#im a little bitch baby and i dont do well in the heat
cryptcoop · 21 days
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It's too hot
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c0llisiion · 30 days
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Pairing : jeon jungkook + f!reader
Genre : smut
★ : request <3 , drabble , public sex , unprotected sex , slight praise kink and degradation ig? — lmk if i missed any!
W/C : 713
A/N : IM BACK 🤣 tysm to anon for rq this!! sorry for being inactive again i js have been going through another block 💀💀💀 i also started working on a jk au sooooo ANYWAYSSSSS NJOYY!!!
☆⋆。𖦹°‧★ This is strictly fiction. Any scenario or situation should not be taken seriously. Please refrain from reading if the topics make you uncomfortable. ☆⋆。𖦹°‧★
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Picnic dates have got to be the cutest date idea ever. Especially when the picnic is in an area where there are not many people—just you and your boyfriend—the nature, the food, the aura—everything that brings you solitude.
And that's why he had you push against a tree trunk. Your hands gripped onto the dry, flaky surface as Jungkook frantically pushed your little sundress up. “Jungkook- not right now- people could—" "You look so gorgeous in that little dress doll, I cannot resist.” He cut you off, fingers rubbing slow circles over your clothed cunt. Jungkook was a freak, and thank all the gods that he matched your freak too. He didn't care if people could catch you guys while you were doing the deed. It was thrilling for him. The possibility got him very excited, and you didn’t mind it either.
“Jungkoo-“ you were cut off again as his large hand wrapped around your mouth. You felt him push your panties to the side; the girth of his dick landed on your exposed ass with a soft thud. “Dont want anyone hearing you, right?” You whined against his mouth as his angry red tip prodded into your sopping hole. He fucked his tip into you so you could slowly adjust to his size. “Gonna have you dripping my cum. Fill you up so good, yeah? You like that, don't you? Show everyone who you belong to?” He said while pressing you closer to the trunk. Chest flush against the surface. His long cock started pushing itself into your tight pussy. Stretching you out perfectly. His other hand gripped your ass cheek, giving it a tight slap before fully pushing himself in. Your eyes roll back, and tears start swelling up.
He wasted no time in fucking you senseless. His pace was quick and hard. Skin slapping against each other, and your muffled moans echoed throughout the area. His right hand tugged the top of your sundress down, squeezing and pulling on your sensitive tits. Your hips bucked into his at the new feeling. You clenched around his length as he plunged into your pussy. “Shit doll, taking me in so well… You only know how to bounce on my cock, dont you?” He teased. Jungkook’s mouth was agape; soft, breathy moans escaped his wet lips. Gummy walls clenched around the girthy length, your cream collecting at the base of his cock.
You moaned into his mouth like a bitch in heat. Eyes swelled up, and mascara seeped down your face. “Such a needy thing, aren't you? So needy for me, huh?” His hand left your tits to play with your swollen clit. Your hot tears ran down your face and stained his hand. The overstimulation gets to you as he starts flicking and rubbing the sensitive nub. His dick pushing into you harsher and harsher.
Your legs started trembling as you were almost close. “Coming baby? Does my baby want to squirt all over my dick?” Jungkook leaned down and whispered lowly. You turned your head around and nodded incoherently, eyes filled with tears. Jungkook smirked at your reaction, “Anything for my good girl.” His pace reached an inhuman rate. Your eyes shot wide open as he drew rough circles over your nub. “Yeah? You like how that feels?” You nod through tears and cries. You cried out loudly into his hand as you came all over his cock.
Clear liquid gushed out of your sopping hole and ran down your thighs. Jungkook was chasing his own orgasm. His thrusts got sloppier and faster as he almost reached his high. Hearing the wet sounds of your fucked out pussy sucking him in was enough for him to shoot his load deep inside you with a loud groan. Your eyes rolled back as you felt him fill you up, excess cum seeping from the sides as he slowly pulled out his softening cock.
Jungkook detaches his hand from your mouth; a thick layer of your saliva coated his palm from your constant drooling, and he let out a soft chuckle as he saw the state of his palm. He pulled your panties back into place before patting them and leaning down to whisper in your ears, “Show everyone who you belong to, kay?” 
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A/N : THANK YEWWW 4 READINGGGG! The idea for the rq popped up after i suddenly retrospected this one twt 🌽 vid i once saw 💀 ALSO DID YALL CATCH THE TINASHE REF 🤭🤭 life has been really hectic and I have so many fic ideas and inboxs 2 complete 😭 i might be slow in posting so be patient w me! Ilysm!! Tc <3
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miikapie · 5 months
"Its not gonna fit!" with Geto, Choso, Toji and Gojo! (NSFW)
Just posting this because ive been thinking about writing it for weeks. Enjoy this tiny drabble while I stress over college!
Cw:.. fem!reader x various jjk men, they're mean :(( (toji, gojo too kinda..), choso being too sweet, cunilingus (choso), bad grammar ofcourse, SEX SMASHING INTERCOURSE BABY MAKING FUCKING MAKING LOVE i hope you get the point.
Gojo is so mean to you. If you say absolutely anything related to his size, or not being able to accommodate to his girth, hes seizing the opportunity to brag and belittle you while doing so.
"Awh baby.. it can't fit? hmm? Is my cock too big? Its okay, cutie, I know I know.. Maybe we just need to pay attention to your little clit, and we'll stretch you out too yeah? Im gonna make sure your little cunt remembers every single one of my veins no matter how long it takes to get in aallllll the way."
Geto (sighs dreamily) I LOVE THIS MAN. Totally much nicer than Gojo, but unintentionally mind-breaks you. His voice btw is so sexy can you imagine how husky it is duirng the deed??? drooling rn.
"Oh, what was that? It wont fit, hm? Thats okay, love. We'll find our way around it. Just gotta stretch you out some more so i can hit that spot you love so much, mhm? Right there isnt it? Yeah, I can tell with the way you're tightening around me. Or what about this? Maybe I'll touch your clit a little more. God... I love seeing you like this. Thats a good girl.. lay down juuust like that. You dont need to think for yourself anymore when I've got you."
Toji is SO mean, and incredibly cocky. Despite knowing damn well he's way too big to bottom out immediately in you, he takes this opportunity be snarky fun of you while destroying your insides.
" 's too big? We'll make it fit, doll. Stop moving like that, you know its just gonna hurt more. Give it a few minutes and you'll be crying like a bitch in heat. Fine. I'll be nice i guess, but im still going all the way in. 's not my fault your pussy's too damn tight. Fuck.. so good.. Yeah, see? Told you you could take it, wipe those tears 'fa me and keep your legs up here on my shoulders, yeah?"
Nanami... ah. He tries so so hard to be nice to you, by slowly bullying his way in your walls, but no matter how many times you do the deed it seems like you can never keep up with his size
"Too much, honey? Its okay, sweetheart. Look, I'll put a pillow just under your back here.. and it'll make you feel much better. Whats that? Feels nicer now? Ill take it slow as always honey, just take your deep breaths... God.. you're always so tight... It feels nice when I touch you right here doesn't it?..Feels deeper? Yes, love, thats the pillow under your back helping you relax. We're gonna have to use that trick next time wont we? Thats it, sweet thing, see? Im almost bottomed out and you haven't even noticed at all."
Choso is too much of a sensitive lover to even think about ever possibly pushing your boundaries. If he ever heard you say anything along the lines of 'too big' he'd pull out immediately and instead eat you out as an apology. (even though you've told him its just something you said in the heat of the moment) (he still leaves you shaking tho.)
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selfishmachinez · 4 months
this request was inspired by someone else who wrote it with Adam but idk I can’t find the post I think they may have deleted it or smthn😔
anyway- reader x Lucifer , Adam, and mammon (romantic, seperately) who plays that “best brother ever ” prank on them in public? i just think it’s really funny😭 if you don’t know what I’m talking about this is what I mean: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLevxYyu/
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notes: STOPP I SAW THIS ITS SO FUNNY😭 this trend kills me everytime omg
also hours after posting this i realised it was flopping cause i didnt add any tags someone bury me😔
warnings: adam and mammon being themselves (assholes😇); mammon being a bitch (kinda nsfw for him? idk you'll be the judge of that); not proofread
word count: 339
Lucifer 🍎 —
okay so for all 3 lets say your relationship isnt out to the public yet, but people just kinda figured it out already
poor baby was so clueless😭
i dont think hes very up to date with pranks/trends/all that
"well youre not an angel NOT LIKE THAT youre TECHNICALLY not an angel so we cant really be,, siblings,, BUT im glad you think of me like that i just thought we had more going on???"
if you keep the prank going he'll gen be hurt
you had to sit down and explain the joke to him
all you got out of him was a nervous chuckle and a "oooohhhhhhh..."
give my man some time ok hes old as hell (pun intended) 🧍‍♀️
Adam 🪽 —
first of all how DARE you
hes usually the one pulling the pranks on you
bro was flabbergasted 😭
he gives you that stare he gave lucifer after he said "and now i am going to FUCK you >:)"
second of all he kissed you back ok but when you said THAT???
"dont say that, you crazy bitch."
