#ill take it down if we get into a fight maybe
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pastelsailorr · 2 years ago
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I'll put this up on the wall when me and my sister are doing great in our relationship
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namelessprince · 6 months ago
oh fuck lovebomb started playing and it set off my fight or flight instincts
#my post#i hear that opening Wom Wom Wom Wom and sit up straight in a cold sweat#i still hear it in my dreams sometimes#i captain chip do solemnly swear to fuck shit up to help those in need and to be the best goddamn pirates anyone has ever seen we need to#get these pirates inside now did we ever get a name for what theyre called the riptide pirates BAAANANANANANANANNANANANANAA hey guys check#this out YES whos laughing now fuckers fuck you ok if anyone can clear the gauntlet its the riptide pirates get to the center of the prison#thats your out we need to hget him out of here is he even still alive its worth a shot BLOW YOU AWAY gillion youre not actually the chosen#one chip i think youre irresponsible and incompetent and honestly youre a danger to everyone around you chip arlins probably dead and you#need to move on and live for yourself and your own destiny jay i think youre ugly and no one will ever love you gillion i think this place#is playing more than one trick on us its not us chip its this place stay back dont make me do this do what you have to hey there little nei#wait a fucking minute wait drey who put you in here it wasnt one of hey brother you have a lot of explaining to do but come and maybe ill#let them go and what if i dont come with you youd rather be a pirate then i will show you what youre up against you wanna take on a pirate#im right here stop please just stop if i come with you will you let them leave we swore an oath chip its gonna be okay discipline them jay#you wanna know my secret so bad chip i convinced the navy to let me go undercover i was just using you i dont care what you were before thi#youre a riptide pirate now what do you really want jay and just say it so i can fight for it i wanna keep adventuring with you guys gill#thats all i want right now jay because you are my duaghter i will give yoy a headstart but when i catch you you will no longer be a daughte#to me just another piratee BAAAHHH gill youre not going down that easy buddy were not leaving you behindAUAGDSHGH jay my anme is jay ferin#co captain of the riptide pirates im gonna trust my friends were gonna fuck shit up im gonna be the best goddamn pirate youve ever seen#i dont doubt it sureshot
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years ago
Your brain is massive and your opinions are correct. I fucking LOVE SA2 and Shadow bro 😭 Last time I revisited my Sonic era I was trying to unlock training mode in Shadow by A-ranking all the missions and bosses. SA2/Shadow/Sonic Heroes/Sonic Riders were the ones I replayed (and still do every couple of years) the most :)
my god PLEAAASSE THE TRAINING/EXPERT MODE IN SHADOW i love how the hints just fuck off and are replaced by the cast chattin with shadow.... like black doom the fuck are you doin talkin to me you are dead.... leave me alone.....
as a part of my All-326-Routes playthrough of shadow im SO stoked to unlock that mode again for the first time in like. A Decade... i've just been clearing out all the routes from the very top all the way down but i might just A-rank all the levels and routes first just to get the mode..
the adventure games + shadow are my faves to play honestly like as much as i still do like sonic games nowadays i just really enjoyed that 3d free-roaming aspect of the gamecube era games (and even 06: just wish it wasnt such a glitchy mess and i was more of a fan of the models/art style)
#snap chats#you cant escape Sonic Kid era like every couple years ill be like#'oh my god i have a gamecube that still works' and ill just replay all them games#Hot Take i did enjoy big's campaign.... idk..... maybe its cause his vibes are immaculate .. im glad he's in frontiers <3<3<3#im actually really stoked for the coming months because my fam and i've had sonic heroes for years right#but we only have it for the original xbox and we lost THAT a long while ago so i can't play it and it's just been taunting me all this time#BUT THEN I REMEMBER i am an adult with adult money. Sometimes. i can just buy my own gamecube copy#i have to start shilling my commissions more on twitter since i wanna get it before i go back to school#yk. so i can be a responsible student and play it when i have down time LMAO BUT EEEE IM SO EXCITED#yk whats a game i miss sooooo much tho.... i lost my copy of sonic chronicles....#I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW LIKE I STILL HAVE THE CASE i might just buy a new game card then....#that does mean ill have to start all over but.. thats ok.. sonic chronicles was SOO fun to me growing up.. i miss shade so much..#gen one of my fave sonic characters she was so cool and i loved her design and helmet so much#SPEAAAAKING OF ONE OFF CHARACTERS I MISS YK WHO I MISS THE MOST THO gamma.....#gamma was what introduced me to sad character stories i SWEAR LIKE THAT SHIT MADE ME SO SAD#i miss him eveyr day like i know he can never come back and that's a good thing cause Birdie's Parents Are OK BUT STILLLLL#my baby..... at least omega's here.... and he can threaten eggman every five minutes......#but when youre playing SA2 and you have to fight the robots modeled after gamma THATS SO EVIL STOP#UGH i love gamma sorry... but im not.. gamma was like. sega dippin their te into existentialism in sonic...#and then shadow was born LMAO tho i guess you can count metal sonic too if we wanna look at the sonic movie from the like. 90's#GOD I HOPE I STILL HAVE THAT DVD SOMEWHERE I LOVED THAT MOVIE SO MUCH GROWING UP it has the CUTEST artstyle#and knuckles' lil hat... ALSO METAL SONIC DYING AT THE END STOP when he bats sonic's hand away... metal bb come back...#and i mean at least he does but yk..... be nice to him..... he's going through a lot... he won't express it but i know he is...#OK SONIC RAMBLE DONE I SWEAR THANK YOU FOR WRITING IN ANON AND LETTING ME BE A DWEEB I JUST LOVE SONIC RAAAH#i have to end my ramble fr im running out of tags... now we'll never know of my chao gardens.......#OK BYE BYEEEE
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pathologicalreid · 5 months ago
wavelength | s.r.
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in which your son ends up in the hospital on one of the BAUs busiest nights of the year
margotober masterlist
who? spencer reid x fem!reader category: angst (hurt/comfort) content warnings: child in hospital with unnamed illness, seizures, pregnant!reader, boy dad!spencer, MRIs, head injury word count: 1.96k a/n: this is my little reid family from three's a family, but as usual, you don't have to read that one to understand this one. (it's one of the cryptic pregnancy ones so maybe keep that in mind lmao) - welcome back to the spencer reid dilf agenda, i missed it
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You take a deep breath, trying to steady your thumbs enough to press the call button, tapping the green icon, you press your phone to your ear, listening to the rings as you keep your other hand on the bed in front of you.
Sniffling, Leo holds your hand in his much smaller one, “Mama?” His voice is little more than a whine, and you find yourself wishing he’d fall asleep while you wait for his turn in radiology.
“Yeah, lovey?” You whisper, squeezing his fingers gently as he looks at you with sad eyes.
His eyes were sad in a way that only a three-year-old’s could be, not quite understanding why he had to stay in the hospital, and continuously asking for his parents. “I don’t feel good,” he mumbles, his voice soft as he shifts on his side in the hospital bed.
Your shoulders slouch ever so slightly, trying not to show him how much of his displeasure you shared, “I know. I’m so sorry.” They were holding off on giving him more medication, but it just made him miserable.
Starting to wonder if they could just give him something to help him rest, you distantly hear your name being called, taking a moment to be confused before you remember that you called Spencer.
“Hey,” you greet a little breathlessly, “Are you working?” You move your hand, smoothing back Leo’s hair in an attempt to coax him to sleep.
You hear a shuffling of papers on the other end of the call, answering your question well enough before he responds verbally, “We’re just trying to finish a few things up before calling it a night.”
Bowing your head, you sigh, “Right, you have that senate review next week.”
Spencer groans at the reminder of the meeting, “And finding some of these files is proving to be difficult. I think Garcia’s just about had it, but we’re all starting to get to that point. Why the call? Not that I’m unhappy to hear your voice,” he clarifies. “Did Leo get to sleep alright?”
You falter slightly knowing that Spencer is already stressing about work, “Honey,” you start softly, “Leo’s alright, but I had to call an ambulance for him about an hour ago.”
“What happened? You said he’s alright?” He asks, fear changing the pitch of his voice.
Swallowing thickly, you watch Leo continue to fight sleep, his brown eyes watching you while you’re on the phone. “They think he had a seizure,” you whisper, keeping your voice down so that your son doesn’t catch onto your anxiety.
There’s a shuffle of papers on the other end, “Is he sick? Was it a febrile seizure?”
“Uh, no, hold on,” you flip through the pamphlet, “They called it a drop seizure when we were in the emergency room, and they did an EEG.” You explain, reading over the papers in front of you for the nth time.
Spencer talks to someone else in the room, hopefully letting them know that he has to leave, “What happened?”
Tears prick your eyes, and you look up into the fluorescent light to will them away, “I was just getting him ready for bed, and he went to go potty, and he just fell. He hit his head on the tub and I just… I panicked,” you admit the last part. “I was not very collected, and the 911 operator knew that,” you tell him, watching Leo’s eyes finally fall shut.
“I wouldn’t have been either,” Spencer assures you, “What hospital did they bring you to?”
Rattling off the name of the hospital, you risk assuming that Leo’s asleep enough for you to step back, enabling you to speak at a higher volume, “Can you leave work?” You weren’t even thinking about how busy the BAU was when you called, you were just thinking about getting Leo his dad. “They want to do an MRI, and he’s allowed to have someone in there with him, so he doesn’t get scared,” you explain.
“But you can’t,” Spencer needlessly reminds you.
A huff of frustration escapes your lips as you look down, eyes focusing on where your shirt catches on the soft swell of your lower belly. “No, I can’t,” you say miserably.
A nurse walks through the door, sparing a pitying glance at you, the pregnant mom whose toddler was in the PICU, before checking on Leo’s vitals. Spencer clears his throat, “I’m already on my way.”
You lose track of time, sitting in the reclining chair that lives in the corner of the PICU room, and memories of Leo’s first month of life start to flash in front of your eyes. He was a thirty-two-weeker, and he spent twenty-nine days in the NICU before coming home for the first time.
You felt like a failure then, and you feel like a failure now.
Tapping your fingers on your belly, you watch Leo sleep, his body curled up on the hospital bed and collodion stuck to his forehead. You remember finding out you were pregnant again, the overwhelming joy that mixed with the stunned fear like oil and water—Spencer had to remind you to breathe.
Something caught your attention, a small, high-pitched beep from one of Leo’s monitors sent a group of people flying into the room, standing around your son and listing off things that your fear-addled brain couldn’t comprehend.
He’s there when you stand up, Spencer stays at your side for all twenty-one seconds of Leo’s second seizure, watching as strength returns to his tiny body and his eyes open, “Mama?” His small voice calls out for you, afraid of being surrounded by doctors and nurses that he doesn’t know.
Slipping away from Spencer, you make your way back to the hospital bed, hovering over your son as you cup his cheeks affectionately, “I’m here, baby.” Hiding your face to wipe tears away, your fear that he still feels ill is only exacerbated by the fact that he doesn’t insist that he’s not a baby—he’ll always be yours, though.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, you let him see past you, the way his eyes light up at the sight of his father, “Daddy!” He chirps, trying to reach out for Spencer.
“Hey, buddy,” Spencer says, his voice tight while he crouches in front of Leo, “Mama says you don’t feel good.”
Leo shakes his head, “I hit my head,” he recounts mournfully, “then we had to go in the loud car.”
Your husband frowns for a moment before he realizes Leo’s talking about the ambulance, “Did they tell you I get to go with you to get your tests done?” He warps the narrative to make the MRI seem like a fun activity—something they get to do.
“Can mama go?” Leo asks, tilting his head to the side slightly, leaning into you as he does so.
Gently, you wrap an arm around him, dressed in a pediatric hospital gown with all kinds of wires and electrodes attached to him. “Mama has to stay up here,” Spencer breaks the news to him, sparing you a sympathetic glance, “but she’ll be here when we get back. Then, we can tell her and the baby all about it.”
The baby won’t be able to hear outside voices until you’re much further along, but when Spencer tried to explain that to your toddler, the only response he’d gotten was Why?
As it turns out, even Spencer Reid has a limit to the number of questions he can answer, so you let Leo talk to the baby. “I’ll be right here when you get back,” you reassure Leo, taking a shaky breath when he wraps his arms around you.
He’s in tears by the time they come to get him, only willing to go to radiology if they let his daddy carry him there.
You’ve let go of the hope that this was all just a freak incident, but the looks that the nurses have started exchanging squashed that optimism immediately. Taking the opportunity to lie on the hospital bed, you try to reassure yourself—if Spencer didn’t seem worried, you shouldn’t be worried.
Though Spencer wouldn’t show his concern to you, he certainly wouldn’t do it with Leo in the room.
You don’t know when you fell asleep, but you’re woken up by something being set on your side, your eyes cracking open just enough to watch Spencer lay Leo down on the bed next to you. “Hey,” Spencer whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, “I was trying not to wake you up.”
Cringing at the brightness of the room, you watch Leo as he curls into your side, “How did he do?”
“He was great,” Spencer says, gently ruffling the sleeping boy’s hair. “He fell asleep about halfway through,” he informs you, carefully pulling a chair up to the bedside.
You hum, making sure Leo is snug in his blanket before turning back to Spencer, “I’m sorry I didn’t call you sooner.”
Spencer shakes his head dismissively, “It’s okay,” he whispers, mindful of the hour—it’s nearing midnight now.
Reaching a hand up to cover your mouth, you hiccup a sob, “I’m a bad mom.”
“You are not a bad mom,” Spencer responds quickly, peeling your hand from your mouth and taking it in his hand.
Your lower lip quivers, “This wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t been born so early.”
Spencer’s face softens, squeezing your hand comfortingly, “That wasn’t your fault. That was a situation that you didn’t have any control over.”
Deep down, you know he’s right, but your mom guilt that was on the surface level made the truth hard to see. “I couldn’t even hold his hand while he got an MRI,” you cry, small tears falling from your eyes.
“Honey,” Spencer murmurs, carefully wiping the tears from your cheeks, “You’re pregnant. Even more, you’re high risk,” Spencer reminds you as if it’s something you’re soon to forget. “There’s no way I would’ve let you in that room. You can blame that on me if you’d like.”
Leo shifts next to you, garnering your attention for just a moment before you turn back to Spencer, “I thought an MRI was better for pregnant women.”
Sighing, Spencer looks at you fondly, “Compared to a CT, an MRI is the better option if it’s medically necessary. Logically, I’m well aware of this, but I do find myself more protective over you these days,” he admits, eyes flickering down to your bump.
You bite the inside of your cheek, “I should’ve been watching him before he hit his head.”
Your husband dismisses your concern immediately, “We’ve been teaching him privacy, he’s proud that he gets to go potty on his own.”
“Why won’t you let me feel guilty?” You ask, frowning at him.
He hums in response, “Because you aren’t guilty. Your baby is in the hospital, and you might have some unresolved issues from when he was in the NICU.” He takes a deep breath, ��and as much as you hate to admit it, you’re tired, and you have a lot of conflicting emotions and hormones that you’re struggling with.”
Leaning your head back on the pillow, you sigh loudly, “You know me too well.”
“I also know that our son loves you, and what happened tonight was not your fault,” he reiterates. “Whatever is going on with him, we’ll figure it out, okay? The four of us are going to be just fine.”
Pressing your lips into a thin line, you nod in understanding and listen to the soft whistle of Leo’s nose as he exhales. “We’ll be just fine,” you echo, intertwining your fingers with Spencer’s and preparing yourself for what’s bound to be a long night.
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nocturnalcharm · 7 months ago
Faking It (Logan Howlett x Fem!Reader)
𐙚 prompt: charles forces you and logan to do a mission together in order to help you bond. 𐙚 cw: enemies to lovers, one bed trope, if this does well i’ll do a part 2 w smut ;) cussing, 𐙚 a/n:  thanks to everyone who's sent me req's! this wasnt a req but id already started it haha if youve sent a req ill try to get to it asap.... also so many ppl wanted to be added to a taglist but for the nsfw alphabet post i dont think it tagged like half the ppl?? so im sorry if u dont get tagged, im trying to fix it :)
18+ blog!! you are responsible for your own media consumption. if any of the above makes you uncomfortable, do not proceed.
“Professor, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean—”
“(Y/N), it’s not me you should be apologizing to. It’s your team. That’s who you both let down.” He eyes flick between you and Logan.
“I’ll go apologize to them now.” You turn to leave.
“You too Logan.” Charles says.
On this latest mission, you needed to sneak into a factory and take down all of the enemies— But you and Logan were arguing so loudly, you alerted all of the rivals, turning a few quick sneak attacks into full blown fights. No one was badly injured but you still felt horrible about it.
“This is all your fault.” You mumbled, just loud enough for Logan to hear.
“My fault? You’re kidding.” He huffs.
“Shut up.” You walk ahead of him, on the way to the common room to see your team.
Everyone was sitting there, talking amongst themselves. Once you and Logan entered, they all stopped their conversations and looked at you.
“Guys. I am so sorry about this mission.”
“I’m sorry, extremely sorry, and I apologize for my behavior.” Logan mocked your expression of regret.
“You are such a child, Logan! I’m trying to apologize!” You raised your voice.
“I am too!”
“Can you two just stop?” Hank stood up, silencing you both. “Your attitudes have been getting in the way of every mission. If you guys can’t get along then maybe you shouldn’t be here.”
“Oh..” You didn’t know how to respond. You couldn’t believe you let your dislike for Logan get in the way of your job, so much that they thought you shouldn’t be an X-Man anymore.
They all left the room, leaving just you and Logan to culminate in your thoughts.
“I think it’s pretty obvious we’re not going to get along any time soon.” He broke the silence.
“We’ll figure it out.”
“Yeah, whatever you say.” He walked out, as you sat in the empty room.
The next day, Xavier called you and Logan into his office yet again. You were concerned, worried he might be kicking you off the team. But instead, he said he had a mission for you two.
“I need you to pose as a couple. You’ll be going to an upscale hotel in Manhattan. It’s a cover for a drug smuggling ring. You two will stay as guests in order to collect information. I need everyone that is there, guests and workers alike, to think you two are madly in love. We don’t know who could be involved, so we can’t have them think anything suspicious.”
