#im a little nervous to share this ngl
archaickobold · 4 months
For the month of June, I’m going to be posting something about my original writing every day! It might be worldbuilding, it might be character facts, and it might be snippets or full stories that I’ve written! Mostly, I just want to share this, because it’s a passion project that’s been close to my heart for a while. I’ve only ever shared it with my friends, but I want to take a chance to talk about it here, too. 
I made this world back in late 2020, and it’s just grown naturally from there! There’s so much more I hope to do with it, but I think I’ll try to keep things relatively simple here, at least at first, and focus on one group of characters in one part of the world. It’s all going to be tagged as koboldwrites, if you don’t want to see it or if you want to read it all at once! And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask them, I absolutely love talking about my ocs ^^
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doomsday ◦ h.j
—Sometimes doomsday wasn't the crumbling of a city; doomsday was an apocalypse of the mind
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@anon im so glad you requested this bc I literally loved writing it so much like it fr had my creative juices FLOWING so feel free to request anytime babes
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Paring ◦ Han x reader
Words ◦ 5231
Genre ◦ Hurt and comfort, ngl this angsty asf
Warnings ◦ han is a dick at the beginning but he is redeemed, panic attacks, language (like fr so many fucks in this its wild), talk about wasting your life, anxiety, fear, han is such a cunt at first its insane, not edited, uhhh I think that's it.
A/N ◦ This one is chaotic asf so if you don't like my chaotic writing this is definitely where you might wanna click off 💀ALSO IF YOU LIKED THIS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME like it literally doesn't have to be much you can just be like it was pretty cool
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Sometimes it felt like Han gave away the numbers of the clock like dollar bills, bartering off a life that only ever seemed to be rushing away like a river roaring down the rocks too fast. He scoops little moments out from the shimmering rapids, but time still trickles between his fingers; the hours melting together like wax dripping down the spindly hands, its bony fingers-
r e a c h i n g
out to him, pulling him into a pool at the bottom of his feet, a pool of glittering, glowing memories.
Is this all life is?
Never sleeping
Never eating
Is the praise worth it?
Those hopeless nights, endless days, tired eyes, and a mind made of mush—was it all worth it?
Was any of it worth it?
The roar of the crowds drowning out the sound of the seconds-
ticking away, the shuffle of the sand seeping into the bottom of the hourglass—he taps the crystal dome, wondering how much of it is left—wondering when it all will stop.
When he can stop.
Han was a fizzing bottle of soda—shook for too long—today was hard; every day before a comeback is: producing, singing, dancing, learning, watching, waiting-
Checking off boxes on a list that never ended, so when he finally walks into the door of your shared apartment, a room he feels like he hasn't seen in weeks, he doesn't really notice you anxiously sitting on the couch, your knees bouncing on the floor mindlessly-
on the linoleum, something so simple shouldn't set him off, sure, but the sound was so familiar—so scary—it vibrated in his head, booming in his brain seconds-
ticking away
your feet
snapping on the ground.
He comes home to get away from the world rushing out from under him, so why were you sitting there being so fucking-
“Hannie!” You beam, sprinting over to throw your arms around his neck, breathing his scent in. It feels like centuries since you've seen him last. You vibrate with nervous, excited energy, practically bouncing up and down; but the thing was, right now he didn't want to be touched.
He didn't want to be held
He didn't want to have to talk
He didn't want to have to remember he had a life outside of the bubble that was his work. It felt like he was tending to gardens he didn't know how to grow. Your relationship had already sprouted; the seed planted a while ago, but even though the delicate stages of its development had passed, that didn't mean that it still didn't have to be cared for, and right now, he didn't care about anything. 
It was selfish, sure, but when you've spent your whole life giving parts of yourself away, selfishness seems so easy, at least while you still have small slivers of your soul left. 
He grates his teeth, everything seeming so wholly overwhelming, the walls encapsulating him in an unbreakable hourglass. He was so stressed, so tired, so done, so trapped. His breath stutters when you squeeze him tighter, nuzzling your nose against his shirt, staring up at him expectantly, eyes shimmering. 
"I haven't hugged you in forever I missed your face" you giggle voice like clouds of cotton candy but not quite sweet enough to dull the sour feeling settling in his stomach
He knows that love should never feel this hard, but right now everything he did felt hard, and the way you stare at him so longingly like you're going to combust if he doesn't perform, put on a fake smile, and act like everything is okay makes him feel like a fizzing bottle of soda with a lid screwed on too tight, and when you grip him tighter, trying to push an answer out of him
He flips his lid. 
"Holy shit, y/n, do you have to be so bombarding?" He snaps, pushing your arms away from him, almost looking disgusted. Your smile slips, staring at him in shock, still not really registering what he said. 
He doesn't know what feels worse—the way your features tremble with hurt or the way he knows he doesn't care. 
"I'm tired; I just want to go to bed, okay, and you are immediately rushing me; every day as soon as I get through the door, it's exhausting."
"You can't be serious," you whisper, genuinely believing what you said. He couldn't be serious. There was no way in hell he really believed that, but it didn't matter if he believed it or not; it all still hurt the same.
He wishes he could overlook the flames that flare in your eyes, consuming the stars that always seemed to shimmer.
What did he just do?
He sighs, collapsing onto the couch, digging the palms of his hands into his drooping eyes. He was so scared; the fear loosing his lips and everybody knows words of fear are the greatest lies. 
"Yes, I'm serious. Do you know how much work you are? I work all day, work, work, work, work everybody needs me always wanting, always needing something, something, fucking something," he growls, smacking his hands against his thighs, thrown into an unexplainable rage. "And as soon as I get home, you need me too; everybody is so fucking needy." The next words he says feel like an earthquake erupted in your soul, splitting your heart in two. 
"Your so fuckin' needy."
You flutter your eyelashes shut, pushing back emotions that boil in your brain. There are so many feelings fighting for the light, but instead of screaming, crying, or lashing out, you take a deep breath and fold your arms, calmly asking 
"Then why don't you just break up with me then?" There is nothing more terrifying than a woman whose fire rages behind a veil of ice, but when he looks up, watching the flames wrap around your posture, wisping around every edge of your bones, and even with the ashes of the love you once had for him fluttering in the wind, he still opens his big, fat, fucking mouth. 
"Or maybe I should have just never asked you out in the first place." No sooner did he spit the sentence out, did he want to shove it right back in his mouth. Your shoulders droop, eyes filling with an almost impossible amount of pain.
The earth crumbles, the walls of your shared home collapsing around you, rubble lost in all the memories that flicker away like embers floating from the burning configuration that was your relationship. It was ironic how the world worked; it took years to build up the love you felt and only a single sentence to wash it all away. You never thought you would see armageddon, but when those letters left his lips, you quickly realized sometimes doomsday wasn't the crumbling of a city; doomsday was an apocalypse of the mind. 
"Okay," you croak, hot tears streaming down your face; a wobbly smile pulls at your lips almost out of habit, facial muscles forced out of memory. 
You have never once imagined yourself drowning under so many words left unsaid, sinking in the waves of tears you fought back, and as you trudged up the stairs, sinking into your bed, you wondered when you would hear the begrudging footsteps—the hesitant knocks. Wondered when you'd hear his soft apology—a voice racked with guilt—but your fantasy never came.
All you heard was the clicking of the clock behind you, counting down the hours where he disappointed you again and again
You don't know what got to you first—the peirce of realization that he didn't regret the bitter insults that left his lips so easily or when you saw the calendar that peaked from the corner of your closet-
5 days
5 days left unmarked
5 days left blank
5 days until you celebrated your 3 year anniversary
Han Jisung would never know you were counting down the days
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Han should have runned after you, and in perspective, after a good night's sleep and a nice warm meal, he has never felt so completely stupid for not, but after you trudged up the stairs with a pained smile and glassy eyes, he was so starkly shocked he had said something so disgustingly distasteful his feet stuck to the ground, and finally, after hours of staring at the pool of time bubbling by his shoes, he drifted into a restless sleep. 
It was as though his terror tainted him, making the glassy parts of his heart dirty, and when he took the edge off, it was like a harsh wipe away at all the murk, revealing his jarring reflection in the pearly mirror.
He was such a jerk
He whimpers, running anxious fingers through his hair. He has no viable excuse, no good reason why he treated you so poorly—for someone so obsessed with time, he should know that you can't get your life back—can't turn the hands of the clock 
Push rewind
Hit replay
For what value would life be if you could just start it all over again? The impossibility made all the precious moments sweeter, but like every good thing, it made memories like these all the more foul.
You didn't deserve that
He didn't deserve you
and as you slink down the stairs, eyes red-rimmed and puffy. He can't stop that booming voice biting at the back of his brain.
How long will it take you before you realize that too?
You flick your gaze to him, burning with loathing cloaked behind layers of indifference. It floors him—those subtle signs of hatred that swim in the back of your eyelids, hidden in small twitches of your features, your almost tangibly cut off, throwing up your walls, shutting him out in more ways than one.
He had always worried about the gardens he was growing; flowers that sprung around him rapidly, fighting to figure out which one to water first, and all while your petals wilted and your roots curled up-
You waited
You watched as he bled himself dry. He shutters, everything bursting before his eyes—the love you once had for him flickering like the last flashes of a dying star. You're a million miles away, dancing on the craters of the moon, fluttering around the twinkling rings of Saturn. He folds himself deeper into the couch, almost hoping it will swallow him whole—pull him into the burning inferno beneath—even hell would be cooler than the fire that was your gaze.  Han Jisung never thought he'd see the day when the galaxy would collapse, but staring at you, flaring your final goodbyes, he realizes that doomsday was closer than he thought. 
"Baby," he whispers, his voice heavy with guilt, how easy it is to start a fire when you don't care about putting it out, but now that the wisps of flame consume you, he wishes he had never given you the kindling. 
You don't look at him as you walk around the kitchen, pouring a bowl of cereal. He stands up hesitantly, anguish feeling like an iron rod through his chest. He creeps into the kitchen, stepping lightly into the room like it's laced with landmines. 
"Please." His voice cracks—splits right down the middle, a perfect reflection of the cleave that was his soul. "I'm so sorry."
You place the cereal back in the cabinet and open the fridge to retrieve the milk.
The silence is deafening.
The all too familiar-
of time trickling away rings in his ears
How much more of it does he have left?
How much more of this silence can he take?
You ignore him, strolling right past his trembling frame, racked with regret. It pulsates off his in palpable waves. You're so nonchalant so careless. He almost wants you to turn around and smack him, throw that stupid bowl of cereal in his face. Instead, you jog up the stairs, slamming the door behind you.
