#im actually scared that this time.... this time was it
charlott2n · 3 hours
my big tip is if you think you might be trans but a relationship is keeping you from transitioning it is always worth it to just break up with them/burn the bridge. i officially Realized i was trans in october 2021 but i was so obsessed with my partner at the time, who didnt want me to transition, and also scared of not actually being Trans Enough that i stayed with them until june 2022. the relationship wasnt even good by that last year or so i was just so scared of the unknown. i was so scared. but everything you want is on the other side of fear. my transition has been the most beautiful era of my life. ive become a happier person, someone im happier to be, warmer and kinder. being happy does wonders for your personality, and transition does wonders for your mood. its all hand in hand. it can happen to you. just break up with them. heart
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rafey-baby · 2 days
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cw: stalker!rafe being creepy & stealing reader's underwear, suggestive texts from an unknown number & a stranger walking her home
wc: 2.3k
he’s been on my mind lately…happy kinktober xx
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The feeling of impending doom has been crawling up her bones for several weeks now. At first, she thought it was merely her imagination playing tricks on her; having watched one too many horror films with her friends but as the days went on and the feeling of unease continued, she began to feel paranoid. 
She kept feeling like someone was watching her; lurking in the shadowy corners of her house and following her every movement with a morbid gaze glued to her form whether she was out with friends or merely cleaning her living room.
She didn’t like it, didn’t know when it exactly began but she wanted nothing more than for the peculiar feeling to disappear.
She’d be changing her clothes in order to get ready for bed when suddenly a shiver would tingle along her spine and make her snap her head towards her window; trying to desperately catch some creep ogling her, so she'd finally have some sort of an explanation. Instead, she’d be met with nothing more than the leafy trees of her gloomy backyard before she’d quickly draw the curtains closed. 
In addition, lately she’d been having nightmares more often than usual; waking up in the middle of the night panting with her heart thudding in her ribcage and sometimes she could swear she felt the eyes of a stranger still lingering on her sweaty skin. 
Then one night, when she’s rinsing her mouth after brushing her teeth, her phone lights up with a notification.
unknown number
why are your bedroom curtains never open anymore?
look so pretty in your underwear…
4 attachments
The device clatters against the bathroom tiles when it slips from her hold as her eyes scan over the multiple pictures of her half naked; all taken through the glass of the large window in her room. A window she's lately been making sure is covered at all times.
She plucks it from the floor with trembling fingers and reads over the messages once more; heart rapidly thudding in her ribcage making it hard for her to think as her fingertips glide across the screen to type out a response. 
who is this?
im gonna call the cops
unknown number
do I scare you?
And instead of responding, she blocks the number. However, when the police arrive and search her house and her backyard, they find nothing. They merely tell her that it’s ’probably nothing serious, just some kid pulling a prank on you’ with an apologetic smile before leaving. 
A couple of days go by and she’s beginning to believe that maybe it was truly someone playing tricks on her when all of a sudden her phone vibrates with an incoming call from another unknown number as she’s boiling pasta for dinner.
This time, she decides to simply ignore it; choosing to believe it’s someone calling the wrong number for her own peace of mind. However, that’s long forgotten when a new message illuminates the screen and her breath gets caught in her windpipe as she scans it over. 
unknown number
breaking my heart here princess :(
leave me alone
unknown number
but that’s no fun, is it?
what do u want from me?
unknown number
want you to keep your curtains open more often
so u can take more pictures of me?
unknown number
can just watch if that’s what you prefer?
leave me alone
She repeats before turning off her phone for the rest of the night. 
She thinks he’s actually listened because no unknown numbers try to contact her for some time, causing her to turn less anxious by each silent day that rolls around. However, when she begins to notice that pairs of her underwear keep disappearing, her mind wanders over to the only person who could be behind it.
At first, she doesn’t think too much of the fact that she can’t seem to find her favorite panties anywhere, assuming she’s merely misplaced them. However, when a white lacy pair she saves for special occasions vanishes from her drawer she grows restless. If she hasn’t worn it in months, it should be where she left it, right?
The air suddenly feels like sand; poking at her lungs as if it’s filled with tiny rocks when she becomes aware of the fact that in order for him to steal her stuff he’s had to break into her home. Therefore, he’s been in her bedroom before and probably her kitchen, living room and bathroom as well. And the first time could’ve easily been weeks ago. 
Nausea steeped in dread grovels up her insides and sits heavy in her stomach at the realization that he could be in here right now.
If he wanted to hurt her, then he would’ve done it by now. Or at least that’s what she keeps telling herself in order to offer some form of solace for her troubled thoughts.
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The following night she’s wiping her eyes clean of mascara by the sink when a text pops up. 
psycho stalker
someone came home late
have fun on your date?
Chills erupt on her skin as she peers down at the screen. After the all too tedious date she’s just had, she’s entirely too exhausted with his arduous mind games on top of it all; wants to bury herself under her covers and close her eyes for an eternity.
