#im at work rn so i can use their free wifi
coffeeknife · 3 months
blog reintroduction
the last time i used this account was when i was still a teenager. didn't feel like deleting and remaking on this handle though so uh. hey, i'm robin. i'm a married butch lesbian in mn. mostly logging back in so i can archive stuff on here where other people can see if they want
stuff i might post abt (under the cut)
managing physical/mental disability (my wife and i both have eds)
being broke and maintaining sanity/quality of life
it stuff. i have a cluster of servers at home running a lot of stuff to automate life. some stuff replaces subscriptions but i also do some budget smarthome stuff to make our living situation a little more accessible. i've also dabbled in backing up my personal healthcare record
more generally, extending the lifespan of (sometimes much older) tech & bending it to your will
some interests, though i tend to stay out of fandoms: trigun, dunmeshi, pokemon, ffxiv, persona series (but i dont touch that fandom with a ten foot pole) and a few others im sure i cant think of rn
also, feel free to send me asks about random tech things. i'll post some of my stuff later, but a quick rundown of my daily stuff
JUST replaced my phone. i only got my head out of the apple brainrot very recently, but my phone is a refurb'd note20 ultra that i intend to use for a very long time
desktop i built on the cheap. i5 (dont buy intel new, theyre zionists), intel arc graphics for video encoding
working on moving from a 2018-ish macbook air that's somehow barely runing to a 2010 thinkpad i salvaged from an ewaste bin. it's running pretty well on arch with a cheap SSD but it needs a new battery and a better display (and a modern wifi card eventually)
my server cluster that i've built over the last 10 years or so:
the manager computer is a 2017 imac i cut open to put more ram in. it was my primary computer until this year
2 raspberry pis that the manager dishes out tasks to. one is hooked up to an 8tb hard drive that it serves to the other 2 computers. the other has a zigbee receiver to handle cheap smarthome devices
3rd raspberry pi dedicated to networking. outside of the cluster, hosts a vpn so i can get into my stuff from anywhere without exposing it to the internet
salvaged two acer EEE laptops that i really want to convert into parts of the cluster bc i'm running out of cpu. they didn't come with power supplies and i have yet to get them to turn on
part of my goal for being active on here is to put some accessible resources on home servers out there. bc imo theyre insanely useful and learning how to do this stuff in general is good in the age of technological walled gardens
ok bye. follow me if you want ig, send me asks abt it stuff and i'll probably have something to say
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scrimblydiddledoo · 1 year
hello! this is a quick intro post for my tumblr! it hasn’t been announced on my TikTok yet because i wanna wait until all my personal bizz is over with to connect the accts, which will hopefully be soon! 😅
(very long post so its going under a cut!)
in the meantime, hello! i’m Scrimbly, any alternative of that name is chill to use for me, i use he/they pronouns interchangeably or exclusively- either is good 👍
my account focuses on FNAF stuff- particularly FNAF Security Breach and more specifically the Daycare Attendant <3
you can find funny vids and drawings on my TikTok, and on here i’m gonna focus on posting full artworks so that anyone who wants to can see them in a more direct way than me recording them on my phone in a >30 sec vid
(i dont have anything posted yet bc i dont have wifi and therefore no way to get files from my pc to my phone, which will hopefully be resolved soon 🤞)
im hoping itll be easier to post updates and such here since it’s less algorithm based than TikTok and other social medias- plus its the only social media i’m really comfortable with- since i’ve been using it for the past 5 years or so
ALSO: i have an AU fic in the works! (slightly hiatus rn bc i dont have internet on my pc or laptop, which i need to use google docs 🥲) It’s called The Eternal Night, i havent revealed pretty much anything about it yet, because i want it to be practically spoiler-less until i start posting it, so that suspense can build as the chapters are released 👀
the reason it’s taking me so long to post the fic is bc i want to be pretty much finished with at least the first arc before i post it so that i don’t lose motivation 😅 i have a problem with losing motivation for a project after i start to show it to people, so pushing myself to finish it before posting anything is helping me work on it!
sorry for the dump of info, i’ll redo this post eventually and have everything more organized and such, probably when i can do it on desktop, regardless- thanks for reading this far! i’m super excited to keep posting and making more content in the future!
Edit: ofc i forgot until i posted it- but my inbox should be open, feel free to send some asks! i don’t bite lol :)
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christinegone · 6 years
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                      okay,  i figure out that i need a month before i can get internet and settle down in my house.    rn is a  really . bad time moneywise for me.      i do want to remind people i can do base icon commissions ( especially phantom 25th anniversary ones ) and graphics, such as instagram edits and to some extent promos ( mainly gif ones tbh ) 
message me if your interested !!  rn my prices are low because i have two days off next week and basically need to do things before i die of bordem !! 
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shilo-sumac · 3 years
heyooooo imma Shilooooo!!!!
((This blog is in character in the Pokemon universe. This may trigger unreality in some people. Ask me to tag any extra triggers. Some topics may be emotionally heavy, but not extremely graphic, and will be tagged.))
last change 9/15/24: changed around formatting and wording on some sections
Pelipper mail is on!
Musharna mail and malice are on!
Mystery Gifts are on!
Current arc: None at the moment!
ps: You are absolutely free to go through my blog and spam like and reblog i love that it makes me feel loved (no pressure to ofc just if you wanted to anyways)
Writing starring Shilo!
An Ache
hiya! im a pokemon rescuer, shelter, rehabilitator, trainer, uh. other things too! liiiiike ive made it into the Sinnoh Hall of Fame :3c ... uhhhhhh i try not to make too huge a deal about it aha........ me n my Pokémon partners are pretty strong and awesome tho. born in unova, currently in wonderful sinnoh.
she/they, in my mid 20s (i think...)
heres my og team!
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due to my passion and job i have a decent amount of 'mons that i can shift around as battlers as well as ones that are just pets. if i had to choose a team of six right now I'd probably go with these, but theyre subject to change!!!! yahoo options!!!
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mmmm okay what else.... so um, im on a decently large plot of land with a handful of facilities to help me out. it's on an island off the coast of Sinnoh, and its all dedicated to helping pokemon!!! i mostly do my work alone, so i have a limited amount i can reasonably care for tho even with all the space. (... good thing sleep is for the weak >:3) occasionally i may be quiet for a while, the wifi here is........... temperamental
Rin-tin-tin the one eyed Zoroark also has access to the blog, she was the first friend i ever really had and ive known her for a real long time. she likes using human disguises to casually hang out in places that dont allow Pokemon. shes learned a lot of habits from humans, shes not the biggest fan of typing or texting though. she has personally assigned herself as my bodyguard and always is within hearing distance of me. shes the strongest Pokemon ive ever known!!! even though i met her first she didnt officially join my team until after i finished the championship. (league rules and all)
now for Alistair... oh Ali, youre such a... guy. lets just say he has the personality of a spoiled rich kid and the knowledge of the world of a quarantined homeschooled agoraphobe. he might talk here sometimes or i might mention him, he owes me one so he helps me out around here. yep, yet another blog with a roommate :p
btw im mentally ill af sorry in advance
((Extra Ooc stuff below cut))
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Random Muse/Her world Info
Ooc stuff here! Hiya! I'm Ri! whenever I talk ooc I'll usually do it ((like this)) or otherwise mark it as ooc!
Shilo is HEAVILY based on my run of Platinum, keep this in mind as her backstory slowly reveals. trying to write fanfic of it rn!
Main blog and follows shall come from Ridragon, you are welcome to follow me there, but it is not strictly a Pokemon blog, it's an all my interests and a diary all squashed together. I "spam" likes sometimes so lmk if you dislike that, and don't mind if someone "spams" mine. I'm touched when people care enough to read and like. :3
All asks and any interactions open, I'm totally new to this so throw them at me. don't be afraid to send stuff! worst i can do is say ehhh not feeling it
For my own reference and anyone else here's a list of her current Pokemon, separated by who she battles with and who are just pets/retired. the list may be subject to change, depending on if she adopts out or loses a Pokemon to circumstance or adopts/befriends another.
eventually i hope to make these links if i get around to profiles... we'll see! all pokemon are going to be tagged as [Their Name] the [Pokemon Species] without the brackets. Tumblrs search system sucks though so, hopefully they'll be somewhat organized.
