#im a little rusty forgive me
azujamit4t · 2 months
Triple bakaaaaaaa
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noirleo · 1 year
confession hcs
bayverse tmnt (aged up, dont be weird <3)
mikey has confessed his feelings for you at least twice a day since you first met. he was convinced he was in love with you from the first meeting, and it wasn’t until several days later that he realized he was so caught up in planning your entire future relationship that he didn’t actually get your name.
which, of course, just presented an excellent excuse to need to see you again. and again.
before you even realize, you have a very talkative escort to and from your apartment at night. late night walks graduate to movie nights at the lair, and before you realize it, you’re spending every weekend at the lair, watching old horror movies or carefully curated playlist of funny youtube compilations he put together just for the two of you.
you didn’t take his flirting seriously at first. mikey flirts with every person he meets as surely as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west—hell, you’ve seen him make passes at casey once or twice. you brushed it off, taking his declarations of love all in good fun.
slowly but surely, though, your feelings for him crept in, burrowing their way under your skin and stubbornly taking root in your chest. you found yourself anticipating his “come over???? :)” texts and buying him little trinkets and things you think he might like when you go shopping with your friends. the two of you have become inseparable over the past several months; the brothers claim that they never really see one without the other anymore.
tonight you and mikey are crashed out on the couch, facing each other with your legs folded over one another’s gracelessly. a bowl of popcorn balances precariously on your entangled legs, and mikey’s eyes are glued to the screen, excitement lighting up his features as he mouths the words in time with the actress on the screen. it’s the third night in a row he’s chosen terminator, and at this point you could probably quote it backwards without having to spare a glance at the screen.
you tell yourself that’s why you’re staring at him again—you’re just bored, no other reason— but you can’t seem to pull your eyes away from his face to look at the tv.
“see something you like, babe?” mikey asks cheekily, not even turning his head away from the tv. you take a piece of popcorn and throw it at him; it bounces off the side of his head before he turns back to you, mouth dropped in mock disappointment.
“aw no, wait, i wasn’t ready that time! go again,” he pleads, and you toss a few pieces high into the air. he snaps them up and raises his hands, waving to a fake cheering audience. you giggle and kick at his leg, which he easily catches, pulling you closer to him. your breath catches as he pulls you onto his lap, still giggling, and you wrap your arms around his neck without thinking.
“when are you finally gonna kiss me, ‘angelo?” the words tumble out of your mouth before you can stop them. emotions flash across mikey’s face within a split second before his usual, wide grin spreads across his face.
“you saying you want me to, angel face?” he asks, not even trying to hide the hopefulness in his voice. you don’t even respond, glancing from his eyes to his lips, before he pulls you into a kiss.
the movie you were supposed to be watching ends at some point, but the two of you are much to busy to notice.
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simplyender · 5 months
You have a way of finding sympathetic/kind of pathetic antagonists that are clearly neurodivergent and if given the chance, would totally be better people but never really got that chance
Fern and Hordak and Spot
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[Identify my Blorbos!] (putting this at the top bc I made a really long post lol)
[Incorrect buzzer]
You were pretty close there till you said all of these guys would totally be better people but never were given the chance, especially when you said spto Gideon Graves. My man was SO down to do evil. At his best he's harmless and pathetic. But the dude still is pretty pro-doing-terrible-things, even if its not to Scott and Ramona in specific. Could he improve? Sure! But I'm of the belief that anyone can. It sucks that he wasn't treated nicely as a teenager but like. Dude, get help. You clearly can afford it. You just don't want it/don't think you need it.
Gideon actively chose to become the CEO of G-man records and he chose to use his vast power to make a girls life a living hell purely because he felt ENTITLED to her and her love. That's fucked up!!!! Hes' a sick shit in all versions and I truly do love him for that. He and Julie really are bitch x bastard! <3
Fern and Spot both are interesting ones, as they're both cases of "they made their own choices", only, the Finn part of Fern was doing something good (reviving Prismo), he just didn't know that meant he'd become the Finnsword, and the Emissary from Beyond is....Complicated.
Spot, however...
....Look, we can theorize as much as we want about his hypothetical past and what drove him to do it (bc I doubt anybody that works at Alchemax is fully stable), but before all this shit happened to him, he CHOSE to work at Alchemax, which was a morally dubious decision at BEST. I don't think he had bad intention in the slightest however, it's just that Spot....Seems to have a bad habit of not really caring about anything else that's going on around him as long as he's getting what he wants. Negligent is the word (Funny, considering that's what he accuses Spider-Man of being). Also nobody made him go back for the dark matter, and he could have evacuated like everybody else*
Either way, both Fern and Spots actions definitely come from a place of desperation and severe emotional distress. And they're both guys that really lost their entire lives due to something out of their control**, and just weere driven to go....Way too far. They also actively decided to be bad guys because villainy provided them with the validation they needed. Hopefully Spot won't get killed off in the end like Fern did. Haha!
Hordak is definitely what you described though, because we were literally SHOWN that through the existence of Wrong Hordak! He's from a cult and heavily indocrinated with horrible beliefs that he deeply internalized, especially because of his relationship with his disability and the way Horde Prime viewed him for it. This is also seen through Entrapta, who....Yes, helped him do evil thing too. But they were adorable. And ultimately, it was her that helped him realize his worth as a person and take the step towards good (although that was a personhood thing, not a redemption arc, lol). But through proper support, Wrong Hordak was able to grow and develop in a way that Hordak just wasn't given the opportunity to, so....Yeah.
Hordak never got the chance, and Fern kept getting screwed over by the universe and his own low self esteem. But Spot made his own choices in life. He is absolutely the most selfish person out of the three.
And also. Is, yknow, the most experienced in life/an adult. (I already talked about Gideon who is the worst but like I said he doesn't even come close). Yes what happened to him was horrible, yes he didn't deserve so much mistreatment for it, but still. The chain of events started because of his own decisions until it spiralled out of his control, from where he doubled down for a variety of reasons indicating that he really needs the intervention of a trained mental health professional.
I think I went way off course here.
Sorry. Haha.
* Yes it's likely that he felt like he had to go back and save the remains of his work, might have something to do with Olivia stealing all the credit for the collider and his desperate need to be recognized. Still a bad idea though.
** Spot may have done the physical aspects of his life going to shit to himself but I'm not blaming him for the way other people treat him for what is now out of his control. It's not like he asked to be what he is, or to be mocked and lose his livelihood for it.
You get a 1.3/4 because the description is correct up to a point but it entirely fits Hordak.
SO close!
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ralexsol · 1 year
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you guys aren't ready for what im writing
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slimepuparibaba · 3 months
LnDS HCs: Sylus (General HCs)
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Okay, we all agree he comes off as the type of guy that would burn the world for you.
Big but here.
I don't think he's a terrible boyfriend or anything. In fact, he genuinely does love you.
I believe, me personally, you are the one weakness this man has and he will treat you with care. Is the way he treats you rough around the edges and comes off a little different than most? Yes.
But he won't ever actually hurt you. He watches you from afar like a silent protector to make sure you aren't hurt, even using his Evol to make sure you STAY alive.
I personally think he might actually treat you kinda like one of his men, like an equal in terms of "you can definitely handle yourself and I know you're strong", but he'll still keep an eye on you just because you're that important to him. He trusts you.
...okay, so like, maybe not completely trust you because let's be honest here, you're kiiiinda prone to trying dumb shit on him, but it's funny. He'll forgive it. The smug bastard.
From what I've seen, he comes off cool, suave, knows what he's doing. Cocky.
Bad boy. He's a bad boy in all sense of the word.
He knows what he's doing, he's confident, he's charming. Knows what to say and do. He's also a CEO so dealing with people? Basically easy for him.
When it comes to you? He will flirt. Because he likes getting a reaction out of you.
I bet he teases you a TON. You hate him? Good. At least you have him in your thoughts.
Love is war with him. You try to scheme? He already has a counter. Man is 100 steps ahead of you, but just likes seeing you make a complete fool of yourself.
You know when he gets the upper hand he'll have that signature smirk of his that just screams "kiss me to shut me up and I'll consider this your win".
You thought Rafayel had an ego? Nah. NAH, THIS DUDE HAS AN E G O.
Sparring sessions with him are very likely. He'd probably be like "alright, but not going easy on you" or something cocky like that with a smug smirk on his face.
Man genuinely treats you as his equal though when training. Teaches you everything he knows and points out some techniques you might be rusty on.
Rizz is off the charts. He's lived in the N109 Zone and breathed it for so long. He's a sweet talker, so be prepared for him to know how to make you melt.
But also, he will actually spoil you. Will he make you work for it? Yes. He will give you an entire runaround (make you say please, make you verbalize it, etc), but he does it because he loves you.
You are genuinely his soft spot, and I CANNOT stress this enough.
The things he does in the dark are things he does FOR YOU. His reason for being REVOLVES around you, you just don't know it yet. Don't let him being the leader of Onichynus get to your head—he has method to his madness.
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norrizzandpia · 8 months
Let Me Be Happy. Don’t Be Mean. (LN4)
Summary: Y/n is not experienced in the realm of dating. For years, she has convinced herself that no man sees her as lovable. So, when a guy steps into the picture who checks off all the boxes, making her feel secure in his feelings towards her, she’s elated. However, when she goes to share in the excitement with her best friend, he ruins it all, along with it her happiness, by uttering three small words.
Warnings: language, mentions of grinding
Note: this is very very little women coded but nobody is related. You’ll see. Once again, this is a sad ending, but a happy one will be up soon. I just wanted to get something out to you guys because it’s been so long since i posted and im finally feeling up to returning to you all. Genuinely, i feel like this isn’t my greatest greatest work, nothing quite worthy of a comeback fic, but i hope that doesn’t deter you all <3 ill be back with some of my regular abilities soon just a bit rusty so forgive me lol
Y/n had never had a boyfriend. There were failed talking stages and men who stole longer-than-preferred glances at her, but there was never an official, labeled and definite boyfriend. A part of her life which her friends always teased her for, a part of her life which she was secretly so deeply insecure about. Throughout her twenty-two years spent on Earth, she had been told that she was intimidating, that she was “too pretty” to be approached, but, as high school passed and she graduated college without anyone putting in effort, the passing thoughts of “something is wrong with me” took hold. Maybe it was the way she dressed, or the fact she liked musicals; maybe it was the friends she hung out with, or the jokes she made; maybe it was her looks, or her smile; maybe her laugh was obnoxious, or she didn’t seem like girlfriend material. She could never escape the feeling that she was inadequate, that somehow, over the years, she had molded herself into a person that no one else would stick around for romantically. Somehow, she wound up unloveable.