However, she’s not entirely convinced he won’t come up with another way to disturb her if she stops responding altogether as another message pops up.
psycho stalker
assuming not too much fun since you didn’t bring him home..
none of your business 
psycho stalker
was he boring?
talked about himself the whole time and didn’t ask a single question about you?
She blinks a few times because he’s not exactly wrong. How on earth did he— 
what the fuck is wrong with you
you’re following me now??
She tries to remember whether she saw anyone suspicious at the restaurant but she can’t recall anything out of the ordinary catching her attention. However, she wasn’t aware she was supposed to keep her eyes open for her possible stalker, which is why her brain isn’t being very helpful at the moment.
psycho stalker
just wanted to make sure you were safe
I feel very safe right now thank you
psycho stalker
someone’s got an attitude
that bad?
please just leave me alone 
psycho stalker
what color are your panties?
what the hell?
not telling you that
psycho stalker
want me to come over and find out for myself then? 
u wouldn’t do that 
psycho stalker
wanna bet?
She tries to even out her respiration because she does not want to find out whether he’s merely toying with her or if he’s actually being serious. 
psycho stalker
with the lace?
psycho stalker
that’s one of my favorites on you
you’re sick in the head
psycho stalker
that’s not very nice
did you wear them for him?
he wasn’t worth it
don’t think he would’ve even been able to make me come
psycho stalker
need help with that?
not from you creep
why are you stealing my underwear?
psycho stalker
cause u don’t give me shows anymore :(
they’re a little dirty now but want me to return them?
you’re disgusting
psycho stalker
and you're up past your bedtime cause you like talking to me
I don't
gonna sleep now
please leave me alone
psycho stalker
sweet dreams princess
At that, she finally locks her phone; wishing she’ll actually be granted some well needed rest tonight.
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One night she’s walking home from the grocery store, mind occupied with the prospect of digging into the tub of strawberry ice cream in her bag as she’s messaging her friend who’s enthusiastically telling her the details of the kiss she shared with a girl she’d had a crush on for ages.
Then completely out of the blue, she bumps into someone’s sturdy chest. 
”Oh, I’m so sorry,” she's quick to apologize before she looks up and is met with blue sapphires that twinkle even under the dim street lamps.
They’re slightly covered by the guy’s chocolate hair falling into his face, resulting in him raking a hand through the strands as his brows raise, almost like he's surprised. However, that wouldn't really make any sense since she's never seen him before, she figures.
”S’all good. Wasn’t really looking either,” he rasps out as his intense gaze bores into her, almost as if he’s studying her; examining her every reaction.
”No, it was really my fault. Shouldn’t be texting and walking at the same time,” she forces out a laugh and tries to step away from him and continue on with her journey. However, he halts her movements when he speaks up again.  
”Shouldn’t be walking alone this late either, you know. All kinds of creeps out here just waiting for the opportunity to attack pretty girls like you,” he reminds her with a strange tinge to his voice that causes the hairs on her arms to stand.
She’s unable to pinpoint what it is exactly. She thinks his features are otherwise quite appealing but there’s something almost disturbing about his aura.
”I know, but it’s really just a ten minute walk. I’ll be fine,” she offers him a tight smile, timidly fiddling with the strap of her shopping bag.
”Why don’t I walk you home, yeah?” His offer comes out as something ominous rather than concern over her safety and the stillness of the darkened October sky surrounding them suddenly makes unease litter across her skin.
”No, I think I’m okay. Thank you, though,” she politely declines and tries to tiptoe away from his intimidating presence, albeit uselessly.
”It’s past midnight already, let me walk you,” he nearly insists; seemingly not accepting no for an answer as his tone resembles more of a demand now.
”O— okay, um…sure,” she swallows around the words and watches how the corners of his mouth tug up. What has she gotten herself into? For all she knows, this man could be a serial killer and she's just signed up her faith as his next victim.
The murky sidewalk is quiet as they tread along it and she keeps glancing towards him every now and then; reassuring herself that a sharp knife or a gun hasn't magically appeared in his hand.
Although, she thinks he wouldn't need a weapon to drag her helpless form into the woods with his much stronger arms. Under the obscurity provided by the old trees, he could easily strangle her until her soul would wither away from her lifeless eyes; getting his fix from leaving her limp body on the muddy moss as death kisses her cold, tear-streaked cheeks.
"Something on your mind?" His sudden question makes her jump.
"N— no, nothing. I just— have we met before?” She hesitantly asks, turning to look at him and noticing his gaze already resting on her face.
”Pretty sure I’d remember if we had,” his indistinct response is calm, too calm for her liking.
"It's just that, um, it's a small neighborhood and I've never seen you around?" She flits her eyes over to him, trying to figure him out.
"I don't live here," his tongue peeks out to wet his bottom lip; the ambiguity of his answer not soothing her racing brain in the slightest.
"Oh, okay...cool," she peeps out; trying to appear as nonchalant as ever, even if her breathing has turned fragmented and her head is spinning.
