#im actually obsessed with her...the way she immediately knew
persephonethewanderer · 6 months
Sydney Sweeney immediately recognizing Laura Palmer's scream
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
Friends to lovers with hotch. Bau!Reader has been pining forever but is deciding to move in after seeing Aaron and Beth be with each other. New guy also happens to be a single dad with a boy in jacks grade. Jack is not happy about another boy stealing his mom figure yk? Father son duo working together to get the girl.
Tbh idc what you write coz its always good. And im a sucker for jealous hotch ALWAYS
okay can i just say that when i saw this ask i got obsessed with the concept immediately!!! like that’s so cute???? also while writing this i was thinking “jack is such a little sweetie he wouldn’t have an attitude” but then i thought of this tiktok and remembered he can actually be salty af <33 LMFAOO
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“Buddy, what’s wrong?”
Jack hadn’t spoken a word the entire ride from school. Aaron was used to his bubbly sweet voice filling the car, telling him all about his day; so the silence was deafening.
“Nothing,” he replied, dropping his small bag on the floor and running to his room.
The truth was, Jack had been pretty moody lately and it was all because of you. Well, it wasn’t your fault of course, but it was your absence that had Jack throwing tantrums in a way he never used to before.
As Aaron’s best friend, your presence in his house, in his home, was a constant. Movies, dinners, board game nights…Jack had grown used to you. And he absolutely adored you.
When Beth came into Aaron’s life, though, things started to change. You were pulling away from him, from them. At first, Aaron thought that maybe you were jealous; and if that was true, he would drop Beth in a heartbeat and run into your arms. After all, she was only a distraction to him in order to get over you.
All those dreams of him were shuttered one day, when he had called to ask you if you’d join him and Jack for a movie night, only to be told you had a date: a date with the dad of one of Jack’s classmates. You told him the two of you met when you went to pick up Jack from school one day, and Aaron cursed the moment he had asked for your help. If he knew the dads there would be all over you, he wouldn’t have let you set foot into that damned school in the first place.
“Jack?” Aaron said, knocking on his door.
“Go away!”
“Jack, please talk to me. I want to help.”
There was a long pause before Jack finally opened the door and let his dad in.
“What did you do to her?” he asked with tears in his eyes.
“Buddy, what are you talking about?”
“Y/N. Why isn’t she your friend anymore?” Jack looked incredibly sad and it broke Aaron’s heart.
“We’re still friends,” he answered, softly. “What makes you think we’re not?”
“She’s never here anymore.”
“I know,” Aaron said. “But that doesn’t mean she’s not our friend anymore. We’ve just both been busier than usual.” He wasn’t technically lying, but he still felt bad.
“Why couldn’t you get together like they do in the movies?” Jack raised his voice. “Now she’s with Charlie’s dad. And she packs Charlie lunch and makes him sandwiches that look like dinosaurs like she used to do with me! It’s not fair, she was ours first!”
Well, that explained why he was so mad after school today.
Aaron couldn’t find any words to say, and how could he when he was just as jealous as his son? Jack was right; you were theirs first. And they’d win you back.
“And dad told me we’ll go get ice cream later with Y/N!” Charlie exclaimed, but Jack did not share his enthusiasm.
“Okay,” Jack answered, rolling his eyes.
“And maybe we’ll go to the movies after. She said she loves watching cartoons! She doesn’t think they’re boring like all grown ups,” the kid continued, not realizing he was making Jack upset.
“I know, we watch cartoons all the time together,” he replied.
Right next to them, their fathers had a separate conversation, but very much similar to theirs.
“The kid loves her already,” Charlie’s dad, Nick, said, watching you from afar. They were all waiting for you to finish your little chat with that teacher friend of yours, so they’d finally leave the school building.
“And how can he not, I mean she’s so great,” he added.
“She is,” Aaron agreed, though gritted teeth.
“I’ll take them for ice cream now so they can bond a little more. This girl loves ice cream.”
“Yeah, I know.” Who did that guy think he was? Thinking that any detail about you would be news to Aaron. Of course he knew you loved ice cream. He knew you better than anyone. Anyone.
“Sorry!” you said, walking fast towards their little group. “I hadn’t seen my friend in a while.”
“That’s alright.”
“It’s okay.”
Aaron and Nick talked at the same time, which ended in them sending annoyed glances to each other.
“Well, we better get going then,” you said with a smile.
As all of you walked out of the building, Aaron heard you telling something to Nick and Charlie. “Can you wait for me in the car? I’ll be back in a minute!”
To Aaron’s surprise you approached his car with one eyebrow raised. Oh no, you were mad.
“Y/N,” he said, but you cut him off.
“Why are the two of you being mean to Nick and his son?”
“We’re not mean to them,” Aaron said, but Jack’s voice was louder. “Because we hate them!” he said.
“What? It’s true. You said that Mr. Nick is ugly and a jerk!”
“Jack, language!” his dad scolded him.
You turned your gaze to Aaron. “Is this true?”
He sighed, in defeat. “Jack, can you please get in the car? I want to speak with Y/N.”
“Fine,” he said, and followed his dad’s request.
“So?” you said when you were finally alone.
“So…I may have said some things about Nick.”
“Why?” your soft voice asked.
“Because, I can’t stand the thought of him with you. God, Y/N, I can’t do this anymore. I want you. I want you to be mine. I wanna be the one who takes you for ice cream and the one who brags about you to the other dads.”
“I understand if you don’t feel the same way-”
“Of course, I feel the same way, you idiot,” you said. “But then Beth showed up and I thought it was one sided!”
“Beth’s in the past.”
“She is?”
“Yes. She didn’t mean anything to me. It’s always been you,” Aaron admitted.
“Wow…” you said, placing your palm on your forehead.
“Well, I have two people waiting for me in the car right now. And I don’t want to just  blow them off.”
“I understand.”
“I’ll talk to Nick tonight. I promise,” you said, touching his hand. “Okay?”
“Okay.” Aaron smiled.
“She touched your hand,” Jack said with a smirk when his dad got back in the car.
Aaron stared at him through the rearview mirror with furrowed eyebrows, but Jack could read him very easily. So he just giggled.
“Ew!” Jack yelled, his face forming a disgusted expression at the sight of you and Aaron kissing.
“Hey, you got your wish!” Aaron told him. “You should be grateful.”
“You know what I think?” you asked.
“That our little Jack is jealous because he’s not getting any kisses.”
“No!” he giggled, as you and Aaron chased him, ready to cover his chubby cheeks with sweet kisses.
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jsluvtzu · 1 year
im nayeon x fem!reader
summary: there’s no point in hiding, she already knows.
cw: hs!au, smuttt, mentions of killing, cursing, nayeon is soso jealous, men dni
wc: 2.7k
a/n: this took forever to come out i’m sorry!! but jealous/possessive/toxic nayeon.. i need you…
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“wait, so you’ve never gone anywhere without letting her know first?”, your friend was appalled at hearing how nayeon kept tabs on you at all times.
“no, never. i always have to call her first and tell her exactly where i’m going and when i’m gonna be back home. it’s fucking ridiculous.”
you were beyond frustrated with your girlfriend’s possessive nature and borderline stalking.
“well.. except for today.”
“holy shit?? she doesn’t know you’re here? what if she kills you..” your friend’s eyes widen at her sudden realization, “what if she kills me??”, she points at herself and watches as you smack your forehead and lean back against her couch, cackling at her ridiculous question.
“mia, she’s not gonna kill you, relax. she’s just a little protective.”
honestly you were trying to convince both her and yourself. there was always a small possibility that your girlfriend could actually kill somebody.
you knew how carried away she got when it came to you.
nayeon was the captain of the cheer team. the popular superstar who ran the social scene at school. she was always getting hit on by random boys and no matter how many times she rejected them, they always came back desperate for more.
people basically kissed the ground she walked on, willing to do anything to please her and make her fall for them. it was an honor to get even a second of im nayeon’s attention.
you however, couldn’t care less even if she was in the same class as you.
in your 6th period physics class, being able to have nayeon as a lab partner was like a dream come true. boys would swarm her desk like bees immediately at the mention of a partner lab, but you never understood the big deal behind it.
of course you thought nayeon was pretty.
her daily pinked-out outfits, perfectly styled hair, not too heavy makeup, and the skin-tight cheer uniform she wore every friday. everything she wore accentuated her proportions insanely.
she was beautiful, but losing your mind over her like everyone else was just pointless to you.
you had one person you were willing to be friends with out of the whole class. mia.
she was just like you. normal and not nayeon obsessed. the two of you always stayed towards the back of the room and kept to yourselves. nayeon noticed that.
well more specifically, nayeon noticed you.
she noticed the way your hair was always a little messy, your oversized shirts always had a little wrinkle to them, your pants were always too baggy, and your worn out converse were caked in with dirt and childhood memories.
she could fix you.
when nayeon first approached you about her overdue homework in the halls, you acted as if she was bothering you instead of granting you the privilege of her presence. it wasn’t the usual interaction she would have with somebody.
unlike the rest of the school, you were the only one able to make eye contact with her and not fold in half.
for the first time, nayeon could have a genuine conversation with someone without being treated like a celebrity.
you were special to her. and she wanted you all to herself.
when you two started dating, word spread around like wildfire. everyone wanted you dead.
the football team threatened you everyday, calling you a lowlife loser and confidently describing the ways they would steal nayeon away from you.
it’s not like you were worried about nayeon being “stolen” from you. it was bound to happen given her popularity. but nobody knew that it was actually nayeon who was worried about you being stolen from her.
she was terrified of losing the one person who could actually love her for who she is and not just what she looks like.
nayeon was worried about one person in particular. your friend, mia. you were always oblivious to the fact that she had a slight thing for you.
the subtle touches here and there, the way she complimented you, the way she looked at you. it was all just platonic to you, but to nayeon, she was a threat.
now imagine how she feels when she finds out you’re suddenly at mia’s house. alone with her.
there was a random movie playing in the background while you both sat on the couch sharing a blanket, talking about your girl problems.
mia listened to you with a heavy heart, knowing she could definitely treat you better than nayeon can.
“is she just protective or is she crazy..? i mean you deserve to go places without her knowing your whereabouts 24/7 right? it’s your life, you can do whatever you want. if i was your girlfriend, i wouldn’t be so fucking insane.”, mia was disappointed at how long you’ve had to put up with this.
“hey, she’s not insane okay, it’s all just new to her.. the whole authenticity thing with another person. she doesn’t know how to handle it yet.”
you were slightly offended at mia’s harsh words about your girlfriend, but you agreed with her nonetheless. it was draining having to constantly tell nayeon where you were all the time.
a sudden buzz on your phone made you jump and freeze at the fear of facing your reality.
nayeonie 🎀 1m ago i’m outside.
“what is it, y/n?” mia asked with a hint of concern in her tone, seeing how your demeanor changed.
“she’s.. outside.”, your heart dropped reading your girlfriend’s text, scrambling your brain together to figure out how she tracked you down.
“what do you mean she’s outside??”
“i don’t fucking know, mia. okay?! she just found out somehow, and now she’s fucking here.”, you didn’t mean to yell at her, but your anxiety overtook you.
“i have to go.”
you threw the knitted blanket off your legs and grabbed your bag, racing out the door without saying another word.
nayeon’s car was parked along the curb and her almost illegally tinted windows blocked you from seeing her face.
you slowly walked towards her car, clutching your belongings tightly. a weak attempt at stopping your heart from beating out of your chest.
when nayeon was angry, it was like a flipped switch. she became explosive and aggressive.
but surprisingly, when you opened the door, nayeon kept her eyes straight ahead. she didn’t say a word to you. she had her left arm hanging loosely over the top of the steering wheel, and her right hand gripping the gearshift, fingers tapping a frantic beat.
you were afraid to break the silence. the atmosphere was suffocating and filled with nayeon’s concealed, but obvious irritation.
“how.. how did you know where i was?”, your leg bouncing restlessly and your voice hoarse from nervousness.
nayeon didn’t respond and that only worried you even more. usually she would be screaming in your face about something like this, but today? pure silence.
“nay.. answer me? please?”, you turned to look at your girlfriend and saw her stoic expression. you hated this. you would rather just hear her go off on you instead.
“i’m sorry for not telling you, okay? i just needed some space.”
nayeon slammed down on the brakes and your whole body jerked forward. your mouth fell open, shocked and unable to form any words. you were just glad it was a secluded road with no cars behind.
“space? you just needed some fucking space?”
nayeon stared daggers into your soul, her eyes darkened by her jealousy.
she pulled over to the gravelly side of the road, taking her key out and clicking off her seatbelt.
somehow she appeared on your right side in the blink of an eye, yanking the door open and forcefully grasping your arm.
nayeon peeled you out of the seat, simultaneously opening the backseat door with one hand. she guided you forward until you reached the perfect spot for her to shove you down into the hard leather.
you winced at her roughness and caressed your head in pain, composing yourself enough to sit up and scoot yourself back against the window.
“thought you could just go to some other bitch’s house and i wouldn’t find out hm?” nayeon slid into the seat behind the passenger’s and slammed her car door shut.
she was smiling like an absolute psychopath. her face contrasted her words drastically between her soft tone and bared teeth.
“was the ‘space’ you needed in her bed? huh? needed some space between your fucking legs?”
nayeon surveyed the skimpy clothes you wore, messing with the thin fabric of your skirt.
“you even dressed up all nice and pretty for her baby. you were tempting her weren’t you? hm? just wanted her to see all your pretty parts?”
nayeon rubbed her warm hands along the length of your legs to the insides of your thighs, squeezing them lightly on the way up.
“please can we just talk about this, nay. i don’t wanna fuck right now.”, you were trying so hard to fight back the urge to give in when you felt your girlfriend’s hand get dangerously close to your clit.
nayeon hummed and moved her hands up to your waist, rubbing her thumbs over whatever was exposed from your tight crop top.
“but there’s nothing to talk about, is there, pretty girl? you knew this would happen. you knew i would find you.”
nayeon moved to the middle of the seat and grabbed your legs, pulling you over to straddle her lap. her hands flew to your ass, rubbing and grabbing at your flesh under your skirt, making you whine.
“nayeon, i’m serious. i’ve never told you mia’s address before, you’re fucking scaring me.”, your hands wrapped freely around her neck, feeling her warmth radiating against your fingertips. your faces were impossibly close together in her cramped car and your lips grazed each other faintly.
she smiled at you again. “i have my ways, sweetheart.”, nayeon leaned in to kiss you, but you pulled away.
“i’m not giving you anything until you talk to me.”
you weren’t going to deny the fact that you were unbelievably horny right now, you just wanted to clear the air beforehand.
“i don’t think you have much of a choice in this position, angel.”
throwing your head back in annoyance was a bad idea.
nayeon took that opportunity to attack your pulse point with her soft lips and wet tongue.
her arms held your body tight against her, locking you in with no escape.
your whiny moans only gave nayeon the primal urge to nip and suck on your perfume soaked skin.
she kissed her way down your throat to bite the point of your shoulder and ran her tongue back up to your ear, whispering in a deep, raspy voice that sent chills down your spine.
“g’na mark you all up for that desperate little bitch to see exactly who you belong to.”
bruises and bite marks immediately formed on every inch of your neck, evidence of your girlfriend’s sadistic message to mia.
nayeon shifted her hand underneath your skirt and palmed your pussy through the damp fabric of your cotton panties, cooing and mocking you for being turned on by her teasing.
she kept one arm wrapped around your lower back, her middle finger tracing circles lightly around your clothed clit.
soft moans escaped your lips and you found yourself subconsciously grinding against nayeon’s hand.
“aw, is my pretty baby getting all needy for me? does she need me to fuck her that bad?”
you nodded your head and whined in nayeon’s ear, trying your best to sound as sweet as possible.
nayeon’s lips made contact with your neck again, sinking her teeth into your flesh, driving you absolutely crazy.
she quickly moved your panties to the side, giving herself free reign to make you feel good.
she ran her fingers through your slit a couple times before inserting herself inside you slowly.
nayeon’s fingers were long. everytime you compared hand sizes, the length of them next to yours triggered the most sinful thoughts in your mind. the way she could palm your full asscheek with one grab drove you crazy with need.
the tips of her two fingers kissed the deepest part of your cervix when she bottomed out inside of you. she kept her movements still and allowed you some time to adjust to her length.
you let out a drawn out moan and brought your own hand down to grab at nayeon’s wrist.
nayeon pulled out of you slowly, staring at you with nothing but lust in her eyes.
when she left your pussy feeling empty, you mewled and gave her your best puppy eyes, pleading for her to continue fucking you with her stupidly long fingers.
“please.. just fuck me already, please baby, ‘need you..”, your hips chased her fingers in search of your own pleasure, but to no avail. nayeon just tsked at you and gripped your hip to stop you from squirming.
“you know what i want, sweet girl.”
it took you a moment to realize what she was asking for, but you quickly remembered how much nayeon liked to watch you fuck yourself on her fingers.
you nodded and sank yourself down slowly onto nayeon’s digits, keeping eye contact with her the whole time. you forced your eyes to stay open, letting out short, breathy moans.
“that’s it baby, that’s my girl.”, nayeon praised you as you moved your hips in a rhythm, riding her fingers and pressing your forehead against hers.
“just keep looking pretty like this for me. fuck.. all for me. you’re all mine, right baby?”
your eyes were squeezed shut, but you could tell that nayeon’s gaze never left yours. her tongue running across her lips, licking them to keep herself together.
she helped you out by thrusting her fingers in sync with your movements, matching your pace. your clit landed perfectly on her flexed palm every time you lowered your core back down.
“yes, fuck- ‘m all yours nay- only yours.”
nayeon could tell you were getting close when she felt your walls tightening around her and your pace getting sloppier.
“yeah? you mean that?”
“mhm, fuck- nobody else can fuck me like this. god, you feel too good-“
you were so, so close to cumming. the built up pleasure in you was ready to release, but nayeon had a different idea in mind.
hearing you reaffirm that you were hers made it incredibly hard for her to control the urge to just fuck you senseless, but she didn’t want you to have that sweet release. not after the stunt you pulled. you were just lucky she was even touching you right now.
nayeon snatched her fingers out just when you were at the edge of your high, steadying you with both hands back at your waist.
“aw, did my dumb little baby really think she was gonna cum after she tried to be sneaky like that? poor thing..”, she was taunting you now by slapping your clit harshly, knowing it would make you finish anyways.
you gripped at nayeon’s shoulders, bunching up the sleeves of her shirt in your hands and hiding your face in the crook of her neck, mumbling out small apologies in between choked whimpers.
nayeon heard another alert ring on your phone. you were too fucked out and tired to be aware of it, so she hugged you with one arm and leaned forward to reach for your phone in the cup holder up front.
she typed in your password and went to your messages to see a text from her.
mia 🧸 2m ago u good?? hope ur gf didn’t get jealous or wtv lmao
your “gf” laughed at mia’s audacity, tapping the camera icon next to the message bar.
“smile for the camera, baby.”
nayeon lifted your head off her shoulder and adjusted the strands of hair that stuck to your forehead with sweat, angling the phone to capture every freshly purple mark she left on your neck and your cutely flushed face.
you heard the sound of the photo being sent and looked down to see nayeon with a big smile on her face, typing something along with it.
“ 'd you really have to do that, nay?”, you shook your head at her while wiping the sweat off your top lip.
“it’s either this, or i kill her and her whole family.”
and she meant every word.
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heesdreamer · 2 years
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PAIRING ➩ heeseung x reader
SUMMARY ➩ sequel to YOU MAKE ME (could maybe be read as a stand alone but i don’t recommend it)
WARNINGS ➩ this is straight up full on porn.. i don’t often write full smut but! heeseung is very obsessed w reader in an unhealthy way and he has a pain kink, rough sex but it’s consensual and wanted from both parties
WC ➩ 6k
AUTHORS NOTE ➩ okay the point i made abt being anti part 2 comment still stands lol it just so happened im obsessed with this universe and these characters and i personally wanted smut for them so you guys get it as well lol! not proof read and i don’t rlly write smut much so idk if it’s any good lol but it’s 8am so i dont rlly care
“Are you sure she’s not going to care?” You were standing on a cracked cement porch, anxiously tugging on your bunny ears and hiding behind Heeseung’s tall frame as he messed with the lock on the door.
“Of course she won’t, she loves you.” He was shaking his head and trying to reassure you, swearing under his breath as he shook the handle with frustration.
He was referring to his grandmother that he lived with, a small frail woman who offered you kind smiles and slightly stale baked goods anytime her grandson brought you over for dinner or a sleepover.
She made the two of you sleep in the living room most the time, originally saying you had to sleep out there alone but eventually caving in when Heeseung really stressed the importance of sleeping beside you. You’d smiled softly when she had nudged you and called him clingy, knowing she didn’t even understand half of it.
You didn’t mind how clingy he was with you, always following close behind you throughout the school halls and draping himself onto your side in the library.
Heeseung had never been shy in his obsession with you, sometimes muttering things to you late in the night that caused a shiver to roll up your spine.
“Besides,” He was letting out a grunt as he finally managed to unstick the lock and shove forward into the old door with his shoulder. It flew open and he stumbled forward a bit before turning around to face you with a smile. “She won’t even know you were here.”
You frowned softly as you looked at his handsome face, adorned with two new piercings that weren’t there when you’d met him and a decorative black eye. He’d kissed you deeply when you first saw him with it, whispering into your mouth and requesting you didn’t ask him what happened.
You didn’t, because you rarely ever did, and simply kissed him back. The two of you carried a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ state of mind most of the time and it made things simple despite sometimes unnerving you with how little you still knew about him.
“Breaking in while she’s on vacation, you really are a delinquent.” You were retorting back to him and you took a few steps into the familiar house, not having been inside for a few weeks considering it was summer now and you and Heeseung spent most of your time together around different places, sleeping in his car or getting a cheap motel for the night.
You’d graduated not too long ago and Heeseung had attended the ceremony with a bright grin and a bouquet of flowers, not having gotten enough credits to actually walk himself.
It was easy for you to allow him to become your entire world, that feeling of familiarity and comfort never leaving despite how rocky your situations seemed sometimes. Throughout being low on money and having rough home lives, you never doubted what he felt about you and vice versa.
“You like me like this.” He was smirking down at you and leaning forward so he could close the front door, his arm going over your shoulder and trapping you against the wood for a few seconds. “Makes me interesting.”
“You’re interesting anyways.” You were frowning up at him, your hands coming up to hold his neck a few inches below his jaw and pull him down a bit so you could kiss him softly.
He was humming against your lips and immediately pushing himself forward so he could be pressed ontop of you, his hip coming up to your stomach due to the height difference. You could feel the bone and the thick metal of his belt pressing into your stomach uncomfortably and you shifted underneath him at the feeling.
“Does it hurt?” He was pulling back to whisper into your mouth when he noticed your movements and you nodded softly, wincing a bit at the feeling.
Heeseung was pausing for a few seconds before he was pressing himself harder against you, the studded spikes going deeper into your skin and you let out a small hiss into his open lips. He was kissing you again before pulling his hips back to avoid actually hurting you.
You’d realized pretty quickly that Heeseung had a particular taste when it came to pain, first noticing it in small things like the way he would bite down on your lip during heavy make out sessions. Then it transitioned to his breath hitching every time you’d pinch his arm for annoying you while you did homework, his habit of pushing you against the nearest surface and pinning you there.
The two of you had been taking it relatively slow, never surpassing long kissing sessions accompanied by rare heavy petting but he drove you crazy almost every time you were around him.
He’d get this certain look in his eye sometimes and your stomach would light up with want, taking in his large frame and the way he obsessed over you like you were the only thing he truly cared about. Sometimes you thought that you might be, as toxic as it sounds, Heeseung never applied any effort to anything or anybody outside of you.
“Tell me if it hurts.” He was whispering again and then kissing you before you could say anything, his hands going down to your hips to pull you tight against him at the same time he pressed his waist back into yours. You felt the sharp ends of the studs again and you gasped softly into his mouth.
“It hurts.” You whined and he let out a small hum, titling his head so the kiss kept getting deeper and messier every second. You could feel his tongue licking into your mouth and you stood on your tip toes so he could have better access.
“I bet it does.” He was retorting after a few seconds, his voice low and raspy now that he was out of breath and you felt your knees weaken when he was rolling his hips down into yours. The pleasure of feeling him against you was immediately followed by the pain of his belt. “You like it though, don’t you?”
He was asking but it wasn’t an actual question, already knowing the answer judging by the way you let out a small cry and wrapped your arms around his neck to keep yourself standing.
His big hands were leaving your hips, sliding down to hook under you thighs and you felt him lift one of your legs so it was wrapped around his waist. You whined again and he smiled darkly at the sound, glancing up at you before going back down to where your hips where fully meeting now.
After a few seconds of seeing if you were comfortable, he was rolling his lower half into yours again with more contact now that your legs were more spread. He was hard and pressing harshly against you, his cock tight in his ripped jeans and you let out a cry while gripping his neck tighter.
“Tell me you like it when it hurts.” He was demanding in a low voice, leaning forward to kiss your jaw softly and pet your hair back out of your face more. He gave you a look like he was waiting for permission for something and you nodded your head, melting at the smile he gave you when he slowly took off your favorite hat.
You didn’t say anything for a few beats, just letting out soft cries at the feeling of him practically dry humping into you against the door. You only managed to speak again when he was thrusting particularly hard and the spikes caught roughly on your skin.
