#im actually so fucking sleepy and this is scaring me ooh my god
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#willy replies#im actually so fucking sleepy and this is scaring me ooh my god#ITS FOUR IN THE MORNING!!!!!
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Love Tropes Asks: Michael
ok that’s it
im just gonna go fucking Ape Shit Feral. no asks necessary BINCH
prompts from this post
answers got long af so the rest are under the Read More
Aborted Declaration of Love
We both just kind of suffer for a while, quietly trying to get up the courage to say something, but he’s really shy, and I’m impatient with myself, so I’m the one mostly initiating it-- and it ends up with a bunch of accidental awkward silences where I’m like, obviously trying to tell him something (even he can tell) but I lose my nerve at the last second and just sort of nervously laugh it off. Eventually, I do confess, and I actually wrote a confession fic here.
It went well enough!! We’re both just a bundle of nerves and anxiety, so it’s sort of clunky, but it goes well. :)
Accidental Hand-Hold
At first we don’t even notice, probably, because technically the first hand-holding to occur is most likely during a team fight-- when one of us is helping the other off the ground or pulling the other out of harm’s way. In the moment, we don’t think anything of it, focused on the situation and all; later, though? Oh my god, the realizations... the blushy tossing and turning in bed, staring at the ceiling and yearning....
My first purposeful hand-hold is actually before we’re together: I tend to do that thing where like, when comforting someone or starting a serious conversation, you take their hands in yours. It’s just sort of... grounding, and intimate, and like... I don’t know, it just feels right. Once we’re together, I love to take his hand and kiss the back of it at random while we’re holding hands. (He always gets so flustered, it’s adorable!)
The first time Michael moves to hold my hand is probably sometime around the time of the confession. Maybe a little before (during the yearning stage) or a little bit after (during the honeymoon stage) but honestly, it becomes so natural for him to just like... reach over and thread our fingers together that I don’t really know when it started. We both have a fair amount of anxiety, so it’s a simple, quick, easy, and sweet fix for when one or both of us feels it creeping up-- and like, who doesn’t like to feel the touch of their lover every once in a while?
After-Action Patch-Up
This trope happens a lot, actually, given the nature of the source material. I mean, we’re essentially a superhero team, so we’re on the front lines of the action 24/7; in the comic, everybody gets beaten up fairly often and usually to a wince-inducing (occasionally tears-inducing) extent. So you’d think we would be used to it, given the world we (he and my self-insert) live in, but... yeah, that’s not the case.
When Michael sees that I’m hurt, it sort of depends-- I mean, 100%, he hates it and it’s upsetting to him, and he’s gonna be extra gentle and probably trace the injuries with his fingertips (or his gaze, if the injury’s too sensitive) but if he sees me being actively hurt by someone? Ooh. I’m definitely the more feral one generally speaking, but in this particular circumstance, he might give me a run for my money. Just picture this gentle, angelic dude going full “eliminate the threat and get them out of danger” mode.
Of course, afterward, he’s immediately landing and rushing over to me (dropping to his knees if I’m on the ground) and frantically looking me over, hands hovering nervously over my skin, voice all shaky and quieter than usual when he speaks. hhh Anyway-- he does have some knowledge of first aid, since he grew up all isolated in the mountains and he had to know how to help himself and his family when things took a turn for the worse; mostly, he’ll patch me up however he can, and if it’s bad enough he’ll leave the fight to get me to safety and/or a hospital (depending on how close to done the fight is). If he’s not too badly hurt toward the end of a fight, he likes to help the paramedics patch up his teammates who are worse-off; if I’m among them, I’m the one he goes to.
When I see him hurt, there’s... a lot less hesitation and a lot more ass-kicking. I’ll be honest, I’m really protective in general and I can’t handle seeing the people I love get hurt in any way, shape, or form. This fact combined with my feral energy is kind of a recipe for disaster at times, considering we’re supposed to be the good guys-- I mean, I’ve got a feeling it’s not great for the team’s image if I just fuckin’ electrocute anyone who hurts my boyfriend. Regardless, though, if anyone seeks him out (in a fight or otherwise) with ill intent, they better be prepared for the death and/or thorough beating they’ve earned. There’s a particular event in canon that haunts me so much I had a dream about it, and I ended up just... losing control of my powers and just completely fucking destroyed this girl who-- hhhh. Anyway.
