#im a softie for sanemi
rr311 · 1 year
❝ 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐒 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 ! ❞ -𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐬. 𝐠𝐢𝐲𝐮 𝐭. 𝐮𝐳𝐮𝐢 𝐭. 𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐬.
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⇨⚠︎︎ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 !¡⚠︎︎⇦ fluff, angst, crying, softie sanemiiii, black!reader, hashira!reader
𝐀𝐍. this is i think the third post that’s long? This one is over 5K words..i’m really spoiling the fuck outta y’all 😒 but all jokes aside i hope y’all enjoyyy, and the update for the two requests i receive im writing them right now, i’m sorry for making you guys wait 😞 but trust they’re almost done !
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At first he thought he was hallucinating, he thought he was going crazy. but..he could only know one person with those familiar orbs. it was you, it’s been 12 years since he last seen you and out of the blue you were here being introduced as a new Hashira. It was unbelievable, he was still in denial thinking it was someone else. Anyone else but when he heard your soft tone..the same tone he would always hear when bickering as kids echoed through his ears he felt his heart race. That same smile..same glint in your eyes..it was you, after so long he gets to see you again.
Why we’re you here? What are you even doing here? You weren’t supposed to be here you weren’t supposed to be a Demon Slayer. He told you specifically to not put yourself into danger. you guys even made a promise. but..here you are. In the flesh after 12 years, when he saw you introduce yourself to everyone and when it finally came to him he saw how you froze in place with wide eyes. You both stood there staring at each other, you in disbelief looking for what to say, he was there he was right in front of you. after so long. he looked so different…his hair grew a tad bit longer, gotten more scars, grew into his face…you were nervous. What do you say? Do you say hi? Do uoi act like i don’t know him? You were shocked. He looked so imitating you couldn’t get a word out. instead you simply cleared your throat moving your gaze to someone else with a fake smile “i’m so screwed.”
It’s been a couple of days since you gotten introduced as the new Hashira and unexpectedly you made friends very quickly with everyone. They were so kind and gentle with you, despite the friendships that were starting to evolve there was just one thing bothering you. it was him. Sanemi. You knew he was mad at you for practically breaking the promise you guys made with each other but you couldn’t help it, you wanted to be useful to something, seeing your village get raided by demons damn near every month you couldn’t take it anymore. the deaths, the constant ptsd your people got..you became a Demon Slayer to help your people. unexpectedly you climbed the ranks very fast which resulted to this. you didn’t expect to see him after so long, you were happy, excited! but seeing how he reacted a few days ago made you overthink.
Anytime you would walk passed him, or make eye contact he would always turn his gaze away from you going towards his estate with a scowl and furrowed eyebrows leaving you there with overthinking thoughts.
That night you groaned as you were laid in your futon staring at the ceiling deep in thought, thinking about him..he was just clouding your mind. It was all about him..you missed him so bad it’s been too fucking long without him and seeing him glare at you instead of being happy broke your heart a little. You even wondered if he missed you as much as you missed him?, the more you thought about those moments the more tears pricked in the corner of your eyes, you hadn’t realize you were crying till you felt them run down your cheek to your neck. You blinked as you brought your hand to your face wiping them away sniffling.
You scoffed to yourself feeling more spill onto your cheeks, soon enough you started crying to yourself as you thought about all the memories with him. A few minutes passed by and you were still crying only for it to get interrupted hearing a knock, “(Y/N)?” It was Genya, you looked up with a blurry vision staring at your door quickly wiping away your tears or trying to at least shouting, “Come in!” Genya softly opened your door peaking his head in to spot you sitting on your futon, he smiled seeing you were up but was quick to turn into a frown looking at you, you raised a brow at the reaction “What?” You questioned and he scoffed, “What do you mean what, you know what. You’ve been crying haven’t you?” Ahh..you bit your lip looking away sadly sighing, “Was i obvious?” You questioned and he nodded his head, “what happened (Y/N)? did someone hurt you? Do i have to kick their ass?” He asked with a protective tone walking towards you as you chuckled shaking your head, “I don’t think you can kick your brothers ass now can you?” Genya froze a little but sighed, “So this is about my brother huh?” You nodded your head, “Indeed it is.”
Genya furrowed his eyebrows seeing how sad you got after answering his question, what the hell did he do? “What happened?” As soon as he said that you felt tears prick the corner of your eyes but quickly wiped them away clearing your throat, “It’s just..I-..do you think he hates me? I mean when i was introduced as the new pillar he glared at me at the meeting and after that he completely ignored me..like i don’t even exist to him. i know i messed up by breaking our promise but fuck Genya it hurts! It’s been 12 years since i’ve last seen him, everyday i thought about him and when i would see him again..i missed him so fucking bad and it seems he hasn’t missed me but it’s whatever i’ll get over it.” You tried brushing off but Genya shook his head scoffing at the conclusion, “Idiot don’t be stupid, of course he missed you. He couldn’t go a day without praying to see you again, trust me (Y/N) he missed you as much as you missed him. He’s just being a dumbass right now, he’s in shock because you followed in his footsteps when you promised you wouldn’t. Listen (Y/N),” He paused taking a sigh, “You should talk to him, it’s the least you could do.”
You clenched your pj bottoms nodding your head slow, he was right..he was completely right. Talking to him was the best option right now, you walked through the night of headquarters making your way towards the pillars estate nervous as your foot steps got louder and louder same with your heart beat getting closer to the door. You fidgeted with your fingers walking up to his door stopping, you breathed in and out raising your fist into the air pausing for a moment before finally connecting your fist with the wooden door, from a distance you heard some stuff being moved around and heavy stomps coming towards the door soon watching it slide open revealing a pissed off Sanemi, “What the hell do you wa-“ He paused looking down to see who it was, you stood there uncomfortably staring into his eyes as he stared into yours with surprise, you moved your gaze away from him clearing your throat.
“Uhm..can we talk?”
It was so awkward you could hear a pen drop. You were stood up while he was sat in one of the chairs keeping his stare on you. Fuck this is so scary when the hell did he get so tall and fucking hot?! You opened your mouth to say something but got cut off, “Why’re you here, (Y/N).” He said with a stern voice, you looked up to finally make contact with him, trying to get something out but nothing was said. He scoffed standing up from his chair making it screech against the floor, “I’ll ask again. What the hell are you doing here.” Hearing a small snarl in his tone made everything switch inside you, you clenched your fists together crossing your arms together, “Listen i’m not here to argue okay? I came to talk.. to apologize to you..Sanemi i broke our promise and i’m really fucking sorry but you have to trust when i say this i did this for a good reason.” You tried to explain but Sanemi rolled his eyes clicking his tounge in annoyance. “Good reason?, what’s this good reason you have? Because i’m pretty sure we made that promise for a good reason too but i guess that wasn’t a good reason for you now was it?” He growled, this was slowly starting to tick you off the more you heard attitude and venom coming from his tone. You furrowed your eyebrows, “I said i was sorry okay?! What more else do you want me to say Sanemi? It’s been 12 years since the promise why can’t you just let it go?!”
Let it go?
“You want me to let that go? How can i possibly let that shit go when you promised me you wouldn’t join the corp and put yourself into danger?!” He shouted now feeling his face start to go hot, walking towards your frame as you continued to glare at him slightly backing up, “Cant you see why i can never let that go? Because i can’t see another person who means too fucking much to me die again!.?Do you really think i want that to happen? That day when you were on the edge of death scared me, i was afraid of losing my best friend..the love of my life.” He clenched his fist, backing you up into the wall staring into your eyes as you stared back at him with a shocked face, “That’s the reason why i made that promise. For you to promise to never put yourself in harms way, that’s why i can never let that go, not now not ever.” He whispered hovering his lips over yours feeling butterflies flutter through your stomach, you looked into his eyes to see various of emotions float through them,
You opened your mouth to speak, “Sanemi I-“ You got interrupted by him, “Please, please don’t die, please don’t leave me.” He whispered, your eyes soften as you placed your hand on his cheek, he just like the same little boy from years ago. He still had that soft side and it was only for you, “I love you so fucking much, i’m sorry for ignoring you, i’m sorry for not speaking to you, i’m s-“ You placed your lips ontop of his instantly shutting him up feeling him soften against you. You smiled in between the kiss moving in sync with him, for a few more seconds you pulled away softly smiling, “Don’t apologize idiot, it’s okay and i understand. I promise you this..i will never leave you.”
“Not ever, not again.”
He was shocked.
There was no way you were alive..there was no way you survived the final selection. His eyes were widened as he stared at you greeting everyone, what had happened for the past years? and how did u become a Hashira? Every thing was floating through his mind with questions and concerns, he had thought you died that night with Sabito but apparently you survived..you were introduced as the moon Hashira, the tenth for the Demon Slayer corp. He didn’t know what to do, he didn’t know if he should interrupt or should just wait but his body wouldn’t let him move. He was frozen in place as his stare was placed on you, you grew so much from when you and him were kids, you’ve grown into a women. An attractive women at that, he wasn’t even gonna lie that you’ve grown cuter, he clenched his Kamodo thinking of what to do.
He watched as you greeted Uzui who had a sly grin on his face as he talked to you, the way the taller male was just gazing at you was making him jealous. He didn’t realize he was glaring at the sound Hashira till Uzui felt a stare in him shooting his head up to see who it was from to catch Tomioka glaring at him, taking you by surprise you followed along with his gaze turning around to see Tomioka glaring at you both. You felt your breath hitched as you finally noticed him, he was right there and i didn’t even realize!? Shit should i say hi? What the hell do i do?! Think (Y/N) think.. Tomioka saw how your eyes widened spotting him standing afar from everyone, he grunted to himself quick to tare his eyes away from the both of you looking ahead not paying anymore mind to you and Uzui.