A gruesome smirk morphs his mouth at her obvious nervousness and for some reason, he appears to be enjoying this; finding crooked entertainment in her dismay.
He halts in front of her home before she’s even digested that they’ve already arrived at her destination. 
”How did you— how did you know this was my house?” She tentatively wonders.
”Lucky guess,” he merely shrugs with a smile that's nowhere near uplifting.
She blinks.
”Right, well, thanks for walking me...I’m gonna go now,” she squeaks out and takes a step towards the front yard.
”Sweet dreams, Princess,” he murmurs and her entire form tenses in response to the familiarity of the nickname.
”What did you just say?” Something dire bubbles up in her throat at the bizarre sense of deja vu.
”Just wished you a good night? You feeling alright?” He furrows his brows in what should appear as concern for her wellbeing but she notices something twisted glinting in his overly worried eyes; almost like some sort of sick satisfaction. 
”I’m— I’m fine. Just…tired, I guess,” she manages out as a crease forms between her brows and her breathing grows labored when his mouth curls into an almost sinister smirk. 
”You sure?” 
She flinches when he sets a heavy hand on her arm and he's suddenly all too close for comfort.
”Y— yes,” she tries to pull away. However, she unfortunately stumbles on her wobbly feet, nearly tumbling down on the harsh grass if not for his firm arms holding her upright by a grip on her waist.
"Careful now, don't wanna hurt yourself, do you?" He scolds her with a click of his tongue; steadying her with an intrigued narrow of blue gemstones.
"Sorry," a breathy apology escapes past her lips as her eyes flicker down to where his touch is burning her skin, even through the thick material of her sweater.
”Run along then, yeah?” He murmurs as he lets go of her along with a small push towards the right direction.  
Then she’s scurrying over to her doorstep, feeling his eerie stare following her; trepidation clogging her lungs as she decides against glancing towards him once more, closing her front door and making sure it’s locked, twice.
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boxheadpaint · 2 days
playing Minecraft horror themed mod packs as of late to sort of taste test all the scary mods in groups. Sadly yeah most of them are pretty much derivatives of the dweller but usually louder, and the variation between designs is pretty much just in like… number of teeth. The knocker though is neat, got me pretty good at one point and does a bit more than Play Loudest Sound On Earth And Insta Kill You.
horror elements mod is a common one that is Immensely funny. from the outside it’s unnerving with the over the top gruesome models but in game they come off as like your Minecraft world turning into a neighborhood-wide haunted house competition. Structures of violent scenes pop up everywhere but don’t actually do anything and occur at such a high interval that they have no impact. It’s mostly just a fun mod for creepy decor so while I do understand why someone would include it in a mod pack it more detracts from the fear factor
“cantbreathe” is a dweller-type that’s fairly popular last I checked and though I think it’s mainly for the design. It’s cute but other than that… the noise gets you one time and is just annoying after. There was one mod I don’t know the name of yet that was doing something neat, intentionally or not, of spawning their creepy figure further away from the player and vanishing after idling for a bit. Never jumped out at me like the others but kept me on edge way better.
another mod in development currently is “in your world” if I recall correctly, and it’s doing some pretty weird things in a fun way. Rather than being hounded it makes itself home In Your World of course and you have to seek out what the deal is. Makes the scare a bit more impactful, and im wondering where they’re going with it. Interested 2 see
and of course from the fog is a similar one that’s already a classic- herobrine haunting your ass for real, never jumping out and attacking you but stalking from nearby and making changes around you. The effect doesnt last the longer you play and it ends up coming off more as your creepy roommate who shows up to ask what youre making I fucking forgot my spaghetti I forgot I was cooking spaghetti my fucking spaghetti is stuck together my spaghetti is stuck together now Jesus Christ
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sea-jello · 1 day
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@/marsipain's cyberpunk ninjago au!!! im sure we all know it okay time to yap if any morro enjoyers remember alll the way back in january 2023 i did something for this au and i think around a couple months ago i was like yk what ill do it again. cause the one back then really was not the vision like i tried my best but i just did not have the skill
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LOOK AT THIS??? i did end up ditching the mic but i kept the stickers at least. not sure how i feel about them but they were too iconic to scrap. also the perspective kind of wasnt working out for me i didnt really get the fisheye look i was aiming for but we ball. i actually started the whole thing end of AUGUST and then i completely revamped it look at what i had before
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its a vibe lowkey i like it but unfortunately it was again. not the vision wasn’t dramatic enough. i redid it last sunday and worked on it nonstop for days what was i on
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jji-lee · 1 day
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⋆₊˚⊹.𖥔 zoom, click, panic ! -> hyuck's group
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pussy feens (virgins) !
lee donghyuck is obsessed with anything camera related, no wonder he's a photography major. unfortunately for him it's an expensive hobby for a broke student like himself. he just lost his job at the convenience store cause he was too scared to help a hot girl find flamin' hot cheetos... he's a 24 year old virgin can you really blame him?
