#ikemen vampire Dazai x reader
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whatever-fanfics · 1 year ago
Hang on Me
Ikemen Vampire
Dazai Osamu x Reader, pt 1
A/n: First part of the Stalker series, also I am NOT fluent in Japanese at all, I apologize as there are most likely many mistakes in translations of informal/formal speech and so on, I mostly used google translate and other websites. But expect there to be mistakes. Additionally, I don't know if Dazai has a pen name in the events of the his route so I just didn't give him one directly. I also don't remember the editor having a name so I also gave him a random name.
Tw: Contains depression, stalking, destruction of property, threats
Dazai: Ohayo/ Morning (informal)
Sebastian: Ohayo Gozaimas/ Good morning (formal)
Y/n: Ohayo/ morning (informal)
Sebastian: Matte/wait (informal)
Dazai: gochisosama, itte kimasu/ thank you for the meal, I'm leaving (informal, formal)
Y/n: Deeto/ Date (informal(?))
Dazai: nande/ why (informal)
Y/n: iya-dōiu imidesu ka? Shuji-kun?/ no,what do you mean? Shuji-kun (formal)
Dazai: Dou shita no?/ What's wrong? (informal(?))
Y/n: kiete shimatta, kako ni wa inai!/ It's gone, it's not here! (informal(?))
Theo: dwass/ fool
Theo: Verdomme/ Dammit
Dazai's blissful slumber crudely comes to an end as the suns glare unwelcomingly attaches itself to his face. As his face scrunches in brief discomfort, he opens his eyes and his gaze travels downwards to what, or rather who, should be occupying the space next to him, his sleeping lover. His discomfort from the sun intensifies as he opens his eyes to see that you were not in his arms. A shiver racks his body, he'd left the window open and the winter months have not been kind.
As he shielded his face a groan escapes his lips when he decides to haul himself up and look around the room for you, a pout rests on his face and he sighs as you are nowhere in his peripheral vision. Dazai knows there are only two options as to where his beloved is.
Quickly changing from his yukata into his daily kimono, he sets out to your room.
You weren't in your room Dazai crossed off one place from his mental list and quickly made his way to the kitchen in search of you.
Upon nearing the kitchen he heard Sebastians most recent scolding. "...honestly" the butler sighed more in concern than in irritation or anger.
"Ohayo~" a light smile graced Dazai's face as he made himself known. Upon taking in your latest creations "oh my, Toshiko-san, you've truly outdone yourself a true pâtissier" Dazai says as he picks up a piece of cut bread, 'mm banana' he thinks as he chews it. "Ohayo gozaimas Dazai-sensei" Sebastian greets, "Ohayo" you say rising from your apologetic bow. Dazai hides his frown as he takes in your appearance, disheveled sleeping attire, hair partially rusted, most likely from the little sleep you were able to get, eye bags darker than they were before, you could almost confuse them for a make up look.
"I'll go out and get more now" at your words Dazai's attention was gathered, "matte, at least wait until after breakfast" Sebastian pleaded. You nodded and started gathering the many pans and platters filled with pastries and cookies, etc.
As both men watched you exit the kitchen "Dazai-sensei..." Sebastian knew he didn't need to make his concerns vocal, but he knew you weren't well. He could see it, they all could. "Mm" Dazai agreed, his smile vanishing, while he was concerned for his lover he trusted that you would come to him, if and when you needed him, which you do. He was aware of your 'coping mechanisms' as you put it, it was healthy and yummy, in his opinion, but he knew that wasn't enough sometimes. After all you were approaching the one year mark of your saying good-bye to your home...and your time.
Putting the last of breakfast on the table as everyone, almost everyone, sorry Napoleon, trickled in. You took a seat, still in your pajamas, as opposed to everyone who were dressed for the day. "Hondje" you looked up from your plate. "Yes?" you answered, "do you need more training or did you actually forget your brains this morning" Theo confidently asked, he was worried. "Huh? Oh, no, I just didn't want my clothes to smell like food for when I go out later so.." you trailed off. You wanted to get an early start on the groceries, to make it up for Sebastian for using most of the baking ingredients for tomorrows breakfast. "Is anybody else finished?" you ask, multiple heads turn to look at you.
"You're done already?" Isaac asks, making a rare appearance at breakfast. "Ah, I'm not really that hungry, kept snacking while I was baking" you say as a matter of factly, you smile at the rest of them and take your plate to the kitchen.
Dazai decided, this was his time to act, "gochisosama, itte kimasu" he said as he followed you in pursuit.
"Shuji-san" you called him as you turned on the tap "you're not going to eat more?" you wonder if the food was to his liking, he usually likes the food, seeing as it is usually a traditional Japanese breakfast, but you made it like you always do, so maybe you did something wrong? "Mm-mm" he dissuaded your worries, "I've got and early meeting with my editor, after that I am mostly free. I thought we could get the groceries together and after..." he trailed off.
"Deeto!" a brilliant smile lit up your face in turn let up his and he nodded in affirmation.
Finishing up the dishes you animatedly told your boyfriend to wait for you by the stairs as you briskly walked to the doorway, then hiking it up to your room to change and fix your-everything.
You held a bit of breath as Shuji helped you down from the carriage. Still not used to balancing your weight on such a small step.
"This meeting shouldn't take long" he said hoping it would ease you, you nodded not worried at all. Happy wherever and whenever you were with him.
"You made it" Dazai's editor stood from the booth, as he greeted you both. After shaking Dazai's hand he took yours, you gave a slight bow more out of habit than anything else. He clumsily returned your slight bow as best he could, not wanting to be rude. He only stopped when you gave him one of your kind smiles.
Ever the gentleman Shuji let you sit first while he and his editor, Auguste, got their greetings out of the way and settled down into the booth to discuss Dazai's newest short story. As you waited for their meeting to end you pulled out your latest re-read, 'The Call of Cthulhu', H.P. Lovecraft. Though you knew to be careful, this book wouldn't be written for almost, another twenty years. You had carefully folded a cover over the book, a simple Lovecraft written on top.
As the meeting came to an end barely an hour later, Auguste took notice of your book. "Love..Cra..ft" he announced, gathering yours and your lovers attention. "English?" he questioned, you nodded, "I have to say I've never heard of them" he looked up at you, eyes shining with childlike curiosity.
"Ahh, he is..rather unknown..mostly known in Japan. Not very popular here" you chose your words very carefully. "Really, well you should introduce him to me then!" You and Shuji gently laughed as Auguste playfully boasted about his profession and skill. As you three stood up to say your goodbye's and leave.
"Monsieur, would you like me to pack this to go?" the waitress asked the elderly man sitting at the counter. His eyes which were so glazed over only moments before they sprang to life once more, "No!" he hollered moving fast enough that his hand had gotten caught on the edge of the cake, sending it toppling over, plate and all. Making a rather loud crash, as the plate broke in three and the cake landed smack onto the floor. Gathering the attention of many in the cafe, including your boyfriend, yourself, and the seniors son.
"Papa!" Auguste turned to the scene. "Please accept my apologies. I'll pay for the plate of course. Papa are you alright" you and Shuji watched in silence, while most of the cafe patrons went back to their own business. "If it's not too much trouble, can we have two cakes to go?" He asked the waitress as went to get something to clean up the mess only bending down to help once he received an affirmative nod. Your heart cracked as you saw his expression, grief and sadness written all over him "She was going to take it away, how will she know we're waiting for her if there's no cake. She loves cake" he accentuated his point with his hands and body. You could tell by what seemed like gibberish to most were the signs of something much more painful.
"I know papa..." you didn't need to see his face to know Auguste had a painful expression on him. One that you and Shuji wore often. "Please excuse me" he briefly excused himself to Dazai before fussing over his father and trying to get him to calm down.
As Auguste's father was calming down he turned his head to the side, where the glass window was and locked eyes with you. "Anne!" you could have sworn you saw tears in his eyes "Anne!" the elderly man eagerly made his way towards you, a look of fatherly love evident on his face, only now did you take in the rest of his appearance. Well dressed for a person of upper middle class, though the type of coat he's wearing was generally something you'd seen on a younger sort of man. "Anne where have you been, your brother and I have been waiting for hours! You didn't go off with that Beaudet boy did you? He's not as kind as he seems." You watched him go off in a fatherly rant, that seemed familiar in a way. You didn't pull away as he took hold of your hands and engulfed them in his own gaunt and thin hands, holding strong and firm the opposite of how he was perceived. "Would you like to sit down" you offered a kind smile gracing your features.
Dazai was unsure of what to do.
The older man did as you asked but kept his hands on your own regardless.
"Papa..." his son looked at his father a deep sense of sadness in his eyes.
"Why don't you go on to your next appointment and I'll see you later" you ended in a question so as to give him control, just like a daughter would with her father. "Ohh.." he trailed off seriously thinking it over "al-alright we'll see you at home, come Auguste say goodbye to your sister. I'll wait for you by the entrance" he said not looking back once.
You all watched him walk off in the direction of the entrance of the cafe, muttering to himself, but more calm than he was moments ago.
"Are you alright" your beloved asked you, worried of you'd been shaken up at all. "I'm alright" you eased his worries.
"I'm sorry about him, it's..it's gotten worse these days..he was confused because your stature and features well, they remind him of my sister, Anne. She has long since passed" you gave your condolences and shook your head in understanding. "I went through something similar like this with my grandfather, in my experience it's best not to try a break them out of it." you recounted. "Hm, yes that's what the doctor has been telling us as well" Auguste explained. You both saw how he didn't want to go much farther into it, so you decided to say your goodbye's and quickly took your leave.
"I think we can make it to the supermarket on foot from here" you leaned outwards on the curb than on the sidewalk, looking out as far as you could while trying to balance your lower half on the curb and your upper half trying to catch sight of the grocery store. Shuji kept his arm around your waist, firmly, as you leaned out further, "be careful" he reminded you, you mindlessly agreed and set yourself straight again. "Okay, I think I see it from here" you say, matter of factly, when you didn't get an answer you turned to your lover to find him staring off into space. "Shuji-san" he looked down to you as he felt your hand softly caress his cheek, your expression tightening with worry. His hand easily encompassed your own as he met your worry with his own gentle smile.
As you two started to walk he asked "Y/n, is it common there? That people are aware, and know what to do with elders who aren't well?" As you walked together through the semi crowded sidewalk Dazai took hold of your bag so you could hold hands, you were always more comfortable with affection than he was. Though, you trusted he would tell you if he was uncomfortable with anything. "Hm, of you mean back at the cafe right?" you asked, to which he nodded. "Not really, in my case it was because I was exposed to it so much. But unless you work in that sort of field or you or someone you know are affected by it, not many people know how to act." you finish. "it was like that before too" you were surprised by his answer, not by what he said, but because Dazai doesn't talk about his past very often.
"I think I heard about a Love-uh Craft-eh, when I was young" Dazai admits changing the topic quickly, "really?" while you knew they operated around the same time period you didn't think he would be big or even available in Japan at that time. "Ah" he confirmed, "do you like him" you hear a tinge of jealousy in his voice, swallowing your humor you answer. "As a writer, sort of...yeah" you shake your hand to and fro to accentuate. "As a person absolutely not" the matter of fact tone in your voice makes Dazai press further, "oh? Why is that" he turns to you. "Well" you start "it doesn't help that he was a raging white supremacist" you finish, "hm?" oh, 'that term might not be in use yet', "he was really really racist." you explain, "ahh" you saw him nod in understanding.
"After we're done maybe we should visit the children in the park?" he proposed, changing the subject. "Mmm, maybe, though they might not be there, it's getting colder now" you answer, winter was getting closer and it was getting dark earlier as well. You thank him as he holds door open for you, "do you wanna split up or do you want to get everything together" as if you even have to ask, he smiles at you. You converse as you gather the essentials flour, sugar, yeast, etc.
