#ikevamp Theo x Reader
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cloudcountry · 1 year ago
SUMMARY: theo "takes you out for a walk." (read: takes you out on a date to a bakery)
WARNINGS: none!! :D
COMMENTS: FIRST TIME WRITING FOR THEO!!! I HOPE I DO HIM JUSTICE </33 i havent even played his route oops
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“stop drooling all over the place, hondje. if you were wagging your tail any harder you’d have knocked down the display outside.”
you decide to ignore theo’s jab. you’re much too focused on the delicious looking pastries and delicately crafted cakes and powdered sugar dusted treats to care about a silly nickname, no matter how affectionate it may be.
theo grabs your hand and tugs you up to the counter, a soft grin on his face that you almost miss. his grip is tender, even though a man like him seems so rough and oh, how you love him so, because he’s such a tease and such a hard worker and loves his brother and loves you and always does his best to protect you both, and he’s always putting his best foot forward and treating you so well and—
“what would you like?” he asks, and that's when you realize just how long you were probably zoned out, staring at him like he was the pastry you wanted from the menu.
the two of you place your orders and wait at a nearby table, with you occasionally kicking theo’s shoes and him kicking you back. you don’t know if he realizes it, but each time you kick him he smiles.
he’s adorable. you’re in love with him.
and that fact only becomes more clear when he scoops up your treats, handing you your order with a gentle smile on his face and a reminder not to drool over it.
you smack a kiss onto his cheek and thank him for taking you out, and you can tell it takes all of his restraint not to pull you close and kiss you the way he wants to.
you know him well enough to know he'll make up for it.
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natimiles · 1 year ago
Lazy morning with Theo
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Words: 468
Tags: scenario; morning cuddles; fluffy; no pronouns specified for reader; established relationship.
Notes: Happy Birthday, @specters0rd! Have a fluffy morning with your master husband to brighten your day!
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You wake up with the feeling of Theo playing with your hair and something soft touching your forehead. Fluttering your eyes open, you find his face close to yours.
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” he whispers, still playing with your hair and brushing it away from your face.
“It’s okay,” you yawn, stirring and stretching. You notice then that he was half uncovered by the blankets, and his legs were sideways, as if… “Are you getting up already?” You can’t help but frown.
“Yes, I have some things I’d like to do.”
You grumble, frowning deeper and pouting. Grabbing the hand on your head, you bring it to your chest and hold tight.
“No, you don’t. It’s your day off, Theo.”
“I know,” he smiles at your pout, thinking it’s the most adorable thing. “But I want—”
“No,” you state again.
You throw yourself over him with enough force to make him roll onto his back. You settle on top of him and slide your arms under him so you can hold on tight, burying your face in the crook of his neck.
“I must be slacking off on your training, Hondje,” he clicks his tongue, but you know he’s not annoyed by the way his body shakes with him trying to stifle a laugh. “If that’s how you’ll behave with your master.”
“Yeah, yeah, you can do that later,” you dismiss him. “But now I want to enjoy this calm morning with you. You’ve been working too hard the last couple of weeks. You need to rest.”
He huffs with a laugh. “Fine.”
“Promise?” you ask, lifting your pinky.
“I promise,” he smiles softly, lacing his pinky with yours. “But I still should pinch your cheeks for all of this, to make sure you’ll behave next time.”
He really places his hands on your cheek, but he doesn’t actually pinch it. His hand slides back to your hair, smoothing it out of your face so he can take a proper look at you.
“Meanie,” you smile at him and place a kiss on his jawline.
Knowing he won’t try to get up after promising to stay there with you, you adjust your body so that you’re still slightly on top of Theo, but not completely. You bring your hand to the nape of his neck, playing with his hair there while he continues to run his fingers through yours.
It doesn’t take long for you to go back to sleep, and Theo can’t help but smile looking at the peaceful expression you have. He kisses your forehead again and squeezes you closer, pressing his face against your hair.
He closes his eyes with a sigh, trying to go back to sleep, and it isn’t so hard to do with your scent doing wonders to relax him.
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Taglist: @bicayaya @silverbladexyz @koco-coko @yamarireads @judejazza @echoes-in-the-forest @chevcore
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alby-rei · 8 months ago
The Astral Artist and His Haughty Hound (IkeVamp; Luigi's Mansion AU, Part 5)
a/n: It's been a while since the last update. Since then, I've graduated master's! Wee! What do you do when you fall head-first into a world inside a painting? Happy reading~ ✨
Series: Comte's Ghost Mansion Tags: Humor, Crack treated seriously, Luigi’s Mansion AU, Spooky scary spectral vampires, Ghostbuster MC Word Count: ~1900 words Characters: You, Vincent, Theo, [Surprise] Previous: Part 4 Next: Part 6
After dealing with the frivolous phantom named Arthur, you weaved through the winding halls in search of your next target.
Sebastian had marked for you the rooms of the remaining residents and their favorite spots.
A painting studio next? Wow, this mansion has everything!
You wondered how different the manor looked in the daytime. If Sebastian does not find you a way home, would they let you stay with them? Did you want to? Shaking your head, you brushed those thoughts aside.
This is all just one long lucid dream anyway, you thought as you trekked up a flight of stairs.
"Open sesame!" You jammed the master key in. "Woah!"
As soon as you stepped inside, your foot met with air, and you plunged down a starry night cityscape. Time slowed down as the wind picked up in swirls of cobalt blue, trailing across the sky like migrating birds. Stars twinkled in zinc yellow sparks guided by the vibrant orange of a cartoonish crescent moon.
More like a croissant moon, said your stomach while growling.
You stretched your limbs out like a flying squirrel, taking in the sights of a bustling city below. Couples strolled across tiles of spotty ultramarine and red ocher. A farmer pushed a cart of straw. A waiter balanced a tray of glass drinks as he weaved between busy tables. Trees danced to the tune of the wind, each branch shimmering in shades of emerald green. In fact, every inch of the city appeared in constant motion.   
How does such a world exist within a single painter's studio?
Gravity decided you had enough time to enjoy the scenery. You swam in the air towards the farmer's cart. If there was any hope in landing safely, that was your best bet. You held your breath as you hurled down towards your impending doom.
Just kidding!  
You landed in the cart of straw with the grace of a cat. The straw poked into your clothes and scratched against your skin. You climb out of the cart, weighed down by the Poltergust 1899. Thankfully, it did not break on the way down. Otherwise, you would have a bigger problem on your hands.
Brushing yourself off, you looked around for any signs of the artist behind this painterly world. Upon inspection, you found that the city dwellers did not carry distinct facial features. Some had none at all, more like impressions of a face. You wondered if this was how prosopagnosia felt.
You also wondered where you heard that word before.
"Excuse me, miss," said a gentle voice. "If I may trouble you to hold that pose."
Your head darted back and forth to find the source. A blond man peeked his head behind an easel stand. Unlike the rest of the population, his features were crystal clear; cerulean blue eyes and a sheepish smile on creamy skin. Little stars shimmered and swirled onto his features like those of the night sky overhead. An astral artist as beautiful as the world he had brought to life with his brush.
This must be Vincent,*you deduced.
Refusing his request felt like a crime against humanity. Unaccustomed to this sort of attention, you fidgeted in your spot. When you stood still, the colors around you became static. When you moved, the city followed suit. The only one unaffected by this was the painter, who remained engrossed in his work. Your attempts at light conversation were fruitless. He spoke mostly with his eyes with the way they stole glances at you every now and then, studying you. Heat rose to your cheeks as your gaze traveled elsewhere. You blamed the warmth on the bright lights of the coffee shop.
Be still my beating heart, you thought. This is not the time for casual crushes on ghosts.
You were jolted when you heard a loud smack of the paintbrush against wood. Vincent was cleaning his brush from the excess paint. The astral artist's arm shook with the speed of a rubber band. You'd think that brush was possessed, given the force he used to exorcise the spirits within. He stepped back to admire his handiwork, raising the canvas to face the light. His angelic smile was disarming. 
"Can I move now?" You asked, craning your stiff neck.
"Oh, yes! Thank you for your time. You must be a guest at the mansion. My name is Vincent."
"Nice to meet you, Vincent. And what a wonderful city you've created."
He shook his head. "I just paint what I see. The real wonder is the world around us." Stars twinkled excitedly across his cheeks.
You clutched the vacuum tube, explaining to Vincent the real cause of your arrival: to return their spirits to their bodies. You almost felt bad for what you had to do.
Vincent nodded. "In that case, you should find my brother Theo here, too. But, hmm..." He pursed his lips. After rummaging through his briefcase, he scribbled on a piece of paper, then handed it to you in an envelope. "This should help convince him. Please don't be alarmed by his...fiery spirit. Deep down, he is a kind soul."
His words left you skeptical, but you hadn't the heart to voice those concerns. A fiery spirit could mean many things. Given Vincent's gentle nature, *how bad could his brother be?*
"Where would I find him?"
"He usually stays at the pub just around the corner. It's the only one on the block. I'll meet you both in front of the river Rhone."
Waving goodbye to the astral artist, you rounded the corner and found a wooden sign with a beer keg on it. Just as you made your way up some wooden steps, a bloodhound stood in your path.
Similar to Vincent, he stood out from his surroundings. His chestnut-brown fur shimmered with a spectral outline. A silver ear cuff shone on his right floppy ear. His short tail stood on end.
"Intruder! Intruder!" barked the hound. "You're not from one of my dear brother's paintings. How did you get here?"
"Woah, woah. Settle down, boy." You backed up slowly as he drew closer. "Just visiting. I'm looking for—"
He sniffed around your ankles, then your clothes. You shielded the pocket that held Vincent's envelope. The bloodhound's maw pulled back in a snarl.
"An art thief?! Not on my watch!"
"What, no!"
"You stole something of his. It’s in that pocket, I can smell it."
Unable to reason with the haughty hound, you were forced to run in hopes of losing him. He proceeded to chase you around the painted city for a solid thirty minutes.
Huffing and puffing, you looked around frantically for any sign of the river that Vincent mentioned. *Surely he would know how to pacify his guard dog, if that is what he is.*
Your legs grew heavy and rigid like planks of wood. The bloodhound leapt onto your back, sending you tumbling forward.
"Get...off...me!" You struggled against his incessant pawing at your pocket. "I NEED TO FIND THEO."
He stiffened. "For me?"
"For...huh." Still dazed, words eluded you. You revealed the envelope in your pocket, waving it.
A weight was lifted off your chest, and a hand—a human hand—swiped the letter from yours. In front of you stood a tall man with brunet hair swooped left like sharp blades of grass. His cobalt blue eyes scanned the contents of the letter.  
"Why didn't you say so sooner?"