Is that the only door you shut?
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Han had always thought of the apocalypse as an idea only found in novels, tucked away behind the pages of a book, hidden in the comfortable corner of science fiction, because that's all it was, right— fiction? But as your dead eyes scrape his figure up and down, he realizes that Doomsday wasn't really fiction at all. Just like the world wasn't always a place, sometimes the world was a person, and right now his world was ravaged by a deadly disease, an illness that only infected the soul, an illness only transferred through the careless bitter words found in the English language. Fire was nature's greatest purifier, and sure, the walls of the home he lived in weren't warped with flames of your fury, but the home he had made in your heart was 
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It's been 3 days
3 days since he's felt the touch of another human. 
3 days since he made the biggest mistake of his lifetime.
3 days since he dropped a devasting bomb on your relationship, and the shrapnel was finally hitting him; curled pieces of cold metal lodged somewhere in between the folds of his soul. 
3 brutal bone-crushing days of pure ear-splitting silence—It was almost scientifically impossible, just how quiet you were. It was an art really, every brush of anguish accurately painted on—every ignored apology, every piercing glare, every single star that flickered out in your eyes. You were strategic, meticulous, you were plain vicious-
and you had every right to be.
You were fully justified in your actions, and yet he felt like he was still teetering over the edge of madness. The thought of losing you like a noose snaking around his neck, choking him in an unadulterated form of terror 
He has been stricken by anxiety his whole life, but the thought of a world without you filled him with an inexplicable amount of fear—the kind that burrows in your bones, decaying in your soul—the kind of terror that your still stuck digging from your skin for centuries to come—the kind of fear that makes you simply
His hands shake as he pushes the door open, feeling like he's walking into an open war. The pages of a dystopia form walls around him, caging him inside a bombarding capsule of storming English. 
The harsh contrast of the hurricane in his mind and the indifference in your eyes sends him reeling. You were lying on the couch, mindlessly flipping through the channels, not sparing him a glance.
You were so beautiful so breathtaking, but for once, he wasn't admiring your beauty.
He was
Oh, fuck, he was freaking out. 
He had finally caved under the pressure of always having to perform a false, flimsy smile, wobbling on his lips, pretending to be okay as he watched the life drain out of your eyes; the passion seeping from his songs.
He loved making music, but what is art without chaos?
What is beauty without love?
What is the world without you?
He always had to be perfect; he always had to be put together. He was always running on all cylinders, always hanging on by a fraying straining thread, and finally, it snapped. 
The earth is
t i l t i n g,
flipping around,
turning upside down, and
i n s i d e o u t.
Guilt rips through his chest, yanking out harsh bouts of oxygen from his constricting lungs. 
He can't breathe
He can't breathe
He can't breathe
He can't fucking
He was going to die-
He was going to collapse into himself, busting into a flaring supernova. 
He was going to be his own demise-
Forming his own doomsday-
He has never thought of himself as an author, but before he could stop his mouth from moving, he was already caged between the sentences of his own personal apocalypse, living a waking nightmare.
He created a story with his stupidity, and now he has to pay the price. 
He was the end of your relationship-
what has he done?
He can't b r e a t h e
"Y-Y/n I can't," he choked on his words, watching the walls wash away like watercolor dripping down the page. 
He can't lose you
He can't lose you
He can't lose you
He's going to die
He stumbles into the living room, tripping over his feet, his breath staggering in his throat. He catches himself on the arm of the couch, digging his nails into the soft leather, gripping it like it was his tether, keeping him from floating into space—burning up in the atmosphere, his body bouncing around the icy rocks. 
"Fuck," he gasps, squeezing his eyes shut and clawing at his chest, almost as if he scratches his skin hard enough, he can finally pull out the hourglass that keeps ticking his time away. His heart pounded wildly, almost begging to be free from the confines of his ribcage. The fact that it was still beating was beyond him. 
His heart only beats for you.
His heart will only ever beat for you.
How was he alive when you were drifting away? moon dust dancing in your lungs, would you become a ruler of the skies, while he was still stood still? 
"Han," your voice sounds like cotton candy kisses and honey dribbles. He never thought he would ever be so happy to hear somebody so alarmed, but right now that was the only thing keeping him from shattering. 
You jump up from the couch, your face pulled in concern. 
He doesn't deserve it
Doesn't deserve it
Doesn't deserve it
He's drowning in a pool of his self-inflicted sorrows. He's sinking, and the only thing that could save him was you. 
How do you save a man who won't take your hand?
"N-No, im okay," he barley pushes the words out, weaving between the thick lump that's forming in his throat. 
It was a lie
Everything was a lie
That's all he was
a liar
"Han," your voice is warm and inviting, sucking him in, wrapping around him like a blanket in the cold, a bowl of soup to a sick stomach. You healed him even when he was the one who created the wound. You pull him in, taking his trembling frame into your arms. Gentle fingers thread through his hair as soft lullabied wispers float through the air.
He feels so safe
So secure-
So loved-
He never thought he would feel the tenderness of your touch again, so when your comforting arms squeeze him right off the edge of destruction, 
c o l l a p s e s
crumbling into a million sobbing, sniveling pieces before you, he sinks to the ground, dragging you along with him. 
He always brought you down-
Always took you with him-
He was a disease-
An infection-
He was your armageddon
He sags against your body, limply moving like a rag doll. You let him curl into your chest, holding him like pieces of pierced punctuation. 
You guys were a shattered semicolon inverted and upside down. 
There was so much he wanted to say—so many apologies, so many explanations, so many different synonyms for sorry—but you didn't need them; you never needed them; you needed him, and there was nothing he could ever say that would change that. 
You hum, rubbing soothing circles on his back. You were always the perfect metaphor, a marveling form of pristine poetry. Your touch was like fleeting promises on the skin, the delicate tickle of a blooming flower, the comfortable heat of a burning star. You weren't just his world; you were his universe.
He pulls you closer to him, clinging like a desperate dying animal, nuzzling his face in your neck. 
"I'm so sorry, baby, I'm so fucking sorry!" He blubbers the sentences onto your skin, as though the deeper he burrows into your body, the faster they can travel to your heart. 
"Han," you lull, a small smile grazing your face, physically having to claw him off of you. He does begrudgingly, a minuscule whimper tumbling out of his throat from the lack of contact; he doesn't meet your eyes. He can't—not when the clock still ticks your time away, not when he's still not fully sure that you're willing to turn the hands back. 
He's devastated, his eyes red and puffy with tears that cascade down his cheeks, shining in the overhead light. 
"Please don't leave me." He sniffles, rubbing his nose against the fabric of his shirt, bottom lip trembling. "I don't want our time to run out. All my time is running out. Everything is running out. I can't, I-" he stutters, tripping over letters that latch onto his teeth like cactuses digging into his lips. 
You furrow your brows, tilting your head in sympathetic confusion. "What do you mean, baby?"
He screws his eyes shut, his hands shaking almost aggressively on his thighs. Why did he say anything? How does he explain something like that? He tries to form the words on his tongue, but they stick to the roof of his mouth like glue. Speaking it into the universe makes it so much more real, so much more raw, because now it isn't a metaphor, a fictional little whisper that fucks with his mind. 
The earth quivers in its orbit as he opens his mouth-
Was he really going to admit this?
Was he even ready to admit this?
"It feels like my life is running out," he stammers, the words tasting so sour on his tongue. "My life is so stressful; everybody always needs something from me, and sometimes it feels like I'm dishing out so many slivers of my soul that I don't even have any of it left." He lets out a shaky breath, attempting to get his heart rate somewhere that resembles normal. 
"I'm always up, always working, always doing something, and it's scary to think while I'm wasting my life working so hard doing something I don't really love." He aggressively wipes the tear that drops down his cheek with the palm of his hand. "It's so scary wondering if I'm ever making the right decisions." 
He feels so small under your gaze.
"A-And the other day was so hard," he cries, fresh waves of tears blurring his vision as he reminisces on the events. 
"Everybody was yelling at me, always needing something demanding so fucking much; they were playing puppet, forcing my hands in a way they didn't want to move; everybody was so just so needy-"
"And so was I," you whisper, filled with guilt. It breaks him. Your so understanding, so loving, so forgiving, so perfect. 
How did he even get you?
His heart wrenches as he dives into your arms-
"No, no, no, no," he shouts, shaking his head against your shirt. "No, love, you didn't do anything wrong; it was me. Me and my shitty mood—it was all my fault. I blew up at you. You were trying to be the amazing, loving girlfriend you are, and what I said was solely because of my fear. The exhaustion and anger didn't exactly help either"
"But there are no more buts," he pulls away, catching your eyes burning with sincerity. "There is no excuse for the way I treated you; there is no justification, just explanation."
You smile, tilting your head in adoration. You would be lying if you didn't say you were relieved, because you were.  You thought he believed the words he said—what feels like forever ago—that you were the annoying, needy girlfriend that only ever bugged him, but he didn't believe what he said. No, he was just a ticking time bomb waiting to blow—a ball of stressed and nervous energy channeled into the wrong source. 
"It's okay, Hannie, really, we're okay"
He was a supernova—a burning, bursting flame of bright, beautiful colors 
Han had once thought that the stars in your eyes had flickered away, but now he knows even the most enchanting things have to die before they can transform. 
He loves you.
He has loved you for 2 years and 363 days.
He will love you until the world goes up in flames. 
He will love you until the planet bleeds with the wounds of armageddon. 
"Does this mean we can still celebrate our 3-year anniversary?" He asks sheepishly, looking up at you through fluttering eyelashes. You perk up, visibly brightening. 
"You remembered!"
"I never forgot." he smiles, eyes shimmering with hope.
"I've been counting down the days," you grin.
"So have I," but he hasn't been counting down the days until you celebrate 3 beautiful years on this planet together. No, he's been counting down the days until his body slips into the grave, but as he presses his ear to your heart, it feels like the steady beats were a swelling symphony orchestrated just for him. He sighs contently, nuzzling deeper into your chest. The terrifying tick of the clock faded away, drowned out by the song of your soul whispering sweet promises into his ear. Sure, the fear still tickled the back of his brain, but instead of worrying that time was trickling away, he pulls you closer because with you, there was never a wasted moment. 