“Professor, is that the best idea? We just blew the last mission because we couldn’t stop arguing.”
“If you two fail this mission, I will have no choice but to replace both of you. You are amazing at what you do, but your arguing affects everyone. Not just yourselves.”
“Okay. We won’t let you down.” Logan speaks up.
The trip to the hotel was long and frustrating. You two couldn’t agree on anything the entire time. You criticized his driving, he criticized what you put on the radio, and how loud it was. You called him an old man, which just resulted in the radio being turned off and continuing the last hour drive there in silence.
When you arrived, it was late afternoon. Logan, pretending to be your fiance, grabbed all the bags by himself and walked inside. The hotel was huge. It was upscale, classy. So fancy you were afraid to touch anything, in fear it might break.
“Hi! Checking in for Anderson.” He greeted the front desk clerk, giving his forged name. He dropped the bags on the floor and you wrapped yourself around his now-free arm, squeezing it.
“Hello, Mr. Anderson.” She smiled back, “Let’s see. You had the penthouse, correct?”
“That’s right.”
“We’re celebrating our engagement!” You beamed, holding out your hand, showing off your fake engagement ring.
“That’s lovely. Congratulations! We’ll have a bottle of champagne in your room for celebration.”
“Thank you so much!” You squeaked.
He finished the check-in process, then you headed to the top floor.
The penthouse was absolutely gorgeous. It was huge, the size of a decent apartment. Just like the lobby, you were afraid to break something.
“Wow.. This is amazing. Only time I’ll ever get to stay in a penthouse and it’s with you.” You said, as he shut the door.
“I was just thinking the same thing. Now, c’mon we gotta go to the pool. Get changed.” He handed you your bag.
You opened it, pulling out your bikini. It was the only one you had, admittedly from a few years ago. You didn’t have time anymore to relax by a pool or go swimming in the ocean, so this swimsuit had to do. It was a simple black string bikini.
You went inside the bathroom to change. Once you had your swimsuit on, you felt a little self conscious at the amount of skin showing, but figured it’d help with the whole ‘can’t keep your hands off your new fiance’ vibe you and Logan needed to exude for this mission.
You walked out of the bathroom, faking confidence you didn’t have. Logan had taken the opportunity to just change in the living space since he was alone. He was wearing black swim trunks. It was funny, it looked like you two had matched on purpose.
“Wow.” He said quietly, clearing his throat.
“What? You like what you see?” You joked at his clear uncomfortableness with seeing you in such little clothing.
“Whatever, let’s just go.” He spat, grabbing two towels, the key, and exiting the room.
The second you were out the door, you both had big smiles on your face. His arm was around you, holding your side as you headed to the pool.
It wasn’t too busy, just a few kids with their parents, and a bartender at the outdoor bar. You told him you wanted a drink, so that’s where you headed first.
“Hey, can I get two Mojitos?” Logan asked, handing him the room key “And can you just charge it to our room?”
“Of course,” He started working on the drinks immediately, while you two sat and people-watched. He finished the drinks, and gave you them and the room key back.
You said thank you as you walked off, hoping Logan would just follow. There was a small hot tub that was empty, so that’s where you went. You stepped in carefully, afraid of slipping, and sat down in the warm water.
“Really?” Logan whispered, a fake smile still adorned on his face.
“This is what couples do, Logan. And we’re a couple for this weekend. So sit down and act like you love me, sweetie.” Your grin was starting to hurt your cheeks.
He sat down across from you, and you mentally rolled your eyes. You got up, and repositioned yourself, sitting in his lap, “What part of ‘act like you love me’ are you not getting?” 
He was frozen for a moment, caught off guard but quickly acted like he was happy to have you there, to not draw suspicion. You both took sips of your drink, as you continued to nonchalantly looked around.
You two stayed at the pool for awhile, taking mental notes of the guests and employees you saw. Honestly, this hotel didn’t seem too strange. But Xavier said it was a front so you guessed that’s why it seemed so normal, for their cover.
Once your drinks were empty, and the sun had started to go down, you both decided to head back up to the room. He got out drying himself off before wrapping you up in your towel. He picked you up and carried you bridal-style to the penthouse.
“What? Just acting like I love you.” He smirked.
Once inside the room, he set you down. “I’m gonna go shower.” You stated, not really knowing what to do. 
He just nodded, walking off to the kitchenette. You grabbed your bag and headed to the bathroom.
You mentally cursed yourself as you scrambled through your bag, searching for a pair of pajama shorts you thought you packed, but they were nowhere to be found. 
“This cannot be real.” You whispered. The only other clothes you brought were jean shorts, and you sure as hell weren’t going to sleep in those.
You pulled out your oversized sleepshirt, putting it on. The hem landed right above the middle of your thigh. It was a little shorter than the length of a nightgown, so you just hoped he wouldn’t notice. You slipped on a pair of panties, snatched up your things, and exited the bathroom.
You immediately bumped into Logan, who was standing right outside the door.
“What the fuck?” You raised your voice, annoyed. “Why are you right outside the door?”
“I was about to knock. You’ve been in there for over an hour.”
“It’s all yours!” You sassed.
You walked over to the small kitchen, and see he had already opened up the champagne. You had a glass as you sat on a barstool, writing down some notes about the people you’d observed earlier. Pouring yourself another glass, you headed over to the bed.
Just as you made yourself comfortable, Logan came out of the washroom, in just a towel. You stared at his wet torso for a moment, hypnotized.
“My eyes are up here.” He laughed.
You looked up, embarrassed.
“Forgot my clothes. Hey, wait, why are you in the bed?”
“…Because I’m the girl?”
“You're also the short one. I can’t fit on that couch.”
“Oh, c’mon. It’s a big bed. We can both fit just fine. Unless you’re nervous. Never slept with a girl before, Lo?”
He sighed, clearly not wanting to argue, before taking his clothes and escaping back to the bathroom. You silently celebrated your victory.
He came out a few moments later, turning off the lights, sliding under the blankets and getting comfortable. You both ended up facing the same direction. If he was any closer, he’d be the big spoon, but there was a few inches separating you.
You adjusted your body, and accidentally felt your ass rub against him. You went rigid from humiliation, before scooting away slightly, ignoring it since he didn’t say anything.
You tried to fall asleep, but it was difficult, for many reasons. One, you’re not used to having someone else in your bed. Two, he was breathing heavily. Three, you couldn’t stop thinking about how sexy he was.
Of course, you knew Logan was attractive, you’d thought that since the moment you first saw him. But today, probably because of the faux-gagement, the touching, the flirting, you saw him differently. He was still getting on your nerves, but the flames between you two… His body… It was unlike before.
You exhaled a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You twiddled your feet, moving around your body nervously, before unintentionally grazing your ass against his crotch again.
“Y’know, if you keep rubbing your ass against my dick, I’m gonna do something about it.” His words sounded gruff in your ear, but they gave you butterflies.
“Maybe that’s what I want.” 
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
@figsnpassionfruits @marcybug @sacred-holy-light @keigohawks @rockytheluver @parasiiite @iluvstrawberry @18lkpeters @daydreamin1220 @hoesformenotforyou @ninuwrites @chaoticpaintsplatter @red-jay @sweet1squash @here2bawl @silversprings-mp3 @leathargic @issylovessharks @serenewrote @jakegyllenbaalz @whore-for-marvel@cookiesandcreammoolkshake @what-did-you-just-say @demitralover @midnight036 @lanassmarty @sugarrushbell @kitomon @lysmeadows @halpin4 @rebelmarylou @jupitersiberis @ginamcflurry @dilflover-420 @blubobbi @midsommarmayqueen911 @popsickle1235 @jairmi @maxx205 @kmc217 @callmejod @bellaaa32 @suiien @whiskytoast @zeeader @jasmines-greentea @malfoys-demigod @poplottie @navs-bhat @argos-13 @marvelreadingarchive @krisslegacy @chassidypowell24 @godness-gracious13 @hpttsa @fandomsunited @sseleniaa @vampuck @veetallla @chasedbyatlantic @fluffy-anna @deaky-with-a-c
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jacaerysgf · 9 months ago
Fighting words
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summary: one of the bracken boys has been hitting on you for days now and youre sick of it. He happens to take it too far with you and your best friend shows you a side of himself you’ve never seen. and you like it. a lot.
Benjicot Blackwood x Fem!Cerwyn!reader | 1.3k wrds
c.w: probably very occ as we dont know like anything abt him in the show 😭😭, slightly smutty, takes place before any battles, not proofread
he wouldn’t leave my mind, so take this 😁
masterlist - requests are open!!
tags: @hxtd
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“No. Leave me alone bracken.” you try to shove him away from you but the bracken boy just grins at you and leans closer into you.
“Oh come on cerwyn, i see how you look at me~” a scoff escapes your lips as you stare at him with disgust. “In your fucking dreams, seriously. Leave me alone.”
You didn’t even know this guys name but he had been bothering you for the last couple days. It had started out small with him trying to invite you to come drink with him and his friends to him offering to carry around your stuff for you when you were walking around.
“theyre arrows bracken.”
“so what? must be heavy for you youre a girl.”
He grossed you out. But didn’t matter even if he didn’t,
“she said no.”
The two of you turn to look at the new voice and a smile creeps up on your face. The bracken boy rolls his eyes as he glares, “the hell do you want blackwood.”
“she said no. Back off.”
youve been friends with the lord of house blackwood for since you were younger and hes always been so kind to you. It seemed to be obvious to everyone other than him that you were madly in love with the young lord but if he did notice he said nothing about it.
You knew of his, angry? or maybe a better word is his more aggressive behavior. You had never even seen it first hand but multiple people have told you first hand accounts of him losing his temper and blowing up, his normal calm and kind demeanor getting lost to rage and blind madness.
You did not know what to think about the rumors then but seeing the way his eyes twitched and his clenched jaw as he stared at the bracken boy the rumors about him became more and more believable.
The bracken boy stands and gets all up in bens face, “What are you gonna do about it huh?”
Ben tilts his head and a look you’ve never seen crosses his eyes as he glares. “Get the fuck out of my sight.” His voice is hard like youve never heard before and it has you holding your breath, waiting for the straining thread to snap.
And the thread snaps the second bracken pushes bens chest and laughs. “what? you upset this ugly bitch wants me more than you-“ It happens before you know it and suddenly the two guys are on the floor and everyone in the room jumps up to look.
you freeze. What in the hells are you supposed to do? so you merely watch as the two boys beat the fuck out of each other. Ben pulls ahead at some point and manages to get a few more punches in after pinning the guy down until the two are pulled apart.
“never talk about her like that, no. never talk to her again or else ill fucking kill you.” He thrashes around in the arms of the two blackwood lads that hold him back as he continues to spit insults at the bracken boy as he gets dragged off and out of the space.
Your legs move before you can even think and your standing in front of him, he freezes and blinks at you rapidly. Hes covered in blood, you cant tell which is his and which is the other guys but he looks badly hurt.
He had done it for you. In your name. And you could barely take how hot you felt but he needed you. “i have supplies in my tent let me fix you up.” the boys oooo’d and ben barely acknowledges them as he nods and allows you to drag him off to your tent.
The boys call after you two with some unsavory choice words but you just turn and flip them off before you continue to help ben to your tent. You place him on your bed cot and try to ignore the racing of your heart as he stays quiet, merely looking at you.
Hes usually quiet but not around you. Its odd to see him like this. So you shakily rummage around with the stuff in your chest as you nervously begin to talk. “thank you for stepping in i was really nervous he wasn’t going to leave me alone, you didn’t meed to-“ you gasp as your spun around and lips lock onto yours with fever.
One of his hands reach behind you and push all your stuff off your table, lifting up you up to sit on it while he kisses you. You gasp against his lips and he takes the opportunity to stick his tongue in your mouth.
Your head is spinning. You can taste the metallic taste of his blood seep into your mouth and it laces its way into your kiss. You fear you’re dreaming. You felt asleep on watch shift again and when you wake this will all just be a dream.
Yet when you grip your hand against his waist he pulls away and winces. You are pulled back to reality and try to pull away to grab your medical supplies that now are all spilled all over the floor but he quickly stops you.
“ben you’re hurt.” “i dont care.” He tries to kiss you again but you dodge it and grip his face in your hands. “ben,” His hand slide around your waist and play with the fabric of your tunic, testing the waters and sliding his hands lower and almost under the tunic you wear. “ben.” you say firmer and he pauses to look at you.
“right now i just need to feel your skin, please.” your heart pounds loudly against your chest and your mouth drops open. “ben,” his name shakily passes your lips and he presses his forehead against yours, his eyes closed. “How dare he talk to you like that. i should have killed him,” his hands slide under your tunic his hot hands run up and down your bare sides slowly. “he should know i take no disrespect to the future lady of blackwood.”
You kiss him unable to take it anymore and he meets your fever eagerly. arms wrapping around you and pulling you so your chest to chest and you can feel him pressing against your trousers.
His lips trail down your jaw as his hands find your breasts and you let out a moan as he squeezes them in his hands. His lips your neck and he sucks at any skin he can get while he grinds his hips against yours. His hands grow more feverish as he uses his teeth to pull down your tunic to expose more of your collarbone and neck, youre sure to be covered in bruises tomorrow but you cant be bothered with that.
One of his hands trails down your stomach and almost gets to reach under your pants until a horn sounds outside and you both look at each other alarmed.
“ugh fuck me.” “wish i could.” you slap him on the chest as he pulls away and he hisses.
“that hurts.” “if you had let me patch you up it wouldn’t be hurting you idiot.” “you certain didn’t look like you were going to complain. not when i was about to-“ “okay! lets go they need us.” you ignore the sound of his laughter as you flap open your tent and rush out leaving him behind, hoping you look presentable enough your men dont ask questions and pray you can continue what you were doing with ben later.
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rmview · 2 months ago
fight reconciliation, ENHYPEN.
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featuring — enhypen members x gn!reader ( masterlist )
summary — when the enhypen boys come to apologize after saying something hurtful in a fight! ( can be read as part 2 of this )
contents — reconciliation, apologies.
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hee ➷ seung
heeseung sat on the couch, head in his hands as the weight of his earlier words pressed down on him. he didn’t mean it — not even close. now, the memory of your pained expression haunted him.
after hours of pacing, heeseung grabbed his phone, hesitating before calling you. no answer. he sighed, deciding to do this in person. showing up unannounced might be risky, but he couldn’t bear letting things fester any longer.
when you opened the door, your expression was guarded. heeseung’s heart clenched, but he forced himself to meet your gaze. “can i come in? please?”
you stepped aside silently, and he entered, suddenly hyperaware of how small the space felt with tension between you.
“i... i messed up,” heeseung began, his voice cracking slightly. “what i said earlier — it was stupid and cruel, and i didn’t mean any of it. i was frustrated, and instead of talking like an adult, i lashed out.”
your silence made him nervous, so he continued, stepping closer cautiously. “you mean so much to me. i don’t even know why i said something like that. maybe i was scared... of losing you. but i ended up pushing you away instead.”
you finally looked at him, hurt still visible in your eyes. “you can’t just say things like that, heeseung. words hurt.”
“i know.” he reached for your hands but stopped, unsure if it was too soon. “i can’t take back what i said, but i want to show you that i didn’t mean it. let me prove it to you.”
after a long pause, you sighed. “you have a lot to make up for.”
heeseung nodded earnestly. “i’ll spend the rest of my life making up for it if i have to.”
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jay ➷
jay replayed the argument in his mind like a broken record. “you’re being so dramatic! it’s exhausting!” he’d snapped. the look on your face was seared into his memory, and it made his chest ache every time he thought about it.
he knew he needed to apologize, but finding the right words was daunting. instead of calling, he spent hours preparing a small gesture — a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a handwritten note.
when he knocked on your door, the sight of you opening it with a hesitant expression made his breath hitch. “hi,” he said softly, holding out the flowers. “these are for you.”
you accepted them but didn’t invite him in. “what do you want, jay?”
“to apologize,” he said immediately. “what i said earlier was horrible. you didn’t deserve that, and i hate that i made you feel that way.”
you crossed your arms, watching him carefully. “so, why did you say it?”
jay exhaled deeply. “because i’m an idiot. i let my frustration get the better of me, and instead of handling things like a decent person, i lashed out. that’s on me, not you.”
you didn’t respond right away, so he stepped closer. “i don’t want you to think i don’t appreciate you because i do. you mean everything to me. please let me fix this.”
your expression softened slightly, but you still seemed hesitant. “you can’t just fix this overnight, jay.”
“i know.” his voice was quiet but steady. “but i’ll work at it every day if that’s what it takes.”
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jake ➷
jake couldn’t sleep. the guilt gnawed at him relentlessly, replaying the moment he’d blurted his words in frustration. the hurt in your eyes had been immediate and profound, and the memory of it was enough to make him feel physically ill.
he grabbed his phone, considering texting you, but no words felt right. instead, he decided to face you in person.
when you opened the door, jake looked at you with wide, apologetic eyes. “hey,” he said, voice almost a whisper. “can we talk?”
you hesitated before nodding, stepping aside to let him in.
jake sat on the edge of your couch, wringing his hands nervously. “i’ve been thinking about what i said earlier,” he began. “it was completely out of line, and i’m so sorry.”
you stayed silent, so he continued, desperation creeping into his tone. “i didn’t mean it — not a single word. i was frustrated and stupid, and instead of talking things out, i said something awful. you didn’t deserve that.”
“why did you say it, then?” you asked, your voice quieter than usual.
jake looked down, guilt evident on his face. “because i’m scared sometimes. of not being enough for you. and when things get tense, i let that fear take over. it’s no excuse, though. i’m so sorry.”
you sighed, sitting across from him. “words have consequences, jake. they hurt.”
“i know,” he said quickly. “and i’ll do anything to make it right. just tell me what you need, and i’ll do it. i don’t want to lose you.”
you looked at him for a long moment before nodding slightly. “you have a lot to make up for.”
jake’s lips curved into a small, relieved smile. “i’ll make up for it. i promise.”
