  PROMETHEUS,  has  been  working  for  the  kumiho  for  around  SEVEN  YEARS  as  a  COORDINATOR.  rumor  has  it,  they  can  be  ADAPTABLE  &  CONCILIATORY  but  also  HAUGHTY  &  MATERIALISTIC  which  is  why  crystal  champagne  flutes,  black  cards,  cigar  smoke,  and  tailored  suits  makes  me  think  of  them. 
okay  first  and  foremost  i  want  to  say  a  genuine  THANK  YOU  to  each  and  every  one  of you  for  showing  interest  in  this  group  !  truly,  it's  been my  baby  for  a  while  now  &  i'm  so  glad  i  was  able  to  (  with  help  from  ness,  obviously  )  bring  it  back  for  all  of  us  to  enjoy !  words  can't  express how  grateful  i  am  for  all  of  you  &  for  the  out  pour  of  love  and  support  we've  received  for  kumiho  !  now...  onto  the  usual  intro  stuff  !
hello,  i'm  gem,  i'm  21+,  i  go  by  she  /  her  pronouns  and  i  live  in  the  cst  timezone  !  i  absolutely  love  pain,  angst  &  ruining  my  characters  lives.  i  also  tend  to  use  memes  all  the  time  so  if  we're  talking..  just  prepare  for  memeage.  also  a  fun  fact  that  literally  know  one  asked  for  but  i'm  giving  it  to  you  anyways:  i  cried  the  first  time  i  ever  saw  a  corgi  in  real  life  &  proceeded  to  run  across  a  busy  street  to  be  able  to  pet  it  !  okay  now  for  real,  onto  the things  you're  really  here  for  !
this  dude  right  here  is  minwoo,  he's  a  tiny  bit  of  a  trashy  mess  but  honestly  i  can't  seem  to  play  characters  that  aren't  a  mess  ?  his  backstory  is  still  a  work  in  progress,  but  below  the  cut  is  basic  stats  /  bullet  proof  bio  /  personality  traits  /  basic  wanted  plots  &  a  few  more  random  things  !
if  you'd  like  to  plot,  feel  free  to  add  me  on  discord  (  𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒾 𝕆𝕆𝔽.#9330 ),  im  me  or  SMASH  that  little  heart  button  &  i'll  come  to  you  !
                                 GENERAL  INFORMATION.
full  name:  choi  minwoo. nickname(s): min,  woo,  minnie. date  of  birth:  tbd. age:  twenty-five. nationality:  korean. spoken  languages:  korean,  english,  chinese,  japanese,  thai,  french,  spanish,  german  &  russian. gender:  cismale. pronouns:  he / him / his. sexuality:  bisexual. faceclaim:  kim seokjin  (  jin  )  of  bts. BACKGROUND. hometown:  daegu,  south  korea. current  residence:  seoul,  south  korea. financial  status:  upper  class. occupation:  coordinator. family  connections:  tbd.
                                       EXTRA  INFORMATION.
myers  briggs:  entp-a. (  the  debater.  ) enneagram:  seven.  (  the  enthusiast.  ) temperament:  choleric. moral  aligment: neutral evil. hogwarts  house:  slytherin. sin:  gluttony. virtue:  pride. zodiac:  tbd. element:  fire.
born  and  raised  in  daegu,  south  korea.
parents  were  both  incredibly  well  known.  one  being  a  lawyer,  one  being  a  ceo  of  a  multi-million  dollar  corporation.
they  weren't  around  a  lot  due  to  how  busy  their  schedule  was,  so  minwoo  was  mostly  raised  by  the  nannies  /  maids  that  were  always  around.
there  was  a  tiny  bit  of  resentment  that  minwoo  held  towards  his  parents  for  never  being  around  that  he'd  take  that  out  on  the  nannies,  so  much  so  they  had  a  hard  time  keeping  a  full-time  nanny  hired.  they'd  constantly  quit  their  jobs  due  to  how  minwoo  treated  them.
after  a  while,  though,  the  choi's  were  able  to  find  one  nanny  in  particular  that  didn't  take  minwoo's  attitude  personally  &  didn't  allow  it  to  effect  their  job.  in  fact,  they  started  to  reprimand  min  for  the  way  he  was  acting  out.
at  first,  of  course,  minwoo  didn't  take  well  to  that  at  all.  he  got  more  angry,  started  getting  more  of  an  attitude.  but  after  a  while,  he  grew  tired  of  it..  finally  breaking  down  &  it  was  then  that  the  nanny  figured  out  why  he  was  lashing  out  at  every  person  that  happened  to  be  doing  the  job  his  parents  were  supposed  to  be.
minwoo  started  to  calm  down  after  that  day,  finally  starting  to  realize  that  it  wasn't  the  nannies  fault  that  his  parents  were  always  working  and  couldn't  be  around  to  raise  him  like  he  really  wanted  them  to  be.
it  was  then  that  his  grades  started  to  get  better,  attitude  improving  almost  completely.  sure,  there  were  days  where  it  still  got  to  him,  but  for  the  most  part  he  stopped  taking  it  out  on  everyone  but  the  people  actually responsible  for  the  way  he  felt.
his  school  days  after  that  went  really  well,  acing  all  of  his  classes  and  staying  at  the  top  of  his  grade  the  entire  time.  things  got  different  around  high  school,  though.  his  parents  started  breathing  down  his  neck  about  either  becoming  a  ceo  or  a  lawyer.
neither  of  those  things  is  actually  what  minwoo  wanted  to  do,  fully  unsure  of  what  he  wanted  to  do  with  his  life.  but  he  didn't  want  to  let  either  of  them  down,  so  in  his  free time  he  ended  up  studying  for  both  things.
completely  letting  his  'free'  time  go  in  order  to  please  both  of  his  parents  caused  him  to  start  building  up  his  aggression  &  resentment  once  more.
he  couldn't  take  it  for  much  longer,  his  parents  constantly  yelling  at  him  to  get  his  shit  together  caused  him  to  hate  school,  hate  studying  for  both  things  that  he  doesn't  want  to  do...
so  one  day,  he  snapped.  his  father  bursting  through  his  room  as  he  was  taking  a  break  only  to  start  yelling  &  instead  of  falling  back  into  line,  minwoo  got  up  &  got  in  his  father's  face  and  began  yelling  back.  telling  his  father  that  what  his  parents  wanted  him  to  do  wasn't  what  he  wanted  at  all.
his  father  didn't  take  too  kindly  to  that,  basically  telling  minwoo  that  if  he  didn't  want  to  do  either  of  the  things  his  parents  wanted  him  to  do,  he  could  move  out  and  deal  with  life  on  his  own.
to  prove  a  point,  that's  exactly  what  minwoo  did,  moving  into  his  aunt's  house  as  he  finished  high  school,  finding  multiple  part-time  job  that'd  pay  the  bills  he  needed  to  pay  as  well  giving  his  aunt  some  for  rent  just  because  she  willingly  let  him  in.
those  were  also  something  he  didn't  want  to  do,  but  he  did  them  anyways  just  to  be  able  to  have  some  sort  of  income.
after  he  graduated  high  school,  he  had  tons  of  colleges  that  wanted  him  to  join  them  just  because  of  how  good  his  grades  were,  but  that  also  didn't  seem  to  be  something  he  wanted  to  do.
he  declined  each  and  every  one  of  them  with  little  to  no  regret,  his  aunt  supporting  the  decision  even  though  she  wanted  to  see  him  do  something  better  with  his  life.
those  words  stuck  with  him  as  he  finally  moved  out  of  her  home  &  into  a  small apartment,  busting  his  ass  to  constantly  be  able  to  pay  bills.
it  wasn't  until  he  met  someone  at  the  bar  he  worked  at  that  his  life  started  to  take  a  turn  for  the  better.  the  mastermind  happened  to  frequent  the  place  he  worked,  always  giving  minwoo  a  hard  time  about  doing  better  things  with  his  life, only  for  minwoo  to  brush  it  off.
but  one  night,  min  finally  got  curious,  asking  the  mastermind  what  that  meant.  that's  when  the  offer  to  join  the  kumiho  was  set  in  place.  the  mastermind  had  seen  how  determined  minwoo was,  overheard  min  talking  about  the  four  shitty  jobs  he  had  to  work  in  order  'survive'  just  because  he  didn't  want  to  even  touch  the  money  his  parents  constantly  kept  sending  him  just  out  of  spite.
minwoo  actually  started  out  in  the  kumiho  as  a  runner,  getting  things  that  the  crew  needed  &  hiding  in  plain  sight.
however,  the  second  that  the  mastermind  found  out  about  minwoo's  studies,  they  were  quick  to  suggest  something  more,  explaining  the  difficulties  of  being  a  coordinator  &  explaining  why  they  thought  minwoo  would  be  perfect  for  the  job.
minwoo  was  skeptical  at  first,  though  it  only  took  a  few  days  of  debating  with  himself  before  he  agreed  &  ever  since  then,  he's  done  his  best.  he  wanted  to  make  sure  that  the  mastermind  was  proud  of  the  choice  they'd  made.
most  of  the  time,  minwoo  seems  pretty  cocky  &  sarcastic.
can  be  extremely  blunt  when  it  comes  to  certain  things,  even  if  his  words  might  happen  to  hurt  someone  else.