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©CookieCreates (posted: July, 9th 2024) All rights reserved. Do not translate, copy, or claim my works as yours! I only post on this platform so if any of my works are elsewhere, report and notify me immediately
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snzhrchy · 1 year
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pretty boy !
karasu tabito x fem!dom!reader
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taglist; lmk if u wanna be on it <3 might start writing for bllk more tbh ..
notes; inspired by this lovely post .. im so normal ab him ngl
warnings; pegging, anal sex, karasu wearing a lingerie lolz, him whimpering nd moaning too minors dni !
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‘So what do ya think?’ came the voice of your boyfriend, Karasu Tabito, who appeared to be very red in the face yet regardless of the increased blood flow, his cocky smirk is still evident across sharp features.
‘You look rather cute actually,’ you coo as your eyes traverse across his frame which was dressed in rather humiliating clothes.
It was your idea, to be honest. One day, you randomly suggested that he should wear a lingerie sometime since he'd look "endearing" but you never expected him to actually do it. So now, here he was, dressed in rather adorable, purple garments that were too small for his muscular frame.
‘Ya think? Of course i do,’ he beams.
Tabito would've called this idea "mediocre" to anyone but... it was you, his dear girlfriend and, how could he ever say no to you?
‘C’mere,’ you say and he obliges, leaving the wall he was leaning against to meet you on the bed. Once he was close enough to you, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you, faces inches apart. You took this moment to enamour at his angular features and his dark blue eyes then, you quickly trap his lips with yours.
The initial contact was a gentle and tender touch of both of your lips, an exploratory kiss. Your tongues softly intertwining, creating a sensual rhythm and your mouths moved in tandem.
Your hands began to roam, caressing and making delicate patterns along the entirety of Tabito’s neck while his hand strongly gripped onto your waist, the other played with your hair. Eventually your fingers found their way onto his bra strap, which you pulled on slightly. After a short while, you let it go. The strap immediately recoiled back into its place and attack your lover's chest, the impact causing Tabito to jump and groan into the deep kiss you both shared, causing you to smirk.
‘Turn over,’ you command after a short while of kissing him. You initially broke apart from the kiss to catch your breath but as you looked at your cutely-dressed boyfriend with his swollen lips (he's also now very red in the face) made you want to ruin him.
‘Yer gonna be the death of me,’ he mumbles, loud enough for him to hear but he obliges nonetheless.
He removes his large hands from your waist and finds his way onto the bed below him and proceeds to lay down, pressing his head onto the pillow, exposing his backside just for you.
Tabito was already expecting the strap but he wasn't aware of how nervous he'd be when you would actually peg him. It took a lot of convincing for him to agree to this and, even with the prepping, he was still terrified of what to expect.
Nonetheless, after he lies down, you waste no time in removing his little skirt, pushing them down to reach his legs so that they dangle near his feet.
‘You ready for this?’ you ask.
‘Yeah…’ he consents.
And then, you slowly insert the strap in. At first, he practically growls from the mixture of pain and pleasure that he’s feeling. You can see him grab on tightly onto the bed sheet below, causing his knuckles to turn white.
‘You okay?’ You ask uncertainly after noticing his initial reaction
‘Yea.. keep going,’ he says, sounding more determined this time.
After listening to his response, you proceed to insert the strap deeper and deeper into him. Even though his face is dug into the pillow below him, you literally know that his face his red, thanks to all the pornographic sounds he's letting out and because of the wet liquid of precum that's slowly started to leak from his tip..
Once in, you slowly start to thrust into him. The pace is gentle and slow at first, allowing Tabito to adjust to the size of it. After a while, you can tell that he’s accommodated to it as his grip on the bed sheets loosen slightly and his breaths start to reach their normal level again.
So then, you speed up. Each thrust brings Tabito pleasure that he’s never felt before. With each movement of the strap, he lets out unholy sounds that surround the entire room. His grip on the bed sheet loosens and then tightens in a never-ending cycle and his breathing gets worse by the second as well. There's also liquid present across his face but you're not sure if it's tears or sweat or both... You also noticed that after each thrust, he bites his lips as an attempt to suppress the lewd sounds that he lets out with each oncoming thrust but every time, his efforts remain futile as he always lets go and moans out loud.
After a while of this continued movement, You're able to tell that he’s very close to his climax with the way he tightens around you and how his breathing has decreased to small inhales and exhales. Moreover, his face is now deep into the pillow he's on and is tainted in a deep shade of crimson. Because of this, you further increase your speed, thrusting harder and faster into him. The action surprises Tabito as he lets outs a yelp due to the increased movement. And, he finally manages to moan out some coherent words for the first time this night: 'ngh... keep going-- [Name]...!'
So, you continue at this pace, thrusting harder and harder into him until Tabito lets out the most pornographic moan you've ever heard and the bed sheets below you both gets covered in his white seed, decorating the bland sheet for you, making you aware that he's finally done.
Satisfied, you gently remove the strap from him and that’s when he finally relaxes, allowing himself to take a deep breath.
‘You’re so good, but, we’re not done yet, Tabito…’
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jsluvtzu · 11 months
im fangirling over all of your fics ngl.... could you maybe write something fluffy for chaeyoung? like reader meeting her for the first time in an art exhibition and then silly little sapphics falling in love
son chaeyoung x fem!reader
summary: meeting you was just a coincidence. or was it fate?
cw: cute lesbians, men dni
wc: 1.9k
a/n: i’m sorry this took so long to get out, buttt here it is! sapphics crushing on each other and falling in loveeee
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you always loved coming to the art museum down the street during your lunch break.
it was a slower day than usual that day, so your boss let you have an extra hour off.
the exhibits had new pieces put in every friday and you loved being able to be one of the first few people to see them.
it was a weekly thing for you — coming to the museum to admire the featured works from small upcoming artists.
you always failed to notice the one girl admiring you though.
she had her eyes on you like you were a new art piece, examining your features from afar.
your hands were stuffed into both pockets of your half zipped up hoodie as you strolled across the floor, taking in each detail of every frame in front of you.
she came here just as often as you did, using it as an excuse to catch glimpses of you.
the girl was anxious and fidgety compared to your somber and peaceful demeanor. her antsy energy collided with your tranquil one across the room as she worked up the courage to come up to you and start a conversation.
thoughts of a public rejection and humiliation clouded her mind and filled her ears with responses that haven’t even been uttered yet, but nonetheless, she had a little hope that it could go well.
her hands were clammy as she rubbed them together restlessly, the sound of her heart beating at the speed of light replacing the previous scenarios.
she felt her footsteps grow heavier with every step she took closer to you, approaching you like you were a radioactive substance.
you stopped in front of a piece that intrigued you — it was one the artist left for you to interpret in different ways, just how you liked it.
as you studied the meanings of the painting, you looked to your left and saw a pretty girl standing next to you.
she was shorter, her long hair covering some of her features, and her simple dress outfit with a black coat over it drawing a smile out of you.
the girl turned her head to you and froze seeing your smile, awkwardly smiling back and shying her face away.
you watched her slightly rock back and forth on her heels and glue her eyes to the wood floor below you, wondering what’s got her so worked up.
“i really love this piece. i love the way the artist has multiple things going on to make one big picture. what do you think?”, you blurted out to fill the silence.
the girl shot her head up and flipped her gaze between you and the piece on the wall which she couldn’t care less for right now, hurriedly looking for something she can relate with.
“y-yeah, i really like the.. the details.. and the way you can see a different like scene.. if you just look at it from a different perspective.”, the girl was visibly nervous, her tone further proving it.
“exactly! i think perspective is so important in art. it shapes your view of every work you come across and how it should be interpreted, you know?”
you were glad to have someone you could share your love in art with, even if she’s a little confusingly timid.
the girl cleared her throat and nodded her head excessively, “right yeah, i know, it’s a different meaning for everyone. for me i think the piece represents the beauty of falling in love and how it unfolds.”
you smiled and tilted your head curiously, her response being exactly the one you wanted to hear.
“wow, that’s actually crazy”, you said, laughing slightly.
“what is?”, the girl answered hesitantly.
“i see the piece the exact same way. the way it shows the first stages of falling in love with someone. like here’s the infatuation stage and the euphoria of it. that’s why this part is a little messy”, you slid one hand out of your pocket to point at the area you were talking about, “it represents the blurry feeling you get when you’re in that state.”
you turned to look at the girl and observed her reaction, stuffing your hand back into the pocket it was in.
she was already staring at you when you looked back, probably not even focused on anything you just said.
she smiled and silently agreed with you, nodding her head again and scanning her eyes over your face — almost like she was in some sort of infatuation stage.
“yeah.. i feel the same way.”, her doe eyes locked onto yours, entrancing you.
there was a pause in the air, both of you only focused on each other.
“i’m.. i’m y/n.”
you turned your body to fully face her, holding out your hand to shake hers.
she reached her own hand up to meet with yours, the both of you grasping each other in a firm handshake.
“i’m chaeyoung.”
your eyes didn’t leave hers yet, too scared they might disappear if you looked away.
“it’s nice to meet you, chaeyoung.”
chaeyoung’s hands were soft and warm, but not too warm and not too cold either.
she let her grip on your hand go, ending the handshake, but you wished it didn’t end there.
“it’s nice to meet you too, y/n. would you maybe wanna.. grab a coffee with me? there’s a small cafe just down the street.”, chaeyoung almost regretted asking, mentally punching herself to prepare for your rejection.
“yeah! i would love to.”
she raised her eyebrows slightly in shock, shaking her head to refocus.
“okay.. okay! come on, i’ll lead us there.”, she said, motioning for you to follow her.
as you two walked down the street, you both engaged in light small talk, getting to know each other beyond your shared love for art.
“so.. do you come to the museum often?”
of course chaeyoung knew you came often. every friday at around 12 pm. she just didn’t wanna look like some complete freak who stalked you.
“yeah i do actually, i come during my lunch break since i work not too far from here. what about you?”
“i go sometimes to destress from work and whatnot, it’s a nice way to get my mind off of things i guess.”, she said, shrugging.
you hummed in response, slightly upset that she seemed to have a lot on her shoulders.
the two of you arrived at the entrance of the cafe, chaeyoung speeding up a bit to open the door for you.
you giggled at her kind gesture, thanking her and holding the door for her on your way in.
as you ordered your drink at the counter, she was just as attentive as the barista taking your order, silently telling herself to memorize it and bring it for you the next time you meet.
you two sat down at a table in a far corner, sipping your drinks and continuing your conversation beforehand.
when you got lost in explaining some work drama to chaeyoung, she pulled out a pen and started scribbling on a blank napkin.
after you finished your rambling and looked at chaeyoung, you saw her constantly looking up at you and back down to her napkin, her pen moving skillfully.