You couldn’t help but slightly giggle at the flustered reaction seeing how his cheeks were slightly red from embarrassment. You sighed turning your gaze back to Uzui who had a raised brow, “Do you perhaps know him?” He questioned, and you nodded your head, “Yep..me and him actually grew up together. You could say we’re childhood friends.” You answered watching Uzui nod his head in response. You and the other continued the Hashira meeting as planned listening to masters orders, once the meeting came to an conclusion you saw how quick Tomioka got up to walk away, but instead you were also quick to walk towards him taking his hand into yours walking towards a quiet place in the garden.
Tomioka looked at your guys hands with a small blush but let it happen following wherever you were taking them. After two minutes or so you led him to the nice part of the garden where there were blossom trees and a nice field of flowers, you dragged him to a patch of grass sitting on top of it as you patted next to you, “Sit.” You said softly watching as he looked confused but obeyed sitting next to you, you smiled in response, “Hi Tomi.” Tomi the childish nickname you made for him when you two were just little kids running around a garden, he felt his heart flutter hearing his nickname after so long avoiding your gaze looking towards the floor, he didn’t know how to start off the convo but he knew one thing was..
How the hell are you still here right now?
He cleared his throat, “Ho..how are you still-“
“Alive?” You finished turning your head back to him seeing his nod slowly, you softly sighed to yourself starting to anxious now. You knew he was gonna ask you this the moment you saw him staring at you with wide eyes but you never prepared how you were gonna explain it to him, Tomioka saw how you were getting anxious by how you were zoning out. He clenched his uniform pants before placing on his hands on your lap with his hand open, you looked down at his hand then back up him who just stared at you with a soft gaze, your heart fluttered a little remembering the soft gesture he would do whenever you were nervous. You took his hand into yours interlocking your guys hands together as you used your other hand to play with his finger tips, you breathed in and out before starting, “After Sabito died..i was targeted next by him, i’m pretty sure you remember that night yeah?” You asked, he nodded his head. “When you had thought i died i was only badly injured but i was still breathing. i survived the seven days which qualified me for passing the final election, everything was a blur when i woke up at the butterfly mansion. When they said i had passed i couldn’t believe it, i thought i was a goner..” You finished, Tomioka looked at you with widen eyes, he couldn’t believe it also.
That night he thought he had lost you, he was so miserable when making his way to the top. He doesn’t deserve to be the water Hashira..that title should’ve went to you not him, you saw how his gaze saddened making your breath hitch. You knew exactly what he was thinking, you let go of his hand to place them on his face, “Tomioka i know that look very well stop it. It’s not your fault for what happened that night, okay?” He couldn’t help but let his eyes water, every emotion was coming at him fast he couldn’t help but let the tears spill, you softly smiled using your thumb to wipe away the tear, “Don’t cry my love, i’m here aren’t i? I’m alive and i’m doing well, i’m finally with you like we promised and i know Sabito is watching over the both of us.” Tears were also welling up in your eyes as you tried to keep it together, Tomioka tried opening his mouth to speak but gasped feeling warm lips in his. His eyes widened for a second but soon fluttered closed leaning more into the kiss you two shared, it was so soft and gentle he felt like he was in heaven.
You hummed lowly in the kiss before pulling back leaning your foreheads together staring into his glossy blue eyes. “I’m never leaving you till death due us part.” He stared at you for a moment to take in your words soon smiling leaning more into your touch. “I love you so much..” You whispered watching as a blush formed on his cheeks,
“I love you too..”
He was lost of words.
When he seen you in front of everyone with rope ties behind your hands with bruises and marks on your body he didn’t know how to react. That possibly couldn’t be you right? But it was you..he only knew one person with those beautiful (E/C) orbs and that was you. What were you doing here? And why are you tied up like that?
You felt the Kakushi from behind you push your head to the rubble ground, hissing in pain snarling as you groaned at the harsh impact, “Show some respect!” You breathed heavy as you clenched your fists together feeling your blood start to go hot, who the hell did this guy think he is? Right alongside you, Kyojuro felt his mood start to change when seeing that, he no longer had a smile on his face but a scowl planted, he clenched his uniform pants to keep his composure. Seeing you get slammed down like that snapped something inside him, he was always like this whenever you got hurt and nothing changed that till this day. Shinobu softly sighed to herself stepping forward, “(L/N) (Y/N) i hope you know why you’re here.” She started and you rolled your eyes huffing, “Obviously i do.” You started grunting as you got pulled back up to face them again only for your glare to turn into shock. What the fuck. Am i hallucinating? That couldn’t be Kyojur..o?
You couldn’t take your eyes away from him as his fiery ones were placed on you. You both held that eye contact with one another both shocked to see each other after 12 years. But that was instantly interrupted when Sanemi came walking in with a devilish grin, “Well well well what do we have here?” He chuckled staring at you as you glared at him bawling your fists together tugging at the rope, “Long time no see (Y/N)..or should i say halfbreed.” Gasps came from everyone but Kyojuro as he looked down, “Halfbreed?! What is a halfbreed doing in the Demon slayer corp?” Tengen started as he looked at you with a look of disgust making you avoid everyone’s stare, “How did she even qualify in the final selection without getting caught?” Obanai scowled pointing towards you, everyone started to question of how a halfbreed like yourself even qualified to be a slayer, there was confusion, hate, disgust lingering from most of them expect for one person..one person in particular who knew of this secret..one person who bluntly told you to never join but here you are now.
A Demon slayer as a half demon yourself.
You were taken out of your thoughts as you felt a harsh kick towards your chest knocking you to your backside with a sword pointing towards your head, you growled at the impact glaring up towards Sanemi who had a grin on his face, “Well won’t you look at that? Who knew a halfbreed like yourself managed to sneak in as a slayer.” Almost in a flash you saw his sword speed past your arm cutting it good making it bleed, but for you..you didn’t mind the pain i mean you are a demon you got used to it but still couldn’t help but whimper lowly feeling the blood sun down your arm, “You know us slayers kill demons like you..so i don’t even know why the hell were keeping you alive right now. I should just cut off your head here and now!.” He shouted, in instinct you closed your eyes waiting for the impact to come but..it never did?
You opened your eyes slowly to spot Kyojuro standing in front of you with his sword blocking Sanemi’s. Sanemi eyes widened looking at the flame Hashira who looked pissed, “What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Kyojuro didn’t answer yet shoved him away still guarding you with his sword in front of you staring at Sanemi, he went to open his mouth but got cut off by the master arriving.
That same night you were assigned to stay at the flame mansion under Kyojuros request, it was terribly awkward between the both of you. You rubbing your bandaged arm as he was stood far away from you, this painful silence was making you cringe inside you started to become fidgety. What the hell do i say to him? Do i say hi? Is he mad? I mean he looks mad..those fiery eyes glaring into yours with a scowl on his face. He has to be mad..he isn’t in his goody mood right now..you opened your mouth to say something but got interrupted by him, “Why’re you here?” He questioned, you sighed avoiding his stare, “Isn’t it obvious?” You mumbled, it had to be obvious to why you were here..you already told him years ago you were gonn join the corp even knowing you were a half breed. Kyojuro pinched the bridge of his nose groaning “(Y/N) i don’t have time for your attitude right now. Explain to me why you didn’t listen to a thing i said to you?” You started to get pissy, you knew he was gonna start bringing this up clenching your fists together you glared, “I think i remembered telling you i don’t follow rules from anyone Kyojuro. You should’ve known i wouldn’t have listened,” Kyojuro clicked his tongue as he stared at you, “Yeah? Well this time you should’ve listened! Do you not realize you could’ve died if i didn’t step in? You don’t know what Sanemi is capable of, he would’ve had your head cut off the moment you bared your fangs at him.” He raised his voice a little taking a step forward.
It was true. The moment you showed your fangs to him he would’ve had your head cut off, but of course you were too stubborn to admit it. So instead you got upset glaring at him as he started backing you up, you’ve never seen Kyojuro this upset before. You saw a faint blush of red on his cheeks and around his ears, you started to feel bad as you looked down knowing you caused him this anger. Kyojuro wasn’t meant to get this upset when talking to you but his feelings got the best of him seeing you get hurt almost ended up being dead scared him which made him act out. You softly gasped feeling your back hit the wall, you looked up at Kyojuro to see him throwing that same glare, you both breathed heavily as you both stared into each others eyes, your (E/C) gazing into his. It was a moment of silence till he broke out a sigh, “You’re still so.. stubborn.” He sighed in disappointment placing a hand on your cheek before speaking, “Whyre are you still stubborn?” He questioned seeing you lean into his warmth.
God you missed his touched.
You shrugged with a small grin, “Because you love it?” You teased watching him roll his eyes making you laugh lightly, “Keep telling yourself that,” He chuckled shaking his head, after that it was just quiet. It gave you the time to think about what happened..you were starting to feel bad now, you were so childish and stubborn..you sighed sadly, “i’m sorry Kyo..for being childish and stubborn i didn’t” You got cut off by lips being ontop of yours as you looked at him shock feeling him soon pull back with a grin, “Have you forgotten we grew up together? Don’t worry about it (Y/N), i can handle your stubbornness.” You looked at him still shocked starting to miss that sensation of his lips on yours. You didn’t listen to a thing he said you were just zoned out, he kissed me..omg.
Kyojuro saw how you looked at him shocked with a chuckle, “Don’t tell me you’re getting flustered now little flame?” He teased leaning his head close to yours hovering his lips with yours. You sucked in a breath soon enough scoffing pushing his face away, “Shut up!”
He was gonna be the death of you.
You cocked an eyebrow as you heard a lot of commotion, coming from inside as you got closer and closer standing in front of the white banners. When you heard the commotion settle down you walked in to see a yellows haired boy on the ground knocked out cold as a boar kinda thing got punched by the one and only Uzui Tengen ..you hummed lowly moving your gaze back to the angry Hashira, “I don’t think punching your recruits is very flashy now is it Uzui?” At that moment Tengen felt his whole demeanor change when hearing your voice, that once anger in his face turned into a soft one as he brought his eyes to look at you, his eyes widened as his breath got stuck in his throat. He only sat there looking at you not saying anything, Tanjiro also looked at you with furrowed eyebrows. He's never seen you before..