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sung ➷ hoon
sunghoon paced his apartment, replaying the argument in his mind. he didn’t mean to say it, but in the heat of frustration, they slipped out, cutting deeper than he’d realized in the moment.
he couldn’t let things end like this. he grabbed his keys and headed straight to your place, his heart pounding with every step. when you opened the door, the hurt in your eyes made him freeze.
“what do you want, sunghoon?” you asked, your tone guarded.
“to apologize,” he said quickly, his voice softer than usual. “i said something i didn’t mean, and i hate that i hurt you.”
you didn’t move to let him in, so he stayed on your doorstep, running a hand through his hair nervously. “i was frustrated, but that’s no excuse. i let my emotions get the better of me, and i took it out on you. that was wrong.”
your silence was heavy, but he pushed through. “the truth is, i don’t want to lose you. i love you, and the thought of not being with you terrifies me. that’s probably why i lashed out... because i’m scared of how much i need you.”
tears pricked your eyes, but you blinked them away. “you can’t just say things like that and expect me to forget, sunghoon.”
“i know,” he said quickly, stepping closer but not crossing the threshold. “i’m not asking you to forget. i’m asking for a chance to make things right. to prove to you that i didn’t mean it and that i’ll do better.”
after a long pause, you sighed. “this isn’t going to be easy.”
sunghoon nodded earnestly. “i don’t care how hard it is. you’re worth it.”
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su ➷ noo
sunoo sat curled up on his couch, replaying the argument in his mind. “you’re always so difficult!” he’d snapped, immediately regretting it when he saw the hurt on your face. now, he felt like the worst person alive.
he picked up his phone, staring at your contact for what felt like hours before deciding to face you in person. armed with a small box of your favorite sweets, he knocked on your door, his heart pounding.
when you opened the door, your expression was unreadable, but you stepped aside to let him in.
“i know i’m probably the last person you want to see right now,” sunoo started, his voice soft. “but i couldn’t just let things end like that.”
you crossed your arms, waiting for him to continue.
“i said something awful earlier, and i’m so sorry,” he said, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. “you’re not difficult. you’re amazing, and i was just being a jerk.”
“why would you say that, then?” you asked, your tone sharp.
“because i was frustrated and didn’t know how to express myself properly,” he admitted, his voice trembling. “but that’s on me, not you. you deserve someone who lifts you up, not tears you down.”
you softened slightly, but the hurt was still evident. “words have consequences, sunoo.”
“i know,” he said, stepping closer cautiously. “and i’ll spend as long as it takes to prove to you that i’m sorry. you mean too much to me to let my stupid mistake ruin what we have.”
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jung ➷ won
jungwon sat in silence, the weight of his earlier words crushing him. “i don’t even know why i put up with this,” he’d said in a rare moment of anger. now, the memory of your shocked expression made him feel sick.
he couldn’t let this fester. he grabbed his jacket and headed to your place, rehearsing what he’d say but knowing it wouldn’t be enough. when you opened the door, he offered a small, hesitant smile.
“can we talk?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
you hesitated before letting him in, crossing your arms as you faced him.
“i messed up,” jungwon began, his voice shaky. “what i said earlier... i didn’t mean any of it. i was angry and lashed out, and that’s not okay.”
“do you even realize how much that hurt, jungwon?” you asked, your voice cracking slightly.
his heart broke at the sight of your tears. “i do,” he said earnestly. “and i hate myself for it. you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and i let my emotions get the better of me. i’ll never forgive myself for making you feel like this.”
you looked away, but he stepped closer, his voice soft. “i can’t change what i said, but i’ll do everything in my power to show you how much you mean to me. please, just give me a chance to make it right.”
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ni ➷ ki
ni-ki paced his room, the argument playing in his mind like a broken record. he’d snapped in anger, immediately regretting it when he saw your hurt expression. now, the regret felt like a physical weight on his chest.
he grabbed his phone, typing and deleting a dozen messages before deciding to face you in person. when he knocked on your door, his heart raced as he heard footsteps approaching.
“ni-ki,” you said, your tone cold as you opened the door.
“please, just let me explain,” he said quickly, his eyes pleading.
you hesitated before stepping aside, letting him in.
“i said something horrible earlier, and i hate that i hurt you,” ni-ki began, his voice trembling. “i didn’t mean it — not even for a second. i was frustrated, and instead of talking it out, i lashed out.”
you crossed your arms, your expression guarded. “do you even realize how much that hurt?”
“i do,” he said, his voice soft but firm. “and i hate myself for making you feel like that. you mean so much to me, and i let my emotions get the better of me. that’s on me, not you.”
he stepped closer, his voice filled with sincerity. “i’ll spend as long as it takes to make it up to you. just please... don’t give up on us.” your silence was heavy, but ni-ki’s gaze never wavered. “i’m sorry,” he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper. “and i’ll prove it to you every day if you let me.”
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notes: aww, poor boys... do you forgive them? or more suffering next week?
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persicipen-archive · 2 months ago
gn reader ノ words 0.9k ᯽ mydei teaches you some self-defence. reader is not made for fighting and rather weak. an awkward display of affection from mydei’s side lol ノ no proofreading, we die like kremnoans ᯽ FLUFF ノ GENERAL CONTENT ᯽
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You hear a displeased click of his tongue — nothing surprising given your stance and previous pathetic tries at blocking his fist — and take a step back with your face embarrassingly hot. His fake hit was nowhere near fast nor strong, just a mere presentation of where such an attack would come from and land at the end.
“You’d be dead within a second on the Strife’s battlefield. Or perhaps should I even say that a mere thug would get through your defence with little to no preparation?” Mydei’s gaze moves all over you in a judging way, and it takes your every strength not to look away.
“I’m not made for battle! You wouldn’t see me anywhere near it. It’s just way too hot today to focus.”
Another loud “tch” escapes his lips, now much more annoyed and agitated than before, as if he has already completely given up on any hope for you. A blazing sun over the terrace is no excuse to stop the lesson, or perhaps it’s precisely because of its presence.
“Surely someone with an ill intent would wait for you to be comfortable and well prepared for their arrival, am I correct?” He snickers in a sarcastic tone, leaving a short pause to give you another opportunity to oppose him.
But again, this time not only is his attitude towards you harsh and insulting, but his words make complete sense, and they burn with embarrassment even more than the scorching heat that surrounds both of you.
Maybe you’re simply spineless and will forever be even under his tutoring. You bite your lip, trying not to appear weaker than you already are, knowing very well that there will be absolutely no use in defending yourself anymore. But it doesn’t matter now. What does he plan to do next?
Your body tenses up out of reflex only seconds before his warm palm wraps around your arm, turning you around effortlessly while pressing your back against his own chest. An uncontrolled gasp leaves your mouth as you are left immobilised in an instant and the forced proximity feels even hotter than midday, yet the one behind you pays no mind to it, completely focused on keeping you in place.
“Most people would assume you cannot get out of this hold unless you’re physically stronger than the aggressor.”
You feel every slight breath he makes pressing harder on you. Not to mention how his voice sends pleasant shivers down your spine by being so close to your ear. All the discomfort disappears the second a faint memory reappears in the most unexpected of places. The way he holds you reminds you of something entirely different from sparring.
Curse your mind, it doesn’t help to focus at all and it’s especially shameful when Mydei’s not affected; calm and composed, with a fiery spark running along the red marks on his body.
“You’ll most likely always have a free hand or two. Instead of wriggling them mindlessly, use one to press on the bottom of your opponent’s nose or even punch them. The nose is always sensitive, even under the slightest pressure.” He eases the grip around your body and demonstrates what he just said and although he doesn’t apply force at all when bringing his knuckle above your cupid’s bow, you squirm involuntarily in an attempt to escape.
But since he never lets go of your other arm, there’s nowhere to run.
“Now, try it yourself.” Yet instead of waiting for your move, his hand — armoured in golden claws, a trap for your smaller palm — grabs yours and brings it behind towards his face. You peek over your shoulder, a little afraid.
To add on top of everything, he is as serious about this sparring lesson as ever, not paying attention to the closeness between your bodies. The red lines decorating his chest seem brighter than usual, with sweat glistening along his collarbones and hair dishevelled by the breeze.
Your heart skips a beat in anticipation when you are almost certain he’s about to kiss your fingers instead, but in the last second, he inches away and brushes them against the underside of his nose. “Here. Remember this.”
“I’m sure that my enemy won’t navigate my hand towards their weak spot.” A shaky sigh of disappointment escapes your lips.
He chuckles lowly at your comment, raising the corner of his mouth in a sardonic smile.
“You’d rather aim blindly than focus on where and what to attack? You’ve just earned the disapproval of the crown prince of Castrum Kremnos.” He moves in front of you, abruptly pausing all physical contact. “Be thankful that I’m not only willing to teach you how to defend yourself but also for that I will protect you with my own strength as long as you’re near.”
He pushes a damp strand of hair out of your face, the lightest touch of his bare finger causing more tingles to travel down your spine. At the same time, he flinches when realising what he has done and lets his hand drop to his side; the victorious glint in his golden eyes changes to bewilderment. His armour rattles at the subtle gesture of humanity and betrayal of his emotionless posture.
“We’ll practice again until you gain the approval from me. Do not expect me to be lenient.” The heat spreading on your cheeks becomes a problem only after Mydei finishes the sentence and moves away with haste, surely caused by his discomfort.
A gentle breeze runs through the illuminated terrace and cools your skin. You watch him walk away without turning around (you wish he would). This feeling of shame mixes with admiration and unadulterated curiosity to stir up something completely bizarre in your heart.
A pomegranate-sweet infatuation with the prince.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 5 months ago
HI ILY!!! i was wondering if u could do a argument fic likeeeee katsuki and reader got into a argument and they are both DISTRAUGHT bc they’re so corny and in love and hate fighting but the argument was bad and they’re oh so sad whatever whatever !! and katsuki has to make it up to them EEE !! PLEASE I LIVE EAT SLEEP AND BREATHE UR FANFICS !! LOVE U CASHHH🤍
operation : trouble in paradise !
katsuki tries to get his boyfriend privileges back..
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EEEE TYSM AND I ACTUALLY LOVE THIS ASK !! Its my guilty pleasure like both parties hating to argue bc they love each other so much im so sorry that’s adorable. and again ty SOOO much !!! hope you enjoy, ive actually gotten a similar ask, so that one ill try to have that come out soon !
FEM READER, katsuki is melodramatic, argument, fluff fluff despite argument, 3rd year bk squad boys !, kissing, making up yipeee, reader likes flowers,lemme know if i missed sum else !
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“she fuckin’ hates me.”
for the past ten minutes he’d barged into kirishima’s room, bakugou has been moping. wallowing, even.
“no she doesn’t, man..” kirishima reassured. for the umpteenth time, he’s honestly lost count. he’d tried putting a hand on the boy’s shoulder earlier but said boy had shrugged him off angrily, grumbling out a dramatic “don’t touch me.” despite being flopped face down on his bed.
“i know her better, kirishima. yes she does.” the blonde insists, voice muffled by the redhead’s pillows. kirishima sighs, patting his friends leg before making his way to his office chair across from the bed, ignoring the muffled grumbles bakugou lets out.
“how bout you just..go apologize ?”
“i already told you i can’t. she—”
“yeah, she hates you. got it.” kirishima finishes his friends sentence, causing the blond to groan. “look dude, you’ll never know unless you try. you’ve been together for ages now.”
“a year.” katsuki corrects, he purposely forgets to mention he knows exactly how many months it has been too. kirishima nods excitedly, trying to get him out of his frankly sad state. “yeah ! so, this shouldn’t be anything man. arguments happen all the time, no matter how much you love each other.”
katsuki feels his ears burn at the word love on his friends lips, he’s told you he loved you of course. but it still felt weird to acknowledge it.
he turns just enough for his scowl to be visible to his friend, who sends him an encouraging smile.
“so what the fuck do i do then ?” kirishima grins wider, sharp teeth on display. “there we go, that’s more like ya, dude !” he exclaims. he quickly shuffles to grab a notepad strewn onto his messy desk (kirishima’s desk was so messy it made katsuki itch sometimes, a shiver almost passes through him whenever he sees the state it’s in)
kirishima drops onto the floor, placing the notepad onto his mattress and scribbling, with a pen katsuki has no idea where he fished out, a messy “operation: get your bf privileges back !!!!!!” bakugou fixes kirishima with a dead look, the other only tilts his head, still cheerful.
“what ?”
“what the fuck is this, kirishima.”
kirishima scoffs at the blonde’s dead tone, “listen man, you wanna win your girlfriend back or not ?!” bakugou squints at him, hard. but only let’s out a loud sigh. kirishima takes that as his answer and with a nod continues writing down notes.
katsuki groans to himself, looking down at his friend scribbling down his grand plan, and he better hope it works.
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maybe you should call him..
no, you won’t. it was his fault you were like this anyway.
..but maybe you went a bit too far..?
ugh. you groan, rolling around in your bed. you’d tried to distract yourself by going through your tiktok feed but it seemed the world was against you or your fbi agent hated your guts. your feed was either overly cutesy couples content that made you miss your angry blond, or break up videos that made you miss him even more.
ugh. you shove your head even harder in your pillows.
you’re really trying to hold your ground, because you want katsuki to know he’d hurt your feelings, but now that you think about it you don’t even remember what you’d argued about. it was petty for sure, you’re about 80% sure it was a petty argument.
maybe you should—
you shake your head, steeling your nerves. so what if it was a dumb argument ?! that didn’t mean he could get away with everything!
“uuuugh,” you groan out loud, you miss your katsuki.
a knock at your door startles you. it must be mina, you’d texted her earlier that you were mad at your boyfriend and she’d told you that she “excepted all the deets of what his dumbass did this time as SOON as i get back !!!!” and you were waiting, maybe venting about it could make you feel better and less dramatic.
you open your door expecting to see your overly excited best friend. but instead—
flowers, almost whacking you in the face you might add, are shoved in your face before you can get a word out. you squeak in shock, they’re pretty though, your favorites. and you know only one person who knows what your favorite flowers are.
“wh-katsuki ?!”
and there he is, red faced and angry. scowl on his face and bouquet of pretty flowers in hand.
you can’t tear your eyes away from him, he can’t keep his eyes in one spot—flying from you occasionally to your door to the flowers and repeat. he blinks, you blink.
“here.” he grunts, waving the flowers towards you. “f’r you.” he glances at you.
“o-oh !” you exclaim suddenly, whisking the flowers towards yourself. the bouquet is big, it’s definitely a bit bigger than your head. katsuki searches your face to gauge your reaction“i—uhm! thank you..” you utter shyly, katsuki grunts. he shoves his hands in his pockets the moment you’ve gripped the bouquet, kicking at something you can’t see on the floor.
your heart skips a beat. tentatively, you lean against the door “didn’t take you for a flower guy..”
he scoffs, kicking the toe of his sneakers against the floor “‘m not.. but you like these, right ?”
trick question. he knows you do, you mentioned in passing these were your favorites, unless you suddenly decided you didn’t like these anymore. then he’s fucked. but he decides to continue despite the worry growing in his lower belly, the plan was already a go now.
“i—uhm, listen..” your boyfriend fumbles, he throws his head back and groans when his words won’t come out right. you give him a tiny smile, his eyes soften just a bit.
“i fucked up, okay ?” he admits, scratching at his nape “shouldn’t have said all that shit to you, or whatever..” you can tell he’s beyond embarrassed. he’d melt if he could get any redder, he keeps scratching and won’t look at you for more than a few seconds at a time and katsuki who’s always the loudest in the room can barely manage a mumble. you know he means it though, he never did anything he didn’t feel like doing. you wait for him to continue and he looks at you then.
“i don’t ever like arguing with you. ever.” he insists “so jus..forgive me, kay ?” he finishes quietly. your heart jumps and leaps and you can’t stand acting cold anymore. you walk a bit closer to him, the flowers block you from fully being close to him.
katsuki’s eyes are wide as you lean in to kiss right next to his lips, you laugh at his bewildered expression and his eyes soften when he snaps out of it. he rolls his eyes, you smile wider.
“i forgive you, i’m sorry too. i don’t like arguing with you either..” you admit, katsuki reaches for your hand, you feel the tips of his fingers brush against your skin, you give it to him and he grips it tight. then he leans in and presses a kiss to your lips, it’s a sweet little apology kiss that turns a bit too passionate after a while, and you pull him towards you and into your room away from prying eyes. katsuki kicks the door shut behind him and pulls you closer by your waist.
“guess i gotta—thank shitty hair..” he mumbles in between kisses, “an’ i owe him twenty bucks.”
you make a noise against his lips and pull away, raising a brow and holding his shoulders when he tries to lean in to kiss you again. “what’s that mean ?”
your boyfriend huffs “told shitty hair i’d give him twenty bucks if his shitty plan worked.”
“plan, what plan ?” you ask, katsuki squints at you, a grumbling noise comes from his throat, almost a whine.
“yer really gonna make me spell it out aren’t you..” he mutter bitterly, shoving his head in your neck. he continues, “shitty hair helped me come up with a plan to make you not mad at me anymore. i told him it wouldn’t work, he said it would, and we bet on it.”
you laugh in disbelief, katsuki chomps at your neck to silence you, squeezes his arms tighter around your stomach to make you wheeze, but you can’t stop laughing. “that’s so cute !”
“shaddup.” he growls in response. you muffle your giggles in his shoulder. katsuki grumbles some more and you run your hands up and down his back.
“well then,” you hum, pressing a kiss to his nape, his arms around you tighten. “i guess we’ll both have to thank kiri then.”
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sugarushwriting · 10 days ago
cherry popper aftermath — sunghoon
sunghoon x reader
adult content featured, read at your own discretion
“you two are absolutely sickening.” heeseung looked at both you and sunghoon with disgust.
all you two were doing was being a lovey-dovey couple. to be fair, no one was used to the two of you not arguing.
“would you rather us being fighting, trying to rip each other heads off?” sunghoon defended.