When it comes to how I treat him afterward, it’s much the same-- the horror of seeing him like that and the cautious gentleness I treat him with are pretty much exactly the same, and we both do that hand-hovering thing like we aren’t sure if we’re allowed to touch (or we’re scared to hurt our love even more). One thing I always end up doing is just. Brushing his hair out of his face and tucking it behind his ears until eventually I just... ever so carefully bring my hands up to cradle his face-- usually just one cheek at first, and if he leans into it, I starting tearing up on the spot. Then I just... gently bonk our foreheads together because like jesus christ I almost lost you. I’m so glad you’re still here. After the fight, for the long run, I’m very doting toward him when he’s recovering; I’m not the nagging “you have to rest” type, but I’m more softly affectionate and I bring him things, do things for him.
Almost Kiss
I’m not sure when exactly our first kiss is, although it’s probably during the same scene as the confession fic I linked in the first answer-- but as for how it is? Oh my god.
He’s not experienced at all, like... I’m his first kiss, and it’s obvious because he’s so clearly anxious about it. Luckily, I do have a little experience, and also we’re both just super gentle-- in general, but especially with each other. It’s soft and uncertain, but we tend to melt into each other in pretty much any scenario because we’re just,, so comfortable with each other. So it’s only uncertain for a short bit before we’re pulling away all starstruck, breathless and giddy, only to go back in for another (and probably several more after that, to be honest.)
Beautiful Dreamer
Hmm. Well, it’s kind of hard to say who falls asleep first? Michael struggles with trauma-induced insomnia, and my sleep schedule is terrible-- plus, if he can’t sleep, I like to stay up with him (even if I doze off a few times while he’s reading) so... I mean, I guess on the nights that he sleeps, he’s the first to fall asleep? It probably helps that like, apparently when I play with people’s hair they get sleepy. (I have... the magic touch...) And I mean, it’s cheesy and predictable, but he is beautiful when he’s sleeping. He’s always gorgeous, but when he’s asleep he just,, relaxes in a way he never really seems to when he’s awake.
On nights where I doze off first, it probably takes him a little while to notice because, like I sort of mentioned, he likes to read when he can’t sleep; he gets completely engrossed in the stories, and like, on occasion he’ll read something he thinks is cute or funny and he’ll grin and look over/down to share it with me, but sometimes he’s like oh because I’ve just... quietly fallen asleep all cosied up to him. And he just immediately softens and slowly blushes, usually just... pausing to study me for a moment before remembering the book, then he just kinda,, haphazardly bookmarks the page before setting it aside and shuffling around a bit so he can cuddle up to me. Sometimes this leads to him dozing off, too, but not always!
Regardless of the situation, though, we always sleep better when we’re together.
Bodyguard Crush
Okay but like... Michael just being himself is what makes me feel safe?? Everything about him just feels like home to me. He’s so gentle, and sweet, and like... hhh. I just feel like, there’s no question as to whether he would be accepting of me for who I am in my entirety, and that just means,, so much to me, you have no idea-- like I,,, I’m not actually super confident in myself a lot of the time, and I project this confidence anyway because I’m working on it, but I do usually have anxieties and doubts about how people perceive me, whereas with Michael there’s just this... exceedingly rare peace of mind. Like, most of the time, I have to try so hard to convince myself (like, “yeah, they’d totally be accepting, and if not, they can be in your canon” which isn’t as comforting as I’d like it to be) but like, with him it’s not even a question?
And like, I just... like I said, he’s so gentle, sweet, and understanding, and he’s just... like, he doesn’t want to hurt anyone, and he’s so careful not to when it’s not necessary. He’s so quietly aware of people, and like... I dunno, I just,, I tend to be that person for people, and often it feels like my own feelings go unnoticed or ignored, but I’m like... actually confident that he would. Notice?? And be good to me???? Which is just,, so wild of a concept but it’s exactly what I need.
And then like. This one’s not great of me, but the fact that we both have trauma to deal with actually kind of makes me feel better. I mean obviously I hate that he’s traumatized and it fucking HURTS that people have treated him like this, but I just-- like, I don’t know, I just. I don’t really talk about it, but sometimes I feel broken, or like I’ll never be good enough, or like I’m actually a horrible person, but then like... with Michael, I just,, it’s so clear to me that like... he’s not broken or terrible or insufficient because of his struggles, not at all, and y’know, I think we’re good for each other and that we make each other happy, and that feeling kind of just... fades? Wanes? It’s not gone completely, and I don’t know if it ever will be, but still, he makes me feel secure.