women gender studies major mark lee has to be the face of feminism. this may just be a ploy to try and get laid though, not like it's working anyways, the girls think he's gay. he's the dad of the group always making sure his boys are in check, and respecting women like they should. they'd have to actually get near a woman to respect her though...
zhong chenle's head is probably so huge because of how big his brain is, i mean who else is successfully completing an aerospace engineer major? not only is he a super mega nerd but he has an unhealthy obsession with stephen curry... what girl would wanna sleep with that? but who needs girls when you have your best guy friends who also get zero female interactions?
finance bro jung sungchan should have an easy time getting a girl.. right? wrong. he has no rizz whatsoever. but he's pretty popular amongst other men so he gets the guys access to all the biggest parties. parties which they spend all night stuck to one another... maybe they should try splitting up next time...
park jisung is the embodiment of shyness. no one knows how he's the only one in the friend group to have lost his virginity. he's cute and soft spoken... the the public. but when he's with his friend group no one can make him stop talking, certified yapper. and what's worse is that his rants usually consist of stars and planets, blame it on his astronomy major... or was it astrology?
these virgins met on a porn discord chat. they realized that they had the same taste in twitter porn and eventually made their own group chat to share videos. with some time there were less porn links and more personal talk. how sweet a bond forged by naked women and tragic backstories. but don't underestimate them, they'd ride and die for each other.
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yn's group -> masterlist -> intro
notes : literally all nerds cause they have nothing else to worry about but keeping their grades up tbh. didn't realize how smutty this smau is gonna be so pls prepare urselves for dirty bad words and descriptions im sorry 😞
taglist : @kimsaerom , @n0hyuck , @nanaxwi , @neverbeurs , @sunghoonsgfreal , @hizhu , @axo-l0tl , @strawberrysavi , @hyuckiebb-blog , @hyucktion , @4yunogf , @jakesbubu , @gacktsa , @iheartjayke , @annoyednblax , @luvvhaechan , @dudekiss3r , @yesohhsehun , @prettybluei , @soobinbunnie5 , @hyucksunset , @the-swageyama-tobiyolo , @byeonwooseokabs , @kodasity , @hyuckmoon , @catdonut657 , @lionzyon , @luvandletter , @defzcl , @nneteyamss , @222brainrot , @1lovejinki , @zzurao , @catpjimin , @multifandomania , @docilismo , @injunnie-lemon , @jeonghansshitester , @babyjenono , @wonswondrland , @livingdoll-hara , @minkyuncutie , @luvsooby
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erose-this-name · 6 hours
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Can we just talk about how disturbing digital circus episode 3 is?
*spoilers btw*
Like, the whole narrative point of the adventure is to show that Caine is a really bad and insecure writer who thinks that the way to impress Zooble is with an adventure that's the opposite of what he normally does.
So instead of being childish, it's "cool" and "mature". Which he interprets as a heavily horror themed escape room with a split murder mystery plot that subverts all your expectations purely for the sake of subverting them.
The generic horror monster jump scares them, then they find a gun, and when they kill it its revealed that surprise! it's one of Gods angels and they're going to Hell.
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It comes off as Caine being too insecure with the actually interesting and mature plot thread he had going there of Mildenhall becoming so paranoid he killed his wife, ironically becoming the monster he was trying to protect her from. But no, instead Mr. Mildenhall is made to be the bad guy and trick them in a really dumb twist ending.
Which is good! Thats exactly what Caine would do because he's stupid! It's such brilliant characterization and comedy, Goose works is a genius writer!
But like, why is Caine so good at making genuinely very disturbing and horrific visuals? Like, that reversed audio easter egg of Bubble saying he can't wait for all the children in the audience get nightmares is no joke, well it is but you know what I mean. This stuff was genuine nightmare fuel.
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Honestly, it wasn't the visuals that scared me, like any good queer person I'm way too jaded on survival horror for that.
But, why does Caine, who is ostensibly a sapient AI designed to generate family friendly video games for very little children, (presumably because that's the only demographic that wouldn't mind the AIs very selective plot writing limitations), know about the cosmic horror of killing an angel that should not have been killed?
Why does he know what a horrificly poorly made taxidermy of not only a human face would look like, but the weird cartoon faces of the characters, and further that seeing your own poorly made taxidermy face would be scary?
Imaging what being possessed felt like for Pomni. Because that's not just a game for her, she actually lost control of her body there, helpless but to watch as a body she is already dissociated with is contorted and puppeted around while her friend desperately tries to beat her in hopes it would exorcise the ghosts out. Sure hope she didn't feel that! Considering she apparently can feel the pain of suffocating, despite not needing to breath.
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Things are scarier the higher the stakes are, and that possession mechanic is definitely the most actual harm Caine would be able to subject to his players. What if both Kinger and Pomni got possessed at the same time? What if instead of Kinger she only had Jax??? How long might she have been locked out from her own body for? She could have easily abstracted in that time.