extremely  selfish  for  the  most  part,  always  looks  out  for  himself  before  he  looks  out  for  others...  but  he  does  still  care  about  others,  even  though  he  barely  shows  it.
also  loves  to  "one  up"  others,  it's  the  competitive  side  of  him  but  he  usually  does  so  in  a  playful  /  teasing  way.
he's  deep  down  really  goofy  &  loves  to  have  fun.  loves  to  explore  &  goof  off  whenever  possible.
has  the  tendency  to  hate  commitment,  so  whenever  feelings  start  getting  involved,  his  knee-jerk  reaction  is  to  run  &  avoid  it  at  all  cost.
is  one  of  those  people  who  pretends  to  hate  everything  &  be  really  serious  but  will  dance  around  his  room  in  his  boxers  when  he  thinks  no  one  can  see  him.
a  very  two-sided  person  but  not  in  a  way  that  could  be  seen  as  fake..  he's  just  got  a  very  serious  side  of  him  vs  the  goofy,  fun  loving  one  that  doesn't  get  to  be  seen  as  often.
extremely  serious  when  it  comes  to  his  job,  though.  will  call  people  out  on  the  smallest  of  mistakes  if  he  thinks  it'll  effect  any  of  the  heists.  he  really  has  no  issue  with  confrontation  &  will  do  so  if  he  thinks  it's  needed.
absolutely  loves  to  cook,  picked  that  up  when  he  was  living  with  his  aunt.  he  started  cooking  dinner  and  meals  so  that  his  aunt  didn't  have  to  whenever  she  got  home.
also  a  tiny  a  bit  neat  freak  so  he  gets  a  tiny  bit  stressed  out  whenever  headquarters  is  a little  bit  messy  and  will  either  just  clean  up  the  messes  or  get  snippy  with  everyone  until  he  figures  out  who  did  it.
loves  fashion,  constantly  is  seen  going  to  fashion  shows  to  try  and  keep  up  with  the  latest  trends  &  constantly  is  buying  clothes  &  accessories.
also  loves  cars,  will  buy  the  latest  and  greatest  models  of  each  and  every  sports  car  that  comes  out.
his  'socialite'  side  comes  out  the  most  during  events  where  he's  around  a  bunch of  people,  creating  new  ties  with  whoever  he  can  knowing  connections  like  those will  help  him  gain  new  followers  &  things  like  that.
known  for  modeling  &  his  instagram  /  social  media  posts,  gaining  a  following  just  because  of  his  'ootd'  posts  as  well  as  the  snapchat  videos  he  posts  about  his  daily  life.
                                                  PLOT  IDEAS.
bad  influence.  (  on  your  muse.  )
best  friends.
current  hook  up(s).
drinking  /  party  buddies.
drunken  hook  up.
enemies  that  used  to  be  friends.
exes  who  ended  on  bad  terms.
will  they  /  won’t  they.
friends  with  benefits.
good  influence.  (  on  minwoo.  )
hate  sex.
one  night  stand(s).  (  past  &  present.  )
partner  in  crime.
past  hook  up(s).
ride  or  die.
trouble  makers.
unlikely  friends.
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tessxomarie · 6 years
Saving You - Part I
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*Hi everyone! First, I need to shoutout @hellosupernaturaldoctor​  for giving me advice and the confidence to even attempt this. This is my very first time writing any fan-fiction and the first time I’ve decided to post any of my writing some place other than a word doc. I’ve had this idea for this story since mid-season of the Mayans, and after the finale I put all my thoughts into a story. It starts off slow, but I promise what I have in store next will be worth it! PS, Any feedback is appreciated! - This story takes place a few months after the season one finale. Ez is now a newly patched in member, Alvarez is still working for Galindo; things have been quiet as of late, well for the most part.*
It’s a Friday afternoon, I’m just getting off of work. It’s hot as fuck outside – guess that’s the price you pay when you live in the desert. I lazily gather my purse from the backroom, before I step foot outside, I redo my hair. What was once a cute pony tail this morning has turned into a mangled mess. As my luck would have it, my hair tie snaps as soon as I go to wrap it around a third time. “Fuck.” I mumble to myself. I always wear an extra hair tie on my wrist, but I cannot have a naked wrist. “Fine, a mangled mane I will have. It’s fine, it’s fine.” I whisper to myself. If I don’t leave here now, I will lose all sanity I have left. Man, what a shit show day today has been, this heat must be getting to the kids. Two broken wrists, a broken arm, a no helmet incident and a random summer cold. I didn’t get puked or shit on, and no kid attempted to kick or hit, so I call today’s shit show a success. Just as I’m about to leave, one of my co-workers stops me, “Leah, good work today. You kept that broken arm kid really calm. Keep it up.” Elena tells me with a smile. “Thanks, Elena. I’m just doing my job, but I always welcome feedback, so thanks again.” I say to her as I head out the back door. It’s 4:30pm, I’ve been on the clock since 6am, one would think I deserve to simply go home and use my complex’s pool – oh one can dream. But nope, I’m still on the clock but I guess you could call this gig more of an always “on-call” service.
I pull up in my old school blacked out Jeep Grand Cherokee about twenty minutes after I leave the clinic to the Romeo Brothers Scrapyard, also known as the headquarters for the Mayans MC.  
Chucky greets me, per usual. “Greetings Nurse Aleeah.” He says to me with a big smile and a salute. I let out a giggle as I always do whenever someone says my full name…I rarely ever go by it, but around here, I hear it more than I have in years. But Chucky, oh Chucky– how does one describe a chronic masturbator who has a good heart and is part of the biker world without truly being a biker? I guess I just did, didn’t I? “Hey Chucky, how are you?” I ask as I park and exit my Jeep. “I am well, swell actually. I have no complaints today.” Chucky answers with a big smile. “Good, I’m glad to hear that.” I say as I give his arm a friendly squeeze. “The boys need your assistance, I don’t know details but clearly someone got messed up hence why you are here.” Chucky explains in typical Chucky fashion.I roll my eyes as I stand in front of the clubhouse. “It’s always something with these boys, huh?” I rhetorically ask. Chucky nods his head and heads back to the office. I walk up the steps and take a deep breath before I enter the clubhouse. This club is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the fuck you’re going to get so it’s best you just grin and bear it. Is it just a cut from a broken beer bottle? Did a fight break out and there is blood everywhere? A bullet wound? A stabbing wound? A rat bite? Like I said, you just never know. I open the doors and pray today is nothing major. “Have no fear, your favorite RN is here.” I announce as I enter the clubhouse and strike a pose in the doorway.  “Umm, isn’t it RN BSN?” Riz corrects as he stands and greets me. “Have I told you that you’re my favorite?” I reply with a playful wink and smile, it does make me truly happy that these guys acknowledge and are proud of my accomplishments. “Hola Aleeah.” Riz says to me while we greet with a warm hug, per usual. “Hey, I spy my favorite nurse!” Gilly shouts from across the room. Creeper, Hank and Taza also wave from the card table. “Greetings gentlemen, you all seem to be in one piece.” I say as I mosey around the few tables between me and the guys. “Although that pleases me, who is the one who called up 1-800-Rescue Nurse?” I sarcastically spit, which receives some laughs from the guys. “They’re in church.” Hank points towards the door. “They? Plural?” I ask looking at Riz, and he nods to confirm. “Jesus Christ.” I say palming my face. “Lee Baby!” Coco shouts from exiting church and walking over to me with open arms. “Ah, Coco Loco.” I reply with a smile and we hug. “How are you doing, Coco?” I ask after we break our embrace. “A lot better than your next two victims.” He replies, him not making much eye contact and that just gives it away – I know automatically who my victims are. “You gotta be kidding me? They got into it again?!” All Coco does is nod and look down at the floor. “How bad?” I ask. “What do you mean? How bad do they look? Or how bad is it between them?” Coco asks me. I shake my head with disgrace. I angrily take my steps towards church and I aggressively open the door. “Damn, she is pissed.” I hear Creeper’s echo as I close the door, as soon I enter the room. Looking at the table, I see them. One is at one end, the other one on the opposite end. I drop my nurse’s bag on the table and cross my arms. “You two have some damn nerve - getting into it again. Jesus. You’re fucking brothers, you are blood – blood don’t do this shit.” I yell with anger and confusion. Silence fills the air as the guys look at each other and up at me. Bishop then looks over to me and quirks an eyebrow and half smile. “Excuse my poor manners, Bish. Your boys tend to make me lose all sanity I have left at the end of a work week.” I tell him as I walk over and give him a warm embrace. “Oh Leah, you’re fine. I know this shit has been out of control recently.” Bishop pauses and looks over to the guys. He takes a deep breath. “I’ll let you handle them now. I’ll be outside if you need a referee.” Bishop exits and I just stand there, crossed arms again. Both boys refuse to look me in the eye, but instead stare each other down. “Are you just going to stand there?” Angel seethes. I let out a sarcastic laugh. “Give me one good reason as to why I should fix the both of you up? Huh? Because as I see it, this is the fourth time this month…THIS MONTH!  