Um. I guess one last one!! Michael is shown to be very caring and like... he’s always fighting for people, and he’s got this gentle protective nature-- in canon he’s got this tendency to take on responsibility for others’ safety, and it hurts because he blames himself when they get hurt but it’s also just,, he’s so selfless, okay?? And he just,,, I know he would fight for me and like, put in the effort, and potentially stick his neck out for me, and that’s terrifying because I don’t want him to get hurt but on the other hand like... it means I know he’s got my back. 100%. And I mean... what can feel safer than that?? Because I’ve got his back too, so I’ll be doing my damnedest to make sure he doesn’t get hurt, and I can feel confident that I won’t be taking the brunt of things because he’s doing the same for me. If that makes sense dgjkjkdhgkj
Caught in the Rain
Ah, okay, well... the thing is, I lovvvveeeee the rain, so I would be ecstatic for a second, but then I remember like, fuck, Michael. Because the rain actually makes Michael sort of nervous, and I guess you could say, uh... flighty? See, like, his wings are A Thing and his feathers don’t repel water like duck feathers do-- his just get waterlogged, and then he can’t fly, so he’s grounded until he can dry off and fix them up, which makes him very anxious. Usually, he just freezes for a second and I have to sorta shepherd him into an area where there’s cover from the rain.
If it takes too long and he gets rained on, he gets fidgety and tense, and I gotta like... gently tug him over to a place we can sit down so I can help him dry off. It’s a really,,, really soft thing, actually, because um. Okay, basically, like, winged creatures like birds usually only let their mates help them preen & stuff. So,,, it’s like,, a trust and intimacy thing. Also, I mean, it’s a cute picture: this lanky winged dude just,, sitting down, totally drenched from the rain, and his doting partner just slowly evaporating the water from his wings with their energy powers (heated hands come in Handy). I mean, come on.
Grow Old With Me
Uhh... well, I guess we haven’t been together very long, IRL or in-universe. I will say, though, it feels like we’ve been together forever from how comfortable and natural it is.
Laugh of Love
Okay, well, Michael... isn’t always very good with jokes, because he’s so new to pop culture, but he can be very silly sometimes. Actually, he used to be embarrassed about it, but sometimes he might play up the fact that he doesn’t get it, just to see me try not to laugh. I try not to laugh when it happens because like, it’s not his fault, and I don’t want him to think I’m laughing at him, but he’s just so darn cute omg-- but at some point he figures out that I find it a little bit amusing and he just jumps on that because he wants to see my smile skjdkjk
Alternatively, he can also just like. Compliment me too much and I’ll just start laughing out of embarrassment while protesting because like idk how to take a compliment
Love Epiphany
Ah, well, I mean, I realize pretty quickly that I’m crushing on him, because like, he’s so cute and sweet, FUCK-- love, though? Love with a capital L? That takes a little longer. Basically, the timeline is like, I met him and started crushing, then as I got to know the team (including him) a little better, we became fast friends and I tend to appreciate my friends very deeply, so that was another step-- and then just... as we got to know each other I gradually started to note some thoughts and feelings that weren’t quite platonic, and I kinda swept them under the rug at first because I’m an affectionate person and also I’m not straight so my affection lines are sometimes a little blurred. When they got more and more common though, I just kind of... had to admit it. Like, man, I’m a fairly logical being; if the evidence is all pointing one way, I guess that’s the most likely explanation? Plus, the thought of it made me feel really warm inside, which just confirmed things.
Michael’s realization?? I’m not sure tbh. @astralshipper is especially fond of teasing me with the “love at first sight” thing, but that doesn’t seem realistic to me skjfkdk
Marry for Love
AHAAAHA. HA. hghfhsdbbjs No, we aren’t ... skdnsfdkjskjfk dg we aren’t married-- uhhhhh hahah. ha. I mean, we just started dating like a month or two ago, what kind of fool would be thinking of ,,,, being with,,, ,, , such a wonderful.. lovely, sweet, perfect guy for the rest of their life JNFDKJNKJS I MEAN. . GHJGHGKGJHGKFHFHHHHGHHGGHHH
... We, uh... we haven’t talked about it. ^^;
Post-Kiss Catatonia
answered here
Sickeningly Sweethearts
Uhh, I mean... we’re not huge on PDA, because we aren’t extroverted and we aren’t extremely confident. However, we do hold hands quite a bit, and then when one of us is hurt, or we’re finally seeing each other after a fight, then we kind of just forget we’re even in public and we’re fairly affectionate. If we’re just at the team headquarters, sometimes I’ll initiate more highkey stuff like kisses, and for the most part, the team is chill about it. Katie just kinda grins and giggles, Scout is like “god i wish that was me” skjndkjnknk Hope and Nikki just sorta fondly roll their eyes, and both Nikki and Jack probably tease us over it. Jay is the one who’s like BLUHGGHHH GROSS gnkjnkngk but he’s a dumbass so I just stick my tongue out at him and/or flip him off.
