#im a sucker for fish out of water tropes
kep1skz · 1 year
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serenity wynter is from the country (henford-on-bagley), and although she loved being with her family and taking care of the farm shes always wanted more so she moved to san myshuno to explore more of the world and go on numerous adventures throughout the city. her plan is simple, move to the city meet > lots of new friends and potentially her soulmate > move to a ranch and own horses and maybe even have children. shes very simple really.
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nat-20s · 3 years
tma new game plus mode? alternatively, mer!jon au
I'm gonna go for mer!jon because i had a mermaid phase when I was three and it has not gone away in the preceding 21 years i'm starting to think it might not be a phase after all (IM GONNA VISIT THE NEW MERMAID MUSEUM IN WASHINGTON THIS SUMMER AND IM SO FUCKING EXCITED!!!!!! anyway)
so I have a LOT of different ideas for mer!jon aus but I think some of them would be more befitting of a selkie or siren au (pointless hill i WILL die on: sirens and mermaids are wildly different things they dont even LOOK similar! Sirens have the head of a human with the body of a bird!!!) so uhhh here's my Thoughts on one potential au and yes I'm stealing the "human anthropologist" element from the little mermaid bc it uhhhh slaps
1. Jon can shapeshift into a human form at will and does so somewhat often
-his grandmother used to take him to the surface fairly often before she died, half as a kind of know thy enemy thing and half because she could drop him off at the library whenever he was being a nuisance, and also bc occasionally she wanted, like, a pastry
- jon's mer form has an absolutely MASSIVE tail- adult mers tend to be 13-20 feet long, and he's around 16 feet long himself. this makes it fun when his human form is about 5'2"
2.This shift is reversed if the mer in question is put into a large body of water. Rain or a shower won't have an effect (shout out to the tale of emily windsnap) but a bath or river or ocean will. This will be plot relevant later
3. Because I'm a huge sucker for the trope especially for comedic reasons there's definitely a "you saved my life now i owe you a lifedebt" thing that happens. So what happens is that Tim is out doing some water sport probably kayaking and ends up saving Jon from some threat. There's not ACTUALLY a life debt in Jon's culture, but turns out you can just LIE, and Jon wants an actual person to study, so he hauls his MASSIVE FISH BODY onto Tim's kayak and is like "hi i am obligated my the rules of mermaid law or whatever to live with you until I save YOUR life" and for a second Tim is like....uhhhh.... and then he's full "adult life is already so goddamn weird this might as well happen"
4. Cue wacky roommate shenanigans and also Tim bringing Jon to work and by bringing Jon to work I mean Jon refuses to stay home. He introduces him to his colleagues like "This is jon he's a researcher from...oxford.. and he'll be hanging out with us in the archives for..some length of time" and Jon leans over and whispers "hey where the fuck is an oxford". Sasha, current archivist, is also sercretly a mer and clocks him ON SIGHT and is like oh fuck he better not say anything. Jon thinks she is just a surprisingly relatable human. I love hijinkery
5. everything i touch in tma WILL be jonmartin, do not separate them, so the second Jon lays his eyes on Martin he's like tim tim tim tim tim tim WHO is THAT <3! and Tim's like "oh that's martin :)! he's cool" and then Jon is like hhh I'm gonna date him so hard and date him so hard he does. Martin, of course, does not know Jon is a mer, and Jon's like ohhh nooo what if he doesn't like me once he finds out im not human...
eventually all four of them are like on an outing and idk how but Tim like,,falls into a river and Jon automatically goes into save him fufilling the totally not made up "life debt" but his secret is out...luckily Martin's had a special interest in mermaids since he was like nine so he's like MERBOYFRIEND THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE and then they have a lifelong and happy very infodump based romance together the end <3
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yellowsugarwords · 4 years
imagine this... mitch x reader enemies to lovers... i’m a sucker for all enemies to lovers ngl 🥺
“They did what they had to do.”
Oh no.
Mitch had had it.
“Fuck off, there was no excuse.”
Y/N glared his way.
Arms crossed.
Standing in solidarity beside Clementine and AJ.
