spiritontheinternet · 2 years
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Harmony Korine @ Gagosian
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middleageamerican · 9 months
¿Normal? or ¿Overly ambitious?
Jan6 ppl and Fauci ouchie criers again again said how not wearing a mask equaled freedom . . eye’m ill . . . covid negative . . but long . 2long flu symptoms . . when eye wore a mask 2 order the food that’s in front of me now eye wore a mask . . 2me that’s freedom . . out getting essentials . . eye’ll call Hana who’s ill2 and que ¿Quieres? b4 eye return home . . feeling like this moment in my fav…
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illeaillustrated · 7 years
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Illea Illustrated Issue 4 with Lady Eloise Duval on the cover
Featuring: @eloiseduval, @mistylane059, @jordan-maldez, @avalyn-cadly, @maya-edwards, @camille-marshall, @quinn-schreave
Thank you so much for the interviews!  Stay tuned for more Selection News by following @illeaillustrated.  Tell us what you thought about the issue by sending us asks~! Want your character to be featured in the #Stylection? Check out our desktop Illea Illustrated site on tumblr to see the submission guidelines.
Editors’ Note:
Anya: HIIIIIIIII Sorry for this issue being a week late :( As you guys may already know, I was having my midterms examinations and a lot of projects that require the time I usually reserve for editing ILL2- so I only had the time to lay everything out today (yes today HAHAHAHA) and I’m glad that I was able to do everything YAY! I’m on Christmas Break for the next two weeks so we hopefully will see another issue soon. I hope you enjoy this issue, and I’d really just want to thank you guys for all your support. :D Also, shout out to Chris for always being the best co-editor EVER <3 (Also, don’t be afraid to send ILL2 asks!! We like to answer them when we can~! ALSO FEEDBACK!! We’d love feedback on our content :D ) 
Chris: Heeey!!! So the issue is finally here, and it’s looking great! haha. I hope you think it was worth the waiting cause I do ;) I just want to thank you all to be so cooperative and nice at the time of the interviews; personally I have so much fun doing them and getting to know more about your character’s personality… i don’t remember if I had said that before... we would want to know your opinion about the questions, too. I mean if there’s any of them that you don’t like, or you want us to ask your character something that needs to be known, you can tell us about it and if it fits with the issue theme we will add it. ENJOY :D 
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LISTEN!!! Free Meryl from the Pompadour Mullet aka The Pentacostal Bumpit © @dizzycat2000 2k18. ENOUGH DWTS
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ladymelissaduthe · 4 years
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((Idk, enjoy this fake ILL2 cover cause I wanted to try out editing stuff for Miss Melissa and I lowkey miss Illea Illustrated))
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butterfly--empress · 5 years
KH Remind...
Wow, I cannot be the ONLY person in the universe that feels this DLC was very underwhelming?
Def not worth the 30 USD people paid for.
It has it's moments and god I would love to play this because game play for KH has always been fun but I come for story and wow...i didn't have high expectations to begin with but I honestly thought this would've expanded on a lot of character arcs...for what is given, this DLC could've been just originally part of the game from the start.
Aside from a very few things being explained: we're still left in the dark about where the hell this story is even going at this point.
I am mixed about the future of kh's story if it's going where i *think* it might because our dear writer can't keep his forever expanding story and lore consistent...
Glad I didn't pay 30 USD for this. Maybe Ill2 come back to KH at a later time at least until the writer in me is less annoyed at some of Nomura's writing sins.
Also: yes I'm sort of salty about certain chars...
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strawberryfemmes · 4 years
hi ily and ill (i love lesbians)
ily2 and also ill2 !!!!!!
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blkcancer · 7 years
Its rainy outside and windy. Help a homeless person in need tonight if you have it in your heart n time to do so. They may appreciate that more than someone's path you crossed so far this week. Never know. Hit that hotline and help a Mother, Father, Children, and more Out! #Canman + #DarkKnight #WhyLie is in the background #BackgroundMusic #Soundtrack #ConceptualRap #RapHipHopPoetry #iLL2 #Blackout #Eeiigghh #Yeiiiiiii
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impala-dreamer · 5 years
Have you ever watched Leverage? There is an awesome OT3 with Christian Kane, Aldis Hodge & Beth Reisgraf’s characters!! I’d love to see what you could do with them 3!!