"You wouldn't let me finish!"
He offered you a hand to get up. "Come on, then. We shouldn't keep Vincent waiting."
You got up and brushed yourself off with more insults swirling in your head. Theo was already walking away, cool as a cucumber, as you let out all your frustrations. 
After a short walk, the loud and busy cityscape gave way to tranquil waters and soft sand. A handful of rowboats were docked. The warm yellow light of the buildings reflected onto the river, extending from shore to shore. The shimmering lights above brightened. The crescent moon was out of sight. The astral artist waved and the river swayed in tandem with his sweeping arcs.      
"I hope my little brother didn't trouble you much," Vincent said with a gentle smile.
"Well..." You rolled your eyes at Theo, who whistled loudly while avoiding eye contact.
Though you didn't say more, Vincent's smile fell. "Oh no."
Theo flinched when Vincent pinched his cheek. "Theo... What did we say about reacting impulsively?"
"Urk... I was just trying to keep your work safe."
Vincent sighed. "I understand you meant no harm." His voice trailed off, flicking his head towards you.
Theo inhaled sharply and turned to you. "I'm...sorry. For the way I reacted." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking away.
Vincent pat his head. "You can make up for it with a generous plate of your delicious pancakes."
Your stomach growled approvingly.
"But first, how do we get out of here?" you asked.
"Your device should do the trick," said Vincent with open arms. "Ready when you are."
"Wait!!" shouted Theo. "Me first. I don't...think I can handle seeing Vincent vacuumed like that again."
He has memories of previous nights? you thought. A brotherly bond stronger than paranormal curses, how sweet.
Fulfilling his wish, you captured Theo first, then Vincent. As you did, the world around you swirled in on itself. Blues and oranges blended together, and your sense of direction distorted along with it. The buildings compressed like clay, and the river washed over the stars.
Everything faded to black.
When you opened your eyes, you stood on solid wooden ground in the center of a regular studio.
Moonlight shone through a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows. You recognized the paintings on display as the city you ran through. No museum experience could ever live up to what you have seen here. Maybe you should propose the idea of a walk-in painting when—if—you get back home.
Beside your feet, both ghosts had dropped something behind; a paintbrush and magnifying glass. Two more for the count. You were getting good at this.
"Into the pouch you go," you declared, exiting the room with a rejuvenated sense of purpose.
You opened the map to your next destination. The longer you remained here, the harder it was to convince yourself it was just a dream. You touched the furniture you passed by, as a means of testing that theory. The man you met at the Louvre came to mind. Sebastian’s master. The subject of the painting at the entrance hallway.
"Ah," said a velvety voice. "Sebastian didn't tell me we were expecting guests."
You clutched your vacuum tube, aimed at the source. The shadow of a figure came into view. "And you are?"
Expensive leather shoes clicked as a man walked into the light. A large beige coat framed a lithe figure of aristocratic air. Blond hair swept over molten golden irises faintly glow in the dark.
The cause of your arrival in this strange world. He raised a hand to his chest, tipping forward in a noble bow. "I am the head of this mansion. Better known as le Comte de Saint-Germain. Enchanté."
Tagging: @starlitmanor-network
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clavissionary-position · 2 years ago
Everyone sacrificed some Theo smut to the dog/dessert gods today. I don't want to have bad luck for the rest of the year, so I will make an offering as well.
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ smutty crack . reader with female anatomy . one hundred fedora references
Candid Crack Intimacy
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(Please don't read this if you're smart or a minor)
When you touch your pussy-juiced fingertips to his lips, Theo shudders and falls back against his bed, pulling you along with him. You guess that means he liked it. More lip gloss for Theo then.
But he grabs your wrist and holds it off to the side. "When did you touch yourself?"
You shrug and try to wrestle out from his grip, but his hold remains firm and without the lubrication of sweat. The rest of him is sweating. Like onions in a saucepan. Just that one part of him is as dry as a dick stranded in the desert. If a dick can be stranded independent of its owner.
"Listen, Theo." You use your other hand to point in the direction of his headboard. "Do hear that?"
"Stop evading the question. We were sitting here making fedoras for the other residents. I saw both of your hands on the sewing gear the entire time that I wasn't trying to figure out why you purchased fabric with tiny fedoras on it."
You look aghast. "Because fedoras with tiny fedoras printed on them is? Literally?? Hilarious???"
"The fabric store was all out of everything else wasn't it." Theo's deadpan gaze always sees through you.
But not this time. You overlap your lips with his and massage the pussy juices in deeper. "Wrong you are. I chose that fabric because it was on sale."
"That is the..." Theo smacks his lips like a fish in thought. "That's so dumb that I almost want to cry."
"Cry while you're railing me." You flip off him and tap on your boobies with your free hand. "Let's go, partner."
Theo slackens his hold on your wrist and carries that hand between his teeth. After a light graze, he sits up and then pins you underneath him. "A man only cries two times in his laugh. When he's born and when his dick gets caught between a piano cover and the piano keys."
"Are you speaking from personal experience?" You ask sensually as Theo ghosts his lips over yours, never once going in for the kiss.
"I am," he confesses huskies. He purrs and begins to undo his belt. Then he finds he isn't wearing a belt today. But he is wearing his fedora. The normal one that doesn't have tiny fedoras on it. He's wearing it as a jock-strap. With a grunt he yanks it out of his pants and puts it over one of your boots.
"Gross, Theo. This isn't sexy. You've been sweating into this all day."
"Oh, shut-up." He alerts his gaze and furrows his brows. "My junk has been dry all day because of that new climate control system Comte installed."
"Why do you look so sad?"
"Because I went to turn the temperature up when I got cold and I saw Lumiere napping on the... the panel thingy that controls the whole thing. Okay?! Can we fuck, please?"
Aw. Poor Theo, you think. You slap his fedora off your breast and lay spread eagle. "My body is ready."
Theo smirks. "Best news I've heard all day." He bucks and lets his penis flip out from his waistband, hardening on-the-go.
You part your thighs and assume the position of a frog on a dissection tray. "I liked that zigzag motion you did last time."
Theo's tip taste-tests your moist flesh-accordion. Then sinks in like a solitary fang on a damaged vampire. "I was writing your name."
"What? Really?"
"No not really," he quips, cheeks flushing ever so lightly. He fills you with his gigantic horse cock.
"Oh my God, did you gain an inch?" Your walls are put through more PSIs of pressure than a space capsule. "Did you gain seven? What the fuck, Theo."
"Okay, okay calm down. I may have accidentally taken a supplement."
You wrap your arms around his back as he adjusts himself. "Was it Faust? Has he been indiscriminately drugging people again?"
"No, it wasn't him, but yes, he has been doing that. Can we not talk about other people while we're doing this?"
You peck his cheek. "Whatever you want. Just please. Go easy tonight?"
Theo's smile is as beautiful as a flower, or when a dick is rescued from the desert and finally reunited with its family. "No promises," he lies.
And he covers your mouth with a kiss as a stack of handmade fedoras with tiny fedoras on them watch over your act of love.
The end.
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duckyfann9871 · 10 months ago
I want to be a vampire too: rant
played 2 routes of ikemen vampire so far. I love the game, but both times I have wished that there was an option to join them as a vampire at the end.
I don't understand why becoming a vampire is posed so negatively in the game, but whenever it comes up in the routes it's coded like it's a terrible option that MC doesn't want to do.
Well, au contraire! If I had a chance to become a sexy vampire in a mansion full of other sexy vampires I would take it ... especially if the person I was in love with was also a vampire. If both are vampires doesn't that mean more time you get to be together??
TLDR I want to become a vampire at the end of my romance and I haven't had my way yet,
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2-lines-and-a-circle · 1 year ago
Moles and kisses
Notes: Short little drabbles about him kissing your back moles, Ikemen vamp suitors, can really be anyone you want it to be though, Fem! reader, established relationship,
Your back is bare in all of these so, just keep that in mind.
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Resting on your side, with your back facing towards him, eyes staring into an aimless space. Soon enough a soft sensation of which you believed to be his fingertips graced your back. What had he been doing? Drawing constellations? Following this came a kiss to your shoulder as he glided his hand to pull you closer to him. Your head against his chest till he got you to be underneath him. A cheeky smile across his face at his new proud findings.
“I didn’t know you had moles back here. It’s cute.”
^ Napoleon, Vlad, Vincent, Isaac
In the early morning you stood in front of the mirror preparing for your new day. Coming into view was your lover and without missing a beat he wrapped his arms around you. With a slight rock in his step as he woke himself up with each step. Taking a good look at your bare back he started placing light kisses, a soft touch to this early morning. From place-to-place different sensations all over your back appeared. Once he was done, he made sure to follow up with his usual good morning kiss.
“Hmmm? Ah, I just felt like kissing your moles. They were begging to be kissed this morning, don’t you think?”
^ Charles, Dazai, Arthur, Shakespeare
Getting up from your bed you welcomed a soothing breeze as it flowed in through the window. Staring down at your lover you placed a soft good morning kiss to start your day. Turning away from them you got up but felt a pair of arms stop you. Pulling you back into bed as he held you tightly from behind. Scanning your back for a quick moment, then he proceeded to kiss you, except only on places you had moles. Once he lifted his lips from the kiss, his fingertips would grace the place last kissed. A soft feather-like touch which became needier as time continued.
“Let’s stay in for a little longer. I want to savor you more.”
^ Leonardo, Comte, Theo, Faust
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etheries1015 · 2 years ago
As long as you don't mind, maybe Theo, Arthur, Charles and Shakespeare comforting a fem! S/O going through a emotional flashback?(where you feel the old emotions, but it doesn't feel like you're there there; I know for me I get really dissociated during/after and stim nonstop while blasting music to help ground). Only if you're up for it of course and it's something you'd feel comfy writing ❤️ Thank you so much lovely!
Oh my gosh slay my first ikevamp request thank you this is such a good idea!! I hope you don't mind I implemented a scenario I feel would be a relatable emotional experience: somebody brings up your family, friends, or past loved ones, and you can't help but think back at your life before and begin to spiral and question your choices.
Ikemen Vampire x reader - How they comfort you
Featuring: Theo, Arthur, Shakespeare, Charles
TW: Descriptions of disassociation and (very mild) panic attacks.
General warnings: Fem pronouns, not too in-depth but I hope it's still okay!
Theo I would say is not particularly the best at comforting, and does it in more of a round about way. However he can't help but need to do something....you're far too distracted while on the job. He had you come along with a few business deals with artists and nobles, and one specific thing a noble had said to you made you begin to think.