The tension in the room was getting tensed by the minute as you and Uzui held that eye contact. The more he looked at you the more he couldn’t stop thinking about that day..he still remembered your tears as you looked at him with a heart broken gaze. He didn’t believe it was you..he thought he was hallucinating thinking it was you but some random person who looked like you but it wasn’t. It was really you. It was you, how could he ever forget those memorizable eyes of yours? The same ones that looked at him with hatred and sadness. He went to open his mouth to speak but you beat him there, “So..Uzui. What’s the plan for this mission, hm?” You questioned staring at him with a cold and stern look, Tengen just stared at you for a good awhile before snapping out of his mind clearing his throat, “I..uhm.” He couldn’t speak, he couldn’t get his mind straight. He felt his air way get trapped, he didn’t know what to do.
Tanjiro noticed how the whole room was getting tensed. He smelt a lot of anger and sadness radiating off you as you looked at Uzui, he then turned his head to look at Tengen smelling a sense of regret and happiness. You don’t know what happened between you two but it was starting to get more and more tense the longer it was quiet in the room, he opened his mouth to ask the question. “Do..do you know Mr. Uzui?” His voice spoke, which seems like hours on end you finally took your gaze of Tengen looking towards the boy. Before you could answer him a door was slid open, “Sorry to intrude but i got the stuff you requested sir.” A man said said with a soft smile on his face with a basket of stuff next to him.
The tension was still awkward..all five of you walked towards one of the houses where Suma was staying at still deep in your thoughts. You didn’t know what to say to him— matter a fact you wanted to punch him but for the sake of not causing a scene you held back, you walked along side with Insouke having a small smile on your face as he spoke to you about how he was raised in the mountains, this kid was really interesting. You guys continued to walk towards the house finally making it.
The mission was beginning.
After assigning each and one of them to a house you and Tengen were changed back into your guys uniforms sitting ontop of one the house roofs looking out for any signs of demons. It was quiet..real quiet as you stood there fiddling with your Haori..the same Haori they gave you. You felt as if you should’ve been had it gone the moment the accident happened but you couldn’t bring yourself to, it held too many precious memories just to throw it away. After all you did missed them even after the incident, from the glances Tengen was giving you you could tell he wanted to say something to you but couldn’t get the words out. How could he when he’s now seeing you after twelve years? You also wanted to say something to him but you were hurt and upset to do so, you didn’t even wanna be on this mission but from masters orders you had to.
You bit back a heavy groan finally deciding to be the first to speak up but instead Tengen beat you to it, “I thought you threw that thing away..” His voice spoke as you gripped tighter around the fabric having your breath hitch, turning your head to look at him making eye contact with his soft orbs. You had forgotten how handsome he was, every memory came back just from looking at his face. You clicked your tongue looking away from him once more sighing, “No, i kept it.” You spoke very soft and small avoiding his gaze, Tengen sighed walking up towards you. Hearing his heavy footsteps make their way towards you, your heart increased as well as your breath getting shallowed, “Look at me.” He asked with that tone..that fucking tone he would use whenever he spoke to his wives, you continued to look away from him but that changed when you felt two fingers on your chin bringing you to turn your head. You kept a straight face as you looked up at him holding down that emotion you felt that was gonna blow any minute, “(Y/N)..that day. I..I lost someone who was an important person to my family. I lost someone who was the most sweetest and kind hearted angel anyone could ask for..and that someone was you. And I screwed that up because i let my emotions get the best of me, ever since that day Suma, Makio and Hina all begged to have you back. But it was too late..” He trailed sighing, “I’m so sorry, (N/N).” As soon as you heard that voice crack you couldn’t help but have your own emotions finally let go.
Soon enough you found yourself crying in front of him. You wanted to yell at him, wanted to punch him wanted to curse him out but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. You brought your hand up to wipe your tears away but the didn’t stop running, Tengen softly smiled using his thumb to wipe away the single tear that slid down your cheek as he pulled you close to him with your head on his chest, you didn’t even fight back at it instead you clenched onto his uniform like you didn’t want him to leave you. He felt your hands grip tighter kissing the top of your head before whispering, “I’m not going anywhere..i’m not leaving you. Not again not ever.” He whispered closing his eyes holding you into his bigger arms letting you cry it out.
Since that night, the tension that was once there had vanished. I mean you were still awkward around him but the more times you’re with him alone the more you’re letting yourself get comfortable with him again. Tengen was happy to see you get more and more comfortable going back to your old self as you hanged with him, there was this ping in his heart the more he saw that smile he fell in love with alongside with your laughs..he wanted to ask for you back. He was gonna ask for you back. You were the missing puzzle piece for the family..you missed your family..you missed him.
Hearing your laugh echo through his ears made him firm a smile on his face, his heart was increasing by the second as he looked at you. Seeing you laugh again was like medicine for his heart..you being here with him was enough to bandage his heart back into pieces, mid way in your laugh you slowly started to die down when feeling his hand grab yours, you looked at your held hands before looking at him with a confused look, he sighed. “(Y/N), i don’t know how to put this in the right words but..” He trailed off taking a deep breath in, “Will you be mine again? Ours in fact?” You looked at him speechless with widen eyes..many emotions were running through you right now as you stared at him sadly. “I..I..don’t know Tengen.” You trailed looking down but soon your head got picked back up staring into his eyes as he gave you a reassuring smile, “What happened years ago won’t happen again..you can trust me. Back then i was..i was young and idiotic but trust when i say this, i’ll treat you like the wife you deserve to be. I love you so fucking much.” He whispered, you stared into his eyes to read him..he was being honest, they were filled with hope and regret you but your bottom lip looking down.
Even after 12 years you still loved him. It hurts to say but it’s true, even after what happened you still loved him. He was your first everything, first husband, first time even your first kiss. You wanted him back again..you wanted to be his wife again, fuck you missed him dammit. You softly sighed before looking up into his eyes, “Promise me..promise me you won’t let what happened repeat again.” Your voice spoke small as you held that gaze, Tengen felt his heart ping instantly nodding his head, “I promise, i promise what happened years ago won’t repeat.” You looked at him one last time before nodding your head but couldn’t help but pull him closer to you locking lips with each other. Tengens eyes widened in surprise by instantly closed them kissing back placing a hand on your cheek. Oh his you missed his lips onto yours. You softly smiled as he chuckled before muttering,
“Welcome home angel.”
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weridokid776 · 1 month
demon slayer x reader | mha boys x reader|JJK boys x reader
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This has: Izuku Midoriya,Katsuki Bakugo,Eijiro Kirishima,Denki Kaminari,Shoto Todoroki,Yuji Itadori,Satoru Gojo,Megumi Fushiguro,Ryomen Sukuna,Kento Nanami,Tanjiro Kamado,Zenitsu Agatsuma,Inosuke Hashibira,Giyu Tomioka,Muichiro Tokito,Sanemi Shinazugawa,Tengen Uzui,Obanai Iguro,Kyojuro Rengoku
(muichiro is older in this 17-18)
(context:some soft/cute scenarios <333)
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JJK boys x reader
Satoru Gojo💙👁️
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You walked into your shared apartment you were tried you had wounds from curses your feet hurt you just wanted to go change and take a nice bath, gojo peaked his head out to see you his warm smile came on his face “y/nnnn!!” He said coming over to hug you he felt you tense “y/n are you okay..?” He said in your neck, you sighed “no gojo..im tried I just want to go to bed..” gojo looked how you were and he couldn’t stand it he picked you up bridal style you were shocked and blushed a bit “uh!? Gojo put me down!” You said but gojo wouldn’t budge he took off your shoes and toss your bag somewhere he didn’t care all that mattered was you he took you upstairs and started a bath,you huffed and sat down on the toilet waiting and watching as the bath finish gojo soon put petals in and a bath bomb “ok take off your clothes..” he said you jumped “e-excuse me?” Gojo looked at you “take off your clothes….fine I won’t look” gojo said turning around you stood up and began to undress gojo did a small peak,
you felt the warm water on your legs you sighed and blush gojo who was also in the bath was giving you a shoulder massage “you know baby you need to take it easy…your shoulder muscles are all tight and tense..” he wasn’t wrong you haven’t been able to take breaks and forgot about them, “as much as good of a sorcerers you need to take a break” you looked away “yeah…”
“yeah i try..” gojo sighed and kiss your cheek
“I love you baby..”
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Yuji Itadori🤎🩷
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Recently yuji has seen how tried you been lately and how you never taken breaks so tonight he wanted it to be special you were getting off early today also which makes it even better that you won’t be that tired, you walked into the living room “yuji I’m ho-“ you turned on the light and you saw plushies on the couch your favorite snackes and drinks, flower petals,cheap movie dvds that were your favorite “what is all this..?” You said a small laugh came from you, yuji put his hands around his waist “do you like it..? It took me a while..” he said in your neck “like it..? I love it yuji!” You said kissing his face he laughed holding you close, “now come on why don’t you go pick a movie..” you smiled “okay!” You said happy yuji smiled and watched as you picked a movie.
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Megumi Fushiguro🐸
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you were trying to make dinner for you and megumi but failed you sighed “this is so hard..how does he do it!” He soon came from behind “y/n” he said blankly you jumped “oh! Megumi! Heyyyyy..”
he looked at the mess you made “are you making something..”