Angel, please, humor me and explain to me why the fuck I should tend to your wounds yet again? Maybe if I let you both be, you’ll learn these fights aren’t worth it.” I take a deep breath myself, and I run my hand through my tangled hair, which I then end up putting up in a pony tail right after, I’ll just have to remember to find another hair tie to wear on my wrist later.   “Alright, I’m sorry I went off. You two, you two just frustrate me.” I say holding my hands up mimicking a surrender. I take another breath and look between the boys. My gaze is drawn to EZ, probably because he’s the easier one out of the two. “Okay, EZ, I see that nasty cut on your cheek, oh and your hand – good going big brother.” I say as I look over to Angel. He looks away the moment I look his way. “Shocker, EZ gets to be first yet again.” Angel chirps. “Seriously?” I snap. “I’m over here fucking bleeding, I could be dying but all you and anyone ever cares about is Ezekiel.”   “Shut it Angel, just shut it, please.” I beg. I start to tend to EZ’s war wounds; some cuts, a nasty one on his cheek – I’m guessing Angel’s rings got the best of him this time around. EZ, he doesn’t say much this time I’m here. I know that he feels the same way as me – he’s tired of this back and forth shit with his brother. “EZ, no more. It’s one thing when you all call me to take a bullet out, or to give a rabies shot, but this shit – playground fights, I’m done.” I explain as I place the last bandage strip to his cheek. EZ doesn’t make eye contact, and his jaw is clenched. His knees shaking. “I know, Lee. I’m sorry you’re doing this again.” EZ tells me as he finally meets my eyes for the first time. EZ, he’s easy to read. He wears his emotions in his eyes, his eyes right now are filled with pain and sadness. This whole feud with Angel, it’s taken a toll on everyone in this club. It’s been almost eight months of this fuckery. “Remove the bandage Sunday night, it needs about 48 hours to heal. If you feel the need to remove it beforehand, clean it thoroughly. Have some of your favorite tequila tonight, and you will be good.” I tell EZ as I throw away the things I used to care for him. “Thanks, Lee.” He says as he kisses me on the cheek and walks somberly out of church. My heart aches for EZ, because the pain – physical and emotional is all over his face and body. Angel hasn’t taken his eyes off of the wall nor has he spoken. I slide my bag down the table as I slowly make my way towards him. Rubber gloves are on, and I grab his face. “Let’s see your damage.” I say, like a dog would when a human goes to check their mouth for something, Angel gives me a little tension as I touch his face. Again, no eye contact. A look of annoyance screams from his expression. I see a nasty cut on the side of his head, by his eye – a sensitive area which bleeds more than most. A black eye is also forming. “Jesus Christ, Angel.” I say examining the cut a little further. “This has to stop. I’m begging. I cannot deal with looking at you two like this, because my fear is that one day, I’m going to be too late to help any of you.” “What if it is?” He spews. I scoff, “No more.” Is all I manage to say. I take out an alcohol swab to clean out his cut. “This is going to sting, on the count of three – one, two, three.” I say as I then put the swab against the cut. A loud hiss comes from Angel and an instant reaction of mine is to grab his face and blow lightly at the cut, helping the sting not be so painful. Angel’s eyes then lock with mine, a look of shock and confusion fill his brown eyes. Angel and I, we’ve had a very interesting relationship since I first came to Santo Padre. He gave me an attitude and I gave it right back – he seemed more pissed off when I talked back than just walking away, and the more I talked back, the more tension built up between us. We started out on the wrong foot, and that’s how we have remained. He lets me care for him, depending on the time of day. Sometimes he lets his girlfriend, well I think she’s his girlfriend, Adelita, clean him up. Today, for whatever reason, he stuck around the clubhouse. I continue to blow on his wound, and I wince back in pain for him because I know it had to sting like a bitch. “Uhh, sorry. It’s a habit of mine, when I treat the kids, I have to do this; they hate it too, so that technique helps them...” I ramble and look away because I sense a bit of embarrassment, as I’ve never been “nice” to Angel. I look and reach back at the table to grab what I need next, just as I turn to face Angel again, I notice a very small smile on his face. “What?” I question, because seeing him smile legit concerns me. “It’s nothing, Leah.” He says monotone and lets me continue working on him. A few more minutes go by, and I determine that he doesn’t need any stitches, just a little butterfly work on one of his eyebrows. “Okay, that’s all. No stitches today, that cut on the side of your face, it’s a sensitive area that bleeds more than most. Your eyebrow cut, it’s an awkward cut – it’s ugly but not ugly enough for stitches. My only request is when you clean it out, could you please use both water and soap?” I emphasize. I know how these guys operate. They either use a dirty rag or tap water to clean themselves up. I turn to clean up my stuff and Angel lets out a minor laugh, which catches me off guard. I look at him and quirk an inquisitive look. Angel stands up, he turns behind his chair and lightly pounds his fist to the back of it. “You sounded just like my ma.” He tells me, in the softest voice I have ever heard Angel speak in. I offer him a small smile as I already know what that history is. Angel leaves church, and per usual no other words are spoken, no thank you’s, nothing. I stay behind a few more moments and collect my thoughts and belongings. I hear the door open, at first I’m startled but relieved it’s just Bishop. “How we doin’, sweetheart?” He asks. I let out a very deep sigh and my facial expression tells my feelings of this whole ordeal. Bishop can’t help but laugh, “I know, Lee. I know.” He tells me as he pulls me in for a hug. “I just need to go home and lay in bed and watch a trashy romcom.” I exclaim as I grab my bag. “I think you’ve deserved that, but before you go – you have a visitor.” He tells me. A look of a deer in the head-lights flashes across my face, who the hell could be visiting me? “Just come with me.” Bishop motions for me to take his hand and follow him. Nerves take over, with the Club, you never know what can happen. As I exit the room, I see the guys scattered all over the clubhouse yet all eyes are on me. “Your visitor is the biggest pain in my ass, so make it quick.” Bishop says, but I catch his playfulness I his voice and I look to the bar and I see who Bishop is talking about – Marcus Alvarez.
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iamsonyeondone · 6 years
plus one // kim doyoung
♥  florist! doyoung x wedding planner! reader 
♥  fluff!
♥  2.5k words
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as much as your job required you to run multiple errands and search for whatever the bridezillas were so persistent to having
it was still something you had fun doing especially when you get clients who were unexpectedly easy-going
but even if they werent, you tried your best to look at the brightside
and maybe also confide in the multiple shop owners you had gotten to know through your job
irene, the owner of the boutique that you would always recommend to your clients, is always a sweetheart to you whenever she sees you drop by to check on the dresses
when i meant sweetheart, i meant the kind where she really takes care of you like a motherly figure
“are you sure you’ve gotten enough to eat? wendy stopped by with lunch and she brought some extra. have lunch with me?”
or “did you stain your dress shirt again? change into this one and i’ll take care of that stain,” as she casually whips out detergent and fabric softener from in between the dresses????
but you also have the bakery where you accidentally become the food critic for kun because he cant trust his nephew's friends because they’ll eat anything edible
especially jaemin who may or may not have sneaked behind the counter to make his own concoction of coffee because kun wouldnt’t let them in
but thats because the last time they went into the kitchen, they nearly burnt the building down
anYways, whenever you meet kun its always the usual “try this” “yn what do you think?” “is it a little too sweet?”
and you try your best to give whatever knowledge you have from cakes that your clients have ordered
and kun would have this big smile, thanking you before he rushes off to the kitchen again
aside from the two most loveliest people you’ve ever met on the job, theres was one other person who wasn’t as lovely
or at least not as welcoming
kim dongyoung, the florist you always order from but you just wished he would be a little less,,, sarcastic
it’s not like you hated him for being him
you just cant wrap your mind around the fact that nearly every sentence that comes out from his mouth would be sarcastic
like that one time you couldn’t pronounce peonies and pronounced them as ponies instead and he looked at you with That Look
as if you couldn’t pronounce cat or something
“this isn’t a stable yn. if you wanted to see horses, this isn’t the place you should be going to,”
and sometimes he gets on your nerves when you call out to him and he just ignores you because you’re just dropping by to check on the bouquet order
and he just goes like “did yall hear sumn?”
but one day, when you were absolutely exhausted from tending to a third-level bridezilla aka the second worst kind, and you had your last stop at the flower shop
you went in as per usual and asked if doyoung had already prepared the bouquet you asked him to prepare the day before
and doyoung scoffs, “you think?” 