You Must Be Cold
answered here
Zip Me Up
Uh, we don’t really help each other get dressed. We’re both a little too easily flustered for that, although sometimes I do offer to help with his shirts because his wings can make things difficult for him. We might help each other with neckties if we’re going to a dressier event, or maybe with buttons on occasion. If I’m in a jewellery mood, he might help me with a necklace or something. None of this is super common, though, and by the end of it we’re always sort of flushed even though we’re very respectful about it.
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say STAND WITH HONG KONG AGAINST THE CCP!
You both like talk.
Stranger: Hey m
You: feeling blue.
You: hey ahahah
Stranger: What’s up?
You: First of all. i was just testing the platform ahah
You: Um, nm wbu?
Stranger: Wait is this your first time being on here
You: Kinda
Stranger: Oh god your in for a lot of weird stuff
You: Oh really??
Stranger: Yea
You: Damn, i'm scared rn ahahah
Stranger: Just the common sexual stuff is beastilality, incest, pedos, public nudity
You: Ooh lmao is that creepy?
You: is it that*
Stranger: Do you know what half of them mean
You: Yea for sure
You: so wyd here btw?
Stranger: Just come on here to chill wbu
You: Idk i was just bored. i just wanted to talk. idk. stuff like that
Stranger: You get used to it after time
You: Oh if u say so. i'll trust u.
Stranger: But whatever your into none sexually and sexually you can find it on here
You: Oh okay
You: I mean, people r weird right but i got this.
You: I guess so
You: ahahaha
Stranger: Like if you can find people who fuck dogs ect you can find anything
You: nah, r u serious?
Stranger: Oh yea
You: Ooh shoot.
Stranger: I didn’t believe it at first and added someone on kik
Stranger: She sent a pic of her being eaten out by her puppy
You: oh u keep in touch then..
You: Oh my gawd.
Stranger: Nope haven’t talked to hear in years
You: wait what
Stranger: I didn’t talk to her once I understood the reason why people fuck animals
You: Oh ahahhaha that's so weird dude
Stranger: Welcome to Omelge
You: I'm already regreting.
You: ahahhahaha
You: may i ask ur name?
Stranger: Hahaha that’s a fair thing to say
Stranger: I’m Daniel wbu
You: Yea ikr aahahahah
You: Oh nice name, Daniel
You: I'm Sarah :)
Stranger: Nah Daniel is a crap name but Sarah is cute
You: Hey, isn't a crap name, i like it okay?
You: Oh, and i appreciate that.
You: ahhahah isn't that cute
Stranger: I wanna change mine to danno
You: Damn?
Stranger: Yea
You: It's like dunno, u know like "I dunno"
Stranger: Yea i know
You: Awful pun right ahahha
You: Nah i was kidding.
You: Daniel it's a good name dude.
Stranger: Haha dw it’s okay
Stranger: Take a lot to even bother me
You: but u know what, Danno is a nice as well.
You: It's creative.
Stranger: Awe thanks
You: Yea sure, np
You: may i show u a song?
Stranger: Sure
You: it's really good, i promise.
Stranger: Okay:)
You: idk you yet by alexander 23
Stranger: Okay
You: let me know if u like it aahah
Stranger: Putting it on rn
You: okay
Stranger: Oh I’m 20 btw I dunno if I’ve said it or not
You: oh, actually u haven't
You: but doesn't matter ahah
You: Do u wanna guess mine?
Stranger: I’m gonna guess 15
You: justify your answer.
You: ahahhaha
Stranger: Coz soon as I turned 20 everyone seemed to turn into young teens
You: Oh it makes sense. i guess so. ahahah
You: But u guessed it wrong. try again.
Stranger: Are you older or younger than 15
You: a bit older
Stranger: 17
You: nope
Stranger: Dam 16
You: Yea ahahahah now u get that.
Stranger: Took me long enough lol
You: AHAHAH that's the point.
Stranger: Hahaha
Stranger: Straight up you are rly nice for Omelge
You: Oh well, im flattered rn ahahah
You: You're rly nice as well, wth r u doing here?
