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8blogsthena · 4 months ago
Just had a full on horror moment fr
We had to go pick up my drunken dad but had to go under the house (bonus points for old Queenslander) as those stupid side quests horror protagonists do cause we didn't wanna slip & get wet, my torch kept flickering on & off randomly & it was dark & wet down there with a bunch of random junk around that we had to avoid, finally got outside & I had to open the gate & got jump scared by a TOAD smh, then stepped in a puddle hashtag horror moment (genuinely kinda terrifying cause we heard noises down stairs all the time)
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nesrodesigns · 2 years ago
I love rain T-Shirt
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20karatgold · 2 years ago
sunroof sounds💆🏻‍♀️
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tothemoonbabe · 11 months ago
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It's the small things ✨
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iffoundreturntosea · 4 months ago
October 24, Day 297/298
Day 297 2015
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Playing in our pond...I mean backyard ❤️☔️
#rain #storm #play #smile #weather #iloverain #rainisagoodthing #puddle #pond #rainboots #whales #picoftheday #project365 #day297
I wish I still had these rain boots. I also wish it was raining right now too!
Day 298 2016
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If only our weather matches the season
#pumpkinpatch #pumpkin #niece #orange #green #shadesofspooky #october #picoftheday #project365 #day298
Day 297 2017
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The first truly crisp evening of the season! 🍂
#fall #crispair #chill #beautifulnight #kitty #cat #decor #catober #october #picoftheday #project365 #day297
Day 297 2018
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The Burning Maze
#theburningmaze #trialsofapollo #book #read #love #relax #apollo #rickriordan #popart #inspiration #wildwarhol #october #picoftheday #project365 #day297
Day 297 2019
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I am very lucky and grateful to have so much food within my grasp. So many others are not as lucky.
#tomatoes #handful #food #yum #fruit #lucky #grateful #nationalfoodday #october #october24 #2019 #nationalday #nationaldaycalendar #picoftheday #project365 #day297
Day 298 2020
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A beautiful find! Macrolepiota procera, the Parasol Mushroom
#nature #outdoors #twigs #grass #moss #mushroom #cap #gills #stem #macrolepiotaprocera #parasolmushroom #fungi #fungus #october #october24 #2020 #picoftheday #project365 #day298
Day 297 2021
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Umbrella for shade
#nature #outdoors #yard #fungi #thefungusamongus #mushrooms #grass #october #october24 #2021 #picoftheday #project365 #day297
Day 297 2022
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I don't know if it looks lonely or content, either way it's at the beach!
#galveston #beach #shell #create #art #ocean #gulf #water #nature #october #october24 #2022 #picoftheday #project365 #day297
Day 297 2023
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Few things beat a walk on the beach
#onespot #seawall #beach #sand #footprints #october #october24 #2023 #picoftheday #project365 #day297
Day 298 2024
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View from Heritage Trail
#trail #dailytheme #nature #outdoors #heritagetrail #statepark #october #october24 #2024 #picoftheday #project365 #day298
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I think I’ve changed my mind about a picture I’ve posted 2 other times in the last 10 years and this makes 3. Two days ago we had trail but it was hot and the trails weren’t giving. This morning it was a little foggy and it is spooky season after all so I embellished a little. So this is the new, official trail picture! You can also see the original photo.
#trail #dailytheme #changedmymind #taketwo #spooky #clapperrailtrail #galvestonislandstatepark #ghostwolves #october #october24 #2024 #picoftheday #project365 #day298
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I took this this morning and sent it to the family. One said it looked spooky and I decided it needed to look a lot more spooky! I love the end result!!
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toomanythoughts-blog · 3 years ago
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When you’re alone in the rain
when you’re with someone in the rain
when you’re at the grocery store on a staurday morning with your dad and it starts raining
When its raining at school
In the morning
As you’re falling asleep
In the car
it just makes my day so much better for no reason.
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day-dreamersclub · 4 years ago
i love rain so much. there’s just something about it, no matter the time of day or the season, if it’s cold and and hanging thin in the air making you long to go inside after a long day, or soaking through your clothes in a summer downpour. the smell, the way the clouds look, the feeling. it's both nostalgic and makes me feel like I‘m just living now, in this moment, watching it drip off the leaves and splash onto the pavement.
