#il suo amore
teredo-navalis · 5 months
Dura cosa essere una persona insicura
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Thank you @alicevoidpassion for this masterpiece 🩷
Ho perso un polmone dal ridere 🤣🤣
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bbadgjrl · 2 years
"Io e te tiriamo fuori il peggio l'uno dall'altra.
Per quelli come noi esiste solo la solitudine.
Perché siamo rotti dentro.
Come i petali di un tarassaco che aspettano la prossima ondata di vento per sgretolarsi
effimeri nell'aria.
Può darsi che quei stessi petali non cadono tutti insieme, ma ptima o poi accade.
E lo stesso vale per il cuore.
Non puoi riattaccarlo se non ne hai più uno.
Non puoi riunire frantumi di anima che giorno dopo giorno svaniscono”
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swallowtail-ageha · 3 months
Quando l'anno scorso avevo detto che miquella aveva parallelismi con daeneys mi sarei dovuta fare una rattata di palle enorme perchè purtoppo ho evocato anche la scrittura pessima di daenerys nella stagione 8
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formulapookie · 4 months
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"Fanculo la Blasi io me scopo er Pupone"
-diggia, circa 2023
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pygian-weapon · 9 months
oh lin manuel miranda, avresti amato la ost di Johnny Oro
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segaligno · 1 month
Cerco quella ragazza che faccia l’amore solo ed esclusivamente con me. Che se ne freghi di Tik Tok e di Instagram, perché ci sono io a leccargliela, mica i reel della gente in cerca di visibilità.
Cerco quella ragazza che faccia quello che dico io. Che mi appartenga nell'anima e nel corpo, che viva solo per il nostro amore, immune alle distrazioni vuote del mondo moderno. Una fanciulla il cui sguardo si perda nei miei occhi, anziché nei freddi schermi illuminati da luci effimere.
Cerco quella ragazza che, nel silenzio delle notti stellate, ascolti solo la melodia del nostro respiro, sincronizzato come un'unica sinfonia di desiderio. Che non abbia bisogno di applausi digitali, perché troverà la sua gloria nell’adorarmi. Che scelga di essere la mia musa, di danzare con me sulle note di una passione eterna, di abbandonarsi a un amore che non conosce confini, in cui ogni tocco è un giuramento di fedeltà. Che faccia delle mie parole il suo vangelo, dei miei desideri il suo credo, che sappia perdersi nelle mie braccia e ritrovarsi, ogni volta, più vicina alla felicità.
Immagino quella ragazza che non abbia timore di abbandonare ogni maschera, di mostrarsi nella sua essenza più pura e vulnerabile, perché sa che nel mio abbraccio troverà rifugio e non giudizio. Cerco una compagna che, con la stessa devozione, mi stringa forte, come se fossi l’unico ancoraggio nel mare in tempesta. Una ragazza che non si perda nei riflessi ingannevoli del mondo, ma che si immerga nella verità del nostro legame, senza esitazioni, senza remore.
Desidero quella donna che non cerchi conferme altrove, ma che sappia che nel nostro amore c’è tutto ciò che le serve, tutto ciò che desidera, tutto ciò che sogna. Che sappia che le nostre anime si sono scelte non per caso, ma per una forza che va oltre il tempo e lo spazio, oltre i banali giochi delle apparenze. Una donna che sappia amare non solo con il corpo, ma con il cuore, con l’anima, con tutto ciò che è, in una comunione di intenti che ci renda inseparabili, invincibili.
Cerco quella ragazza che, nel nostro mondo, costruito solo per noi due, sappia che non esiste altro al di fuori, perché al di fuori non esiste nulla di più reale, di più intenso, di più vero di questo amore che brucia come un fuoco eterno, che illumina la nostra vita con una luce che nessuna tecnologia potrà mai eguagliare.
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francesco-nigri · 2 years
Francesco Nigri alla Fiera del Libro di Roma PIÙ LIBRI PIÙ LIBERI
Francesco Nigri alla Fiera del Libro di Roma PIÙ LIBRI PIÙ LIBERI
Francesco Nigri alla Fiera del Libro di Roma PIÙ LIBRI PIÙ LIBERI Il poeta Francesco Nigri ha partecipato a dicembre, nell’ambito dell’EBE’s BOOK TOUR – il ciclo di presentazioni del suo recente libro di poesie d’amore IL SEGRETO DI EBE, Edizioni Albatros Il Filo -, alla Fiera del Libro di Roma PIÙ LIBRI PIÙ LIBERI. Nigri si è recato in visita allo Stand dell’Editore Albatros Il Filo ed ha…
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givemeanorigami · 2 years
Per puro caso, sono inciampata nell'info che a Brescia, per la precisione in Piazza della Loggia in determinate ore serali, sarebbe apparso nientedimeno che il fantasma di Marlene Dietrich. Ora, a parte che è un'ora che non mi tolgo questa informazione inutile dalla testa e da approfondire, ma perché il fantasma di Marlene Dietrich dovrebbe stare in piazza a Brescia tra le 21 e le 23, a farsi una bevuta prima di coricarsi?
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bbadgjrl · 1 year
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copias-sewer-rat · 9 months
Naughty Presents: Papa Emeritus I x AFAB!Reader
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Summary: During the holidays Primo isn't as busy taking care of his dear flowers, but that doesn't mean he isn't going to ensure that you are taken care of.
