#im a ravendor
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jirstho · 1 year ago
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Ravenclaw: *hugs gryffindor from behind*
Ravenclaw: *softly plays with gryffindor’s hair*
Ravenclaw: *whispers*
Ravenclaw: eat my chocolate again and we’re fucking done
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lilraeosunshine · 6 years ago
Shout out to those breaking the stereotypes of their houses
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imafagg · 6 years ago
houses reactions to finding a bug on them
hufflepuff: oh ! cool bug !! *proceeds to observe bug for 5 min*
slytherin: stares at it blankly for 20 seconds and then shakes it off
ravenclaw: removes bug and puts it in a safe spot
gryffindor: OH SHIT *flails around like a lunatic to get it off*
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palindromic-geek · 7 years ago
Oh God the sexbots have invaded the hufflepuff tag no one is safe now
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youdothetalking · 4 years ago
i hate millennials
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chaicoqui · 6 years ago
Eugene Lee Yang, Karamo Brown, Ravenclaw
Everyone quick reblog and tell me who your favorite Try Guy is, who your favorite Queer Eye guy is and your hogwarts house. This is for science.
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oceanblueeyesoul · 2 years ago
hi!!!!!!!!!! im requesting a match up for the harry potter golden trio era :p
Name: Sadie Camille
Age: 15
Hogwarts House: I'm like half a Ravenclaw half a Gryffindor but I'm really a Ravenclaw just in denial because I want to be a Gryffindor :D
Zodiac signs: Leo sun, virgo moon, virgo rising
Looks: I have brown hair, big round and thin brown and black marble glasses but I also wear my contacts, I have a big brown birthmark on my check and freckles. I have green eyes
Patronus: idk if its a thing but I'm probably a golden retriever or something? ik there's other dog patronuses but they're small and i just love big dogs haha
Personality: I'm pretty relaxed and chill in school. I'm very efficient and productive. I'm also like a medium amount of outgoing. Outside of school I'm more fun and social- I like to be with people but I had a bad social battery I've been working to improve. I used to be super anxious (pandemic messed me up man) but now i have a laid back attitude towards things. i never really stress or am anxious
likes: long walks, taylor swift, eminem, reading true crime, playing tag, bike rides, gaming (shooter games, minecraft, and animal crossing), writing, gardening, flying, scooby doo, grown ups, dogs
dislikes: when my glasses are dirty, the deep ocean, sharks, big squid's, crabs, lobsters, stingrays, jellyfish, literally anything in the ocean that can hurt me haha
random: i'm literally the life of the party- i love to dance. take me out to a party and i will be dancing the whole night. no breaks. also, i will have two big golden retriever boys when im older that are brothers named monty and shawn and a long haired fluffy black cat named kit
i think thats it? anyways, thank you!!!! :)
Hi there, Sadie! I hope you really like this a lot!
Harry Potter Matchup
Your Harry Potter soulmate is...
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He would definitely be dancing with you all night at parties and just having fun with you all the time as well as spending time with you also.
The two of you would definitely watching Scooby Doo cartoons and movies together and would talk about your favourite characters from Scooby Doo.
He would take you to all the places you hasn't been before by flying his broomstick to around the world and definitely like to keep you safe from falling over his broomstick.
He would protect you from anything in the ocean that might hurt you. Even he would be so glad that he got a sting from a jellyfish trying to protect you.
Hufflepuff x Ravendor soulmates!
Libra x Leo lovebirds!
ESFJ x ISFP intertwined soulmates!
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labellerose-acheron · 7 years ago
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Belle Rose Beauton - Hogwarts House Aesthetic: Hufflepuff Secondary
Where Gryffindors charge and Slytherins transform, the Hufflepuff seems inconsequential and harmless until the moment when they rise up and call on all their debts, secrets, and trust.
Belle Rose Aesthetics *** 8
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accioromione · 5 years ago
out of the trio people always say that Harry is a slytherdor Hermione is a ravendor and ron is a huffledor, what do you think about this?
