#ikevam oneshot
dreamscapesin1582 · 4 years
[ d-1 ] morgenstond
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prompt: theo nsfw / freestyle day
tagging: @delicateikemenmemes​
notes: i know its late af but i’ll post it anyway since i already had the draft of it lying around. also its not really nsfw lmao, i prolly stuck around with freestyle. basically fluff day pt 2
Theo sank his body lower on the warm water of the thermae, quietly attempting to erase his thoughts about the exchanges he came across in that damned strange rectangular object.
Meanwhile, back in the lady’s bedroom, someone was attempting not to squeal in delight.
She hugged the pillow closer to her chest as she buried her face there, feet uncontrollably hitting the mattress. With an excited heart, she recalled the events once more.
“…Hondje, something happened.”
With a furrowed brow, Theo began tapping to oblivion when he clicked the home button by mistake. But before she was able to respond, he found himself viewing her past messages. By the looks of it, with the speech bubbles on either side, it seemed like an exchange between two people.
“Conversations?” He mumbled. He tapped the back button (just as he was taught) and scanned the list of people she talked to. And with his sharp eyes, he didn’t miss that one name that seemed… interesting.
Babe. And with a heart, too. And if that wasn’t alarming enough, there was more text below: Thanks for today. Love you!
“Wait, what are you—” She found out he wasn’t in the gallery anymore and tried checking, but he immediately raised his hand to keep it out of reach. “Theo? Let me see?”
“I was reading something.”
“Reading..?” She thought for a moment, and then her eyes widened. “Wait, did you see my inbox?! Give it back!”
“Why?” Challenged, Theo moved out of the bed and stood up. She followed, jumping to reach the phone he so desperately tries to take away from her. “Was I not supposed to see anything else?”
“I’m trying to take it back because I think we’re misunderstanding something here..!”
“So, you can also receive messages here? So much convenience for one small object.” She didn’t like the smirk he had right now. It was a bit crooked, as if forced. “Just answer me this one thing.”
“This—” He stopped. Swallowing his words, he looked at the phone screen once more, only to find it unable to light up again. “What’s wrong with this thing now?”
“Oh, maybe the battery’s dead.” She took the chance to snatch the phone from him. She sighed. “Oh well.”
All of a sudden, Theo marched over to her and gripped her shoulders, prompting her to look up to him and his cerulean eyes. He stared at her intently, while she only blinked curiously at him.  
For some reason, he was itching to ask her who the hell was this babe. But he didn’t want her to think he was being possessive of her, when he himself still couldn’t fully comprehend the reality that there was something between the two of them—that out of the many great men in the mansion, she chose him.
Instead, he just gave her a peck on her lips and moved away, tossing his coat on the bed. She blinked once, twice, her cheeks getting warmer. “W-What was that all about..?”
“I’m gonna head down the thermae for tonight.”
“…S-Should I join you?”
Theo paused for a moment, but schooled his expression when he glanced behind his shoulder to look at her. “They’re still awake. We can’t have them getting a look at you.”
He left, almost as if in a hurry, leaving her to raise her voice and announce that she’s going back to her room. He wasn’t able to hear the addition where she clarified that in case he was misunderstanding, Babe (with a heart) was actually her best friend.
And here we are.
Theo grunted as he stood up, making up his mind to see her again. Quickly changing to fresh clothes, he made his way to her room and knocked. No response. After knocking several times, he found out the door wasn’t actually locked.
“I’m coming in.” He announced, and after stepping inside he found her in her bed, hugging her pillow with a blissful smile while wearing his coat. “Just how many times are you going to sleep…?”
The door closed behind him as he strode towards her bed, sitting on the edge and began admiring every nuance of her sleeping face. He slowly reached out and tucked the few strands of her hair behind her ear. If only she could see the endearment behind his eyes as he watched her…
Just as he bent forward, he was startled to feel the familiar sensation of his lover’s lips on his. The beauty in her eyes, seen in close proximity.