Words: 6K
Warnings: smut, minors DNI, use of sex toys (sucker, dildo, bullet vibrator, bunny vibrator, cuffs and nipple pincers), edging, orgasm denial, slight roleplay (just a bit), cunnilingus, afab! reader, p in v action, grinding, over stimulation, uncomfortable possition, aftercare, bad translated Italian.
Available on Ao3
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Copia (Ao3)
Author's note: First day of the XXXMas at the Ministry series, a wonderful collab involving @ghulehunknown, @molly-ghuleh, @bupia and myself. Please stay tunned for their stories comming the following days, I will update this here story as they post so you can go read. Extra thanks to @bupia for her amazing job on the graphics that come along these fics, absolutely stunning.
It is peaceful. December in the Abbey has always been. The view from your room is pure bliss. Untouched white snow covering the gardens, the small lights from the streetlamps casting a warm tone to it, almost like clouds when the sun sets. At a distance you observe the greenhouse, the place where your amore spends most of his time, that is when he isn’t covering you with kisses and adoring your body. It feels melancholic now. There isn’t much to do now for him now and you know he is eager to return to his duties, his green thumb burning with desire to plant and to take care of his beloved flowers once again.
He has always had a gentle touch, putting all of himself into the things that he loves, his brothers, his flowers, you… Now that the holiday season has begun, Primo has come up with a plan to take care of il suo fiore preferito.
Sitting next to the window, very close to your bedroom chimney, you hear a shuffle. You had expected for Primo not to return for at least a couple more hours, having absented himself saying that he had an urgent meeting with his brothers about the New Year’s party. Maybe it is your imagination playing games with you, maybe you are hearing the crackling of the fire and falling asleep. You certainly feel tired, feeling too comfy in the pillow and blanket fort you have made for yourself. The warm silence fills the room once again and you close your eyes briefly. You begin drifting off to sleep without even noticing it.
The image of Primo pops in front of you almost instantly in your mind, and you feel the outside warmth spreading inside of you, making you blush as he stares at you lovingly. He is so handsome, you think. His shinny long white hair falling free over his face and shoulders, his painted face offering the warmest of smiles. Primo gets closer to you, enveloping your form into his, caressing your back with his long and skilled hands, slowly descending to your butt. He kisses your face, every inch of it and starts to travel to your neck, kissing your pulse as a moan escapes your lips while you feel his pressure on top of you. His kisses become more fervent, more desperate and you cannot avoid gripping the back of his shirt. You can feel him so clearly, his heat, his fragrance, — a mixture of his favourite tea and the herbal flowery scent that follows him everywhere he goes — his mouth leaving hickeys all over and then his sharp canines are biting into you with force, making you gasp and wake.
You jolt awake and a pair of hands grab your sides gently.
“Mio sole, are you okay?” Primo stands right in front of you, just as he had been in your dream. His hair falling in the exact same places, the same warm and content smile lighting up the dimness of the room. You wonder if you this is still a dream, but Primo grips your sides with more force as a response of your silence and you know this is the real deal.
“I am fine, caro. I just had a bit of a weird dream…” You confess with tiredness in your voice.
“Davvero? Would you like to tell me about it?” Primo asks, and a slight blush creeps to your cheeks. “Cuore mio, I heard your moans… I thought you were having fun without me, and that cannot be.” He smirks showing his teeth and the slight blush turns into a full-on red face.
“Well… It wasn’t without you…” You look at him, biting your lower lip.
“Ah.. now I am intrigued. Perhaps you might want to tell me while you open your presents?” You blink and see a lustful glint in Primo’s green eye.
“What’s this about? Dear, it is not even Christmas yet.” The question falls on deaf ears as Primo extends his hand for you to take.
You rise from your seat, leaving the comfort of your nest to follow your lover. His hand takes yours gently, rubbing his thumb over the top in a calming motion. There is nothing to fear, you know for sure, you trust Primo with your body and soul.
“Close your eyes, mio sole.” He says and you obediently oblige. “That’s it, amoruccio. Let me lead you and in the meantime, tell me about this dream of yours sì?” A couple of hands grab your sides to guide you, hands you would let do anything and everything to you…
“Well, it was nothing out of the ordinary…” Primo hums “you were kissing me, touching me all over…” He taps your hip, signaling you to continue “and then you bit me with force, probably making me bleed, but the pain felt… nice? Like it added to the general pleasure, you know?” You hear a small laughter coming from him, he is not mocking you, but there is something funny going on, probably related to your surprise, so you just hold your question for a bit longer.
With a few more steps you feel your surroundings changing. You are still in your shared apartment but you are changing rooms. Primo’s hands go up and down your sides reassuringly, and you giggle ticklishly.
“Mio sole, mi dispiace, please could you wait here for a moment?”
“Of course, caro.” You say, eyes still closed.
Primo moves away from you and you already miss him. You hear shuffling, rustling and clicking, which suddenly turns you into a ball of pure nervousness. ‘What is he up to?’ you think. The image you see with your close eyelids suddenly turns orange, and then you see orbs of light dancing around. You know where you are now, the clear image of your living room appears in your mind, the long green velvety sofa, the dark brick chimney, the tall bookshelves full of books and the enormous Christmas tree situated in the middle of the room.