Rin-tin-tin "Rin" - Zoroark ♀️[Best helper and bodyguard] *Alpha | Gadzooks - Garchomp ♂️ | Bane - Gliscor ♂️ [Likes to help in the greenhouse too! Especially with the edible plants.] | Bianca - Weavile ♀️| Spooky! - Mimikyu ♀️🌟 | Mym - Dragapult ♀️[Flying mount for off island excursions!] | Vampira - Crobat ♀️[Helps with connection to the Zubat network spanning across some regions]
[anyone without a specific detail likely just acts as island protection, or just chill unless battling, with battling being their main favorite thing]
Urtle - Torterra ♂️ [Retired, battle injury] | Flower - Quilava ♀️[Apprentice egg-warmer] | Mr. Kabby - Kabutops ♂️ [Semi-Retired but keeps charge of watching to make sure the ocean around the island is safe] | Morgan - Espeon ♀️[Emotional Support] | Simon - Umbreon ♀️[Emotional Support] | Lucky - Rattata ♂️ 🌟 [Likes to help plant in the greenhouse, three legs and stunted tail, runt] | Char - Charizard ♂️ [Semi-retired after Pokenip Saga crystals ate his wing 3:] | ??? - Porygon-Z that took over her phone temporarily
Previous Pokemon:
Monarch - Vespiquen ♀️ [Returned to wild amicably] | Bess - Rhyperior ♀️[Lives off-island in wild] | Rattata Babies [raised and adopted out]
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apparltl0n · 3 years
I’m sorry to subject you to unsolicited advice but it could be a good idea to cancel your internet and if you need it go to a public library for free WiFi. For a long time people did most things without the pocket computers that are phones or even computer computers so it is possible to live a safe life without the internet 24/7. It wouldn’t have to be forever just until you’re in a more stable place financially. Just a thought sorry again.
While i appreciate the sentiment, i live in bumfuck nowhere texas and the internet is the one way my fiance, roomate, and i are able to talk to friends or have meaningful connections to people that arent Homophobic or Transphobic. Trust me, ive been poor all my life, i know that i can live without internet, but my family now lives 6 hours away, and my closest friends are even further. The fact that its 200 fucking dollars is the issue, not what choices im making, and im currently trying to sort it out with my provider.
The other thing is that the nearest library? 15 minute drive at best, 2hr+ walk at worst. I have a car, but im at work a lot, my fiancé would have to walk 2+hrs in texas heat (which rn is a rather alright 91°F, being that is 8 pm and the sun is starting to set.) Just to talk to his friends. And before you ask, no we dont have bikes, and no we dont have public transportation. Not to mention that sometimes i get off of work at 11pm, so hed either have to walk the 2hrs back, or wait outside from 5pm (when it closes) till i get off work.
Again, i appreciate the sentiment, but just canceling our internet isnt going to solve anything, besides distressing us further and not allowing us access to our support systems. It also wont change the fact that this bill is still 206 dollars.
Ps: saying "people lived without computers before, you can do it too" is a very simple minded view. The internet is borderline a human necessity at this point. My bills are online. My bank is online. My family is online. My schedule for work is online. It comes across that youre either privileged to live in either a suburban or urban area, and not in rural towns with no structure to connect communities, or are not aware of what impact the internet has on queer, disabled, or even "different" poor people who live in said rural areas.
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staarshines · 4 years
Hi I hope you’re doing well and I know how bad in-person school is (I’m also in person smh) so I hope you have a nice day. Also if your school WiFi blocks stuff, any free VPN app should let you access a lot more cites and maybe make the internet work a bit faster (speaking from personal experience; it’s the only way I can log onto tumblr during school.) I use “X-VPN” and it works pretty well. It’s just a suggestion bc I know some people have restrictions on their phones and yada yada. Ily Nat💚
AHH YES SNEAKY BITCHES UNITE ✨ i have hotspot shield but i couldn’t try it out during school because my fucking cREDENTIALS needed to be reset and i could only get that at the end of the day and im home rn but i will try it when i go back to school on monday 😌 thank you so much my darling and ily too 🥺
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colonel-insomniac · 5 years
I’ve Got a Crush on You
read on ao3
Bobby was at a family reunion and he was so bored. This time, the reunion was at his grandmother’s house, and it isn’t that Bobby was without WiFi, it was merely that he had no one to really talk to. He could talk to his relatives, but they all talk to him like he doesn’t even have a brain just because he decided he’d rather continue working as a fry cook in a “grease generator” as they like to call the Krustie Krabbe. 
But he loved being there, at the Krustie Krabbe it was like he was finally who he was meant to be. Well, mostly. Maybe when Mr Krabbes sees him as the adult—albeit young adult—that he is, maybe he’ll finally get the recognition that he deserves. His friends were the only ones who talked to him like he was an equal, even Sandy, even though he couldn’t understand half of her science jargon. 
And he craved one of those weird conversations with his best friend. But though his parents considered Patrick Starr family, Bobby’s family was insistent that only real Porous family members were allowed to join. So, he’d said his farewell to Patrick, who still wanted to get in the car with Bobby, and drove the hour and forty-five minute journey to his grandmother’s house.
He could faintly hear the soft jazz music drifting from the living room. He was alone at the moment, sitting on a bar stool in the kitchen, tapping his fingers on the kitchen as he laid on his other arm. Patrick said he had to go run some errands an hour ago, and Bobby’s been waiting for Pat to get back. 
Bobby had already scrolled through his Instagram feed, his Snapchat, his Tumblr, heck, even his Twitter, which he barely ever uses. So now he's just kind of doing nothing, watching the black phone screen, willing Patrick to finally come back. 
But Bobby's been thinking in the time that he's had to do nothing. He's liked Patrick for a while now, and since there's nothing to entertain himself, he'll have to get creative. 
He's gonna song-lyric-prank Pat. Which is so 2018 in his opinion but maybe it'll be fun. He's gonna use something that Patrick should recognize, a Frank Sinatra song, specifically, I've Got A Crush on You.  
Now sitting up, Bobby grabs his phone and taps on Pat's message thread. 
<Sunshine ☀️: How glad the many millions of Annabelle's and Lillian's would be to capture me, Pat.>
Patrick takes a couple minutes to respond, and Bobby can almost see Pat try to understand what's going on, if the little "read" text underneath Bobby's message is anything to go on. 
Then the three dots pop up— 
<PraisePink: uh im confused, grls r going after u???>
Bobby smiles, tapping out the next chunk of lyrics. 
<Sunshine ☀️: but you had such persistence, you wore down my resistance…>
Bobby knows he has Pat's attention now, if the immediate typing is proof. Bobby decides now he isn't so bored anymore. 
<PraisePink: im still not gettin it bud>
<Sunshine ☀️: I fell, and it was swell…>
He knows that that message makes it sound as though maybe Bobby's hit his head a little too hard. Bobby glances around the room, just to check that no one's watching as he smiles at his phone. 
<PraisePink: r u ok>
<PraisePink: u rn't concussed?>
Bobby sends a quick 'nope' before moving along with the next lyric. This time, Bobby can't help blushing even though it isn't anything bad. 
<Sunshine ☀️: I'm your big and brave and handsome Romeo, and how I won you over I shall never, never know>
And yeah, so Bobby's adding a couple words into the lyrics, but it's only 'cause he wants it to last long enough for it to be fun. 
As the three dots appear again, Bobby leans in unintentionally, waiting excitedly to see what Pat's response will be. When he's sure Pat's almost done typing, his phone is suddenly gone, snatched out of his hands. 
Bobby looks up, bewildered. Then he spots his cousin Jack, or as they sometimes call him, Cousin BlackJack, an allusion to the numerous black eyes Jack has had through his adolescent years. Jack and Bobby are pretty similar in height, but whereas Jack is buff and muscular, Bobby isn't. 