I actually think the Harry and Hermione thing is true. I think that Harry is a slytherdor in the books because of voldy influence. Hermione definitely has Ravenclaw traits. But I think Ron is like a GRYFFINDOR. I think all the Weasleys (minus percy) are stereotypical Gryffindors lol- like bad assery brave. Kinda show-offy, I love Ron but he is a stereotypical Gryffindor lol even when it comes to being show offy lol. And the whole like blatant bravery, give no shits bravery lol . I love Hufflepuff but I think like neville is kind of more of a Hufflepuff, like I feel like Hufflepuffs are very humble, and yes they're brave but not like IM A KNIGHTT FIGHTT ME brave the way I see Gryffindors lol, I feel like if you come in a Hufflepuffs face they’ll try to reason with you but stand their ground but with a Gryffindor its like listen YOU LIL SHIT I WILL STOMP YOU INTO THE GROUND and I feel like Ron is the latter LOL also love that about him 
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5typesoftrash · 5 years ago
omg my bby @hopeisthewholepoint tagged me i love you so much sweetheart you’re amazing
nickname: i have a whole list, but the one i get called on tumblr is Dean
zodiac sign: Sagittarius
height: i’m also 5′2″ 
hogwarts house: ravendor (i’m a ravenclaw but stupid Pottermore thinks i’m a gryffindor, so)
last thing I googled: “free vpn download” my vpn fucked itself which meant I couldn’t get on tumblr or AO3 so i needed a new one :/
song stuck in my head: “big fun” from heathers.......like,,,,,always
followers: 78.....baby blog
amount I sleep: anywhere from 0-10 hours a night, but it usually comes out at about 6
lucky number: 14
dream job: writer
wearing: pajama pants and an ST2 tee
favorite song(s): Quiet Uptown (Miranda) and Champion (Fall Out Boy)
favorite instruments: piano, guitar, flute, voice
random fact about me:  live in fandom. reply/rb if you really want me to elaborate
favorite authors: Riordan and Clare I’m a basic bitch
favorite animal noises: bork and purring kitties im weak
aesthetic: bisaster transmessc (did you like that wordplay? huh?) pretty much just a million pride flags and so much Soft Boi
@specialagentrin @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @thorki-and-other-obsessions @fandomallthetime24601 @until-it-kills-you-both
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incredible-dad · 5 years ago
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What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man...
Archetype — The Hero  Birthday — February 18, 1970 Zodiac Sign — Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Rising, Cancer Moon MBTI — ESTP Enneagram — type 2: the Helper Temperament — Choleric Hogwarts House — Ravendor Moral Alignment — Lawful Good Primary Vice — Greed Primary Virtue — Charity Element — Earth
Mother — Sarah Parr (nee Johnson) (adopted); Jennifer Peterson (birth) Father — Theodore Parr (adopted); Unknown (birth) Mother’s Occupation — primary schoolteacher Father’s Occupation — pastor Family Finances — comfortably middle class Birth Order — eldest Brothers — William Parr (younger, adoptive, blood child of Sarah and Teddy) Sisters — none. Other Close Family — Helen, Violet, Dash, Jack-Jack; i guess that Helen’s parents are his in-laws but he’s not really close to them because Helen is estranged. Best Friend — Frozone Other Friends — other Supers (mostly deceased) Enemies — The American Government lmao Pets — none, their house is way too hectic, but he grew up on a farm so they had animals there Home Life During Childhood — rosy and idyllic for the most part, his parents were wonderfully accepting of his gifts and even though other people in town kind of shunned him a bit, he won them over for the most part eventually. plus, no one really fucked with him because he could toss you into a building. not that he WOULD but  im js he could. He also grew up quite religious as the son of a southern presbaterian pastor. Town or City Name(s) — Smallville, Kansas; New York City, New York; Astoria, Oregon; Riverside, Iowa;  What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — shared with his brother in their little farm house, he wasn’t ever big on decoration or anything, so just whatever his mom decorated it with.  