You were almost done with the list, you and Dazai split up to get the last two ingredients. Unfortunately for you, the sugar you needed was on the top shelf. Your face turns red from frustration as you try and fail to grasp the item. An angry pout settles on your face, as you drop your feet evenly back to the ground. Taking a deep breath, you reach up again, this time your fingers grasp it wobbling it back instead of forward. you squint in concentration.
You feel a hand on your shoulder, pushing your weight back down. They go for the item, reaching farther than you could. Your brief surprise dissipates as you realize who it is from their side profile. "François!" your surprised voice reaches his ears. The young man s boyish smile accentuated by the light outside. "Thank you" he sheepishly waved you off, his smile softening for you. "How was your day" he asks "oh, it was good, my boyfriend's taking me out after this" You replied unable to hide your blush at the mention of your lover, though you were surprised by his question, even so you shouldn't have been considering he almost always asks how you are.
"Hello" the way Dazai lowers himself to your ear to whisper softly to you has you scarlet red. "Dazai!" Neither man miss the way your face brightens when you notice his presence. "François" you motion to the young boy, "Dazai" you motion to your love. "Dazai Osamu" Shuji said cooly, offering his hand, he saw the way François looks at you.
Shuji looks at you the same way.
"Ah, François Beauvais" he hastily shook Dazai's hand as he introduced himself, Dazai's eyes narrowed ever so slightly as he felt François' grip squeeze. A sensation he returned, his Cheshire smile widening by a fraction.
Sensing the tension you put your hand on Dazai's arm and asked "did you find it alright", as the sound of your gentle voice serenaded his ears, Dazai's tense expression lifted as his eyes met your own.
'You are the Euridyce to my Orpheus', Dazai thought as stars were held in his eyes.
An uncomfortable cough breaks you two out of your reverie. "Please pardon us" your sheepish answer only makes Dazai inwardly swoon more, you're so cute when you're flustered. "Did you find it alright" you repeat, to which he replies "yes, are you ready" as you nodded Dazai got ready to depart.
"Are you ready to pay, I can go with you to the register that way you won't have to wait in the line" the young man rushed out. Jealousy dripped down into Shuji's stomach, a silent breath made its way out his mouth. "Are you sure that's alright, won't you get in trouble?" Your worried expression matched the tightness in your chest. Dazai nodded in agreement wondering the same thing.
"Don't worry just don't tell anyone" François playfully winked at you as he held his finger to his lips. Shuji doesn't like him, "that's alright, I don't want you to get in trouble" you decidedly announced, "hm?" the young man voiced his confusion, not expecting your rejection. "Thank you for your assistance" Shuji abruptly ended the interaction. As he took the woven basket, provided by the store, in one arm placing the item he'd gotten in alongside the rest and took hold of your arm in a gentle yet firm grip, making his way toward the cashier.
You fell into step with him as you both heard the owner call out "François! Get moving!".
As you two made your way to the front to pay, your eyes met François' once more, a quick flat smile made it's way onto your face as you waited for him to finish bagging your items and for Dazai to finish paying the cashier. "Thank you" you bowed slightly, he waved you off, "it's nothing, this is my job".
You and Shuji walked out of the store hand in hand as he held the bag in his other hand.
"You wanted to go to the-" "Ggrrrrrr..." your blush more apparent then Isaac's bright hair. "Hey!" a chuckle Shuji failed to hide made it so much worse, you looked like you were ready to cry. "Ahh, I can't help it when my beautiful dove makes such noises" he confessed as his laugh died down. "You keep saying stuff like that people are going to get the wrong idea" you mutter an out evident on your lips as you look away in embarrassment.
You leaned back as a waiter brought your sweets and tea over, you both thanked him quietly. You don't think you'll be able to see the children today, looking at Shuji noticed the forlorn look upon your lovers face, "what's wrong" your worried tone reached him. "Y/n, are you unhappy" his grave tone and matching expression put you off guard "eh?" small, curt and full of confusion "iya-dōiu imidesu ka? Shuji-kun?" being completely unprepared by such a confrontation, it felt like your defenses and walls were being pulled apart. Like you were put bare for the world to see, you wanted it to stop, but you knew you couldn't do that. Not to him. "Is this about from this morning" you continued switching back to French, gathering enough of your bearings to switch languages.
"Mm" he confirmed, "are you unhappy here...with me" he added the last part quietly casting his head down in fear, maybe it's not that you don't want to be with him maybe it's that you don't want to be awa-"No" he looked up your eyes full of resolve. Sure and as unwavering as the glaring sun. "No I am not unhappy here nor am I unhappy with you" you repeat, "if this is about this morning, I just..get tired sometimes and...that's just my way of dealing with things, I have other ways but not many that I feel secure doing..here anyways" your confident look washed and faded away as you answered him.
"If that's what it is then why don't you come to me about this, that's what we're here for" you know what he means. Not the others not Le Comte, not Napoleon, not Leonardo, him, just him. "There are so many reasons as to why I don't talk about this to people, but one of the most common reasons is because..." he waited for you to continue as a lump formed in his throat from anticipation? Anxiety? Fear? Still he kept quiet as you found the words.
"I tried that before-before I met you that is..." your voice trailed off, your hands fiddled with one another your gaze downcast in anxiousness. "'Stop being lazy', 'we all have problems', 'you have too much time on your hand you just need to exercise'... I've told people close to me about this before and they always told me stuff like that, eventually...I just..stopped" your confessions tore a crack in his heart. How can someone, anyone, say this to you. You who are so kind, so amazing, so beautifully you.
"When I decided to tell them that what they said wasn't helpful..." he waited in silence as you tried to find the proper words "they would just stop...in-in a way...when I got more comfortable telling them that I wasn't..okay. They would always get this despondent, sorrowful look their face and that felt worse then being pitied...because I knew that they didn't know how to help me. And I don't want to make anyone feel like that, least not-especially not you. You are my happiness, how could I do that to you"
"I'm sorry" you bowed, you didn't mean to hurt him. "I'm-I'm not angry, I'm worried, I don''t want to lose you. I want to be someone you rely on" you look up at him your gaze filled with pure adoration, love and affection swirl in your heart. Your eyes water as you nod.
As you begin to eat he tells you about some of his ideas for his next stories. Never once missing how your face softens every time as you converse back and forth.
An irritated breath left your lips as you hastily emptied your bag and its contents onto the desk.
You two had gotten back barely an hour ago, you were supposed to meet him in la thermae, but when you began to empty your bag from the day you noticed, it wasn't there. The knot in your chest getting bigger and bigger.
"Dou shita no?" you were so worried about your missing item, Shuji's voice and the light from the hall surprised you. "The book, the one I had with me today, kiete shimatta, kako ni wa inai!" you cried in fear and self blame. He put a comforting hand on your shoulder, a sigh of defeat exits from you "perhaps Auguste has it? If not we could go looking for it tomorrow" he began listing off the numerous places it could be. "I can't tomorrow I promised to help Theo with prepare for the upcoming gallery" you whined in exhaustion and defeat. "Still, if it turns up it'll most likely end up at Theo-kuns office" he reminded you.
You'd forgotten, you asked Theo if it was alright to write his office address on the inside of your books incase any of them ever got lost. Since the mansion can be hard to find with it being deep in the woods. He'd said it was alright as long as you help him out from time to time.
It was getting late, while you were anxious about your missing book you were also worried about bothering everyone who were all most likely starting to get ready for bed.
While you found it hard to fall asleep completely beside yourself with worry. What if someone finds it and it and you end up ruining the future? But with Shuji soothingly rubbing circles on your back as you clung to his yukata, your mind going in circles from anxiousness.
While the thought of baking again did seem appealing you knew that Sebastian wouldn't have enough of the ingredients he would need for tomorrow's breakfast. Also you have not had a full nights sleep in almost 48 hours.
The lack of sleep did outweigh your anxiety eventually, you and Shuji fell asleep intertwined with one another.
"Ready" Theo turned to you checking his pocket watch, one of his treasured gifts from Vincent. Yawning you nodded in response while covering your mouth, he looked at you eyebrow raised in slight concern, to you it came off as offense "sorry, I didn't get much sleep yesterday" you answer sheepishly. "I don't need to know your night activities hondje" he teases turning away so you won't see his face. "What? No! I lost one of my books so I was worried about how to find it, I have the address of your office written down but still" he turned back around at the sound of your worried voice reached his ears. "Tucking your tail between your legs isn't going to solve anything, it should turn up sooner or later, I'll have some of the others keep an eye out at the office incase someone comes in" he told you as he tussled your hair.
"Thank you" your worry mostly easing over at the moment, you bow slightly in thanks. "Tch, you don't need to thank me, let's go hondje" he tells you as he starts walking back not looking back once. You wordlessly follow him jogging up to match his pace.
Dazai smiles at you as he watches silently behind the stairs railings.
A little while after you'd reached the gallery Theo noticed that some of the papers he'd needed weren't with him. You offered to help him look for them.
"Did you find them?" He hollered from across the room. It was mostly just you and a couple of Theo's employees. Most of which were moving the paintings around. The others were helping to look of rhte papers, "No" you called out definitively. "Is it possible you left it back at the office?" You turned back to look at him walking over, "If not maybe they're still at the mansion" your voice quieter not only so no one else would hear you but also because Theo was right in front of you.
He nodded in agreement "Verdomme!!!" He exclaimed, you quickly leaned back and away from him as he quickly breathed out through his nostrils to calm himself down. "Sorry, sorry" he apologized and took a few more calming breaths, "lets's-let's look again" he decided pinching around his eyes in frustration.
"We've searched three times" you reasoned. "Look, if it's not here then it's at the office. If it's not at the office then it's in your room. Documents don't just disappear like that, they have to be somewhere" you really hope you're right.
"You're right, let's head to the office and search there if not then I'll head back and you and one of the others can hold down until I get back." Theo decided, you nodded in agreement and you two swiftly made your way to his office in town. Luckily it wasn't far from the gallery.
"You start by the door, I'll start by the-" "Theodore!" you both turned to the voice that cut Theo off, it was the owner of the gallery. "Go on ahead I'll meet you inside" he told you while handing you the key, which you accepted.
You locked eyes with the other person who was staying at the office that day, the acknowledged you and went back to their cigarette.
Opening the door your gaze was immediately drawn to the papers on the floor.
"Wha...!!!" your train of thought was cut off by the sight in front of you.
"Theodore, I'm not so sure about-" "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!"
The two turned immediately at the high pitched shriek of terror. And before the owner could ask, he saw Theo darting towards the door and up the stairs.
It was you
"HONDJE!!! WHAT-!!!" he froze at the sight in front of him. Upon entering the room a foul familiar smell of iron intruded his nostrils. Covering his nose and mouth with his arm, he reached down to help you off the floor where you fell. "We-we need to...we need to call the constable"
Tag list: @loverofmanyrandomthings
A/n: I am so sorry this took so long. 😓
Please interact and tell me what you think, I would like to know what I should improve on.
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nuttytani · 1 year ago
Would you love me if I were a worm? Featuring ikemen vampire cast. (With gender neutral reader)
(a/n: when you have too much free time and need your hands to be occupied. Some random bullshit begins to form on your notes)
He finds it funny, why would you turn into a worm?
After seeing your frown tho, he says ok ok yes I will love you
Makes a disgusted face and turns you down
First of all, you won't turn into a worm. So why should he answer?
"if people can turn into vampires, why can't I turn into a worm?"
He kicks you out of his piano room
Dude has some thoughts to organise
Laughs at you and says, "what will you do if I say no?"
Pretends to forget about it but after some hours, he comes back to you
"no matter how and what you are or will turn into, I'll still love you"
"is this some sort of trick question? Well the answer is obviously yes, my love!"