From a distance Primo calls your name, telling you to open your eyes and once again you oblige. The sight you encounter is nothing short of mouth opening. Everything is exactly as you had pictured it but for all of the new details in front of the tree. Primo is there, dressed in a red Santa Claus outfit, without the beard that is as his makeup graces his beautiful aging features. But everything else is on point: the hat, the suit, the leather boots and gloves, he looks fantastic! That’s not the only thing that catches your attention though. He is seated on a chair you have never seen before, it almost looks like a throne, and around it there are several presents wrapped in beautiful paper, all of them decorated with neatly handmade bows.
Your mouth opens at the sight. You are no stranger to get surprises from Primo, but this is something else.
“What-What is this?” Words fail you, you are too in shock to speak properly and Primo gives you a low chuckle.
“I was in a festive mood and thought of a way to thank you for being you, so incredibly amazing and perfect you.” The blush returns to you once more. “Come close, Primo Claus has some presents for you.” You almost cannot process what is going on, but instinctively put a foot in front of the other and get before him. “Come on, sit on my lap and tell Primo Claus how naughty you have been this year.” He says with a low tone and you blink several times, raising your brow incredulously and pressing your lips together, trying not to laugh. This is so out of character for him, which does not mean that it is not turning you on like hell. In fact, you can feel the wetness of your core staring to be bothering, your previous dream started the fire and now you feel like you are going up in flames.
The glint in Primo’s gaze is even stronger now, undressing you as if you were a present yourself, so neatly wrapped and ready to be teared up bit by bit. Agonizingly slow you sit down, holding Primo’s gaze as you do so, not intending to be the only one that is going to suffer tonight. You finally sit on his lap and wiggle a bit, trying to find a comfortable position, or that’s the lie you tell Primo when he asks you to stop teasing and that’s when you feel him already half hard under you. Once settled, Primo speaks:
“Okay, mio sole. Tell me, have you been good or naughty this year?” Trying to hold your laughter, you rise a hand and put it covering your mouth as if you were thinking very hard about it.
“Oh, Primo Claus, I think I have been very naughty this year…” You confess, your tone slow and sensual, trying to tease him as much as he is teasing you.
“Davvero? Tell me. What naughty things have you done this year?” Primo asks raising a hand and grabbing your chin so you don’t advert our gaze as you speak.
“Well, you see, my partner is a very horny old man and so we have done it everywhere, and I mean everywhere: the kitchen, the bedroom, this same living room in different areas, the bathroom, the closet, the gardens, the classrooms, the chapels, the confessional booths, his office, in some corridors as well…” As you continue your list, you feel Primo’s breath deepen, his heart beating faster and his cock getting harder.
“I get it, but lucky for you, Primo Claus does not reward people who have been nice, I reward naughty people… I get them as many presents as their horny hearts might desire. But you, amore, you are a special case because I want to try all these presents with you, right now.” There it is, that is what all of this was about, but you cannot complain. In fact, you are eager to follow along. The only proof that you need to know that you are going to enjoy this is Primo’s almost erect cock pressing on your butt.
“Really? Presents? For me?” You question with and innocent tone and doe eyes.
“Of course, I couldn’t leave my amore without presents…” Primo says as he leans down and grabs a medium size package, handing it to you with a toothy grin. “Open it!”
With shaky hands you tear the paper, the butterflies in your stomach becoming more intense when the first present is revealed: a couple of red puffy handcuffs.
“Primo? What-?” The question dies on you as he suddenly puts his lips on top of yours, kissing you fervently, his tongue entering your mouth, taking advantage of your surprised expression. His hands go directly to your back, holding you in place and yours travel to the back of his neck, leaving the box over your lap, toying with his platinum locks as he greedily explores your mouth.
“Amore, these presents are not my gift to you. Today, my gift to you is immeasurable pleasure. You are going to cum over and over on top of me, and I am not going to stop until I know that you are completely and utterly satisfied.” Primo says as he parts from you, his voice a whisper against your lips, and you gulp hard. “Do you want that, mio sole?”
“I do, please, Primo… I want it all.” You breath and he hums.
“Bene” With haste, Primo takes the box from your lap and opens it, revealing a pair of cute puffy handcuffs. They are red, which you feel he choose because of the holidays, to pair with his outfit. Discarding the box to the side he holds your sides and motions for you to stand up. “This is the only time you are going to stand up until we finish with this amore…” The look on his eyes is of pure lust, if he was undressing you before, now he is fucking you with his gaze. “Be good, undress for me.” Primo says, spreading his legs so you can see the bulge on his pants.”
Without a word, every piece of clothing gets discarded to the floor. Primo groans as he looks at you, grabbing his crotch to offer some comfort to his aching cock. He was sure that he was going to be hard during the whole ordeal, but he didn’t take into account how the dominance of it all was going to make him so fucking desperate to fuck you. Today, however, is all about your pleasure. He will find a way later to ease the need.
In a couple of minutes you are completely bare before him, the heat from the chimney not doing much as your nipples get rock hard in the winter cold. Primo eyes you up and down, his chest rising and falling slowly. A few seconds later he motions for you to get close and resume your previous position on his lap. Once settled he shows you the cuffs, opens them and lets you touch them.
