#im about to finish midnight club
catastrophecrow64 · 11 days
Chat give me a TV show (preferably short) that will change my life
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raph-fangirl · 1 month
Snippet from a new story I'm working on :)
Just started this new demon x reader story! im thinking it's gonna be pretty short, like a novella. hope y'all enjoy!
warnings: language, violence, masturbation, sexual/kinky fantasy
Chapter One
Your life was perfect until the demon came.
Your husband, Ruben, had just been promoted at his job. You unfortunately didn’t know much about it, only that he worked for the government and whatever he was doing was top secret. But you didn’t mind that, because the love between the two of you was real. And that’s what mattered the most.
He bought you a pretty little house in the suburbs. You wanted to paint it pink and attempted to plant a vegetable garden, but HOA wasn’t having any of that. Life there was slightly stifling—after your upbringing in the country—but as long as you and Ruben were together, it didn’t matter where you lived. 
You tried to pillage out a life for yourself while he was gone all day—bake sales, book club, bridge games. The ladies in the neighborhood were unbearably kind to you, and they always asked if you were expecting, but you assured them with a winning smile that you had just been eating too much cream pie as of late.
Ruben told you he loved you no matter your looks, and that he was sure it was just weight you had gained from all the baking you had been doing. You wondered what you had possibly done in your life to earn such a gem of a man. With that slick black hair and tan skin and kind eyes. 
You were just kids when you met, he was sixteen and you were fourteen. Your best friend was going steady with him, and they invited you out on a drive together one day. By the end of the ride, Ruben asked you to take the passenger seat.
Four years later you married. Four years after that you had your forever home. Four more years would you have a kid, or two, or three? 
Tonight was pasta night. You and Ruben would have a glass of wine, or two, and then make love. Back when you were first married, you did it practically every night of the week. Now you were lucky if pasta night even did the trick. 
You launched a string of spaghetti on the wall. It stuck. You took the pot off the stove, dished out the noodles onto two plates, then finished with the meat sauce. For your own indulgence, you added some parsley on top. You smiled at the little green leaves and how pretty your dish had turned out.
Ruben should have been home thirty minutes ago, he promised as he dashed out the door that morning. But you’d gotten used to him being late. 
You lit some candles and ate in silence. You meant to have only one glass of wine but another evening alone required a little more drink.
You cleaned up the kitchen and stuffed Ruben’s plate into a tupperware container before sliding it in the fridge. 
As per usual on pasta nights when he didn’t make it home on time, you slinked into a nice hot bubble bath and proceeded to pleasure yourself. You hated yourself for it but couldn’t help it. In your mind’s eye, you imagined a big strong man with long flowy hair having his way with you. You moaned, aching at the thought of him railing into you on the beach, the waves cascading over your curves. He would grab you so hard it almost hurt.
Ruben had always been gentle with you, loving. But lately you’d found yourself craving more than just the ten minute humping fest. That gentleness he always had with you faded away into something more like passivity as of late. But you figured it was just stress from work. He’d had a lot going on lately and just wanted to come home, scarf down his leftovers, and go straight to sleep after work. It was fine. Every night before he crashed off to sleep he told you he needed you and loved you desperately—that you were the greatest accomplishment of his life. That was all you needed to hear to be able to wake up the next day and bear doing everything all over again. 
Ruben was exceptionally late tonight, though. It was teetering on midnight. You tried to stay awake, fighting off sleep as you lay in bed. But eventually you nodded off, and dreamt of the man with wavy hair at the beach. He grunted as he slammed into you, but soon those grunts turned into yelps. Yelps that almost sounded like Ruben. 
You awoke with a start. It was Ruben, screaming. Pleading. 
You flung the covers off and dashed out of bed, racing to your puffy pink robe and slippers, shaking as you put them on. Ruben’s shrieks grew louder, hailing from the living room. 
As you were just about to open the bedroom door, the voice of another man boomed: “You know why I’m here.” 
You stopped in your tracks. He sounded ferocious, his voice much gruffer and deeper than your husband’s, or any other man for that matter. Blood rushed to your head as you tried to come up with a plan of action. 
“No, please no,” Ruben pleaded. “I didn’t know!”
“Shut the fuck up!” 
A crash. 
A shudder shot down your spine. Your hands shook as you reached for the door handle. You twisted it, careful not to make the door hinges creak. 
“Please, please don’t kill me!”
“Once I’m done with you, you’ll wish I’d have killed you, you monster. I’m going to take everything you love away from you, just like you took everything away from me.”
You peeped an eyeball through the crack in the door and caught sight of a large shadow looming over the living room. 
“God, no, please! I was just doing my job, I didn’t know what they were going to do with what I built!”
“Like fuck you did, you piece of shit. You knew what you were creating.” 
Who was this man? What did he want with your husband? You didn’t have time to ponder before the horror of Ruben crawling across the floor sent you over the edge. You clasped a hand over your mouth to stifle your scream. He was covered in blood, his perfect face bruised.
Pounding footsteps echoed across the room, and one enormous hand reached down and grabbed the collar of Ruben’s shirt, pulling him back out of your sight. The mystery man’s hands were red, blood red. 
“Oh no you don’t. You’re comin’ with me, pal.” 
Ruben squealed and retched. 
You slunk out from behind the bedroom door and tiptoed down the hallway, your back against the wall. 
“Where are you taking me?” Ruben’s voice sounded weaker and weaker.
“To Hell, where you belong.”
You took a deep breath, tears streaming down your face, before peeping around the corner into the living room. Ruben was on the floor, and the man… 
No. Not a man. A monster. 
He had his back to you, but he was so tall his head nearly scraped the popcorn ceilings. Not only were his hands red, but his whole body. He was frighteningly muscular, and you knew he could snap you and your husband in two with one finger. Everything caved in around you and your vision darkened. A hole grew within you and you felt yourself sinking into it. 
The monster dragged your husband over to a circle with strange etchings on the floor, hoisting him up to stand straight. Suddenly, the circle lit up. 
You knew at once what was happening. And this demon was not about to take the only thing that mattered to you in life to hell. Without thinking, you sprinted to your husband. Time slowed down as you ran, like you were treading water. You knocked Ruben out of the way in a split second, and he fell on the ground, out of the circle. You spun around and caught a flash of the demon’s horrid, snarling face. His eyes bore into your soul, then widened at the realization of what you’d just done as a flash of light spread throughout the living room. The place you had come to call home faded away as a ribbon of white strangled you and carried you off.
Chapter Two
You awoke to a strange scent. It was not the candlewick smell of home, but of ash and dust and smoke.
Coughing, you sat up. Wherever you were, it was suffocatingly dark.
“Finally. Thought you’d never wake up,” a familiar gruff voice snarled.
Footsteps echoed before bright light tore into your eyes. You leaned back, covering your face with your hands. 
“Up and at ‘em, sunshine.”
“Wh-where am I?” Your voice sounded so tired.
“Take a look around, princess.” 
You opened your eyes. A dingy motel room. You felt the scratchy covers beneath you. Dust covered every inch of the place.
You looked up, and saw it standing menacingly at the windows, hand on the ugly burgundy curtains.
You wanted to scream, but the sound got caught in your dry throat.
“Don’t scream. I’ve had enough torture for one day.”
“Why did you bring me here? What have you done with my husband?!” 
