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nobunagas-chatelaine · 3 years ago
Emotional damage
Kicho : Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something? Nobunaga : Nope, absolutely not. Ieyasu : I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through. Masamune : I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life. Hideyoshi : I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you. Mitsuhide : I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome.
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theravenshade · 5 years ago
Of Life and Death
Hi! I'm Raven! This is my first writing that I'm posting on here, and I'm really happy with it! I'd like to expand on the little universe I've created here and I really hope you like it!
Beginning of Life
Nobunaga walked the world with Anastasia. The highbeing of Earth gushed animatedly over her work, quite proud and eager to show it off to the highbeing of Conquest. While she showed off anything from vast oceans and steep mountains to quaint fields and mysterious forests, Nobunaga simply observed with a keen eye. She had done well, but the world had yet to replicate his vision.
"-llo? Nobunaga?" Anastasia waved her hands before his crimson gaze. They had stopped in a rather beautiful spot, a secluded clearing at the base of a mountain. It was rich in greenery, and the sound of trickling water could be heard from a small waterfall at it's very edge. There were a few flowers dusted about. It wasn't an even sprinkling in any set location, but a clump of hydrangeas did seem to favor the outskirts near the shade. Tall, sturdy trees outlined the hidden oasis with bracken sprinkled throughout. Some of the rocks near the mountain glistened with water and others were home to moss and vine, creeping around to find a comfortable home.
"You have done well, Anastasia." Nobunaga smiled, tilting his head. Anastasia gaped at him, she certainly hadn't expected him to praise her. While she was proud of her work, Nobunaga's face gave off no emotion and it had unsettled her. "Oh uh-" she sputtered. "Well, I put particular effort into this one spot." Nobunaga nodded, once more glancing about the whimsical glade. "I can tell. And this place shall be the birth of Life itself."
Anastasia blinked at Nobunaga as he strode past her and walked until the water reached his waist. What was happening? Confusion swept through her being and she took a step forward, now hyperaware of the abundance, and at the same time lack, of life around her. Of the lush grass underneath her feet, the earthy scent of soil and the swaying of leaves in the wind. What was Nobunaga doing?
Anastasia took another step, planning to get closer when a bright light flared up. She gasped and stumbled backwards, throwing a hand over her eyes in shock. She held it there for a moment in order to adjust to the sudden intrusion into her pupils before slowly lowering it. His hand seemed to glow with the force of fire and something in the water responded in kind. Thrusting his hand into the water, Conquest began to walk backwards, leading from the water the figure of a woman who seemed to glow.
She was beautiful, a small wisp of a woman with hair reminiscent of the sun. She was tan, warm, eyes the color of the sky on a cloudless day, and naked. She was completely naked. Like, super naked. Naked as the day a babe is born, in a way she was.
Anastasia quickly covered her eyes to respect the new Highbeing's privacy, and the new young woman flushed brightly once she realized her own nakedness. Nobunaga waved a hand in her direction and attractive robes materialized over her form.
He went to stand beside Anastasia, admiring the new Highbeing who grabbed fistfulls of her clothing in both curiosity and fear. "Welcome to earth, Rome. Bringer of Life."
Beginning of Death
Conquest, Earth, and Life were by themselves for not more than a week before the first two realized that there was a problem. Rome loved her job. Loved her job. She loved it to the point that there were far too many creatures roaming about for the time being, and Anastasia wasn't near finished with her job yet. But there wasn't quite a way to get rid of them. They only multiplied and their numbers never dwindled, Rome could not bear to senselessly part with her creations as she was prone to her emotions and had a rather large heart. Due to this, Nobunaga struggled with his next decision, as neither he nor Anastasia wished to harm the princess in any way.
One day, Nobunaga went to visit Rome and see what else she had come up with. While her frequent creations were currently causing a problem, they were rather interesting. Before he had the chance to properly look for her, she had already found him. "Oh! Nobunaga!" Rome chirped. "There you are! Look at who I made!" She grinned brightly, darting up close and holding out her hands. In them, a quartet of small fuzzy creatures remained still other than the occasional twitching of a round ear or long tail. Nobunaga studied them. Though he would never ever admit it, they were rather cute and reminded him of Rome. He tilted his head when an idea began to take shape.