and it wasn’t even half as bad as he usually teased you
but you’re suddenly in tears and it most definitely caught doyoung off-guard
like he’s always seen you remain firm and strong no matter how annoying he gets most of the times
but to see you in shambles like this made him feel like the biggest douchebag on earth
instead of showing you the bouquet, he brings a tissue box from his desk and wipes your tears, repeating his apologies as much as he could
and as your sniffling and hiccuping from your breakdown, doyoung curses in his head
because he’s the biggest idiot, getting his heart shattered just by looking at your distress
“kun came by because he wasn’t on shift today and knew you would be coming later so he dropped off some bagels and coffee if you wanted. he said it was another experiment,”
while your throat still felt like a pit was stuck in it, you nodded your head slowly while doyoung fetched the paperbag and a cup from his desk
the two of you sat in silence while you nibbled on the bag, thinking to yourself to thank kun when you see him
and doyoung just sits on the opposite side, leaning back on his chair with his arms folded
and you feel like he’s burning a hole through your head with his eyes and couldnt help but take a few glances his way
and he’s just staring right at you
as if he was too far into dream land to notice you were looking back at him
the way his face looked a little solemn, which was unusual for you to see him in that state
that was until you remembered the little breakdown from earlier and your eyes shift away from his dark ones
you couldnt handle the silence any longer, fidgeting in your seat as you sipped your drink
“im...sorry for earlier. it was a rough day and-”
“i’m the one who was supposed to apologize, you don’t have to,” he cut you off, sighing as he combed through his hair with his fingers
“yeah but it must’ve been awkward seeing me be a crybaby,”
and doyoung bites his tongue from agreeing with you 
“we all have our moments, im just glad you dont see mine,” 
you gasp dramatically, placing a hand on your chest, an obvious attempt to lighten the mood
“kim dongyoung cries too,”
“ha ha very funny. I’m not a robot you know,” he rolled his eyes and somehow, seeing you with that growing smile on your face lifted a weight he didnt know had been on his shoulders
“anyways, i need to close up shop now so make sure you got all your things,” he waved his hand, dismissing you as he locked up the back room and packed his belongings
just as you slung your bag over your shoulder, a picture of him and kun as well as their friends were framed and put on his desk
and you weren’t sure how you weren’t able to spot such a striking photo full of a huge group of guys
but when you see doyoung smiling so brightly in the photo, you couldn’t help but smile as well
“if you’re done oggling my friends, you could maybe get out before you get locked in?” he raised a brow, leaving the door open as he waited for you to leave
as he locked the main doors, you couldnt help but imagine that big grin on his face
“why don’t you ever smile as often?” you questioned him out of the blue
“i dont see a need to.” he replied nonchalantly, walking off once the entrance was locked
“whatever floats your boat i guess. by the way...” you trailed off, stopping him in his tracks as he turned back to face you
“thank you, doyoung,” you smiled, waving him goodbye before rushing off to the other direction
for some reason, your cheeks felt like they had been lit on fire and the tightening feeling around your chest felt unfamiliar
and while you were too busy fussing over symptoms that would have been obvious to the public eye, doyoung watched your figure disappear while a smile grew on his face
with a small chuckle he turned the other way and huffed
“maybe smiling isnt that bad,” he mumbled under his breath, taking slower than usual in his walk back home
a week passes and said third-level bridezilla's wedding had finally arrived
and you've never felt more tired than you did in your entire college life
with barely 2 hours of sleep, you rushed around the venue with your clipboard in hand, checking things off your list once they were prepared
after the main hall had been done, it was finally your time to do your job as councellor for the bride but a tap on your shoulder stops you from rushing to the waiting room
"yn? cant believe you forgot something so important," doyoung smirks, pointing to a bouquet of fresh flowers in his other hand
you sigh, thanking him profusely as you took it carefully into your arms
your concealer wasnt doing a good job in hiding your dark circles, and the stray strands of hair that were sticking out from your once styled hair made you look unkempt
"is there anything else you need help with? im free for the rest of the day," doyoung asks without hesitation
remembering the mental breakdown you had that day was a good enough reason to ask you
"i dont- i dont think so but i need to go and see the bride before it starts and then check if the groom's ready and most importantly the rings and the ringbearers are probably with the groom too-"
"I'll check on the groom and the ringbearers, while you go tackle that monster in the waiting room," he chuckle
and you see this wide smile plastered on his face
and for a split second, your heart nearly jumps right out of your chest
but when the thought of the bride comes wrecking through, you thank him once again, running down the hallway with your clipboard close to your chest
while doyoung jogs off to find the groom, his heart racing for one reason only
as your calming the bride down with the second box of tissues, trying your best to maintain the makeup that the makeup artist had painstakingly done for 2 whole hours
doyoung was more than ready, already ensuring the groom’s outift as well as the ringbearer who was the groom’s adorable nephew
all that’s left was to wait for the event to begin
once the bride had calmed down and successfully did not wipe the hours of work on her face, you checked on the bridesmaids before heading off to the venue
just as you walked down the halls, you see doyoung walking ahead of you
as quietly as you could, you sneaked up behhind him, grabbing his shoulders and scaring him
yet doyoung didnt even make a sound
until you pouted and he couldnt resist letting out the most sarcastic yell paired with the most unamused expression
"sheesh, you could've just stopped at not reacting rather than give me the shittiest one you've ever given me," you huffed, brushing your stray strands of hair as the both of you walked side by side
"but it was entertaining seeing you fail, so it wasn't really a failure was it?" he teased
and yet the endearing gesture of his to brush the annoying strand of hair behind your ear is the only thing you can notice
"y-yeah whatever. besides, is everything ready on the groom’s side?” you questioned, avoiding his eyes
“he’s practically ready to say his vows right now. what about the bride? heard she had the sixth mental breakdown today,” he chuckled while you groaned, massaging your temples
“she started crying about her double chin because she’s been stress-eating the past week so the make-up artists had to contour her chin a little more,” your story made doyoung burst out laughing, and although it caught you by surprise, you laughed along, relishing in the rare moment
“let’s get this over and done with,” his smile still shining after his laughing fit
“we?” you raised a brow
“you really think you can handle this bridezilla alone?” he smirked
“let’s do this then,” with a final look and a loud thump of your heart, you and doyoung head over to the venue 
everything went on smoother than you had planned - the bride only started crying after her vows, the cute nephew didnt trip over his own two chubby feet and everything was done just as it did during rehearsals
you couldnt control the relieved smile on your lips and doyoung might have not be able to control his eyes from watching you every once in a while, his smile mirroring yours
“now all that’s left is the reception in two hours. see you later then?” you asked doyoung while everyone else scattered out of the venue
“of course you will. before i go, wear something blue,” he flashed you another smile before rushing out of the doors
did he...ask you that for the two of you to match?
you shake your head from the clouds while your heart raced once more
doyoung really has a way of creeping into your heart
as the reception began and you were walking from one end to another to ensure everything was ready, you dont notice doyoung walking in with a navy blue suit, his hair swept back
because if you did, you would have stopped entirely and knocked into one of the waiters
which was something you nearly did if it werent for one of the bride’s sisters
“did i see what i think i saw, yn?” in a second, doyoung was now in front of you and that damn smirk of his on display
“shut up, you didnt see anything. and anyways, why did you ask me to wear blue anyway? i had to ask irene to borrow me one,” you sighed, brushing off imaginary dust off of your outift to distract you from how good-looking doyoung had become
not like he wasnt good-looking in the first place
“to match with me obviously, i can’t come here uninvited so i guess i’m you’re plus one for now,” he shrugged when in reality, its making it hard for him to breathe and difficult for him to not only focus on you
“i completely forgot-”
“yn! thank you for helping my sister with her wedding- oh is this your boyfriend? is he the one in charge of the bouquet?” the sister’s bride grins wide while the two of you exchanged anxious looks
“y-yeah, he’s the one who arranged the bouquet. how is the outfit change going?” you mustered up a sweet smile to cover your raging heart as you linked arms with doyoung, nudging him to play along
“oh everything’s fine, dont worry about it. by the way, if you guys ever plan on tying the knot, dont fret to call me, i will gladly lend a helping hand,” but before she could go on about marriage, she was pulled to the side by her cousin, leaving you and doyoung 
“to make this easier, why dont i just be your actual plus one?” doyoung shrugged, sneaking his fingers to intertwine with yours instead, making you freeze on the spot
“what?” you nearly snap your head from turning to look at him
“did i stutter?” he squeezes your hand, a small smile adorning his face
“wait, the feelings are mutual?-” you stutter, still wide-eyed from his sudden confession
“oh god you’re such an idiot, but i guess you’re my idiot now,” he let out a tired chuckle, holding you by the waist and pressing a gentle kiss to your temple
kim dongyoung was actually a lovely florist
he just had no idea how to handle ‘feelings’
a/n: its been so long since i wrote that im having so much trouble making sense of my words but i hope you guys like it!!
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readingwebcomics · 5 years
Analyzing Questionable Content: Pages 201-250
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Marten’s closer, Dora. Of course she’d go for his first.
Okay, I’m just going to be upfront and honest with you guys. I’m just really not feeling it for this batch of comics, and that’s part of the reason why I had taken the previous week off. That’s not to say this batch is bad or anything, it’s just... I feel like I have a lot less to say about it than I should. So I apologize ahead of time if this feels too short or if it’s much more dull than usual. I’ll try hitting the high points and give you the proper character analysis I can muster here - the fact that what you see right now, with Marten and Dora going on a date and Faye’s reaction to it, will provide quite a deal of character insight.
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For example, right here. Not even a single page later and Faye’s genuine irritation over the situation is showing, despite what she has to say about the situation.
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Ignoring for the moment the stupid contraction thing (which, if memory serves, will thankfully be dropped after this batch of comics), do Faye’s eyes look... different to you guys? I don’t know, it feels like Jeph’s making an attempt at a slight tweak in his style here and I mostly notice it in Faye’s eyes. I could be looking way too deep into it though, I’m willing to accept that.
They have some light banter, part of which includes Faye continuing to press on the fact that Dora is hyper-sexual and will jump Marten’s bones the second she gets the chance, Faye goes on and continues her nice streak with Marten by offering to make him dinner. Now, I could take this time to point out the obvious, that Faye is clearly doing this much for him not just out of a sense of guilt over how she’s treated him but also bolstered by the fact that, even if subconsciously, she does NOT want Marten to be with another woman and is vying to keep his attention on her... But Faye doesn’t give us a chance to ponder that for very long.