Stranger: Low key after friends idc if they sexual or none sexual
Stranger: Wbu
You: wait what lmao
You: oh nvm
Stranger: Haha I just need new friends idc how they act
You: AHAHHAH im sleepy, my mind's like "????"
You: But i'm always like that so..it's normal
You: u told me.
You: i'm stupid. i've asked it twice.
Stranger: Dw it’s fine
Stranger: Idc how many times you ask
You: Oh so u don't mind if i ask it again ahahah
You: jk jk
Stranger: Haha mean go ahead and ask again
You: Oh yea okay. maybe later. lmao
Stranger: Haha
You: ahhahaha ur funny u know that.
Stranger: Idk how I’m funny
Stranger: But a lot say I am and idk why
You: U just are and that's it.
You: does that make sense to u?
You: because it does, to me.
Stranger: Well let me ask this do you think I’m typically a normal or sexual guy
You: wait, first. pls don't tell me that ur a horny one.
Stranger: Low key I’m always horny I just know how to respect people
Stranger: Like I know not every girl is wanting to send pics ect
You: Ooh that's great.
You: I mean, ur a respectful one
Stranger: Yea like I get that just coz you on here doesn’t mean your horny
Stranger: I typically only get sexual if you say something that indicates that your sexual
You: Yea sure, i know that. I was just saying. And i'm glad to know.
You: asking*
You: :))
Stranger: Yea that’s fine
Stranger: I’m one of these guys who will answer anything and everything no matter what it is
You: Well, and answering ur question. A normal one. Am i right?
You: AHAHAHAHA well, i like it tho
Stranger: Typically I’m sexual not coz I choose to I’m just naturally sexual and say shit without thinking
Stranger: Like I always warn new people I add on snap of that
Stranger: I warn them of everything just so they know
You: Oh, that's good, every guy should act like that.
Stranger: Also tip I’d make a kik account or something coz a lot of the time Omelge crashes ect
You: Oh yea omegle sucks. lol
Stranger: Yea sometimes messages don’t even come through
You: well, I didn't know that..
Stranger: Mean it’s still a good site but has its downsides
You: Oh yea, sure
Stranger: So I’d recommend making a new account just for Omelge people
You: well, but i wont come here so often u know...
Stranger: Mean it is worth it
You: I don't know if it's worth it ahahaha
Stranger: Some of my best friends I met on here years ago
You: Oh i was gonna say this first
You: Oh really? wow
Stranger: Yea
You: that's awesome, i would say.
Stranger: Like I say it is worth it if you wade through the shit
Stranger: Coz you can find some diamonds
You: AHAHAHHA diamonds
You: shine bright like a diamond ahahahhaha
Stranger: Haha am serious tho
You: Well, good to know then. :))
Stranger: So yea it’s up to you if you want to try and make new friends
You: Oh yea, now i get how it works ahaha
You: I mean, kinda but yea haah
You: hey, i gtg now. do u wanna keep in touch?
Stranger: Sure
You: Insta?
Stranger: Let me check
Stranger: danno200058
You: hold up
You: mine is @sarahcvlm btw
Stranger: Ight
Stranger: Following
You: Life's too short to stop on the bad parts, fix them and move on until there are no more problems, right? aahhaha
You: Oh oke i'll follow u back.
Stranger: Yea that’s me
You: Nice talking to u Danno :)) and thanks for all ahah
Stranger: It’s okay and it’s been nice talking to you to
You: See u there :))
You: night. idk what time is it but...
You: anyways.
Stranger: Goodnight
You: :)
0 notes
I made this request days ago, and I think tumblr ate it 😨 bisexual mc? Im not feeling very validated at the moment because of this...
∑(;°Д°)ᵒᵐᵍᵎᵎᵎ It did eat it!! I’m sorry about that. I wish tumblr could get the messaging system working right...
Before I get this HC started, I do want to say a few things. You mentioned you weren’t feeling validated due to you being bisexual? That’s what i’m assuming from how its worded.
I want you to know that It Is Okay. That’s a very cliche thing to say, but you matter and are valid. It took me years to find out I was bisexual, and I was scared at first.
You are not being ‘Greedy’, you are not being a ‘thief’. You are not ‘confused’. You are YOU. Don’t let others tell you how you are just due to your sexuality. You are not hurting anyone, you are not hurting the world. You are existing, and you have every single right!
We can’t control who we fall in love with. Just because it happens to be more than one gender does not make you a horrible person. It just means you’re able to open your heart in ways others can’t.
I’m always here to talk to you if you need it, anon! I love you, don’t feel so bad about yourself, okay?