Lando, in the beginning, was a maybe. Becoming friends with him was, if you asked her, one of the scariest things she had ever embarked on in her life. Famous, rich, and successful Lando Norris loved her company, even adding in a few questionable and suggestive comments in the midst of it all. Her friends, however relentless, had continuously talked about the possibility of Lando liking her, but she shut it down every time. With the way she had forced her brain to be wired, Lando would never see her as more than a friend. The comments about how beautiful he thought she was, though, she could never explain.
“Are you going to answer me or what?” Y/n’s eyes focused back to the man in her mind, sitting before her at his kitchen table and staring at her as if she had died and came back to life.
She leaned her body against the counter, “Yeah, sorry. What’d you say?”
He scoffed and laughed all at once, “You didn’t hear anything I just said? Are you okay?”
His eyes flitting over her face made her chuckle and shake her head, “Yes, I’m fine. I was just thinking about the upcoming projects I have for work.”
He nodded, though his slightly furrowed eyebrows portrayed confusion, “Okay… Well, Max invited us to go out tonight. There’s a new club a few blocks down that he got on the VIP list for. You in?”
Deciding that maybe going out would somehow remedy the strong belief that no man wanted her, Y/n nodded.
“Can you hear me?!” Lando screamed into Max’s ear. His best friend looked at him, a drink in both their hands, and laughed.
“Yes, I can hear you, dumbass! When you yell right in my eardrum, it’s hard not to! What’s up?”
Lando was hesitant before leaning in once more, his tone lowered an octave, “Who is that dancing with Y/n?”
Max followed Lando’s eyeline, finding his good friend grinding up against a man he couldn’t even recognize.
He shook his head, “I don’t know. At least, she’s having fun!” His laughter at his comment died down when he turned his head to see Lando pouting.
Max scoffed, “Mate, you can’t be upset with her venturing out. She doesn’t even know you think of her that way!”
Lando shook his head, “I don’t see her that way.”
Max shoved his shoulder, “All I hear is denial, denial, and fucking denial. When you wake up one morning and find out you loved her all along, don’t come crying to me when you realize you’re too late because she’s with someone else.”
Lando laughed it off, though the pit in his stomach made him want to puke up the alcohol he had consumed for the night. Maybe he had just had one too many, he told himself.
Yeah, it was the alcohol consumption.
Max’s piercing gaze leveled with Lando’s, liquor coursing through the Brit’s veins as he said lowly, “I’m sick and tired of that bullshit.”
Lando rolled his eyes, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Max nodded feverishly, “Yes, you do! You know I can’t fucking stand the way you shun your feelings for her! I know it’s probably a dick move on my part to tell you how you feel, but if you keep dancing around her, you’re gonna lose her. I don’t want to see that for you.”
Lando shook his head briefly, coolness flowing from him as if Max’s words didn’t strike panic within his blood, “I’m not going to lose her, Max. I think alcohol makes you overdramatic.”
Max groaned and stomped away, liquid sloshing out of his glass as he retreated into the crowd. Lando’s eyes were left to fall back on his Y/n. The man’s hands were on her hips, swaying hers against his as he kissed her neck. He hated the sight and he didn’t know why.
Truthfully, he did know why.
“If a guy visits you at work with your favorite coffee order, does that mean he’s interested in you?” Y/n waltzed into the sunlit living room of Max’s apartment, Lando sprawled out on the couch as Max scrolled through his phone on a big chair in the corner.
“Uh, yes.” Max replied quickly, before Lando had the opportunity of selfishly saying no.
Holding her phone in one hand and the other balled in a fist, Y/n blurted, “Are you sure?”
Max pulled himself from his slouched position, looking at her intently and not daring to see the way Lando was eyeing him. He could feel the fiery gaze on his shoulder, “No man is going out of his way to buy you your favorite coffee and come see you at a corporate office for .2 seconds. Trust me, Y/n, the man likes you.”
She nodded her head side to side, “Mmm, maybe.”
”He’s right.” Lando murmured, a heavy heart as he watched her gaze snap to his, as if his thoughts on the subject convinced her more of what was right in front of her.
Max side-glanced him, a war in his head as he tried to decipher Lando and whatever he was trying to accomplish.
“You think?” She whispered, looking down at her phone when it buzzed. A blush across her cheeks made Lando’s heart squeeze.
Did she smile that way when he texted her?
Lando cleared his throat, “What’s this guy’s name? Is this the same guy you were dancing with at the club?”
She nodded, “Yeah, it is. His name is Chris.”
“Last name?” He continued, listening intently for the information.
Y/n laughed, “What? Are you going to Instagram-stalk him or something?”
”No. Just curious.” He smiled lightly. All the while, Max was rolling his eyes.
”Chris Greenberg.” She smiled back, a moment between the two where Lando seemingly couldn’t tear his eyes off the grin displayed in front of him.
He sat back, “Alright, most generic name I’ve ever heard, but okay.”
She shook her head at Lando, the smile still on her face as she plopped on the couch beside him.
His arm instinctively draped around her shoulders, his hand toying with the ruffled fabric of her shirt. Lando tried not to fall into the mess of her in his mind yet the soft skin under his fingertips made his mind get away from him. He didn’t want it to be real. He didn’t want the morning where he woke up and he found out he was in love with his best friend to come.
But, he also couldn’t bear the thought of Chris touching her in the way he does. He willed himself not to think about Chris seeing her naked or taking care of her in the way Lando always had. Maybe he had never kissed her, but he had held her hand in moments of pain and he had been there for her when no boyfriends had the privilege of being able to show up. Lando had always been something to her and she had always been something to him, they both knew that.
He wanted her to stay single and he wanted her to stay his precious girl.
And suddenly, he couldn’t deny what he felt for her.
On the couch, with Max a few feet away from them and his fingers only lightly grazing her warmth, Lando’s eyes turned to her and he gave into the pull that he had been fighting for years.
A minute away from begging her to see him for what he needed her to, her phone lit up between them. One singular notification lit up the screen, her lock screen a picture of them two after he had gotten his Silverstone podium. A notification which was from Chris, a blushing emoji next to his name.
His mouth opened from the words he so recklessly wanted to say, he realized what he was about to do: confessing feelings he found out about five seconds ago while Max was sitting next to them. So embarrassed and slowly reaching a state of distraught, Lando retracted his arm from her body.
Y/n grabbed her phone from the space between their legs, opened her phone, and giggled at whatever stared back at her.
Lando knew his face said it all. He was always facially expressive. If she had turned her head, or Max, they would’ve seen it written all over his face. The sickening realization that he was in love with the girl sitting beside him.
Part of him loved that they weren’t paying attention to him, but another part wished she would move her head a few centimeters, catch his eyes, and let him study the way she took his breath away.
“Where are you going?” Lando stumbled over his feet as he ran to the door. Y/n in a black, tight dress looking stunning had alarms going off in his head.
Her hand on the door knob, “A date.”
She laughed slowly, “Um, because? Chris asked me? I said yes?”
Lando’s hands rested on his hips, gray sweatpants slugging low on his waist as he stared at her, “Where’s he taking you?”
She mirrored his stance, “Why?”
He scoffed, “Because! I should know where you are! What if he tries to kill you and nobody knows your location?”
Y/n rolled her eyes playfully and opened the door. In the crack, Lando could see Chris standing against his car with flowers in his hand, looking like everything Y/n deserves and more. Chilling as he realized he’s trying to fight something that is not meant for him. Y/n doesn’t deserve him. She deserves someone who will sleep next to her every night, who won’t leave her every weekend for their job. She deserves someone who is available and dependable. He isn’t that. He will never be that. Chris already is that.
“I will be fine, Lan. Thank you for worrying, but Chris is a nice guy.” She smiled, not giving him room to argue as she slipped out and closed the door.
He stared at the wood for a moment or two, hearing her giggles from outside and knowing how taken she sounded. He wanted her to turn around, to open the door back up and say something that would give him confirmation that Max wasn’t right; that he didn’t realize too late the things he felt for her.
She would never come to the door and Lando would, after fifteen minutes of waiting and hearing the tires drive away, slink back to his bed.
She came to the door. Knocking frantically and rambling the moment Lando opened it, Y/n burst into his apartment.
Lando’s hands raised in the air, “Woah, woah, woah, slow down. I can’t understand what you’re saying.”
He watched her face light up before she took a deep breath and withheld his favorite smile, “The date went so amazing, Lan! He is so considerate and… and he listens! Lando, he sat there and listened to me ramble about my family, my friends, and everything else about my life and then asked me questions about the things I was mentioning! He likes the same things I do and he’s so cute and I can genuinely feel like he really likes me this time! He puts in the effort! He! Puts! In! The! Effort! Lando! Seriously, he’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a guy!”
Even though he knew it before answering the door, her bursting summary of this perfect guy solidified it for him.
She came to the door, but she didn’t come for him.
He stared at her, his heart emptied out of hope as he watched her big smile dwindle down.
”Why don’t you look happy for me?” She cocked her head as he stared back at her, a dead expression adorning his usually calm face.
”I love you.”
Lando watched her face drop, a hopeful smile morphing into a void. Her bag dropped to her feet and she leaned her head forward, “Stop.”
He blinked at her, “What?”
She looked back up at him, “Stop, Lando. Don’t say that.”
He scoffed, “It’s true!”
Glistening tears pooled in her eyes, “Lando, stop. Don’t be mean.”
He shook his head, “Y/n, I’m not being mean. I’m being honest.”
She roughly wiped the wetness that had fallen to her cheeks before looking at him with such a deadly gaze, “No, you aren’t! This is so fucking selfish of you! For once, I’ve found someone that will put in the effort and that I can genuinely trust in making the right decisions when it comes to me! And, now, here you fucking are, telling me you love me! It’s fucking cruel! Can you just let me be happy just this once? Why can’t I get my chance to be in love? You’ve experienced it! Why can’t you just let me do it?!”
He took a step closer to her and she took one back, “I do want you to be happy! I want you to be with me!”
She crossed her arms, “Oh, and you’re going to make me happy?”
“I will try.” He whispered.
She memorized the heels strapped around her feet, “Not good enough.”
He reared back, “What?”
She willed her eyes to meet his, “Not. Good. Enough. Chris will be good to me, I know that. I can’t trust that you’ll be good to me or be good to me until you get bored and find someone else to have fun with.”
”Is that what you think you are to me?” He asked, his heart reaching out for her, but breaking into pieces for how she views herself in his life before he can get there.
She looked up at him, eyes reddening under the tears, “If I meant something to you, if you loved me, you’d want me to be with the safe option.”
His hand trailed up her arm as tears fell from his cheeks similarly to hers, “I can be the safe option.”
”No, Lando. No, you can’t. I want Chris. I can’t deal with whatever life crisis you’re in the midst of right now.”