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I don’t blame her, the rims of cans are fucking horrifying. Not as bad as the edges of an outlet box, but thin slices of metal ain’t fun let me tell you.
Despite this, there’s really not much to say about the outcome - we learn that Faye’s last name is Whitaker and that this city has a “punching intern” for the local hospital.
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That... can NOT be legal. Then again, if this city held itself to any standards of legality I’m certain the Irony Cafe would be closed already due to false advertising. Plus, this is taking place in America and Faye isn’t freaking out more about not being able to afford the hospital bills than the fact she was injured, so maybe that’s the trade-off to having a halfway decent medical facility.
Oh, and when everyone gets back home, we get a bit more insight into the mechanics of Pintsize.
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That raises some questions. If this is unique to this particular platform Pintsize’s AI is housed in, how was he able to taste the cake mix in his previous body? If this is universal between Anthro PCs, then why didn’t Marten already know this if he’s been with Pintsize as long as has been implied thus far? I mean I get it, Jeph’s using this as an outlet to create some lore behind the funny robot people in his comic’s universe, but... I dunno, it just feels like this makes Marten seem more incompetent than anything if he didn’t know this about his own Anthro PC. Maybe if he helped explain it alongside Pintsize to Faye to showcase that he knew about this as well? I dunno.
The next day, Steve gives Marten a call:
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Faye, your irritation over the situation isn’t exactly subtle. Also I’ve said it before but I’ll keep saying it - sarcastic Marten is best Marten. I like this Marten a lot.
And so, as a wise Skeleton once said... DATE: START!
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We’re already off to an amazing start with Ellen kicking off! And, oooh, it looks like she tripped and injured herself in the initial play! Can she recover, folks? Well before we find out, we have another comic involving a drastic art shift deliberately invoked from Jeph:
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In all seriousness, the art shift isn’t... bad, per-se, it just looks so drastically different that it catches me off guard. As is what usually happens with Jeph in these situations, it takes the next comic for him to reel himself back and find a happy medium between his original style and the new one he wants to experiment with:
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Marine Biology is not for the weak of heart. You knew what you were getting into when you took on that major, Ellen. But yeah, while I’ll get more into detail as to what I think about the art shift at the end of the post, I’ll say here that I like it as a natural evolution. It seems like every time Jeph improves, the face is the bit that gets the most focus every time. Remember just last post when I was complaining Jeph wasn’t talented enough to portray the silent emotion he wanted to in Faye’s face? Now, I feel like he probably could.
The date goes well enough, and the evening comes to a close:
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My bet is that Steve’s like the Pied Piper of arachnids. I’d believe it were that the case, at least. Also it was mentioned to me that Marten probably did have the eye-shine like the rest of the cast did, but his eye color just made it harder to spot. In this page, that becomes clearer - still hard to see, but much easier than previously.
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Oooh dear. Steve’s in some hot water now. Also I just realized that as of yesterday I’m as old as Steve is. Good God, I’m an actual full-blown adult. Christ.
...I’m going to put off thinking about that for too much longer as we move onto the rest of this batch, okay? Okay.
Anyhow, Dora invites Marten into her apartment for some coffee where she cuts right to the fucking chase:
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It’s probably for the best you read the conversation yourself, they’re pages 226-228. I say this mostly because I really don’t have anything to add or comment on here - Dora’s a smart lady who gives good advice here, makes it clear that while she’s interested in Marten she wants him to be happy, and all-in-all is one of the coolest people ever. Go Dora!
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Go... Dora. Oh. Well, I still think you’re cool. Let’s give this woman some time and cut back to Steve and Ellen!
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I have some things to say about this situation that I’ll touch on a little bit later. Marten gets home and makes it clear to Faye that nothing happened between himself and Dora. While quite clearly relieved, she’s a touch confused.
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So I’m not the only one who feels strangely sad whenever I eat a s’mores Pop Tart? Oh who am I kidding, I’ve got depression, I’m always fucking sad. And hey, speaking of sexy times, Pintsize throws his proverbial hat into the ring!
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Honestly, I kind of knew I should’ve kept track of that pink Anthro PC, but would you believe me if I told you they never got a name? Also could AI fuck over IM? My bet is that 2004-speed internet wouldn’t exactly make it smooth. But man, imagine having sex over the ‘net on Fiber.
...too much? Too much.
The night ends, Steve parts from Ellen telling her he needs a couple of days to sort his head out, and Faye comforts Marten...
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...in, erm, a very Faye way... oh hey, Faye, Fae! I wonder if that was intentional on Jeph’s part. Probably not, Faye isn’t quite a Maniac Pixie Dream Girl. For one thing, she’s better written.
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If memory serves, I think Dora mentioned she was a blonde previously? Either way she’s crystal clear with it now. Also, while I complimented Jeph before on his faces... I’m not going to lie, he could stand to improve drawing skirts. I don’t blame the guy, I imagine skirts are fucking hard to draw.
Oh, and here we begin an annual tradition of Questionable Content:
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I’d like to start a petition for all Questionable Content fans to go by the fan-name “Turkeys” now. You with me, fellow Turkeys?!
...no? Eh, fair enough.
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Here we get some interesting information. At least, it gets interesting in the wake of what comes up later - the timescale is more-or-less confirmed here that this takes place around the early to mid 2000s, likely 2004 or so since that’s when the comic was written. I always assumed, considering we have walking AI around, that the universe of Questionable Content took place in the near future... but rather, it seems more like it takes place in an alternate version of history where our technology is slightly ahead of the curve. And yet a lot of pop culture phenomena remained as it did in our version of history, if what they’re saying is true. Again, this doesn’t get super relevant until later comics where we see just how far advanced the technological level in QC has become.
Ellen drops by the Coffee Shop for some advice:
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Faye’s gotten a LOT more open recently. Back near the beginning of this comic she would never, never openly admit to giving into any kind of carnal need, and now here she is candidly talking about private shower times.
And while they’re discussing things at the Coffee Shop, Marten and Steve are having their own conversation back at the apartment:
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Now here I need to put in my two cents. The characters make a point of saying how they don’t really think the age difference is that big of a deal. Were she legal, which she will be in less than a week, there’s no real problem with an 18 year old dating a 24 year old. I know this is entirely a matter of personal opinion and I fully expect people to disagree with me here. I also suspect this is going to make me sound like a prude, but... yeah, I think there is a problem, there.
Ellen’s a freshman in College. She’s JUST turning 18. While she’s shown to be intelligent enough to get into college early - and good on her for that - she lacks the emotional intelligence or maturity to really strike out into a relationship with someone six years her senior. And Steve, for his part, is too old to get anything out of a relationship with someone so much younger than he is. There’s no real connection there, the difference in emotional maturity is going to make itself evident before too long and the relationship is more prone to self-destruct.
Like I said, feel free to disagree with me there. If you feel like there’s room for a relationship in such an age gap, let me know. I wouldn’t mind starting a conversation or changing my mind, but that’s where my mindset is there - it just wouldn’t work out.
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Remember that last line Dora said. It’s going to get much funnier later, to the point where part of me wonders if that was deliberate foreshadowing on Jeph’s part.
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And here we welcome Ellen’s roommate, Natasha. My oh my, characters are building up, ain’t they? Just give it time, guys. It gets so, so much worse.
(Also am I the only one stuck on that first panel? Just... I know they already made the joke about her dual-major but there’s something so surreal to that I kind of can’t escape it)
And now, to round out our batch of 50:
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Wow. It seems like Dora’s a touch more insecure than she lets on, huh? She seems so cool and in-control of herself that moments like this where it’s surprisingly easy of her to accept that she may have weirded the object of her affections out are much more blatant.
Now that we’ve reached the end of the batch, let’s do our usual beginning and end comparisons:
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Like I said before, Jeph has clearly put more detail into the faces. He’s taking steps in the direction of “realistic cartoon” if that makes sense, further details in the wrinkles of their clothes, their bodies looking more defined, that sort of thing. I can’t really decide if I like this newer style better than the older one, but it’s no question that the newer style is a technical improvement. Nice work!
So what’d I think of this batch? Eh... plot happened, I suppose, but it feels like not much ended up happening. I dunno, for my money this felt a lot slower than the last batch... but then again, last batch had Amanda drop by for a visit, so that may have something to do with it. Either way, we have outright confirmation if we didn’t think so before that Dora is super into Marten, but it’s also made clear she’s not going to step in between the dance he and Faye are partaking in right now. Whether this is a good or a bad thing is entirely up to personal opinion, I suppose. I dunno, I feel like having Dora as a potential wild card offered the possibility for drama to shake up the dynamic going on, and without her I fear the dynamic may stagnate.
I mean, I know exactly how the dynamic’s going to go because I’ve read it, but you get the point I’m trying to make here.
Anyhow, you know what time it is now - data analysis time! In this batch of 50, we have...
