#iki sunny
sereina · 11 months
closed starter for @tapuhauko -- 🏖️
It all started with an article. Her tendency to scroll on her phone before bed lead her to a piece of news that caught her eye unlike any other. Poachers - but in Alola. A region on the opposite end of the globe. Most wouldn't even have such a thing on their radar, but Serena having dealt with poachers personally, felt a sinking feeling in her stomach as her eyes skimmed over the text.
There was no way she could get to sleep after reading such a thing. It was spontaneous of her, and she knew it, but within the next couple of hours, she was on a plane to the sunny, tropical region. Alola wasn't her region - she had no stake in it, however she felt she needed to do something. The problem spiraling out of control, and potentially bleeding into other regions, was heavy on her mind. Perhaps some would think she was overstepping. Serena wouldn't disagree with that.
On the plane ride over, she had utilized the plane's internet to do a bit of light research on the various Kahunas of each island. Melemele, from what she read in the article, seemed to be the biggest problem area. The island's Kahuna, Hau, was new to the position from what she had gathered. There had to be something she could do to help him, assuming he was aware of the problem. She'd have to find that out whenever they landed.
The flight felt like it took ages. Serena was incredibly antsy, unable to keep herself from tapping her fingers and messing with her Mega Ring. Finally, finally, the plane had landed. Alola's time was the exact opposite of Kalos'. Where it was nightfall in her own region, the sun hung high in the sky here. Serena was quick to grab her things from the overhead bin, doing a final, quick sweep to ensure nothing was left behind.
There was no time to enjoy the pleasantly warm weather, or to take in the fresh sea breeze. Every moment she took could mean more pokemon were in danger. Her pace to Iki Town was quick, Serena pulling up a map of the island on her phone as she borderline ran to the town. Her heart was pounding out of her chest, not because of the physical exertion, but from adrenaline. As much as she wanted to go straight to the problem, she was still an outsider. Going through the proper channels would be more beneficial, and perhaps Hau would have more information for her than even the article did. After all, there was strength in numbers as well.
Her head whipped around as she entered the small town, her pace slowing just a tad. C'mon... C'mon, he had to be around somewhere- Ah!
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"Excuse me, I'm... so sorry to bother you. This is going to be totally out of the blue, but... you're Hau, the Kahuna of this island?" Serena knew it was a bit bold to be so upfront, but she couldn't be passive in a moment like this. "I- My name is Serena. I'm from the Kalos region, and I saw a recent article about a poaching problem happening here. I know it's not my place to meddle in the affairs of another region," a hand lift to her chest, "but if you would allow me, I would be more than happy to help solve this issue in any way I possibly can. I work in a pokemon conservation in my region as a volunteer - so dealing with poachers is something I'm unfortunately familiar with. I didn't want to overstep my boundaries as an outsider, so I thought it would be better to go through the proper channels instead and speak with someone familiar with the island."
She takes a pause, letting him digest everything. The last thing she wanted to do was let her rambling get the best of her. "I apologize again, I know this is probably really sudden. It's just... something I'm really passionate about putting a stop to. Keeping pokemon and their habitats safe is important to me, so I'd like to help however I can, if you'll allow me."
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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I am exhausted but I am not in my own bed. I'm at Jess's! I didn't plan on staying but I brought a change of clothes just in case that happened. I'm glad to be in bed today was a long day with lots of car time.
I slept alright last night. But I woke up and hour before my alarm. I remember hugging James for a while before they left. And I was feeling alright by the time 8 rolled around. I would get up and liked my outfit well enough. I would feel a little self conscious all day. Which was frustrating but I would live.
After I got dressed I made lemonade and got a yogurt and said goodbye to Sweetp. And the. I was off.
Google took me a funny way through the city. But I was making great time and didn't hit any traffic at all. I listened to music and really enjoyed how pretty it was out. Even if it was to hot outside the car I was comfortable inside it.
I arrived at Jess's at 10. And it was so nice to see her. After hugs she showed me all the progress she's made unpacking and getting things organized. She has a few more pieces of furniture then she did last time. And the rugs are here. It's still a work in progress but she ordered the couches she wanted and they will be here by Thanksgiving.
I was a little tired. I felt like I was in my own head. But we had a plan. We were going to the beach!
We decided on sea isle city. Near ocean city, but we had never been before. It is about an hour and a half from here. So I was in the car a lot today.
Jess wanted to stop for a snack and get lunch once we got to the beach. So we went to Wawa first. But the funny thing about that was I knew this Wawa. Because we were in Woodstown.
Before I started writing this blog I dated a kind of terrible guy. He wasn't terrible at first but we experienced the death of a closed friend together and they started drinking and being unkind to me after that. And they haven't been nice to me over the years. But we had a oretty intense relationship. And I spent a lot of time in Woodstown. So seeing it per a decade later is wild. I didn't think I'd ever be back there.
We got our snacks though. I got a cream cheese pretzel and a bag of hot cheese puffs, she got a bag of jalapeno chips and a cheese stick. The perfect car snacks. Though we had trouble with the card reader and had to pay in cash. Not a huge deal but was confusing when my card got declined.
She got gas after that. New Jersey is the only state that pumps it for you still. Which Jess doesnt like but I literally refuse to pump my own gas so I would love it personally. But it didn't take long and we were on the road soon enough.
It was a nice drive. Mostly farm land. We were quiet a lot. I was hungry for real food and tired. I was getting a little head ache but I would be fine. It was just a long day.
When we arrived in sea isle city I looked up for and found a cafe we could go to. But parking was really tough. We shouldn't have been surprised because it's labor day weekend. We had to park about a half mile away in a neighborhood but at least it was free.
We would put some sunscreen on and make sure we had everything we wanted in our bags. Jess was nice enough to hold my backpack so I could cross body my camp chair. And then we walked the very hot and sunny 10 minutes to the cafe.
Once we got to the cafe I was pretty overheated. But it was fine. And the cafe was nice. She got an omelet and I got a sandwich and we shared the fries. Eating make me feel a lot better.
Jess asked to stop for iced coffee before we went to the beach. I would get a smoothie but it was mostly banana and I didn't love it. We did take advantage of the wait and went to change into our bathing suits in the coffee shops bathrooms because they were the nice room kind. And that was a really good move, rather then using the beaches restrooms which would have been wet and sandy and probably a little iky. This was better.
We would walk to the beach next though. Got out beach passes and then went and found a spot. The only thing I would have liked was to have an umbrella. I almost brought my small on but I didn't and I regret that. But the water was great. I wish I stayed in it more honestly. I loved it. But I didn't want to have so much sand in my bathing suit. So I only went in a little.
At first.
We went in for a bit and then walked around to see if there were any shells but almost none at all. Ah well. We went back to the chairs and I read for a while under my towel to try not to burn. I did get a little red but not so bad it seems. Jess listened to her audio book.
We would get a little silly and go back to the water. Where I went almost all the way in, just didn't get my hair wet, and was sitting in the surf and letting the waves knock me out and scream laughing and having the best time. Jess wouldn't go past her knees because it was cold but we were both laughing about the crabs we were finding and just being really silly.
We would sit back at our chairs for a while. I didn't want to get out of the water but I didn't want to torture Jess. We would hang out for another half hour but we were both sun tired and ready to get out of there.
I was super dehydrated and my mouth felt bad but the smoothie was warm now and I was out of water. So we cleaned up and went and found a water fountain before we walked back. I was kind of in a daze but we were being silly and talking and trying to remember where the car was. And I was sure but then Jess made me doubt myself so we went a different way and then had to go back to my original thought where we would find the car. Hooray.
We had a silly drive home. Jess said we could stop for ice cream the first place we saw. And the proceeded to miss the first three places. Oops. I wasn't fast enough telling her. So we would wait to have ice cream until we got back near her house. Which was painfully long to wait but that was okay. She let us listen to my music this time and I enjoyed that a lot. Plus we were just laughing and giggling and I was texting James a lot. It was a nice way to spend the afternoon.
We would stop for custard where we went last time. She got strawberry and I got vanilla in a pretzel cone. Which I thought I would really like, but I only liked the salt. The texture of biting the cone was awful. Very sad to say. I still enjoyed the custard but now I know for next time.
We got back to the house and rehydrated. We were both pretty sleepy. We got showers and rested for a bit. But eventually decided we should go back out and get taco bell.
So we did that. And brought it back to the house. It helped me feel a lot better but I was still really tired.
We spent some time coming up with what she's packing for camping next weekend. And got a lot of stuff out away in her room. We would wander around the house for a bit. Talking about plans. Then brushed out teeth and got ready for bed.
Which is where I am now. I am going to get my charger and a drink and try to fall asleep soon. I hope I can sleep easy tonight. I hope tomorrow is a good day. I love you all. Goodnight!