He groaned, “It’s not a life crisis. It’s me realizing what you truly mean to me.”
She waved her hand, “Sure, Lando.”
She moved away from his cornering, taking steps toward the door before Lando stopped her, “Don’t tell me I don’t love you.”
”I’m going to. I won’t give up the first guy to genuinely show me I mean something deeply to him for someone else who just apparently figured out they loved me after years of spending time together.” She continued by confirming his deepest fears, “You’re not reliable. You can't always be there when I need you to. That’s fine. I understand, but I’m not going to put myself in a spot to get hurt for you.”
He pleaded with her, “Why can’t you just give me a chance?”
”It’s not worth it, Lando.” She stared at him, “Let me be happy.”
”You can be happy with me.”
She shook her head, “Everything looks clearer in the morning, including your feelings for me.”
”What does that even mean?” He questioned, her form retreating to the door and practically screaming at him to let her go.
She sighed, “I’m sure you’re just tired. I’m sure you don’t mean any of this. How could you? Lando, you could get anyone. I’m not the girl you choose.”
Tears falling harder, he exhaled a quick breath, “You are the girl I choose!”
”And how long until I’m not?”
A silence followed, one that gave her enough time to open the door and leave. What was supposed to be the start of a new chapter for her turned into a reference to a past one.
The past chapter in her life where she loved Lando just as he described to her seconds before and a chapter where she convinced herself he would never feel the same. Still, she believed he never would. That what he had said to her was an episode, some dream he was sleep-talking in.
Lando would never pick her in the long run.
Even when he said he would.
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dokifluffs · 10 months
Early Birds | Akaashi Keiji
Pairing: Akaashi X Reader (female)
Genre: Cute high school fluff
Author's Note: I am beyond rusty; forgive me ;-; edit for after writing: IM SO BAD KAJSHD🧎‍♀️
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The streets were empty except for the occasional elderly person taking a morning stroll
Your body was warm but the crisp air crept through your jacket and the tights under your skirt
the cold chill woke you up a bit more on your morning commute to school - always early when the sun was just barely peeking over the horizon in the distance
it was peaceful and quiet
it was the only time you could think and be in your own little bubble
home was cozy but too rambunctious with your three younger brothers and your parents scrambling to get them up and to school
so you always left right when the chaos was beginning
and you were always early before most of the student body
winters were always brutal, especially for you
it felt no matter how much you layered on, the coldness still found a way in
the school came into view and grew bigger and bigger as you got closer and closer
snow crunched under your steps
the wind howled, blowing some loose snow from all around the campus into the school entrance as the door closed behind you
you changed your shoes and took off your coats and winter outerwear you wouldn't need in class
but you kept your pocket warmer knowing your hands would probably freeze off without them
school always felt like a whole different world before the rest of the students came in
it made you feel like a ghost roaming or haunting the schools
you slid the door open to your class, a faint warmth greeting you as you stepped in and closed it behind you
it was always warm around the center of the classroom but your seat was right by the window where the cold always crept in, right in the back too
in the springtime, the view was always breathtaking
but the view in winter was... still somewhat warm
the seats in class were sat in pairs and with the luck of the gods, you were sat beside akaashi, your boyfriend
you folded your arms, one hand holding your pocket warmer
your sweater sleeve was fuzzy against your face but comfy
it was either you laid on your arms or the cold wooden table
there was still quite some time before the rest of the school came
this was always your favorite time to take a quick little nap before the school chaos started
You watched the class, your eyes wandering all over the place, seeing all the things you've seen already every morning, but there was always at least one little thing you noticed was new
the classroom slowly began disappearing in your vision until it was completely gone
Akaashi stifled a yawn as he walked down the hall, waking a little too early this morning from having fallen asleep earlier than usual last night
but at least now he could sit in class and read and study ahead for the finals
he slid open the door, letting out yet another yawn, the cool metal on his hand and a warm little gust welcoming him in
He walked in and made his way over to his seat in a few strides
your hair was sprawled out over your desk and a little over his too
"y/n?" he was quiet as he carefully pulled out his seat from beside you, and took his seat
you stirred just a little, pulling your hand closer to your face but stayed asleep
"What's that?" he peeked at your hand, loosely holding onto a pocket warmer
he carefully placed his finger on it but as he suspected, just as he felt it coming from the windows, it was cold
He knew you always had pocket warmers, bringing one on a daily but it was at least warm when class started
you were always cold and shivering yet the teacher never did anything or moved any seats around
Akaashi took off his blazer and draped it around you to keep you warm
he knew you were always pretty timid so it would be rare for you to confront the teacher sternly
you mainly kept to yourself, you weren't the best at speaking but you always seemed comfortable around him and only him in class
you two even slid little notes back and forth every now and then
but it was true
you were so cute to him
you weren't the biggest fan of speaking or asking for help when you needed it but akaashi was nice enough to care and always noticed when you were struggling
he always helped you whenever and wherever you were on schoolwork
over some time, you slowly began to wake up but somehow, you weren't entirely freezing, mostly your legs
"You awake?" Akaashi tilted his head to see your slow blinking eyes, your head lifting up with a subtle confused look on your face
you felt something hanging on you but most importantly
Akaashi was already here - much earlier than normal
"Mmhm.." you rubbed your eyes
you realized the hanging thing on you was his blazer. You began to take it off of you when he stopped you
"you can keep wearing it. I know you're cold."
"Are you sure? Aren't you cold?" you hugged it closer, letting the warmth and subtle smell waft over you
"I'm okay, you need it more than I do." He patted your head but not messing up your hair
he knew you came early but was it really this early?
"Do you always come so early?"
"mhm," you nuzzled into his hand more. "I like how quiet it is.."
You rest your head back down, now wearing your arms through his blazer sleeves
"Well, I'll start coming early too." He mirrored you, leaning forward to rest his head onto his folded arms
"Why?" you brought his sleeve up to your mouth
"Because you're here. And I need to keep you warm." he leaned in close, pressing his warm forehead to yours.
"See? Even your forehead is cold. What'll I do if you get sick?" He put his hand on your forehead and you melted
he was so warm
"You feel so nice~"
He leaned close as you took in the nice feeling of his warm hand and went for it
he gave you a kiss on your lips, catching you off guard
as different as he seemed while playing or with Bokuto, you were the only one to see Akaashi's heart
he was the warmest view every winter
"I love you," he smiled, pressing another little kiss to your warm, rosy cheek
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
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dollydaisies · 8 months
Can I pls request a BTS reaction? They have a crush on their friend who is not a celebrity, so they can't confess to her because of their reputation/job, but they are really close. One day someone from their company revealed a sensitive information about them. So, the members and the company accused her of it because they thought that she was only with them to become famous. They didn't believe her and also told her many hurtful things. But later it was revealed that it was not her but someone else and she was telling the truth. Later they try to reconcile with her and asks her to forgive them but it was too late. Can you please write it as angst?
If it's too specific for you, you don't have to write it. Thank you anyways ☺️☺️
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my first ask! thank you so much for sending this! my bts skills may be a tad bit rusty, so i'm sorry if this isn't up to par with your expectations. im doing allll the research i can! some things may be changed up a bit, but i'm trying to stick to your prompt the best that i can!
summary: forbidden love hurts, and it sometimes builds up frustration inside you, which then turns into flipping out on the person you love nonsensically solely because you're overwhelmed. they had to learn to think before they act, and, now, they're suffering from the consequences of their actions.
characters: just to test the waters and see if you like what i'm doing, i am only doing kim namjoon. if you like this, i will continue with the other members i’m comfortable writing! please tell me if i did well or was a lil' off. i'll always take constructive criticism:)
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kim namjoon never meant to hurt anyone, but he especially made sure that he would not hurt you. he cares about you so much, to the point where seeing you even slightly sad could mess up his whole day.
you're bts's songwriter and producer, but also their friend. when they make plans, they want to include you, always. even if they go to the beach for a run bts episode, they want YOU to be there after the cameras are off. of course, every single member of the group wants you to be around, but namjoon insists on it. you're his safe place, the person he confides in when times get hard--why wouldn't he want you there?
"are you sure you don't want to come with us on this tour?" namjoon looks at you with full passion in his eyes. he wants you to come with them, even if he won't directly say it. "you know that we will always want you to come with, right?"
that little "we" always gets you every time. sure, you know that it's true, and so does he, but that's not what you want to hear and that's not what he wants to say. you want to hear him say "i want you to come with," but it feels like he refuses to say it. he's only not saying it because it'll make his feelings too real, and he can't deal with the reality that you can never be his.
"ah, i know, joonie... but i need to work on the ideas you all gave me for this next album. it's the final one before you all go on hiatus, so i can't take a break," you respond, playing with your bowl of ramen without eating it. you're the only two in the kitchen, and it's quiet. "i'd love to go, but i just can't afford to right now. you know i'm short on money."
namjoon sighs, but nods. "i understand. it's just gonna be hard to be on tour without you."
you send him a sweet smile, then giggle softly. "you're such a baby, did you know that?"
"it's our little secret, keep it hush."
that wasn't the secret that destroyed everything you've built with him over the past decade, but it was more of a foreshadow. you felt excited at the idea of having a secret with him, but also dread--this is silly, though. you guys have thousands of secrets. you're best friends, and you always have been, so why is your gut telling you to fight or fly?
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around a week later, dispatch reports on news that namjoon has never told a soul about--except for you. the moment his brain processes the information told to him by the higher-ups, he immediately gets up from his seat and marches to your usual spot that you linger in.
"get out."
your face is full of pure confusion, a bit like a deer in headlights. sure, you've had your arguments and fights before, but he has never been this harsh off the bat--hell, he was rarely ever truly harsh.
the way his eyes look at you with pure disgust, and the sarcastic laugh he lets out... it feels like you don't know who's standing in front of you. yeah, it's namjoon, but... it's also not.
"i knew you were desperate for money, y/n, but i didn't think you'd be this desperate. if i knew you were like this, i would've fired you sooner."
"namjoon, what the hell are you talking about?" you stand up from your seat, yelling at him a bit. it's obvious you aren't even mad, you're just a mix of confused, scared, and worried.
"you know what i'm talking about, y/n. hell, the rest of the world does as well, since you decided to go to dispatch about it."
he holds up his phone so you can look at the site he pulled up. you scrolled and scrolled in pure shock, confusion, and disgust. "i... namjoon, i did not rat you out to anyone. why would i?"
"people like you only care about money. figure it out, and get out of this dorm."
absolutely stunned, you walk to the door in complete silence, then turn around. he looks a bit lost in thought, then he finally sees you. you, whose eyes are full of tears; you, whose cheeks are red due to how panicked you got from him yelling; and you, who refused to yell at him back even when he disrespected you.
while he was so sure he was right, a pit in his stomach grew larger. he feels like he’s doing something bad, something wrong, and he doesn’t know why.