“Marlon was being a violent, terrible leader.”
Mitch scoffed. “That doesn’t mean he deserves to die.”
“You’re right.” Y/N said.
Then glared.
“It does mean that they’re justified.”
Mitch disagreed.
But he didn’t have the energy to fight anymore.
Not when the rest of the kids backed their side up.
Not when he was standing alone.
The night fizzled on.
And Louis covered Marlon’s body in a sheet.
Violet began digging the grave.
Ruby started planning for the funeral the next day
Mitch watched everything bitterly.
Watching everyone stifle their tears and do their jobs.
Spotted Y/N around the corner of the building, Mitch followed after them.
They were alone.
He could confront them.
“What is your deal?” He asked.
Through snarled teeth.
One hand had one of their arms pinned to the wall behind them.
The other was angrily stuffed in his pocket.
Y/N stared blankly.
Unfazed by his moves.
“You don’t intimidate me.” They said.
Shoving him out of the way.
“You can’t scare me into submission.” They scoffed.
Turning and leaving.
Abandoning him in the dust.
Mitch was pissed at them.
And fascinated by them.
And decided he needed to keep a close eye on them.
For everyone’s sake.
He watched them as they sorted supplies.
While he chopped wood across the yard.
He was on watch duty while they were outside,
Cooking dinner with Omar,
And he offered to go hunting with them later in the day.
Y/N knew what he was doing.
But they didn’t care.
They weren’t threatened by him.
And they knew he wasn’t threatened by them either.
“So, are you done hating me?” Y/N asked.
As they were hunting later that evening.
Mitch scoffed.
“I never hated you.”
Y/N laughed. “It didn’t sound like that.”
Mitch frowned.
His ears flaring.
Anger rising into his cheeks.
He hated how badly he controlled his emotions.
He hated that he didn’t know any better.
He hated that he struggled to learn.
“I’m just mad about the death of my friend.”
Y/N grew quiet.
Their smile washed away.
“I understand.” They said softly. “I’m sorry.”
Mitch waved his hand dismissively.
Saying nothing.
But feeling a kind of relief in his chest.
They understood.
Later that night, they sat across each other at dinner.
Not talking to one another.
Only glancing over every now and then.
And everyone noticed.
Mitch knocked on the door.
Barging in the moment they opened the door.
“What did you mean ‘you understand’?”
Y/N blinked.
Remembering their conversation earlier in the day.
Then softening.
“I’ve been there. I’ve lost a friend before.” They admitted softly.
Mitch frowned.
Saying nothing.
Only staring at them.
“They asked me to shoot them so they wouldn’t turn.”
Y/N looked away.
“So I did that for them.”
Mitch felt his stomach twist.
And yet he had been so harsh towards them.
So harsh toward them for seeing things objectively.
The way they had always needed to.
“I’m sorry.” Mitch said softly.
Y/N nodded.
Not facing him.
Not wanting him to see their broken heart.
And vulnerable tears.
But he knew.
So he excused himself anyway.
And closed the door behind him.
He was gentle with them the next day.
Trying to win them back.
Helping them with chores.
Sitting beside them at breakfast.
Asking if he could help.
Y/N knew what he was doing.
And they appreciated it.
“Come help me fish.”
And he agreed.
That evening, just as the sun was setting, they left.
Toward the stream.
Buckets in hand.
“Y/N, I want to--”
“No,” Y/N said, “shh, I know what you’re going to say.”
Mitch blinked.
“I don’t want to hear it.”
“Are you mad?”
“Of course not.”
Mitch blinked again. “So why don’t you want to hear it?”
“Because I don’t want you to think you need to apologize to me.”
They reached the river.
Y/N kicked their shoes off.
Wading their way into the water.
Mitch followed.
Heart nervous and quivering.
There, YN turned to face him.
Eyes locking.
Waving him closer so they could truly speak.
But they didn’t speak.
Y/N grabbed his collar.
Pulled him closer.
And pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you for caring about me.” They whispered.
Mitch was red for the rest of the day.
Blushing and genuine.
Cheeks, neck, and ears as red as could be.
Growing pinker in shade whenever Y/N glanced at him.