"i love you big bro, cmon."
he pushed you after that one ok🥰
after you tell him you were jk he was like "fuck was that for??? you wanna ruin MY reputation???? do you know who i am" bla bla bla
hes not gen mad just a little pissed at best
Mammon 🃏 —
"youre the best big bro ever!"
his reaction is fairly close to adam's imo
except hes not mad and actually plays along
"you into that stupid ass roleplay thingy now, eh?"
shit got heated for a second😨
"is it now?"
had you genuinely panic
that horny bastard istg!!!!!!!
he saw the trend already so he knows youre just playing
the kiss kinda threw him off tbh, he didnt want your relationship being public yet (cause he outed asmodeus and fizz and didnt wanna be seen as a hypocrite etc)
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reorientation · 6 months
okay nothing in this world has ever made me flood with need the way seeing my asks linked and tagged as 'respect anon' did. little update - ive been getting railed so often (11 times total now since mid november) that i have a bruised cervix. it hurts in such a delicious way, makes me hyperaware of what i am, almost feels reminiscent of cramps.
my original hookup ive now seen six times, and he wants to see me once a week minimum. the way he murmurs "good girl" so encouragingly to me, his strength, and the insanely erotic feeling of him breeding me, have all bewitched me. the texture of semen exploding into a wet cunt is so unique and im obsessed, its a different consistency from my own wetness, so i can always feel the exact moment hes fucking his sperm into my fertile body, even when i dont feel him throbbing through it (which i usually can).
other than him, ive fucked four other guys in the last month. each and every one of them came in me bare. i hoped a few times would sate me but if anything its fanning the flames. on my neediest day i had three guys come over one after another to fill me, the first was my original guy, and the other two were completely random, and they all treated me so perfectly honestly.
the third one in particular fulfilled my need to have a real man coax me into admitting my real name, he fucked me hard and fast and used his filthy tongue to slip into my subconscious mind and loosen my inhibitions until he got it out of me. then he used it over and over again while he fucked a baby into me, slapped my well-bred pussy till i begged him to stop, then held me so tightly. i felt so dazed and safe and feminine in his arms.
it feels so good to have a man respect me enough to give me what i really need, especially when im being brave enough to ask for something i was so afraid to even acknowledge about myself. and it especially feels good when he looks right into my eyes while pounding me and reminding me of the truth.
fuck sorry for multiple asks i literally just cannot stop thinking about being dubbed 'respect anon' its driving me crazy. i can feel my pulse everywhere, but it seems to pool in the places that make me a woman: my clit, my pussy lips, my aching dripping vagina, and my breasts. i can feel my pulse in my fucking nipples. and also usually my temples but thats off theme.
i cant get over how good it feels to be fucked. i never in a million years expected how endlessly perfect it would be, ive found partners that emanate joy together with me and its so much fun and so erotic. the original guy in particular, just takes so much joy in fixing me and in enjoying my cunt, i often end up watching the filthy reactions on his face as he watches my pussy clench around him. he watches us join together as one, my cunt singing with pleasure, i always ask him if theres anything else i can do for him and he almost always says "lay back and take it." like, yes sir!
once i was riding him and his hands were clenching my hips tight, i love riding because it makes my breasts bounce and heave so deliciously. he was staring at them, i was moaning like a bitch in heat feeling him stretch me out in an angle we dont normally do, and suddenly he looked me in the eye and said "you have a womans body." swear if id been on my back i would have orgasmed right then and there. he sometimes goes back and forth in what gendered terms he uses and it keeps my mind spinning with confusion and desperation. we are both bi and im pretty sure our current dynamic is heaven for us both.
there are so many filthy details i want to share with you. feels like i could babble all day about the things that have happened, but it all boils down to this: im a woman, obsessed with taking cock, finally letting herself enjoy some wonderful company, and it wont be long until im the sluttiest pregnant girl grindr has ever seen, hahahah.
respect anon back with one last thought because ive been obsessively rereading your two responses to me so far. when i begged him to refeminize me, "it doesn't even sound like he was surprised." nope! in fact he laughed at me, he laughed and said "fuuck yes." in that moment, i knew that he had already known, and was waiting to see if id admit it. with him, i have this manic energy where i come off completely insane over text, and his steady energy only serves to wind me up more. i think he knew id cave and beg to be detransitioned, my pics are all pretty high femme and lets just say im not ever subtle about my femininity.
the weird thing is, i only have that manic energy with him. i dont know if its because hes genuinely the hottest guy ive ever met, or because he took my virginity, or because he succeeded in breaking my mind. but the other guys ive slept with, while they blow my mind and show me what im for, i dont make such a fool of myself to them.
genuinely with him i have lost all semblance of self-respect and it proves right everything he has ever whispered into my ear.
All that fun you've been having, going from being a virgin to getting inseminated by five different men within a couple months - and nothing ever made you flood like my tagging system? I'm very flattered, Anon! A bit bemused, but flattered.
So much to speak to here, but one part I truly love is that your new life as a woman started with the first man to use your pussy laughing at you. Like your whole identity as a man had been one long joke you were telling, and you'd finally gotten to the punchline.
That's what real respect looks like for you, isn't it, Anon? A man who'll wait for you to finish telling the joke before he laughs.
And the man who made you tell him your real name while he fucked you full of cum... There's a pleasing symmetry to that. He got something out of you and put something into you. He learned what they called you when you were born, and maybe gave you a baby to call your own.
Which is what you're made for, after all. Your body never stops reminding you of that, whether it's with the pain of a bruised cervix or your blood pulsing in your swollen nipples or the unstoppable pleasure of taking a man's cum in your womb. It's little wonder that you've come so far since getting fucked for the first time, little lady: your body was just waiting for the chance to start.
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marcellaasblog · 1 year
Switch Eddie thought 18+, Nsfw ,Mdni !
Couldn't get this out my head....
Eddie is a switch their is nothing in my mind that doubts it ,he loves the way you use him for your own pleasure taking everything he has, milking his cock till his dick goes num and hes a whining mess moaning out your name begging you to let him cum he loves when he can hear the wet sounds of your pussy sucking him in while the pre cum from both of yall comes sliding down his belly down to his thighs hes a mess ,tears shedding from his eyes spit all over his mouth his eyes rolled back while you bounce on him,at this point eddie is in heaven his body goes num letting you take over him using him as your own personal dildo "yes ,yes god your so fucken good to ms baby" "fuck can I cum please, pl-ea-se,baby let me cum " he crys out "yes yes yes God FUCK IM GONNA EXPLODE BABYYYYYY ,FUCKKK IM CUMMMING" DON-T STOP PLEASE DONT FUCKEN USE MEEE BABY GIRL MILK MY FAT COCK ,FUCKEN TAKE IT TAKE MY CUM PLEASE", he cries out loud gripping your hips harder while you fuck him faster ,eddie is a goner his head is tilted up letting out the most violent cry you ever head his legs shake and he chokes on his own crys while you ride him to reach your high he to sensitive at the moment but he wants you to come "pl-ease baby hurry it's to much" he whines biting his lip trying not to come again.............. he does,..... again.....and again that night.......
Now when hes doms he would be spanking your ass markings it red with his big hands and roughly fucks you into the mattress pushing your head down into his pillow pounding your pussy more and more until your not able to move your body upwards he has your hands in handcuffs pulling on you to lift you while he whispers the dirtiest shit your ears"you like it dont you baby" "taking daddy cock so well " "you hear that shit baby,that's all you" "fuck your pussy loves me so much,taking all of me like a whore you are" aww you act like a bitch in heat just wanting something in your tight little pussy dont you " fuck baby your mine and mine only I'm the only one that can fuck your holes only me "your my fuck toy my own personal flesh light, you got that bitch i can use you whenever I want" "yeah fucken take it ,yes yes take daddy dick baby fucken cum on it slut "he says while he angles your ass up more hitting every good spot in your pussy, you felt like you could feel him in your stomach ,the thought that made you reach your high so fast while you cum around his letting out a loud whine that comes from you throat he fucks you riding out your hight but to also reach is climax your to sensitive not wanting to piss him off all you do is try to move your hips away from him "Dont you fucken move whore you wanted to be a bitch to get attention well you got it baby so fucken take my cock like a good little toy you are and you BETTER NOT FUCKEN CUM UNTILL I SAY YOU CAN " he fasten his pase grunting above you smacking your ass multiple times you swear you could feel the flesh of your ass bleeding by how hard he was spanking you which makes the vibrations from the smack hit your clit multiple times making your whole body shake violently cumming again..... "did I say you could cum ,seems like you dont listen to simple directions and you know what happens when you don't listen, you get punished baby"
oh and you do and eddie makes sure of it .....