“I want this to be pleasurable for you, my dear. If you don’t feel good or you want me to stop, please let me know, sì?” You nod with a smile, trying to look calm but you can feel yourself vibrating. The feeling of Primo’s hand on your back, the texture of the velvety suit all over your naked body and his breath hitting your neck are driving you insane. And he hasn’t done anything to you! “Arms back, amore, I am going to cuff you up.” Obediently, your hands are set comfortably at the low of your back, almost touching your ass. The cuffs restrain your movements but you don’t feel them tight, they are quite nice actually, the synthetic hair that covers them softens the rigidness of the metal and you appreciate that Primo has chosen this pair in particular. “Now that you are tied up you cannot open your presents, so I hope you don’t mind if I do it for you?” Primo asks with a grin.
“It is okay… I don’t mind.” It comes out in a whisper, almost out of breath as your chest rises and falls in anticipation. The power that he holds right now is making you feel so vulnerable, so small under him, but you love it.
Primo grabs another present, a bit larger this time. Setting it on your lap and tearing the paper. This time the present is a clitoral sucker. There is no pause as he gets the second toy out of its box.
“Papa, those toys come without charge, you know that right?” You ask teasingly.
“Good thing then that I charged every single one of them before I wrapped them, huh amoruccio?” ‘He is really committed, dear Satanas’ you think. ‘There is no escape from this one.’
Without warning he starts kissing your neck, licking that same spot you had dreamed about minutes earlier, now feeling absolutely real. His tongue is so hot, so wet and you regret having your hands tied up as you cannot touch him at all. As best as you can you wiggle to get closer to his body but he stops kissing you.
“Sì, be naughty if you want your present my love…” You face finds the crook of his neck and suddenly a click sound makes you jump slightly. With his free hand, Primo parts your legs and makes you recline slightly so he can have better access to your already dripping cunt. “Stay still.” You turn slightly to see the humming toy approach the place where you need it most. Your forehead is pressed against Primo’s neck, the anticipation building your arousal until he places the sucker to your clit.
The vibrations shake you instantly, the pressure to your clit immediately traveling through your entire body. Your legs feel like gelatin and you know you won’t be able to hold your first orgasm for long. The intense tightening of your abdomen getting more and more difficult to handle as the sucker deals with the bundle of pure lust in between your legs.
“Caro, please, if you don’t stop- ah- I am- I- am going to cum so fast, please… AH-” The scorching heat inside of your dreads to escape so quickly but Primo grabs your side, the feeling of the leather soothing you but doing nothing you alleviate the tension building up inside of you.
“I need to cum, Primo, please, let me cum, don’t take it away, please…”
“That cannot be, we have so many things to try… This was only the appetizer…” As the sentence is finished he takes the sucker from your clit, making you launch yourself forward seeking the contact of it. Gently, Primo holds you and leaves the toy on the floor, grabbing another package. You pant, the air does not stay in your lungs for long and Primo chuckles. “So worked up already huh? Hope you can take all my presents mio sole…”
Slowly, tearing up the paper once more of an even larger package, the third present is revealed before your eyes: a vibrating wand. Your mouth waters, the aching in your core needing it desperately and involuntarily your hips thrust forward, but you cannot move that much more being as restrained as you are. No words are uttered this time, Primo knows what you need and he is going to give it you. Once it is on, he gets the wand closer to your core, not touching it, but looking at it you can feel the vibrations all through you.
“Primo, please. I need it. Please, per favore, make me cum…” You shift slightly, rubbing his erect member, teasing as much as you can so he gives it to you already, but the plan doesn’t go as planned when he withdraws the toy from the proximity of your core.
“I told you to be naughty, not a teaser my dear. In the end, I am the one bestowing these gifts to you, you need to treat me good, sì?” Tears form in your eyes and you nod.
“Yes, I am sorry, I’ll be good.”
“Davvero? Then moan for me, my love…” Suddenly, the wand is pressed against your clit without a warning. The vibrations stronger than before, the tightening in your abdomen quickly approaching as you moan for your lover.
“Primo, ah- ah- fuck! So good! Don’t stop please, don’t- I- I am going to cum! Please keep-keep going, ah- fuck, fuck, fuck-”
“Do it for me my dear, cum now for your Papa…” and oh Satanas, you do, so hard. Your whole body spams on top of him and you involuntarily rub your ass against his hardness, making him moan as well. “Cazzo, my love, that was powerful… you feel so good on top of me, fuck!”
Trying to regain your breath, Primo turns off the toy and leaves it next to the sucker. Immediately after another package is on his hands while you try to compose yourself back.
“This is a special one, we haven’t tried something like this before, but you are going to look so good with it on…” He says, breaking the paper on top of your lap once more.
The toy in front of you is not familiar to you, but the form tells you everything you need to know. The picture in the box shows a necklace supporting two chains that end on some type of pincers, and you blush instantly. He takes it out and puts the velvety choker around your neck as if it were the most beautiful diamond necklace. Then, he grabs the two pincers and shows them to you.
“These won’t hurt, but if you feel too uncomfortable, please, let me know.”
“Okay…” You say in a low tone, almost embarrassed of how easily Primo can make you tremble so much while being so gentle with you.