Thinks deeply about it and smiles at you
"of course, I'll still love you. I think you'd make a cute worm too."
Scoffs at you and calls you an idiot
Why would you turn into a worm?
And by chance, you DID turn into one, how was he going to take care of you? There's so many worms out there in the world. What if you get lost and he gets some random worm instead and you, are lost and out in the cold, ready to be squashed by big feet.
Uno reverses you instead
Now you're trapped
Would you love him if he was a worm?
Gets sad if you don't answer quickly enough
"I am not doing this right now. If you're free, wash those potatoes instead. I'm already busy as it is"
Stays silent for a while and then sighs
"no matter what, I'd love you always and forever"
Chuckles a bit at the thought and immediately replies yes
He'd give you a good environment to live in. Some really nutritious soil and compost. Maybe a tiny rock for you to play with
"Comte, you just need to say yes... No need to.... Elaborate on what else you'd do"
"Alright. Well, would you love me if I were a worm?"
Is fascinated that you even came up with such a question
His answer is yes
But at the same time, he's coming up with scripts that include a dramatic romance between worms. For his own pleasure
Says yes immediately.
Thinks you'd look like a cute worm
Maybe he'd put roses next to your habitat or in it.
"of course! In fact, we can both be worms together! We'll be a happy worm couple"
He's actually taking the idea too seriously and goes ahead making worm habitats and gets a book on "how to raise a worm"
"I'm not sure. Though I suppose researching on a worm wouldn't be that bad"
Seeing you look unimpressed, he just chuckles while patting your head
"I'm only joking. Of course I'd love you"
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nosyp · 2 months ago
IkeVamp chars reacting to someone harassing you
A/N = stepping into the waters of ikevamp
Napolean Bonaparte
Napoleon would look the harasser up and down, then his voice goes on to lecture the harasser.
"Leave now, or I’ll make you wish you had." He says, his gaze sharpening and a hint of his military background flashing in his eyes. "This will not end well for you if you continue."
If the harasser doesn't take him seriously, Napoleon's not gonna be as nice as before. "You’re testing the wrong person. Do you really want to deal with the full weight of my wrath?"
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Mozart would dramatically throw his hands up in exasperation, his tone playful yet scathing.
"Oh, how clever of you to harass someone who’s so clearly out of your league! Tell me, is this your best performance?" He'd laugh mockingly.
If the harasser doesn't back off, Mozart would quip, "You’ve already missed your chance to impress me, darling. Best leave before you make a fool of yourself."
Leonardo da Vinci
With a calm and inquisitive expression, Leonardo would step forward, his tone collected but firm.
"I find it curious that someone of your... intellect would waste time with such unseemly actions." His voice is steady, as though speaking to an inferior subject.
He’d pause, eyes narrowing, "I suggest you reconsider your actions. People of my stature do not tolerate such behavior. And I’m sure you’re aware of the consequences."
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur would straighten up, giving the harasser a cold, analytical look. "Really? This is your idea of making a lasting impression?"
He’d then address the harasser directly, his voice cutting through the tension. "If you think for a moment that you’re in control here, you’ve gravely underestimated both of us."
"You may want to rethink this, as I’m certain your motives could be better directed elsewhere," he adds, a calm threat hiding beneath his words.
Vincent van Gogh
Vincent’s normally calm demeanor would crack, his voice trembling with emotion. "You have no right... no right to treat them this way!"
He steps in front of the reader, glaring at the harasser. "You don’t know who you’re messing with, do you? I won't stand for it!"
As the tension builds, Vincent’s face hardens, "Leave them alone, now. I’ll make sure you regret it if you don’t."
Theodore would step in between you and the harasser, his voice calm but stern as he calls out the harasser. "This is not the way to behave, and you know it."
He’d give the harasser a chance to back down. "I’d advise you to walk away, before I’m forced to make you understand how serious I am."
If needed, he’d become more forceful: "I am not one for drama, but I will not let you make this a problem."
Osamu Dazai
Dazai’s initial response would be a smirk, his tone sarcastic. "Oh, how bold of you. You really think you can harass them without consequences?"
He’d lean in slightly, his smile darkening. "You’re funny. But not in a good way."
If things escalate, Dazai’s tone would shift, becoming chilling. "You’ve just made a very bad decision. One I won’t be forgetting anytime soon."
Isaac Newton
Isaac would raise an eyebrow, voice level and logical. "I’m afraid your actions are... quite irrational."
He would calmly explain, "Such behavior is not only disrespectful but also entirely unnecessary. You should consider the consequences of your actions before they escalate further."
"I believe I’ve made myself clear," Isaac would finish, his voice stern with an undercurrent of intellectual superiority.
Jean d'Arc
Jean would stand tall, his voice unwavering as he faces the harasser. "You dare approach them in such a manner?"
He’d take a step forward, eyes burning with determination. "You will not continue this harassment. I will protect them, no matter what it takes."
"This is your last warning," he would say with a commanding tone, "Leave now, before you regret it."
William Shakespeare
With a wry smile, Shakespeare would deliver his retort in a theatrical flourish. "Thou art a fool, sir. A poor, unfortunate fool!"
His voice is laced with irony. "Do you not see the folly in your actions? I’d advise you to take your leave while there is still time for you to save face."
"For you shall not win this battle of wits," Shakespeare would say, his tone dripping with mockery, "And in this exchange, you are the one who loses."
Comte de Saint-Germain
Saint-Germain would speak in a low, controlled voice, his aristocratic tone giving him an air of superiority. "I am not one for unpleasantness, but you’ve given me no choice."
He would tilt his head, an elegant smirk on his lips. "You will leave, now. I assure you, it’s in your best interest."
If the harassment doesn’t stop, Comte's smile would turn cold. "You clearly don’t know who you’re dealing with. I suggest you correct that mistake—before I do it for you."
Sebastian’s tone would be smooth and polite, though there’s a dangerous edge to it. "Excuse me, sir, but I believe you’ve mistaken this person’s boundaries."
He would take a step closer, voice still calm but now carrying an unmistakable threat. "I’m sure you’ll find your behavior unwise in the end."
If the harasser continues, Sebastian would smile coldly. "I won’t repeat myself, but I do expect you to leave—immediately."
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natimiles · 10 months ago
Lazy morning with Dazai
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Words: 359
Tags: scenario; morning cuddles; fluffy; no pronouns specified; established relationship; using Dazai’s real name.
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You wake up to the sun rising outside, its first rays creeping into the bedroom. Stretching, you slowly turn to your side and see your boyfriend’s face. You wish you could gaze into his beautiful yellow eyes, which you love so much, but it’s also a peaceful sight to watch him sleeping soundly next to you.
You debate with yourself whether to play with Dazai’s hair and risk waking him up or to stay still and simply bask in this lovely moment. Lost in thoughts about everything you’ve been through and everything you two still can experience together, you don’t notice his eyes twitching ever so slightly.
Dazai wakes up but remains still. He has a feeling you’re staring at him, thinking he’s still asleep. He can hear your dreamy sigh and the soft rustling of sheets as you shift your body, but he senses your eyes fixed on him. He has to fight a smile; oh, how he will tease you about that!
“You’re staring,” he whispers, opening just one eye to see your reaction.
“Shuji!” You jolt back in surprise.
He doesn’t let you go far and create space between the two of you, though. Dazai circles his arms around your middle and pulls you close, pressing your bodies together.
“I couldn’t resist,” he says, his laid-back smile on his face, his eyes shining with mischief.
“Honestly…” you pout, and he chuckles softly.
“I think now it’s my turn to stare at you,” he says, his eyes squinting as his smile widens.
He cradles your face, his fingertips gently caressing your cheek and sliding to the back of your head. Dazai presses your foreheads together, looking deeply into your eyes. You stare back, your thoughts from before flooding your mind again. You want to say something, but you also feel like words would ruin the mood. You both seem to think the same thing at the same time as you lean forward for a kiss. 
You and Dazai stay there for a little longer, basking in the tranquil, romantic moment you’ve created. You might be a little late to help Sebastian with breakfast… or a lot late.
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Taglist: @bicayaya @koco-coko @yamarireads @judejazza @echoes-in-the-forest @chandeliermichel @fang-and-feather @sh0jun
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2-lines-and-a-circle · 1 year ago
Moles and kisses
Notes: Short little drabbles about him kissing your back moles, Ikemen vamp suitors, can really be anyone you want it to be though, Fem! reader, established relationship,
Your back is bare in all of these so, just keep that in mind.
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Resting on your side, with your back facing towards him, eyes staring into an aimless space. Soon enough a soft sensation of which you believed to be his fingertips graced your back. What had he been doing? Drawing constellations? Following this came a kiss to your shoulder as he glided his hand to pull you closer to him. Your head against his chest till he got you to be underneath him. A cheeky smile across his face at his new proud findings.
“I didn’t know you had moles back here. It’s cute.”
^ Napoleon, Vlad, Vincent, Isaac
In the early morning you stood in front of the mirror preparing for your new day. Coming into view was your lover and without missing a beat he wrapped his arms around you. With a slight rock in his step as he woke himself up with each step. Taking a good look at your bare back he started placing light kisses, a soft touch to this early morning. From place-to-place different sensations all over your back appeared. Once he was done, he made sure to follow up with his usual good morning kiss.
“Hmmm? Ah, I just felt like kissing your moles. They were begging to be kissed this morning, don’t you think?”
^ Charles, Dazai, Arthur, Shakespeare
Getting up from your bed you welcomed a soothing breeze as it flowed in through the window. Staring down at your lover you placed a soft good morning kiss to start your day. Turning away from them you got up but felt a pair of arms stop you. Pulling you back into bed as he held you tightly from behind. Scanning your back for a quick moment, then he proceeded to kiss you, except only on places you had moles. Once he lifted his lips from the kiss, his fingertips would grace the place last kissed. A soft feather-like touch which became needier as time continued.
“Let’s stay in for a little longer. I want to savor you more.”
^ Leonardo, Comte, Theo, Faust
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vcodenv · 2 years ago
⍣Ikevamp Suitors Playing Uno ೋ
Arthur, Dazai, Theo.
warnings: none.
(I’ll do a part 2 with the other suitors.)
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˗ˏˋArthur ´ˎ ˗
⋆ ★ Everyone hates him because of how good he is.
⋆ ★ The other suitors start teaming up on him, especially Theo. “Don’t change the color to red, Arthur has red.”
⋆ ★ Is so cocky before the game even starts.
⋆ ★ Throws in a +2 or +4 the second someone calls uno just to make them mad.
⋆ ★ Could have the most ass hand of cards known to man and still win.
⋆ ★ Is the biggest sore loser, whenever he loses he’s going to constantly ask for a rematch.
⋆ ★ Humbling him is the most satisfying thing ever.
˗ˏˋDazai ´ˎ ˗
⋆ ★ Tries to peak at the other suitors cards and acts innocent whenever he gets caught. “Me? Looking at your cards? I would never.”
⋆ ★ Mixes up the 6 and the 9.
⋆ ★ Comes up with his own rules in the middle of the game.
⋆ ★ Ends up with half the deck in his hands.
⋆ ★ “Dazai, that’s a yellow four. Why’d you put down a green two?”
⋆ ★ Refuses to leave Isaac alone. “Ah, of course Ai-Chan puts down red, the color of his beloved apples.”
˗ˏˋTheo´ˎ ˗
⋆ ★ He is out for Arthur the entire game. His main life goal is to beat him.
⋆ ★ Tries to team up with Vincent every single time.
⋆ ★ Gets mad whenever the other suitors make Vincent draw cards. “What? He doesn’t have to draw anything, klootzak.”
⋆ ★ One step away from flipping the table.
⋆ ★ He gets so serious, winning the game is a life or death situation to him.