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limantuzu · 29 days
25 Ocak -
13.00 - Bugün burada kar yağdı. Sunny yatağın içinde geziniyordu. Salonda uyumuştum. Seni son yıllarda hapsettiğim kanepede. Doğrulunca baktım ki komşunun çatısı bembeyaz. Burada olsaydın nasıl çocuklaşıverdiğimi görürdün. Sevdiğin halime gülümserdin. Oradan bir yol bulurduk. Çok zor, imkansız gibi bu halde yaşamak. Ben seni de sensizliği de anlıyorum; daha anlayacaklarım varsa da kabul etmiş gibiyim. Bugün aynaya bakarken kaşımla gözlerimin arasındaki kırışmayı fark ettim. Son dört gündür bir telefonla bizi soran birine ağlayıvermeyi, daha büyük ağlamaları, yıllardır kol kola yürüdüğüm yorgunluğu da fark ettim. Dün gece Sinan abiler arayıverdi, "Gel, çorbamız var," dedi. Hissetmişler gibi. Çünkü ev ısınmıyor bir türlü, sen yoksun. Evet, dayanamıyorum, bunu senin söylemenle benimki arasında büyük "sonralar" farkı var. O, anlatılagelen büyük şefkatinden bana biraz "sen" gerek. 21.22 -
Belki yarın yola çıkarım diye iki günlük dersi bugüne sığdırayım dedim. Üç gündür sadece dün akşam evden çıktım, sana olan bana da oluyor gördüm. Yollar buz gibi, çıkmayı düşündüğüm yollar; eve geldim, Sunny'i eve sokmaya çalışırken merdivenlerden zorlukla çıkan birini gördüm, arkası dönüktü. Belki bir saniyenin yarısı kadar sürede onu sen sandım. Bir saniyeye dek dayansaydı o sanı, sevinirdim, yüzüm sana doğru akardı. Belli ki artık böyle şeyleri çok kez yaşayacağım, bunu göze alamıyorum. Üst komşumuzun karşısındaki kadınmış. Yüzü mosmor, gerçekten zor yürüyor. Kaza geçirmişler, buzda kayıp bir tıra çarpmışlar. Evden birkaç parça giysi almaya gelmiş kadın. Yıllar önce sana gelirken, 12 saatin ardından yaptığım kaza geldi aklıma. Bir trafik kazasının ardından çok inceliyor insan, kendinin ne kadar zayıf ve kırılgan olduğunu idrak ediyor. Ölümden dönenlerin anlatıp durduğu bir "Yaşamanın ne kadar değerli olduğunu o günden sonra anladım," safsatası var ya, inan bana, insan büyük bir kazanın ardından kendi varlığının zayıflığına bakıp hayata öncekinden daha sıkı sarılmıyor. Paramparça olmuş ilk arabam ve kaza geçirmiş, kazadan sağ çıkmış "ben", sonraki günler boyunca beni hiçbir şeye daha çok bağlayamadı. Kazanın ardından dizim günlerce iyileşmemişti. Şimdi önünde beni tanıyamadığım halinle koluna girmemem için uyardığın beton yükseltiye sakat dizimle zor çıktığım bir yazdı. Her akşam olduğu gibi Sunny'i, Aslan'ı ve Rıfkı'yı besledim. Onlarla evimize girerken yıllar önce yazdığım bir cümledeki halime geri döndüğümü hissettim. Eve girerken kendimi bir karartı gibi hissettiğimi. Evimizin bazı yerlerinde elektrik yok. Bunu yakınlarda sen de söylemiştin. Klimalar çalışmıyor, evin içi 11.2 derece. İçim üşüyor. Sana neler dedim... Sana karşı nasıl umursamaz ve bir iş yeri patronu gibi davrandım bunca zaman... Nasıl kaptırdım kendimi bu kadar telaşa ve kapılıp gittiğim o kirli akıntıya seni nasıl çektim... Günümün çoğu bunları düşünmek ve ardından kendime lanet etmekle geçiyor. Arada bir; gelsen, elini uzatsan bizi nasıl da iyileştirirdin diye düşünmenin görüntüleriyle baş etmeye çalışıyorum. İnsan hayalleriyle neden başa çıkmaya çalışsın? Ben artık seni iyileştirmeyi, senden aldıklarımı sana geri vermeyi istiyorum. Hiçbir şey yiyemez oldum. Dibe vurdum, çarptım, dipte bir çukur oyulup duruyor sanki. Lütfen beni oraya gömme. Gömülmeme izin verme.
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xhemilbeharaj · 2 months
Bebe Rexha në Kosovë: Do iki në Dibër, kemi një synetllik
Për herë të parë, Bebe Rexha ndodhet në Kosovë, pasi do të marrë pjesë në “Sunny Hill Festival 2024”. Këngëtarja shqiptare me famë botërore është shprehur se ndihet tepër e emocionuar që ka vizituar Kosovën dhe se gjithashtu ka një surprizë për fansat e saj. “Jam shumë e emocionuar që jam këtu. Kanë ardhur dhe prindërit e mi, mami dhe babi, ndaj jam shumë e emocionuar. Do shkojmë të hamë ushqim…
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pazaryerigundem · 4 months
Öğrencilerin tasarladığı robotlar zirvede yarıştı
Öğrencilerin tasarladığı robotlar zirvede yarıştı
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SUNNY Elektronik’in öğrencilerin robotik konusunda kendilerini geliştirmeleri için hayata geçirdiği “Ağrı’nın Zirvesinde Teknoloji Yarışması” finali 2 bin 500 kişinin üzerinde geniş bir katılımla gerçekleşti
İSTANBUL (İGFA) – Türkiye’nin en büyük elektronik üreticileri arasında yer alan SUNNY Elektronik’in ilk defa geçen sene düzenlediği Ağrı’nın Zirvesinde Teknoloji Yarışması’nın ikincisi, Ağrı ve civar illerden öğrencilerin, ailelerin ve yerel yönetimin katılımı ile tamamlandı. Bölgedeki çocukları, teknolojinin sunduğu yeni bilgi ve becerilerle tanıştırmak, yeteneklerine yönelik farkındalıklarını artırmak için düzenlenen yarışma, bu sene Ağrı’nın yanı sıra Kars, Ardahan ve Iğdır’dan lise öğrencilerin katılımı ile gerçekleşti.
Ağrı Valisi Mustafa Koç, Mesleki ve Teknik Eğitim Genel Müdürü Ali Karagöz, Ağrı Cumhuriyet Savcısı Adem Çalış, İbrahim Çeçen Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Abdülhalik Karabulut, Baro Başkanı Av. Serdar Gülatın, Kaymakamlar, Ağrı İl Milli Eğitim Müdürü Hasan Kökrek ve il protokolü, organizasyona katılım göstererek öğrencilere destek verdi.
Ekipler tasarladıkları robotların belirlenen parkuru en kısa sürede tamamlayabilmesi için yarıştı. Parkuru en iyi derecelerle bitiren robotu tasarlayan ekiplere, ödüllerini SUNNY Elektronik ve Hayrettin Atmaca Vakfı Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Adem Atmaca ve Ağrı Valisi Mustafa Koç takdim etti. Adem Atmaca, Türkiye’de teknoloji, bilim ya da farklı alanlarda başarı sahibi olacak gençlerin içindeki gücü çıkaracak bu önemli adıma vesile olmaktan dolayı çok gururlu olduklarını ve bu nedenle ilk başta duyurdukları ödül tutarını, yarışma sonunda artırarak kazanan öğrencilere güzel bir sürpriz yaptıklarını belirtti.
Atmaca “Ülkemizin her noktasında çok değerli cevherler, parlak beyinler yetişiyor. Ama bir çoğu kısıtlı imkanlar sebebiyle, yeteneklerini geliştirme imlanı bulamıyor ve kendini gösteremiyor. Rahmetli babam Hayrettin Atmaca, bunu yaşayan ancak yine de kendi yolunu çizebilmiş sayılı örneklerden. Kendisinin Ağrı için başlattığı eğitim alanındaki sosyal yatırımları, bugün ikinci nesil olarak biz sürdürüyoruz. Teknoloji günümüzün ve geleceğimizin en önemli parçalarından biri. Bu sektörde hizmet veren bir marka olarak, elimizdeki bilgiyi ve kaynağı en etkili şekilde paylaşmak da bizim görevimiz. Bu bakış açışı ile hayata geçirdiğimiz teknoloji yarışmamızın ilkini, adını aldığı Ağrı’da yaptık. Bu sene ise Kars, Ardahan ve Iğdır’dan da 139 öğrenci ekibi başvuruda bulundu. İki yılda toplam 850’den fazla öğrenci, oluşturdukları ekipleri ile robot projelerini tasarladı ve sundu. Bunlardan 40 grup finale yükseldi ve projelerini gerçeğe dönüştürdü. Bu bölge için kısa sürede ulaşılmış ve çok önemli rakamlar. Önümüzdeki yıl daha da artan katılım, daha dikkat çekici projeler ve daha heyecanlı anlar yaşayacağımıza eminim” açıklamasında bulundu.