Any Sports or Clubs — no, not officially, he liked to play recreationally, but he wasn’t allowed on any teams because of his powers.  Favorite Toy or Game — loves monopoly, he’s that person that’s really into it and has a whole strategy and everything. He’ll get like MAJORLY competitive and no one really wants to play with him because he takes it really seriously lmao Schooling — his mom was his preschool teacher, and he went to regular rural public school with the same like group of 50 kids up through graduating HS. He got a BA in criminal justice from NYU on a Magick scholarship. Favorite Subject — not really any tbh, not a very studious person, but if he had to choose one he’d probably say science because he finds it interesting. Popular or Loner — he was a loner when his powers first started developing, but by high school he’d practiced really diligently at getting them under control and so he became quite popular after that because he’s very jovial and has a warm personality. Important Experiences or Events — getting adopted, though he doesn’t remember it lol; finding out he had powers; the birth of his brother; getting into NYU; meeting Helen; marrying Helen; joining the NSA; the NSA falling; the birth of Jack-Jack; adopting Violet and Dash Nationality — American Culture — Southern Religion and beliefs — Southern Presbyterian 
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim — David Harbour Complexion — idk white? lmao not super pale, not super dark, no freckles or anything Hair Colour — dirty blond Eye Colour — blue Height — 6’3 Build — stocky and strong Tattoos — none though he always jokes about getting Helen’s name in a heart on his arm Piercings — probably had his ears pierced at one point when he was trying to be #edgy at NYU Common Hairstyle — he’s balding lol Clothing Style — he dresses like a straight white man whose mother dressed him until he went to college and now his wife dresses him Mannerisms — rubs his forehead when he’s frustrated, puts his hands on his hips, crosses his arms, fidgets, sighs when he’s annoyed at you but doesn’t want to say it outright Usual Expression — 
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — has a very resilent immune system Physical Ailments — none Neurological Conditions — depression Allergies — none Grooming Habits — he wears cologne and shaves and showers, don’t expect much more than that Sleeping Habits — up at the crack of dawn, but not by choice. Grew up on a farm, so it’s just ingrained in him. Can sometimes go back to sleep until like nine, but rarely sleeps in. Is the dad that falls asleep in the recliner watching TV but wakes up if you try to change the channel. Snores. Has to drink a lot of coffee on night shifts. Apparently I have a lot of hcs about Bob’s sleeping habits. Eating Habits — will eat anything, anytime, but Helen’s cooking is his favorite (besides his mom’s) Exercise Habits — eh he’ll go to the gym to keep up pretenses but he has to be really careful, lol. Though, if he doesn’t exercise his strength, it can easily get too amped up, so catch him in the forest chucking trees across the meadows. Emotional Stability — 6; he’d score higher but he has a pretty easily triggered temper. He is easily riled up about things and very passionate, but for the most part he’s pretty jovial and easy to get along with. Body Temperature — runs a little warm Sociability — very friendly, very extroverted, perhaps too friendly, perhaps too extroverted  Addictions — processed sugar Drug Use — none, probably smoked weed in college or something Alcohol Use — not much, will have a few beers with dinner occasionally, but tends not to drink due to his high metabolism it makes it kind of pointless except for the taste and maybe a small buzz if he drinks enough; in college it was a game to see how much it’d take to get him drunk.