Marten: 34/50 – 68%
Faye: 29/50 – 58%
Dora: 24/50 – 48%
Ellen: 15/50 – 30%
Steve: 12/50 – 24%
Pintsize: 11/50 – 22%
Natasha: 2/50 – 4%
Miéville: 2/50 – 4%
 Grand Total:
Marten: 200/250 – 80%
Faye: 192/250 – 76.8%
Dora: 75/250 – 30%
Pintsize: 61/250 – 24.4%
Steve: 34/250 – 13.6%
Ellen: 18/250 – 7.2%
Amanda: 12/250 – 4.8%
Sara: 7/250 – 2.8%
Jimbo: 5/250 – 2%
Turing: 4/250 – 1.6%
Raven: 3/250 – 1.2%
Miéville: 3/250 – 1.2%
Scott: 2/250 – 0.8%
Natasha: 2/250 – 0.8%
Ell: 1/250 – 0.4%
Personally, I won’t be satisfied until Jimbo overtakes Sara in his number of appearances. You can do it, Jimbo! I BELIEVE IN YOU!
...erm, in any case, tune in next week for the thrilling next installment of QC! You ready for more backstory on our main characters? I know I am! See you then.
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nicowtf · 6 years
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​salutations  my  fellow  Cool™  kids     ,     it’s  a  huge  pleasure     .     i’m  luna     ,     a  Lame  ass  living  in  the  actual  hell  that  is  california     !     i am     very     ready  to  write  with  all  of  u     ,     so  don’t  be  afraid  to  destroy  my     IMs     or  my  discord  which  is     @garbage.mp3#2121     !!     i  would  love  to  be  ur  friend     &     make  some  magic  together     .     anyways     ,     let’s  dive  in  on  this  locally  grown  piece  of  trash     .
(   joe keery     •     twenty three     •     cismale     )   look     ,     it's     nicholas    cavanah     from   apartment     5C     !     apparently  he  moved  into  moreau   apartments     1  year  ago     and  rumour  has  it     ,     they  can  be  quite  juvenile     —     good  thing  they’re  also     comical     ,     hey     ?     i  hear  they’re     the jocular     of  the  building     .
nicholas cavanah    &     his  little  sister     (     she’s  about  fifteen  now     )     were  produced  by  his  two    ,     unpleasant  but  somewhat  tolerable  parents     .     his  dad  was  the  local  news  anchor  for  the  area     ,     while  his  mother  was  just  starting  off  her  party  planning  business     (     which  had  been  her  newfound  passion  lol     )     .    he’s  lived  a  pretty  comfortable  lifestyle    ,     but  him     &     his  sister  rarely  get  to see  them   .  
when  nico  was  around  thirteen    ,    his  father  was  given  a  promotion  that  required  relocating  to  vancouver    ,     &     he  knew  it  was  only  going  to  get  worse  from  then  on     .     his  mother  was  super  supportive  of  it     ,    bc  her  business  would     sky  rocket     in  the  city  that  accounts  for  some  of  the  best  socialite  events  of  the  year   .
about  a  year  since  their  settlement  in  vancouver    ,     nico   spent   most  of  his  time  watching  over  his  little  sister  while  their  parents  lived  the  lives  of  total  workaholics     .     he  became  more  of  a  father  figure  to  her  rather  than  her  actual  dad     ,     but  that’s  because  he  made  sure  to  watch  after  her     &    tried  to  give  her  the  best  childhood  she  could  get  when  having  neglectful  parents     .
vancouver  had  managed  to  welcome  nico  with  open  arms     .     he  was  considered  the  class  clown  at  school     ,     &     usually  got  himself  into  detention  for  it     ,    but  he  didn’t  seem  to  care  bc  his  parents  didn’t  seem  to  also    .     although  his  grades  weren’t  the  best    ,     it  didn’t  truly  reflect  how  smart  he  was     .     he  really  can  be  something  great  if  he  applied  himself     ,     but  he  chooses  not  to     .
⟶     𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭     :
once  he  had  graduated  high school     &    his  sister  was  old  enough  to  take  care  of  herself      ,      he  was  quick  to  relocate  from  his  home     &     to  the     moreau apartments     .     distance  from  his  family  was  necessary  for  nico     ,     as  he  wanted  to  take  on  a  new  journey  to  discover  who  he  is     &    see  what  lied  ahead  in  his  future    .    
he  couldn’t  be  more  grateful  for  discovering     elliot  moreau     ,     as  his  parents  set  nico  with  a  certain  budget  that  was  hard  to  cooperate  with  for  most  available  properties  in  the  city     .    working  part  -  time  at  a  local     music  store    that  is  walking  distance  from  the  apartments  had  been  providing  enough  to  get  everyday  necessities    ,     &     he’s  pretty  content  about  working  with  all  sorts  of  instruments  while  also  being  able  to  stack   hundreds  upon  hundreds  of  records     ,     tapes    ,    &    CDs     .
as  for  college  ,   he  is  taking  a  variety  of  general  classes  though  he  hasn’t  established  what  major  he  wants  to  settle  himself  in     .     he’s  just  kinda  lost  right  now     ,     so  hopefully  he figures  something  out  as  he  develops  within  this  group     .
⟶     𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐚     :
so  first  things first     ,     he   hates   going  by  his  full  name     .     he  thinks  it’s  fucking  cringe     &     u  sound  like  his  mother  when  u  call  him  that     ,     so  he  prefers  to  go  by     nico     .   if  u     don’t     call  him  that     ,   he  will  probably  h8  u     .     so  call  him  that     (     or  don’t     )     .
he  is  dumb     ,     &     he  is  an  actual  child    .    it’s  strange  considering  he  had  to  step  up     &    take  on  the  role  of  a  guardian  at  such  a  young  age     ,     but  he  lacks  in  maturity  with  almost  everything  other  than  his  sister    .
he  tends  to  joke  about  everything     ,     &     it  gets  himself  into  trouble  all  the  time  for  it     .    joking  is  his  way  of  protecting  himself    ,     as  a  way  to  hide  what’s  actually  going  on  beneath  the  surface    .     it’s  also  just  a  coping  mechanism  for  whenever  something  tragic  is  going  on     .
his  ego  is  pretty  high  up  there     ,     but  i’m  telling  u  right  now     ,     it’s  totally  bogus     .     he  feels  like  the  worst     ,    but  acts  like  he’s  the  best     .
when  it  comes  to  girls     ,    it  really  depends     .     when  he  thinks  a  girl  is    so     gorgeous     ,     he  kinda  turns  into  a  mega  dork  in  front  of  her    .    he  tries  to  make  the  ladies  laugh     ,     but  usually  they  just  end  up  laughing  at  him  rather  than  his  jokes     …     but  he  doesn’t  complain     .     his  favorite  feature  on  a  woman  is  her  smile   .
ultimately  i  would  say  he’s  a  decent     &    kind  human  being     ,     with  a  tendency  to  make  stupid  remarks  or  be  too  sarcastic  with  everything    .     he  likes  to  tease  people    ,     but  never  intentionally  tries  to  hurt  them    ,    bc  if  he  did    …    he  would  feel  really  bad  about  it    .
when  it  comes  to  the  people  he  deeply  cares  for     ,     you  can  expect  him  to  be  one  of  the  most  loyal     &     protective  guys  you  could  ever  meet     .     he  would  do  absolutely     anything     for  the  people  he  cares  about     ,     &     that’s  a  fact     .
he  likes  to  play  the   guitar     &     drums     ,    considering  he   needs     something     to  impress  people  with     .     i’m  joking     (     for  the  most  part    )     .     he  really  loves  music    ,    enough  to  pursue  a  career  in  it  but  he  just  doesn’t  think  he’s  good  enough    .     i’ll  be  posting  some  of  the     guitar  covers     that  he  does  to  songs  on  here    ,    like  it’s  his  soundcloud  or  something  lol    .
has  a  secret  obsession  is  comic  books    ,     &     note  the  word     secret    .     he  feels  like  such  a  fucking  geek  but  he’s  a  sucker  for  them    ,    especially marvel    .    peter  parker  is  like  an  icon  to  him     ,    maybe  even  a  man  crush     ,     but  u  didn’t  hear  it  from  me     .
i  don’t  know     ,     that’s  about  it  for  now     !    i  really  wanna  see  him  grow  in  this  group  with  all  ur  fabulous  muses  around  him    &    eventually  see  what  he  becomes     .     if  u  read  all  of  this  then  u  are  the  very  best    &    i  love  u    .
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alyjojo · 3 years
20 memories & isms I love about you.
1. He sent me flowers at work. Twice 🥰
2. He left work to help me fix my tire, outside my ex’s house. Never drove on a highway before that day. (no I shouldn’t have dated the guy, but that particular Gemini is the asc degree of our composite chart, he’s the reason we ever met at all, and hubby is the reason we broke up so...lesson learned)
3. He made me eat his mom’s food. Not only that but excitedly. He’d be like “mom is making hot spaghetti and you’re gonna come over and have some”...I’d say no thx 20 times but he wasn’t hearing it. Hot spaghetti day. I felt weird having someone’s mom cook for me. She probably felt weird too tbh, but he was so over the top happy about mom, food, and me, that it didn’t seem to matter and worked out fine 😆
4. He’s so forward, and bold as hell. I’m irritatingly shy and very guarded. Literally the only way he got me was because he’d act before I could really even think about it or think myself out of it. Winners mind.