“Your husband,” the demon growled, “is at an emergency hospital getting his wounds treated. He’ll recover.”
You took a deep breath as a wave of relief crashed into you. All that mattered was that Ruben was safe and away from this thing. Whatever torture he would undoubtedly inflict upon you, you could handle it. But not your Ruben.
“What do you want with me?”
“What do I–” He leaned back and laughed, a dark harrowing sound. “I didn’t even know you existed before last night. You weren’t exactly part of my plan, princess.”
You shuddered at the nickname. “Don’t call me that again.”
“Or what?” He crossed his arms. Thick black hairs sprawled up across them, contrasting against his blood red skin. 
He was awfully well dressed for a demon, you had to admit. A white button down shirt that he had rolled up to his elbow, and tight black pants and black dress shoes. 
“Staring me up and down, eh? Isn’t that considered rude where you come from?” he challenged. 
Your mind fogged up. You weren’t clear headed enough to be sparring words with a demon. 
“But to answer your question,” he moved away from the window, pacing about the tiny motel room, “I have no clue what the fuck I’m going to do with you.” His eyes sparked fiery red. “I only was approved for one trip to Earth to carry out my plan, and I come back with the wrong guy. Do you know how much paperwork I had to file just to come back empty-handed?” 
You paused to think. “Then what did you want with my husband?”
“That’s not exactly information I can just give out, princess. Oops–” he raised his fingers to his mouth in feigned innocence. “Forgot you don’t like to be called that.”
You looked down at your lap. Your hands were bloodstained, you presumed from when you had pushed Ruben out of the way.
“How did I get here?”
“You fainted on the portal ride over. Been knocked out ever since.”
“I meant— in the bed.”
He fell silent. “Well, I didn’t just wanna drag ya. I’m not a monster.”
So he carried you. Great.
“I still don’t really know where I am.” You tried to look out the window, but it was too bright outside to make out anything other than white dust. “In the desert somewhere?”
“Kinda. You’re at the border between worlds.”
Your eyes bugged out. “What?!”
“Don’t worry. You’re still safe, at least here you are.”
You shot up out of bed, thankful to see you still had your robe and slippers on. “What do you mean, border between worlds? Am I still on Earth? Is this hell? Purgatory?”
“A purgatory of sorts, I suppose.”
You marched your way over to the window. It was just, nothing. Blank. White. 
“This is the inspection point between Earth and the other worlds,” he explained, turning around to face outside. “Peaceful, yeah?”
“No! Not peaceful! Where is— anything!” You pressed your face up against the windowpane. Dust caked up on your skin.
“There is a diner nearby. I’ll take you there.”
“A diner? In this hell?”
“Oh, trust me. Hell ain’t nothin’ like this, hon.” 
Tears welled up in your eyes. “I just wanna go home…”
“Welp, you made your decision last night when you jumped into my portal at the last second.”
“I was only trying to save my husband!” You faced him, standing up on your tippy-toes to be taller. It was the first time you’d really gotten a close up look at his face. His nose and mouth were turned upward in a permanent sneer. His eyes were dark, black, cold. Although you could have sworn at some point you’d seen them burn fiery red. His hair was jet black, slicked back with gel and neatly combed. And of course his face was just the awfullest shade of blood red. 
“That was your first mistake.” He gnashed his fangs together and then tore away from you. 
You scoffed. 
“Come on, get dressed,” you heard him say from behind.
“With what? It’s not like I—” You turned around. The demon opened a wardrobe full of the most magnificent clothes you’d ever seen. They were just dazzling, a rainbow of different colors. Within the backdrop of the dingy room, it was like a butterfly batting its iridescent wings against the hood of a rusty old truck.
“I figured you probably had pretty extravagant taste, at least based off of that ridiculous robe and slippers.” 
You pretended not to hear him calling your outfit ridiculous as you rushed over to the clothes. “Did you just go out and buy these?” You felt the fabric of each and every one of them.
“Nope. Conjured them up.”
“Oh my goodness! Thank—”
You caught yourself and let go of the fabric. “Wait. No.” This had to be some kind of trick. You took a few steps back from him and the wardrobe. “This isn’t right. You tried to kill my husband last night and I want to know why.”
“Like I said, princess—”
You shriveled up your face.
“That’s not something I can just reveal to anybody.”
“Then why are you treating me to all these clothes? Why take me to eat at a diner? Why not just kill me here and now?!”
“I have to have a permit to go out and kill people, sweetheart. And you aren’t exactly worth the paperwork. I have no reason to kill you.”
“Oh, but my husband was fair game?”
He gave you a long hard look over before licking his lips and stuffing his hulk hands in his pockets. “You don’t know the first thing about your husband, do you? Tell me, what does he do for work?”
“He—” Your face softened.
“That’s what I thought.” He moved away from the wardrobe, to the other side of the room. “You are just an innocent bystander who happened to get caught in my portal. It would not look good on my record for me to kill you, so I won’t. I’ll just make the most of our time together while I figure out what the fuck I’m gonna do with you.” 
Your breaths quickened. “So, I’m just— just supposed to live with you?”
“Don’t worry, I have a nice spot picked out for us.” You thought you saw the slightest smirk on his face.
Your features mushed together, and for the first time since meeting this demon, you screamed.
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thepladinsheart · 3 months
hello and welcome <3
hi, hello! my name is sage and welcome to my little corner of the internet.
my blog is home to all things stranger things, 80's and, finn wolfhard related. i also will go on an on about my hyper fixations. pretty much anything.
again, my name is sage, im a minor, infj-t and a pisces. also my pronouns are she/they.
please do not spam not, you will be blocked,
my likes!
musical theater
funky rings and makeup
finn wolfhard
taylor swift
chappell roan
anything from the 70s and 80s
willow pill
trixie mattel
stand up comedy
koi fish
making mood boards
mike wheeler
mean/angry people
homophobes, rascits, sexists, etc
billy hargrove stans/defenders (love the actor, hate the character)
taylor swift hater (if you dont like her that's fine, but please don't make that my problem!)
people who hate mike wheeler, robin buckley, max mayflied, lucas sinclair or dustin henderson.
footloose (1984)
it (2017)
ghostbusters frozen empire (2024)
when you finish saving the world (2023)
the breakfast club (1985)
call me by your name (2019)
the goldfinch (2019)
tv shows
dance moms
rupaul's drag race
stranger things
taylor swift (betty, cowboy like me, mad woman, coney island, the smallest who ever lived)
kate bush (#1 ARMY DREAMERS STAN, hounds of love, running up that hill)
fleetwood mac (landslide, the chain, dreams)
hozier (work song, from eden, angel of small death and the codeine scene, would that i)
frank ocean (pyramids, pink + white and chanel)
sabrina carpenter (espresso, nonsense, feather)
chappell roan (after midnight, naked in manhattan, my kink is karma, causal, red wine supernova)
tv girl (blue hair, lover rock, the blonde, not allowed, taking what's not yours)
oasis (champagne supernova)
the backseat lovers (olivia, watch your mouth, intuition, davey crochet, sinking ship, snowbank blues)
queen (killer queen, good old fashioned lover boy, somebody to love)
cyndi lauper (girls just wanna have fun, time after time)
the smiths (there is a light that never goes out, panic, this charming man, bigmouth strikes again, back to the old house)
sza (broken clocks, the weekend, prom)
harry styles (cherry, fine line, little freak, lights up)
favorite people to talk to in the whole wide world!