"Ah! Theo, and the lovely lady (y/n)! I've heard you have been established as a couple now, correct? Great for you! I'm sure your family must be happy you're with someone as stand up as good old theodorus here, huh?" One of the artists you had the pleasure of meeting blurted out. He hadnt meant anything by it and you knew this, however this was the start of you spiraling. The remaining amount of time you spent out and about with theo involved your eyes wandering to the ground, barely blinking while he led you by holding your hand. Your strides were slow and sluggish, and you had barely spoken a word ever since that incident. Finally you returned back to the mansion after he had finally called it a day, theo practically dragging you to his bedroom.
"What's going on with you hondje?" His eyebrows furrowed, "you've been weird ever since-" he stopped short of his sentence when he noticed tears filling your eyes which were colorless, your body slumping on the bed while you tried to distract yourself from the tears by picking at your nails. You simply shook your head, the words unable to form into coherent sentences thus silence was the best option for you. Theo didnt hesitate to wrap his strong arms around you and immediately begin to rub circles on your back, not pushing you any further to share what was going on.
He was content in the silence with you, he was a patient enough man to allow you to return to yourself in your own terms. Although he was gruff and often seen as outwardly brash and rough, however he knows when to hold back his often difficult attitude. Thus the next hour was him simply holding you in his arms, your light sobs soon evening out as you drifted into a slumber within his strong grasp. After laying you gently upon the bed, Theo made sure to take the following day off, for he knew he must dedicate that time to you.
You had began to make preparations for your wedding with Arthur, one of those things of course being a wedding dress. There were so many to choose from, and on top of being stressed about the whole ordeal and your anxiety creeping in, one of the tailors who were measuring you had nonchalantly said, "Oh dear, your parents must be ecstatic! Now tell me, where are they now? Shouldn't your mother at least be here for you while finding a dress for her precious daughters wedding?" You hesitated before gently responding to her that your mother lived abroad and you communicated by letter, and the woman quickly dropped the topic with a quick apology. The room suddenly felt thick and heavy, your chest tightened as you forced the tears that brimmed your eyes back. It wasn't until you stepped into the mansion after your dress endeavors, quickly rushing past any of the residents without so much as a "Hello." Its not as if you really noticed anyone anyways, your peripheral vision blurred and you felt numb. Any voices you heard drowened out, your mind wandering elsewhere. You wanted to be alone, you wanted to burry your face into your knees and try to cry, to forget the world exists, and fade away. you didnt feel real right now, you didnt feel like...you.
"Love!" You heard a familiar voice break you out or your trance, and panic began to set in.
Oh no.
You began to walk faster, 'don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry,' you kept telling yourself, 'If I see him, I will definitely cry.' And just as you had suspected, Arthur quickly caught up to you and grabbed your arm gently, a look of concern in his deep blue eyes. Your walls had cracked and the floodgates poured. He immediately pulled you into a tight embrace, swaying with you in his arms from side to side as you sobbed into his chest. Before long he was pulling you into his bedroom, instructing you to lay on his bed. He covered you gently with blankets and had gotten you water (and himself some coffee, of course.) He tried to get you to tell him what was wrong but knows better than to force you to talk. So, instead, he will lie down next to you caressing your hair. Your breathing began to even out, the repeated feeling of his gentle touch had calmed you down. You then spend the next few hours talking out your issues while Arthur peppered your face and jawline with kisses and continued to give you as much support as he possibly could.
"Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love and I'll no longer be a Capulet!"
The familiar line rang in your ears as the play went on, yet another rendition of your boyfriends ever so popular "Romeo and Juliet." However, this time, the words drowned out and you found yourself staring blankly at the stage. You could see blurred lines moving around in act, and words that were being called out as the play continued forward. Yet you were not listening to any of it. Memories of the past had bubbled up into your mind instead, memories of reading Romeo and Juliet for the first time, perhaps studying Shakespeare with your classmates in school, plays that would take place in your world, and faces of people you were once familar with playing those roles. You began to feel numb, devoid of emotions, living in the past without noticing Shakespeare had lay his hand upon your own in obvious concern.
"(Y/n)," he whispered into your ear, "what ails you, my love? Be not afraid to confide in me, let free that in which plagues thy mind," he coaxed. You let out a trembling sigh and simply shook your head in an indication that you had no intention to explain it right now, it wasn't the time or place, nor were you in the right headspace. He let out a slight sigh and rubbed his thumb loving over your knuckles whilst resuming his gaze on the stage, your mind wandering off once again in those memories now turned sour.
Once you had returned home to the villa, Shakespeare attempting to speak to you in the carriage left him feeling uneasy. You seemed far off, looking out of the window while responding in small one-word increments that left him mildly frustrated. Finally unable to contain the annoyance of being brushed off and failing to get you to speak to him, he had decided to grab your wrists and pin you to the bed, his eyes staring into your own with a hint of annoyance along with the overwhelming concern in his furrowed brows. he was about to demand you tell him what was possibly going on, however sudden movement caused you to finally break down, the tears that had been building up poured over and you began to sob. Any sign of annoyance was quickly replaced by pure panic and love, he removed his hands from your wrists immediately and pressed you into his chest. While smoothing your hair down he spoke poems into your ears, trying his best to distract you from whatever was bothering you. An hour went by and he had recited many of the lines from his plays, not even noticing you had ended up falling asleep within his arms... When you awoke you would find yourself comfortably tucked into bed, a cup of tea and little desserts awaiting you with your lover sitting and reading over a script. He wasn't particularly a patient one...however for you, he was willing to do anything to make it all better.
You weren't into it this time, the kisses he places along your jawline and hands lovingly caressing your sides didn't leave you shivering in pleasure per usual. You were staring up at the ceiling, eyes void and staring out into space, laying still while your boyfriend halted his sensual advances. He furrowed his eyebrows in concern and lifted his head to reach your gaze as he hovered over you.
"(Y/n)?" Charles asked with a tremble in his voice, "are you...okay? Am I not doing a good job? I'm sorry I-" you interrupted him with a sigh and a shaking hand pressing up against his chest, pushing him gently enough for him to understand to remove himself from on top of you. You sat up with your shoulders slumped over and your hair obscuring your peripheral vision and staring down at your hands.
"I just..." You choked out, "just...remembering some stuff," you said, "don't wanna talk about it..." Your voice was barely above a whisper, yet the lack of animation in your movements and tone had strongly caused Charles to worry. He planted a kiss on the top of your head before removing himself from the bed, putting his shirt back on and buttoning it up.
"Well...then you just rest for now, and I will be back with some food! Food always makes things better," He said with attempted enthusiasm. You had not replied. With a sad smile, Charles kissed your forehead once more before leaving you to your own devices, understanding that you may need some space in order to collect your thoughts and feelings. When he had returned, you had covered yourself with blankets. He tried to resist the urge to set down anything and everything and bombard you with a tight squeeze, instead, he gently lay the food upon the tablet in the room, taking a seat next to you as your light sobs were not gone unnoticed by his ears. Charles removed the blanket from the top of your head, cooing in your ear, "I have food here for you, and tea made fresh by yours truly...would you try it, please?" He asked, puppy eyes to try and lure you out. You simply shook your head. With a defeated sigh Charles resorted to humming a tune and drawing circles on your back, he felt your trembling begin to come to a halt and your breathing evening out.
He knew when you were ready and able to confide in him, he was going to smother you with as much of his love as he possibly could. Perhaps together you could learn to forget both of your worries of the past for a little while...
Bonus: Imagine Mozart just playing piano for you. you're crying softly but he doesn't mind, he just continues to play until it eventually lulls you into a gentle sleep. He isn't good at comforting, but his music can convey how he feels about you.
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cherryxblossxms · 1 year ago
🔞 Follow up in sub Arthur is making Arthur watch but unable to touch either of you.
Theo has no problems making you scream for him on a regular basis, the headboard banging against the wall in rhythm with his thrusts as you shake in pleasure beneath him. The only difference is, he's putting on a show for his bratty little boyfriend as well. Doing slow, deep thrusts, nearly pulling all the way out before slamming back in; Arthur is practically drooling.
Arthur has been too bratty and naughty for either of your liking lately, so what works best to make him think about his actions? Making him watch but unable to touch you or cum yet. He can certainly touch himself, but if it means edging over and over, it might be better to hold off. However, he's never been great at self control...
He somehow makes it to three of your orgasms before he's begging for relief, to kiss you both, touch you, worship you if you want. He just wants to be involved, wants to make you feel good too. Theo is often more unforgiving than you are so it's ultimately up to you how much longer you can last, or how soon you're willing to end the punishment.
The second you give the okay, Arthur will scramble over, kissing you both and hands everywhere. His big blue puppy eyes always give away how needy he is, how much he wants you both and needs your love and your attention. Other parts of him also expose his need, his straining fangs and leaking cock telling you how much he needs release.
Once he's finally allowed to cum, the punishment does seem to work to subdue Arthur, albeit temporarily. He does need some reassurance at the end, that you're not actually that upset with him and that you still love him, though he'll never admit he's looking for those words. But so long as that's provided, it's a very satisfying evening for all three of you.
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cloudcountry · 1 year ago
SUMMARY: little things the ikevamp suitors love about you.