“I like it.” You gasped out and ducked your face down into his neck, wrapping your leg tighter around his middle so he could have even more access to your aching core. “Fuck Hee, I like it.”
“I know baby.” He was quickly responding and you felt flushed at how calm he was managing to sound, meanwhile you don’t think you’d be able to stand on your own if he were to let you go. You tugged on his hair softly so he would move his head back to look at you and he paused for a second before doing so, watching you intensely.
You were leaning in to kiss him again, sloppy in your movements and you could feel spit running down your chin from the way you were trying to suck his tongue deep into your throat. He was groaning now finally and you felt a wave of pride at the fact you were affecting him too.
More than you realized, considering the squeal of surprise that was slipping from your mouth when he was reaching down to aggressively hoist your other leg up so you were completely being held up against him. You could feel how hard he was in his jeans, pressed into your middle as he stepped away from the door and swiftly carried you towards his bedroom.
You let out a small giggle when he was casually tossing you onto the mattress, bouncing slightly from the impact. It was immediately disappearing when you saw the look on his face, familiar and dark in a way that made your mouth part.
He was on top of you before you could say anything, kissing you deeply again and you tried to ignore the fact his knee was landing perfectly in between your legs. You were sure that if he moved up a few inches he would be able to feel you throbbing against him, feeling dizzy from how much you wanted him.
“My pretty bunny.” He was practically cooing at you now, resting on his elbows as he kissed down your jaw and neck. The difference between his sweet words and how roughly he handled you was making you head spin, your back arching off the bed so your chest could press against his. “Are you feeling needy baby?”
“Please.” You were whining out and reaching your shaky hands up to his hair, tugging at it and rolling your hips up to connect with his leg slightly. His eyes darkened and you felt one of his hands go back down to your legs, cupping under your knee and pulling you forward so your core was sat against his thigh. “Heeseung please.”
“Stop begging and fuck my leg.” He was cutting you off in your pathetic attempts to get him to touch you, slapping your hand away from where it was continuously pulling at the collar of his hoodie. You could feel your eyes watering from need but you tried to ignore it, rolling your hips like he told you too and letting out a long moan at the feeling of him.
He was watching you with amusement but his eyes kept darkening as you fucked yourself against his clothed thigh, arching your back and panting slightly. He was pressing it uncomfortably hard against you and you could feel him everywhere, so large in the way he was laying on top of you and moving your body around like a puppet.
“Look at my nasty girl.” His voice was low like he didn’t care if you heard him, mainly speaking to himself in an amazed tone at the way you were humping into him dumbly. “Using me to get off like this, my sweet bunny.”
“Hee.” You were crying out to try and get his attention back on you, the stimulation of his leg and voice driving you crazy with the lack of actual touching that was happening. He gave you a soft look like he was pitying you and your desperation, nodding softly and pushing your hair out of your face again before sitting up off your chest.
You watched him as he pulled his hoodie over his head, wearing nothing underneath and you let out another whine as you kept rubbing yourself against him. You’d seen Heeseung shirtless plenty of times, between cuddling with him in the mornings and wrapping his bruised rib cages when he’d come to find you late at night.
It still always made you feel insane, made you feel like the luckiest person on the planet to get to see him like this. He always would say he didn’t deserve you, preaching about how beautiful and otherworldly you are to him but you felt the exact same each and every time you got to see him, especially like this.
He was leaning back down to kiss you again after throwing his hoodie across the room and your arms immediately came up to wrap around him, rubbing your hands up his sides and tightening your hold on his skin until you knew it would leave a mark. You were moaning softly into the kiss and he seemed unsatisfied with the fact you were calming down, dropping off his knees so his hard on was pressed against you instead.
You didn’t process his movement until he was rolling his hips into yours again, pulling out of the kiss to gasp and look down to see where your bodies connected. He was rocking into you slowly and you kept your arms tight around him, digging your nails deep into his skin and drinking in the way he let out choked breaths into your neck.
He sat up again, just slightly this time and you watched him as he aggressively tugged your shirt over your head, nearly tearing it in the process. You felt shy immediately at the sudden air hitting your bare skin but he was stopping in his movements to stare down at you, pushing your hair behind your ear slowly and watching as you took deep breaths that made your chest rise and fall.
“Fuck.” He was eventually breathing out and he sounded completely transfixed, eyes shooting up to yours for a second before immediately going back down. “You’re so perfect.”
“Stop.” You were mumbling under your breath, reaching up to try and pull him back down on to you so you could have a bit more cover. He was shaking his head and furrowing his eyebrows at your insecure tone, although fulfilling your request and laying back on top of you. You gasped slightly at the feeling of his warm skin pressed against yours and he half smiled down at you.
“I mean it. I’d do anything for you.” His tone was serious as he said it and you stared into his eyes. The first few times he’d spoken like this you didn’t take him completely serious, thinking he was just flattering you or saying exaggerated things to try and express how much he cared for you.
You quickly realized that he meant exactly what he said every single time, especially in scenarios where he felt like you needed protection or that somebody had disrespected you in some way. You’d had to pull him out of restaurants for trying to go after men who stared at your ass for too long, whispering calming words in his ear every time he caught sight of your dad from the front window when he dropped you off.
“Anything?” You were whispering up to him, your eyes wide and faking innocence. As quickly as you realized he was serious, you also learned that you liked how he treated you. You liked to see how far he would go if it meant keeping you safe and happy.
“Anything.” He was repeating it firmly and you felt him rock his hips into yours again, your legs instinctively spreading to let him fuck himself into your clothed core as he kept speaking in that low tone. “Nobody could take you away from me, you’re mine now.”
“W-what if they tried?” You were trying to keep yourself collected enough to speak but your head was spinning from the constant feeling of his hard cock pressing into you so harshly. You’d never went this far with him but you thought about it every single time you were with him, just as obsessed with him when it came to touching and being together like this.
“I’d kill them.” He was shaking his head and his eyebrows were furrowing like the ideas was genuinely upsetting him, his hand sliding down to hoist your thigh back up so every thrust was directly hitting your throbbing clit. You let out a loud moan at the feeling and his eyes were shooting back up to yours, more wild now that you were egging him on. “It’s me and you forever, I’ll do everything to keep you with me I don’t care. Nobody can make you feel like I can.”
You couldn’t find the energy to agree with him but you were letting out small gasps of his name and clawing into his back every time he moved forward, one of your hands shakily coming down to tug at his large belt roughly until it caught his attention. His eyes shot down to where you were pulling and that half smirk was back on his face when he looked up again.
“Is that what you want?” His voice was teasing and you felt a dry sob wrack through you at how slow he was taking it, aching to feel him closer. “My baby wants me inside her?”
“Heeseung, please.” You were nearly fully crying now and you continued to tug at his belt in an attempt to undo it, successfully getting it out of the first latch and then whining in frustration when it got stuck on the second peg. He was laughing softly but his hands were smacking yours away as he quickly tugged it off and unbuttoned the top of his jeans. “I need it please, I’ll do anything.”
“Anything?” He retorted back and his voice was mocking this time, clearly referring to the way you had antagonized him a few minutes earlier. Nonetheless he was sitting up off you slightly to tug down your own pants, getting them down under your thighs and watching as you shifted around to finish the rest.
Now that you were both fully undressed you felt a wave of nervousness again, avoiding looking at him but feeling the way his eyes were hungrily scanning up and down your body. The vulnerability of being laid out in front of him strangely made a chill run down your spine and you could feel yourself clenching around nothing, knowing he was only a few inches away from being able to push himself inside you.
He still wasn’t doing anything after a few second and you finally glanced over to him with a pout, impatience coursing through you and your hand came up to rest on his arm and try to tug him back down on top of you.
It didn’t surprise you that he was watching you with an amused look on his face, liking the way you struggled and squirmed around his bed as you body tried to find relief somewhere. His big hands where sliding up your legs to rest against your stomach, pressing down against your rib cage and you sucked in a tight breath at the feeling of him touching you.
“Would you let anybody else touch you like this?” He was asking in that same low tone and you let out another impatient cry, knowing he already knew the answer and just wanted to hear you say it. “Answer me or I’ll get myself off and make you watch.”
His words were making your eyes widen with shock and you met his gaze, seeing how dark and serious they were as he monitored you like he was hunting you. You frowned again and he bit his lip slightly, tugging the metal jewelry that was hugging the skin into his mouth for a few seconds.
“Only you.” You were gasping out and nodding so he understood how much you meant it, his hands instinctively flexing against your middle at your words. “I only want you Hee, I’m yours.”
“Yeah you’re mine.” He was repeating himself again and laying back on top of you so he could pull you in for another rough kiss, his hand cupping your chin to stop you from moving. You let out a moan when you felt him spitting against your tongue, immediately swiping over it with his own and he let out his own groan when you were twisting your head to try and suck it deeper into your throat.
When he shifted again, your entire body arched at the feeling of him pressed directly against your sensitive clit. He chuckled into the kiss before purposely directing his hips into the same position so you could feel it again, gasping into his mouth and slapping his side in warning.
“Be nice.” He was mumbling into your mouth and you frowned when he was kissing you again, ignoring your smack against his skin and rubbing against you more and more until your head was completely spinning. “That’s my good girl.”
“I need you.” You were crying out and he groaned softly at the desperation in your voice, rumbling against your chest as he laid his head into your neck again for a few seconds. You could feel him biting down on your collarbone and a shiver ran through you as you ran your hand through his hair to get his attention back on you.
“You need me?” He was whispering when he picked his head back up, watching you intensely with a slightly wild look in his eye and you knew your words were fueling that obsession he carried in his heart, on the borderline of unhealthy with how eager he was to hear you repeat the words to him. “Tell me you need me again Y/N, tell me you can’t live without me.”
“I can’t.” You were repeating the words multiple times in a dizzy mantra, not thinking clearly considering he was still rutting against you as he spoke calmly and slow. If you didn’t know any better, didn’t see his fucked out expression as he stared down at you, you would’ve thought he was completely unaffected by how steady his tone was compared to yours. “Please Heeseung, I can’t. I’m going to go crazy, I need you so bad.”
He was nodding his head finally, seemingly satisfied with your words and he watched you for a few more seconds before his hand was running back down towards your ribs, passing them and softly caressing over your stomach instead.
A shiver ran through you and you watched his lip curl up at your body’s reaction, stretching underneath his piercing and you looked away quickly, more and more overwhelmed the longer you watched him. His hand was stopping just below your hip and you felt him squeeze the bone tightly, studying your expression for a few breaths before he was dipping down to swiftly kiss you.
“I can prep you.” He was saying into your mouth but the way he trailed off led you to believe he had another idea and you nodded your head eagerly for him to continue, hanging onto his every word. “Or I can just fuck you.”
You breath caught at the direct words, something that would normally make you feel shy if you weren’t completely lust drunk and desperate for him to do whatever he wanted to you. You almost told him that, told him you didn’t care what he did and you allow him complete control over your body, but instead you paused and tried to collect yourself for a few seconds.
“It’ll hurt.” He was saying, noticing you hadn’t gathered your thoughts and he was kissing you deeply again for a few seconds after the statement.
You both knew that wasn’t a dealbreaker at all, if anything the thought excited you more and caused your heart rate to increase. He seemed to know this considering the way his lip curled back into a smirk, your expression at the statement giving you away completely. You were wrapping your hand around his bicep that was still supporting his weight above you, nodding your head swiftly.
“My perfect girl.” He was cooing at you but his tone was almost mean, mocking you as he kissed his teeth suddenly. You glanced down to find the reason for his noise, flushing at the fact he was using his hand to adjust himself so he was lined up with your entrance. “Look at you, clenching around nothing just from looking at my cock.”
You flushed bright red and your eyes were snapping back up to meet his, drinking in how dark they were as he glared down at you. They were softening suddenly and he was kissing you again slowly, his mood changes causing your head to spin as you happily accepted the contact.
You could feel him pressing against you as you kissed, heart racing so hard it almost hurt at the fact you were finally going to have him completely, in all the ways you’d been imagining since you’d met him. Despite how twisted you knew he could be, he was sweet in the way he was caressing your face as he started to push into you.
Your mouth was parting in a gasp, face pulling back in a wince of pain at the sudden intrusion and you could feel your breath catching in your throat at the feeling of him nearly tearing you open.
“Breathe baby, fuck.” He was cursing under his breath and for the first time today, he sounded just as fucked as you were. His words were tight and forced and you figured it was because how tightly you were squeezing against him to try and stop the pain. “Bunny, you’ve gotta loosen up.”
You were instinctively shaking your head at the suggestion, your body screaming in rejection from how thick he felt pushing into you. You figured he was barely even halfway in considering how big he looked when you glanced down and you suddenly felt worried you weren’t going to be able to take him.
He stayed still for a few moments, letting you take deep breaths as he guided them alongside his own and you could vaguely feel his big hands pushing your hair out of your sweaty face and rubbing up and down your sides until the wave of pain subsided.
Then it was quickly replaced with a burst of pleasure, a small whine slipping from your mouth and you heard him almost chuckle in relief at the realization you’d managed through it. The pain was still there but it felt euphoric now that it wasn’t unbearable, the perfect amount of uncomfortable that you learned you liked so much because of him.
Heeseung was kissing you again briefly before pushing further in without any warning, a loud cry ripping through you as your hands came around to grip tightly into his back. He was sweaty under your hands and your stomach pressed against his when your back instinctively arched off the bed to try and run away from the foreign feeling.
“Let me fuck you, let me take care of you.” You could hear him grunting the words in your ear and you were nodding swiftly, immediately breaking into a fit of moans when he bottomed out inside of you and rolled his hips slightly to get you used to the feeling of his entire length.
“Heeseung.” You were slurring out and he laughed softly into your skin, his hand scrunching tightly in your hair before sliding down to your hip to hold you in place as he started to pull out of you.
You didn’t have time to catch your breath before he was slamming back into you with his entire length, a sob of pleasure wracking through you at the feeling of him fucking into you so aggressively matched with his big head keeping you pinned against the mattress. He was sucking in tight breaths near your ear but your head was too dizzy to hear him completely, lost in the feeling of him repeatedly ramming himself inside of you.
“All mine.” His words were slowly filtering in and you gasped again at how fucked out he sounded, almost angry as he spat the words directly near your ear. “You’re all fucking mine, my perfect girl. Just made for me, only I get you like this.”
You were trying to nod at his words or show him form of agreement but you couldn’t bring yourself back to reality long enough, you didn’t think he was paying attention anyways considering the way he was relentlessly pushing himself into you at a pace that was nearly too painful.
Heeseung was slipping forward slightly off his elbow, losing his balance from how hard he was fucking into you and you could feel his chest slam against yours in a way that shoved the breath out of your lungs. You knew you probably looked completely wrecked, tears streaming down your face as you let out continuous cries of his name and slurred words that didn’t make any sense.
You could feel that slightly familiar intense feeling building in your stomach, scratching down his back to try and communicate that you were getting close and he luckily seemed to understand because you could feel him nodding his head against your shoulder, his hips sloppy in their assault now as he got closer too.
When you were coming undone, your vision went black for a second and you could feel his hand slipping off your hip and reaching up to cup under your chin roughly, pulling you in for a bruising kiss as he finished alongside you.
The kiss was messy and painful, teeth clashing together as he licked into your mouth and you could feel him slowly pushing into you a few more times, tingling in overstimulation at the feeling of him pressing against your sensitive clit before he was stopping and leaning against your chest more.
His room was silent outside of the sound of your heavy breathing, trying to gain the air back that had disappeared and not returned since he threw you onto his bed. That vulnerable feeling was creeping back up and you suddenly felt very exposed even though he was completely covering your body, even more so when he was slowly slipping himself out from inside of you and clearing his throat gently.
At first you thought he was feeling awkward too, sitting up slowly and shifting off the bed until he could cross the room into the connected bathroom. You laid there in silence, slightly hurt that he had walked away without saying anything before he was swiftly returning with something in his hand, bending down to grab his hoodie and a pair of sweatpants before he came back to the bed.
You watched him in silence, biting your lip anxiously, as he pulled the sweatpants over his legs and glanced down at you. His eyes had completely softened now, that dark edge missing as he gently helped you sit up against the pillows.
“My perfect girl.” He was pushing your hair back again and pressing a wet towel, what you now realized was what he had went to grab, against your forehead softly. He was wiping the sweat from your face and trailing it down your neck.
You still didn’t say anything when he helped you sit up more so he could slip his hoodie over your frame, flushing at the fact he was letting you wear his favorite one despite the fact you were still sweaty and gross.
He was climbing back up on the small bed, the two of you barely able to fit side by side on it but you leaned into his body when you felt his hip against yours and he tugged you closer so you were halfway in his lap and laying your head down on his shoulder.
“You okay? Did I hurt you?” His voice was gentle and you smiled softly although he couldn’t see it, liking the fact he could quickly go back to being so sweet despite how rough he just was with you.
“Not in any way I didn’t like.” You were telling him and you picked your head up so you could look at his face.
His hair was a lot longer now, completely covering his eyes when it was dry and fluffy and he didn’t style it. You’d memorized every mark or scar on his features, stared into his eyes for hours on end and watched how they changed and shifted with each emotion he felt or every story he told you.
He had a specific look that he only ever carried when he was looking in your direction or talking about you, something past love and adoration. Something so intense that you would be scared of it if you didn’t feel it too, that deep pull to him that didn’t go away no matter how many days you’d spent together trying to figure it out.
“Stay here tonight.” He was whispering to you and you heard a hint of that insecurity that he sometimes carried back when you’d first met him, not yet showing you all of him and his personality and unsure if you’d accept him for his faults.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You were shaking your head and reminding him, a deeper meaning behind your words other than just spending the night with him here in this house. You knew he worried about you leaving him eventually, telling you a few times late at night how insane it would make him if you ever did.
It was easier to reassure him that you wouldn’t go anywhere, tell him you didn’t have anywhere else you’d want to be and you loved to be with him. It was easier to say this and try to calm his wandering mind over having to admit that you felt the exact same way, your skin itching at the idea of going without him for an extended period of time. You knew it would be dangerous to admit that you were just as crazy as he was.
So instead you kissed him softly and pushed his bangs out of his sweaty face, letting him hold you tightly in his arms and check over your body for any bruises or marks he might’ve caused.
He didn’t need to know how much you craved his insanity.
So instead you kissed him softly and pushed his bangs out of his sweaty face, letting him hold you tightly in his arms and check over your body for any bruises or marks he might’ve caused.
He didn’t need to know how much you craved his insanity.
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sunfyresrider · 1 year
Love & Ruin 2
Synopsis: After being hidden away for most of your life your mother decided to stop being protective. However, there is one rule you cannot break, DO NOT associate with your uncle Aegon. Of course, it's the first thing you do, and you both quickly realize you will be each other's inevitable downfalls.
Pairing: Aegon Targaryen x You (daughter of Rhaenyra) Warnings: cursing, smut, dubcon, more smut, manipulation, possible murder, obsessive tendencies, incest, SEVERE mental illness, helaemond is canon, failed plots, a disaster wedding, just targ things, too many warnings to count honestly Word count: 10k Note: I am a bad person. Im sorry it took me so long to finish but my life is a cluster fuck of bad and worse and it is a blessing I havent yeeted myself into hell. Pt three is alr in the works unlike this one. PS Helaena's and Aemond's plan did work. I just didn't directly mention what it was...yet. Anyway, I hope you enjoy (if you're still interested) Tags: @lovelykhaleesiii @caffein8me @llearlert @introverbatim @ladybug0095 @yazzzmints @heavenly1927 @rinirinse @aelora-a (srry it didn't let me tag some of you.)
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“Be quiet,” Aegon growled into the ear of the whore he chose to warm his bed this morning. The squelching sounds of his thrusts slamming into her cunt echoed throughout the room. She stifled a moan and dug her teeth into the pillow below her head. Her voice did nothing, only reminded him he wasn’t you. Aegon tried to get girls who resembled you but none pleased him the same. 
Today was an especially bad day for Aegon and mayhaps he was taking it out on the whore too much. Her cheeks were stained red from his slaps and surely her cervix would be bruised by how hard he was pounding himself into her. He had good reason though; you were returning home.
It took five years, but he almost was able to move forward with his life. You still plagued him in his dreams and there was a constant tugging at his heart everytime your name was brought up. You simply existing reminded him of the only time he was ever happy, and he clung to the memory like a baby clings to their mother's tit. 
His family was very determined to keep you away. It worked successfully, he hadn’t heard nor seen from you at all. Every letter, every flight, every potential unsavory way of stalking your whereabouts was immediately dispelled. That was only within the first year, at some point he gave up. Aegon knew you would come back at some point; you were in love with him. But days, weeks, months, and years passed and still he received nothing. 
The idea they had turned you against him murdered the last bit of hope he had. It was one of the many things that formed him into the ‘monster’ everyone believed him to be. The first was being born the first son yet being ignored for his elder sister his entire life. The night at Driftmark was the second trauma that seared a mark into his heart and brother's face forever. The third was the forceful marriage to his sister.
Aegon scarcely remembers that day or the night afterwards. He used milk of the poppy to ease his mind to the point he could hardly stand during the vows… he doesn’t know if he actually attended the first dance. He does remember the bedding and it makes his skin crawl. 
He was forced to walk into and perform his own rape. He didn’t want it and would never want it. There was no daydream or drug strong enough to make him forget. It was awful in every sense of the word. Aegon cried during it and then he cried after it. No matter how much he scrubbed himself in the bathing chambers he could not free himself of the feeling of disgust. Then there was the overwhelming guilt that came after. 
Aegon never touched her again, never really interacted with his own children. Why would he? He was an accomplice in her suffering as much as his own. She didn’t want to marry him either, she didn’t want to bear his children. He could never be a good husband, lover or anything of the sort to Helaena. She deserved it, he thought, to have someone who could care for her. Someone who could love her like a wife… not like a sibling.
But that would never be him and it ate him alive like the disease killing their father. She was too kind, too pure for him or any other man at court. She was stupid, yes, but with a larger heart than any of the women he’s met combined. Yet, he never brought himself to do his duty to stay loyal and cherish her like Alicent told him to. The only good thing he ever did for Hel was leaving her alone, it made her happy to be free of him. In truth, it would make everyone happier if the world was rid of him completely. 
Maybe his life wasn’t over yet, maybe there was still a shred of hope for him left in the world. The reason he used to be happy was returning to him. Even if it was to marry another man… He could sort that out easily enough. When Aegon first heard the news, he wasn’t as calm. He 
He could take back what was his and become the man everyone wants him to be… Or he’ll drag you down into his depravity with him. It didn’t matter, either option was a severe improvement from the existence he was currently suffering. 
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“Are you ready to be back?” Jacaerys inquired whilst trying to tame the loose curls on his head. The carriage ride from the doc to the keep had proved to be dreadfully long and boring. Luke was seeping anxiety that made the entire car tense. ‘Aemond, Aemond, Aemond, he’s gonna take my eye! He’s gonna kill me if I go back!’ The chants of a scared kid really did threaten to send you over the edge. ‘Just apologize, Lucerys... He’s not going to do anything while grandsire is alive. Nothing is going to happen, just say sorry before it does.’ 
Everything you said fell on deaf ears. His fear was expected, he took his uncle's eye and received no punishment. Granted, after hearing both sides it seemed inevitable for someone to get gravely injured. You still genuinely believed or at least convinced yourself a simple apology might just keep Luke alive for a few more years. “No brother, I would rather be at home,” you muttered in a near whisper. 
Jace, always the obedient son, was oozing confidence completely unbothered by the situation. He learned that from Daemon, never let them see you falter, especially the Hightower cunts. “It’s because of him, isn’t it?” 
Your heart clenched, a sorrowful reminder of your childhood beginning to boil to the surface. A whirlwind of memories threatening to break you. 
You learned how truly codependent you were on your uncle. Without him you had become a shell of whatever it was you once were. Your insecurities reigned supreme as you had an insatiable need for approval from everyone. That meant doing everything you were asked and then some to become the greatest version of yourself you could be. You took care of people, especially your brothers whom you felt the full burden for. You were the eldest and you allowed them into a situation that got them hurt and another child maimed. 
It wasn’t just your insecurities; your moods would take a turn quicker than before. At the drop of a hat, you could be raging or hysterically crying. Sometimes you didn’t even understand why. You became obsessive over little things that didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. For example: how your dresses were fitted, how your hair was styled, and what you ate and drank. It wasn’t in the front of your mind at the time, but you did things in the way he always preferred. 
Without him, deciding on things became hard. You never needed to think before because he did it for you. Not only that but you became a chronic liar. It wasn’t on purpose, sometimes things would just slip out. You were great at denying any problems you had and chalking them up to your blood moon. You denied any relationship with Aegon and defended him more than he deserved. Especially since he so carelessly abandoned you. No letters, no visits, he left you with fucking nothing. You started to convince yourself you never loved him; it was just pity. You had a burning desire to rescue him and mistook it for genuine affections. 
Four years ago, almost to this very day the invitation to the prince and princess’s wedding had just reached your doorstep. You learned that day just how much you did love him because when the letter was read you cried so much you vomited. You stopped eating, stopped sleeping, stopped doing all the things you love and rotted in your bed waiting for the pain to subside… Or for the stranger to take you. 