@martyconansversion @chouthechaoticraccoon @hearteyes-wheeler @soiwillgotothelakes @daydream-of-a-wallflower @starsarefire824 @bylersbear01 @dandelions-fly-in-summer-skies @bylersbear01 @drowninginideas @lebylershipper @tender-emotional-music @wallywise @paloma-ascends-into-hellfire
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kikithecoconut · 3 months
hey guys . mike flanagan server is just about finished, i just need somebody's help naming the midnight club channels. I've been making references in the others, and since I haven't watched the midnight club I am in need of assistance
lmk if you can help, im hoping to get it onto disboard today at some point
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redrydersrequiem · 1 year
A different tune
An Ouran high school host club fan-fiction. This is another story ive thought of off and on forever so im finaly getting it down. It will turn into a kyoya x reader fic cause hes my favorite and i feel he doesn’t get enough love. Once again I’m a baby fanfic writer and this is not proffed or anything
Part 1
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Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their time here, at the elite private school Ouran Academy. The Ouran Host Club is where the school's handsomest boys, with too much time on their hands, entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran Academy’s elegant playground for the super rich and beautiful.
It’s a seemingly quiet winter day in the third music room. No events planned and only a few straggling guests left, finishing they’re refreshments and making small talk. All the host members relax in the surrounding chairs and sofas all idly talking to one another when a shrill chiming sound breaks the peaceful environment.
“Who’s phone was that?” Hikaru asks, the other boys just slightly saying not me when Haruhi hurriedly takes her phone out of her bag.
“Ohhhhh someone got a message” Kaoru chastates as he and hikaru try leaning over Haurhis shoulder to peek at her phone like the nosy boy they are.
“Who’s it from haruhi huh could it be a boyyyyyyy/ or a girl we don't care either way.” The Hitachiin twins start
“What my little Piglet is talking to a boy OHHHHHH MAMA!” Tamaki yells flinging himself against kyoya with exaggerated tears in his eyes
“There there tamaki all children have to leave the nest eventually”. Kyoya states patting the blond on the head
“Is not a boy, not that its any of your business will you three stop it”
“Then who is it Haruhi?”. Hikaru asks once more
“It’s my childhood friend ok.”
“You have a childhood friend haru-chan? Just like me and Takashi” Honey states a childlike grin on his face
“I wouldn’t say just like you guys”
Tell us about them then haruhi, are they a commoner like you, how did you guys meet, how come we’ve never heard of this friend before?”
“Once again it's rude to call people commoners to their face and ive known them since we were kids our moms were close friends.
“Oh haru chan”
“It’s fine. I'm excited to see her again. Her family moved to New York, since that's where her dads from to take over his family’s business the summer before we lost mom. They were very kind and even sent us care packages and stuff and still do her moms really sweet
“Well I for one think it's great our little piglet has an American friend, especially since i didnt think haruhi would know anyone foreign.
“Do you all just assume your the only people i know? Haruhi asks the deviants all have the nerve to simultaneously say yes.
“Well your wrong”
“Anywayyyyyyy haruhi what's your friend's message to get it this late. It’s almost midnight there.” Hikaru states bluntly “Yeah haruhi tell us”, his twin joins the both of them now singing "tell us” over and over again, tap dancing on haruhi's last nerve.
“FINE!!!! The boys immediately stopping. “If you all must know she said she’s coming down here for a visit soon.”
“A visit that's amazing we should do something we should/…… all the boys descend into plan making, haruhi trying and failing to stop them.”
“Ah tamaki I almost forgot” kyoya states setting his tablet down aging the blonds full attention as well as everyone else’s
“”The principal spoke of opening up a new position at the school. They want to bring in a talented individual to boost our fine arts/ theater scores, against Lobelia, they wanted our opinion on the matter since we’ve dealt with them before.”
“What!! Really i couldn't agree more. It’s about time that stupid Zuka club is put in their place once and for all.”
“I wouldn’t get to ahead of ourselves tamaki” kyoya tries to interject
“NO I’ve decided, whoever it is shall have the full support of the Ouran highschool host club.!!!”
Honey, hikaru and Kaoru all applaud at tamakis over the top deceleration
“Very well I will inform the principal and he'll let us know when the candidate should arrive.” Everyone descends into the rest of the afternoon while the next day halfway across the would another family rises
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Readers pov
“Are you sure you want to go sweetheart?”
“Yes mama I do, I think it would be fun. I'll finally get to see japan again, be with grandma and grandpa for a while and help them out.
“Plus she'll get to see her friend again, Kana.” My dad, Sebastian Casdal, instructs comforting my mom as he goes to sit down next to her on the couch, my little brother bouncing in his arms.
“Yeah, I'll get to see Haruhi and the members of this club she always writes about. Plus it’ll be a great networking experience for me.
“I know dear but i'll miss you and you've already graduated highschool.”
“We’ll all miss her love but I agree it's a great opportunity for our little girl, plus she'll be doing her college course work with access to the great tutors and stuff they have available.”
“Plus mama it's not forever, it's for a couple of years at most, and you guys will come see me during the holidays and I'll come back during the summers.
“Oh my little girl you've got to stop growing on me. Mama states hugging me tight to her.
‘Mama,,,, you're going to smother me if you hold me any tighter.”
“I know, I know you can go my love but we’ll talk everyday ad if anything goes wrong you come straight home ok”
“Ok mama ok, don't worry you both will be so busy with the company and this little guy you won't even notice i'm gone”
“Yes we will but i know you can handle yourself, anyway let's start getting everything ready the new school term is only in a few weeks”
“I can’t wait to see haruhi's face when i show up to Ouran academy. “
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dr-drea · 9 months
4, 8, 23, 24
4. If you DNF any books, what was the pettiest reason you put a book down this year?
Normally, I finish every book I start reading because I hate the feeling of actively leaving something unfinished. But Look Who's Back by Timur Vernes was unbearable for me to read I had to put it down.
Basically the book is about Hitler coming back to life in present time. And this is going to be very SJW of me but I don't see how it is funny to read his xenophobic, antisemitic and mysogynistic views applicated to a modern setting. I get that the point of the book is another one (i.e. him becoming a (social) media phenomenon) but the first half is not about that and only him being racist and confused by modern life. Any time traveler would be the latter, and I really don't get what's funny about racism. At all.
I think the book is a bit of a real life piece of satire. What it criticizes is exactly what it exemplfies. After all, people found it funny to read a story about one of the most inhuman dictators on earth and the book was a best-seller.
8. If someone were to ask you what your top ten books for this year were, which would you choose?
(they appear in chronological order because I find it hard to rank them :'))
Bi - Julia Shaw
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid
The Color Purple - Alice Walker
Loveless - Alice Oseman
The Midnight Library - Matt Haig
The Little Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder - Holly Jackson
Last Night at the Telegraph Club - Malinda Lo
We Are Okay - Nina Lacour
Identitätskrise - Alice Hasters
23. What new releases did you read this year?
Normally, I'm always behind release dates when it comes to books, but since my impulsive book buying reached a record-high this year, I've read a few new releases:
Identitätskrise - Alice Hasters, Yellowface - R. F. Kuang, Elternabend: Kein Thriller - Sebastian Fitzek (terrible book, don't read it), Wie Wellen im Sturm - Alicia Zett and Imogen, Obviously - Becky Albertalli
24. What new releases are you looking forward to next year?
As I said, I am always a little behind with reading books so I don't really know which books are coming out next year :')
I might read the new Casey McQuiston novel, though.
