#im allergic to math
bokujou-monogatari · 9 months
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Hey what the fuck is this
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spacespore · 11 days
HI TUMBLRR it’s me
#I ate ramen just now it was soooo god I think ramen is just it just is better after 10pm#im right#ughhh ok that actually reminded me earlier my classmate was making an Asian people eat dogs joke like he put on this awful accent and he wa#all like ‘dog tastes so good with rice’ and then he did other stuff too#but what really made me upset is that someone who I thought was my friend found it really humorous! wow okay!#I know it’s not really a big deal but im still kind of sad like I’ve lost all my respect for you now#anddd they were my only friend in the class so now I’m stuck there for the rest of the semester I guess . I mean I’ll still be nice to them#but I just don’t think I can bring myself to like them anymore sorryyy . not really . but kind of#idk if I’m overreacting . in elementary school though people would make jokes actually about me eating dog and it always made me really sad#but I never held it against them cause we were children#but now I feel like you’re old enough to know what you’re laughing at..#wow ok this really derived away from me being on tumblr and having just ate the worlds best ramen#well . not really I mean it was good but I’m allergic to normal noodles and I need to eat rice noodles and they’re not bad I just don’t lik#them as much Lol#I feel like my actual posts say nothing but if anyone ever reads the tags they probably know everything about me..#I use tumblr to complain half the time loll and I used to post my drawings more but I haven’t made any good drawings recently😭😭😭BUT WAIT!#i have a comic I’ll post in October we’ll see how far I am in it by then…#im like . halfway done with chapter oneeeee so maybe like I’ll post all of chapter one on hallowern.. how does that sound… cause actually#for those of you who don’t know my story has ghosts in it#im like trying to keep it a little silly right now but the tone might shifftttt idk!!!!! we’ll seeeeeeee cause actually I have NOT worked#out the entire plot.. just like. most of it.#but I keep having ideas like midway through ughhh it’s an endless cycle!!!!!#like Francis . she used to be a random character who shows up once but then I was like . wait no! anjali should have ghost friends! and tha#that’s how Francis came to be#and actually today I kind of finalized her design^_^ albeit in my math notebook lol
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hahaalaine · 7 months
I've worked so fucking hard to hide, mask, and overcome my various developmental delays and autistic issues that literally no one believes me when i tell them anymore and somehow that hurts worse than the shit i used to get when i couldn't hide them. now that im unmasking and feel safe disclosing shit its not seen as real or something i made up because ive worked so hard to make myself look and be capable. ive overcompensated for so long that no one can take me seriously when i tell them "no i can't do this".
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emerald-fox-93 · 9 months
I make some real dumb decisions sometimes.....
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macgyvermedical · 8 months
Drug Orders and Doses
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Cool, so I think the first thing to know is how medication is ordered.
Generally speaking, it will be ordered in 5 parts, known as the "5 Rights" of medication administration:
#1 What patient is getting the medication
#2 What medication is to be given
#3 How much medication is to be given
#4 What time it is to be given (or how often)
#5 What route it is to be given
So an order might be "Give John Smith (5/13/1995) lorazepam 0.5mg IV once prior to MRI"
In this example, John Smith is the patient and 5/13/1995 is his birthday to differentiate him from all the other John Smiths. "Lorazepam" is the drug's generic name, "0.5mg" is the amount of the drug. "IV" is the route, and "once prior to MRI" is the time.
Drugs have generic and brand names. For example, acetaminophen is a generic name. Many companies make acetaminophen, and each has their own brand name for the drug. Probably the most well-known brand name for acetaminophen is Tylenol, but there are others, like Calpol and Panadol. For most people, it doesn't matter which brand of a particular drug is used, just that the active ingredient (the generic name) is the same. For some people it matters because the non-active ingredients may be different between brands, and they may be allergic to a non-active ingredient that is in one brand, but not another.
In a hospital setting, we're going to use the generic name, because the brand of the drug that is cheapest to the hospital pharmacy varies contract to contract, and there are a lot of drug shortages these days. That's why if you're in the hospital you might get an oval green pill one day and a round white one the next day. They're the same drug, just different brands.
The dose is given in milligrams, usually abbreviated "mg". Milligrams are a measure of weight. Cubic centimeter (cc), on the other hand is a measure of volume. At some point we switched from volume based to weight based measures because we had a lot of different concentrations and using volumes for everything made mistakes really common. If you're using weights, it doesn't matter if the concentration you have is 1mg/mL or 10mg/mL for a given drug, you can do the math and come up with a volume that is right instead of just hoping you picked the one the doctor was thinking about when they wrote the order.
There are many routes a drug can take into the body. There is oral (a pill or liquid), IV (injection in a vein), IM (injection in a muscle), SQ (injection into fat), rectal/PR (a suppository, gel, or liquid inserted into the rectum), SL (under the tongue), TD (a paste or patch that sends medication through the skin) and many more.
Times can be once, once every x hours, once every x hours as needed (PRN), once under a particular circumstance, daily, or pretty much any other interval you can think of. "Stat" is a term meaning "right now".
Here's a list of common medications and their dosages:
Epinephrine 1mg IV for cardiac arrest every 3-5 minutes, 0.3mg for anaphylaxis
Amiodarone 150-300mg IV over 10 minutes for cardiac arrest
Lidocaine 75mg for cardiac arrest initially, if that doesn't work then 37.5 10 mins later
Adenosine 6mg given very quickly for PSVT, if that doesn't work, give 12mg
Atropine 1mg every 3-5 minutes for low heart rate until heart rate is normal
Albuterol 2.5mg in nebulizer for brochospasm/asthma attack
Metoprolol 5mg IV every 5 minutes up to 15mg for severe high blood pressure
Furosemide 20-80mg IV for fluid on lungs
D50 25g IV for low blood sugar
Diphenhydramine 12.5-50mg IV for allergic reaction
Morphine 2-10mg IV or IM for pain
Fentanyl 50-200mcg for sedation
Mannitol 20-150g for increased pressure inside the skull
Nitroglycerin 0.3-0.6mg every 5 minutes up to 3 times for chest pain (angina)
Naloxone 8mg nasal spray every 2-3 minutes for opioid overdose
Flumazenil 0.2mg IV for benzodiazepine poisoning, if that doesn't work give 0.3mg, if that doesn't work, give 0.5
Diazepam 15mg rectal gel for seizures that don't stop
Phenobarbital 1-1.5g IV for seizures that don't stop
Etomidate 22mg IV for anesthesia (for things like intubating someone)
Midazolam 5mg IV for sedation prior to surgery
Olanzepine 5-10mg IV for agitation (emergency sedation)
Haloperidol 0.5-10mg oral or IM for agitation (emergency sedation)
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blushblushbear · 9 months
cashew headcanons please im so so gay for him
TIME FOR DIS NUT aka our darling little bookworm
cut cause I went on for a bit and none of it is important OOPS
okay first off since he's a college boy let's start with the fact that he has zero alcohol tolerance
like none
he'll have 2 sips of a light beer or a half a shot of malibu and he's red in the face sweating and swaying like 'oh wow, I'm really feeling it haha'
Same with coffee
anything past a normal strength cup he's VIBRATING
he doesn't have a heart condition like Nimh but give him a shot of espresso and he'll think he does
is constantly waiting for someone to ask him for book recommendations
and when they do he is sponge bob's eager face BOY IS OVER THE MOON
also he doesn't just read good books
he'll literally read anything
he ADORES trashy novels
especially if they're spicy *eyebrow wiggle*
he recognizes they aren't good but they are so wild and out of pocket like
he'd love shows like gossip girl and pretty little liars if they were BOOKS instead
except OOPS they are actually and he'd love to infodump about that little fact to me if I let him (at least I think they both are?? I know pretty little liars is-- THAT PLOT IS /NUTS/)
honestly he loves when things are written well but he also loves when plots are NUTS
the only kind of nuts he can have
well... second kind
he'd be a secret college slut (respectfully and also def not actually a secret) if he wasn't head over heels for you
now he's just in your dms/texts constantly
his family is just as quiet and mousey as he is
everyone is just as nerdy
though his dad doesn't read as much-- he's more tv and movies and games nerd
he gets his love of books from his mom's side
he'd KILL to be a librarian
or work at a bookstore
English major vibes
but not just vibes that actually is his major lol
has def had a crush on 3 different librarians growing up and 1 creative writing teacher
can't math for shit
his favorite parts of campus friends taking him on nights out is him getting to read in little corners he can find and the 3am breakfasts at the local diner
I've talked about this before but him Nimh and Poe are in a book club together
he thinks Nimh is the coolest cause he's a PA for a publisher
can read a harry potter length book series in an afternoon (also hates terfs <3 )
his favorite genres are romance of any kind but he does have a special fondness for the trashier romances, fantasy, and he does love a mystery but mostly cause he can never see the twists coming
the smartest idiot you'll ever meet
or maybe he's the dumbest smart guy???