"i just want to say," you pause for a second, then continued. "if this is the real you, kim namjoon, maybe i should've been the one to expose you after all."
you slam the door.
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months have passed, and you work at a local music store. sure, you write songs still, but they're not for anyone else except you. you refused to talk to all of them, talk about all of them, or even think about any of them. in your mind, bts disbanded the second he broke your heart, and your trust. truthfully, it’s unfair, as all the other members have texted you so many times and begged for a response, but you can’t think of them without thinking of him.
the store is completely empty, so you're scrolling through every single social media app you have downloaded brainlessly. the words you're reading are not completely processing in your head at all, they kinda just look like funky shapes.
one title, though, caught your attention.
"kim namjoon talks about trust, compassion, and friendship in recent SEVENTEEN interview."
your jaw clenches, and you slam your phone down. your tears are threatening to come out, but you refuse to let yourself still be hurt by him. he doesn't deserve your time, your tears, your anything. that's, at least, what you keep trying to convince yourself of, anyways.
the bell at the door rings, and you try to regain your composure. you
"welcome to good vibes, home to all of the--"
you freeze. you don't know what to do, what to say, or how to even move. are you supposed to say anything? it's not like he’s saying anything—hell, he has a mask over his face and a hood on his head, but you KNOW it’s him. now, he’s just staring at you blankly. you’re wearing a mask, so maybe there’s a chance—
“y/n,” namjoon softly says your name, and your heart pangs against your chest. it’s a mix of heartbreak, anxiety, and all the leftover love you have for him. “i was looking for you.”
you’re so nervous, you could burst into tears. you want to hop over your desk and run into his arms and tell him how much you miss him, but also how much you hate him for hurting you so much. why do you still love a man that said such unforgivable words?
“why?” your words were a bit breathy, and you began to chuckle a bit while shaking your head. “there’s nothing left to say—unless, y’know, you’re gonna tell me all i care about is money again because i have a job.”
“i’m sorry,” namjoon sighs, then walks to you. the desk separates you, but you wish you could fall into his arms. you keep your composure all the same, though.
“that day, i was so stressed. it felt as if so many things were happening at once, and to know that a secret that i only told you got out… i felt so much betrayal all at once, i didn’t want to hear you out. if i’m being completely vulnerable, i wanted to go cry,” he let out a small chuckle.
looking at you, your face was completely unreadable. it’s like you were thinking of so many things, but also of nothing at the same time. was he doing well? he doesn’t know. he’s just going with what he feels in his heart.
“in my heart, i knew i should’ve ran back to you and apologized; in my heart, i knew i should’ve heard every single word you said, because you would never lie to me,” namjoon balls his hands into a fists, then looks at you in the eyes, “so i’m sorry it took so long for me to realize that i was wrong.”
the store was tense, and all you could hear is the music playing so softly in the background as you stare at him. he’s trying to read your expression, to see if there’s any bit of leftover love in your eyes, but it just feels cold.
after a minute, you begin to laugh. it’s a full laughing attack, actually, and namjoon just stares. his heart dropped to the bottom of his stomach, because he’s not stupid—he knows this means he’s fucked up.
“what, did you think was a kdrama, namjoon? did you think i was going to hear that apology, jump into your arms, and say, ‘oppa, never hurt me ever again!’ or something?” you say these words while still laughing, and namjoon is still stunned. “what happened for you to come up here and say this to me? based on your new change in personality with… hating poor people and all, i can’t imagine you just woke up one day and did it.”
“we found who actually did it. it was our stylist, sooyoung.”
“so that’s what it took for you to finally realize i was innocent? instead of thinking back ro everything you said to me and how hurt i was, it took them finding out the real person behind the crime for you to realize i was telling the truth?”
you slam your hand on the desk, and your body is trembling. you’re on an adrenaline rush, but you’re also sad, scared, and angry. namjoon notices this and places his hand on yours, like he always used to.
“y/n, you’re shaking, please ca—“
“i don’t give a fuck, namjoon,” you yell, and namjoon is completely frozen. “i’ve known you since you were a trainee, and, yet, you still thought that i was some… freaky gold digger that would sell her friends out for money. do you know how much that hurts? to know that you think i have the potential to be like that?”
namjoon’s eyes begin to tear up, while your eyes have already overflown. your cheeks are entirely red, and you let out a choked sob. your head drops, and you let out a dry chuckle.
“for over a decade, i have been nothing but loyal and true to you; yet, it takes a full-blown investigation for you to realize how you did me wrong,” you then look up at him with no sympathy in your body. “it’s my turn to tell you to get out, namjoon. and, for your sake, never come back. i never want to see you again.”
he hesitates to walk away, and you’re staring at him, emotionless.
“what, are you deaf? get out.”
namjoon finally leaves, walking quickly towards his car, and you fall to your knees. you’re on the cold floor, shaking and crying, as you realize your life will never be the same ever again.
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wzrd-wheezes · 9 months
Cat and Mouse - Rockstar!Sirius x Reader Smut
AN - hello! this is the first fic im posting in a little while and what better way to come back than with some sirius smut. I'm a little rusty so please forgive me <3
Includes: cocky, arrogant, somewhat toxic sirius. swearing. unprotected sex. choking. slight degradation and just other general filth.
1.2k words.
smut starts under the cut.
“I knew you’d come tonight.” Sirius drawled, shit-eating grin plastered on his face. He handed his guitar to one of the roadies, his skin glistening with sweat from the bright stage lights and made his way over to her. 
“Didn’t have anything better to do.” Y/N said drily, her arms folded over her chest. She purposely tried not to look at him, letting her gaze drift to his bandmates who were packing away the rest of their equipment.  
“Seems like you never have anything better to do,” Sirius taunted, leaning over and smirking at her, “you know, with the number of times that you tell me you’re not coming to see me again, yet every time I play you conveniently have ‘nothing better to do’.”  
“Yet you always put my name on the guestlist.” 
“Because I enjoy this little game we play. The one where you pretend that you’re not bothered about me even though we both know that you are.” 
“I’m the one that’s bothered?” Y/N scoffed, “You’re the one that I get fifteen missed calls off when I don’t show up to your gigs. You’re the one that writes songs about me when I’m not even your girlfriend. But I’m the one that’s bothered?” 
 "You're the one who always shows up at these gigs only to see me and then make out like you don’t care about me." he shot back. "You love the attention I give you. You love the fact that I write about you.” Sirius laughed. 
“You’re a narcissist. You like the fact that I have feelings for you, that I care enough to show up to your concerts.” she spat. 
“Ah, but you love it.” He said, his town teasing as he leaned closer towards her, “I know you do.” 
As if to prove his point, he leaned forward and place one hand gently under her chin, forcing her eyes up towards him. Then, ever so gently, brushed her lips with his, letting the barest hint of a kiss touch her before letting his hand drop.  
Sirius was clearly enjoying himself and it was clear to Y/N that he was just trying to get under her skin. She glared back at him, angry at him for mocking her but at the same time wanting him badly. It was a feeling that both of them had struggled with for a while now, through months of hooking up yet never actually committing to each other.  
He was relentless, always trying his hardest to catch her off guard. All the times when she had resolved to ignore him, he would find a way to worm his way inside her thoughts. If not by words then by gestures; the way his arm would snake round her waist, the way he would rest his hand on her thigh when they were sitting together, the way he would have her pressed against the wall in the quickest flash if he wanted to.  
“We both know why I’m here so why don’t we just cut the bullshit.” Y/N said, deadpan. 
“Because you’re in love with me?”  
“Because you’re a good fuck, Black.” 
Sirius groaned, the air was thick with the tension that had been building between them. A smug smirk plastered itself across his face.  
“And there it is.” he said, looking her up and down, his eyes roaming over her body and then back up to her lips, “I thought we were going to dance around the inevitable for the rest of the night.” 
Sirius grabbed her by the wrist, yanking him towards his dressing room. A boot-clad foot kicked the door open before swiftly pulling her inside and knocking it shut behind him. 
“There’s no fun in being coy with you, sweetheart,” his eyes still locked on her lips, “I’m aware of how this goes. You come to see me, and you pretend you hate me while I try my hardest to get under your skin. Then inevitably, we both get tired of playing this game and you finally let me fuck you like you’ve been longing for all night.” 
He had her pinned against the door now, one of his hands resting just above her head, bracing himself as he towered over her. He smirked, running his fingers down her neck. He loved it when they were like this, how they would both pretend to not be absolutely crazy with desire for each other. It was exciting. A game of cat and mouse that had been going on for far too long.  
His long, slender fingers wrapped around her throat, the cool metal of his rings pressing against her skin. He tightened his grip ever so slightly, enjoying the soft gasp that escaped her lips.  
“You look so pretty like this.” he said, his voice low, “So pretty with my hand around your neck.” 
He dipped his head down, catching her lips in his, teeth clashing together as he roughly kissed her. He groaned into her mouth, his tongue slipping inside, their kisses becoming messy. His hands found the back of her thighs, lifting her up so that her legs wrapped around his waist.  
Hastily, he carried her over to the dressing table, putting her down on top of it, her back resting against the mirror. Y/N quickly removed her shirt, Sirius unbuttoning and sliding off her trousers as she did. He dragged her to the edge of the table, roughly spreading her legs.  
“You know you love this, don't you?” he teased, his breath hot and heavy as it fanned over her face, “You love that you’re mine.” 
Sirius’s hands were rough and unrelenting, he was unable to hold himself back, the pair of them far too eager to take it any slower.  
“Stop teasing and just fuck me already.” Y/N said, already breathless.  
Wordlessly, he shoved his jeans down, letting them hang low on his hips. He wasted no time, quickly lining himself up with her, plunging in without given her a second to adjust. A ragged moan escaped her lips, earning a smile from Sirius.  
“I’m the only one that gets to make you make those pretty noises,” he grunted, his hips snapping against hers, “No one can fuck you better than I can, can they?” 
Unable to form a coherent response, she just shook her head, her eyes screwed shut in pleasure. 
“Answer me properly.” 
“N-no.” she gasped, “No one fucks me better than you.” 
That was all the fuel he needed to keep going. He grabbed her forcefully, repositioning her so that she was bent over on the dressing table with him behind her. 
“Want you to look at yourself in the mirror,” he ordered, “Want you to see how desperate and needy you are for me, how good I make you feel.”  
His fingers wove into her hair, adjusting her head so that she had no choice but to stare at their reflection. It was like a high for him, watching her stare at herself in the mirror, taking in her bruised lips and smudged makeup. 
