#illegal night meet&ride 2022
brick-enthusiast · 3 months
meet miats 1/2
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Mazda MX-5 (NA)
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Smoke Clears
Grant Ward x Reader
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Written for Fictober 2022!
Fandom: Marvel
Prompt: “I chose you.”
Summary: Whenever Y/N imagines the future, Grant is there. After everything comes to light in the wake of Hydra revealing themselves within SHIELD, that future looks impossible, until Y/N decides to do something about it.
Word Count: 1,735
Category: Angst, Fluff
A/N: First fic of the month! Here we go, and Happy Fictober! Also, this fic is slightly inspired by “Smoke Clears” by Andy Grammer
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"If you really love me, Grant, you'll choose us and the life we might have together over all this Hydra bullshit. That's what I'm doing, I'm choosing you. Over SHIELD, over everything. If you feel the same way... don't miss our flight."
The last words I'd said to Grant Ward, my best friend, boyfriend, and the love of my life, played over and over in my head. I fidgeted in front of the boarding gate, and since Grant wasn't here and the plane wasn't boarding, I couldn't do anything but obsess over every tiny detail again and again in my mind.
Three weeks ago, Grant and I had been sitting in bed together, daydreaming about our future and retirement amidst the current mission chaos of the week. We'd only been dating a few months, but we'd been best friends for much, much longer, and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was my soulmate, and that after a good, long career at SHIELD, we'd get our happy ending together.
Two weeks ago, SHIELD fell. Hydra revealed itself within our ranks and crushed our entire organization over the course of about 48 hours, and I'd lost more than a few friends. In the chaos, I'd been separated from Grant for almost the entire time, which had caused me non-stop stress. That vision of riding off into the sunset with him seemed more like a daydream and less like our actual future.
A week ago, me and the rest of Coulson's team discovered that Grant had followed his old mentor, John Garrett, and betrayed SHIELD. He'd been working with Garrett to take us down, and that daydream of a future finally snuffed out completely.
Last night, after suffering a week-long rollercoaster of emotions covering everything from heartbreak to rage to emptiness, I decided enough was enough. Grant had crossed a horrible, horrible line, and betrayed me and everyone we cared about. But he also hadn't crossed any lines he couldn't come back from yet, and I wasn't going to let him.
Despite everything, I still loved him with every ounce of my heart. I still wanted to be with him, and I still wanted our happy ending retirement in the sunset. Sure, we wouldn't be able to finish out good careers at SHIELD and retire together with our names in places of honor, but I could live with that. As long as I had Grant.
I'd decided to take matters into my own hands and make the future I wanted, with anything I could. I'd called Grant, and when he picked up, he sounded like he was hurting just as bad as I was. I told him I'd booked two tickets to Malta, one of the only places on Earth where we could disappear and SHIELD couldn't come find us, and that if he cared about me as much as I cared about him he'd meet me at the airport and get on the plane with me.
And now that plane was officially boarding. With Grant Ward nowhere in sight.
I continued to fidget as the first class passengers started boarding, and I scanned the crowd for any sign of the man I loved. Slowly, the crowd around the boarding gate thinned as more and more people got on the plane, with still no sign of Grant. With each passing second, the despair crept in.
My boarding group was called, but I didn't move a muscle. I'd already decided I wasn't going back to SHIELD, no matter what Grant decided–I couldn't stomach hunting him and possibly being asked to kill him somewhere down the line. But I didn't necessarily have to take this flight. If Grant didn't show, I could book another one, maybe to somewhere else. Malta had nothing for me; its only appeal was the protection it would offer Grant.
The last person hanging around the boarding gate got on the plane, and the gate agents called mine and Grant's names over the PA system. I stayed exactly where I was, scanning the face of every person who passed, hoping against hope my boyfriend would be one of them.
More and more time passed without any sign of Grant, and eventually, the gate agents gave their last and final call. I turned to watch as they closed the boarding doors, and even though it wasn't possible for the sound to travel across the noisy, busy airport, I swear I heard the sound of them shutting like the thud of a coffin.
The plane was leaving, and I wasn't on it. Grant hadn't come.
I fought tears as the realization washed over me, becoming more and more real with every second. I didn't want to have a complete breakdown in public, but now that my last sliver of hope had been taken away, I also couldn't help it.
I turned to rush to the nearest bathroom where I could fall apart in peace, but ran straight into someone instead. I went to apologize, but stopped short when firm hands gripped my arms.
I looked up, my vision slightly blurred with tears, to see none other than Grant Ward staring down at me, a worried expression on his face.
