#ilberd was his ex i Know it
axolotlelle · 1 year
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wow i can’t believe the stormblood anniversary is during pride month, happy pride to everyone’s favorite bisexual flame general
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xiv-wolfram · 5 months
WolfBahn Ship Summary - Part 3
A Realm Reborn - Patches
Part 2 - A Realm Reborn I realized the comics are... a lot. So I decided to make a short summary of my Wolfram x Raubahn ship. As I started to write I realized it was also... a lot. So clearly WolfBahn is simply... a lot. Eh, this is still way less to read than the comics, enjoy.
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After defeating Gaius van Baelsar and helping the Scions set up the Rising Stones, Wolf turned his focus to the conflict in Ul'dah. He often found himself worried about how Raubahn was handling everything given how awful his political opponents were. After a particularly upsetting Syndicate meeting about the Doman refugees, Wolfram decided to throw away professionalism and asked his former partner on a treasure hunt in the Cieldalaes in the hopes of lifting his spirits. The General was surprised by the invite almost as much as having someone express care for his emotional well-being. It was an increasingly rare occurrence to be treated as a person instead of a legend. 
Fighting together on Hullbreaker Isle without thought for alliances or politics Wolfram and Raubahn fell back into familiarity with ease. The thrill of adventure for its own sake was a treat for them both. Between battles they were able to talk openly and quickly felt themselves becoming confidants. The alliance continued after returning to the mainland - often discussing things that they probably shouldn't have like the Warrior of Light revealing everything the Scions were up to and the General discussing Ul’dahn political strategy. Wolf even tried to convince him to invade Gyr Abania, but was receptive to Raubahn’s concerns. Despite the disagreement, the gladiator enjoyed being around someone who reminded him of his younger self and helped re-ignite his passion to pursue his goal of freeing Ala Mhigo with more urgency. 
Their budding friendship wasn’t always easy. Wolf often had to keep his feelings in check, like the jealousy he felt when he learned Ilberd and Raubahn had grown up together but had never mentioned him and (after using his empathic abilities) that Raubahn still harbored complicated feelings about the Crystal Braves captain. He had to remind himself that his ex-partner’s past was none of his business. Nor was his present. Wolfram was lucky to be in his life at all.
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The General was as unaware of Wolfram’s affection as much as his own growing romantic attachment. Intentionally unaware. Forgiveness was one thing but there was an amount of denial when it came to Raubahn acknowledging he cared deeply for someone who had lied to him. He paid little notice to just how often the Warrior of Light’s responsibilities seemed to take him to Thanalan over the other city-states. Still, Rau couldn’t deny the little spark of joy he felt on the occasions Wolf was in town - even if it was to simply share a meal while discussing their respective factions.
After The Ivy's betrayal was revealed, Wolfram stayed behind to talk with Raubahn, knowing he'd just lost one of his best friends and would be more upset than he appeared. The mage explained that he'd used his empathic echo on her before and while at the time he didn’t know why - she had been conflicted. Eline did truly care for Raubahn and the betrayal hadn't been personal. The General took comfort in knowing that their friendship at least had been real but asked in frustration if he was naive. If no one was who they claimed. This was hardly the first betrayal he’d faced. Wolfram felt horrible for being among that number and realized it was time to properly apologize for his own deception that had been a catalyst in the end of their relationship. Rau tried to stop him, stating that he meant in his career but the mage carried on. He assured Raubahn that he'd changed and could be trusted. Wolf promised Rau that he would never deceive him again. If he wanted - he had a friend in him. The gladiator was amused that Wolfram would question if they were friends. Raubahn laughed and gave the Warrior of Light a hug, pointing out that he'd trusted him enough to follow him into the countryside without armor. They were *officially* friends again!
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That night, Raubahn thought about the fact that the Warrior of Light neglected his duties to comfort him and apologized for their past as well. Despite everything the Scions asked, Eorzea’s Champion had put the gladiator first. He thought back to their hug - how comfortable and… complete he’d felt in that moment. Raubahn finally acknowledged to himself that he still loved Wolfram. The General *of course* wouldn't tell him that. He was still struggling with his pride and assumed his affection was one-sided besides.
From then on they talked more frequently. Raubahn even made an excuse about joint training with the Crystal Braves in order to visit Wolf in Mor Dhona as he was recovering from fighting Nael van Darnus. The gladiator also aided in the fight with Bahamut since Midgarsormr had removed Wolfram's Blessing of Ligh. When they were in battle together they fell into sync perfectly. In those brief moments, they felt like true partners again.