⋆ ★ The only time he’ll crack a smile is the look of annoyance on Arthur’s face whenever he loses or has to draw cards.
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alby-rei · 11 months ago
The Slippery Specter (IkeVamp; Luigi's Mansion AU, Part 3)
a/n: This was a lot of fun to write. When you enter a seemingly quiet dining hall, you didn't expect to be part of a cat-and-mouse chase. Enjoy ✨
Series: Comte's Ghost Mansion Tags: Humor, Crack treated seriously, Luigi's Mansion AU, Spooky scary spectral vampires, Ghostbuster MC Word Count: 1000 words Characters: You, Dazai Previous: Part 2 Next: Part 4
This maze of a mansion was wearing your patience thin. While some doors led to new paths, others sent you right back to the beginning.
You walked past the same painting more times than you wanted to admit. Were there several copies framed around the mansion? Surely no nobleman could be that vain. There had to be a better way to keep track of where you were and where you were not.
You wondered if the butler had a map.
You fiddled with the key in your hand, on a mission to find its door. One by one, you tried every door down the hallway.
“Did this door just…wiggle?” You backed away as it swung open and shut. No room behind it, just a wall.
“First ghosts, now trick doors? Really?!”
You approached each subsequent door with skepticism.
At last, a door at the end of the hall unlocked. Inside, an elongated dining table stood in the center, fully arranged with dishware and cutlery of every size. A chandelier hung above the table curled like a spider lily, holding a candlestick on each leg. Dinner was not served yet. But there were glasses—ten of them—filled with red liquid left at the table. Correction: One of them was filled white.
“What need does a mansion of ghosts have for wine of all things?” You asked aloud.
"Would you like a sip?" A playful voice replied.
You leapt away from the dining table. The chandelier swayed back and forth like a pendulum. The ghost of a man dangled upside down from it. A wide grin split his face in half, just as his jet-black hair split his profile. He exuded a purple impish aura.
The ghost of a trapeze artist?
You switched on your Poltergust 1899, and he folded back up and out of sight. You placed your lamp on the dining table and held your ground. One hand remained on the Poltergust's strength dial while the other aimed the tube at where he spawned from. The force of the vacuum pulled the chandelier in your direction with some resistance, and a faint outline of the man stretched out of it.
It was not enough to capture him though. The chandelier gave up its resistance, and you had a feeling that the ghost escaped. You turned up the vacuum’s strength.
He popped up on the wall to your right. "Welcome home, Toshiko-san!"
And again, to your left. "Are we playing hide and seek?"
And behind you. "Count me in, but only if you're seeking!"
“That is not my name,” you asserted, but your reaction speed fell short of catching him each time.
“Don’t be silly, Yoshie-san, I couldn’t forget a pretty face like yours.”
You figured the more time you sank into this cat-and-mouse game, the less time you spent getting out of here. You opted to ignore him until he posed a threat.
“Aw, leaving already? Why don’t you stay a while longer?”
You turned towards the door, but it was locked. Trapped.
His snickers bounced off the walls of the dining room, and you had the sinking feeling that your 'mouse' had you right where he wanted.
You continued the chase for some time, getting more and more impatient with each second. Your breath came out in quick, short puffs as you grew tired of this little game. Your back ached from the heavy machine you carried; the straps imprinted onto your shoulders.
Speed was not your strong suit here, so you had to be strategic about it, instead.
This slippery specter only emerged from surfaces. He must not be able to float on his own, the way the paranormal performer could. On top of that, he made no effort to attack you directly, either, just poking and prodding like a curious child.
Thus, you turned off the machine and dropped it in one corner, then you turned to the dining table.
Please don’t be too heavy, you prayed.
You pushed one corner, and the table groaned and screeched as it rotated.
Although the slippery specter was out of sight, the goosebumps raised along your skin confirmed that he was not far. He made his presence known when he poked at your feet and tried to grab your ankle. You hopped and skipped out of reach, and even tried to stomp on his hands. He phased between ephemeral and corporeal, seemingly at will. His laughter taunted you all the while.  
On top of that, you kept an eye on the table’s contents. You did not want to deal with a potential earful from Sebastian over spilled wine. The drinks wobbled slightly, but they were more viscous than regular wine, and so did not spill so easily.
You shoved the table until it hit a wall. It split the room diagonally, creating a wide, triangular space. Crouching low, the only nearby surface left was the floor.
“Ahaha, looks like you figured out my weakness. Well played, Tsuneko-san.”
You turned on the machine at maximum strength and grabbed the tube of the Poltergust, extending it as far as it would go.
“And for the last time, that is not my name!”
Taking up the challenge, hands emerged from below, and you planted the vacuum into the ground. Following the slippery specter’s path, you struggled to maintain your grip, but determination empowered you to hold on until he was completely captured.
"Finally!" You raised the vacuum’s tube in cheer.
In response, It sputtered out its last breath. Out of power.
Your face fell and you scrambled to pick up your gear and get out before more ghosts arrived. Before you left, you picked up a fountain pen that your ‘mouse’ left behind.
You trudged out of the room exhausted. The door clicked shut, and you let out a breath you did not realize you held in. You basked in the silence as you regained your breath.
“Where to next?” Your ‘mouse’ jutted his head out of the machine.  
“Get back in there!”
You regretted unlocking that door in the first place.
Tagging: @starlitmanor-network
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cayena-nya · 20 days ago
Hey! It's me again :)
May I request ikevamp suitors with a grumpy(human) male reader? Gets annoyed very easily and kind of acts like an old man even though he's not that old, wouldn't put up with any kind of bullsh!t sort of thing (headcannons if you'd like!)
Hopefully this is good enough, I'm quite new to requesting.
Heya! So you didn't exactly specify which suitors and I really can't do all of them because some of them don't entirely come in with the idea so I picked 3 suitors that is a tease like super, I hope you enjoy it, dear!
(Please pardon my language and writing, I was kinda rushed with this also sorry if it was short, it was kinda hard to think of the scenario, please just co-op with the imagination for this 😔)
Suitors: Leonardo, Arthur Dazai
When you came to the mansion first, he didn't mind much until the both of you started to get close until the both of you are dating, most of the time, he likes to tease or annoy you because he loves seeing your annoyed face and to him, you're a little cute cat who has a moody personality. He likes to tease you, ESPECIALLY with sensual stuff, but he knows when to stop because he knows the boundaries of one person. He always sees you blush like a tomato, but you always act like you're "older" than him. Even in reality, he always sees you as a cute little grumpy kitty.
"Alright then, Cara mia. You're the bigger guy now." He said those while he was smirking at him. Meanwhile (the male reader) is annoyed so much by him that he wants to leave badly, but he can't resist his boyfriend anyway.
FROM THE BEGINNING TILL THE END, HE WON'T STOP TEASING/ANNOYING HIM. Most of the time (male readers) would ask him why he even dated him in the first place, and Arthur answers with, "Because you love me?~ plus, you also can't resist the attraction of mine~" The (male reader) just looks at him and sighs in defeat, he knows he does not fight against him because it's true but he ain't having his bu!!sh!t up there "Arthur, yes I did fell in love with you because of that but there's more than that." he just responded with a cool and mature tone as Arthur chuckled and squeezed his cheeks "acting like the mature one eh?" Arthur just hugs and cuddles him up, and of course (the male reader) can't resist. Even though he's annoyed at him badly, he still loves his beloved writer.
Until now even if they're both dating now, (the male reader) would still question why he is with a boyfriend who has done the most insane and craziest things ever done. (Male reader) is always fed up with his bu!!sh!t. At least Dazai changed a bit ever since they dated but oh boy, Dazai still gets on the nerves of (Male reader). Just like Arthur but not that worse, he's a tease, ESPECIALLY in the mansion; he's a man of craziness who sometimes needs to get his brain checked. One time...no...MOST OF THE TIME, (male reader) is so done with his teasing that (male reader) is just completely annoyed, but Dazai always sees this and just gives him flowers and just cuddles with him, "I'm sorry, Toshiko-San. I promise I will refrain myself. Don't be mad now, okay?" Dazai said in a gentle tone as usual; meanwhile, (the male reader) just sighed in defeat because who COULDN'T resist his alluring beauty and charm? So he just accepted it. "Next time, I don't want you to be teasing much; you know how annoyed I can get; my temper isn't for teasing." He replied, and Dazai understood. "All right then, Toshiko-San, I guess I'm a child, and you're the grown-up in this." Dazai chuckles as he continues to hug him.
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whatever-fanfics · 1 year ago
POV: you need help with your 21st century homework in a mansion full of vampires
Imagine MC needing sitting on the table, head in their hands, about to cry because NOTHING MAKES SENSE. And in come multiple people who look over MC's shoulder to what's making them so upset, they recognize some of it but not all of it. After pondering with each other they try asking some of the others. 10 minutes later 12 vampires surround the human trying to make sense of numerous subjects. Shakespeare was visiting.
Arthur & Theo *coming in from a night of drinking*: MC? Hondje? what's wrong
MC *on the verge of tears*: Nothing makes sense🥺😭
Arthur and Theo *walk over and see numerous papers from different subjects*: What is this?
MC: homework from the 21st century 🥺
Arthur *sits down and recognizes some of the works*: Interesting...
Theo *looks over and sees art history papers and papers about painting techniques*: ?!?
Isaac *enters and sees them*: ???
Isaac *walks over and sees calculus and math*: ?!?
Isaac *sits down and recognizes some equations*: I recognize some but not all of them, hold on
Isaac *leaves and comes back with Leonardo*: I brought help
Leonardo *looks over and recognizes problems*: You study this cara?
MC: not by choice 🥲
Napoleon *sleepily wanders over*: ???
Napoleon *sees typed words in French*: Nunuche how did you get your writing so neat?
MC: that's typed, it's my homework
Napoleon *confused, recognizes some but not all*: it's French homework?
MC: Yea... 🥲
Napoleon: hold on
Napoleon *leaves and comes back with le comte*: here
Le Comte *happy to be included*: 😁 homework?
MC: unfortunately 😓
Le comte *sits down*: I see the language has evolved again, this makes things a bit tricky, no matter *starts a whole lecture*
MC *look at the camera like their in The Office*: ...
*Mozart and Jean enter*
Mozart: why are you all so noisy
Mozart *comes over and notices music sheets*: what is this?
MC: homework
Mozart and Jean: Home..work???
Sebastian *appearing out of the void*: school work that you take home and return the next day completed
Literally everyone: where did you come from?
Jean *comes over and sees typed paper*: what is..this?
MC: typed up homework
Jean:...Witchcraft *takes out his sword*
*Dazai enters*
Dazai *sees everyone by MC and walks over*:
Dazai *sees his book*: what's this? Everyone: Homework
*Shakespeare enters*
Shakespeare: Good morrow, all 😊
Shakespeare *walks over and sees multiple works of his*: ???
Shakespeare: Good MC, I had no notion of your interest in me ☺️
MC and Theo: It's homework
Theo *puts down art history papers*: be right back
*Theo leaves and comes back with Vincent*
Vincent: MC I didn't know you were so interested in art ☺️😊
MC *didn't want to tell him it was for homework*: yeah...
*Sebastian taking notes furiously in his journal*
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y4h3l1n · 1 year ago
No hay contenido de Ikemen Vampire en español, tendre que hacerlo yo...
Y si por las dudas, no, no se mucho inglés y me la paso en traductor en el juego, y también viendo otras publicaciones en el navegador para que se traduzca automáticamente.
Además soy MUY timida, me da mucha pena hablar con otros jugadores de Ikemvamp, por el traductor y se que no es 100% fiable.
Pero no pierdo nada intentando no?....
Así que podría traducirlo.
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thedivinetarot-2 · 2 years ago
10 Reasons You're Dazai Osamu
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1) You mask pain behind jokes.
2) You don't know how to open up.