Okay bye 💀
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p0is0nvalz · 2 years
Just sum stranger things stuff i thought of :) (each are separate)
(Chrissy is 18) •It was your birthday and your secret girlfriend, chrissy cunningham had special plans for you. your other friends, however, decided they wanted to throw a suprise party for you. In your house. “chrissy.. i want.. you..” you spoke between rough kisses and struggling to open your front door between heated kisses. Finally, the second you unlocked the door, you pinned her up against the wall “i get to top this time, yeah?” “Yeah baby, the little birthday girl gets to destroy me tonight”
“Supri..se?” You both whipped your heads to see Eddie, Steve, Dustin, and Mike with their eyes popped out, their mouths dragging on the floor, Lucas passed out, Johnathan and nancy looking at a bug on the ceiling like it just painted the mona lisa, will trying to set up a dnd campaign, using forks and spoons as characters, Robin biting her fist and beet red, and max and el blinking at you both “aww thanks guys bye!! Shoo!” You quickly pushed them out of your house
“well.. atleast we have cake now?” Chrissy giggled “atleast i get to put on on your body and lick it off you” you purred in her ear.
2. (Modern!au) •you, Robin, Eddie, Steve and Nancy were playing games
“any last words, edward joseph munson?” “Yeah. MOMMY-“ he screeched just as he was getting killed, leaving you and the others dying of laughter “mommy!?” Steve wheezed and slammed his head down on his keyboard.
As he respawned, you came closer to his character “thats ma’am to you, naughty boy” you made a ‘tsk’ sound as he choked on his water “i um.. ive gotta *cough* go..” Eddie sounded very flustered through his mic, only sending everyones giggles further “what did you say to him, y/n!?” “Why me?!” There was a sudden knocking on your door, causing you to get up and look through the window. It was Eddie. “Bitch Eddies here. I gotta go” you left before anyone could protest
‘suck his dick extra hard for me y/n❤️!!’ Steve texted you, but you were too busy to check. (Get it lmao ahaha) (why am i so childish)
3. •steve walks in on you searching up lesbians wooo
“y/n?” Steve entered the room un announced, leaving you to quickly close the tab you were looking at and turn around, trying to act cool “yep?” “Oh my god!” Steve ran out of the room
“steve dont tell anyone i sweartogod ill kill everyone you love” “im not gonna tell anyone! I just..mayknowagirlwhosinterestedinyou” “well IM not interested, i already know someone whos caught my eye” you crossed your arms and puffed out your chest “oh yeah, who?” Steve asked with a raised eyebrow.
“….ᴿᵒᵇᶦⁿ…..” Steve squealed and threw his arms around “ugh im litterally cupid. Im gonna call her right now and you’ll awnser.” He typed in robins number, much to your protests “Buckley residence, Robin speaking” “hi….” “Oh! Y/n h-hi, hey, whats up?” You giggled at her nervousness “uh.. so.. do you wanna hang out with me? As a date..?” You silently banged your head on the wall, thinking of 20 different ways that couldve been way smoother.
after a long hard 30 seconds she responded “y-yeah! Sure.. um ill pick you up at around 8:00?” “Sure” you agreed with a smile and hung up, squealing.
you and steve joint hands and started dancing around the room “sooo.. are we gonna talk about you searching up lesbians..?” “No.”
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Don't know if youll see this but i read about something that could be helpful for you and i want to actually be able to share it with you but this is the closest i can get to talking to you...oh well this is reality now reality is fucking depressing and i don't like it.
Have you heard about xenon therapy?
It has a lot of research in cf lung studies, might be worth investigating to see if it could help you. Only in trials right now, not fda approved yet. Also being studied for bipolar/ depression varieties, that's how i heard about it and saw the lung stuff and thought of you... but tbh what doesn't make me think of you. I had a pretty massive breakdown on the phone with my mom yesterday. I slept through my alarm and woke up so scared that i left the babies too long without feeding them but they were all fine, just very hungry. (Oh yeah Rice and beans are big brother and sister as of the 12th, momma had 6 more babies...i built a drop trap to try and catch her while still pregnant so she could be kept with the babies till they were ready and let them grow up in a better environment but of course she evaded capture yet again. I last saw her evening of the 11th and then on the 12th noticably not pregnant. A few hours later my neighbor said her daughter found them in the backyard of the vacant house behind ours so of course i run over to meet lil babies but also to check on them as momma is panting pretty heavy, probably dehydrated and overheated. Babies ended up looking the same. Wanted to steal them away right then but they were only hours old and definitely needed momma still so i put them in the shade with my camera pointing at them so momma could get them and hopefully not put them in another spot that had only a bit of dead grass as protection from the 95⁰ sun. Left them at 4, went to grandmas till 9, had my bicycle stolen and recovered (searched the neighborhood till i found the asshole who took it a block from my house when i was heading home in defeat and kindly asked for it back / hold her to give me my fucking bike disgusting bitch ) then at 10 knew i had to feed them. They were very thankful for lots of warm kmr after a rough first day of being alive. As much as i wanted to cuddle them immediately, i left them outside for another 3 hours with a heating pad till it was under 60 and brought them inside till the sun was up so i could get some sleep. More kmr then left them in a different spot and played a recording of their little mews but still no sight of her. So i took them in, cleaned them up and gave them the best that i could for the short time they were with me. ) during the breakfown thay my mom had the honor of listening to, she really pushed me to go to treatment again. Basically i told her what the main source of me not wanting to continue on is, and its me. Ive always fucking hated myslef. The only reason i would want to go is that its probably the only way I'll we've get to talk to you again
But even then, i doubt you would want to. Im trash, i don't know what you saw in me. Must have all been fake, if i was really that great why did i treat you like shit, why did you have to run as fast and as far away from me as possible? The person you almost convinced me i was could never do this kind of shit. I dont feel any different than i always have. My mental illness is a birth defect. Theres no mind over matter bullshit that will show me the light and make me happy to live out the rest of my days in my own. I should be on my own, i have adopted the narrative that all i want is sex and i don't have any interest in a relationship. I really do though. I want the kind of love that makes you excited to have nothing to do bcause nothing with you was my favorite thing. Eveythimg with you was my favorite. But i had no idea why you said all these wonderful things to me and yet i was a disgusting vermin in your life. You said only me but there was clearly more than only me. You fucked with my head so thuroughly that i didn't know wuss was real anymore. I know what is real now. I am trash, i am on my own, and i should be forever. You deserve to never be bothered by me again. And anyways i wouldn't subject you to me while high, and i dont see a reason to ever give it up. It'll get me to my end goal pretty damn quick if i keep up like this.. That is one of the many reasons i cant seen to be done with it. I just want to be done in general
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lovemeian · 3 years
‘i love you too, bitch’—
characters! itadori yuuji, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, toge inumaki x gn!reader
i dont really see/read a lot of loosey goosey fun stuff with jjk, so here’s me, producing some + humour! fluff? + i might do one for my hq boys hehe + this is normal, non-cursed spirits are around!au lol + because of that, inumaki can talk okay? okay. im not going to make him tuna mayo his way through this conversation i cant do it lmao + a little angst on toji’s !
masterlist ; suggest sum! ; tip ya writer
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In which you reply his ‘I love you’ with ‘I love you too, bitch’.
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mans had to double back, snap his neck, eyes wild with a jaw drop shshs
he was running late for work, toast shove in his mouth, bits of the rice onigiri you had prepared for his lunch and inhaled in one while you were looking away waso n his chin, as he tossed the toast in the air to finish it, kissing your forehead in one swoop.
“i love you, baby, don’t miss me too much!”
you tried to stifle your giggles as he started shoving his own shoes, and you called out, “i love you too, bitch.”
i swear to god, you heard his neck snap the minute he turned, choking on his bread. “baby!”
you blink up at him innocently. “what? i thought you were about to be late? you’ll miss the 8.30 train if you don’t go now, yu.”
his jaw is slack and he looks utterly betrayed, you might as well have told him you were going to dump him for sukuna. "you called me bitch!”
he blinks a little, watching your confused, innocent expression with a little frown. maybe he misheard? “. . . alright, uh, bye, sweetheart. i love you, angel.” the emphasis nearly cracks through your facade.
he watches you carefully, eyes trying not to betray how much he’s waiting for your reply.
you can’t control your laughter anymore. “i love you too. . . bitch.”
“i knew it!”
as you fall into peels of bright laughter, you must give this man as much kisses before he really goes, just to remove the little pout in his mouth, whilst explaining the prank— he’s already going to be late, might as well try to make him feel better with tight hugs that’ll crease his suit. but he doesn’t care, as long as you make his heart glow again.
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he’s just so confused??
he doesn’t know if he’s hearing is going whack or something, because ‘bitch’ has never been your endearment nickname for him lmao
megumi was just lounging on the couch, reading through a new book he bought— something non-fiction about imperialism or something — when you come out of the room, fixing your clothes and patting around for your house keys.
he looks up, blinking. “oh, you’re going now?”
you meet his smile. “yeah, baby. gotta go make sure they don’t burn the place down without me.”
he smiles. “of course, good luck. i love you.”
you smile so sweetly at him. “i love you too, bitch!”
you turn just in time to see his entire face drop in shock. there’s the sound of movement on the couch as you try and stifle your giggles. “love?” you hear him approaching as you put on your shoes, and what greets his frown is your innocent little blink.
“yes, love?”
“is that, uh—” now he’s unsure, licking his lips and book forgotten in his hand. “did you just, uh, call me bitch?”
you stand up, finishing your laces, and giving him a sweet peck on the corner of his lips. then you wink. “yes, now bye!” disappearing out the door, megumi’s straight just blinking at the closed door, already fishing his phone to text anybody— yuuji or nobara, if this was normal or were you trying to break up with him through a method he doesn’t quite understand.
when he opens his book again, he curses as he didn’t remember which page he left at.