“yes.” heeseung, and 3 other of your friends said in unison.
you and sunghoon giggled and gave each other one last kiss to disgust your friends.
“anyway,” your roommate began, “are you all going to soobin’s party tonight?”
“of course.” heeseung replied closing his text book. he stood up from the picnic table you all sat at outside. “im gonna go and try and get half my paper done beforehand knowing ill be extremely hungover in the morning.”
heeseung bid his goodbyes, and soon all your other friends left too.
“do you want to go to the party tonight?” sunghoon asked.
you nodded. “of course, why wouldn’t i?” you asked confused looking at your boyfriend. you smirked, “why got other plans for me?” you teased pulling him closer by his shirt.
breaths apart sunghoon smiled, “maybe. maybe i just want to watch a movie with my girlfriend.”
“or?” you teased out, waiting for sunghoon to give you an alternative option.
he smiled with a chuckle, “or i wanted to just fuck my girl to where she goes dumb.”
your core ached and you immediately clenched your thighs. “oh.” you said softly, surprised but also not surprised by his filthy mouth.
sunghoon loved your reaction, and kissed your nose. “come on, let’s go study for that exam before we go out tonight.”
you groaned, “once a nerd, always a nerd!”
you really just wanted to be dicked down by sunghoon. you couldn’t get enough of his tongue, lips, teeth, hands, fingers, and of course his dick.
after he took your virginity, he made you come three more times the next morning. three. you were exhausted by the afternoon, not even caring for the activities that day. you were only concerned with the activities sunghoon had planned for you.
was you becoming a sex addict?
or maybe just a sunghoon addict?
you were addicted to him like a drug. his dick was the drug, of course his dick the dealer. or is it your orgasms that are the drugs so he’s the dealer?
you were deep in thought, you hadn’t even noticed sunghoon stop mid walk until his hand tangled with yours pulled you back.
“oof,” you groaned surprised. “what’s wrong?”
sunghoon went still, eyes straight ahead. your eyes followed to where his was and your smile dropped.
it was taehyun.
your ex.
sunghoon’s old high school friend.
whom you’ve always told you didn’t have a thing for.
taehyun was staring at you both, face flat. he turned away and walked the other way.
“what the fuck is he doing here? he goes to university 5 hours away!”
sunghoon swallowed, “he may be on break due to exams. he is friends with soobin, too.”
you sighed. “should we skip the party?”
sunghoon shook his head, “soobin may be disappointed if we don’t.”
you both should’ve skipped the party. it was tense. taehyun did not take his eyes off of sunghoon and you. mainly you.
you were uncomfortable mainly because you knew that look of his. taehyun wanted you. you were just thankful sunghoon didn’t know that look.
but he did. sunghoon recognized that look from taehyun. taehyun used to give you that look in high school. sunghoon always wanted to punch the look right off his face.
sunghoon did all he could do to make it known you were his. ass slaps. ass grabs. hand in your pocket. hand teasing the hem of your bottoms. kisses to your nose, ears, cheeks, neck, your lips were his tongue met yours for a sloppy kiss.
you thought he was just drunk and horny. no. sunghoon was sober and seething red. he was becoming annoyed taehyun wouldn’t remove his eyes from you.
he was jealous. possessive. his hands clenched at his sides.
“hoon, are you okay?” you asked kissing his chin. sunghoon looked down to you meeting your eyes. lust. you were for sure turned on from all the attention he gave you. sunghoon gave you. not that ex of yours.
“do you think if i was to fuck you here out in the open, hed finally take his eyes off you?” sunghoon gritted.
“ignore him baby.” you sighed and ran your hands through his hair. “im yours, only yours.” you leaned on your tiptoes to kiss him.
sunghoon was more of a gentleman than this. but he could not hold himself back anymore. with taehyun staring at you like a piece of meat, the closeness of others, the outfit on you tonight, he needed you. now.
he needed for you to scream that you belonged to him as you creamed on his cock.
he had a pride and possessiveness of himself that he was the one to take your virginity. his name was the one you moaned while you pleasured yourself with your toys. his heart swelled in his chest as he realized you were always his. even when you didn’t think or believe it.
before you could get a say, sunghoon was dragging you to the upstairs bathroom, taehyun watching every moment.
you gasped once your back hit the door of the bathroom and sunghoon was already tugging his pants down.
“usually i would love your body as it should but right now i just need you screaming my name.”
you swallowed seeing the lust in his eyes. you’ve had a feeling sunghoon could be possessive. the first time you both were intimate he found pleasure knowing you were thinking of him always.
you nodded. “use me.” you said and pulled his lips to yours by the back of his neck.
he quickly undressed you enough to were your cunt was on display for him. his fingers teasing your folds as his tongue teased your mouth.
you just groaned and whimpered in need, and a loud moan escaped between your lips when three of his fingers entered you, your head being thrown back against the door.
you lifted your right leg as much as you could to hook around his waist for his fingers to gain better access. “hoonie.”
sunghoon nibbled on your neck, your orgasm close. “fuck im close already baby.”
sunghoon quickly removed his fingers, a pout on your face. he smiled. “you’re coming on my cock like the slut you are.” your cunt ached at the words.
sunghoon turned you to face the bathroom mirror, your front half leaned against the counter, him standing tall behind you, giving your ass a slap.
“watch us through the mirror cherry.”
the nickname. you nodded quickly and sunghoon easily slipped his cock into your greedy and waiting cunt.
“so tight cherry. like our first time all over again.” he sighed and pulled out to the tip, to literally slam back deeply.
“fuck! sunghoon!” you moaned loudly. you bit your lip after realizing how loud that was.
sunghoon’s finger came to your lip, tugging it. “don’t hide those pretty sounds from me. let me know how good i make you feel.”
you nodded, and sunghoon pulled back going back to his fast paced thrusts, hitting you deep and at a perfect angle.
his fingers gripped tightly on your hips, for sure leaving impressions of his nails. “mine. always been mine, cherry.”
“yours.” you half whimpered out, these back shots nearly killing you both in a good way.
“fuck so good for me cherry. always been.”
sunghoon was rambling as he was trying to make you both come at the same time. claiming you as his, grabbing your neck in the process, sloppy kisses between you both, nips at the skin, grabbing any surface possible.
you started to clench around him. “hoon, im—,”
“i know cherry. i know your body. responds so well for me.” sunghoon moaned.
his thrusts sped up, becoming sloppy, a free hand wrapping around your hips to use a finger on your puffy clit.
“who do you belong to, cherry?”
“you sunghoon, i belong to you!”
with one last sloppy thrust, you both came, explosively shall you say, as he pulled out to come on your backside, tilting your head back so your lips met his.
bathroom strong of sex. you both breathed heavily as that was the most intense sex you’ve had. to others it may have not seemed like anything but his words, touches, roll of his hips. the emotions were heightened and there.
you really did belong to him.
he helped you clean up, and kissed you lovingly once you both were back dressed. “need a minute before we go back out?”
you nodded. sunghoon smiled and kissed your forehead.
sunghoon knew, but unknowingly to you, taehyun followed you both up the steps. sunghoon saw the shadow of feet under the door.
he only hoped taehyun finally got the hint you were no longer available to him. that you always belonged to sunghoon himself.
and now that sunghoon had you, he wasn’t letting you go.
hehe. not proof read.
idk who’s next — jay or jake
like, reblog, share!! comment!! give feed back and send requests!
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takes1 · 3 days ago
tsukishima and yamaguchi are incapable of sharing you
is this a big metaphor? maybe. i dunno. it's steamier this way. read between the lines or something. two weeks of having a cold? or covid? or the flu? idk what it was but it burnt me outttttt
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warnings. suggestive, minors DNI
details. fem!reader / suggestive fluff / love triangle? love shape? / fighting over reader / unrequited crushes / suggestive touching / touch starved!tsukki / touch starved!yamaguchi / sports massage, hot / best friends / girls team!reader / sadomasochism clawed its way into my fluff fic / tsukki is transactional / boyfriend material!yamaguchi / brotherzoning, friendzoning / daichi has canon aura / 4.1k words
links. my masterlist. more haikyuu. my ao3. my imagines.
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"Oh, wow--," Tsukishima's cruel and quiet snicker at your expense was inevitable. He pushed one side of his headphones off of his ear.
His brow raised in amusement at your exaggerated wobble, how you were unable to stand on your own.
Yamaguchi kept his arms stretched out for you to grab and help yourself up, a master at utilizing any excuse he could to hold you.
"Isn't this- I dunno- kind of excessive?"
He sighed, palms flat against your back as you stumbled into his chest.
He expressed no real urgency to let you go. The guy was -generally- touchy with all of his friends, so it was never worth raising any color flag over.
"We-- hah-h," You gripped his forearm when you tried to take another excruciating step on your own. You sunk to the floor so fast he didn't even think to try and catch you.
It spurred another rare, genuine laugh from Tsukishima.
You cleared your throat with some attitude, and attempted to gather your dignity before trying to get up again.
"-We did lose."
Now, especially, you could truly appreciate his tendency to help. This practice had been group punishment for losing your last big game.
Sparing the gruesome details, it left most of the first-years in horrible condition. Even the more experienced girls on the team were ambling away at a slower pace, wincing, under the weight of their own bodies and struggling to take one step down from the gymnasium.
You all stiffened. That was Michimiya's voice- you thought all the upperclassmen had gone, but she popped her head out from the exit and sounded just as intimidating as usual.
"Yes ma'am?" You called, a grimace all over your face.
The two boys shifted further away. They weren't technically supposed to be here, yet, and kept their heads tilted to the floor, expecting to be scolded for not going straight home.
"Head to the training room and roll your legs out-- I need you better before Friday! You two--," She hesitated before telling them to leave, vaguely aware that you were all buddies. "Help her, please."
"Yes ma'am!!"
Just like that, she was gone. Your eyes were shining. You were needed. For the team.
"Oh my gosh..." You bit your lip.
"That's awesome!" Yamaguchi laughed, excited for you. If Daichi had told him something like that, he'd be over-the-moon happy.
Tsukishima crossed his arms, unable to relate, and now tied to this place even longer.
He didn't validate your silent request to be helped. He only came across as cruel, but his real reason was objectively worse.
Thankfully, Yamaguchi was there to fill in the gaps of his awkward, ill-timed difficulty. You smiled at his light concern, an 'okay' of sorts to let him know he could find your condition funny, too.
"Th-anks-- hh-ah... shit,"
It was so much worse now. You wished you had listened to your teammates, to not sit down ten minutes ago, no matter how much you felt like you needed to.
Tsukishima watched, hands deep in his pockets with no intention to be of free service. That sound of struggle was almost as satisfying as hearing you ask for help.
You didn't let go of his hands for a few seconds. The weight of your body was a lot to handle- you kept his palms squeezed hard in yours and were beyond grateful he stayed, unbothered by it.
They were technically tasked with getting you to the training room, but you only had faith that Yamaguchi would see it through. Tsukishima might go as far as to get on the first train home, all alone, because that's how much he hated waiting on other people.
Yamaguchi, however, shared in your experience. His eyes were bright and his smile always waiting to agree, or laugh, or ask you something.
"Can ya walk?" He giggled.
His freckled hands stayed, attentive, at your sides, as you laughed with him and tried.
Moving was doable, but only in little, shuffle-y, painful, half-steps. Your hamstrings were like guitar strings, pulled too tight from your ass to your knees, your quads as stiff as set concrete, and everything was burning hot to the touch. You worked up another sick sweat, just moving 20 steps.
The two friends shared a look as they slowed down for you. It was worse than they thought- and though they had confided in you earlier, telling you that this was normal, they weren't exactly sure anymore. They hadn't yet been pushed this hard at their own team practices (they actually won their games).
Tsukishima's chortle was mean, targeted, in nature.
"Am I gonna have to carry you?"
Your exhaustion blocked any of your usual retaliation. The suggestion was, unironically, very appealing. He had to ability to take some pain away and was 'offering.'
"Oh!" You groaned, palm on your hip after taking a few tiny steps to get to the wall, "Would you? Please?"
It caught him off guard for an imperceivable second.
He rolled his eyes, his fair skin inadequate cover for the blush you had inspired.
Yet, always the master of masking his emotions, he swung his body in the direction of the training room to evade suspicion, instead, "Hell no."
The multiuse training room was thankfully spared of any life, except for you three clowns. There wasn't even the athletic trainer, paid to stay later for hurt athletes. Most teams were finished up already and all the gear -the weights, the tires, the specialty equipment- was in its proper place.
You glanced to Tsukishima, who was second to make the connection that this was an even bigger waste of his time-- unable to take the sound of him picking on you again, you waved your hand at him, dismissive at his catty sigh.
"You can go home, Tsukki, I know you've got better things to do."
Yamaguchi smirked at the light pink that dusted the fair tips of his ears. He followed close behind you towards the mats, near the recovery gear.
'Reverse-psychology' almost always worked on him, outside of a match.
"Pff- whatever," He cleared his throat, shoving his hands even deeper into his pockets, "It's not a big deal or anything."
It was, in fact, a big deal.
You couldn't take even the softest of featherlight touches, or stretches, or damn near anything that was suggested by your teammates to try.
"You can't just give up," Yamaguchi said, softly, trying to encourage you to try the massage gun again.
"You're just being a crybaby--," Tsukishima shrugged, as if he didn't insult you, and took the thing in his hand, "If you can't do it, one of us should."
Without a second of hesitation, you swiped it from him. That thing was a weapon, with the wrong head attachment and in the hands of somebody with as little sympathy as him.
"Yamaguchi-!" You grew warm, handing it to the nicer of the two, "If- um, one of you has to do it for me. I want Yamaguchi to."
It was the most efficient tool for the job prescribed to you. Break up the lactic acid, promote healing, warm the muscle up for some stretching.
That list seemed so much simpler when pain was not part of the picture.
Having one them subject you to forced recovery was, regrettably, more doable than trying it on yourself. That didn't mean that it was easy.
Yamaguchi knelt atop your legs whilst you lay on your stomach, trying his best to ignore your pleas (as you had asked of him). He kept your leg still as he prodded the machine into your damaged tissue.
It was excruciating. Why did you play this sport?
At last, your begging was met with a precious grain of sympathy. Yamaguchi looked nothing short of conflicted, unable to help without hurting you, but unwilling to let you leave without doing what needed to be done.
He gritted his teeth and looked back at you- to check if you were okay, because you weren't saying anything.
The rapid rise and fall of your ribcage was all he needed to see.
"I'm sorry- I-I can't--,"
He groaned, not knowing what to do, and set the massage gun down by your left leg.
"Oh- my- godddd." The blond boy groaned, horribly impatient in an instant.
The sound of the machine getting turned back on made you jump, but you got squished down before you could even think that there was a need to move faster.
Tsukishima sat backwards on top of you. He wasn't using his entire weight but it was enough to keep you immobile in the ways that mattered. Your muscles seized against your will at the primal realization that he was not going to be nearly as gentle or attentive.
Your shrieking become muffled in your sleeves, but it would've gone just as ignored if you hadn't taken that initiative.
"What are you doing?" Yamaguchi sighed, a bit mean and confused at how he just took over instead of talking about it first.
If he was doing something wrong, he at least wanted the chance to fix it. But that wouldn't fly in this company. Tsukishima was never the type to give people, even his best friend, that much faith.
"I wanna go home dude. I'm--,"
His pressure on the inside of your calf sent you into a full-on seize. He flew to keep your ankle to the ground with a pissed off groan and a heavy thump.
"-Getting- this done."
"You don't have to help!"
Yamaguchi was technically yelling at him, but it didn't sound like it. His voice was raised, a tiny bit louder than the massage gun, and that was about it. It was almost impossible for him to come across as angry. Maybe passive-aggressive, which was, admittedly, jarring enough.
He was met with a signature scoff but didn't back down from it. Yamaguchi had too many reasons not to shy away. If he was that bothered by staying longer, he could go home alone. The chance to hang out with you alone, not to mention the perfect opportunity to touch you, wasn't lost on either of them. Tsukishima knew about his feelings for you. Until now, it was never a topic that needed to be explicitly addressed.
Tsukishima threw a narrowed, cold look through his lashes to him.
That was oh-so-intentional, and a painful thing to process as he barks at you to stop whining so much. His hands are giant, wrapped all the way around your shins, weighing you further down so you can't kick.
You were almost getting used to it- how much it hurt- as you feel Yamaguchi settle next to you and place a reassuring hand on your back.
You're panting, hoarse and labored- you were going to thank him, but Tsukishima makes his way up to your hamstring and you flinch again with your face slammed back into your arms.
"Augh-! Dude!! Ha--Ah!"
Absolutely no remorse in his voice, "Tadashi, c'mere and hold her ankle. I can't do both."
They shared another charged glare behind your back, but Yamaguchi wasn't going to intentionally make things more difficult than they had to be. He wanted to go home too, and wanted you to feel better quicker- this was a necessary evil.
Part of your hoodie sleeve was soaking wet from where you were biting down, grimacing. You were slick with cold sweat, trembling, and could not wrap your head around how torturous this whole ordeal had become.
For a moment, just one tiny, fleeting moment, he took the machine off and you were able to gasp in a non-labored breath. He adjusted to sit on top of your butt (without asking if you were comfortable) and slipped a warm hand between your thighs to grasp your inner leg to keep you still. Yamaguchi's grip on your ankle felt after that- harder.
The pleasant sensation it sent down into your tummy became quickly interrupted by the worst of it.
"Mm-h-!!" You groaned into your clothes.
"Ohh- yeah, you're fucked," Tsukishima laughed in shock at how he could feel the tension, the spasms, under the skin once he placed that godforsaken thing back onto you.
You mostly blocked the rest of the experience out of your mind- it was nauseating, and long, and arduous. Tsukishima made no efforts to make the process any easier by asking you what you wanted, if you needed a break, or if you were okay.
It made the last of it that much sweeter. The training room was quiet, again, once the buzzing was gone.
"That should do it," He muttered, pushing the heel of his palm down the now compliant, though aching, muscle of your hamstring. It was practically mindless.