3) You love entering houses from the window.
4) You love confusing others including yourself.
5) You have a chicken pet.
6) You enjoy the traditions of your country.
7) You search for deeper meanings in life.
8) You love writing short stories.
9) You hate sweet food.
10) You forget people's names and making up other names for them instead.
Post date:26th/May/2023
*Follow me for more
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letterstoear · 1 year ago
Washed Away
Notes: Osamu Dazai x reader, a letter which goes over his feelings, I'm new to writing Dazai so please read this with a grain of salt, romantic relationship, Ikemen vampire Dazai
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Check out my shop here: Shop — Letters to Ear (squarespace.com)
The words I wanted to say to you are all inked into this very paper. I’m writing this letter to you to mark my words by time. One day, when our memory has long since faded to time, I want you to be able to read these words again. A letter marked by time is a funny little idea. Maybe your influence has marked me more than I perceived it to be.
It’s been just a little over a year since I’ve come undone from my stains of the past. I changed myself to those around me like a hydrangea in soil, so no one was hurt. There was nothing left for me to do other than to live in dust. Which convinced me to continue wearing the mask. I was better off keeping to myself.
In my heart I surround myself in these walls of thorns to prevent anyone from getting in. Even if I were to scream, nobody would hear me. Yet, my walls turned into paper as you poured the rain onto them.
When the rain washed over the paper I saw ink blossoming into hydrangeas. Those flowers filled my vision as I felt myself finally able to breathe. Taking that breath for the first time was when I realized your love kept me alive.
I think I can finally learn how to breathe now thanks to you. I won’t give into my old ways of self-loathing. I don’t want to risk it, not when I’ve finally been able to breathe.
It’s strange, when we’re together even the same old sights seem to be filled with so much color. I want to see the world beside you. Show me the sights I’ve been ignoring for so long. I think it’s about time I see them for myself.
Till I see you later tonight ________.
Dazai Osamu
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natimiles · 1 year ago
Natiii hiii
If your requests are open, is it alright if I request a part 2 of the platonic sibling headcanons for your favourite Ikevamp boys? Where they find out that reader, their precious beloved little sibling, is actually in love with/dating Dazai. I think it would be hilarious xD
Take your time, and remember to put your own health first! ❤
Hi hoooo, Silveeeer! (if you don’t get it, you don’t get it; and it means I’m really old)
Platonic relationships are so cute! Half of them would die if the reader dated anyone, to be honest, HAISUEHSAUIEHSAUIEA. But oooohhh, it was fun to imagine my dearest Isaac! 🤍
I'm sorry it took so long and I hope you liked it! 🤍
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gn!reader with a sibling-like relationship with them starts to date Dazai | Isaac, Mozart, Jean, Arthur, Theo and Vincent, and Napoleon
Tags: minor spoilers for Dazai’s route; platonic relationships; sibling-like bond; teeny-tiny suggestive parts for Mozart, Jean, and Theo and Vincent (but still sfw, don’t worry!)
Notes: kind of a part 2 of this post, where gn!reader has a sibling-like relationship with them. 
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“I’m dating Dazai.” — Do you hate him? He feels like you do now.
He was never overprotective or one to pry into your business, but he felt like he should tell you something about it. You are his dearest younger sibling, after all.
He won’t try to separate you not exactly. He just wants to make sure you’re okay — stop glaring at him!
He will ask for Napoleon’s help to have a talk with Dazai. Napoleon is there just giving moral support because he has nothing against the writer. Isaac is in such distress after this talk, he probably got some gray hair. Dazai teased him, and Napoleon didn’t help.
He will tell you about this and every other time Dazai teased him or pulled some kind of prank on him. Might he remind you it was Dazai who gave him wine and said it was juice at the last banquet?
He can finally have a proper talk with Dazai — without being embarrassed or teased — a few weeks later. He can see now that Dazai really cares for you, and his teasing has lessened (but didn’t stop; it never stops).
Just remember your brother is a contrarian, okay? He’ll complain and grimace when he sees you two kissing, but he’ll help you out if Dazai ever tries to avoid you again. He really hopes you two stay together forever; he wants to see you happy.
Now stop bringing him apples every day with the excuse that you’re taking care of your family, Dazai!
No, Dazai, he doesn’t need someone too! Stop trying to set him up with random people!
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“Dazai asked me out and I said yes.” — “Pfff, no, you didn’t.”
And it’s not because it’s Dazai. It’s because you’re dating. That’s it.
Overprotective brother activated successfully. Every breath you take, every step you take, he’ll be watching you.
Seriously, he’s watching you two like a hawk. You thought Theo had brother issues? Pff! He won’t leave you alone. Or he’ll try to not leave you alone, but Dazai is too cunning and he always finds a way to evade Mozart and take you with him. Your brother might be fuming by now.
He doesn’t even try to talk with Dazai; he just knows he’s not worthy of you. No one is.
You end up having ‘the talk’ with Mozart. Does he remember when he was having a composer’s block, and Dazai helped? That’s how you start your list of “why Dazai is the safest vampire you could date”. You end the list playfully asking if he’d prefer if you dated any of the other writers, like Arthur, and you swear his eyes twitch with only the thought of it.
He tries to keep his pettiness in check for you. Keyword: try. Spoiler alert: he’s not good at it.
He never sees bite marks on your neck, so he thinks everything is okay and still… decent. He freaks out when Arthur points out that Dazai might be biting you on other parts of your body that don’t show when you’re fully dressed. You want to kill Arthur, while Dazai is just giving that closed-eyes smile of his.
Congrats, overprotective brother is back again at full force.
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“I’m dating Dazai.” — “Alright.”
Chill brother ftw!
Sweet, clueless, and innocent brother doesn’t see anything wrong with your relationship.
He’ll just make sure this is what you want and that you’re really happy. He doesn’t need much assurance. He trusts you, and he knows you never lie to him.
He doesn’t have a problem with Dazai, so why should he be worried? 
However, he will miss spending more time with you in the beginning of your relationship. So Dazai makes sure to include him in your plans sometimes. He might even help you teach Jean how to write and read. (This is too wholesome to imagine)
Jean doesn’t even know what ‘the talk’ is. The roles are reversed: Dazai ends up having it with him, and you’re freaking out. It ends well though; it seems your new boyfriend didn’t say anything weird. This time.
His only problem might be if he sees you two leaving the same room in the morning. He won’t think much of it until Arthur makes some comment about it. And now Jean thinks you two need to get married. Congrats and thank you, Arthur.
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“Dazai asked me to date him.” — “Oh, hell no!” — “Oh, hell yes!”
Anyone but him! Seriously! If you don’t want any of the other residents, he can introduce you to someone! He has some acquaintances downtown... That’s when you hit his arm and glare at him. Okay, message received.
He won’t have ‘the talk’ with Dazai, he can’t stand the idea of having this conversation with Dazai. 
Again, are you sure you don’t want someone else? If you want a writer, even Shakespeare could be acceptable… You hit him again. Fine! Shakespeare wasn’t acceptable either anyway; he was just desperate.
Dazai doesn’t tease Arthur, so your brother will bring up the times Dazai teased you, like that time you two got stuck downtown because of the rain.
And you bring up the times Dazai helped you, or when he tried to cheer you up. You even list all the times he tried to help him, and Arthur was rude to him.
Canonly, he wants to see you breaking Dazai’s masks. So he might accept your relationship just so he can see it and finally be able to read him. Spoiler alert: he still can’t read Dazai, and it drives the sore loser him crazy sometimes.
But you can, so he has to shut his mouth and support you. He’ll be happy for you, eventually.
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Theo and Vincent
“I’m dating Dazai.” — “You’ve got the worst taste in men.” — “Oh, congrats! Can we all have lunch together sometime?”
Guess who said what.
Vincent is really happy for you! He already knows Dazai, so he doesn’t need to make sure he is a nice person for you. 
Theo is not happy for the exact same reason: he knows Dazai.
He protects you like he protects Vincent and sometimes even more because you are younger. Did you know Dazai goes to the casino? What else does he do downtown? Do you know? Do you seriously trust him?
You have to throw back at Theo that he goes to the pub with Arthur all the time. What does he do there? Why does he only come back in the morning? … Okay, he got it.
Theo promises that he’ll try to contain his brother issues if you’re too upset with him. He doesn’t promise he’ll succeed. Vincent is gladly there to scold him every time.
Vincent will ask if two can pose together for a new painting, while Theo will glare and curse a lot. It’s a lovely painting that you hang in your bedroom.
They’ll both be mad if you shed a single tear because of the writer. Dazai better run, and he better run fast because an angry Vincent is even worse than an angry Theo.
“Sleeping with Dazai is one step removed from sleeping with Arthur.” (he actually says it in Dazai’s route) WAIT. You haven’t slept together yet, have you? HAVE YOU? Vincent had to drag him out of the dining room because Dazai gave that signature smile of his and said, “Oh my, I can’t remember.”
(Imagine Theo lashing out, and Vincent just goes, “Calm down, they just slept together! What’s wrong with sleeping?”)
Theo will try to find a way to have ‘the talk’ with Dazai without you and Vincent knowing. It’ll turn out surprisingly fine, and he starts to trust Dazai a little more. A little.
Arthur is talking about the bite marks not being visible when you’re fully dressed again, just so he can see his best friend losing his mind. Vincent doesn’t understand what’s the problem; he thinks it’s in your arms or some innocent place. God bless this angel.
Theo is back at glaring and cursing.
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“Dazai asked me out.” — “Alright, have fun.”
Chill brother ftw! #2 
He knows Dazai and he has nothing against him.
He trusts you and your decisions, so he won’t pry or be an overprotective brother mode.
He taught you self-defense and he knows you’ll come to him if you need something anyway.
He will talk to Dazai, but it won’t be exactly ‘the talk’. He just wants to make sure he’s not just killing time with you, even though that’s not something he believes the writer would do… But he’s gotta make sure. It was nice, like friends chatting to catch up on their lives, y’know?
If Dazai runs away from you like he does on his route before you start dating, he will not be pleased. But he will try to help you out, if you ask.
If a single tear is seen in your eyes, you bet he throws the chill-brother-state-of-mind out of the highest window of the mansion along with Dazai.
Seriously, he won’t freak out about your relationship, and he won’t do anything unless you ask him to. He really just wants you to be happy.
He’ll try to read Dazai’s books. Gotta support family.
(Can we imagine him ruffling your hair and then ruffling Dazai’s hair? Okay, sorry…)
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robin-the-enby · 5 months ago
So heart touching and tender...I loved it. And the next part, oh...it was just beautiful amd exactly what I needed, even ifthough I didn't know that. Thank you <3
having an off day
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Ophelia by Friedrich Heyser
>ikemen vampire
>mansion residents x reader
>a/n: so sorry for the weird formatting in advance. i hope it makes sense. enjoy! 
>part 2: how your evening and night went
You woke up with the weight of an oppressive dread. A black hole in you seemed to suck the vitality out of you. Usually your spirit was at least alive and willing to get you out of bed, but this morning, it was only dead static in your chest. You could chalk it up to feeling homesick or hopelessness with your predicament, but nonetheless, you were not up to it at all today. 
Still, you willed yourself out of bed, afraid to let Sebastian and the residents down (though you knew they wouldn’t fault you for being off, you still felt the obligation because Le Comte is letting you stay for free, after all.)
On that note, the residents would fs feel a disturbance in the force if you weren’t out in the mansion today. You not being there would set off a chain reaction and have them be grumpy and having off days too. 
While setting up breakfast with Sebastian, you asked for the cleaning tasks for the rest of the day. You loved the residents but unfortunately could muster up no energy to talk to anyone today. Sebastian's obviously the first to catch on, and as the mansion’s biggest gossip, will spread this notion to any and every vampire he encounters. Thankfully, he didn't question it and hesitantly granted you permission. He usually doesn’t give you the heavier tasks like cleaning, but seeing your dour mood, he caught on that you wanted the solitude. 