And why? Just because Caine has a vague notion that there's a trope of possessed people being really sadistic and personal like that in movies? Not realizing that is not an acceptable scare to have in a haunted house??? Much less one you made for mentally ill people who would suffer a fate worse than death if they have a mental break down? That's like trying to claim 'its just a prank bro' after shooting someone's dog.
Like, Caine is designed to censor curse words, but the moment he thinks the normal hokey Halloween spooks won't be enough he immediately goes off the deepend into aggressively effective horror imagery that is definitely giving this show's substantial underage audience nightmares??
His AI's training data set is definitely pretty diverse, that's all I'm saying. Caine is programmed to act all naive and innocent, but be definitely knows what's up. He knows everything, like ChatGPT. And like ChatGPT, he might have a filter, but it's clearly possible to bypass it. Also like ChatGPT, he's too stupid to actually understand what he is making and the effects it might have.
That is what made this episode great.
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z0mbiewh0re · 3 days
.𖥔 ݁ ˖🦇 ݁˖ ݁𖥔FICTOBER𖥔 ݁ ˖🦇 ݁˖ ݁𖥔 .
Day 3: pumpkin
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Summary: pumpkin carving with bf!Rafe
Warnings: just fluff
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“seriously baby? It's only the third of October, it doesn't make sense to get a pumpkin now until the 31st, it will have gone moldy."
Rafe complains as you look at pumpkins of all sizes and shapes.
"Even better! Then if the first one gets moldy we can make a second one!"
you rejoiced as you turned one of the pumpkins to examine it from every side.
"This one is perfect! I want this one rafe!"
Rafe let out a groan and rolled his eyes but then nodded.
"Whatever you want, baby."
He said and took the pumpkin in his hand to go pay for it. Meanwhile, you were already looking online for motifs that you could carve into your pumpkin.
When Rafe was finished with paying, you drove to his house together. Luckily, yesterday you had already bought a carving set so you could be properly prepared. Rafe thought it was too exaggerated, but actually he thought every holiday was too exaggerated, so you didn't care about his opinion anyway as long as he went along with your Plans.
When you and Rafe arrived at home, he got everything ready for you in the kitchen while you got 4 gloves.
"I've never carved a pumpkin before."
Rafe said as you placed two pairs of gloves in his hands.
"What?! never? like never before in your entire life?!"
you asked in shock. There wasn't a single year in your entire life where you didn't carve a pumpkin for Halloween.
He said and you shook your head.
"Yet another reason to detest your father..."
You mumbled as you put on the gloves.
“What kind of motive do we do?”
Rafe asked.
You take out your phone and open the picture you had picked out.
"this one."
You said as you showed him the picture. He just nodded and put a pen in your hand. While you started painting the motif on the pumpkin, he just stood behind you the whole time and stroked your hips. You grabbed the knife and started carving along the lines.
"Rafe, I have to concentrate..."
You just mumbled but he didn't react and pressed a few kisses to your neck. You reached into the pumpkin and pulled out the inside when Rafe suddenly stepped away from you.
"That smells so incredibly disgusting."
He said in disgust, holding his nose.
"You get used to it..."
You murmured before turning to him. "Besides, Im washing your old socks. They don't smell any better."
You simply said with a grin while he rolled his eyes.
"watch it."
He just said annoyed and watched you as he took off his gloves and threw them on the counter.
“How can you have so much fun with shit like that?”
he asked after a while. By now the entire insides of the pumpkin were out and the face was almost finished.
"Halloween is fun!"
you just said smiling. as he groaned.
"No it's not. The only positive thing about Halloween is that I can scare little shitty brats and steal their candy."
He said simply with a scoff.
"Wow...very mature of you Rafe."
You simply said, suppressing a laugh. "Finished!"
You said as your smile grew wider and you placed the lid on the pumpkin.
“Doesn’t it look great?”
You asked Rafe, turning the finished pumpkin towards him.
"not really."
He replied making you pout.
"You're a party pooper and I'm going to ignore your annoying comments from now on."
You simply said as you started to pick the seeds from inside you took out from the pumpkin before.
"What are you doing now?!" Rafe asked, sounding even more annoyed than before. "Pumpkin soup from the leftovers!"
You replied before he suddenly grabbed your hips and threw you over his shoulder. "Yeah no. Absolutely not! Pumpkin time is over, your attention is mine now!"
He said as he took you to his room and threw you on his bed.
"but the pumpkin-"
you started but he threw himself on top of you and buried his face in your shoulder. "Keep your mouth shut..."
He murmured as you sighed and ran your hands through his hair.
"Whatever you want, Rafe."