"Y-eah-," Yamaguchi rolled his eyes at the shameless display.
Tsukishima glanced at him. He cleared his throat and pinched you, just for good measure, then decided for you, "Yeah, that feels better."
You rolled your cloudy eyes just to yourself, unable to lift your head from your weak arms.
"Okay! Jeez! Get off of me."
Another ill-intentioned snicker was almost enough to make you look back. It, instead, only motivated you to tense up your shoulders.
"Did you forget that you have a second leg?"
Yamaguchi would've laughed with him, had he not been so pissed off that he was getting- for lack of a better word here- cucked.
Barely able to peel your chest up off of the ground, you huffed and pushed the stagnant tears from your face.
"You are not doing that again!"
It was another way of saying that you couldn't take it, which, in his twisted mind, was reason enough to smile. He had to adjust himself pretty plainly in front of his freckled, grumpy friend before getting off of you.
You rolled, heavy and slow, onto your back, and didn't spare him any looks. You spoke to the ceiling. "I'll do my own calf. Tadashi,"
His face was softer, attentive, at how you sighed his name. Every word afterward was a lot sweeter, lighter, than the ones that were meant for Tsukishima.
"You get my other hamstring. I can't reach it."
Now 'unemployed,' Tsukishima reclined against his bag, pushed his headphones up, and played on his phone.
You flipped back onto your tummy and pulled down on the hem of your shorts, for some bit of decency. All it did was make Yamaguchi's eyes wander. Tsukishima had already been stealing crystal clear glances.
Those practice shorts left little to the imagination, especially hiked up the way you liked to wear them for training. It did not go underappreciated in this group.
Yamaguchi tried not to stare- he really, really tried. His eyes were bouncing back and forth between where to adjust over you, and where he desperately wanted to cop a feel. It's just that you were turned around, with no way of knowing, and there was nothing too wrong with looking.
Neither of them were bold enough to bring up that your glutes -realistically- were the most worked muscle group that needed to be attended to.
Yamaguchi mirrored his hand placement to where Tsukishima had done it, earlier. He was not prepared at how intimate it felt at all, because his friend had given zero indication that it was such a big deal.
You flinched at the contact even though it was hundred times softer than you had been touched earlier. His palm was unsure, and varied in firmness as he tried to palm your thigh the 'right' way. You were grateful nobody -especially that blond idiot- could see how embarrassed you were, as you buried the side of your face harder into your clothes.
"I'm gonna try to be less gentle- so," He lost his train of thought, captivated in the sight of your softness filling the gaps of his long, tanned fingers, "Um... yeah."
Not-gentle was a good way to describe that massage gun on your stiff leg. But it wasn't a stabbing pain, like how forcefully and suddenly Tsukishima had started.
And yet, you couldn't help the reflex to bend at the knee, and almost nailed him with a powerful kick.
"A-ah! Sorry--," You couldn't quite get the apology out, between gritted teeth.
Since Tsukishima had been too busy peeking out of the corner of his eye to admire the space between your legs, the curve of your ass, and all the shaking, he was quick to grab that free ankle and pin it down.
They shared a mutually surprised expression behind you that, if anything, helped ease their nasty, competitive, and degrading attitudes.
Yamaguchi's face was very warm, his legs, his grip, had to be readjusted-- his fingers felt indescribably good in the midst of so much discomfort. He put more of his weight on you, having underestimated how much you might throw him off.
Neither of the two were saints, but if it were a competition, Yamaguchi at least tried to repress things.
He wanted to be seen as good, as nice, and sweet. Getting brother-zoned all the time sucked but at least it spoke to his positive qualities.
Tsukishima did not care all that much about looking like a good person. Being 'cool' was different, and just as performative, but still, different. He had less internal struggle when it came to checking you out behind your back; his only worry was getting caught, because it made him look interested. Being interested, to Tsukishima, was worse than being a 'nice guy.'
All that to say: He pushed your ankle a bit further to the outside, craning his neck to see just how much those safety shorts actually covered down there.
If he could get Yamaguchi to move his hand out of the way--
"You're doin' it wrong," He sighed, sounding flat- bored, even though he wasn't.
You spared Yamaguchi the responsibility of responding to him.
"You're- ahh- ridiculous, Kei. Fucking-- ridiculous."
His nose wrinkled at your assertion that he could possibly be wrong, "The fact that you can talk is evidence enough."
That made your face multiple degrees hotter, and kept you biting a rude reply into your shirt- it pissed your nicer friend off, on your behalf.
"Dude, shut up," Yamaguchi mumbled.
It was ironically something that sounded like it would come out of Tsukishima's mouth, in tone and phrase. He could've told either of you to shut up at any given moment, on any given day, and it wouldn't be a big deal. Coming from Yamaguchi, though--
The blond stiffened, his mouth curled into an absurd grin, but his eyes were fixed and brutal behind his glasses.
All the implications under their words, their jagged tones, were so plain and out in the open. To them. You remained disadvantaged, partially deaf (from the loud massage gun) and mostly blind (turned around), still preoccupied with your physical inability to stay on their conversational level or that emotional space.
To you, they were only trying to help, and the situation had not degraded so much.
You were busy thinking about how Tsukishima could not have been more wrong about Yamaguchi's 'technique.' The pressure had grown, making for a more intense experience than before, with all the new compensation.
An awful, bitter comeback was on the tip of Tsukishima's tongue.
"Woah!" A new voice, one you didn't quite recognize, was at the entrance to the training room, "What're you three still doing here? It's late!"
"Daichi!" Yamaguchi sighs, breathless, for a couple of different reasons.
You winced at his weird readjustment on top of you- and the terrible, sinking feeling that this was inappropriate and semi-public.
Was there no safe place for a bunch of underclassmen to hang out anymore? Since when did the seniors linger for this long? They usually were the some of first out the door, and the guys' team had been done for almost an hour, now.
His grip softens, flittering away, for a moment. A rush of strength finds his legs and he's safely hovering, instead of sitting, on you.
"Oh! Taking turns with the gun? Man-," Even his laugh is leader-like, all punctuated and deep, "Must be pretty bad, huh?"
When he clocks that their captain isn't there to scold, he keeps one palm safely on the mat, instead.
"Do you--," You push yourself up to your elbows again with a groan and a scrunched up face. It helps, to reiterate that this is not some kind of debauchery, "-Have any advice?"
Daichi was there to return some gear. He placed a bag on the table closest to the door, then hung up some keys. All that you could think was how responsible he looked.
He hummed aloud to himself, "Advice...?"
Yamaguchi slowly moved off of you, so as to not look suspicious, but his nervous demeanor always made him look a little bit guilty of something. You waved off his soft apology in favor of staring, curious, at the new presence.
You were able to roll over to your back and sit up, with marked effort- then stilled as their team captain joined your spot on the mats.
He took a second to look between all three of you, face impossible to read, then seemed to recognize you.
"You must be that rookie Yui was talking about," He doesn't realize how important that off-handed statement means to you, "It's nice to meet ya."
"You too," Your voice was ghostly soft, eyes wide, when he sat down to take you through some handy stretches.
His team jacket looks really worn in. His thighs are giant from years of playing. He knows what he's talking about. And your two idiot friends are silent, for once, so he must be super cool. You listen very carefully.
"So, if it's just soreness that you're dealing with, what you wanna do is--,"
"Man-," Tsukishima mutters, an incomprehensible 'What the fuck,' under his breath at those stupid puppy dog eyes you were giving their team captain. Great.
He threw a glance to Yamaguchi- his face was all screwed up, pissed off, too. They looked at each other with mutual, gloomy attitude.
Little did they understand that Daichi could've broken this up in a less civil way if he deemed them as any less credible in their actions.
It was their 'harmlessness' that kept them spared from a talking-to.
You were slower to understand that you were infatuated. As your long-time friends, they often read you quicker than you could understand your own emotions. It had been three minutes since the last time you blinked, and you didn't realize it, yet.
His stretches, and little tidbits of advice, rang familiar but more memorable than the second-year's recovery tips from the end of your practice.
"Thank you," You muttered, uncharacteristically quiet.
Tsukishima rolled his eyes so far back, so slow, that Daichi caught it.
"Of course! Happy to help."
You watched the incredible lines in his legs dance as he stood up and briefly wondered if he had ever suffered like this, before. Surely the answer was yes.
"Well-- It's great seeing you all take care of each other. Hang onto that!" Daichi kept one last, somewhat reminiscent, look on the three of you, and was on his way to the door.
You shivered, holding yourself as he turned around.
"Make sure to lock up when you're done!"
When he was gone, the door fully shut, you collapsed onto your back with a dreamy sigh. Yamaguchi was the first to stand up.
He was disappointed that you were so easy to impress, yes, but otherwise unfazed.
"You guys wanna go get something to eat?"
Tsukishima got to his feet, too, and had his bag slung at the ready-- usually not so food-motivated, but he was starving, at this point. The sun was low in the window. You nodded at the great idea.
Head still tilted to the closed door, you asked, "Does- uh, does he... have a girlfriend?"
Yamaguchi avoided your eyes, an easy task at his height, and took both of your hands to lift you to your feet. It was solely out of curiosity. He was so out of your league.
Tsukishima rattled off a blatant and well-done lie.
"Yeah. He's dating Michimiya- you didn't know that?"
It helped to cushion your feelings. You nodded, smiling at the way Yamaguchi kept you steady again with his hands in yours.
"Ohh, right. Right. That makes sense."
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@integers @paradoxicalwritings @yuchacco @megapteraurelia
my masterlist. more haikyuu
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beetboxx · 5 months ago
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a siren’s call home - a.h.b x reader
pure, sickeningly sweet fluff in which you wake up to andy home from tour, finally.
content disclaimers: not proofread, religious reference, reference to sexual activity but no smut, language? maybe?
author’s note: we are so back squad. it’s only been like two years. i haven’t written in so long so we can call this a test run as i get back into the swing of things. ill update my intro post to better align with what im into! feel free to come and talk to me about prompts, ideas, random thoughts, whateva. i miiiiiiggghhhhtttt write some smut next. hope you enjoy!!
orange light intruded through window shutters like holy arms, caressing the cozy room you laid in with a touch of warmth to counteract the bite of cold at your feet and nose. what was also fighting against that was the thumb stroking the small crevice between your nose and your cheek, not doing much to help but comforting nonetheless. it was the exigence to your wakeup, a bit alarming at first until you understood the source- a large hand with long fingers attached to a proportionally long man smiling like the protruding rays of sun through draped brown, ginger-ish curls, most of it lazily pulled back into a bun at the back of his neck. you registered the vague freckles speckling his cheeks as you blinked lazily, huffing and tensing your grip in your blanket.
“hi.” he said, breathing out a laugh as you felt his calf rub up against yours and his hand smooth against your cheek to your hair to comb his fingers through it as best he could, his nails scratching your scalp ever so slightly.
you sleepily murmured a response, a quick, “hi, andy,” scrunching up your face when his palm returned to your cheek. his other ventured to your waist under the comforter, soft and delicate and squeezing the plains and valleys of your side a bit when he felt like it.
”you’re pretty.”
for such a poetic and profound man, able of expressing emotions so difficult to pin down, he was seemingly struck dumb in this moment over the sight of you. maybe in order to allow his wisdom to return, maybe in order to attempt to become impossibly close to you, his other hand paralleled the other on your waist, pulling you into his torso and wrapping around to meet at the small of your back. you nuzzled into his chest, taking in his familiar scent of a cologne reminiscent of dark forestry and a breeze and placing your own hand on his shirt at his heart to feel it flutter at your fingertips. comfortable, comforted.
“when’d you get back?” you asked, voice coming out as a mellow drawl.
andrew hummed, placed a kiss on the top of your head. “late.”
“you should have woken me up,” you whined, rubbing your eyes.
another kiss, this time to your forehead where your skin meets your hairline. his lips were warm against your chilled skin.
“you say that,” he teased, accent thick with sleep and homecoming, “but you would have crucified me had i actually done that.”
“crucified, no. pinned you to the bed in a similar pose and jumped your bones, maybe.”
you grinned, leaning your head back to allow enough room to kiss his jaw. a stubble met your lips, one that had grown out and been trimmed many times over the course of his touring, all phases of which you unfortunately, miserably, missed.
“hush. you’re dreaming.”
“am not.”
andrew laughed, you squeezed him in your arms. his laugh, although quiet in volume, felt like a dose of hospital-grade medicine to your yearning-induced blues in your system as soon as it entered your ears. his voice and presence was coaxing you awake, a process usually so difficult and taxing, flooding your growing consciousness in a pool of comfort. you missed him. you missed him like a wilted flower misses the sun. you missed him in a way that could only be equated to something of cosmic origin.
“i missed you,” he whispered. thank god.
you returned his sentiment. silence then fell like a thick blanket over you both, thicker than the one bunched up at your shoulder. it sat there for a long while, robbing the both of you of thought except for the feeling of relief. andrew’s thumb rubbed back and forth on your back, a reminder of existence so you didn’t float away. you could have sworn he fell asleep with how quiet he was and how steady and light his breathing was.
you sighed, began squirming your way to get up at least to a sitting position- but you didn’t get far, that ambition quickly being squashed by two lean arms squeezing tightly, barring you from moving away from andrew.
a mumble, quick and straight to the point. you huffed out a chuckle, choosing not to argue and enjoy the moment. moments, andrew decided for the both of you. very long, undescriptive in quantity moments. one of his hands moved up to cradle the back of your head, pulling you in closer and raking into your hair to rub at your scalp. he was wearing a gray crewneck, you noticed, with unfamiliar blue embroidery of the name of some U.S. state, vintage style. you didn’t recognize it, guessing he must have gotten it on tour at whim.
he was definitely tired- exhausted, even. the lines and circles of color under his eyes had emphasized themselves, but the sight of you gave them a certain light that made you know he wasn’t going to sleep. too many thoughts, too many things to do now that he was home and finding himself complete. he was completely overwhelmed with the feeling of being home that he felt perfectly energized- that, and three cups of coffee he had had just before laying down beside you definitely helped. he took your hand in his as if he was inviting you to a dance, pressing the back of yours against his chest. to further trap you in his web or to just get closer to you, you’ll never know.
“honey, i have to get up eventually,” you remarked, trying to convince yourself more than him.
“no you don’t,” andrew immediately replied without skipping a single beat, tightening his grip on you in case you tried to pull a fast one on him and get out of bed. one of his legs, clad in loose cotton sweatpants, swung over both of yours under the covers, effectively holding you right where he wanted you in his arms.
“andrew, i have to be a functioning member of society,” you joked, wiggling around just a little with no actual attempt to break free from his hold. truthfully, you could never: he had a hold on you and your heart so tight and driven by fate that you were damned for eternity to be consumed by your love for him.
“i can make you breakfast,” you added, craning your neck back to smile at him.
andrew hummed, clicking his tongue. “ooh. very enticing and unfair,” he said. “trying to seduce me with the prospect of food.”
“seduce? i am merely giving you incentive.”
he paused, thinking. his head tilted, as it often does when he is thinking. you took his occupation with thought for an opportunity to make a smart decision and begin your day, freeing yourself from his entrapment and slinking off the bed. he acted quick, however, letting out a noise of surprise and disappointment wrapped in one and throwing himself across the bed to your side. andrew wrapped his arms around your waist as you stood, stopping you from moving too far away from
him. not again. you figured he would be a bit clingy getting back from tour, but this was taking it too another (but very welcomed) level.
“andrew!” you whined without any real weight to it as his chin rested on your hip, grinning happily. your fingers tangled themselves in his wild hair, frizzy from travel and the usual irish moisture. his hair tie was certainly not doing a fantastic job at keeping it all back, strands thick and thin escaping its weak confines. you giggle, “you’re like a puppy sometimes, you know that?”
“and you’re like.. ehm.. a siren.”
you playfully scoffed, “a siren?”
“oh, yes, a siren,” he grins, pulling your waist in until you were sitting back on the bed. “a beautiful but relentless creature with an inclination for luring and trapping defenseless men such as myself.”
“and eating them,” you added.
“whatever,” andrew said, pulling himself up to sit beside you so he could drag you into his lap. you turned yourself and straddled his thighs, arms wrapping around his neck, your intentions for the morning entirely forgotten.
he kissed your lips, softly, like he was testing the waters. you thought your breath stunk for a second with how gentle he was- until you tried to peel away, only for him to grab your face and keep you in his entrancing kiss. he deepened it, mouth opening slightly in rhythm with yours, lips dancing together like they hadn’t in so long.
you stayed that way for a while, letting andrew delicately consume your heart and soul and very essence with his neglected mouth. you could feel his breath mix with yours and span over your cheeks, and you swear it was full of helium with how light and floaty your lungs felt. you pulled away, eventually, taking a little more willpower than you would like to admit as his charged lips pulled yours in like a magnet.
he sighed, happy and content as he stared at you with big eyes, twinkling with every overwhelming emotion he had towards you.
“you have me entirely whipped, woman. like a siren.”
“i know,” you replied, kissing his lips again. “i’m glad you’re home.”
“i know.”
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letters-to-lgbt-kids · 10 months ago
My dear lgbt+ kids,
I feel like advice on loneliness comes in only three flavors:
"It's all mindset, learn to embrace being alone and you'll never feel lonely!"
"Your head is lying to you, you have friends and they love you!"
"Here's a list of places you can go to hang out with people and make new friends!"
Those are usually well-meant and I'm sure there are situations where they do help someone feel better - but they're definitely not universally applicable.
The first one is even plain wrong: connection is a basic human need. You can't just "change your mindset" and turn that off, the same way you can't turn off your need for food or air or mental stimulation. Humans are group animals. We absolutely need social interactions to stay healthy and sane. It is true that some people do not need a large number of friends and are happiest with just one or two close friends, and it is also true that some people prefer to fulfill their social needs in other ways than what's traditionally defined as friendship - but that's not something you can (or should) try to train yourself to do, that's just natural differences and preferences!
The only thing you could "train" yourself to do would be to learn to ignore your social needs and bury them deep down under layers of denial... and you don't need me to explain to you why that's a very unhealthy idea. It's sad enough that so many people have to do that to not lose their minds in loneliness, we certainly don't need to celebrate an unhealthy coping skill as a "superior mindset".