either way he is both very clever and very simple all at once
also very well meaning
incapable of wrong
only of oops
(a lot of oops actually, he's kinda clumsy)
once went a whole day without eating cause someone recommended a new series and he LIKED IT VERY MUCH
I wish for the life of me I could remember ANY book series atm
I know of a few by like--- vaguely what they're about but I can't remember their names
he could though
he will spend whole dates telling you the plot of a book series in great detail
loves pets
not great with them
also low key allergic to a few
big rip cause he loves cuddles
cries over a cat at a distance while sniffing
also really likes birds
met a few birds as a squirrel and now he knows Poe who was a bird so like--
birds are buds of his
can't say no to something cute
cute eraser, cute pen, cute notebook, cute cookie, cute you
just can't refuse cute
would totally rock a cottage core vibe if he could manage to keep a plant alive
he lost his ficus Marcel and he's still low key getting over it
uses a wallet sized photo of you as a book mark
def has you or a pic of you and him as a lock screen
the home screen is a pic of a page of a book
is very good at those 'name the book this opening line is from' challenge
good omens, both the book and the show, WRECKED HIM
actually good omens was his fav book to screen adaption thus far
he has a few others but he's more excited about good omens
wants to be friends with Aziraphale
I could ramble on forever but I think I'll end it here
loves that hack where you put cheese on ramen
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kleinv01 · 1 year
i loved the demo so much! al is suspicious in a good way, i really love klein (although he's insane but i love my men insane) anyways yael is also really cute, everyone is cute, shsshsjjsjjj please PLEASE! give us some random facts about the characters, i need it desperatelly
://SYSTEM_MESSAGE_ANSWERED thank you so much for playing the demo !! <3 im really happy to know you enjoyed it > _ < here's some fun facts about the characters ...
://KLEIN - he's capable of downloading any data he wants as long as it's accessible to everyone (imagine browsing the internet, but it's happening in your head. LOL - tallest dude in the game . he's 190cm tall - he loves getting headpats the most! - he has a barcode on the back of his neck - his oversized jacket's fabric is quite thick because it's meant to be kind of a protective layer to shield his android body ://YAEL - eldest son in the family, he has 2 younger sisters named elysia and yves ^ ^ - back in HS, his most disliked subject was math, and his favorite was biology (regardless, he was a model student) - extremely afraid of heights - very, very low alcohol tolerance. give him 1 shot of liquor and his cheeks would turn a little red already - bakes and cooks whenever he's stressed out . ://AL - he likes playing games, but dislikes the online ones . he enjoys single-player games that lets him play at his own pace - loves spicy ramen and just spicy food in general - has a habit of biting his nails and tapping his feet, which has resulted in chapped nails. - tiniest guy in the game at the moment . 170cm! - bad posture... he's a shrimp ://SERA - no one has ever beaten her in a drinking game; she never really gets drunk somehow - she loves strawberry chocolate crepes! - she met ethan at a business-related party she attended during one of her work trips - her love language is gift-giving, so if you tell her you like something, expect a whole lot of it the next time you meet her ^ _ ^ ://ETHAN - his fav colors are brown and beige - the first time sera introduced ethan to MC, he was so nervous that he couldn't spell MC's name correctly... - a caffeinated workaholic - ethan is allergic to cats - people often tell him that he never changes his clothes. WRONG ! it's just that he owns the same outfits because he's not sure what to buy each timee
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webvampzz · 2 months
Hey regarding the question thing can I get your answers to 9 and 31
Ok so
9. idk if ive ever had a true accomplishment tbh but probably passing an exam i knew i was gonna fail? ( im so sorry i cant think of anything)
10. i am allergic to mango
11. highs- when i bought a game i really wanted and was able to lore dump for hours, lows was when i had a breakdown ( rlly bad one ) to some music i dont remember the reason but i was 100℅ sure i wasnt gonna make it to today ( sorry about the personal vent,, tldr i had a breakdown with music playing thats it)
12. definitely spain. no clue why but definitely spain or france
13. i listen to ambience / save room music and rant to myself . or just music in general and rant to myself
14. pinterest and last fm ( or any app that lets u track what music/ movies uve watch i love stats and numbers sm)
15. lore nerd with bad taste in movies
16. i like my eyes the most so probably those
17. im somewhat good at writing but only about my interests
18. i am terrible at math and science
19. im ngl probably anytime i went to the doctor and they asked me about how im doing mentally
20. radiohead was named after the talking heads song and they were originally called on a friday because theyd practice on fridays hence the name
21. probably myself? i dont like revealing much about me to anybody tbh
22. my keyboard and guitar definitely i love them sm esp the key board
23. one that ive had since 5th grade iirc,, idk how long its been tho but its defo been a long time since we've been friends
24. when i realized i had to get a job eventually snd pay taxes and move out someday
25. ive never played any :(
26. bad
27. night owl, i wish i were an early bird though 😭
28. i kinda do but i kinda dont its hard to explain. more on the not at all side though
29. these r very weird answers ik i sound like an edgelord rn 😭
" i want to be someone else or ill explode " ( talk show host by radiohead)
" we were good as married in my mind, but married in my mind's no good" ( pink triangle by weezer)
" a heart that's full up like a landfill, a job that slowly kills you, bruises that wont heal " ( no surprises by radiohead)
" you'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking " ( nude by radiohead)
30. probably just basic self care like showering i dont do anything past that tbh
31. thom yorke, thomas edward yorke, the radiohead singer ( i cant think of anyone else 😭)
Im actually so sorry if any of these were too personal or the answers were too long 😭 i just really like answering these but in so sorry if they seem weird or like im venting
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astrosye · 1 year
How about some bullets for a Traveller!reader who gets along spectacularly with Itto? Absolute chums. Paimon is not pleased with Bull Chuckers ability to lower the collective intelligence of the room.
➻ astrosye
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a/n⇶ I love this request so much omg I'M GONAN HAVE FUN WITH THIS 😈😈 also im alive now😘 changing my theme in a bit, be patient 4 me babes🤍 GIVE ME SOME CRITICISM SINCE IT'S BEEN A WHILE SINCE I WROTE😞😞
cws/tws ⇶ platonic, swearing here and there😋 kind of a crackfic?? Both modern au and regular teyvat ykyk!! Just a lot of chaos
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⌗ scene I — modern AU (college or highschool students)
♡ now, this could go both ways: If you have a personality that contrasts Itto's, he would be a great ally and protector to you- but if you had one that matches him more,, the both of you are skipping school, driving motorcycles, and possibly getting dumber each second. Though,, if you do have a more quiet, and reserved personality- far from Itto's- it could still lead to the same result as the other one! Maybe..
♡ anyway- with both results, Paimon is very much displeased from you and Itto's relationship. PAIMON SAYS STOP HANGING OUT WITH ITTO AND HANG OUT WITH HER INSTEAD, HE'S MAKING YOU DUMBER!!! <— the exact words paimon said.
♡ both you and Itto get a lot of tutoring from the person whom has the highest grade in your class — Kokomi Sangonomiya. With you being around Itto- he practically just affected you with his dumbass-ness! You have no choice but to get a tutor..
♡ but if you managed to resist the dumbass-ity, you tutor him instead! Just a warning, he's annoying as fuck, but you already know that.
♡ anyway- with you tutoring Itto,, it seems he finally got that one math question correctly! (The math question was literally 4th grade math..)
♡ but studying under the wing of Kokomi.. Itto will act like a total smartass even though he's the exact opposite😭 He's more knowledgeable about the subjects, yes, but does that mean he's not an idiot anymore? NO.
♡ but even if he's still got pretty low grades.. you have to admit, you're proud of him for improving!
♡ ^and he WANTS you to show him that you are.
"[name]! I passed my science test! Aren't ya proud of me?"
he boasted about his paper with a winning smile -- despite him having a score of 37/60, you can't help but smile as well.
"Right, right! You're amazing!--"
⌗ scene II — modern au
♡ there are times the both of you are separated; as horrible as it is, this is a big school, you can't help it!
♡ so as soon as the both of you learnt that the both of you were in different sections.. you were all bawling your eyes out!
♡ ^cue paimon dragging the both of you away
♡ but apart from that, the both of you always meet up at the cafeteria to do whatever it is that you both please!
the straw was stuck in itto's nostrils - as disgusting yet hilarious that it was - a pathetic attempt that made you laugh.
"pfft — bwahaha!"
the loud laughter echoed throughout the room, as itto gave you a wide grin,
"you're an absolute idiot, itto.."