"Grant," I breathed, the relief rushing over me in a wave. I hugged him tight as I started to cry harder, the emotions of the past few hours and the past few weeks all dumping onto me at once. "You're here."
"Of course I'm here," he muttered into my hair, pulling me closer and holding me tight. "I chose you. And I'll always choose you."
I let out a sob, but it was thankfully muffled since my head was buried in Grant's chest. We stayed like that for a few long minutes, Grant holding me as long as I needed to be held. I knew we must be getting all kinds of strange looks from people, but I couldn't bring myself to care. He was here, and we were going to be okay.
My sunset ending might still become a reality.
Finally, I took a deep breath and pulled back, just enough that I could meet Grant's eyes. He kept his arms wrapped tightly around my waist, and I could see the regret and sorrow written in every line of his face.
"Y/N... I am so sorry."
I shook my head, a small smile coming to my face despite everything.
"Apologize for being late, giving me a heart attack, and making us miss our flight, Grant. But don't apologize for anything else. If you want to talk about... everything, just let me know, and I'm all ears. But the whole point of this is a fresh start, for both of us. So don't apologize."
Grant closed his eyes and let out a long, long sigh. He leaned in, closing the distance between us until our lips were just inches apart.
"I love you so much," he muttered, his breath fanning across my lips. "And I have no idea what I possibly could've done to deserve to have you in my life, but my God am I thankful for it."
I hummed, then leaned in closer and closed the distance between us. The kiss was soft and tender, and nothing too crazy since we were still in the middle of an airport. Despite that, an understanding and wave of emotions passed between us as we stayed locked in each others' embrace. Our new beginning started now, and we were going to defend it tooth and nail.
I sighed and smiled as Grant and I finally pulled apart. He smiled back at me, and we finally looked like the happy couple we were supposed to be.
"So..." I said, taking a step back from Grant to grab my roller bag. He immediately took my hand, and I certainly wasn't complaining. "What in the hell did you not understand about 'don't miss our flight'?"
Grant huffed and rolled his eyes, but there was a smile on his face nonetheless.
"I knew you were gonna give me shit for that. Since you asked, I had to go to one of our old safehouses to get a passport that wouldn't get me arrested as soon as I tried to use it."
I raised an eyebrow as I tugged Grant's hand and started walking towards a flight counter where we could find another flight to Malta, and he took the cue to keep explaining.
"SHIELD and the US government have my real name and all my official, SHIELD aliases flagged. I needed one of the identities we made up on our six month undercover mission that SHIELD didn't know about, but all the safehouses with those documents are stupidly far from the airport."
"Hm. Fair enough, I guess. We really weren't thinking when we picked the locations of those safehouses though, huh?"
"No kidding. Thank God we've gotten better since then."
We shared a smile, then stopped in line at the nearest flight counter. We were next in line, and before we could be called, I tugged on Grant's hand to pull him closer to me.
"By the way," I whispered, speaking right next to his ear and still almost too quietly for him to hear. "You might want to lower your voice a little more the next time you talk about needed to pick up one of your many fake passports."
Grant straightened quickly. I couldn't help laughing as he quickly scanned our surroundings with a fake casualty, looking for anyone who might have heard him and was now on our trail. He looked back at me once he was sure we were in the clear, and I grinned at him.
"We've gotten much better," I teased. "I think you mean I've gotten better. You've, apparently, regressed."
Grant snorted. "Alright, whatever, superspy. Let's just focus on getting our new tickets and getting to a non-extradition country."
I couldn't help laughing at the ridiculousness of our new situation, and of Grant's sentence, and I caught him with a small smile on his face too. Obviously, this was not exactly the future I'd imagined for us so many times in the months since we'd started dating. But we were together, and we were safe, and we were happy. In the end, those were the only important parts of the dream anyway.
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mandylain · 7 months
Greetings from the Garden State
One of my favorite fun facts in conversations is that I listen to a New Jersey news podcast, The Garden State. While that alone is not strange, adding the fact that I'm not even from New Jersey makes it a tad odd to people. Being from Upstate New York, hardly any of the news is relevant in my everyday life, but I look forward to the podcast each Friday. While learning about New Jersey is indeed interesting, the hosts Josh Sobo, Josh Chomik, and Jimmy Parks, weekend recaps, conversations, and humor make it an even more interesting and enjoyable part of my weekly routine. 
I started listening at the end of 2022; by that time, they were already talking about joining the 2023 Polar Bear Plunge in Seaside Heights. I was intrigued but pushed it off, the typical ‘I’ll do it next year.’ When it came time at the end of 2023, once again they were registering, and I put it off till January 2024 for that same excuse. They spoke passionately in their episodes leading up to the 2024 plunge, so I bit the bullet and registered with my boyfriend Kyle. After my experience in New Jersey, I am so glad I did.