Ya know i think i watched season 1 and then gave up. Lol. I do like Christian Kane though...Mayyybe ill2 give it another looksee
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spiritontheinternet · 2 years
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🤍🤍🤍🤍 me in my ghost socks 🤍🤍
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iloveyouok · 2 years
lucy / 25. this is my a blog of my art journal.
follow my main blog @ill2
photography is on @angel58264
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illeaillustrated · 7 years
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Illea Illustrated Issue 3 with Lady Fleur Quinn on the cover
Featuring: @fleur-quinn, @ladyvenusvale, @victoria-seaberg, @phaniecastello, @elizabethzenner, @aubree-gram, @mistylane059, @jordan-maldez, @avalyn-cadly
Thank you so much for the interviews!  Stay tuned for more Selection News by following @illeaillustrated​.  Tell us what you thought about the issue by sending us asks~! Want your character to be featured in the #Stylection? Check out our desktop Illea Illustrated site on tumblr to see the submission guidelines.
Editors’ Note:
Anya: Greetings and Salutations, thank you so much to everyone who’s been supporting ILL2!! Hope to see your continued support in our next issues!! 
Chris: Hello! I hope you all enjoy this issue. Thank you all for the interviews, I always have fun with them, it’s nice to know more about your character’s personality, so, thank you for being so nice… oh! and thank you for voting at the polls too. 
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fleur-quinn · 7 years
Challenge 3 - Rufous
((One of the shortest fit ever, <1k. Thanks  @maximus-schreave aka Grace for the awesome and hilarious rp. This is an old rp, and it takes place right after the third issue of ILL2 came out!))
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I received the copy of Illea Illustrated almost immediately after it got out. Us girls can usually get it at the Palace but it takes time so for this copy, I had Nila mail over the copy immediately and so I probably got the copy faster than all others here.
I rip open the package the minute I got it from the post room.
I smile to myself as I do a happy dance internally. Now, you may think that I knew I was going to win, but that’s not the truth. At first I did thought I’d win since I’m more popular than the other three. Heck, I’ve only ever heard of Venus. But then after meeting them… I honestly thought I’d lose. And I had myself mentally prepared for that. I really wouldn’t have minded- I’d be a bit upset- but sometimes you learn from a failure.
Smiling to myself, I continued to read the magazine while walking.
“Is it your hair that's on fire or just my heart when I look at you?” A voice interrupts my reading. I look up in surprise to see the youngest prince of our country. I’ve heard all sorts of stuff about him, it’ll be nice to finally meet him.
I flip my hair, stifling a laugh. “I think it’s both, your highness.”
“I think it's everything, my lady.” He replies cockily.
I can’t help but laugh. “How are you doing, your highness?”
“Much better now that you're here. How about yourself?” He then moves head and flips hair out of his face. I struggle hard not to roll my eyes.
“Well, I'm flattered. I'm good, just reading the newest issue of ILL2!”
“Haven't seen it yet. Break it down for me” he stops and flutters eyelashes. This boy really is too much. “ Please?”
I purse my lips, pretending to think. “Alright! Well I haven’t read the whole thing yet, but all I know is that I’m featured on the cover and so they have two pages of my interview... And there are interviews of Victoria, Venus and Stephanie and two other girls... There’s also the popularity poll? Yeah…”
“Well obviously you're on the cover! A girl as gorgeous as yourself deserves the best.” He grins boyishly. “What does the poll say?”
“Riiiiight. I bet if say, Victoria won, you’d say the same thing to her.” I laugh. “uh I’m in the top 8.”
“You're number one in my heart.”
I laugh again. “Thanks? How old are you again? 14? 15?”
“Old enough.” Was his curt reply. I frown a bit, wondering if I have hurt him so I decided to change the subject.
“Right. Speaking of which… I believe I mentioned you into interview…”
“Oh really?” Prince Max replies, looking interested. “What did you say?”
I smile. “Let’s see... They asked me if there was any royal that I thought I’d get along with... I said you coz I thought it’d be nice to do pranks together.”
He grins mischievously. “Are you saying you'd like to be the Bonnie to my Clyde?”
I raise an eyebrow in response. “Well… Maybe…”
“How old are you, flower?” So now I’m Flower. Cute.
“17. I’ll be 18 in December.” I reply happily, flipping my hair and smiling.
“You flip your hair a lot.” He states.
“Ugh yeah... it’s just a weird habit of mine.” I answer with a giggle.
“You’re really one of the most... unique fifteen-year-Old boy I’ve ever met.” I say truthfully.
“Why, thank you. You're pretty unique yourself. Tell me, how did you get to becoming so beautiful and successful?”
I pause, trying to think of an answer.
“Uhh... I was born this beautiful!” I muse with a dramatic flip of my hair. “I'm kidding. I actually have no answer to that. So why don't I ask you how did you get to becoming so uh flirty?”