End of the year book asks
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uranium · 8 months
january recap
-> happy new year!!
-> winter break hang w moirail
-> winter break become nocturnal and go insane
-> return to college, immediately go to fun cupcake party w goth friends
-> brunch w physics friends
-> the quarter begins.
-> see poor things with C
-> lesbian rave
-> midnight hamburgers
-> finish blueprints for thesis!
-> oddities expo with goth club
-> aquarium with physics friends
-> goth friends after gothclub party
-> accidentally see poor things again with roomlatelabpartner and JR
-> cowboy rave + watch pearl @ afterparty
-> started constructing my thesis Contraption
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january...i am cold all the time. been playing a lot of lethal company w pals and most of my classes are spent trying not to electrocute myself. spent most days freaking out about my lungs but i think im okay. i dont know why i did so much this month but it was a lot of fun <3
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sashapearl23 · 2 years
Thursday night was my first night back to audition..i get there at 10 pm. it was nice to see the entire staff pretty much still works there. It's a good sign. Tells you there's consistent money. Some dancers I recognized. I meet with the manager and she is the same from before. We both know this will be fast because i know the deal. It takes a while filling all the paperwork. I finally get done and I am free to be on the floor. I get on stage a dancer and a guy come tip me on stage. When I finished my set. I went to thank them, and then I walked around the club making small chit chat with some of the faces I recognized. I run into the dancer tht tipped me on stage earlier and this time she asks if im free for a dance. I say yes and the guy who tipped me is the one the dance is for. We all go upstairs. This girl, she was so beautiful, long black hair that teases the crease of her ass - she wears a sparkly garter around her stomach tht wraps around both of her thighs. She's rocking Grey socks and black leather boots all the way up past her knees. She looks like the Asian brats doll. Very sultry, curvy figure , ass so fat & tits to match. Her bra and panties set were black. She dressed very well. Said she's from Vegas originally and I can tell. She's intoxicating .. we do a double dance for her fiancee. She's so hot we are feeling on each other and him. I'm super turned on by now. I ask if they go to sex clubs and they're just exploring. I think to myself. I think they're so hot and I would love to go fuck them sometime and be in an orgy or like a foursome. I finished the dances. We exchange numbers then i go to fix myself up in the locker room. I go back outside n sit next to their friend. A very attractive man in his 40s. He asks if I want a drink. I ask for a vodka soda. At that time we are alone, the couple r no where to be found but thts ok I get the vibe they'll be back. We sit n talk n I get to know the single friend. After some time, I ask him if he wants a dance. I say that he doesn't even need to go to the dance area. I'll dance on him right here at his table. He says he would love to, but his ATM limit is reached and he has to wait until midnight.. I say ok. I look at my phone its 11:39 pm. I say hey thts only 20 mins away. So I sit n drink my drink and talk . The couple are back by now. They're so adorable . They get some beers and we all drink. We are talking the fiancee recommends me for a dance for his male friend. I say we already talked about it. We r waiting until midnight. We look at the time. It's 12:02 am. He says let me go to the ATM. I joke and I say lol! Don't be tht guy give it alittle more time so you know it goes thru . We all joke about it. And around 12:15 he goes.
He comes back I dance for him. He doesn't usually get dances so he wasn't particularly interested. He just kept handing me cash, as we chat. He even gave me cash for a nude I promised to send later. (I did).
The couple leave before 1 am. I finish my night with this awesome guy. We just chat and he gives me money 😁 I tease him with an ass shake sometime. I played his fav song on stage and he paid me handsomely.
The dj calls everyone out. I go to the back, change and go home. The Vegas dancer I met recommended day shift. So I decided that tomorrow I'll go into work earlier and see it for myself.
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artificialashley · 1 year
my fics as taylor swift albums
bc im bored and will do anything but write apparently
american falling in love with a brit in london
strong minded women
one for the ages
dancing drunk in the club with friends
lost but happy
i drive down different roads, but they all lead back to you
childhood friends to lovers
rollercoaster kinda rush vibes
and they were neighbours
where i popped off for the first time lmao
quick spark and a fast fall
unable to figure them out but knowing deep down theres something there
fairytale vibes
they are lots of possibles here however it has to be midnights for the angst
late night pondering about what could have happened and the mistakes theyve made
grumpy x sunshine
none of it was accidental 
memories of a hometown left behind
and a loved one left behind too
its all about timelines
cant get them out of your head 24/7 good or bad
sexual tension x 100
crazy but in love
dangerous but once it happens you have to go with it
MY BROTHERS GIRL (a fic that i have not and probably will not ever finish but is so 1989 coded that i cant give any other fic 1989 (even tho they are all 1989 deep down) - 1989
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jtbb · 2 years
1, 7, 13, 19 :))
Song of the year?
oh god club 57 by bastille 100% i literally hyperfixated on that song and everything related to it for a solid four months earlier this year . last.fm says i listened to it like 350 smth times which actually feels like a really small amount considering how much time it was just on my mind in general
if i had to pick another one that i like more sonically though (rather than because my brain decided to imprint on it for no reason) i would choose bike dream by rostam :3 its the only song out of my top 5 played this year that i never put on loop to raise its play count -- i just found the time to listen to it that much throughout the year <3 gives so many happy brain chemicals
7. Favorite actor of the year?
i dont rlly pay attention to actors much but you know for pure looks alone ill choose hugh dancy lol . hes tragically my exact type </3 i want to eat him
13. How was your birthday this year?
ooh ooh story time!!! it was absolutely fucking amazing!!!!! for the sole reason that: late in the evening before my birthday i was watching hannibal with my sister and . i shit you not . right as the clock struck midnight on my birthday i got to watch 2x07 will graham strut into hannibals office with his fancy ass hair talking about his "feelings" about hannibal that was the absolute most insane moment of my life 100% unparalleled . nothing else that happened that day mattered compared to will graham and his slutty salmon shirt of seduction
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
ooh 2023 waw. hmm ill start an art class at school next year which im hyped about!!!! hopefully it will motivate me to finish some hannibal/other fanart lol since i doubt ill have more than one or two of my current wips done by then </3
i think overall im just excited to get into new things that i dont even know about yet !!!! if you had told me even earlier this year that i would be hyperfixated on hannibal i would not have believed you at all but . here i am . i found so many new interests this year and hopefully that trend will continue <3
also just really cant wait for it to be summer again its not even technically winter yet and im already so done with the cold sjvbdsvkjds
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babyface13 · 1 year
city view
our muses getting frisky up against a window.