After listening to the podcast for a while, I knew some places I wanted to visit while there. We first started at the Summit Diner in Summit. Walking up to the diner, it had a very welcoming presence and seemed like a popular local place. For all the right reasons too, the staff was so kind, the food was incredible, and most importantly, they have The Other Fellow First Foundation, which helps and comforts New Jersey families in need.
Our next visit was the American Dream Mall, the largest mall I had ever seen. Practically any retail shopping or quick food you desire can be found here. I think the only thing I would have done differently is buy a point pass to try at least one ride while there. After a few hours of walking around the mall, we left to check into our inn for the night. We stayed at the Colts Neck Inn; it was charming in the suite we had. Everything was clean and very well thought out, like the bubble bath left for the jetted tub. 
To end our first day, we went to Asbury Park for dinner at Kim Marie’s Eat N Drink Away, an Irish pub right down the road from the boardwalk. The atmosphere and decor were just as terrific as the food, especially after a long day of travel. Our main reason for going to Asbury was to see the boardwalk and the Stony Pony. As a huge music fan, this historic venue was a must-see. The boardwalk was beautiful even in the February breeze, and the string lights from the bordering businesses had a warm glow in the surrounding atmosphere. On the walk over to The Stone Pony, you could still hear the waves crashing on the shore which was quite relaxing. That night in ‘Portugal. The Man’ was performing there, so the outside was busy with excitement. Even though we did not get tickets, it was wonderful to just see the outside. Before heading out, we went to a small bakery, Confections of a Rockstar, which made the most delightful chocolate tarte. From traveling on our first day we were quite surprised at how many highways are in New Jersey, at least where we were, and that it is illegal to pump your gas, having someone do it for us felt so odd at first. 
Onto the main reason for our trip: the Polar Plunge at Seaside Heights for the New Jersey Special Olympics. Driving into Seaside Heights early in the morning, you could already see the excitement from the first arrivals. The costumes, props, and overall excitement radiated throughout the streets. Checking in was a simple process of scanning a QR code at the dedicated check-in tent and receiving a ticket to get your incentives at the corresponding tent. Following that, we warmed up with Wawa’s Hot Chocolate, a sponsor of the event, at their station. 
After that, it was time to go to the Garden State podcast tent to meet our team, and, not to lie, I was super nervous to meet them. It is one thing to listen to a podcast each week, but another to meet the people behind the screen. Once I got there and met them, I had no reason to be nervous. The first to introduce themselves was Josh Sobo; he was extremely welcoming and kind, asking us questions about ourselves. Then I met Josh Chomik and Jimmy Parks, who were just as welcoming and asked us questions as well, such as where we were from. I'm sure it's not the answer they were expecting, but they thought it was cool how far we traveled. Instead of spinning the wheel on their table to answer a question about New Jersey more specifically, Josh and Jimmy had me name 10 New Jersey towns. I did well until 7 when I started thinking too much and got flustered because it was a surreal moment for me. Anything I knew about New Jersey vanished. But I am so grateful because Josh and Jimmy started giving me hints to guess places, and I did it—all 10! They were so patient and genuinely had fun with it, which made the experience even more rewarding.
Josh gave me a shirt from their brand for completing the challenge, along with some fun keychains and stickers for Kyle and I. He also informed me that they all pitched in so that anyone on their team could eat, which was incredibly thoughtful and kind for them to do. The burgers the Elizabeth Police Department had made were the best I have ever had. After we ate and walked around a little, photographing the boardwalk, it was time to meet up once more for the plunge. 
At this time, a girl named Becky introduced herself, who was also on the team. I enjoyed meeting her, getting to know her, and her reason for joining. A stranger is a friend you just haven't met yet; something I try to live by. We all hung out until it was time to plunge. The team walked together towards the beach, Josh, Josh, and Jimmy making sure the entire group was together, as the boardwalk and beach were incredibly crowded. By the time we hit the beach, the National Anthem had started, followed by the countdown. We all started stripping into our bathing suits and made a run for the ocean. It felt so surreal, running not only with the podcast but with over 8,000 people. Running toward the ocean with not a second thought was the first time in a long time I felt such free-seeking discomfort. 
Walking out onto the cold sand afterward was the worst part of it, as Josh Chomik had warned us. Your feet felt a kind of burning from the change in temperatures. After meeting up once more from where we ran, we made our final goodbyes. I had asked Becky if she would come back next year, to which she said yes. She repeated the question to me, and I also said yes. We did not exchange information, but I am excited about the fact that I will see her then, with a common goal. 
