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siyahmezarb · 5 years ago
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Gözlerine bakmak, pencereden sarkmak gibiydi.
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lemonsandgodzilla · 7 years ago
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Time lapse of a few of the bag rounds on my last day as an instructor .. floated the first bit of each round until the guests near me had a better idea of what they were doing .. this is just the last minute to final 30sec of three of the rounds... kinda hoping I'll be able to do an entire 6 rounds using this time lapse app at some point. I like critiquing my own form... like how I need to stand up straighter 🤦‍♀️ lol damn it . . . . . #ilkbakron #ilkb #ilovekickboxing #ilkbnation #girlswhokickbox #mylifeinmotion #GettinBunsHun #doitforjudy #muscleupbuttercup #tomboy #cardiokickboxing #jabcross #punching #frontkick #roundhouse #speed #power #fitness #fitnerd #myrelease #active #lifestyle #inlove
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listenjustlisten · 7 years ago
Did I get these pants specifically because they match my gloves? No. Was that 70% of my reasoning? Yes. #silversaturdays #ilkbnation #coordinationlevel100 (at iLoveKickboxing)
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biceptual-curls-korra · 7 years ago
I know I’ve been quiet lately (thanks to school and Halloween preparations), but I’m still working my butt off! With the start of the new school semester, I was able to switch things up to 3 days of kickboxing a week and down to (mostly) 0 gym days. I recorded this video in response to the Pacific Rim sweepstakes on instagram. Because really, piloting a jaeger is all about throwing a really good punch. This has also inspired me to view my bag as a kaiju and I can’t even begin to tell you the fantasies I now employ during class 🤣 
 That aside, I’m still going strong on my 45 Day Challenge. I’ve been steadily losing weight while gaining some amazing muscle tones thanks to kickboxing, and I’m excited to see just where my body will end up!
Height: 5′ 4″ Weight: 152.6 lbs
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nickihiraoka · 5 years ago
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Early birthday present from @msstephaniejoy! Suuuuper hyped to use these when I get back from my trip. Thank you CeeCee, you da bomb dot com. I laaaaav you! 😘❤️ #birthmonth #libraseason #ilkbnation #fitfam #ilkbpacifica #favoritecolor https://www.instagram.com/p/B3KQlGEj7NI/?igshid=1fk7n3ju55np9
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10divergentmockingjays · 8 years ago
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Why is tumblr stalking me how did they know I go to ilkb?? I feel so attacked
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honeybunnytwee · 6 years ago
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#girlsjustwannahaveguns💪 Turning my #jigglypuff into #wigglytuff 💖😜it was red carpet night at #iLoveKickboxing and I learned exactly how difficult it was to do burpees in a dress! I’ve definitely gained a lot more strength and endurance from kickboxing (in the beginning I couldn’t even do one pushups, but now I do double classes some nights just for fun like a cute psycho 😅🙃) I’m on track to hitting my goal weight this May🥊🥰❣️ • • • • • • #turningmypuffintotuff #kickboxlikeagirl #ilkbnation #ilkb #kickboxinggirl #redcarpetnight #sequindress #mermaiddress #forever21 #rosegoldgloves #kickboxing #rosegold #iridescentdress #iridescent #fitnessmotivation #newyearnewyou #weightlossjourney #changealife #goalgetter #ilkb #djnight (at ILoveKickboxing) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs8ZOLvBKNJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=g5ov8cyopxcf
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moniquenatalia · 7 years ago
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Strong is the new pretty! 💪🏽💄Never in a million years did I think I would apart of something so powerful, but here it is! Everyday of my life I am surrounded by strong beautiful women who have decided they want to be the best versions of themselves everyday. Although we all have different stories, the one thing we all have is common is our desire to be better, and uplift our sisters in the process! Let’s keep showing the world how bad ass we all are! Happy International Women’s Day to all my beautiful women out there! From our fitfam to yours 💖💪🏽🥊 #ilkbnation #ilkblongbeach #internationalwomensday (at ILoveKickboxing Long Beach, CA)
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clicksavephoto · 7 years ago
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Repost from @veganfitkicks using @RepostRegramApp - Fight to be Strong 💪 Confident 😄 Reach Your Goals 🏆 Make Your Dreams Come True ✨ Whatever you fight for, never lose sight! @ilkb_wilmington @ilovekickboxing @clicksavephoto #fighter #fitness #fitnessmotivation #ILKB #Ilovekickboxing #iLKBNation #AlreadyAugust #GiveShoes #kickbox #roundhouse #kick #kickfit #veganfit #vegan #phytosport #arbonne #dreamer #dreams #hair #action #picoftheday #igfitness #badass #badassvegan #clicksave
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ilovekickboxingbricknj · 8 years ago
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Our morning classes are for the go-getters, the moms, and so many more. Grab your day firmly, take control and live it on your terms by starting your day with kickboxing at ILKB Brick. #Kicktown #ILKBBrick #ilkbnation #morningmotivation (at iLoveKickboxing)
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thecjthomas · 8 years ago
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I made it through the first class!! If you choose to signup Tell them Colleatha sent you! #ilovekickboxing #ilkbnation #hiitcardio #hiitworkout #1stclass #pinkglovesboxing #ILKBcha #referralsappreciated
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masterdenada · 8 years ago
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Kickboxing kicks (my) ass. This is BEFORE. You should have seen me/us AFTER... devouring all the gyoza and the salty, carby ramen noodle goodness! #ilkb #ilkbnation #kickboxing #marchintoshape #cardio #fitdam #fit #fitness #motivation
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gingersnaps8 · 8 years ago
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Another #shredyourex event under my belt!! Definitely a therapeutic night 🤣#guidingeyes #makeithappen #ilkbnation #ilkb #wegothis (at iLoveKickboxing)
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sarahbtx12 · 8 years ago
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I love kickboxing.com, the Skokie IL location gym rocks! I love doing new moves as I get stronger, planks on my feet, side kicks, front kicks etc!
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hawaiianmaile-blog · 8 years ago
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moniquenatalia · 7 years ago
Since my move to California I have completely thrown myself into my health and fitness. I am by no means where I want to be, but I am so proud of my progress I decided to leave this right here with you guys 😏 #ilkbnation #yogajournal
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