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ARR ends with the events of the Bloody Banquet. It was almost as traumatic for Wolfram as it was for Raubahn. He was stopped before he could heal the Sultana, bound, and drug to the banquet to be framed for her murder. All he could do was hope that everyone would trust him enough to not believe it... and then all hell broke loose. Wolf tried to get out of his bonds to help the General fight so he struggled until his wrists bled. Without the Blessing of Light he was helpless to do anything but watch as Raubahn was maimed. Wolfram cried out, begging Ilberd to spare his friend and promising that he would confess to any crime they wanted to pin on him, fully expecting to be executed. Fortunately, Raubahn came to his senses and freed him. He left on orders to help the Scions but promised he'd be back. Along the way, Wolf watched with horror as his newfound family forced him to continue on as they sacrificed themselves to aid in his escape.
Once Wolf reunited with Alphinaud he wanted to go back into the city to help whoever had been captured. He was in such an emotional state after everything that he would have likely died trying to fight all the Brass Blades himself. To stop him from returning to Ul’dah Pipin had to knock him out and throw him in the carriage. The mage woke up in Camp Dragonhead with aching wrists and the voidsent cruelly taunting him, quickly blaming himself for everything that had just happened. Wolfram vowed to kill Lolorito and Illberd at the first chance he had.
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anchanted-library · 4 years
FFXIV Prompt. 06. Pathetic
Olivier eventually spoke up. "I've got one," he announced, pushing his blue-black hair out of his eyes. "But it's a sad one."
"Then why bring it up?" Alisaie objected, sour from having her spicy story silenced. 
"As a reminder that tragedies are just as important, for they have showed that we lived."
"Go on, then!" Thancred said, forestalling Alisaie's outburst, to which she glowered daggers at him. 
But he ignored her, his eyes instead meeting Y'Shtola, Urianger, Alphinaud, E'Nisse, and Erika's one by one. Since it was Olivier speaking, they had a fairly good idea of which story he would tell. But it was like he said, it was wrong to discount tragedies. And perhaps the little girl might better grasp Ryosen's present state of mind, and why some were reluctant to bring him into this.
"This exchange I witnessed not myself," Olivier said. "But heard from Papashan, once a Chief Paladin in service to the Sultana of Ul'dah."
Thancred saw Erika bite her tongue and understood why. That was not even close to the kindly Lalafell’s official title, but there was no need to bring that up right now
Yuyuhase Luluhase sat at a table belonging to one of the ale stalls lining the poorer markets in Ul'Dah. He was going through his third mug of cheap ale right now, and in the mood for a hundred more today, to celebrate how he had escaped Halatali by the skin of his teeth.
"Oi, Stocari!" he called the proprietor. "One more!"
"But sir, you're going through too many drinks at once!"
Yuyuhase stuffed a fistful of coins in his direction and screamed. "MORE! NOW!"
Someone approached him from the nearby gate and placed a bottle of brandy before him. "Here," the tall man said. "It's on me."
"Ahhhh, thank you!" Yuyuhase grinned at the bottle, not even looking at his newest, bestest drinking buddy. "You, sir, know how to make a Brave feel special!"
"Think nothing of it, sir."
"Oh but I cannot!" Yuyuhase cried, wasting no time pouring one for himself. He barked for another glass and filled that too, roughly pushing it towards the other. "You see, I cannot be paid enough to risk my life like I do. And I am barely getting paid at all these days!"
The other man made a sympathetic noise. "That's such a shame!"
"Oh, but you have no idea, good sir!"
"What did you fight this time?"
"The traitors, the Scions! They were illegally attempting to save an accomplice and fellow traitor, former Flame General Raubahn, from his execution!"
"Indeed!" Yuyuhase agreed heartily. "They are devils, the lot of them! They fight like men and women possessed! I don't often find myself fighting so desperately, but this time, oh boy!" He downed the glass in one. "MMMMMH that's good!" he cried. "Thank you for the drink, my good fellow!" he looked at his companion almost for the first time and his heart stopped. "You!" he hissed. He reached for his sword. "YOU!"
A blur of motion, a moment of pain and confusion, and Yuyuhase was looking up at the man from the floor. His own sword stuck out of his chest.
"Me," the Samurai said as he walked away as screams broke out throughout the plaza.
Ilberd Feare, Captain of the Crystal Braves following their betrayal of the Scions, stood before the Monetarist Council and raved. He incoherently ranted about Scions, traitors, Monetarists, money, and Scions again. He occasionally threw in the Garleans and Ala Mihgo in his tirade, because why not?
Lolorito was growing tired. He held up his hand. "Stop, stop!" he sneered. "You are making even less sense than usual. Why is it you are even here? Weren't you kicking your heels in Halatali? Didn't you kidnap ex-Flame General Raubahn—against orders—and take him for summary execution? Was killing a starved, one-armed prisoner beyond your meager abilities?"
"Hold your tongue, Lord Lolorito! After all I have done for you!"