"Jack," Bobby pleads, "give me back my phone. That isn't funny." He reaches for the device but Jack pulls it behind his back. 
"Uh-uh," Jack smirks, "let's see what you're up to that's keeping you from spending actual time with the family." Bobby blanches. "Jack, no. That's not fair. You know family is everything, I'm just talking to Patrick."
"Well, let's take a look, then." Bobby knows nothing he says will stop Jack, so he shuts his mouth and prays Jack won't tray and make an issue out of the situation. 
The evil glint in his cousins eye grew as he scrolled through the messages. "Oh this is pure gold." Jack chuckles, glancing at Bobby. "I wonder what'll happen if the family finds out." 
"No Jack, stop. I'm not messing around with you. Don't do this." 
Jack shrugs. "Nothin' I can do, cuz'." Jack glances at the phone again. "Jeez, this guy must be smitten with you Bobby, he's blowin' up your phone now." 
Bobby blushes and inwardly curses himself with words he'd never say out loud. This darned joke and his stupid boredom. He should've just waited until after the reunion to do this. 
"Tell you what, Robert," Jack smirks at Bobby, "tell me the next line, I wanna see what happens." 
Bobby sighs, tapping the counter. He knows he has to go along with this, maybe Jack will get bored and give up. 
"It's 'it's not that you're attractive, but oh, my heart grew active, when you came into view." Jack laughs, a mean one note 'ha'. "This is absolutely priceless, Bobby." Bobby’s eyes stung with tears, and he slid off his chair, garnering the attention of his cousin, who sighed heavily. 
“Bobby, you never let me have fun with these things. I’m not even being mean! Our relatives are all wondering where you are and why you’re all alone. This is just payback for me sticking my neck out for you.” Bobby thinks somehow this doesn’t make sense, Jack makes sure never to jeopardize himself, opting to throw others under the bus. Somehow, Bobby knows what he’s saying isn’t true.
But Bobby also knows himself, and he knows there’s a small chance that Jack isn’t lying, so he walks over to Jack’s side so he can at least see what’s going on. 
<PraisePink: sponge, ur kinda small, not big ;p>
<Sunshine ☀️: It’s not that you’re attractive, but oh my heart grew active, when you came into view>
<PraisePink: ok that 1st part kinda hurt :,C >
<PraisePink: whats going on tho>
Bobby bit back a grin at his friends statements, trying to put on his best poker face. “Bobby this guy’s smitten with you.” Jack exclaims incredulously. 
“No he isn’t, Jack, there isn’t even anything to suggest that. You’re just going crazy.” Bobby stammers his response, a little nervous that Jack could be right.
“Kid, are you insane? This Patrick guy is literally flirting with you, and come on he’s concerned about you falling and hitting your head??” Jack does the sticking-finger-in-mouth bit to suggest his disgust at the two, and Bobby smiles. 
“Well, Jack, you could always give me back my phone.” Bobby suggest, and rolls his eyes when Jack shakes his head. “Nope, I’m gonna help you.”
“Jack,” Bobby begins, “your ‘helping’ isn’t always so helpful, you know?” 
“I know.” In that instant, Bobby swears Jack looks like a villain, all dark shadows cast on his face from he doesn’t even know where, and an evil grin plastered on his face. 
Bobby knows he isn’t a bad cousin to Jack, so he doesn’t understand why Jack always has to pick on him, and Bobby knows that one of these days, he’s going to finally snap and finally get everyone to stop walking all over him. “C’mon, give me the next line.”
Bobby cringes “I’ve got a crush on you, sweetie pie, all the day and night-time hear me sigh.” He looks away in embarrassment when Jack laughs, “You chose the best song for this Bobby. Genius.” 
“Wow, he’s really waiting for you to respond, as soon as it sent it showed that he’d seen it. He’s already typing a response.” Bobby lifts up his head at that, intirgued as to what Patrick’ll say. 
<PraisePink: w8, what?>
<PraisePink: srsly????? u’ve got a crush on me???> 
Bobby never expected he’d let out a sound as strangled as the one currently exiting his mouth, a mix of a groan and a scream. Perhaps a little dramatic, Bobby would drape himself on a couch if he could do so, or if he were back home, he would pack his stuff and skip town for a couple days. But now he’s stuck with facing the consequences. “And now, Bobby,” Jack pulls Bobby’s phone behind his back, raising the pointer finger on his free hand, “I must bid you adieu.” 
Caught off guard, Bobby puzzles over what jack might mean by that when Jack takes off running. Ever alert, Bobby chases after him a second after. 
He’s too late. In the time it took for Bobby to chase after his cousin, Jack has managed to reach the bathroom and lock it behind him. Nevertheless, Bobby thrusts his shoulder against the door, hoping the old door will just give in. No luck. Of course, what else should Bobby expect?
It’s almost as though his world is shattering around him, because he knows whatever is happening between Jack and Patrick behind that door isn’t good at all. Right as he’s about to go run looking for a Bobby pin to pick the lock, the door swings open and Jack walks out. “Give it, Jack. Now I have to fix whatever mess you’ve stirred up. Again.” 
“Sure thing,” Jack replies and places the phone in Bobby’s open palm, much to his surprise. Jack just keeps walking, covering his mouth as he yawns. ‘At least his parents taught him that.’ Bobby thinks, spiteful as he aims the coldest glare he can manage at the back of Jack’s head. 
Now it’s time to lock himself in the bathroom and fix the damage. His message thread with Patrick has grown a lot despite Jack not being in the bathroom long. 
<PraisePink: sponge?? U still there???? r u being srs rn???> 
Then, a reply from “Bobby.”
<Sunshine ☀️: still here. Nah it was just a joke. I don’t like you.> 
Bobby face palms. That’s doesn’t even look like his text-speak. 
<PraisePink: u don’t like me like that?>
<Sunshine ☀️: I don’t like you at all Patrick.> 
Bobby can physically feel his stomach dropping. This is it, isn’t it? This is when his whole life simply ends. 
<PraisePink: oh this is a joke? Cos ur at a reunion, right>
<Sunshine ☀️: No I’m serious. You don’t deserve to be my friend.>
<Sunshine ☀️: and I know you like me, I have you pretty much wrapped around my finger. It’s pathetic, really> 
<PraisePink: and that’s what you really think, huh?>
<Sunshine ☀️: Yeah, i don’t need you>
<PraisePink: well I don’t need you>
Bobby falls to the ground, and surprisingly, with no loud thuds. <Sunshine ☀️: Pat?>
Two minutes pass. No response. Four. No response. Bobby waits ten minutes, hopelessly, as he waits for a response. Nothing. 
<Sunshine ☀️: Pat?>
<Sunshine ☀️: Look, you don’t have to answer, but please just read these.>
<Sunshine ☀️: You remember my cousin Jack? BlackJack?>
The little ‘read’ text pops up, so Bobby waits for an answer. Nothing happens, so he continues, desperately trying to get Pat to understand what’s happening. 
<Sunshine ☀️: I was in the kitchen doing the song lyric prank, that was me. But Jack took my phone out of my hands. I wasn’t paying attention around me because i was trying to mess around with you.>
Still no response. 
<Sunshine ☀️: I swear, i didn’t think he was going to say those things. He just said he just wanted to participate.>
<Sunshine ☀️: I don’t know why I didn’t think he was lying, Jack never changes. And then he ran to the bathroom and locked himself in and I couldn’t do anything but wait>
The three gray dots pop on his screen, and it doesn’t take Patrick long to type out his response, mostly because it’s short. 
<PraisePink: idk if i believe that.>
Bobby’s heart cracks as his desperation grows. 
<Sunshine ☀️: pat you have to believe me. You mean so much to me, so much that I don’t even know how to put it in words.>
<PraisePink: idk, can u maybe give me time>
<PraisePink: i know things usually dont affect me, but im actually rlly hurt rn>
Bobby lets go of his phone, and it clatters on the floor, as he draws his knees to his chest and full on cries. Sobs—maybe that’s a better word for it. “Alright, Bobby ol’ boy, you gotta pull yourself together.” He wipes his eyes as he stands back up, a plan already forming in his head. 