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♡ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
⌗ scene I — teyvat
♡ the oh-so popular traveler, walking around inazuma in search for another adventure — they'd eventually find that adventure as they come across a small village, seemingly terrified for their lives.
"t-the monster.."
♡ the villagers would mutter, a feared look flashing across their eyes.
♡ when you ask what happened, they'd stumble to find words- muttering as you make out the words, "white-haired.. oni.." leaving you and paimon to wonder, what oni?
♡ deciding to ask more about the situation, the villagers had finally said it in a full sentence, 'a red-horned monster that dwells among the village, allergic to beans, and with a strong, muscular build.'
♡ an elderly man asked if you would be kind enough to find and get rid of the monster, and being the kind traveler you are: you accept.
♡ venturing off to find the oni, you and paimon camp nearby the village to try and find the monster.
♡ what you didn't know, was that the so called monster was just some silly guy that screamed at the sight of you holding red beans.. and that your personalities would just click..!
♡ paimon was quite displeased — we were supposed to fight him, not gossip with him!
"traveler!!— weren't we supposed to throw the stupid bean things at him and tell him to leave the village?!"
"oh- right, yeah.. just lemme finish talking to him, then we'll fight!"
♡ upon your ignorance, paimon tugged at your sleeve, "c'mon!!"
♡ it had seemed that you had forgotten your quest, and managed to befriend the monster..
⌗ scene II — teyvat
♡ upon realizing your mistake of chatting for too long, paimon sighed in relief - 'finally..' she'd mutter under her breath, as you now explain to itto about the situation,
♡ he took it well!
"ah- right, yeah— sorry about that!.."
♡ he understood the situation, but you eventually introduced him to the villagers not as some kind of monster- but like a normal person!
♡ it was clear he was grateful that you didn't treat him like the others did, which only heightened your bond!
♡ after that, the both of you we're just absolute buds, two peas in a pod! (or three if you include paimon)
♡ the both of you would so often join each other on these little ventures into the forest, searching for onikubato bugs for your next fights -- always flexing on how "mines bigger!" "no, mine is!" like little children bragging about their toys.
♡ oftentimes, the both of you get into little dog-fights as a joke, whether it's about some puzzle the both of you had bought, or whatever!
♡ but other than that, the both of you really just chill in each other's presence.
the both of you laid on a rock, arms behind your head as you leaned into the grass. the both of you laid besides each other in peace, silent chatters exchanged among you two as you both gazed at the sky above,
"remember the first time we met?"
the both of you talked about whatever, whenever.
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another a/n ⇶ grabe.. it's been so long since i wrote HAHAH!! i so missed writing oml.. i had SEVERE writers block, man, it's so good that i can write again even if it's not as good as before😭😭 CURRENTLY WORKING ON OTHER REQS I GOT DURING MY HIATUS WHAUAHAH slow process but it's going pretty good so far😼😼
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anemoyuri · 6 months
OH NO THIS IS WHAT I WAS AFRAID OF…. there are actual math problems in this event 😭😭😭😭 NO NO IM ALLERGIC TO MATH NO
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rainingmbappe · 5 months
i have this book about chaos written by james gleick since the 10th grade and i've read it so many times. i've scribbled so many things inside, highlighted so many things in pink and yellow that if anyone else picked it up they would think that i am crazy. it's practically an extension of my being. i've carried it with me everywhere, from bus rides to morocco, i read it on the beach with me while my family was swimming (im allergic to sea water). before falling asleep i just think about the fact that the universe is constantly expanding, how we're all just specks of nothing hurtling through space. motionless on my bed but somehow i'm traveling thousands of millions of kilometres, heading to nowhere (probably). i cried a few times gazing at the moon, thinking how lucky neil armstrong was to set foot on it. i saw a moon rock in a museum in London, i couldn't hold back the tears as my mom pretended she didn't know me. i never understood why people weren't as fascinated with the universe. why the stars didn't raise dreams within them. the moon didn't make them wonder, how could they not be amazed by the very sun that warms their skin? it's all so perfect, all so precisely calculated, so meticulously orchestrated. i'm amazed by the way tiny creatures carry the most complex phenotype. how everything stays in place, how everything makes sense. there is some people that never wondered and never will. dull mind, not thinking once about the possibilities. the things we might discover while i'll be gone, it terrifies me because i might never know. when i go for a drive with my parents and i sit in the backseat, i close my eyes and bask in the warmth of the sun filtering through my eyelids. it's like being wrapped in a blanket of red shades, the warmth feels so comforting. it smells like the sun. i don't know if you've ever smelt it, it's just like when you wash a piece of clothe and you let it dry in the sun. it smells like warmth, it smells like love. i love you and i didn't forget about you <3
I woke up at 5 and rolled up my blinds letting in the sun. I made myself coffee and checked my phone briefly before I started studying when I opened tumblr. I had a bunch of notes and I quickly scrolled through them almost missing this. But then I started reading it.
I've missed this so much. I read it and I reread it all while tears were going down my face. And then I kept my phone down and cried some more. I understand you and you understand me in ways that I'll never be able to replicate.
I understand and feel every single word of this. You best believe my next read is gonna be that. "Its practically an extension of my being" I'm gonna cry again. The way you share my wonder and awe makes me feel so seen, my soul feels recognized and satisfied.
I was talking to my physics sir about how I cannot comprehend how the universe doesn't stir some people. Or the majority of people. They don't obsessively want to leave their whole life behind in pursuit of the endless expanses of knowledge. When I am in my roof for hours, looking up and my neck aches and begs me to look down for even a second, i feel like I'm floating like a feather, free and truly careless. Figuring out the beautiful constellations, crying over seeing the pattern so vividly on the beautiful moon, watching the sun dip beneath the horizon and visit you and the other for a few hours. Those moments are an extension of my being. I remember, a few months ago, it was freezing and I was lost in thought looking up and the moon had a different glow to it. It was almost gold, shining like the brightest jewel in our universe, and involuntary tears escaped me. I understand you. I know what you mean and it makes me weak to think that someone out there understands me too.
I often cry over my inability to do maths and having to leave the subject behind. I'll never be able to study what my heart lies in. But then immediately after, I'm reminded of the wonders that lie within. The wonders that I get to study. I agree with you. Why aren't people fascinated by all this? Why aren't they silently going mad with want and desire to explore, understand, learn? The way everything just makes sense. I feel like our feeble human mind isn't even capable of comprehending the wonders that the universe beholds but the want and desire to even try fills up my days.
When I look up at the morning sky, the first rays of the day beaming across my tiny sliver of the sky, that feels like love to me. When I bid my goodbye to the sun, watching it dip, that's love. When I see orion or castor and pollux, the twin stars, thats love.
You already know this but that's the Pale blue dot by Carl Sagan for me. I've never had my body tingle with excitement to have the privilege to read such a peice of work in my lifetime. I found him in an age so crucial, his shadow forms me in fundamental levels.
I see your fascination, your terror and your love for all of it like a mirror.
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From Being Bullied, To Spin The Bottle
NSFW 🔞18+
Marco x F!Reader
Warnings: Blood, Angst, Pining For One Another, Plot Errors Oh Well, Crucified, Bullying, Revenge, Happy End, Pops Thatch and Ace Stay Alive, Spin the Bottle Truth or Dare, Consensual Sex, GF and BF, Office Sex
Reader has the Goro Goro No Mi (to create, transform, and control lightening at will) but strangely doesnt use it till later.
Summary: Your a 28 year old rookie or so they think who eventually gains the Second Devision Commander position. Marco is 33 since were skipping 10 years. (Im not good at math) Marco first talked with you like he does all rookies. At first no one has any clue you were a devil fruit user, you were such a sad soul crying silently or having a dead expression on all the time. Then Marco helped you out of being bullied after seeing how severe the bullying was getting, it was becoming torture. You then learned how to be the second commander of the Whitebeard pirates with Marcos help. Many years later while playing spin the bottle truth or dare both your feelings are revealed.
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"..*speech*...... all right rookies line up to get your room key. If you loose it, then well throw you overboard! Hahaha thats all kids" you hear Pops say as your in line, these four guys cut you which you let them, saddened eyes dejected looking down. Little did you care for someone elses eyes on you.
~ After Getting Settled In Your Single Person Room Since Your A Female~
You go out but are pushed/bumped into by the four men.
"Better watch your back if your trying to start a fight missy"
"What he said"
"Move it, we have devil fruit powers!"
They all said laughing crowding you.
Thats when it started, the bullying. In the hallway they stopped for now getting bored by your expressionless face.
"Come on shes no fun!"