“…Just how many times are you going to fall for this trick?” She quipped back with a teasing smile. His eyes widened a fraction, and her mellifluous laughter spilled tenderly from her lips as she noticed color touching his cheekbones.
“…I was going to apologize, but now I see you just like being naughty.” His words came out husky as he leaned forward, pushing his lover down the bed and trapping her in the confines of his muscular arms. The room suddenly felt warmer, hotter, and he found the burning feeling in his chest mirrored in her eyes. “How can you make me feel so bothered inside…?”
“You tell me,” she purred, locking her arms around his neck, “I don’t know, Theo. Please tell me.”
Schijt. He wasn’t prepared for this. But the last thing he knew was that he was kissing her, his hands uneasy, his whole body begging to feel her in ways that could satisfy the hunger he felt all this while.
But oh, her voice drove him mad. The way her body responded to him. The acceptance. The love. The intense need of him. There was no doubt she reciprocated what he felt, and perhaps more.
Her eyes never lied. And in the heat of the moment, just looking at her eyes left him breathless. All through the night…
“Mm… Hmm…?”
She woke up just as the sun was about to rise, finding herself in the comforts of her lover’s arms. Fast asleep. She took a moment to watch him breath softly, eyes closed, a serene look on his face.
Her hand reached out to cup his cheek, her thumb tenderly caressing his cheek. And she whispered, “I hope you know just how much I’m grateful to be able to love you like this.”
She knew of his insecurities, his doubts, his regrets. But to her, Theo was a man of passion. There was art in his blood, zeal in his fingertips, love in his heart. And he had so much love, she always wondered why he doubted that she wasn’t receiving enough when she was rich of it, every single day.
“Hey, Theo…?” She called out softly. “…I love you.”
The light in the room slowly transitioned with the breaking dawn just as Theo opened his eyes, a smirk playing on his lips. She looked surprised.
“So this is how it feels, huh?” He teased. She blushed, pouting.
“No fair!”
He only chuckled as he pulled her closer to him, pressing a kiss on her cheek. Fragments of his previous dream flashed through his mind’s eye, yet in that blissful moment he somehow believed that everything was going to be all right, because he will shower her with everything she deserves and more.
Not bothering to hide the affection in his gaze, Theo exhaled as he beheld the most magnificent artwork he could ever find, right here in his arms, bathed in early morning light.
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malachiexists13 · 2 years
I've lost all my sanity so here's pictures of my notebook for that Faust oneshot. Its filled with a bunch of other dirty shit but this is basically to let you see just how many corrections and spelling errors I made. Why did I write it all in a notebook? Because I'm shit at writing on mobile and my only computer is a school issued one and Im not crazy enough to write literal porn on my school computer.
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As you can see, I rarely ever do editing or corrections because I will correct so much fucking shit. And I tend to just forget what word I'm going to write next or completely forget how to spell it because autism brain. Also my pen nearly exploded like three times, especially when I wrote "internalized homophobia" so ignore the blue ink smudges-
If you can't read my handwriting very well, you can read the oneshot here without all the crossed out words and ink smudges.
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daisiesandshakes · 3 years
Ikemen vampire fanfic
Pairing: Vincent, Shakespeare & reader
Warnings: angst
It was a wonderful evening, sipping wine and chatting with Vincent and Shakespeare.  Due to the advanced time everybody wants to head homewards and Shakespeare looks for a carriage.
You step outside to take some fresh air while you wait for Vincent, leaning against a metal fence as you notice a drunken voice next to your left side. "What a lovely bird we've got here? You shouldn't be alone here at this time, little lady."
"I am waiting for someone, I'm not alone." You reply with a steady voice, shifting a bit to side only to meet another drunk bully on the other side, grinning at you.
This is not good, drunk men are incalculable. You're about to panic as the first man lifts his hand to touch your arm as you hear a soft, but firm voice.
"Leave the lady alone."
It's Vincent! Breathing hard he grips the ceiling of the fence with one hand.