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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kurtlukiraz · 1 year
Kulübün şu anki küresel fandomu elbette esas olarak 12'de ikinci sezonu için geri dönen FX dizisi Wrexham'a Hoş Geldiniz'den kaynaklanıyor.bu Eylül.Oldukça popüler olan bu dizi, Deadpool ve It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia yıldızlarının bir futbol takımı sahibi olmanın zorluklarıyla uğraşırken, aynı zamanda yerel toplumu onlara güvenmeye umutsuzca ikna etmeye çalıştıklarını gösteriyor. İlk sezona dönüp baktığında Reynolds şunları söyledi: "En büyük zorluk, topluluğun 'bu iki adamın burada ne işi var?' diye sormasıydı."Gösterinin büyük bir başarıya ulaşması ve ekibin sıralamalarda yükselmesiyle birlikte, en iyi Wrexham ürünlerine göz atmanın tam zamanı gibi görünüyor.Gömleklerden kupalara kadar, Wrexham'ın yerleşik hayranları için hayatınızdaki en iyi hediyelerin hepsine sahibiz. İster kulübün uzun ömürlü bir destekçisi olsunlar, ister Green Lantern'i gerçekten seviyorlar (varlar!), bu listede sizin için bazı harika seçenekler var.Buna benzer daha fazlaWrexham'a hoş geldiniz ikinci sezon şu anda ayda yalnızca 1,99 £ karşılığında Disney Plus'ta izlenebiliyor! Daha fazla indirim için en iyi Disney Plus teklifleri sayfasına göz atın. Ayda 1,99 £ karşılığında üç aylık Disney Plus'ı edininBir bakışta en iyi Wrexham ürünleriWrexham ejderha araba çıkartması, £2,65Kapow, Bay Wrexham Kupa Hediyeleri, £ 7,95Wrexham 2022/23 Sezonu İnceleme İstatistikleri posteri, £9,99'dan itibarenHipodrom Stadyumu Alüminyum Baskılı Metal Sokak Tabelası, £9,99'dan başlayan fiyatlarlaRyan Reynolds ve Rob McElhenny İmzalı Resim, £11.99Wrexham hediyelik eşarp, 12,99 £Wrexham logolu tişört, 18,03 £Wrexham Ligi Şampiyonu Tişörtü, £252023'te satın alınabilecek en iyi Wrexham ürünleriWrexham logolu tişörtBearCreekPACreations / Etsy"Wrexham, EST." yazan bu basit grafik tişört, işleri başlatıyor. 1864”, gururlu Gal ejderhasının yanında. Tişört gri, mavi ve pembe dahil olmak üzere çeşitli renklerde mevcuttur ve Small'dan 5XL'e kadar her bedende satın alınabilir.Wrexham logolu tişörtü Etsy'den £18,03 karşılığında satın alınRyan Reynolds ve Rob McElhenny İmzalı Resim İmzaladıAmazonWrexham'a girmenizin sebebi Ryan Reynolds olsaydı sizi suçlamazdık - hadi itiraf edebilirsiniz! Bu nedenle, göz kamaştırıcı Deadpool aktörünü ve ortak sahibi Rob McElhenny'yi kutlamak için, çiftin Wrexham ekibinin önünde bir fotoğrafını ve gerçek imzalarını içeren bu imzalı imza baskısını öneriyoruz.Amazon'da Ryan Reynolds ve Rob McElhenny İmzalı İmzalı Resmi 11,99 £ karşılığında satın alınWrexham hatıra eşarpAmazonKuzey Galler, hava değiştiğinde soğuk bir yer olduğundan, bu Wrexham hatıra atkısına sarındığınızdan emin olun. Logo, konum ve "Galler'in Gururu" sloganıyla tribünlerde sıcak kalarak desteğinizi gösterebilirsiniz.Amazon'da 12,99 £ karşılığında Wrexham hediyelik eşarp satın alınKapow Hediyeleri Bay Wrexham KupaAmazonBu kupa Wrexham hayranları için ilginç küçük bir hediye. Wrexham forması giymiş bir Bay Men karakterini ve net olmaması durumunda "Bay Wrexham: Bir Numaralı Taraftar" sözlerini gösteriyor. Kupa bulaşık makinesinde yıkanabilir ve mikrodalgaya dayanıklıdır ve maç izlerken size mükemmel bir fincan kahve sunar.Amazon'da Kapow Gifts Mr Wrexham Mug'ı 7,95 £ karşılığında satın alınWrexham 2022/23 Sezonu İnceleme İstatistikleri posteriStattooArtists / EtsyHala Wrexham'ın terfisinin zirvesinde misiniz? Artık bu 2022/23 sezonu istatistik posteriyle bunu ölümsüzleştirebilirsiniz. Artık Etsy'de mevcut olan poster, futbol taraftarlarının sevdiği tüm önemli gerçekleri ve rakamları gösteriyor; puanlar, gol farkı, en çok gol atan oyuncu (Paul Mullin'di – şok edici!) ve ortalama maç seyircisi.Wrexham 2022/23 Sezonu İnceleme İstatistikleri posterini Etsy'de £9,99'dan satın alınWrexham ejderha araba çıkartmasıAmazonBu Wrexham araba çıkartmasıyla gittiğiniz her yerde Galler gururunuzu gösterin. Mükemmel su direncine sahiptir ve herhangi bir pencereye, tampona ve hatta dizüstü bilgisayar kapağına rahatlıkla sığabilir.Amazon'da Wrexham Dragon araba çıkartmasını 2,65 £ karşılığında satın alınWrexham Ligi Şampiyonlar TişörtüSonuçlar / Ana Caddede DeğilWrexham'ın İkinci Lig'e tarihi yükselişini hatırlamanın bir başka yolu da bu şık şampiyon tişörtüdür. Ön tarafta takımın sezon boyunca kazandığı galibiyet, beraberlik ve mağlubiyet miktarları, arka tarafta ise oynadığı her maçın sonucu gösterilir.Wrexham League Şampiyonlar Tişörtünü Not on the Highstreet'ten £25 karşılığında satın alınHipodrom Stadyumu Alüminyum Baskılı Metal Sokak TabelasıGalliBalerler / EtsySon olarak, bu metal sokak tabelasıyla Wrexham'ın ikonik ana sahası The Racecourse'u anabilirsiniz. Desteğinizi gösterecek kadar açık ama duvarınıza asılacak kadar zarif olan bu, bir hayran için mükemmel bir dekoratif hediyedir.Hipodrom Stadyumu Alüminyum Baskılı Metal Sokak Tabelasını Etsy'den £9,99'dan satın alınFutbol hayranları! Bu sezon Kadınlar Süper Ligi biletlerini aldığınızdan emin olun ve Birleşik Krallık'taki en iyi stadyum turlarına göz atın. Ayrıca en iyi Rugby Dünya Kupası formalarına göz atabilirsiniz.