The other two at least get a bit closer to the truth: the solution for your unmet need is not to kill the need, but to fulfill it... but that's easier said than done, isn't it?
After all, "Don't worry, your friends love you!" doesn't help if you have no friends. Loneliness is not always "all in your head": Maybe you moved to a new place and don't know anyone there. Or you cut off contact with all your friends after a big fight. Or you grew up neurodivergent (or got mentally ill at a young age) and had no chance to learn how to make friends at the age most kids do, and by now you have been friendless for so long you don't even know where to start.
Same with "just go to a bar and talk to some new people" or "Take a pottery class and you'll meet some interesting people there" - that's not factually wrong, but also not helpful if the reason you feel lonely is that you struggle to make friends (or even struggle to just talk to people). Which can also be part of neurodivergence or mental illness, or just be a part of your personality (shyness), or be a result of isolating circumstances (like having spent a lot of time in a closed environment, for example a long hospital stay, and now feeling unsure how to connect with people outside of that environment). 
And those are just a few of the many, many possible explanations why someone may be lonely that require a more individualized approach - which is why we can’t solve loneliness with any one-size-fits-all solution.
That may be a somewhat disappointing-sounding conclusion in a letter on loneliness, so let me also tell you: hope and support are always within reach, even if it might take some time and patience to find them. The key is to remember that your feelings are valid and that you're not alone in your struggle.
First, recognize that admitting that you feel lonely, and wanting to take action based on that feeling, is a sign of strength, not weakness. You’re pretty insightful for recognizing your loneliness and super brave for wanting to reach out!
Secondly, be kind to yourself and allow yourself to take small steps. Small, actually manageable steps are crucial in any healing journey! If it’s not an option to just go to the bar or that pottery class, then it’s okay to start somewhere else. Maybe a therapist, a support group, or even online communities can be valuable “training sessions” for social connections. Even reaching out to one single person can make a significant difference over time. Your journey to finding companionship and connection might be different from someone else’s, but that doesn't make it any less valid (or achievable!).
Lastly, do consider embracing new activities that you may enjoy - but not just for the sake of meeting others. It’s important to nurture your own happiness and well-being when you’re feeling lonely. Those can be activities you can try out alone and even at home, for now! Anything that enriches your life is good. Long down the road, maybe it will lead to opportunities to connect with others, but even if it doesn’t: it’s important to incorporate new experiences into your life.
While there isn't a universal solution to loneliness, I truly believe there is a path forward for everyone. It's all about finding what works for you.
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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lobotomiesatclaires · 9 days ago
Asaba Harumasa Character Psychology, Headcanons and Kinks
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They got me lads. I am now playing Zenless so I lied, you will be getting more of my zzz content (including a part 2 for lighter’s stuff) Harumasa is my man (lighter is my friends) but when I tell you this man has me in CHOKEHOLD, I'm not exaggerating.  Also bunni-v1 writes great Harumasa fics if you need more content.
Also: Spoilers obviously 
Edit: I forgot to add the playlist i made so here you go
Harumasa Playlist
And I will be headcanoning that the cure his master gave him (in his mission) prolonged his life because I don't feel like crying while writing headcanons for the other alternatives. His issues with his chronic illness will not be erased (as an endo chronically ill girlie myself) but we are aiming for the good end here. also this does feature a little Lighter (go read his for context if it is confusing)
General Headcanons
Harumasa is not the type to sit on the sidelines and pine—he takes action. Unlike Lighter, who behind the bravado is riddled with self-doubt and would likely self-sabotage out of fear of not being good enough, or being stuck in his own head, Harumasa knows what he wants and makes sure he gets it. He doesn’t have the luxury of fucking around. While his pursuit of his desired partner would be relentless, it would still be charming enough to not come off as desperate or creepy.
Whereas Lighter might see someone flirting with the object of his affection in its early stages and back off, (very Wyll in BG3 at the party coded) thinking he’s too much, too messy, and that they would be better off with someone less damaged, Harumasa is not that type of guy. If he sees something (or someone) he wants, he will make it happen. He fears rejection, but not enough to stop him from chasing what he wants.
He’s cunning but playful—his approach is not overtly aggressive, but he manipulates situations to make himself the best option without it seeming deliberate. Harumasa would definitely “accidentally” ruin his competitor’s moment by interrupting a heartfelt conversation they’re having with his desired partner.
"Oh wow, sorry for barging in—didn’t realize you were getting confessed to. Wait, never mind, I totally did. Don't mind me, though."
Harumasa grins and plops down next to them, pretending it’s a joke, when he knows damn well what was happening.
Unlike an outright toxic or possessive character, Harumasa wouldn’t openly block other suitors—he undermines them in ways that seem coincidental. He would love to “accidentally” give bad advice to someone else who’s interested in his desired partner.
"Oh, they love really dramatic gestures! Go for something big and public. You should invite them out to that five-star restaurant and serenade them on the stage! Yeah, they have a stage—let me send you the reviews."
(Knowing full well that his wanted partner would be mortified and reject the person immediately.) He would also find any reason to insert himself into situations where his partner and another suitor might get too close.
"Oh wow, you two were gonna get coffee? Crazy—I was just heading that way. Let’s all go together, I need it after working so much overtime!"
Harumasa plays dirty, but subtly. He won’t start a fight with another suitor or his preferred partner—he’ll just make the other guy seem worse by comparison. If another suitor brings a gift? Harumasa one-ups it instantly.
Other suitor: "I got you flowers."
Harumasa: "Cute. I got them a custom-made choker that matches my own. No big deal."
He leans over, fingers tracing their collar, brushing the hair away, enough to be charged but not enough to warrant a callout.
"Looks good on them, doesn’t it?" (very regina george of him, getting the other suitor to agree)
If another suitor says something awkward or embarrassing, Harumasa makes sure his partner notices.
"Did he really just say that? Oh, babe, I think you broke him. Maybe you should go easy on him."
If he and his partner had a fight, the resentment we see in his interactions with Lighter or Seth would rear its ugly head. Harumasa wouldn’t argue when his partner says they need space after a fight, but that night, he makes a quiet note of every interaction they’ve had that week. Were they laughing less? Kissing him shorter? Did they forget to say “I love you” first this time? It’s stupid, he knows. But if he doesn’t count, he won’t be able to tell when it’s really over.
He tends to catastrophize small fights and might overcompensate when he feels distance creeping in. If he senses his partner pulling away, he floods them with affection, gifts, and attention—but also gets quietly resentful because deep down, he fears he’ll never be enough to make them stay. Nothing communication couldn't solve between him and his partner, but his partner would probably have to make the first move to reassure him. Otherwise, his attempts will be thinly veiled worries disguised as jokes.
Sexual and Romantic Headcanons
Sexting - Sex Tapes, Nudes, and Unsolicited Pictures
Harumasa is a known photographer and a good one at that. He knows all the tricks of good composition, lighting, and angles. Not only would this man hound his partner for nudes—both video and picture (though if his partner was uncomfortable, he would drop it)— the things he would send would be filthy.
His partner could be at work, and Harumasa would send a text:
"I have something to show you, baby."
Followed immediately by the most out-of-pocket shower pic known to man. He also sends videos of himself finishing, moaning, and masturbating to the pictures his partner sent him. His partner has to be careful anytime they receive a message from him. Silent mode is a must. He would send the foulest, most down bad texts to his partner, so they would need a good poker face in public.
He would also send nude requests in the middle of meetings. If his partner doesn't answer back quickly enough, he spams them with memes. Eventually, he calls, and when his partner picks up, he just acts nonchalant but keeps them on the phone for an hour talking shit.
Additionally, amateur porn and couples' videos would be something he’s enthusiastic about trying. Nothing too crazy or uncomfortable (although if his partner is adventurous, he would be thrilled), but he would love a personal library of videos of them together. Harumasa likes to say they keep him from feeling lonely when he’s away, whether on a mission or just at work.
Breeding Kink 
Sub categories: Overminding, Pseudo Mommy Kink
This man hates condoms. Harumasa hates the feeling of latex, partly because it reminds him of his time in hospitals. The smell and sensation bring him back to the long, painful periods spent in captivity. He also despises any sort of barrier between him and his partner.
Under normal circumstances, he's already like a velcro dog, attached at the hip with separation anxiety, but during sex? He doesn’t want anything coming between them. That means lights on, or daytime sex where he can see everything.
A subconscious part of him loves the idea of getting his partner pregnant, whether that’s possible or not. Remember how he made little Bangboos of each Section 6 member? Yeah. Part of him wants something that permanently ties him and his partner together.
A child is a forever bond, one that can’t be undone. Before receiving the cure that prolonged his life, Harumasa had already been obsessed with preserving moments. Now, the idea of a legacy through his partner—someone who will exist beyond him and prove that he loved them—is something he fixates on, even if he won’t admit it.
"Just let me come inside. I'll get you Plan B after, promise."
(His partner has to remind him, otherwise he will absolutely forget.)
If they did get pregnant? He wouldn’t be mad. In fact, he would probably commission a custom Bangboo of him and his partner as a “practice baby” to test the waters and see how they react.
I also think in terms of a pseudo mommy kink, he would enjoy being overminded, or overmothered. I don't necessarily think he would call his partner mommy but I think his need for nurturing would come out in certain ways such as nagging for attention when they are busy, loving his partner's chest or wanting to suck on their nipples.
Domination Play 
Sub categories: Femdom and Overstimulation
Half-truths, control, and vulnerability are big themes in Harumasa’s character. Being sick for most of his life, he’s used to feeling weak, being used, or being treated like a fragile object. Sex is one of the only places where he gets to reclaim control, but it’s also where he gets to be completely vulnerable.
For him, overstimulation isn’t just about pleasure, it’s about being pushed past his limits and about feeling alive. But it’s a delicate balance; while he craves intensity, he also hates feeling physically weak. In his professional life, he would rather lean into his genius slacker persona than admit his actual limitations. There’s a fine line between pleasure and frustration for him.
For example: his partner keeps pushing him, overstimulating him, until he physically can’t move anymore. He hates it and loves it at the same time—his body isn’t used to exhaustion feeling good.
“… You’re making me weak. Don’t stop.”
He’s clinging to them, shaking, but refuses to be the one to tap out.
Harumasa’s abandonment issues are so prevalent that they could fill an entire book. He was a child discarded by his parents because of his ether sickness, and his picture book episode makes it clear—he believes that if anyone saw the full mess of who he is, they would run.
A partner with dominance or possessive aspects would actually relax him rather than intimidate him. He’s already possessive himself, but if his partner doesn’t reciprocate that energy, he can feel unbalanced and even ashamed of how much he needs them. Harumasa has cared deeply for people in the past, only to realize that they didn’t love him as much as he did them. Now, as an adult, he wants a partner who is upfront and a little obsessed with him too.
He thrives on a type of possessiveness that toes the line—noticeable in public but not over-the-top PDA. It’s not that he doesn’t want his partner all over him; he just doesn’t want to draw undue attention and be bothered while he’s with them.
Public possessiveness he loves: Sitting in his lap? Yes. A hand on the back of his neck? Even better. Leaning in to kiss him in front of people? Be careful he might make it an uncomfortably long kiss for the public. I feel like if his partner gave the impression that they were embarrassed by him, especially in public, it would be an ugly dealbreaker. He wants to be wanted.
Going back to the intersection of domination, overstimulation, and his need for consuming care—he doesn’t just like to be dominated. He likes being taken care of in a way that doesn’t make him feel small.
For example: his partner pins him down, taking control, and for a moment, his brain flashes back to the times he was trapped in hospital beds, unable to move. His breath catches. His partner notices—pauses and reassures him. And just like that, the panic shifts into trust.
He doesn’t want to feel used or like a tool, like how people have viewed him in the past. And even worse—he doesn’t want to feel like a problem to be discarded.
Harumasa needs to sleep in the same bed as his partner. He has nightmares from his time in the lab, and sleeping next to his partner helps keep the bad nights away. Once he gets used to their presence, he cannot go back to sleeping alone. If they ever suggest separate sleeping arrangements, he hates it.
When he’s on missions, he barely gets any sleep until he gets back.
He would also love it if his partner forced him to take his meds. He’s taking them religiously but he might pretend he’s not just to see them worry and nag him. He’d grumble about it, but secretly, he loves the attention.
For example: his partner constantly reminds him to do things he already knows he should be doing—call the doctor, get some rest, eat the food they cooked, take his meds.
"They taste so bitter and gross, though," he mutters, swallowing the pill. He worries it will change the taste of his saliva, make it sharp and unpleasant, and maybe his partner won’t want to kiss him as much.
But he always gets a kiss after taking his medication.
Later that night, he holds their hand in bed and rubs slow circles over their palm, a silent thank-you.
When he feels like he’s close to losing something, he holds onto it even harder. If he senses his partner is upset with him, he feels the distance ten times more intensely than what’s actually happening in reality. His instinct isn’t to talk—it’s to pull them closer, physically.
People often see dominance as something aggressive or forceful, but real dominance is a service role—it requires carrying the needs of both partners. That’s what attracts Harumasa to a dominant partner, I think. He has carried his own needs alone for too long without any real support.
Aesthetic Domination (Luxury as Control, Beauty as a Tool)
Subcategories: Dressing You, Restriction Through Elegance, Ritual in Presentation
For Harumasa, control isn’t always about action, sometimes, it’s about aesthetics. It’s about curation. It’s about how you match him.
Power doesn’t have to be loud. It can be subtle, whispered through carefully chosen details. Unlike Lighter, who is a little more straightforward with an established relationship, with commands and agreements, Harumasa treads between lines. He tells half-truths, like how he “pretended” to be sick to slack off when, in reality, he really was sick. He moves in ways that make things seem effortless when they’re actually highly deliberate.
Everything is curated. Clothing. Jewelry. Scent.
He would love coordinating outfits. He’s the type of man who picks out a set of jewelry that matches his partner’s eyes. He buys them his favorite lingerie set—not for him, but because they’ll look stunning in it.
And scent?
 If his partner doesn’t have a signature scent, he’s helping them find one. And if they do, he’ll wear traces of it himself. He wants his presence on them at all times. Unlike how Lighter uses his partner’s scent to ground himself, Harumasa uses it as a form of possession. Harumasa would also throw out any perfume that was a gift from anyone else, even if he has to go out and buy you a similar one.
Harumasa lays out an outfit, every detail carefully chosen so they match. He enjoys knowing he’s connected to how the world perceives his partner today.
"Wear this," Harumasa says, fastening the last button, styling their hair. Maybe they are going out to collect an award. "Think of me on stage, yeah?."
Later, they’re out, and someone compliments their bracelet.
Before his partner even has the chance to respond, Harumasa is already there.
Arm slung over their shoulder, wearing the smuggest shit-eating grin possible.
"Yeah, I got them that. It’s a matching set, see?" He lifts his left wrist, showing off his own.
Jangling it in their face.
It’s a not-so-subtle "They’re taken" move.
Harumasa is very petty like that.
Love Languages – Gift Giving (Both Receiving and Giving), Quality Time
Harumasa never had stability growing up. He treasures material things because they last.
His love language is "I saw this and thought of you. "or ‘I made this for you’.
Harumasa casually drops expensive gifts on the table without making a big deal out of it. If his partner gives him something, he wears it constantly—even if it doesn’t match his usual style. He’s willing to try new things for his partner. But more than expensive gifts, Harumasa loves gifts that take time and effort. He would love to make something homemade or receive it.
For example: If his partner started packing him lunch for work, he would keep the little notes they left him—filled with their handwriting and tiny Bangboo doodles. Eventually, he would begin collecting them, turning them into a scrapbook. It's a reminder that someone loves him enough to fill a book full of post-it notes.
He would also love making picture albums of the two of them—similar to the ones moms make for their kids, but instead, it’s filled with snapshots of their relationship. This is completely my own headcanon, but I also believe Harumasa would write his partner love poems—so many that they could eventually be compiled into a book.
And when he dies (late in life, for my own sanity), I like to think his partner and Section 6 would help get his picture books and, eventually, his poetry published after his partner passes as well.
Messy Sex and Communal Intimacy – An Extension of His Need for Care, Communal Sharing
Messy sex, to me,  just makes sense for Harumasa. Sweat, Spit-slicked kisses, the bed sheets being ruined ect. He loves when things drip onto his partner’s skin, when things get wet and slippery and overwhelming. He loves grabbing his partner by the jaw, pulling them into the mess, sucking their tongue into his mouth. He doesn’t just want to fuck—he wants to drown in them.
Also this man doesn't care about period sex or whether or not his partner has  shaved. It gives the energy of-
‘I used to eat lollipops off the hospital carpet, lie down already’ (11)
I debated on putting a spit kink in this section, because I have read so many good fanfictions that tease that, so if you decide that makes sense, I will never argue with you.
Harumasa wouldn’t care either way if his partner were a stay-at-home or career-focused type—both have their perks. However, I do think a boss bitch partner would do something for him. Not only would it allow him to take time off to recuperate when needed, but he would love the feeling of being minded. On the flip side, if his partner stayed home, he would adore coming home to a cooked meal and a sense of family—something he’s never had and something that would sooth his fear of being left behind again.
For example: After a rough day, Harumasa pulls his partner onto his lap, burying his face in their neck.
"Stay like this." His voice isn’t teasing or light for once—it’s low, almost desperate. If his partner tries to move, even slightly, his grip tightens.
"Please, I said stay." His tone is firm—but there’s a crack in it. Like if they leave, even for a second, they might not come back. His partner cups his jaw, pressing a slow, grounding kiss to his lips.
"I’m not going anywhere."
Harumasa exhales. But only just.
There is also no "mine" or "yours" in the household. His partner’s clothes? His. His clothes? Theirs. His partner would walk into the kitchen to find Harumasa wearing their hoodie—which does not fit him at all.
Harumasa calls it the communal hoodie.