The image of him touching her the same way he did you, the idea of him whispering the same things he did to you, the way she would cry out his name like you did… It made you want to rip your hair out and peel your skin off. She probably had an extremely elegant dress; the throne room was probably filled with music and guests, and they would ride their dragons together to show off their union… You tore all the clothes he liked to shreds and punched a hole in your mirror… 
Originally, you never had any disdain for your exceedingly kind and misunderstood aunt but now it was pure untamed hatred. The jealousy was incredible, truly you would be confined to a prison cell if you acted on the things you thought up. 
You could kill both of them and end the war before it even started. You prayed she would miscarry the twins, it didn’t happen. You prayed he would get too drunk and die from alcohol poisoning, obviously it didn’t happen. You prayed the entire keep would be set on fire and everyone within it would die burning in flames just as your father did… it did not. 
You were never good enough for him. He abandoned you and left you to rot after taking something so important from you. You were a fool, a naive idiot. The fear of being abandoned personified ever more when your mother gave birth to two legitimate children. Everyone was going to abandon you and it was driving you insane. You had mastered the art of pretending, no one was able to tell what was underneath the surface. 
Jacaerys was really the only person who noticed the change. He was the only one who saw through your lies and facade. And he was the only one who genuinely helped you overcome the complete insanity you had sunk into. He pulled you out from drowning in a sea of madness and kept you afloat ever since. In turn, you felt a little guilty for your wicked thoughts and desires, but you were atoning for them by good will and actions. 
Still, sometimes late at night when you were alone, he would come back. The memories would come flooding in and sleep would evade you. He had burned a scar into your heart that never fully healed and probably never would. According to your mother who said the first heartbreak is always the worst and most memorable. You didn’t want to come back. You didn’t ever want to see Aegon Targaryen again. 
“No, it’s because- ” You hit your head on the back of the car, knocking the air out of your lungs. The carriage came to a halt, catapulting Lucerys forward into the other seat. Jacaerys bursted into uncontrollable laughter as he rubbed his forehead from the impact. 
It was a great start to a visit, a crash landing. Surely, not foreshadowing the rest of your adventure. As you unpiled from the carriage a welcome party stood there waiting for you. It was unexpected, seeing your grandsire there in decent health, you heard he was much worse. 
Then there were the Hightowers, looking as if they wanted to be anywhere but here. Your eyes scanned over them one by one, Alicent wore her plastered fake smile as usual, Otto stood too stiffly and only looked at Daemon, Aemond looked ready to murder you all. He was far different from what you remembered, tall, slender, and handsome even with one eye. 
Then there was Helaena… Completely disassociated from whatever was happening and mumbling under her breath. You smiled, the rage you felt before when you imagined her was gone. You had actually healed and successfully moved forward. This was good, so great you could even hug her… 
Until your eyes moved to her left. The sunken feeling in your chest blossomed into a new monster threatening to devour you. Your smile faded; your heart began erratically pumping blood to all parts of your body. Your knees locked in place trying to keep your balance. 
Aegon… Aegon was only ten feet away and yet there seemed to be miles between you. It was a joke, a great joke, he looked more gorgeous than he ever had. His hair was cut to frame his face perfectly, his jaw was more defined, his dark circles brought out the beautiful sea blue that surrounded his pupils. 
The smile that adorned his face was larger than any you had seen him wear prior. His eyes twinkled with childlike glee. The corset you wore became suffocatingly tight and the heat in King’s Landing began to make your head spin. Your breathing was rapid, a million emotions coursing their way through your head. 
Aegon took a step down the stairs, your body wanted to flee but you were frozen in time. Another step, all the air in your body left you. A third step made all the bile in your stomach rise to your throat. His feet touched the ground, and he strode towards you, the world started to spin, your mind racing with the worst possible outcomes. 
You blinked, for a mere second. You reminded yourself it had been five years; he had no hold on you anymore. He was a monster, a terrible man and a worse son. Aegon was not going to get under your skin, you were not going to falter in front of him. You were better now, you moved on, you were mentally healthy… 
You opened your eyes, inhaling a deep breath. He was one pace in front of you, “Niece.” 
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Disappointment, Aegon was riddled with it every day and today was no expectation. He was so excited his soul wanted to jump out of its skin. But no, the second he approached you passed out and all the sudden he was the villain. What could he have possibly done a foot away to make you faint? 
Unless you were too excited to see him, your heartbeat too fast and you fainted. It would make the most sense, reuniting with the person you truly love would send anyone over the edge. It almost made him faint when he first laid eyes upon you. 
Gods you were so much more beautiful than he could have imagined. You had grown into a gorgeous woman, easily the prettiest one at court. Your eyes sparkled like diamonds, your hair flowed perfectly down your face, and your cheeks still flushed bright pink when you saw him.  
Your dress hugged your figure in all the right places and the things he imagined laid beneath made him insatiably horny. Control, he had to remind himself it’d been years and he needed that. It was hard considering the two days you’d been here he had only seen one glimpse. One quick glimpse in the courtyard before you were stolen away again. 
Your chambers were only a few hallways away and he could see you anytime he wanted. And yet, Aegon had to plot when to corner you. There was not only a hoard of guards following you around every step you took but Jacaerys clung to your skirts like a lost orphan. 
So, he waited and waited… and fucking waited until he was practically ripping the hair from his skull. The lack of your presence was okay on the first day, the second it was tolerable but by the third day it became suspicious. Impatient and spoiled, his mother’s words rang true more and more each day. 
It was increasingly clear that it wasn’t just them keeping you from him, but you were putting extra care into avoiding him. What did he do wrong? The stalking? The letters? The gifts that were never opened. It was all obvious professions of love… Why would you be uncomfortable with that?
Aegon was nursing another goblet of wine as he sunk to the floor. His face felt wet as if he were crying… Was he crying? His body to the point of numbness he could not tell any longer. Sadly, it seemed the wine was not working to cure the ever-disheartening thoughts in his mind. 
You were going to get married and forget all about him. They hadn’t given him a single opportunity to attempt to carve his way back into your heart and most likely weren’t going to. What was the reason for living at this point? The one thing he yearned to touch was so close yet so far. 
He scoffed at himself. Aegon was no tragic poet, but he was beginning to sound like one. It was the alcohol, a new type probably causing his episode. He went to grasp the corner of the table to stand up, but his legs could no longer withstand his weight. The contents on the table along with his own body fell to the floor. 
Not one of his proudest moments to date.  
“You’re pathetic,” an irritating voice laced with superiority drew him out of his head. “Brother, have you come to visit your- I mean my children? They aren’t here.” Aemond clenched his jaw once, twice until he let out a deep breath. There was no point in arguing with Aegon, there was no winning against someone fueled by pure delusions. 
He would never come to see his- Aegon’s children in his room. They would be with their sweet mother far away from the monstrosity they called dad. “We’re all being forced to attend her wedding tourney.” 
“When?” Aegon’s eyes lit up and the sunken expression finally lifted. “At dawn,” Aemond took a step back before the smell of wine, sweat and uncleanliness of three days seeped into his nose. “For the love of the seven take a bath!” 
Hope, there was still hope left in the world! All of the sudden he had awakened, the whimpering pathetic mess he was a few moments ago was long forgotten. The gears in his brain began turning… 
As Aemond strode out of Aegon’s chambers a new plan formed into the mind of the monster himself… “Little brother,” he sang with a cruelty only Aegon could possess. “Will our dear uncle Gwayne be participating?” 
Aemond did not loathe his brother as much as everyone believed he did. Yes, he was jealous Aegon the wastrel was first born, and he was not. Yes, he was jealous Helaena was forced to marry the pig instead of him. No, he did not blame his brother for any of this. Solidarity was exceedingly important in times like these, future succession wars and all. 
What he learned was, Aegon hated being married to Helaena as much as she did. Aegon didn’t want to be king and would gladly give it to Aemond if the time came. Lastly, as sad as Aegon could be he was fiercely loyal to his family. If it came down to it Aemond knew his brother would die for them… or take an eye instead. 
“Has he stopped wallowing in his sorrow?” Even when she insulted people Helaena’s voice sounded like angels in his ear. “No, though he has come up with another borderline war crime plan.” She let out a deep sigh as she fiddled with the needle she used to sew. “Should I ask?” 
“He’s urging Gwayne to kill the Fiance before they have a chance to wed.” Helaena stifled a laugh; she should be offended he would dishonor her or even vengeful since her husband dare tried to intervene on another woman’s affairs. Instead, she bit her lip from smiling, “I should be glad she is not as deranged as him or I may not be here today.” 
Aemond rose from his seat and sat down next to her. His long fingers gently caressed the side of her face, pushing back the strands that obscured his view of her violet eyes. “I would kill her before she could ever lift a finger.” 
Helaena gently tugged Aemond’s hands away from her face, cupping them in her lap. “Aems you are far too serious. She’s still as sweet as a rose I hear…” 
There was a sudden silence between them, not uncomfortable in the slightest but eerily still, nonetheless. If Helaena was being honest with herself, she felt terribly for you. She couldn’t imagine what pain he had caused or what exactly he had done to cause you to faint at the mere sight of him. 
She could imagine, Helaena simply wished not to burden herself with those thoughts. You were her savior in a weird sense of the word. Because of your existence her brother did not attempt to bed her or force heirs upon her, he did not touch her, he did not bother her unless requested of him. You kept his mind preoccupied, so she wasn’t completely trapped in a horrid marriage such as her mothers. Aegon was a good brother and only a brother… Sometimes she worried what would happen if you ceased to exist. 
Still, she was trapped in a marriage. Aemond and Helaena had two vastly different reasons for wanting you around. Helaena wanted to see Aegon content, happy even if they were lucky. And if things happened the way it did in her dreams… Their marriage would be annulled and you two could wed and she could continue to do as she pleased with the father of her children. A fairytale but she was known for being the dreamer. 
Aemond simply wanted his brother to get off his fucking ass and do something with his life. He wanted him to stop whoring, to stop pushing away duties, and to start taking matters seriously. The only way he was going to do that was if his favorite toy was promptly returned to him. You also kept Aegon far away from his beloved Helaena, that was merely a bonus. 
If he had to choose, obviously he would have not chosen his brother to become obsessed with one of the bastards, it couldn’t be helped anymore. The seeds of whatever drug Aegon made you take to enjoy him had already been planted. The spell you used to seduce him had already begun working. 
At the very least you defended them… somewhat. It was enough to make him wish you were dead even less. He had to remind himself, though you were a bastard and related to his sworn enemy, you were also just a woman. As his mother once said, ‘all women are created in the image of the mother and to be spoken of with reverence… And to be treated as such!’ 
Aemond let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “We’re going to find a convoluted way to help him, aren’t we?” Helaena hummed to herself for a moment, was there any way they could really help you? “Do you believe she is distant because she believes he abandoned her?” 
They gazed at each other for a moment, a silent agreement. You were easy to read, at least to the dreamer herself… “Yes Aems, I think we are.”
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The dress you were forced into was unbearably tight, the summer sun had seeped through the red fabric and your blood felt as if it was boiling. The royal stand was too crowded, too many unwelcome faces and bodies suffocating you. The noise of horses and knights preparing to show off for your favor made your ears ache. Unbearable, that was the best way you could describe your current predicament. 
The fainting spell was enough to have your mother confine you to chambers. She knew, your brothers knew, the Hightowers knew, everyone in the entire keep could see through you both. At every single turn you were specifically swayed far away from your uncle. Absolutely no contact, especially since you were to be married. 
That’s what the entire day was for, to celebrate you being sold off to a son of Dorne. If the heat in King’s Landing doesn’t kill you first, then surely the sun there will do the job. You hoped your death would come sooner rather than late. 
If the day could not go any worse the sound of someone taking a seat next to you caused you to flinch. You could smell him, practically taste the wine emitting off of him. Then there was the seat to your left, the scent of flowers filled your nose. Your eyes stayed glued to your hands. You didn’t dare move or breathe… 
A gentle hand that was as soft as a feather pillow touched yours. “Don’t be nervous.” Helaena, of all the people in the world you did not expect her to say such. Especially now, since you were separating husband and wife or did, they purposely do this to torment you further? “If I’m sitting in your place I can move, princess.” 
You kept your head turned to her, trying your hardest to ignore the one sitting far too close to your right. Where was your mother? Your brothers? Where was your family to rescue you? “Nonsense! I purposely asked Jacaerys to let me sit next to you.” To the right, you could feel two violet eyes burning holes into the back of your skull. 
“How lovely,” you muttered out trying to find your family from the corner of your eyes. How in the seven hells was he next to you? You turned your body towards the crowd, an invisible shield in your mind blocking you from turning the other way. 
Behind you, your entire family was in the row above staring daggers into Aegon. Of course, he stole Lucerys seat before he had a chance to protest. The sound of trumpets blaring, and the weakened voice of your grandsire distracted you, momentarily from the hell you were living in. 
A warm and soft hand was placed over your own. Dragging your nails from tarnishing the skin around them. “Afraid your husband to be is going to lose?” It felt as though a bolt of lightning shot down your back. You bit your lip, no you wanted him to lose and potentially be stabbed in a duel. You actually want to be stabbed too right now.
Milk of the poppy was your savior. That’s what had been prescribed to keep you grounded. It’s why you’re not currently on the floor unconscious. It's why you decided to engage in conversation instead of keeping your mouth shut. It's why you let his hands caress your own and bask in the warmth they provided. It wasn’t you; it was the medication. 
“Why aren’t you participating in the tourney?” You could feel a smile curve onto his face, though you swore not to look. “Why would I? Do you want me to compete for your favor?” You turned to look at him, shocked by the accusation you would want him of all people competing for you. That was a fantasy of children, a dead one at that. 
A mistake was made when you glanced at him. Gods, he was beautiful in the most pathetic way possible. The dark circles, the smug smile, the unruly hair, the piercing eyes and the jaw with just a tad of baby fat encompassing it. You forgot his lady wife sitting next to you, you forgot your family watching you. For a moment, it was just you looking at the pretty monster who ruined you. A shimmer of hope, a memory of childhood championship bubbled to the surface. 
“No Aegon, I think you would lose,” you jested. His eyes sparkled; his subtle grin turned into a wide blinding smile. “I think I already have your favor.” Your mouth parted to speak, cheeks brimming red from the implication.
Down below the sounds of cracking shields and screams of pain stifled by armor were becoming the loudest noise. A Blackwood had just begun a duel with a Bracken and… his entrails were staining the tan colored sand a dark shade of crimson. You felt bile rising up in your throat as you unconsciously tightened your drip on Aegon’s hand. An act that didn’t go unnoticed and was quickly returned. 
“Not a fan of bloodshed?” His voice sounded softer, almost kind versus his usual unserious tone. He was staring at the side of your face and his eyes shone with mild concern combined with amusement. Aegon was always one for violence, not you.  By no means were you against it, seeing the insides of someone’s stomach simply didn’t suit your fancy. 
“And the day grows ugly…” Helaena let out a deep sigh as she gazed at the scene below. Her voice made you quickly realize how disrespectful you were being towards their marriage. In a second, your hand was ripped out of his grasp and placed firmly on your lap. Avoid, you avoided both of their looks and your gaze moved strictly forward. 
You could have sworn you saw a flash of Aemond’s eyepatch and his fingers patting at her knee. Oddly enough, you were very suspicious of brother and sister relationships considering the family you were born into. Thank heavens you were amongst the normal ones… almost. 
“You’re not wrong, Hel. You’re not wrong.” Aegon’s voice had lost all its original sympathetic tone as his lips formed into a pout like a spoiled brat. “Princess! Your favor would surely help me win this tournament if you could be so kind.” 
The sound of your fiancés voice made you want to sink into the abyss of your mind and let it swallow you. Maybe even feed yourself to Vhagar much like your late aunt Laena did. Aegon looked worse, enraged and annoyed to the utmost level. 
His body moved slowly towards your fiancée, and you swore if looks could kill he would be dead. You didn’t flinch or falter this time. You no longer frowned at the sight of the man you were supposed to marry. In fact, you were bubbling with joy.
The second Martell son held a huge smile while he waited for you to place your favor on his lance. You did your best to make a spectacle out of it, wishing him luck as loudly as you could. Your mother was smiling proudly, surely congratulating herself on a fine match she had made. 
She didn’t understand, you weren’t happy because of him. You were happy to see Aegon leaking envy from his pores with the most miserable look on his face. Now he was feeling exactly what you did and it felt fucking fantastic. You gracefully sat back in place with a smile that went ear to ear. 
“Would you like to place a bet on who will win, uncle?” He shifted in place, his eyes following the black mare your fiancée rode. “I don’t intend on betting coins, niece.” An awfully smug look creeped onto his face. “What are we betting?” 
Aegon leaned into you, so his mouth nearly brushed over your ear. His breath was heavy and laced with confidence. His whispers sent a shiver up your spine that glued you in place. “If Gwayne Hightowers knocks your beloved husband off his horse I get to claim you in front of everyone.” 
Your breath hitched in your throat as the world paused. Heat rose from the tips of your toes to the very top of your head, radiating in all directions. The drugs were no longer keeping your very unstable emotions at bay. Your cheeks were not just flushed by the idea but from the crushing reminder he was not yours to claim. He was stolen from you and didn’t mind until you showed back up. No letters, no secret rendezvous, no gifts on name days or holidays… To Aegon it was always just a game. 
A game he was still fucking playing at your own expense. Could he not see he had done enough? He had ruined what sliver of self-respect you had years ago? What else was there for him to take besides your life. Your original despair turned into something hateful, “My husband will win and when he does you have to stay away from me for as long as I’m here.” 
His mouth hung agape as he was trying to debate this completely unfair bet. Aegon was going to make a jest, defend himself or anything really before the trumpets blared loud enough for the deaf to hear. “Hmph,” you turned in your seat, stone faced, chin held high, completely ignoring his presence to watch the knights begin to mount their horses.
Ser Gwayne Hightower was wearing a suit of armor and a green cape. Gwayne’s helm was in the shape of a lantern… It looked completely ridiculous. His horse wasn’t stupid, it was a powerful white charger, and his lance appeared to be held firmly in his grip. From all the stories you’ve heard, he was an amazing knight. He’d won many tourneys in the past and nearly knocked down Daemon once. 
Your fiancée was on the other side, and he certainly did stand out… The golden decor on his armor was perhaps a bit much and he refused to wear a helm. His horse was beautiful albeit not as powerful as the charger. It wasn’t looking very good.
You were too busy praying to the seven for mercy when the two horses took off. In a flash their lances connected, and poor Quentyn was nearly thrown off. You heard a snicker from the corner, and you whipped your head to stare at the smirk plastered all over Aegon’s face. “Heh look at that!” No fucking way, no way in the names of any god would he get to do anything with you. “Fuck you, uncle,” the venom laced words seeped out of your mouth before you could contain them. Your perfect facade was beginning to break so quickly. 
“That can be arranged.” You gritted your teeth and your nostrils flared. Seeing him win in anyway made you want to snatch a sword and shove it right between his fucking… 
“We have a winner!” 
The crowd erupted into deafening cheers, and you forgot whatever your last thought was. You stood up from your seat to gaze at the ground and surely enough… 
“Quentyn Martell has won the favor of the Princess!” 
Heh heh heh…. You turned to look at him with a smirk only the divine could wear, “I win.” 
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He miss stepped, Aegon had completely misread the situation at hand. Her mind had been completely poisoned by those… those cunts! And Gwayne completely fumbled the fucking tourney. This added more layers to the issues already at hand. Firstly, her husband needed to go and fast. Secondly, he had to untaint her mind. Thirdly, how the hell was he going to keep her here with him? Aegon only had a single day and night to do it… 
Another empty goblet of wine was thrown into the wall. The small shards covered the floor like winter snow tainted by red droplets of wine. The prince was raging and drinking… ceaselessly. “For the love of the seven will you sit down!” Aemond watched unamused, on the edge of storming out himself at this display. It was getting annoying how easily irritated his brother was becoming. Aegon stomped across, “We have to kill him… Preferably sooner rather than late.” 
“We could tell the truth about her virtue and have a Septon annul the marriage… avoid making any unnecessary enemies.” Aegon pivoted to stare at Aemond, face void of any signs of agreement. “Yes, and besmirch her reputation in the process… Ha! That will surely make her crawl into my bed.” 
Aemond really fucking hated sarcasm above all forms of conversation. “Oh, great manipulative tactician, what exactly were you thinking?” His steps paused as he toyed with the knife he kept on belt. He wasn’t a genius nor was he overly capable of manipulation like his grandfather…
“It can only work if she is obsessed with me again.” The younger brother let out a groan, rubbing his face with both his hands. “What exactly are you planning to do?” 
A wicked smirk curled its way onto his lips. His pupils momentarily turned dark, “Not I, dear brother, what are you going to do.” Aemond lowered his hands, so his eye picked through, raising an eyebrow. 
“This won’t do,” Rhaenyra declared as she tossed another necklace laced with jewels onto the floor of your chambers. “Mother!” you gaped as the expensive piece fell to the floor. She pursed her lips together, fingers grazing the delicate jewelry laid before you. “My first born, my only daughter is getting married… Tacky crystals won’t do.” You sunk deeper into your chair, twirling your wet hair in between your fingers. 
Rhaenyra closely examined a few more pieces, none of which suited her exquisite taste. She turned to you, her eyebrows creasing together. “You look more pale than usual.” You looked up at her and her eyes were laced with concern. One thing about your mother is that you could never lie to her. She knew you more than you knew yourself. The slightest bit of discomfort she could snuff out and exile it from your mind. 
“I haven’t been sleeping well as of late.” Her gentle hands went to comb through your hair. “If you changed your mind and don’t wish to get married, I could always have Daemon, take care of it.” You choked up a laugh, “threatening murder on my wedding day? How very festive.” 
A small smile made her lips curve upwards. She let out a breath, plucking a necklace off the counter and holding it to your neck. “Is it him?” The dragon necklace made of diamonds laced with gold details seemed to taunt you. “No, he hasn’t bothered me at all.” A bold-faced lie that your mother could see through instantaneously. Rhaenyra wrapped the necklace around your throat and clasped it in the back. “Really? He seemed to bother you at the tourney.” 
The necklace seemed to be choking you though it wasn’t tight at all. It would have been something you wore if you were getting married to him instead. A golden dragon paying homage to Sunfyre… “Just playful banter. Honestly it went far better than expected.” 
She looked as if she was about to contest what you said but three knocks at the door caught both your attention. It slowly creaked open revealing a maid no older than fifteen. She stood meekly in the entrance shifting eyes between your mother and yourself. 
“I didn’t mean to disturb you; the king requested your presence.” Your mother raised her brow, questioning the situation at hand. You gave a nearly unnoticeable nod, reassuring her everything was all right. She clapped her hands together, “You’re not disturbing anyone! My love I’ll return shortly.”
Rhaenyra strided out the door with the confidence only a queen could possess. You envied the way she carried herself no matter the situation. You slumped back down into your chair staring at yourself in the grandiose mirror. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad having Daemon rid you of your husband… If anything, he would probably take pride in having something to hold over your head.
But a war was brewing, it was an inevitable fact that no one could deny and soon it would be impossible to ignore. You needed the dornish alliance, and you were the perfect bargaining chip… Curse the seven for making you a woman. 
“You look like you’re in agony. Already getting the wedding blues?” It’s no use asking how he snuck in, it’s no use asking why he was here, and it’s absolutely no fucking use to start panicking. “Uncle, I thought we had an agreement.” His steps were light, almost frolicking to stand behind your seat in front of the vanity. Aegon’s face was the ideal image of serenity, you couldn’t say the same for yourself. 
“It’s your wedding day! Surely, I can offer my congratulations on this joyous day.” There wasn’t an honest way you could describe the pain within your chest. It felt as if a blade had carved a hole within your heart that refused to heal. A dark abyss threatening to swallow you whole. He wasn’t meant to be happy; you were supposed to be cheery. Aegon was meant to pin after you until he died… Not move on and get married, have children, and celebrate your own wedding. 
You didn’t feel the tears quietly falling from your eyes or the way your lip was quivering. His hand moved to graze your shoulder, but you jumped out of your seat, snapping your head back to face him. “Don’t touch me!” He put his hands up in mock surrender, “W-woah…”
“Did you come here to torment me some more? Do you revel watching me be so miserable?” He stumbled back, muttering some incoherent apology that fell on deaf ears. “You abandoned me! You left me like a dog and went to go playhouse with your perfect fucking family, perfect fucking wife and two perfect children.” 
One of the many things you were shouting must have triggered something within him. Aegon grabbed your shoulders with such force you almost buckled under their grip. He shook you like a child would shake their pet if it stopped listening. “Perfect? Have you become fucking delusional? What part of a forced marriage to your sister sounds perfect to you?!” 
“Let me go! Don’t- fucking touch me!” You shouted in between sobs. “No! You’re telling me you’ve been ignoring me for years because you’re fucking jealous?” You swatted at his face, attempting to grab him by his hair to pull him down. Poor idea, Aegon always thought violence was exciting. Somewhere amidst the fight you ended up wrestling on the ground shouting curses at one another. 
“I hate you! I would never be jealous of you!” Aegon shiftly straddled you and began fighting to grab your wrists again. To make it all the more unbearable the bastard was smiling. “Bullshit! It’s seeping off of you.” You bit down on his hand that came just a little too close to your mouth. He growled, slamming on wrists behind your head. “Seven hells will you calm down and listen!” 