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girly does not flinch
like at all
at most. . .
it’s hard to shock nobara, she’s seen through/gone through worse. and things likes this doesn’t faze her. in fact, it just comes straight out of the blue, a prank at the tip of your tongue when she comes back fresh from her run, sweaty and complaining about the early, morning heat— how she woke up late when the sun had already arrived, and mid through her usual route, the sunlight had come out in full force.
“you should just take a cool shower, life isn’t all that bad,” you say, finishing breakfast with a smirk as she rolls at you, kissing the side of your head.
she snatches a piece of bacon before you can protest. “okay, alright. don’t eat without me. love you.”
she says it out of habit, leaving a room with you in it.
you hold back your laugh as you reply it with, “love you too, bitch!”
nobara pauses, half choking on the bacon as she turns to you. you couldn’t help it, if you looked at her now, you were going to laugh, so you focus on the food in front of you, staring intently at the bacon with lips pulled back by sheer teeth, grabbed your coffee, and tried to control yourself as she stalks back towards you, one eyebrow arch.
“what did you just say?”
you raise your face, eyes wide and innocent. “hm? what do you mean?”
she frowns. then notices the twitching lip. “you!”
“i’m only joking, it’s a prank— no, no tickles, saki!”
she doesn’t stop until you’re a crying, writhing mess on the floor. if you’re going to prank nobara, make sure you can take the consequences of your actions.
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why would you do this to a precious bean istg
inumaki’s favourite love language will always be quality time. and his favourite is going on road trips, even as simple as random drives with you. a stressed week in, he had hauled you to his car to just drive by familiar streets and getting the wind in your faces.
“feeling better?”
“mhmh. much.” you find his hand across the console, twisting your fingers and feeling his rings. “the air feels so nice.”
“it does.” maki rolls down the windows further, letting the wind whip wildly and noisily. “we can go to the park up by the hill after, if you want?”
“and hit that ramen place with the thick bone soup?” you sigh happily. “that’d be great to end the day. . .”
maki sees you from the corner of his eye, unable to— and refuses to — stop the smile that twists in his mouth at seeing you happy and relaxed. he reaches for your hand again, rubbing on that corner between your thumb and forefinger, and with a calm, serene voice that is nothing but honest—
“i love you.”
you turn to him, heart skipping a bit.
“aw, inumaki, i love you too, bitch.”
like a record player rewinding, he blinks, gives you a look— your face not giving away anything.
huh. did i hear wrong?
“angel, can you. . . repeat that?”
“mmh? i love you too. . . bitch.” he snaps his head at you, eyes wide, but your laughter is simpered by your shriek, “watch the road, toge!”
he turns his head back, pout protruding as you continue giggling. “that’s not nice.”
“i was just joking. . .” you take his hand and kiss his knuckles. “i love you too, aki.”
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—for one of my favourite toji hoes.
oh, it’s rare for toji to say the three magical words that are more than foreign to his lips.
to this day, you don’t remember him saying them to you point blank without drunk or sleepy, or any excuse where he can shake his head with a lilting chuckle and say you must’ve misheard.
to him, love is one thing. its emotion he can’t name— too afraid of the implication, too afraid of what you can do to him because suddenly, the axis of his world falls like this: you can destroy him. with or without meaning to, and he’ll take all of it. he could.
but he can’t say it.
not yet.
but then you went out with friends, a time with them spent drinking and having fun, forgetting about your older love with words he’s unable to say but actions that prove them.
but you came home a little drunker than you thought, stumbling into the threshold and feeling less dizzy when you’re slumped over the cold floor and wall, leaning your head against it with a little hum.
“. . . are you just going to sleep there, then?”
you perk up at the familiar, amused, gravelly voice. its low and almost like air, a rumble in a chest and whispered out half air. you perk up and hum at his voice, but don’t move, too out of it to do so and he sighs.
“can’t stand up or won’t stand up?”
you hum in reply, moving your head a little bit. “can’t. but don’t. . . don’t scold.”
“i won’t scold,” he scoffs, and you can hear him moving until you felt him closer, and his cold fingers brush over your chin, tilting your head up. and your eyes open, smiling at the proximity of your lover. he’s unamused, eyes still dark and slits, and his hair still a little wet from the shower.
“do i wanna know how many you drank?” he asks softly, brushing a thumb across your lower lip.
you laugh lightly, tiredly. you kiss his thumb. “do you?”
he arches an eyebrow. “guess not. c’mon, let’s get you to bed.”
as he starts unwinding your arms, trying to get you to stand up with him, you take his arms. “can you. . . can you tell me you love me?”
he pauses. and it takes a while, you can count the seconds. “what?”
“do you love me, toji?”
he’s staring at you as if you’re a puzzle piece he doesn’t believe part of the equation. like a little anomaly, a little problem. and in your drunk mind, the disappointment stings harder.
you sigh. “it’s okay, let’s just go to—”
“—i love you.”
you freeze. when you look at him, you’re damn near owlish. he stares at you unamused, throat bopping is the only sign of his nerves gnawing at his edges. you fight a smile as you let him stand you both up, careful of your unstable state.
“c’mon, let’s get you to bed.” he pulls you to him, carrying most of your weight as he brings you the bedroom. when he takes off your shoes and jacket, murmuring about clothes and brushing your teeth as he leaves you at the edge of the bed—
“i love you too, bitch,” you whisper, and he stills.
when he turns, you’re losing your fight against the muscles of your own face. when his face skewers even further from deadpan, you fall back on the bed in peels of laughter, your giggles bouncing around the room.
“i do love you though,” you say to ceiling, hands on your stomach, sighing. “i adore you.”
“. . .love you too, bitch.”
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made by lavi <3
taglist: @jadasz​, @encrytpta​, @asaitashi​, @omiikeii​, @iworshipyelena​, @uhhkims​, @fiona782​, @princ3rae​, @roanniee​, @bbyhaji​, @ebiharachan​, @savantsoulfinder​, @tsukkisrightpinky​, @melsun​, @betheydocrimewrites​,
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itsalola07 · 2 years
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"Normally, you know im totally pro beating the shit out of people type gal"
"Sally, don't you fucking finish that sentence."
"But you going after a wall? Jer, so brave, so bold, so fucking stupid," Sally was turning red from laughing so much, with a shit eating grin, Jeremiah glaring daggers.
"Shut up, shut up, shut up." Jeremiah was growing redder by the second, looking away as they both could feel the heat of his embaressment.
It was part of their normal routine to try and trip the nerds leaving their nerdy advance math class, usually they could get at least two before they realized they were there. Usual nerd taunting ensued and they would go on their way, hands in their pockets and bruises on their knees.
Today however, one little bitch decided to yell back. Tell Jeremiah how he's just a bully, true, that's going to end up alone for being such a creep, untrue. And if there was one thing Jeremiah and his temper didn't like was people trying to fight back. He normally didn't do anything violent to the math class other than tripping, as he reserved that for stronger people that would gain him more respect and authority, but sometimes people need a reminder of their place. And so, Jeremiah went for a punch strong enough to break that little punk's stupid like nose. Well, it would have if Sally hadn't tripped him again, not paying attention to the situation, she wanting to trip him again for being so rude. And so, with the nerd falling to the ground, his fist collided straight into the wall with a loud crack, and an extremely loud string of shout and profanities.
The nurse at the school was not particularly fond of them, or rather most of the school wasn't, so after a switch, nose breaking headbutt, Sally dragged Jer out to the empty metal bleachers, pulling out her pink and bedazzeled first aid kit from her purse that she learned she'd need.
"Now give me your hand you big strong man, got to have you in tip top shape next time you see some bricks."
"Again, shut the hell up."
"Lighten up, okay?" Sally poured out some peroxide onto a small cloth, Jeremiah reluctantly holding out his hand. It wasnt broken, fingers able to move around, but his knuckles were torn up from the bricks and bleeding. She took his much bigger hand in hers, looking it over for a second before pressing the cloth to the wound.
"Oh fuck, thats worse than the fucking wall"
"Almost done you big baby., she pulled back, wiping away extra foam from the wounds and the white liquid dripping down his fingers. "I will say, that headbutt though?" She guestured a chef's kiss with a large toothy grin, giggling to lighten the mood. "That was goddamn impressive."
"I dont feel impressive," he grumbled simply. Sally just rolled her eyes, grabbing a bandaid and yanking back the folds with her teeth.
"Yeah if I had done that I'd be crying like a little bitch, give yourself some fucking credit."
She placed the bandage down, smoothing it out to make sure it stuck. It still bewildered her how big his hands where. One hand against his palm, the other, gently rubbing his knuckles, both of them still dwarfed in comparison. To be fair she didn't think much of his hands before, but now the thought had wiggled into her brain.
She noticed his skin, it wasn't calloused, but not smooth like hers, rough. And it was awfully warm, which she began to feel herself in her cheeks.
"Huh? Oh yeah. You better not get an infection from this, I'll clean it up again tomorrow, k?"