“okay, done! sorry, you just looked really pretty, i had to draw this moment before it went away.”
chaeyoung slid the napkin across the table and you finally got to see what she had been working on when you were going off about your dumb coworker.
it was a sketch of you, arm on the table with your chin resting on your palm. she managed to perfectly capture the way your hair was styled, the way your smile shined, even down to the rings you wore on your fingers.
“wow, chaeyoung this is amazing.. how did you even draw this so fast?”, you said, amazed at her skill as you examined the intricate details she put into it.
“it’s pretty easy when your muse is nice to look at.”
you couldn’t control your burning cheeks and forming smile at her flirty remarks anymore, tilting your head down to hide your face.
chaeyoung wasn’t lying either. she thought you were the prettiest girl she had ever laid eyes on, and she was glad she finally took her chance and talked to you.
hearing your passion about art was the cutest thing ever to her. your genuine love for it attracted her to you more than she could imagine.
she wanted to know everything about you.
more than just the way you perceived the world, more than your coffee order, more than what irritated you about incompetent people at work.
she wanted to know what made you feel most loved. what it would be like to come home to you.
“whatever.. my turn to draw you now.”, you said, still giggling like an idiot.
you reached over to grab her pen off the table and took the napkin from under your cup to scribble your own sketch of her.
chaeyoung watched you patiently and noticed the way you hid your “drawing” with your free hand, slightly furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.
“aaand done! do you like it?”
you slid your napkin over to chaeyoung and observed her as she looked over the piece of paper.
the fact is, you didn’t draw anything special at all.
your idea of a sketch of chaeyoung was writing your phone number down and drawing hearts and smiley faces everywhere.
chaeyoung broke out into laughter at your antics, rubbing her thumb over the material.
“i do, i really like it.”
you reached into your pocket to check the time on your phone, realizing you had about 10 minutes to walk back to work.
slightly saddened, you put your phone away and held your face in both of your hands on the table this time, beaming at chaeyoung.
“well i have to get back to work, but make sure you interpret that drawing reeeally carefully, it’s an important one.”, you said, scooting your chair back to stand up and grabbing your drink.
“oh i will, don’t worry. i’ll be sure to consider every single detail.”, chaeyoung said as she watched you grab your things.
you laughed at her playing along, “i’ll see you next friday then?”
chaeyoung smiled and dropped her hands to her lap, still holding onto your art piece.
“next friday it is.”
you nodded and smiled at chaeyoung one last time, walking towards the door and looking back to mouth a “call me” and gesture a phone with your pinky and pointer fingers.
chaeyoung chuckled and watched as you headed back to your regular life.
when you completely disappeared from view out the window, chaeyoung drew her eyes back to the napkin in her lap, inspecting it again and scoffing to herself with a big smile on her face.
moments of your hour together flashed through her mind, making her blush as she pulled out her phone and went to her messages.
she typed your number in, making sure she didn’t miss a single digit.
chaeyoung was twiddling her thumbs over her screen, figuring out the perfect thing to text you.
she tapped the sides of her phone while she attempted to think of something, slowly growing frustrated with herself.
and the best thing she came up with?
hiii it’s chaeyoung :p
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emlovslennon · 10 months
Hii I love your writing! Could I get a beatlemania era ringo (on one of his few days off) talking about marriage with the reader 🥺 im desperate for cute fluffy and sappy
YES I CANNN!! i love this so so much🤍
era: 1964
Beatlemania was at it’s height, and the Beatles were bigger than they ever had been, they’ve been on tour for months now, and after what felt like a century, they were finally allowed to come home for a few days, which was usually not common for them. You and Ringo had been together for about three years now, and you had wondered off and on whether or not ‘the’ question was going to be brought up. Usually women your age would be married off already with kids, but you just haven’t hit that stage yet. Well, until today that is.
You were finishing up with taking your makeup off and getting ready for bed when Ringo walked into your shared bedroom, you had greeted him a crying mess earlier that morning when he finally got to come home.
“Love, can I talk to you about something?” Ringo asked, looking seemingly nervous, which made you anxious yourself.
“Of course, what’s wrong?” You replied
“Well, I’ve been thinking lately, since we’ve been together for so long, and you know Johnnys been married for a bit, and how happy they look, I was just, really wanting that to be us, y’know? Because I have never loved anyone as I much as I love you. And being away from you for so long has really made me realize that.” He said, as he walked closer and closer to you, until you he was standing right in front of you. Tears began to fill your eyes, you couldn’t believe was happening right now.
“Ringo… are you-“ you were cut off when Ringo slowly bended down on one knee and pulled out a little velvet box from his pocket and opened it, revealing a beautiful, white, diamond ring. It had to have been at least 24k. Your mouth dropped and tears had finally started to roll down your cheeks.
“Y/n, will you marry me, darling?” He asked.
You couldn’t even speak, you frantically nodded and kissed him, you were beyond happy, Ringo has been nothing but your biggest supporter and the best boyfriend you could have ever asked for, you couldn’t wait for your future together as husband and wife, maybe touring wasn’t so bad after all.
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spiritual-messages · 2 years
Their feelings for you :
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Hello guys merry christmas 🎅 I wish you all a very bright future and a great year ahead bless!
Todays reading is all about your person's feelings for you .. So I want you all think take a few deep breaths think about your person and then pick a pile that attracts you the most bless here's my masterlist
The pictures aren't mine and are taken from pinterest 🤍 credit it the ownersss
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Pile 1 ----- pile 2
Pile 3
Pile 1
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This person and their energy :
Alrightie pile 1 welcome to your reading so the energy feels so warm and comforting here wowww so goood..so guys i heard " colleague " " guide " "soulmate" right after I connected... So lemme say that this person is your soulmate .. You have lived lives with them .. And this person is connected deeply with u .. And you both have influence over each other's lives and emotions .. Oohlalala
Their Feelings -
So this person feels like you are their soulmate .. Yes they are into spirituality and yess they know they have a connection with you that"s outta this material world ( lol I remembered the iconic MaTeRiAl GoWrL ) they feel like they are in perfect harmony .. And in perfect balance when they are with you.. This could also mean that you both guys are quite opposite but still feel balanced and listened when you are with each other .. This person feels veryyy comfortable sharing their emotions with you . they feel like they can trust you with everything (so precious ) they feel like you will always support them and give them honest opinions if they asked you about smth . ( they think u are very blunt that's what they find attractive they hate sugar coated ppl ) so guys this person and you might have an age gap possibly 2-5 years thats what im seeing and if they are the older one here .. They wanna protect you and guide you through out the life ... So they are actually not expressing their love for you right now .. Becz they think its not the right time ? (🤨 they tryin to get u outta your shell ? )
So this person has these oh so cheesy (jk jk lol) nahh they have romantic feelings for you tho they feel like you both can create your own little fairytale ( ngl u guys are cute haha dreamy and cute .. I see Pisces energyyy ) you guys could be from diffrent places mhm and met through work ( complicated i see.. Love at first sight for some ) guys this person loves you so much and they even planned their future with you ... they wanna travel with you haha could love museums this person is into art .. Like painting .. Damn... They are also veryyy romantic .. Might be into poetry wooho cool ...
Rn I see that they are trying to open you up like they wanna know how you feel about them .. Wanna discover your emotions till then they'll admire you from far ( aww poor guy/girl ) they want you to be fully comfortable with them before they confess their feelings haha ..
Possible zodiac - Pisces ,cancer and scorpio ( coming strong .. Water signs are everywhere haha bless ) taurus and virgo and a little bit of leo ( hey fellowsss )
Thats all for today .. Hope it resonated
Bless take care of yourself I wish you everything besttt
merry christmas
Pile 2
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This person and their energy :
Alrightie pile 2 ... So guys ... For some of you .. This person is from past .. Could be your first love ( this is only for a few of you if you dont want you past come back its okay remember you create your own reality so let this info slide as its general reading alright Bless!) Or I see you spent past lives with this person.. So, This person could be your first love .. ( or you are this person's first love haha ) I see you guys met online ( are u asking about an ex ? This is your reading then)
Feelings :
So guys these person has soooo much romantic feelings for you .. They feel like some teenager around you like they get so shy around you *nervous laugh* lol ( now it makes sense tho .. Now i can finally understand why first love was coming so strong ) you have an effect on them .. They get goosebumps when they maintain eyeconatct with you and butterflies in the stomach if you ever stand close by ... Guys this person has separation anxiety ( awww idk for some reason im like " awww " I just can't help tho they are too cute ) so they hate having arguments with you they hate seeing you angry .. Like they feel that their whole world burnt down into ashes right infront of their eyes when u guys fight .. Guys this person wants to have a family with you. . like they wanna have children with you.. They want you as their wife/husband as soon as possible .. They wanna quit everything and just focus on you guysss this person is obsessed with you but in a healthy way tho. . they hate being away from you ... And they feel like they can stare at you 24/7 (wow completely melted bruh) this persons feels so happy with you .. They feel like you are their cute teddy bear that they can hug all day without getting tired ( ahhhh typa boy who would wake u up with kisses and buy you chocolates when u r on ur periods so affectionateeehhhh ) so guys this persons might talk alot around you or send u alot of texts .. They feel like you are the most precious thing in this world (which is a fact )
Possible zodiac :
Cancer , Pisces , scorpio , leo( heyyya felllows haha thats why the energy is so romantic mhmmm) , aries , virgo ( earthy earthy so caringgh) , aquarius ( cute little aliens )
So these could be their or your's sun , moon , rising or venus ,bless!