“what ? No no no….” you sighed
“yes…i need help..” you said looking at him megumi sighed and put on a apron “your lucky your cute..” he said pitching your cheeks softy
as you were mixing the bowl you looked at him as he was cutting up carrots
you saw some flour and you smiled and got some on Megumi he jumped and looked at you “y/n..” you bursted out laughing
he sighed and thrown some at you it became a flour fight as you both stood there laughing you both looked into each others eyes, he leaned in “may i..?” (We love a polite man 🤭)
you noded as he lend down to kiss you
you both stood there for a while as he broke the kiss he looked at you
“we should just order a pizza huh..?”
you noded “yeah..we should.” He got his phone out and began to talk to the pizza man all yoy thought about that night was that kiss
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Ryomen Sukuna💅🏻
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sukuna was on his throne thinking of a way to take over yuji body fully you were sitting next to him on his lap you were having such a baby day and you sighed dramatically sukuna looked at you from the corner of his eye “what’s wrong..?” He said you looked at sukuna “it’s nothing—“ sukuna grabbed your face making him look at you “what.is.wrong?” You sighed,you needed to tell him or he wasn’t going to stop “I had a bad day today..” sukuna looked at you his red eyes pierced into yours He sighed “do…do you want to cuddle and talk about it.?” You were shocked “w-what..?” sukuna blushed and took you in his arms and huffed as he cuddled up next to you “tell me about it..” you looked at him and smiled softy laying on his chest.
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Kento Nanami 👓
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you hated rain and thunder since you were little
You done with this before you were hiding under your blanket nanami came back from work “sweetheart..?” He looked at the bed and sighed as he got on his pj’s he laid down next to you pulling you close you looked at him under the blanket he grab a book and began to read to you as he did you blocked out the rain and thunder soon falling asleep as he looked if you were sleeping he sighed “just so you know when your scared or alone and you have nothing do you..I always be here dead or alive I always protect you…y/n..” he kiss your head soon turning the light off and cuddling up next to you “good night y/n..” he said soon falling asleep
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Demon slayer x reader
Tanjiro Kamado🧣
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Tanjiro had been training for a while now you watched from a far you knew he was pushing himself and you worried about it,Tanjiro came back soon after you did a soft smile “hey Tanjiro can we talk..” he looked at you and noded “sure what’s up sweetheart” he said sitting down next to you,you laid your head on his shoulder “Tanjiro are you sure your not overthinking and overdoing things..” Tanjiro with his innocent eyes looked “what do you mean.?” You sighed “Tanjiro you need to learn to take breaks..I know you want to be a good demon slayer but sometimes taking breaks is necessary” Tanjiro soon looked at you with soft eyes and smile taking your hands in his,”I’m sorry y/n…I didn’t mean to..” he said looking at you “I be more careful okay..” he kiss your cheek “come on let’s go get some food..” you noded and smiled “okay..”
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Zenitsu Agatsuma⚡️
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zenitsu would always chase you around “please just one date y/n pleaseeeee!!!” You ran away “no leave me alone zenitsu!!” As the sun set you looked to see him on the ground sighing “aww I never get a date…” he said you soon sighed and walked to him sitting down “hey zenitsu..” he looked at you “why are you here..? Don’t you hate me..?” “I don’t hate you..you just..ask me out properly..” he jumped and blushed zenitsu “w-wait really!?” You noded “ask me..” soon he sighed and looked at you “y/n…hold you
like to go on a date..w-with me..?” You looked at him and laughed he jumped “w-what why are you laughing or you laughing or crying or something!? I’m so sorry y/n!!!” Soon you smile taking his hands in yours “no zenitsu..and yes I love too..” he looked at you “r-really!!” You noded
soon you stood up “I see y oh tomorrow then if im correct..” you said he looked at you and noded “oh!yes yes! Of course!” You gave him a kiss on the cheek
“if your not there im leaving!” You said walking away
he soon looked if you were gone and he started smiling and jumping up and down “yes!!!”
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Inosuke Hashibira🐗
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you helped in the butterfly mansion taking care of the demon slayers and tending to their wounds, one day sumi told you that her and the girls heard a noise in the kitchen you noded and went to go check the noise you walked in with a pan in your hand to see the boar mask boy himself inosuke hashibira, you sighed and put the pan down “what are you doing here?” He had rice all over his face “nothing..” he said you looked behind his back to see rice from breakfast “are you still hungry?” Inosuke looked away “yea..a little..” you laughed a bit “come on..” inosuke followed you as you set the pot “what are you doing..?” He ask looking into the pot “I’m going to make some snacks for you..” you said smiling, inosuke watched as you cooked soon as you finish inosuke weyes lit up “woah! Can you teach me!” You smiled softy “of course..”
“meet me here tomorrow”
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Giyu Tomioka🌊
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giyu was sitting down emotionless you sat down next to him you were the bubblest person he ever met “hi giyu!” You said smiling and waving. He turned to look at you “hello..” he said monotone you looked at him “have you ever smiled before..?” Giyu looked at you “use to…” you looked at him smiling “well I change that..” giyu looked at you “okay..let’s see you try the others tried but they didn’t work..” you huffed trying to get giyu to smile you put your hands on his face to make him smile soon he just became sad again he put his hands on ours “Mr/lady y/n I don’t think trying to shape my face will get me to smile “ you huffed and thought and you had a idea you gave him soft head patts and kiss on the forehead “your loved giyu..” he was shocked but still didn’t show any emotion soon you looked and huffed “still!…this. Sucks!” Soon mitsuri was calling you “y/n!!” You turned to look at her and waved “I see you later giyu bye!”you stood up and happily walked away as you disappeared giyu gave a small smile
“I’m loved..”
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Muichiro Tokito🌫️
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when muichiro first met you he thought you were annoying with your bubbly personality and everything but as he got to know you it changed his perception of you he would throw pebbles at people who would make you sad or upset,he would always eat lunch with you also,and would always see your letters when you were on a mission and always ate together,he loved it as much as you did you both did have a small crush on each other, it was a late night and you were walking with muichiro “those Onigiri were so good! Right?” You said smiling he noded he was a quiet man after all “they were lovely..” he said well of course he was more talkative around you “we should go there again sometime” you said smiling he noded “that would be nice..”
as the moon set it was the summer time a warm breeze hit “y/n..I need to tell you something..” he said you looked at him “hm..?what is it muichiro?” He sighed “I thought about this for a while and I wanted to tell you that I don’t was to just be friends I want to be lovers..” you jumped and blush “r-really?” He noded “do you feel the same..?” You looked away and. Noded “yeah..I have a crush on you for a long time now..” he smiled and took your hand in his and kiss your knuckles you blushed a dark shade of red he looked up at you “then I guess it officially it..we’re dating now..” you gave him a small smile
“yeah I guess we are..”
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Sanemi Shinazugawa🍃
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Sanemi never really open up to anyone after his loss of his family and him not really seeing his brother well…as a brother he didn’t really open to people well all except you,ever since you became a demon slayer you would always help him the best at you can you found him under a tree he was I. Deep thought “hey sanemi!!”you said sitting down next to him he looked at you “oh y/n hey..” he said you looked how he acted how his body language was “you okay you seem deep in thought” he sighed looking up at the leaves “y/n..you are the most precious person I ever met..you listen to me when I’m down..”
he turn to you “y/n I think..I think I’m in love with you..” he said you jumped and blush “w-what..?” He took his hands in yours “y/n I’m in love with you…” you looked at him as the wind blew you junped on him hugging him laughing he hugged you back “y/n…I love you..”
“I love you so much as well sanemi”
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Tengen Uzui 🤍
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being the 4th wife/husband of Tengen wasn’t all bad but you didn’t really get any attention from him it was usually Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru,you didn’t mind though it was normally like this,you were cleaning the house as Tengen came in and looked at you “you know we have people for that you don’t need to do that..” he said you looked at him “oh lord Tengen..it’s fine I’m use to it..” you said going back to cleaning he looked at you and sighed going to sit down and whistle at you ,you looked as he pointed to his lap to come sit down you put down the broom and walked and sat down on his lap “yes lord Tengen?” You said Tengen looked at you “I don’t give you much attention do I?” You shakes you head “no you don’t lord Tengen..” he sighed “that is my mistake..my apologies..that was very unflashy of me..” you
jumped “no no lord Tengen! It’s not your fault I was just-“ Tengen started playing to your hair “I’m very sorry for that..could you ever forgive me..?” You blushed at he looked at you but you noded “it’s wasn’t your fault lord Tengen..” you laid on his chest as Tengen began to give you kisses on your head you blush as he did but it was comforting,since that day he would always give you attention not just Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru and to be honest..you enjoyed it.
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Obanai Iguro🐍
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Obanai was a very jealous man he hated when people got close to you especially people who were a lowing class then you and him,like one time when he saw you and tanjiro talking happily it made his blood boiled “lady/mr y/n..can you come with me please..” he ask you,he would always ask you this whenever he saw you with a another man he wa she only one to touch you,to make sure you were alright,to make you happy, so when you ask him about it he would start to panic and mix up his words “well you see I-uhm -well I-“ he said as he played with his hands you giggle a bit at this “obanai you know I only love you and only you right?” He noded “yes..” you smiled and kiss his mask were his lips were. He blush hard “t-thank you lady/mr y/n..” you smiled “anytime obanai i see you later okay!!” You said smiling waving bye he waved bye also “geez…” he said “I don’t know how they do it..”
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Kyojuro Rengoku🔥
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You been stressed out lately due to a lot of mission’s rengoku saw this knowing how hard being a demon slayer was so he had a little surprise for you, you came home after your mission you sighed and heard your boyfriend rengoku in the kitchen “tasty!” You walked in “hey rengoku” he looked at you and smiled “ah little flame hello! You came home just in time” he said getting up and kissing your cheek and hugging you,”come come I have everything in the backyard set up for us” he said taking your hand out rise a eyebrow you walked out and saw a beautiful nice picnic with bento boxes “do you like it it’s not much but nothing like a little bit of food could help right?” You nodded “I mean I wouldn’t mind..” rengoku smiled and sat down with you “thank you for the food!” You both said, the night when on as you and rengoku talked and occasionally, rengoku would say “tasty!”