“MMMMMMMMM!!!” you hiss from the contact in pleasure as he pinches one of your nipples, rubbing your core against his leg in response, coating it all with your juices. His eyes go wide open, he had never heard you moan like that. Then, he goes for the other and now you scream from how the pinch-y feeling on your very sensitive nips is making you want to choke on Primo’s cock. The pressure feels so nice against your swollen nips, but you need so much fucking more. You continue rubbing yourself on the velvety fabric of Primo’s pants, chasing your pleasure once again. Primo lets you move briefly, the chains around your chest and your reddened nipples have him hypnotized, how they hug your body, how the metal slaps your skin and gets stuck where you are sweating. The beads of sweat mixing with the shinning metal and the swollen and slightly bruised skin, all that combined with your desperate motions and sounds…. he wants to fuck you senseless, no, he needs it. You are his present and you just got a nice little bow to go along how fucking sinful you look right now. His cock rubs slightly against your ass and he doesn’t stop you this time, he needs some type of relief, but he doesn’t want to be greedy. This is entirely about you, he remembers, so he reconsiders and grabs your shoulders, stopping you instantly.
“Cuore mio, as much as I would like to fuck you until you could not move for a few days, e credimi, lo voglio, cazzo… This is about you…”
He is so cute, he really wants to prioritize your pleasure, but you have other plans. You don’t really want to do have all the fun alone, even if he is the one administrating your pleasure, Christmas is about sharing after all.
“Give me another present, I crave it. I need to cum again… Primo please…”
“Peccaminoso Satana, I am going to give you everything you need…” Primo grabs present number five and tears the paper without hesitation. This time it is a normal bullet vibrator.
“This one is just to get you ready for the rest, love, we won’t be using it as much…”
As Primo gets the vibrator closer to your opening you cannot avoid the shiver that runs through your spine. The over stimulation of your first orgasm still sending waves of pleasure and spasms all over your body. Involuntarily, trying to avoid the contact with the toy, you wiggle backwards on Primo’s lap. Noticing your sudden attempt to flee he tightens his grab around you, keeping you in place.
“Love, you have to be brave. It was only one orgasm… I know by experience that you can give me more. Per favore, permettimi di farti venire…” There is no need for you to understand what he is saying because you know and your core twitches in delight, the over stimulation from before turning once again into the need to be filled and taken care of. So, silently you buckle your hips forward once more to the same position as before, your cuffed hands pressing on Primo’s thigh, making him shiver under you. He is so desperate for any type of pressure that the sightless touch from his amore makes him jump.
Accepting your fate, you fold your knees and spread your legs open, letting your cunt free for Primo to see. From his position, he can see your folds glistening, your clit engorged and red and your entrance so deliciously looking, so ready to be fucked. Primo licks his lips, he is so thirsty for you, he just wants to put his face between your legs and eat you out like the most delicious Christmas feast. Then, he catches you looking at him with puppy eyes, you have been left there waiting, how rude of him, he couldn’t never deny you anything.
Primo opens his legs slightly so your butt leans on the more than spacious throne’s cushion, which makes you fall back, but thankfully Primo’s gloved hand pushes on your back slightly, placing itself on the broad of it. When he looks at you for confirmation for him to continue you nod, and he guides the bullet dildo to your entrance. When it finally goes in, it opens your folds with a wet sound that makes you moan. The toy isn’t specially big, but its coldness, the pressure on your nipples and your previous orgasm makes it feel so fucking good. Primo follows a rhythmic pattern in and out, in and out, your core sucking in the toy with ease… maybe too much ease. You need something much bigger, Primo thinks, something that opens you up just like his cock does.
With a pop sound, Primo gets the dildo out of you and in return you mewl sweetly, begging for its return. You are so horny, all this teasing, this denial, the anticipation and even the slight feeling of despair, it is making you so fucking horny. You just want to be fucked over and over and over and over.
As if reading your mind, Primo gets another present, the biggest yet. He catches you looking at it and rises the still wrapped package. As he does so, you take notice of a folded piece of the wrapping paper that hangs loosely. Straightening your back and using only your teeth, you grab the paper and go down, tearing it open with your mouth. Primo observes attentively, his aching cock more and more in need of attention. Waves of memories come back to him of you using your mouth so sweetly and skillfully on his leaking shaft. He thanks the Dark Lord every single day for bringing you into his life, filling every single aspect of his life with your light and your warmth, you are his sole after all, and he will ache for you forever.
The next present is a bunny vibrator, also red, Primo has really committed to the holiday theme. Your mouth waters, so ready to feel what Primo has to offer. As a token of your appreciation you kiss him, hot and sloppily, trying not to fall from your position and he reciprocates eagerly. Every movement you do, every look, every moan it is driving him closer to the edge, and now… this…
While kissing you, he positions the dildo to your entrance, getting the clitoral vibrator also in its place. When he turns it on you moan in his mouth, clenching your hands on his thigh, feeling the waves of shock on your swollen clit. Primo takes the chance of your open mouth to bite your bottom lip and enter you with the dildo at the same time and, oh, you could die right there and then and thank Satan for this wonderful gift of lust.
“FUCKING HELL, PRIMO! l-love! It is so good! ah, mmmm” You scream once he let off your lip. The wet sounds of your walls sucking the dildo are music to Primo’s ears. This is exactly what he wanted and yet… he feels like a fucking selfish bastard for wanting you to make those sounds because of his cock, not some toy. The whole point of this was to pleasure you, but he can do that himself. Now he feels a bit distraught, so he is not going to stop until you beg to be fucked by him, no matter how long it takes.