Overall, I loved New Jersey, the weekend trip, and especially the plunge, which was just what I needed. The sense that everyone is there for the same goal and community. Even though I was not from New Jersey, everyone was incredibly welcoming. The plunge was such a rewarding experience. The Garden State podcast hosts were incredible and made for such an enjoyable day. I am so grateful that they introduced me not only to an amazing state but also to an amazing event. Thank you, guys, for your hospitality and a wonderful podcast. I hope to join your Garden State Plungers team next year! Kyle and I are already planning our next New Jersey trip to enjoy the beach in the summer and some hikes.
I have attached some photos from the trip, as well as the link for The Garden State podcast!
Mandy Lain<3
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suzannetownsend · 10 months
SunRunner begins charging fares due to complaints of homeless people
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From October 2022 St Petersburg’s SunRunner ran free of charge, carrying passengers between downtown St Petersburg and St Pete Beach, but complaints about an influx in homeless people around St Pete Beach have led to the installment of a fare sooner than was originally expected. 
Most of the complaints came from St Pete Beach residents who were concerned about this increase in the homeless population in the area and blamed the SunRunner for carrying homeless passengers to the beach from downtown. The air conditioning and power outlets provided on the bus made it possible to beat the intense Florida heat and charge electronic devices while you ride. Whether or not the SunRunner is definitively to blame for the increase in homeless, in the summer months the beach became a more popular spot for unhoused people to spend the night because it was cooler than downtown alternatives, although sleeping on the beach at night is illegal and violates trespassing laws. 
In a meeting on August 23, Sheriff Bob Gaultieri said that the “homeless issues” began in March, and law enforcement was having to expend more resources in order to deal with problems such as public nudity when homeless individuals used the showers at the public beach accesses. Families were concerned for obvious reasons, and local law enforcement also came across instances of public urination and defecation. Residents also complained that they were being accosted at the Dolphin Plaza shopping center, which is across the street from a SunRunner stop at one of the main beach access parks. At September’s monthly Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority (PSTA) board meeting one St Pete Beach resident Jill Kashner said, “I'm afraid someone's gonna throw a molotov cocktail into my window,” despite a distinct lack of molotov cocktail incidents. 
Calls for service at Dolphin Plaza increased from an average of 20 calls per week in 2022 to 127 per week the following year. “It was costing $10,000 a week to have deputies out there,” Gaultieri said at the August PSTA board meeting. At the same meeting he noted that since July 25 there had been 52 arrests issued, 132 trespass warnings and 32 ordinance violations. 
PSTA’s Chief Executive Officer Brad Miller had proposed an immediate installment of fares only on the westbound stops where the bus was headed towards the beach. The proposal was struck down, however, because of its targeted nature. St Pete Beach City Commissioner Chris Marone blames the SunRunner for these issues as well. At a meeting on Aug 8 he said, “It’s the buses and who they’re bringing in, and the Sheriff said we cannot just pick these people up and drive them somewhere and drop them off. We're not allowed to do that. We can make their lives miserable.” St Petersburg Mayor Ken Welch, however, opposed the implementation of a fare and said he even allocated money in the city’s 2024 budget to keep the SunRunner free of charge.
When the SunRunner began running city officials decided it would be free in order to encourage more use and help people get accustomed to the new route. There had always been a plan to begin charging fares in October 2023, but due to concerns about homeless people fares began a month early. Starting in September a ride costs $2.25 or you can pay $5 for a day pass and $70 for a one month pass. Students, youths, seniors and those with disabilities can pay half that. Groups of up to five people can get a day pass for $10 and children 8 or younger ride for free. Only contactless payment is accepted, no cash, which opponents of the fare installment such as the Homeless Leadership Alliance of Pinellas say unfairly targets a specific group of people. Intrastate travel is protected under the Florida Constitution so some opponents of the change, including lawyers, have noted that the cashless fare is restrictive and discriminatory. 
Of the approximately 100,000 riders the SunRunner carries per month, there is a significant number of riders who the fare poses a considerable financial burden on. People who have been utilizing the bus to get to jobs where they make minimum wage or to get to the grocery store and other errands will have to reconfigure an already tight budget to account for these new fares. 
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swagfanland · 1 year
Top Indian Thriller Web Series That You Must Watch
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In recent years, the Indian entertainment landscape has witnessed an unprecedented surge in the popularity of Hindi web series. These captivating shows have emerged as a refreshing alternative to traditional daily soaps and formulaic Bollywood films, captivating viewers with their compelling narratives and immersive storytelling. In particular, the thriller genre has flourished, offering gripping murder mysteries and spine-chilling plots that keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
So sit back, relax, and prepare to be enthralled by these adrenaline-fueled narratives that will leave you craving for more. These shows have not only redefined the Indian entertainment industry but have also garnered international acclaim, making them a true gem in the world of web series. Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Indian thrillers, and let these shows take you on an unforgettable ride of suspense and intrigue.