When you can’t answer a question, make a joke or answer with a question or both.
“Just lucky I guess. When I saw you, the words just flowed out of my mouth.”
I laugh. “You should have a selection yourself. I think it'll be a very entertaining one to watch.” I personally plus tune in to watch every day.
He sighs. “How I wish that I did. Unfortunately, they only offer that to the heir.”
“Unfortunately... “ I agree with a dramatic sigh.
“But who knows, maybe I've already met the one I'm meant to be with.”
My eyes widen in surprise. “Oh really?” I gush. “Who is the lucky girl?” I pause as I processed what he said. “Wait... pls don’t tell me you’re gonna say…”
He cuts me off with a grin. “You, of course.”
I cover my face, can’t believe I actually fell for it. “I knew it!”
“Anyways, I gotta go. It was er interesting talking to you, Prince Max!”
“Till next time, my love.” He sings. I smile and shake my head before walking back to my room to finish the magazine. They were right about Prince Max, he really is a flirt. But he also seems fun to be around.
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leeksartblog · 5 years
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In Praise of shadows is the focus of this set of Illustration;
Truth be told the most cover illustations for In Praise of Shadows by Tazinaki are not very exciting to look at. The content of the book is one about Tazinaki’s time rennovating a traditional Japanese house in 1930′s Japan, going of on tangents and describing the particulars in Japansese culture and aesthetics. It is a good read if you would like to look further into the theory behind traditional Japanese deisgn.
One of the key Theorys in the book focuses on ‘Wabi-Sabi’, essencially the idea that things gain beauty with their age and experience. A good example of this is how traditional Japanese crockery and vases are repaired upon cracking with gold, a reminder of its beauty in age and wear. In typical western culture we don’t repair unless it is required and usually opt for brand new.
Following in the book’s thoughts on design language, I opted to make scenes connecting arround nature and complexity, especially with age. I used indian black ink to draw 4 Illustrations, 1 cover and 3 book inserts.
Cover- The tea house
Ill1- The kyoto temple
Ill2- Inside home
Ill3- Torii
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viohra · 8 years
The 73 Noun Case Definitions
I’m going to use these for a much larger post, but here are the bare bones of it.
The nominative case (abbreviated NOM) marks the subject of the sentence.
The accusative case (abbreviated ACC) marks the direct object of the sentence.
The dative case (abbreviated DAT) marks the indirect object recipient of the action (to/for).
The peressive case (abbreviated PERE) marks that the theme of an idea is accounted by the noun. It has the same meaning as “according to” or “by”.
The circative case (abbreviated CIR) marks that the the topic of an idea is the noun. It has the same meaning as about, of, regarding, pertaining to, concerning.
The genitive case (abbreviated GEN) marks possession (of).
The adjectival genitive case (abbreviated GEN.[person].[num]) marks possession of a certain pronoun (of me/you/he/she/it/we/they/etc).
The distributive case (abbreviated DISTR) is used on nouns for the meanings of per or each.
The partitive case (abbreviated PVT) marks "partialness", "without result", or "without specific identity".
The instrumental case (abbreviated INS) marks that a noun is the instrument or means by or with which the subject achieves or accomplishes an action (with/via).
The comitative case (abbreviated COM) is a grammatical case that denotes accompaniment (with).
The non-instrumental case (abbreviated NINS) marks that a noun isn’t the instrument or not the means by or with which the subject achieves or accomplishes an action (not with/via).
The abessive case (abbreviated ABE) marks the lack of something (without).
The inessive 1 case (abbreviated INE1) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "in/inside".
The inessive 2 case (abbreviated INE2) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "on [the surface of]".
The lative case (abbreviated LAT) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "to/towards [a location] / after".
The elative 1 case (abbreviated ELA1) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of “from inside; out of; out from”.
The illative 1 case (abbreviated ILL1) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "into".
The extressive case (abbreviated EXTRE) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "outside". Varies from elative 1 as it carries no connotations of movement.
The sublative case (abbreviated SUBL) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "to under, unto".
The adessive case (abbreviated ADE) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "near, by, among".
The pertingent case (abbreviated INE) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "against, touching, contacting".
The ablative case (abbreviated ABL) marks motion away from something.
The allative case (abbreviated ALL) marks motion onto something.
The delative case (abbreviated DEL) marks motion from the top or surface something.
The locative 1 case (abbreviated LOC1) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "at".
The locative 2 case (abbreviated LOC2) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "from".
The subessive 1 case (abbreviated SUBE1) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "under / on the bottom of [contacting]".