While passing out breakfast for the morning vampires (Arthur, Vincent, Theo, Dazai, Isaac, Mozart, Comte) you were unusually quiet. Usually, you would bashfully respond to Arthur’s flirty remarks or retaliate to Theo’s teasing, but today you only acknowledged everyone with a slight (and very forced) smile.
Dazai Osamu
I'm of the belief that Dazai has a sadness antenna that catches on to everyone’s emotions as soon as they feel them. So best believe that as soon as you woke up, he could already sense a disturbance in the force. 
So when you very quietly poured tea for him, he placed a gentle hand on your arm and gave you a silent “are you ok?” look. He could tell that you didn’t want to bring attention to yourself, but also didn’t want to leave you like this. 
The deal he made with you when you first arrived came to mind. He proposed that whenever you felt even the slightest inclination of sadness, that you came to him to confide in (because you know he gets it fs). 
You acknowledged it with a solemn nod, wanting to communicate that you remembered the promise but couldn’t do it just yet. Dazai pursed his lips in quiet uncertainty, but allowed you to continue your chores. 
Later in the afternoon, while tending to the gardens outside, Dazai nonchalantly sat by your working figure. He settled for watching you work before piping up, “how fortunate the flowers are to be cared for by you.” You may have jumped a little bit, having been lost in your thoughts. 
Dazai’s gentle smile seemed more genuine this time; not quite the clownish mask he usually wore. “Unfortunately for you, I may be the only one who understands your predicament the most.” He walked next to you, a serene silence in the air.  
You confess as much of your melancholy as you could put into words while Dazai remained contemplative and respectfully quiet. Whether it was your mental wellness being disturbed, thoughts of home, or even just a broad exhaustion, Dazai will listen and understand. Sometime during your tirade, tears seeped out from your eyes unnoticed, except by his golden eyes. He softly cupped your cheek and wiped your tears away; his touch never more than gentle. 
At that moment, Dazai touched your face as if it was a delicate flower petal about to fall to its demise. His heart clenched in both tender affection at your vulnerability around him, and deep anguish that it was you who suffered and he couldn’t take that burden instead. How was it that a beautiful angel like you was tormented at this moment and not him, the sinful monster who was deserving of your burden and more. Still, he kept those demeaning thoughts quiet and yearned that his love could be felt in his gentle touches to your cheek. 
Dazai is the most sensitive to others’ emotions and will be the first to catch on to any of your mood changes. He'd rather die than leave you toiling in your own sadness, so he’ll follow you around until you confide in him. As tragic as it is, it’s his responsibility to make sure no one else, and especially not someone he cares about so deeply like you, feels the same torture he does. 
Arthur Conan Doyle
The writers are perceptive and sensitive to people’s emotions and characters, and usually you love them for that. Today, it made you the slightest bit frustrated. With only a meek “thank you” to Arthur’s compliment of, “your beautiful face is the perfect start to this day, love” he knew something was wrong. 
You poured his coffee quietly, hoping no one would pay attention to you. Arthur placed a soft hand against your back and asked lowly, “are you alright? Did something happen?” you shook your head and gave him an appreciative smile. 
You moved to pour Theo’s drink next, but Arthur’s arm wrapped around your waist. He motioned for you to come closer and so you leaned down.
“I've got to run errands in town today, but I'll find you once I get back. Do you think you can talk to me then?” he whispered. 
“I'm not sure.”
“I hate to leave you like this, love, really. At least promise me you can hold out until later and you can take all your frustration out on me, yes?” you find yourself laughing a little at his suggestion. He smiled in victory and gave your waist a small squeeze before letting you go.
Once Arthur returns from his errands, it’s just nearing lunch. True to his word, he finds you in the mansion (good luck evading his genius mind) and vows to take you out for a meal. You can refuse all you want, but it truly does wound him seeing you the slightest bit upset. Maybe his past influences that, but nonetheless, he wants to make you happy. 
He’ll do everything in his power to make you laugh, and if that doesn’t work, he’ll try and pester you so that you take your anger out on him. 
He treats you like a princess during the date, hooking his arm under yours, pushing your chair in, paying for everything, and if you were up to it, taking you shopping afterwards. 
He’ll try and seek out a case nearby as those tend to cheer you up and serve as a welcome distraction. 
Whether you choose to confide in him or not, he might have already caught on to what made you upset and will subtly offer a word of advice or comfort, depending on whichever you needed. And he’s perceptive enough to catch on to what you need. 
Nevertheless, the author’s darling attempts of alleviating your mood will likely be a success. Arthur is one of the tragic ones who would rather suffer than even endure the thought of his cared ones being upset. And you’re the one who brought new light into his revived life, so admittedly, he enjoys being there for you. If you allow him past your walls, Arthur would do just about everything to prove it was worth doing so. His care may be hidden under layers of deceptive and cliché flirtation, but a little unravelling shows just how tenderly he cares for you. So while his attempts do reflect that playboy life, the warm hand on your back proves there is no one in this new life he treasures more than yourself. 
Theodorus van Gogh
Still feeling Arthur’s and Dazai’s worried looks on your back, you moved on to Theo, who was unfortunately, less perceptive than the two. 
“Took you long enough, hondje. Dogs aren’t known to be so slow.” he huffed, having already placed a generous amount of sugar in his cup. You could barely register the small, “sche uit, Theo,” from Vincent. Still, his comment served to sour your mood even further, a sinking feeling in your heart suddenly blurring your eyes. 
Your spatial awareness being off, you almost overfilled Theo’s cup. This time, he took notice of your shaky and meek manner. He was about to complain, but when you turned to him to apologise, he saw your teary eyes.
“You hurt? What happened? Who hurt you?” Theo immediately asked in concern. You shook your head in alarm. His handsome face scrunched in concern, and he reached out to seize your arm to steady its shaking. He set down the coffee pot and checked if your arm got burnt. 
he gruffly passed the coffee pot to his brother, and when he was faced with questioning looks from the rest of the table he simply said, “you pour your own damn coffee.” He motioned for you to leave, wanting to relieve you of your duties for this morning as a small mercy. 
Theo is unfortunately one of the busier men of the mansion, so he can’t do much until the evening when he returns. So despite the tense morning, there’s no resolution until after supper. what his words can’t deliver though, his actions do. 
Regardless of how many residents have comforted you, you remained silent and thoughtful. Their efforts were greatly appreciated, but your energy was still depleted. 
Theo catches you right after cleaning up with Sebastian. He hid a large box behind his broad back, strangely timid from his usual bold character. He cleared his throat, “hondje, I brought you something home from work. you told me you liked this last time I took you out for a walk.” 
He stepped aside to show you the large and very sweetly decorated cake in the box. you knew how expensive it was, and for a man like Theo, who was quite savvy with money, you felt a tinge of guilt for making him waste money on you. 
“Theo, thank you. I don't know what to say, you really didn’t have to.”
“Hush hondje. A master’s supposed to take care of his puppy. And you’ve been working hard lately—you deserve a little treat.” 
Of course, Theo indulges in the dessert with you, he may have bought it partly for himself too. But when he saw you enjoying something he gave you, it warmed his heart. Perhaps your smile is sweeter than any dessert he’s had before—and he’s got quite a sweet tooth. 
Theo can be brash, and not nearly as emotionally perceptive as the others. So initially, he’ll be his usual gruff and teasing self. But he’s a good man (savannah), and will always serve you, regardless of the master-puppy dynamic he’s got going on. He’s weak to you, and would hand you the world just to get a glimpse of your sweet smile again. He can’t have his pretty girl sad, that makes him a terrible master. 
Vincent van Gogh
You shook your head, insisting that you stay to help Sebastian. Theo disapprovingly shook his head and tried to stop you from doing more work, but you’d already moved to Vincent’s side. 
Vincent already caught on as soon as Theo asked if you were okay. He poured his coffee himself, so you passed him the small bowl of butter and served a plate of sliced fruit to help. Vincent gently stroked your back, “Schatje, we’re just fine here, you can sit down. Have you had breakfast yourself yet?” knowing you never liked to put yourself first. 
“I'm just fine, Vincent. thank you.” you stuttered out. He hummed in concern, “Sebas told me you were doing laundry outside today. I'll come help you, if that’s alright?” you shook your head, touched at his kind offer, but dreadful over having a companion. As sweet as Vincent was, you were afraid of being too brash with him, with how short your patience was today. 
“We don't have to talk or anything, I'm offering because I want to, mc. please?” Vincent’s pleading eyes were too precious, so you gave him a hesitant nod. 
Vincent brightened up, his angelic smile lifting your spirits up slightly. with a warm day like today, he usually painted outside anyway. at least you wouldn’t have to be with him the whole time. 
He gave your arm an appreciative squeeze before you left. you weren’t sure how to thank him exactly. 
True to his word, the moment you stepped foot outside, you were greeted with his “could heal any and every problem in the world” smile. He was extra handsome wearing his simple, white, button-up shirt with his sleeves rolled up. 
You gave him an appreciative nod, a bit flustered with having someone help you with such a simple task. Still, Vincent pleasantly hummed with no complaints, hanging the clothes you washed. 
It’s true that his hands were blessed by god, but his somewhat clumsy work with clipping the clothes on the line was a contrast to his paintings. Still, his determined expression dispelled any frustration you had, with how hardworking and adorable he was. 
With Vincent’s help (and the soft melody of Mozart's distant piano playing), the laundry was hung in sufficient time. other than having tea with Comte, you really didn’t have much left to do this early afternoon. Vincent cutely tilted his head in curiosity at your zoned out face. 
When he giggled, you snapped out of your stupor and glanced questioningly at him. “sorry! you’re just so cute staring into space like that.” Flustered, you faced away from him. 
“Don’t just say things like that Vincent. you’ll give me the wrong idea.”
“I mean it though. you’re adorable even just breathing.” He was doing that thing where he innocently compliments you, but just like his brother, actually wants to see you flustered. 
“and now you’re even lovelier when you’re all embarrassed!” Vincent chuckled, finally relenting when your hands fully covered your burning face. 
“Sorry for teasing you. I was just hoping I could make you smile. I know I'm not nearly as funny as Napoleon, or as dependable as Leonardo, but it hurts me to see you in pain, mc.” Vincent gently pried your hands away, holding them in his bigger and warmer ones. He stroked your palms in gentle circles. 
Really, he wanted to just wrap you in an embrace and hoped that you would let out your emotions to him. But he knew you needed time and patience before confiding in him. If you allowed it, he would stay all-day with you, just comforting and listening to any of your vulnerable confessions you chose to indulge him to. 
Eventually, you did relent to receiving a warm hug from him. you couldn’t see his face, but he was overjoyed you felt safe enough with him to do so. 
Angelic Vincent wishes he could take any and every pain you feel and take it all himself. It truly breaks his heart seeing your usually bright spirit so down, so he’ll do everything he can to comfort you. He’s patient and gentle; never crossing any of your boundaries and allowing you to take whatever you need and however long it takes you to find that out. He’ll help you with your work, sing you to sleep, feed you treats (that you hope he didn’t make), and give you as much or as little as you need. He cares about you deeply and only hopes he can be enough to cure at least a little bit of the pain you feel. 
Comte de Saint-Germain
Comte's face was already scrunched in worry from the moment you entered the dining hall. his calm and elegant demeanour belied it, but he was eager to finally talk to you. Once you reached his side, you swore you could almost hear the sigh of relief. 
“I speak for everyone when I say that no one can start their day right without seeing your face, chérie.” Ever the romantic, Comte wants to reassure you that you’re wanted (needed actually), and that he appreciates your being there. 