MHA boys x reader (no pictures ran out 😭)
Izuku Midoriya💚 You were working on homework Aizawa gave you in class today and it was pretty hard you kinda understand what it was about,izuku knocked on your door “come in..” you said not paying attention to the door izuku open it and smiled “hey bunny I’m ready for our movie date” you stopped you could have sworn you thought that was next week “oh my god izuku..I’m so sorry..I forgot..” izuku saw how tried you were he understand because he too would work all day and night he came from behind you and hugged you “baby you need to take breaks..” he said in your ear “I know..I just need to finish this..” you said looking at the paper izuku sighed and picked you up bridal style you blushed slightly “I-izuku!” Izuku smiled “come on let’s go cuddle” you sighed and played on his chest “okay..”
Katsuki Bakugo💥
You and bakugo was studying it was 9:00am to bakugo it was pretty late,he close his book and sighed “I think you learn enough for today..” you looked up at him “oh yeah sorry..” you said closing your book “man im hungry..”he stood up “ where are you going?” You ask “the convenience store” you looked at him confused “but it’s past curfew” bakugo put on his coat “so?..I won’t be out for long…unless you want to come with me” you jumped to your feet getting your coat, as you both walked on the side walk you looked around cautiously bakugo looked at you and scoffed “ your fine y/n.. nothing going to get you and even if they did I beat them to the ground..” you looked at bakugo “really..?” Bakugo smirked “hell yeah your walking with the future number one hero after all” he said pointing to himself you looked around still bakugo sighed and grab your hand in his “there you big baby happy?” You looked at your hands then back at katsuki and noded smiling “yeah..I’m fine..” , as you got to the store bakugo grab a basket “get whatever I’m paying..”you looked around and grab your f/s (favorite snack) as you naked your way to bakugo he looked at what you got “really that? Don’t you know that’s bad for you?” You look at him “as if spicy noodles are better..” bakugo smirked “ touché..” ,as you both walked back to the U.A. dorms you stood by the dorms “well I see you tomorrow..?” Bakugo rolled his eyes “idiot you see me everyday..” you noded “well I see you tomorrow then..” you walked by stop running to him giving him a kiss on the cheek you blush a soft shade of red and ran to your dorm bakugo stood there as you left his face became red “idiot…” he said covering his face. ︶⊹︶︶୨୧︶︶⊹︶︶⊹︶︶୨୧︶︶⊹︶︶⊹︶︶
Eijiro Kirishima🪨 kirishima looked around seeing you weren’t here today after class he looked everywhere for you last he looked at your dorm knocking then opening the door “pebble?” He looked around for you as he saw you in your bed you were sick your nose was stuffy your head was burning and your whole body was cold you coughed as you looked at the door “kirishima..? What are you doing here.?” Kirishima came over to you “I saw you weren’t at school..pebble why didn’t you tell me you were sick..” you coughed “I didn’t want to worry you..” kirishima sighed “well as your manly boyfriend I shall take care of you cause that’s the manly way!” He said you gave him a sick smile,and kirishima did just that giving you horrible medicine,making you chicken noodle soup as you got better you got to school but you saw kirishima wasn’t there as you looked in his dorm to se him wick you felt guilty that you had gotten him sick “don’t worry kirishima I take care of you..” kirishima gave you a thumbs up smiling you laughed softy as you began to go make chicken noodle soup.
Denki Kaminari⚡️ Kaminari was in his vulnerable state when he over use his quirk people were around him laughing at him for it as he stood there you push people away looking at him holding his face in your hands “Denki are you okay..?” “Yay…..” Denki said you sighed and brought him to his dorm and laid him on the bed grabbing water,and pain killers you sighed “I can’t believe people would just sit there and laugh at you..” you said putting your hand on his cheek “I’m so sorry Denki…” you said as a few minutes went by Denki started to come back “sparks..?” You looked up “oh Denki! Your back!” He noded “and my head hurts…” I looked around and grab the water and pain killers “here” you said giving it to him,he gladly took the water and pain killers from you he sighed “thanks sparks you really know how to help people huh..?” You laughed a bit kissing his forehead “anytime Denki.. now you go get some rest I just get out of your wa-“ Denki grab you pulling you into the bed “stay….. please.” You looked at him and smiled “okay fine..” and you both laid there sleeping peacefully cuddling into each others arms.
Shoto Todoroki🔥❄️
you were walking into the common room late you were hungry since you were busy studying last night you yawed as you walked in “hello..” someone from behind you said you looked and jumped “oh Shoto..you scared me..” Shoto looked at you “sorry I came down here to make soba..” you looked at him “soba..?” Shoto noded going over to the counter “would you like some?” You looked at Shoto and sighed and noded “yeah..soda sounds good right now..” as you both ate you looked at Shoto “hey Shoto why are you up so late..?” Shoto looked at you from the corner of his eye “because I couldn’t sleep..” you looked at him sad “it’s okay Shoto..” you took his free hand in yours “I’m here!” Shoto look at you and pause he gave you a small smile “thank you y/n you are really something else..” he stood up gave you a kiss on the cheek wash his plate and left you sat there blushing hard.
thank you for reading 💀😭 (sorry I’m tried this too way to long to make…I need a break..)
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
demon slayer: thoughts on my fav characters
characters: tengen, sanemi, inosuke, zenitsu, kanae kocho, douma
AN: these are my personal thought on my fav characters from demon slayer so don't take these seriously!! i would absolutely love to hear your thoughts on them as well!! if there are any other characters you'd like to hear my thoughts on lmk!!
he got that dawg in him fr
fine as hell
his rizz is unmatched
THROWING my panties at this man
all of u other females can back tf off cause I AM THE 4TH WIFE
my tiktok fyp is full of edits of him
if you've read anything that i've written abt him
yk im sanemi TRASH
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dis me ^
he owns me
when i saw him on screen for the first time I started barking fr
foaming at the mouth
i just know he's a big softy underneath that tough guy act
its jus som abt the crazy blood thirsty ones im so serious
no i will not elaborate
he could kill me and i'd say thank you
no cause he's so pretty
like 100% prettier than me
im feral for feral boar boy
"gonpachiro kamaboko"
now y'all might not agree w me on this one
but he's the funniest character on the whole show
and the most relateable
yk that one scene in the spider forest
where he sees the spider w the human head?
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yk this thing?
i would pass clean out
and he screams and BOOKS it tf outta there lollll
also when he's sleep fighting...
why is he kinda..
Kanae Kocho:
im straight
but sheeeeeesssshhhhhh
i understand why sanemi is in love w her
she is gorgeousssss
i wish we saw more of her cause
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good lord pls bro eat me
EAT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
he's yummy
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midnightbears · 3 months
i want my teeth to rot to the point the dentist understands,
can we have gyomei (and maybe some of the other hashiras) reaction to dear y/n cupping their face?
✿ their s/o cupping their face
#STARRING. himejima gyomei. rengoku kyojuro. shinazugawa sanemi. x fem!reader [separately!]
#TAGS. none just tooth-rotting fluff. slight suggestive themes in rengoku’s IF you squint. i love this man. hes probably ooc
#NOTES. ahhh hello! since you didn't specify which hashiras you wanted i just picked the ones i'm most comfortable writing (aka my faves). i hope this was to your liking! i know its really short but im getting my laptop fixed so im writing from my phone and im just not comfortable using it. thats why i wanted to get this out as soon as possible <3
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the stone pillar . . . himejima gyomei!
your husband liked to pray with you by his side. it was a small tradition you'd both come up with ever since you asked to keep him company one evening during his prayers. of course, how could he say no when his wife asked so sweetly?
tonight was no different. the dim light of the room cast soft shadows as gyomei knelt in his usual spot, hands clasped in prayer. you sat beside him, nursing a cup of tea, absorbing the peace of the moment. the rhythmic cadence of his prayers was soothing, gentle murmurs that wrapped around you like a comforting blanket. oftentimes, your husband had to carry you off to bed after his voice would lull you into the land of dreams.
tonight, however, you felt wide-awake. you couldn’t stop staring at your hulking husband. perhaps it was the serene atmosphere or the overwhelming sense of love you felt for him, needless to say, you were simply enraptured. words alone couldn’t express how much you adored this man, and you had to channel it through some other way. without thinking, you reached out and gently cupped his face. his skin was warm under your touch, a stark contrast to the cool air of the evening.
gyomei’s eyes fluttered open. though his blindness kept him from seeing you, he could sense the tender emotion in your gesture, feel the beat of your heart from your fingertips. his large hands slowly moved to cover yours, enveloping them in a gentle yet firm hold.
"is everything alright, beloved?"
you nodded, even though he couldn't see it, and whispered, "i just wanted to feel close to you, dear husband.”
a serene smile spread across his beautiful features, a rare but heavenly sight. he paused in his prayers, allowing himself to fully immerse in the moment. the warmth of his smile seemed to light up the room more than any candle could.
"i am blessed to have you by my side," he murmured, kissing your wrist, nuzzling against your palms. "you are a prayer in its purest form.”
the wind pillar . . . shinazugawa sanemi!
for all his might and fearsome reputation, your husband turned into a big softie behind closed doors, whispering sweet nothings meant only for your ears or caressing your body with a tenderness that would make others believe someone had swapped skins with the wind pillar.
sanemi's rough exterior melted away in these moments, and you cherished the rare glimpses of his softer side. nestling closer to the natural furnace that was his body, he gently ran his fingers through your hair. your heart swelled with love, knowing that this was a side of him reserved solely for you.
without warning, you cupped his face in your hands, catching him off guard.
his eyes, although closed, softened. a rare, genuine smile tugged at his lips. "what are you doing?"
“just admiring you.” you simply smiled back, brushing your thumb over his cheek, voice barely above a whisper.
sanemi's tough facade cracked further as he leaned into your touch, a hum escaping the confines of his throat while savoring the feeling. he then opened his eyes, his glacial-like plum gaze locking onto yours with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. "i don't deserve you.”
still smiling, you shook your head, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "you deserve all the love in the world," you whispered against his skin, feeling him relax even more in your embrace. he sighed contentedly, the tension in his body easing away.
"sometimes i wonder how i got so lucky," he confessed, his voice low. in the quiet that followed, you intertwined your fingers with his, your thumb tracing gentle circles on his palm.