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gundemburadadedim · 1 year
Kulübün şu anki küresel fandomu elbette esas olarak 12'de ikinci sezonu için geri dönen FX dizisi Wrexham'a Hoş Geldiniz'den kaynaklanıyor.bu Eylül.Oldukça popüler olan bu dizi, Deadpool ve It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia yıldızlarının bir futbol takımı sahibi olmanın zorluklarıyla uğraşırken, aynı zamanda yerel toplumu onlara güvenmeye umutsuzca ikna etmeye çalıştıklarını gösteriyor. İlk sezona dönüp baktığında Reynolds şunları söyledi: "En büyük zorluk, topluluğun 'bu iki adamın burada ne işi var?' diye sormasıydı."Gösterinin büyük bir başarıya ulaşması ve ekibin sıralamalarda yükselmesiyle birlikte, en iyi Wrexham ürünlerine göz atmanın tam zamanı gibi görünüyor.Gömleklerden kupalara kadar, Wrexham'ın yerleşik hayranları için hayatınızdaki en iyi hediyelerin hepsine sahibiz. İster kulübün uzun ömürlü bir destekçisi olsunlar, ister Green Lantern'i gerçekten seviyorlar (varlar!), bu listede sizin için bazı harika seçenekler var.Buna benzer daha fazlaWrexham'a hoş geldiniz ikinci sezon şu anda ayda yalnızca 1,99 £ karşılığında Disney Plus'ta izlenebiliyor! Daha fazla indirim için en iyi Disney Plus teklifleri sayfasına göz atın. Ayda 1,99 £ karşılığında üç aylık Disney Plus'ı edininBir bakışta en iyi Wrexham ürünleriWrexham ejderha araba çıkartması, £2,65Kapow, Bay Wrexham Kupa Hediyeleri, £ 7,95Wrexham 2022/23 Sezonu İnceleme İstatistikleri posteri, £9,99'dan itibarenHipodrom Stadyumu Alüminyum Baskılı Metal Sokak Tabelası, £9,99'dan başlayan fiyatlarlaRyan Reynolds ve Rob McElhenny İmzalı Resim, £11.99Wrexham hediyelik eşarp, 12,99 £Wrexham logolu tişört, 18,03 £Wrexham Ligi Şampiyonu Tişörtü, £252023'te satın alınabilecek en iyi Wrexham ürünleriWrexham logolu tişörtBearCreekPACreations / Etsy"Wrexham, EST." yazan bu basit grafik tişört, işleri başlatıyor. 1864”, gururlu Gal ejderhasının yanında. Tişört gri, mavi ve pembe dahil olmak üzere çeşitli renklerde mevcuttur ve Small'dan 5XL'e kadar her bedende satın alınabilir.Wrexham logolu tişörtü Etsy'den £18,03 karşılığında satın alınRyan Reynolds ve Rob McElhenny İmzalı Resim İmzaladıAmazonWrexham'a girmenizin sebebi Ryan Reynolds olsaydı sizi suçlamazdık - hadi itiraf edebilirsiniz! Bu nedenle, göz kamaştırıcı Deadpool aktörünü ve ortak sahibi Rob McElhenny'yi kutlamak için, çiftin Wrexham ekibinin önünde bir fotoğrafını ve gerçek imzalarını içeren bu imzalı imza baskısını öneriyoruz.Amazon'da Ryan Reynolds ve Rob McElhenny İmzalı İmzalı Resmi 11,99 £ karşılığında satın alınWrexham hatıra eşarpAmazonKuzey Galler, hava değiştiğinde soğuk bir yer olduğundan, bu Wrexham hatıra atkısına sarındığınızdan emin olun. Logo, konum ve "Galler'in Gururu" sloganıyla tribünlerde sıcak kalarak desteğinizi gösterebilirsiniz.Amazon'da 12,99 £ karşılığında Wrexham hediyelik eşarp satın alınKapow Hediyeleri Bay Wrexham KupaAmazonBu kupa Wrexham hayranları için ilginç küçük bir hediye. Wrexham forması giymiş bir Bay Men karakterini ve net olmaması durumunda "Bay Wrexham: Bir Numaralı Taraftar" sözlerini gösteriyor. Kupa bulaşık makinesinde yıkanabilir ve mikrodalgaya dayanıklıdır ve maç izlerken size mükemmel bir fincan kahve sunar.Amazon'da Kapow Gifts Mr Wrexham Mug'ı 7,95 £ karşılığında satın alınWrexham 2022/23 Sezonu İnceleme İstatistikleri posteriStattooArtists / EtsyHala Wrexham'ın terfisinin zirvesinde misiniz? Artık bu 2022/23 sezonu istatistik posteriyle bunu ölümsüzleştirebilirsiniz. Artık Etsy'de mevcut olan poster, futbol taraftarlarının sevdiği tüm önemli gerçekleri ve rakamları gösteriyor; puanlar, gol farkı, en çok gol atan oyuncu (Paul Mullin'di – şok edici!) ve ortalama maç seyircisi.Wrexham 2022/23 Sezonu İnceleme İstatistikleri posterini Etsy'de £9,99'dan satın alınWrexham ejderha araba çıkartmasıAmazonBu Wrexham araba çıkartmasıyla gittiğiniz her yerde Galler gururunuzu gösterin. Mükemmel su direncine sahiptir ve herhangi bir pencereye, tampona ve hatta dizüstü bilgisayar kapağına rahatlıkla sığabilir.Amazon'da Wrexham Dragon araba çıkartmasını 2,65 £ karşılığında satın alınWrexham Ligi Şampiyonlar TişörtüSonuçlar / Ana Caddede DeğilWrexham'ın İkinci Lig'e tarihi yükselişini hatırlamanın bir başka yolu da bu şık şampiyon tişörtüdür. Ön tarafta takımın sezon boyunca kazandığı galibiyet, beraberlik ve mağlubiyet miktarları, arka tarafta ise oynadığı her maçın sonucu gösterilir.Wrexham League Şampiyonlar Tişörtünü Not on the Highstreet'ten £25 karşılığında satın alınHipodrom Stadyumu Alüminyum Baskılı Metal Sokak TabelasıGalliBalerler / EtsySon olarak, bu metal sokak tabelasıyla Wrexham'ın ikonik ana sahası The Racecourse'u anabilirsiniz. Desteğinizi gösterecek kadar açık ama duvarınıza asılacak kadar zarif olan bu, bir hayran için mükemmel bir dekoratif hediyedir.Hipodrom Stadyumu Alüminyum Baskılı Metal Sokak Tabelasını Etsy'den £9,99'dan satın alınFutbol hayranları! Bu sezon Kadınlar Süper Ligi biletlerini aldığınızdan emin olun ve Birleşik Krallık'taki en iyi stadyum turlarına göz atın. Ayrıca en iyi Rugby Dünya Kupası formalarına göz atabilirsiniz.
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huseyinerol3453 · 2 years
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franciscosifo686 · 2 years
TV servisi fiyatlarıyla ilgili Alabileceğiniz En Kötü Tavsiye
Televizyon servisi İdayanıklı peyk servisi; Led tv kırıntı ekran tamiri ve panel bileğaksiyontirme ile uydu servisi hizmeti vermektedir. İstanbul uydu servisi ve uydu tamircisi olarak çtuzakışan rüfekaımız sizlere özen etmekten yetişkin hava duyacaklardır. Bizimle telefon numaralarımız üzerinden iletişime geçtiğiniz bile peyk servis kompetanı çtuzakışanı en geç 45 an da adresinizde olacaktır.
Cihazlarınız bâtınin gereken orjinal yada tamir edilmiş parçalarının bileğsorunimi 1 yıl garantilidir. Muhalifyaka Samsung tv servisi olarak mekanik yada elektronik aksamlarda kaliteden taviz vermeyiz
Bu nedenle televizyonu temizlerken da çok dikkatli olmalı ve televizyon görüntülük değhizmetimi yapıldıktan sonrasında tv görüntülük esirgeyici ürünlerini de kullanmanızı Bilgi için buraya tıklayın referans ediyoruz.
televizyon servisi hizmeti 140 Karakter
Televizyon servisi fizy Premium ile milyonlarca şarkı reklamsız ve faziletli seda kalitesiyle her an her yerde seninle! Turkcell Uygulaması
Sunny televizyon servisi ile tv ile alakalı bütün sorunlarınızı bir telefon ederek hallediyorsunuz. Ayaklarınızı uzatıp, gerişınızı yasladığınız koltuğunuzdan bizleri arayıp özen almanız daha çok muhtemel.
Atom Elektronik olarak Samsung tv led panel değsorunimi ve panel tamiri dair mütehassıs uygulayım personel ve ustalarımız ile hizmetinizdeyiz.
Televizyon fiyatlarının Tarihçesi
Televizyon servisi BIS tarafından yayımlanan sondaj raporlarına için cihan genelinde yurtdışından gerçekleştirme edilen kredilerde dolar cinsel kredilerin payı yüzde 50'nin üzerinde bulunuyor.
· Web sitemizde Turkcell Superonline tarafından teamülletilmeyen öbür web sitelerine bağlantılar verebiliriz.
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*Kanalların genel ağ hakları ait nedenlerden dolayı yayında temelı saatlerde kesintiler mimarilabilir. Bu durumda eser silme kapatılarak kanalda uyarı düşünceı ile aboneler bilgilendirilir ya da yapıt sıkıntısızışı haricinde değişik bir sineerik yayınlanır.
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Televizyon servisi Sunny tv servisi ile çdüzenışmak tam mealıyla bir ayrıcalıktır ve siz maliyetli müşterilerimizin kâffesi bunu gerçek etmektedir.
9 İşaret Sattığınıza dair İşaretler Yaşamak için tv takımı servisi
Televizyon izlem keyfinizi sorunsuz bir şekilde sürmek bâtınin yaşamış olduğunız arızalarda tv panel değfiilimi yapmış oldurmanız gerekebilir. Bilinmiş olduğu üzere Samsung, LG, Sony ve Vestel kabilinden televizyon markalarında da en altın parçalardan biri ekrandır.
Lcd, led, tüplü, projeksiyon, plazma bütününde meydana gelebilecek sorunlardan bir tanesidir bu aksama lcd lerde meydana ulaştığında t-con kartvizit yada panel kısaca ekranın kendisinden yapmacık mümkünlığı yarı yarıyadır t-con sütsüz arızası ise tamiri mümkündür ancak panelden kaynaklanıyorsa maliyeti mualla olacağından yenisinin kızılınması elan oflaz bir seçim olacaktır, Led modeller zarfında yukarıda yazdıklarımız aynıyla geçerlidir, Plazmalarda ise hâl az buçuk henüz değişikdır sık rastladığımız arızalardan bir tanesidir, aksaklık ekseriyetle y-sus adıyla sabık karttan kaynaklanmaktadır ve kartın yenisi ile değemekmesi ile arızanın çözümüne ulaşmış oluyoruz, plazmalara bu arızayı verdiren bir sair kartpostal ise bufer kartvizitıdır bu kart genel anlamda iki parçadan oluşur biri üst diğeride madun ve aksama karşılayıcı eke yenisi ile bileğkârtirildikten sonra mesele ortadan kalkar.