“I gotta leave this place, I need to get to Pat.” He pushes the door open, hurrying down the hall. Bobby’s about to make it through the front door, too, the door opens, one foot on the porch, one step closer to Patrick.
“Robert Porous!” At the sound of his first and last name, Bobby turns, stopping abruptly enough that he almost falls forward. His mom is walking towards him, and lays a hand on her son’s arm. 
“Just where on Earth are you going?” She asks, “And why were you crying?” 
Bobby bites his lip as he looks at his mom, “I messed up, with Pat, and I need to go make things right. Please, let me go fix this.” His mom studies his briming eyes for a moment, the wind blowing wisps of hair across her face, and ruffling the sleeves of her baby blue dress. She glances inside the house quickly, as her hand slides down, setting Bobby free. 
She nods once, quickly, and steps back. “Alright. Go, go to him, but I didn’t see you leave, alright? I’ll try and keep them from saying anything.” The pair hug and Bobby’s mom steps inside again, quietly closing the door, maintaining eye contact with her son. 
He hops into his car, and drives off. He finally got his license, but because he’s failed it a couple of times, he isn’t technically supposed to drive without an experienced driver for another month. But that doesn’t matter, all that matters is that he gets to Pat.  
He drives back to his beach town in silence. There’s no need for music when his brain provides enough chatter to drown out everything else. He keeps his eyes trained on the road in front of him, occasionally glancing at the speedometer and side mirrors, just like he should. 
He makes a couple stops on the way home. The first is to the nearest Target. Bobby carefully parks, and pretty much literally runs into the store, propelling himself forward with a cart. He scans the flower display and contemplates which one Pat might like before the lightbulb in his mind goes off. He races towards the Valentines Day aisle. The event is still a week away, and hopefully they’ll have exactly what he needs. 
Bobby nearly dances when he finds what he’d been looking for: chocolate roses. The delicate chocolate was wrapped daintily in red and green tinfoil. Bobby doesn’t even bother looking at the price tags, he grabs 20 chocolate flowers, and goes in hunt for his next item: ribbon. Once he gets to the crafts aisle, Bobby only knows he wants it to be something lacy. He’d thought maybe red, but now that he’d seen it up close, the red on red is too muted. 
He needs something that isn’t simple, something that’ll stand out. Scanning the rolls of lace on the shelves, his eyes keep going back to a dainty white lace. He decides it’s probably his best option, and heads over to the checkout, anxious to get to Pat right as the sun’s sets. Bobby’s in such a hurry that he nearly forgets his bag, this time literally running back to his car, gently setting down the bag on the passenger seat, and pulling out of the parking spot. 
<PraisePink: hey, can we talk?>
The message comes through while Bobby’s on the highway, his tongue poking out of his mouth only slightly as he pushes away his nerves. He’s never driven on the interstate highway before, so naturally he’s terrified. He doesn’t even glance at his phone, he’s on a mission, and it’s the most important thing to him right now. 
When he pulls the car off the interstate, it’s too stop at a chinese restaurant. He knows Patrick Starr better than he knows himself, and he knows Pat probably is craving chinese right now. Bobby decides even though he isn’t hungry, and can’t even stomach the thought of eating, he’d probably be hungry later, and gets himself some too. 
He’s now five minutes away, and each minute spent in the car feels like another hour passing by. The sky is bathed with those glorius golden rays of sun. Once he manages to safely park in front of the apartment complex, he takes a moment to wrap the roses together with the white ribbon. He carefully secures his own takeout box with some ribbon too, and slides it in his bag. Sometimes, you have to find solutions that aren’t necessarily optimal. 
He quietly makes his way up the stairs, pausing to read and answer Patrick’s text:
<Sunshine ☀️: Sorry, got a little busy. Back now though.>
He reaches Pat’s front door right as Patrick starts typing, and places down the bag of chinese takeout, laying the bouqet of chocolate roses on top of them. Bobby rings the doorbell and crouches behind a fake tree, right as the door swings open, heart hammering. 
He can just barely make out Patrick’s features as his face contorts in confusion and he bends down to pick them up. “Shoot!” Bobby yelps, realizing he forgot to write a note. As soon as he realizes he said it out loud, he clamps his hands over his mouth, peeking around the plant to check whether Patrick heard it. 
His phones buzzes in his pocket, but he ignores it. He knows it was Pat, he just barely managed to glimpse Patrick’s thumb hit the phone in his hand. “Bobby?” Pat calls out. “I know you’re there, you’re the only guy I know dorky enough to do something like this. Unless it was Edward. Hey Edward?!” 
“Whatever it is, the answer is no.” The muffled response makes Pat laugh, and nearly makes Bobby giggle. 
Pat picks up the bouqet and the takeout and walks inside, glancing around one last time. His eyes briefly stop where Bobby’s hiding, but he closes the door. Bobby knows he’s waiting. After a minute, Bobby quietly gets up and starts heading back down the stairs dejectedly. He can feel his bottom lip tremble, and he bites down on it. He may very well have lost his best friend. He lets the tears stream freely. 
He makes it to the threshold outside the building, glancing back briefly before sitting inside his car and pulling out his phone. 
<PraisePink: i know im not the brightest but i just cant tell if ur telling the truth, maybe we need to just take some space>
He places his phone on the console between the front seat and the passenger seat, and places his head on the steering wheel. Bobby’s so wrapped in his thoughts, and emotions he doesn’t hear the door open, or close for that matter. “Sponge.” comes the quiet whisper. Bobby still doesn’t hear it, so Pat places a hand on Bobby’s hunched shoulder. 
Bobby jumps, and an ungodly nasally gasp emits itself from his throat. His face burns in embarrassment. “Bobby, listen to me.” Pat states. “I know you’re the one who left the food and the roses.” Bobby opens his mouth, about to tell Pat to just forget about it, when Patrick shakes his head. “Listen. I thought maybe you were being honest with me before, and maybe you were just trying to get me to believe you. But then you left those chocolate flowers and the takeout—which is scary, how’d you know I’d been wanting chinese?”
“Anyways, my point is, in that moment, I realized you’d always been there for me, you do sweet things like this. It just wouldn’t make sense for you to be mean to me and then do something like that.” Pat grabs Bobby’s small hands in his, but Bobby doesn’t meet his eyes. 
His curly burnt orange casts shade over his eyes as he keeps his head downcast. “Pat, I need you to know that I’ve got—”
“I know. I figured it out after that last lyric that was sent to me. I had to go search the song to make sure, but I know music, and I knew that it was Frank Sinatra. To be honest, it’s a clever way to confess.” Patrick lets go of one of Bobby’s hands, and tilts the shorter man’s head up to face him. He gently sweeps the hair off Bobby’s forehead before reconnecting their hands. 
“And your cousin Jack was right. I am in love with you too. He’s also right in saying that you have my complete devotion, anything you ask, I’d do for you, because it’s you. Bobby, you’re my best friend, but you’re also the only person I’ve truly loved completely.” Bobby smiles, feeling like hell iced over, but Pat gets out of the car and Bobby willingly follows suit, locking the car behind him. 
Pat tugs Bobby close to him and Bobby laughs against Pat’s chest as the taller of the two wraps his arms around the other. They stay like that, their bodies as physically close as they can be, for a minute and a half. They each regard the other for a moment, before Bobby stands on tiptoe, and kisses Patrick. 
He whispers the words “I’ve got a crush on you.” 
Pat snorts, “Dork.”
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d0gdaze · 7 years
could u give us some kasplon hcs... maybe an au where they meet in college or something similar pls ily
okay i have so many requests in my inbox that im working on but i had this idea and i had to write it rn hNgsfhj
- so mike works at this cafe on campus that’s kinda small but really popular so it’s always busy
- he works there with ben richie and bev 
- it’s a hipster-y kinda joint, there are like potted plants everywhere and all the chairs are mismatched and there are vintage posters on the walls and bare lightbulbs hanging from strings from the ceiling y’knoW,, it’s a nice hangout spot, plus they got that free wifi so,, 
- ((also the baristas aren’t too fuckn bad either daMN do they only hire models here or/???))