Your Character’s Character: 
Bad Habits — not following the rules, being controlling, reacting to situations without thinking Good Habits — loyal, a good communicator when he’s not antsy about things, emotional Best Characteristic — kindhearted Worst Characteristic — obsessive Worst Memory — all the people he’s lost Best Memory — when Jack-Jack was born, when he got married, when he adopted his kids Proud of — his wife, his kids Embarrassed by — his own ineptitude in relating to his kids Driving Style — normal really, not a speed demon or anything; tho he used to be as young person Strong Points — intelligence, friendliness, loyalty Attitude — he’s kind of pessimistic tbh, kind of depressed so he’s always just like *deep sigh Weakness — his brashness Fears — something happening to his family Phobias — lowkey fear of heights Secrets — that he knew about the experiments on the kiddos Regrets — not turning on the NSA faster Feels Vulnerable When — people are pointing out things he has done wrong Pet Peeves — people not listening to him, talking over him, telling him what to do lol Conflicts — his brashness v wanting to take things slow Motivation — to help Short Term Goals and Hopes — none really? Long Term Goals and Hopes — be a good parent, a good husband, and help people Sexuality — straight Day or Night Person — day person, he grew up on a farm Introvert or Extrovert — extrovert  Optimist or Pessimist — pessimist Intelligence — high
Likes and Styles:
Music — dad rock Books — not a biiiig reader, but he does like some history stuff/biographies Magazines — none really Foods — will eat anything but pineapple, but prefers a home cooked meal to eating out Drinks — no preference, will occasionally have a beer w dinner or smth Animals — also no real preference lol Sports — a football fan, will probs get into soccer too, into track bc of dash Social Issues — magick rights, but he’s also Tired Favorite Saying — eh none really Color — Helen’s eyes Clothing — just a regular 50 year old straight man, Helen builds his wardrobe Jewelry — his wedding ring ofc Games — none really, but he’ll get really into playing his kids’ video games with them Websites — none?? Is on the facebook, yes he calls it “the facebook” TV Shows — mindhunters, criminal minds, anything cop related lmao probably like watched game of thrones with helen and other classic tv shows like that Movies — likes comedies best Greatest Want — to protect his family Greatest Need — to let go of the past and heal
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b00bconnoisseur · 6 years ago
Can someone be in 2 houses at once?? Like gryffinpuff or ravendor ????
Not.....technically? Like if youre being non official sure u could say youre ravenpuff or smtn but if youre talkin abt your actual hogwarts house it can only be one
Like, for example: yknow how in the sorcerers stone (or philosophers store depending where u live ofc) when harry gets sorted the sorting hat says he displays both gryffindor and slytherin traits n how he'd be amazing in either? He could only be sorted into one, not both
So say, i am a ravenclaw but i do have alot of hufflepuff traits tho. I can relate to being a hufflepuff but im not a hufflepuff if u get what im sayin?
The whole merging the houses was jus created by the fandom jdbsjsbzhsb
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tshifty · 7 years ago
ravendor??? hahaha
lol yeah i hat stalled on gryffindor/ravenclaw so i took the like full test with all possible questions and tied with gryffindor and ravenclaw exactly so like... im both lol, gryffinclaw/ravendor
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peeblesprotectionpatrol · 8 years ago
What's your Hogwarts house?
(oh boy this is gonna take a while to explain im sorry in advance for a complicated answer to a simple question)
every single time i take a sorting hat test, i get either gryffindor or ravenclaw. its really annoying because im like a 50/50 split down the middle. (im also 50/50 introverted and extroverted. im weird with things i guess.) i own a lot of ravenclaw stuff because i cosplay Luna Lovegood, but i honestly dont know which house I am. ravendor? gryffinclaw?
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theheirofillea · 8 years ago
Thanks for the tag @princess-scamander (aka Star ilysm!) 1) Name: Deeptha, but y'all can call me Aria too :) 2) Height: 5'6 almost 5'7 3) Hogwarts House: Ive gotten both Gryffindor and Ravenclaw so i dont know lolol lets say im a Gryffinclaw / Ravendor 4) Go to SSB character: what is ssb enlighten me children xD 5) Fictional character I’d date: William Herondale is my mcm always ;) 6) Favourite Band/Artists: Bands are One Republic, Broods, The Vamps, Coldplay, P!ATD. Artists are TrOyE siVAn 💕 Halsey, Starley, Tay Swift, Adele, and many more! 7) When did i make this blog: November 2015 8) How many blogs do i follow: like 900 lol 9) What do i post about: EVERYTHING! but to be specific=books, life, cute stuff and LES MEMES 10) Do i get asks on a regular basis: well sometimes yalls need my advice so i do get asks on a regular basis but sometimes yalls go quiet so it depends ;) 11) My Aes: omg so= blue, warm drinks for the cold heart, pale colours for the darkest minds, clouds, new york city, seattle, ocean, books, shine above em all, salty air, driving forever going everywhere and nowhere, big hoodies, tights, combat boots I Tag @fandomhunterss @thoughtfulseason @shhadowhunter/p>
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