Arpolat'ten mecmu parafin eşyalarımı aldım. TV dahil Arçelik'i yeğleme etme sebebim servis kalitesinin oflaz olmasından dolayı 0 almış evetğum buzdolabı arızalı çıktı ve dolabın değişlemimi gerçekleşti.
Televizyon servisi Teknisyenlerimize mevsuk aksaklık tespiti tasni imkanı veren bu uygulayım bilimi ile arızalar hem mutlak hem bile hızlı bir şekilde giderilir.
Bu Yıl Gördüğümüz En Büyük Trendler
2022 senesinde markaların fay TV ekran tamiri fiyatı görüntülük inç tartıına ve kırılma türüne için değteamüliyor.
İstanbul'da ulaşıma yapılan zammın ardından, personel servis ücretlerinin fiyatlarına güncelleme geldi. Son fiyatlar ise vatandaşlar aracılığıyla kaygı edildi. Haber Merkezi
Televizyon servisi LCD TV tamiri, LED TV görüntülük tamiri hizmetlerimiz yahut sunduğumuz diğer TV onarımlardan herhangi biri karşı elan şu denli vukuf edinmek istiyorsanız, lütfen uzman ekibimizin bir üyesi ile iletişim kurmaktan çekinmeyiniz. Meydana getirilen her iş ve kullanılan her pasaj garantimiz şeşndadır!
Tüm bakım verenlerimizin en uygun hizmeti verdiklerinden sakıncasız sarhoş olmak istiyoruz. Gönül rahatlığıyla hizmetini yaptırman kucakin, Armut üzerinden önerme seçtiğin medarımaişetleri Armut Garantisi kapsamında korumamız altına allıkıyoruz.
15 Takip Etmeniz Gereken En İyi tv servisi Blogger'lar
Teknisyenlerimize dürüst engebe tespiti suni olanakı veren bu teknoloji ile arızalar hem mutlak hem bile hızlı bir şekilde giderilir.
Bir dahaki sefere versiyon yapmış olduğumda kullanılmak üzere etapı, elektronik posta adresimi ve web kent adresimi bu tarayıcıya kaydet.
Televizyon servisi Bir dahaki sefere tefsir yaptığımda kullanılmak üzere aşamaı, e-posta adresimi ve web kent adresimi bu tarayıcıevet kaydet.
Adaelektronik olarak İstanbul’un bütün ilçelerinde Televizyon tamiri hizmetleri sunuyoruz. İstanbul’da birinci sınıf tv servisi firmaları beyninde ilk sıralarda nokta düz firmamız sağlam çok sükselı referansa ehil.
TV tamiri Hakkında
‘Rota Çiz’ butonuna basıldıktan sonra ev bark ile meslek beyninde açıklıkç ile gidilebilecek en gücük uzaklık dizge aracılığıyla hesaplanıp hattın uzunluğu, ödenmesi müstelzim aylık ve senevi ücret gösterilir.
Televizyon servisi niteleyerek forumlar da saksılık açabilir veya elden kafanızda oluşturduğunuz bir rakam ile bile televizyonu satıma çıkarabilirsiniz.
Samsung kullandığınız televizyonlarınızla ait ekran tamir ve değdavranışimlerinizde ödeyeceğiniz fiyatlar umumi olarak şu tarzda olabilir;
7 tv servisi fiyatları
Selam ismim Rıdvan Bayram Beyaz zehir pırtı televizyon bakım tamirat servisi olarak görev vermekteyim yaptığımız emeklemlere 1 sene servis garantisi vermekteyim. satmaca ve fiş vererek garanti alışverişlemi tamamlşanır saygınlık kartı ödemesi mevcuttur.
Televizyon servisi Televizyonunuz duvara montaj mimarilırken düşebilir evet da kazayla yere çarpabileceğinden onarılmasını isteyebilirsiniz.
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ikigai-omoriau · 3 years
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We've reached 500+ followers... oh wow...
Thank you all so so much for the recent support this blog has been getting, we've been working behind the scenes and coming up with idea after idea to make it the best it can be.
We really hope to keep going with this whole story, it's something we're both very new to actually doing. We might be taking it a bit slow, but that's us just taking our time to figure everything out!
Your theories, reblogs, asks and everything else make us really happy, and we hope you keep going with them, as long as wee keep working on this au haha! Even if we don't respond to something, we see it. So don't you worry about a thing!
Again, thank you for keeping this blog alive, it hasnt been that long since we started, but we didn't expect it to take off like this.
So!! Here's a poster! I hope to make one for each part, so I guess this is the first one.
(-The Mods, @sm0nks and @shadesofvioletvoid )
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carrotcouple · 5 years
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I had the GREAT HONOR to work on an art collab with @ikis! 
This Christmas Ebisu was meant for well...Christmas, but due to some irl stuff, I was delayed. I only use Medibang on my laptop and I use it to do random manga edits and color manga panels with my mouse. Working on lineart with just a mouse and no guidelines and colored in stuff like in a manga panel was a challenge - but a fun one! I also experimented with things I’m new to, so I will forever nitpick this, but I think this is what I can do for now. Once again, I am SO HONORED TO BE ABLE TO HAVE DONE THIS WITH MADDIE. I HOPE I DID YOUR WONDERFUL EBISU LINEART JUSTICE!
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#3 A Series of Unfortunate Daemons
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Sunny Baudelaire - Iki (unsettled)
Because Sunny is a baby/ toddler during the events of the whole series her daemon Iki is still not settled by The End and will not be for a long time.
Unlike the eldest Baudelaires’ daemons, Iki is extremelly shy and very easily scared, so most of the time he is hiding inside Sunny’s clothes; and while Sunny is often speaking in a series of uninteligible shrieks, he rarely says anything out loud. Ironicaly, Iki is the one who is teaching Sunny how to speak (fun fact:daemons are the ones who teach babies how to speak in Lyra’s world as it’s seen in The Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage) However, Iki is very warm and affectionate: he sleeps holding on to Sunny or curled up around her to keep her safe and warm, between Shmuel’s paws, between Shmuel and Abby, burried in Abby’s fur (while she’s not settled), and so on...
And since he’s not settled he can pick any form of will (and of course since Sunny is a baby/toddler his forms are too baby/toddler animals). He is very random at picking his forms, but after tthe events of The Reptille Room with Sunny befriending the Incredibly Deadly Viper, he decides he really likes snakes (he also really likes curling around Sunny’s neck with his face under her chin, the two of them as close as they could possibly be, exactly where they belong)
 Forms pictured: black mamba, wolf cub, korean crow tit, wolverine cub, baby crow.
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coffin-problem · 2 years
her şey bir sis perdesi
“sevgili M, sana bu mektubu kaleme almak için günlerimi harcadım, doğru...ya da uygun kelimeleri seçmek için didinip durdum. Lâkin en sonunda her şeyin en net hâliyle, lafı dolandırmadan anlatmam gerektiğine karar vermiş bulundum. Bu mektubu saat yedi otuz altıda okuyor olsan gerek. Son bir haftadır seni izliyorum, her adımını, her nefes alıp verişini izler ve takip eder oldum bu geçen haftada. Evin, araban, iş yerin, alışveriş yaptığın dükkanlar... Her hareketinin ne denli rutin, saniyesel, ve de sıradan olduğunu fark etmediğini gözlemledim. Her davranışın ne kadar da tahmin edilesi geliyor bana bu süre zarfından sonra! Mektubuma gözünün ilişeceği dakikayı bile saniyesi saniyesine nasıl ayarladım sanıyorsun? Her şeyin...sen...sevgili M, son on iki yıllık hayatını bir gözden geçirsene, sence de yolunda gitmeyen bir şeyler yok mu? Ya da soruyu şu şekilde yönlendirmem gerekirdi, sence de hayatın aşırı derecede ‘yolunda’ gitmiyor mu? Son on iki yılında, ilginç ve garip bir şekilde, kendini ilgilendiren her şeyin rayına oturmasına rağmen dünyadaki kaos ve acının hüküm sürmesi esrarengiz değil mi sence de? Bir etrafına bak... Çeşitli ülkelerde iç savaş, göç dalgaları, küresel salgınlar... ya sen, senin hayatın ve ailen, nasıl olur da hiçbir şeyden etkilenmeden yaşayıp gidebilirsin? Bu yaşam, sence de, biraz fazla ‘yolunda’ değil mi? Bu mektup...seni deliliğe, çılgınlığa, cinnete sürükleyecek, bunu göze alarak kaleme aldığımı fark edeceksin, engel olamadım M, bunu sana yaşatmalarına engel olamadım. Bir yalanı yaşamak...yaşamak mıdır? Değilse gerçeklik hissettiklerimiz neye yarar bu duygular ve yaşantılar? Son bir haftadır sana bakınca seni değil, bir tür senin kılığında robot görüyorum, bu sen değilsin, sen görünümünde senin isminde yaşayan bir klon bu! Daha fazlası olamaz! On iki yıl önce tam bugünü hatırla, hatırlamaya çalış! Bir tren kazası geçirmiştin, belki de artık bunu hatırlamana izin vermiyorlardır, ama bir kaza geçirmiştin, bu kazasdan kimse sağ çıkmadı M. Ne kadar engel olmaya çalıştıysam da ailen senin bedenini dondurdu ve ertesi yıl zaman kapsülüne yatırdı. Hafızandan bunu da silmiş olmaları gerek ki bu cümlelerim belki senin için hiçbir anlam ifade etmiyordur. Henüz ölmemiş, beyin faaliyetleri yeterli seviyede çalışır kişilerin bedenleri zaman kapsülü verilen bir tüplere yerleştiriliyor ve bu kişiler sanki hiç ölmemiş gibi hayatlarına kaldığı yerden devam ediyor, ölüm günlerinden devam ediyorlar... ve ölümlerini hiç hatırlamadan onlar için yaratılmış sunni dünyalarda yaşıyorlar. Sen, sen değilsin M. Son on iki yılın bir piç kurusu yalandan öte değil. Aldığın nefese dahil bir simülasyonun içindesin. İşin en trajik yanı ise, bu gerçek dışı hayatında bile benimle evlenmiş olman. Zaman kapsülü herhalde kişinin istekleri doğrultusunda, ona dolaylı olarak yön verebildiğin şekilde işliyor olsa gerek. Seni on iki yıl önce yitirdim, sense on iki yıldır beni hayatında, yanı başında hissediyorsun, ama o ben değilim M. Keşke paylaştığımız yaşantımız olabilseydi M.