Bless ! I wish you everything best! Take care of your self! 🦋❤️
Merry christmas! ❤️💚
Pile 3 :
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This person and their energy :
Alright pileee 3 welcome to your reading so the energy is heavy and mature here .👀 unlike the other two piles which were dreamy and all lovey dovey.. I feel more realistic here .. So your person is someone very mature and rational .. They might have a very serious aura and a rbf .. They are really mysteries and secretive .. They hate showing emotions tho this might be someone who's older than you or more mature orrr someone who's senior .. Someone on higher rank .. This person wasn't that lucky with love before which left them deep cuts and cracks on their heart which needs to be healed but instead of healing them they build walls around their heart and created boundaries .. They have trust issues and problem opening up to ppl 👀 also they are too calm that its annoying like nothing effects them ( well atleast thats what they show ahahaha after all they are also a human tho)
Their feelings :
So guys right now i see them confused .. Like they are really confused that why you wanna know them and why are you so nice to them .. (Hmm this guys is so extra .. Calm that ass down muhfakuh ) so they defiantly feel like you are someone magical .. So optimistic and nice always so kind ..( well they are suspicious ngl) they feel like you aren't that nice that you show...they often think " can someone be this perfect ? " they feel like you are with them just for the money they have ( oh common bitch release that past for fuck's sake ) they feel lile they shouldn't fall for you .. They are trying so hard to not fall in love but .. Damn ( finally bruhhh) i see that there are some romantic feelings coming .. The wheel turns and now they feel so comfortable with you. this got them thinkin " probably she/he is perfect .. She isn't like here/him (their ex) " I see them slowly letting their guard down around you .. Seeing a new life and journey with you which seems really exciting but again they are insecure and doubt full " what if she cheated .. What if I got my heart broken again "/( the pas was really bad and they dont wanna feel broken again guys .. They are Still confused if they should or shouldn't fall for you tho) they are trying to heal their past first .. I see you guys are probably in separation rn . becz this person is trying to heal .. Trying to get their mind clear about you ... They wanna heal from past first they are releasing their ex so they can be ready for a new loving relation with you .. And soon they will give you a chance .
Possible zodiac :
Capricorn ( ngl I knew it ) , virgo( not even surprised) , scorpio ( ha! Caught yaaaa) , aries , leo , sag
Thats all for today pile 3! LTake care of yourself I wish you everything best haha bless
Merry christmas ❤️💚( sorry only one song cameee forgive me pileee 3🥺)
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That's all for today guysss I hope it resonated 🤞🤍... I wish you all a merry christmas .. Take care of yourself and spend time with your familyyy .. I wish you a great year
Take caree!
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r0si-e · 1 year
Miles Morales SFW Alphabet
Warnings: none Miles Morales x gn!reader
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A = Affection (How Affectionate? How do they show Affection?)
Miles can be extremely affectionate but you won't really experience all the love he has to offer unless he trusts you. It might be a struggle to get him to trust you but once you're there, it's cuddles, hugs and love 24/7. When you two are walking, out of instinct he hold your hand. Sharing his new art ideas with you as a way of showing he trusts you. But if you don't rlly like affection then Miles is more than okay with that. He shows you he cares by saying phrases of endearment, going on a nice outing (could be a date) or trying out new hobbies together.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How did your friendship start?)
You two became friends on one of his graffiti nights. He was on his break and went down to the local bodega to get a sandwich when he saw you also getting a sandwich so he asked you what you would suggest getting. You told him your regular order and he ordered that. From there the conversation flourished and he told you about his art. The beginning of a long lasting friendship (soon to become relationship???). You and Miles' friendship would be full of laughs and banter; never a dull moment when you two get together. You two go own little adventures. Might be as close as the local bodega or as far as New Jersey (which isn't that far but use ur imagination).
C = Comfortable (How comfortable are they with you? What do they do that proves their comfortability?)
Miles (once he trusts you) is very comfortable with you. If he doesn't trust you/ doesn't really know you, he will seem quite distant and aloof ,but never rude, towards you. Miles shows you a lot of his art ideas as a way of showing comfortability because of how close he holds art to his heart this is his way of showing vulnerability. He also is more himself in the sense that if he has any "odd" habits, he is less afraid/ ashamed to do it in front of you. You two probably exchange music playlists or give each other movie/tv show suggestions.
D = Domestic (Would they like to settle down? How are they with house work?)
(I'm ngl im not the best when it comes to writing marriage relationship type settings it make me kinda uncomfy so imma try but sry in advance if it's bad)
I think Miles would be quite indifferent when it comes to being in a relationship (marriage etc) and having kids. But if he does get in a relationship, he would ABSOLUTELY adore his partner. He would surprise you with little gifts. Sometimes hand-made sometimes store-bought. After patrol or just a night of fighting villains, he would show up to your place with flowers and that million dollar smile and you would let him in and fix him up. Miles is good at basic house work (probably because his mum taught him from a young age). He does the dishes, laundry, cooking but can't stand doing the vacuuming because of his how sensitive his hearing is. Really good cook; do not test him when it comes to the ways of the kitchen. (He's not better than Rio though).
E = Ending (If your relationship were to end, how would they break up?)
Miles would have to really think this through, he wouldn't just do it on a whim he would've been considering this for a long time. He might have been confident when you two started but as the time goes on, he becomes more nervous and starts beating around the bush. That is until you tell him to spit it out. He takes a deep breath and the words would rush out; by the time he finishes saying what he needs to say he is sobbing. After he gets himself together and you have comforted him, you two have a civil conversation about it. He would try and continue to be friends (and it might work) however chances are that it becomes awkward between the two of you.
F = Future (What would your future together look like? What would the aura of your relationship be like?)
You can expect your relationship to be filled with a lot of spontaneous adventures (like previously mentioned). You two value spending time with each other; this could be by just doing mundane things together like cooking, watching movies, taking a walk, you name it. It's a very chill relaxed fun-loving vibe in your relationship.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they mentally and physically?)
Miles is extremely gentle mentally. He is always there if you need consoling. Ready to show you sympathy whether that be through holding you or just being there and offering you words of encouragement (if you're opposed to physical touch). Physically Miles for the most part is very gentle however there are times where he gets over excited and forgets himself (which is always very cute to watch). He wouldn't physically harm you though during this bursts of happiness. There are times where he gets angry and might say some hurtful things. This mainly happens because he bottles up all his emotions and when it's too much, he just lets it all loose. But you are more than understanding and let him talk about his emotions. Other than that he is so gentle physically and mentally.
H = Happiness (How happy are they? How happy are they with you?)
Miles is such a happy human being it's unbelievable and it's so contagious! Just his smile alone is enough to brighten up your whole mood. He is such a happy person that seeing any inch of sadness is enough to break your heart. If he's that happy on his own then imagines how happy he would be with you. He is so happy to hear from you through text or calls. Always looks forward to the next time you go out together.
I = "I love you" (How quick do they say it? How much does it mean to them?)
He takes his time saying the word. He understands how it's not just something you say to any and everyone. That phrase means a lot to Miles as well. I believe that he tell you he loves you randomly but it would definitely be like a month or two into the relationship. It would slip out during an intimate moment or a moment where he is really happy. But whatever way he does it, he means it whole-heartedly and it sure does mean the world to you.
"This is nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, thank you baby. I love you so much."
J = Jealousy (What are they like when they are jealous? How easy is it for them to get jealous?)
Miles doesn't get jealous easily (mainly because he doesn't notice when people flirt with you). But when he does notice, he gets the slightest bit sad but highly annoyed. Every time a person flirts with you, it's met with exasperated breathes and dramatic eye rolls from Miles. You tease him afterwards about how jealous he was but he always denies it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where would they like to be kissed?)
Miles' everyday kisses are sweet and quick. Usually on the lips, cheek or four head; the type of kiss you give you s/o before you leave for work. But when you and Miles are alone and feeling very passionate, deep kisses on the lip are the go-to. If it's a more steamy setting/environment, deep lip kisses and sloppy neck kisses are first choice. He loves to be kissed on the head, nose and behind the ears. Despite how oddly specific these kiss points are, he loves them. Just a sweet kiss on those places is enough to have his legs swinging back and forth.
L = Love confession (When did they confess their love you? How did they find out that they liked you? How did they confess?)
Miles is 101% scared to confess his feeling for you to you. But he's even more afraid to confess them to himself. Being spiderman comes with a lot of risks one of them being he may loose you. If him not confessing his feelings to you keeps you alive and out of harms way, as much as it may pain him, he will do it. But lets say that the stakes aren't that high. He would probably be super nervous: he had already called you way ahead of the day of the big announcement and now he was currently waiting for you. Bouquet of your favourite flowers in hand and an envelope with a letter (he had decided that he could express his feelings for you better through written words rather than spoken). The crisp evening autumn air wisped around the both of you once you arrived. He handed you the letter with shaky hands and (unbeknownst to him) held his breath. You read the letter and once finished planted a kiss on his heated cheek. It was safe to say any tears shed that evening were of joy and relief.
M = Mornings (How are mornings spent with them? Are there any morning rituals?)
Mornings with Miles (omg it rhymes :))) ) are extremely calming and and can sometimes can be giggly. I don't think they would be very common however (:( ). Miles' parents aren't extremely strict but they definitely have reasonable rules set in place when it comes to partners staying overnight or vice versa. Overall, the morning would look something like this: you would probably wake up first because lord knows that baby sleeps like a log because of all his spider activities. You go to get out of bed but immediately get dragged back in by Miles who is seemingly awake. Stifled laughter (mainly yours) filled the air and you attempt to gently wrestle you way out of his long limbs only for his grip on you to slightly tighten. Laughter at five o'clock? That was only the start of it...
(I'm so so so sorry for not finishing this loves <3 but I got a bit bored of writing this so I decided to go halfway and just end it. Maybe if I want to I will make a pt2 to this for the other half but rn this is just getting a bit boring and I'm losing motivation to continue with this specific fic so that's gonna be it for now with this one. I've had this in my drafts for ages and recently decided to try and finish it but I just can't. Hope you enjoy this tho love you lot loads MWA <3 <3 byeeeee xx.) Always feel free to send requests!!