"And what do you call them?" He brought a finger up to pet them and they wiggled closer. "These are mice." Her eyes glowed, pleased. "I would like to give them to you as a gift." This was no surprise and he should expect nothing less, as Rome had frequently sought Anastasia and himself out in order to gift them a new creature. Her eyes earnestly sought his and any sort of reaction. His face remained still, except for a small smile which never gave anything away much to Anastasia and Rome's distress. "I will take one, any instructions?" His deep voice rumbled as the idea continued to bloom and take shape within his mind. "Just keep it away from the foxes!" Rome smiled before kneeling, and letting them scamper from her palms and into the grass. "No matter what I do, the foxes always seem too fond of chasing them. I'm afraid they'll eat them up!" Nobunaga continued to smile, quite pleased with what he would soon do.
Nobunaga excused himself from Rome's company and traveled up the mountain by her birthplace. He climbed up to the water source which fed into her waterfall and walked forward. There was a cave in which a white fox had crafted his den. Nobunaga held the mouse in his hands, looking down at the little thing. She blinked, but lay very still as he closed his hands. His hands grew colder than ice, so cold that if anyone touched them they would not be able to recognize any sign of life. Despite this, the mouse remained unharmed. He kneeled and let go of the small animal, watching as she ran straight for the cave.
He waited. The sun dipped low in the sky, day turned to night, and when feeling a shift of power, Nobunaga stood ready to leave. He strode to the path that would take him back down to earth and looked back. Two pale, golden glowing eyes were peering at him from the dark cave.
When Life met Death
The world was dark and Rome had retreated to her clearing for the night. She strung up her hair in a ponytail with a ribbon and began to disrobe to bathe in a nearby hotspring. She knew that Nobunaga and Anastasia would be nowhere nearby, so she could avoid what happened when she was first born. Honestly, a traumatizing experience. Golden eyes followed her form from the shadows.
Rome lowered herself into the warm water and relaxed a moment, humming to herself. She enjoyed quiet moments like these, but had often wondered what it might be like to not be alone as often as she was. It didn't feel right, Anastasia got to work closely with Nobunaga and vice versa. It wasn't fair to be this lonely. This train of thought always upset her, it was as if there was a part of her that was missing. That something was wrong, and the feeling was only amplified by the chill she felt in the air. It was almost electric, and it grew steadily stronger. It made the warmth in her blood respond in kind and call out. Rome sat up and turned around. Blue eyes met Yellow.
She was only startled a moment before relaxing. Those were the eyes of a fox, one of her fondest creations. Rome turned around and leaned on the edge of the spring, holding out her hand and cooing softly to the creature. But what came forward was no animal. Her eyes widened as a tall man with hair of white stalked slowly forward, a foxlike grin on his handsome face. "Well well, what little mouse waits for me here?" She screamed.
Rome stalked into Azuchi castle, the stranger following behind with a smug smile seemingly permanently stuck on his face. Anastasia looked up from pouring sake for Nobunaga, quite alarmed. First at the frazzled expression Rome bore since she was not one to be seen without a smile, and second at the mysterious man following behind her. Rome had gotten to creating people? No, not yet. This man was no mortal. Anyone could feel it.
Nobunaga sipped the sake to hide a smile. "Welcome, Rome. You're usually not one for staying in the castle, what brings you to us this evening?" His eyes glimmered, more than suggesting that he knew exactly why. "This-this is a stranger!" Rome spat out, the epitome of stress. "Who is he? Where did he come from! I know I didn't make him! Not only that, but he was watching me while I bathed!" Her words came rapid fire, but Nobunaga was prepared for each and every one of them.
"Rome, Bringer of Life, meet Mitsuhide. Your jobs are quite important and you both shall be working with one another from here on out. He came from your creations, the fox and the mouse." Nobunaga finished his sake before pouring more for all of them. "Come sit, the both of you."
Mitsuhide took a seat, grabbing the cup and bringing it to his lips for a long sip. He had made himself right at home with zero signs of discomfort. Oh this was good, he'd have to get some more of this. He mused silently to himself. Rome followed, albeit more hesitantly, and sat far away from the newcomer. "How will we work together? He is far too cold for creating life." Rome frowned, genuinely confused as to what Nobunaga was thinking. "Not life, princess." Mitsuhide spoke up and the glowing, translucent form of a mouse appeared upon his shoulder. The mouse sent by Nobunaga. "You took her...?" Rome breathed out, chest aching. "No, princess. She was given as a gift." Mitsuhide watched the form of the mouse wander to Rome before vanishing in a fine mist.