Auralism – Attraction to the Sound of a Voice, Attraction to Sounds or Audio
Harumasa is LOUD. He’s a whiner, a moaner, a whimperer. He and his partner would have to soundproof their apartment because one time, he was so loud the neighbors complained.
He craves a space where he can be completely himself. Sex is one of those few spaces. If he has to perform or censor himself, then he doesn’t want to do it at all. Likewise, he wouldn’t like it if his partner held back their moans or sounds—he’s the type of man who needs to hear them to get off. If it’s too quiet, he gets frustrated.
"Why so quiet? I want to hear everything."
He loves not necessarily just dirty talk but pure reactions. He thrives on noise—breathy gasps, high moans, even shaky, incoherent sentences drive him crazy. A well-placed word or a high-pitched moan from his partner could shock him in a good way and have him finishing earlier than intended. His mind would just blue screen. 404 error. Not found.
He’s also the type to enjoy Skype sleep calls or call his partner while away on a mission just to listen to their voice while falling asleep. When his partner finally drifts off, he stays on the line, enjoying the sound of their breathing—at least until his phone battery dies.
Given his fear of being alone, he would find immense comfort in hearing his partner’s voice, even when they’re not around. He would record their voice—whether it’s a casual conversation or something more intimate—just so he can play it back when he’s alone.
When he’s on a mission, he can only fall asleep listening to them hum or talk on the phone.
"I want you to record a message for me. Just say anything. I don’t care what—it just has to be your voice."
Harumasa would also have a playlist for everything.A playlist for his partner. A playlist for sex. A playlist for when he’s missing them.
If his partner sends him a song that reminds them of him? He plays it on repeat.
Cockwarming – A Subtle Possessiveness, a Need for Closeness
Listen, if this man could live in his partner’s skin, he would. He whines and pouts about wanting closeness, whether it’s bothering them while they cook, playing with their hair, or just resting against them. It allows him to feel completely connected to his partner without the pressure of performance.
A lot of people—especially men—misunderstand the need for intimacy with the urge for sex. It’s common to confuse the two. This is why so many men, for example, sleep around but never feel satisfied—because the need they wish to sate is emotional and intellectual, not just a physical cog to be greased (9,10).
This aspect of connection for Harumasa sates both a sexual urge, a need for intimacy, and soothes his fear of isolation while maintaining his subtle possession of his partner.
Harumasa, sleepy, half-mumbling, "Just… stay like this a little longer."
Will not move unless physically removed. He would spend hours like that—reading, sleeping, just existing while still connected.
Chronically ill people tend to struggle with temperature regulation, fatigue, and sensory overstimulation. Cockwarming allows Harumasa to use his partner as a source of warmth, comfort, and grounding. His body is often cold, weak, or aching—being wrapped up in heat and softness could help with muscle relaxation ect.
He struggles with sleeping alone and sleeps better when he knows his partner is physically connected to him. He has nightmares from his time in the labs, and if he wakes up in a panic, cockwarming becomes an immediate grounding tool.
Risky Sex – Spontaneous Sex, Teasing Dynamics
Why does Harumasa like risky sex? It’s not just the thrill of it.
It’s because it makes things feel urgent—like he has to have his partner now, or he’ll lose them. Sometimes, it’s not even a conscious realization; it’s just that he’s feeling things he doesn’t want to feel, and his partner is the only thing that can make him feel safe again.
He loves the kind of sex where you’re both at a work dinner, and his hand brushes against your leg under the table. He enjoys watching you flush and squirm at small touches, playing it off like nothing. It keeps happening until you excuse yourself to the bathroom to cool off, only to find he’s followed you when no one was watching, locking the door behind him before fucking you up against the creaking stall door.
He’s a fan of these types of quickies—not just for the thrill, but because they release tension and reaffirm that you want him always. That you won’t leave him.
If someone almost walks in on you both, his first instinct isn’t to stop—it’s to cover your mouth, press his lips into your skin to muffle his own moans, hold you deeper against the wall, and keep going.
He whispers against your skin:
 "Shhh… You don’t wanna get caught, do you?"
The real truth? He doesn’t actually want to get caught. But he wants that moment of danger—the moment where nothing else matters except the two of you.
If his partner initiates something like this? He loses it.
Roleplay – Both Sexual and Non-Sexual
Harumasa would love to pretend silly things with his partner.
He would be the type to drag you to IKEA just to have a fake fight in the showroom kitchens. He would pick out furniture and household things like you’re married already—even if you’re not.
He would upgrade his flight tickets to first class, just to walk up to the flight attendant and say, "Can my wife/husband come with me?"
He also lies to every restaurant you visit, telling them it’s your birthday so you can get free cake—even if it’s nowhere near your actual birthday. Then he makes sure to take embarrassing pictures of you blowing out candles at every single restaurant you go to.
If you hate having "Happy Birthday" sung to you in public? Too bad. It’s for a good cause. Free cake.
Harumasa also romanticizes scenarios between the two of you. He holds onto small moments and becomes deeply invested in them.
If you ever jokingly pretend to be married in a conversation? Harumasa casually starts using the pet name you made up, like it’s real. If his partner tells him a story about how they first met and their perspective? He wants to hear it again.
One evening, sprawled across the couch, head resting in his partner’s lap, he suddenly asks:
"Tell me how we met."
His partner glances down, confused. "You already know that story."
He shrugs, lazily tracing circles on their thigh. "Yeah. But I like the way you tell it."
Hearing them say it, over and over again, reminds him that they chose him. That they still do and that they haven’t changed their mind.
Arousal Misattribution – Emotional Overload and the Need for Reassurance
With Harumasa’s high-risk line of work, I think there would be a level of Arousal Misattribution (6).
Arousal misattribution happens when the body experiences heightened physiological arousal from one source (fear, stress, adrenaline, etc.) but the brain misinterprets it as sexual attraction or desire.
I think, for Harumasa, this is particularly relevant because his job is constantly putting him in life-or-death situations. His body is used to stress and adrenaline spikes, so his brain starts associating those feelings with the need for intimacy.
Sex is also beneficial for overall health, and disabled and chronically ill people who have more sex tend to experience a better quality of life and an alleviation of symptoms (7,8).
Harumasa’s underlying abandonment fears make him crave reassurance through physical closeness.
When he comes home from a dangerous mission, his body is still full of adrenaline, tension, and emotional intensity. Instead of processing these feelings through words or rest, he might translate them into an urgent need for intimacy.
His fear of death and the thought of not making it back to his partner often manifest as him coming home, stripping, and throwing himself at them desperately—like they’re his lifeline.
Unlike Lighter, who seems to disassociate after a fight, the pain being a deterrent, and would not want to engage in sex right away, Harumasa needs to. Otherwise, he becomes anxious and unmoored.
Example 1: Coming Home from a Mission
Harumasa walks through the door after a brutal mission. His hands are shaking slightly from residual stress. But he acts like nothing’s wrong, he’s good at that, and tosses his coat and bow onto a chair, smirking like usual.
But there’s a flicker of something behind his eyes.
"Miss me?" he asks, his grin seems easy to most but to his partner it's stretched just a little too tight. Not as easy as it usually is with them.
He doesn’t wait for an answer before grabbing them, kissing them like he’s starving. They don't even get time to finish what they were doing.
He’s not just horny. He’s overwhelmed. His body is still pulsing, buzzing with leftover adrenaline, Subconsciously, he needs to feel something real to remind himself he survived. It’s not conscious, he doesn’t even realize what he’s doing. He just knows that if he doesn’t touch them right now, he might spiral.
Example 2: Coming Home Late at Night
Harumasa comes home after a mission. It’s late, and his skin is itching. He calls out.
 "I’m home."
Silence. No response. The lack of an answer is unusual. His breath is shallow. His tie is too tight as he stomps upstairs to check the bedroom. His partner is asleep. Harumasa stares at them for a second. He can’t help but pout. He begins to undress. He climbs into bed, wraps himself around them, presses kisses against their shoulder.
"Hey. Wake up."
His partner groans, rubbing their eyes. "You’re insufferable." They register he's completely naked.
"Mm. Thought you’d be awake." His lazy grin is half-visible in the dark room. "Guess I was wrong. But now that you’re awake..."
They mumble as he presses hot, desperate kisses into their skin. "What do you want?"
Harumasa presses closer, arms locked around their waist.
"I can think of a few things."
Final Thoughts
Harumasa’s character is both playful and possessive, deeply affectionate but riddled with anxiety and a fear of loss. Everything he does is a balancing act between his desire for connection and his fear of losing it, between his ability to manipulate situations in his favor and his underlying need to be truly chosen, without tricks or interference. 
The fact he was left by his parents, abandoned for his sickness before he could talk cuts deep. Since then, a lot of his relationships have a transactional element to them, where he has to give a huge amount of himself, whether physically e.g spine taps and tests with his master or professionally by putting his health on the line in the field of duty. Harumasa’s desire for intimacy is tied to his need to be wanted, his abandonment issues, and proving his lifelong struggle with illness does not exclude him from being worthy of love.
Every physical connection he makes with his partner isn’t just about pleasure—it’s about reassurance, grounding, and the overwhelming need to feel wanted. Harumasa is actually a very kind and giving person but very few people get to see how big that side of him really is.
References and Bibliography for Further Reading:
Theswaddle.com. (2019). The Psychology of Sexual Kink. [online] Available at: https://www.theswaddle.com/what-is-kink-the-psychology-behind-sexual-behavior [Accessed 9 Feb. 2025].
‌Li, S. (2024). The Psychology of Kink: A Cross‐Sectional Survey Investigating the Association Between Adult Attachment Style and BDSM-Related Identity Choice in China. Archives of Sexual Behavior, [online] 53(6), pp.2269–2276. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-024-02829-1.
When Kinks Come to Life: An Exploration of Paraphilic Behaviors and Underlying Predictors. (2024). The Journal of Sex Research. [online] doi:https://doi.org/10.1080//00224499.2024.2319242.
The Kink Orientation Scale: Developing and Validating a Measure of Kink Desire, Practice, and Identity. (2024). The Journal of Sex Research. [online] doi:https://doi.org/10.1080//00224499.2024.2387769.‌
Kibbe, K. (2018). 55 Kinks and Fetishes You Should Absolutely Know. [online] Cosmopolitan. Available at: https://www.cosmopolitan.com/sex-love/a24481923/kinks-fetish-list/ [Accessed 8 Mar. 2025]. 
Neff, M. (2024). Unmasking Emotions: The Science of Misattribution in Social Psychology - Neurodivergent Insights. [online] Neurodivergent Insights. Available at: https://neurodivergentinsights.com/the-misattribution-of-arousal-theory/ [Accessed 8 Mar. 2025].
A Dominguez-Bali, Santana, R., Basta, J., Belizaire, J. and C Dominguez-Bali (2023). (459) Healthy Effects of Sex. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, [online] 20(Supplement_1). doi:https://doi.org/10.1093/jsxmed/qdad060.431.
‌Renu Addlakha, Price, J. and Heidari, S. (2017). Disability and sexuality: claiming sexual and reproductive rights. Reproductive Health Matters, [online] 25(50), pp.4–9. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/09688080.2017.1336375.
MensLine Australia. (2024). Men and intimacy. [online] Available at: https://mensline.org.au/relationship-advice-for-men/men-and-intimacy/#:~:text=Men%20often%20confuse%20sex%20and,to%20experience%20intimacy%20without%20sex. [Accessed 8 Mar. 2025].
Emotional intimacy, sexual desire, and sexual satisfaction among partnered heterosexual men. (2025). Sexual and Relationship Therapy. [online] doi:https://doi.org/10.1080//14681994.2013.870335.
Zenless Zone Zero Wiki and Game - https://zenless-zone-zero.fandom.com/wiki/Asaba_Harumasa
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inuyashaluver · 1 year ago
hello! can i request an enemies to lovers fic for misa?!?! i absolutely love your fics and theres barely any fics about her so i thought why not
change of heart - misa rodriguez
misa rodriguez x reader
Tumblr media Tumblr media
description: in which your relationship with your ultimate enemy takes a turn when she helps you through a tough time
warnings: it’s a long one buckle in, swearing, fighting, suggestive, spanish in bold italics
a/n: finally misa!!! thank you for the love and support, babe, please enjoy!! ❤️
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maría isabel rodriguez rivero, or misa if you will, was the bane of your existence. she was ill-tempered, absolutely insufferable when you couldn’t get a ball past her, arrogant and more. she was also gorgeous but you’d never say it out loud.
you couldn’t understand misa and she couldn’t understand you, the two of you just didn’t get along.
you were on the same team always, but it always felt like a competition between the two of you. sure you were a midfielder and she was a goalkeeper but that didn’t mean the hate didn’t stem.
it’s always been like that, especially in the spanish youth teams, you had the ability to push misa’s buttons in a way she couldn’t explain and vice versa. there was never a pivotal moment where the hatred began but you both knew it steadily developed as you got older.
“misa, we’re just training, calm down!” a 16 year old you screamed when she dove for your strike, a harsh smack sounding as she caught it.
“we may be training but that doesn’t mean we get lazy, chiquitín (small one)” misa smirked, kicking a long ball way past you. you send her a glare, cursing her under your breath as you went to retrieve the ball.
by the time you got back, she was doing her keeper duties, but with much less intensity, clearly only going full out when you were the one kicking the ball.
“i thought we shouldn’t get lazy, misa?” you teased, cocking your head to the side and offering her a cheeky grin that made her blood boil.
“fuck off, lay it on me then” she challenged angrily, everyone could feel the tension between the two of you but chose to watch in amusement. this happened every two minutes on the daily and everyone was so used to it.
“i fucking will” you bite back, striking the ball before she had time to think and sending it dangerously close to her face, sailing past her into the back of the net. “no, you’re a cheater, i wasn’t ready,” misa barked, you shrug at her
“you don’t get time to prepare for your little tea party in a match, rodriguez” you taunt, that’s when misa lost it. she walked over to you, standing chest to chest as she glared down at you, you could feel her anger bubbling in your entire body as your eyes challenged hers.
“listen here, princesa (princess), this little attitude of yours is a bad look” she said lowly with mock sympathy. she was clearly trying to rile you up, and sure, maybe you should ignore it but you couldn’t with this girl, no matter how hard you tried.
“my attitude? your fucking ego is the only thing that enjoys a solo performance more than you do” you scoff, she smirks amusingly, moving her face dangerously close to yours as you swallowed hard.
her scent was enveloping you, it was crazy how good she smelled after a training session but you squashed that thought down quickly.
she chose to just keep her face close to yours, her eyes boring into yours while that fucking smirk was plastered on her face.
she looked down at your lips, chuckled and moved past you, letting you stand there with slightly pink cheeks. must be from the heat.
for years the snarky remarks continued, tension rose and stemmed the basis of you and misa’s weird relationship. in reality, something else was growing under the surface. attraction.
you both played together in the under 19 spain team and your fellow teammates could all agree that both of you managed to hate each other even more, believing it was physically impossible but you and misa were always overachievers.
“move” misa grumbles as you were talking with ona, shoving you towards the girl, making you stumble before you snap your head towards misa. “you’re such a treat” you glare at her, ona makes quick work of helping you stand after she giggled at the two of you.
misa watches as you stand, making her grin and blow you an exaggerated air kiss. “always such a pleasure to see you” she mocks, you roll your eyes at her and she smiles satisfied, moving to change into her kit in her cubby.
you hate to admit that your eyes lingered on the girl as she changed, the muscles in her back rippling against her skin when she tugged on her keeper kit.
you were distracted, not even processing that aitana had joined your conversation, coming back to life when she sends you a sharp smack on the back of your head.
“ow! what the fuck?” you yelp, turning to a grinning aitana and ona, misa’s head followed the sound of your voice, her eyebrows furrowed thinking you were in pain.
“welcome to earth” aitana smirks, you huff out in frustration and urge her to continue the conversation, your eyes flickering over to see that misa was already watching you.
“can i help you, rodriguez?” you call out, she shakes her head, “nope”, flipping you off before walking out of the room. your eyes followed her as she walked out, feeling a little disappointed when she was gone.
well, you were disappointed until training started. “come on, is that all you’ve got?” misa taunted, her signature smirk that pissed you off like no tomorrow evident on her face as she caught the fifth ball you’d sent her way.
“you never change, we’re practising!” you huff, hands stationary on your hips as you glared at her, “you never change, you’re lazy” misa teases, you close your eyes in frustration, taking a deep breath as she laughed at you.
“you’re so fucking annoying, misa!” you groan, “don’t be mad, princesa (princess), you’ll get one past me eventually” she throws you a thumbs up with her gloves, you send her a charming smile, kicking the ball hard way over the goal, making her send you a glare when she had to go and get it.
“you give into her every time” ona chuckles, her arm thrown over your shoulder. when misa came back and saw ona holding you close, a funny feeling brewed in her stomach, she wanted to be like that with you, but you hated her. and she hated you.
you and misa got signed to real madrid at the same time and it was purely unintentional. when you both came to training for the first time, you swore you had a heart attack seeing her in the kit.
“you just cannot get enough of me” misa says in mock disbelief, trying really hard not to laugh at your face right now, you were shocked.
“what the fuck are you doing here?” you exhale, watching as misa chuckled at you. “i play for madrid now” she starts, “you look nice,” smiling before tugging the bottom of your training top quickly before moving past you.
your cheeks instantly turned pink, mouth a little agape as she smiled at you over her shoulder, making sure you had to open the door yourself.
the first game you and misa played for madrid changed something slightly between the two of you. the tension between you two finally acknowledged a little when you got a hatrick.
at the end of the game, you felt a hand on your shoulder spinning you around as you did your appreciation lap, “always so greedy, you just had to get three goals?” misa teased, you roll your eyes amusingly, her hand still on your shoulder.
“i was imagining you as the keeper” you smirk, she laughs at that, “you wish” you laugh along with her, both of you with gentle smiles on your faces before you realised what was happening.
you were bantering without any malice, that was a first.
the months went by and slowly you and misa got closer? that’s not the right term but it kinda was. the two of you were more or less a little more friendly, mainly through moments that people on the outside viewed as normal but very different for you and misa.
for instance, misa would make an effort to help you out occasionally. helping you out on your tracker as you pathetically tried to yourself.