You writhed underneath him, albeit with less screams of curses. This rather pathetic display went on for only another minute before he forced his lips onto yours. It was rough, mainly teeth clashing together and lips fighting against one another. Part of you wished it could continue, to relive your past one more time before you were sold off. 
The other part of you bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. Aegon relented, a droplet of blood staining his swollen bottom lip. Whatever spell he had put on you had worked; you were quiet and unusually still. “Look at me.” You turned your head to face the wall, refusing to be trapped by those damned eyes. “Look at me!” Begrudgingly, after being shouted at, you looked at him. “My marriage is not happy. I swear on my own life I only bedded her once. I was so drunk I can’t even remember if it truly happened…” 
“More lies… You have two children.” He scoffed, looking around the room as if asking the seven for patience. “Oh, for the love of- Do you really think those are mine? Just look at them!” Aegon appeared unbelievably desperate for you to believe him. His eyes frantically searching yours for any comfort… 
The twins did appear more similar to one brother than the other… Jaehaera herself was a spitting image of Helaena only. “I don’t believe you…” His face dropped as if you had taken an arrow to his heart. “But it wouldn’t matter if I did. I’m getting married tonight.” A foolish course of action on your part because you gave him hope. A dangerous thing if given to the wrong people and he was by far the wrong person. 
He pressed his mouth against you once more, this time his soft lips caressed your own gently. The taste of wine and iron coated your tastebuds, and it wasn’t at all displeasing. It was comforting, like a hug from an old friend. He pulled his right hand away from your wrist, almost giving you time to escape. But the second your arm moved he grabbed it with his left. A gentle, almost comfortable, kiss was turning into a desperate one. 
Aegon’s tongue slid into your mouth doing circles with your own. Your breaths quickened as he began to nibble on your bottom lip, pulling it between his teeth and then kissing it before letting go again. His hands slid down to your thighs, cupping them firmly in his warm palms and massaging their shape. You shivered when his fingers brushed against your most sensitive area, it had been so long since anyone had touched you. 
The wedding you were supposed to be attending today became a distant memory as he kissed you senseless. His lips trailed across your jawline and down your neck, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. When his nose grazed yours again you found yourself trembling with need. 
“You have missed me,” he whispered breathlessly. You wanted to say no, that your body was betraying you but when his fingers grazed your unclothed cunt all you could mutter was “ah, ah, ah~”
His tongue flicked out and traced up the side of your neck, then back down. He slipped his tongue inside of your ear, and then swallowed down all of your words. His fingers began gently teasing at your clit, sliding between your wet folds, rubbing it painstakingly slow. You whimpered into his mouth, begging him to do more.
Aegon wasn’t supposed to give it all to you so easily but… Forcing in a few fingers was far from all he could do. He began thrusting his fingers in and out of your slick folds, making sure to tease your clit each time. His eye had a wicked gleam to them watching you come undone underneath him, “you think you’ll be happy with another man? You think he’ll be able to please you like I do?” 
You opened your mouth but all that came out was a muffled cry. “No one knows your body like I do. No one can ever please you like I do.” His fingers moved swifter curling up to hit the sweet spot inside of you. Your legs buckled around him as you began to moan ceaselessly. A wicked smile took over his features, “be honest with yourself everytime you try to fuck another man you’ll be imagining me, my lips, my tongue, my fingers and my cock inside of you.” 
Your arms fell limply by your sides, the world spinning in circles as a delicious haze descended upon you. Your hips moved of their own accord, grinding against his fingers as he continued to push them deeper inside of you. “I’ve already ruined you, what other man could want you?  Who do you belong to? Say it!” 
“Y-You! Aegon! I belong to you.” You cried out in pleasure, your voice echoing through the room. He pressed his lips against you once more, swallowing all the noises you made as your cunt tightened around his thick fingers. “That’s a good little girl,” He purred as your orgasm washed over you.
“Aegon…” You breathed, your head lolling to the side as he pulled his fingers out of your quivering pussy. He sat up, face returning to its usual expression of complete nonchalant. “I’ll give you time to get all dressed up, recite vows you do not mean with a stranger, dance until your heart's content and then I’m taking back what’s rightfully mine.” 
He leaped off of you swiftly, lazily fixing his hair and wiping the blood from his mouth. You propped yourself up on your elbows, “What in the seven hells?” Aegon smiled at you, but it wasn’t one of genuine joy. It was sick with cruel eyes behind it. “You’ll see.” 
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The seeds of doubt had been planted into your mind and had already begun to sprout. The once joyous occasion was quickly turning into a fucking nightmare. To be Frank, you really wish you were dead instead of standing up here reciting vows you did not mean. It was awkward, unbelievably awkward. For five years your beloved had been pining for you and you were too blind to see it. 
Or it was all a sick joke being played on you. Which one was worse you did not know. Your entire family stood there, smiling, your mother nearly on the verge of tears seeing her only daughter preparing to start a family of her own… Gods, is this how Aegon felt all these years knowing he was the disappointment? You had been completely soiled and yet here you stand with your new husband… Aegon’s scent and markings weren’t even fully off of you! 
The entire ceremony was eerily calm. No random bursts of violence or protests to your union.  Which means your uncle may or may not intend to murder and or maim this man tonight. Any sound of mind woman would be sick at the thought and run for aid… Obviously you were not at all that type of girl. Currently you were jumping out of your skin waiting for him to finally arrive and rescue you. 
The only issue was, he never did show up. Not for the first kiss, not for the first dance, not for the speech his father was barely able to make or the feast itself… Did he intend to ignore you until it was all over? 
Aegon was unbelievably late to the wedding celebration. It was on purpose; he had a few loose strings he needed to tie before he arrived. For once he was sober and painstakingly polite as he walked in. It is fair to mention he had the servants meticulously fix his normal disheveled appearance so he could make an impression on you. 
When Aegon first entered the great hall, his eyes were immediately drawn to the center of the room, where a grand table adorned in the finest gold sits on a raised dais. The royal table is flanked on either side by rich red tapestries, ornately embroidered with the sigils of the houses respectively. If only he could burn all of the dornish banners with Sunfyre.
As he moved throughout the room, Aegon was struck by the attention to detail. Everywhere you looked, you saw the sign of the union between two powerful houses, a testament to the joyous occasion for which this room has been decked out. It was fucking disgusting and Aegon wanted to puke on it.
The throne room was filled to the brim with Lords and Ladies alike from all across the realm. In the center, just in front of the throne sat the royal table. On the opposing sides of the room were the packed tables for the highly esteemed guests. The middle of the room was cleared for dancing and eventually the marriage itself…
He wished he could throw himself into the spikes of the throne. Instead, he had to slither his way through the crowds to make way to the table. Aegon was tired of waiting, He was tired of hearing your family gawk at the well-made match and he was especially tired of doing nothing. Your husband would be dealt with in due time, but he hadn’t the patience to pretend not to be itching to speak to you, to touch you, anything but sit here and fucking watch. 
He finally pulled himself up onto the podium and marched his way in front of you. You seemed stunned, miserable, in awe of his beauty. All of which were better than you being happy to be wed. "I'm insulted you have yet to ask me to dance, uncle." His lips twisted into his usual overly confident smile. “didn’t want to disturb the happy couple so soon.” 
Your eyes rolled into the back of your skull as you stuck out your hand waiting for him to take it. There were stares from certain people of course, those who knew what happened at Driftmark and potentially before. You didn’t really care anymore. 
For a moment, he was the perfect gentleman. Placing his hands in only the proper places and spinning you around the floor with ease. If you were a normal family, this would be a sweet interaction between relatives… But you were twisted and Targaryens. “You know, I’m putting more effort into this dance than my own wedding.” You scoffed, “Oh joy, surely no one will find this suspicious at all.” 
Aegon’s face mirrored disgust as he glanced around you. “Is something the matter?” He rolled his eyes, "Your dearly beloved is gawking." You stood on your tiptoes to glance over his shoulder. Surely enough, the pretty dornish prince was smiling ear to ear watching you…"Do something about it." 
The mischievous look Aegon always wore as a child made its reappearance. It was quick, his hands grasping onto your face and pulling you so close you could feel his breath on your skin. “You would let me dishonor you in front of all these people, bad princess.” You whined trying to lean up into his face, but he pulled back, “tsk tsk, can’t let your husband see you so needy for my affection now, can we?” 
You wished he would stop referring to him as your husband. You wished he would stop reminding you of what waited for you after the night ended. “Sister… Prince Aegon.” Jacaerys appeared from behind like a thief in the night. Immediately souring any positive mood Aegon could have been in. He stepped back, letting his hands fall to his sides. “Nephew.” He gritted through his teeth with a subtle bow. 
“Princess, would you dance with me?” You glanced between the two and felt the humiliation of the situation beginning to seep in. Your mother was on the high podium with a faux smile and a death grip on her fork observing you… “Of course! Let’s go little brother.”
The dance was alright… But you couldn’t get your mind off of the Lannister girl who was practically drooling at the sight of Aegon. He had slept with her before you knew this much. A secret part of you kept track of the whores he buried his cock inside, at least the rich ones. What happened next was honestly a blur, you couldn’t remember a thing. Except that you may or may not have called her a whore and threatened her life if she dared to touch him… She scurried away with her hands on her and tears in her eyes. 
You weren’t jealous at all, only defending Helaena’s honor. 
“Prince Aegon, pleasure to finally meet you,” If the night couldn't get any better the man of the hour had just willingly approached the man plotting against him… “Prince Quentyn, nice of you to believe this is a pleasure.”  He smirked, “Your wife looks very beautiful.” Aegon patted his shoulders, “as does yours.” 
Quentyn winced, a rather noticeable scowl growing on his face. “She’ll never be yours, my prince.”
“You’ll see later tonight whose name she calls out while your cock is inside her.” He smiled a crooked grin. Quentyn’s fists balled up next to his sides, Aegon wasn’t one to directly fight, he was more behind the scenes type of criminal. There was no denying that he was strong, strong enough to crack this man’s skull. But that wasn’t part of the plan… His feet moved fast, swiftly connecting his fist to Aegon’s jaw. 
The crowd erupted behind them, lords and ladies screaming trying to escape the violence. Suddenly, Aegon stopped trying to attack and let the dornish cunt take charge. He tackled him to the ground and landed hit after hit… Was this really worth it, he thought to himself as blood started to trickle down his face. “You- fucking- wastrel-” Aegon was laughing hysterically whilst getting his face beat in… All according to plan, he told himself. 
“Get off of him!” You screeched in horror pulling at the man assaulting your lover. It wasn’t meant to take a turn like it did. Quentyn, not recognizing you, turned and landed a hit square to your cheek knocking you on your ass. “Protect the princess!” Some guard shouted from behind whilst dogpiling onto your husband. He stared in horror at what he had done, you were gripping your cheek mortified, and Aegon was laying there covered in blood laughing his ass off like a psychopath. 
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The maester was applying ice to your cheekbone as you nervously picked at the seams on your dress. “We’ll have the marriage annulled by tomorrow.” Rhaenyra paced inside the room. “On what grounds? Aegon was obviously egging him on,” Jacaerys groaned from the corner. “I could kill him and fix this entirely,” Daemon muttered watching his wife rage on. 
The rest of the argument was drowned out, the only noise you could hear was the sound of Aegon’s jaw cracking. You didn’t feel despair that the wedding was ruined, you didn’t feel depressed that your husband had hit you… No, you felt completely fucking enraged. 
Seeing Aegon harmed had awoken something in you. It was hateful and could not be quelled by a simple apology. He fucking beat him to a pulp in the midst of your wedding then had the audacity to lay a hand on you… It may or may not have awoken something because seeing Aegon laughing whilst covered in his own blood made your core heat up. 
“Could I be given some milk of the poppy for the pain, mother?” Rhaenyra looked at you with the most sorrowful expression she could muster, “oh my sweet girl.” She cupped your cheeks in her hands and rubbed at the bruise that was forming. “Go fetch some tea for my daughter, Maester… Now!” 
You were returning to your chambers in a rather dumbed down state. The medicine made your mind hazy, and your body feel light as a feather. It was like wine but far better with less of a hangover. The corridors were dark, all the excitement from tonight was far over. You hummed to yourself lazily, dreading the return to where your husband lay. Until you felt a hand wrap around your mouth and yank you into a hole in the wall you never knew was there. 
You tried to scream but were quickly shushed by a voice that could only belong to one man. “Aegon? What are you doing?” He smiled at you, rubbing the bruise on your cheek. “Will you go out for a walk with me?” You raised your eyebrow in distrust, “To where?” Aegon grinned, almost too enthusiastically to trust, “the dragonpit.” 
The most unexpected event of tonight wasn’t the wedding brawl nor the injury that befall you. It was the fact you were riding on Sunfyre again, with Aegon holding onto your waist as you soared through the stars. It was a wedding gift, he claimed. As far as you knew Aegon never let anyone touch his dragon let alone ride with him, except you. 
It was indescribable, the feeling of the wind rushing past your cheeks. The view of the city and the moon shining above you reflecting off his scales. You were giggling uncontrollably the entire flight listening to Aegon tell jests you hadn’t heard in years. Whatever injury he had gained was long forgotten the second you took off. Whatever drama or chaos in the keep didn’t exist outside. In the sky, you both were completely free. 
You couldn’t say how long you spent outside. Mayhaps it was an hour or two before Sunfyre descended onto a nearby beach surrounded by the most beautiful rock formations you had seen. “Is this your version of bridenapping me?” You teased while he helped you climb down the saddle. “It’s only kidnapping if you fight back.” 
He grasped your hand leading you across the sandy beach, showcasing the stars he supposedly, desperately wanted to show you. “I have an actual gift for you too.” You raised your eyebrows in disbelief, “Is it a ride home on Sunfyre?” Aegon laughed, genuinely laughed for the first time since you’ve returned. He dug in his pocket searching for something… “I had it made years ago but never had the chance to properly give it to you.”
In his hand was the most beautiful golden ring in the shape of a dragon. “A ring? A Sunfyre ring?” Aegon grabbed your hand and slipped it on with ease, “I’m not that creative, you know this. it was meant to be something to remember me by when you left.” Tears were prickling your eyes once more. The fool kept the damned ring all these years and never mentioned it. “Aegon… Be honest for once with me please. Do you still love me?” 
He paused, searching tirelessly for the right words to say. “I… There hasn’t been a day in five years where I haven’t thought about you at least once. There hasn’t been an hour that something has not reminded me of you. There hasn’t been a single night I’ve slept without seeing you… It isn’t normal, it’s twisted and sick and cruel just like I am. No matter what you do to others, to me, to yourself. No matter if the world ends in a freeze or we are in the midst of a war of the ages… I believe I’ll always feel this… And I don’t think I’ll be able to stop until the seven hells take me.” 
You sniffled; he always had such a roundabout way of saying things. “I’ll always love you too.” He smiled genuinely, pulling you into a kiss so gentle yet so firm it made you forget all the dangers of the world, the drama, the potential war, your husband, everything was irrelevant except for you two, right now under the stars.
“We still haven’t done the bedding ceremony.” You whispered against his lips. His eyes lit up, “Have you always been so needy for me?” You didn’t have time to protest before he was passionately colliding his lips against yours once more. You threw your arms around his neck and pulled him closer into you, making sure no part of you would ever be apart from him again.
His arms slipped below your waist as he lowered you onto the ground as gently as he could. Your legs fell open instinctively and his hands began to explore your body. It was vastly different from every other time you’ve been together. It was gentle and loving, passionate and pleasurable without the pain. 
Your bodies started to move in sync with each other, stripping away the clothes that hid your most intimate parts.  His hands held you close to his chest, keeping you warm while you were exposed to the elements. You moaned into his mouth, kissing him passionately with a hunger you had forgotten existed.
He broke the kiss, gasping for air. You opened your eyes to see the moonlight reflected off his face, sometimes Aegon Targaryen looked more God than man. He moved to suckle on your neck as he ran his length against your slit. 
“You’re so beautiful,” He murmured huskily against your ear. He slowly pushed inside, filling you with his thickness. You gasped from the sudden sensation. He was so deep within you, so far reaching you almost felt like you could reach out and touch the stars.
His kisses trailed down your neck, nibbling, sucking, biting. He took his time thrusting inside of you with slow movements, appreciating every moment your bodies were entertained. He stopped mid-thrust, holding himself deep within you.
“I love you, Princess.” He whispered, his voice so tender and soft. You blushed like a child; it was silly to think his cock being inside you didn’t make you feel as embarrassed as him telling you, his feelings. “Always.” You murmured back. He kissed you deeply, his tongue slipping past your teeth.
You clung tight to his neck, your nails digging into his skin. He moved faster, his breaths coming in shorter and quicker. You moaned, your thighs trembling from the feeling of fullness. His fingers traced circles on your inner thigh, and then he moved to your clit. 
He worked you effortlessly, eliciting soft whimpers and moans and love confessions. The world was a blur of fluorescent colors and smells, nothing mattered but you and Aegon. His climax came swiftly, almost right after your own. You begged for him to cum inside you, to fill you with his seed and he always did as you asked. 
He collapsed on top of you, his weight heavy on your shoulders. You wrapped your arms around his back, feeling him relax. “Aegon…” You spoke his name softly, your head resting on his shoulder. “Mhmm?” He said in a daze. “Again?” You whispered, your lips brushing against his neck. He smirked, his cock twitching inside of you.
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malusmagpie · 1 year
Driven To You
Pairing: AU!CarGuy!AnakinxReader
Summary: Y/N has a small crush (obsession) with a car guy in her class and is so wrapped up in avoiding him, she doesn’t realize she might have actually caught his eye.
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Directly inspired by the photos of Hayden driving/being around cars bc mmmmmmm delicious.
Word Count: 6.9k
There was a sense of dread that always came over you upon waking up. You’d immediately think of all the things you had to achieve in the day. The thought alone would make your sheets feel all the more inviting whilst making fibres of the carpeted floor in your bedroom look like searing hot needles. This morning though, as you poured the boiling water from the kettle into the cheap insulated mug your college had given you as an acceptance gift, you smiled to yourself. Your roommates were still asleep. You had chosen your courses too late to be picky about what time slot you’d be scheduled with, and the quiet in your little apartment made plenty of room for you to listen to the music you had blasting through your headphones. You stirred your coffee and placed the lid on the tumbler before picking up your bag and keys. You slipped on the shoes you’d meticulously picked the night before and headed out the door, making sure to lock it twice. The dodgy door had a lock that wouldn’t properly latch unless you pulled it whilst locking it — but it worked, is what your landlord had told you and your roommates.
You stared down at your outfit while you walked. When you applied for a fashion degree, you hadn’t quite had the forethought to realize you not only needed to be good at what you did, you had to look like it too. It wasn’t a school mandated rule but it was some sort of unspoken requirement amongst your peers. You’d never been good at making friends and the treatment you had been getting from dressing comfortably during your first semester wasn’t helping your case. Now, dressing well was all you ever did. Leaving the house in clothes that weren’t carefully picked made you almost uncomfortable, even just going to the convenience store on the corner was a mission. You decided to stop hyper-fixating on whether or not the pattern on your skirt was vintage in a cute way or vintage in a grandma way because either way, it would be considered better than leggings and a big sweater.
“If it gauges a reaction, it’s fashion.” Is what your professor always told you. You were careful to only step on the tiles of the sidewalks, never the seams, and you always waited a second after the crosswalk signal went from red to white, just incase some insane city driver forgot what a red light meant. You’d narrowly avoided cars a handful of times during your walks to campus and learned it’s better to be patient.
As you walked you wondered if you’d see him today, the blond boy with the loud car and even louder friends. He was the reason Wednesdays were less daunting to you. It was the one day a week you had a class with him. He seemed kind and quiet which was a vast contrast when you looked at who and what he surrounded himself with. He had an odd name too. You only knew that because you both took the same boring and useless elective course. You didn’t shake away the thoughts, the feeling of a crush always made you excited. Making up stories about them in your head and fantasizing about how they liked their tea was all good fun to you, especially when you knew you’d never speak to the person.
You felt around the outside of your bag on your side until you felt the spirals on your hard covered sketch pad and let out a small sigh when you were reassured that you brought it with you. Your head whipped around at the sound of a loud exhaust coming your way and you smiled to yourself while thinking about how you were psychic and manifesting him, completely ignoring the fact that he was in the class you were making your way to. The yellow car came into view and you prayed it would make it past the yellow light ahead of you. The car was fast enough to do so but you’d never seen him drive fast before. That was another interesting thing to you. A car guy who doesn’t drive like an asshole was almost unheard of.
Your eyes flickered over to the now red light as you saw the car slow down right in front of where you were to cross the street to access the campus. You almost debated walking to the next cross walk and doubling back to avoid walking in front of him. You looked at the time on the giant clock on the front of the campus building and sighed. You couldn’t be late during mid term season. You waited a second when the crosswalk signal switched from a red hand to a walking figure. Your eyes, hidden under sunglasses, watched him in his car. His arm was rested on the door panel and he was biting his thumb nail, looking ahead of the wheel with his other hand lazily draped over it. He either hadn’t seen you yet, or he didn’t care to look at you. Both options seemed to relieve you as you walked. You shook your head to hide your face with your hair and pretended to text somebody on your phone, in reality you were simply typing gibberish into your notes app. You were sure he had seen you for the small duration that you’d walked in front of your car and the thought made you speed up your strides.
As you walked across the grass and towards the door you heard his car drive in to your left and park where he always parked. You smiled to yourself, thinking of the mild annoyance he must have faced when he saw a rusted Prius parked in his spot just a few days ago. It was perfect for you though, from where he was forced to park you could finally see the front view of his car perfectly through the window you always sat at and it made for a decent addition to your sketchbook. You blushed to yourself when you realized just how many sketches you had of his car. You didn’t even like cars, in fact you had sneakily walked behind his car in the parking lot once just to see which model it even was. You just liked him but drawing him seemed far too delusional, even for your liking. Besides, you were never good at drawing faces anyways.
You pushed the large door to the lecture hall and it swung open with ease. You greeted your professor who was nose deep in her kindle at her desk, she barely even muttered a response back. You smiled to yourself when you realized you were the only other person there. It was a smaller class but this gave you time to sit and sketch an outline of your muse, to be completed later. You settled down in your usual spot and snapped a quick photo to reference later before opening your sketchbook. You flipped to the back of the book where your secret drawings were. Not very well kept but nobody was looking through your notebook anyways.
Your eyes nearly popped out of your head when you saw a figure move outside the window. You watched through your peripherals as Anakin slid out of his car and closed the door. He adjusted his pants, which looked about four sizes too big, and locked the car before walking out of view toward the building. You squeezed your eyes in embarrassment and placed your pencil within the spirals, shutting your book slowly. You’d been so eager to draw the stupid car you didn’t check to see if he’d left it yet. You hoped to whoever was listening, whatever greater force there was, that he didn’t see you taking a photo.
You sat there in silence, staring at the wall and jumped when the door opened even though you were entirely aware he would walk in at any moment. You didn’t look at him. You placed your fist under your chin and stared down at your cellphone as he walked to his normal spot. Four rows to your left and two rows back. He sat right in the middle of the back of the class. You wondered what kind of person that made him. Clearly he wanted to be seen by the teacher, but maybe he sat at the back because he wasn’t eager to participate.
You milled the theories over in your head as other students began to file in. You noticed Anakin had come in alone. He usually had his friend with him but today, his friend came in late. He chucked a wrapper of some sort at Anakin and sat next to him. Anakins soft laugh made your heart do a flip and you leaned further into your hand. His voice was deep and it carried quite far even though he was speaking softly to his friend who made no effort to use his inside voice. You didn’t even notice the time fly by as you gazed at the chalkboard behind your professor, watching as the words she wrote turned into jumbled letters from staring for too long.
The bustling of people around you getting up to leave caught your attention and you began to pack up your things with haste. You picked up your bag and pulled it over your shoulder, taking care not to trip down the narrow and steep stairs of the lecture hall. You noticed Anakin and his friend sitting at their seats. They were deep in conversation as they moved at a snails pace to pack up their things. You, on the other hand, were itching to go home to watch whatever dumb show your roommate had on and eat.
The sun was bright when you pushed open the door that led you to the parking lot, causing your eyes to squint. You pulled your sunglasses off their perch on your head and placed them snug on your nose before you heard the door swing open behind you. Your head just barely turned but the sound of a man’s voice calling your name made you swivel on your heels.
“Hey, Y/N.” Anakin said as he approached you. His keys that hung from his front belt loop jingled with each step he took and you looked at him dumbfounded. The class was small but to know your name, that took a little bit of effort surely. “You forgot your charger. At least I think it’s yours. You’re the only one who sits by where it was.” He held out a small white block attached to a matching white cord. You held your hand out with an appreciative smile and he dropped the charger in your palms.
“Yeah it’s mine. Thank you.” You spoke as you shoved the cord into your over stuffed bag. His head moved in a nodding motion.
“No problem.” He said curtly. Your eyes trailed him over for a second before you decided that was likely the end of the interaction and you began to turn.
“Do you like cars?” He asked. You began to panic as you thought of the embarrassing photo you’d taken earlier. You desperately clambered your brain for an answer.
“Not really. Why?” You realized your words seemed a bit harsher than intended and you threw in a polite smile to soften the blow.