Here’s how the crew would react! o(*^▽^*)o
-You were kind of scared to tell him. Sometimes guys could react badly, or in a gross way and immediately bring up the idea of threesomes.
-It was about a month after the RFA party that you told him. You didn’t know why, but you felt like you just needed to get it out in the open.
-You sat him down and took a deep breath, starting-stopping-starting again. God, you had admitted this to friends before! Why was this so hard?
-He noticed you tearing up, and he reached over and held your hand. He wanted to pull you to him and hug you, but he didn’t really know if this was some break-up moment (He Was Scared) or if something was wrong.
-”I...I just thought that, since it’s clear we’re going to be a couple, that i should...I should tell you that I’m bisexual.”
-Oh. Oh thank god. He was so scared you were going to break up with him. He even let out a shaky laugh until he saw the tears in your eyes. Bad move bad move!
-”Hey, heyheyhey.” Now he did finally pull you into a hug, his hands lightly rubbing up and down your spine. “I wasn’t laughing at you, I was just nervous, don’t worry.”
-”A-Are you okay with that?”
-”Okay? I’m more than okay, mc. It’s fine. I still love you just as much as before. You’d have to kill someone to get me to dislike you, and hell, that would just depend on the person, okay?”
-He cupped your face and kissed the corners of your eyes.
-”Bottom line, mc, is that I love you. I love you for you.”
-You really, really wanted to tell her this.
-You weren’t sure how it happened. You were just relaxing with her, drinking some nice decaf coffee she made while the two of you watched a DVD. She was letting you lean against her in a friendly cuddle.
-Maybe it was how relaxed you were? The coffee? How the temperature was just perfect and had you in an almost sleepy state?
-”Jaehee,” You started, holding your coffee lightly. “Would you still like me if I was bi?”
-Poor baby was so shocked by the sudden question. She sat up and immediately paused the movie.
-You, on the other hand, were shaking with how careless you brought it up. You clutched the coffee cup, too scared to move or else your jerky movements would cause it to spill all over you.
-”Mc? Why do you think I wouldn’t?”
-Oh god. You blinked back oncoming tears. “I. I don’t....Know. I’ve had a few friends leave after I-”
-Jaehee was having None of that. She hugged you tight, your back against her chest, and she put her cheek on top of your head.
-”Who you are isn’t going to change our relationship. I still love you.”
-Now you were actually crying. You really loved her too...You didn’t know if this was also a confession from her, since the two of you still hadn’t established what you...were? Yet.
-After a few moments, she loosened her grip.
-”Actually...Mc...I think I may be bisexual too.”
-You were trying to give him tips on how the two of you could make your relationship better.
-Because, let’s face it, Jumin did manage to mess things up every now and then. He sometimes couldn’t gauge your emotions, and that led to some intense moments at times.
-But you two were working through it. You loved each other and wanted this to work. So, for some examples, you were talking about your exes.
-”He was a mess... I think the only decent relationship I had been in, before you, was with Sarah. I mean, obviously things didn’t work out between us, and I don’t want to get back together with her, but some things that helped my relationship with her was-”
-”Sarah? Mc, you’ve dated a woman before?”
-Instantly, you froze. You just got so in the zone of trying to be Relationship Counselor (with your own relationship for the first time, too), that you completely forgot you hadn’t brought this up with Jumin before.
-And you were scared. Out of all the people you knew, rich types seemed to be the worst when it came to Out Of The Norm things. Especially sexuality.
-”I...Yes. Yes, I have.”
-”Interesting.” He paused, and with each second you felt your eyes water up. “Mc, are you crying?”
-You nodded, trying to wipe the tears away. “Is. Is that okay? Are you mad?”
-”No. Why would I be mad?”
-He pulled your hands away from your face, looking intently at you. “Did you think I would dislike you for that?”
-”I-I don’t know. You paused for so long and I w-was just scared!”
-He pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around you.
-”If it’s any consolation, I was thinking on if we could use that experience of yours to help me understand you more. I thought maybe your perspective on dating a woman would help me understand more on how...Women think? Does that sound sexist?”
-”You’re okay with me being bi?”
-He kissed your forehead. “I don’t see how it’s an issue. You’re in a relationship with me now. Your past relationships, regardless of the genders, don’t bother me. I love you.”
-He went on a bit about his earlier musings over if his statement was sexist or not, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You ended up burying your face against him, crying a bit as you were so thankful he didn’t toss you aside for being yourself.