“you’re embarrassing yourself” misa laughs, grabbing your hips to hold you still, your breath hitched as you felt her fingers on your skin, you were burning.
she takes the tracker from your hands and slips it in the back of your training top, lightly tapping it with her hand before pulling your top down for you.
“i had it” you breathe out, “mhm, sure you did” she winks, placing a hand on your waist before moving past you. you stood there a little dumbfounded, that was nice, and why did you like the feeling of her hands on your skin?
during that training session, she analysed your every move, misa came to terms with having different feelings about you. they were always there of course, but it was different now when she finally accepted them.
you as well couldn’t keep your eyes off misa, often making eye contact with each other before you ripped your gaze away, afraid she’d see how red your face got when she caught you staring. but she did see it, and she loved it.
during shooting practice, misa let you get three goals past her and it pissed you off. “why are you going easy on me?” you exclaim, misa holds her hands up in front of her with a little laugh, “i’d never take it easy on you,” you narrow your eyes at her unconvinced, kicking the ball softly and watching as it rolled in the net, slowly, misa just watched as it moved past her.
“rodriguez, what the fuck!” you throw your arms up, misa laughs brightly, “you’re too good for me now, miss madrid!” she teased, you run your hands over your face, shaking your head.
you walk off to grab some water and misa came up shortly behind you, you wordlessly passed her water bottle to her and her eyes widen a little at the gesture, “thanks” she smiles quickly, her hands brushing yours as she took it, feeling a little jolt of electricity between both of you.
everything changed rapidly when you and misa played in the senior team for spain. as soon as the two of you didn’t come in like a thunder strike of an argument, the team was genuinely surprised.
they noticed the complete shift when both of you were starting and unfortunately, your team lost 3-2 in a final. you hadn’t managed to get a goal and you blamed yourself for the whole thing.
you fell to the ground when the final whistle blew, lying on your back with your arm over your eyes as tears rolled down your cheeks.
you weren’t there for long, you felt your body being pulled to an upright position and you let whoever it was do it. you sniffled and looked down at your legs before a gentle hand hooked under your chin and gently directed it upwards.
your eyes met with misa and it made you cry a little more, her heart broke at the sight of you, she’d never seen you cry before. she places a hand on the back of your head and pulled you close to her, tucking your face into her shoulder as you cried.
both of you said nothing, letting yourself melt into misa’s body as everything else tuned out. her other hand rubbed up and down your back, your arms eventually wound around her neck, pulling her closer as she rested her head against yours.
“you played so well,” misa cooed, dismissing all the questioning looks sent by your own teammates, misa only cared about one person and that was you.
“i wasn’t good enough” you mumble against her shirt, misa shook her head, “you’re always good enough, hermosa (beautiful), always” misa said in your ear, her hand on your back now moving in gentle circles as she drew you impossibly closer.
“we lost” you whined, misa tutted at that, “it doesn’t matter, we’ll get them next time” you pull away from her slightly, at arms length.
she smiles at you softly, her hand leaving your head to push a stray hair from your eyes before gently wiping the tears falling on your cheeks. the gesture was so intimate, your stomach was fluttering.
“who are you and what have you done with my misa?” you let out a wet laugh, she laughs along with you, pinching your cheek gently as you both sat on the ground.
“your misa?” she teases, you freeze up a little at that, attempting to pull yourself away from her embrace but she kept you close, pulling you into another hug.
“you’re okay” she breathes out, comforting you as you both conversed quietly back and forth, misa helping you calm down completely before helping you to the change room.
she holds out both of her hands with a friendly smile, you blink up at her and take them both, allowing her to lift you from the ground.
that’s when alexia and jenni came over and began to comfort you, your hands dropping from misa’s and instantly missing the contact.
she went around talking to your teammates as you all slowly filtered into the change room, celebrations still occurring in the change room despite the loss.
you sat quietly in your cubby, misa watched you concerned when you just sat there but she didn’t want to push you anymore.
you all made it back to your hotel, separate rooms for the first time in a while. you collapsed on the bed with an exhausted sigh, starting up at the ceiling while the tv gently filled the atmosphere.
at this point, all you could think about was misa, she was completely clouding up every thought in your head.
your body moving on its own, you walked to the door, swinging it open and letting out a little noise of surprise seeing misa on the other side already. you both clutched your chests in fear, breathing heavily at the fright you gave each other.
“sorry, were you going somewhere?” misa utters, you shook your head, “i was going to your room” you say a little sheepishly, misa’s never heard your voice so soft, especially directed to her.
“oh” she breathes out, you shift your weight between your feet, “do you want to come in?” you swallow, misa nods slowly, moving inside the room and closing the door behind her.
“i just wanted to check up on you” misa admitted, scratching the back of her neck bashfully.
your heart was beating so fast, you nervously glance up at misa before looking back down, trying to avoid eye contact as much as possible. you could feel her eyes burning into your side profile, trying to see what your next move would be.
you clear your throat before sitting on the bed, your legs swinging over the edge, misa smiled at the sight, you looked adorable, she felt like she could see your younger self that she admired so much shining through.
she moved to sit next to you, her thigh slightly brushing yours as she sat down. “i feel bad, but i’ll be okay” you sigh, looking over to see her smiling sympathetically, she places a gentle hand on your knee.
“hermosa (beautiful), you played amazing, i really mean that,” she says earnestly, her hand gently squeezing your knee as she maintains eye contact with you.
you smile sadly at her, “so did you” she grins, “i let three go past me” you shake your head, “it doesn’t matter, misa, you played amazing as usual” her cheeks go a little pink at your compliment, “what have you done with my (y/n)” she mocks, bumping your shoulder with hers.
you laugh brightly, “your (y/n)?” you tease, but she just nods, “mhm, my (y/n)” her eyes flicker between your own, slightly dropping to your lips before catching herself and looking at her hand still resting on your knee, ready to move it away before you placed your hand over hers.
“misa” you breathe out, almost sounding like a plea as you looked at her, her heart caught in her throat, her eyes searching yours. she moved her hand to rest on your cheek, her thumb rubbing the skin there.
your eyes dropped to her lips and she took it as confirmation, closing the gap and placing her lips on yours. you gasp against her, your mouths moving together tenderly before she slipped her tongue in your mouth.
you weren’t sure how it happened but you ended up straddling her lap, both of you breathing heavily as the kiss grew a little hotter. she gently tugged at your bottom lip between her teeth and you whined into her, making her smirk lazily against your lips, squeezing the flesh of your waist as your hands carded through her hair.
you pull away in need of air, you and misa just looking at each other with pink cheeks and blown out pupils.
you pant as you look at her, smoothing down her hair with a giggle. “sorry” you smile, she smiles up at you adoringly, shaking her head lightly, “it’s okay” you keep your hands on her shoulders, your finger lightly grazing the exposed skin near her collar.
“you okay?” she whispers, the words hitting your lips, you nod, leaning forward to peck her lips sweetly, she smiles at you so brightly. “you okay?” you whisper back, she nods, bumping your nose with hers softly.
“if i told 16 year old (y/n) how good of a kisser you were, maybe she wouldn’t hate you as much” you tease, misa chuckles, pulling you in for another kiss, her hand cupping your jaw.
“if i told 16 year old misa all she had to do was kiss you to get you all sweet, i think she’d pass out” she teases back, you giggle, rolling your eyes fondly.
you tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, “you’re so beautiful” you say softly, “you’re more beautiful” she matches your energy, you both smile at each other sweetly.
“i like you, (y/n)” she looks right into your eyes as she says it, you offer her a cheesy grin, “i like you too” she mirrors your expression before pulling you into another kiss, becoming heated relatively quickly.
you pull away breathlessly making her huff in annoyance, “does this mean you’ll let me score against you?” you tease, she rolls her eyes with a laugh, “hm, maybe, bebé (baby)” she mumbles against your lips, pulling you back into the kiss.
when you both went to breakfast the next day and sat next to each other closely, you were offered wild looks of amusement.
“isn’t this a surprise” jenni laughed as her and alexia sat across the both of you. “what?” misa shrugged, “well you’re not fighting” alexia smiled, you rolled your eyes, arms crossing over your chest when you sat straight in your chair.
misa placed a hand on your thigh under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze. “we don’t fight all the time” misa defended, alexia laughed at that, yelling at ona and aitana for backup that they promptly gave.
“we made up ages ago” you narrow your eyes at alexia, she crinkled her nose at you teasingly, making you bite back a smile.
“oh don’t worry, we know you made up” jenni laughed, looking down at her plate with a smirk as she ate, “and what do you mean by that, jennifer?” you bite back, misa smiled amusingly, loving your feisty side.
“well the hickey on your neck says everything to me” she said simply, your eyes widen and your hand flung to your neck quickly, jenni laughs heartily, making alexia giggle too.
misa puts her head in her hands out of embarrassment now that the whole team was looking at you with teasing grins.
“i thought i heard something interesting last night, misa definitely got (y/n)’s forgiveness with what i heard” jenni teases, you glare at her, misa was bright red, “stop it, jenni” misa grits out,
“okay, i will” jenni smirks, continuing to eat her food before mocking your voice, “oh, misa, don’t stop” you gasp at that, ready to leap over the table to tackle the girl to the floor before you were held back by misa, the girl holding you firmly on her lap.
“misa” you whine, “no,” she reprimands, making you slouch into her, “i’ve never seen her so obedient” alexia smirks, you turn bright red, misa matches her smirk, running her hands up and down the side of your waist, promptly calming you down.
you both sat there like that for a bit until you had to get on the bus back to the airport. you and misa sit together and you both can’t help but relish in the affection and domesticity of being together.
you were cuddling into misa as you both chatted, laughing brightly with each other that had the whole team grinning.
it was extremely different from watching the two of you at each other's throats to seeing you all loved up but it was a happy change for everyone. especially you and misa.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
you know the drill, just pretend it’s you!!
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liked by ona.batlle and 44,232 others
marisabel_rguez: who knew she was such a softie?
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yourname: fuck off
↳ marisabel_rguez: there she is!!
jennihermoso: i’ve learnt a lot of things about this one😉
↳ alexiaputellas: so have i
↳ marisabel_rguez: oh god, so have i
↳ yourname: stop it.
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cherryblossompink303 · 2 months ago
Patience: ~A day in the life of the L/N family!~
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➼ pairing: Kyoya Ootori x Reader ➼ summary: all hell breaks loose when the host club pays an unexpected visit on the day the L/N family visits ➼ what to expect:  "what is your problem with me and Kyoya hanging out?” ➼ warnings: Angst ➼ Part Nine | Part Eleven
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"I have never seen you so stressed before" Kyoya raises an eyebrow from the kitchen island where he's sat, watching on as you frantically blitz through cleaning the apartment "Yeah...it's...a whole thing, I get tense on days like this"
"I'm sure you are worrying over nothing" Kyoya took a sip of water "You could always help me instead of sitting there" Kyoya furrowed his brows as if the mere idea of him cleaning disgusts him. "I'd rather call one of our maids" you pause. "You could do that?"
Kyoya raises an eyebrow "Yes, you know that all employees of the Ootori family also answer to you yes? I can have a cleaner here in five minutes" You send kyoya a dead pan stare "If you knew that this entire time why have you been watching me stress clean all morning?"
Kyoya shrugs "I thought you just liked to clean" your jaw drops "Who likes to clean?" Kyoya rolls his eyes through a laugh, picking up his phone "We should just about have enough time, ill send a message over now"
As if on cue the door knocks as he places the phone back down on the counter. "That was...fast" you squint at the door in skepticism. "Unless...no..."
Kyoya shot out of his seat, you wearily approached the door, quickly fixing your hair and taking a deep breath before opening it.
To your surpise it was not a maid or even your expected guests.
"Y/n-senpai!" The members of the host club cheered in unison, Haruhi standing awkwardly behind them. "What-How- are you here?"
"You said we could come, remember? You said that if we stopped fighting we could visit you" Hikaru smirks deviously "Then the rest got curious and tagged along" Kaoru chimed in.
"Yes but not now! Look guys this really is not a good time maybe-"
"Y/N is your- oh." Kyoya appears in the hallway, freezing at the sight of the other hosts "Kyo-chan?" Honey's head tilts to the side as the rest of the club stare at him in confusion "What are you doing in y/n-senpai's apartment?"
"Y/n! You let Kyoya visit you before the rest of us! Alone! I am horrified! You should know that it is inappropriate for a young girl to be alone in the home with a man. Especially before marriage!"
You raise an eyebrow "Tamaki, you know that Kyoya own's my apartment right?" you don't understand Tamaki's babble at the best of times especially not now. "Oh, so he's your...landlord?"
"More just that I'm staying in one of his family's properties, I don't pay him rent, anyway like I said now is really not a good time so-"
"Are you two on a date?" Kaoru points between the two of you "No! No, I just, we were just...." you sigh "My family is coming to visit today"
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A day in the life of the l/n family!
♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡
"I keep forgetting that your family lives in europe" Haruhi helps you make tea after being (reluctantly) convinced to let them in for a little bit until your family arrives. "Yes well...they figured it would be best since most likely I will end up living in Japan, also to get to know Kyoya"
"This is a nice place Y/n-chan, cute!" honey swings back an forth on his seat, opening the box of cake he had brought with him. "Yeah well normally I would not do this but if I could ask you guys to not make a mess"
"Do you not have a maid y/n?" Hikaru questions, which normally you would answer no however it does remind you that Kyoya had called for a maid a while ago now. "I...personally no, however... kyoya?"
Kyoya was already on the phone before you had to really needed to ask him."I see...okay...no...no...yes... you might as well...okay." he sighs as he hangs up "small problem."
"There is a large crash on the road, apparently it has completely closed off, the driver has had to turn back otherwise he would not be back in time to pick up your parents" your face falls "You're joking"
You knew that Kyoya wasn't, he doesn't do stuff like that. “Okay! Well, great to see you guys but no offence you all need to leave”
“Aw come on y/n” the twins chorused. “I need to get this place clean” you remain firm. “We could help y/n-Chan!” Honey butts in. “Huh?”
“Yes, good idea honey. We will help you clean and then in turn we will be spending more time here and less time of you and Kyoya alone” tamaki puts a finger to his chin.
“Non of you have cleaned a day in your life, and what is your problem with me and Kyoya hanging out”
“Hey! It can’t be that hard” hikaru cries "We can get this done really quick with all eight of us"
"Alright gentlemen!" You know that there is no arguing once Tamaki switches into this mindset, the host club lining up like a military troup. "We have one hour until Mr and Mrs L/N will be arriving" he marches up and down the line.
"The twins take the living room, Mitskuni and Takashi take the bathroom, Kyoya and I will take the kitchen and the girls will do the bedroom"
"Yes sir!" the host club salutes, rushing off to work before you get to do anything. This is going to be a disaster, you just know it. "I should have just let them continue fighting" You mutter to yourself before heading into the bedroom with Haruhi.
"Are you okay? You seem really stressed out over your family visiting”
You sigh “they just…have very high expectations for me is all, I’m an only child, so for the sake of the family company they have to rely on me to get a good education and marry well”
"I didn't realise there was that much pressure on you"
"We don't like to talk about it in the host club but that is just kind of how it is in our world. Tamaki is in a similar position to me, we were both sent to Japan to increase our families standings."
"Wow" haruhi mutters, dusting off your windowsill "Don't worry, we're all still ridiculously rich it isn't all bad, in full honesty the engagement I have to Kyoya has done more good for me than it has bad. Which is why I cannot give my family or his any reason to break it off"
"Would they do that? I mean this has been arranged for a while hasn't it?" you nodded "we were thirteen, but my father can be....easily offended, and I have gotten the impression that Kyoya's father is the same"
A crash in the other room catches both your attentions "Oh god"
low and behold once you run out into the main living area there was the twins and tamaki, wrestling on the floor along with your entire couch dismantled and scattered around the room. "You have got to be kidding" Your face fell at the sight, you could already feel the tears welling up inside as you realise that you had maybe ten minutes left until Kyoya's driver will arrive.
"Are you guys kidding? What on earth are you doing?" Haruhi yelled out, grabbing the attention of the three boys on the floor, honey and mori stood awkwardly in the corner, Kyoya strangely missing.
"What is the mat-" Kyoya appears from the bathroom, pausing at the sight before him, letting out of sigh at the scene. "Kyoya-"
"huh?" even mori looked spooked by the glare that Kyoya was giving them "you all showed up unannounced, y/n was nice enough to let you in for tea despite preparing to see her family for the first time since summer which you all know well how important said meetings can be, and you mess up the apartment even more than before you had arrived. You all can leave now"
"Kyoya?" Tamaki looks concerned, you look concerned, Kyoya can often have a temper but not like this "You have done enough Tamaki"
The twins and Tamaki slowly pull themselves off the ground, clumsily putting the couch cushions back in place, muttering sorry's as they leave the apartment.
"thank you y/n-chan" Honey gives you a shy smile as him and mori follow behind. "Do you need help fixing this?" Haruhi asks, looking over the mess they left behind. "No i'm okay thank you Haruhi, thanks for helping anyway" Haruhi nods, leaving and closing the front door behind her.
Kyoya sighs, dragging his hand down the front of his face, stepping to the couch to fix it, leaving you stood frozen there. "You didn't need to do that"
"They're idiots, they know how much this means to you, espcially tamaki-"
"There." he huffs, placing his hands on his hips as he takes in that everything is back to normal. "You didn't need to-"
"I know" he walks back over to you, eyes flittering over as he takes in your appearance, going to fix your hair "We can talk about this later if you want, we've got bigger fish to fry now." you take a deep breath, you had never seen Kyoya act like this before, you didn't know how it made you feel but it certainly made you feel something.
He wipes away a tear you didn't even realise was there "There, it's like it never happened. Ready?" you sigh, nodding. it was stressful whenever your family comes to visit, but this time it feels more managable. Since when had the two of you become so comfortable?
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Next time on patience 'Big brother is a prince!'
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