Elimizden çalınan yaşanmamış anıları bensiz, benimle yaşıyorsun. Bu...ilüzyonu senin için parçalara ayırıp mahvettiğim için üzgünüm, diğer yandan daha fazla katlanamazdım. Bunu sana yapmalarına tahammül edemezdim. Vasiyetim gereği seni kısacık da olsa kendi dünyanda izlemek istedim. Seninle etkileşime geçmeme izin vermediler, bir yolunu bulup sana mektubumu ulaştırdım, senin ve bu dünyadaki herkes için görünmezim, beni asla görme fırsatın olmadı fakat iki gün önce markette alışveriş yaparken gözün bir şeye ilişti, tam gözünün önündeyim, gözlerinin içine bakıyordum ve giderek göz bebeklerin irileşti ve büyüdü, o an kendimi son derece şeffaf bir şekilde görür gibi oldum. Beni duyumsayıp gözümün içine baktığını sandım. Tüylerim diken diken oldu o an. Sana dokunamama ve hissedememenin verdiği huzursuzluk ve işkence içerisinde gözyaşlarım aktı. Bu yapmacık hayatı paramparça etmek senin elinde. İliklerine kadar hisset, yumruklarını sık, kendini zorla...on iki yıl önce tam bugünkü tren kazasını hatırlamaya çalış, ve ardından etrafındaki tüm dünyanın piksel piksel buharlaştığını göreceksin. Geriye hiçbir şey kalmayacak M. Yalnızca sen...tek başına. On iki yıllık eşin olarak ben de kaybolacağım, bu sahte dünyayı yıkıp parçala, ancak o zaman özgür kalabiliriz. Özgürlük, ne de yabancı bir his.”
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jadekitty777 · 2 years
Love on Borrowed Tai: Chapter 1
HI! I’m SO beyond late. Work kept me super late and then this chapter wasn’t even edited yet, or summarized, or titled and dfjkhdfkfjhfg. What a day!
But I’m finally here with the next entry for Taiqrow week! The beginning of the multi-chapter story! And believe you me when I say this, very loudly: THIS STORY WAS NOT MEANT TO GET THIS LONG.
But it did, all on it’s own. And it’s not even finished... but hopefully y’all will like it’s humble beginnings.
Prompt for Day 1: First
Rating: T overrall
Word Count: 4200
Summary: Tai’s life was simple. He rescued and rehabilitated injured Pokemon, helping them get back on their feet and back into the world. Then fate decided to throw him a curveball in the form of Qrow Branwen.
He had no idea how to rehabilitate a person… but his natural goodwill, and maybe a speck of loneliness, made him want to try.
Qrow was lost in more ways than one. With no home, no job, and his team and himself left severely injured, he finds himself desperately turning to the one man in Alola who could help him.
…A man he’d already met once before, but could never tell him how. [Pokemon AU]
Ao3 Link: Chapter 1
Tropical storms weren’t an unheard of occurrence in Alola. Though many wrongly believed the weather on the beautiful islands was crystal clear and perfect all year round, truth was they got some nasty rain showers and fierce winds throughout the summer and fall months – and when conditions were especially poor, even a hurricane or tsunami was possible. Probably the worst aspect of these storms was they tended to blow in fast and hit hard, with barely minutes of warning before the clouds blackened the sky.
Which was exactly the situation Taiyang found himself in. One moment, he had been scouring the grounds of the rescuer facility for anything out of place, the next he was drenched to the bone as he directed various Pokemon into their stables. He counted and recounted as his own team helped herd them inside, and only when he was sure everyone was accounted for, did he close the doors and head inside himself.
The first unusual thing that told him this wasn’t just any storm was in how short it was. Where normally he was ready to buckle in for the day, this time he’d hardly had a chance to dry up, before the sky was blue and clear again. He stared out the window with a frown, still toweling his hair, and murmured, “Odd.”
The next he didn’t notice until he got outside. Sunny Day Daycare was perched on one of the elevated levels of Melemele Island, just below Iki Town. It had been the only place left on the island with enough acres of land to make the creation of a rescuer and rehabilitation shelter for injured and mistreated Pokemon a realty. It also afforded him a great view of the island itself.
So it was hard to miss the sudden presence of the large corvid perched on the edge of Ten Carat Hill. The extinct volcano was at the southwestern side of the island and was the tallest point of Melemele, cutting between two halves of the beach. The highway ran so close to it, the traffic barriers nearly touched the rock. He knew that the peak of the mountain sunk in at the top, becoming like a basin. Centuries-old layers of volcanic rock solidified the interior and the passage of time had turned the fiery beast into a small haven of grass and other foliage, becoming a favorite home of many birds along with various other sky dwelling Pokemon. The Archipelago and Marine Vivillon migrations during springtime were particularly beautiful.
But this Pokemon was one he’d never seen in the region before – or in person at all – and the poor thing was a long way from Galar. He wasn’t sure what misfortunate had caused the Corviknight to come so far, but he couldn’t help but marvel at it, knowing that once it felt strong enough to take off again, he’d probably never see another.
Though, certainly such a rare thing was going to draw trainers…
Tai tsked at the thought, then put it out of his mind to instead go check up on his own ’flock’.
He got the call from Barty around one.
Dr. Bartholomew Oobleck was a historian from the Sinnoh region. He had traveled out this way a few years ago to study the various volcanic formations on each of the islands and how that had affected Alolan culture. He had even rented out the beachside house at the base of Ten Carat Hill. They’d gotten to know each other fairly well, because Barty’s companion, a Luxray by the name of Mocha, didn’t particularly like boat rides. Tai had offered to watch the finicky lion whenever the travel might be too overwhelming for her.
He'd grown to like the company – both Mocha’s and Barty’s. He found an instant connection with the other, as he also hailed from Sinnoh, though his mother had moved them out of Floaroma when he was still fairly young. They could chat for hours, like they were friends catching up on old times. However, the minute they strayed into their respective professions, the other man would talk his ear off about ecological effects of introducing outside species to the environment. Or, like, the ‘complicated history’ that became the invention of the video phone or something.
But today definitely didn’t sound like a social call.
“Tai! Oh thank Arceus you answered!” Barty’s speech was more rapid than usual, frantic. “We’re having a bit of an emergency over here!”
Tai frowned at that, setting down a bag of Poke-feed. “What’s wrong?”
“Well, did you see that storm earlier today? Wait – scratch that, of course you did. You’re not blind. Well, unless that’s changed since-”
“Right!” The other man cleared his throat in a fit of embarrassment, “Sorry, uh, so, I don’t know if you also saw that storm blew in a Corviknight! Quite fascinating, really, because they have no flight patterns this far west. So I thought, well, what a great opportunity to study an unexpected phenomenon! Except, well,” He hesitated, “When I started going up the trail it uh, may have attacked me? And uh, maybe started attacking the cars in the street and the people at the beach too?”
“What?!” Tai sprinted around the house, looking out across the horizon. He couldn’t hear it, but the Corviknight seemed to be crying out warnings as it paced around the mountain’s edges. Every once and awhile it would raise a wing and it would glow bright white, before releasing torrents of white blades of air down below.