"You botched everything!" Lolorito informed him coldly. "The whole episode was messed up so royally it's no wonder we didn't crown you 'King Botch'! The Scions were supposed to be contained, but you allowed every one of them to escape your clutches! How many of our men—yours and mine—died to stop a handful of escapees? The damage they caused cost several fortunes to repair! If I had been willing to part with so much money, I'd have just bought a fleet of yachts or the Sultana's personal chambers, or something of that sort! The only thing you succeeded in was capturing Raubahn, and even that was because I offered to let him see his beloved Sultana's body if he stood down!"
Ilberd growled. He foamed at the mouth. "So what? Didn't you get what you wanted? You rule Ul'dah unopposed! In exchange for my support, you promised to march on Ala Mihgo. Quit stalling! I demand you deliver on your promise!"
"You make no demands of me, backstabber!" Lolorito barked. "You were willing to sell your own grandmother for a vague promise to free Ala Mihgo! You are lucky the one whose promise you ultimately believed was mine and not Teledji! I will keep my promises. When resources allow it. That is a guarantee."
"It's not like I can ask for my money back!" Ilberd screamed, face going red. Heavens he was about to start off on another rant! "The day I turned my blade on the Scions I made an incalculably strong statement, one I can never take back even if I wished. All I've gotten in return are words."
"Well too bad, because my guarantee is all you will get for now," Lolorito said, studying his fingernails disdainfully. "Remember that had I been false, I would have eliminated you and your treacherous brethren a few Braves at a time but you first. For you are all massively loose ends. Yet you live. I have openly kept you in my service. I have protected you from Admiral Merlwyb and Elderseer Kan-E Senna. I have allowed you and your men to resupply for free from our armories and our food stores. I have authorized buildup of stockpiles near Baelsar's Wall. I will not have you question my commitment to our bargain again."
"Then why didn't you allow us to kill Raubahn?"
"Because he is useful to me!" Lolorito hissed so acidly that the Ala Mhigan revolutionary bared his teeth at him. 
"I have had enough of your shite!" he grated. "When you wake up tomorrow, there will be no Braves to watch your back."
"The Braves will be where I pay them to be. You, on the other hand, are free to go. A free man. And bearing the equipment I paid for. In fact—" Lolorito hurled a bag of coins in his direction, the one he carried for his daily petty expenses. It was worth at least five year's pay for the average high ranking Officer in any army. "For your services. Don't spend it all in one place."
The man's features clouded with disbelief. He stood rooted to the spot for the next minute, but what he ultimately would have done, even he never found out.
What happened next would go down in legends.
The door exploded inwards with such force it knocked over the heavy council table. Several of the Monetarists screamed pitifully, and ducked, and fled to the far corners of the room.
"Isn't the room round?" Erika wondered, not able to take another wild inaccuracy.
"Shhh," Olivier shushed her. "I'm trying to tell a story here!"
"He is good at telling stories," E'nisse commented. "I can see why Lucia likes him."
"Of course."
"What is the meaning of this?" Lolorito demanded, having been the only one to hold his seat. 
"Ryosen, the Samurai," Ilberd spat. "The one called the'Sword Saint'."
"And you," the Sword Saint whispered, his eyes burning, "are the one called the 'Rabid turncoat'."
"Mister Ryosen," Lolorito challenged him. "How dare you brandish weapons in here? This is a hallowed hall!"
"Not so hallowed that you don't lie and cheat!" the Samurai grated. "Or betray the ones who have saved you and yours time and again! I think the Twelve will agree that a trouncing is long overdue. The Kami of my people certainly would." He raised his weapon, and everyone was startled to see it was a baton—no, a thick flute—not a sword. "Tell me where the Scions are, or no one leaves today alive!"
Some of the cowering merchant elites moaned and whimpered. Some prayed to a god they would have tried to cheat only hours before.
Ilberd stepped forward, a nasty smile splitting his face. "They are dead, all of them! I killed them with this very sword!" He unsheathed his magnificent scimitar, Lionshead and kissed it. "You have some guts coming at me with that flute! You don't even have a real sword, and you dare think to 'avenge' those traitors as you are?" He leered at the wooden Bokken at the Samurai's waist.
"On your guard, turncoat!"
The two men stood regarding each other for several long moments. It occured to Lolorito to look outside the hall. Hundreds of guards stood outside, looking on pathetically. Brass Blades, Immortal Flames, Crystal Braves, and even some of the elite, white-clad Sultansworn. Not a one of them had opposed the Samurai's explosive entry into the very heart of the city. What had happened? How had he managed to so utterly cow several armies?
Then the tense standoff ended. The Samurai became a blur, disappearing and reappearing behind his opponent, with several loud thwacks of wood on skin echoed through the room. 