WARNINGS: none!! :D
COMMENTS: this is kinda to get me back in the writing groove again. i thought this was really cute as i was writing it hehe
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napoleon adores your voice, the sweet sound of it carrying in the wind as you cheer him on when he spars. your voice goes higher when you talk to jupiter and lower when you talk to the kids he teaches, and although he’ll never tell you he notices these things, it’ll be evident when you look over at the teasing smirk on his face.
mozart adores the contrast between your klutziness and your grace, he’s caught you swaying to his music when you clean before, now that you two often find yourself sharing the same space. his eyes wander to you as he plays under the guise of making sure you don't slip on the sleek floors and injure yourself...but really, he is enraptured by you.
leonardo adores your lips, even more so when they’re on his own. ever the flirt, he makes sure your lips are always turned upwards in a bashful smile, the one that makes the corners of your eyes crinkle and your cheeks warm up. he touches your cheeks, brushing his fingers along your skin before kissing you, leaving you both smiling.
arthur adores your eyes, the way they’re always trained on him, the way he can see himself reflected in yours and just knows you see yourself in his. he loves how soft they look as they gaze upon him, a hopeless man, a sinner, a weak and helpless person that couldn’t save the ones he wanted to save most. you can still look at him, and that's all he could ever ask from you.
isaac adores your neck and the way it looks when you wear necklaces and different collared shirts and different hairstyles. he finds himself flustered at the thought of pressing his lips to where your neck meets your shoulder, sprinkling the skin with his kisses and dusting it with soft whispers for the both of you to cherish.
vincent adores your smile and the way it makes him happy, too. he loves that you never shy away from your feelings and you aren’t scared of his. you smile when he expresses what he wants, as if him craving and needing and wanting makes you happy, and oh if that’s what it takes to see you beam like you’ll love him forever, vincent will embrace every part of him.
theo loves your arms and how they work hard every day, only to wrap around him at the end of it all. it melts his heart when your head finds itself over his heartbeat, listening to his pulse as you shut your eyes. he’s never felt more weak in the knees in his life. you’ve ruined him, but he doesn’t care just so long as you keep holding him and working hard at his side.
dazai adores your waist and all of the uses it has. he loves kneading the flesh he finds there, making you squeal because those spots may be a bit ticklish. he finds himself placing a hand there as he walks with you, holding you close to his side, just close enough to catch your scent. it’s cheesy when he grabs your waist to lift you into the air, swinging you around in an impromptu dance, but his heart melts with love for you when your hands find themselves over his, keeping him latched onto you.
jean adores how you wake up in the morning, all sleepy and confused. every little noise you make makes his heart skip a beat, and so he captures every single one and places them in the corner of his mind labeled with your name for safekeeping. maybe then, even when you’re gone, he’ll still be able to know you. the heart that pounds so vehemently for you nearly pops out of his chest when you throw an arm over him and snuggle into his chest, a delicate smile on your face.
will adores how you smell when you come out of the shower, all freshened up. the fragrances of all the products you two picked out together waft throughout the villa, and will doesn’t find himself minding that he can smell you everywhere. after all, you’ve left your mark on this place, and furthermore, his heart.
comte adores you for staying by his side, even though he knows it’s hard. he’s been so painfully lonely for most of his life, and even now he doesn’t feel he fits anywhere. but you come along and take him into your arms, gently collecting all of his broken pieces, and you bring him back together with your embrace. this. this is where he belongs. he is certain of it.
sebastian adores your laughter and the way you seem to infect the mansion with it. he hears it ringing in his ears even when you aren’t around, the sweet sound carrying through his memories as he busies himself with chores and thoughts of you. it isn’t easy running an entire mansion, but with you by his side, bumping him with your hip as the two of you wash dishes, he couldn’t be happier.
vlad adores how you love vampires just as much as he loves humans. you have always tried to get him to bridge the gap with comte and trust humans again, and although it's not easy he sees your efforts and he loves you for it. you’re strange for not fearing him, for staying by his side throughout all he has done, but he’s glad for it.
faust adores how you’re so honest. you set boundaries and mean them, you tell people off when they’re encroaching on your space, and you make sure the environment you foster around yourself is as lovely as it can be. it makes him smug, knowing you’re so capable and he’s the one that gets to call you his. 
charles adores your fingertips and the way they map out his body, pressing into his scalp to soothe him and trailing down his back when he wants a hug. you’re always so gentle with him, treating him like he’s precious like he’s loved, and he knows he can never get enough of it. you’re so sweet, indulging him like this. he will never be able to stop loving you.
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natimiles · 1 year ago
What is that? (a tattooed reader)
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Summary: You tied your hair in a high ponytail that morning, and it was enough for the tip of your tattoo to be visible. You've had it for so long that you're used to it, and sometimes you forget it's there — plus, you forgot that they've never seen it before.
Words: 1716
Tags: reader have tattoos; platonic relationships; more like friendships; no pronouns for reader, but you wear a dress and have sort of long hair.
Can you tell I have favorites? Only Isaac, Mozart, Jean, Arhur, Vincent, Theo, Napoleon and Sebastian show up. Le Comte is vaguely mentioned.
If you're curious to see the tattoos, I linked their images in their respective descriptions throughout the fanfic.
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“What is that, mademoiselle?” 
You're helping Sebastian with breakfast, moving around the dining room, but you’ve been feeling a strong stare for a while. You're already accustomed to everyone, so you don't mind. You knew that if it was Isaac trying to muster the courage to ask you something, he would eventually do it. But it’s Jean’s voice, and it catches your attention because he usually eats in silence; and he sounds unsure and curious.
You set Arthur’s coffee in front of him while you glance at the table and everything you and Sebastian made. Perhaps there's something he doesn't know, like when you baked him macarons, but today's menu is the same as usual.
“What is what?”
“That thing,” he points in your direction. 
Isaac, Mozart, Vincent, and Theo are already having breakfast too, but they pause to glance at you, curious about what Jean is talking about. You feel a bit self-conscious and briefly inspect your clothes. Did you spill something? Fortunately, no. 
“I don’t follow, Jean.”
“That thing you have here,” he points at his own back. “I’ve seen it since I sat here to eat, but I can’t understand.”
You raise an eyebrow at him and look over your shoulder, Arthur takes advantage that you’re still by his side to lean backwards on his chair and measure you up and down — and definitely stare at your ass.
“Stop it, perv,” you playfully spat the writer’s arm, earning a chuckle from him. 
“Ah, I think Master Jean is talking about your tattoo,” Sebastian tries to help, pointing at his own nape.
Realization finally hits you. Since arriving at the mansion, you've been exclusively wearing long clothes that cover almost your entire body. However, summer started a few weeks ago, and you've been feeling the full force of the heat. It's scorching every day, and at times, you wake up covered in sweat. You've been yearning for an air conditioner or even just a simple fan. So you bought lighter clothes recently — aka Comte bought you a whole summer wardrobe as a gift. What you're wearing today is just an off-the-shoulder dress, so the front and back necklines are a bit lower than usual, but not by much. However, you tied your hair in a high ponytail that morning, and it was enough for the tip of your tattoo to be visible. You've had it for so long that you're used to it, and sometimes you forget it's there — plus, you forgot that they've never seen it before.
“What is that?” Jean is even more curious now, evident from the way he furrows his brow.
“It's a drawing on my body, made with a special kind of paint that never fades. It's a form of art.”
“Really?” You've piqued Theo's interest in art. “And what is it?”
“Music,” and now you’ve piqued Mozart’s interest in music. He doesn’t really show it, but you know him well enough to see when he’s curious. “Well, kinda. It goes a little down my spine, but it’s safe to show. Sebastian, can you help me, please?”
The butler nods and approaches you. You turn your back and move your ponytail to the side for a better view, while Sebastian lowers your neckline slightly so the others can satisfy their curiosity and see it.
It starts just at the end of your nape and goes 5 inches down. It’s an all-black DNA drawing with musical notes on the middle lines, a representation of a metronome pendulum on top, and a treble clef at the bottom. The middle actually has the same number of lines as a music sheet, and the notes can be read as the first five notes of your favorite song.
There’s only silence for a few moments, and as you turn around, you see that they're still staring at you. You think Theo hadn't even blinked until now because he suddenly blinks a lot, and his eyes meet yours.
“It’s pretty!” Vicent smiles like the angel he is. “Is it a real song?”
“It is,” Mozart hums the notes, his eyes conveying that he knows it’s your favorite song.
You've told him once, when you went to the music room to give him an afternoon snack. You were already friends (kind of), so when you saw he wasn't there at the moment, you knew he wouldn't mind if you sat down and softly played it; so you did. The next thing you knew, he was barging into the music room to scold whoever had the audacity to touch his piano, but he stopped when he saw you. He may have asked you to write down the notes so he could play it with you.
“Oh, yeah, you played it for us in the last banquet,” Isaac remembers.
“Does it hurt?” Jean asked, curious again. 
“No, not anymore. It hurt when I was getting it done. Boy, that was one hell of a ride,” you laugh. “But it’s been years, so it’s all healed and okay now.”
“It suits you, hondje. Do you have more?”
“I do!” You beam at them, feeling all bubbly inside. It's lovely how they always show interest in anything about you and remember what you like. “It’s on my thigh.” You use the tip of your toes to put more leverage on your right leg, grabbing a fistful of the skirt of your dress. You lift it to show them your tattoo, but a hand stops you when it's reaching your knee.
“Nunuche, what the hell?” 
Napoleon had just woken up and was joining you in the dining room. Did you say something about your thigh? He was still a little sleepy, so he thought he heard you wrong. But then you grabbed your dress… What the fuck do you think you’re doing? He was at your side in the blink of an eye, gripping your wrists tightly and looking at you with a panic expression. It’d certainly be red in a second, if the loud slap sound was any indication. 
And that’s how you make vampires choke on their foods and drinks. You look at them, a confused expression on your face. Isaac spat his tea all over his plate and is now coughing to clear his throat. Jean dropped his fork, frozen in his chair. Mozart is blinking in a frenzy, his mug in such a tight grip on his hand that his knuckles are white. Vincent is blushing furiously, his mouth agape. Theo is actually amused, and you clearly heard Arthur complaining to Napoleon that it was just getting good. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask, startled. 
“MC, just remember we’re not in the 21st century,” Sebastian says, clearly holding a smirk. 
You feel your entire face heat up. Oh my God! That was certainly an uncomfortable situation. But you were so used to them; they made you feel at home, so you didn’t really think about what you were doing.
“Oh, right, sorry,” You chuckle and blush under the intensity of their stares. “But it’s no big deal, really. Sebastian and le Comte have already seen it.”
“Say that again?” Theo asks as his gaze drifts to the butler, just like everyone else's. 
“It’s nothing weird!” You can almost feel the emperor’s grip tightening. Sometimes he was so overprotective — they all were, and it was both endearing and funny. You huff. “We were talking about the 21st century, and I told Sebas that I have tattoos and showed him. Simple as that. Lots of people wear clothes that show a lot of skin in modern days. Do you think I would lift my dress to show the tattoo when I’m right next to Arthur if it wasn’t okay?” You deadpan Napoleon.
“Hey!” The writer complains, but everybody ignores him. You do have a point.
Napoleon frowns, but slowly releases you. You look at the others and just from a look they know you’ll be mad if they freak out again, so they try to act cool. Keyword: try. They’re staring so much you think they’ll open a hole in your thigh, but at least they’re quiet. You lift the dress just a little more and your tattoo is finally showing. It’s colorful and about the same size as the other. There’s white fine lines connecting dots, forming the Leo constellation, with a blue-purple watercolor background.
“Yes, luv! Now that’s a good breakfast,” Arthur smirks and places his elbow on the table to support his head as he looks at you. He’s so glad that Jean started this conversation while you were still beside him. Napoleon purses his lips and glares at the writer, but he knows better than to start a fight. His nunuche wouldn't let him live it down. 
“What the fuck is that?” Theo raises an eyebrow. Don’t get him wrong, he likes the art, but he just doesn’t understand what it’s supposed to be.
“Theo, language,” Vincent scolds his brother. He doesn’t want you to think they don’t like it.
“Is it upside down?” Jean frowns and tilts his head, trying to get a different angle, but it doesn’t make a difference.