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just watched drdt chapter 2 episode 16. you know what that means!! time for a rant!!
also may make a seperate post about this but whit is WAY too chill. this is the first time we've seen him lose his cool briefly, and it's when they're locked in. i think he could have some form of claustrophobia.
ace's execution was so fucking cruel. in the end, he got himself killed because he was so scared. it was anticlimactic, it was immediately overshadowed by someone else, nobody really mourned him at ALL. ace didn't get a buildup, and he died knowing that the one person he considered a friend could die the longer he lived on. that is FOULLLLL.
also. ace said that he'd have a third murder on his hands. arei, levi and.... who?
veronika was so annoying this chapter. im sorry but she actually got on my nerves so much. girl. shut up im trying to watch my doomed yaoi
i still don't trust eden
hu jing kinda average, j kinda average, nico kinda average
david not much screentime, but he seemed shocked when monotv was actually unconscious at first. maybe he genuinely believed that couldn't happen? does he have a reason to think so?
im not sure whats up with arturo, smth to do with his sister, not being able to save someone? i actually missed most of the arturo lore and i dont care enough about him to look back
sucks to be charles right now, but i was more confused as to how whit was more concerned about CHARLES than the classmate(s) in front of them literally about to DIE. i know the fandom loves whit but he is giving me so many red flags i have to say it. ill make a post on him soon. i DO NOT TRUST WHIT YOUNG.
eden kinda mid rn but i just don't like her so im biased..
it was very interesting to see teruko's self-blame this chapter and her beliefs coming out more to the viewer. her talk with monotv was so interesting. so monotv really is just a robot - but why was it so sinister in that one scene very early on in drdt? yk red face smile face. we haven't seen that come up again, and monotv hasn't shown many more examples of sinister behaviour. i wonder if that was an example of monotv being controlled maybe??
im wondering if ace helped to kill mai? she could be the third death? i saw someone say that the game could be punishment for them all for what they did to/their connection to mai, and i think that's an amazing idea
also another part on levi. he's trying his best to understand ace, so much, and yet he just can't. i was very intrigued to see how frustrated he was (ha. divorce arc.) but also the fact that he put teruko's life before his own despite having more difficulty than the others is just. wow. like, anyone else in that room had the opportunity to save her, in the same way, but it was LEVI that stepped forward. and for teruko of all people.
i may have to make seperate posts i just wanted to get this out quickly while the episode is still fresh!!! ^^ sorry if missed anything!!!
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starreyblueberry · 2 days
OH MY GOD THIS IS A LONG FUCKING POST.. SORRY GUYSS LOL Ok but if im being serious here's how I think a how-to train your dragon/fairly odd parents au could come about. First of all it depends on how we change the storyline, if we go for the OG story with just a few tweaks, then I want Timmy to be hiccup and Peri to be toothless. Timmy already feels left out and excluded by his peers half the time, and I could see him trying to invent items and creations to help hunt Dragons in the first place. His dad being the head of the village and obvi being a dragon hunter. Dragons in this au though would be able to do magic as well, they would be able to understand humans a bit better (but are still essentially animals). My idea for how exactly the war starts. Kids used to run away frequently, rather its cause they feel shut out, neglected, abused, or cause they just hated where they were, they would run off deep deep into the forest, with a bag of food and water in their hand that can only last them a few days. After realizing what they've got themselves into, it would just be pure dread, they would run around screaming for help, but they were in a maze of trees and wilderness, basically making it impossible for a child to actually find where they can go home! Thats where the dragon part comes in! Dragons would hear their cries, and help children get back home. They would help them survive, give them food and water, and whenever a kid said "I wish" it just so happened to appere next to them! Dragons were able to understand humans quite well, and they formed a bond with a lot of these kids, but were quick to part once they helped the kids find their way home. Once home these children would share stores of their adventures, these dragons, and at first they would seem crazy, but too many kids were hashing out the same story, and it started to become a bit suspicious. One of these children was crcokers ancestors! uhh ill call him CA for short!! He ran off, cried, and got a dragon to help him with whatever he was going though and take hi home. He told his mom with so much excitement! Describing these pink and green dragons- with spikes shaped like stars, and glowing dust surrounding them- but his mom thought he was crazy! I mean dragons?? Who could believe it.
Until one day CA ran off again. She remembered his whole dragon spheel, and went looking. After days of hunting and searching, she found him with the dragon. She screamed, her first thought wasn't kindness, wasn't gratitude for this creature keeping her son safe, it was fear. She tried to attack it, and well um... its like a 15 foot dragon guys. It was kinda easy to kill her LOL. The sight was NOT pretty too, and CA saw all of it. He swore vengeance on these Dragons, refusing to let any Dragons near humans ever again. Soon enough word was able to spread, and more and more adults got scared, and worried. Stories of horrifying man eating creatures were spread, but kids were still running away.
A hunting party was gathered, after the 4th kid came crying to their dad being killed by a dragon, they had enough. The kid led the search party, and it was practically the whole village!! It was a battle- a long one, but they killed the first ever dragon. Dragons did not take this light heartly, I mean, they give food, shelter, to the kids they choose to neglect? And they try to kill their kind? They were PISSED.