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sillysystems · 2 months
hiii :D so i have no idea how this works cause weve never done it before but firstly can i claim the 🥀 as sign off and with our @funkylildragonfella? were a very silly system (hence our system name silly doc squad hehe) and have lots of silly things to share also we ramble a lot like a lot and i hope thats alright we just dont wanna be annoying /gen
so this one is a very long silly thing that once happened and also with sp chat cause it was very silly i hope thats okay if not if its too much or anything im very sorry /gen
so first here the sp chat hehe
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and context:
so lucifer is a subsystem of at least 3 lucifers and were slowly learning some lil differences like 🎹 is mostly around of the lucifers as far as i can tell and hes more like caretaker and energy booster for me, then theres mainly protector lucifer 🎶 who also seems to swear a lot and then theres doc lucifer 🗂 whos an even bigger idiot than first lucifer but i love him too
hes helping us a lot like today he did a silly thing he apparently is able to mix up the dates and whatever like memories and stuff in our head so he made me think that we have therapy today at 12 so i went there only to stand there for an hour and wondering when im gonna be let in
but then i realized i probably got the date wrong and im really nervous and stuff about calls or writing messages to therapist or doctors and stuff but i had to cause i had to ask when the actual appointment is and our therapist replied and wasnt mad at all and told us that its tomorrow at 12
so yeah got that mixed up and then i thought to myself hey at least we got outside for a bit and then lucifer just popped up being like yeah that was the point like he mixed it up so id remember it wrong so that we would go outside for a bit cause we dont go outside that much as much as we want to but like for an appointment i would have to go no excuses
so i went there and then he was like and you also learned that its okay to mess up and how to write message to therapist cause to resolve the situation i had to write her and it wasnt so bad and the stress around it actually got a little less so it actually helped a bit
and yeah then i told him okay but you coudlve just asked me to go outside cause if he asks i would definitely go cause i love him its just different with outside people when they tell us to do things brain goes like no im not doing it now that you told us now
and yeah so now we made a deal like that hes gonna drop some little things to do that we have difficulty doing once in a while but like without pressure just in our own time and like when the other brain sillies ask im always gonna try cause i love them so yeah he said its like a quest and we can even do a point and reward system if it makes it easier and whatever hes so silly and i hate him but i also love him
Sure you can claim that 🥀 sing off and I'll make sure to add your tag in there. In this blog the're no such thing as annoying or too much so feel free to share what you want and yap all day, that's what the blog's for bro!!
I read the whole thing and that was wholesome ngl, a little trick to teach a lesson and learn, grow out, that's beautiful man
I also like how this Lucifers work, at least from what I've seen here, it's such an interesting way of working and I found funny how Jinx was like "I hate you but I love you"
Glad your therapist was chill about that little messed up!
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mayordea · 3 months
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so i have posted my elaborate “the robins are separate entities and siblings” headcanons and i think i’ve said too many damn times that i wanna extend a similar headcanon post for morgan and now it is TIME!!
(im also a lot less nervous sharing this time teehee)
more info about the guys under the cut :]
the girl one
robin’s adopted daughter. parents died after grima goes bananas and robin decided to take her under his wing. i like to think robin held out a little longer than the rest of the shepherds once the apocalypse started so he was able to teach morgan what he knew. plus she self taught herself magic and tactics using his notes even when he’s dead
can be blunt, hates being the butt of the joke, but has a pretty dry and witty sense of humor. sometimes clashes with lucina’s inability to pick up on jokes
since she was a kid when grima goes bad, she is the oldest among the second gen. older than lucina by a few years perhaps
has a close sisterly relationship with lucina. she and lucina sort of reflect robin and chrom’s relationship in the group, with the exalted leader having a wise magic man by their side. given the situation in their family tree (though morgan is adopted, she is still lucina’s cousin) i’d refrain from defining it as anything romantic (besides i hc lucina to be aroace anyway. queerplatonic relationship, perchance)
since morgan was only able to cross paths with lucina and the rest of the second-gen shepherds through her adoption from robin, it is unlikely that she will meet lucina in the good future or at least have the same very close relationship with lucina since she’ll be raised by her bio parents. (one may argue that none of the second-gen shepherds will meet or form a close band without the backdrop of acopalyptic bonding in the good timeline, but the point is that morgan will live a significantly different upbringing if the grima threat is taken care of). lucina sometimes worries about this possibility, but morgan’s conviction to change the future for the better is stronger than this uncertainty. this conviction was also probably inspired by lucina’s drive to change fate
ngl this is all i have unfortunately 😭 but i do wanna work with her more, especially her relationship with lucina
the boy one
chrom and reflect (girl robin)’s son from… a different future. he does not hail from the same doomed timeline as lucina and the rest of the kiddos. instead, he’s from a timeline where grima was vanquished with the falchion (keeping reflect/the vessel alive). he was born shortly after the war ended (though in actuality he’s born after chrom and friends leave smash bros but that’s a whole other can of worms)
the youngest of the future kids
due to his unawareness of the apocalyptic future and grima in general, he has a much more jovial attitude compared to the rest of the kids
brash and a bit of a jock
has a little bit of aptitude in magic from his mom, but he has no interest in actually touching a book
lucina (and the rest of the kids) were confused about this guy’s existence and why he was sent to the past but they embrace him as one of their own anyway (he still doesn’t really know what’s going on)
tbh i have even less going on with him, but i think exploring the silly sibling dynamic he’ll have with lucina should be fun in future projects
his design is kinda messy atm, i do not know if ill fully settle on the one here idk
OH and lastly: his mark of the exalt has not surfaced yet at his age, but i think it’ll appear on either the back of his right hand (like the defile brand) or on his upper back (jojo reference). or maybe even in his right eye like inigo (but that sorta feels like his thing so i don’t wanna rip it off lmao)
anyway that’s it!! i’m kinda pressed for time rn but i wanted to get this out before i forgot lmao!! will edit if needed ough
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enha-stars · 5 months
hi!! i’m a little nervous because i don’t rlly do this, but i had to say something! you’re writing is like, so good. i read your ‘let me take care of you - heeseung’ fic ALL the time because it really does comfort me. also! homecoming? slayed. priorities? Slayed. INVISIBLE STRING?? SLAYED???
you mentioned that you’re writing a jake soulmate fic and !!!! i’m so excited for it. do you have a favourite sentence that you’ve written?
my genuine reaction:
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anon, i’m going to SOB. WDYM 😭😭 don’t say these kinds of things mg heart can’t handle it 😭 thank you so so so much for reaching out i hope you know you made my entire week.
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IM SO GLAD YOU LIKE MY WORK 🥹🥹 the heeseung fic is meant to comfort so i am so so glad it does its job. i’m ngl i still don’t rlly know what to say besides thank you and i love you.
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you knowing the titles has me blushing crying throwing up actually 🤭🤭
please don’t ever be nervous to reach out to me 😭 i rlly hope you continue to talk to me because you’re genuinely so sweet and i love writing because of people like you
and yes!!! jake soulmate fic has been a bit delayed unfortunately. my fault because i keep adding scenes and build up and it’s getting long.
AND JUST FOR YOU 🫵🏽 i’ll share some of my favourite sentences. i’m afraid i haven’t written THE favourite sentence yet.
You felt sick, like everything inside your body was melting and trying to reach someone who wasn’t yours to reach.
He shouldn’t be thinking about you at all, and yet, his mind is only ever active when you’re on it.
In the confines of his bedroom, you belonged to him the way he belonged to you.
He wants you and Jake to just figure it all out, but he doesn’t know what it’s like to be in love with someone you didn’t know you could have.
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chokememaximoff · 1 year
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*Let me soothe you🤎
First fic on here kinda nervous ngl.
Abstract:Reader suffers from tinitus
Content: fluff, comfort
I turn around in the bed once more and feel angry tears brimming in my eyes. Please let me sleep, but nothing happens as the ringing continues. You see after damaging my hearing I started experiencing tinitus meaning I have ringing in my ears when it's quiet as a symptom of my hearing getting even worse. It was scary to be honest, but I tried to be as calm as possible so others wouldn't worry. My hearing was declining so fast that it was quite concerning in the matter of two month it went from slight hearing loss to moderately high and there was no stopping it, it was irreversible. And as scary as that was, the tinitus part of it all was driving me crazy. I was so sleep deprived that it was infuriating. I quietly roll out of bed peeking at Wanda who only stirs a little but continues sleeping nevertheless. I go out to the balcony of our shared room and take a pack of cigarettes which I hid from her and turn one on letting the smoke calm me down. Throughout all of this I picked my habit of smoking back up...I mean could you blame me? The world was about to become a scary silent place for me and there was nothing I could do about it. As I'm halfway through my cigarette staring up at the moon I feel a hand on my hip and I jump almost dropping my cigarette and holding my free hand over my mouth so I don't scream.
"Shhh baby it's me" Wanda says with concerned eyes and I remove my hand still shaken.
"How did I not hear y-Oh..." I mumble and her eyes soften. She glances at the cigarette in my hand and sighs. I throw it away quickly and give her a nervous smile.
"Why are you smoking again?" She asks and I sigh.
"I'm just... stressed" I blandly lie and she turns her head to the side.
"You're aware I'm a mind reader right?" She asks and I groan.
"Can't you just let me lie once?" I mumble and she shakes her head no. "I can't umm sleep lately..my ears they're ringing like crazy when it's silent in the room so when you are asleep I am just spinning around not being able to get rest." I say and she frowns.
"You didn't tell me...why?" She asks holding my hand and I shrug.
"Didn't want you to worry, you already got so sad when you found out I was losing my hearing that I didn't wanna stress you our further by telling you about the ringing." I say and she shakes her head.
"Baby I am your wife you can't just stay quiet about your problems because you don't want me to worry. Remember I vowed to be there for you no matter what? Well I meant that. I am so worried about that because I'm scared of how you're dealing with it. I mean you got told that you're losing something you never should have lost and you just nodded and carried on like nothing happened. Baby are you okay? But no lies this time" She says and I feel tears brimming in my eyes and I walk back into the room sitting on our bed and putting my head in my hands. I feel the bed dip next to me and Wanda rubs comforting circles on my back. "I'm here babygirl it's okay, let it out." She says knowing I hated crying in front of anyone.
"Wanda I'm so scared. I-I- Nobody tells you how hard it is to lose one of your senses. I wake up every day not knowing if that will be the last day I hear. I know that hearing aids exist and thanks to whoever invented them , but that's just not the same Wands..and the ringing..God! Its making me lose my mind! I want to rip my ears out! It hurts in a way too Wands when all the pressure builds up in my ears I feel like I'm gonna explode. I-What am I gonna do if I can't hear your beautiful voice? Or your heartbeat when I rest my head on your chest? I-Im scared." I sob and Wanda pulls me onto her lap and I quickly nuzzle my face against her neck sobbing uncontrollably as she comforts me and plays with my hair.
"Baby Im so sorry you have to go through this. You should have told me. If the silence bother you then I won't rest every night until Im sure you're fallen asleep I will sing or hum to you to calm your ears down. I know you're afraid and that's normal, I mean you are losing something you never even thought was an option to lose. Silence is a scary thought to everyone, but hearing aids are there. For god's sake you are the daughter of Tony stark he will invent the best hearing aids the world has seen for you! So calm down my voice will always be there, even when you take off your hearing aids I will talk to you through our minds and you can hear me then. I will always be there and calm you down. So let me soothe you from now on so you can rest my dear." She says and I cup her cheeks kissing her softly in a kiss filled with love and she reciprocates letting me know that she meant every word.
"Thank you, I love you so much Wanda" I say and she smiles caressing my cheek.