"maybe it was fate," you teased, nudging him lightly with your shoulder. "or maybe you just have a really good eye for picking the perfect wife."
sanemi chuckled, the sound a deep rumble in his chest. “nah, you chose me.”
“in every lifetime i would.”
and he wouldn’t dare question it.
the flame pillar . . . rengoku kyojuro!
something about watching your husband train was massively addicting. droplets of sweat sliding down his toned frame, vocalized grunts from spending the better part of the morning training, his steadfast flame-like eyes and serious expression, the rippling flesh of his muscles whenever he happened to flex them… you often had to pinch your thigh to remind yourself that this man was yours.
kyojuro, though proud of the muscles that he had achieved through hard work and perseverance, had to admit that he sometimes trained shirtless just for the satisfaction of having you ogle at him. despite his concentration as he trained, he never missed the way your eyes followed his every movement, all comfortable and resting on the engawa of your shared home. goodness, you were a sight for sore eyes.
“enjoying the view?” you asked, resting your chin on the palm of your hand. kyojuro hadn’t realized he’d been staring.
smiling, he left the wooden katana by the training rack, then slowly began to walk toward you.
“i could ask you the same thing,” he deliberately said, kneeling in front of you.
you grinned, reaching out to cup his face in your hands. his eyes widened slightly in surprise before he broke into a broad smile. "just what are you up to, my flame?"
"me? i’m just admiring my hardworking husband," you teased, your thumbs brushing over his cheekbones.
kyojuro chuckled, leaning into your touch. "is that so?" he said, raising an eyebrow. "i must be doing something right, then."
"you always do," you replied, grinning, your cheeks gaining warmth. "especially when you train like this."
he laughed, brightly and boldly, slowly winding his arms around your legs, kissing your knee. "well, i do aim to please,"
"and you succeed," you said, pressing a quick kiss to his nose, giving him an appraising look. kyojuro's smile widened, and he pulled you closer, his hands settling on your waist.
“you know," he began, his voice low, "i might start training shirtless more often if it means getting this kind of attention."
you laughed, shaking your head. "always looking for an excuse to show off.”
"only for you.”
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© midnightbears on tumblr, july 2024. please do not repost to another platform, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
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sunseteyes · 4 years
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control; s. shinazugawa
—“shhh, it’s alright, baby. i’m here. sanemi, i’m here.”
you pecked his forehead before placing your chin on the crown of his head. you found your fingers interlocking with his hair, your other hand firmly on one of his shoulders, feeling how it tenses underneath you.
his head was buried on your chest with his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer into him as his sobs were muffled by your clothes.
your heart clenched at this side of sanemi. yes, he is the strong, tough and usually-arrogant wind pillar yet he still have times where he breaks down at the thought of his past; his family, friends and people he had “let down”. you listen to him everytime he’s like this and you offer him your support just by being there for him. yet, it still breaks your heart whenever you see him like this.
it’s like he was tearing himself apart and you were holding him to keep himself from fully doing it—like glue, making sure to put him back together when he breaks.
he rarely shows this side of him, and he does it only to you. it does sound like it’s a privilege but it’s hard to keep yourself strong for him too. most of the time, you wonder if you’re doing the right thing or not.
yet you hold on. because he needs you. he needs you to control what he can’t by simply holding him together until it felt like he had forgotten about his nightmare and all the bad memories in the past and bask in to the present, where he can look at you and feel at peace for having someone by his side, even when he had lost everyone else.
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kkoulogies · 3 years
UZUI TENGEN would fr be a good malewife. LIKE- look at how he treats his wives?? HELLO?!
MUZAN KIBUTSUJI is a softie at heart, only from you doe. bold of you to assume he'd be kind to someone else
SANEMI SHINAZUGAWA probably has a pet beetle that he's jealous of- because, well...YOU LET A BEETLE LAY ON YOUR CHEST INSTEAD OF HIM?! he knew he should've just stepped on it the moment he took it home
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﹕ ˚ ♡ ꒱ ᚑ ̇ ✦ ︶︶︶ ꒷︶ ꒦ ݉ ܼܼ ̇ ܼ ⊹ ︶ ꒷ UZUI TENGEN , MUZAN KIBUTSUJI , SHINAZUGAWA SANEMI ;; HCS ! ︶꒷꒰𑁬﹔" MALE WIFE , INNER SOFTIE , BEETLE . " ﹕ ˚ ♡ ꒱ WARNINGS : NONE . ﹕ ˚ ♡ ꒱ a/n : I . AM . IN LOVE DUDE , I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS ONE !!
the type to get you anything you need and want - even if it's the most stupid and silliest things ever .
" tengen-sama , i want ice c- " ;; this man ran out the door before you can even finish your sentence and came back two seconds later with like 50 tubs of ice creams ...
you and the girls are tired from missions ? even if this man is so tired , he'd willingly give all of you back massages .
you're born with a female body and you have cramps thanks to periods ? he has a heat pack ready and rubs your tummy from time to time - he does this for all of you omfg .
oh if you’re trans [ ftm ] and periods are giving you dysphoria - he will give you so many masc compliments , you dont have to ask . 
“ that’s my pretty boy . “ , “ you’re doing so well my prince . “ 
he may be the strong and all mighty SOUND HASHIRA when he's in public but back at home ... " yes i do the cooking , yes i do the cleaning . "
basically - ask for anything he'll get it for you no matter what .
he loves the four of you so damn much , ask him to go to hell - he literally fucking will-
this fucker will do anything , I MEAN ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING FOR YOU .
he'll be acting so cold and ready to slap the shit out of one of the upper or lower moons one second , and the next he's all like " oh my precious baby , did you need anything my sweet ? " to you .
when he's in a bad mood , the other demons go seek for you to calm him down for sure .
if your hair is long enough and if you'd ask him to braid it , he will .
if you wanna do something , he'll cross out all plans for the day just to spend time with you .
this man rlly says [name] > everything and everyone else .
he praises you a lot , whispers sweet nothings and is surprisingly good at comforting .
this man is so cold hearted but melts at just the sight of you alone .
irk marks appear on this man's forehead whenever he catches you cooing , hugging or baby talking the stupid beetle he had .
like he stares at you with the look of ; " bitch , im right here . give ME attention . MEEEE . "
whiney ass baby after a few minutes if you dont notice him staring .
he smiles whenever you approach him but then it slowly fades away when you ask about the beetle .
" why the hell do you care about that stupid beetle so much ? "
" it's not just a stupid beetle , sanemi-san , it's adorable ! "
irk mark . irk mark . more irk marks .
this man is a huge irk vein at this point .
later that day when he sees you playing with his beetle again and letting it lay on your chest , all hell breaks lose .
he grabs the beetle , holds it up to his face , saying ,
" they're my s/o . not yours . you fucking shit head . "
plops it back in it's cage and goes to lay beside you , aggressively planting his head on your chest .
"'nemi-chi ... are you-?"
" shut it . [name] . "
he looks like a damn chihuahua you rlly cant stop laughing .
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ladywaifuuwrites · 3 years
Male pillars dealing with the silent treatment
Request: Hi!! Can i request HCs of the male pillars dealing with the silent treatment after they messed up during an argument with their s/o?
A/n: Hiiiii sorry if this took so long. *sighs* I don’t why Tengen’s part made that turn, idk it just popped into my head. 
warnings: implied sex on Tengen’s part just one sentence tbh akdlhdsalhdsjkhfahla
wdyhm will be continued!
Giyuu Tomioka
this man is naturally silent and you’re giving him the silent treatment? 
he will just sigh at you, thinking that it’s normal after an argument and you need time
you want him to show you affection and do the things the boyfriend does when their s/o is mad
Giyuu is clueless asf 
so your situation doesn’t get better, it only gets worse when you think that “Oh hE doEsN’t cArE ABoUt mE” 
will ask other people for help because his relationship is falling apart
then they slap him with the truth and he goes “😮” 
will shower you with the things you want and apologize with his down puppy look
of course he’s cute so you forgive him 
problem solved✔️ now he knows what to do when you give him the silent treatment 
Muichiro Tokito
man is clueless too, does he even know you’re upset after fighting? 
he will be doing his usual lovey dovey things with you but you don’t reciprocate his actions, so he goes ‘????”
A lightbulb clicks beside him and now he knows why you’re acting this way 
becomes secretive to you that upsets you even further
you’re just surprised when he shows you a grand romantic gesture that’s extremely not himself
all negative emotions you harbor towards him is gone at a blink of an eye
mui made all this for you with his time and effort <333
when you first started dating you know he isn’t a fan of grand gestures
but now here he is.
some things do change, especially if its for you💖
Kyojuro Rengoku
wow best boyfriend ever
he knew he messed up the moment you walked out on him
you keep on giving him the silent treatment
and he doesn’t like that one bit
so he does everything he could just to get your affection back 
name it: casual little dates. flowers, things that make you happy, jokes that make you laugh, then you frown because remember? you’re supposed to be upset.
he sees right through you and suddenly tackles you to speak to him 
“Come on baby, don’t do this to me. Speak hmm?” “Kyojuro get off me!!” 
He lets you breathe and you compose yourself with your eyebrows etched together
will pepper you kisses afterwards to make you talk
and you talk it out like the mature couple you are
Tengen Uzui
he’s sad to see you treat him like this :((
but he knows he’s the reason because he’s the one who messed up. man knows his faults 
so he will shower you with affection to make up for the one lost between you two
you’re still annoyed at him tho…..
Tengen tries hard to be the ‘perfect boyfriend’ you said you wanted when you two were still not dating. But being that kind of guy is hard, he’s going to come up to you saying: 
“(Y/n) I’m sorry for the things I’ve said….”
And if you forgive him after that heartfelt apology he made, then everything’s alright.
But if you don’t forgive him……
Then bitch you’re up for some make up sex 
In the end he’s the kind of guy to do anything just to make you look at him again. Tengen cannot live without you.