The subessive 2 case (abbreviated SUBE2) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "underneath / below [not contacting]".
The superessive 1 case (abbreviated SUPE1) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "on (top of) / upon / atop [contacting]".
The superessive 2 case (abbreviated SUPE2) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "above / over [not contacting]".
The initiative case (abbreviated INI) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "beginning from".
The circumessive 1 case (abbreviated CIRCE1) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "around, about".
The intrative case (abbreviated INTV) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "the centre of” or “between".
The apudessive case (abbreviated APU) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "next to, the side of".
The antessive 1 case (abbreviated ANTE1) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "back of, behind".
The postessive 1 case (abbreviated POSTE1) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "front of".
The proximessive 1 case (abbreviated PROXE1) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "as close as".
The proximessive 2 case (abbreviated PROXE2) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "as far as".
The contressive case (abbreviated CONE) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "opposite of, reflecting".
The perlative 1 case (abbreviated PER1) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "through".
The perlative 2 case (abbreviated PER2) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "along".
The perlative 3 case (abbreviated PER3) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "across".
The suressive case (abbreviated SURE) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "up of".
The pessumessive case (abbreviated PESSE) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "down of ".
The dextressive case (abbreviated DEXE) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "right of".
The sinessive case (abbreviated SINE) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "left of".
The essive case (abbreviated ESS) marks the state of a noun as a temporary location, state of being, or character in which the subject was at a given time, with the basic meaning of “as a”
The equative case (abbreviated EQV) marks the state of a noun as being similar to something else, with the basic meaning of “like”
The antequative case (abbreviated AEQV) marks the state of a noun as being dissimilar to something else, with the basic meaning of “unlike, opposite of”
The translative case (abbreviated TRANSL) marks a change in state of a noun, with the basic meaning of "becoming", "change to", “into [the role of]”.
The exessive case (abbreviated EXESS) marks a transition away from a state, with a basic meaning of “from being (the role of)”.
The orientative case (abbreviated ORTV) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "turned/facing to/towards".
The revertive case (abbreviated REVTV) is a locative case carrying the basic meaning of "turned/facing from/away".
The proessive case (abbreviated PROE) marks a state of support for the noun, with a basic meaning of “for, pro”.
The adveressive case (abbreviated ADVE) marks a state of opposition towards the noun, with a basic meaning of “against, con/anti-”.
The temporal case (abbreviated TEMP) is a temporal and abstract case used for time and non-physical objects carrying the basic meaning of "on, onto, at".
The circumessive 2 case (abbreviated CIRCE2) is a temporal and abstract case used for time and non-physical objects carrying the basic meaning of "around, about".
The egressive case (abbreviated ERGE) is a temporal and abstract case used for time and non-physical objects carrying the basic meaning of "from, since, ago".
The terminative case (abbreviated TERM) is a temporal and abstract case used for time and non-physical objects carrying the basic meaning of "to, towards, until, for, by".
The illative 2 case (abbreviated ILL2) is a temporal and abstract case used for time and non-physical objects carrying the basic meaning of "in, into".
The prolative case (abbreviated PROL) is a temporal and abstract case used for time and non-physical objects carrying the basic meaning of "through".
The postessive 2 case (abbreviated POSTE2) is a temporal and abstract case used for time and non-physical objects carrying the basic meaning of "after".
The antessive 2 case (abbreviated ANTE2) is a temporal and abstract case used for time and non-physical objects carrying the basic meaning of "before".
The elative 2 case (abbreviated ELA2) is a temporal and abstract case used for time and non-physical objects carrying the basic meaning of “out, off”.
The subessive 3 case (abbreviated SUBE3) is a temporal and abstract case used for time and non-physical objects carrying the basic meaning of "under".
The superessive 3 case (abbreviated SUPE3) is a temporal and abstract case used for time and non-physical objects carrying the basic meaning of "over".
The proximessive 1B case (abbreviated PROXE1B) is a temporal and abstract case used for time and non-physical objects carrying the basic meaning of "as close as".
The proximessive 2B case (abbreviated PROXE2B) is a temporal and abstract case used for time and non-physical objects carrying the basic meaning of "as far as".
The ornative case (abbreviated ORN) marks that a noun is supplied or equipped with something
The causative case (abbreviated CAUS) marks that a noun causes someone or something else to do or be something, or causes a change in state of a non-volitional event, with the basic meaning of “because of, due to”.
The evitative case (abbreviated EVIT) marks that the noun is avoided or feared.
The vocative case (abbreviated VOC) marks that a noun is being addressed.
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