2022 September 23, nearly midnight. His Shiro-hyung warned him about going out tonight. The older Im said it wasn't safe. There's too much heat on the street so better stick with the bodyguards and just hang out with Eun-bin at home... Of course, staying true to his mischievous nature, he didn't listen. He found himself sneaking inside a popular club down in Shibuya. A few college mates in tow, they each had drinks in hand and spread within the club, hoping to enjoy the full experience. He intended to do just that, sipping his drink and swaying to the music when he spotted Martell. Although he appeared bold and brave, he's always been a shy person. Especially when in situations that makes him nervous. Defying his older cousin wasn't what made him concern but seeing his cousin's associate did... Was he worried the man would tell his cousin? He should stay away, don't make eye contact. He decided that was for the best but his feet had a mind of their own. He followed Martell to the second floor of the club, wondering where the man was going. Some private room most likely. With his drink almost half gone, he continued to investigate, finding the second floor to be packed as well. If there were private rooms, he couldn't really see them right away. He squeezed past people, making his way to the other side of the room, losing his target. Turning around, he was met by the grand view of the city lights; distracted for a minute, he failed to notice his target reappearing. He sensed someone watching and when he picked up his head, he made eye contact. His mouth opened to speak - perhaps to make an excuse; "No, I'm not Eon... Please don't tell my hyung..." But before he could say a word, a wave of people pushed him against the big window. Was something going on? He panicked but he felt a hand squeeze his shoulder. He looked up and was met with a nod of a head. He released a breath, the crowd relax and once again there was space. He absentmindedly stepped closer to a familiar face, standing close he muttered a "Thank you..." He realized an arm was still around his shoulders and he didn't mind. He actually made sure he fitted within that cranny between the tall man's arm and torso. It felt warm. His heartbeat was crazy. He could feel it, hear it, pounding within his body. Or was it the music' bass? He finished his drink but kept the cup within his hand. He dared to look up when he couldn't take the silence anymore. He found the man staring down at him. Should he say something? He couldn't think of a thing to say. But he didn't want to look stupid just staring back. He's going to think there is something majorly wrong with me, like, wrong in the head wrong... He thought to himself. So, he did the unthinkable and tiptoed, planting a big kiss on Martell's lips. It was - awkward. But he persevere and kept on it until the unexpected happen - Mouth opened and he felt a tongue swiping across his lips. He panicked and pulled away, hand on his mouth. He stood like that for what felt like eternity before turning around to runaway. HE SHOULD'VE LISTENED TO HIS SHIRO-HYUNG AND STAYED HOME, he thought as he stumbled to the exit.
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richardratcz · 4 months
This is when the “I'm always chasing rainbows” song from the Pilot occurs and only mention some of the changes I made
Most notably, the picture book does not occur here because it was shown separately in the Prologue to the thing, so I have more time to show Hell itself (Time travel!). The scene starts with the view of a huge pit of mud, from which we can see newcomer sinners crawl out of, their bodies covered in the mud, the Pentagram in the distance (A cameo/teaser for my OC Chole). Now we are shown the city itself, some of the scenes stay the same except Rosie painting over the Emporium sign (I scrapped that completely, Rosie is a sweetheart she couldn't do such a thing!) I added some scenes showing the party club of Missi Zilla, Rosie is shown standing behind the counter in her Emporium busy with her customers, a battlefield post Extermination and some of the new comer sinners fighting over rags of clothes from the dead sinners killed by the Exorcists. I did not forget to show Carmilla watching the fireworks from her window with her daughters, Zestial in his dark basement dungeon home (Yes I gave him a place to stay) enjoying the screams from some other room as he calves with bliss when it gets cut off with a SWISH sound of something very very sharp and very very mean, the unnamed (yes I haven't named him myself) blue-flame skull-bug overlord walking in a dark alley and talking with someone hidden in the shadows, only a sinister smile visible (Serenity cameo/tease) as well as then switching to some random wealthy-looking guy walking into a backstreet with some very good looking lady holding his hand, disappear from our sight, only the shadows visible from our view, showing that the man got his neck by something, and dragged beyond the point where we can see his shadow, a sound of metal hitting on metal and then the man walks out of the backstreet, makes his hair quickly, turns his back to us and continues walking, and we can see a glimpse of a tail retracting into the man's shirt (it wasn't there before. This is yet another {excuse me I just can't help myself} cameo/teaser for an OC Dylan). The song ends with the screen making its way up from the street rising above the rooftops (A silhouette of a man eating an apple is passed right by, another cameo/teaser to a character, this time OC Stallonfire) to reveal the Clocktower which just started the countdown (365 switched to 364)
Charlie just comes from the balcony after finishing her song, only to just collapse on the couch in tears. Vaggie comes to comfort her.
Vaggie: Charlie, is this because of the Extermination? Who am I kidding, I know you well. She sits next to her and caresses her hair. It's alright, I'm here, nobody from your family was hurt anyway-
Charlie cuts her off mid sentence
Charlie: Of course that they weren't! But what about the rest?
Vaggie: sigh You know we have a plan and that it's working. It's happening today, or did you forget?
Charlie: stunned a bit Wait, already!!?
Vaggie: Chuckles Yes, today
Charlie: B-but Im not ready to go yet! Charlie snaps. I have to check the pictures, prepare my speech, pack it all and-
Vaggie grabs her girlfriend by the forearm and stops her from panicking
Vaggie: What you need right now, is a good nap. It's midnight, and we have all the time in Hell to pack when we get up, don't we?
Charlie, embarrassed by her meaningless panic blushes slightly
Charlie: I-I guess you're right…
They both go outside of the room and the camera backs out of the window, looking upon the sky, where the episode title appears in a firework explosion. As the lights fade to black, the camera looks down at the city again. Look switches to the 666 NEWS studio and the Pilot scene play out exactly the same as in the Pilot (Sorry Charlie, that's just the way it has to go for the plot) Just like that goes the rest of the Pilot (just renamed into Ep.1) Chaggie argue with Angel in a limo. Alastor comes and flips the awfully looking building upside down using his powers and brings the staff in. Pentious attacks for the first time and gets his butt (do snakes even have butt?) kicked by Al. Everyone gets jambalaya from Alastor. Episode ends.
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invsiblestrings · 2 years
🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻
hi hi!!
i actually used to be an anti swiftie (ik im so sorry it was the internalized misogyny!!)
if i'm not on here, i'm watching tv (i just finished midnight club!!) or reading (just finished family of liars & now i'm restarting ACOTAR while i wait for my ToG to come in)
i feel like a grandma b/c back in my day i feel like rp was so different so idk what i'm doing half the time and feel like i'm always gonna mess it up or break a rule idk about !!
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kuiinncedes · 3 years
#no one:#me after someone asks me how my exam went bc im dumb and idk how the exam went i just take it and have no thoughts i guess lmfao#: uh yeah it was ok#them: it was ok?#me: yeah it was ok ya know not like horrible but i didn't like it wasn't like i didn't wasn't amazing but it was fine#and i kept going or something lol#idek what i said it was so fucking dumb lmfao#but it made me weirdly like happy when people asked me how my exam went skdhjskg#booked it to glowstick club practice after the exam and yeah#like the first person who asked me i didn't even know he knew i had an exam jfghdskg we're not in a choreo together that would've required#me telling him about my exam tonight so i was pleasantly surprised i guess fjdghfk#idk lmfao why am i posting this rip#i wanted to get some work done tonight but it's already midnight and i should sleep but i don't want to bc i wanted to get some work done#lol idk i'm tired tho XD jfjghfkjgdhksaljsglsk#spring break is next week but it really is just like#grind week for me lmfao not that that's actually gonna happen :')#i forgot that last year we just got two 'wElLnEsS dAyS' instead of a spring break sjhfgdfk#what is this why am i talking XD jfgfgfghjfhjjkdfd i also just wanna finish rereading this giant j/asico fanfic that i've been binging for#the past idk how long lol#like lowkey skimming but yk it's fine#idk what im talking about lmao#jeanne talks#ok no we're actually gonna try to do some of this hw and then get ready for bed XD#nvm have not done hw but i finished the fic ;-;#i wanna reread at/og next adjghfkgdahgkgh it's been too long#i'm on a long-ass-fic kick rn lol and HURT COMFORT#yeah i think a/tog is next fjhgfksdlfk
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footygirl114 · 2 years
Insegura (Ona Batlle x Reader)
Just a touch of Ona fluff to help add some Ona fics.