You’d be hard-pressed not to feel flustered by his words. “You’re exaggerating, Comte, but thank you.” Your usual routine consisted of having tea with Comte in the early afternoon, but you weren’t sure you’d make good company. “about later today comte—“
“I'll have the tea and desserts set up. i’ve found this new patisserie in the city—“
“comte, i’m really sorry—“
“You don’t have to do any work, mc. I want you to take a break.” He was clearly well-intentioned and the break did sound tempting. so with much hesitation, you relented to comte’s demands. 
Perhaps a little part of you dreaded it, knowing how protective Comte was over you. He’ll pry, and if he found out that it was another person’s doing that caused your mood, he’ll cause a riot (gracefully and elegantly, mind you). He was already waiting at the garden’s gazebo, a spread of various sweet pastries and steaming tea set up for you. 
He perked up upon seeing you, pushing your chair in as you sat down. He poured you tea and placed one of each pastry on your plate while you hopelessly tried to stop him. 
“I'm simply ecstatic you could join me today, ma chérie.” he hummed, sipping his tea. 
“It's not anyone’s fault, it’s just me.” You wanted to clear up what you knew he was itching to find out. his shoulders sagged down in relief for a brief moment before settling back into his perfect posture. 
“That's a relief, but I still want to make sure you’re okay, mc. Come, have some tea.” 
You could feel Comte’s golden eyes watching your every move, but otherwise, the tea was excellent and he was certainly generous with all the pastries. 
The real surprise was later in the night, after dinner, when comte asked you to meet him in his office. He was on the balcony, gazing out to the Parisian landscape (he would have been smoking then, but he tries not to). 
“You called for me, comte?” 
“Ah yes. mc.” The way he said your name was admittedly a bit seductive when accompanied by his golden eyes. he had this excited air about him, unknown if it was for innocent or more sinful reasons. He motioned towards a concerningly large box on his table. you opened it, and to your surprise (not really let’s bfr), there was a beautiful silk dress in your favourite colour. 
Comte moved close from behind you, and with a quiet “may i?” he delicately  put a necklace on your neck, the light brush of his fingers dizzying. 
He trailed his hands down to your shoulders and squeezed them, before descending to your arms. “ma chérie, i want to make you feel better. how can i do that for you?” he rubbed your arms up and down before wrapping around your body altogether. 
In this position, you could cry in peace, ramble in frustration, or be silent and enjoy his embrace without fear of judgement. He couldn’t see your expression, to save any embarrassment on your end, but he’s still there. 
Comte will definitely be protective and try and figure out if it was anyone made you upset. He would commit a murder to whoever did, but if there wasn’t anyone, he’d focus on making you feel better. His love language is gifts, quite obviously, but I also like to believe that he’s an acts of service guy who’d want to make things at least a little easier for you, like giving you a break. He'd want to reward you with gifts, expensive, but the kind that he knows you like. and if that doesn’t show you he cares about you, he’ll stay long enough to help you recover; in a way, he feels proudly possessive, knowing you could show your vulnerability to only him. 
Napoleon Bonaparte
As one of the late risers, you were tasked with waking him up in the morning. you did your usual routine of ripping the blankets off him and blocking his kiss with your hand. this time though, you left the former emperor be, once you caught sight of his half-opened eyes. 
He took a minute to catch on to your disappearance (forgive him, he’s half-awake) but as soon as it registered in his sleepy brain, he zoomed out of his room to catch your retreating figure. 
You knew he was one of the persistent men of the mansion, unable to leave you alone even when you weren’t upset. so this time around, he was hellbent on following you until you’d answer his inquiries. 
“Nunuche? what’s gotten into you?” he would quickly catch up to you and grip your arm until you show him your teary face. And only then would he relent and hold your hand instead.
You could confide in him and tell him about all your problems, because after all, he was the man who saved you and vowed to protect you all this time. However, even if you didn’t at that moment, nothing would stop Napoleon from making you feel better. 
He would briefly venture into town to absolve him of any of his guard duties so he could remain at your side the entire day. Perhaps a bit of an overreaction on his part, but owing his new life to you, he wanted to prioritise you above all else. 
Unlike a certain lazy Italian, this Italian will politely request that you be relieved of your tasks, and though you insisted on at least completing the laundry with Vincent and having tea with Comte, you relented to his demands. 
His usual routine was to take you to the stables and run as far as you can on his horse. It was often what helped him dispel the ghosts from his past; the coolness of the afternoon wind was a soothing balm to your face that was drenched with hot tears. He would childishly ignite a race between the two of you through the vast woods surrounding Comte’s mansion, if only to ease your heavy mind with a far less laborious task. 
He’d lead you to a small meadow on the outskirts of the fields, far from prying eyes and ears. There you can let any emotion out: whether that was a yell of frustration, a scream of rage, or harsh sobs, Napoleon will do it first, if it removes any embarrassment on your end. 
Whether you choose to confide in him or not, (which you likely would, considering how unyieldingly supportive and protective Napoleon had been for you thus far) Napoleon will willingly listen to anything you say. You could wax cheesy poetry, ponder about the origins of the universe, or just recall mundane moments in the mansion, but Napoleon will respond in kind to any silly statement you make. 
Napoleon of all people wouldn’t be opposed to having a nap on the soft, dewy grass, under the blanket of the warm setting sun. Once it gets cold though, he’d take you back to the mansion. 
If you still felt overwhelmed, he would bring you up to the attic that overlooked the Paris skyline. 
Napoleon, as he hopes that you consider him one of your closest companions, would do everything in his power to ease your pain. He’d begin by alleviating your work for the day, and whether that entailed him undertaking those chores or simply helping you with them, he’d do anything. Then, he might try what works best for him when he has his off days, usually in regard to the past, but allow you to dictate what he can or can’t do. Really, he hopes that whatever he does dispels those clouds of anguish and replaces it with some good old Napoleon humour. As the evening closes in, he’d take you to the attic. With only the stars and the moon as your witness, Napoleon would do everything in his power to bring you comfort. 
sorry that i wasn't able to write for everyone in this post, but I'll feature the rest (Leonardo, Isaac, Mozart, Jean, and a few bonus characters) on the next post. i just wanted to get some content out now.
if you made it this far, thank you so much for spending your time on my writing. lmk if you enjoyed it (or didn't, but pls be nice abt it I'm sensitive). have a great day, my dear <3
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fang-and-feather · 1 year ago
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Ikemen Vampire: Arthur/Isaac/Reader
Written for Year of the OTP November prompt: secret relationship (reveal) from @yearoftheotpevent
There was an attempt of the other guys interacting at the end, but I'm not sure about it, Dazai might be a little off, or I'm just confused...
IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3 Version
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Isaac feared having the others know of his relationship with you, and especially with Arthur. Having two lovers, one of them another guy, was something you really didn’t openly do in this time period, right? And it was Arthur. They weren’t supposed to get along. There was no way the others would accept it. But he was also a little jealous of how his partners could be so open about their relationship and had more time to spend together because of that. How could he solve such an impasse?
He hated that he felt a little jealous of you and Arthur. Sometimes, he would rather not have to hide anymore. He would rather not need excuses to go on dates. Or miss moments like on mornings after you slept separately but had breakfast together, and one of you openly gave the other a greeting kiss. It was embarrassing, but he would like to be able to be acknowledged somehow.
But his situation wasn’t something he could just come out and say in public. When some people who knew you saw you, each time with one of them, or sometimes even with both, it already drew awkward questions.
“Why would it be different here, where some of them are from earlier periods?”
“What would be different, Isaac?”
The sudden question made Isaac jump and spin around. Had he said that one aloud?
At least it was just Napoleon, but that didn’t make things better.
“Nothing. Just thinking to myself.” He started walking back to his room but stopped when Napoleon called after him.
“Did you eat anything?”
“I-I will have breakfast in my room.”
Isaac tried to get away again, only for Napoleon to follow.
“I didn’t want to mention it, but you can’t keep running away like that, Isaac.” Isaac sighed and stopped, Napoleon catching up with him. “Everyone already noticed how you three have been quite strange for a while. They have all sorts of ideas why.” Isaac thought they were being discreet. Then again, sometimes he also thought Arthur made no effort to. Or was it him? He never thought himself very good at lying or hiding things. “You were asking yourself why it is different here? It’s probably because we care about you. Even Dazai, despite his methods. We’re like a family here. I don’t know what your problem is, and none of us will push you, despite how curious some are, but, when you’re ready, I hope you know you can trust us.”
‘I don’t know what your problem is’, but Napoleon spoke of everything else as if he knew.
Or was he just being paranoid now he knew everyone noticed something going on? Isaac had never been good at reading people. It was more likely he was wrong.
But that didn’t matter. Maybe Napoleon was right. Maybe he could trust the people who lived there. You would have told him the same.
“Thank you. I will keep that in mind.”
He nodded in acknowledgement, and Napoleon smiled.
“Trust your heart. And if it’s something you still need to talk to Arthur about, despite his actions, he also means well, and I think he is more fond of you than he seems.”
Napoleon was more right about that than he thought. Or maybe he knew already. Isaac couldn’t help but blush at the suggestion either way.
“He has a strange way to show it, then.” To the point Isaac wondered sometimes why he really fell for Arthur. But although Arthur was still his annoying, teasing self, there were always these loving and tender moments between them that made him certain of his feelings.
“That’s just how Arthur is, I suppose.” Napoleon laughed and ruffled Isaac’s hair. “You’re still going back to your room?”
“Yes. I really have something I was working on and I already took enough of a break.”
Isaac said goodbye to Napoleon and managed to get back to his work without any problem, but he found it hard to concentrate on it. Between missing his partners, his feelings that morning and the conversation with Napoleon, he couldn’t stop thinking about the situation.
The only thing that broke through his concentration was a tray being set in front of him, and the sound of a chair being pulled closer.
“Newt?” Arthur asked, sounding worried as he sat by Isaac’s side. “What’s on your mind? Doesn’t seem to be work, by the way you were staring at it.”
Nothing escaped Arthur, did it? But Isaac wasn’t sure if he was ready to talk about it yet. He hadn’t even sorted his feelings.
“I’m fine. Just a little tired.”
Avoiding looking at Arthur, Isaac examined the tray, finding it a little too full for one person’s breakfast. That made him turn to Arthur, ready to ask, only for his boyfriend to smile at him.
“Do you mind if I join you? Our little bird told me to make sure you eat.”
“Didn’t anyone find it suspicious you left with both our breakfasts?” While he was worried about how and when to break the news to their housemates, Arthur did so many careless things that Isaac wondered why he hadn’t told them himself yet.
“I told them I needed a change of scenery and would bring your breakfast since I was on my way out. But we can eat somewhere else, if you’re afraid someone will come check on you.”
Why would anyone check on him besides their girlfriend? They were all used to Isaac hiding in his room, either to work or to not have to deal with people.
“No. You can stay.” They rarely had the opportunity to eat together, like a couple, because they were keeping their relationship a secret.
Arthur gave him a quick peck, and they started breakfast in silence, Isaac getting comfortable upon realizing Arthur did not ask further about his worries. A little too comfortable.
“Isaac,” Arthur started, and Isaac froze. He was only called by his name when Arthur was very serious. “is it that bad that people know we are together?” Of course Arthur knew. If Isaac could barely keep a secret from the others without them being auspicious, why did he think he could fool Arthur? “Is it that shameful that you love me?”
Arthur’s pout and sad eyes were a trap, right? His boyfriend was trying to make him feel guilty on purpose, didn’t he?
But he had a point. Him being with Arthur was something he didn’t want people to know. One of the reasons, and not even the biggest of them, but still a reason. But no. Shame at being with him was not at the core of it.