-The two of you had been going out for a couple of months. Nothing hot and heavy, just cute, innocent, loving relationship for the moment.
-This was his first time dating seriously. He wanted to take things slow because he was too scared he’d mess it all up, and you respected that.
-So, a lot of the times, your dates did center around gaming. I mean, games are fun! And it’s fun just to cuddle up with someone and play too.
-This gaming session, the two of you were playing computer games. Him on his computer playing a special event for LOLOL, and you browsing your folder of indie games.
-You found one you were excited to play, but had forgotten about due to...Well...The RFA. It was a cute dating sim you found! You could even choose to be a girl while romancing other girls! Yess!
-You weren’t used to these games allowing that, so you plugged in your headphones, laid back on his bed, and gamed away.
-About an hour later, you were so focused on the game. You had almost filled up the first heart with this girl! She was so cute!
-Yoosung had finished the event, and looked at you so intent on your game. He smiled and walked over, leaning down and nuzzling your hair.
-”Whatcha playing?”
-”A dating game,” You mumbled, “I gotta get this date! She’ll tell me more about herself if I make this good!”
-”A dating game? And...You’re dating a girl?”
-”Yeah, she’s super cute! Look at her!”
-Wait wait wait wait. Reality finally caught up to you- You weren’t just talking to one of your friends who lived for these games, you were talking to Yoosung.
-You felt panic wash through you and you tensed.
-”You...Like girls?” He said it so confused, so unsure.
-”Uhm....Y-yeah. I mean, I’m in a relationship with you, s-so I’m not like. You know. Trying to...Get with a girl...Now...”
-”Ooh, okay. Is the game fun?”
-He said it so casually. What??
-”Yoosung, are you okay with me..Also liking girls?”
-He smiled and kissed your head. “Yeah! I don’t mind. One of my favorite characters from my games is bisexual! She kicks ass!”
-He slipped down to his knees, resting his head against the mattress as he angled to watch your computer screen better.
-”So, what’s her name? What do you have to do to get the dates to go right? Is it fully voiced?”
-God he just...Didn’t mind. You let out a shaky breath, trying to calm yourself down from the sudden rush of nerves.
-”Y-yeah! Here, let me pull up a summary...”
-You felt so, so fucking lucky to have found Yoosung. He literally could not be more amazing.
-He knew. Granted, not from you telling him, but from an old profile of yours he found when doing that background check on you.
-He didn’t bring it up, or teased you that he knew. He didn’t want to make you think it was bad, so he waited until you felt comfortable.
-”Hey, mc?”
-You looked up from the onion you were cutting for dinner (You were going to make this man eat something that wasn’t those damn chips god help you), feeling a bit confused with how serious he sounded. “Yeah?”
-”Would you still want to be with me even if I was bi?”
-You almost dropped your knife. “W-What??”
-Oops. He looked a little hurt. “Don’t freak out, I still love you-”
-”Nonononono!” You rushed out, putting the knife down and grabbing his hands. “No, no! It’s okay! It’s so okay! I was. I was just surprised. I’m like that too!”
-He gave you a big grin. “Yeah?”
-”Yeah! So I’m okay with it!!”
-”Good.” He pecked your forehead. “I’m okay with you being bi, too.”
-You couldn’t help yourself- You gave him a tight hug and giggled a bit. “I was wondering when to tell you myself...”
-He’d probably be the type to point out cute people with you. You two just going “Ooh, he’s cute. Oh wow, she looks so pretty!” together without being jealous. You two just appreciated how people looked at times!
♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ) Hey anon, did you know Jaehee and Seven are bisexual too? That might also help you!
#long post#mystic messenger#mysme#mysme hcs#mysme hc#mystic messenger Jumin Han#jumin han#jumin#mystic messenger Jaehee kang#jaehee kang#jaehee#Mystic messenger Yoosung Kim#yoosung#yoosung kim#mystic messenger 707#707#seven#mystic messenger saeyoung choi#saeyoung choi#saeyoung#mystic messenger Zen#Zen#Hyun ryu#mystic messenger hyun ryu#mc#headcannon#headcannons#Anonymous
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last zeldablog of the night!!