"I love you more than you will every know baby." She says and then we settle back on the bed with me on top of her my head on her chest and I faintly hear her heartbeat already seeing a difference from how loud I've heard it before and it makes my chest tighten. "Shh calm down don't think about that, you can still hear it and that's what matters." She says and I look up seeing her eyes glowing red as she reads through my mind. I settle my head back on her chest and her hands skillfully play with my hair knowing just the way to relax me. She starts singing the songs which we dedicated to each other over the course of our relationship and I slowly but surely relax feeling my tired body give up and ease into the bliss of sleep. Nothing is scary when shes around.
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sugarpuptard · 27 days
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waaaaaahhhhhh im gonna go insane i miss my boyfriend too much i need it to be october already so i can have him all to myself again ITS NOT FAIR I NEED HIM!!!!!!!! i keep thinking about earlier this year when i went to his state to visit in person for the first time i wish it was longer 3: i want more pics with him too i don't have enough, one of my favs tho i'll share hehe, i don't think he wants his face here but the pic below is still perfect and cozy >w< leg reveal i guess? xD
i love this pic so much i stare at it every time i miss his touch (pros of too vivid imagination + too much vr training phantom senses = i get to feel it almost enough again yippie! but its not the same) thought i should edit it to look extra cute here <3
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i was only there for like 5 days but he's staying longer when he comes for my birthday and im too excited omfg. traveling is much more new to him than me since i've been to plenty of states but he hasn't left his state really so i get to show him new stuff hehehe i like that, imma show him the city!!
i also wish i wasn't a little nervous but i think its just some past trauma with relationships in this situation ( ; w ; ) but i dont actually have anything to worry about since its not like that anymore (reminder to myself: its not like that anymore) and i think its more excited nerves than anything, things will be good!
another thing i am also nervous-excited about is that he's gonna be proposing to me!!! (๑ˊ͈ ॢꇴ ˋ͈)〜♡॰ॱ like HUH??? ME????!!??? u choose my weirdo NEET mentally ill and crippled ass to be yours forever?? ;w; i don't know how i found someone like him he makes me feel so safe and happy and genuinely cared about, he's everything i wanted and everything i didn't realize i needed, and to think we met as middle-schoolers on ROBLOX?? specifically in the robloxian highschool rp game (∘︎>▽<。) we had quite a long and intense roleplay over multiple days and weeks possibly we were hella invested, i forgot most of the plot tho my memory of back then is so blurry
we didn't talk for quite a few years because of my mental issues getting me put into places that kept me away from online too much sadly, but he never left my mind so in june of last year i finally messaged him again with the help of some alcohol and my friend saying DO IT DO IT DO IT and thank God i did. he replied pretty quick too because luckily he was still signed into his old account on his phone and he woke up to my texts at like 3am xD oopsies
im just so lucky to have him, i feel so unsafe so much for so fucking long and finally i have someone that gives me that sense of safety and security, i dont have to be scared or stressed i can just love and i love him too much and i'll do anything to have him forever. my journal rambling for today is fitting the theme of my yandere blog posts ngl ( ̄▽ ̄;) but i didn't know i was gonna ramble like this and i dont feel like logging out sooooooo this go here instead teehee
i genuinely didn't mean to ramble so much but my new med is a stimulant so i've been a bit wired all day lmao, i gotta get the ramble vibes out somehow, if u read all this damn :o
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s3a-s1ug · 1 year
Mmm after 3 seperate breakdowns with 20 minute breaks in between im in questionable mood, my eyes are still burning from tears so i will use my fragile state of mind to request a fear and hunger nsfw scenerio... fic... thing?
How about Ragnvaldr × Cahara? I know its a joke in the fandom that Cahara is a size queen for all the fucked up reasons you can imagine, but from the ingame art to fanart, he seems kinda like a hoe ngl. I know he has a wife but come on, let a girl dream. Basically the fic would be in the canon setting of the game, and the two would meet as normal, but Ragnvaldr notices that Cahara attempted to steal his shit. However, instead of getting mad and kicking Cahara on his merry way in the dungeon, he decides to keep a close eye on him. The dungeon is a dangerous place and its always good to have more hands for weapons.
One thing leads to another, you'll be the judge of that, and they end up sharing a bed. And Cahara once again proves himself to be untrustworthy by feeling around in Ragnvaldr's pockets. But what he touches isnt his pocket, unfortunately.
God I hate myself. Its 4 am, i need to sleep
Oh and also happy christmas
“The Thief’s Tricks”
Cahara x Ragnvaldr Fic - Part One
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THIS REQUEST SAVED ME!!! This is actually so fun. The next part should be out soon! I’m that case enjoy!!! …and merry Christmas to you too..? Time is a construct I guess.
The prisons. The heavy oppressive nature of the sights to be seen in there would shake anyone to their core. Bloodied empty prison cells captured the true horrors of what happened to its unfortunate prisoners. All for except one.
“…hey…hey big guy..!”
Ragnvaldr stopped in his tracks and locked into the prison cell. A man with dark messy hair on the other side. He seemed to be in shape but he looked very tired. Bags under his eyes. He gave a tired smile
“Look.. I’ll give it to you straight… I’m in a tough one here and I could REALLY use your help. You look strong. You think you could get me outta here..?” He asked with a hint of desperation in his voice
Ragnvaldr analyzed the man on the other side of the bars. Could he be trusted?…then again…the dungeons are very dangerous and it could be better to traverse them with some help…
“Hmm… what is your name?”
“Cahara..! Of the south.”
“Ragnvaldr. If I were to help you out of here you will have to help me too.”
“I am on a quest to find a person..and kill him. He is long way down these dungeons so if you are willing I could use the help.”
The mercenary didn’t even give himself time to think and answered immediately
“Yeah sure! I’ll help. I’d say I’m a pretty useful asset. Im a mercenary so I think I could be of good help.
Ragnvaldr only nodded in agreement. He held the bars of the cell. They were rusty and worn out but sturdy enough to keep someone from getting out. He gripped the bars and slowly separated two of them to make an opening for Cahara to get out.
“Woah…damn…you ARE strong..!” He said in awe. A little intimidated even.
“Ja. But you must promise me one thing. You will not deceive me. Since I have helped you, you must return the favor.” He held out his hand for Cahara to shake
“Yeah sure thing”
Cahara shook his hand then brought him into…a hug..?
“I can’t thank ya enough, man. I mean it”
Ragnvaldr was taken aback by this. He swore he felt something in his pocket but before he could react Cahara pulled off from the hug and smiled
“Well I’d assume you know the way?”
“U-uh ja. Follow me” He said with a hint of confusion. He was still cautious mainly due to Cahara’s “off” vibe.
They walked for a bit trying to find their way out of the prisons. Multiple corners were turned in silence. Ragnvaldr went to grab for something in his pocket but…it was gone… he stopped in his tracks. Cahara, who was pretty far behind him now, stopped us well, pretty taken aback.
“Cahara.” Ragnvaldr said sternly, not looking at him
Cahara seemed nervous
“Uh, yeah..?”
“Give it back. You took it.”
“Took what? I wouldn’t steal anything from you. Uh promise! I’m here to help after all heh”
Ragnvaldr turned around and looked at Cahara. He walked up to him and grabbed Cahara’s wrist.
“Give. It. Back.” He squeezed Cahara’s wrist tightly while giving him a stern glare
Cahara gulped. He was in a tight spot. Cahara was in no way weak. He had a fine build and could try to fight back but… that probably wouldn’t last long.
Cahara sighed. He shuffled through his pocket using his other hand and grumbled pulling the vials out and giving them to Ragnvaldr
He let go of Cahara’s wrist
“You made a promise. Next time I won’t be so forgiving. As it may seem I actually need to help. So don’t try this again”
Cahara nodded silently, clearly getting the message.
“You will walk by my side. You’re very sneaky. This will not happen again.”
Ragnvaldr turned around again and continued walking with Cahara catching up to his side silently
‘Damn this guy is tough. Really tough. I don’t want to stay here but I did promise… if there was just a way I could find to leave…hmm’
They walked for a good long while, encountered some enemies, nothing too bad, but it was beginning to get grueling
Cahara yawned and groaned loudly
“Ughhhh… man how long have we been walkin for? My legs are starting to sore….”
“…hmm…ja I suppose we have been walking for… a while” Ragnvaldr didn’t say it but even he was starting to feel tired “well perhaps there is a room nearby, keep a look out”
They walked for another long while until reaching a small stone room. Wasn’t much in it. A tattered rug, cabinet with some old drinks, and one singular bed. Cahara slightly glanced at Ragnvaldr
“Soooo…um… should I like… sleep on the floor? Or..”
“Nej, we will share it. We both need rest. We will make do”
“Oh..! Alright then”
This was certainly gonna be…interesting.
To be continued…
Next part will be NSFW muahahah so stayed tuned!!!!
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alien-girl-21 · 2 years
this probably wont make sense esp. since im talking as someone whose only seen k5 and mostly through translations lol but it's like- k!Luzu hurts to watch because he's both doomed by fate and his own hands- mostly fate in k4 it seems but like that leads into him being set up to fail in k5 because he doesn't remember the full context of what happened to him in k4 so he ends up screwing over himself and his best friend- but also it's like- he could've stopped, he could've trusted Quackity to handle the mayoral position and respected him instead of acting behind his back, he could've supported his friend and tried protecting him without hurting him even if that felt riskier, he could've accepted that he fucked up and admitted to committing fraud, he could've resigned as mayor- when he's shown the video of all of his and Quackity's moments together it hurts but he still decides to keep going- but then again why would he back down when as far as his memories could tell him the pain he inflicted on Q seemed like a lesser evil then letting him become mayor even if it meant breaking their friendship and overtime his priority shifts from protecting Quackity from Karmaland to protecting Karmaland from Quackity and so he can't just give up now but-he doesn't realize or maybe just doesn't want to acknowledge that things at that it turned out this way because he betrayed him in the first place- that the fraud and everything that follows was all for nothing now. And the longer he keeps going the worse the war gets, but the worse it gets the more like Luzu feels like he's in the right for staying as mayor for the greater good even if it hurts- having strayed so far from why he even ended up here in the first place and like- BASICALLY It's like he was set up to fail from the start but he could've stopped but then again why would he at any point- his unhappiness in k5 is both his fault and not his fault like- omg I didn't mean to ramble this much I've just been thinking about k!Luzu a lot lately and it's driving me a little nuts this ended up longer then I wanted it to 😵‍💫 I wish I knew more Spanish to do a proper analysis on him (and the revolution arc in general) because his character is really awesome- I hope this was alright, I like talking about k!Luzu but the language barrier always makes me feel nervous to do so LOL (Also I just want to clarify I'm not like absolving k!Quackity of any blame here because uh he did a LOT of fucked up shit and I share a lot of general sentiments that I brought up here with Luzu with him- like they're both were screwed by shit out of their control but also like neither are totally blameless for their suffering- I have a LOT of thoughts about k!Q too, but I just felt like focusing on Luzu's side of the story rn because of the k4 posts lol and this ask is long enough 😵‍💫)
I accidentally wrote way too much, dorry
K!luzu is soo tragic once you start thinking about it ngl
Since karmaland 4 he did nothing but help people. Someone needed food? He was giving them as much food as he had. Vegetta wated to tame a cat but didn’t have meat? Don’t worry, luzu will let himself be stabbed so vegetta can have his cat, and so on and so forth, He has the biggest heart during the beginning of the series, not only for the heroes, but for karmaland as a whole. Hell, I mean, his house got blown up like 3 times in one day and he didn’t even bat an eye and forgave the people that put the mines there, even if he lost his pig, Manolo, for a while during the commotion.