Feeling like you weren’t worth it was the norm for you, you have always struggled to break into the national team. You had been an academy product from the Tottenham hotspur academy, so you have never played for another team. It was hard to prove yourself when your team wasn’t always the best. 
How you managed to grab the attention of someone as beautiful as Ona Batlle still blew your mind. She was easily your dream women, so when she messaged you on instagram after one of your games against her you almost didn’t believe it. 
That was almost 8 months ago and your relationship has grown from chatting all the time online to hoping on the train when either of you had 24 hours off just to spend a few hours together. It was amazing and she was easily one of the best things to happen to you, but you still cant believe you could keep the attention of someone like her. 
It came no surprise to you that before the Euros she wanted to head back to Spain to see her family and friends. You thought you might have gotten to see her before she left, but the timings were off with when her team let her leave, and when your club finally finished trainings. At that point you were well into your head, you had seen the pictures of her and the friends and you were definitely jealous. 
Although most of your team and friends knows that you are together, neither of you had put anything on social media deciding to keep your relationship to yourselves. It didn’t help to ease your mind when she was posting pics with all of her friends on their vacation. 
You were spiralling down a hole of fan theories about who she was dating when your phone rang with a FaceTime call from her. 
“Hola Hermosa!” She says to you as soon asn you pick up, you can see she’s outside on the beach, and you cant help but to appreciate that she’s in a bikini. 
Meanwhile, you are sat on your couch with a her hoodie on “Hi Ona, How’s Spain?”
She has a furrowed brow as she picks up on your tone, but she responds to the question “es bueno, I miss you” 
You scuff at this and say “yeah right, you have lots of company” 
“Y/N, what’s going on?” she immediately asks since you’ve never been able to hide your bad moods from her. 
You shake your head and look away from the screen to ensure she doesn’t see the tears in the corners of your eyes. “It’s nothing, I gotta go. Good luck at camp” you tell her as you hang up the phone before she can see you break down. 
You can see her immediately calling you back, but you just don't have it in you to answer her. You knew it was coming and you knew she would finally grow tired of you, you just didn’t want to deal with it. Turning off your phone and all the lights in your apartment you crawl under the covers and break down, then fall asleep. 
Its hours later when you are woken by a loud banging on your door. It startles you awake and it takes you a minute to realise where you are, looking over at the clock you see it’s almost midnight. Then you hear the banging on your door again. You cautiously get up and head towards the door, when you hear “Y/N its me, open up please” 
You are puzzled but you immediately unlock the door to meet the eyes of your worried girlfriend, you ask her “What are you doing here?” 
She pushes right past you into your apartment and drops her backpack to the floor and says “I came as soon as I could, you cant just turn your phone off after hanging up on me Y/N”
You finally catch up and realise that she is still in her bathing suit she was wearing on your FaceTime hours ago, she just threw a shirt and shorts on top. You can clearly see she came right here, “Ona, Im sorry you didn’t have to come all the way here” 
She steps up to you and places her hands on your cheeks and tells you “Hermosa, of course I did, I can see you were upset and I needed to see you in person” 
“no Ona, Im sorry you shouldn’t have-“ she immediately cuts you off by placing a deep kiss on your lips. 
It takes you a minute to respond but when you do you can feel her soften into you. You place your hands on her lower back and pull her in tighter to you. 
After a few moments she pulls back and looks you in the eyes and says “Te amo Mi amor” 
You can feel your heart swell as you say “yeah?”
She smiles and nods and responds “I know you get caught in your head, but I had to come here in person to tell you this. I love you Y/N. You are the one for me, not anyone else, only you” 
“I love you too” you tell her as you lean down and press your lips to hers hard. She deepens the kiss and you both lose yourselves in each other. 
She pulls back far enough to add on “Next time you feel like this, please talk to me Hermosa. I will always jump on a plane and be here for you when you need me” 
You blush and nod and add on “Thank you for loving me, and caring about me” 
“there’s no need to thank me Hermosa, you are amazing and I love you.” she tells you. “But next time you hang up on me, you won’t want me to fly up to you, It won’t be pretty” she adds on with a smile. 
You laugh at that and say “I promise, I won’t. But if it gets you here in my arms its an empty threat to me” As you finish you press your lips to hers again. You cant help but feel that when she is in your arms you are enough. 
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peakyblindersxx · 3 years
whiskey business - john shelby x reader (part 6 of ?)
Tumblr media
gif by my queen @michaelgreys, i'm basically her fanblog now but im not mad about it :) i mean just look at him!!1! i almost fainted
a/n: first of all, if you stuck around to this point, tysm for reading!!! this has been one of the most amazing fics ive ever been a part of and it's all thanks to the gorgeous @stxdyblr-2k, who generously took control of the next few parts. her brain is beautiful and we all owe her flowers or something. when i read what she sent me i couldn't bring myself to change much except for some small edits, so pls give her lots of love if you like it!!!! i'm still working on requests as well :)
love, abi xxx
read part one two three four five | my masterlist
tagging: @datewithgianni, @mayaslifeinabox, @deepdonutkid, @springsoulofengland, @lilymurphy03
prompt: nothing this good can last forever. john doesn't know how to feel, and neither do you.
warnings: nsfw! a teensy bit of smut, angsty as fuck prepare yourselves accordingly, a lil fluff if u squint, yeah this fucked me up
Obviously, it wasn't the last time.
Over the coming months you had many last times; his mouth pressed against your neck said as much. As his responsibility at work increased, you'd find yourself heading to his office after your lectures and night classes more often, perched on his lap, smoking, while he finished up his numbers under your critical gaze.
Thomas was more than aware; his snarky comments made it obvious he had his ways of monitoring your actions. You'd seen the dark car lurking outside your rallies and lectures, and no matter how you'd try to throw him off, not even telling Ada where you were going and even, in a moment of desperation, through your neighbours back window, somehow, his silent shadow was still looming. He was practically begging you to make a mistake, to give everyone an easy out. You just couldn't give him the satisfaction. You knew Tommy saw the world as a chess board, always several moves ahead of his opponent. Even when you played him in chess club all those years ago, you could outflank him if you thought on your feet and kept him thinking he was winning until you obliterated him in the end game. It was brutal, sure. But as he told you, there were bigger games at play. You had your own. Thomas could read your mail, intercept your phone calls and have you followed, but he couldn't hear what you said out of earshot. Your lot could smell an interceptor in your ranks, so spying at that close of a proximity was out of the question.
That's why he'd decided to let you have John. You knew his silent approval and his constant management of the narrative meant he saw a tactical gain. There was only so much information he could get from Ada, but John? He just had to agitate him in the right way and all your secrets would come tumbling out. It was difficult hiding your world from John; of what he knew of, he was supportive, quizzing you over current affairs and political discourse, listening intently. Yet, you had to watch your mouth. You had to keep a barrier up and you knew John sensed the distance. Fundamentally, there was nothing either of you could do.