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stephaniebuer · 3 years ago
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So happy for the return of the rainy season! Happy first day of autumn! 🍁🌧🍂 . #pacificnorthwest #pnw #rainyseason #fallequinox #autumn #iloverain #oilpainting #painting #landscapepainting #oregon #contemporaryart #realism #representationalart #art #artistsoninstagram #artist #womanartist #stephaniebuer https://www.instagram.com/p/CUIhTl7Pjka/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sherlockishome · 4 years ago
Rain pouring on the windscreen
Like pearl drop or day dream
Stream of clouds thundering
I get out of my car to get drenched
The water trickles down my skin
Like brook from a mountain
I am soaked in what they call the blessings from heaven.
The smell of soil calls me.
As if asking me to sing.
Funny thing rain a thing of beauty and boon and a weapon of destruction all at once.
 People curse it and despise monsoon.
It does come with it's set of flaws.
What's love if you do not accept there cruds.
They lie who say they love the rain but hate the mud.
Funny thing rain, creating and destroying all at once.
After the clouds shatter and the water stops coming down on us.
The skies are in pretty colours.
Which makes me think how darkness leads to something so beautiful , so serene.
That even the mighty sky celebrates for the time being.
Funny thing rain takes us on to the path of darkness and enlightement all at once.
Though once in a while we get to see a rainbow.
Because all this time the clouds covered the sun.
It is the result of strength and humility.
How tiny water drops bend the mighty light.
Which then splits to reveal its several sides.
Funny thing rain , it covers and reveals all at once.
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noahsunday · 4 years ago
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Esta imagen me trae recuerdos de un sueño que tuve hace unos días, amé cada día que recordé aquel sueño.
Ventanas empañadas por dentro y por fuera empapadas de lluvia que cantaba con la tierra y el viento, tocando una melodía relajante entre truenos y el resonar de las gotas de agua cayendo por el techo de mi cabaña. La brisa silbaba por las aberturas de las ventanas y adentraba la neblina por debajo de mi puerta. Brisa fría y fresca que erizaba mi piel... Increíble tener tantas sensaciones en un sueño ¿verdad? Contaría el resto pero me acabo de inspirar para crear una historia más larga. Tal vez termine de contar mi sueño pero soy un alma posesiva con lo que me apasiona, así que si se me antoja lo cuento luego. Noah se despide.
Posdata: Te hice perder el tiempo, mis disculpas (mentira) cuídate my dear.
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renownusa · 4 years ago
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Let it POUR 🌧 #iloverain #motherearthneedsit #e39touring #bbs https://www.instagram.com/p/CKkF94OhVGTG_u3KXtQDV8B81YcHCTJ_ZCLnDA0/?igshid=pgbur8tpno2p
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forestchild04 · 4 years ago
Why do people hate rain? It's just water falling from the sky.
Grow up kids
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pdajaysharma · 4 years ago
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#photography #raindroplets #gloomyday #rainlover #iloverain #rainlovers #raining #petrichor #rainynight #loverainydays #rainstorm #monsoon #maharashtra https://www.instagram.com/p/CP-Z7ggpeyH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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i-have-anxiety-issues · 4 years ago
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Rain is just confetti falling from the sky. ☔
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greeneyezthickthighs · 5 years ago
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Missing the autumn rain 🍂
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abends-am-fenster · 4 years ago
Wer kann, bleibt drinnen
Es ist kalt am offenen Fenster und es regnet schon den ganzen Tag. Draussen zu sein ist jetzt nicht sehr angenehm, es sei denn, man mag dieses Wetter, was vorkommen soll. Auf der Aussenseite meiner Fensterscheibe hat sich eine trübe Schicht gebildet: Eine Mischung aus dem Regen der letzten Tage und dem trockenen Staub des nun eindeutig vergangenen Sommers. Ausserdem sammelt sich in der undichten Doppelverglasung des Fensters Kondenswasser an. Dies wohl auch deswegen, weil ich heute zum ersten Mal seit Langem wieder die kleine Standheizung im Zimmer eingeschaltet habe. Wer kann, bleibt drinnen. Entsprechend ruhig ist dieser Septemberabend.  
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