Ilberd roared with pain and his sword clanged to the floor from nerveless fingers. A heartbeat after, he fell to one knee, gasping for breath. One hand, the left one, clutched at his chest, where the flute—the damned flute!—had evidently struck at his solar plexus.
For the first time, real fear entered Lolorito's chest. He wondered if moving against the Scions hadn't been the worst decision of his life.
"Let's try that again," Ryosen said, his soft voice oozing with the menace of a dozen Garlean superweapons. "Where are the Scions?"
Cursing and glaring, Ilberd did not respond. After some time, he reached for his sword again, then got back to his feet. The Samurai made no move to stop him. Nor did his dangerous expression shift.
The Captain of the Braves issued a battle cry that resonated in the tall Council Chamber and assaulted his opponent with such reckless abandon that one would have sworn that the Samurai was his most hated enemy.
Ilberd was a skilled swordsman, that had been proven several times over. It had been proven when he disarmed the legendary Raubahn—distracted though he might have been. It had been proven—though to a much smaller audience, when he had been single-handedly responsible for his inner circle's escape from Halatali, where he had fought the Leader of the Merry Suns Legion, the mighty Eikon slayer. It had been proven in the dozens of battles he had fought in the thickest parts of the actions, and survived.
But it was clear to all how badly outmatched he was.
For one thing, the Samurai was using a flute to ward off attacks from live darksteel.
For another, that Samurai was barely moving. Only his left hand appeared to be in motion, knocking aside blow after blow after blow with such bored ease that it appeared comical. He did not even take a single step in any direction, absorbing the momentum of Ilberd's charge like it was nothing.
But Ilberd fought ferociously. He tried to flank the Eastern swordsman, to attack from below or above or behind, only to be thwarted without Ryosen even keeping his eye on him. 
The divide between them only infuriated Ilberd further, and he took to ever more reckless tactics. He leapt into the air and slammed his blade down, only for the Samurai to actually catch the blade with his empty right hand. He clenched his fist, infusing his grip with the same demonic strength that kept his flute from breaking against a sword's cruel edge, crumpling the steel like it was wet plaster. He punched Ilberd in the jaw and sent him sprawling into the splintered table. But Ilberd wasn't done. With swords working to no avail, he took to words. "So you want the Scions? I'll tell you where they are!" He grinned again, broader and more evilly than ever before. "Dead. Buried under a hundred tons of rubble. Their bones are probably flatter than pancakes right now."
He tried to charge forward again, only to trip and fall on his face.
"Yda and Papalymo were cornered in the Royal Promenade. They fought well, of course, but it was only a matter of time. They collapsed the stairs. Quite messy!"
He suddenly stood again and closed in on Ryosen, swinging his broad blade faster than the eye could see. A sound of wood hitting metal, and another of wood striking flesh, and Ilberd was sprawled on the table again, one foot in an awkward angle.
"Y'Shtola and Thancred put up a fierce last stand in the tunnels underneath the city, but they too set off an explosion that caused a heavy avalanche. So heavy was the rockfall that it sunk sections of the wall. Nasty business!"
He stood again to his full height. This time, he advanced at a painfully slow pace.
"Some of the others escaped, of course—" and here his smile grew even more twisted. Before his next words were out of his mouth, Lolorito already knew that he was about to overstep.
"But Minfilia, precious Minfilia Warde, is missing! No one knows what could possibly have happened to her! Me? I think her bones rest in the sewers somewhere..."
What happened next, no one could tell. The flute had fallen from the Samurai's hand; he had unsheathed instead the wooden sword at his waist. He had, once again, gotten behind Ilberd in the blink of an eye, with only the cacophony of wood striking flesh, cloth, leather, and iron mail to hint at his ferocious attack.
"Eh?" Ilberd uttered before he fell onto the grounds as a dozen disconnected body parts. His expression was pure, soul crushing shock. Evidently the Samurai had sliced him up as easily with an edgeless, wooden blade as he would have with a sword. Why would the man even need one if he was so deadly?
Belatedly, the warning of the east-obsessed merchant Garumi Borofumi; "This man was introduced as ‘ Kensei ’—which roughly translates to ‘Sword-Saint’! It is a title far more illustrious and prestigious than all of us combined could ever accomplish! It is only given to the most gifted of swordsmen, with its bearers being considered to be of such skill far surpassing human ability! I don’t think there have been more than three bearing that title in the last six hundred years!" Time seemed to have stopped, but then it began to move again, and it came with the most curious sensations.
For a second, Lolorito fancied that he smelled some sweet flower—A cherry blossom?—But then the only smell filling his nostrils was Ilberd's blood and guts.