So here you were, in a comfortable limbo. Your days were filled with work, evenings were for lectures and reading groups at the city's university, Ada and you often stopped for a drink or three; you'd go by your flat to freshen up, and then to John's office. Sometimes, you wouldn't visit for a week or so when the guilt sent you over the edge, it was draining to be living so many lives and knowing you were betraying the person you loved most on earth. Ada was oblivious, taking you on her nightly adventures filled with men, dancing and waiting while she was busy kissing in dark corners. Sometimes a young blinder would ask if you wanted to be walked home. The first occurrence you thought was sweet, but as the nights it occurred coincided with nights John seemed extra pent up, you'd decided to ask. The boy, who couldn't be older than twelve but who you knew was trained in using firearms and had a revolver pinned to his hip and a razor in his cap, looked confused.
"Mate, it's not a tough question. Why do you come and ask?"
"There's a phone call." He shrugs, "Isaiah or Michael tells us to go and get you."
Isaiah and Michael were somewhat aware? Fucking hell. Your fling was basically a military campaign at this point, so many of your friends were complicit. The little lads who ran as messengers around Birmingham were complicit. You had to just end it.
But when you sat on his thigh, his chin hooked over your shoulder, it felt so worth it. He never turned you away when you came crawling back. He never mentioned it until after you were finished, hooked under his arm.
"Fucking missed you, gorgeous."
Sometimes he'd remind you not to be a stranger with a wink, but you could tell it was tearing him apart too. He never once came to you. That's how he could justify it in his mind; obviously, the bare minimum was not having sex with his sister's best friend, but in failing that, waiting for you to initiate it was somewhat better. He barely talked to Ada now, citing work as an excuse, but truly the guilt sickened him. He couldn't believe he was prepared to continuously hurt his little sister and betray her. But every time you turned up at his door, he couldn't find it in himself to turn you away. In his mind, every single time you came to visit him was the last time he'd let it happen, yet he was always waiting for you to come back, his blind closed to signal he was prepared. He never would call, it had to be your choice.
You'd been off and on for over five months now. It was so difficult to hide in plain sight, but you just couldn't stop yourself. Neither of you purposefully meant for this to be happen but fuck, was it fun.
For your birthday he'd gifted you a fur coat from the same shop his sister, aunt and the fashionable crowd of Birmingham had purchased theirs. He joked that you looked like a "proper razor chaser", kissing you when you pouted at his teasing, begging you to wear only the coat when you fucked him next. It was a practice for blinders to buy a coat for their wives and girlfriends as a status symbol. You were neither, but John claimed that being his "favourite lass" also counted.
John was a laugh, but you knew at any time he could close his door to you. Until he decided he couldn't be bothered with you, you weren't going to get caught. You just had to be careful until he got bored.
You did end up putting a foot wrong. It was a Thursday night; you were sitting on the edge of John's desk while he was ridding you of your blouse. It was past midnight, Birmingham was asleep. You almost didn't bother coming out tonight, but you knew John had lost a deal and you wanted to be there for him. Your skirt and stockings were strewn across the desk with his shirt, vest and waistcoat, muddled into the files and papers which were once neatly stacked.
His fingers were pumping in and out of you, his mouth lapping at your breast, your head tipped back in euphoria, groaning. The stress made him more affectionate and tender with you, and it was nights like these that made you wonder. Wonder if this could ever be something more, something real.
John's body suddenly pulled away from yours, quickly turning the light off.
"John, what-" You were cut off by John’s hand over your mouth, muffling your words.
"Shut up and get behind the desk." He hissed. "Someone's coming upstairs."
You quickly grabbed your clothes from the shiny oak surface and crouched, hiding yourself from view, quickly making yourself decent. You weren't going to get shot through the head with your tits out. You listened to the stairs creek, and it sounded like a group. You two were easily outnumbered. They were talking, but the thick panels of wood muffled their voices.
As your eyes adjusted to the darkness, the cracks in the door giving the room a dulled glow, you could make out the figure of John. He was free of his shirt, toned body on display, standing with his back flat to the wall, revolver produced from a discreet notch in the door frame, gaze fixed on where they'd enter. He was tense, ready. The door was unlocked from the outside, the door handle twisting.
John's lip shifted in confusion yet still he kept his trigger finger ready, not a single shake from your general.
The light flicked on and a shriek rang out. It was blinding, and you stood up slightly dazed. Finn was in the doorway, John next to him clutching his chest, panting and lowering the gun.
"Jesus Christ, Finn, can't you knock like a normal person? Scared the shit out of us." John bellowed, shaking as the adrenaline coursed through his body, resting his hands on the edge of the desk as he regained his breath.
"You're the one who pointed a gun at me! I didn't even know you were in 'ere!" Finn yelped.
The commotion had attracted the attention of Ada and Isaiah, who had come running and stopped in their tracks upon seeing you standing behind John's desk in the middle of the night. They weren't stupid. John was topless, your clothes obviously rumpled, both with matching tousled hair and practically stinking of guilt. You'd been caught red handed. Ada's eyes flicked between both you and John, and you could practically see the pieces of the puzzle clicking together in her mind, all the moments she found questionable since you'd returned suddenly making sense, realising she had been deceived by the two people who she was meant to trust most in life. Finn looked absolutely crushed, he'd never been able to conceal his emotions as well as his older brothers and sister, linking his fingers through Ada's, squeezing her hand.
"I forgot to drop this off earlier." Finn stated, holding up a money box, "Ada had keys so we thought we'd sneak in so I wouldn't get done by Tommy. We did call round yours, Y/N. We thought you were in bed."
"I'm sorry." You said. It was not enough but you just didn't know what else to say. You couldn't make it right, you'd really fucked up this time. Tears pricked at your eyes, as Ada examined you in silence.
John stepped in front of you defensively. "Look, Ada-"
"How long has this been going on?" She asked, her voice shaking with rage. You and John exchanged a glance. "I said, how fucking long?"
"Five months, six in a fortnight." He answered.
Isaiah whistled lowly. "That's fucked. I thought it was only a few times, that it'd finished."
"Never really over when it's John is it." Finn interjects, you glance to him, were you just one in a long string? You shouldn't be surprised but it was easy to pretend he may actually care about you.
"You've been fucking around for six months behind my back?" Ada yelped, Finn trying to comfort her but she pulled away from him. "And you fucking knew Iz."
"I'd expect this from you, yeah? Wouldn't put anything past you these days.." she sneered at John, "But you? You?! You're meant to be my best mate, but here you are sneaking about fucking my brother?"
"Ada-" you began, eyes welling with tears.
"I thought I could trust you. You're just another fucking razor chaser, aren't you?" She spits. "That's why you came back."
"No it wasn't, Ada-"
Her eyes flashed with anger, but this time John was on the receiving end. "You bought her that fucking coat ,didn't you? The fur one. You did! Fuck's sake!" Her fists were clenched, shoulders squared. For the first time in your life, you understood why crowds parted for Ada Shelby. Understood all the free drinks and cab rides, the nervous serving staff declaring your meal on the house (always acknowledged by Ada with a hefty tip), understood why the men of Birmingham didn't last long with her.