"Man your right lets go!" The other two agreed and you waited for them to leave. Once you were sure they were gone you made your way out on deck. Not caring for food you just head to the side of the medical office up some stairs and sit legs out between the columns of the railing looking out towards the sea. After awhile you feel someone coming up to you, you tense up.
"What are you doing over here all alone? Why not go drink and meet new people? Yoi" you turn to see the first devision commander Marco say with a ale mug in his hand. You reply
"Im ....allergic... and I.... dont... care... to..........hmm......" you sigh wind whisping your hair over your face. Completely emotionless.
"Allright suit yourself I wont push you but if you need to talk im here Yoi" he says then walks off.
~The First Couple Nights Nothing Happened~
Then one night since you always suppress you devil fruit so others can touch you. After dinner after everyone left they stuffed you in a barrel and left you over night. In the morning you woke up early to hear someone by you saying.
"Odd, whered this barrel come from? Yoi" you hear obviously Marco from his speach pattern.
"......help....." you whisper but he seemed to have caught it because he opened the barrel to reveal you curled up inside. He helps you get out.
"What happened? Who did this to you?! Yoi" he asks and you just look down. He helps you out of the barrel. An involuntary tear running down your face. He bends down and softly wipes away your tear with his thumb.
"If others are bullying you come tell me. Its not right and we dont have room aboard the ship for troublemakers Yoi!" He explains as you just look down and nod another tear fallen.
"I have to start my shift, but feel free to come in to the medical office anytime to talk. I mean it (n) Yoi"
~Later That Night At Dinner In The Back~
"Come on doll, chug chug chug!" The leader of the four yells, voice getting lost in the crowd. Them holding onto your arms. Once their done spilling alcohol down your throat and all over you, you fall down on the floor in the puddle they made of alcohol.
"Oh shit she fell we should leave so no one notices" the leader says as you just lay there completely expressionless.
~After Dinner~
You were curled up partially hidden by sitting barrels but someone noticed you. You felt yourself being picked up and carried away. Once to said destination you hear.
"(n) I cant help if you dont tell me what the problem is or in this case who the problems are. I know theres more than one of them. Is it three or four of them? Yoi" the commander asks.
"..... four....." you didnt want to speak you felt so sick as the commander put an IV in you.
"Get some sleep (n) you can clean up tomorrow. The door will be locked. Yoi" he replys.
"Thank....... you.... commander....." you meekly say. He turns surprised you said something positive.
"Of course Yoi" he says with a big smile as he turns off the lights then you hear him exit the office and lock the building. You drift of to sleep on your med bed.
~Months Later~
Everytime something happens you have to visit Marco, who has been getting more and more suspicious of certain men. Their bullying has been getting worse and worse but just so they dont get caught, but they went to far this time.
When everyone was asleep, you thought you were alone on deck. When a bag went over your head, they stuffed a rag in your mouth and you felt yourself off the ground. Suddenly you feel a piercing pain go through your hands and then feet then stomach as you coughed on blood on the rag desperately trying to yell. Then they left but you still felt eyes on you as you passed out from pain. You awoke in the morning with an IV in your arm on a med bed. The heart beat monitor gave you away. Raising your head to see Marco walk from behind the wall, to your bedside. You just realized your eyes have betrayed your tears overflowing falling hard from your face. The first devision commander gave you a tissue.
"(N) this has been going on for months tell me whose doing this to you Yoi!" Marco lost his cool for a moment then readjusted himself.
"(N) please for your sake and mine please just tell me who they are Yoi" he says softly and holds your cold hand warming you up. Everything youve bottled up came crashing down. Through tears you say
"Its Riko and his groupie. I just feel like I deserve this...."
"What do you mean you deserve all of that? No one deserves what youve been through! Yoi" he replys taking off his glasses pinching the bridge of his nose, then putting his glasses back on.
"Sobbing you speak through your sobs.
"I killed my ....parents when I..... was very young.... I pieced it ....together. I couldnt control it..... their dead because....of ...me" you full on ugly cry sitting up Marco undoes all your IVs and wires and rubs your back. Hes on his rolling chair and transforms into hybrid form pulling you onto his lap hugging you as you cry it all out.
"Sounds like youve been surpressing you devil fruit for a long time Yoi"
"What did they do to me this time? I passed out from the pain..." you question him as he replys.
"They crucified you to the sail pole. To be honest I was scared they nailed you with sea prism nails and one through the stomach. I didnt think youd make it but your natural powers happened and regenerated yourself when you were asleep. Yoi" Once done crying you look up at Marco.
"Do I deserve to live after something like what I did?" You tear up but are quiet now.
"Of course you deserve to live! Find your own happiness. It sounds like an accident you couldnt help it or control your powers. Where are you from? What have you been doing this whole time with your life? Yoi?" He asks rambling.
"I just feel like I deserve it..... Im from Skypeia.... I had a angry phase so.... id destroy islands. The world government wants me dead only. Heres my bounty" you pull out a paper from your shirt and give it to him as he transforms into human.
"Hmm (N)D.(L) 4,000,000,000! Dead Only Yoi" He yells the number part.
"Well they never actually got my face...so they dont know what I look like...." he nods and responds.
"Do you mind me giving this to Pops? Yoi" he asks you politely.
"Sure..... I trust you..... Marco" you say with a twinge of blush at being so close realizing your current position noticing he also had a small blush on his face.
"Well regardless if you had told me who they were or not. I finally caught them. Yoi" he says as your eyes widen.
"Come on lets go talk to Pops Yoi" he slides you off of him onto your feet as he stands.
"Come on little bird, im right next to you do you need to hold my hand? Yoi" he asks and chuckles as you nod yes. He holds the bounty in his right hand and holds your hand in his left as you both exit the office. Once outside you see the four men tied to a mast with sea prism chains.
"You fucking wench ill rape you once out of here!!"
"You fucking snitch we should have thought of the sea prism long ago!!!"
"So your fucking the first commander? that it? Fucking whore!"
"You should die for being born!!"
"Shutup Yoi!!" Marco yells at them. That last one got you angry, as you and Marco walk up to Pops.
"Hey Pops we got a live one here look Yoi" he hands over the bounty. Squeezing your cold hand him warming it up.
"Ahh 4,000,000,000 berries (N)D.(L) you should take the second commanders spot" Pops said. You look over to Marco as he smiles at you, giving your hand a squeeze.
"The position has been open for a while you should take it Yoi" Marco smiles and says as you look back to Pops thinking.
"Okay ill.... take the.... position..." you say meekly.
"Marco work with her this next year to show her the ropes son.
Well have to keep your bounty hidden from the rest of everyone. Now that thats decided what to do with these traitors hmmm. (N) since they did you wrong so harshly what do you recommend?" Pops asks.
".. I want to kill them... with my own powers that I didnt use before because I felt I deserved it." You state as you see Pops nods.
"Death for torturing the second commander is sufficient isnt that right Marco?"
"Sounds right to me Pops Yoi" Marco says unhanding you. The first commander unchains them as they talk more shit, your expression changes from expressionless to pure anger as you reach out encapsulating the three in balls of lightning as you go up to their leader. Suddenly the sky darkens very quickly with thunder and lightning. Summoning a huge lightning bolt you grab Riko by his collar and pick him up you stab him through the mouth into his stomach as the lightning dissapears all thats left is ashes. You drop him causing him to shatter and disperses.
"Oops my bad" You feign ignorance. Now the other three are scared as hell.
"Have mercy!!"
"Ahhh no!!!"
"Help anyone!!!"
You let them go as they jumped over board you make the sea an electric barrier so they cant drown. Then you step on the railing smile at Marco which leaves a blush on him, and fall off not seeing Pops and Marco, them of which walked to the edge to see what you would do. You walk on the electric water as the men scream out in absolute pain as you yell.
"Heavenly Electric Rain!" As all around the Moby Dick is surrounded by electricity then a loud *BOOM!* is heard as the circle of lightning goes outward until Pops and Marco and others on deck see whats going on. You bring your hands down as the water vibrates then explodes as you raise yourself up to the railing now with electricity on your feet hovering. A crowds gathered as you point outward the circle explodes in a radius outward in all water killing anything in it. After the lightning went to the horizon exploding all the water like a tsunami of water and electricity in a circle around the Moby Dick going outward. Everyones mouths agape. You raised your arms spreading the sky to reveal the sun and a cloudless sky. As you float on electricity over the railing and hop down on deck. With tears in your eyes.
"Child you are strong no question about it you deserve your rank. We will announce it at dinner. And Marco show her to her new room. Thats all for now." Pops says smirking. You walk with Marco to your room which you just mainly had clothes, shoes and money. Your tears stopped. He helped you pick up everything and move to the second commanders room which Marco gave you the key for.