"Yeah sure, nurse. Now can I have my hand back?"
Sally hadn't realized she was still holding his in hers, and let go with maybe too big of a reaction, hands up above her head as it dropped.
"You sure you're not the one who headbutted someone?" The brunette cocked an eyebrow in amusement, rubbing at his knuckles as she turned red.
"Shut the hell up, come on, we got class soon and I'm ready to go to sleep," sally said huffily, tossing her med kit in her bag and standing up from her seat, trying to step down without tripping over the slotted metal in her heels. He grabbed his own bag and followed after her, a lot easier, as they headed back into the main building.
Sally behind her to see Jer staring at his hand awkwardly, before seeing her gaze and returned it to his side.
"You good?"
"Yeah, lets go."
Jeremiah wondered why he never noticed how small and soft her hands were.
(Written by @25thhanabusa ♡)
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As Sharp As Steel
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Wolverine x reader
Requested by: @tinachristeen Thank you so much for the request ❤️
Warnings: Violence, swearing, smut, fluff.
Summary: Y/n and Logan are at the warehouse of some SOB that thinks he's a big shit, he's the boss of a cartel, everyone is afraid of him. Little does he know there's about to be some next level clock cleaning going down.
Logan grabbed Y/n and ducked behind a large crate. They could hear a man yelling, they peeked around the corner and saw six men loading boxes into a jet. The man barking orders was big round and not the most appealing looking fucker.
"alright, you circle around to the left while I take them from behind. You got that, princess?" Logan asked.
She nodded and began sneaking to her destination when Logan grabbed her arm.....
"Don't get, shot, stabbed, killed, mangled, or tortured. Alright?"
"Im not stupid, I understand what I'm supposed to do. I don't need supervision, I'm all good. Now if we keep talking they'll finish the job and will be gone...want that?"
Logan chuckled and pointed at the jet. "Go on, Princess."
Y/n circled around and stopped at the left of the jet, she watched Logan go up behind two of the men and with a slash of his claws they were on the floor.
"Hey! Who in the fuck are you!?" The boss yelled at Logan.
Y/n ran up jumping on his shoulders and pulling him backwards. One of his men came up behind her and three large razer blades came out of her back and impaled him.
The Boss sat against one of the jets wheels with his hands tied behind his back, Y/n took a seat on a bucket Infront of him.
"What's this shipment for?" Logan asked as he walked out of the jet.
"You gotta ask my boss, I don't know nothin." The guy replied.
Logan grabbed him by the front of the shirt and pulled him close......
"We already asked you, we know your the boss you son of a bitch."
"Nah, believe me I ain't the boss."
Y/n took out his wallet and rummaged through it, she held up his ID card.....
"Really? Then why the fuck did you change your name to The Boss?" She asked.
The man was frantic...
"It was a joke for me and my buddies, no harm."
Y/n tucked his wallet in her pocket..
"No harm done, huh? Tell me then Mr. The...why are you loading weapons and money into this jet?"
He went quiet until...
"Well then I guess you caught me." Damn he sounded like a Italian mob boss.
"Tell me, why don't uh...we split the cash fifty fifty and we all go home happy, huh?"
Y/n looked at Logan then at The Boss...
"Sorry Mr. The, this ain't 1927." She said.
Razer blades came out of her forearms and she slashed him across the throat.
"Who does he think he is? Al Capone?"
Y/n sat down on their shared bed and rubbed her eyes. Logan came over and gripped her shoulders pulling her in for a hug.
She nestled her head into his stomach and wrapped her arms around his waist.
"Long day, Princess." He said.
She stood up and pulled him in for a kiss, he ran his fingers through her hair and deepened it. Logan pushed her onto the bed and took his shirt off, dropping it onto the floor.
Logan ground into her, needing to feel friction. He ripped her jeans from her body and tossed them behind him.
She pulled his cock out of his trousers and lined him up to her, she nodded and with one swift thrust he was inside her. He gripped her thigh and her neck and pounded into her.
"Oh yeah, Princess. Take daddy's cock. Your such a good girl, don't cum yet." He growled.
Logan leaned down kissing and sucking on her neck turned into bites. She let out a whimper that fed his arousal.
"Please, Logan. More baby please."
"I'm gonna, cum." He groaned.
She brought him down into a heated kiss as they both let go and rode out their highs. Logan collapsed on top of her, breathing hard.
"That was so good, Princess." He growled.
"Mmm, one more round?"
The End ❤️
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bubble4u · 2 years
Do Re Mi~
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Mentions :multiple people, fucking in public sorta, recording someone, non con
@festive @novaresque @bontensucker @danni-k @aasouthteranoswife @mianavs
"So whose gonna sing next cause I'm really fucking tired of hearing rindou singing sad ass love songs" kokonoi was flipping through the hefty book that holds all the selections to choose from
"Fuck you koko ah fuck just fucking pick im busy shit bitch you're getting tighter" rindou couldn't keep having a conversation with the platinum blonde itll just piss him off to the point of losing his erection. Ran was looking at the food menu contemplating what else they should order"hey babe, what else should we get I'm getting kinda hungry again" is he being for real right now "i..I dont...I don't know" you were trying your best not to moan you didn't want any of the staff or customers outside to hear what yall were doing (they already knew) especially not when the man asking you questions brother is fucking you though your third orgasm.
There was a sound of a door opening and closing "boss said he'll join us next time and takeomi, kakucho and mochi are all busy" sanzu made eye contact with your teary eyes "looks like it'll be just us" he smiled down towards you patting your head like you weren't bent over the table being fucked "well that's a shame do you wanna pick the next song" kokonoi tossed the book to sanzu.
The poor staff half of them have already saw you in such compromising positions when your food got delivered you were riding sanzu while he recorded your pussy swallowing up his dick. When they requested more stuff you were sucking off kokonoi everytime one of them called for a server they were gonna see you doing something one time it was already a given cause sanzu thought it would be funny to put the microphone up to your lips while rindou was eating you out "ah yes my favorite song" these poor workers. "Hey! Watch what your fucking doing" poor guy he was too caught up trying not to stare at you being fucked against the window by ran that he didn't realize he had spilled some alcohol on sanzu. Kokonoi couldn't help but laugh at the situation "damn dude weren't those expensive too that's sucks" sanzu was grumbling angrily while trying to wipe off the liquid the poor staff member was apologizing purposely trying his best to rectify the situation "if you wanted to try her out just ask"rindo suggested nonchalantly that in turn clicked something sinister inside sanzu "yeah buddy no hard feelings" sanzu approached the still scared staff member "how's about this" he yanked the guy by the hair and dragged him towards you and ran.
Ran felt a tap on his shoulder that made him stopped mid stroke which caused you to whimper wondering why he had stopped. Ran saw sanzu smiling like he wasn't holding someone by their hair "our new friend here was so curious about our toy do you mind letting them see" ran rolled his eyes at sanzus antics "fine but hurry up we only rented the place for 2 hours" as he tucked himself back into his pants you were panting trying to catch your breathe this is only the third break you had but fuck you were so close too. The Pinkette approached your slightly slump form "baby~" you looked up at him annoyed but also confused what the fuck was he doing now "sanzu I was just about to cum what is it you want" he smiled so wide at your little attitude he had pinched your cheeks"awww I'm sorry" you smacked his hand away that always made your face heat up you hated it when people did that but when sanzu did it you practically melted but now wasn't the time for that you were still upset with him interrupting you "I'm sorry honey but you see this one right here"sanzu had yanked the staff member up still having a strong hold on his hair "couldn't help but just be so captivated by you that it's hindering his job performance" you raised one eyebrow trying decipher where he was going with this "why not let him have a taste huh sweety maybe then he'll be able to perform better".
You laid down with your legs spread open as the staff member was placed in between still scared about the situation he's been put in "well, HURRY UP!" sanzu nudged the guys back with his foot "you were so interested what happend" the staff member looked around trying to see if maybe he can get some sort of pity from the other men but alas, they were all on their phone not giving a shit about what their colleague was doing "maybe he needs encouragement" kokonoi chimed in not even looking up from his cell phone and with that suggestion a little light bulb turned on. Sanzu pushed the guys head further that he was now practically face to face with your pussy he could even see a bit of cum seeping out a bit "come oooooon~ you know you wanna" the guy still shook his head "please I'm sorry I didn't mean to look please I won't say anything I'll pay for the pants" sanzu laughed his head off "yeah? you got 5k on you right now" the staff member shook his head "that's what I thought plus I told you all is forgiven this is my way of showing said forgiveness" sanzu pushed the guys head that he made contact with you pussy "fuck ow! Sanzu that hurt watch it!" You winced at the force sanzu had put on but it slowly started turning into pleasure "sorry baby he was taking to long I figure this would encourage him" sanzu rubbed the guys face all around "hurry up! if you leave her unsatisfied I'll fucking kill you here" the guy whimpered trying not cry he wanted out he didn't mean to piss them off he then open his mouth and started eating you out hoping you'd cum soon"there we go! See! Didn't need to fucking do all this" he let go of the guys head to go sit next to rindou "now make her cum in the next 5 minutes if not I'm gonna put a bullet in your head"
As the night came to a close and you were getting dressed sanzu came up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist "heeeey beautiful" you looked at him annoyed nudging him off of you "awww baby I'm sorry honest but hey at least you got to cum right" you turned to glare at him "sanzu you're lucky I love all of you cause if not I would have half a mind to tell Mikey what you did" sanzu laughed at your threat "yeah ok sure do that and the only one losing here is that poor guys life" he wasn't lying sadly it's happened before minus the person finishing you off "come on let's go home ran is still bitching that he didn't get to cum" he put an arm around your shoulder walking towards the exit.