Sirius slammed into her, his grunts mixing with her moans as he chased his own release. He felt her clench around him and he stared thrusting harder, deeper.  
“That’s it. Look at yourself as you cum for me.” he encouraged, “such a little slut for me.” 
Y/N came with a loud moan, her body going slack. Sirius held her up against him as his thrusts got sloppy, his own orgasm quickly approaching. He groaned as he came inside her, panting as he pulled out.  
“So, when’s your next gig?”  
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You're Different
Synopsis: Ever since Crosshair made a snide comment about leaving a team member to die, you've had a lingering thought. Even though you knew he loved you, doubts rose.
Okay Again
Synopsis: After spending months on Pabu recouping from the empire, Shep gets under your skin. You blow up at the unfair treatment, and Crosshair helps you calm down.
Synopsis: You reminisce on the first time Crosshair fought against you and his brothers. He thought you'd never forgive him, but he is surprised when you reunite.
Dog Days
Synopsis: You met Crosshair while he was taking Batcher for a walk. Passing your house quickly became a daily task you all looked forward to. Is it wrong to say you caught feelings for him? And was Crosshair really jealous of the attention you gave Batcher?
CX-2 (Clone Assassin)
Does the End Justify the Means?
Synopsis: CX-2 never planned on forming a relationship, but once he did he had to protect it. Even if it meant killing hundreds to keep you away from Hemlock. MENTIONS OF BURNS AND TORTURE!!
Confessions on the Marauder
Synopsis: You and Echo finally have a moment alone on the Marauder. Of course the pressure gets to one of you, and confesses.
Worst Case Scenario
Synopsis: After an ambush from the Empire, you, Echo, and Omega must escape by yourselves. Hunter and Wrecker sacrifice themselves to let you three live. Based on Season 2, Ep. 16
One Day
Synopsis: Echo is, understandably, not taking Techs death well. Comfort ensues!
Knight in Rusty Armour
Synopsis: After a bad run-in at a market, Hunter has to save you and Omega. You can't help but feel like a failure for not being able to protect Omega by yourself...
Marry Me?
Synopsis: After an insufferable separation from you, Hunter realizes his true feelings. That he never wants to be apart from you- that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
Wedding Planning
Synopsis: Now that Hunter has popped the question, you and Omega start planning the wedding! Little do you know, Hunter overhears and falls a little more in love. Part 2 to 'Marry Me?'
Something Just Like This
Synopsis: After getting your happy ending, you spend some needed down time with Hunter. Oh, and your two kids! This is a part 3 to 'Marry Me?' (Could be read by itself)
I Will Protect You
Synopsis: As a defective Jedi you are reassigned to The Bad Batch. How can you resist Hunter? Especially when he confesses after seeing how good you are with Omega.
Calming Waves
Synopsis: After finding out Omega has been taken for the third time, you and Hunter must comfort each other. Set at the end of s.3 ep.11
Moment of Peace
Synopsis: Hunter relaxes after a hard work day on Pabu, only to be interrupted by Gonky and reader. Fluff ensues!
Absurd Thoughts
Synopsis: During a regrettable moment of insecurity, you think Tech considers going off with Phee. Assurance pursues, Tech only wants you.
Familiar Faces
Synopsis: Tech's death was not a reality you were ready for, you relied so much on his love. After months of grief, you find he might not actually be dead.
Synopsis: You and Tech have a moment alone on The Marauder. What better way to spend it than reading! Accompanied by Tech on his datapad, of course.
By Your Side
Synopsis: During an escape from the Empire, you break your arm. Tech is quick to be at your side, fixing you up. At the intensity of the situation, feelings are revealed. Warning for descriptions of broken bones!
Synopsis: Wrecker always goes to reader for help with his constant headaches. Based on S 1, Ep 5-7 when Wreckers inhibitor chip was giving him bad headaches!
Back Home
Synopsis: After searching for months, Wrecker is finally reunited with you. You couldn't be happier.
Bundle of Joy
Synopsis: Wrecker is scared he might hurt your newborn baby. You reassure him he won't, and that he is a good father. Warning for descriptions of birth!
Wreckers sees your performance as an acrobat and immediately falls in love!
Clone Force 99 (platonic)
Winning Approval
Synopsis: You felt as if you were living a purpose-less life, so when Hunter asks you to join his crew, you say yes! Not everyone on the force is as happy though... Takes place during and after Season 1, Ep. 2.
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Brandon Stark
Following You to the Ends of the Earth
Synopsis: Your time with Bran, Meera, and Hodor in the Three-Eyed Raven's cave. Unsaid feelings become said.
Part Two.
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'Fake' Feelings
Synopsis: In a pinch, you have to pretend to be in a relationship with Zuko. Little do you know it was never pretend for Zuko.
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CREDITS: @thethreeeyed-raven
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neoflect · 5 months
sharing some of my disorganized jojo musical thoughts now that ive had a week to sit on it and ive rewatched it several times over. i intended to wait to publish something like this until a subtitled version was available, but im not seeing any indication that thats happening any time soon so for now youll have to deal with my loose interpretations from my extremely rudimentary and rusty japanese… so take what i have to say about the finer points of characterization with a grain of salt. gratuitous spoilers below obviously, both for the original source material and the changes made in the stage production
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my feelings are OVERWHELMINGLY positive. of course there are things i can criticize or that i would have personally done differently but oh man… i have literally not thought about anything besides this fucking show for a week. im 100% confident in saying this is a better adaptation of the source material than the tv anime. sorry to the davidpro staff, i respect their hard work and their love for jojo and their dedication to what is by any metric a pretty difficult property to adapt off of the page, but i dont know if i can ever forgive them for leaving half of the first episode’s storyboard on the cutting room floor in order to fit a standard half-hour tv slot, especially considering that what they cut is some of the really crucial character-building stuff. happily those scenes are not only reproduced in the stage version, some of them are expanded upon!
with the quick disclaimer that i’ve only managed to get my hands on the final 4/14 performance with shotaro arisawa and yoshihisa higashiyama, from what i’ve seen the casting is perfect. i’m sure there’s a rip of the 4/13 performance somewhere (i’ve seen clips) but i haven’t been able to find one… every single performer knocks it out of the fucking park, the cast chemistry is incredible and even the minor characters are loaded with charisma. and mamoru miyano… my god… mamoru miyano i owe you an apology. i was not familiar with your game. of course hes been killing it for decades at this point but i had soured on him a little bit recently because i felt like he was overcast in everything and i just didnt connect with his dnt reinhard at all, so when the casting was initially announced back in august i was underwhelmed, and of course my standards for the dio role in particular were astronomically high… i’ll go more into detail later in the post because i have so so many things to say about dio’s characterization here but mamoru miyano’s performance is like, life-changing. i had impossible expectations and he exceeded them.
sorry if im gushing. i am a hater by nature. its unusual for me to be so thoroughly pleased with something. im not even a musical theater guy. these are strange new feelings for me.
just to balance things out i’ll talk about a couple of the things that didn’t really work for me: first of all, the music is just ok. my initial draft of this post called the music “bad” but three additional viewings later i have warmed up to some of the songs. i don’t know if this is a shortcoming by dove attia as the composer or if it’s just me, as i said i’m not a musical guy and a lot of the genre conventions of musical theatre are not really the things i look for in music that i enjoy, but like… even at their worst they are serviceable. nothing here is sonically unpleasant to me. high points are “resolve of the ripple” (zeppeli’s hamon training song, a jazzy swing number - it’s simply catchy and fun to listen to) and the closer “phantom blood” (a sweeping ballad that reprises the earlier “light and darkness”/”golden spirit” leitmotifs into an epic duet between jonathan and dio as they join hands and walk off into the darkness together… made me cry! i wont lie! on every single one of my numerous viewings this one got me misty eyed!)
wait i forgot this is supposed to be the part where i’m being critical. ok my most loathed song in the musical is “dio’s world”. sorry dio nation. it doesn’t really work for me. i think this might be a case of my standards/expectations being too impossibly high because it’s not even really the worst song in the whole thing. and of course miyano eats it up so it’s not really his fault. i just find it kind of underwhelming… i find the melody a little grating, it’s kind of just a generic rock number, it’s just missing a particular je ne sais quoi…. the essence of dio isn’t there… lyrically though i am obsessed with the premise of dio recruiting his minions by selling himself as a kind of social revolutionary who is upending and inverting the brutal hierarchy of post-industrial victorian society with zombie blood magic. you win some you lose some.
the second sticking point for me is the costumes. they’re perfectly serviceable… adequate… but i mean when it comes to jojo “serviceable” and “adequate” costume design obviously falls well below what’s expected, right? a lot of the outfits have kind of a boxy, almost flat-looking kind of unflattering fit on the actors, which if i wanted to be generous i could attribute to the challenge of bridging the gap between these frail slender musical theater twinks and the two-meter-tall 250lb roided-out beefcakes theyre meant to be embodying. (bearing this discrepancy in mind a lot of the insane martial arts stuff in the second act doesn’t really land with the oomph that it should, but i also understand logistically why this kind of casting is not practical, and all things considered i think shotaro arisawa does a really incredible job of embodying jonathan joestar even though he kind of looks like i could snap him in half over my knee like a twig. he’s very cute. so i’m not mad about it.) of course, again, logistically, i understand that in a stage musical production, where actors only have minutes to complete costume changes, some sacrifices have to be made to the creative vision in the name of practicality. nevertheless this is jojos bizarre adventure!! i want to see some fucking baubles!!!!!!
which is all to say that… after carefully considering it for some weeks… i still have extremely mixed feelings about dio’s grink ass feather bathrobe look. it’s not that i dont think its something he could wear (the concept of dio lounging around in his gothic vampire palace doing re-animator style body horror experiments on the local wildlife in this “officer i have no idea what happened to my husband”-ass nightgown is nothing short of hysterical to me) but then he wears it into combat and i felt a little disappointed… it has the same unflattering fit issue as the other outfits in the show, and it is just such an un-araki-like design… where are the gaudy color combinations? the bizarre geometric patterns? the tease of an exposed boob/thigh/midriff? erina gets a stage-original dress design that i have fewer issues with because the excessive pleats and ruffles have more of an araki-esque sensibility, but every time i look at dio’s robe it feels like there’s something missing.  i’m going to choose to be nice about it because it’s not at all a deal breaker and, again, mamoru miyano devours the look. it’s fine. it’s always fun to have a new dio outfit. if anything, the fact that the blu-rays are being marketed as “2024 cast version” gives me hope for the possibility of a future production with a new vision for the costume design. (although the fact that this was such a difficult production - with stunts and pyrotechnics and moving setpieces - that its entire first week was cancelled indicates to me that the prospects for a future production from a different company are impossibly slim. i guess there’s always hope?)