Air Slash.
Barty made a distressed noise. “I made a mess of things, didn’t I?”
“No, it’s not you. It must be protecting something and you just triggered its instincts.” He doubted it had had time to lay a clutch, but maybe it was just in the nesting stage. Or perhaps it hadn’t come alone and there were a few Rookidees hiding in the basin. On top of it all, lost and knocked off course, it must have been terribly frightened, maybe even injured. Without calming it down first, no one was going to get close.
“The authorities are trying their best but they can’t even get close! So I thought maybe you could help?” Barty asked hopefully.
“Yeah.” Tai agreed, already hurrying back for the house. “Just let me get my stuff and I’ll be there in a few!”
He ended the call, whistling down Liusha and Sunflower as he went.
As if the day couldn’t get any stranger, riding up the highway to find half the police force and their Pokemon snoozing on the asphalt definitely was the whipped cream on top of this weird pie of an afternoon. Taiyang dismounted Sunflower, giving his loyal Arcanine a grateful pat before approaching the scene, calling out to one of the still awake officers. “Having trouble Captain?”
Clover Ebi turned, smiling despite the situation, “Ah Taiyang! The good doctor said you were coming. Glad to have you.”
He nodded in turn. He’d worked with the police a few times before, when the wild Pokemon got riled up or became dangerous. A particularly memorable one was when bad high tides beached a whole school of Tentacool; it had taken a lot of hands to get the Pokemon back into the water without getting poisoned.
The Captain of the squad also happened to be one of his oldest friends. They’d met while undertaking the Island Trials, both stuck on Akala Island as he tried to figure his way through the water trial while Clover was struggling with the fire. They’d ended up coaching one another through them and, when that had paid off, traveled together through the remaining islands to finish the others. When Tai’d returned home to Ula’Ula Island, he figured that would be the last he’d see of the other man; but less than a decade later, they’d both happened to relocate to Melemele for work and had stayed close ever since.
“So what happened here?” Tai asked.
“Ah, well, we tried to use sleep powder.” Clover spared his team a sheepish look. “Afraid it doesn’t work so well when your opponent can blow it back.”
He arched a brow, snorting down his amusement. “Might have to enroll back in school after that one, Captain.”
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up.” He shoved him, grinning all the while. “So what do you need from us to get close enough?”
He surveyed the situation above them. The Corviknight was twisting it’s head this way and that, keeping an eye on them, on Barty’s house, on the beach. With diligence like that, there was no way he’d go unspotted. “Liusha and I can use the sand as cover but, I’m gonna need it’s attention off me.”
“Got it. You can fly up from Bart’s place while we draw its eyes to the Hau’oli Beach. Once you’ve got it calm, we can stage a relocate.” Clover decided, holding out his communicator, “We’ll signal you when we’re ready.”
With a plan in mind, the two split.
“Alpha team, on me!” He heard Clover calling as he headed back to his team.
Tai fit the communicator in his ear as he settled back onto his mount. He curled a hand around the reins, giving her flank a pat. “Alright Sunflower, to Bart’s.”
She barked, sprinting down the highway.
“This is incredibly reckless I hope you know.” Bart said. “Not that I expect anything less from you.”
Tai clipped together the last strap to Liusha’s harness, making sure it was secure but not tight. “Heh, you saying I got a reputation?”
“I watched you dive headfirst off Kala’e Cliff to rescue a Meowth from the ocean.” He replied flatly.
“Well, at least I’m not the one who almost fell into lava because he was too busy trailing a Marowak to notice.”
“I’ll have you know that was very important classification research!”
Tai conceded with a shrug. “I’m just saying, we all have our passions doctor.”
“Taiyang,” Clover’s voice cackled in his ear. “We’ve got it distracted. You’re ready for take-off.”
He tapped down the button, “Roger that.” Then he nodded to Barty, “Looks like I’m off.”
The other man sighed. “Just be careful, alright?”
“I’ll try.” Tai hopped onto his Flygon’s back. “Alright Liusha,” He pulled up the goggles from around his neck, before curling his hands around the reins, “Let’s disappear.”
“Fllly!” He called, beating his triangular wings rapidly. From how fast they moved a melodic noise could be heard. The sand around them stirred, Sandstorm kicking up a tornado around them until it was so thick, they seemed to vanish within.
Not willing to talk and get a mouthful of sand, Tai instead pulled up on the reins. Liusha took that as his cue and took off. They soared across the beach and followed the length of Top Carat as close as they dared, the whirlwind of sand continuing to hide them as they continued to climb upwards.
It seemed no time at all that they were cresting the peak of the mountain.
As Tai feared, despite the ruckus Clover’s team was creating below, the Corviknight was not so preoccupied that it wasn’t keeping a close watch on the other sides. Its head turned just as they’d come into view, piercing red eyes staring right at him.
As he’d hoped, it saw them as nothing more than a dusty cloud and turned its attention away again.
Tai let out a nervous breath, urging his Pokemon forward. Easy now…
As they drew nearer, he lifted up his right arm. Strapped to his wrist was a large, plastic band that had a round, silver disc mounted at the top. There was a button on the side facing towards his elbow that, when pressed, would shoot the disc outwards. He could then control the movement of that disc simply by moving his arm, the infrared light in the docking station mimicking his movements like a remote control.
Tai jokingly referred to it as his ‘calming agent’ but it was more properly known as a Capture Styler – a device that transmitted feelings of safety and friendship to wild Pokemon. It did this by using a small pulse oximeter on the inside of the band to monitor his heart rate. As long as it was steady, it would transmit that back to the disc, which would then release electromagnetic waves as it circled around a Pokemon. Those waves would then trigger a chain reaction in the synapses of a Pokemon’s brain, causing a rush of endorphins that resulted in a relaxed and passive Pokemon that might even listen to commands, if given. That’s why they were often implemented to temporarily control wild Pokemon when their assistance was needed on the field.
But for him, it’s only purpose were on days like today, when he needed it to quell a furious Pokemon before it harmed itself or others.
Foot by foot, they inched closer. Tai took a few deep breaths, hand curling into a fist to avoid the discharge as his left thumb got ready to deploy the disc. Though his heart was racing in his chest, he did his best to quiet it and his mind, focusing on positive thoughts.
It’s okay.
I just want to help.
You’re going to be fine.
He repeated the mantra over and over until he was just twenty feet away and – Now! – he punched down the button.
The disc flew through the air. The Corviknight gave a surprised squawk as trails of blue started to surround it, Tai guiding it with the remote control by rotating wrist, helping it complete its first circuit.
That’s when it all went wrong.
The trails turned red abruptly and the bird flapped out a wing with a furious trill, knocking the disc off course. He barely had time to see where it flew, before the Pokemon’s glowing wing told him they were in danger as it turned towards them.
“Pull up!” He cried, coughing on dust as he yanked at the reins.
Liusha ascended like a rocket, the powerful air slash just barely skimming under his tail. The storm of sand fell, revealing them entirely. The Corviknight tracked their movement, emitting a fearsome screech as it clamored along the length of the rim.
But didn’t fly.
Realization hit just as Clover’s voice cracked through static.  “Tai, get out of there!”
He didn’t have time to respond as the Corviknight opened its beak, sparkles of light starting to form. Tai’s heart jumped, and he ordered, “Liusha, Dragonbreath, full power!”
“Gon!” His Flygon took in a deep breath.
As one, the two Pokemon unleashed their power upon each other – the bird’s mighty white beam colliding with his dragon’s fiery green fury. The attacks exploded on impact, creating a cloud of black smoke. Tai used obscurity to their advantage, kicking in his heels and leading his Pokemon into a dive, aiming for them to dip behind the far side of the mountain where it overlooked the ocean.
As they ran for cover, a bright bloom of red down below caught his eye. He chanced a glance at it, and his breath caught.
There was someone down there. He could barely make out the features, but the form was sprawled in the grass, a pool of crimson surrounding him.
A second later, the sight was hidden from him as Liusha ducked behind the wall.
Trembling, Tai tapped on the communicator, voice a stutter, “My Styler’s not gonna work. This Corviknight has an owner. He’s hurt.”
It wasn’t yet fully understood why the Styler was ineffective on owned Pokemon, though the suspected theory was that the waves somehow triggered a response from the Pokemon’s pokeball. The pokeball would react by letting out an inference signal – a feature that was only meant go off when a trainer tried to capture another’s Pokemon. The interference was strong enough to create breaks in the electromagnetic waves and, thus, would cause the disc to fail.
In short, his Capture Styler was useless.
“Shit.” Clover hissed. “Okay, come back, we’ll come up with a new plan.”
“I don’t think they have that long Clover. They’re-” covered in blood. He swallowed down the words, “They’re in real bad shape.”