"I dont think anyone had any idea you were that powerful. Why didnt you ever fight back little bird? Yoi"
"Because I thought I deserved the pain and torment for what ive done..but I see now how things should really be because of you" Marco and you make eye contact and you blush while he smiles wide with a twinge of red on his face.
~At Dinner~
"Listen up everyone! We have filled the Second Commanders position say hello to (N)D.(L)!" Pops yells as everyone cheers and murmurs what happened eariler. You stand, smile softly and wave then sit back beside Marco and Izo who was beside Marcos other side. You, Marco and Izo chat, eat, and you drink water. As the night grows the first commander bends down to your ear and whispers.
"You wont have anymore problems, I promise Yoi" and that makes you genuinely smile up at him making him blush, him drinking to hide his blush.
"Thank you Marco I owe you" you playfully nudge his arm lightly as he smiles wide at you.
~One Year Later~
You and the First Devision Commander have grown quite close over the year of him teaching you your position. He calls you little or baby bird as a term of endearment but not to anyone else and you call him big bird he is more protective of you now than before too. You have been going on missions bringing back tons of gold. Pops is mighty impressed by you, the used to be wordless, emotionless woman now your bright and cheerful and he knows too its because of Marco. When Marcos birthday came round you got him the rarest gem of Sapphire with flecks of yellow and red in it. You dont know what he did with it but you gave it to him regardless. Youve decided to get him something ever year from now on. You let it slip to Thatch that you really like like Marco then the whole crew knew except for Marco. They knew youd kill them if anyone spoke a word. Only Thatch knew how Marco felt about you. But eventually he let that slip too. But no ones told you or Marco anything. No one knew your birthday even though everyone would ask you and try and figure it out. Ace is in your second devision squad. You and Marco always spend your off days together.
"Youve really gotten the hang of it little bird! Yoi" he exclaimed and petted your head, in your office. Going through your papers as you watch he applauds you again.
"Good job (n) now you dont need me anymore Yoi" your mouth agape with a sad expression.
"Does this mean we wont hang out on off days now?" You quizzically ask him as he looked a bit shocked but understood.
"Well still hang out I promise silly dont be a stranger if you finish your work come hang out with me just as usual Yoi" he smiles wide blushing very slightly as you reply
"Yay! I was worried cause your the one .....I trust the most here..." you say looking down so he wont see you blushing. You look up as your blush fades only to cetch Marco blushing then turning to look at your desk.
"Youve come so far (n). I remember when you would cry or be totally expressionless. It would break my heart seeing you like that. Youve opened up so much baby bird. Yoi" he says but you notice a couple tears falling from his face. You get off your chair and hug him from behind.
"Dont cry Marco.... im doing much better all because of you...." you say as he turns around in your arms. He picks you up by your under arms and hugs you close. You hug around his neck close as he tears up, you run your fingers through his hair over and over saying
"Its okay" eventually he let you down taking off his glasses. You reach on your tippy toes and wipe away his tears for him. He smiles blushing at you.
"Thank you my baby bird Yoi" he says petting your head as he puts his glasses back on.
~Nine Years Later~
You confess to Thatch and Ace that your completely in love with Marco but none of them offer any good advice besides well ask him out which you say no way he has to ask. Same on Marcos end but his excuse is he doesnt want to abuse his rank. One night yall are playing spin the bottle truth or dare after a lot of the crew left dinner. Ace *spins bottle* it lands on you. Shocked you say
"Tru- no dare!"
"Okay (n) I dare you to sit on Marcos lap for the rest of the game except for refills!" He yells and drinks more beer as you thank god your wearing panties today your wearing your favorite skirt and t shirt as you move and sit on Marcos lap. Looking up at Marco you say.
"Is this okay big bird?" As he glances down at you he says
"Of course little bird Yoi" facing straight forward again you did notice a slight blush on his face as you reajust your eyes on Thatch and Ace. You *spin the bottle* landing on Thatch.
"I ant no pussy give me truth" he says confidently.
"Okay how many women have you slept with? haha" you ask as his demeanor changed to saddened.
"Noone dammit thats not what I thought you were gonna say" he scowls at you and you shrug laughing leaning into Marcos chest on accident but you feel him stay firm you feel his heart is going fast. Thatch *spins the bottle* it lands on Marco.
"Truth or dare Marco buddy?" Thatch says with a smirk. Marco seems to be contemplating his answer.
"How about dare? Yoi" The Phoenix says sipping from his mug.
"Okayy okayy I dare you ... to kiss (n)" Thatch says evily. As Marco just looks at them with a glare that you could hardly see. Marco turns you a quarter with a blush on his face he leans down eyes closed as you lean up eyes closed and surprisingly your lips met soft ones that lingered for a moment to long.
"He did it highfive!" Thatch and Ace highfived.
"I said kiss I didnt say where though" Thatch then both you and Marco blushed a deep red and you both just drank from your drinks. As you turned around again, your back to Marco. Marco *spins the bottle*
"Truth or dare Ace?" The first commander says. Ace thinks for a minute.
"Hmm okay how about a truth round no dares" Ace says.
"Okay so is it true you have a girlfriend Ace?"
"What no I wish who told you that?" Ace admits and Marco just shrugs. Ace *spins the bottle* and it lannnnddsss on .....you.
"Remember only truth so lemme think..."
"So ive been hearing you love someone close to you spill now" Ace replies. You blush a thousand sunnies while glaring at him.
"I think im gonna go to-"
"Oh no you dont little bird im curious as well Yoi" Marco hugs you over your arms keeping you down as your butt squirms rubbing areas it shouldnt be for Marco. Finally you settle down huffing.
Your glare at Thatch and Ace a thousand needles.
"I love........." you whisper. They all go.
"Huh none of us heard that."
"I said I love .... Marco....." you immediately blush the deepest red ever putting your hands on your face not knowing what to feel as Marcos still involuntary now hugging you as you boobs are squishing into his arms and hands. You hear a sigh from Marco. You *spin the bottle* which it lands on Ace.
"Truth or dare?" You question quietly Thatch and Ace knew there in for punishment.
"Ill pick dare" Ace replys.
"I dare you to drink those barrels until you feel like you get a hangover" you say glaring at him as he gets another mug full.
After Ace *spins the bottle* landing on Marco.
"Your the last truth then its truth or dare"
"Hmmm Marco why dont you tell us who are you in love with hmmm spill the beans mann" Ace finishes. Blushing as you take a peek at the first commander. You could feel him scratch the back of his head.
"Haha its (n).." he smiles drinking some ale then puts it down. You half turn on him.
"Are you serious Marco! When were you gonna tell me?!" You shout grabbing his collar. He smiles even wider at your outburst.
"It never came up in conversation Yoi"
"Oh thats your excuse you shoulda grown a pair earlier" you yell.
"Hey no- Yoi" you cut him off holding his collar of his purple jacket you kiss him longer than last time. Meanwhile Thatch and Ace are whistling and hollering so are the crewmates left on deck. After you released Marco you sat back down in his lap.
"Oh you two shutup you got what you wanted" you say crossing your arms. They both say
"But arnt you glad now?" They say to you both.
You look up at Marco whose looking down at you still blushing and say at the same time.
"Welp im beat" Ace says.
"Yea and I have to get up early for inventory" Thatch also says.
"Your both leaving like that? Ill kick your asses!" You yell but then feel Marco hug you close and nuzzle your neck planting a kiss which makes all anger drain from your body. He whispers in your ear.
"I can finally say I love you (n) Yoi" you gained a shiver as his hot breath douses your neck making him smile against your skin. You turn your head fully blushing as he looks at you with lidded eyes with a blue fire in them. As he stands he picks you up facing him and says
"Wrap your legs around me wheres your key? Yoi" you both blushing hard.
"Here" you take it out of your bra.
"Your not gonna need that soon Yoi" he says breathing on your neck making you hot and bothered. You whisper in his ear softly.
"Im a virgin Marco.." he replys back in a whisper too
"So am I Yoi" as he unlocks your commander room door walks in and locks the door.
"Do you not want too? I am in need of cuddles too Yoi" Marco says thinking about it he did sort of spring it on you.
"Maybe I got the wron-Yoi"
"I do want to Marco im just shy look at my face" you cut him off. He leans back and looks at a tomato red blushing (n). He goes to your bed and lays you down.
"Awee are you that nervous? Then dont worr-Yoi" you cut him off again. Pointing a finger at him
"Ive waited long enough bring it on me" you shout then bury your face in your hands from embarrassment.
"I think I understand now Yoi" he says then continues.
"(N) do you masterbate or have you ever?" Peeking at him you reply
"No should I have been?"
"The reason you dont know what your feeling is because your body is telling you need it but your head is saying no Yoi"
Uncovering your hands you state
"So your saying I should get layed?"