"Did it feel good to swan about town in that fucking coat, while acting as though you cared about me? It's so fucking embarrassing. All trussed up because my knobhead big brother makes you feel special? Thanks for rubbing it in my face."
"Ada, I love you. I never meant to hurt you, I got caught up and that's on me. It's my fault."
"You're not acting like you love me. This isn’t what love is, Y/N." She retorted.
You couldn’t do anything but nod. She was right.
John opened his mouth to speak, Ada silencing him, a scowl darkening her features.
"I don't care what you have to say. Any of you. Who else knows?"
"Thomas, Michael, Arthur-" John listed off slowly, each name prompting Ada to break down a little bit more in front of you.
"I didn't know Arthur knew." You said pointedly, John sending you an exasperated glance. He was planning on dealing with that later, but right now was about his sister. Fuck him if he thought you were going to stick around much longer. You didn't want to hear him justify everyone else knowing about your fling with your best friend being left completely in the dark.
"That all you have to say for yourself?" Ada snaps at you.
"I have fucking no defense, do I Ada? I should've walked away." You pushed your hair back, frustrated at yourself, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. You begged yourself not to cry. Tears wouldn't help anything.
"Why didn't you?"
You didn't know. Your silence only riled her up.
"Why didn't you fucking walk away?" Ada yelled, slamming her hands on the desk.
You felt hot tears run down your face, quickly moving your hands to dab at your tears.
"Don't you dare fucking cry. After all you've done, you don't get to cry in front of me." Ada growled at you, John going to shush her, obviously wanting to comfort you. "You can all fuck off. You've all lied to me and gone behind my back. Fuck’s sake, you could've just told me. You could've just told me."
"We didn't want to hurt you." John said, reaching out to squeeze her shoulder but she flinches away.
"This hurts so much more. You get that you all lying to me is so much worse, don't you?"
"We weren't thinking."
"You really fucking weren't." Ada laughs bitterly, shaking her head, blinking away tears. "Fuck you lot."
She stormed out, tailed by Finn, begging her to slow down and talk to him, protesting his innocence in the situation. Isaiah hesitated in the doorway, his eyes flickering between you and John.
"I had no idea you two've been at it for so long."
"Iz, fuck off yeah? I've had enough today." John shot back, sliding across the desk towards you. "You alright, lass?"
"We're done here, John."
He slid off the table, his hand cupping your face, "Hey, gorgeous, I get it but don't go breaking my heart tonight. Can we just leave this for tomorrow? Sleep on it."
The idea of getting any sleep at all tonight was laughable, you'd be up all night replaying these moments and torturing yourself. Tonight couldn't get any worse so you had to finally end it. Now was the right time.
"John, it should've never happened."
"But it did."
"I don't want to talk about this anymore. It's over."
"Y/N. You know for me it was never just about-"
"You're making it difficult. Stop making it difficult. Whatever you say isn't going to change that right now we have to do the right thing."
"I know you're right, but I don't want to let go. Is it so wrong to want you? I adore you, you know that."
You wouldn't meet his eyes. Sighing, John pressed his forehead to the side of your head, chin brushing your shoulder, eyes closing. He was begging you to stay with him. There had to be a solution, you'd figure it out together. His voice was cracking, eyes glassy. He looked so much younger when he was pleading. The tall bloke who terrorised the Midlands with his razor rimmed cap, a revolver in his hand, and a ruthless trigger finger had vanished. You wanted to stay, burning to curl up with him and for him to kiss it better.
"I should go." You told him. He rested his forehead on your shoulder, letting out a shaky sigh before pulling away, nodding.
"I'd drive you home but obviously-"
John suddenly turned from you, eyes narrowing at Isaiah who was still hovering at the door. "Thought I told you to fuck off. Make yourself useful and get Y/N home safely." His tone was ice cold once again.
Isaiah nodded, offering his arm to you. You reached the door and instinctively looked back at John. His eyes met yours, staring at you from his desk, just as you knew he would. He prepared himself to watch you leave every night, but this time was different. That was it with you two.
Isaiah strode down the street with you in silence. You were tucked into his side as was customary with the upcoming blinders who were particularly ambitious, but there was no relaxed chat.
"Isaiah. What’re you thinking?" You asked, voice tinged with nervousness.
He sighed, running his free hand across his jaw, "That was intense in there."
"Just how he is." You shrugged.
"Does he love you or sommet?"
"Fuck knows… does it matter?"
"Of course it does. Do you love him?"
"Drop it. None of that matters, it shouldn't have happened in the first place so it can’t," You snapped, the anger at the situation you'd created suddenly overwhelming.
Isaiah whistled, raising his brow at your obvious turmoil. "You're in fucking deeper than you want to admit."
He walked you up your path, watching you turn the key to the side door leading to your bedsit. You paused, turning to him.
"Iz… I don't know what to do next."
It was so dark, you could see his face only by the lit cigarette burning to embers between his fingers. He inhaled deeply, pausing before delivering his carefully laid out plan of avoidance. Obviously the event of him crossing the Shelbys and losing their good graces weighed heavily on his mind. You nodded, listening intently, noting his ideas of relocation but he explained they were a final resort. The best thing to do was try to regain their trust; in the long run, he had calculated, it was the only option that didn't result in your life being haunted by the Shelbys. Even if they left you alone, their enemies would make a point to go after you, seeing you as an easy target. The other option was to leave the country.
"Good luck, Y/N. I mean it." He muttered as you turned the handle to the temporary safety of your home. You nodded, offering you cheek for the polite good night kiss you'd become accustomed to. He rolled his eyes and obliged, pressing an affectionate kiss to your cheek and ruffling your hair. "I'm serious. Watch your back."
John broke down when he finally heard the lock click shut. His eyes had been prickling with boiling tears, his jaw tensed to hold them back. He yelled out in anger, flipping his desk with force, a loud crash as the wood splintered against the stone flooring, glass shattering from the photo frames. His hands went to his head, unable to stop the gasping breaths escaping from his trembling lips, his face reddening.
"Fuck’s sake." He growled. He'd fucked everything up. He had nothing, just as he'd told you the first night you returned. The consequence was no surprise, he'd anticipated the fall out for a while, but he couldn't resist you. He was completely guilty and had no defense; his only justification being that you made him think with his cock, not his brain.
Fuck’s sake. Polly was going to murder him. She'd always had a soft spot for Ada, as the only girl in the family, and was no stranger to lecturing him over his flirtatious behaviour around Ada's friends. She'd murder him. He had a half mind to never go home. He rubbed at his eyes with his knuckles. Polly had no use for tears. That's what she'd tell him when he was a boy coming home with a skinned knee. This was far worse.
He was also sure that he was a worse brother than Tommy, perhaps the worst in the world. His baby sister, who he'd helped to toddle, carry proudly on his shoulders after school and race with her on his back through the fields on the outskirts of Small Heath, had walked in on him obviously in the midst of fucking her best mate. If he had swallowed his pride and actually talked to her, he wouldn't be in this mess. He could've told her that things changed, that for the same reasons Ada loved Y/N he had fallen for her, that he was truly sorry but she had to know before it got too far and someone got hurt. He couldn't go back.
He should've never approached you that night.
He should never approach you again.
He looked over the mess of his office, the splintered wood and shards of glass, a confetti of paperwork. Now nothing mattered. None of this mattered. He'd lost everything and he had only himself to blame.
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