"It's the Leo constellation," you chuckle and glance at Isaac, knowing he would understand. He enjoyed stargazing and always invited you to join him, especially after discovering your shared interest — then he started rambling about physics and astronomy, and you were lost.
“Oh, the stars,” Vincent says.
"So," Theo begins, and you can tell from his amused tone that he's about to say something to make you blush, "you have one that resembles Mozart and another that resembles Isaac."
“No, no. It’d have to be an apple for Newt,” Arthur grins when the poor physicist blushes as red as… the mentioned fruit.
“You’re the worst,” Isaac mumbles under his breath.
You chuckle at their banter. “So that’s it,” you say, releasing your dress. “We have a lot of things to do. So finish your breakfasts quickly.” You clap your hands twice.
“Indeed,” Sebastian nods in agreement.
You have moments of silence after that and you go back to work, but you feel the stares the whole day. You know they still have so much to say and ask, but they stay quiet.
You have some ���not-so-permanent tattoos” now — and they might have helped do some.
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I don't have tattoos yet, but I really want it. I'd make the first one, but with colors.
Crossposted on AO3.
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fang-and-feather · 5 months ago
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Ikemen Vampire - Jean x Vincent x Reader
Words: 1377
Another fic from my old drafts and for this triad's series, this time about telling Theo of their relationship
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Link
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“Where is Hondje?”
Vincent turned to Theo, who was looking around the dining room. It was strange that his brother was so worried about your absence, but Theo had been a little weird all week.
The heavy sigh escaped before he could contain it, catching Theo’s attention. Vincent didn’t like hiding things from his younger brother, but he also promised to keep a secret of their relationship until Jean was ready.
“It’s her day off. She left for town quite early this morning. I couldn’t go with her because I have a painting I’m almost finished with.”
Vincent didn’t expect that half explanation to work, but Theo smiled at him.
“I can’t wait to see your new painting. Although I’m surprised you will finish in time for the new exhibition. I know you have been working, but I haven’t seen anything from you since you told me Jean agreed to model for you.”
“I’ve been practicing anatomy with Jean as my male model, but he’s not quite ready for me to share the only work I have finished, and I’m not satisfied with the other attempts. But I was really inspired with this last work and I can’t wait to show you. I might even finish it before you come home.”
After that, their interaction during the rest of breakfast returned to normal. But Vincent was still anxious, knowing the distraction wouldn’t work for long.
He’d never felt so anxious and divided before, and he didn’t know how to deal with it.
After breakfast, Vincent returned to his room yo go back to his painting, in time to spot Theo boarding a carriage on his way to work.
“Sorry Theo.” Vincent muttered to the quiet room. “I will tell you as soon as I can.”
But Vincent had no idea when that would be.
He understood Jean’s hesitance. Every step of their relationship had been difficult, especially Jean accepting that you and Vincent were really in love with him, and even more that he actually returned your feelings.
Vincent also understood Jean being afraid of revealing their unusual relationship to people. If it were anyone else, Vincent wouldn’t be so willing to share. But he trusted his housemates, especially his brother, while Jean was only starting to build some semblance of a relationship with them.
But maybe it was time to talk to Jean again, when his boyfriend came back. With some luck, that would be before Theo.
Vincent didn’t have such luck, though. With the painting soon finished, he started cleaning his room a little - it was mostly his studio at this point, since he only slept in it when sleeping alone - and when he was almost done, his brother practically burst in.
The first thing Vincent thought when seeing the conflict in his brother’s face was that something had gone wrong with the exhibition. Theo usually didn’t let it phase him, but he couldn’t think of anything else.
“Theo? What happened?”
Theo took a step in, closed the door behind him and sighed. He looked angry and sad.
“I should ask you. What happened between you and Hondje? What did she do?”
That was what he feared. Theo was getting too suspicious, and now he probably had figured things out, but just half of it.
“She did nothing, Theo. Why do you think she did?”
“I wasn’t the only one who noticed, but she has been spending a lot of time with Jean, and I saw them together in town.”
“They must have stopped by the cafe we found out a while ago. Is there something wrong with that?”
Vincent only needed Theo to trust him for one more night so he could talk to Jean.
“I didn’t think so. Jean doesn’t seem like he would do anything wrong, and I trusted you with Hondje because she’s not the kind of girl to do so either. But the way I saw them today…. I still don’t think they would do something behind your back, so I just want to know what happened.”
Theo was surprisingly not as angry as Vincent expected. He definitely trusted you and understood Jean enough. He was trying to be understanding instead of confronting you directly and probably aggressively.
“I would tell you if something wrong happened, Theo.” Vincent smiled, trying to find the right words that would give him more time without lying to Theo or having him change his mind and confront one of you. “Everything is fine. We just…”
But he was interrupted by a knock on the door that was almost immediately opened as a familiar voice called for him.
“We’re back, and we bought the desserts you like. She asked me to come get you.” Jean walked up to him as if he hadn’t even noticed Theo, and gave him a fluttery kiss.
There was a long silence in which neither Vincent nor Theo reacted, and Jean didn’t seem bothered. Not until Theo finally recovered from the shock and grabbed Jean, pulling him away.
“You’re welcome to join us, Theo. We brought sweets you might like. And we hoped to talk to you.”
“Thank you, Jean.” Vincent smiled. This was not what he expected, but the way Jean smiled back made him sure everything would be fine.
The dining room was empty save from you. Surprisingly, when you were just bringing in fresh coffee.
Upon noticing Theo, you looked at Jean, who gave you a firm nod, and Vincent understood his boyfriend’s decision wasn’t sudden and Theo had just come in before the two of you could talk to him. That made him feel even better about the situation.
“We didn’t think you would be back already.” You told Theo, putting sugar on a cup of coffee for him. “But we have enough coffee and sweets.” You gestured for him to take a seat, and when he did, you approached Vincent and also gave him a soft kiss, also serving his coffee.
Vincent sat by Theo’s side, while you and Jean sat in front of them. Theo’s eyes darted from one of you to the other for a moment, before he took a sip of his coffee and finally spoke up.
“Alright, what’s happening here?” His attention turned to Vincent. “I thought you and Hondje were together. Everyone thinks she and Jean are. But in your room, Jean kissed you…”
“All options are correct.” You cut him.
“What do you mean?”
“I know it will feel weird at first. It did for me.” Vincent explained. “I never considered this was an option. That this was possible. But the three of us are together.”
“That makes no sense.”
“I thought so too.” Jean told him. “That’s why this relationship has been difficult for me to navigate. And why I asked Vincent not to tell you yet.”
“Mine and Vincent’s relationship is still the same. But now both of us have a new relationship with Jean. Some people are just capable of having romantic feelings for more than one person.”
Theo fell silent for a moment, looked at each of you, his attention falling on Vincent last.
“It makes no sense to me. But are you sure of this? You know people won’t think it’s normal. This will come with problems and sacrifices.”
“I am sure, Theo. And nothing in our life has been normal for years.” Vincent smiled at his partners, then at his brothers. He imagined it would be difficult to understand, but knew Theo would be that accepting. His younger brother was a little too protective at times, but he just wanted to see Vincent happy and safe. “I love both of them, and although a little difficult, things have been going great for us.”
Theo nodded slowly, then looked at Jean.
“I hope you will be good to my brother.”
“He’s the one who’s been too good to me. Both of them have. And I will do everything I can to keep them happy and safe.”
“I hope so. I’m just glad I was right about all the residents�� gossip being foolish. You caused quite a ruckus with this.”
“We will dispel this soon.” Jean reassured him. “But can you not tell them until we do?”
“Fine. I guess that’s what family is for.”
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Tag List:
@tele86, @nightghoul381, @natimiles, @bicayaya
@eventinelysplayground, @queengiuliettafirstlady, @2-lines-and-a-circle
If you want to be tagged/untagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
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vcodenv · 2 years ago
⍣Ikevamp Suitors Playing Uno ೋ
Arthur, Dazai, Theo.
warnings: none.
(I’ll do a part 2 with the other suitors.)
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˗ˏˋArthur ´ˎ ˗
⋆ ★ Everyone hates him because of how good he is.
⋆ ★ The other suitors start teaming up on him, especially Theo. “Don’t change the color to red, Arthur has red.”
⋆ ★ Is so cocky before the game even starts.
⋆ ★ Throws in a +2 or +4 the second someone calls uno just to make them mad.
⋆ ★ Could have the most ass hand of cards known to man and still win.
⋆ ★ Is the biggest sore loser, whenever he loses he’s going to constantly ask for a rematch.
⋆ ★ Humbling him is the most satisfying thing ever.
˗ˏˋDazai ´ˎ ˗
⋆ ★ Tries to peak at the other suitors cards and acts innocent whenever he gets caught. “Me? Looking at your cards? I would never.”
⋆ ★ Mixes up the 6 and the 9.
⋆ ★ Comes up with his own rules in the middle of the game.
⋆ ★ Ends up with half the deck in his hands.
⋆ ★ “Dazai, that’s a yellow four. Why’d you put down a green two?”
⋆ ★ Refuses to leave Isaac alone. “Ah, of course Ai-Chan puts down red, the color of his beloved apples.”
˗ˏˋTheo´ˎ ˗
⋆ ★ He is out for Arthur the entire game. His main life goal is to beat him.
⋆ ★ Tries to team up with Vincent every single time.
⋆ ★ Gets mad whenever the other suitors make Vincent draw cards. “What? He doesn’t have to draw anything, klootzak.”
⋆ ★ One step away from flipping the table.
⋆ ★ He gets so serious, winning the game is a life or death situation to him.
⋆ ★ The only time he’ll crack a smile is the look of annoyance on Arthur’s face whenever he loses or has to draw cards.
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ashxngrotto · 1 year ago
𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕 𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕
This is a story written for @olivermorningstar from the Secret Santa Event hosted by @lemeowade !!
Warnings: reader being referred to ‘he’, Christmas themed, fantasy AU in Theo’s part, Arranged marriage for Jude, and fake dating for Sariel, also he/him pronounces for the reader!
A/n: hello I hope you like this! ><
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𝑺𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒍 𝑵𝒐𝒊𝒓 — 𝑭𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈
“To avoid letting any nobles or princes from the other countries knowing that you’re Belle, we will start dating.”
“W-wait.. what?” He was shocked, didn’t expected that sentence and the devilish smirk.
“Fake, fake dating.” Sariel said it out loud as if it was the most normal thing in the world, “to avoid people spreading rumours and stuff, we will be fake dating, is that all right for you, Belle?”
Oh, anyone would know that they couldn’t say no to that devilish smirk as if Satan himself came waving at you.
So, he said yes.