“Oh no reason.” He shrugged. You weren’t sure if you were just trying to relax yourself or if he truly hadn’t watched you snap a photo from the large, untinted window of the lecture hall. “There’s a car meet tonight. Just wanted to know if you’d be interested.” He finished and you looked at him. You tried to understand exactly what was going on and why it was going on but your brain left you with no answers.
“No that sounds fun.” You answered before you could think but his eyes lit up ever so slightly and your heart pounded a little louder than usual.
“Oh cool. It’s kind of like a super hushed thing though, a lot of these cars are technically not allowed to be on the roads.” He started and you looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, shifting your weight. “You’ll see what I mean. I can pick you up or did you want to meet there?” He leaned against the wall behind him.
“Pick me up. 42 Queen, apartment 215.” You smiled. “I’m not gonna get arrested right?” You asked and it pulled a laugh from Anakin. He shook his head and you revelled in the way his hair flopped over his head.
“Not on my watch.” He said through a straight teethed smile. “42 Queen. 215. Got it. I’ll be there at around nine.”
You looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Nine? My bed time is ten. I have class in the morning.” You said only partially joking. Anakin rolled his eyes, a disbelieving smile on his face.
“Car meets like this don’t happen before sundown.” He crossed his arms over his chest and you sighed dramatically. Despite your internal panic you kept your composure quite well. For that you commended yourself.
“Fine. I’m doing this for the promise of fun. So I better have fun.” You stated as you began to step back from him. He smiled at you, a knowing smile that signalled that you wouldn’t be disappointed. You took your leave, bidding him goodbye with a nod before walking as fast as you could to your apartment. He watched you scurry away with his hands shoved in his pockets before pushing himself off the wall and heading to his car.
When you got home you went straight to your room and sent your roommate a text, briefing her on the news of today. An excited smile was seemingly permanently plastered on your face. You laid your things on your bed and grabbed your sketchbook before making your way to your small desk. You heard a knock on your bedroom door as you began to sketch away at the drawing of the car, this time it included Anakin sitting inside. The photo you took captured it perfectly. You mumbled for whoever was at the door to come in. Your roommate Jean cracked your door open.
“Busy?” She asked as she entered the room fully, closing the door behind her. You pulled your headphones off one ear and turned to her with a shrug.
“Just drawing.” You muttered as she walked over and looked over your shoulder at the sketch. She knew about Anakin, all three of your roommates did, but she knew about absolutely everything. The drawings included.
“God, you’re insane.” She said jokingly with her eyes peering over your shoulder and you threw your pencil at her. She laughed and picked it up off the floor before placing it on your desk. She leaned against the surface and crossed her arms. “I’m really happy for you, Y/N/N.” She smiled down at you and you wrapped your arms around her waist with a smile. She uncrossed her arms to run her hands through your hair gently.
“Thanks, Bean.” You fondly used the name Bean for her, she wouldn’t dare let anybody else call her that. her boyfriend tried it once and she shot him a death glare so intense he apologized profusely. She was a bit intimidating. Tall, black dyed hair, piercings and tattoos. The whole nine yards. You pulled away from the embrace. Her hands held your hair as you retreated and dropped it gently before returning to their crossed position over her chest.
“Your hairs getting so long.” She was in school for cosmetology and was usually the only reason you looked presentable. You looked down at your hair and nodded.
“I guess it is.” You sighed. You knew she could tell that there was something on your mind and you sighed again. Her blue eyes felt as though they had pierced into your soul and you looked up at her.
“So a date… You never mentioned how it happened.” She sat down on the floor beside your chair. Her arms crossed over your knees as you turned to face her and she rested her chin on her folded limbs, eyes staring up into yours in excitement.
“Not a date. He never explicitly said that. That being said, I left my charger in class so he came and gave it to me and we just talked for a minute.” You smiled and she laughed in disbelief.
“So you didn’t talk to him first. What are the chances? Maybe God does exist.” She mused and you rolled your eyes, your hand reached for a pen on your desk and you clicked it before beginning to colour in one of her tattoos.
The hours went by slowly, probably because you were watching the clock every chance you got. You had already changed, and then changed back into what you had on before as not to look like you were trying too hard. You’d redone your makeup and fixed your hair. You brushed your teeth and ate. You even finished an assignment and it hadn’t even struck 7pm yet. You groaned as you walked out of your room. Your roommate was sitting on the couch in front of the television, her eyes flicked over to you with a smirk upon her features.
“Antsy?” She questioned you and you pouted as you approached the fridge, looking for a snack to pass the time.
“Only a little.” You rolled your eyes as you sat the the kitchen bench with a banana. Her hand raised with the remote as she switched from Netflix to Spotify. You watched as she put on a playlist before coming to where you were sat in the kitchen. She reached under the counter into the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of cheap champagne. The sight made you nauseous. Last time you’d seen that type of bottle you were face down in a toilet by midnight. “No.” You started and she laughed.
“Just a few. You’re wound up too tight right now. One or two drinks over the next two hours won’t kill you.” She smiled, waving the bottle in your face and you groaned again. With a hesitant hand you reached out and grabbed the large glass bottle from her. She turned around and opening the fridge with an excited squeal as she grabbed the orange juice. “Mimosas make everything better.” She smiled.
You took the liberty of grabbing two of the delicate glasses she bought for these kind of drinks and placing them on the counter. Jean was a bartender at a fancy golf course so she always had the means to make a good drink at her disposal. It almost worried you sometimes.
“Mimosas feel like a brunch thing.” You mumbled as she poured the glasses 3/4 of the way with champagne and topped them off with what seemed like two drops of orange juice. She smiled, her head tilted as she looked at you.
“Mimosas deserve to be enjoyed all day, any day.” She slid the glass to you carefully and held her own in the air. “To Anakin, I guess.” She said with a shrug and you raised your own glass, clinking it gently with her own before downing half the drink. It was cold and refreshing, and surprisingly, if you hadn’t known it had alcohol in it you never would have noticed.
She was right, the next two hours were spent talking about Anakin. You showed her his instagram where he had no pictures of his actual face. She theorized on how he likely had a crush on you, and you brushed it off. It wasn’t long before you found yourself at the bottom of your second drink and heard a knock at the front door. Your eyes widened as you stared at her and she laughed.
“Go open it before he leaves.” She whispered and you scrambled off the couch and walked over to the door. You unbolted the locks and cracked the door open.
You saw his tall frame stood in front of you, hands shoved in his pockets as per usual. You smiled and opened the door fully.
“Hi.” He said with a soft smile. His eyes moved around your apartment and landed on the bottle of Prosecco and orange juice on the counter. “Pregaming I see?” He asked, his eyebrow raised ever so slightly.
You heard your roommate speak from behind you and you could have jumped out of your skin. She was always such a quiet walker.
“Just a little. I’m Jean.” She stuck her hand out and you watched as Anakin shook it.
“Anakin.” He responded.
“Have her home by one.” She smiled as you slipped on your shoes. You rolled your eyes and looked behind you, shooting daggers at her and she shrugged. “Keep your location on.” She said and you groaned in response.
“Okay. I love you.” You mumbled and she responded with the same words back before you ushered Anakin out of your apartment. You heard the door lock behind you and you sighed. “Sorry she’s just like that. All the time.” You laughed gently and he smiled.
“No she seems cool.” He nodded. The two of you walked down the corridor and into the elevator silently before you piped up.
“So what exactly is a car meet?” You asked, your head turned up toward the boy who stood tall next to you.
“It’s when people with cool cars meet up.” He said, he looked down at you with a smile and an embarrassed blush rose to your cheeks. Seemed clear enough.
“Right. Just making sure.” You nodded and he smiled as the doors of the elevator opened. You followed him out as he led you to where he’d parked. You felt a sense of anxiety surrounding the situation, a new place with a new person made you feel a little uneasy.
When his car came into view you felt your heartbeat quicken and when he opened the door for you, you could have sworn you felt faint.
Anakin leaned on the door panel as you got in before shutting it once he saw you were completely settled. He walked around to the front of the car and sat in the drivers seat as you looked around the vehicle you’d only ever seen from the outside. It felt surreal. The small amount of alcohol in your system was nice but it wasn’t helping much as you watched him settle in the seat and turn the key in the ignition.
His hand pushed at the shifter and the car began to move. “I might have to drive a little faster. Turns out it started at 9 so we’re technically late.” He mumbled as he drove out of the parking lot. You stared out the windshield.
“As long as you don’t kill us.” You smiled and you heard his laugh in return.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” He chuckled again as he turned onto the road. He began to speed up and your feet pushed against the floor mat to steady yourself. The roads were mostly clear which was good, you weren’t in the mood to swerve through traffic today. The car was loud over the music playing in his car and your eyes scanned over the radio to see what the song was called. You’d never heard of the artist but it was definitely something you’d listen to. You made a mental note to save the song to your phone as he drove quickly and carefully at the same time. It surprised you how effortless it looked and felt.
“Who taught you how to drive?” You asked when he came to a red light and he placed his hand on the shifting knob, wiggling it left to right as he waited for the light to change.
“I did. My dad owned a shop and would let me drive the cars to and from the lot. When i learned the basics I would take the cars out at night.” He smiled fondly at the memory, causing a smile of your own to creep onto your lips.
“That seems nice.” You responded. “I never learned.” He looked at you for a moment as he sped down the brightly lit streets of the city.
“I could teach you.” He shrugged and you looked at him for the first time since being in the car with him.
“I couldn’t ask that of you.” You shook your head and he shook his right back at you.
“No it would be my pleasure. I like doing this. I’d love to teach somebody else how to do it.” As he spoke, a car head began to take a left turn before he was able to make a right turn and he laid his hand on the horn for a second and the other car stopped to let him go. “I’d love to teach you so I could know you were aware of who has the right of way when making a left. Jesus they just give licenses out to anybody these days.” You laughed gently at his passive comment to the other driver. “I swear I only encounter scary drivers when I have somebody else in the car.” He chuckled and you rolled your eyes.
“Maybe you’re the bad driver.” You said jokingly and he smiled, his eyes shined under the street lamps.
“Yeah, maybe.” He mused as he pulled into a parking lot. It was full of cars and you could hear bass heavy music playing in the distance. He parked his car next to the rest of them and you watched as people glanced over, taking notice of the new vehicle in the parking lot.
“See? It’s literally a meet up for cars.” He said with a grunt as he pulled his emergency break up as high as it could go before turning the car off. The two of you exited the vehicle and he locked it before walking over to your side.
“I see that.” You responded and he smiled sheepishly.
“It’s kinda lame. Just didn’t wanna come alone and you seem nice enough to fall for it.” He said, a joking tone laced his voice. You let out an exaggerated breath and shook your head.
“You were right to think so.” You looked around at the cars around you. There was no more than 50 but you’d never seen this many people and cars in one spot.
He spent the night showing you around, explaining what cars he liked, asking you which ones you liked, and stopping to say hi to people briefly. About an hour in you began to understand why this could be fun, people were doing drifts and burnouts in the empty side of the parking lot and truth be told it was interesting to watch, especially when you knew you could never do that. It seemed he was well known in the community, that would explain why people stared as he drove in.
“Do you still race?” Anakin was talking to yet another guy who was standing by his own car. Anakin shook his head.
“Not since I got that ticket.” He responded. The guy laughed.
“You’re better than the rest of us. I think I have three tickets now.” He chuckled and Anakin rolled his eyes.
“If I was living in my moms basement with a job at the pizza shop I’d have three tickets too, man.” He laughed and the other guy laughed in unison. Anakin pushed his fist against the other ones and began to walk away. You chuckled and he looked down at you. “What’s funny?” He asked curiously.
“Nothing. I would have taken what you said personally but he just brushed it off like it was nothing.” You smiled and he raised an eyebrow at you.
“Didn’t you recognize him? He’s my buddy from the class we’re in together.” He said with a smirk and your eyes widened.
“Oh my god, it was. I didn’t even notice. I should have said hello.” You groaned and he laughed again.
“Now you’re the rude one.” He said with a tilt of his head and you sighed.
“I guess I am.” You responded. You walked next to him, glancing over at cars. You learned you had an affinity for Miata’s. Almost ever car you liked tonight had been a Miata. “You raced?” You asked.
“Yeah. It was fun. I’m gonna do it again soon, just wanted to lay low after I got booked.” He shrugged, his hands found their way into his pockets again. You nodded. You always had an idea of him, and he was proving those ideas to be wrong. You couldn’t help but like the truth of the matter just a little better than the fantasy version of him you had made up.
“Damn, Marty’s here.” He grinned as he pointed to a hot dog stand in the distance. “Honest to God he makes the best hotdogs you’ll ever have. Let me get you one. Have you eaten?” He asked excitedly and even though you had, you couldn’t help but enable his excitement.
“I could eat.” You smiled and he beamed, making a bee line for the hotdog stand.
“Good ‘cause I’m starving.” He called over his shoulder and you sped up to keep up with him. A laugh escaped you as you noticed how fast he was walking.
“Slow down.” You laughed as you reached for his arm. You caught him and grabbed him gently to pull him back. He stopped to let you catch up and looked down at you.
“Maybe you should speed up.” He looked down at you while your hand gripped his arm. Your stomach did a flip as you stopped in your tracks, looking up at his eyes. You’d never noticed how blue they were. The two of you stood silently, looking at each other, before you heard the sound of his stomach grumbling. Your laughter wasn’t easily contained when he looked down at his stomach.
“Yeah let’s get you your hotdog.” You smiled, he chuckled and let his arm drop down just far enough where it grazed your hand and your entire arm erupted in goosebumps. Your hand instinctively went to grab his hand. Your fingers twitching to hold his hand made his hand stop and slowly intertwine with yours. You never broke the eye contact and you felt as if you could hear him speak through just the emotion in his eyes. You had to breathe manually when he started walking toward the hotdog stand again.
He ordered two, one for both of you and pulled out his wallet to hand Marty a bill. He had to let go of your hand to do so but the warmth in your heart bloomed when he went to hold it again as soon as he put his wallet back in his pocket. A small blush rose to your cheeks. He told the man to keep the change and handed you one of the hotdogs. The two of you took turns using the condiments on the side of the cart before sitting down on a curb right next to it.
“How is it?” He asked, his mouth half full. You smiled as you finished chewing.
“Really good. Haven’t had a hot dog in forever.” You smiled and he nodded, humming in agreement. You noticed people begin to leave and you pulled your phone from your bag and noticed it had only been two hours. “It’s not even that late yet.” You said and he looked around. You followed his gaze to red and blue lights flashing in the distance and he stood up.
“Time to go.” He mumbled as he threw the last bit of his food away and you followed him, throwing yours away as well. Your chest began to fill with a small sense of anxiety, you’d never dealt with the cops before. You’d been relatively well behaved your entire life so situations like this were alien to you.
He walked calmly toward his car and you stuck to his heel. As you approached the yellow vehicle he pulled his keys off his belt loop and unlocked your side, opening the door and allowing you to enter fully before shutting it and walking over to his own side.
When he got in the car he placed the key in the ignition and glanced over at you. “We haven’t done anything. My car, while extremely modified, is almost perfectly legal.” He smiled assuringly and you nodded before realizing he said almost.
“Almost?” You asked and he shrugged as he began to push the car into gear.
“Yeah. Almost. Nothing big. If I get out of here now they won’t bother ticketing me.” He mumbled as he checked his surroundings before finding a gap between the other cars that were leaving.
You held onto the door panel tightly as he drove, anxiety bubbling up more every second. You were always prone to freaking out. He took a right from the parking lot and began to drive with the other cars around him. They were definitely all doing speeds that would get them in trouble on the small backstreet. You looked at him again and he glanced into his rear view.
“See? It was only one cop car and now it’s stuck in the parking lot.” You turned your body to glance out the back windshield and slumped back into your seat with a huff, followed by a small laugh.
“I was really freaking out for a minute.” You mumbled causing Anakin to let out a short belly laugh.
“Yeah. You should see how it feels to be booked during a race. That’ll get your blood pumping.” He had a tone in his way of speaking that made you think that one day you might experience exactly what he was talking about. His words almost distracted you from his fast driving.
As he turned down your neighbourhood he slowed down. There was no more cars with you guys and he seemed to relax in his seat.
“Sorry for that.” He started. “And for cutting the night short.” He smiled apologetically, only letting his eyes leave the road for a moment to flash it at you.
“Oh it’s fine.” You mused. “It was kinda fun.” You smiled back at him and your grip on his door loosened. You watched as he pulled into the small crescent driveway of your apartment building and parked the car. “I’d like to do that again, and maybe watch you race one day.” You finished as you collected your purse from its spot at your feet.
“I’d like that too, only if you’re being serious. I can’t tell with you.” He smiled and you rolled your eyes.
“I am.” You insisted as you plopped the purse in your lap and looked at him. “I see you drive every Wednesday. I’ve never seen you drive like that before, though.” You mentioned and it raised a hum from him.
“I only do it when I need to. Sometimes when I want to. Driving to school doesn’t exactly ignite my excitement.” He shrugged and you sent him a playful look.
“What warrants your excitement then?” You asked, leaning your elbow on his centre console and placing your chin in your palm.
“Ah the usual, cars, racing, pretty girls in grandma skirts.” He shrugged and your mouth dropped, a mix of a gasp and laugh flew out of you as you rolled your eyes and lifted your head.
“I like my grandma skirt.” You mused. His compliment settled in your stomach, making it so somersaults.
“I didn’t say I don’t.” His voice was quiet as he looked at you and a blush rose to your cheeks. His hand reached out to brush against yours and you let him grab it.
He brushed his thumb along the back of your hand as the two of you sat in a silent tension. The air in the car seemed thick during the silent conversation you had with your eyes. He cleared his throat, averted his gaze and dropping your hand before pulling his keys out of the car.
“I’ll walk you in, it’s late.” He mumbled as he reached across you and pushed your door open. You couldn’t help but feel mildly disconcerted at his reaction. He seemed so confident in his ability to flirt with you. You couldn’t pin point why he didn’t kiss you, it was one of the most obvious opportunities you’d ever seen. Regardless, you stepped out of his car.
“Sure.” You called behind you as you shut the door. He met you at the front end of the vehicle after locking it and walked next to you. The automatic doors of the building opened and you led him to the elevators. His hands were in their usual place, deep in his pockets as you pressed the button. You looked at him from your peripherals, agonizing over the suddenly awkward tension that filled the air between you two.
As you waited in the elevator you sighed. He looked at you, you pretended you didn’t notice, and the doors opened. The small hallway revealed itself through the elevator doors and you stepped out before him. He was hot on your tail when you finally approached the door and pulled out your keys.
“Can I get your number?” He asked from behind you and you froze, your key only inches away from the lock. You turned to him and nodded, stating off your number. You watched as he typed it in and turned his phone to you, you smiled when you saw your contact name had a grandma emoji next to it and nodded, confirming that he put the number in correctly. Your feelings were in a constant state of fluctuation. You couldn’t pin point whether he didn’t like you, or if he was just an awkward individual. Surely, somebody who looks like Anakin could never be so socially inept. Stranger things have happened, though.
He placed his phone in his pocket before letting his eyes fall on you again, your heartbeat raced as you waited for him to say something. Your eyes searched his desperate to find a hint of what he was thinking but you couldn’t pin point anything.
“Thank you.” He whispered. “For coming with me. It was really nice.” He continued and you nodded your head again. It seemed that was all you could do. You tried to push out some words.
“Me too.” You said and furrowed your eyebrows in embarrassment. “I mean. Sorry. I meant to say no problem. It really was fun.” You scrambled for words to avoid looking like an idiot. He smiled, his hand reached up and rested on your cheek. Your breath stopped for a moment as he used his hand to raise your face toward his. His lips brushed softly against yours and your eyes fluttered shut.
It was over before you even got to understand what happened and he dropped his hand gently, stepping back. He placed his hands back in his pocket as your eyes opened again. You could have died right then and you’d die happy.
“Sorry. Should I have asked before I did that? I feel like I should have asked.” It was his turn to ramble and you laughed gently, shaking your head.
“No it’s okay. I was waiting for you to grow a pair and do that.” You smiled as you turned around to unlock your door.
“Well good thing I grew a pair, huh?” He asked and you turned to him as you opened the door to your dark apartment. Your roommate was likely passed out after finishing the rest of the bottle.
“A great thing, really.” You whispered and he shot you a smile.
“Well, get some rest. I’ll shoot you a text later.” He whispered back as he began to back himself down the hallway again. “Goodnight, Y/N.” He smiled.
“Goodnight, Anakin.” You responded before you stepped into your apartment and locked the door behind you. You hadn’t even gotten your shoes off before your phone buzzed in your purse.
“Hi. It’s later. Wanna do this again soon?” The text from an unknown number read. You laughed quietly to yourself as you typed in a quick response.
“Yeah but you’re gonna have to pick me up until I get a license.” You responded.
“I have 0 issue with that. Besides. I told you I’d teach you how to drive. :)” You laughed at the text as you entered your room for the night.
“Deal. Goodnight. Drive safe.” You responded, your tired body and mind didn’t even let you change or wash your face as you laid in bed. Your eyes fell shut as you heard another vibration come through on your phone but you couldn’t bring yourself to look at it. You told yourself you’d take a look in the morning, but the longer you went without seeing the text, the more antsy you got.
“I’m gonna have to. Gotta take a pretty girl on another date soon. Goodnight.” The text sat in front of your eyes and you let out an excited squeal before tossing your phone on the bed. You cuddled into your sheets and let yourself fall asleep, only hoping to dream of him just so you could see him again.
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dearest-painter · 1 year
MY perfect family! PT.1
Summary:Being a father of two is hard but when your single? It’s even harder especially as Spider-Man. Finally when you and your kids get back to your earth after being in Earth-1610 you’re immediately added to a society? What happens when you help the anomaly while people are obsessed with you?
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,Reader has 2 kids,Reader is a single dad and spider-man in his earth,The baby mama DEAD AS HELL, very out of character characters,this is a series,Reader was with the og spider crew during into the spider verse,people might be out of character,tell me if I need to add more
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You and Peter B arrived but you were surprised to see Miles here. “BUBBA!” You chuckled as Evangeline ran to Miles who crouched and picked her up. “Oh look at how much you’ve grown Eve! Did dada do your hair?” “Mhm! Daddy did me and sissy’s hair!” You walked into view as you held Ayano who was munching on her stuffed animals ear. “What can I do, Im quit talented!” Miguel was watching you..as always, it’s honestly quite creepy with how often he just stares at you. Ayano made grabby hands at Miles with a few ‘Ah! Ah!’ Noises. Miles put down Evangeline as he took Ayano. “Hola Aya” She giggled as she grabbed his face, Mayday now had her stuffed animal.
“Miguel doesn’t bite!” You chuckled and shook your head at what Peter B said then mumbled “Yes he does..fucker bites and growl, be very careful” Miles nodded his head as he trust you very much, Ayano was given back to you as Evangeline was sitting and holding onto your leg. Miguel loved the way you took care of your daughters..he loved the way you acted..yet he hated how fucking stubborn you were! You always found a way to piss him off yet make him fall more in love with you! It was annoying!
You weren’t really paying attention as you bounced Ayano a bit as you texted the usual babysitter. ‘Heya Casey, mind babysitting all of next week? I’m going to help my mom at the hospital and need someone to watch them for a bit’ it took a while but he responded. ‘Yes I can! Expect Friday and Sunday as I’ll need to leave early as we’re having a family reunion, is that okay?’ You responded. ‘Of course! I know someone who can take those day!’ ‘Okay thanks Y/N! See ya next week!’ He was a sweet man who was attractive but you were to busy for relationship.
Lyla was watching the entire text go down..luckily it wasn’t romantic to her and Miguel’s relief just you needing a babysitter. Lyla knew the way Miguel stared at you wasn’t fully innocent..she could see the obsession in his eyes but..she’s encouraging while making fun of him. She herself is just happy that someone is making Miguel less of a grump but still a grump, she chuckled as Ayano and Mayday climb him as this happens SO often! Sometimes when you aren’t paying attention he tries to get her to call him Dada and pretend it’s for you.
Peter B was staring at you lovingly as you and your kids payed half attention to Miguel, he’s always loved you since the day he’s looked at you. When you and your kids first met Evangeline was three years old and Ayano was about 5 months old he presumes(FUCK LOGIC!) but goodness you looked hot in and out of your suit. MJ or his MJ doesn’t mind and actually is willing to let him date you but only if your okay with it as she isn’t really mad as she’s also sorta obsessed with you. Miles leaned on you and you ruffled his hair making him smile, your his dad or other father figure and he loves it. Your one of his many father figures he’d kill someone for.
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chrissturniolosbitch · 9 months
Dark Confessions
warnings- SMUTTY SMUT!!!, jerking off, sexual thoughts, swearing. idk what else.
summary- chris and y/n both have feeling for each other, but wont confess, untill y/n catches chris touching himself to the thought of her.
a/n- i wish this was real, i actually think my obsession is getting out of hand...
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Chris and i have always been close. As much as i loved the other two there was something about chris that just gravitated me twards him.
The only bad thing is that i started having feelings for chris the past summer.
His eyes, his hair, the way he sqeezes his eyes shut when he laugh, his lips, his teeth, his hands, and how slender his fingers were.
The way his body looked, and how perfect his smile was. The way he would tease me, but always knew how to comfort me.