It was adorable to see.
And all of Ericson loved every second of it.
Especially Y/N.
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missjackil · 5 years
My 15x5 Opinion
Proverbs 17:3
Ok this episode was pretty twisted. I had thought it would be a light MOTW but again I was wrong. Much I liked much that disturbed me, and one thing I just hated.  So let's have a look, shall we?
The beginning was great with the ghost pepper beef jerky! I laughed through the whole thing! That was some great sibling interaction and I wonder if Jensen was really eating something spicy, not ghost pepper spicy or he would have been down for the count for the rest of the day, but hot enough that he could convincingly show pain. I loved when he was pretending it didn't burn and said “good flavor!” because everyone who is too cool to admit it’s too hot does that LOL
When he burst out laughing, i think it was probably Jensen, but it worked so well because we will often burst out laughing when we realize we made a stupid mistake. Then we have Sam hehehe here's some karma from the bacon last week sucker! Teasing Dean like a real little brother, with the bottled water, but in true Sam fashion, he showed mercy and didnt hold out too long, just long enough to be a little shit lol
When Dean spit it across the table, I died! That was as good as Sam’s spitting out the bacon!
So we move on and theyre both adorable as fish and wildlife with their puffy vests and baseball caps.  Soon they meet up with these brothers who were even more bromantic than they are! “This is too easy” Says Sam and of course hes right.  Then enter dumb blonde chick and work it so somehow she has to spend the night with the Winchesters. “Can you stay with me, please? Just till I fall asleep?” seriously?😐
Now, the episode becomes really weird and IMO poorly written and it made me wonder if someone else wrote this portion for whatever reason because it was really bad compared to the rest of the episode. Blonde chick makes sure she shows Dean she has sleeping pills, Deam comments on them just in case anyone in the audience missed that there are heavy sleeping pills which actually ended up being irrelevant. Even though Dean fell asleep. he didn't take any pills, and it added nothing to the story. Anyway, wolf bros came and kidnapped the blonde chick. 
The boys find them, a big fight occurs, the wolf bros have a murder/suicide trope because they're both monsters and we have to compare them to Sam and Dean. Now I will hand it to them that I liked the twist, I didn't see it coming and I was shocked it was Lilith, but, her acting and dialogue really SUCKED! She “blah blah blahed” her way through how God had her rescued from the Empty when they should have filled it with words explaining how God could spring her when he has no power in the empty? I will withhold judgment for a bit to see if Jack was part of how she got out, but if he wasnt then BOOOOOOOOO on the canon ball drop. 
But enough of the crap, I want to talk about the disturbing parts. Of course, they are Sam’s visions. Jared’s Lucifer is the 100% BEST Lucifer without question. This is a beautiful and terrifying Lucifer and not a sniveling little brat that Mark P turned him into. This scene messed me up. To start with Dean aiming the gun to Sammifer’s head and saying “Please forgive me” hurt me, as if Dean would still love Sam even if he was Satan himself. The headshot was brutal, something I NEVER want to see happening to either of my boys “for real” on the show. We know, however, that the Colt doesn't kill Archangels so Sammifer heals and without even looking at Dean, he sets him on fire. Now, Sam has gotten this look in every wincest fan fic I've written or is still in my head, but is always because Dean is stroking his hair, or kissing his neck.... so Sam making this gesture as his brother burns up behind him, just bad touches me in the feels. like WHY SHOW WHYYYYYY YOU DID THIS TO ME!!!
Then we get Demon!Dean killing Sam with the First Blade.  Literally pinning Sam against the wall and “boning” him. Im not saying this was sexy, it was sad and brutal, but holy SMOKES with the subtext and symbolism guys!! Nothing subtle at all!
I liked this episode quite a bit except for the terrible contents of the Lilith scenes so its losing points on that. I am very glad to know that now that Sam knows its not PTSD, that he didnt try to hide it from Dean. These boys have come a long way!
So on a scale of Bloodlines to Lebanon, I give this episode a 6.5. it would have gotten an 8 if the Lilith stuff was done better. Thus far I am quite pleased with this season!
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