in terms of the writing and the changes that were made from the original narrative, honestly i don’t really have an issue with anything that was cut. sorry if there are any diehard stans of Poco’s Unnamed Sister out there who are steamed that their favorite minor late phantom blood character got the axe, i kind of understand how you feel because i’ve been malding over david pro cutting the Danny Lore for eleven years, but i think it was the right choice and the story flows so much better. the real juicy meat at the core of phantom blood as a narrative and the thing that brings it head and shoulders above so much of the rest of jjba is the character-driven drama - that deliciously pulpy victorian gothic family tragedy - and the relationship between jonathan and dio. the musical beefs up the character drama and slims down the action-driven second half by trimming out the extraneous battles. the only real downside i see to this is that the absence of tompetty and his prophecy makes zeppeli’s arc and death feel INSANELY abrupt, but tbf that’s not a deal breaker for me. sorry zeppeli. you were born to die.
okay. okay. i think 1500 words into the post is enough fucking around so let’s talk about the real reason why you and i both know we’re here
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musical dio is SO fucking sad. he’s positively wretched, you guys. he was born in a wet cardboard box all alone and forced to eat cement when he was six. he cries even more than he does in the source material and even when he’s not crying he frequently delivers his lines as though he is moments away from bursting into tears. back when the musical first opened i was snooping on the reactions on jpn twitter and one commenter said they could see miyano’s tears and snot from the nosebleeds even without opera glasses, a remark i initially assumed was hyperbole but that i now think probably was not. araki’s dio is certainly tortured and a deeply pathetic crybaby beneath all the cruelty and posturing, but changes in the musical and miyano’s embodiment of the character bring this pathos to the fore. he is literally haunted: dario’s ghost lingers, a manifestation of all of dio’s traumas and insecurities that emerges from the recesses of his memory to taunt him with the reminder that he will always be his father’s son, all the way up until the very minute that jonathan breaks down the door to his vampire lair. i am OBSESSED with this - not only for the obvious reason that i delight in dio’s suffering personally but also because kong kuwata is a delight and he fucking kills it every time. also lends itself to a category 10 leitmotif moment at the top of the second act when dio emerges from the charred ruins of the joestar estate singing dario’s theme and calling out to jonathan - if i had to pinpoint this is probably the moment when this musical stuck for me as the Real Deal. they Get It.
the first solo number in the show is dio’s disney princess I Want song (amazingly, simply titled “dio”) where he weeps for his late mother and his wretched lot in life, and then - in a creative decision that made me clap my hands and hoot and holler at my screen in real life - there is a reprise of this number (delivered, naturally, through tears) when dio is almost arrested for murder and decides to become a vampire instead. so there’s this amazing hopeful uplifting inspirational orchestral music accompanying the onstage action of dio ruthlessly slaying jonathan’s dad and then getting pumped full of lead by a bunch of cops. it is brilliant. 10/10 no notes. it’s moments like this that i think really sell the “softening” of dio in the stage version for me, even though i am historically Not A Fan of fanworks that take a similar angle - like, yes, he is sad, but specifically he is narcissistically obsessed with the spectacle of his own suffering, he is boiling over with bitterness and rage for everyone around him who (by his own estimation) could never hope to have suffered as much as he has. this sensitivity and self-pity he wallows in are not expressions of a guilty conscience or a desire to change - they’re entirely the opposite - every cruel and monstrous deed dio commits is always justified to himself because he is simply the saddest little boy who has ever existed. he has been done wrong by the world and so there is no limit to the depravity he may reasonably respond with. i’ve seen several commenters describe this as a drastically different interpretation of the character from araki’s dio (and someone told me on twitter that mamoru miyano himself has also said this, but i cba to go digging for an actual source so take it with a grain of salt?), but i… dont think thats the case! dio’s obsession with his own weakness and his self-perception as the eternal underdog (as compared to jonathan) are certainly more exaggerated in miyano’s performance, but i don’t think this is an angle to the character that’s been manufactured out of whole cloth. the genre conventions of the stage musical force the melodrama up to eleven and dio’s incredibly repressed angst is the most rich vein to mine for that. hair-trigger sadist dio is still here, it’s the same guy, he’s still killing people mercilessly, you’re just getting to see him sing a big ballad about his feelings instead of confining those to an internal monologue.
if anything, the exaggeration of dio’s pathetic/cowardly/crybaby traits combined with his megalomaniacal aspirations and bottomless well of cruelty is just right. it’s perfect. fucking around, finding out, and then trying to weasel his way out of the consequences with crocodile tears just so you don’t see him drawing his knife to cut you clean open… yeah. thats the stuff. thats my one true blorbo. sad to say i will love him for ten thousand years.
i think that might be all i have to say… or at least all i feel like saying here… most likely ill come back and edit this post later. i certainly have some additional thoughts and some more esoteric/controversial takes but they’re not suited for a public blog. real ones will understand. im keeping my eyes peeled for somebody to translate this thing but to be frank i am kind of enjoying this little corner of fandom as it is right now: just the asians and the true hardcore phantom blood phreaks. i have not had this much fun in jojo fandom in almost a fucking decade. as soon as somebody publishes an english version my timelines going to get flooded with all the most deeply annoying “kono dio da” “speedwagon waifu” reddit guys and 15 year olds and my suffering will proceed. unfortunately this is my lot in life and i am doomed to be here forever because dio put a worm in my brain
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ultimateloserboy · 1 month
hai dhmisers im back do you think the main three are constantly sedated. do you think everything is bright and blurry to them. do you think lights flash in their faces and they dont know what they are and they talk all night but everything is hazy and they dont remember the conversation. do you think they have to fight the urge to stumble over because theyre dizzy and a bit confused but theyre so used to it that theyve gotten good at ignoring it. do you think duck had to ask red guy if he noticed the darkness because their surroundings are already so confusing and blurry that they have to confirm with each other what theyre seeing is what they think it is. do you think duck genuinely cant tell if its a bee or not. do you think yellow guy fell and broke the computer orb because he constantly feels drowsy and dizzy. do you think duck says the pain of his finger being cut or his organs being literally removed doesnt bother him at all because hes so out of it he doesnt register the pain. do you think red guy barely reacts to blood loss because it doesnt feel that different than normal. do you think lesley is also up there zooted out her damn mind and the words she says dont truly mean much because shes loopy as hell. all four of them tripping for eternity because they all have roles to fill and working minds dont make great puppets.
idk this is just how i assume the characters see the world. dizzy and blurry like waking up after a car crash. maybe a little ringing in the ears too. also the stage lights kind of blind them but when they look up its too bright and smudged to understand theres no ceiling. im not sure what or who would be doing this to them (im a firm believer lesley is one of them and not controlling them ive made this very clear through like seven different rants) but idk i just dont think theyd view things clearly i never really thought they would
ive always liked this idea more than the idea of them just seeing a regular house. i feel like thats not whats happening, i think they can see whats there but not fully comprehend or make out all of it. idk its 5am im tired as hell forgive me if im rusty on the dhmis lore and forgot some bullshit cuz knowing becky and joe they probably confirmed 13 years ago in a random lost media facebook post that the puppets see in ps2 graphics and im stupid and wrong rn
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adalwolfgang · 1 year
Can you write about Sinclair brothers and Rusty nail's S/O is an artist but S/O's sketch book all only draw about them.
Thank you and I really really love your any creation or other thing else!! Really thank you and hope you have a wonderful day like you!!💜
Slashers coming across s/o's sketchbook
A/n: Thank you Nina, I love you too!! And again, Im so sorry for taking so long on your reqeust!
Warnings: Jonesy is the queen bee. Bite me. Not proofread.
Credit to @cafekitsune for the banner(s)
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Beaugard (Bo) Sinclair
Bo didn't mean to stumble upon your many drawings.
He was up at the house, trying to tidy up a little (shocker I know) and happened to knock over a stack of books. One of them being your sketchbook. He kneels down, picking up the books but pauses once reaching for yours. After a few seconds of glancing around the room, he grabs it and starts skimming over the many pages.
As he flipped through its pages, he was taken aback by what he saw. Each page was filled with intricate and lifelike drawings of only him. His heart swelled with a mixture of surprise, and a touch of vulnerability. He had never imagined that anyone apart from his brother could make something so beautiful.
Bo's fingers gently traced the lines of his own face in awe, realizing just how deeply you had been observing him. His mind began to race before quickly being interrupted by the sound of the front door being opened. He smirked to himself, keeping his back turned from the door as he kept flipping the pages.
Jonesy came trotting into the room with the wag of her tail, tongue carelessly hanging out. You weren't far behind as she walked up to Bo, giving his leg a short sniff before carrying on toward the basement.
"What'cha doin'?" you quirked a brow as you quickly caught on to him seeming to be hyper focused on whatever it was he was reading. When he turned his body, your book coming into view, your pupils dilate at the realization and embarrassment.
"Ya've really captured my good looks darlin! I never took ya for an' arti-" before he could finish his next sentence, you ran up and tackled his ass to the ground in desperation to get the book back and out of his eyesight. This caused him to laugh as he kept holding the book farther away from the both of you on the ground. After a couple minutes of teasing, he hands your book back, adding one last cherry on top.
"I also seen that ya've been studyin' anatomy~" He immediately got an elbow to the ribs in response.
Lester Sinclair
Had to take a double take.
He was digging under his trucks seat, looking for a toy Jonesy had dropped. He grabs ahold of something, thinking it's the squeaky toy, he yanks his arm out only to raise a brow in confusion when seeing it's only a book. The kind of book people use to draw with. He looks over to Jonesy who was sitting in the passenger seat, waiting patiently for her toy to be returned to her.
"I'll git yer toy in a second, alrigh'? Let me jus' look at this real quick," he sits down in the truck, carefully opening the book. His eyes growing wide when he spots your initials signed into the first page. He looks up at the front door to the house, seeing as the coast was clear, he looks back down at the book, peeling back another page. The first page was just little doodles of Him, Jonesy, and you. He flips another page, this time met with much more detailed sketches. Them being of only him. His eyes stayed glue to the pages as he skims each page with great precision.
"What'cha reading?"
He jumps in his seat when you pop up beside his truck window. The book again falling to the floor. He clears his throat, trying to calm his breathing.
"Erm...Would'ja believe me if I said nothin'?"
You quirked a brow before leaning inside the window and looking at the book on the floor of the truck. A look of embarrassment washes over your face.
"You were looking at my drawings...Weren't you?"
After that, he apologizes profusely, ending with you quickly forgiving him but taking the book back inside with you, deciding it best to keep it somewhere else and not in his truck anymore. As he watched you walk but up the steps into the house, his thoughts were interrupted again. This time by Jonesy barking at him. He turns around to see her still pawing at the seat, wanting her toy.