"Well that would help or masterbate but you look like your in heat so masterbation probably wont help. Yoi" you blush even deeper.
"How am I this hor-..."
"Nevermind I know why its cause you got a bonner while I was sitting on you making me all like this" he just chuckles and sits on the bed with you.
"I just need your consent silly or we can cuddle Yoi" he says with a smile.
"Well first what are we Marco I dont just want to be lovers.." you state.
"(N) will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend? Yoi" he states with a wide smile making you blush again.
"Yes id love that Marco!" You exclaim in glee.
"And I give you my consent Marco just help please ive never experienced this before with anyone but you" he caresses your cheek with his right hand and tilts your head so he has access to your lips and neck. Leaning down the kiss is more passionate as you fall into it and follow his lead, tounges flicking around embracing both of you swallowing each others saliva. Breaking for air you kick your shoes off trying to unbutton your top then Marco takes over slowly unbuttoning your shirt as he kisses your neck then starts sucking hard everywhere on your neck then down to your bra, making you moan his name
"Marcooo!" He smiles and once unbuttoned you sit up to get your shirt off then he slides his off putting his jacket on the ball of the bed railing undressing his shoes which have a zipper then he runs his hands on up your thighs making you moan again as he keeps getting closer to your panties making you shiver and twitch. Finally he grabs your panties and pulls them off. While he undresses his pants leaving just his boxers. Finally he takes off your bra one handed. He pokes your sensitive nipples and rubs them as you twitch and moan
"Im gonna have you screaming my name soon dont worry my baby bird Yoi" he says as he slides his boxers off revealing a huge present for you.
"Will it fit?" You honestly dont know.
"Trust me im the doctor here little bird Yoi" he says as he repositions you laying long ways with the bed as he gets on top of you and slowly checks your wetness the same time making you moan.
"Commander Marco!" You yell.
"Ouu I like the sound of that Yoi" he smiles wide and says, as he positions his cock at your entrance sliding it up and down as you are twitching more than ever.
"My sweet little bird look at how wet you are for me slicking me up really nice Yoi" Marco taunts you while you moan louder
"Big bird MarcOOO pleasee I need you!" He leans down to suck on your breasts sucking hard then swirling around your nipple and the other one.
"Others are gonna se-"
"I want everyone to know who you belong too screaming my name. Your mine! Yoi" Getting mews out of you. You huffing face all red. He admires you for a second and his handiwork on your neck and breasts then leans back down, eye level with you. Positioning his dick at your soaking entrace again sliding up and down as you wrap your arms around his neck you kiss then suck hard in various spots making Marco moan also
"God! Second commander!! (n)!!! your feisty Yoi!" You both knew others could allready hear you both. After youve sufficiently hickeied him you state
"Well now others will know your mine!"
"Well my baby bird are you prepared? Im gonna slide in, soon youll be mine forever! Yoi"
You nod and say
"Im ready big bird Marco" thats all he needed as he slips just the tip in making you go
"Ahh Commander!" As he slowly reaches your virginity he says
"Are you ready sweetheart? Yoi" and you just nod hanging onto him as he slowly pops your virginity one of his hand goes to your button swirling and massaging it while his lips met yours fighting, playing for dominance which he won as you makeout you start to moan again. Giving him the sign to continue. Breaking for air breathless he says
"Now your mine forever say it little bird who do you belong too Yoi"
"I belong to first devision commander Marco!!!! Ahhh!! Big bird your filling me up!!!" You moan as he thrusts out a little then in to stretch your walls for him.
"Thats another point we havent discussed! Do you want kids?! But more importantly do you want my babies?! Ahhh!! Fuck your so tight!!! second commander!!! Yoi"
"Yes I want your babies inside of me!!! Ahh yesss!!!! Marco please cum in me!!!!!" You yell for all to hear.
"Okay dont have to tell me twice Yoi" he huffs his erection growing harder as he bottoms out at your cervix.
"Told you it would fit Yoi" as you look down, wrapping your legs around his waist he chuckles. He starts to thrust out then in
"Ohh god!!!!! Yesss!!!!! First commander!!!!!!" You yell to the heavens as he starts gradually making you both huff in wanting and knowing you belong to eachother now. He places his hand back next to your head as he speeds up thrusting in and out, but not all the way out just enough to slip back in. Your fingernails dig into his back you look into his eyes and he doesn't seem bothered. As he speeds up more, both of you cant help but moan for the other.
"Yesss Marco!!!!! First commander!!!!!"
"Ahhh!!!!! (N) second commander!!!!!! Yoi" soon he is railing you
"Found! Your g spot! Birdy!!" Yoi!!!" He yells as he keeps pounding you in your g spot relentlessly giving you the pleasure you were denyed your whole life.
"Marco!!!! Yess!!!!! Right there!!!! My first Commander!!!!" Your body started to get the rhythm and soon you both were moving together slamming it. Time was useless for you both. It was starting to weigh on you both getting closer and closer to climax.
"Ahh!!!! Yessshh!!!!!!! First commander!!!!!! Im getting close!!!!!!" You scream.
"Fuckkk!!!!! Second commander im getting close too!!!!! You want my cum all inside you baby bird?!!!! Yoi!!!!" Marco screams.
"Yess!!!! Cum in me Marco!!! Cream in me!!!!!!" You scream. After some time of thrusting and you bouncing with his movements.
"Big bird!!!! Your gonna make me cum soon!!!!!"
"Fuck!!!! Baby bird your gonna make me cum!!!! Yoi"
"Lets cum together!!!! Yoi" he yells loudly as you see stars and black spots you tear up and moan
"This is heaven!!!!Marco!!!" Screaming he says
"Are you ready second commander?!!!! Ready to cum for me?!!!!! Ready for my hot creamy cum!!!!!!! To squirt all inside you!!!!!! Yoi!!!!"
"Im ready!!!!! Marco I need your hot cum to fill me up now!!!!!" You scream.
"Ready cum with me!!!Yoi" he yells
"Im cumming Marco!!!!!" You scream.
"(N) im cumming in you, take all of my hot cum!!!!! Yoi" as your walls constrict it makes his cum go even deeper filling you up. He keeps thrusting through both of your sexhighs as he slowly comes to a stop both of you shaking slightly but mainly you twitching and shaking more. Looking into his eyes soft lips meet yours as you welcome them making out breathing through your noses now swallowing eachothers saliva then breaking for more air. Huffing. He looks around but theres no rags anywhere.
"You dont keep- Yoi"
"Never mind thats a stupid question Yoi" he says as you use your electricity to hover you both upright and over to the shower.
"Handy and ticklish Yoi" he smiles as he uses one hand to place his glasses on the top of the shower. As hes holding your thighs so slipping out that quickly wont hurt you.
"Ready my little bird? Im gonna slip out now Yoi" he questions
"Im ready Marco~" you state as he slowly pulls out in by inch until its out.
"Ahh!" You twitch. He sets you down but have to hug his abs to stand.
"Just hang onto me until you can stand little bird Yoi" he says while turning on the warm water as it pours over both your heads soaking your and his hair. Watching your and his cum go down the drain. After awhile you can finally stand.
"Lets get cleaned up Yoi" he says as he washes your back and you wash his back. Cuddling in the soap then rinsing off. He shuts off the water and grabs your towel wrapping it around you. He transforms into hybrid form and wraps his wings around you.
"What about you arnt you cold Marco?" You question.
"Naw I dont really get cold dont worry sweetie Yoi" cuddling in his chest you stroke his wings using haki but not to hurt him.
"Ahh feels nice. Noones ever done that to me before. Yoi" he says kissing your neck as he chuckles.
"You know we have to talk and test our divisions tomorrow Yoi" he says to you.
"Marco you asshat you planned this?" He just chuckles smiling wide
"No no dear I just think its funny the timing Yoi" once your both dry he transforms into human form again. Leading you to the bed, sliding into bed, for you to cuddle. He puts his arm down as a pillow for you to lay in the crook of his neck while he wraps his other arm around your waist, bringing you closer to him intertwining both your legs with his. Pulling up the covers he says
"Your all mine and im all yours, and im sure everyone will have something to say tomorrow Yoi"
"Im all yours and your all mine. I dont care what people say I love you Marco"
"I love you (n) Yoi" Marco says.
"Goodnight" You both say at the same time, he chuckles and you laugh while you both cuddle falling asleep.
~The Next Morning~
"Little bird Yoi~"
"HmmMm" you open your groggy eyes to see Marco in your bed then recall the events thats happened last night. With a gaint blush on your face you finally make words.