Sariel is now sorting out documents for Chevalier’s faction, also asking servants to search for Luke for his absence for the whole morning.
There he is, no, not Luke, but the “fake partner”. Sariel saw something in his hand, what could that be?
He held out a small present box, the colour is the same s Sariel’s eye colour, a beautiful amethyst-coloured ribbon on top.
He smiled and handed the present to Sariel, and Sariel took it with both his hands,
“What is this?” Sariel asked, his voice filled with gentleness and tenderness as he spoke, no one except Belle himself has ever heard the ‘devil’ spoke so gently.
Inside the box was a snake-shaped pin, and a Rhodolite stone in the middle as decoration.
Belle shrugged as he began, “I don’t know what to give you for Christmas, I know you don’t like sweets that much, and you definitely wouldn’t like roses.”
Sariel chuckled, he was so sweet for thinking and giving him a gift for Christmas.
“So I chose a pin, and it even had a Rhodolite stone!” His voice was filled with excitement as his face lit up with joy.
Sariel’s lips were curved into a delicate smile, he took out a hairpin from his drawer, one that was given to him from the previous king, saying that he may need it for someday, sure, today’s the day.
The hairpin was rose-shaped, also with a Rhodolite stone.
Sariel leaned closer, as he whispered in Belle’s ear like a snake whispering sweet nonsense to its pry.
Sariel began with a soft, but also seducing voice as he began, “this Christmas, and for every Christmas from now on, I’ll give you the devil’s eternal love.”
As he spoke, the church bells rung, signalling it’s another Christmas in Rhodolite but also their first Christmas spent together.
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𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒐𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒖𝒔 𝑽𝒂𝒏 𝑮𝒐𝒈𝒉 — 𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒚 𝑨𝑼
Theo is kinda like a werewolf vampire in this au ><
“Hondje, come here” Theo sat with his legs open as he patted his muscular thighs signalling you to sit on them.
He sat on Theo’s lap, shifting as he found a more comfortable posture.
“You want something?” He laid his chin on Theo’s shoulder, speaking softly while stroking his lover’s ears.
“Food.” Theo chuckled as his lover pouted, clearly not satisfied with that answer.
“Alright…” Theo placed his hand on his lover’s waist, the other one unbuttoning his shirt, “I feel like I’m craving for your blood.”
His lover blushed, but didn’t stop him from continuing as Theo shed off his shirt, revealing his lover’s bare shoulder to him.
“May I..?” Theo’s fingers were tracing the outline of his lover’s bare shoulder, his lover nodded, giving him the permission.
Theo bit into his shoulder, as his lover softly let out a whimper, no matter how many times they’ve done this, it always feel so good in many ways.
Theo licked the blood away, showing his fangs to him.
“Merry Christmas..” Theo took his lover’s hand in his, softly kissing the back of it.
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𝑱𝒖𝒅𝒆 𝑱𝒂𝒛𝒛𝒂 — 𝑨𝒓𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒈𝒆
Jude was never a gentle person.
“Hey Jude-“ Victor began
“Shut the hell up dumbass”
“Mean as always I see~” although being called a dumbass, Victor still had a charming smirk on his face, his lips curled into an elegant smile.
“I want you two to get married.”
Jude’s eyes widened, the cigarette between his lips fell off.
“What the f-“
That’s how you two got together, but Jude never saw you as a real partner, even after the wedding.
During the wedding night~
Jude’s back was facing you, his chest rose and fell as he slept.
You were still recovering from his previous rough and merciless actions, why did you agree to this marriage?
You saw Jude hanging out with other women, although he claimed it’s for work, you still didn’t believe him.
Why? You’ve tried hard to be a good fiancée, you did whatever what he wanted. And now you’re his partner for the rest of your lives. You’re not even sure will he love you someday.
You started thinking about the previous memories with him:
One time when you tried talking with him,
“Don’t annoy me, I’m working.” He blew the smoke out, and shooed you away yet again.
How many times already? You can’t remember anymore, you’re too tired of being pushed away, so you just tried to ignore this feeling that keeps stinging your heart every time.
“What now?” Jude’s handsome face was in front of you, his calloused fingertips caressing your tear-stained cheeks.
Wait.. when did I start crying? You thought to yourself.
“Thinking about stupid stuff again?” Jude’s voice was nothing gentle, or kind. Like how it always is.
“No I’m not.” You tried arguing, but can’t help to feel sad, why can’t he be gentle?
You began talking about all your unhappiness with him, “I don’t like this, I don’t like it when you’re treating me like a toy-“
“Who said your a toy?” His voice was sharp, but you can see that his eyes were carrying a tiny bit of gentleness, something that you’ve always wanted.
“..but you treated me like one.” You still don’t want to face him, so you looked away, not letting him see your tears-filled eyes.
“Look at me.” He turned your face to look at him directly.
“You’re never a toy,” he said.
You felt him leaning closer, his eyes are now looking at you lovingly, could it be he love you? Wait.. but it’s impossible..?
“You’re my partner.” He continued.
His lips are touching yours, kissing you oh-so-gently, nothing like how rough he was like two hours ago.
He pulled away after a while, leaving you panting heavily.
“I love you.”
His voice has never sound so sincere, he took your hand in his, as he kissed each of your fingertips.
“I, Jude Jazza, promise to love you..” he kissed your thumb.
“And take you as my partner..” he kissed your index finger.
“To have and hold from this day onwards,” a gentle kiss landed on your middle finger.
“For best, for worst, for rich or poor,” now your ring finger..
“In sickness and in health, to love and cherish,” he lips touched your pinky.
Now, he looked at you as if you’re his everything, you know, he never break his promises.
“Until death do us apart.” He kissed the your wedding ring.
He never break his promises, he’s for real.
He’ll never stop loving you, until death do you two apart.
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letterstoear · 1 year ago
Art Gallery
Notes: Theo x reader, romantic relationship or platonic relationship can be read either way, fluff, short letter, new to writing Theo
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Check out my shop here: Shop — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
Hondjie, Vincent and I both have very different views on you. I’m sure you already know this by now, but to us you’re beautiful, just in different ways.
To me, you’re the kind I wish I hadn’t looked at because I find myself looking away the moment we lock eyes. Maybe I’ve finally become delusional, but I think you’re beautiful even if there’s nothing special going on. It could be a normal day when you’re looking after King, and I would still find you gorgeous.
Which brings me to ask, what was Vincent’s version of you? He wouldn’t show me the final piece. All he would tell me is how the painting is how he views you. I’ve got a good guess as to how the portrait could look. Not that it’s anything close to the real deal. That’s my brother for you, Vincent’s so good not even your imagination compares.
Still, having Vincent paint you to see how you look through his eyes was sneaky. If you want to get your portrait done by him, you need to wait in line. I’m pretty sure you’re right behind Comte, he commissioned one right before you did. So, no cutting in line anymore. Today was an exception.
Keep that in mind.
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y4h3l1n · 1 year ago
Amigo, no puedo parar de imaginarme a Mozart escuchando la música de la actualidad, o Napoleón enterándose sobre la reliquia de su pene 💀 Digamos (En el Universo de Ikemen) que al final alguien hizo pasar el miembro de alguien como si fuera de Napoleón, yo lo nombraría la gran estafa...
Puedo oír las voces de Arthur, Dazai y los demás residentes riendose de esto, también me uno a la causa. Principalmente Arthur y Dazai, Sebastian estaría contando sobre eso alegremente, mientras atras de él se estan cagando de la risa.
Le Comte lo sabía antes definitivamente. Se esta riendo detras de su taza de té.
De seguro le hacen burla a Napoleón por una semana. Isaac se siente aliviado por que deja de ser el foco de atención de las burlas, pero también se siente un poco mal al ver que se burlan de Napoleón como el con las manzanas. Recurre a Sebastián para sacar datos vergonzosos de Arthur o Dazai, no sabe por qué no se le ocurrió antes...
Después de eso dejaron las bromas a parte no solo por los datos vergonzosos, si no mas bien por qué estamos hablando de Napoleón Bonaparte, el tipo que lleva una espada con él a todas partes, el ex emperador de Francia, blabla, le temen como también lo respetan de alguna manera.
Ahora nos vamos a enfocar en Mozart escuchando la música de la actualidad, reggaeton, metal, Hip Hop, etcétera.
Hay dos versiones de él, hechando espumarajo por la boca, o neutral.
Imagina el nació en el 1756 y murió en el 1791, y fue revivido por finales del 1886 por ahí (Creo, no recuerdo muy bien su ruta) me baso en la exposición Universal de Paris en los 1900 del 15 de abril hasta el 12 de noviembre que aparece en la historia de Interlude. (Cumpleaños de Leonardo el 15 jiji) Así que ambientado a la música de los 1900 debe estar.
Me esta dando ganas de hacer un fanfic, Ikemen Vampire x reader, pero que todas las rutas esten en una sola, Reader se quede un año en la mansión, y sería tan entretenido, los cumpleaños, eventos importantes, etcétera en uno solo, los pretendientes compartiendo Mc, conviviendo juntos. Me imagino que el Mc llega a comienzos de Enero o Febrero en los 1900.
Avise si hay algún tipo de error ortográfico, o comenté sobre esto, apreciaría mucho su opinión. 💕
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whatever-fanfics · 1 year ago
Hang on Me
Ikemen Vampire
Dazai Osamu x Reader, pt 1
A/n: First part of the Stalker series, also I am NOT fluent in Japanese at all, I apologize as there are most likely many mistakes in translations of informal/formal speech and so on, I mostly used google translate and other websites. But expect there to be mistakes. Additionally, I don't know if Dazai has a pen name in the events of the his route so I just didn't give him one directly. I also don't remember the editor having a name so I also gave him a random name.
Tw: Contains depression, stalking, destruction of property, threats
Dazai: Ohayo/ Morning (informal)
Sebastian: Ohayo Gozaimas/ Good morning (formal)
Y/n: Ohayo/ morning (informal)
Sebastian: Matte/wait (informal)
Dazai: gochisosama, itte kimasu/ thank you for the meal, I'm leaving (informal, formal)
Y/n: Deeto/ Date (informal(?))
Dazai: nande/ why (informal)
Y/n: iya-dōiu imidesu ka? Shuji-kun?/ no,what do you mean? Shuji-kun (formal)
Dazai: Dou shita no?/ What's wrong? (informal(?))
Y/n: kiete shimatta, kako ni wa inai!/ It's gone, it's not here! (informal(?))