"Oh shoot! Sorry girl!" he quickly goes back to the task he was doing before, reaching under the seat for the dog toy.
Vincent Sinclair
His face gets so hot from the discovery, he almost thought his body heat melted his mask.
You both were in the basement. He was at his desk, working on another mask mold he had recently got from Bo. You were sat on his bed with Jonesy laying her head on your lap asleep. Currently you were drawing another sketch of Vincent, this time sitting at his desk working on the mask mold. After a few hours, you were almost finished with your drawing. Jonesy had already woken up a few minutes' prior. You were putting on the finally details when she trotted back into the basement, carrying her dog bowl in her mouth. She placed it Infront of the bed, nuzzling it with her snout closer before sitting down and looking up at you. You stare between her and your almost completed sketch before letting out a small chuckle. You set down your book on the bed, picking up the bowl and walking toward the stairs.
"Ima go feed Jonesy, be right back Vinny"
He let out a Mmhh in acknowledgement. When you leave with the dog, he continues working. That doesn't last long though when his focus goes to the open book on his bed. He looks over to the stairs then back to the book. He sits there for a moment before deciding to stand up and walk over to the bed. He pulls the book toward him, looking over the page you were recently drawing on. He's beyond surprised. The talent and detail is admiring to say the least.
By the time you return to the basement with Jonesy, he had already seen every single drawing you had in that book. He had already gone back to his wax mold, trying to keep his focus on something else besides all the thoughts and images in his head from his discovery. His face was almost as warm as the boiler that was a few feet away. You didn't seem to notice though as you went back to your spot on the bed and get right back to sketching.
He ratted himself out later on.
Rusty Nail
Flattered and impressed as hell.
After not getting to see each other for what seemed like a month but was only a week, Rusty finally pulled up to yall's shared home. The only thing on his mind was finally getting to sleep in his own bed with his only and favorite person. Upon walking through the door, he was immediately tackled by your affections.
"Welcome home old man!"
He lets of a rumble of laughter, giving your head a quick peck while wrapping his arms around you to also return the affection.
"Someone missed me eh?"
As you both go to your shared room, Rusty plops down onto his side of the bed as you walked over to your side, grabbing a book off the nightstand.
"I know you're probably exhausted but I want to show you something since I don't have the patience anymore."
You walk back over to his side, taking a seat beside him as you open up the book for him to see. Inside it was sketches you've drawing over the past week of his absence. Even though he was tired, his eyes grew a little surprised as he skimmed over the drawings. It was like looking in a mirror. He traced his hand over some of them, a soft smile spreading gracing his lips.
"These look beautiful sweetheart" he looks up at you with a smile before leaning forward a pressing another kiss to your cheek.
Now every time he leaves for a long drive, he takes a drawing with him and keeps it on his person at all times.
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
The Comeback - Michael 'Riz' Ariza x Reader (feat: EZ Reyes)
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Tagging: @anime-weeb-4-life @danzer8705 @mysoulisasunflower @msjava1972 @adaydreamaway08 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @wakeama @librarian1002 @briefpersonenemy @creativitybeware @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist @purrrrfect @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @withakindheartx
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You don’t sing for a couple of months, at least not publicly. You’re burned out after the tour, run down and tired. Riz sees it in you, he understands the fatigue that comes with what you’ve been through, that it can take a little while to recover. You end up bartending in Jo and EZ’s place a couple of nights per week, it’s been getting busier since they’ve changed things up a little. They do a weekly open mic night and there’s usually a band on the weekends.
Things change when ‘The Freedom Fighters’ cancel at the last minute, because their van ran into a ditch on the way over to the venue and their equipment is submerged in a few feet of water. You overhear the conversation as you put away some of the clean glasses behind the bar. When EZ puts down the phone he gives you a questioning look.
“No pressure.” He says holding up his hands. “I know you’re just getting back on your feet.”
The thing is you kind of want to. You like playing in intimate settings, connecting with a crowd, seeing the moment your music touches them. One of the things you hated the most about being on tour was losing that. The bond between you and the audience just isn’t the same when you’re playing in arenas.
Nobody’s watching when you pick up the guitar, nobody except Riz. He’s been sitting at the bar most of the night chatting you up, the same way he always does when your shifts are a little quiet. You sit down on the stool under the spotlight, your fingers playing over the strings and the attention shifts to the stage.
“I haven’t done this in a while so forgive me if I’m a little rusty.” You speak into the microphone before clearing your throat. “This one’s called Pretty Boy.”
A dark haired lover with amber eyes to kiss me through the night.
He’s got patches on his skin that tell a story, of a thousand lifetimes lived.
I run my fingers over them, and I hope he knows I’m his.
His heart thunders against my chest, my hands in his hair
As he whispers I love you against my lips.
It’s Riz’s song, the one you wrote for him in the middle of the night. You keep your eyes on him as you play and he smiles, that wonderful, captivating grin of his, the one you fall in love with every single time.
You don’t realise how much you’ve missed performing until after your set is finished. There’s an exhilaration in your veins, an excitement you haven’t felt for a longest time.
That night someone in the crowd makes a video, uploading it to a fan page and tagging the bar. You have no knowledge of this because you don’t do social media. During the tour there was a marketing team managing your platforms, you’d never had the log ons. You haven’t seen the messages from fans asking if you’ll be performing again, hoping that you’re ok because you dropped off the face of the earth.
The first you hear of it is when EZ turns up at your place at some god forsaken time in the morning. You’ve barely been awake five minutes and he’s telling you about all of the phone calls he’s getting at the bar asking when you’re doing a repeat performance.
“I don’t understand.” You tell him as Riz sets the big French press between you and EZ, the one you use for guests.
EZ removes his phone from his back pocket before bringing up the bar’s social media pages. All of them are inundated with messages about you.
“You had a huge following when you cancelled the tour.” EZ explains when he shows you the fanpage dedicated to you. It’s full of pictures from your tour, playing the guitar on stage, singing into a microphone, there’s videos of previous performances, snippets of your lyrics made into graphics. “The label never explained what happened, only that they weren’t representing you anymore.”
“That probably adds to the whole thing.” Riz says, his voice still rough from sleep as he rubs his palm across his jaw. “The mystery of why you disappeared from the music scene.”
“It doesn’t hurt.” EZ says, shrugging his shoulders before giving you his full attention. “People want to know of you’re making a comeback. The question is are you?”
Love Riz? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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h4rring1on · 2 years
Could you do something about some of the cheerleaders telling you they saw Eddie cheating on you. Obviously it’s not true but when hellfire members see you crying and you don’t respond to them, they quickly get Eddie, who’s obviously upset as seeing you so upset. But you just keep running away from him and ignoring him, until he finally gets you to talk and asks why you’ve been avoiding him and been so sad. When you tell him he gets you to see that they were lying and just trying to pull the two of you apart because they were bullies, he promises he’d never do anything like that and he loves you and only you
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pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
a/n: hello everyone, i know you guys hate reading these so i’ll make it short, im sorry i haven’t been active now but i’m gonna try coming back! my writing is a little rusty rn so please forgive me if this really sucks
warnings: girls being annoying, hellfire actually being nice in one of my posts for once LMFAO, eddie shocked that you believe some shit like that fr
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you were never really popular, or unpopular for that matter, you were just in that middle zone, but sometimes. just sometimes, some girls would try to get under your skin
you didn’t know that though, your friends did, and told you countless times, but you were too nice to believe some girls would be mean to you
eddie was one of those people too, he told you to stay away from them, and he knew just how nice you were, so he was sure you weren’t going to. but nonetheless, he was always there to get them away since you weren’t going to
until one day, he was going to do a deal with someone, so you were left alone. like a deer between lions and coyotes
the girls were quick to go talk to you
“oh my gosh, i love your outfit!” one of the girls said in a high pitched tone
“really?” you said as you closed your locker door, “thanks!” you smiled
“so um, how are you and that frea—eddie.” another girl said
“we’re good, he’s been really nice to me these days, he’s a really good boyfriend” a smile found its way upon your lips again as you thought of him
the girls looked at each other, and then back to you
“i’m sure the other girl thinks so too…” the girl in the middle said
you froze
“what um, what do you mean?” you said, awkwardly smiling at them to be polite
“the other girl? i saw them the other day! he’s like totally cozying up with another girl! if i were you, i’d leave him!” she exaggeratedly said
you couldn’t smile anymore, what could they mean? was eddie really cheating on you?
“oh” was all you said
“sorry girl” she said in a sorrowful tone, which was really just a mask, but how could you know that?
they walked away, and eddie was seen walking across the hall, trying to get to you, but you were quick to go to class early
eddie furrowed his eyebrows, but didn’t think much of it
until during lunch, he waited for you to come sit with him and his friends, but you never showed
“hey” dustin said and sat with the group, “where’s your girl, eddie?”
everyone widened their eyes at him, as a sign to shut up
eddie abruptly got up and left the cafeteria, he was off looking for you, he hadn’t seen you all day, what the hell was going on? it was like every second he got to see you, you’d run and avoid him
you were hiding nearby the school, tears kept blurring your vision, as you sobbed while rocking yourself back and forth, why would eddie do this? he loved you…right?
hellfire were looking for eddie, until they heard a cry, it sounded pretty alarming, they followed the sound to see you there, curled up in a ball, crying
at first, they thought something had happened to you. you grew very close to them during the time you started dating eddie, so they cared about you a lot now
mike and dustin ran to you, asking if you were okay, but all you did was bring your knees up to your chest and hide your face, not bothering to speak
the others went to get eddie, and they stayed with you, trying to get you to talk, but you wouldn’t utter a single sound
eddie was practically running to get to you, thinking something happened to you, once he got there. he saw you, you were hiding and curling in on yourself, it was clear something was wrong, and it upset eddie.
everyone left, and it was just you and him
“can you look at me, baby?” he softly said, you hesitated at first, but slowly lifted your head up. eddie’s heart ached at the sight of your face so sad, your eyes so puffy, you looked miserable. he would never dream of seeing a sight like this.
“what…what happened, sweetheart?” he said as he held your hands, you looked away, not wanting to talk to him, “please, love. talk to me, i can’t have my girl being upset now can i?”
“then why’d you do it eddie?” you snapped
“how could you do this?” you yelled, “was i not enough? was i so bad that you had to go find someone else to love on? i loved you, why would you—i don’t want to see your face again! i would never do this to you.”
eddie was shocked. where was the sweet girl he fell for? and what was she talking about? but one thing really got to jinx
“loved? you don’t love me anymore?” he said, heartbroken
“how could i love someone who doesn’t love me back?!”
“of course i love you back! i love you so much you can’t even comprehend it!”