"Were going to be late if we dont hurry Yoi" he says to you as your eyes widen and you shoot up from bed. Marco chuckling as he gets up and gathers his clothes dressing. While your trying to find new clothes you throw the dirty onces in the bin. Finally finding that pair of black shorts and t shirt you wear you black boots. Finishing up the necessities brushing teeth, bathroom etc.
"I need to get ready too. I love you (n). Ill see you soon Yoi" his sweet lips on yours real quick. While you did that, Marco left for his room to prepare. You grab your clip board and pencil and head out the door. Locking your room but leaving a window open to let it air out since the room smelt of sex. Meeting your Second Devision Squad on deck, you did rollcall.
"Okay today were doing training ill be your opponent. Luckily we stopped at an island so we wont damage the ship everyone to the island." Ace raises his hand as others are sushhing him trying to put his hand down.
"Yes Ace have something you want to share?" You question him. He snickers and asks
"So whered you get all those hickeys?" He snickers again as you lightly chuckle shrugging you admit.
"I got them from Marco. You might have heard something last night im sure. Or maybe we werent loud enough?" You scratch your head with your pencil letting it roll off your back like Marco always does. Everyones mouth is agape that you just outright said it.
"Oh please dear god no forget I even asked!" Ace yells as you giggle.
"Your lucky im in a good mood lil Ace" you say as you float over the railing bringing your whole devision with you too the island. As everyone floats down to the island.
"I am not little!" Ace yells as you giggle. After everyones on the island which was baren and a good medium size you went up the list from down floating each person back to the ship after they were done. Giving pointers and offering ideas and ways to help each member. Until only Ace was left.
"This time im gonna beat you (n)!" You hear chanting then glance to the ship where half were chanting for Ace and the other half were chanting for you including Marco. You look back to Ace hes in a ready stance. As you ready your stance, you take out a blindfold and wrap it around your head.
"Im not gonna fight someone who blinds themselves!" Ace yells as you and you retort.
"This is your handicap Ace you better fight or ill fail you and punish you."
"Tchh fine but you better not cry to Marco when I win!" He yells to you as he starts running your way. Your observation haki is very strong so this should be quick. Once hes in range you swing kick half force ontop of Aces head making a gaint crater where his head was. You feel him after a couple of seconds get up and wipe his mouth.
'He must have spat up blood' you think to yourself as Ace uses
"Fire fist!" As you point a finger at him letting go of your charge you've built up causing a massive shockwave rocking the Moby Dick hitting Ace then exiting his body.
"Is this all you have to offer me Ace?" You mock him getting him riled up.
"Flame Commandment!" He powers up then unleashes it to you.
"Lightning Commandment!" Which you point a finger at his attack and at the last second you discharge both of you unseeable from the attacks. Another shockwave and everyone is in awe at the fight before them you felt even some commanders and whole devisions were watching along with your big bird and his devision. All anyone can see is the island smashing apart and the gaint half of electricity and half fire. After the flash was over you walk through Aces flames. Using your electricity you hold Ace above water along with you. Hes on his knees
"But that was my strongest attack.... what are you??...." Ace asks
"Im the lightning god. Theres no way you were going to beat me" You reply taking your blindfold off. Floating your clipboard over to you where the island used to be you wrote down some notes then floated Ace and you back to the deck. Ace just layed on his knees head to the deck. You spy Marco walk up and say
"Dont feel that bad Ace even I couldnt beat her Yoi"
"Good job my little bird Yoi" Marcos kisses your cheek and everyone mouths are agape some were hollering and whistling. You giggled as you say
"Well Ace looking here your number one in the Second Devision Squad at least thats something to be proud of!" You say trying to cheer him up. Finally he stands saying
"Yea I guess" he rubs the nape of his neck and walks off. Marco looks at you with a smile which you smile back, both your hickied necks fully visible to everyone.
"Ah let him cool off hell be fine by dinner Yoi" you hear the First Devision Commander say.
"All right shows over, get back to work everyone! Yoi" Marco says. As everyone disperses Marco says
"That means you too (n) Yoi"
"Ya ya I know First commander~" you say cutely rubbing one of his hickey's. He grabs your hand gently and pulls you close whispering in your ear.
"Keep this up and ill have to punish you tonight~" he taunts and releases you. You just blush red and say
"Im gonna go do paperwork now bye boyfriend~" you stick out your tounge then run away as you hear him chuckle and smile. Once in your office you do paperwork on your Devision. After all day you hear a knock on your office door.
"Who is it?" You wonder.
"Its me Yoi"
"You dont have to knock you know" you reply back to him.
"Just being curdious my baby bird" he comes up behind your chair leans down and hugs you close while kissing on your neck making you moan softly
"Marcoo" then he pulls away but nips your sensitive ear causing you to shiver.
"So lover what are you stuck on? Working hours are over. Havent you noticed? Yoi" Marco says curiously.
You look up to him and ask
"Who would you put for fourth and fifth place this person has great defense but this other person has great offensive their tied and I dont know what to do" he seems to think for a moment then replys
"I would say offensive is better than defense Yoi"
"Yay! Finally im done with this stack! Time to report in" you say popping up as you clutch the papers. Your picked up as you instinctively wrap your legs around Marcos waist and hang on his neck with one arm. Him makingout with you, him also holding your thighs up. You could feel a bulge going on from him. As tounges fight for dominance you nip at his and he does the same making you moan. As you both brake for air huffing he lets you down.
"Look at what your doing to me woman Yoi" he motions to his bulge. He reajusts his cock in his pants so its not noticeable. Thats when Ace came through the door.
"Hey there you are Marco I knew if I went to (n) youd be here! Could I get a painkiller my heads killing me!" Ace says holding his head. You just hear Marco slightly sigh then turn around with a smile.
"Allright come with me Yoi" Marco says as they leave. You exit your office, lock it and head to the bulletin board tacking on the newest rankings.
"Ah it seems everyone allready did theres oh well im not that late" you speak to yourself. As you go to the main office for each devision to put the paperwork. You put your stack in the second devision box. Then head out its a sunny day.
'I want a smootie' you walk over to cantina and pick up kiwis and raspberrys blend them with ice then set your drink down.
'I should make one for Marco too' you think to yourself grabbing a pineapple chopping the green off then blend the whole thing since hell eat all of it. Once done cleaning you took the two drinks looking for your boyfriend. You went to the med office and used your head to knock.
"Come in Yoi" with your hands full you use your electricity to open the door and enter.
"Hey dear-" then you saw Ace.
"Thought you only needed a pain pill?" You directed your question at Ace but Marco spoke.
"He broke a bone when you both were fighting Yoi" your boyfriend says using his blue fire on Aces arm.
"Welp I made us drinks big bird" you change the subject and layed down his drink on his desk while you sip on yours.
"You didnt have to but I very much appreciate it my little bird. Yoi" he takes a sip while working on Aces arm.
"Its delicious love. Yoi" he says with a wide smile to you.
"Ugh get a room you two" Ace says.
"Maybe you should get a girlfriend Ace" you stare daggers at him making him flinch and you laugh.
"And by the way we had a room but someone burst in without knocking" you add. That saying made Ace blush red.
"There all done for now. You will have to come in every day for a week. Yoi" Marco says as he enjoys his drink now and so do you.
"Thanks doc see ya two later" Ace says leaving the office. Marco goes and locks the door making you raise an eyebrow. You both finished your smoothies.
"Bottoms off now Yoi" he gives you that look, like I want you now. You use your electricity to drawn all the blinds as you undress your black shorts and kick off your boots. Then he slides off your panties as he drops his pants and boxers. Sliding his dick in between your thighs.
"My my allready soaking wet for me just how I like it. Here bite on this gauze roll be a good girl and I wont punish you like I said eariler. Shh try not to make a sound my sweet little bird Yoi"
"Bend over the table for me Yoi" he demands and you obey your arms supporting your weight.
'Thank god all the tables are bolted down or it would rock into the wall' you think as he inserts his tip and you moan but quietly because of the gauze. He picks you up by your low stomach feeling himself fill you up with his cock through your lower abdomen. He starts thrusting as you moan long and softer than normal this was a more sensual kind of sex. Forbidden sex in the offices. It turned you on as he pounded your g spot makeing you see circles and dots moaning a little louder he says while grunting.
"Shh remember Baby bird be a good girl and you get your reward Yoi" you nod as he thrusts again and again the gauze making you drool on the cleared off desk. Whatever he was doing it was working. This new feeling of euphoria made you feel so high. Afterwhile he leans over and says
"Are you close baby bird? Yoi" you just nod viciously. He takes that as a sign to finish as he kept up his pace which wasnt even that fast like the first time this time it was sensual but still making you want to cum. He whispers
"Im going to cum soon (n) Yoi" he whispers to you as he holds your low stomach him feeling his cock moving in and out of you turning him on even more. He speeds up a little more hitting your G spot everytime on purpose. You moaning as quietly as you can.