He doesn’t know, but that is what you want as well, you love how he is making you feel, how much he cares about your pleasure, but you also need him so deep inside you. “Aah, ah, ah, AGH AGH!” You scream with each pound into your core, every thrust deeper than the last. It doesn’t get as deep as Primo’s dick, but it is doing its job nonetheless.
“I am going to cum, holy shit, fuck, fuck, Primo-” He is about to loose it, your ass is grinding his cock, and he might cum just because of that. “Please, oh shit, oh fuck, fuck me, please fucking fuck me I need your cock, fuck!” You almost cry, the chains on your chest hitting your sweaty chest, your arms starting to go numb, it is all too much.
“I need to fuck you too, mio sole. But be good, cum for me first, sì? I want to see your pussy clenching this fucking toy mhm? Think it is my cock, then I will give you the real deal.” The need for him to fuck you sends you into a powerful orgasm, one that Primo guides with the toy, putting more pleasure on your clit, making you even squirt all over his pants.
“Cuore mio, così fottutamente peccaminoso, ti scoperò finché non lo farai intorno al mio cazzo.” He whispers with a grave voice that makes you dizzy. You are spent, your orgasm hitting you so hard that you even regret slightly having asked Primo for more, because as you begin to breath normally once again he picks you up as best as he can and sits you on the throne. Not only that, but he unleashes your hands for a second before asking you to rise them over your head. With your limbs hurting you do as he says, grabbing the top part of the throne, and right there Primo locks your hands together again with the pink cuffs. Once you are settled, you observe a couple of unopened presents around you. Wow, you are really THAT horny for each other, huh?
“I need to see you, see the mess that you have made just for me…” Your legs hurt, everything hurts, but the need for Primo wins every single time. As best as you can you spread your legs open, letting them hang over the armrests of the throne. There, he sees your beautiful cunt, swollen, glistening with your release and he kneels there, smelling your juices. He is so fucking hard, but first he needs this, he needs his mouth on you, to taste how sweet your nectar is.
Primo dives right in, his hands at each of your legs, supporting your effort. His hooked nose bruises your clit in the most delicious way, and even if your body feels so tired, with a couple of licks from his skilled tongue you can feel the tightness in your belly starting to build up again. He drinks from you, his face pure lust as he looks at you, lost in your own pleasure, and you wonder how he is holding without touching his erection. He won’t strain from his path, right now being lost in your perfectly sweet cunt.
“Love, please, I need you buried inside of me, give me your cock, scoparmi… per favore, caro…” He needs nothing more. As a man possessed, Primo gets up on his feet and with a dark look starts to work on his pants, still drenched with your arousal and his paints messed from your juices, some of them probably staining your thighs and folds. A satisfied moan escapes his lips as the air of the room hits his cock. Right then you realize how bad he must feel. His dick is so red and swollen, the precum drenching his whole length, glistening like a melting popsicle waiting for a hungry mouth to suck on it.
“Quando lucifero creò il peccato della carne essi pensarono al tuo corpo e ai molti modi in cui poteva essere adorato. Sto per godermi di nuovo il suo dono come se fosse la prima volta, tutto per me.” He groans in quick Italian and you moan in return. You don’t understand a word but, by Satan, does it turn you on when he is so lost in his carnal desire that all that comes out is Italian praises and curses.
“Caro, please, please…”
“Come si desidera…” And with that he aligns himself, hissing from the contact with your cunt “Così fottutamente bagnato, così caldo…” and he goes in with a single motion, slowly, enjoying how your walls clench around his length. All the time he had been outside from you while you enjoyed your present it was killing him, he realizes that now. His place is inside of you, beside you, always with you, nowhere else.
He bottoms in, hitting your cervix on the first try.
“Fucking hell, dear Lucifer… please, oh, please!” You don’t know what you are asking for at this point.
“Dammi un altro, so che puoi farlo, un altro per il tuo Papa” Primo starts to move at a quick pace, he knows he isn’t going to take him long to become undone and he also knows you will be undone soon as well.
There are no words between you now, just pure horny nonsense and the sound of skin against skin, wet and hot and fucking pornographic. Your hands hurt, your knuckles turn white from the grip on the throne and your head goes backwards, your eyes following to the back of your head. Primo grabs your thighs and rises your lower part, your back arching in a very uncomfortable way, but you don’t mind, this way he has a better angle.
He knows how to fuck you so well and you take it the same way, the stretch of your walls making you scream his name over and over so you just open your mouth in awe and close your eyes, lost in pure bliss.
“C-cum for me, mio sole. I am so close too, so… fucking… agh… close.”
With that there is no way of stopping your impending climax, and you do, once again squirting violently around his length. Primo pumps in and out of you, getting his cock almost out of you with every single thrust as he reaches his own orgasm then, his cum mixing with your own release, ropes of his seed flying to your stomach and ever your chest.
“Cazzo! So fucking perfect for me, the- the most perfect creature in the entire world…fuck……..”
Once he is done, Primo falls forward, letting go of your legs but still inside of you, his length going soft. Both your breaths are uneven, you are specially tired after so many earth-shattering orgasms. Sleep catching up quickly with you even in your uncomfortable possition. When Primo takes notice of you almost falling asleep from pure exhaustion, he collects himself, sets you free and lets the chain around your chest fall to the ground, making you groan as thanks, coherent words impossible to be formed right now.