5. He moved me into his moms house. I was not ok. Not not not. My pride is...well it exists, and burns like fire whenever help is given. I will never ask in all my life and idc, feels better that way. Will gladly die first. My rotors were broken though (I could write a book just about car problems fr), I needed two and it was gonna take awhile. I’d be in the city and he’d be way out there. He’s like nah. You stay. He insisted...and I stayed. Staying was not a me thing, he changed that.
6. He gave me a baby. After all of the years I didn’t have periods, needed pills to have a normal body, all of the times I talked myself out of that sort of life altogether because I clearly didn’t have the guy (ex was not a kid guy) or the working body parts to even do that, must not be for me. First time in our new apartment, boom baby.
7. First time in our slightly bigger and nicer apartment, boom baby 2. We started actually using protection after she was born. Clearly we can.
8. He worked stupidly long hours and put up with so many people that just had no fn clue, it put a strain on everything, most of all him. When he got the offer for Indy, I pushed it. And pushed it. And pushed. May as well have pushed him right out the door, we were going, because those people suck and you’ll never get the chance to be seen while you’re doing that glorified delivery guy’s job for him. We’re going. So, we did, and he got me out of this damn state. At least once.
9. He loved getting lost with me, and it was my favorite thing. Indiana is a beautiful state and I encourage anyone to get lost there, on purpose.
10. I forgot work. He caused some serious change. Everyone else lost their job, including hubby’s favorite person ever, Jonathan. Today he’s the sole survivor of a mom and pop shop, and I’m so unbelievably proud of him. The best part though, is two of the guys from work used to come see me at my new work all the time, with all their bar bitches 😆 They were my favorite people, I was always so excited to see them. Hubby tried to get them back on, and did for one of them. And when the bigger boss needed a new smaller boss bc hubby was leaving the state, hubby fought like hell for Jonathan. Like Highlander, there can only be one *sksksksksksk* They looked at a couple and hubs was like no only Jon knows the ways of the force. They hired him back, Jon has sent him some of the sweetest thank you messages...it changed his life, and hubs still loves him very much. It’s adorable.
11. Screamy baby Shmoo, she was a screamy baby, and so very beautiful. Baby Bam was like a dream, she was the perfect baby in every way. My screamy baby Shmoo was also a perfect baby, with a pitch that could break glass and sometimes she just wanted to practice for hours. Usually I got her to bed with mama snuggles & milk, singing Alison Krauss and rocking. Sometimes though, on the roughest nights, it’d be over an hour before I’d open the door with screamy baby still in a fit, and he’d take her. He’s so warm and calm, he’d win every single time, and I’d be like...zzzzz tysm ily tyty zzzz....
12. His jokes. He’s not funny (yes he is don’t tell him). He thinks he’s funny. He jokes all day every day about everything always. The girls know when dad says something to be skeptical bc he said they gotta go outside and till the land with tiny shovels, and when I roll my eyes they know he’s full of it. What’s funnier, his mom was the kind of person that took things literally always. Every time him and his goofy dad were being sarcastic, I’d have to tell her that because they’d have her believing crazy stuff. My kids share a lot of her isms, that’s one. My son absolutely does not joke, he is quite literal (so far), and I always have to scold hubby or tell lil guy nooooo he’s kidding. I don’t talk about his silliness nearly enough and I should, that’s him ❤️
13. His relationship with his mom. His mom was always on the...I wouldn’t say weaker side, but older, regular pain, on disability. He was her BABY. Her eyes lit up like Christmas when he entered the room. She loves him so so much. His sister... You know the kind, or...just imagine, probably close. He hated it. He got his job pretty young and just kept it. Always had money, always offered to help his mom, always was like IM FINE MOM. She just wanted to do for him, and he’s always been the kind of guy that wants to do for himself. And she was so funny, she’d slip $20 into the diaper bag and tell me “don’t tell him”, putting it on me. So we’d get in the car. And I’d be like there’s $20 in the diaper bag, knowing he’s gonna be pissed if he finds it (she needs it). And he’d get it, run into the house, set it on her table, and run out the door while she ran after him hollering protests 😆 Lots of other stories too. I miss her so much, I can’t even imagine how much he must.
14. His relationship with his sister, and other whirlwind people. He’s like a rock. I’ve spent lots of time with his sister, but not at once. The one day I did, I came home and my brain was so full of her bazillion ideas and impulsive let’s do this and just one thing, opposite thing, different subject, back to the subject, hey let’s do this, omg I have an idea. I love her to death but I had to sit and just...dump my brain. Ask myself for my own input bc I’d lost wtf...what were we doing again?!? Him though? Doesn’t miss a beat. No...no...no...I’ll think about it...no...no..change subject. No issue saying no. Back then I was like thank god, girl would have me on a cruise to Aruba tomorrow with costume jewelry and black face before I could even think to protest. Not him.
15. Making up. The difference between Taurus moon and Sag moon is that Taurus moon stays mad for the rest of their lives (hello...) and Sag moon wakes up in the morning like nothing happened in the history of ever. This was something that irritated me THE MOST. Don’t make me laugh, I’m pissed at you. Over the years, it became the only way we’d talk at all sometimes. Is certainly the only reason we made up, countless times. He never stopped trying to make me smile, even if I wanted nothing to do with it.
16. Acts of Service. Is not mine, which is either words time or touch and I really can’t decide which. All. He speaks a whole other language. He will let me nap, or take the kids somewhere, he will spontaneously clean or go grocery shopping, walk the dog, mow the lawn, hang out at the birthday party. It didn’t start right away, more and more as he learned my isms. He’ll make me coffee as I’m coming down the stairs. I rarely have to ever ask for any practical thing. He knows my orders for anything, recently there’s been twice that he literally read my mind before I spoke. I try to do the same for him as much as I can, because I know that’s his language and I really appreciate him.
17. Bedroom games. The man knows my body like a map, no, an Excel spreadsheet 😭, and how to get every reaction he’s looking for. He is the only man to ever satisfy my insatiable ass. He made me a whole new person in that regard. He says the same about me. Never an issue there. It’s this far down the list cuz it’s not the most important, but it’s pretty important too so there that is.
18. We share the same goals. We judge the same way, like why did they wrap this like that it looks sketchy. We parent the same. We decide the same. We critically think and weigh ideas the same. We walk the same line in the same direction. If anything he’s too negative sometimes, but that’s his own personal thing. Can’t be full of Capricorn and not lean more toward pessimism (not “realism”) sometimes I think. If it’s worth it, I’ll try to coax him to middle ground. Sometimes it’s a battle, but only if I’m really sure. Usually, he’s right, so I just let him lead.
19. When I was pregnant with my son. Initially. It was hell. His car was trashed, mine was broken and thousands of dollars to fix (this particular car in this particular year has this and what a coincidence it was particularly my problem...cars, I’m telling ya). I was two feet out the door with his shit, but his sister’s issues led to my heart. Because her kids. I love them very much, of course they can stay here and not with some strange person hell no. I cannot describe how angry I was at him. HE strapped backpacks onto his back and walked to the nearest store. Hauled so much crap in a huge backpack and just his arms. Over the course of two months. He quit drinking. He went above and beyond to do get offer or provide anything I could even imagine. More romantic then I think I’d ever seen him before. At least...it had been some time anyway. Of course...he was lying to me. The whole time. To what extent idk. Regarding the work shit, idk. Thus the question and the dream and the crazy and the...crazy 😞 Wanted to piss me off boy he got that tenfold. His actions during this time period are 💯 why I stayed. He was clearly trying like hell to prove to me he could try, and it’s more than anyone I’ve ever known has even bothered to “bother” with. I was impressed, and proud. Respect counts for a lot more than love sometimes, and at the time I respected him.
20. He’s an amazing father. There are so many stories I couldn’t possibly write them all. Our son though, he chose daddy, right from the start. Nothing like our daughters, nor any kid I’d known. He’d scream, FOR his dad. He’d only sleep on his shoulder. Hubby held this baby for hours on end. If he didn’t baby would demand it, but it was very natural to them both. Baby wanted a bottle, and hubby to give it to him. It blew my mind. Hubby got his little teammate and together they’ve changed my life and perspective in ways I couldn’t have ever imagined.
I’ve spent so long sporadically venting on here that I don’t think I’ve ever posted the sweet things. So many great memories and daily...everything...are missing, so many years and little moments. That would take forever. Its always been my frustrations, which was the purpose. This is my heart. No matter what happens, all of these things will always be true.
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nanuri169 · 7 years
Candy Shop Chapter 4
Chapter 1  Chapter 2  Chapter 3
Summary: Alexis is the leader of a small, but thriving community, hidden deep in the woods. It seemed that the people living there have found a small, fragile understanding of peace. How long can a quiet life last when Negan finds them and shows interest in what the small colony has to offer?
Chapter 4:
The giggling that came from Kitty as she enjoyed riding around on Negan's shoulders annoyed Alexis to the edges of sanity. She was far from covering her disapproval in the leader of the Saviors even coming close to her child. And now Kitty had a crush on him. Amazing.
When they entered the farm house, two of his men followed them. Alexis remembered them as being Dwight and Simon, Negan's front row men. While Simon miserably failed to hide a grin while he watched his leader playing around with the little girl on his shoulders, his mustache moved by every twitch his lips made, the reddish blonde guy next to him looked around cautiously, nearly nervous. He looked like was about to pull off some crazy shit, which made Alexis even more tense. That guy could do whatever he planned everywhere else, but not in the middle of her home.