I always wonder the things he would do to me if he knew how much i truly loved him.
How his fingers would feel on me, or the way his body would feel touching me skin to skin.
Or how his dick would feel twitching inside of me.
what if he doesnt feel the same?
what if he thinks im weird?
what if he stops being my friend?
fuck it.
I got up from the couch, and started walking downstairs too chris' room, turing the lights, and TV off on my way.
I stopped infront of his door before knocking, "hey chris can i come in?" I wisper, yelled.
no response?
i was about to knock again when suddenly i heard soft wimpers coming from his room.
Is he okay?
Is he hurt, should i help him?
I cracked open the door to see what was wrong when suddenly my body froze in place.
Christopher Sturniolo.
His hand squeezed beautifully over his dick, and his damp hair stuck perfectly on his forehead.
(Chris' POV)
y/n my bestfriend for God knows how long, the most beautiful girl ive ever layed eyes on.
The way her hips swayed when she danced, the way he lipgloss stuck perfectly to her lips, and how plump her butt looked in my favorite shorts of hers.
The thought of her made me hard.
should i think this way of my bestfriend?
is this wrong?
but oh how beautiful she was...
I felt my hands favoring over the waistband of my sweats. I lowered them to my ankles, my boxers following.
I squeezed the head of my dick, pumping my palm up and down.
The thought of y/n roaming my mind. The thought of how good she would feel clenching around me, and how bad i needed her.
The thought of her touching me had me whimpering her name.
(Y/n's POV)
abruptly chris cocked his head twards my direction, looking me dead in my eyes when he threw the covers over his body, "what the fuck are you doing in here? please leave oh my fucking gosh." He said practically yelling at me.
"its okay chris..." i said unaware of my sudden confidence boost, "w-what do you m-mean y/n.. im s-so fucking sorry. I shouldnt have been doing t-that with y-" he was about to finish his sentence when i placed a kiss on his lips.
His eyes went wide as i sat kn the edge of the bed, "Do you think of me everytime you touch yourself?" I said abruptly, "I- y/n please.." Chris said giving me puppy eyes.
"Please what christopher?" i said knowing exactly what he wanted, "please touch me ma"
With a tic of approval i grabbed the covers, and threw them off the bed, looking at chris' throbbing dick that was already leaking loads of precum
I put his tip in my mouth, and immediately started deepthroating him.
He got a fist of my hair, and started moaning my name, "fuck y/n please dont stop" i looked up at chris, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and his mouth slightly agape.
I hummed over his dick in response which must have set him off because within a instant chris jolted his hips up, twitching in my mouth letting ropes off his cum stream down my throat.
He let go of my hair, and i got up starting to strip naked. Chris groaned at the sight of my body.
(Chris' POV)
The thoughts of y/n, and all my dreams were coming true.
i watched as she stripped naked infront of my face.
The way her boobs sat perfectly on her chest, and he hips.
her. mother. fucking. hips.
She walked over to me, and kissed me, i immediately kissed her back.
She straddled me while we were still kissing. God i never wanted this to end.
I grabbed her hips a lifted them, pulling my lips away from hers, "i need you y/n please" all she did was nod, "use your words baby."
"fuck yes chris, please fuck me."
thats all i needed to hear before i dropped her hips the whole way down, bottoming out.
I started thrusting up into her, as she held my biceps trying to match my pace.
I grabbed her waist, and started helping her bounce up, and down on my dick, "fuck im gonna cu-" i started when i suddenly felt myself twitching inside of her.
(Y/n's POV)
I was determined on finishing, no matter how overwhelming, or overstimulated chris got.
I arched back, and grabbed chris' hand placing it over my clit, motioning him to help me cum.
He started rubbing fast circles over my clit, as i moaned.
I felt a familiar knot form in my stomach, when suddenly it snapped. I came.
Chris looked up at me grinning, i could tell he was overstimulated, but loved it.
I slowly pulled off of chris, and fell beside him, "was that okay? did i do good for you?" i said wanting to know if i made him feel good.
"thats the best sex ive ever had y/n" Chris said giggling, "Good me too" i said leaning in for another kiss.
"You know... well.. ive liked you for a while now y/n/n." chris siad starting to get shy, "me too chrissy, and im sorry i didnt tell you sooner." i looked over at chris face, the way the moonlight shines down his naked body perfectly.
"Well, what does this mean now?" chris said waiting for my response, "I dont know chris you tell me." i said tilting my head at him, starting to smile, "i want you to be mine. I need you y/n" He said sighing.
"I want you to chris, i am yours." I stated placing one last kiss to his nose, then lips before we drifted off to sleep.
anyways, i need chris in me, on me, and with me... like now.
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bestpigeon · 7 months
What would happen if the reader meets Yandere Alastor after the fight with Adam? Like Alastor was in denial about his love ( obsession ) for the reader... But now something has broken and Alastor is perhaps more dangerous ( I'm trying to talk about the last episode, when Alastor goes to his radio tower which is broken )... And reader tries to be a good friend so he goes looking for alastor and finds him in this scene...
Bonus: imagine the reader delicately rejecting alastor's love, because he only sees him as a friend
Hi! Love the Alastor shit omg. And sry if I've fucked up the story or sm. Thanks so much for the recommendation. Sry if this is a short one!
The extermination was today. Everyone in the Hazbin Hotel was worried, or at least curious about what the outcome of this battle was. I work for Lucifer as one of his servents. Im quite powerful, too. I got instructed to protect Charlie, and I intend to do just that.
I fly down with your beautifully coloured wings and land in front of Charlie. I land and bow down to Charlie.
"Charlie's, it's a pleasure. Your father instructed me to help you with this battle." I say as I smile with my arms crossed. She smiles widly at me.
"Hi! Thank you so much, we need Al the help we can get." She says with her usual bright smile. I return the smile and nod. "Of course. Anything to protect your hotel, dear Charlie." I say with a smile. A portal opens up. They're coming. I turn around and get ready to fight. A black and green dome thing surrounds the hotel. I look over to see a familiar red demon called Alastor. We've crossed a few times. I've never actually spoken before, however.
We make eye contact before he tilts his head and smiles at me. He always smiles, but when he looks at me, it grows substantiously. I didn't question it. An angel lunged at me, and I kicked the angel with huge levels of power. I attacked some other angels. Suddenly, the dome got destroyed, and you could see Adam and Lute fly down. Adam goes straight for Alastor. Alastor could probably beat him in a fight. So I didn't bother aiding him.
A few, well, a lot of dead angels later, I turn to see Alastor being struck by Adam, ultimately breaking his staff. He falls to the ground immediately. My eyes widen. He's never gone down that easily before. I could hear Adams sly giggle radiate off the broken down walls. I stand and watch for a moment. Before I knew it, Alastor dissappears. I go back to my duty. That being killing angels.
I couldn't help but worry about Alastor. He's never been hurt like this before. He's one heck of a strong demon. Lucifer soon showed up. I smile at him and wave. He let's me know I can leave, and I so just that. I ascend into the air and fly. I see Alastors destroyed the radio tower on my detour. I graciously fly down and notice Alastor entering the radio tower. I raise an eyebrow and fly down to the entrance. I land quietly and hear him.. singing? I listened in for a while.
"-guess who'll be pulling all the strings!-" He says. I look through the door worryingly. He's never acted this way before. He's fucking loosing it. He hunches over his station where he usual records his radio and groans in pain.
"Alastor?" I say. He tenses almost immediately and whips his head to look at me. His eyes are glowing a luminous red. His hair is is heavily misplaced and he's bleeding slightly.
He doesn't say anything and he just turns around. "You.. shouldn't be here. Leave!-" He shouts, I quickly interrupt him.
"No! Alastor I don't know toy at all really. But from what I've seen, a powerful iverlord like you doesn't just run away from a battle." I say as I approach him slowly, I was catious to not make any sudden movements. He doesn't really know me so I didn't want him to attack. He flinched when I got closer. "Al?" I say leaning in to see his facial expression.
His breathing watched up and he scratched the desk infront of him. "Tell anyone.. about this I'll kill you." He says in almost a whisper. I nod at him.
"Right. I wouldn't Al. I'm an overlord myself I know how dangerous it is to show weakness." I say. He sighs thankfully. He rubs his face. He's clearly distraught.
"Good. Now leave-" He says. I interrupt him once again. "No Al. Talk to me" I say with reassurance. I move a hand to his shoulder and he flinches at my touch. He takes a deep breath and hesitates for a while. "I'm.. nothing. Nothing leave. Now" He says as his eyes glow a brighter red. I tap his shoulder and heal his wound before walking away. What a stubborn guy.
I fly away. After a whole I land on the floor before I get stabbed in the stomach. "The fuck!?-" I say before I get thrown harshly into an alleyway. I fall to the floor, I go to fight back but someone appears infront of me. My eyes widen. The red demonic fellow. He basically twitches in anger. "Bye bye" He chuckles satanically before using his tentical to strangle the demon.
The demons head falls to the floor and the demon gets covered in blood. He stands infront of me before turning around to me. He kneels infront of me. "Alastor..? What are you.." I say confused. He interrupts me by shushing me. He checks my wound before grabbing my hand and putting it on it. I heal it and sigh.
"You alright? Thought your stronger then that yknow." He says, you could hear the static in his voice. He's healed now. "Yeah yeah. Got caught of guard.." I say before grabbing his hands and standing us
Someone else tries to enter the alleyway. Alastor uses his tentacles again and kills them instantly. He shoves his tentacle through the demon and the demon falls to the floor. "No one.. touches you. Understand?" He says as he whispers into my ear. I feel my face go a little warm.
I dont say anything since I didn't really know how to reply. He picks me up bridal style and teleports to the Hazbin Hotel. He puts me down and I look around confused. The crimson coloured walls made me realise this is Alastors room. I look at him and raise an eyebrow.
"That whole..fucking battle I watched you. The way you effortlessly kill those angels. No one will hurt you.. I'll make sure of it dear. Do you trust me?" He whispers seductively in my ear while holding the top of my neck with his hands. His claw slightly and lightly scratching my neck. I feel myself shudder under his touch.
I've seen him around. We've interacted once or twice. Despite that we've never really spoke. I gulp and nod slowly. I've admired him for a while. But he doesn't need to know that.
"Use your words, sweetheart." He says as he places a kiss on the edge of my lips just to tease. I keep eye contact with him before answering. "Yes, Al.. I trust you." I say. Which was true. Kinda. Somewhat. But he's too handsome to give this up. But he makes me feel something. Maybe love at first sigh actually exists.
He chuckles and kisses my lips before quickly leaning away. If anything it was just a peck. He leaves my breathless before he pushes me out the room. I looked around confused. Did that just happen? I could hear Alastors giggle through the closed door. I snickered and rolled my eyes. He's clearly teasing me.
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oneshlut · 10 months
Hello! May i request a yandere romantic!jax x obsessive girly fem!reader:3 one shot? (Preferably on the longer side)
a little background info,
reader is obsessed with the fact that she wants him to love her so much, she finds out he's crazy for her, and instead of what Jax thinks she's gonna do, she's over the moon! Immediately kissing and she can't keep her hands off him. Ofc Jax eats all the affection up, !!
A/N: ooh, first yandere request! (also i loveee writing long oneshots,) thanksies for the request!! hopefully you like how i portrayed the characters and what not :D (also, i swear i have nothing against ragatha, she's one of my favorites, im VERY sorry)
Down The Rabbit Hole (Yandere!Jax x Fem!Obsessive!Reader) [Oneshot]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
WARNINGS: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Toxic Relationships/Tendencies, Possessive/Obsessive Behavior, Stalking, Mentions of Bl0od (in the form of black ooze/glithces), Murd3r (in the form of abstraction), etc.
Summary: Jax finds himself pleasantly surprised that you adore his crazy-loving tendencies. One day, he thinks he goes too far, but you react in a way he never could begin to think you would.
Word Count: 2,254
Another day passed. Another day, spent all with Jax! That's how her mindspace was. She spent most of her day with Jax, and knew of her growing feelings. She knew these feelings were growing by the day, and didn't mind at all.
However, this didn't pass by everyone. No, almost everyone knew about this obsession of hers. Nobody wanted to speak up about it though. Some, like Zooble and Caine, were entertained by her lovesickness. Others, though, were concerned for her. Such as Pomni, Gangle, or Ragatha.
She didn't mind. Not at all. Her feelings were her own, and she didn't even care about how other people thought about it. She was crazy, and she knew it.
Deep down? She was glad she had put on the headset.
She was getting the best of him, wasn't she? Jax paced around his room, circling and circling and circling and--he skidded to a stop. What is wrong with him..?
The day she put on the headset, the day she entered this reality, he felt an immediate change. Like a spark, sending an extra heartbeat straight through his spine. Seeing her did something to him, but he doesn't know what.
He's becoming different. He swears his vision took on a new shade of red. Was this the mainframe, or was this him..?
All he knows now is that he wants you.
And.. it felt good. He loved how it felt to love you. Jax's past frown slowly faded away, melting into a lovesick smile. He stared at himself in his vanity-sized mirror. If he was lucky enough.. maybe, you could be his.
Jax jumped up suddenly, hearing the sound of a knock at his door. He steadied himself, latching onto an object just about to fall, and took a deep breath. Why now..?
He moved to the door to open it. Lay behold, in front of him was... you. His heart practically jumped out of his chest. Oh no no no--he couldn't let you see him like this! Jax needed to compose himself..
"Hey, sweets. Uh, wh-what's up?"
"Jax! Hey, I was looking all over for you-!"
You invited yourself in, feeling a bit of flush on your face due to the nickname. He was always a tease like that, but it caught you off guard every time.
Jax watched as you inspected his room. You were never in his room, were you? He kept the sly grin on his face steadily, but it was practically an inch away from turning into an adoring smile. You were going to be the death of him.
You, on the other hand, had no problem hiding your crush. You think? He didn't seem like he was getting any hints at your loving gaze or anything.. Jax actually looked really spaced out. Staring at you. You flushed up, stammering out a response.
"Uhm.. J-Jax?"
That seemed to snap him out of his trance. Could he really help admiring you, though? Before he could dig into that subject more, he quickly returned his playful facade.
"Hah! Sorry, toots--long day, I guess.."
He laughed half-heartedly. You chuckled with him, but something about Jax was putting you off.. Maybe it was his unusual posture--or the look in his eyes when he.. stared. He also wasn't teasing that often today. Strange.
You brushed it off, continuing to chat with him. You shouldn't have. You knew something was wrong. Maybe you'll confront him about it later.
Jax didn't understand why he acted this way around you. Can't he just be normal? ..Whatever. You were still here, and that's all that mattered. So, for the time being, he simply relished in your presence.
Eventually, you had to leave to your room, noticing the lights were dimming, signalling the day was ever. It helped keep track of some sort of time. And keep people sane with a morning/night type schedule. Jax hated seeing you go. He wanted to keep you. He wanted you to be his.
But not everyone gets what they want. So he leaves you be, so you can get your well-deserved rest. Didn't want you abstracting on him, did he..? Hah. Heh.. Hm.
Listen, I know it sounds bad, but all Jax wanted to do was keep you safe! He stood outside your room, leaning lovingly on the door frame. Stalking and protection are two completely different things! He stared at the photo on your carved brown door, his pupils black, though now, with a hint of dark red. A color of blood.
He's not too worried about himself mentally anymore. Jax was already sinking in the shallows, he can go a bit deeper, can't he..? After all, it felt so good to be utterly obsessed with someone, to let loose.
Jax could hear your soft breathing, the sound of ruffling sheets, your content sighs.. He was lucky the walls were so light. God, there was something really wrong with him, wasn't there? He chuckled lowly, making sure not to disturb your rest--He was sure you were just so peaceful and soft and dreaming restfully in your room, he didn't want to interrupt that, did he? Of course not. Hahah! Imagine how you'd react, seeing him like this? He's sure you'd be disgusted. He doesn't care, though. He laughed under his breath again, his grin multiplying tenfold. He breathed in deeply, his exhale shaky with overwhelming emotions as he began clutching the doorkno--
"Jax-? Wh.. What are you doing..?"
Ragatha. He looked back slowly, sending her a piercing glare.
She felt her stuffed legs suddenly go weak. What's up with him? Is he sick? Why was Jax outside your door in the first place? Why does he look so.. vile?
"Oh-hoh! Ragatha, shouldn't you be in your room right now? It is nighttime, isn't it..?" He picked up his sly look he previously dropped again to avoid suspicion. Jax sighed internally. Shit.. he just had to get caught, didn't he?
"Why are you out of your room?? Are you.. Are you snooping on her?!" Ragatha snapped, waving her stitched arm in the direction of your door. She wasn't really angry, but rather shocked.. and a bit disgusted.
She was starting to get on his nerves. He couldn't let her wake you, could he? Ragatha was always a bit of a nuisance, and now she was trying to get between you two. He wouldn't let that happen. He wouldn't let you hear.
Jax grabbed onto Ragatha's plush jaw, preventing her from making any further noise. All that was heard now were muffled cries for help. Luckily, they were just quiet enough to not be heard. He no longer felt empathy, tears streaking her cloth cheeks and making their way down to Jax's palm.
"Dollface, I know we've never really been the bestest of friends," Ragatha's eye squinted at his now teasing voice. "..but just this once, I need you to be silent. Alright?"
Ragatha shook her head up and down violently, her strands of red yarn quivering under her shaky form. He let go, and she stumbled back, keeping a shaky hand on her previously covered mouth.
"But if this gets out to the others, I will f(__)king butcher you."
Ragatha, still shaking, took this as her sign to leave. To run. She ran back to her room, closing the door lightly to not irritate Jax.
He sighed deeply, taking one last look at your frame in the door, before returning to his room.
The next day, everything felt off. Everyone felt off. Even Caine, who announced there wouldn't be an adventure today. Maybe that was why--people were on edge because there wasn't an adventure? You didn't really know, but you could feel the heavy air that crowded around the circus.
You hadn't seen Ragatha most of the day, either. When she did come out of her room, all you heard from her were either short answers, hums, or pure silence.
So, there was Ragatha. And then there was Jax. Now, Jax was a.. weird situation. Mixed, to say the least. One moment he'd just.. stare. Look through you. The next, he'd be extremely playful--sometimes even flirty. Not saying you disliked the flirting.. heh, but, uh.. it was definitely a change.
Perhaps permanently changed. This thought didn't come to you, but it did come to Jax.
First hearing the cancellation of an adventure announcement in the early morning, only one explanation came to him. Ragatha.
It could've been his now delusional mindset, or the evidence of Caine's hesitance, but every part of him was telling him that Ragatha must have told Caine about the night before.
Of course she would. She's not easily threatened, is she? Jax couldn't let word get out he was utterly crazy about you. What would you say to him? Would you still talk to him? Would you leave him..? No, he wouldn't let that happen.
Ragatha was always such a chatterbox. He'd make sure she wouldn't make a sound again.
Three knocks. Surprisingly, finding a weapon wasn't too hard. Found in his room, a comically large hammer, spiked at the hit-point of the weapon.
The door opened slowly.
"Jax, please.." She shuddered. "I don't know what you want from me, just tell me, I.." Her eye became glossy.
"I'll do anything."
Jax's grin expanded. He chuckled under his breath, closing the door behind him, and looking up to meet Ragatha's petrified gaze.
"..Well, dollface, if you'd like, I could abstract you in a much less painful way." Her gaze widened.
"I could repeat to you over and over again.. how there's no point to anything, you'll be stuck here forever, and there is no escape, until.. well, until ya lose your mind!" Jax teased. Ragatha didn't seem up for it. "Slow, but painless."
Ragatha swallowed. Beads of sweat dripped down her digital head, was he serious? What is fucking wrong with him?!
Jax walked forward, causing her to take a step back. His hammer dragging across the floor, making a tear in the carpet from its spikes. "Buuut, then again..~" He spoke in a sing-song voice.
"I don't really have the time."
Jax pushed Ragatha to the ground, pressing a foot on her to keep her down. He didn't have the energy to deal with her screams right now. She tossed and turned, her cries echoed throughout the room.
He swiftly pointed the spike of the hammer to her throat. She let out a soft whimper, swallowing, and breathing heavily.
"Please.. don't..."
..Leave no room for empathy.
Jax swung the hammer directly under her neck. She yelled out in pain, though, the scream quickly faded into the echo of the room.
The space on her chest, once plush, was now sickly, black, and glitchy. He could almost see something neon glowing inside, but he didn't care to look. Abstraction always looked the same anyways.
He looked down to see the same thick, black, gutty blood on his hands. He swiped it off cleanly. It came off his fur pretty swiftly. Jax wiped the muck off his face as well, before returning to his room.
Actually, if you were being honest, you were a bit worried for Jax. His sudden mood swings were strange, but now you haven't seen him in a few hours. Being as he's normally in his room, if nowhere else, that's where you headed.
The halls were silent. There was always some sort of ambiance. Whether it be echoed music or sound effects, there was always something there. You couldn't even hear your own footsteps now.
You passed by Ragatha's door. Something about it seemed.. off. But you were reminded of your original intent, passing by Jax's door.
You were about to knock, before you heard muttering coming from inside. Was he talking to someone..? You leaned into the door, the muttering now becoming audible.
"What is wrong with me..? I never wanted this to happen--No, no, I did the right thing, if she found out, then.. Maybe it was worth it? For her..?" For who-? "I.. I did what had to be done. She'd never talk to me again if she found out. And now.. I can have her. Keep her.."
He began chuckling. This chuckling evolved into a manic laughter. And when it died down, you heard him sigh, and.. he spoke your name, softly.
Your heart jumped out of your chest. Was that all.. about you? You felt a heat rise to your face. You couldn't help but wonder how that worked in a digital world.
You knocked on his door.
Shortly after, Jax opened the door to greet you.
"Oh. Uh. Hey, sweethea--!"
"I.. were you.. talking about me..?"
"..Sh(_)t. Listen--I get if.. you'll hate me after this. Buuut.. yeah. I-I don't know what's going on with me but.. all I know is that I want you, and--"
Without thinking, you immediately jumped into his arms. Saying you were overjoyed would be an understatement. Knowing he was obsessed with you as you were with him? Were you dreaming?
Jax, on the other hand, was shocked. Not for long was he frozen, though. His first reaction melted away into his classic cheeky grin. This time, a hint of obsession in his eyes as he embraced you.
Then you kissed him. Then, he was over the moon. You pulled away, viewing his lovesick eyes with pure joy. Jax didn't regret anything at all. You were just pulling him deeper, encouraging him to keep up his behavior. And he was all for it.
As long as he could keep holding you like this, he would do anything.
And now, you're his.
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strniohoeee · 11 months
im literally obsessed with ur writings❤️ can u do one where reader has social anxiety and matt tells her to be at somewhere for a date(a crowded place)but he forget to go and reader gets a panic attack and then they argue but the end is fluffy
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader 💌
Synopsis: Matt plans a date with Y/N, but he forgets a few days later. When Y/N shows up at the restaurant, and it’s packed she started to suffocate 🖤
Warnings⚠️: Talks of a panic attack, and that’s about it
Song for the imagine: I can’t handle change- Roar
I hated how anxious I was around people who I didn’t know, or how my throat felt like it was closing when the place became too crowded. I always struggled with social anxiety, but as I got older, and went out less it became even worse
Before I dated Matt, and we were all friends they would try and get me to go to a party, but I never ever went. I simply could not. But once Matt and I got closer, and we started dating he paved the way for me to feel more comfortable.
I didn’t go to every event, but I did show up at a lot more places, and many people were proud of how much I’ve accomplished. I was proud of myself too, I mean had you told me a year ago I’d be going to parties, and actually talking to people I would have laughed in your face. But this is all thanks to Matt. He never made me do anything I didn’t want to, and if I was uncomfortable he was always there for me.
Right now I was getting dressed because Matt asked me out on a date about three days ago. He was laying in my bed while we were dozing off.
“Let’s go out Friday night, like 8pm. I have a meeting with Laura, but after that meet me at Garden’s Kitchen” he said while snuggled into me
“Yeah sure I’ll meet you there” I told him, and we fell asleep
So that’s what I was currently getting dressed for, and I was about to head out, and meet him downtown. I was very anxious to travel downtown alone, but I knew the Uber would drop me off in front of the restaurant, and all I had to do was walk in , and meet with Matt.
I got to the restaurant at about 10 after 8, because of traffic, so that already made me anxious. I hopped out of the car, and walked inside…..immediately my heart sank. It was fucking PACKED
My heart started to race, and my palms got sweaty. I started to look around, and my eyes landed on a big sign that said $2 margaritas every Friday.
I was fucking mortified this place was so packed I kept getting bumped into. I shimmied my way to a corner, and pulled out my phone to text Matt
“Hey baby I’m here! It’s packed. Did you get a seat?” I texted him
“Hey babe, where are you?” He asked me
“I’m all the way at the front by the entrance” I texted back
“Wait what? No I mean like where are you?” He asked again
“Oh. I’m at Gardens Kitchen for our date, remember?” I texted back
“A date? I’m sorry baby I don’t remember” he said
My heart started racing even more, and I thought I was about to pass out
“The date you asked me on ... .3 days ago?” I texted back
“I’m really sorry, but I don’t remember” he said
I tried to text him, but my messages weren’t going through, so I tried to call him, but my calls weren’t going through as well….one of us had bad service.