He thought he felt ice coating his skin, and the hairs on his moustache and beard; but it was just the cold grip of terror.
He imagined the sensation of moonlight falling on his outstretched limbs, but then he felt as if he had been tossed into the darkest hole on the face of the source, and far away from even the memory of light.
The Samurai now turned his attention fully to him. "Where... are... the Scions?"
Ryosen walked dejectedly out of the city of Ul'dah. No one tried to stop him. For better or worse, he had made his point. He walked up to the exit from the underground tunnels, the ones the surviving Scions had fled out from. His composure hung by a thread. 
He had been helping the Kobolds at dig 789 for over three months. They needed help toughening up, and he was glad of the task. Teaching was one of the expected pastimes of his title, and though he had no longer any claims to it, he appreciated the brief return to his oaths. 
He had found the Kobolds good students, eager to learn how to defend themselves. And he had a small something to look forward to upon his return to Mor Dhona—his official engagement to Minfilia. 
Every moment had been fun, but also agony. He wanted to be with her again, to share their dinners. He had often wondered if she remembered to sleep. And then one day, Admiral Merlwyb had issued forth from Limsa Lominsa herself to bring him the news. She had been appalled that he hadn't heard what had befallen his treasured comrades. Her words, spoken in a gentler tone than he'd ever suspected possible from her, had shattered his world.
He had fallen unconscious from the ensuing panic attack, with tremors racking his body and his nerves on edge for days afterwards.
Merlwyb had told him there were survivors, but his memory of that conversation had grown hazy. So, he decided to get his answers from Ul'dah instead, after which he would teach them what the wrath of a Kensei felt like. 
After that...
He hadn't planned that far ahead. Could not. His steps were faltering and pained. Pathetic. Too much so for one called the sword saint. 
Truly, he had mocked that hallowed title enough with each blasphemous breath he took. 
But what did that matter any more? Unlike most of the other Scions, there wasn't even a rumor of her survival. And in his heart, he already knew that he would not see her on this world again. 
He would walk into the caverns, he decided. And he would die there. He would find a spot that felt like Minfilia might have spent her last moments. And he would wait there for thirst and dust to end his own miserable life.
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ahlis-xiv · 6 years
journal entries - No. 41
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Nestled between the pages in a separate parchment, half-folded and covered in charcoal drawings of various objects. They are surprisingly detailed, given the sketch-like quality of the lines, yet partly smudged. The drawings had not been protected by any sort of covering and thus the dark gray of the charcoal also touched the pages against it like small wispy shadows. Such smudges touch some lines written on the adjacent page; they look to be done for the sake of practice, such as to test a new pen and ink.
I managed to convince Alphinaud to treat me to some of his work! It was rather easy, truth me told; in my cleverness I suggested the idea that the treasures found deep below our feat beneath the city ought to be documented somehow and that who better than the one who helped oversee such a venture?
Truly I am capable of some great ideas! Alphinaud agreed, yet he cannot be the only one assigned to such a task. Thankfully Arenvald—the actual man who spearheaded this entire adventure—appears up to the challenge. He will be the one to guide the retrieval parties while Alphinaud continued his support. It will be a good way to pass the time, I believe, and an endeavor I find myself quite fascinated with.
To think such luxuries and keys to the past rested down in the ancient city of Skalla! My itch to do some sleuthing on the history of such a place is prickling something fierce, yet I do not have much time for the likes of reading these days. What stories that are told me to are actually quite morbid: much of the terrors that filled the palace were before my birth and when I was a very young child. To think of all the ways Theoderic purged his own people and family—all the killing and discarding of actual people down into the depths.
Mother never spoke of it     did she even know? she must have
There is a large gap in the page here, as if the entry abruptly ended at the scratched out lines above. It picks up further down in a much more hurried and scribbled writing.
The talks almost failed. We were so close to disaster and yet Thank the gods Lyse had done some quick thinking or else I don’t know what I would have done
there were so many people in there there’d have been no way to protect them all I could have
to bring Fordola into all of this I did not foresee, gods I wouldn’t have thought of it but damn what choice was there     Lyse is absolut
We were too lax in our trust of the Qalyana and we almost paid the price. It cannot be helped now but how could we have not learned?! I want to be so angry at them all!! But I can’t I just cannot, I must let it go
No one died. No one turned. No one turned. That is enough.
I was also informed of the capture of two men. Ex-Crystal Braves Ilberd’s men, the betrayers. General Aldyn was the one who informed me yesterday evening and I gave him my thoughts on the matter.
I am not a very forgiving woman. Some things do not change.
