#im a huge sucker for anything related to psychology
I cant get over the fact that ko just casually put a carl jung book in his headspace for tko to read
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Can you imagine him picking up this book for the first time and going like
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iris-ymir · 5 years
Never-ending survey: Lareine
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FULL NAME: Lareine Kira, Iris Ymir (formerly).
NICKNAME: Young miss (by Arsene), Patient (by Varg).
AGE:  31
BIRTHDAY:   13th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
ETHNIC GROUP: Viera (Veena)
NATIONALITY: Othard, Skatay Range
LANGUAGE/S: Common, hingan & Ishgardian
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION : Lesbian (Iris), uncertain (Lareine).
RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Its complicated...
HOME TOWN / AREA:  Ymir, Skatay Range
CURRENT HOME:  Pillars, Ishgard
PROFESSION: Assistant to Varg Blacksoul, thief (formerly).
HAIR: Short, raven-black hair with purple highlights.
EYES: Light purple, but appears almost black in dim lighting.
FACE: Inverted triangle-shaped face, and a rather sharp nose.
LIPS: Bow-shaped lips, usually painted purple.
COMPLEXION: Morbidly pale, with a hint of purple.
BLEMISHES: Dark circles under her eyes.
SCARS:  Five scars from stab-wounds on her torso (Three on abdomen, two on the left from her heart). Several smaller scars run all over her arms and right shoulder (Most of them hard to notice because of her pale skin-tone).
TATTOOS: Purple markings tattooed around her eyes. Rose-thorns and purple iris-flowers on her left thigh.
HEIGHT:  178cm
WEIGHT: Slightly underweight.
BUILD:  Slender & feminine. Somewhat toned arms, legs and abdomen.
FEATURES:  A beauty-mark below the left corner of her lips, long and sharp stiletto nails, usually painted black.
USUAL HAIR STYLE:  Seems to stay as a spiky mess, no matter what she does with it. A single braid on the left, sometimes decorated with couple of purple pearls.
USUAL FACE LOOK :  Impish smile, wide-eyes or slight pout (Lareine), pissed-off, tired or cynical (Iris)
USUAL CLOTHING:  Black or purple blouse with a corset, either long skirt or hotpants, long coat or a leather jacket & high-heeled boots.
FEAR/S: Being tied down / restricted, locked doors, losing control.
ASPIRATION/S:  To one day be able to pay back to one man who took her life away, and to another who gave it back.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Extremely loyal towards those she holds dear, adaptable, witty.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Clingy, childish & whiny (Lareine persona), trust issues,  violent & unpredictable (Iris persona)
TEMPERAMENT:  Sanguine (Lareine), Choleric (Iris).
SOUL TYPE/S:   Artisan
ANIMALS:  Black cat.
VICE HABIT/S: Rather heavy drinker and a stress-smoker.
FAITH: Not much in the religions.
GHOSTS?: Absolutely. Living and the dead ones.
AFTERLIFE?: As long as its not some boring, white space with nothing interesting to do.
REINCARNATION?:  Might be interesting.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: Does not understand rat’s shit about politics.
EDUCATION LEVEL:  Street-smart.
FATHER : Unknown father.
MOTHER :  Irene Ymir (Deceased).
SIBLINGS : Possibly half-siblings from father’s side.
EXTENDED FAMILY: Varg Blacksoul (Doctor / caretaker), Arsene Dreadeois (Butler), Silke Doomflare (Best friend, possible love interest).
NAME MEANING/S: Queen in “ishgardian” (Lareine), name of a flower (Iris).
BOOK:  Old fairytales.
HOLIDAY:  All Saints’ Wake.
MONTH: The months of midsummer & fall.
PLACE: A victorian style mansion, a room docorated with old dolls.
WEATHER: The gust of wind and the first drops of rain, before a thunderstorm.
SOUND / S: Crackling of a fireplace, grand piano, rain drumming on the roof and windows.
SCENT / S: Incence, fruity / flowery perfumes & rain.
TASTE / S:  Whiskey, sweets & rolanberry pie.
FEEL / S:  Soft fur, skin-to-skin contact, hot bath.
ANIMAL / S:  Anything furry, especially foxes & cats. She is a huge animal-lover overall.
NUMBER: Does not care for numbers.
COLORS: Black, all the shades of purple, violet, silver & red.
TALENTS: Adaptability in different situations, lockpicking, speed & agility, self-learned with daggers & trained with ringblades, drawing.
BAD AT : Teamwork, manners, staying focused on one task, reading, controlling her feelings.
TURN ONS: Wanderlust, confidence, sense of humor, tattoos.
TURN OFFS: Untidyness, celf-centeredness, rasism.
HOBBIES: Bathing, drawing, people-watching.
TROPES: Guess she is a weird mix of femme fatale, dark lady & hopeless romantic..
QUOTES :  “My Varg-Varg, my knight in shining armor.”
                   “How dare you?! How friggin’ dare you, you creep?!” 
                   “The anal what?”
Q1 :  If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 :  The name of the movie would be “My name is Iris”. It would be a movie about her time in hospital. Pretty much the recent backstory, turned into a film, where the reality and events going inside her head would mix into a twisted nightmare. Something along the lines of Rob Zombie’s film “Lords of Salem”!
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 :  Something eerie, with bells and such. A music that would fit into haunted house, full of creepy dolls. Bloodborne & Alice, Madness Returns soundtracks are quite spot on!
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 :   I think the very first reason was that I somewhat lost touch with my old character. A bounty hunter named Fenris. I liked her, but somehow she did not feel like my own. So I started from scratch! I guess Lareine is one of those children who are not planned, but still end up being much loved. She ended up being my dearest character of all time, and the one I can relate most.
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 :   I guess Im kind of a sucker for dragic types with an attitude and a hint of sillyness to balance it all.
Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 :  She tends to be a huge extrovert, while Im more of an introvert. So writing her can get bit “draining” time to time.
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :   Fashion sense! We also have similar sense of humor, and as I have mentioned before, some of her problems mirror certain events in my life.
Q7 :   How does  your muse feel about  you?          
A7 :   We would most likely get along! If we lived under a same foor, one of us would end up dead though...
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with ?        
A8 :  While Lareine can get along with almost anyone, for Iris, I think the most interesting characters to interact with are the ones that can match her temperament! It might also be interesting to match her up with some nobility, because of her lack of manners. Pretty much anything that will lead into juicy disasters, in one way or another!
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse ?        
A9 : I mostly get my inspiration from music, soulsborne- and American McGee’s Alice-games, I mentioned earlier. Sometimes also from movies, if they happen to have some beautiful scenery. Rare these days, but the Nun was some serious eye-candy!
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete ?          
A10 : I dont know, as I made this on side with other stuff... Too long?
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