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n0nb1narycode · 4 years ago
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A Journey through the Entire Kurosawa Filmography [from My Current Approximation of Least to Most Favorite] 🎥 Part V: The Epic in the Intimate 🎞️ 13. Dersu Uzala [1975] Dersu Uzala won the oscar for best foreign language film in 1975, & yet is one of the least talked about amongst Kurosawa's greats. The film is epic is scope, yet considerably more intimate in storytelling. It's a beautiful & moving, if slow paced film, & it bothers me to no end that they haven't released a restored HD transfer of it on blu-ray. 12. The Lower Depths [1957] The Lower Depths is opposite in a way, to Dersu Uzala, in that it's much more intimate in scope, yet oddly kind of epic in the immersion in the characters' lives. Based on a play by Maxim Gorky (though like "The Idiot", moved to Japan), it takes place in a rundown tenement in the late Edo period, & plays out a bit like a slice of life examination of the tenement dwellers (thieves, gamblers, prostitutes, alcoholic wanderers, etc). Though as it moves along, focusing in more on the specific dramas among & between the characters, mostly bred by the unfortunate circumstances they find themselves in, & their inability to escape them. 11. Ikiru [1952] The epic-ness of Ikiru lies in its intimate nature; it's epically intimate, if you will. We are down to the point of unqualified masterworks now, & there are many who count Ikiru near or at the very pinnacle of Kurosawa's work. While it's not quite that high on my personal (constantly shifting) list, it's easy to understand why. It is a brilliantly acted, shot, & overall realized piece of moving, dramatic significance. Takashi Shimura is something to behold in this tragic, touching, effecting film. 🎬 My suggestion: If you should have the opportunity, do yourself a favor and watch every remaining film on this list. • • • #kurosawa #akirakurosawa #KurosawaFilmography #kurosawathon #all30films #iLoveMovies #dvd ? #blurays #dvds #bluray #kurosawafilms #kurosawamovies #DersuUzala #1975 #thelowerdepths (#thelowerdepths1957 #maximgorky #thelowerdepthsmovie ) #1957 #Ikiru (#tolive #ikirumovie #ikirufilm #ikiru1952 ) #1952 #maximmunzuk #toshiromifune #takashishimura (at Jersey City, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLQOymNj2En/?igshid=4jwc3kt2w09l
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