"She is my company." he says as his grip around the ceiling  tightens. Your eyes grow wide. Did you hear metal screech?
But the drunken bullies didn't notice the sound and the growing tense, laughing at him.
"Lad, you better run home!" Both reach out for you.
In this moment the screech gets louder followed by a earsplitting clang.
You don't trust your eyes. Vincent stands completely in the shadow, holding the loose ceiling in his hand. Nothing remained from the soft angel you know anymore. His features are hidden in the dark, only his eyes are visible with an unearthly glow.
Another shadow appears next to him, eyes like  burning coal.
"Does Mylady and my dear friend wish for my assistance?"
The sing-sang voice of Shakespeare sounds amused.
The shadow takes the ceiling out of Vincent's hand, bending it into an u-form with no effort. The bullies watch the scene with mouths hanging open and fear in their eyes. William lets the metal drop and in the second it touches the ground he appears directly in front of the first drunken man.
"RUN." he growls with a predator rumble in his voice.
You watch the bullies running away for their dear life,  screaming for help.
Shakespeare giggles. "That was fun,  wasn't it?"
His gaze searches yours as he takes your hand, the unnatural glow in his eyes fades. "I hope thou art without any hurt my little gemstone?"
Vincent rushes to your other side. "I am so sorry! I didn't want to break the fence... It just happened." He looks ashamed down to the floor. "I- I was so angry?! Hope you are not afraid of us now..."
You smile at both vampires. "No, I don't fear you. You both saved me! And we are friends, right?"
With sparkling eyes and a smile Vincent and William nod to each other and take you in between them, holding you at your arms.
"Mylady, our carriage awaits us.  We guarantee thou a safe escort back home."
You never felt more sheltered as in this moment, but to be honest, you see Vincent now with different eyes.
Thank you for reading!
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nuttytani · 4 years
Just like a movie
fandom: ikevamp
pairing: vlad x gn!reader 
words: 2000+
warnings: mentions of food and that's pretty much it
a/n- this was my secret santa gift for my dear friend: @jiyuu-chan ! + if you enjoyed it; feedback is highly appreciated!
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People say that you are meant to meet a special someone in your life. Someone who would change everything, who would complete you like a piece of a puzzle- someone you are destined to be with from the moment you are born, a string of fate tying you closer.
Soulmates have a special bond with each other; a red string that is attached to their pinky- which can only be seen by them. Such is drilled into every child’s brain from a young age.
When you were younger, your father would always tell you stories of how he had met his soulmate, his wife...your mother. It was otherworldly he said, like nothing else- an indescribable moment, and he wanted you to just know when you had met yours.  
“One day, you’ll also meet your one and only, sweetheart!”
“Really? But…. how will I know?”
“Really! It’s simple. You’ll see a red-,” your dad said- looking a little too excited.
“DARLING- STOP! DIDN’T WE DISCUSS THIS!?? Don’t annoy the poor child…,” your mother screeched from the kitchen as she stormed to your place- giving her husband a sharp look before turning to look at you,  “sweety- you’ll know when that day comes, alright? Why don’t you go play, hmm?”
You only nodded meekly, and rushed upstairs- glad to have your dad stop talking. Your parents’ banter was now muffled, but your mind was clouded with thoughts of what your father was about to say. Perhaps your mother was right...it’s better not to know to keep the moment special.
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As you grew up, from kindergarten, primary school to highschool and finally college; you stood by and watched most of your friends find their other half- until you were the only one left. You’d always feel a dull pang in your heart...what if you were destined to be alone for life? When were you going to meet your soulmate? Will people keep on taunting you? These thoughts would lurk in your head, until you couldn’t think anymore. But now you were older and more carefree than before, such thoughts didn’t bother you any longer- at least not completely.
Every once in a while, your family and friends would dreamily tell you about their experience, while you’d just listen and nod. An exhausting cycle, where all your concerns would come rushing back to you. Then, of course, they’d never forget to ask about your nonexistent love life... It wasn’t fun to watch them shoot you a sympathetic smile and say “don’t worry, your time will come soon!”