Gently, he grabs your naked form, pulls you to your feet and accompanies you to your shared bathroom where he draws a warm bath to clean you whole. The steam and the warmth calm your aching muscles, making you almost fall asleep right there, but Primo doesn’t let you. He washes you, every single sore part treated with the upmost care and you thank the very day you met him because he is the best present you could have ever gotten. Clearly, he thinks the same as he tucks you into bed, kissing your cheek, looking at you with such love and affection, wishing nothing more than to spend the rest of his life by your side.
Italian translations:
amore: love
il suo fiore preferito: his favourite flower
mio sole: my sun
Davvero?: really?
Cuore mio: my heart
amoruccio: my little love
mi dispiace: I’m sorry
bene: good
e credimi, lo voglio, cazzo: and believe me, I fucking want that
peccaminoso Satana: sinful Satan
Per favore, permettimi di farti venire: Please, allow me to make you cum
così fottutamente peccaminoso, ti scoperò finché non lo farai intorno al mio cazzo: so fucking sinful, I am going to fuck you until you do that around my cock
scoparmi… per favore, caro: fuck me, please, dear
Quando Lucifero creò il peccato della carne essi pensarono al tuo corpo e ai molti modi in cui poteva essere adorato. Sto per godermi di nuovo il suo dono come se fosse la prima volta, tutto per me, sempre così buono per me: When Lucifer created the sin of the flesh they thought about your body and the many ways it could be adored. I am about to enjoy his gift once again as if it was the first time, all for me.
come si desidera: as you wish
così fottutamente bagnato, così caldo: so fucking wet, so hot
dammi un altro, so che puoi farlo, un altro per il tuo Papa: give me one more, I know you can do it, one more for your Papa
@megachaoticstupid @eternal-kosmo-ghoul @stephnthangss @sacred-coffin @her-satanic-wiles @bitchywitchygardener @da-rulah @m0rbidmacabre @fxnofthxngs @foxybouquet @oh-my-beel @allthisandtea @st4rving4in @deetz-ghuleh @redthefieryginger @sodoswitchimage @discountdemonwarehouse @molly-ghuleh @ghulehunknown @thew0man @megachaoticstupid @eternal-kosmo-ghoul @stephnthangss @the-did-i-ask
Please remember that if you I'll be tagging you on the rebblogs for my the fics of my mates so you don't miss anything, lots of love
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occhietti · 6 days
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La Lupa ha l'abitudine di arrotolarsi al collo del suo Lupo, perché il collo è la sua parte più vulnerabile.
Questo è il modo di dimostrargli il suo Amore incondizionato. I Lupi sono animali molto fedeli e amorevoli: hanno solo un partner nella loro vita.
Il Lupo è famoso per dimostrare alla sua Lupa una tenerezza e un affetto straordinari. E lei sa ricambiarlo perfettamente.
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Molto dobbiamo imparare da loro.
- Cit.
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lady--vixen · 4 months
È stato il suo sguardo a convincermi. Diceva qualcosa tipo "perché mi hanno abbandonato?". Mi sono vista allo specchio. Era il 2019. L'ho portata a casa che pesava quanto un chihuahua. In auto piangeva tra gioia e disperazione. La veterinaria: "Dalle da mangiare poco alla volta o muore". Era trasparente. La bastarda che l'aveva adottata portandola qui da Roma, non si sa bene perché, non le dava da mangiare. La teneva col cappottino addosso per non far vedere ai volontari quanto cazzo fosse magra. Il cane fantasma. Stava morendo di fame. Gliel'hanno portata via. L'hanno data a me. I primi giorni stava al passo senza che gliel'avessi insegnato. Sempre a sinistra, sempre con quella faccia da "ti prego, non farmi male". Mi fissava sempre. Cercava di anticipare i miei desideri. Se sentiva un'auto fermarsi, cercava protezione tra i miei piedi. La voce di uomo la faceva tremare. "Amore, tu stai qui, nessuno ti porta via." Le ore passate a giocare con la palla. Le ore passate a tenerla vicina e protetta. Come fai a convincere un cane che non le farai del male? Che può fidarsi di te? Non lo so. So che l'ha fatto e non ci ha nemmeno messo tanto. Il peso è andato a posto. Ha sviluppato dei bei muscoli, un vocione, il passo sicuro. Non sta più sulla sinistra. Ora sta davanti, dietro, sopra. Salta. Corre. Sorride. Scodinzola. 13 kg d'amore. Mi ha visto tornare a casa pelata e non mi ha riconosciuta. Mi ha annusato quando sapevo di chimico. È stata attenta a non toccarmi mai il PICC. Ha avuto pazienza quando non riuscivo più a fare le scale e giocare. Ha avuto fiducia. Lei, un cane, mi ha dimostrato che ci si può ancora fidare.
Piano piano.
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segaligno · 3 months
In un mondo dove le anime sembrano fluttuare senza ancore, come foglie portate dal vento capriccioso, mi ritrovo a vagare tra le ombre dei miei desideri e delle mie paure. Oh, quanto anelo una compagna le cui virtù risplendano come gemme rare, e il cui cuore sia un giardino segreto, accessibile solo a chi possiede la chiave dell'amore vero e incondizionato.