The ache in Rome's heart lessened, but she was still wary about working with him and Nobunaga could tell. He hummed, deep in his chest. "I'm afraid you can not get out of working with Mitsuhide, Rome. You must always be able to find each other. I'm afraid I must put in place a preventative measure." Rome seemed to deflate. Mitsuhide was only more entertained. Anastasia was confused. Nobunaga was doing everything he could not to laugh.
Rome trailed after Mitsuhide, feet dragging along the ground as they left castle grounds. She stopped walking. Her eyes were stuck to the red thread tied around her finger that led to him. They were stuck together. It wouldn't break, nor would it expand more than roughly 20 feet. Preventative measure... how in the world was that a preventative measure!? A soft sigh escaped her lips. Okay, so Nobunaga must've known she would've tried to avoid him no matter what.
Mitsuhide turned to face Rome, the tugging on the string indicating that she had stopped. "Why, little mouse, whatever could be the matter?" He asked, slinking over, walking until he stood directly in front of her. "Surely working with me isn't the reason for the dismay plastered all over that pretty face?" He rumbled softly, bringing up a finger to stroke her cheek. Rome subconsciously leaned into his touch. She marvelled at how warm his skin was despite the chill that surrounded him before wrenching herself away. What was she doing? What had gotten into her? The feeling that bloomed theough her chest frightened her and she didn't recognize it. It was strong, and it scared her.
"I just.." Rome trailed off quietly. "Why would you take her?" She murmured, looking down at her bare feet. "I didn't simply take her. She was given as a gift." Mitsuhide replied, observant eyes watching her. "Not from Nobunaga, but from you, Rome. And I will cherish every gift sent from you from here on out." With those words, the ache in Rome's chest finally disappeared.
Life looked up to meet the eyes of Death and knew that everything would be okay. Death looked into the eyes of Life and knew that she was his future.
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nobunagas-chatelaine · 3 years ago
Fast food
MC: Dom or sub? Mitsunari: I guess Domino's, since I don't go to Subway that much. Don't see why you'd put them in the same category though.
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Hi hi everyone! Happy Holiday’s everyone! We’re going to continue the merriment with a request by @jennacat84. Feel free to jump down to my Master List for all of my other Ikesen works.
Warnings: None, pure fluff folks!
All of your lovely requests will be populating at 8a from now until Christmas Eve! I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!
“Sengoku, Masamune, Ice Skating, Azuchi”
Happy Holidays!
You knew in your heart nothing could quite compare to the smooth surface of a modern ice rink, but when Azuchi’s lake froze over thanks to the bitter cold, you couldn’t help yourself any longer. After nearly two weeks of bribes and fennegaling your Ninja friend, you had in your purchase a bonafide pair of Sengoku ice skates.
It hadn’t been hard to sneak away from the warlords, and for that, you should have been more suspicious. You were barely out of your traditional kimono, fastening the skates to your feet when a familiar warm hand was placed down on your shoulder.
“Now what might my kitten be up to out by a frozen lake all by themselves?” Craning your neck back to look at who you immediately recognized as Masamune you laughed noticing his bemused stare.
“Nothing much, the lake froze nice and smooth, so I figured I’d come out and play.” Tying a bow into the laces of your homemade skates you stood and teetered over to the edge with Masamune’s help.
“I don’t quite get how you’re going to play in a frozen lake Kitten, but I’m happy to supervise until I figure out how to join.” his single blue eye lit up as he leaned down for a kiss. “Don’t fall in.”
Nudging him with your elbow, you rocked forward to meet his kiss. “I guess I won’t since you asked nicely.” snickering as you stepped out onto the ice.
You did a handful of circles around a portion you were sure was nearly half a meter thick. Gradually picking up speed as the wind nipped at your face and the gentle sound of the blades cutting through the almost smooth ice.
Catching your bearings and getting used to the feel of the new skates on the rough ice until you felt confident you could make a jump. Something simple before you really tried any combinations.
You were preparing yourself for a double toe loop when the blade of your skate snagged on some uneven ice. There was a wobble, and you went down, sliding nearly three meters across the surface. You worked quickly to right yourself, but that didn’t stop Masamune from trying to reach you.