- ANYWAY eddie’s just transferred from somewhere so he’s the New Kid From Out Of Town and bill is his roommate 
- so bill is giving him this tour around campus and showing him all the hotspots and then he’s like “OH we should go get coffee my boyfriend is working” 
- his boyfriend is ben okay i love denscom sm
- they go to the cafe and it’s not /that/ crowded thankfully so there are still a few tables free
- mike is working the register and sees bill walk in with this really cute guy?? wtf he’s wearing overalls?? who is this????
- ben is behind the coffee machine so bill orders and then goes over to talk to him and eddie walks up to the register and orders smthing (idk shit about coffee okay it’s a caramel latte or whatEVER)
- and then he asks if they have almond milk and mike is like “aaa no sorry :(”
- “oh, thats okay!”
“i’m really sorry i can ask my manager about getting some in?”
“no i don’t want to be a bother! it’s really okay! i was just asking! :)”
and mike is like ,, oh,, ((because most people are kinda snotty and rude yknow? customer service changes a man)) and this guy is being really nice and holy shit his smile,, woah
- so yeah mike is a little awestruck
- ben makes their drinks and they go sit at a table near the window and mike keeps accidentally making eye contact w him and eddie smiles every time and like pokes his tongue out of the side of his mouth a little and/?? this is unfair he’s so cute
- bill’s fucking oblivious as to what’s going on because he’s too busy staring at his bf ben whom he loves 
- so ye bill goes there pretty much every afternoon anyways so eddie just starts tagging along
- after like a week eddie doesn’t even have to actually order because mike just inputs it into the register as soon as he walks into the shop
- every now and then he asks if they have almond milk yet and mike is always like “no im so so sorry aa i asked and they haven’t done anything about it yet im sosrry” and eddie is always like “it’s okay!! it’s totally fine i can just have soy its COOL”
- btw mike totally gushes about eddie to bev all the time and she just keeps telling him to write his damn phone number on his coffee but he says its too cliche
- “stop being a pussy and ask him out u dingus”
“it worked when richie did it”
- one day eddie walks in and gets his coffee and takes a sip and he’s like ?? this is different?? 
- mike is lowkey blushing n he’s like “yeah i went out and bought almond milk for you because my manager won’t stock it and i felt bad that u kept asking aha is that weird”
- eddie is all Emotional bc,, mike just went out and bought him fcking almond milk? with his own money?? wh????
- “i feel bad can i like repay you for it?”
“No it’s chill - oh well acTUALLY u wanna repay me by going out to dinner one time ? ;)”
- ((except he’s not that smooth he kinda just yells “GO OUT WITH ME” in eddie’s face))
- “sure, okay :)” *internal screeching*
- anYWAY mike takes him to this cute little vegan place that he likes and then they walk around the city and eddie totally notices mike try to hold his hand but chicken out a bunch of times so he just grabs mike’s hand and smiles and it’S so nice and they’re happy boys
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trisabelle · 7 years
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end choose 25 an arbitrary number of people to be tagged. I was tagged by the amazing @canitellusmthin !! I love ya, you diamond in the rough (tumblr. tumblr is the rough)
Last Drink: Water!
Last Phone Call: My Dad calling to ask if we needed any groceries.
Last Text Message: To my sister asking if she remembered the wifi password. Unless you count IM's in general, in which case, saying goodnight to my bf and gf!!
Last Song You Listened To: Memory by Koethe Koethe, while I was dressing this morning. Well, afternoon..
Last Time I Cried: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I am a babby but I rarely cry and tend to try to forget about t if I do.
Dated Someone Twice: Nope
Been Cheated On: No
Kissed Someone and Regretted It: Only ever kissed one person, didn't regret it even if we didn't work out together.
Lost Someone Special: For a while a friend dropped off the internet for about a month after being really suicidal.. thought she died but she came back. That was years ago though
Been Depressed: I'm depress in this binch 25/7 my dudes
Been Drunk and Thrown Up: Never been drunk, never drank alcohol ever and don't want to
Made a New Friend: Ye!
Fallen Out of Love: No
Laughed Until You Cried: YUP. Memes do that to me. Also, that video of two hamsters with a hamster wheel on its side, and they keep spinning it until it whips them around and they just keep going until they're at lightspeed
Met Someone Who Changed You: The people that come to mind; Jay, Liz, and the two who I plan to spend my life with, Matt and Lizzy!!!!! 💖💖💖
Found Out Someone Was Talking About You: This.. is very vague.. yes..????
How many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: A few I've met in real life when I went to visit a girlfriend at the time down in California.
Do you have any pets?: A Doge (Steve), a Doogler (Molly), and a recently adopted fishy!! His name is Gillbert.
Do you want to change your name?: Nop!! I'm super happy with my name. Mostly because Tris isn't really gender specific and I like that
What time did you wake up this morning?: "Morning" hahahhahhahahahahahhahahah
What were you doing last night?: Just reading once I was in bed. Before that I was getting FO4 modded and talking to the bae's
Name something you cannot wait for: LIFE IS STRANGE: BEFORE THE STORM - EPISODE 3 HELL IS EMPTY
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: My great-granddad. He died a while back but I remember him. He built a bunch of stuff for my Thomas the tank engine sets. Also my middle name was after him
What’s getting on your nerves rn?: i,m tired
Blood type: ye
Nickname: Tris
Relationship status: In a closed triangle!! I know my trigonometry from an intimate perspective c;
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. Did I spell it right
Pronouns: He/him, but idfc honestly. I have a feeling they're he/him just because I'm so used to it, even tho I totally identify as a boy
Favorite tv show: Sense8. The beautiful masterpiece collision between scifi, drama, and an expression of just what humanity is
College: Not yet!! Should he doing some college courses starting January
Hair colour: Black!! Or rly rly rly dark brown. Used to be chestnut brown but maybe I'm just crazy
Long or short: Hair? Or height? I have longish hair for a boy, it's not far past my shoulders and hella curly. Once I get the courage it'll be in a lil ponytail. And height, I'm 5"6' or however you write it. Five foot six. I wanna be smol™
Do you have a crush on someone: Ye. On my Big Frog and Giant Frog
What do you like about yourself: (awkward laugh) haha yeah totally
First surgery: Colonoscopy. Sorry if tmi, but it's true. I've had a few
First piercing: NOPE
First best friend: Jonas. We stopped talking soon after starting high school but he was in a car crash recently and almost died, and we've started talking a bit again
First sport you joined: Soccer. Never sported again
First vacation: Not sure.. earliest I remember is a trip not too far away to a vacation house with the extended family.
First pair of sneakers: Idfk.. I never cared about shoes. Just let them be plain and comfy
Eating: Right now? Nothing
Drinking: I was drinking water a minute ago
I’m about to: sleeeeeeeeeeep
Listening to: The menu theme from Before the Storm
Want kids: Ye!!! I've never seen myself doing anything other than adopting tho, even though I'm not dedicated to that idea.
Get married: YE. The idea of being proposed to???????? (Hand slamming button meme)
Career: Um
Lips or eyes: Eyes. I love them lips but EYESSSS
Shorter or taller: I wanna be the short one!!!!!! PLEASEEEEE
Older or younger: I don't care! (Lowkey lying)
Romantic or spontaneous: Why.. why not both.. These don't conflict..
Sensitive or loud: Sensitive I guess?
Hook up or relationship: BINCH I WANT DEM FEELS NOT JUST FUCKS
Troublemaker or hesitant: What.
Kissed a stranger: Nope. Only kissed 1 person ever
Drank hard liquor: Never even drank once
Lost glasses/contacts: don't have either
Sex on first date: Only really had like two dates, and she was no sex before marriage (which I totally respect and honestly I wasn't ready anyways)
Broken someone’s heart: Quite possibly.. I seem to cause a lot of negative emotions for the people around me..