Non cerco una figura effimera, una creatura che si disperda nel caotico turbinio delle notti moderne, dove la passione è spesso scambiata per mero capriccio, e la fedeltà è un concetto relegato ai sognatori. No, il mio spirito brama qualcosa di più sublime, un connubio sacro tra due anime che si riconoscono e si scelgono nella vastità dell'universo.
Immagino una donna il cui sguardo sia un riflesso delle stelle, e il cui sorriso possieda la dolcezza del miele. Una compagna la cui grazia non sia macchiata da incontri fugaci, ma che invece custodisca nel suo petto un amore puro e inalterabile. Nei suoi occhi vorrei scorgere la promessa di un domani in cui le nostre vite si intrecciano con la forza delle radici secolari, resistenti a ogni intemperie.
In lei, cerco la delicatezza di un fiore di campo, la cui bellezza risiede nella sua semplicità e autenticità. Il suo cuore, spero, sia un santuario di fedeltà, dove ogni battito è per me un canto di devozione eterna. Voglio che ogni suo gesto, ogni suo respiro, sia un inno alla nostra unione, un testamento della sua scelta irrevocabile di camminare al mio fianco, nonostante le tempeste che la vita possa scatenare.
Desidero una musa la cui purezza d'animo sia un faro nel buio, una compagna che non si lasci corrompere dalle lusinghe effimere del mondo. La sua integrità deve essere un monolito inamovibile, e il suo amore, una fiamma che arde con intensità inestinguibile.
Oh, quanto sarebbe dolce perdurare al suo fianco, immersi in una sinfonia di emozioni, dove ogni nota è un palpito del nostro amore sincero. Insieme, costruiremmo un universo parallelo, una realtà dove il tradimento è un concetto sconosciuto, e la lealtà è il nostro vessillo.
Così, in questa ricerca di un amore così puro e prezioso, mi lascio guidare dal cuore, sperando che un giorno le nostre anime si incontrino e si riconoscano, dando vita a una storia che sfida il tempo e le convenzioni, un racconto scritto con l'inchiostro dell'eternità.
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francesco-nigri · 2 years
Francesco Nigri al Jazz Cafe di Roma
Francesco Nigri al Jazz Cafe di Roma
Francesco Nigri al Jazz Cafe di Roma A Roma a dicembre per proseguire l’EBE’s BOOK TOUR – il ciclo di presentazioni del suo recente libro di poesie d’amore IL SEGRETO DI EBE, Edizioni Albatros Il Filo -, il poeta Francesco Nigri ha vissuto una serata inattesa. Nigri si è recato al Jazz Cafe di Piazza Navona per assistere al concerto della Band romana All Rights Mama e la serata si è arricchita…
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angelap3 · 26 days
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Tanto tempo fa la Follia decise di invitare tutti i sentimenti a prendere un caffè da lei.
Dopo il caffè, la Follia propose:
- Si gioca a nascondino?
- Nascondino? Che cos'è? - domandò la Curiosità.
- Nascondino è un gioco. Io conto fino a cento e voi vi nascondete. Quando avrò terminato di contare, comincerò a cercarvi e il primo che troverò sarà il prossimo a contare.
Accettarono tutti ad eccezione della Paura e della Pigrizia, che rimasero a guardare in disparte.
1,2,3,... - la Follia cominciò a contare.
La Fretta si nascose per prima, dove le capitò.
La Timidezza, impacciata come sempre, si nascose in un gruppo di alberi.
La Gioia corse festosamente in mezzo al giardino, noncurante di un vero e proprio nascondino.
La Tristezza cominciò a piangere, perché non trovava un angolo adatto per nascondersi.
L'Invidia, ovviamente, si unì all'Orgoglio e si nascose accanto a lui dietro un grande masso.
La Follia continuava a contare mentre i suoi amici si nascondevano.
La Disperazione era sconfortata vedendo che la Follia era già a novantanove.
Cento! - gridò la Follia - Adesso verrò a cercarvi!
La prima ad essere trovata fu la Curiosità, poiché non aveva potuto impedirsi di uscire
per vedere chi sarebbe stato il primo ad essere scoperto.
Guardando da una parte, la Follia vide il Dubbio sopra un recinto che non sapeva da quale lato avrebbe potuto nascondersi meglio.
E così di seguito furono scoperte… la Gioia, la Tristezza, la Timidezza e via via tutti gli altri.
Quando tutti finalmente si radunarono, la Curiosità domandò:
- Dov'è l'Amore?
Nessuno l'aveva visto. Il gioco non poteva considerarsi concluso, così la Follia cominciò a cercarlo.
Cercò in cima ad una montagna, lungo il fiume, sotto le rocce… ma dell'Amore, nessuna traccia.
Setacciando da tutte le parti, la Follia si accorse di un rosaio, prese un pezzo di legno e cominciò a frugare tra i rami spinosi, quando ad un tratto sentì un lamento…
Era l'Amore, che soffriva terribilmente perché le spine gli avevano appena perforato gli occhi.
La Follia non sapeva che cosa fare, si scusò per aver organizzato un gioco così stupido,
implorò l'Amore per ottenere il suo perdono e commossa dagli esiti di quel danno irreversibile arrivò fino a promettergli che l'avrebbe assistito per sempre.
L'Amore, rincuorato, accettò la promessa e quelle scuse così sincere.
Così, da allora, l'Amore è cieco e la Follia lo accompagna sempre.
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