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eorzeaisnotcrash · 4 years
Minfilia, who still looks pretty sad, says it’s been 15 years since Winterfell fought beside anybody. She hopes everyone will cooperate more in the future. There is zero enthusiasm for going to eat free food thanks to all the crap we need to deal with and the people we’ve lost. But we pretty much have to go, because unity. Tataru and F’lhaminn might not get anything because they’re out, so the best boss lady can do is leave them a note and wait for them to catch up.
On the way out, Riol notices JoJo is not excited about free food. I take this opportunity to let him know what’s happened to poor Wilred. He tells me a good chunk of our funding comes from that damn Television, and promises to purge everyone who took his filthy money. Call me if you want help with that!
JoJo catches up with everyone at Gerudo Town... and is ordered out, because Momodi needs help. (Thancred tells me to tell her hi.) Momodi just wants to pass on a message: Alianne needs to talk to me. But she never shows. Just a bit of glass and Laurentius the ex-sellout. After he encourages me to just leave, he starts talking to someone I can’t see.
There’s a short cutscene of Nanamo praying to her ancestors’ collective spirit for forgiveness. She did what she could. I don’t think they’ll be mad at her.
JoJo gives Momodi the glass, which is an empty alchemist’s vial. She says I ought to keep it, and I ought to speak to Her Grace. (Maybe she’ll let me hug her. Probably not.)
Everyone who is not me enjoys food and booze. Alphinaud brags about how awesome the future will be, and how “his” Warrior of Light will smack anyone who gives him trouble. Come on, man, I thought we were friends. Please don’t treat me like your personal bodyguard.
The game warns me to get a snack and use the bathroom and whatnot, because now we’re going to get some cutscenes. JoJo goes to speak to the Sultana. She smiles at me! ❤️ Aymeric is smiling at the leaders. Apparently their losses weren’t as bad as he’d expected. He tells the leaders thank you. I think I like grateful Aymeric. When can he thank ME again? Nanamo asks me to support Raubahn after she leaves the throne. I guess I can’t say no to her. She is happy and takes a drink, and then she dies. In pain. Great. Raubahn hears it all the way downstairs. GREAT. If HE hates me I’m in trouble. But the first one in the room is Television. (Convenient!) He pretends to be all upset, and blames JoJo and says to “arrest this viper.” Your mama, Television. JoJo doesn’t even get to protest. WEAK.
Alphinaud gets cornered in a back room, because apparently nearly everybody loyal to him has been trapped, and the backstabbers have also taken control of the Hall of Justice 2.0. Are we gonna get totally screwed in every headquarters we occupy? I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND, YUYUHASE.
Everybody else keeps eating until damn Television walks in and tells Aymeric to go home, because the dragons have surprise-attacked. The Man tries to arrest Thancred and uses Lahabread as his reason. Thancred, unlike JoJo, ain’t having it. Television comes and lies on me in front of everybody. Ilberd drags me in and throws me on the floor, and I just take it silently like I’m a useless chick in a bad movie. Television runs his mouth some more. I could SIT on you and end this! We get to watch Raubahn’s heart break... and since Television refuses to quit mocking the poor woman who did nothing to deserve any of this, we also get to watch him get chopped in half. GOOD. Rest in piss, you little gremlin. I’m just disappointed there’s no blood.
His next target is that irritatingly smug Lolorito. Yes please! Oh, no, fake bro Ilberd gets in the way and cuts off his friend’s arm. Bastard sold out and killed Her Grace himself, and he has to rub it in in the worst way. I want to reach through the screen and punch him harder than I did Television! So now the Flame General’s heart breaks and his rage rises for the second time in five minutes. He fights with his other arm, and cuts the bonds on the meat puppet that is JoJo (I don’t claim her any more, if I wanted a character like this I’d play a bad otome game) before asking everybody to GTFO and clear their names. But what about YOU? What will YOU do, General? You’re the one with the righteous rage, and Twelve know we need that!
Thancred shows up and says he’s found a secret tunnel out. Yda and Papalymo get a cutscene in which they are BAMFs as they hold off the crooked soldiers. But then the crooks follow us into the not-so-secret tunnel. Thancred and Y’shtola are also BAMFs as they fight. Y’shtola asks somebody named Mhitra for forgiveness before she finishes a spell that will make the tunnel collapse. Since SOMEBODY has rendered JoJo unable to hear Hydaelyn, Minfilia receives the message and tells her she’s got to stay behind with everyone else getting screwed over. She says a little bit of crap about hope. Minfilia, what good is hope if JoJo has neither allies nor backbone? Every primal fight she’s engaged in only happened because others were there to help her reach said primal.
(Also, at some point there’s a cutscene where Lolorito is walking down a hallway and the lady-in-waiting walks up behind him. She doesn’t speak one word, or make any other moves. Nobody does much of anything.)