“Excuse me ma’am” I heard so I looked up
“Yes?” I asked
“Are you getting a table or not? Theres people waiting on you” she said rudely
I looked behind me, and a line had formed
“Oh no I’m sorry!” I said back in shock
“So then step off the line” the guy behind me said
“Oh I’m sorry” i said back
Then all of a sudden it just got so loud, and everyone was talking to me, and looking at me, and I swore my hearing was going out
I started to have a panic attack, my vision got blurry, my chest was heavy and I felt like I was going to die. Then all of a sudden the tears started streaming down my face
I ran out of the restaurant trying to ground myself, and with shaky fingers i ordered an Uber to go to the triplets house
It was about a 30 minute drive, my texts and calls still weren’t going through to Matt. I was trying to stay calm but I was so overstimulated I really thought I was going to die
I had gotten to the triplets house, using the pin pad to let myself in. I heard them laughing in the kitchen
I stomped up the stairs
“HOW COULD YOU” I said stomping towards the kitchen
“Baby! Baby! You’re okay” Matt said running up to me
“I didn’t do it on purpose I swear, my phone had no service” he said looking into my eyes
“Matt, you asked me out three days ago…how did you forget? And then you send me to a restaurant that serves $2 margaritas on a Friday night…. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE THERE” I said starting to shake feeling another panic attack beginning to start
“I KNOW, and I’m sorry okay I really didn’t remember. I would never do anything to hurt you” he said pulling me in and rubbing my back
“Matt I felt like I was going to die” I said sobbing into his chest
“Baby it’s okay! You’re here with me. You’re okay. Don’t worry I got you my love. Breathe in and out” he said to me
I was shaking and sobbing and I couldn’t catch my breath
“Can you hear me? Can you hear my voice? Breathe in and out okay here give me your hands” he grabbed my hands and put them on his face
“You can feel me, you feel my jaw, and my nose, you can feel me talking when I put your hands here” he said as he placed my hands on his chest
“Look at me okay look at me” he said, and finally I opened my eyes while I was taking deep shallow breaths
“Look at my eyes, what color are they?” He asked me
“Bl- they’re blue” I said in broken sobs
“And my hair what color is my hair” he said bringing my hands to his hair
“It’s brown” I said taking deeper breaths
“My lips, how do they feel” he said rubbing my finger on his lips
“They feel soft” I said
He placed his hand on my heart
“Breathe in….and out. I got you! You’re okay follow me” he said and started to breathe in and out
I followed his orders, and slowly my heart rate started to go down
“Okay good, very good. You’re okay y/n I’m here with you” he said still having his hand on my heart
“I’m sorry Matt” I said pulling him in for a hug
“This is not your fault. This is all my fault. I sent my baby out to a place, and I wasn’t even there, and I let her down. I let her have a panic attack” he said placing his hand on the back of my head kissing the top of my head
“No Matt you forgot. I should have reminded you” I told him pulling away
“Don’t worry about it baby , okay. This will never ever happen ever again. I will never do some stupid shit like that again” he said walking me over to the kitchen table
Nick handed me water, and Chris gave me my comfort pillow that I had for when I would have a panic attack
“Are you okay?” Nick asked looking at me
“Yes I’m okay” I said nodding my head and taking a sip of water
“I love you so much y/n, and know that I would never do anything to hurt you” he said rubbing my cheek with the back of his hand
“I know Matt. I love you too” I said weakly as I gave in to his touch
That night Matt and I stood attached at the hip, and we ate pizza and watched movies, and honestly I forgot about my panic attacks. Nick and Chris also came in for a bit making sure I was okay and giving me hugs.
I loved Matt so much.
The End
I hope you guys liked this one, and whoever requested lmk how you liked it 🖤💋
A/N: I’m 21🧎🏽‍♀️
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quodekash · 5 months
call me johann sebastian cos im bach
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hes so adorable omg
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hes this 🤏 big
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Im gonna cry I love him so fuking much man
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you dirty fuckin liar
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shes truly such a mood this ep, her facial expressions are PEAK
peem is so real for immediately deciding to go to sleep as soon as the semester is over
felt that fr
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my friends to lovers bastards are the greatest
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look at his face
I just love him so fuckin much man
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yes. yes I do think that
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hes kicking and screaming his feet
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fuck yes I love me a sleepover
FUCK YEAH WE'RE FINALLY GETTING THE SOUNDWIN MISSING SCENE WE NEVER GOT (where, episode 8 when tinngun leave for fresh air, win rolls over and ends up right next to sound)
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they art shooketh
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this whole scene is just pure chaos, I love it sm
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do you have something youd like to share with the class, peem?
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aight bet, do it again
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ayo he actually listened to me, wasnt expecting that
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welp. good ep 👍
cant fuckin wait for next week holy fucking shit, we're getting what looks like a qtoey centred ep (and maybe probably a kiss???? holy fucking shit????)
btw next week if that scene goes the way it went in the pilot trailer, you bet your ass another patpran rooftop kiss edit is coming
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lesbianmarrow · 3 months
faith having meaningless sex with xander by sheer proximity, and then immediately the next episode asking if buffy fucked him. when, again, she doesn’t care about him AND she ALREADY KNEW he was a virgin. but she had to check. like. just in case they overlap. especially with xander—a non threat—unlike angel, who she was unnerved and jealous of before she even met the guy. all she knew was that buffy cared. something something shaunajackie behavior except their personalities mirrored
i know. i KNOWWWW. it almost sounds like she's trying to convince buffy to fuck him, both because it would be a proxy for buffy fucking her and because then faith could be like well i fucked him FIRST so i win and i'm better than you ha ha. the way faith does not care about the men she has sex with at allllll and it's always either about using her sexuality to gain power or creating this image of herself as tough and carefree as a defense mechanism or her obsession/infatuation with buffy. and she wants so badly to believe that her way of doing things is right and superior to buffy's lifestyle because if she actually examines how hollow and deprived her life is then it will devastate her.
also whenever xander brings up him and faith boning and has like sad puppy dog eyes im like lol......dude.........this was literally never about you
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pricescancerstickk · 8 months
Yandere Scream Drabble. Stu (1)
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You were so sure ever since you moved to woodsboro no one showed- or hinted signs of having a crush on you. You weren’t all that interested into dating aswell. Still pure.
And you were lucky enough to make friends along the way despite all the various attacks you heard about all over the news, following the death of Casey, Sydney must’ve taken it the hardest. And it showed how it made her so paranoid. Her mother passed away, she knew what it felt like to lose someone. But you were just as paranoid.
First week in woodsboro at the start of high school you met Tatum, and you did see her rather goofy boyfriend, he was very unserious. Stu, and after a while you got well acquainted with the female until you eventually got into the friendgroup, you would think that Tatum were the one who helped to convince them to include you but it was actually Stu.
But the way he had been acting was getting weirder by time passed, he’d only have his eyes on you the entire time. The way he constantly, but subtly was getting all friendly with you and hugging you all the time made you flustered. Squeaking whenever he pulled you into those bear hugs. Chubby cheeks filling with a pink hue all over, he’d smirk at that. It only amused him how you were jumpy. But he knew his plan was working.
“M’not sure, parties aren’t really my thing?..” You chirped, on the other side of the phone with Tatum, your eyes darting, resting on watching outside the window. Parties aren’t really my thing. You always said that. But the truth was you were just reserved and didn’t feel comfortable lingering and drinking all night. She shifted on the other side of the phone.
“Come on Y/n. Please?” Her voice cracked a little, she laughed slightly. “It’ll be fun I promise. We got Randy to bring some movies to watch too,” Your ears perked. You were closest to Randy probably. But not as much as Tatum. He was horror-movie obsessed. You liked them just as much it was only natural to get along with Randy, but the constant teasing of them telling you that you could date Randy just kind of embarassed you.
You weren’t dating and that was that, “But-“ “Also bring your pajamas. I just know you’re gonna pass out mid way through the film on Stu. You always fall asleep.” She teased. And you felt embarassed, you bit your fingers a little, cheeks reddening. “Shut up Tatum..” you pulled your knees to your chest.
Y/n packed a pair of some pastel pajamas. But extra sweater and some pants if she threw up. The poor girl had stomach problems, Slipping the sweater off over her head as she changed into the pink tank top which Stu always told her she looked cute in, she hesitated to wear it infront of him, feeling a bit guilty. Out of pure loyalty for Tatum, she didn’t want to seem like some side chick and seem like she was trying to flirt or seduce Stu, that was wrong. Instead just setting another pink t shirt she wore along with her blue shorts. It was cut short as she got a phone call. But she did know. She’d only realize the next morning that she fell asleep during the movie.
Her finger twirled the cable as she picked up. “Tatum im coming stop calling me—“ “The blonde you hang out with all the time?” A distorted voice mused. You heard a little bit of static. She smiled a little. Giggling “It’s not funny anymore Stu I..I know it’s you” she hesitated.
Y/n was confused. “Is that you s-Stu ? This prank isn’t funny.” She plopped carefreely onto the couch. Kicking her legs softly. “Oh well I don’t know? Cute pajamas you have there. Headed to a party or whatever. Huh? You know..” He paused.
The poor girl’s eyes welled with tears. She couldn’t even choke out a sob. She was scared, she looked frantically out the window and tried to shake herself out her thoughts. Her bare feet tapped the floor. She stood up. “Why are you doing this?” Her whimpers filled the other side of the phone, she shook and turned her head and immediately hung up the phone, she put on her shoes and tried to call anyone. Stu. Billy. Tatum, but no one answered the frantic girl. She immediately knew who this was. She was getting viciously attacked as the week went on. It didn’t help that.
She couldn’t contact anyone
Tatum was already drunk. Sydney was god knows where. Dewey was busy, Randy wouldn’t pick up, she was hopeless. But even if she tried to contact Stu or Billy. She didn’t have their number. Flocking on her pink shoes she immediately stepped out the front porch. Dumb decision
Ghost face was already out there waiting in the dark. The mask’s ‘eyes’ bore into Y/n. She shrieked when he ran. Shutting her eyes tensely and screaming as she shut the door and the figure ran into it, with a low grunt they fell annoyed almost. But their movements were mocking.
Immediately trying to run up the steps pulled back and thrown against the wall. Y/n landed against the hard wall with a squawk. Sinking against the wall descending onto the floor. The figure held the handle of the knife. With a desperate look she tried to hold onto anything for dear life but landed down onto the floor after a harsh throw. Hitting her head on the steps she went limp for a moment. And a grin filled behind the cold mask of the killer
Blood oozed a little from the side of her forehead. Ghost face took her by the ankles. Turning her onto her back. Straddling her snug before he took her face and turned it to the side. Wiping off the blood. Tears were still sliding down her cheeks like a waterfall. He couldn’t. Her chubby cheeks were just so adorable. But it wouldn’t be long before she woke up, his hands which were covered by gloves gripped her cheeks and moved down. Lifting the mask to press a kiss to her chin. If anyone were this gentle with Y/n she would melt at the gentleness. But she sworn. No one at the high school showed signs of a crush.
But this was coming from a killer.
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torukmaktoskxawng · 1 year
tsamsiyu ta'em - strangers like me
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Masterlist - part ten
Summary: Kayla continues to learn about island life with the Metkayina and also learns a bit more about her teachers along the way. Tonowari and Ronal find their student strange and intriguing.
Pairing: Ronal/Tonowari/Original Female Character
Tag: #tsamsiyu ta'em fic
posted on ao3
Word Count: 6k+
Taglist (bold indicates "could not tag"): @motheroffae @undeniableadrenaline @mooniequeen @shit-i-say-shit-i-think @heart-an0n @amiets2 @slutforsmut4ever @yeosxxx​ @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @sucker4angstt @inolaphoenix @ilovechickenwings tojisleftarm andyfromku @ivysully
A/N: I am so sorry for my absence! I wish I have a good excuse for being absent, but the truth is I'm not doing so hot in the real world rn. My job is cutting back hours and I barely have enough for rent. I'm getting a second job next month so hopefully, things smoothen out.
Here is the long-awaited update that I will kick myself for delaying in exchange for obsessively crying over Good Omens Season 2. Let the montage of Awa'atlu life commence! Again, thank you for your patience and I hope you enjoy!
Note: The title is named after the Phil Collins song "Strangers Like Me" because Tarzan and Avatar just go together XD
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To avoid having Ronal hunt her down again, Kayla got up earlier the next morning and made her way back to the village to join her brother's family for breakfast before her lessons. Kiri was definitely doing better and Tuk was excited that her aunt had decided to see them off before their busy days. After pleasant conversations and the promise to meet before their midday meal, the kids took off to pursue whatever they planned for the day. Kayla stood up with the intention of going to find either the tsahik or the olo'eyktan and so Jake walked her out of the marui as they talked.
"So Neteyam mentioned that you guys talked about what happened between Lo'ak and Ao'nung," Jake started off.
'Oh, boy, here we go,' Kayla thought as she tilted her head to glance back at him, feigning partial innocence, "Yes? What about it?"
"Nothing, I just wanted to let you know that it's already been handled, and it sounds like the boys are actually getting along now. Neteyam also mentioned that you didn't get to meet Ao'nung yesterday so I wanted to make sure you knew this before you went looking for a fight with the kid."
"Jake, how young do you think I am?" When his face twisted with hesitance, she rolled her eyes, "Don't answer that. What I'm trying to say is that I'm not a child, I'm older than I look, and believe it or not, I do realize this. You don't have to worry about me... but you could've been a little nicer to Lo'ak."
Jake refrained from also rolling his eyes, knowing his sister would say this. He wasn't blind. He was well aware that Kayla would always be quick to defend his youngest son, no matter what he did. Jake was half-convinced that Lo'ak could get away with murder as far as his aunt was concerned, "He knew he wasn't allowed to go beyond the reef but he went anyway. He was at fault as much as Ao'nung."
"I get that, but it feels as though Lo'ak received more punishment than the boys who actually put him in danger, and for what?"
"For picking fights."
"No, for defending his sister," her eyes narrowed, "Not that you would know what that means."
Jake took the verbal lashing in stride, internally sighing, "I can't punish the chief's son for what he does against my kids, Kayla."
At first, Kayla had every intention of cursing her brother out, but instead paused and tried rephrasing her response. Her eyes drifted to the reef while she recalled far-off memories, "I remember Mom and Dad were allowed to punish the neighbor kids if they misbehaved with us and no one would bat an eye."
The mention of his old life irked him, and he wasn't afraid to show that in his deep snarl, "Well, Mom and Dad aren't here and we're not on Earth," her posture visibly stiffens but doesn't interrupt. Jake's wave of anger is immediately replaced with guilt, so he opts in taking a breath before he could say anything else he might come to regret, "Things are different here. So be civil and keep the peace. Don't go picking fights with teenagers."
"I won't," she mutters darkly, the coldness in her eyes returning as she side-eyes him, reminding Jake that he still wasn't out of the storm regarding her, "That's what you're here for."
She doesn't stay long enough to hear whatever rebuttal he might have in mind. Instead, she walks down the pathways leading further into the village before calling back, "I'll see you later."
Tail lowered in distress and possibly shame, Jake could only turn back to the marui and try to go about his day as he normally would. He knew he deserved the petty insults and his sister's aggression toward him, especially after all the radio silence she had endured for months while he was here experiencing a new way of life, on top of everything else. He just wished Kayla could manage to let go of all the pain and anger like he did when he first began to learn the ways of the Omatikaya. Physically, Kayla's avatar hasn't changed apart from the new Na'vi trinkets she had added to her standard-issued cargo shorts and crop top. However, Jake had hoped her mentality toward him would change the more she learned how to be Na'vi. 
He knew he was a fool to get his hopes up so soon. 
Walking through the village, Kayla went down the same route Ronal had brought her yesterday, hoping she would catch sight of the tsahik. Again, there were some stares from the Metkayina, but they didn't last as long as the day before and the reef people didn't look as bothered by her appearance. The Na'vi go about their day without much acknowledgment to Kayla, and before she knew it, she had made it to her destination, the craft huts she had met Tsireya just the other day.
It wasn't hard to find Ronal among the crowd of mottled skin patterns. Her accessories, tattoos, and rounded stomach are a dead giveaway, and the tsahik easily found Kayla in the crowd in turn, though it wasn't as hard, given the circumstances. Ronal's eyes visibly squint when her gaze lands on Kayla, then the Na'vi woman pulls away from her task to rise and meet the avatar. Another Na'vi stands to join her, a teenage boy and Kayla had an inkling who it was.
When Ronal approached Kayla, she motioned to the boy behind her, "My son, Ao'nung."
Smiling timidly, Kayla greets Ao'nung as respectfully as possible, though even she could admit her smile was tighter than usual. Ao'nung didn't say a word back, instead deciding to simply nod and avoid eye contact. His ears drooped and his head lowered like this was torture for him. Clearly, he was being coerced into being here with Kayla, but she decided not to fault him for it. Perhaps he's already being punished enough for his wrongdoings that he didn't need Kayla to torture him further about it.
Ronal doesn't appear to notice nor care for Ao'nung's discomfort and sternly stated to Kayla, "We will be teaching you how to communicate underwater. Do not fall behind or you will be left behind."
Kayla refrains from the small smile that threatened to escape her. Ronal's words vaguely reminded her of Neytiri's way of teaching Jake both from the stories she heard and the video log Jake had recorded. As Jake had once phrased it, 'Learn fast or die.'
With that in mind, Kayla doesn't complain and silently follows Ronal and Ao'nung away from the craft huts and further down the pathways. It didn't take long before they brought their guest to a large marui. It wasn't as big as the communal pod for the feasts, but it was significantly taller and wider than the normal ones Kayla has seen, including the Sullys' marui. She took note of the different colors of weaving and decorations adorning the home, such as the totem and skimwing skull hanging over the front entrance in greeting, a small windchime of shells softly dancing in the warm breeze. If Kayla had to guess, this was the olo'eyktan and tsahik's pod. Soon after stepping inside, both Ronal and Ao'nung lower to the ground, sitting back on their legs and Kayla does the same, proceeding to listen as Ronal starts off the lesson.
Nothing eventful happened as Kayla learned the Metkayina equivalent of sign language. Ao'nung never said a word regarding Lo'ak or any incident that happened with Kayla's nieces and nephews prior to her arrival. In fact, Ao'nung didn't say a whole lot other than chiming in a time or two to help Kayla with the lesson. Perhaps he never said a word outside of the subject of his people's sign language because his mother had been giving him sharp looks throughout the whole lesson. It was hard to miss. Ronal wasn't exactly a subtle creature. She openly expressed whatever she was feeling, unafraid of hurting someone's feelings, not even her son's, it would seem.
It was amusing to find all the similarities between the mother and son, both physically and spiritually. Their glare, eyes, and even their pout were the same. Kayla even dared herself to look a little closer without getting caught and noticed that Ao'nung inherited the same mole as his mother's, both spots found above their lip, on the top right side.
She must have lost track in time as the suns rose higher in the sky. Before she knew it, her next teacher had shown up to take her to her next destination. Tonowari stepped up into the marui, his large frame blocking the majority of the light coming in through the entryway. His gaze brushes over Kayla and Ao'nung before his eyes land on the tsahik, "Ma Ronal. Is this a good time?"
One of Kayla's ear flick to the side at the term of endearment, glancing over to the woman in question who only firmly nods and stares back at Kayla, "Go on. My mate will continue your riding lessons from yesterday."
Kayla mutters her thanks and stands up to join Tonowari. As they turn toward the exit, the olo'eyktan points back to his son, "Ao'nung. Remain with your mother."
"But, Father--"
"Do not question me, boy," the tone in Tonowari's voice was a little louder and stronger than normal, and even Kayla could feel her spine straightening up, despite not being under his scrutiny. Kayla briefly glances back at Ao'nung and notes the way he shrinks in on himself, still unable to look her in the eye, clearly embarrassed. Kayla looks away and follows Tonowari out of the marui, shadowing his footsteps as he addresses her, "I apologize for my son."
For the moment, Kayla had the empathy to pity the teenager and decided to soften the blow against Ao'nung, "There's nothing to apologize for. He was a pleasant enough teacher."
His voice had reverted back to its normal tone, significantly smoother and kinder on the ears, "Did you learn well?"
"I think so. It's not that different compared to what the Sky People have," when he flashed a questioning glance over his shoulder at her, she further explained, "They have a language that requires hand motions, too."
He doesn't question it further, instead looking back ahead and leading Kayla down to the docks. The ilu anxiously await their arrival in the water below, clicking and calling excitedly as Tonowari pulls a harness over one of their heads. The two adults get into the water and stand beside the earnest ilu, Tonowari trying to calm the creature whilst Kayla makes tsaheylu. She mounts the creature with ease, remembering yesterday's lesson and dreading the idea of falling off again as Tonowari begins reassuring her, "You need to exude confidence. Tell the ilu that you will command them and you will be respected by them. Do not give them space to come up with their own ideas."
She takes a few deep breaths to calm her nerves and nodded, waiting until Tonowari steps away before commanding the ilu to move forward using only the bond connecting them to each other's thoughts. The creature obliges and all appears to be going smoothly. Kayla manages to instruct the ilu to swim faster before eventually sinking underneath the water's surface. The ilu picks up speed and even as she clings on for dear life, Kayla could already feel her grip loosening. Angry and determined, Kayla tightens her thighs around the saddle of the creature and demands her bonded steed to leap out of the water and let her breathe, no room for nonsense.
To her shock and delight, the ilu chirped happily and sprung out of the water like a bullet, briefly flying through the air and allowing Kayla to take a breath before diving back in. She was so shocked that she almost lost her grip before regaining composure and asking the ilu to do it again, in case she had only imagined her success. The ilu was ecstatic to leap out of the water again and did so without a fuss, and this time, Kayla laughed as the shock wore off.
On the surface, the woman is met with a small audience. Lo'ak, Neteyam, and Tsireya were out riding their own respective ilu that afternoon before briefly pausing to watch a school of fish swim all around them, tickling their feet. Just as Kayla appeared to finally be getting the hang of riding an ilu, the teenagers caught notice of her as well. Lo'ak is the first to spot her, cupping his hands over his mouth as he crows in encouragement, "Go, Auntie! Woo-hoo! Yeah! You got it!"
Kayla laughs as Neteyam and Tesireya begin to cheer her on as well, their voices carried by the winds as Kayla and her ilu dive into the water and back out again. By the time Kayla remembered herself and returned to her teacher, Tonowari had his arms crossed but otherwise appeared pleased by her improvement, tail leisurely swaying behind him with curiosity.
Weeks go by since Kayla first arrived in Awa'atlu, and despite having to adapt to yet another completely different culture, Kayla had to admit that it was getting easier as time went on. She originally thought the ways of the Metkayina were a cakewalk compared to the Omatikaya, but maybe it was because she learned from the Forest People first that made learning from the Reef People easier than she originally thought it would.
She makes sure to reiterate this to Norm and the other humans every time she sees them. When everyone in Awa'atlu is meant to be resting, Kayla retreats to her campsite and secures her avatar form before closing her eyes and breaking the neural link. The next time she opens her eyes, it's within the link gurney back at High Camp.  Norm and Max are always there to greet her, asking about her headaches and other health problems. There were days even Kayla had to admit were rough. After spending so much time in her avatar form, it's starting to strain the link connecting herself to her human form and it causes massive headaches every time she breaks a new record of not reporting back for days on end. To distract her friends from lecturing her, Kayla just updates everyone on Kiri's condition and relays any messages Jake or the rest of the Sully family wanted her to bring. In return, the scientists or even the Na'vi, such as Txe'la and Meui, would update her on any information regarding Ardmore or any Sky People activity. 
She's always left disappointed when they say the same thing. No one has seen Spider. 
Trying not to let the news discourage her, Kayla always wakes back up in her avatar form in better spirits so as not to worry Jake and his family. Kayla continues to treat the days as normal, continuing her lessons and helping out in any way she can so as not to overstay her welcome. When she wasn't following Tonowari or Ronal around, Kayla was usually in the company of her nieces, nephews, and their new friends.
Tsireya was one of those friends, and she was such a sweet girl who would happily entertain Kayla in any endeavor. When she wasn't busy, one of Kayla's favorite pastimes was helping Tuk and Tsireya find seashells for their hair and any jewelry idea they had in mind. Tsireya, as Tuk said, knew all the best spots where the shells were always fully intact and not crushed into pieces by the harsh tides. During these little adventures, Kayla, Tuk, and Tsireya would learn more about each other, bonding over the fact that they were all their families' younger sisters. 
The sign language was easier than the verbal language, but Kayla felt as though she had a rug pulled from beneath her feet when Ronal knowingly stated that she was going to be teaching her student a third language. The tsahik, with the help of other Metkayina, began to teach Kayla the language of the tulkun, the sea creature Kayla learned to be the spiritual animal and companion to the Reef People, as the ikran is to Forest People. Apparently, not even Kayla's nieces and nephews have progressed as far as learning the tulkun language yet, and they became ecstatic to realize that they would be learning this alongside their aunt. Joining Ronal in these lessons with Kayla and the Sully kids would also be Tsireya and Rotxo, which only excited the forest kids more. Ronal wasn't as pleased with her own student when she caught Kayla fondly watching the children interact more than once. 