Theo: dwass/ fool
Theo: Verdomme/ Dammit
Dazai's blissful slumber crudely comes to an end as the suns glare unwelcomingly attaches itself to his face. As his face scrunches in brief discomfort, he opens his eyes and his gaze travels downwards to what, or rather who, should be occupying the space next to him, his sleeping lover. His discomfort from the sun intensifies as he opens his eyes to see that you were not in his arms. A shiver racks his body, he'd left the window open and the winter months have not been kind.
As he shielded his face a groan escapes his lips when he decides to haul himself up and look around the room for you, a pout rests on his face and he sighs as you are nowhere in his peripheral vision. Dazai knows there are only two options as to where his beloved is.
Quickly changing from his yukata into his daily kimono, he sets out to your room.
You weren't in your room Dazai crossed off one place from his mental list and quickly made his way to the kitchen in search of you.
Upon nearing the kitchen he heard Sebastians most recent scolding. "...honestly" the butler sighed more in concern than in irritation or anger.
"Ohayo~" a light smile graced Dazai's face as he made himself known. Upon taking in your latest creations "oh my, Toshiko-san, you've truly outdone yourself a true pâtissier" Dazai says as he picks up a piece of cut bread, 'mm banana' he thinks as he chews it. "Ohayo gozaimas Dazai-sensei" Sebastian greets, "Ohayo" you say rising from your apologetic bow. Dazai hides his frown as he takes in your appearance, disheveled sleeping attire, hair partially rusted, most likely from the little sleep you were able to get, eye bags darker than they were before, you could almost confuse them for a make up look.
"I'll go out and get more now" at your words Dazai's attention was gathered, "matte, at least wait until after breakfast" Sebastian pleaded. You nodded and started gathering the many pans and platters filled with pastries and cookies, etc.
As both men watched you exit the kitchen "Dazai-sensei..." Sebastian knew he didn't need to make his concerns vocal, but he knew you weren't well. He could see it, they all could. "Mm" Dazai agreed, his smile vanishing, while he was concerned for his lover he trusted that you would come to him, if and when you needed him, which you do. He was aware of your 'coping mechanisms' as you put it, it was healthy and yummy, in his opinion, but he knew that wasn't enough sometimes. After all you were approaching the one year mark of your saying good-bye to your home...and your time.
Putting the last of breakfast on the table as everyone, almost everyone, sorry Napoleon, trickled in. You took a seat, still in your pajamas, as opposed to everyone who were dressed for the day. "Hondje" you looked up from your plate. "Yes?" you answered, "do you need more training or did you actually forget your brains this morning" Theo confidently asked, he was worried. "Huh? Oh, no, I just didn't want my clothes to smell like food for when I go out later so.." you trailed off. You wanted to get an early start on the groceries, to make it up for Sebastian for using most of the baking ingredients for tomorrows breakfast. "Is anybody else finished?" you ask, multiple heads turn to look at you.
"You're done already?" Isaac asks, making a rare appearance at breakfast. "Ah, I'm not really that hungry, kept snacking while I was baking" you say as a matter of factly, you smile at the rest of them and take your plate to the kitchen.
Dazai decided, this was his time to act, "gochisosama, itte kimasu" he said as he followed you in pursuit.
"Shuji-san" you called him as you turned on the tap "you're not going to eat more?" you wonder if the food was to his liking, he usually likes the food, seeing as it is usually a traditional Japanese breakfast, but you made it like you always do, so maybe you did something wrong? "Mm-mm" he dissuaded your worries, "I've got and early meeting with my editor, after that I am mostly free. I thought we could get the groceries together and after..." he trailed off.
"Deeto!" a brilliant smile lit up your face in turn let up his and he nodded in affirmation.
Finishing up the dishes you animatedly told your boyfriend to wait for you by the stairs as you briskly walked to the doorway, then hiking it up to your room to change and fix your-everything.
You held a bit of breath as Shuji helped you down from the carriage. Still not used to balancing your weight on such a small step.
"This meeting shouldn't take long" he said hoping it would ease you, you nodded not worried at all. Happy wherever and whenever you were with him.
"You made it" Dazai's editor stood from the booth, as he greeted you both. After shaking Dazai's hand he took yours, you gave a slight bow more out of habit than anything else. He clumsily returned your slight bow as best he could, not wanting to be rude. He only stopped when you gave him one of your kind smiles.
Ever the gentleman Shuji let you sit first while he and his editor, Auguste, got their greetings out of the way and settled down into the booth to discuss Dazai's newest short story. As you waited for their meeting to end you pulled out your latest re-read, 'The Call of Cthulhu', H.P. Lovecraft. Though you knew to be careful, this book wouldn't be written for almost, another twenty years. You had carefully folded a cover over the book, a simple Lovecraft written on top.
As the meeting came to an end barely an hour later, Auguste took notice of your book. "Love..Cra..ft" he announced, gathering yours and your lovers attention. "English?" he questioned, you nodded, "I have to say I've never heard of them" he looked up at you, eyes shining with childlike curiosity.
"Ahh, he is..rather unknown..mostly known in Japan. Not very popular here" you chose your words very carefully. "Really, well you should introduce him to me then!" You and Shuji gently laughed as Auguste playfully boasted about his profession and skill. As you three stood up to say your goodbye's and leave.
"Monsieur, would you like me to pack this to go?" the waitress asked the elderly man sitting at the counter. His eyes which were so glazed over only moments before they sprang to life once more, "No!" he hollered moving fast enough that his hand had gotten caught on the edge of the cake, sending it toppling over, plate and all. Making a rather loud crash, as the plate broke in three and the cake landed smack onto the floor. Gathering the attention of many in the cafe, including your boyfriend, yourself, and the seniors son.
"Papa!" Auguste turned to the scene. "Please accept my apologies. I'll pay for the plate of course. Papa are you alright" you and Shuji watched in silence, while most of the cafe patrons went back to their own business. "If it's not too much trouble, can we have two cakes to go?" He asked the waitress as went to get something to clean up the mess only bending down to help once he received an affirmative nod. Your heart cracked as you saw his expression, grief and sadness written all over him "She was going to take it away, how will she know we're waiting for her if there's no cake. She loves cake" he accentuated his point with his hands and body. You could tell by what seemed like gibberish to most were the signs of something much more painful.
"I know papa..." you didn't need to see his face to know Auguste had a painful expression on him. One that you and Shuji wore often. "Please excuse me" he briefly excused himself to Dazai before fussing over his father and trying to get him to calm down.
As Auguste's father was calming down he turned his head to the side, where the glass window was and locked eyes with you. "Anne!" you could have sworn you saw tears in his eyes "Anne!" the elderly man eagerly made his way towards you, a look of fatherly love evident on his face, only now did you take in the rest of his appearance. Well dressed for a person of upper middle class, though the type of coat he's wearing was generally something you'd seen on a younger sort of man. "Anne where have you been, your brother and I have been waiting for hours! You didn't go off with that Beaudet boy did you? He's not as kind as he seems." You watched him go off in a fatherly rant, that seemed familiar in a way. You didn't pull away as he took hold of your hands and engulfed them in his own gaunt and thin hands, holding strong and firm the opposite of how he was perceived. "Would you like to sit down" you offered a kind smile gracing your features.
Dazai was unsure of what to do.
The older man did as you asked but kept his hands on your own regardless.
"Papa..." his son looked at his father a deep sense of sadness in his eyes.
"Why don't you go on to your next appointment and I'll see you later" you ended in a question so as to give him control, just like a daughter would with her father. "Ohh.." he trailed off seriously thinking it over "al-alright we'll see you at home, come Auguste say goodbye to your sister. I'll wait for you by the entrance" he said not looking back once.
You all watched him walk off in the direction of the entrance of the cafe, muttering to himself, but more calm than he was moments ago.
"Are you alright" your beloved asked you, worried of you'd been shaken up at all. "I'm alright" you eased his worries.
"I'm sorry about him, it's..it's gotten worse these days..he was confused because your stature and features well, they remind him of my sister, Anne. She has long since passed" you gave your condolences and shook your head in understanding. "I went through something similar like this with my grandfather, in my experience it's best not to try a break them out of it." you recounted. "Hm, yes that's what the doctor has been telling us as well" Auguste explained. You both saw how he didn't want to go much farther into it, so you decided to say your goodbye's and quickly took your leave.
"I think we can make it to the supermarket on foot from here" you leaned outwards on the curb than on the sidewalk, looking out as far as you could while trying to balance your lower half on the curb and your upper half trying to catch sight of the grocery store. Shuji kept his arm around your waist, firmly, as you leaned out further, "be careful" he reminded you, you mindlessly agreed and set yourself straight again. "Okay, I think I see it from here" you say, matter of factly, when you didn't get an answer you turned to your lover to find him staring off into space. "Shuji-san" he looked down to you as he felt your hand softly caress his cheek, your expression tightening with worry. His hand easily encompassed your own as he met your worry with his own gentle smile.
As you two started to walk he asked "Y/n, is it common there? That people are aware, and know what to do with elders who aren't well?" As you walked together through the semi crowded sidewalk Dazai took hold of your bag so you could hold hands, you were always more comfortable with affection than he was. Though, you trusted he would tell you if he was uncomfortable with anything. "Hm, of you mean back at the cafe right?" you asked, to which he nodded. "Not really, in my case it was because I was exposed to it so much. But unless you work in that sort of field or you or someone you know are affected by it, not many people know how to act." you finish. "it was like that before too" you were surprised by his answer, not by what he said, but because Dazai doesn't talk about his past very often.
"I think I heard about a Love-uh Craft-eh, when I was young" Dazai admits changing the topic quickly, "really?" while you knew they operated around the same time period you didn't think he would be big or even available in Japan at that time. "Ah" he confirmed, "do you like him" you hear a tinge of jealousy in his voice, swallowing your humor you answer. "As a writer, sort of...yeah" you shake your hand to and fro to accentuate. "As a person absolutely not" the matter of fact tone in your voice makes Dazai press further, "oh? Why is that" he turns to you. "Well" you start "it doesn't help that he was a raging white supremacist" you finish, "hm?" oh, 'that term might not be in use yet', "he was really really racist." you explain, "ahh" you saw him nod in understanding.
"After we're done maybe we should visit the children in the park?" he proposed, changing the subject. "Mmm, maybe, though they might not be there, it's getting colder now" you answer, winter was getting closer and it was getting dark earlier as well. You thank him as he holds door open for you, "do you wanna split up or do you want to get everything together" as if you even have to ask, he smiles at you. You converse as you gather the essentials flour, sugar, yeast, etc.
You were almost done with the list, you and Dazai split up to get the last two ingredients. Unfortunately for you, the sugar you needed was on the top shelf. Your face turns red from frustration as you try and fail to grasp the item. An angry pout settles on your face, as you drop your feet evenly back to the ground. Taking a deep breath, you reach up again, this time your fingers grasp it wobbling it back instead of forward. you squint in concentration.