JoJo exits the tunnel, and shortly after is found by Alphinaud and a random Lalafell, who suggests everyone get away from the city. A dude with a wagon, the same dude from the beginning of the game, offers them a ride. He says Alisaie did something useful and asked him to give her brother a ride. Alphunaud at least has the maturity to admit he’s totally screwed us all with a sabotender dipped in acid. If JoJo ever is herself again, this friendship is SO over. The random Lalafell takes off his helmet and introduces himself. His name is Pipin, he’s the second most important dude in the Immortal Flames, and he dragged his butt back home just in time to save Alphinaud from the dudes who trapped him. Also, he’s the kid Raubahn adopted, and plans to go help his dad when he’s gotten shut of these two.
Pipin and these two get dropped at Black Brush, where I take cute Miri away from JoJo because right now I don’t feel she deserves anyone that lovable. Come on out, Midgardsormr. Also, fuck you. Pipin attempts to pump up JoJo’s ego, letting her know his father had a lot of good things to say about her. But he admits this is not how he thought they were going to meet. Bruh, me neither! Now Cid shows up. I’m still disappointed in him for not letting the Knight of the Slappable Face get Darwin’d in the World of Darkness, plus the three of us together are giving me flashbacks to that terrible time with the fake inquisitor and Garuda and all the crystals I had to hunt down. Cid has the airship, so Alphinaud says to go to Winterfell, whose government won’t allow foreign forces. What are you now, an exchange student? Goodbye, Pipin. Sorry the universe shat on your dad so badly. He’s a good man who, like his boss, deserved none of this.
Cid drops the two brainiacs off in the snow, and JoJo nods to him before he flies off. Alphinaud wants to speak with Haurchefant. After all the loss and betrayal and bullshit, I’m not interested in someone staring at my tits on top of that, but JoJo quietly nods like she always does. This game is making me want to turn off my computer and go play as a Renegade Shepard. (But I’ll still hug Tali. I have to support my girl. And I’ll still cure the genophage because I love my boy Wrex. Okay, looks like I’ll play a Renegon Shepard.)
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xiv-wolfram · 2 years
Raubahn's Rescue - Comic Script
Heavensward - Level 51
Rescuing Rau from Ilberd.
This is the script for a future comic. Numbers indicate frame number. A or B followed by ) is for a split frame.
Catch up on my WoLComics (Chronological List)
Part 1
Exit of Halatali. Text - Wolfram (the Warrior of Light) has just freed Raubahn (his friend and former partner) from Ilberd in Halatali. They take a moment to talk before joining Alphinaud and Yugiri.
Wolf tells Alphie and Yugiri to go on ahead. Rau smiles. Thought - 'Thank goodness. I wanted him alone.'
Rau smiles sadly. Thought - 'Gods, but I missed him.' Wolf pleading/worried face, light tears - "Rau I - I"
Wolf hugs him tightly. Rau surprised. Wolf beaming with teary eyes - “I thought I'd lost you. I'm so glad you're okay.“
Rau puts arm around him sad "Okay? - I can't even hold you properly." Thought - ‘What must he think of me? Going into a blind rage like that.’
Wolf worried - "I'm so sorry I didn't mean -"
Rau smiles sadly and holds tight "I know. My apologies, I'm still trying to come to terms with everything. This will take some getting used to."
They pull away slightly but are lightly holding each other and beaming. Dark Thought - 'You're being very unprofessional. He's your commander, and ex besides.' Thought - 'I don't care. I'm so happy he's alive. I can't hide it. '
Wolf lightly touches Rau's shoulder - “Don't be sorry. It's an unimaginable loss. I will see Ilberd pay for this.” Rau miserable - “He... He was right though. I'm not the man I once was. Like he said - a bull with no balls, fit for naught but slaughter. How else could he have bested me like that?”
Wolf worried - “Don't listen to that fool for a damned moment! You were driven mad with grief and not thinking clearly. He may be right about some things, but he couldn't be more wrong about what it means to be a man.”
Wolf smiles comfortingly - “Tis true you aren't the man you once were. You've become so much more. A leader, a father, and yes - still a fearsome warrior. There is no way he could have defeated you in a fair fight.”
Wolf caring smirk - “It may not feel like it right now wasted and flea-ridden as you are, but once you've rested, healed, and gained some strength back you'll start to feel like yourself again. This is a terrible injury and some things will be more difficult, but it does not define you.”
Rau smiles with tears in his eyes and hugs Wolf. Thought - ‘How does he always know what I need to hear?’
Zoomed out shot of them hugging
Rau grimace - “I am suddenly very conscious of the fact that I need to bathe.” Wolf laughs - “You do smell quite awful.”
Wolf pulls away, worried - “I'm more concerned about getting you medical attention. They didn't heal you properly. I can help a bit while we're in the carriage to stave off infection but unfortunately, my conjury skills are quite rusty for something this advanced. We'll get you to a proper healer.”