Kayla had to learn this extra language on top of her breathing lessons, the latter of which was taught by both Tonowari and Ronal. Sometimes they would teach her separately, and other times they would do so together, but whatever the case may be, it didn't matter to Kayla. She would carefully listen to whoever was teaching her, and sometimes she listened so intently that she caught herself observing her teachers a little too closely. 
Like Tonowari's eyes for example. Kayla noted they were a light blue at first as she sat cross-legged across from him while they practiced breathing exercises. But upon closer inspection, Kayla noticed specks of green engulfed by those blue orbs, like clumps of islands surrounded by warm sparkling oceans.
He was a clenched fist with a gentle touch. Kayla greatly admired him for being someone who could easily take advantage of his strength and position above his people but chooses to be kind and soft-spoken instead.
 It was fascinating for Kayla to see just how different the Metkayinas' eyes were compared to the Omatikayas'. Whereas every Na'vi of the Forest had orange or yellow cat-like eyes, the ones who live off of the reef had rounder and bigger eyes, not to mention they had a variety of different shapes, sizes, and colors. 
Like Ronal's eyes. The opposite of her mate's, Kayla noted that Ronal's eyes were more green than blue, with specks of a warm, gold color, like a sunset reflecting off the ocean surface. 
She was orphic, but that's as far as Kayla allowed herself to describe the tsahik.
There was plenty to say about Ronal, but Kayla thought it best not to linger on any of the words bouncing around in her head. It was clear to her that the tsahik will always disapprove of Kayla and her presence among the Metkayina, so Kayla didn't want to compliment the Na'vi woman too much, especially since she doesn't intend on staying for very long.
Her stay was still very much temporary, at least in Kayla's eyes, as she still intends on going back to the forest to find Spider. For now, however, she was content with her small campsite just inside the treeline of the Metkayina island, a campsite that Ronal appears to disapprove of along with everything else about Kayla. The tsahik still has to occasionally venture out and find Kayla among the trees if she is in need of the avatar woman, like today when Ronal had the mind to take the time to find Kayla. It wasn't hard since the demon had kept her promise and never moved her campsite so she would be right where Ronal could find her. Still, Kayla was apologetic when Ronal found her and the tsahik begrudgingly told the foreigner to follow her back to the village.
Ronal brings her to the shoreline and recruits her to help fix an ilu pen that had begun to wither with age. Tonowari was already hard at work on it and briefly looked up to greet the two women when they sat down on the edge of the pathway and gracefully slipped into the water with him. After a brief instruction from him, Kayla gets to work in silence, and Ronal isn't opposed to doing the same. The silence wasn't as awkward as they were in the past, but out of the corner of her eye, Kayla could clearly see that something was bothering the tsahik, as Ronal wasn't ashamed of openly frowning while watching Kayla work. She didn't appear to be glaring in disapproval, but she looked... frustrated. It was as if she was trying to figure out a complicated puzzle. Kayla briefly glanced at the Na'vi positioned on the other side of her and noticed that Tonowari was much more subtle than his mate. Unlike Ronal, he only snuck glances at Kayla and her work here and there and did his best to hide whatever expression was on his face.
"Am I doing it wrong?"
"No. You're doing well," a compliment was not what she was expecting and it shows as Kayla's ears perk up and her eyes briefly widen. Ronal pointedly ignores the reaction and blatantly asks, "Why do you not stay with your brother's family at night?"
Kayla looked at Ronal, nose scrunched slightly in confusion, all the while completely unaware of the stare Tonowari sent to his mate from above Kayla's head, "Why would I?"
"Group sleep is also customary in the Metkayina."
"What's a group sleep?"
By Eywa, did the Omatikaya teach this alien woman anything? Ronal huffs out an irritated sigh, "Families sleep in large groups, usually in their swaynivi. Some clan members will sleep alone or with their mate just as long as they return to their family's nivi in a short period of time. Otherwise, they're deemed spiritually unhealthy. It is unsafe for one to sleep alone."
"I see," Kayla's ears pin back and her posture straightens, understanding the question now while pointedly staring down at her work on weaving the ilu pen together instead of addressing Ronal, "Well, where I'm from, that's called an invasion of privacy. I would assume that the families who sleep in large groups mostly contain parents and their children, correct?"
She doesn't wait for a response as she further explains with a small distaste in her mouth, "Since I'm neither of those, I don't want to invade my brother's and his children's privacy. Thank you for your concern, but I've been alone for a very long time. I can assure you that I am just fine with the sleeping arrangements I have now."
Even Ronal can sense a dismissal when she hears it in Kayla's voice. It was clear that the alien woman didn't want to further discuss this topic and so the tsahik didn't push it. Returning to her work, Ronal now briefly shared a glance with Tonowari but he pointedly kept his mouth closed during the whole conversation and after.
Luckily, the silence is saved by Neteyam as the teenager arrives with a purpose, slightly bouncing over the pathways above the adults' heads, "Auntie. My father is looking for you."
Kayla's discomfort visibly melts before Tonowari and Ronal's eyes. She looks up and smiles at the Na'vi boy, "Tell your father he can come and get me himself next time instead of sending you out. You should be elsewhere, enjoying the reefs and hunting with your friends."
She briefly turned back to the clan leaders, silently asking for approval to leave with her eyes flicking between the two Metkayina. Both nodded and openly watch as Kayla turns back to Neteyam, smiling up at her nephew as she rises up onto the pathway and follows him out, gently shoving him once to get him to pick up the pace so she didn't trip on his heels.
Neteyam huffed a small laugh as they walked, but the sound falls in replace of shame. He was visibly acting a little shy as he avoided eye contact, "I am sorry that I told my father about our conversation. I should have asked for your permission."
"Hey, no harm," she nudged him, "It's not like our talks are meant to be a secret or anything. It's nice that you can trust your father with everything; trust him enough to talk about whatever you want. As long as you're comfortable, kiddo."
"Was your father not like that?"
Kayla bit her tongue to refrain from visibly wincing, staring directly ahead instead of at her nephew, "No. I don't think he was. Not from what I can remember. Mostly I relied on Tommy and your dad growing up."
"What was my father like as an older brother? Am I like him?"
Kayla briefly grew quiet as they walked, pondering about how she could best word this to her oldest nephew. She tried seeing Jake in Neteyam, she really did, but whenever she tried comparing the teenager's best traits, they only remind her of Neytiri. And when Kayla thinks about Jake, all the pain and other torture he had put her through both intentionally and by accident, she couldn't even fathom Neteyam doing the same thing to his own siblings. Physically and mentally, deep down she knew that Neteyam was nothing like his father, and she was secretly grateful for that.
So instead of agreeing, Kayla simply smiled while staring the teenager in the eyes so he could see her sincerity, "No, 'Teyam. You're like Tommy. He was the older brother. When it comes to how you treat your siblings, you remind me of him, and I think your father sees it, too."
When Ronal isn't busy with her duties as tsahik or teaching Kayla, she is making sure Neytiri also adapts to their way of life. Although the former tsakarem had been comfortably accustomed to island life by the time her sister-in-law joined her family, Ronal still takes Neytiri into the jungle for a second pair of hands to gather the needed plants and herbs for her stock. Today was no different as the two women stumbled across a large jungle tree, larger than any of the others around them. Instead of following Ronal's suggestion to skip this tree and its healing fruits in exchange for a shorter one, Neytiri stops and shakes her head. Ronal was adamant about moving on since she was in no condition to climb and wasn't built to climb trees even if she wasn't currently pregnant. 
Neytiri still shook her head in defiance and simply said, "You need Forest People."
The Forest woman opens her mouth and calls out at the top of her lungs, causing Ronal's ears to twitch in response to her whooping and cawing. Notifying her family about her location, it didn't take long for Jake, Kayla, and all the Sully children to come running to Neytiri's call. 
Neytiri proudly smiles at her family while explaining why they had been summoned, "Our tsahik needs the fruit from the top of this tree and the ones surrounding it."
The others take a moment to look at one another before Kayla breaks the silence, briefly tapping Tuk's shoulder before running off, "'Last one to the top is a rotten egg!"
Tuk squeals and immediately chases after her aunt. The older Sully kids smile and break into fits of laughter, following suit and running after Kayla and their little sister. They all leap up, grabbing onto the lower branches before lifting themselves up, climbing expertly higher without their arms protesting the weight of their bodies. Ronal watched them climb higher and higher, keeping her expression stoic while observing the way Kayla makes the collecting and scavenging into a game for her nieces and nephews, challenging them to see who can gather the most fruit. In the corner of her eye, Ronal could still see Neytiri standing beside her, also watching the trees and smiling fondly up at her family. Jake soon stands beside his wife, hands on his hips while watching his sister and his children with a careful eye.
It was then did Ronal address Toruk Makto directly, flashing a face of disapproval, "Does your sister always act so childish?"
Jake's posture stiffens and he struggles to find the right words under the tsahik's watchful eye, "Well-! Uh..."
"No, only with the children," Neytiri answers for him, eyes hardened when they meet Ronal's as if daring her to speak again, "She plays with them because she wants to remind them that they are still just that. Children."
Kiri woke up bothered about something and everyone could tell. That girl didn't know how to hide her feelings no matter how badly she wanted to, the definition of an open book. Even though no one knew why she was upset, they could clearly tell that whatever it was, it had something to do with her aunt. Kiri wasn't necessarily cold to Kayla, but the teenager would go quiet and only speak in one-word responses whenever the older woman spoke directly to her. 
Kayla decided that she needed to fix whatever was going on between herself and her oldest niece, so she offered to take the children out as the afternoon slipped into the evening. Neytiri suggested bringing them swimming through the reefs to collect barnacles and other underwater plants for tonight's supper, a passing time a lot of the villagers tend to do. Kayla takes up the idea and presents it to the Sully kids, who all agree to go, some more enthusiastic than others.
Tuk immediately splashes into the water and her brothers chase after her. Meanwhile, Kayla and Kiri linger on the beach, watching them disappear into the ocean. Kayla had tried breaking the tension with a small smile, "So when are you gonna show me how to use those underwater fairy wings?" 
She was hoping for a small laugh or even a smile, but Kiri does neither. Instead, she looks sad and distracted, looking out over the horizon where the sky meets the sea, daydreaming of other lands... of home. Kayla bravely touches the girl's shoulder, and when Kiri looks up, her aunt could see the concern plain on her face. The avatar woman squeezes Kiri's shoulder, "What is it?" 
Kiri bites the inside of her cheek before giving in, letting out a small sigh, "When are you going back to the forest?" She quickly understands how that could easily be misinterpreted and corrects herself, "It's just that-- you promised you'd look for Spider. And yet, you're here and he still hasn't been found yet."
Kayla relaxes both in posture and touch, removing her hand from Kiri's shoulder and instead letting it fall to her side, "I'll likely be gone by the end of the week, but for Norm's peace of mind, I'm going to be running a few tests on you so he and I both know you'll be okay," silence follows and Kayla reaches out once more, letting her hand gently grasp Kiri's arm, "Kiri, look at me."
The teen does so, a little belligerent at first. Upon staring up at her aunt, Kiri could see the determination in her eyes that closely matched Kiri's father's. Kayla tilts her head down to try and stand more at Kiri's height before softly explaining, "I haven't given up. And you might find it pointless to keep an eye on you after what happened, but I don't, and I don't think Spider would either. Think about it, kiddo. Spider would want us to make sure you're alright before we ever went looking for him."
Kiri ducks her head and watches her toe make shapes in the sand beneath her feet, "I know... but that doesn't mean I have to like it. He deserves to be put first for once."
Silence lingers between the two of them before Kayla simply says, "You're right."
Kiri doesn't wanna look up to see whatever expression was on her aunt's face. Instead, Kiri takes her arm and drags her to the water, "Come."
"'Where we going?"
"You said you wanted to learn how to use a txampaysye."
Kayla's nose scrunched up, testing the word on her tongue with bitterness, "How do you even spell that??"
Kiri manages to loosen up and laugh before they both held their breath and sank down into the water, sinking until they joined the rest of the Sully children. They introduce Kayla to txampaysye -gill mantle- and instruct her on how to use it in order to breathe underwater. Kayla wasn't far off. The gill mantles really did look like fairy wings, but other than maybe a few comments or stories, none of the Na'vi children would know what exactly a fairy was. The children and their aunt spend the evening doing as Neytiri suggested, gathering underwater plants and barnacles alongside other Metkayina, most of whom all wore the txampaysye. By the time the communal dinner rolled around, the Sully family was exhausted, but content all the same.
A peaceful morning where the Sullys invite Kayla over for breakfast goes uneventful until they're rolling up their nivi after a good night's rest. Their peace is interrupted by a horn, followed by whoops and hollers of celebration coming from outside. Confused and on edge, Jake and the kids emerge from the marui, looking around as the Metkayina jump around and dive into the water, making the newcomers curious as to what was going on.
Their answer came in the form of Tsireya, astride an ilu as she waved down her people from the water below their homes, "The tulkun have returned! Everybody! Our Brothers and Sisters have returned!"
Kayla looked up toward the atoll wall protecting the village from less docile nature. Emerging from the tunnels and pathways underneath the wall were rolling waves indicating something large below the water. Spurts of seaspray spring out like geysers from beneath the ocean's surface. It was a large pod of whale-like creatures, massive and slow. Their descent onto the village was graceful and one that brought much joy to the Metkayina as they couldn't get in the water fast enough.
The Sully kids couldn't wait either, jumping from the walkway around their home and into the water below. They scatter, exploring the new creatures one way or another. Tsireya had grabbed Lo'ak when she spotted him and pulled him onto her ilu, swimming away to introduce him to her Spirit Sister. Jake summoned his tsurak and both he and Neytiri take off to observe the sacred animals themselves. Rotxo had come around and pulled Kiri and Tuk away too, leaving Neteyam and Kayla to wander. Ao'nung was not far behind his friend, however, and invited Neteyam to come along with him to find his own Spirit Brother. Earning a small reassurance from his aunt, Neteyam doesn't hesitate to jump in and both teenagers each grab an ilu and take off, making a game of chase with Ao'nung in the lead.
Neteyam kept close to Ao'nung the entire time. The chief's son leads Neteyam through the chaos expertly, the two of them swimming quickly around a particular tulkun. Kiri, Tuk, and Rotxo were hanging onto the bull's fin and gliding peacefully through the water, the tulkun likely the reef boy's Spirit Brother. Neteyam was only able to catch a glimpse of this as they swim by, keeping close to Ao'nung's tail and playfully chasing him.
Jake had been leisurely swimming his skimwing through the maze of tulkun and Metkayina before glancing off to the side and perking up. Reaching back and tapping Neytiri's thigh to grab her attention, he waits until her eyes are on him before pointing out the sight he stumbled across. Following her husband's gaze and finger, Neytiri spots a mother tulkun and her calf, the smaller whale-like creature keeping close, mostly under its mother's fin or belly. Neytiri smiled with delight, her heart melting at the picture.
Kayla had been floating above the surface, watching the vast sight of tulkun from up top the back of an ilu she had successfully summoned. She didn't venture very far until the olo'eyktan sought her out. She noticed his tsurak first, flying above her head before gracefully sinking into the water, folding in its webbed fins. Tonowari brings it back around and swims up to Kayla's side, a determined smile on his lips, "We must put all that you learned to the test. Come meet my Spirit Brother and see how well you can understand and communicate with him."
She nods and dutifully follows him into the water after taking a deep breath. They submerge and take off, weaving through and around the large bodies of tulkun, dodging other ilu and Na'vi while Tonowari keeps his pace slow for Kayla's ilu to catch up. Underwater, Kayla can get a better look at the tulkun, and to her amazement, she realized that most of them were tattooed like their respective Na'vi. Eventually, they come across a large bull and Tonowari slows to a complete stop, disengaging from his tsurak and openly swimming the rest of the way to the heavily tattooed tulkun male. Kayla disengages from her ilu and watches it swim away before swimming in the same direction as the olo'eyktan, keeping a small bit of distance while he approaches the tulkun, greeting it like an old friend with a wide smile before gesturing Kayla to come closer.
When Kayla swims close enough to float near the large eye of the creature, Tonowari motions to the bull and makes rapid hand movements, "This Makayla te Suli tsmuke te Toruk Makto. She is of the Forest People and has come to learn our ways."
"Greetings, Makayla te Suli." The tulkun sings, and Kayla is delighted that she can understand him.
She quickly signs back, just as she had practiced, "I See you, great and mighty tulkun."
"Have you learned much since your arrival?"
"Yes, many things. I have excellent teachers in the olo'eyktan and the tsahik."
"Indeed. You are in good hands with my Brother and his mate. Ro'a speaks highly of her."
Curious, Kayla turns to the olo'eyktan in question, hands slowed by the water as she asks through the Metkayina sign language, "Is Ro'a Ronal's Spirit Sister?"
Tonowari nods while further explaining with his hands, "Yes, and I believe Ro'a has just given birth to her first calf."
"Indeed." The tulkun calls softly, the beautiful sound muffled in Kayla's ears like a song trying to pierce through cotton, "We are very proud and happy for our sister. What of Ronal's child?"
Tonowari beams, "Growing fast. Halfway there."
Kayla faintly smiles as her lungs begin to faintly burn, then quickly makes the appropriate hand motions to signal, "Forgive me. I need air."
She tilts her head upward and kicks her arms and legs to plunge up to the surface. Kayla immediately gasps for air the moment her head broke through the ocean waves, taking deep and calm breaths while looking around at all the joyous reunions going on around her. Laughter and cheers are still clinging to the approaching afternoon air, not a single Metkayina worried about the day's chores as they are too busy reacquainting themselves with their Spirit Brothers and Sisters. Kayla fondly watched these interactions, her heart warm and yet... sad as she watched the Na'vi swim around her without a care in the world. It's not as though she expected anyone to notice her, but it was a brief realization that today she was invisible and an outcast compared to these beautiful tulkun creatures. It was just another reminder that she didn't belong here and she had no Spirit Sister of her own, feeling out of place among an entire lagoon full of tulkun, Na'vi, tsurak, ilu, and other aquatic creatures.  
Once she caught her breath, Kayla inhaled deeply and stuck her face back into the water to check out the activity going on beneath her treading feet. Looking around, she managed to catch a glimpse of a familiar Na'vi, a woman, adamantly communicating with her hands toward another tulkun, a female and her calf. Kayla recognized Ronal's ornaments that expressed her importance among the other Metkayina, along with her rounded belly. Without those traits, however, Kayla wouldn't have recognized her because the tsahik was smiling, broadly, unbothered by anything going on around her as she spoke to what had to be her Spirit Sister, Ro'a.
In all the weeks Kayla had been living here, she had never seen Ronal smile, let alone smile like that.
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A/N: Please remember that I can't reply to any comments below every chapter because I'm using a secondary account. So if you have questions about the series you would like answers to, please put it in the ask box, thank you!
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Just a brief notice that updates are gonna be spotty from here on out as summer is coming to a close and I'll be working two jobs next month (Sept). Keep the love and support coming and I hope to update for y'all soon!
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oceanwithouthermoon · 10 months
Talking about Saiki and SA here a bit, btw, just a warning~
Thinking about how you said Saiki was a victim of SA and you’re literally so right. I feel like people sometimes just blow right past the fact that Kusuke is like that with his brother, but I think it can add a lot to interpretations of his character. But even if it only goes as far as what is shown in canon — which I almost doubt — it still remains the fact that Kusuke is doing all of that knowing fully well that his brother can hear him. It’s literally sexual harassment.
People point it out more often with Teruhashi and her brother (back to the reasons you said, people think it’s more serious if it happens to women). But the things he does, that’s all sexual harassment. And yet when Kusuke does similar things, it’s often brushed aside. Just,,, a bit crazy to me.
(And that’s not even mentioning when people completely disregard this part of Teruhashi’s story and act like she’s one-dimensional,,, but that’s another story)
But all this to say you’re literally so right. Anyways love you mwah =^•w•^=
(heed the sa warning + abuse and incest warning before opening, i talk a LOT here.. im mostly just reiterating what happens directly in the manga though.. ALSO EXTREMELY LONG POST WARNING..)
I always viewed kokomi and makoto + kusuo and kusuke as like.. paralleling each other ? not sure if thats the right word, but IMMEDIATELY when i saw both of these dynamics i made the connection.. i guess since it was so clear to me, i assumed that it was so obvious and on purpose that everyone else knew too, but so many people just.. ignore it..
i think most people that read/watch saiki k have recognized the fact that most main characters are meant to parallel or relate to saiki in at least some way, (if anyone who doesnt know what im talking about is reading this, im sure at least someone on here has done a better breakdown on that, i just.. dont know where to find that..) but this particular connection is one i dont see often and i genuinely believe that its almost entirely because of the whole "sexual assault/harassment isnt as serious when it happens to men as when it happens to women" thing.. most of the fandom acknowledge that what makoto does is awful and kokomi is a victim, so why is it different when its kusuke and kusuo ??
its EXACTLY the same.. what we see on screen with the saikis is WORSE, actually.. and what WE see from these two relationships isnt the full extent of what the two victims experience off screen, and i strongly believe that its heavily implied that both kokomi and kusuo have been through much worse with their brothers than whats shown..
we have no idea what kusuke couldve done BEFORE moving away and creating the telepathy canceler (and dont say that he couldnt have done anything cuz they were kids, cocsa [child on child sa] is still a thing and still valid, ESPECIALLY since they were both kid geniuses and kusuke definitely KNEW better.. but yea, kusuo implies that hes been like that for a long time, way before we ever saw them, sooo..) and its highly likely that whatever happened that we didnt see, before or after the move, was WORSE than what he does ON screen (i honestly dont want to think about what a guy with an incestual obsession with his brother does with cameras everywhere in his brothers home..) and what we see him do is already insane..
literally using his brother to get off, manipulating him and forcing him to play the games that give him sexual pleasure.. actually, speaking of, ive seen some people say that what kusuke does isnt really incest because the only reason he uses kusuo is because hes a masochist and kusuo is the only person that can overpower him.. this is a total misfire LOL, his upbringing alongside kusuo and his relationship with him is the REASON that hes a masochist, the ENTIRE REASON why thats what he gets off to.. its not just CONVENIENT that kusuo is there to get him off, he SPECIFICALLY seeks kusuo out and forces him to do things that give him sexual pleasure.. he believes that kusuo is the only person in the world that can ever give him sexual pleasure, what about that doesnt sound incestuous?
and one of the worst parts of it is, kusuo BARELY acknowledges how weird it is.. in fact, he's COMPLACENT in a lot of the games, obedient even, being bribed into them the same way he does with simple things like bringing kuniharu to work.. this is the biggest reason why i believe the off-screen stuff is probably worse, because kusuo is obviously conditioned to think that letting your brother get off to you is just.. fine.. we hardly see him try to get away from this situation beyond simply calling him gross.. theres one moment during the cat tank situation where kusuke tries to get him to grab the limiter off of his crotch specifically so that he can see him in that position and kusuo looks terrified and cant do it, BUT its unclear whether the expression of fear was entirely his concentration because he didnt wanna break the limiter or because he didnt want to let his brother get off to that, and i think its mostly the former ? idk, i dont remember this part that well but im preeeetty sure..
he does acknowledge that MAKOTOS behavior is bad when he sees it, but he never thinks its a big enough deal that he needs to help her or anything, (except for maybe the okinawa situation) which i know is probably just for the sake of not letting the gag manga get too serious, BUT it can also be explained pretty easily by this whole thing.. the way kokomi is treated is literally the same way kusuo lives his life, even down to their incestuous brother being possessive to the point of berating their potential love interests.. (which in this case happened to be each other, kusuo and kokomi..)
so yeah, kusuo just. doesnt really know how bad it actually is ? or maybe he does, but doesnt acknowledge it because he doesnt WANT to.. him barely acknowledging it and being complacent is part of why some people dont really get that its sa and incest, but his complacency obviously plays a big part in how its effected him too, like thats purposeful.. like i said, hes been CONDITIONED not to acknowledge it..
to me, it looks like a classic situation in which kusuo doesn't acknowledge his trauma because he knows that if he did, it would change his outlook on his life, his family, and his childhood FOREVER. he would never be willing to tell anyone or ask for help on his own accord, and accepting that there was anything wrong in the first place means, to him, dealing with that issue by himself for the rest of his life.
why would he ever admit that anything was wrong if nothing would change either way? the only thing that WOULD change is HIM, and why would he want that? isnt it better to be blissfully unaware than to knowingly suffer in silence?
plus, he genuinely does love his brother and knows in the back of his mind that kusukes feelings toward him comes from their unhealthy upbringing and relationship and its more complex than just "hes an evil guy blah blah.." because he isnt really evil and kusuo KNOWS that.. actually, he might be the only person in the world who COULD understand..
so yeahhhh.. kokomi and kusuo are both CANONICALLY victims of sexual harassment.. (and incestual abuse at that..) and, by my interpretation, implied victims of sa as well !! (im not really sure where the line can be when it comes to this sometimes, like when your brother sniffs your bedsheets and rubs himself on them or gets off to you right in front of your face or tries to get you to grab something positioned over his crotch so he can see you in.. THAT position.. but i already said that its pretty likely that both brothers have gone farther than that off-screen..)
anywayyyy.. this is so important to me and i wish people would talk and write about it more instead of pretending it never happened and mischaracterizing every one of these characters, especially for the sake of a ship like i was talking about in my other post.. it sucks that people so often just cast kusuos canon issues aside..
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