"Heres your reward my sweet girlfriend Yoi" you moan a little louder as your cuming, he keeps thrusting. By you cuming it makes him cum. Him whispering to you
"Heres your reward my little bird take all of my hot cum have my babies Yoi" he grunts moaning softly as he thrusts through your and his sex highs till he gradually slows down and stops. You took the gauze out of your mouth. Huffing for air as he grabs a small towel and after a minute he whispers
"Im going to slide out now Yoi" and you just nod. As he slides out you have to stifle a loud moan. You knees weak legs twitchy. He cetches your juices and cum ckeaning you up then flipping the towel in half cleaning him up now.
"You couldnt have waited? " you giggled as you put your panties black shorts on and boots back on you cleaned up your drool and tossed the gauze away. He pulled up his boxers and pants too. He comes up behind you and says in your ear.
"No I couldnt youve been poking jabs at me all day and especially in your office. So I half punished you and half rewarded you Yoi" he states as you open a couple windows.
"Now it smells like sex in the doctors office." Marco just shrugs and smiles wide and leans down to kiss you, kissing back then departing with a string of saliva falling away he picks you up by your thighs as you hook onto his neck.
"It was kinky I liked it, what about you (n) Yoi" he says quietly as you whisper
"You in that doctors coat is a turn on its been a fantasy of mine for awhile" his curiosity gets the better of him.
"What other things tantalize your mind? Yoi" he asks sliding you off of him.
"Youll just have to find out~" you shake your booty a little as he grabs that ass firmly making you gasp and him chuckle.
"Wait how long have we been in here?" You question and he replys
"Not long at all about thirty minutes Yoi"
"Oh good come on big bird lets go before were found out" he nods puts his doctors coat up and unlocks the door letting you exit as he locks the door.
"Dont you feel better (n)? Yoi" he asks
"Actually I very much do feel better. How about you?" You ask.
"I think you know but ill entertain you. Yes it feels like a weights been lifted off my shoulders. Yoi" he chuckles at your guys fun and smiles wide intertwining hands with you as it was getting close to dinner time. He led you to your guys table to chill before dinner Izo and Ace were allready there talking.
"Well speak of the devil or devils in this case." Ace says as Izo nods.
You and Marco just cock your heads like what.
"What is it this time Ace? Yoi" the first devision commander asks.
"The whole crew want to know what exactly are you guys to eachother" Izo speaks. You just let Marco talk it out. With a smile he says
"Well shes my girlfriend of course and more. Yoi"
"And hes my boyfriend and more" you giggle. As Ace and Izo look a bit taken aback by the transparency.
"Ring A Ding Ding Its Dinner Time" you turn to see Thatch handing out food and crewmates lining up for booze.
"Excuse me little bird. I better go get some ale before its gone Yoi" you slid out of the booth and let everyone slide out to get booze while you allready had water you just stood while Thatch came with food to your table setting down meat for Ace and Izo a pineapple and a fruit bowl for Marco and tuna sushi for you. You got stars in your eyes
"I heard sushi was your favorite food so ill be giving it to you from now on" Thatch says as you gleam "Ahh!!! Thank you soo muchh Thatch!!! Thats so sweet of you!" He rubs the back of his head.
"I kinda have to cater to the highest commanders" Thatch says.
"Whats goin on Yoi?" Marco is suddenly standing behind Thatch.
"He made me my favorite food!" You raised your arms in the air excited. Marco raises an eyebrow to Thatch.
"I was just telling her I make the highest commanders their favorite foods. Wellp back to work" Thatch goes back to the kitchen. You let Marco slide into the booth seeing his favorite food he smiles and wraps his left arm around your shoulders. Making the crew murmur. You look at Marco eating his pineapple with the skin on makes you giggle. He smiles and asks
"Whats so funny my little bird? Yoi"
"Why do you eat the hard peel?" You reply.
"It carries a lot of nutrients Yoi"
He says as you whisper in his ear
"They say if you eat a lot of pineapple that your cum tastes sweet~" he whispers back
"Well well have to figure that out if thats okay with you? I have something I want to do to you too but shh its a secret Yoi" you reply
"Its okay with me im curious myself" you both ended the conversation and started eating your sushi and he ate the rest of the fruit. Then drinking some ale while you drank your water. Everyone including you were chatting having a merry time. After dinner you and Marco split up to take showers once done you dress in a short thigh high black thin dress then walk out of your room and lock the door. Then go to Marcos room and knock. You heard it unlock guessing its for you. You walk in then lock the door. Suddenly you feel Marcos arms around you from behind and picked you up
"Hey put me down" he obeys and puts you down.
"Whats the matter little bird I want to cuddle~ Yoi" you inspect his room then see on a small pillar on the wall by his library all of the gems youve given him for his birthday.
"Aweee you kept them" he walks over to you hugging you from behind.
"Of course I kept them, there my treasures from the one I love Yoi" he holds your hand and leads you to the bed. You get in and he slips in under the covers with you. He turns on his side spooning you holding you with both arms as you hold his arms and intertwine your legs with his.
"Goodnight my sweet little bird Yoi" his breath on your neck making you shiver.
"Goodnight my handsome kind Phoenix"
~Happy End~
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tervioza · 3 months
tagged by @unsoundm3740d5 :* thank you, much love
Are you named after anyone? yeah, a saint, my favourite one
When was the last time you cried? had a period before this year when i couldnt cry for a year or more but now i cry every day, so yesterday
Do you have kids? no
What sports do you play? none, but i used to love basketball in hs
Do you use sarcasm? yeah
What's the first thing you notice about someone? their face
Eye colour? brown and i love my eyes very much
Scary movies or happy endings? scary movies i love scary movies
Any talents? im very good at learning languages
Where were you born? POLSKAAA !
Hobbies? drawing & reading & arguing
Any pets? noooo, im allergic to everything that moves ):
Height? 5’2 and very insecure about it
Favourite school subject? polish lit and math
Dream job? attorney i guess
tagging @ciieli @chudchudchudchud and anyone else that wants to do this
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figureinthedistance · 5 months
Something im learning from my job is that a lot of academic research projects that supposedly try to include hard to reach groups take like some really baffling steps to do so that i cannot imagine they expect to be successful. Seems like a box ticking exercise tbh
The most obvious manifestation is in their approach to plain language. Theyll often have a plain language section explaining the project to participants but the project as a whole won't be in plain language. I remember one where the section explaining the project was in plain language but then the actual consent form was like "i have read the plain language section and understand the information contained therein. Any concerns i may have had have been addequately addressed" like how do you drop out of plain language that quickly!! And to be honest it irked me that they referred to the section as the plain language section firstly bc plain language isnt really plain language, its jargon, but also i feel like its patronizing and othering. Sorry im ranting now.
Another survey asked people to rate a subjective experience on a scale of 0 to 100 like have you literally ever interacted with a human being. Well thats sort of the crux of it where im kind of developing an allergic reaction to the scattered professor locked in their world of theory stereotype. Which many academics do fit to a T. And it may well be fine for like maths professors but u cannot be carrying on like that if u are trying to analyse and understand society. My suspicion is there is an under appreciation for how non representative a lot of sociological and psychological studies are
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parrotxx · 1 year
*coughs aggressively* oh sorry im allergic to math finals *aCHoo*
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adustoflove · 7 months
I will write down that anime and check it out for sure , I pinky promise
Math Rock is called that cause it's unpredictable polyrhythmic improved style
I understand what you mean , that feeling is something I would die for I think , I remember one time I was very sick , allergies had hit me very hard , I was vomiting , I was getting cold and hot flashes , I was shivering - however my ex was over (he wasn't my ex at the time) I became clung to him, I was very emotional and he took care of me , it ment alot to me I find comfort in that thought
I think you haven't spoken enough about yourself , I want to know more
I'm a lover of mundane , I don't mind if it seems like boring information to you , I want to know
I had pink hair just till around last week, my hair has been pink on an off ever sense I was 14 , it's important to me
- the gawker
That's really sweet, I think I always wished for someone to genuinely just take care of me like that since I've actually never really experienced anything of the sort-? Which, may be why my ultimate fantasy is all these weird intimate experiences that don't do much for anyone else but me 😭 I wonder what you were allergic too though because that sounds like some serious ass shit?? Like maybe a urgent care or hospital visit needed there 😭 I'm so glad someone took care of you.
IM GLAD BECAUSE BABY MY LIFE IS NOTHING BUT PURE NOTHING ♡ boring as far as the eye can see. I guess on this blog I don't overshare as much. I still overshare though.
That's so interesting, why pink specifically and what color is your hair now?
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