Truly, having a soulmate or not didn’t matter to you, at least that’s what you think. It wasn’t uncommon for few people to be ‘alone’ although that was quite rare and an unfortunate occurrence. Why was it so hard for people to leave you alone? Real life isn't a romantic movie, like everyone would depict it as.
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“There we go! I think that’s it now,” the strawberry brunette sighed as he placed the vase of wildflowers on the coffee table. 
“Finally! I’m so tired,” you groaned, slipping to the floor as your back pushed against the couch.
Fumbling with the book in your hands, you motioned the man to sit beside you- not too long after, he too sat lamely next to you on the cold hardwood. Exactly five hours passed since you and your friend Charles began organizing your new house. The two of you were working nonstop- tirelessly to get the place looking more liveable and comfortable. It was a struggle, but the effort was worth it.
“You know...you owe me for this big time,” Charles announced cheekily.
“Spill it. What do you want Charlot?” Brows shot up your forehead, you knew that smile all too well.
“First of all...stop calling me ‘Charlot’ it’s weird! Only Faust calls me that. And to answer your question- I would like to eat your pancakes.” He flashed you a toothy grin.
“Sure whatever you say Charlot,” you snickered, “with coffee?”
With a roll of your eyes, you stood up and threw the book on the couch before heading to the kitchen. Straight away- you pulled out the mixing bowl and sieved the dry ingredients, while humming to a tune that was stuck in your head.
About a week had passed since you moved into your new house, it was a decent place and safe neighbourhood. But the best part about it was the fact that your house was a five minute walk from town. That meant no more lazy drives to the market, quite the bonus actually.
Remembering a task- you shouted to Charles, “Can you be a sweetheart and do me a favour?”
“Ask away child, your wish is my command,” he said with a flourish of his hands.
“Haha very funny- go get the mail”
“No no no- you’re forgetting something. What’s the magic word~” he sang in a high pitch.
“...Monsieur Charlie, can you please get the mail,” you huffed in annoyance.
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Sounds of pancake sizzling and boiling of the kettle filled the kitchen, you were too busy flipping the pancake to notice Charles' presence back in the living room. His eyes were squinting hard at the brown box and some mail sitting snugly between his arms. He looked back and forth between the parcel and your back before he cleared his throat, capturing your attention.
“Hey uhh...is your home address 216b?”
“No. It’s 215b- why do you ask?”
“Are you sure? Because your mail says-”
Before the man could complete his sentence; you snatched the package from him- your eyes widening momentarily.
“I suppose the addresses got mixed up…” Charles muttered
“Yea looks like it…”
The two of you just stared at the package, not knowing what to do. Your first thought was to drop it off at the right address. The house was just in front of yours, it shouldn’t be a problem and maybe you could introduce yourself to your neighbour at the same time.
A smoky scent filled the living, interrupting your train of thoughts; your nose scrunching up in disgust- “What’s that smell?”
The two of you stared at each other quizzically before exclaiming at the same time “THE PANCAKES!!”
[Unfortunately, it took a great deal of time trying to scrape the burnt pancake off your pan and clean it. The unknown package was the last thing on your mind.]
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“Thanks for the help Charles, I appreciate it.” You smiled at him.
“No problem, after all, I got to eat a good meal in turn,” he gave you a wink before bidding his byes.
The sky lost its pale blue colour and was now transformed into soft red and violet, all blending in to create a beautiful gradient with specks of white clouds adorning like freckles. A mop of unfamiliar silvery hair passed by your peripheral as you stared up the sky, taking a shy glance towards the man.
You stared at his back discreetly as he fumbled with the keys before opening the entrance to his house. 
‘216b’ the golden letters glistened. 
Huh. So that’s your neighbour! Maybe now’s the time you give him back the parcel, and that’s what you did.