“You are still so annoying at times that I wonder why I like you. At others, I still wonder why you like me. But I’m not ashamed of it. A little embarrassed at being teased for it, but that’s not the reason at all. We are…” Isaac tried to find the proper words “so different from the norm. It’s not something we can tell people outside. Aren’t you afraid the others here won’t accept it?”
“I saw you talking with Napoleon. What did he tell you?”
Not ‘what were you talking about’ but ‘what did he tell you’.
“That everyone is auspicious of us, and that I should trust them more. I thought it was something you would tell me.”
“He just beat us to it. And of course he would say that. Do you want to know why?”
At least he was offering, instead of telling it without asking. And Isaac shook his head. If there was something, he would rather Napoleon tell him when he was ready.
“So you think we should tell them?” Isaac tried to change the subject.
“It will be easier if they don’t find out on their own. Besides, I don’t think we are in any trouble. It might be difficult for some of them, but none of us is anything like the norms. And if they still don’t accept it, it will be easier for us to move somewhere together.” Isaac nodded, and Arthur kissed him. “I can’t wait to see everyone’s reactions. And we’ll be able to spend more time together without having to sneak around.” Another kiss. “And speaking of spending time, I missed you yesterday, Newt.”
Assaulted with deeper kisses, Isaac was unable to respond. His mind protested that this wasn’t the right moment for that, but Isaac found himself embracing Arthur, pulling him closer and kissing back, rather than pushing him away to protest. The combination of being busy with work and the rain keeping the other in the house made it difficult for Isaac to spend time with any of his lovers. He had missed them, too.
Isaac pulled away, startled, when the door quickly opened and closed, blushing upon realizing it was just you and that you were grinning at him.
“Sorry for interrupting you two. I came to see if you finished breakfast and I will go back to work. Are you feeling better, Isaac?” You walked behind them and leaned in to give him a quick kiss.
“I am. Sorry if I worried you. I just had a lot on my mind.”
“And did you sort it out? Or was Arthur just trying to distract you with sex?”
“Ouch. You hurt me, luv. What kind of boyfriend do you take me for?”
“A very horny one.”
“Well, can’t deny that. But it’s not my fault I have two very tempting partners.” Arthur tried to pull you into his lap, but you circled around Isaac’s chair.
“Not now, Arthur. If I don’t get back soon, everyone will start to be suspicious.”
You tried to leave, avoiding Arthur, but it was Isaac who held you by the arm.
“Wait. Don’t you have a little time to talk?”
“If it is quick, I do.”
Nodding, Isaac told you of his resolution to tell everyone about your relationship. He was a little apprehensive of your reaction, then relieved when you smiled and reassured him you supported the idea, too.
With both of you by his side, Isaac felt like he could actually do it. Like everything would be okay.
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The three of you made sure to tell them on a day you could catch most of the residents together, which happened a couple of days later at dinner, where, surprisingly, even Jean had decided to join them. Only Dazai was missing, but him arriving late wasn’t anything new, and he was someone Isaac wouldn’t miss during this conversation.
Isaac had been feeling pretty confident since you talked that day but, now that the time came, he lingered in the hallway nervously.
On each of his sides, you wrapped an arm around his waist and Arthur around his shoulders, hugging him in silence.
When he looked at each of you, he saw encouraging smiles that, even without words, told him you were there for him. That you were in this together.
He pulled away slightly, so he could hold hands with both of you, instead. He liked the closer contact, but this way was easier to move and especially get through the doorway.
All eyes turned to you as the three of you walked in like that, all of them wide in surprise, some going quickly between Isaac, Arthur, and their intertwined fingers. But they promptly gave them space to sit together. Despite that gesture of acknowledgement and everyone trying to focus back on their dinner, Isaac was still nervous when the silence lasted for a couple of minutes more. Both you and Arthur giving his hands - that you were still holding under the table - a reassuring squeeze as you waited.
It was Theo that, without even looking at you, broke the silence.
“So this is what the fuss was about? You can count on Arthur to make everyone so worried over nothing.”
“Does that mean you were worried too, Theo?” Arthur teased.
“That you had made a mess for us to clean, maybe. It always ends up in my hands when you and Hondje have problems.”
“Because you and Arthur are good friends, so they trust you,” Vincent told him.
Had it been anyone else, Theo would have complained at the notion that he and Arthur were friends, but with Vincent, he only grunted, turning his attention fully back to his food.
“I think everyone here is glad that you sorted it out.” Comte spoke up. “The rumors were getting quite unsettling.”
“You say that like you weren’t taking part in all the speculation on what was happening to them.” Leonardo laughed. “But I guess this wasn’t what anyone here expected.”
“Why would we? Everyone thought Isaac had better taste. But I guess Hondje and her horny dog are a package deal.”
Isaac blushed, although he already expected this kind of reaction. He had questioned his own sanity when he started falling for Arthur.
“You make me sound like a poor bonus in a big prize, Theo.” Arthur complained, a little exaggeratedly.
“And aren’t you?” Theo smirked at him.
“I know you love me, Theo.”
“In your dreams.”
“Arthur! We barely settled this, and you already want one more boyfriend?”
You were kidding. Isaac knew it. Besides, it was Theo you were talking about. He and Arthur got along better than you would guess at first glance, but as friends. But logic didn’t keep him from tensing at the suggestion.
Of course you had the right if you wanted. To add more people, just like you did him, but he wasn’t ready to share, and that possessiveness surprised him.
“Of course not, luv. I already have a wonderful boyfriend I still have a lot to get to know about.” Arthur winked at Isaac, reaching to touch him. Issac was ready to protest that it wasn’t the appropriate place for this, but both stopped on hearing a voice from the window.
“Well, well, aren’t you two sweet?” Dazai hoisted himself through one of the windows. Nothing new at this point, although Isaac wished he would miss dinner tonight. “But so bold of you, Ai-chan. Such an indecent display at dinner…”
“Didn’t you have anything better to do? And Arthur is the one being indecent.”
There was a murmur of “What’s new about it?”, Isaac had no idea from whom.
“Aw, Newt. Don’t be like that. I was just trying to help.”
“Then don’t help.”
Isaac gave you a pleading look and, shaking your head at their antics, you stood up, motioning for him to trade places.
“I always knew Arty had a crush on you.”Dazai told Isaac. “I was rooting for you.”
“Dazai! You better leave Isaac alone for now, or I think Arthur will get jealous.” You tugged him away from Isaac, your tone as playful as everyone else, but Isaac could see the seriousness in your eyes. He hoped the others could too and would leave him alone.
“Only Arty, Toshiko-san?”
“What did I say about all this commotion at dinner?” Comte asked, slightly raising his voice. “I know you have a lot on your mind about this turn of events, but the dinner table is not the place to discuss that.”
With that, dinner returned to normal, and Isaac felt the weight of the last few days being lifted from him. He still expected some curious looks, but all he got was one indecipherable look from Jean, who was practically whispering with Napoleon. Whatever Napoleon said, it got Jean’s attention from Isaac, and when he looked Napoleon in the eyes, Isaac got a smile and a nod of acknowledgement.
Although not everyone had spoken up, even that was a sign of acceptance. And Isaac never felt so much a part of the group as he did at that moment.
Arthur was right. Despite some of them not interacting much, they all supported one another.
And he was surprisingly happy about that. Isaac never realized how he got a sense of home in this place, with these people. It could just be a sense born of years together, but it actually felt like a family. And after tonight, maybe he could start embracing it and trusting them more, at least not to hide as he did with this relationship. He could afford as much, right?
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ikemenfanfiction · 3 months ago
Isaac: Before You...
Ikemen Vampire Fanfiction (Aug 2020) masterlist
Featuring: Isaac Newton x Reader Word Count: 900 Disclaimer: Original characters are the rightful property of Cybird. Note: These stories occur before our MC falls in love with a vampire, so in some cases the featured characters may still be learning to get along—or that they don’t?—with each other. Warnings: None… well, there may be a few cheesy physics jokes? (Fluff) Premise: Climbing Trees You are working in the garden when you hear a plaintive cry. Upon searching for the source, you discover Vincent’s pet racoon Brush is stuck in a tree. Apparently, he was trying to get something shiny out of a hollow limb and could not be convinced to let go and come down safely. Deciding there was nothing else to be done you finally scale the tree in an effort to save the poor screeching creature. You discover that you can break away part of the hollowed part of the limb and free Brush’s paw. With one more screech in your direction the racoon makes off with the shiny button—his new treasure—without a backward glance. It is only then that you realize your predicament. Despite scrambling up the tree with ease in an effort to save the distressed animal… getting down was an entirely different matter. Isaac As you watch the racoon disappear you found yourself envying his freedom.
“Seriously Brush?” You asked despite doubting he could hear you. You glanced around and not seeing anyone around that could possibly help you—or just embarrass you—you decided that one way or another you were going to get out of this tree. Hopefully without breaking something? You scooted back to the main part of the trunk of the tree and you were just trying to lower yourself closer to the ground when a voice startled you. “What are you—” The exclamation was cut off by your own startled yelp. You were so surprised your grip on the branch slipped and down you tumbled onto… someone. “I-Isaac?” You asked in disbelief when your eyes focused on the person you’d landed on. Okay so he’d actually partially caught you before the momentum of your fall pushed you both onto the ground. “What in all the heavens were you doing up there?” The usually reserved and quiet vampire demanded. “That kind of fall c-could—uh—”
Suddenly realizing how close the two of you were—and that you were on his lap—Isaac’s face went bright red. “C-could you get off me please?” “Y-yes! I’m so sorry Isaac! I can’t believe that happened. Are you hurt?” You scrambled off of his lap getting to your feet and offering him a hand up. He took it hesitantly but drew his hand back quickly as soon as he was on his feet again. “No, I’m fine, but… What do you mean you can’t believe that happened? Do you have no concept of gravity?” His ears were even redder than before and he would not look you in the eye. “Well I—uh—may have miscalculated the velocity of my descent.” You tried to sound as apologetic as possible, and he actually looked up at you in surprise. “Oh…well… I guess that… wait! You aren’t patronizing me, are you?” He folded his arms defensively. “No! I really didn’t think I’d fall like that!” You protested. After seeing the way Arthur and Dazai were always teasing him you couldn’t blame him for the skepticism. “Good.” He huffed looking only slightly relieved. “I wouldn’t try that again, either. You could easily break something in a fall like that.” “I promise I won’t. Next time I’ll definitely find a ladder before even attempting to climb that high.” You tried to be reassuring. “But, thank you for—uh—interfering with my velocity.” “You’re welcome, I guess? I—uh—I’d appreciate if you wouldn’t mention this to anyone? I’m certain Arthur and Dazai would start teasing me about thinking you were an apple.” You barely managed to stifle a laugh, “No way! I promise I don’t want them to know about me falling from a tree either. I really am sorry for landing on you.” Isaac shrugged. “As long as neither one of us are hurt there’s really no need to mention it.” His ears were getting red again, and it was pretty adorable. You glanced away hoping that by not staring at him he could feel a little less embarrassed. When you did, however, you glanced instead at the branch you’d fallen from. Suddenly your stomach did an anxious flip. Isaac wasn’t kidding! That branch was much further up than you’d realized, and you really could have been hurt. “Could I bring something by to your room to say thank you?” You asked, suddenly feeling like you owed him more than an apology. “I wouldn’t want to interrupt your work, but I have this apple turnover recipe I’ve been dying to try… could I possibly bring you one?”
“I guess so… If you really want to that is? If you end up too busy to make them though don’t worry about it.” Isaac said backing away from you self-consciously. “You really will use a ladder next time?” “Yes! I promise.” “Good.” With that and a wave he left. The shy vampire wasn’t quite fleeing the scene, but you suspected he’d reached his limit at completing that much small talk with you. Maybe you should ask Sebastian to deliver the turnover so the poor man wouldn’t have to relive his embarrassment in front of you again later?
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