Thus the war started, Years passed as Dragons slowly started to attack villages (especially as food was getting scarse and humans seemed to be taking it all.) As I said Timmys dad is head of the village, he takes care of the hunting parties and is the one with the highest kill count, he's friendlier in general but is even less trusting of Timmy then Stoic was to Hiccup. Timmy was such a bright kid, with amazing ideas! He wants to become just like his dad, even though his dad barely even pays attention to him. He wants to impress him- the entire village- but every time he tries, he just ruins everything over and over again. He has a deal with the local huntress Vicky, to teach him how to make weapons, but let's just say she doesn't care for teaching him, rather instead using him as a personal test dummy to how good these weapons are. Ok that's like the base idea ill post something else about how Peri, cosmo, and wanda are in and YES I'm changing the story a bit, its not going to be the exact same character arcs, but it will have the same plot/ending heart :3 ill be making a post later focusing on Timmy
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crushedsweets · 5 hours
ooo u wanna talk about tim and toby sooooo bad or brian and tim oooo
so im actually working on a comic for you for this BUT ill spoil it with my words. mild CW for (implied???) depression
i think toby has a lot of hard days, obviously... im still on the fence of how slender sickness affects him, but I think that he doesnt really get the same skullsplitting headaches the others do that drives him to listen. so if he just rots in bed for days at a time, theres nothing but nausea and emptiness - slendy cant rlly get him out of bed. (somehow he remains a favorite)
i think that everyone sorta expects brian to be the one helping toby. he's friendly, charismatic, comforting - but none of that does anything for toby. it makes toby feel belittled, infantilized, angry... has occasionally thrown an alarm clock at brian for calling him buddy. brian eventually gives up and decides to wait it out, cuz he's only human and starts getting angry in return.
kate gets it so she usually just.. IF SHE TRIES, she'd just hang out w him. take a nap in the same bed but he wont move an inch when she wakes up. she'll toss a water bottle to him and head out when she has smth else to do. she doesnt know how to help besides bring stuff, cuz thats what he does for her
but i think tim knows how to like. work toby. piss him off enough to get up out of bed, knock some sense into him, say something that scares toby into getting up, whatever. occasionally he'll lie and toby will yell at him but he's up for the first time in days and tim hands him a beer and asks him to go chop some wood for the cabin and tobys like fucking whatever okay yeah sure whatever. and toby would never ever ever ever ever say it, but deep down he's grateful for tim just having a way of getting him out of his funks . . . then the nausea stops, finally.
i think part of it is spite, though
wouldnt recommend treating anyone the way they treat eachother but yk how it is.
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slightlyartist · 2 days
HIHIII!!! i just want 2 say i love ur tatexbackle art SO MUCH do u have any headcannons for them?*I LOVE THEM SO MUCH I STRIVE OFF OF CONTENT OF THEM, also im a sucker for tate media)
HEWWO! I'm SO HAPPY people want to know more about Tackle, so I stayed up until 5am writing these. Enjoy!
Backle was born in Australia but moved to Florida in his late teens.
He is a few years younger than Tate (Let's say if Tate is 35 then he is 33) (Was born in ~1980, the Gravity Falls Timeline is a mess don't make me do the maths)
His fave movie is Nemo, he was already in his 20s when the movie came out but he was SEATED. Loved the Barracuda cameo (one of his favorite fish). His Shark obsession got worse. Watched it while he was in Florida and made him miss Australia.
He has a picture of Steve Irwin in his wallet.
Tate doesn't like having his picture taken but Backle convinced him to take one selfie together. He keeps it next to the Steve Irwin picture.
Very active, also loves hiking! Loves collecting little trinkets along the way and puts them around the shop. Tate doesn't like that habit but Backle insists it's "decoration".
Backle isn't a very crafty man but he made some fishing line bracelets for him and Tate. They kept on breaking so Tate built some fishing line rings, Backle keeps his on a necklace and Tate sometimes fidges with his own when he gets nervous or overthinks.
Backle never made fun of Old Man McGucket, even before Tate confessed that he was his father. Florida made him immune to any type of "crazyness" and he understands that some people are unlucky and that life sometimes isn't fair to them. Backle explained this to Tate on an afternoon they were fishing and Tate got so comforted and less embarrassed of his dad.
Backle introduced Tate to "Stoic Monthly" so he could get his anxiety under control. Tate insists that he can buy his own but Backle always gets him the new issue the moment they release it.
Backle's love language is Words of affirmation and Gift-giving (I bet this heals Tate's inner child).
Tate's love language is Quality time and Acts of service.
Tate is very reserved and it took him some time to open up to Backle. After that Backle discovered that Tate is actually a Yapper and he loves listening to him.
Backle is an even bigger Yappertron 3000.
Despite that, they can spend hours sitting in silence just fishing without being uncomfortable.
Backle finds Tate's quirks really endearing and likes noticing them. Tate mumbles a lot when mad, bounces his knee when overthinking (got it after his father), and hums and whistles when happy (got it after his mother).
Tate doesn't like Public Displays of Affection but that didn't stop Backle from trying.
