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serenepineapple · 7 years ago
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Waiting for my parents to have an awkward dinner so they can criticize my hickeys, life decisions, tattoos, and finances. Plz wish me luck. #familydinner #yikes #zoinks #wellseewhathappens #yeish #grownups #lifedecisions (at Perkins Family Restaurant)
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naughtyme09 · 4 years ago
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#thinkaboutit #wellseewhathappens #maybetomorrow #idk https://www.instagram.com/p/CFJpJ5QATzK/?igshid=yvdjmzkgj9c2
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bigtreedelusion · 5 years ago
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New things made from scraps of copper from my Dad’s collection of sculpture materials he tossed out after my Mom died. Hopefully, I’m making good use of it. I can’t show the finished one because it’s a gift for someone❤️. #metal #copperart #wellseewhathappens #reuse (at Arcata, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAtoBhVgOFg/?igshid=frhmk4kibyxo
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a-cholo-blog · 5 years ago
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Believe in yourself SKU- 11160106 Colour-Light cream #beleiveinyourself #magickingdom #wellseewhathappens #loveyourself #provethemwrong #got#buynowjapan (at Chololtc_clothingline) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9JUSLZh-BZ/?igshid=egjmbvnx0q93
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terimariedegree · 5 years ago
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I love @sarabareilles 💜 She's been keeping me company in the kitchen the last few hours... a lil cleaning, a lil meal prep, a lil singing, even a lil dancing 😊 This song, #everythingchanges cracks my heart open each time I hear it. I muse a lot about #motherhood and find women who interpret the call to it differently than me intriguing. As I'm sure they find me 😏 #neway I am also checking out opportunities in #submittable I know #writers who shoot for #100submissions a year. My first #poemsubmission using it was #5yearsago and I have less than 50 altogether in the time since 🤷🏾‍♀️ some #poetry folks are in other generations so they ask for emails or even hard copy stuff in the mail! All to say I've done more than what is tracked there 😉 will there be 100 this year? Maybe. #noreasonwhynot Social Development was a submission in #2015 ... the end now feels like a cliff falling like it gets at my point but it is not fully fleshed out. Another #stanza about #colonization and its illeffects is what's missing... I think 😊 #wellseewhathappens #lifeofapoet #sarabareilles #poetryrevisited #snowdaysaturday #ilikeemojis 😎 #imaginewriteshare #poetryisnotdead #poetsandwritersofinstagram #flashbackpoem #flashbackpoem #bymepoetry #catapult #bewhatyoudream https://www.instagram.com/p/B7eTbJcJgnK/?igshid=1uh41347pi4ol
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thatothermovieblog · 7 years ago
Hey, there's the first one. Isn't that cool? We thought it was cool. Please like this.
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rawrdearies · 7 years ago
Work in progress #newmusic #wellseewhathappens #vocals
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loverofbooksblog · 7 years ago
One of my co workers actually has expressed interest in me and I like him because he’s nice to looknice to look at it, he can take a joke and fire it back, he reads (not YA, but that’s okay), he’ll be going to school, he isn’t afraid to text back, we can joke about how terrible the barrel is and understand why, and we can also go in to a conversation about the 12 levels of hell, and the devil and Jesus, an he’s not all about having sex with you, which is honestly the most important thing. He also cares enough to ask about my day. But, I’m still taking it really slow, because we’ve only been talking for a few weeks. But, I’d be happy with even a new friendship. But, we shall see what God has planned. If it’s meant  to be, it will be. All in God’s timing, but I will keep you posted. 
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As I head to #hansonday with my wife, one of THE biggest Hanson fans ever... I have one goal. My goal is to have a beer with this guy - Isaac Hanson - my favorite of the brothers. He's just an all around cool guy, dad, beer drinker, and has some pretty cool ideas about how the world works. I can also pick his vocals out on most tracks. He also talks about as much as I do. Mission impossible? Who knows. But my goals for this weekend are beer, good music, time with my wife, and maybe some broing it up with Isaac. #hanson #fanson #beer #mmmhops #dudes #bromo #wellseewhathappens #jakejo
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danmendelsohnaviv · 8 years ago
Dan Tweeted
Move the 🇺🇸 embassy to J'lem? #WellSeeWhatHappens
— Dan Aviv (@dmendelsohnaviv) February 16, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/dmendelsohnaviv February 16, 2017 at 07:59AM via IFTTT
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amenomajo · 9 years ago
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So like...Ima have some fun tonight 🙆🏽👽🎉💚💙⚗🔮🐸🐬✨✨✨✨ #greenhair #coolkid #rawhairdye #manicpanic #wellseewhathappens
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hardlyworkingtv · 9 years ago
A little extra from the meet the character's video. #ShesBack #WellSeeWhatHappens #Hmm #SetLife #TheFallout #ThatNewIsh #HardlyWorkingTV #TheFalloutSeries #HelpTheFalloutHappen SeedAndSpar.com/studio/the-fallout @haviland @keenastar13
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moondog90 · 11 years ago
So disappoint...
Pools i can deal without... But toddlers?!?
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