Been arrested: Lol. I'm a goodie two shoes, a law abiding citizen,
Turned someone down: Ye. We're still in contact, I'm hoping they're doing well and I didn't let them down.. they deserve happiness!
Fallen for a friend: Nope
In yourself: No I'm a myth
Love at first sight: While I believe in attraction at first sight, and that may lead to true love, there's no way to instantly know for sure they're your soulmate. But don't ignore that instinct, our hearts are smarter than us in these things.
Heaven: No. I've never believed in anything required blind faith, but honestly, I have so much respect for those that do. That's a lot of strength to believe despite the struggle
Santa Claus: I certainly believe some nut changed their legal name to Santa for shits and giggles.
Yay!!! All done and it only took me ~40 mins when I should be ASLEEP. I'm egg. But it's my birthday, I can do what I want!! Happy 20th to me c:
I tag a reasonable amount of people, not 25: @wastedhearts @raggedymancomegetme @richard-vs-marty @the-pretty-kitten @sheikahstone @dipper-the-destructor @feathersandstripes @gayerthanthefourthofjuly @crabbieapple @brokenheartsbleedtheblues @notyouraveragebl0g @moonlit-battlefield @starrchild @runekitten @mbesham @cocoa-n-donuts
Don't do this if you don't want to!! And if you do but weren't tagged feel free!!! c:
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the-undertale-mouse · 7 years
An Undertale Fanfiction in which a kid camping near Mt Ebott hack’s into the monster’s wifi.
   Honestly, I don't mind camping. The outdoors are beautiful. The fresh air is nice. Campfires and s'mores and sing-a-longs are all fun and good. Even sleeping on the ground isn't that bad. But would it kill them to give this place some free Wifi?! I’m out enjoying quality time with my family, and that's good. I like that. But what's so wrong with wanting to share that with my friends on social media? If friends isolating you from your family bad, isn't your family isolating you from your friends just as bad? I know they mean well, but I’m just saying there needs to be a better balance.
   Oh! Connection available?! I guess some people have their priorities in order. Undernet? Interesting name. Of course, it is password protected. That's only fair. But I wonder...do I dare?P-A-S-S-W-O-R-D? Nope. Oh well...wait...I had caps lock on...p-a-s-s-w-o-r-d...I’m in! I can't believe it worked! Wait till I tell my BFF! Huh? The app’s not working. Lame. Let me check google just in case it's the app, not the internet. “Sorry, I don't know what you mean by ‘google’ did you mean ‘Boogle” you're kidding me, right? F-a-c-e-b-o-o-k? Top result… ‘fangbook’? The next result is a popular book about the many faces of ...monsters?
    What is this? Halloween isn't for almost 2 months. This is overboard. Where are the real sites? Alright, I’ll make a new account on one of these sites then. I should make a name that fits this weird monster theme to fit in. Huh...I don't need an email? They just trust me like that? I guess that works for me since I'm not sure if I can get to my email to confirm right now. Here goes nothing.
FangtasticMon101 wants to join the chat
FangtasticMon101  added to chat
FangtasticMon101: hey guys, I’m new here. What's up?
ajealoustroll: hi new here, i’m a jealous troll ;)
MewMewLizzyQT: don’t listen to him, he does this to evry1. I’d block him, but he keeps hacking in, so we just put up with it. anyways welcome to the chat! =^.^= you can call me Lizzy for short.
FangtasticMon101: thnx for the warm welcome Lizzy.(and jealous troll i guess) I just rlly needed to chat online and get away from it all.
MewMewLizzyQT: I know what u mean. It's nice 2 come here and just 4get everything.
FangtasticMon101: sure. I could use a hug rn. But, uh Coolskeleton, I think your caps lock is on.
MewMewLizzyQT: ^.^” don't worry Fangtastic, he’s just confident like that. He’s a good guy, I promise.
FangtasticMon101: Lol I believe u. I just wish I had that level of confidence myself.
FangtasticMon101: Thnx Coolskeleton. I think just being in ur presence is enough for your confidence to rub off on me, so don't worry about trying too hard.
ajealoustroll: tht's not tru
ajealoustroll: u try hard 4 evry1, not just ur friends.
Coolskeleton95: NYEH! HOW DID YOU KNOW?! >=0
ajealoustroll: I know a skeleton about you Coolskeleton95 ;) but a good jealous troll never reveals their secrets!
*MewMewLizzyQT PM*
Fangtasticmon101: hey Lizzy? Should we stop him? Is jealous troll being a creep or does Coolskeleton know him irl?
MewMewLizzyQ: jealous troll is Coolskeleton's brother. He likes to mess with him, but if you notice, it's always in a weirdly positive way. Or just harmless puns. I don't think Coolskeleton has caught on yet, but I’d just leave them to it.
FangtasticMon101: k thnx. They had me worried 4 a sec, Lol.
MewMewLizzyQT: np. =^.^= I am ur humble guide in this crazy chat. In general: just roll with it
*General Chat*
ajealoustroll: im telln ya, its 4 bb bones. but lets get an outside opinion, lizzy already opted 2 stay out of these debates, so its up 2 u fangtastic. which is harder: crossword or junior jumble?
FangtasticMon101 is typing...
Napstablook22 wants to join
-Request Deleted-
FangtasticMon101: wut was that about?
MewMewLizzyQT: *sigh* don't worry about it, Fangtastic. Napsta tries to join a lot and always backs down before I can let them in. I don't think they are very confident with themselves. v.v”
ajealoustroll: i think ur 4getting something
ajealoustroll: if u pls wut?
FangtasticMon101 is typing...
FangtasticMon101 is typing...
-FangtasticMon101 got disconnected-
ERROR 111777
👍🏁💀💀👉👍❄✋🏁💀  👈✌✋😞👉👎  ❄🔆🔯  ✌☝✌✋💀  😞✌❄👉🔆
“Connection failed, try again later” OK? That's normal out here I guess, but why the heck is it in wing dings? Awe man, I really wanted to solve their dispute. I guess someone else will have to.
“C’mon Frisk kiddo, we didn’t come here to lay around in our tents, we came to have fun!”
“Comming, dad!” He really does mean well. Family comes first. I’ll try talking to those guys again later.
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survivingjapan · 7 years
EPISODE 14 “Pippa and the Boys.” - Pippa
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Can I just say: Best.  Results.  Ever. Johnny is an AMAZING guy.  A favorite through and through.  However, him going was the best result from that rock draw (although maybe Trace/Dom/Pippa would've been better).  And without him, Trace and Dom are just kinda there.  They don't pose any immediate threat. What has now come out of this tribal is also just overall better for my game.  Drew? trusts me more.  Steffen? trusts me more.  Sarah and Crow? trust me a lot but like idk if it's more lol.  Junior? trusts me.  Tommy? needs me rn.  Andrew?  Welll actually... So Andrew and I have now had a conversation about our prior "beef" and it turns out, it was just both of us overthinking.  I know Andrew is a definite threat to me and my game, however we now will have a working relationship that can hopefully further my game more.  And he can actually maybe vote for me/I can vote for him in the end if we can continue working together from this day forward.  I was open about my vote against him and my slight like BLAH about him, and we talked it out and we're okay now !   Now, I just need to talk to Dom and Trace, try and wrap their heads around my game and we'll be gucci.  If I can go deep with connections piled on connections and people wanting to kill each other over me?  That's gold. Reminder that while I'm not the best gameplayer, I know how to work a jury.  I'm not a complete asshole.  I've learned.  Lying will get me nowhere and if Steffen wants to keep doing that, I'll genuinely go final 2/3 with him.  But I'm still not set on Drew or Sarah or Crow.  I loved all 3 of them, but they're so fucking smart.
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http://youtu.be/B4Z0O0blbpY SHOOK
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My names pippa and my confessional game is weak. So sarah just told me i play a great UTR game. IS that good? Idk but im not really being targetted. Im glad johnny went home in rocks last night. That just means i get no blood on my hands and i didnt have to take a good friend out. I can play nice with these people all i want but that doesnt mean im fond of any of them. Andrew wants to keep Crow in, I want Crow out. I don't trust him and he doesnt realize he buries himself in some holes with the stuff he says. Junior isnt my favorite rn either but i wanna know the 3 people who voted andrew. I know Brain was one, but who are the other two? Im convinced it was Crow and Sarah. Who knows????