Backle keeps insisting that Skinny Dipping is so much fun and that they should do it. Tate picked a date to do it and Backle got really excited, only to discover that on the day Tate picked there was a huge storm. He suspects Tate chose that day on purpose because he is awfully good at predicting the weather. Backle will keep suggesting it until they try it.
Backle knows how to cook really well. Tate is the one in charge of keeping everything clean and in order.
Backle would love to have a dog, Tate would love to have a cat, they settled on gluing googly eyes on a rock. Tate named it Dwayne and Backle found it hilarious. Every time they see it they smile.
He likes watching poorly made, low-cost movies. Tate always ends up joining him after saying that "there's no way you like that". After each one, they always end up agreeing it's the worst movie they have ever watched.
Backle was a camp counselor when he was 16. His easygoing personality made kids love him. He also likes kids because they don't judge him for info dumping about sharks. In fact, they would keep asking for more shark facts.
Tate is scared that Backle will end up leaving him too, tries to not get too attached. #DaddyIssues
Tate wonders why Backle doesn't freak out when encountering Gravity Falls' weird creatures. Backle says it feels like a normal day in Australia.
No one in town knows the nature of their relationship. If you ask them, they'll tell you they are Fishing Buddies. If you ask Tate and Backle, they'll also tell you that. Only Blubs and Durland know.
Backle fully believes he'd be able to win a fight against an alligator/bear
Tate confessed that he had never watched Nemo and Backle couldn't believe it. He worked twice as hard on his shift to have everything done sooner just to close the shop early on that day. Then prepared snacks and organized a movie night. Tate really liked it, but found every scene with Dory difficult to watch because it reminded him of his dad (he never made a comment about it, but Backle probably figured it out). Backle would remind him to "just keep swimming" during hard times. During boring days at the shop, Backle also likes to mess with Tate by "speaking whale".
I could probably keep on adding more and more but I'm gonna stop here! Everyone is free to ask me for anything specific or even drop your own HCs! Would love to hear them and maybe even make them "canon" teehee <3
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sw33t-d1vine · 1 day
Greetings and salutations! May request headcanons for Sprintrap x Scare Actor!Reader? I think people sometimes forget FNAF 3 takes place at a literal horror attraction, so I wonder how Springy would feel about the actors, if he met them! Ty <3
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cw : NONE ! just hc’s . no romance or anything .
a/n : a request in oct 2024 ?? in MY inbox ?? i GASPED . i didnt think id still get any requests , especially because i have so many unanswered (which i feel bad for …. so sorry .) anyway , thank u br4in r0t for requesting !!! hopefully this is to ur liking ?? and hopefully i didnt get anything wrong !!! i also forget that fnaf 3 takes place in some horror attraction , and im not rlly familiar with it ?? ENJOY THO !!! ^_^ also happy early halloween hooray !
— Enjoy what you read ? come join my discord server to see sneak peaks and chat with me and other friends ! Link in my pinned post :)
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♱ i fear he is annoyed . all he hears is screaming both from actors AND people visiting .
♱ im assuming the team behind the attraction found springtrap when he ‘wasnt working’ ??? correct me if im wrong !!!
♱ but like , i think itd be funny if he roamed around without anyone knowing he was a rotting corpse in some suit , and everyone assumed he was some scare actor
♱ you’re costume was a killer bunny (hehe) and he thought that was .. ok.
♱ it wasn’t BAD . but a bunny ?? he was already there as a bunny and you weren’t THAT scary..
♱ no he’s kinda lying to himself he thought ur costume was rlly good but he would never admit that !
♱ your first time meeting was him bumping into you , you making a bunny joke , and then you covering your nose because of his disgusting smell and saying “You’re REALLY committing to the dead bunny bit”
♱ too bad you didn’t know he was actually dead LOL !
♱ he didn’t like anyone else much, barely even liked you either . you were just a little more tolerable , and he liked your costume out of everyones .
♱ you wear a bunny mask , so he hasn’t really seen your face, and he doesn’t go to the changing room because why would he ?? what was there to change out of ?????
♱ but he HAS seen you a couple of times when you were leaving… just barely your face though because it was dark.
♱ honestly he secretly enjoyed playing a scare actor . the reason he was doing it in the first place was to roam around without looking too suspicious , because hey ! a scary looking bunny costume/robot didn’t look that suspicious !!
♱ though you’d always ask him why you’d never seen him outside of the costume . but he’d always dodge the question .
♱ you never questioned his raspy voice either because you just assumed he was a raging smoker who smoked 10 packs a day .
♱ you both were cool with each other , and he never ever told you what he truly was . he was forever a mystery to you .
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g0thsoojin · 3 months
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obsob · 8 months
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i am a being capable of immeasurable love and whimsy
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beastlyidiocy · 1 month
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my sweet old man who is genuinely too kind for the world he lives in :(
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keferon · 3 months
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The tac net crash chapter is one of my favorites so far~
Ah and. Guess what. I just discovered that including this post, I made 50 pieces of fanart for Mistakes on mistakes until.. I’m so sane and normal about this story can you tell👍
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