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You knocked thrice on the emerald green door, while balancing the huge brown box on your other arm- waiting patiently while you internally panicked. Your hands started to sweat and the box started to slip. Rushed footsteps echoed from the other side before halting suddenly, the green door opened with a start; giving you a little shock.
Once again, you were met with the silvery haired man; his garnet red eyes flickered to yours and at that moment- you felt as if everything froze around you. Your heart started to beat way too fast, and your breathing became shallow- it felt as if you were underwater. A tingling sensation ran up your left hand, your eyes flashed down to see whatever the problem was- only to be met with a scarlet thread wrapped around your pinky. You looked at the man in clear surprise and he too- looked very taken aback as he followed your eyes.
The silence stretched far too long for your liking, with a clear of your throat- you introduced yourself to the perplexed man and spoke
“...I’m the new neighbour”
“Bonjour, how can I help you?” He stared at you with wide eyes.
“So err- the package— I mean...I-I believe this is your mail?” You motioned to the box in your arms, “Looks like the mailman mixed up our home addresses.” You swallowed the lump in your throat.
“Ahh! Why yes- actually I have yours as well- the mail I mean,” his eyes softened in understanding, “Please! Come inside.” He invited you in as he took the parcel from your hands.
“I wouldn’t want to intrude.” You shook your head meekly, still recovering from your speeding heartbeat.
“Not at all! Come in, please,” he insisted with shining eyes.
The house was similar to yours, the same white walls with wooden floors and fixtures- it had a relaxing ambience. You spotted several plants and flowers decorating the house, giving the place a much more peaceful vibe, you were too busy admiring the place to notice your neighbour returning.
He placed two plates of strawberries and tea on the coffee table which caught your attention.
“You have a lovely home uhh…”
“Vlad. I’m Vlad- my apologies, I completely forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me,” Vlad said with a slight smile.
When you turned up his doorsteps, you had no idea of what was to come- you definitely didn’t expect to finally meet your soulmate after all these years and in such a way. Now you understood what people meant by ‘feeling butterflies’
“No, it’s quite alright,” you chuckled while calming your jittery hands.
Vlad took a seat on the couch and pat the place next to him for you to sit. He elegantly picked the teacup and blew softly on it.
“So, how long have you been here?” he asked.
“Not too long actually, been just a week. I’ve finally finished organizing today,” you said while taking a bite into the deep red strawberry- the sweet juiciness making you sigh in delight.
“These strawberries are particularly my favourite- in fact, these were in the parcel you brought,” Vlad said with a deep laugh.
You gave an awkward ‘oh’ as you took a sip from your cup.
Not too long after, the awkwardness disappeared as you two got lost in conversation after conversation and more endless conversation, and a few giggles in between. It was quite easy to trust Vlad- he had a calming and serene aura and had you feeling comfortable in no time, perhaps too comfortable that you didn’t realize how late it was until you glanced at your wristwatch.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry- I lost track of time…”
Vlad gave a hum of acknowledgement as he eyed the wall clock, “It’s not that late.” He looked at you with twinkling eyes, ”Why don’t you stay for dinner? I’d like some company.”
“Hmm I don't know… I’ve overstayed my welcome,” You said with furrowed brows.
“Well I for sure know you haven’t —as I’ve said—I enjoyed your company.”
“Ahh fine! You’re good at tempting people you know?” With a grin, you folded your arms which earned a hearty chuckle from Vlad.
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Dinner went smoothly as you two chattered on and on. The two of you stalled your return home but stayed in each other’s presence by washing dishes, eating dessert, extra dessert, and washing dishes yet again until there was nothing left to do.
Once again, you stood at Vlad’s doorstep with a meek smile.
“I had fun, thanks for having me”
“Me too- and it’s not often to find that your neighbour is your soulmate,” Vlad gave you an impish smile.
“Yea— it was, just like—”
“Just like a movie?”
“You stole my words, monsieur.”