Dahan: Raakan Ka Rahasya (2022)
A disgraced IAS Officer sets out to vindicate herself and takes up a strange case in Shilaspura, a land with occult practices. It is available on Disney + Hotstar.
Jamtara: Sabka Number Ayega (2020)
A group of small-town young men run a lucrative phishing operation, until a corrupt politician wants in on their scheme — and a cop wants to fight it. It is available on Netflix.
Aarya (2020)
Aarya is worth a watch as it is a crime thriller with a strong emotional core. It stars Sushmita Sen, who manages to pull off her multi-layered role. Arya Sareen, a caring mother and wife, is unaware of her husband’s illegal business. Things go haywire when her husband dies, and now the whole mafia gang is behind her family. What will Arya do to protect her family?
Breathe (2018)
Breathe is a crime drama thriller series and Prime Video’s second original series that explores the lives of ordinary men in extraordinary circumstances. Two men desperate to save their loved ones get to engage in an ultimate cat and mouse game of crimes and murders. But Kabir, the unconventional crime branch officer, tries to put pieces of all crimes together to do justice. In the end, it leaves you with one question- How far can one go for your loved ones?
Special Ops (2020)
Special Ops is an Indian spy thriller series that follows the story of Hemant Singh of Research Analysis Wing. He draws a pattern into terrorist attacks and is convinced that there is only one mastermind. To solve the case and prevent further attacks, he forces a team of five agents to live in different parts of the world to catch him. Overall the story is inspired by several espionage missions undertaken by India in the last two decades.
Criminal Justice (2019)
Criminal Justice is an Indian web series based on Peter Moffat’s Criminal Justice released in 2008. It shows the talented Vikrant Messy as a cab driver, Aditya, who has a one-night stand with his passenger, Sanaya. But when he wakes up, she is murdered. Fearing his fate, he leaves the scene but meets with an accident that lands him at the police station. As the case furthers, the situation gets more and more entangled. Will he be able to get out of all the mess?
Class (2023)
Class is an Indian Hindi-language crime drama thriller streaming television series based on the Spanish series Elite. It is set in Hampton International, a fictional elite high school in Delhi, and revolves around the relationships between three working-class students enrolled at the school and their wealthy classmates. The series explores a wide range of social issues affecting modern youth, including casteism, child neglect, corruption, homophobia, religious discrimination, and income inequality in India.
Code M (2020)
Major Monica Mehra is called to investigate a straightforward case where two militants and an army officer are shot dead. As she digs deeper into the case, she unravels some unexpected facts.
Illegal: Justice Out of Order (2020)
Illegal: Justice Out of Order is a crime drama-thriller series. Niharika (Neha Sharma) is a lawyer. She joins Janardhan Jaitley but she doesn't have any idea that Jaitley wants to defend Neeraj, her stepbrother, and save a serial killer. Jaitley’s son is the ex of Niharika. Illegal comprises relationships, love life, and a drama which makes it catchy. This series depicts the life of lawyers, their mental health, as well as the professional and personal issues.
Poison (2019)
After getting released from jail, Ranveer moves to Goa to seek revenge on his enemies. Meanwhile, DSP Vikram sets his eyes on Antonio Verghese, a gangster who operates from Goa. The plot thickens when the lives of these three men are entwined.
In the ever-expanding world of Indian web series, a captivating realm of thrilling narratives awaits. These top Indian thriller web series deliver a roller-coaster ride of suspense, mystery, and intrigue that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. With a blend of compelling storytelling, impressive performances, and unpredictable twists, these series prove to be must-watch experiences for any enthusiast of the thriller genre.
From psychological mind-benders to crime-solving sagas, these shows offer a tantalizing escape into a world where every moment counts and every clue matters. So, buckle up and immerse yourself in these gripping tales that showcase the best Indian thriller storytelling.
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brick-enthusiast · 3 months
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Ford Mustang (old and new)
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brick-enthusiast · 3 months
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Ford Focus (ST? RS?)
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Volkswagen Golf
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Chevrolet Camaro
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Mercedes-Benz CLA 45 AMG
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BMW M3 (F80)
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brick-enthusiast · 3 months
meet miats 2/2
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Mazda MX-5 (NA) / Eunos Roadster
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brick-enthusiast · 3 months
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brick-enthusiast · 3 months
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