Unable to sit and watch him struggle across the ice you skated over and looped your arm with his. “You alright?” asking him as he heaved a sigh of relief once he regained his balance.
“Am I alright? Kitten, are you alright?” Masamune’s brow furrowed foot slipping a little as his grip on your arm tightened. “That was a really hard fall.” he ran a worried hand over your shoulder where you had ripped your top. “Not to mention your bleeding.”
“I’ll be fine, nothing I’m not used to.” you smiled trying to reassure him before taking his hands and moving to face him, pulling him along as you skate backward. “Wanna go around a few?”
“Sure, but only if you promise to let me take care of that and warm you up back in Azuchi?” he shuffled his feet, trying to mimic your earlier movements.
“Deal!” You shouted as your grip on his hands tightened. “Hang on tight!”
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Not Cold
Hi hi everyone! Happy Holiday’s everyone! We’re going to continue the merriment with a request from @elievalentine. Feel free to jump down to my Master List for all of my other Ikesen works.
Warnings: None, pure fluff folks!
All of your lovely requests will be populating at 8a from now until Christmas Eve! I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!
“Sengoku, Ieyasu, Mittens, In the Snow” 
Happy Holidays!
Not Cold
It had been snowing non-stop in Azuchi for days now, and while it had been pretty at first, it was starting to grow more than a little inconvenient. Not only was it so much harder to keep Ieyasu’s manor warm with the constant snow slowly seeping into the bones of the home, but people were starting to get restless, unable to go out into town without some sort of inconvenience.
You knew it would be getting cold soon so nearly a week ago you had started working on mittens for the castle staff, saving the best for last. You knitting wasn’t nearly as fantastic as the rest of your sewing abilities, but that had never stopped you from trying before. The thought was that if you practiced enough, by the time you got to Ieyasu’s mittens you would sort of have it down. That was not the case.
They were clumsy and lumpy, and while they may not look as bad as the ones you intended to give to Mitsuhide they were definitely not something you would have picked up in the store. It was the thought that counted though right? Right. Clapping your cheeks with your hands, you psyched yourself up and exited the room, gift delicately wrapped, to look for your boyfriend.
You found him quicker than you thought you would. He stood in the front entrance grumbling and shaking the snow from his hair and winter haori. “Welcome back Ieyasu. Can I get you anything?”
“One of your futuristic contraptions to get rid of all this snow.” he scowled shrugging the heavy material off before stomping towards you. “What’s that?”
“A futuristic contraption, though it won’t get rid of the snow, it may make it a little more bearable.” you chuckled lightly as you handed him the parcel. His eyes widening as he took it from you.
He walked you back to his room, insisting that he open it there. You assumed it was because he was feeling bashful and there was less a chance someone would be able to comment about it, but you were happy for the private moment. They didn’t come by very often with as busy as Ieyasu had been lately.
“What are they?” he turned them over in his hands a few times before rubbing the soft fabric between his fingers. “At least they feel nice.”
You scooted closer to him, “May I?” reaching over to pluck the mittens from him and slide them into place on his hands. “They’re meant to keep your hands warm, though I’ve never made them before so you’ll have to excuse some of the lumps.”
“I guess I can still use them.” he was faking a pout, a small blush creeping up his neck and dusting his cheeks. “Thanks.” Ieyasu pulled you into his lap wrapping his arms around your torso before standing and walking to the door to his patio. “Let’s see if they work?”
“Wha!? But neither of us are wearing the right kind of clothing, let alone shoes!” you screeched happily as you tried to wiggle out of his grip.
“That’s why it’s perfect, we can see if they work. If not, I’ve always got you to keep me warm.” He stopped only for a moment just slide his outdoor sandals on before plummeting into the giant snowbank settled all over the garden outside his room.
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ikemenotaku82 · 6 years ago
Masamune will be a speed demon once he mastered it 😜
Hi hi everyone! Happy Holiday’s everyone! We’re going to continue the merriment with a request by @jennacat84. Feel free to jump down to my Master List for all of my other Ikesen works.
Warnings: None, pure fluff folks!
All of your lovely requests will be populating at 8a from now until Christmas Eve! I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them!
“Sengoku, Masamune, Ice Skating, Azuchi”
Happy Holidays!
Keep reading
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