He could hear the screech of talons on rock, alerting him to the Corviknight’s approach. A second later, he caught sight of its hulking shape; too far to launch an attack, but getting closer every second.
“I get that but-”
“Just let me try something.” He cut in, a new determination filling him as an idea formed. It was crazy and only had a fifty percent chance of working, but knowing another’s life was in jeopardy, he refused to back down without at least giving it his all.
A resigned hiss was his reply, “Alright but if it doesn’t work, get your ass out of there!”
“I will.” He promised, but he prayed he wouldn’t have to. His hands tightened around the reins once again, “Let’s go!”
Liusha gave an unwavering call, soaring upwards once more to face their opponent. Upon spotting them, the Corviknight gave an answering shriek, beak beginning to light up with another Flash Cannon.
They only had one shot at this. He pointed forward, ordering, “Now Liusha, Attract!”
He slid down his Pokemon’s back slightly as the dragonfly drew himself up taller, giving a captivating trill as he beat his wings to perform a melodic and whimsical tune.
The odd display gave the Corviknight pause, and Taiyang held his breath, hope clutching his heart even as the sparkles in its beak still formed.
Then they spluttered out all at once, the bird giving a lovely trill of her own, body weaving in answer.
“Thank Arceus.” Tai whispered gratefully. He tugged on the reins lightly, “Alright Liusha, let’s bring her down slowly.”
Not missing a beat of his song, his Flygon flew backwards, descending down into the basin until his feet touched the earth. The Corviknight, despite her injured wing, followed them with surprising ease, her powerful talons gorging right into the rock so she could walk down the slope to follow. It was kind of impressive – and also terrifying.
Only once she’d made it onto level ground as well did Tai dare slip off his mount’s back. He took a few steps towards her trainer and, when that didn’t raise her alarm, decided to risk it and all but sprinted to the prone form lying several meters away.
Upon his approach he noticed two things immediately: firstly, that the other was a man. Secondly, that he wasn’t actually surrounded by blood; what Tai had mistaken for a life-threatening injury was in fact a cape, pinned underneath his body where he lay on his side.
The unconsciousness still worried, and as he knelt in the grass beside the trainer, he could hear his whistling breathes, like they were struggling from his chest. Not dying but definitely not out of the woods either. Still, it afforded Tai some time to deal with their initial problem.
He ran a finger over the tops of the three pokeballs on the man’s belt, but the warmth they emitted told him they were all occupied. With as much care as he could muster, he gently shifted the other onto his back, wincing as the other’s breathing hitched in pain. He reached for the other side of his belt where two more pokeballs were, finding the last one felt cold and unhooked it, tapping the middle button to enlarge it.
“Return.” He called as he pointed it at the Corviknight. There was a beam of light and then she was gone. He frowned down at the ball, murmuring to it, “I’ll get him help, I promise,” before reducing it once more and clipping it back to the man’s belt.
He placed his index and middle fingers to the man’s throat, counting the beats while he used his other hand to tap on the communicator, “Everything’s under control up here. I’ve got the Corviknight recalled, but her trainer is out cold. Pulse is steady but I don’t think I should move him.”
“Copy that.” Clover sounded relieved. “Harriet’s on her way to see if she can provide any first aid. I’ll call an airlift; paramedics should be there soon.”
He couldn’t think of how to respond other than with, “Okay. Good.”
“And Tai? You did great up there.” Was the last thing he heard from Clover before the line went silent, no doubt to call the hospital.
He let out a sigh, shoulders slumping. Now that the worst of it was over, Tai felt the first threads of exhaustion creeping into the spaces his adrenalin had once been. His eyes drew up as Liusha came fluttering over, landing at his side. He gave the dragon a pat before his gaze ultimately dropped back to the man.
His skin was pale, but his face was abnormally so, making the dark shock of hair on his head and the stubble around his angular jaw stand out more. In fact, most of his face seemed angled in some way; his nose was pointed and his eyes slanted, framed with thin, sharp eyebrows. Despite his condition, it was hard not to notice how handsome he was.
A rougher, wheezing breath from the unconscious man’s parted lips drew Tai out of his disgraceful thoughts. He gave the other’s slender form a quick sweep, but beyond the concerning twist to the elbow of his left arm and some obvious damage to his clothes, revealing surface level scrapes and burns through the rips and tears, he couldn’t spot the main cause of the other’s pain.
But he worked too long as an acting Pokemon nurse not to recognize the noise.
With detached ease, he started to unbutton the man’s shirt. He’d found his culprit immediately. Though the right half of his chest was as white as snow, his left had taken on a concerning purple-black hue where bruising had spread across his upper chest. So close to his lungs, a puncture was a definite possibility.
How had he gotten so injured? Maybe the flash storm had caused him and his mount to lose altitude, resulting in a nasty fall?
A sudden beep broke him from his musings and he looked down, surprised to find a Poketch Watch on the other’s wrist. He hadn’t seen one since he was first setting out on his own journey, the technology having been antiquated by the C-Gear when he’d been in his early twenties – which was a decade and a half ago. Even still, he hadn’t forgotten how to use one and carefully pulled it off the man’s wrist, tapping through the functions to get to the Pokemon List app, which was linked to each of his Pokemon’s current health.
Tai’s stomach immediately dropped out upon seeing each health bar underneath the five names were in the red and blinking rapidly. Critical status. He understood Corviknight, but… all of them?
He looked between the watch to the man. “What in Arceus’ name happened to you all?”
Of course, there was no response.
Tai clicked his tongue, before he began unclipping each Pokeball from the other’s belt. They needed to get to the Pokemon Center right away.
“I hope that’s not your resumé for Team Rocket or something.”
Tai clutched his heart, jerking his head around. “Don’t do that Hare!”
Harriet shrugged unapologetically. “Fast and silent is kind of my thing.” She slipped down the back of her Braviary, the blue, red and white Pokemon matching extraordinarily well with her own white, blue and red uniform.
As she trotted over, she gave the items in his hands a pointed look, so he explained, raising the watch. “They’re injured.”
“Where’s this guy from? The 90s?” She snorted, giving it a glance over. “Guess you better get going then. I’ve got things here.”
The strangest urge to decline welled inside of him, at least until the airlift arrived, but he furiously beat it down. He was a Pokemon rescuer, not a human one. It wasn’t like he knew what to do other than sit there and be useless.
“Right.” He pocketed the pokeballs, starting to get to his feet, “I’ll-”
A hand grasping his wrist froze him faster than an Ice Beam.
Tai looked down, sucking in a sharp breath as the man squinted back at him. The shade of his eyes struck a nostalgic chord in him, because they were-
Pale red, the same color as the Fairy Flowers his mother always had in the dining room vase.
The stranger seemed confused, his gaze darting around as if trying to make sense of things, before landing back on him. His brows twisted, and in a gruff voice, said only one word:
Then his eyes rolled back, grip falling as he fell unconscious once more.
Tai was still frozen, eyes wide with shock.
Harriet tilted her head, “You know him?”
“No, I…” He stood, patting Liusha when the dragon pushed his snout into his shoulder, sensing his distress. “I’ve never met him before in my life.”
So how did this mysterious man know his name?
Maybe it was just a coincidence? Or maybe he meant to say something else and just got mixed up? He did have a lung being crushed after all.
“Hey!” Harriet snapped her fingers in front of his face. “It’s probably nothing. Don’t explode your brain over it. Now get out of here.”
It did work to snap him out of it, and with only one last look at the stranger, hopped onto Liusha’s back and took off for the sky.
But the question wouldn’t leave him.
He didn’t know him.
…Did he?
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twigs-sprigs · 3 years
I was wondering what the Iki AU is? I rlly like your basil design and I’d like to see more context to it if that’s ok
OKAY so, the omori iki au is...i guess you could call it a role swap au (there are certain things that don’t change though) 
me and the other creator @shadesofvioletvoid / @rapidlyfillingvoid plan to reveal everything once we’ve got a few more plot things worked out, but what you need to know is that sunny dies instead of mari in the fight tm and aubrey was there
and some of the swaps go like this (again, they’re only KIND OF swapped, certain things about them and the plot remain intact)
sunny - mari
kel - hero
aubrey - basil
hope this answers your question! i’ll give more once we have everything planned out i promise!
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sakuravulpes · 3 years
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✿ ⸝⸝ Belle Epoque
✿ ⸝⸝ Uh-Oh
✿ ⸝⸝ Collabor88
✿ ⸝⸝ VCO
✿ ⸝⸝ CULT
✿ ⸝⸝ Violent Seduction
✿ ⸝⸝ NIMU
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✿ ⸝⸝ Veechi
✿ ⸝⸝ Foxcity
✿ ⸝⸝ Bubble Gum
✿ ⸝⸝ CRY BB
✿ ⸝⸝ Psycho Pills
✿ ⸝⸝ Velour
✿ ⸝⸝ LeLUTKA
✿ ⸝⸝ Maitreya
✿ ⸝⸝ Sunny Photo Studio
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