You didn't even get to sing stupid assholes
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cvtqr · 3 years
we only have 15 minutes, sugar
pairings; eren jaeger x reader
content warning; mentions of past jean x reader, oral sex, masturbation, recording, manhandling?
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february 19th
you always found eren jaeger attractive, especially tonight at this party. his long hair thrown up into a messy bun, his white shirt with water split on it - making it see through. god you were about to start counting his abs. but who you were really here for? jean. you guys weren’t in a relationship or anything, just friends who liked to help eachother. it started off when you guys would go to eachother for advice or he would find himself in your dorm room ranting to you. just helping eachother with little problems of course. that doesn’t mean sucking his dick was that much of a stretch from it, right?
anyways jean was in a frat house, along side eren. they were throwing a party, and somehow jean convinced you to stop by. you didn’t know if you were regretting it or not. jean was no where to be seen so you just sat yourself on the kitchen counter drinking some punch you found in a bowl. you were admiring eren from a far, remembering all the bad things jean had said about him. how he just annoys the living shit out of him. but god, how attractive he was. you could’ve sworn you looked down at your phone for not even a minute when you heard someone clear their voice right in front of you. you looked up to be met with eren.
“uh hi?”
“hey hey! erm- y/n. we had physics last semester together. eren, eren yeager.”
yeah, i already know your name
“oh hi!”
“my friend reiner over there says he knows ‘ya too. wanna come play truth or dare with us in the backyard hm?”
slipping your phone into the pocket of your shorts, you jumped off the counter, centimeters away from eren.
he let out a low chuckle, placing his hands on the counter, trapping you inbetween the granite and himself. he looked you right in the eye before reaching one of his hands back to grab a chip in the bowl behind where you were sitting. your breathing shakened a bit and you rolled your eyes at him, looking down.
he let out another chuckle before grabbing your chin and tilting it up, forcing you to look at him. “no need to roll your eyes sugar. if you were expectin-wanting something else, just say it. i’m not a mind reader baby.” he gave you a little wink before letting you go and backing up.
“i erm- i gotta pee i’ll meet you guys outside.”
he gave you a small head pat before running towards the back door.
right when you turned around to head to the bathroom you crashed right into jean, stumbling back a bit.
“oh hey jean!”
he sent you a blunt hey and started walking to the back door with an annoyed look on his face.
tch, what’s his problem.
your little bathroom excuse wasn’t actually an exuse, the amount of punch you were drinking finally caught up to you. right after you sat down your two best friends since birth, sasha and connie came bursting through the door, hysterically cracking up.
ignoring your comment they both collapsed onto the counter laughing their asses off.
you lightly smacked sasha on the back of her head, since she was the laughing the closest to you. “i swear if one of you idiots don’t tell me what the problem is-”
“YOUR BOYFRIENDS ARE OUTSITE FIGHTING OVER YOU-” connie said between laughs practically screaming.
“my who?”
“SORRY, sorry y/n. apparently jean saw you and eren in the kitchen and well, tried beating eren up.”
letting out a sigh you pulled up your pants and ran out of the bathroom.
running outside you found jean knocked out in the arms of marco and eren standing up, wiping some blood out of the corner of his mouth while winking at you. walking right up to him you slapped him right across the face.
he let out a deep, long chuckle.
“i need to talk to you.”
“lead the way sugar.”
you grabbed his arm and pulled him inside while feeling every single pair of eyes on you.
“where’s your room.”
“if you wanted to get me in bed you could’ve just asked baby.”
god can anyone be that full of themselves
“no - no. i don-”
“i’m just joking sugar. follow me.”
he grabbed your hand and led you up into his room, closing the door behind him.
“what the hell was that all about.”
“for the record he started it. he got jealous for no reason and i wasn’t going to let him use me and his rag doll. and you shouldn’t be with someone like jean anyway. you should hear the way he brags about you being his bitch whenever the house is hanging out.” eren plopped down onto his bed
with that you didn’t know who to be mad at this point. he patted his lap signaling you to come over and sit on it. ignoring him you rolled your eyes and sat down next to him, causing him to chuckle again.
“you should clean your wounds that looks pretty deep on your cheek. and take a shower you smell like dirt and grass.”
he got up and headed over to his bathroom door. leaning on the door frame he turned back around.
“only if you stay.”
“hmph, i’ll think about it.”
15 minutes later eren walked out of the bathroom. you were no where to be found. he did know that he’d get back to you one day, considering you left your phone number on a gum wrapper in place of where you were sitting.
february 26
friday strolled around as quick as ever. this week you talked to eren a few times. he texted you on sunday night to have a good week. sicne he was being nice you replied with a “you too:’)”
after that he texted you yesterday afternoon asking if you wanted to come to another party. you never responded, and now it’s friday, 2:05. you just finished all your classes, and you’d be lying if you said you had anything else to do. well except for the pile of homework you usually wait until sunday to do.
sighing you texted him back saying you already had plans and wouldn’t be able to make it. after that you decided to take a short nap. what you thought would be a short nap turned into you sleeping until 6:30. you figured you should get up and get some dinner. you decided to grub hub some taco bell and eat it in the dinning hall. after getting your food you sat down in the corner of the room. it was pretty empty since it was pretty late for dinner.
“ouch, i’m offended.”
you turned around at the familiar voice
“even jean could convince you to come out but i get some lame exuse.”
“it, it wasn’t an exuse. i do have plans.”
“yeah with yourself.” he pulled over a nearby chair and sat next to you.
“i ditched the party, it was pretty boring.”
“so you came to bother me?” you said while still stuffing your face with your food
“yeah pretty much, you wanna hangout?”
“i mean do i really have a choice?”
he leaned over and grabbed one of your nachos, shoving it in his face.
“no not really sugar.”
rolling your eyes you threw out your garbage and led him to your dorm room. since it wasn't that far of a walk, neither of you said anything on the way there. he just simply followed you. 
once you got into your room you shut the door behind you. 
“if you’re sitting on my bed then shoes off.”
“demanding” he said while slipping his shoes off and plopping onto your bed
“soo..” he said as you sat down next to him.
“wanna watch a movie or something? i see you have a tv in here.”
“sure, let me just fix my blankets so get up.”
he nodded and chuckled, getting up. you pulled down your comforter so there was room to get in, and threw all your blankets into the corner before grabbing your remote and slipping into your bed.
“is this an invitation to come lay with you under your blankets.”
“shut the light.” you said while pressing power on the remote. 
the last thing you remember from that night was cracking up with eren over some stupid movie the two of you put on. before you knew it you woke up with a tight grip around your waist. you look over to see eren, still sound asleep. he was so pretty. you figured the two of you just fell asleep while watching movies yesterday. moments like these you were grateful your roommate was on back at home for family issues.
you tried slipping out of his grip before he pulled you back in and groaned. he was still sleeping so you figured you weren't getting up anytime soon, so you closed your eyes and drifted off back to sleep. you woke up about two hours later to find no eren, but a note.
forgot i have to work on a project with floch. i had fun last night, lets do it again soon :)
you were in a good mood the rest of the day. 
may 15 
its almost been four months since you've met eren. you also cut off your contact with jean. he was a good fuck while it lasted. over the last four months you and eren got closer than ever. hanging out almost everyday, going to parties together, falling asleep cuddling every weekend, you name it. yet again, friday came around. instead of cuddling, you and eren decided to go to a party at some sorority house. 
three hours later you were sitting in a circle with a bunch of people you recognized / were friends with. you were all playing a game of truth or dare, cracking up at each other. everyone’s secrets were coming out and people were doing some crazy things. and the list of things we had to do on campus was piling up. for example, connie has to pull a prank on professor ackerman during class on monday. until it was sasha’s time to ask you.
“hmmm. OH Y?N! truth or dare babes!”
you really had to think this one over. sasha had the power of exposing every single one of your secrets if you picked truth, but she's also kind of crazy so who knows what she would dare you to do. after a small debate in your head you went with dare.
“i pick dare.”
“alright! hmmMMM. i dare you to go into an empty room with eren for 15 minutes.”
you felt the heat rush up to your cheeks when you stood up and stretched your arm out for eren to grab. 
you both left the living room and headed up to a room while hearing the small, faint giggles from your friends.
entering the room eren shut and locked the door behind the two of you.
“so.. what do you wanna do?”
“hmm. we only have 15 minutes, sugar.”
this is it. the moment you've been waiting for. you had eren right in front of you. just go up and kiss him already! 
as you slowly walked up closer to him. he flipped the both of you, pinning you up against the wall. 
