chaicoqui · 2 years
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"Dragon," poem assembled using quotations from Wikipedia articles
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chaicoqui · 2 years
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No artist tolerates reality
- Nietzsche
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chaicoqui · 2 years
“Always be a little unexpected.”
— Oscar Wilde
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chaicoqui · 2 years
You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it’s better to listen to what it has to say.
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
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chaicoqui · 2 years
“I’d much rather have one great person to talk to every night than have several pointless conversations with temporary people.”
— Unknown
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chaicoqui · 2 years
“I gave the wrong people the right pieces of me.”
— Unknown
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chaicoqui · 2 years
Surround yourself with people who see your value, and remind you of it.
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chaicoqui · 2 years
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chaicoqui · 2 years
“We think that forgiveness is weakness, but it’s absolutely not; it takes a very strong person to forgive.”
— T.D. Jakes
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chaicoqui · 2 years
“I’ve found that growing up means being honest. About what I want. What I need. What I feel. Who I am.”
— Epiphany
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chaicoqui · 2 years
“Stop thinking so much. You’re breaking your own heart.”
— Unknown
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chaicoqui · 2 years
“But then it passed, as all things do.”
— Khaled Hosseini, And the Mountains Echoed
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chaicoqui · 2 years
“I’m not everything I want to be but I’m more than I was, and I’m still learning”
— Charlotte Erikkson
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chaicoqui · 2 years
The broken will always be able to love harder than most. Once you've been in the dark, you learn to appreciate everything that shines.
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chaicoqui · 2 years
“forgive all the versions of yourself that operated out of fear instead of growth, the ones that viewed comfort zones as safe havens and abandoned boundaries to keep other people happy, forgive all the versions of yourself that didn’t know that love begins with how you treat you.”
— iambrillyant
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chaicoqui · 2 years
“Stop thinking that other people are going to come and save you. You gotta save yourself.”
— Rae Earl
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chaicoqui · 2 years
“I can do nothing for you but work on myself. You can do nothing for me but work on yourself.”
— Ram Dass
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