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Wow we have SO MUCH to fuckin talk about okay where I do even start. I guess I could go with all of the messy ass strategizing that happened yesterday. So keep in mind I'm at a state fair basically all day and have to communicate to these MANIACS on shitty barn wifi for 5 hours and get home only just in time for tribal. Basically all the heroes were in and out of each others' pms all day deciding between Sarah, Brian, and Crow for the vote. I obviously do not want Crow going. Pippa and I have a game relationship with him and we can't have him leaking about the hero idol. Plus he's kinda growing on me? Even though he's a sneak and might be the death of me he's super cool and kinda hilarious. Plus he's a connection to the villains so like. Yeah! Basically we kinda decide to finally go for Sarah but make it seem like we're doing Brian. Which just seems too damn simple. Meanwhile Crow is being sketched out by Pippa and I bc there was a villains plan to split up Johnny and Trace. I told this to Junior and I guess he assumed Crow was behind it so he started spreading that that was a plan and Crow got mad at me? But I'll say right here in confessionals that I did not drop Crow's name in that plan. But nonetheless the bird was suspicious. So blah blah damage control and it's like okay well Pippa and I were kinda thinking hmmm should we go for Trace or Johnny but like, it's too risky and we'll kill our games with the heroes. Life goes on yada yada I'm just sitting there stuffing my face with fried Oreos and suddenly Johnny drops into my pms and we're both just like it's 8 and we don't have an official vote so I suggest Johnny make a chat with just all the heroes to hash shit out and figure who we're voting. I need to make sure that they get away from Crow, and I'm just like voting Sarah is free all you have to do is type out 5 letters y'all but then Johnny... Johnny fucks up. And he says why don't we go for Junior :~) And in a chat with myself, him, Pippa, and Steffen, he tells us not to worry and that he has good reason for going for Junior and that we'll thank him after tribal. So there I am. Sitting there with half a fried Oreo in my mouth while Pat Benetar is singing We Belong in the distance (she was really there y'all at 64 idk how the fuck a bum fuck Connecticut state fair booked her she's doing great btw)... And I'm like. JOHNNY IS REALLY TRYIN IT??????? See, Junior made the Big Miss Steak of telling Johnny right before the Kendall tribal that he had the villain's idol. Now I knew before Johnny did, and I advised Junior don't. But he did! So! I fucking run to Junior and say play your damn idol because Johnny is really about to TRY. IT. And this is perfect because Junior could try getting the villains to vote out a threat like Johnny or Drew. But Junior says he doesn't have sway on the villains which is like DUH and I scream and I'm like idk try dude we have like 25 minutes! So he's telling me how he went to villains and got it onto Drew but told Sarah to vote Johnny and I'm freaking out just ever so slightly because I know I could possibly possibly possibly be the vote but it's w/e. And then Miss Sarah messages me at 9:01 asking who I voted and I'm like fuckin uuuuuuuuuuu Junior? I told Junior that I voted him to save face also. And I also told Pippa Junior was playing and idol so sorry Junior! But um yeah. Sarah is just like lol well Junior has an idol and I ask oh rip well who are they voting AND GIRL ISN'T ANSWERING BUT IS TALKING IN THE TRIBE CHAT. Naturally I begin to freak out, and on top of that Drew is going into full despair in my pms saying he feels something really bad coming. Sarah just knocked on my door in a grim reaper costume and just winked before walking away, Drew is having a full Dread Episode, Pippa is like nah you're good hold onto that idol boy, and Junior is like it's good I got the votes on Drew! I think... But yeah! I did... maybe. So obviously I am freaking the absolute fuck out and I just straight up go to Junior like uuuuuu did you tell anyone you're playing this idol and he said yeah and yes he told Sarah so HAHAHA. HAH. But it's fine right? There's no way they pulled a fast one and are just voting me. Right? :') Well tribal comes around and I'm on call with Pippa and she's saying it's fine. So Junior plays and Johnny is like oh fuck. Then Drew plays. And I'm like okay? Um. Yikes. And then Sarah plays some fuck shit that doesn't work and I'm way too stressed so I play my idol! And Junior gets 8 votes! And Drew gets 2! And I get 2! And like! HELLO? So to make a long mother fuckin story short... Johnny of all people is rocked out which was FANTASTIC. CHERRY ON TOP OF THE CAKE. He knew about the villains and the beauty idol so like he could go! Too strong. And he had to get blindsided soon anyway. So Johnny I love you dude and I actually gained way more of a liking to you than I already did from hosting you so you're awesome but WHEW. FAREWELL. And now it's the fallout. Honestly? That's the most pure euphoria I've ever felt in a single moment in a game. And after hearing all the info I have, I think I have this mostly figured out. I freak a little in the chat and Tommy tells me he voted Junior which would make sense because he got 8 votes. Sarah comes and tells me she didn't vote for me, and says that she knows I voted her which w/e be a Petty Betty™ but she says that maybe if someone told her who voted her then maybe she'd tell me who voted me and I think I finally convinced her it wasn't me because I said at this point I'd trade the info? But idk oh well. Also Crow doesn't come forward confirming or denying he voted me, and I approached Brian and he admitted he voted me. Which btw that was the first time we talked in a while, and it's also just some outside of the game things but I think we ultimately hashed everything out. Anyway, Junior voted Drew so my votes were Brian and one of Sarah or Crow. And the other voted Drew. And I'll be pissed if Crow voted me tbh. But we'll see. The thing is though, Crow said to Pippa and I that himself, Sarah, Brian, and Tommy were all on call and typed in Junior, and then stepped away from their computers or something. Which is a damn lie obviously. So I decided to look back at the merge chat during tribal for shits and giggles, and then the reactions of the villains when I played my idol in particular made shit click. They were pretty standard when Junior and Drew played, but when I played was when Crow, Brian, and Sarah started yelling about rocks. And in the back of my mind I didn't think of it much at first but I was just like okay I guess? And then Crow comes to my pms and say congrats on avoiding rocks which was also confusing. But it didn't hit me till after re reading the chat that they definitely split on purpose, and the villains knew that once I played that all of the votes were gonna be null. And they were gonna go to rocks. So now I have to keep an eye out on Crow. Because there's no way he didn't know this was happening. It's all just so sketchy and idk where to go from here, but I know I need Sarah out. She's just way too chaotic, and in a weird way she saved me by sketching me out at 9:01 but also she makes everything very chaotic. She's grown on me personally but she's wild to play with. I guess I can just make a confessional on what happens now because I have shit to say about talks I had with Steffen and Drew. And this confessional got thicc as fuck so. Hope whoever read this essay enjoyed the reading material!