“let me see if you taste as sweet as I've imagined, sugar. pleaseee you don't even want to know the amount of times I've fisted myself to the mere thought of it.”
you gave him a nod and that was all he needed to pull you off the wall and push you down onto the bed. pulling up your skirt and pulling down your panties, he grimly smirked. 
“don't you dare cum without my permission.” was all he said before going between your legs and flicking his tongue onto your clit. your breathing quickly became heavy and irregular before he shoved two fingers, palm deep into your cunt. 
“ahh~ f-fuck eren-” you blurted out while starting to move under his touch, slightly bucking your hips up. 
that was until you felt a strong pair of hands hold your hips down. 
“stop moving or i’ll stop.” he hissed out before going back down on you, eating you out more forcefully than before, brining you right to your climax.
“f-fuck eren i need to cum- please let me cum. pleaseee~”
“no.” he said while pulling his fingers out of you.
“the only place you’re cummin’ is on my cock. you hear me?”
you wiped away the slight tears forming in the corners of your eye while nodding.
“that's a good little girl.” eren said while smirking
he swiftly grabbed you and flipped you over onto all fours, while shoving your face into the mattress. your first reaction was to perk your ass up for him.
“well someones eager aren't they.” was all he said before pulling down his pants just enough for his fully hard cock to spring out. he could've came just to the feeling of eating you out. 
he leaned down into your ear while whispering, “as sweet as sugar.” he started jacking off while still leaning down, before quickly cumming all over your ass. 
did he just?
he pulled up his pants before getting up and heading up towards the door. 
“well sugar, looks like our time is almost up. we should get back to the ga-” he was cut off by you running up to him and clinging right onto his shirt. practically crying you were blurting out small no’s.
“f-fuck the game, er - eren please just fuck me.” you were so desperate to the point where you were choking on your words. 
“aw, i’m sorry baby i didn't mean to make you cry.” he said while stroking your hair and patting your head. “come suck me off in my car and maybe if you do a good job i'll take ya home and fuck you, yeah?
may 18
sitting in your first class of the morning you were bored out of your mind. getting some lecture from professor ackerman after connie drew all over his desk.
that was until you got a snapchat notification from eren. opening it you were oh so grateful you had your headphones in. it was a video of eren cumming all over his laptop with a video of him shoving his cock oh so deep into your pretty little cunt. 
with the caption of missin’ the taste, sugar :’(
you’d be sure to pay him a visit during your lunch break.
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tastyykpop · 3 years
Can you make a smut + angst jealousy fic for Ten or Jeno please~ thankiee
I hope this was okay. I made it a best friend au if u don't mind🙈
ɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴅɪsᴀsᴛᴇʀs
Pairings: bestfriend!ten x reader
Genre: smut, angst
Warnings: jealousy, slight d/s themes, slight choking, marking, possessiveness, unprotected sex, creampie, rough ish sex
Tumblr media
"What are you doing here?" Ten asks walking into the living room where you sat watching tv. "Thought you had a date with that guy?"
"I did, but he called it off again." You mumbled.
"Again? Isn't this like the hundreth time? What a joke." He plops down on the couch next to you.
You side eye him, ready to question the attitude but chose to close your mouth instead.
Shrugging with a sigh, you bite your lip, "Its nothing. Hes probably busy." You knew that wasn't the case. The two of you were all over the place, it was either you guys flirted and went on dates like couples or he ditched you to do something with his friends and side chicks.
You were basically his fling that somehow dragged on for months. And ten couldnt stand it. Seeing you get beaten down and crushed like an egg made his heart sink. But to be honest, it wasn't like he minded the extra attention. Once you and that guy started talking, you were dragged out of his life and hardly talked to him unless it were times like this or when you bragged about the dude, and if he was lucky, a sleepover that came once in a blue moon. Ten probably shouldn't have felt this way, but he couldn't help his jealousy. He wanted what the guy had. He wanted you.
"Give the bastard up already." Ten says, "All he does is break your heart like its his favorite hobby. Then he has the fucking audacity to get back with you like nothing happened. Open your eyes, y/n, he's not good for you."
You grimaced, looking up at his uncharacteristically fuming face, "You don't know him like I do. He's good to me."
"Oh cut the shit. Stop being so naive."
Glowering at the man, you shake your head, "Im not naive and its not my fault you don't like him."
Ten sighed, "Jeez you can be a bitch sometimes."
"Excuse me!?" Your brows furrow, "Ten, stop acting like a dick. Why can't you support me and my decisions? You always find something to complain about with your overprotective ass."
"He treats you like shit, thats literally all he does and I have to sit here and deal with it." Ten growls.
"Then leave i don't fucking care."
Ten snorts, "Youre kidding. You're gonna push me out of your life just because I'm calling someone out. Well I got a newsflash for you babe, thats not how life works."
"As if youre any better." You mumble, thinking ten couldnt hear you. But you were very wrong.
"I dont have to do a thing to be better than that motherfucker." Ten glares before leaning closer to your face, "I could treat you better than he ever did. Like a fucking goddess, but no, you chose him."
"Youre so fucking annoying, ten." Your eyes met your best friends. This was probably the biggest mistake you've made. So many years you never bothered to say anything about your small crush on ten, afraid it may ruin the friendship between you two. But knowing its mutual, you could practically hear your heart crack. Those wasted months could've been months spent with ten, but they weren't.
Ten stared back into your hurt eyes with no expression except frustration, "Good i can keep going. I could write a whole essay on this loser."
"Ten, shut the fuck up! I'm tired of your fucking voice!"
Immediately ten stops talking. Though hes still frowning like an angered child who didn't get their way.
"God, you can be so frustrating at times." You say.
"Frustrating?? Whats frustrating is you being him and not with me." Ten says, breaking his short silence as his face was still inches away from yours.
Your back is just about touching the arm of the couch, tens breath fanning your face softly making your face heat up ever so slightly.
"Seeing him kiss you, hold you-makes my blood boil more than you think." Finally your body was pinned to the couch, ten just barely hovering over your lips, "Im going to make sure he knows who you belong to after tonight."
You yelped as you best friend clashed his lips into yours, much rougher and desperate than you thought he'd be. His hand snaked up your thigh, grabbing and kneading at the skin before he moved it to your hip, loving the small sighs against his lips.
"Youre so desperate," ten mumbles. He swipes his tongue just over your lips as you find yourself chasing his lips, staring at the string of saliva attached. "I finally get to have my desperate little baby." Your pants were off in a matter of seconds along with your panties. Tens fingers already taking in your soaked cunt as he lifted his two fingers up in front of your face, smirking down at you. "Already dripping too. Can't believe you thought about going out with him when you have me."
"Never knew you could be so jealous." You tore your gaze off his arousal coated fingers. "But I'd wish your shut up about it."
Ten sucks his fingers clean before leaning down to bite your neck, earning a gasp as you tilt your head to the side for him. "Dont push it."
"Can't help it." Sighing at the feeling of his teeth sinking in and the small hickeys he's giving you, you reach up to tangle your fingers through his hair, "Youre mad and jealous just because of some guy."
"Not just some guy, babe. A fucking douche." He lapped over the bruises he created on your neck. The purple and blue color was a work of his own art and he wasn't afraid to show it off to anyone and everyone.
"He was nice."
He arched a brow, "Dont lie."
Soon enough, both of your clothings were discarded. Nothing could turn back whatever was going to happen now, and surely not ten who had his hand wrapped firmly around your neck, squeezing the sides tightly but still enough for you to breathe. And as crazy as it may seem, he loved seeing you gasp and wrap your small hands around his wrists.
You moaned at the sudden fullness at your core, the stretch making your back arched a bit off the couch as you pushed your hips into his. A hand carefully placing itself on your hips, but not bothering to push it down or keep it in place.
Ten wasn't going to waste time, he was already thrusting into you at a reasonable set pace where you both moaned, you being louder than he thought.
"You like it?" Ten chuckles to himself, "Of course you do because I know how to fuck you good." He sent a particularly hard thrust just to hear you scream in pleasure. Your nails clawing at his back causing ten to hiss, throwing his head back.
"Youre the worst." You call out, digging your nails further into his back, sure there will be cuts the next day.
He choked you harder, eyes rolling back from the adrenaline rush, "But you love this cock so much, love how I call you mine and not his. Fuck, I should just fill you up over and over again with my cum." You moan at his words, ignoring that stupid grin on his face, "Want me to fill your pretty pussy up, kitten?" Nodding frantically, you gripped his wrist with both of your hands, feeling your orgasm coming closer with each thrust.
"Feels s-so good." The couch screeched against the wood floor as ten pounded into you with no mercy. Each vein of his cock made your walls tighten around him as you got near. " 'm gonna cum."
As if he couldn't move faster, ten surprised you when your body banged against the armrest, desperate for you to cum around him. "Cum, baby. I wanna feel your cum."
You didn't need to be told twice. Everything came rushing out of you an instant, body shaking as ten continued with stuttering thrusts before he finally released inside you, mixing your cum together as he slowly fucked it back inside you, finally pulling out.
"Stay away from him for God's sake." he placed a chaste kiss to your lips. "Or dont, I wouldn't mind him seeing the mess I made."