He said that he wants to be positive and help everyone else in karmaland. He loves doing good things for his friends, he has an entire episode dedicated to cooking his friends’ favorite foods! And when rubius told him it was part of his electoral campaign he said that no, it was because he loved his friends.
I guess one of the most tragic things looking into k4 after knowing what happens after the elections and everything that goes on in kv are his interactions with the hermandad oscura and his first therapy session with auron. Since the hermandad oscura was formed, they have been trying to get luzu to their side, they have blown up his house, stole his pig, and made him steal so they could give him Manolo back. Thing is, luzu never acts exactly how they want him to. They blow up his house? Oh well, he’ll patch it up. They steal Manolo and ask for ransom that has to be stolen? He’ll just put a lot of signs saying he’s sorry in the most nervous way possible while taking one diamond out of fargan’s chest. It’s impossible to make him do evil in one way or another, and they are tired of it.
When they give him Manolo back, they say: “we have seen there is darkness inside you (…) someday, you’ll know more” which he does have, he has that darkness inside him, and it comes out after the election, and it goes full blast in kv. But they try once again, to get him to their side 2 episodes later, when they swap the fake Manolo for the real manolo:
Luzu: there’s no bad blood (between us) after this mishap. But I think we could make a deal because of this. Hermandad oscura: We’re going to do something we normally don’t do, Luzu. There is evil inside you. L: (snorts) okay? HO: We’re granting you a pact. You can do one evil thing. L: You mean I have to do something evil? HO: No, you can tell us we can do something evil, and we will do it. L: This is a lot of power; I have never thought of something like that. HO: The consequences will be yours. L: Okay, so you will be the instrument for whatever evil I want you to do? HO: Exactly. L: Can I say it now? Because I have an idea. HO: Yes. L: Well, I don’t know if you know, but there’s a new Karmaland member (…) There’s a new member in Karmaland, Auronplay, he just started, and I think it would be funny —I don’t want you to hurt him— I want you to do something to entertain him, to welcome him to Karmaland like the rest of us. I think it would be funny for you to block his house and make a treasure hunt to find something, with different tramps, so he has to fight for his life… what do you think? HO: It’s a good idea, but it’s your idea. Everything that happens now is your fault. L: Okay, but don’t kill him, if he dies make sure it’s his fault, not yours– mine.
So, the hermandad oscura does as Luzu tells them, and auron has to do his little quest for some items that the hermandad oscura put in a chest with a code lock in, and every single sign left blames luzu for what happened. But they end up making up after it, so it’s like nothing ever happened in the first place. No matter what they do until before the elections, it doesn’t work.
Then, during his first session with auron as his therapist, they have many moments that just punch you in the face.
Auron: I’ve heard you are a very kind-hearted person, that you are one of the few that enters conflicts and is always smiling (…) that’s what they say, that’s why I’m asking, why are you here?
Luzu: I don’t know if you’re heard, but there’s going to be elections in Karmaland for being the mayor (…) the elections are coming up, and I’ve been feeling this pressure that grows, that I didn’t realize before (…) you know I’ve been preparing my campaign and some friends have betrayed me during this (…) I think that (everyone should have) free choice, you know? Everyone has to be the person they want, but of course, I think: what did I do wrong? What did I do? Because, of course, I made my friend react that way, so I don’t know what I did wrong and I want support so I know how to take this campaign. And if I become mayor, it’s because of you helping me with the pressure…
So yeah, he wants to be mayor, but he feels the pressure, and it’s even more when mangel, who was meant to be the creative director of the campaign, decided to form his own political party. And then you look at luzu in kv, he’s constantly saying to quackity that he shouldn’t mess around in politics, that it’s not worth it. Which I think lines in with what auron says next:
“This is a tricky subject, my father always used to say: ‘never talk about football and politics on the dinner table’. I have to say politics creates many betrayals, many enemies, it’s tricky, and you knew what you were getting into”
What does luzu say to quackity whenever he brought up running for mayor? That it’ll destroy his life, that it’s not worth it. In kv luzu accidentally became auron, he did not only become the therapist of karmaland, but he was saying stuff that auron had once told him to quackity, the naïve kid with a dream (in luzu’s eyes).
Luzu was betrayed, someone decided to step up last second in the election and run along-side luzu, his friends voted for them; his friend left him behind for the other guy because he had power. Luzu was failed by everyone he knew and he fucking snapped. He had flashbacks to this in kv, and that’s why he repeated his own history, to save quackity from what he thought was going to be a fate worse than dying.
Luzu is just surrounded by a narrative that’s always against him. He tries to do good; he tries to be positive, he tries for people to like him, see him as a friend. But it always fails, people think he’s the hermandad oscura, no way a guy is so nice just because; he gets betrayed in the thing that meant the most to him because of the need of power. But he still does good, I mean, if it wasn’t for him the members of kv could have never gone back to k4. Even in kv, if he didn’t trust anyone, he still helped them out, he was still there in all the events being friends with everyone.
Mucho texto, so I will finish with: tl;dr: k!luzu is doomed by the narrative and the narrative lets you know like it’s a slap on the face and I think cc!luzu should be praised more for his storytelling skills <3
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rei-does-stuff · 1 year
Ep one!!!
-Sunny making sure Misty is okay EEE!!
-The way Hitch looks at pipp oooooo!!!!
-AWW HITCH DOING THE DEEP AND MANLY VOICE, I love how much of a dork he isss
-oh noo shes anxious :((
-“smooth sailing!” *immediate storm* Its the little things in this show i love <3
-THE INTRO!!! Oh how I’ve missed you!!!
-Little SunIzzy moment (they’re standing together)
-Convinced Sunny only suggested that bc she’s been BURSTING to share that story
-She loved sellin shit even as a kid <3
-ARGYLE!!!! MY MAN!!!!!!!!!!
-Aw they couldn’t get his actual voice actor it seems (not even the one from tyt :()
-jkjk maybe her dad put it on her, or she snuck into the makeup cabinet <33
-Aww siblings bickering <3
-Epic <3
-That wasn’t flying! That was falling with style!!! /ref
-OH so sprout’s talent IS kindness! Glad to know that! Like a knight in shining armor!!
-That water animation,,, I did say it was SLOWLY getting better in the animation department…Slowly—
-Misty has social anxiety, we are the sameee
-She talks to herself! Just like me!!!
-IM JUST SAYING…T4T Zipitch it could work
-HA people pleaser sunny <3
-The red doesn’t work for me either
-I like the green!!
-Sunny being concerned :(((
-OPALINE!!! I love herr
-YUP that will be a tad awkward but shell get through it!!
-Pipp my dramatic queen
-Aww Haven being encouraging
-It does look weird, them using utensils
-Oh so we know opaline was never gonna give misty her cutie mark, nice nice
-trottie-talkies THAT IS SO CUTE
-See I love how they tell her its okay!! In g4 I’m sure they wouldn’t done an ep telling her to just go out there and be confident but here they can be like “yeah! Its okay to be nervous! We can do something else!”
EP 2
-Those pancakes look sooo good
-Sunny trying to comfort the situation!!
-Sunny and Zipp act like a bickering married couple sometimes
-Aww yk Haven and Alphabittle are a cute couple ngl
-They all have the same hairstyle, reminds me of g3
-I wonder if the shit theyre saying actually means something if you slow it down, probs not but yk
-I have a feeling that Misty’s trauma with Opaline cause her to forget all this, maybe push it back deep in her head as a way to cope?
-Breezies using phones THE HORROR!!
-Ipad kids breezie edition
-Ur so funny sunny :)
EP 3!!!
-AWW misty and sparky siblings arcc
-Aww misty being selfless!!
-After sparky!!
-it looks a lot more…Grassy compared to g4!
-No dragons…Ooooo
-Ooo so we might get an episode abt hitch having to let sparky go!
-Look at pipp being smart!!
-Im wondering how misty met opaline tho!! We knew she “rescued” misty but how??? I NEED ANSWERS!!
-I guess this also makes misty pipp and zipp’s step sisters! Sorry shippers!
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oraclekleo · 4 hours
Hey again, well I'm glad that my intuition somewhere resonated. I was kinda nervous but nvm, also haha well let's see.
Also well well well the reading was absolutely accurate and resonating and tbh somewhere it just reminded me of my power!?? Because lately I was feeling a little off and i need to hear this forsure-
Like yess girl I'm definitely not the type to cry over past, i learn, heal and transform ofcourse don't forget but ik how to move on past it. Like i won't get in too many details here but daym the reading was so accurate. Also, tbh as someone who's kind of familiar with tarot when I saw the death card I was smiling lol because seeing the question I feel it was literally one of the best cards in its own way. But definitely ngl in some situations it's indeed scary and especially for people who aren't familiar with tarot. 😭
Also i love absolutely loved the deck, 🤌🏻✨
Thankyou so much!! Hope you have an amazing week ahead, sending lots of love and light to you. 🫶🏻🤍✨🧿
Don't be nervous! At least not when it comes to me, never about me. Even if you happened to be like completely off, I'm not the type to be mad or sad about it. 😂
I'm happy the reading resonated with you. We all need to be sometimes reminded what makes us strong and powerful. It's easy to not feel empowered.
I love this deck, too. It's so vibrant and cool. 🥰
Thank you so much for your feedback! 💖
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