Alexis snippily explained the purpose of every room, but Negan didn't even seem to listen, as he was busy joking around with Kitty. Of course the little girl loved it and the brutal leader turned to a little boy from one second to the other.
"What do you say, Sy? Wouldn't I be a fucking amazing daddy? Maybe I should really leave something inside one of my wives the next time we have a big time screw session."
He laughed while he fixed Kitty on his hip, his gloved hand thankfully holding her securely.
Alexis hissed, but Negan didn't even bother to shoot her a glance.
"Another rug rat cursing like a sailor and barking orders? Hell no."
Simon and Negan both leaned their heads back to laugh heartily. Dwight and Alexis on the other hand just shared a look, definitely having less fun. But it told the young woman more about the relationships in here. Simon was the only one who wasn't shitting his pants to speak up to Negan, he actually joked around with him and seemed to share his vulgar humor. Still, he sure as hell knew where the borders laid. Negan was in charge, the unquestionable boss. Dwight didn't seem comfortable around his leader. His nervous habits gave him away and he never spoke, only when he was asked something and even then very sparsely.
Alexis continued walking, not bothering if the men were done with their laughter. She shortly knocked before she opened the door to the most precious room here.
"This is the nursery. Katherine will stay here now."
She put sharp emphasis on her daughter's name and looked right into the pale blue eyes that matched her own so much. It kept Kitty from daring to argue, she knew that look on her mother's face. Alexis took her from Negan's arms and handed her to the younger woman, Sharon, that was looking at her leader and the men she brought with her with fear.
"Keep her inside. I mean it."
Her voice left no questions. Sharon flinched, looking even more frightened by Alexis' tone. Turning on her heels, she pushed Simon and Negan out of the room and led them towards her office. Negan whistled impressed.
"You're even more scary than I thought. Keeping your people in check by frightening them, even though you're freakin' tiny, impressive."
She shot him a glare and sat on her desk after letting the three men in.
"We're here to discuss matters of interest, so shall we?"
Alexis said annoyedly, still mad that Kitty behaved so trusting towards the stranger men. As if she hadn't taught the girl better.
"What, don't you want some guys for back up in here? I'll always let my guys have a say in shit like this, you know?"
Cocking an eyebrow, she tapped her foot impatiently.
"How generous of you. But I prefer to work alone, thanks."
Negan stepped forward and took a look around the room, swinging Lucille by his side lazily, while Simon took a seat on one of the stools in front of Alexis. The right hand man had already noticed this predatory gaze Negan eyed the other leader with. He knew this look, he had seen more often. For example on Dwight's wife and her sister. Actually whenever he wanted a woman and they weren't easy to get. Negan hated if he didn't get what he wanted, so this girl was in serious trouble. But Simon had to admit that from what he caught glimpse of, he liked that one. She was good at what she did and was one of the few people that wasn't immediately intimidated by Negan. Alexis stood her ground and it was admirable.
"So, Lexi, what kind of shit do you need?"
Negan looked out of the window and enjoyed the nice view to the forest. Horses could be seen farer away, it actually looked pretty peaceful. It could easily make one forget that it was the fucking apocalypse.
"Not much. We're quite good on the basics. Well, food is always a matter. Guns. Antibiotics. Some blankets."
She decided to be truthful with him. If this should work in any way, she needed to be. Even if she hated to give some information away.
"Guns, you say. Well, we have many."
The tip of his bat touched her shoulder and lightly scratched down her leather jacket onto her forearm. Alexis showed no reaction to the provocation.
"...But why should we give them to you? How can I be fucking sure that those blow job lips of yours spill nothing but lies?"
He had walked around her, Lucille now resting against her leg.
"We have an agreement, Negan. You always make it seem as if we just profit from you, but I sure as hell have many things you want, too. I feed most of my people by stuff we plant on our own. How about someone who can show you how to do that efficiently? Isn't that a fair exchange for some guns?"
Negan looked over his shoulder to Simon who smirked lightly.
"I told you she's likable."
The leader grinned as he spoke.
"...Deal. For the rest we need to scavenge. I'll pick ya up tomorrow. Bring two of your men."
"Fucking amazing how you leave me any say in this."
She looked up to him provokingly.
"Do you have a to freakin' be somewhere, doll? What is it? Getting your nails done? Shopping? Girl's night? Oh wait, no, I forgot, it's the apocalypse. Bet your calendar isn't that full."
Negan stated sarcastically, annoyed by her constant habit to question everything he says.
"Fine. Are we done now?"
She spat and Negan chuckled.
"So eager to see us leaving? Not yet, darling, you haven't fulfilled the second part of our bargain. You know, the riding part."
He moved his hips in an explicit way, to which Alexis rolled her eyes. She stood up and pushed him backwards so she could walk past him.
"Well then, hurry."
"Oh the holy fucking fuck, this is goddamn amazing, why the hell hasn't anyone told me how much fun this shit is?"
Negan had the brightest, pearly grin on his face since the moment he mounted the horse. His booming voice clearly irritated the usually quiet mare, but thankfully she didn't spook. Alexis just rolled her eyes at the salve of curse words.
"Can't you for once shut your cake hole? Horses are sensitive, they don't like if a loud dickhead on their back shouts around."
Annoyed, she continued to walk next to the horse. She held the reins in her hand as she didn't trust Negan to handle it all at once. He obviously struggled to hold the balance with his long, lean body.
"Did you just say cake hole? Freakin' Brit."
Alexis spared him a look.
"Yeah. Can you please concentrate? I don't want to pick up your gangly ass from the dirt."
Now she fired his unbounded ambition. He growled lightly at the insult.
"I'm not gangly. I can show you how un-gangly I am, darling. Why don't you hand me the damn reins and step aside?"
The young woman tried hard to hide her amusement at his childish behavior, but she just shrugged.
"Don't complain about me not warning you afterwards."
She handed him the reins. He probably already noticed that this was a bad idea when his hands left the horn of the saddle, but of course he was too stubborn.
"Yeah, I don't need to get walked around like a freakin' kid. Can't be that hard."
Negan sure as hell wouldn't think that for long. Alexis chose the most quiet horse she had, but he still was an inexperienced rider and had no clue how to use his legs and the reins to lead the horse properly.
The second she stepped aside, he did the worst thing possible: To stabilize himself, he closed his legs tightly and of course the well taught horse took it as a sign to go faster. She fell into a slow trot, but of course it took Negan off guard.
"Whoa! Easy, buddy!"
He lost control more and more by the second while the mare continued to trot towards the other horses on the meadow. When he finally had the idea to let his legs loose, the horse stopped all of a sudden and the exact thing Alexis had predicted happened. His feet slipped out of the stirrups and he fell down like a limb meat sack, landing on the ground with a thud followed by a groan coming from Negan.
Alexis strutted towards him, hiding her smile with her hand. Negan laid outstretched in the dirt and cursed under his breath, but he was obviously not hurt. Just his ego took some deep hits.
"Don't you dare say a word."
He mumbled and then Alexis couldn't hold it back any more. Her head fell backwards as the most genuine laugh escaped her throat. She hadn't laughed in quite a while and she couldn't stop. Negan couldn't help but notice how angelic it sounded. It was infectious.
"I really had to fall from a fucking horsey to make the woman laugh. Seriously, that tells a lot about how screwed up you are."
After a while, the laugh faded into a giggle and she held out her hand to help him up.
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."
His gloved hand clenched around her forearm and Alexis pulled him up. Negan quickly cleaned his jeans and leather jacket off the dirt.
"I'd bash your pretty head in if you'd even think about spilling it."
He finally let go of her arm and Alexis immediately turned to her grazing horse and loosened the girth of the saddle and took the bridle off. She ignored his joking threat.
"Well, next time simply listen to what I say and it won't happen again."
Without hesitation, she handed him the heavy saddle to carry back to the barn.
"You sure as hell know that I'll have a problem with that."
Chuckling, she walked beside them through the knee high grass.
"Your problem, not mine."
When they reached the stable, Alexis brought the tack to its usually place and then picked up the bats they left up here. She threw him Lucille and he easily caught her, instinctively letting his hand glide over the weapon's smooth surface.
"Will you let me say goodbye to your little girl? She's cute as hell."
Alexis took a deep breath and made the mistake to look into his mischievously glistening eyes. He was telling the truth, he really liked Kitty. Negan may be a cruel asshole, but hurting kids wasn't his style.
Rolling her eyes, she walked back towards the farmhouse with him and peeked inside the nursery.
"Kitty, say goodbye to your new...friend."
The last word she said through gritted teeth as she saw her daughter happily hopping towards her, smiling brightly at Negan. Well, these two obviously had found each other.
"Goodbye, uncle Negan!"
Kitty lisped a bit when she spoke his name, but it made it even more adorable. Her toothy grin struck something in Negan that everyone, including himself, thought was long dead.
"See you soon, cutie."
He ruffled the girl's hair and spared a grin at Alexis before he walked out of the farm house, leaving the community for today.
Alexis hugged her daughter tightly and watched the group leave through the window. She took a deep, relieved breath, tension falling off her shoulders. But she had to admit that this little incident early surely broke the ice between the two leaders.
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