Sanemi Shinazugawa
pure softie on the inside, don’t get fooled by his looks
when you don’t talk to him with that grumpy face of yours, he also leaves you be for you to cool down. He’s just like Giyuu but more knowledgeable on relationships. 
the silent treatment extends and now he knows whats up.
will come knocking at your door with food and a smile that’s only reserved for you 
i feel like he’s on the lets-talk-this-out side too, so halfway through when you’re leaning onto him again, he will ask you to rant and speak whatever’s bugging your mind
and he will take everything you say into account to improve himself and fix his wrongs.
“Okay I understand, I’m sorry baby.” Sanemi whispers sweet apologies while he kisses your head, and you snuggling in to his warmth.
Expect lots of spoiling and showering of love days after. You giving him the silent treatment has been hell for him even though its just a few days.
Obanai Iguro
he will probably furrow his brows coz “why the fuck is she acting like that?”
another clueless boyfriend moment *sighs* he doesn’t know he messed up. so he will ask you about it, with his hands soothing your arms to coax you into telling him.
unfortunately you don’t budge and just went to sleep, leaving the man to wonder for hours
then it hits him
next day and you wake up to find him, bringing a tray of breakfast to your bed. he kisses your forehead, mumbling apologies about how he was insensitive to your feelings. 
you forgive him of course, seeing how genuine everything he does and say
he learned from this and will make it a mission to not let arguments escalate to the point of you giving him the silent treatment.
he was inwardly panicking that you will break up with him when he received the silent treatment lol.
Gyomei Himejima 
if you try to fight with this man i- you just can’t.
Gyomei is just too pure to hurt with the silent treatment😭 
and if you do decide to be hard-hearted and cold...
he will approach you with a confused look on his face that makes your heart wrench in pain 
“(Y/n)...what did i do wrong? please talk to me.” 
it would probably end with you apologizing and crying for being so petty and mean.
he would apologize for his wrongs too, because he doesn’t want to be met with your harsh coldness. 
he’s one of the most mature guys in kny. he will not let you sleep upset with him. 
again im so sorry for the super late post
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oopsitszuli · 3 years
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What pets the Hashira and kamaboko squad would own Hcs!
Authors note: special features of kanae Kocho, Tamayo, yushiro, and Kagaya!!
Warnings: none!!
Kyojuro Rengoku:
* He would own Two golden retrievers and one tabby cat.
* All three of his pets are adopted from a local shelter.
* Probably calls them his children.
Gyomei Himejima:
* Brown Maine coon cat. I have zero explanation it just fits.
* This cat is gyomeis PRIDE AND JOY. Like- he shows him off to everyone who comes near his house.
[[ “this is my pet cat. I love him very very much.” ]]
Tengen Uzui:
* Dog person 100%
* His first pet was a white German Sheppard! But then his wives talked him in to buying more animals.
* Now they own a white German Shepard, a yellow lab(Hinatsurus choice), a corgi(Sumas choice), and a Saint Bernard(Maikos choice)!
Shinobu Kocho:
* A total fish/bird nerd.
* Of course she owns a fish tank but I also believe she owns two Rosy-faced lovebirds!
* The birds are probably trained to like everyone but Giyuu. (Just so she can tease him about it)
Muichiro Tokito:
* He sometimes forgets their names so he’s taken to calling them thing 1 & 2
* Mitsuri probably bought them for him and she occasionally watches them when tokito is busy.
Iguro Obanai:
* Reptile NERD- (me too honestly)
* He owns (kaburamaru of course) bearded dragons, chameleons, leopard geckos, and crested geckos.
* He thinks of them all as friends more then as pets.
Mitsuri Kanroji:
* Cat lady. No questions asked.
* Tabbies, Calicos, Birman, Siberian, Tonkinese.....you name it she’s probably got it.
* Has “cat play dates” with Gyomei.
* She also owns a bunny!
Sanemi Shinazugawa:
* Shiba Inu! Or an Akita! Either way he’s got a puppy!
* He is the best dog dad in the world. Goes all soft when he’s around his fluffy boy.
[[ “Who’s a good boy?! Yes you are! Yes you areeee!” He said in his best baby voice while petting his beloved puppy, unbeknownst to him a few of his fellow Hashira members had shown up.
“Shinazugawa has gone soft! How cute!” Mitsuri chimed in while smiling brightly.
“I HAVE NOT-“ ]]
* he would then apologize to the dog for yelling in front of him.
Giyuu Tomioka:
* Black cat that started showing up at his house and one day wandered inside.
* It just wandered in and he went “......ok then...” and kept it.
* Shinobu scolded him for taking in a stray cat and not even taking it to the vet or giving it a bath.
* Now he’s an amazing pet owner (partially due to a fear of Shinobu.) and his cat absolutely adores him.
-Kamaboko squad-
Tanjirou Kamado:
* Hamster and two guinea pigs, Hands down.
* He owns a tiny little short haired hamster and he absolutely adores her.
* He also owns golden and brown guinea pigs! He thinks they’re the cutest thing ever.
Zenitsu Agatsuma:
* Ferrets! Two lil ferrets who he adores almost as much as he loves Nezuko.
* Probably has to keep them away from Inosuke because Inosuke gets a lil to rough when playing with them.
* Nezuko helped him name them!
Nezuko Kamado:
* She owns a Holland lop bunny!
* She probably bought the bunny at a fair Ngl- that or Zenitsu bought the bunny for her.
* She would also probably own a beta fish!
Inosuke Hashibira:
* Greyhound. Self explanatory.
* He probably races it on a daily.
* The perfect dog for a person like Inosuke.
Genya Shinazugawa:
* Bearded dragon!
* He likes them cause they’re rough on the outside but softies on the inside if they like you! Just like him!
* Spoils the dragon to the point Sanemi has to stop him from buying new terrarium accessories when they go to pet stores.
Kanao Tsuyuri:
* like Shinobu, she’s a bird nerd!
* She owns two Cockatiels and unlike her they’re extremely loud!
* She thinks it’s kinda funny- a quiet girl with her two loud ass birds.
* Regardless of how loud they are, she absolutely adores them.
* They have a habit of trying to catch the coin when she flips it in the air.
Special features:
Kanae Kocho:
* Hedgehog! She thinks they’re absolutely adorable!
* She also probably said that the hedgehog reminded her of Sanemi because “She’s spiky and intimidating on the outside but on the inside she’s sweet and cuddly!” Which had Sanemi blushing and scoffing.
Yushiro Yamamoto:
* Hear me out.......... Hermit crabs.
Lady Tamayo:
* She’s content with just chachamaru. But she always thought turtles were neat!
Kagaya Ubuyashiki:
* The crows-
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muzanswifey · 2 years
Im so sorry to keep talmbout Sanemi. Broh a in-cannon softie. Im simping HARD over this no eyebrow havin mfer.
I loved it and I wanna know where this is going
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breathof-fics · 5 years
Rate from 1-10 on how the demon slayers are under the sheets? +one kink each other Please for scientific reasons ♥
accept former demon slayers because im minusing the main characters and only including the pillars (sans muichirou) also, this is all my friend’s rating, not mine - i am in charge of the kinks ;’) *all kinks are in bold!
TOMIOKA GIYUU: 4/10; i... dont even know where to start with this. honestly, alright, i initially thought it would be a little higher but i guess i understand where jay is coming from. he can be a little awkward, i suppose, he doesnt really know how to deal with intimacy because of what happened to him in the past but i’d like to think that he’s passionate and prefers to hold his partner close to him when he finally got the hang of it. breeding kink (you know who you are) + sensory deprivation, mostly blindfolding.
RENGOKU KYOUJUROU: 10/10; for once, i agree with jay. they gave me some points on how passionate and intimate kyoujurou can be, but overall a fun partner to be with. giggles here and there, teasing and such; he’s a sweet guy and won’t do anything when his partner is uncomfortable with it - he respects his partner and their boundaries. hair pulling + praise kink, both giving and receiving. 
SHINAZUGAWA SANEMI: 8/10; he fucks like his personality - rough and hard. although 99.9% of all intercourse sessions is him being rough, he tends to switch into being a softie from time to time when he needs the intimacy and closeness of his partner’s body against him. dont ever point that out to him though. light bondage.
KANROJI MITSURI: 10/10; i’d like to think that she’s around the same level as kyoujurou considering how passionate both of them can be, and plus she’s a hopeless romantic. she prefers intimacy over other things, even having sex with her partner is sending her over the moon. this what she’s been dreaming of, to have someone to love who loves her back as much as she loves them. lip biting, getting teased + praise kink.
UZUI TENGEN: looks at the camera like we’re in the office; jay didnt give him a rating because they argued that he got three wives already, he’s going to break the goddamn scale (and i agreed). much like my previous explanation on him and his kisses, i’d say that he masters every position there is when having sex - he’s an experimental kind of guy. but never, ever is he going to go anywhere near of hurting his lovers. dominated (role reversal) + light bondage.
HIMEJIMA GYOUMEI: 5/10; smack in the middle of the scale. much like giyuu, intimacy is rather hard for him but not because things happened but rather because he just doesnt really have the drive to do it. he’s afraid to hurt his partner considering his size, so he prefers to take it slow - and being in a relationship does not mean that you have to have sex anyway. size difference.
KOCHOU SHINOBU: 6/10; a little complicated, too much of a tease but she means well i promise. a little devil under the sheets, to be honest, because all she is going to do is tease her partner to the point of crying and begging until she finally gives in. but she’s an understanding lover, you don’t even need to tell her what you want, she already knows. edging, teasing + sensory deprivation.
IGURO OBANAI: 5/10; again, in the middle. he’s much like sanemi - hard and rough, but sweet afterwards. he likes to pin you down and have control, and domination is key, but he’s a worrywart that he has to ask his partner first before he actually does it. dominance, bondage + spanking.
RENGOKU SHINJUROU: 8/10; not a high sex drive but a pretty experienced lover under the sheets. it’ll take a while for him to open up to his partner for a romantic relationship, let alone an intimate action, after the death of his late wife, but he tries. gagging + bondage (shibari).