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hi loves it's been a while! after i went through my therapy sessions, I decided that it was time to pick up the pieces of my emotional stability and make a fragile little glass ball! and then guess what happened! these fucking fools shattered it. So after merge, i came in thinking lil crow could blend into the shadows and take a day to relax! but then crow is told he has to pick a side immediately and vote out Kendall w/ Johnny/Pippa/Andrew or Junior w/ Sarah/Brian/Drew crow voted Junior cuz junior is a snake that crow has warned others about! junior stayed! kendall went. i was in minority. so after that, i ghosted the hoes. I was over it, i had more important things than these people, but then im alerted that its "me or brian" HELL NO. OH DONT U EVEN DARE TRY AND TARGET ME AND MY SON so crow caused a little bit of chaos with bullshit lies. he told andrew/pippa that he heard they wanted him out (which he didn't!) and then told hinted to johnny that the heroes were cracking (which probably was true but crow had no proof!) ALSO, he threw out trace's name for the lolz! then after I sat back and let them rat me out (cuz i know they're all rats!) they caused their own paranoia, erasing mine and Brian's name from the slate. =) in a last ditch effort to have comfort in numbers, a group was formed to vote out the ultimate snake, junior. 8 minutes b4 tribal junior comes to me asking to work with me and build trust and yadada and knowing there was a good chance he had an idol, crow played phony and told him that we needed to keep the villains strong! (thus protecting his core of brian and sarah). he agreed and suggested to vote drew, so i pretended to agree! then when junior, drew, and andrew pulled idols out of their asses, i sat pretty knowing I received no votes - but nervous about the inevitable rocks. then i drew a rock and production really TRIED me by putting me at #2 but im better than them and survived! so now im sitting in final 11 with my besties and in a somewhat decent position for a change! =)
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Andrew is a paranoid ass hoe, first he thinks the second vote for him came from Sarah, then Drew....when in actuality I was the one who tried blindsiding him last tribal, I swear at this point this boy is spilling all this anti-Drew tea to me and now I'm just reveling in it because I still know Drew has an idol and when Andrew feels its time to strike, tbh it'll be time to use that idol on Drew and destroy Andrew in the process, making Drew a bigger target and next to go tbh, but right now we just need Sarah to use her idol, then take a villain out and our villainous plot will be in motion, I like evil
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So Pippa or myself might be dying. Drew voted me according to Junior along with Brian who I knew bc Drew is still convinced I gave Crow the idol which yes I did but. Leave me alone! Honestly just trying to get Sarah out this round but she has that weird reset idol and also could have a merge idol so idk man. I kinda have a bad feeling about tonight and if I get these double digits again catch me going into a major depressive episode! Trace and I decided on Sarah early this morning and seemingly got Dom and Steffen on board? Dom I guess is hero strong and Steffen... I really hope he wouldn't vote me out. Or even Pippa. And then Junior wants Sarah out so like here we go I guess! Idk what the fuck Drew is gonna do because he's a snake. Sarah requested us working together today but it was bullshit. Lmao! Farewell! I'm probably dead. Or Pippa is. Last weird thing is I guess is I told Crow it's me or myself (played dumb about if it could be Pippa) and he said he wasn't letting either of those things happening? Idk! If Crow can work some magic and save me that's fine. Idk man. A bird will either save me or kill me tonight. Or Drew. Or Sarah. Pippa? BEYONCE? I'm so tired can we just have the tribal already? Also if Steffen flips I'm snapping his neck.
So if everyone votes the way they say they are, no weird items are played, and Crow throws his vote, then it could really go to rocks. Fuck! 15 minutes till my imminent death at 11th place :')
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I finna think Sarah's gonna die this round and I miss her already.  A true fucking queen.  I'm so glad I finally worked with a girl in a game and that it was her because I couldn't imagine playing with anyone else.
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All of them, there ya go
200 things you can put in my ask200: My crush’s name is: jude, jen, nathan (?), uhhHhhHhhelliehhhHh
199: I was born in: reston va
198: I am really: an alien
197: My cellphone company is: t mobile
196: My eye color is: hazel
195: My shoe size is: 7.5 
194: My ring size is: idk
193: My height is: 5 ft 2.5 in
192: I am allergic to: assholes
191: My 1st car was: dont have one
190: My 1st job was: also dont have one
189: Last book you read: warriors dont cry by melba something something 
188: My bed is: small
187: My pet: also small n fluff dwarf hammy
186: My best friend: got multiple, jen, ellie, carter, n kimi
185: My favorite shampoo is: idk
184: Xbox or ps3: idk
183: Piggy banks are: cool??
182: In my pockets: not wearing pants
181: On my calendar: bdays n lgbtq+ awareness stuff
180: Marriage is: cool but mating bond is cooler (kudos to ACOTAR + TOG peeps if u get dis)
179: Spongebob can: step on the beach n also beat his meat
178: My mom: is eh
177: The last three songs I bought were? africa by toto, chapel by nicole dollanganger, and heroes by peter gabriel
176: Last YouTube video watched: smth by stef sanjati
175: How many cousins do you have? idk a lot
174: Do you have any siblings? ye, a lil bro
173: Are your parents divorced? no
172: Are you taller than your mom? no
171: Do you play an instrument? no
170: What did you do yesterday? school, stuff at home, sleep[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: in a way???maybe??
168: Luck: idk
167: Fate: nahh
166: Yourself: ehhh
165: Aliens: yEa actually 
164: Heaven: idk, religious beliefs r in question rn
163: Hell: ^^^^if it was real id suck satans dick to get out,,, unless they got free wifi then u kno whats up
162: God: ^^^^
161: Horoscopes: nah not rlly but i do rlly like astrology,,, i think the alignments of the stars n planets n shit may have an impact on the exact time of yr birth n shit
160: Soul mates: yeye def
159: Ghosts: supernatural/paranormal beliefs r also in question like my rel one
158: Gay Marriage: hell yea,, succ it homophobes 
157: War: idk sometimes,, rlly depends
156: Orbs: idk what that means????,,?
155: Magic: same w ghosts[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: aAaaA i love both so so m but if i had to choose,,, kisses
153: Drunk or High: idk high?? n been drunk or had a good high so
152: Phone or Online: online??
151: Red heads or Black haired: idc both good
150: Blondes or Brunettes: ^
149: Hot or cold: coollld
148: Summer or winter: like both but summer bc thats when i get to go to cq smokies n see my besties :,^)
147: Autumn or Spring: autumn, spring can succ my ass
146: Chocolate or vanilla: choco
145: Night or Day: night?
144: Oranges or Apples: apples
143: Curly or Straight hair: cuurlly
142: McDonalds or Burger King: ew neither
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: white choco
140: Mac or PC: mac??
139: Flip flops or high heals: high heels ftw fucc ya
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet n poor tbh rip
137: Coke or Pepsi: coke 
136: Hillary or Obama: obama
135: Burried or cremated: cremated,, n put beside seeds to grow in a tree :,)
134: Singing or Dancing: dancing bc its more interesting to watch than singing,, but i succ at both tho
133: Coach or Chanel:chanel??
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: idk these ppl??
131: Small town or Big city: depends tbh
130: Wal-Mart or Target: target
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: idk??
128: Manicure or Pedicure: pediii bc i use my hands a lot
127: East Coast or West Coast: idk? i live on the east coast but n been to west coast so idk dik
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: christmas, have bad bday mems, get more pres, and its nice n chilly usually
125: Chocolate or Flowers: uhhnnng both rr soo good but choco bc yum ig and flowers dont last long usually n i hate to see them die :,^(
124: Disney or Six Flags: neither i hate amusement parks n shit
123: Yankees or Red Sox: idc[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: it sucks ass,,, sometimes its necessary tho unfortunately
121: George Bush: from what ive heard hes a dick but i dont rlly kno much abt him tbh so i cant really make a full judgement abt him
120: Gay Marriage: yesss, its a fundamental right not a het privilege,, its beautiful n deserves to be legal everywhere,, im so glad it got legalized here in the us 🌈
119: The presidential election: its ew ew ew
118: Abortion: i completely stand w it,, a female should not have to give birth if they do not want to, no matter the reason. fucc off my blog if u dont agree mkay
117: MySpace: cool???idk n used it so
116: Reality TV: meh, not a big fan
115: Parents: eh
114: Back stabbers: lol no scrw off
113: Ebay: noice
112: Facebook: meh
111: Work: its also meh
110: My Neighbors: they nice,, i like em
109: Gas Prices: dont buy gas
108: Designer Clothes: hella nice but so expensive,,,
107: College: its okay,, but it can be so so stressful and problematic,, n its also rlly expensive here too
106: Sports: not a fan
105: My family: eh
104: The future: oOoOoo[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: today
102: Last time you ate: abt two hrs ago
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: august
100: Cried in front of someone: july or august?
99: Went to a movie theater: long time ago
98: Took a vacation: idk
97: Swam in a pool: august
96: Changed a diaper: idk,, long time ago??
95: Got my nails done: ^^
94: Went to a wedding: june
93: Broke a bone: never actually 
92: Got a peircing: i was eight??
91: Broke the law: uhhh eight???
90: Texted: lil while ago[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: ellie
0 notes