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terimariedegree Β· 5 years ago
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We watched three different #aliceinwonderland movies last night! It was #themostfun 😁 ... there are some creepy versions out there which we bypassed. anyone remember the one from the 80s with #carolchanning as the #whitequeen #throughthelookingglass #jabberwocky when I tell you I was scared as a kid! 🀣😞 maybe that's why I never have big mirrors in my bedroom...πŸ€” #idigress #letsmoveon πŸ˜‚ So yeah I've written bits and pieces about that grand world, this is from #2016 Unrelated: this time next week it'll be #february 😳 #timeflies #enjoyyoursaturday #sabbathsaturday #fromthearchives #throwbackpoem #ilikeemojis 😎 #goldenafternoon #sunsetpansy #flashbackpoem #poetryisnotdead #igpoets #bymepoetry #poetsandwritersofinstagram #igpoet #instagrampoets #flashbackpoem #gardenscenepoetry #imakethepath #catapult #bewhatyoudream https://www.instagram.com/p/B7whygblMkE/?igshid=1czgv0nsnj2go
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hippiedennyc Β· 8 years ago
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Not to be missed. 2 weeks from today (April 18) -- Come celebrate the @exhibition_nyc EP release at @babysallright. Can't wait to saaaang with @hammarsing + co. πŸŽ‰πŸŽΆπŸ’ƒβœŒπŸ’“ Tickets in bio. . . . #meow #exhibitionnyc #rockandroll #cultrecords #ilikeemojis #soliemusic (at Baby's All Right)
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urbandior Β· 3 years ago
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My rooms messy, but who’s isn’t? πŸ‘•πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€³πŸΎ
#ilikeemojisπŸ˜‹ #donthatelevitate #hopeispelledthatright
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terimariedegree Β· 5 years ago
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I love @sarabareilles πŸ’œ She's been keeping me company in the kitchen the last few hours... a lil cleaning, a lil meal prep, a lil singing, even a lil dancing 😊 This song, #everythingchanges cracks my heart open each time I hear it. I muse a lot about #motherhood and find women who interpret the call to it differently than me intriguing. As I'm sure they find me 😏 #neway I am also checking out opportunities in #submittable I know #writers who shoot for #100submissions a year. My first #poemsubmission using it was #5yearsago and I have less than 50 altogether in the time since πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ some #poetry folks are in other generations so they ask for emails or even hard copy stuff in the mail! All to say I've done more than what is tracked there πŸ˜‰ will there be 100 this year? Maybe. #noreasonwhynot Social Development was a submission in #2015 ... the end now feels like a cliff falling like it gets at my point but it is not fully fleshed out. Another #stanza about #colonization and its illeffects is what's missing... I think 😊 #wellseewhathappens #lifeofapoet #sarabareilles #poetryrevisited #snowdaysaturday #ilikeemojis 😎 #imaginewriteshare #poetryisnotdead #poetsandwritersofinstagram #flashbackpoem #flashbackpoem #bymepoetry #catapult #bewhatyoudream https://www.instagram.com/p/B7eTbJcJgnK/?igshid=1uh41347pi4ol
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