the rito section + the ending. i finished the whole thing!! at least i won’t be doing it all week
IT'S KASS!!! last time tho ):
in a way it's nice that the last one is rito village, he gets to go back home soon :3
omg one of the things i have to do is shoot the dragon's horn...smh I THOUGHT I FARMED ALL MY DRAGON SUPPLIES ALREADY
i'm gonna have trauma flashbacks
lmao i still got a horn shard. THANKS, DINAAL
i wasnt paying attention to where the new shrine appeared. SMH
somewhere grassy but nowhere near here is grassy lmao fuck
wow. time to use the shrine hunter again. been ages old friend
can't find it
warped to a tower to look around; finally found it lol
it was just across the way. sigh
i was too busy going down to get that horn shard. old habits
lol my thingy started going off when i was like.embarrassing close to it
good job sheikah slate
Ah Good, Time For Wind Puzzles
this spinny thing fucking sucks the bomb won't go in the hole half the time
even if i time it PERFECTLY there's only a small chance it will actually go in jesus FUCK
i was trying to use stasis on the FAN while also trying to use the bombs
never thought to just use it on the fucking wheel. until just now i mean
i am reading revali's journal and he is horrible and i love him
they say it takes something beyond skill to pilot the thing a power of the very soul blah blah" and then he goes "they COULD have just asked for me by name" pls. pls.
about zelda: "it was so corny i almost died"
omg he hates link SO MUCH
"annoyingly silent"
PFFFFFT "it's difficult for me to comprehend the troubles of the talentless" LEAVE zelda alone she's TRYING
the music at the flight range is so nice
like all the rito music is A+ but this is just the right amount of wistful and cozyhey this next wind puzzle looks absolutely horrific! nearly quit and went to bed with just one glace
so i did it but i fucked up getting the chest and now i have to start over
i...can't even get back to the top???
whew. thought i was glitched or something for a second
THAT WASNT WORTH IT they never are
i am getting kind of sleepy i will be glad to be finished
unless there's a fifth section, which, will be exciting, but also, i'm tired
i guess i'll just fall asleep quicker, hopefully
ooh you have to SHIELD SURF FOR THIS ONE
...forgot how to do that. smh
with the wind and you had to glide oh my GOD that was amazing!!!
last shrine :3
bet it'll be a doozy
oh this is actually fun! like marble tracks
fingers crossed 4 a quick & painless windblight i dont remember it being too hard
course my memory is shit anyways thus the liveblogs lol but
i have basically no weapons,
and one hundred arrows.
[cracks knuckles]
got im :3 piece of cake
CUTSCENE TIME gimme the goods kass!!!!
I LOVE ZELDA'S WINTER OUTFIT sorry not the point
ahahaha and i love my horrible bird son he's such a show-off and that was admittedly cool
that pushing-yourself-too-hard thing is so jackson tho...nobody look at me
"it's theoretically possible for you to best ganon"
man. his theme is like
so sad tho??? so i get the feeling when i hear it there's unfinished business or things left unsaid. good scoring.
oh there IS a final bit
good lord i am not ready
wait no way
am i really gonna get a divine beast??
HAHAHAHAHA oh my god anything for this i CANNOT wait
"descending...beware of tremors"
last time it said that the """tremors""" scared the shit out of me. I BRACED MYSELF IM READY
(im scared i have no idea whats down here)
whats it look like on the outside..................
or no it's just a labrynth is what the monk said :/
ohhhhhh boddy but this MUSIC mmm
oooooh it has CONTROLS
still not as cool as piloting a jaeger with no kickass outside but!!
fucking rotating spike walls!!! lava!!! god Damn
wow so guadians appear after the 4th terminal and lmao i cant fight 2 at once esp when one is one of those sky fucks...
i could have sworn they took less hits than this did they beef them up for this or smth?
like i LITERALLY cannot move
ok jesus that was harrowing
...hey, if im underground, why can i see the sky?????
it's just a monk? there's no boss?
well ok then :/
also this music is AMAZING omg omg what a great twist i'm so happy
are yu kidding me. ARE YOU KIDDING ME
this crusty old-ass monk has been sitting frozen stiff for a PROFOUND ten thousand one hundred YEARS and he is still kicking my ass all over town
jesus CHRIST he's going full yoda!!!!!
oh FUCK he turned into a giant im SHRIEKING this is INSANE
ohhhh my god that was the best boss i ever fought :'))))))))
oh my god. i completely forgot about the bike
it's a rune!
insert materials...hog do that doesnt sound good. bet its a gas guzzler
o h n o
oh my god this is the worst thing!!!!!
ok its 530 am good talk everyone time 4 me to sleep (past time lmao)
#personal#loz#botw#loz blogging#botw spoilers#that was...so fuckin good#that was SO GOOD!!!!#i can't even believe#how wonderful tbh#the boss was a truly nice touch lmao
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