You feel a hand on your shoulder, pushing your weight back down. They go for the item, reaching farther than you could. Your brief surprise dissipates as you realize who it is from their side profile. "François!" your surprised voice reaches his ears. The young man s boyish smile accentuated by the light outside. "Thank you" he sheepishly waved you off, his smile softening for you. "How was your day" he asks "oh, it was good, my boyfriend's taking me out after this" You replied unable to hide your blush at the mention of your lover, though you were surprised by his question, even so you shouldn't have been considering he almost always asks how you are.
"Hello" the way Dazai lowers himself to your ear to whisper softly to you has you scarlet red. "Dazai!" Neither man miss the way your face brightens when you notice his presence. "François" you motion to the young boy, "Dazai" you motion to your love. "Dazai Osamu" Shuji said cooly, offering his hand, he saw the way François looks at you.
Shuji looks at you the same way.
"Ah, François Beauvais" he hastily shook Dazai's hand as he introduced himself, Dazai's eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he felt François' grip squeeze. A sensation he returned, his Cheshire smile widening by a fraction.
Sensing the tension you put your hand on Dazai's arm and asked "did you find it alright", as the sound of your gentle voice serenaded his ears, Dazai's tense expression lifted as his eyes met your own.
'You are the Euridyce to my Orpheus', Dazai thought as stars were held in his eyes.
An uncomfortable cough breaks you two out of your reverie. "Please pardon us" your sheepish answer only makes Dazai inwardly swoon more, you're so cute when you're flustered. "Did you find it alright" you repeat, to which he replies "yes, are you ready" as you nodded Dazai got ready to depart.
"Are you ready to pay, I can go with you to the register that way you won't have to wait in the line" the young man rushed out. Jealousy dripped down into Shuji's stomach, a silent breath made its way out his mouth. "Are you sure that's alright, won't you get in trouble?" Your worried expression matched the tightness in your chest. Dazai nodded in agreement wondering the same thing.
"Don't worry just don't tell anyone" François playfully winked at you as he held his finger to his lips. Shuji doesn't like him, "that's alright, I don't want you to get in trouble" you decidedly announced, "hm?" the young man voiced his confusion, not expecting your rejection. "Thank you for your assistance" Shuji abruptly ended the interaction. As he took the woven basket, provided by the store, in one arm placing the item he'd gotten in alongside the rest and took hold of your arm in a gentle yet firm grip, making his way toward the cashier.
You fell into step with him as you both heard the owner call out "François! Get moving!".
As you two made your way to the front to pay, your eyes met François' once more, a quick flat smile made it's way onto your face as you waited for him to finish bagging your items and for Dazai to finish paying the cashier. "Thank you" you bowed slightly, he waved you off, "it's nothing, this is my job".
You and Shuji walked out of the store hand in hand as he held the bag in his other hand.
"You wanted to go to the-" "Ggrrrrrr..." your blush more apparent then Isaac's bright hair. "Hey!" a chuckle Shuji failed to hide made it so much worse, you looked like you were ready to cry. "Ahh, I can't help it when my beautiful dove makes such noises" he confessed as his laugh died down. "You keep saying stuff like that people are going to get the wrong idea" you mutter an out evident on your lips as you look away in embarrassment.
You leaned back as a waiter brought your sweets and tea over, you both thanked him quietly. You don't think you'll be able to see the children today, looking at Shuji noticed the forlorn look upon your lovers face, "what's wrong" your worried tone reached him. "Y/n, are you unhappy" his grave tone and matching expression put you off guard "eh?" small, curt and full of confusion "iya-dōiu imidesu ka? Shuji-kun?" being completely unprepared by such a confrontation, it felt like your defenses and walls were being pulled apart. Like you were put bare for the world to see, you wanted it to stop, but you knew you couldn't do that. Not to him. "Is this about from this morning" you continued switching back to French, gathering enough of your bearings to switch languages.
"Mm" he confirmed, "are you unhappy here...with me" he added the last part quietly casting his head down in fear, maybe it's not that you don't want to be with him maybe it's that you don't want to be awa-"No" he looked up your eyes full of resolve. Sure and as unwavering as the glaring sun. "No I am not unhappy here nor am I unhappy with you" you repeat, "if this is about this morning, I just..get tired sometimes and...that's just my way of dealing with things, I have other ways but not many that I feel secure doing..here anyways" your confident look washed and faded away as you answered him.
"If that's what it is then why don't you come to me about this, that's what we're here for" you know what he means. Not the others not Le Comte, not Napoleon, not Leonardo, him, just him. "There are so many reasons as to why I don't talk about this to people, but one of the most common reasons is because..." he waited for you to continue as a lump formed in his throat from anticipation? Anxiety? Fear? Still he kept quiet as you found the words.
"I tried that before-before I met you that is..." your voice trailed off, your hands fiddled with one another your gaze downcast in anxiousness. "'Stop being lazy', 'we all have problems', 'you have too much time on your hand you just need to exercise'... I've told people close to me about this before and they always told me stuff like that, eventually...I just..stopped" your confessions tore a crack in his heart. How can someone, anyone, say this to you. You who are so kind, so amazing, so beautifully you.
"When I decided to tell them that what they said wasn't helpful..." he waited in silence as you tried to find the proper words "they would just stop...in-in a way...when I got more comfortable telling them that I wasn't..okay. They would always get this despondent, sorrowful look their face and that felt worse then being pitied...because I knew that they didn't know how to help me. And I don't want to make anyone feel like that, least not-especially not you. You are my happiness, how could I do that to you"
"I'm sorry" you bowed, you didn't mean to hurt him. "I'm-I'm not angry, I'm worried, I don''t want to lose you. I want to be someone you rely on" you look up at him your gaze filled with pure adoration, love and affection swirl in your heart. Your eyes water as you nod.
As you begin to eat he tells you about some of his ideas for his next stories. Never once missing how your face softens every time as you converse back and forth.
An irritated breath left your lips as you hastily emptied your bag and its contents onto the desk.
You two had gotten back barely an hour ago, you were supposed to meet him in la thermae, but when you began to empty your bag from the day you noticed, it wasn't there. The knot in your chest getting bigger and bigger.
"Dou shita no?" you were so worried about your missing item, Shuji's voice and the light from the hall surprised you. "The book, the one I had with me today, kiete shimatta, kako ni wa inai!" you cried in fear and self blame. He put a comforting hand on your shoulder, a sigh of defeat exits from you "perhaps Auguste has it? If not we could go looking for it tomorrow" he began listing off the numerous places it could be. "I can't tomorrow I promised to help Theo with prepare for the upcoming gallery" you whined in exhaustion and defeat. "Still, if it turns up it'll most likely end up at Theo-kuns office" he reminded you.
You'd forgotten, you asked Theo if it was alright to write his office address on the inside of your books incase any of them ever got lost. Since the mansion can be hard to find with it being deep in the woods. He'd said it was alright as long as you help him out from time to time.
It was getting late, while you were anxious about your missing book you were also worried about bothering everyone who were all most likely starting to get ready for bed.
While you found it hard to fall asleep completely beside yourself with worry. What if someone finds it and it and you end up ruining the future? But with Shuji soothingly rubbing circles on your back as you clung to his yukata, your mind going in circles from anxiousness.
While the thought of baking again did seem appealing you knew that Sebastian wouldn't have enough of the ingredients he would need for tomorrow's breakfast. Also you have not had a full nights sleep in almost 48 hours.
The lack of sleep did outweigh your anxiety eventually, you and Shuji fell asleep intertwined with one another.
"Ready" Theo turned to you checking his pocket watch, one of his treasured gifts from Vincent. Yawning you nodded in response while covering your mouth, he looked at you eyebrow raised in slight concern, to you it came off as offense "sorry, I didn't get much sleep yesterday" you answer sheepishly. "I don't need to know your night activities hondje" he teases turning away so you won't see his face. "What? No! I lost one of my books so I was worried about how to find it, I have the address of your office written down but still" he turned back around at the sound of your worried voice reached his ears. "Tucking your tail between your legs isn't going to solve anything, it should turn up sooner or later, I'll have some of the others keep an eye out at the office incase someone comes in" he told you as he tussled your hair.
"Thank you" your worry mostly easing over at the moment, you bow slightly in thanks. "Tch, you don't need to thank me, let's go hondje" he tells you as he starts walking back not looking back once. You wordlessly follow him jogging up to match his pace.
Dazai smiles at you as he watches silently behind the stairs railings.
A little while after you'd reached the gallery Theo noticed that some of the papers he'd needed weren't with him. You offered to help him look for them.
"Did you find them?" He hollered from across the room. It was mostly just you and a couple of Theo's employees. Most of which were moving the paintings around. The others were helping to look of rhte papers, "No" you called out definitively. "Is it possible you left it back at the office?" You turned back to look at him walking over, "If not maybe they're still at the mansion" your voice quieter not only so no one else would hear you but also because Theo was right in front of you.
He nodded in agreement "Verdomme!!!" He exclaimed, you quickly leaned back and away from him as he quickly breathed out through his nostrils to calm himself down. "Sorry, sorry" he apologized and took a few more calming breaths, "lets's-let's look again" he decided pinching around his eyes in frustration.
"We've searched three times" you reasoned. "Look, if it's not here then it's at the office. If it's not at the office then it's in your room. Documents don't just disappear like that, they have to be somewhere" you really hope you're right.
"You're right, let's head to the office and search there if not then I'll head back and you and one of the others can hold down until I get back." Theo decided, you nodded in agreement and you two swiftly made your way to his office in town. Luckily it wasn't far from the gallery.
"You start by the door, I'll start by the-" "Theodore!" you both turned to the voice that cut Theo off, it was the owner of the gallery. "Go on ahead I'll meet you inside" he told you while handing you the key, which you accepted.
You locked eyes with the other person who was staying at the office that day, the acknowledged you and went back to their cigarette.
Opening the door your gaze was immediately drawn to the papers on the floor.
"Wha...!!!" your train of thought was cut off by the sight in front of you.
"Theodore, I'm not so sure about-" "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!"
The two turned immediately at the high pitched shriek of terror. And before the owner could ask, he saw Theo darting towards the door and up the stairs.
It was you
"HONDJE!!! WHAT-!!!" he froze at the sight in front of him. Upon entering the room a foul familiar smell of iron intruded his nostrils. Covering his nose and mouth with his arm, he reached down to help you off the floor where you fell. "We-we need to...we need to call the constable"
Tag list: @loverofmanyrandomthings
A/n: I am so sorry this took so long. 😓
Please interact and tell me what you think, I would like to know what I should improve on.
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