SABITO: 7/10; not surprised jay gives him a higher rating than giyuu HAHAHA but i can see him as someone who does a lot of teasing in bed, but at the same time, it’s fun; in conclusion, he’s a fun partner to be with. he’s gentle with his actions, making sure that his partner is okay and that they know the safe word (yes, they established this because sabito is not having it). thigh kisses + semi-public.
TSUGIKUNI YORIICHI: 6/10; not really seeing him as someone who has a high sex drive either, but at the same time, he knows what he’s doing. his hands are sculpted by god himself and his tongue works heaven. he doesnt speak much during sex and he doesnt make much noise, he lives to serve so he’s going to do just that. fingering (giving) + cunnilingus. 
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animatedarchives · 4 years
Hi!! Can I get a bnha kny and hq matchup? i am a bisexual girl w/ a lean for guys but either is fine!! im 5'8, kinda chubby but not big in the boob area, (💔), i have semi long curly black hair with brown front strands! im a virgo sun, sag moon, pisces rising! my personality type is intp-t, my favorite music genre can vary! I like basically everything besides country and opera, but my top ones are bedroom pop, garage bands, alt rock, and alt indie!! im pretty snarky without realizing it - 🌀
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hello darling!!!! thank you so much for waiting!! i kNoW that your match ups may seem a LIIIIITTLE questionable (plus some of their vibes are quite different) bUt i honestly think that with your personality, you can bring out the best in them :) hope you like it!! ^^
i match you up with...
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you are the only one that bakugo will listen to. you’re not afraid to call him out when he’s being too noisy or causing too much discourse and although he doesn’t want to, he’ll quieten down until he’s just muttering under his breath. bakugo is actually a huge softie and needs a lot of reassurance. you being an empath allows you to sympathise with him when he feels insecure about his abilities and losing out to his peers. you give him good advice, which is why you’re the only person he listens to. bakugo is fiercely protective of you and he will destroy anyone who even thinks of hurting you. he’s not very good with words but in his own way, he’ll reassure you that you are enough, especially when it comes to your body. “i don’t know what you’re upset about, you’re perfect in my eyes,” he’ll say when he notices you’re sulking (he’s actually very attentive and is able to pick up what’s wrong. you guys love to eat spicy food together and cuddle a lot on rainy days. bakugo doesn’t say it much but you know that he loves you by the way he cares and looks out for you.
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as an extrovert, tendo approached you easily and you were able to become friends. eventually, he opened up to you about his past and how his peers thought he was weird and didn’t accept him, and you responded with nothing but kindness and support, telling him he should never feel bad for who he really is. your words made him feel so loved and accepted and it made his heart swell in a way it never had before. you guys love to cuddle and watch movies together. most of the time it’s horror but during the occassional movies with sad scenes, he’ll tease you a little for crying before hugging you tight and kissing the top of your head. tendo bought you a huge stuffed toy for your birthday because he knows you like them and he wanted to give you something big (literally) for your big day. tendo knows what it’s like to feel unwanted and unloved and he never wants you to feel that way so he always makes sure you know just how precious you are to him.
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sanemi is cold on the outside but it’s because he’s had a troubled past and harbours a lot of hurt. you being an empath were able to see through that, which is why he became fond of you because he felt like you understood him and the reason why he acts so closed-off from everyone. both of you love sweet foods and you like to cook ohagi with him because it’s his favourite food. you guys both love watching horror movies and horror game playthroughs together too, much preferring the comfort of home. however, if you go out, you love to visit the pet shop together. sanemi loves dogs and they love him just as much. he will try not to show it but you can see the sparkle in his eyes when he asks you if you want to go to the dog petting section. eventually, you both adopt a dog and care for it like it’s your own child. sanemi can’t wait to settle down with you one day and just spend the rest of your lives together. he loves you so much and he will do anything to protect your love, making sure he never loses anyone important to him ever again.
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sems-diarie · 4 years
Godammit im the only one who thinks that sanemi’s a softie with a s/o
there’s just something so appealing about the gruff kind of soft.
but no, he’d definitely melt if you cupped his cheek. and he’d blush if you looked at him for too long.
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skelelovely · 4 years
Do you have headcanons about obamitsu (obanai x mitsuri)?
i don’t feel like drawing all of it out/gonna take too long rn so have my very badly explained words. im sleepy af so sorry if it doesn’t make sense 
( All this being they’re already dating ! ) asdflkjsd most of these are from Obanai’s view because i like him a lot more. -How they act _______ Around the other Corps members : Obanai straight up looks like he’s about to start throwing punches but just glares at everyone or tries to act cool when She’s around //// Mitsuri tries to keep it professional in a way,,she knows he’s uncomfortable with being affectionate around the group  Around the other Pillars : They’re more open to being seen together, tho Obanai wants to keep it kinda low profile because he knows damn well the others are just gonna poke fun at him for being soft for her. Tengen just loOoOOooves asking him when they’re gonna get married  Alone Together : Besides Himejima (and possibly Kagaya) , Mitsuri is the only other person who he let see him without the bandages. She has comforted him about it to the point he feels comfortable not wearing it while they are together. Obanai really just melts into a total softy ,and Mitsuri absolutely dies at seeing him like this every time. -(before they dated) When together one night he finally ended up telling her about his childhood and how he became part of the Demon Slayers he felt close enough to show her his scars. Mitsuri told him her own childhood story. in the end they were just a sad crying mess because they felt so bad for eachother for having to go though that. They promised that they would take care of eachother from there on. And Obanai made the choice to kiss her right there..... the rest of the week was pretty awkward after that. - Obanai is pretty self conscious of his small body in general (only think it comes in handy when fighting) but Mitsuri always somehow turns it into a good thing ,she loves holding his hands and just playing with them ,she think’s its adorable. He can’t help but smile when she does this. - Mitsuri kinda sucks when it comes to painting nails so usually Obanai ends up painting hers. He’s just blushing the entire time being able to hold her hand while she just laughs and talks the entire time   - Obanai often feels jealous when she goes to train with Rengoku. But he could never bring himself to hate him,,, he’s to pure of heart and basically a male, bigger, and louder version of Mitsuri. tho if he has free time he would usually go watch her train without wanting to bother or distract her ,,,but then Rengoku notices him and being oblivious af just yells to Mitsuri that Obanai has come to visit. Mitsuri likes to act cool and show him all the cool tricks she learned and afterwards together all 3 of them go out for lunch. (third wheel on his own date,,it happens alot)  - Obanai loves when they’re alone the most,dare i say even cuddling. most of the time he’s the one to lay on her or snuggle up to her,,,well simply because he’s the smaller one. she can feel his heart beating out of his chest but he’s as limp as a kitten.He was never one for physical attention but when he’s with her he just never wants to be let go, it’s heaven. Mitsuri may love talking but at times like these its usually silent ,she likes playing with his hair. Kaburamaru would wrap itself around Mitsuri. At times he would work up the courage to give her small kisses anywhere or just bury his face in her shoulder. pretty cheesy but he loves just wrapping his arms around her just to hold her close. - Mitsuri has gotten them many matching items before ,rings, charms ,even little knickknacks - As they’ve gotten older together ,Obanai has started becoming more outspoken in a good way. Dare i say catching her niceness ,and started being more friendly. tho still throws angry glances at someone getting a lil too close. still gotta work on being nicer to kids tho : \ -Hearing Obanai’s genuine laughter or giggles of joy just has her fuckin DEAD. He hates it and often catches himself and cools it down. But she thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world and it just adds 20 years to her life span every time.  - Having short hair most of his life ,he doesn’t quite know how to braid hair. He absolutely refuses to ask Tengen for help when it comes to girls so he always relies on Himejima for help. He tough him how to make braids and other different hairstyles so he can do Mitsuri’s hair. [ cut to Sanemi opening the door and walking in on Himejima doing Giyu’s hair as an example and Obanai’s copying it on Rengoku’s hair ]  -As much as Mitsuri is the one always blushing when Obanai does something, in reality he’s dying inside more than her ,he just knows how to keep a straight face most of the time. other times he just turns away to look cool but he’s just full on red in the face and can’t bring himself to face her.  -Mitsuri likes just brushing all the hair in his face back ,she thinks he has a super cute face but its a shame he covers it up with this bangs  -Obanai memorized all her favorite foods and meals, and even tried cooking for her once ,,,failed miserably  - they do want to have children one day. Tho Obanai’s not too much of a big fan of kids ,and he’s worried they might have bad eyes like him.  -He may not show it but Obanai absolutely loves when they hold hands in public. - Mitsuri loves showering him in kisses and cute lil praises stop that you’re feeding his ego  -As muchs as Obanai likes being the prince in this,,,,, he likes it when she just sweeps him off his feet and carries him bridal style im sure i have more but i just can’t think of any more at the moment lmao. if yall have some cute ones pls tell me yours🥺!!!!
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galebreath · 5 years
you are literally the reason why i went from What Stick Is Up Sanemi's Ass to PROTECT /BOTH/ THE SHINAZUGAWA, you KNOW THIS. i love your writings of this softie lathered in years of Anger & Blood and you've gotten me to understand so much of his psyche that i honestly would've never properly read through The Latest Arcs Of Suffering In The Manga and i'm running outta space but tl;dr I Promise I Love U Unconditionally, No Matter How Much I Bully U (it's payback for giyuu's sake) // no homo tho —
ye ofc no homo.  thank you so much, you bully. i know im saying thank you a lot but i really mean everything about it :cccc thank you for accepting my writing into your life so easily when we met and im glad I dragged you into the shinazugawa hell with me bc they deserve it and I honestly treasure bullying giyuu !!!! 
@rainslayre     \     hows my portrayal     \     tears too much
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kkoulogies · 3 years
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                 K . TOORU ; MASTERLIST , LAST UPDATED FEB 2 , 2022
﹕  ˚ ♡ ꒱ GENSHIN IMPACT ; 
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