Rau smirks - “I'll be fine for now. We need to hear more about Nanamo first. Does she live?”
Wolf surprised, turning to leave - “You're right. Pray let us return to the waking sands.” Thought - ‘Of course. We need to focus on finding her.’
 Rau grabs his wrist. "Wait"
 Wolf turns back around, wincing in pain. 
A) Rau confused "I'm sorry, did Ilberd hurt you?" B) Wolf looking nervous "No, it's nothing. Don't -"
Rau pulls his glove off, revealing a deep wound encircling his wrist. Rau looks into Wolf's eyes with worry. "What -"
Wolf sighs and pulls off his other glove, holding his wrists up "Nothing to worry about. They're just healing slowly."
Recognition flashes across Rau's face. Thought - 'That night…He fought his bonds enough to cause this…it must have been excruciating.'
Rau looks at his raw rope-burned wrists with concern "Wolf… why didn't you just have Alphinaud help heal you?"
Wolf looks Rau in the eyes with seriousness and determination "I wanted a constant reminder - that I needed to save you. They may have forced me out of Thanalan. Started focusing on their own agenda. They tried to distract me by helping the Ishgardians…but they couldn't take this from me. You were always my priority…you always will be."
Rau smiles and tears start freely falling down his face.
Rau pulls Wolf into another hug. "Hells Pup… T-Thank you for rescuing me."
Wolf wraps his arms around Rau. Thought - 'Does he realize what he just called me?' Dark Thoughts - 'Obviously not. The man is a loopy mess. You should stop bothering him and let him rest in the carriage.'
Wolf smiling - "Heh, didn't expect you to ever call me that again. You really must be tired."
Rau blushes, backing up. "Old habits." Thought - 'Damn, I need a nap.'
Rau pats Wolf's shoulder "Sincerely, thank you Wolfram."
Wolf smiles apologetically, putting his gloves back on - "I'm so sorry it wasn't sooner. I hated that I wasn't here. That I had to wait on news of where you were being held. …I'll admit I even gave your son a hard time the night of the banquet."
Rau smiles, wiping tears from his eyes. "Oh?"
They start walking, Rau gently holding on to Wolf’s hand.
Wolf looks at the hand holding his, thought - ‘He must be feeling dizzy or something. Damned Ilberd.’
Wolf embarrassed, hand on head - "I refused to leave Thanalan. He knocked me out and they got me in the carriage. Hell of a first impression." Thought - ‘Heh, if I hadn't fucked everything up, that little badass would be my son too…’
Rau amused, laughs - "That's my boy!" Wolf embarrassed "My behavior must have seemed strange to him. Does he... Know about our past?" Rau thought - ‘Hells, the poor kid helped me through the breakup.’
Rau smiles - "He doesn't know you by name, but he knows I had been seeing someone a short time before I adopted him.” Wolf sad smile - "I see". Wolf dark thought - “Of course he didn’t mention you. You were only together for two years. What did you think you were? The love of his life? Fool.’
Part 2
Dewlala cutscene. Narration - “After returning to The Waking Sands, Dewlala confirms the suspicion that the sultana is alive. It will be some time before they can rescue her, so the Warrior of Light must leave.”
Shot of them talking in the hall.
Wolf - “I'm so sorry I need to return to Ishgard this soon. Those Elezen are a mess. I wish I could stay to be of aid to you as you heal.” Thought - ‘...just ask me to stay. What’s another few days in their long war?’ 
Rau sad smile - “I wouldn't want to bother you with something so insignificant as that. Yugiri has assured me she has a healer well suited to aiding in my recovery.” Thought - ‘Though, it would be nice to spend more time together.’
Wolf looks sad - “You are not insignificant. Still, I do have full trust in our Doman friends.” Dark thought - ‘He needs rest. Not your dumb jokes.’ 
Rau smiles sadly. Thought - ‘He'd stay if I asked …wouldn't he? No - don't be selfish. Eorzea needs him.’
Wolf smiles hopefully and hands Rau something - “Please take this linkpearl. It is attuned to mine. Let me know the moment we have information on the Sultana's location.”
Rau grateful big smile as he places the pearl in his ear - “Thank you my friend.” Thought - ‘Maybe his voice will be enough…’
Rau shy look - “With this... feel free to speak to me at any time, for anything. It would be nice to hear from you more often.” Wolf surprised. Thought - ‘Surely he's just being polite?’
Wolf smiles - “I would like that as well.”
Wolf - “May your recovery be swift my friend. I'll see you again soon.” Rau smiles sadly - “Aye, I look forward to it.”
They hug (friendly).
Catch up on my WoLComics (Chronological List)
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