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thorniest-rose · 3 years
oh gosh i can ask and know MORE?! well now i feel like im approaching the oracle and dont want to waste my question! youve spoken about your hs lawrusso au, do you have other a/b/o fics in the works? or ones you really want to write? thank you your grace 🙏
oh my gosh yes!!! Sorry I know you sent this through a few days ago. And you can ask me about any of my fics or what I'm writing!! So the high school au fic I never posted... RIP, but it has been half-written so hopefully I'm zapped with the inspiration to finish it! My issue is I can have so many WIPs I don't know which ones to finish and I can go between them all endlessly and nothing gets done!
In terms of other a/b/o fics, I did have this ongoing thought about a CK-set fic where Daniel's still married to Amanda like he is in the show but when he gets his heats he really needs a knot, and Johnny just happens to be a compatible Alpha (even though they hate each other's guts so it's totally inconvenient) but Johnny agrees to do it because he's a Really Nice Guy like that, no ulterior motives at all, it's not like he's been hard for Daniel's ass ever since they were at school together. So they have this arrangement where they meet for each one of Daniel's heats and spend it together, but otherwise they're not in a relationship and outside of his heats Daniel continues to pretend like he thinks Johnny's a no-good jackass and a deadbeat. 
Except THEN they have an encounter where they have a one-night stand outside of Daniel's heats (maybe they've been drinking together and get drunk?) but it means Daniel's not on birth control and the one-night stand knocks him up. And he chooses to give birth to the baby, and it's this little blonde cherub who looks like Johnny and who Johnny insists is called Rider or something equally ridiculous. But Daniel's still with Amanda and it causes so much upset and tension between everyone. Especially then when Johnny starts dating Carmen and Daniel goes Full Bitch on both of them.
God I rambled so much and that fic idea sounds like so much soap opera trash, which means I'll probably never write it!!! But I definitely think about it from time to time, it's my little guilty pleasure. And don't even get me started on a KK3-set Silverusso a/b/o fic where Silver is an Alpha who's secretly preparing Daniel to be mated..... sometimes I think about that too...
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Reload pt. 3
Route C
Shigaraki x Reader
Warnings: Semi public sex, shiggy getting all hot and bothered.
A/N: This will be the last of the Reload series so enjoy.
Please enter 25 cents
New game? 
Load last checkpoint<
“(Y/N)! Were you even listening?” You turn your head back to your friend in embarrassment. Muttering sorry before turning your head back to look at the man in the store.
You were eating at a food court with your best friends when you saw that him. He was in a game stop looking at the new releases. You had gotten a good look at his face once or twice and now your mind was always wandering back to him.
He had baby blue hair that hung over his face so that you couldn't see it. He wore black clothing. Black jeans and a black hoodie that also covered his face.
“(Y/N) if you like that dude so much why don’t you go over there and talk to him?” One of your friends teased, you immediately to this as a challenge. You sat up from your spot at the food court and made your way over to the game stop to talk to the boy.
On your way there you confidence slowly decreased as you felt nervous to ask him to hang out. Once you finally got to the doors you made your way over to the hooded figure. You took a deep breathe and lightly tapped his shoulder. You could feel his muscles tense up.
“Um hey, i was wondering if you maybe wanna hang out sometime?” You choked out. Your face flushed from embarrassment. He turned around and looked at you. You felt the aura around you shift into gut retching fear.
Continue Route A?
Continue Route B?
Route C <
He took a quick glance at you then turned away, muttering something to himself.
“Why would i do that?” He said in a gruff tone.
“Well i thought you were super cute and i wanted to come talk to you.” You said cheerfully.
“Cute?” He said in a hush tone to himself.
“So what do you say? Or we could do something else.” You whispered into his ear, feeling him shiver as your breath fanned over his sensitive neck.
“W-what do you have in mind?” He said trying to sound confident.
“Well if you tell me your name I’ll let you know.” You said snickering.
“It’s uh-well....Shiggy.” He said trying to come up with a false name.
“I didn’t know a hot crime boss would allow himself to be called shiggy.” You giggled in his ear.
“You-you knew?!” He said in a angry tone. Growling as well.
“How can i not remember someone as cute as you? Especially with that cute little mole of yours.” You lean up and kiss the mole while trailing kisses along the side of his neck.
“W-what are you doing?!” He screeched. Jumping from the affection he was receiving.
“What does it look like im doing shiggy? And you better be quiet don’t want people to come over here and catch you~” You said the last part in a sing song voice.
“Once im outta here i’ll kill you!” He threatened.
“Okay sure, whatever you say villain.” He growled into your ear trying to scare you away. Of course you didn’t listen as you wrap your arms around his waist.. Your hands hovering dangerous close you his pelvis. You saw him visibly shake as you moved your hand down to the top of his pants, sinking your fingers into his pants.
“Hey! Hey! D-don’t!” He started shaking as he tried to get out of your hold. You stop him before that happens by grabbing his dick with your whole hand. Shigaraki let out a yelp and stopped moving in your arms.
“Hehe i knew this would calm you down.” You said as you nibbled his ear while slowly moving your hand up and down his shaft.
“Hey! Hey! That’s sensitive!” You laughed as your pace only quickened licking his neck. Giving him bites and nibbles here and there. You felt him grab your arm tightly, his shaking only getting worse as you could feel him twitch in your hands, causing you to pull away. He whimpered at the lost of your touch, seeing as he was close to release.
“I thought you didn’t like theses sort of things shiggy.” You slowly dragged him into the bathroom shutting and locking the door behind you two. You turned around and shoved Shigaraki to the ground.
“What the hell?! I-ECK!” You plopped on his lap before he could finish. You take off your sweater and proceed to tie shigaraki’s hands with it.
“I’ll turn you to dust once im outta here!” HE yelled at you.
“Getting killed by a hot bad guy doesn’t sound so bad.”
“What if someone see’s then?!” HE yelled to you his eyes showing signs of anger, but you can’t help but notice the lust as well.
“Let them watch, they’ll know that the villain has a hot bitch then.” You move shigaraki’s sweatshirt up exposing his bare chest. He looked so skinny.
“Hmm it looks like you don’t eat enough, how about i come home with you after this and feed you my little gamer.” You laughed at his flushed face as you lick a long stripe up his chest, your tongue running over his nipple. HE let out a sharp intake of breath as you begin to suck on it. Your tongue teasing him as your hips moved against him violently.
“T-T-To much! I c-can’t h-.” He stuttered, looking up to see the tiniest bit of drool falling from his mouth. Which only spurs you on more. Your hips moving faster against his erection your fingers going up to tweak his nipples. You lean up to whisper in his ear,
“You know you’ve been pretty bad i say not a good boy at all. Why should i even consider letting you cum?” He let out a chocked sob as you slowed your pace against him.
“Your so cute when your crying shiggy.” You kiss his lips as you take of your take top underneath showing your bra to him. His face lit up like a tomato as he couldn’t stop looking. Your grin held a smug look as you go down fo your face reached his erection, licking his pants as a way to tease him.
“Fucking hell just do it!” He yelled once more.
“No since you yelled at me, i dont feel in the mood to play anymore.” You say sternly. You were lying but he didn’t need to know that. But in a last effort to tease him you get up and grab your discarded shirt and put it over your head.
“Where are you going?” He said a slight hint of irritation in his voice.
“Going home.” You said slowly shrugging you shoulders as you turn around to leave and unlock the door
“W-wait! NO! Come back!” He let out more choked sobs, his erection pushing hard against his boxers.
“Why should I? You didn’t seem you enjoy it so why should i stay?” You said. Your face held a serious expression, hoping it would be enough for him to beg you to stay.
“I did! I did! I promise just please! It hurts!” He cried out to you, tears streaming down his face as he shivered. You giggled as you start to undress yourself even more. Taking off all your clothes as you walked over to Shigaraki’s shivering form.
“Then no more whining. Make one more noise and im leaving you here panting like a bitch in heat.” You lied once more, just wanting to see him struggle against your tight hold. You kissed his neck and pulled his pants down to where his dick sprang free. Shigaraki bit his lip to silence the relaxed gasp the threatened to leave his lips.
“Such a cute face.” Was all you said before you sealed the deal and let plopped down on Shigaraki’s cock. His eyes blew wide open as you feel his warm seed fill you up.
“I don’t remember giving you permission to come shiggy.” He shivered as he leaned his head to the side of your neck. Nudging his face into it.
“Oh we’re not done yet.” He let out a little squeak before you continue to ride him, he was still sensitive about his recent climax.
“Stop! your going to fast!” He cried out to you as you overstimulated his cock. You completely ignored him and started focusing on chasing your own relief.
“This is your punishment, be a good boy and take it please?” You said in a sweet voice. You picked up the best that had you moaning and him crying. You moaned out loud enough for him to have it always engraved in his memory as you finally cum all over his cock, him following with a second heart stopping climax.
You climb off him and proceed to put your clothes on, grabbing a towel to wipe him off.
“Such a good boy, here let me untie you.” You said sweetly as you untangled your sweater from his hands. You go to put it back on when your pushed to the ground.
“My turn now to make you squirm player two.”
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