“then why’d you cheat on me. i don’t know if you know this eddie but if you love someone you don’t go seek it from someone else”
“wait what?” he was confused now, “cheat on you? i didn’t cheat on you, why would i do that?”
“i’m not an idiot. casey saw you and some girl the other day, im sick of you acting dumb, i’m leaving” you said, you weren’t even sad now, you were just angry, but he pulled on your arm
“casey? you mean casey and her two slaves?” he raised his eyebrows
you were quiet, and he chuckled
“of course, i leave you for one second and they come running” he spoke to himself, and laughed again, “how many times did i tell you that those girls are trying to get to you, baby? i didn’t cheat on you, i would never even try to think about it.” he softly said
you continued looking at him, a sad look on your face
“please believe me, sweetheart” he said, “besides, how could i cheat on a beautiful girl like you?” he smiled, and you couldn’t help but blush
“you really didn’t?” you innocently said
“of course!” he said, and you were quiet for a while, until you smiled and hugged him tight
“there’s my sweet girl” he smirked and kissed your forehead, “trust me baby, i love you more than you could imagine, they’re just bullies. i only love you, sweet thing”
a/n: this sucked bye anyways GUESS WHOS BACK BACK AGAINNNN
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tea-twords · 2 months
ehehehe first fic im writing after what feels like a year or two or a billion. But im actually feeling it rn so im gonna give it a shot. AND PLS FORGIVE ME FOR BAD WRITING IM SO RUSTY RIGHT NOW IM TRYINT TO GET THR HANG OF IT
So a few headcanons I used for this fic before we get into it:
Whenever the Arataki gang is in jail for some stupid as ever thing, Shinobu gets a bit antsy after a while cause she’s the type of person to always need something to do. Not doing anything makes her a bit anxious
Heizou is very good at reading people’s emotions but that’s probably canon enough
Shinobu knows a way to make a functioning bracelet out of like 4 naku weed stems somehow
So um aha no idea how to format so I’ll try my best
And also a warning for some swear words, I also hc Shinobu swears at her ler while getting wrecked
Lee: Kuki Shinobu
Ler: Shikanoin Heizou
God the day Heizou had today was surely a good one.
He returned to the police station after a day of substantial progress on his investigation into a new case to hear what sounded like a chorus of angels (and a few devils) breaking out in song.
Heizou’s immediate thought was “What in Celestia is going on”, as would anyone else think if they were in his current predicament.
He figured out pretty quickly that the culprits for this outcry of song were none other than the one and only Arataki Itto and his buddies, Mamoru, Genta, and Akira. Having been arrested for “disturbing the peace” (having a whole karaoke session right in front of komore tea house and actively inviting any passerby to join them), they decided to take their…passion, for karaoke to their prison cells and somehow managed to get some of the other inmates to sing along.
It was pretty hilarious, to say the least. It took almost all of Heizou’s willpower to not to burst out laughing as his fellow officers attempted to get the situation under control.
“I’ve got to tell Shinobu about this”
So now here he was, walking through hanamizaka, looking for the places Shinobu can commonly be found. Something was off though…
She’s not here.
“That’s troubling…” Heizou thought. “Where could she be, if not here? Definitely not any shrines, maybe at a shop? Or perhaps the by the sea!”
Heizou began to walk in the direction of the shore. It wasn’t the most logical place to look next, but something was telling him he’d get lucky there.
“Hey, Shinobu!”
He called out to the green haired girl sitting in front of the sea next to a maroon drawstring bag. She held her mask to her face, but lowered it once she saw who called out to her.
“Oh, hey.”
“My intuition told me I might find you here. I’ve got to tell you about what happened today at the-…hey are you okay?”
Heizou paused mid sentence after taking a closer look at Shinobu. She was making bracelets out of naku weed and sango pearls, but something was wrong. Her back was unusually straight, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, her movements on the bracelet were sharper than needed, and she was switching sitting positions in the sand like twice a minute. She seemed…bored. Restless. Anxious.
“Yeah, I’m fine, why?”
“I’m here to talk if you need. Somethings wrong.” Heizou said, sitting down next to her.
Shinobu sighed and looked back down at the bracelet she had just finished making.
“Nothing crazy serious, I guess I’ve just been bored. I’ve done all I needed to do today, but the idea of doing nothing is just uncomfortable…It’s weird. I’m always cleaning up after the gang’s messes, but now..”
“You don’t know what to do now since there aren’t any messes to clean.” He finished for her.
“Yeah, pretty much. Gotta keep myself busy.”
“I take it that’s why you’re making bracelets by the sea?”
“I’ve got nothing better to do, so yeah. Just a hobby to pass the time.”
“They’re beautiful.”
Shinobu smiled. She looked back up at Heizou to find him marveling at the one currently in her hand. Little sango pearls were intertwined in a wreath of naku weeds. She’d been wanting to make bracelets with them ever since she picked some up during Boss’s rock and roll event at watatsumi island.
“You want one?”
“Only if there are extras.”
She opened the bag next to her to reveal she had made quite the supply of bracelets already.
“Woah…you’ve been here a while, I see.”
“Heh, yeah. By the sea is a nice place to be.”
“That rhymed.”
“Thank you.”
They sat in silence for a little longer, admiring the coming sunset before Heizou spoke up again.
“I also noticed you aren’t wearing your mask at the moment.”
“I felt like breathing the air by the ocean a little better. It helps when you need calming down. And I don’t have to keep the mask on if it’s just you here, you know who I am.”
“I guess that’s true. Still, it’s not often I get to see you without it.”
“Enjoy it while it lasts.” Shinobu said, already almost done with her next bracelet. “This one is gonna be yours.”
“Ooh, really? It’s an honor to watch the craftsman work.” He said peering excitedly at his future bracelet in-the-making.
She finished up quickly and handed it to him.
“I added an extra sango pearl, cause you’re one of my best friends.”
“Awww, really? That means so much, Shinobu, thank you.” Heizou said, his expression softening greatly. He looked like this emoji 🥺.
“Y-yeah..” Shinobu mumbled, averting her eyes.
“Aww, are you blushing?” He teased, moving a little closer to get a better look.
“No! And stop awwing at me!” She hid her face, preventing him from getting that better look.
Heizou pouted. “Shinobu come onnn, I never get to see your face! Especially not your blushing one, you can’t deny me this opportunity.”
“Shut up. You’ve seen me blush before anyway…”
“But not without the mask! Pleaseee?”
“I would rather plunge in the sea in front of us.”
Yeah, she won’t budge. Heizou has to use his secret weapon now.
From where he was sitting next to her, he wrapped his arms around her in a hug and looked up at her with puppy eyes.
“H-hey! Careful! I’m not even gonna look at you.” She said, flinching first at the sudden contact but still keeping her face hidden with her hands and knees.
“Hm, “careful”, you say?”
The silence was loud. She couldn’t see his face, but she knew exactly what expression he had on.
“Wipe that smirk off your face off your face, and don’t even think about it.”
Heizou giggled mischievously. One because he did in fact have a smirk on his face, and two because he now had a new idea. An idea to get her to finally show her face, and you know, maybe help her feel a little better.
“Careful? Careful with what?” He said, lightly tapping at her sides. Nothing unbearable, but still getting a reaction.
“Heizou, noho! I’ll kill you! Don’t even try!”
“Threatening a detective with murder now, huh? I thought we were best friends, Shinobu.” He said sarcastically, glancing at his new bracelet on his wrist.
Shinobu tried desperately to squirm out of his hold. It was over for her if he went through with this, she’ll never hear the end of it.
“I personally can’t believe I didn’t think of how ticklish you can be earlier!”
“Heizou I swehehear…”
“Oh, this is good for me. Now I’ll get to see your blushing face and your laughing face without the mask at the same time!” Heizou said, picking up the pace and now scribbling his fingers at her sides.”
“Noho you wohohohont! Heheizohou!!” She giggled, her hands instinctively grabbing his wrists. However, unfortunately, due to his place behind her, she had much less leverage and it was quite futile.
“You’re suhuhuch a piehece of shihihit! AHAha-!! Asshohole!” At her remark he gave her a quick tase to the side, clearly elevating her reaction.
“Now that’s no way to talk to one of your best friends.”
“Shhuhut the fuck uhuhup!! You’re nohohot my behehest friehehend, dickhead!” She retorted, squirming in any way she could to not show him her face in this state.
“Really? I guess that extra pearl was a mistake then…I’m hurt Shinobu, really.” Heizou said, not hurt at all. He knows she doesn’t mean it at all, hell he’ll yell similar things when he’s on the receiving end too. That still doesn’t mean he’ll have mercy just yet, however. He moved one hand up by her ribs, the other hand down by her stomach, and dug in. Not too much pressure, but just enough.
“HeheHEHEY!!” Shinobu laughed. Now he was currently attacking two of her bad spots at the same time, and she knew that he damn well knew what he was doing too.
She continued to giggle brightly, not caring about hiding her face anymore and instead kicking her legs and thrashing around (adorably by the way) and doing whatever she could to escape.
Since hiding her face was no longer Shinobu’s top priority, Heizou had no problem finally seeing her laughing/blushing face without a mask.
“Aww, I see you now~” He teased, grinning down at her wide smile. He began to slow down, having got what he wanted and not wanting her revenge to be too devastating.
“Ahahrehe you happy?”
“Very happy.”
“Greheheat, you can stohohop.”
Taking her for her word that she’s had enough, he finally stopped his attack on her midsection and let her breathe as she slumped on his shoulder.
“You know it was fun.”
“You’re still an asshole.”
“Come on, look how relaxed you are now. Much better than how I found you earlier. Oh right, speaking of, I was gonna tell you-“
“Apapap, wait one second.” Shinobu interrupted. “I just want you to know I’ll get you back for your cruelty today, when you least expect it. Could be in a few seconds, could be in a few days. Your intuition won’t be able to save you, detective.”
It was Heizou’s turn to be nervous. Maybe not nervous, actually, more like excited. Anticipation always made things more fun! Not that he’d admit it in this moment.
“Mmmm…o-okay…” He shrank in on himself while Shinobu sat next to him, her eyes hungry to see him in her same position. It always amazed him how easily she could bounce back from getting tickle attacked.
“A-anyway, the four of them in their cells-“ He continued, making the most of the time he has left before his inevitable doom.
Heizou shared the story of how the gang managed to get fellow inmates singing along with them in prison, and they discussed various Arataki gang stories until the sun set.
And yes, Shinobu did eventually get him back.
@adrienisweird @emiefluff HI GUYS I WROTE SOMETHING
again I apologize for bad writing I just kind of wrote as I went and lost myself in it. Still getting the hang of it but I hope u guys like it and I hope it’s a good start!!
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