“Perhaps this is our movie,” he said while tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
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a/n: if you enjoyed reading this, please don't forget to leave a like and/or reblog. feed back is always appreciated. + join my taglist here
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carnelianns · 5 years
i’m a new writing blog for the ikemen series otome games (^ω^)i write headcanons, scenarios, drabbles, and oneshots for:
ikemen vampire (excluding vlad, faust, and charles)
ikemen revolution (excluding amon, deen, darim, and mousse)
ikemen sengoku (excluding ranmaru, mori, and yoshimoto)
requests are open. please check the rules as well. i hope you enjoy!
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dreamscapesin1582 · 4 years
[ d-2 ] gezellig
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prompt: theo and mc (fluff day)
tagging: @delicateikemenmemes​
…She found herself waking up alone in Theo’s bed.
She shot up, worry washing over her, remembering how troubled he was last night. Just as she was about to pull the blanket away, the door opened with him carrying over a tray.
“Ah, schijt. You’re awake.”
“Theo!” She breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, you just got breakfast.”
Well, there goes the element of surprise.
“This is yours.” He nonchalantly replied as he approached to hand it over. Her eyes sparkled with delight at the smell of freshly cooked pancakes. “What? Too happy?”
“Breakfast in bed! I never imagined having it with you… though I may expected the pancakes part.”
“Wow. That was really honest of you.”
She giggled cheekily. Theo only shook his head as he sat by the edge while she happily munched on the pancake stack he prepared just for her. He pondered on her innocent words, coming to a realization that maybe—
“Theo, say ah.” She started, as he turned to find her thrusting a forkful of golden brown fluff at his direction.
“Treating me like a kid now, hondje?” The young woman could only laugh at his complaint. His shoulders slumped as he yielded and reluctantly opened his mouth for her to feed him.  
It tickled his taste buds that he momentarily forgot he was the one who cooked it. She gave another mellifluous laugh. “We can share.”
And if not for the unfeigned glee that glossed over her lovely eyes as she said so, he would have refused. She let Theo cut it for them as they began feeding one another. Laughter kept spilling out of her lips as a mirthful blush dusted the apples of her cheeks. Looking at it, Theo thought he was watching the break of dawn… but better.
“That was wonderful. Thank you, Theo.”
“Aren’t you forgetting to say something else?”
“Hmm? Like what?” She inquired, blinking innocently at him.
“I’ll give you three seconds to think about it.” Theo flashed a smirk, as the bed creaked when he leaned closer. She only stared helplessly at the mischief in his narrowed eyes. “No answer? Then I’ll take it as it is.”
“Mmm…” Her eyes naturally drew to a close as a shadow fell over her face and merged with her silhouette, the sweetest kiss touched with honey. Warmth engulfed her chest like a pleasant tide, and her eyes fluttered open to find the most beautiful fragments of the sea staring back at her.
“Good morning, hondje.”
Apparently, it was one of Theo’s rare breaks from work today. With nothing to do, Theo was at a loss. He did join his lover in bed, cuddling and conversing, but at some point he couldn’t help locking his eyes on the many paintings that hung on his room. And of course, it wouldn’t slip away from her attention.
“…Theo, would you like to go to a gallery?”
“Huh?” With an arm wrapped around her petite shoulders, he glanced down at her. “We’ve visited almost every gallery we could in Paris. Don’t tell me that’s not enough for you?”
“You mean you.” She pouted as she shifted her body and snuggled even closer to his side. She caught his hand and suddenly fiddled with it. “You can’t stop thinking about work, right?”
Oh, no. “N-No, I—”
“Oh, I know!” She suddenly jumped before he could deny anything. With bright eyes, she got off the bed. “Wait for me here.”
And a moment later, she came back with her purse. The one she carried with her on the modern day. Theo silently watched her as she sat on the edge of the bed and eventually fished out a rectangular… device.
“What’s that?” He leaned forward to take a look as she grinned.
“My very own gallery!”
She did something and suddenly it lit up, catching Theo’s eyes. With a triumphant smile, she went back to her place at his side as she began tapping her fingers on her supposed gallery.
“It’s… moving.” He muttered as he watched her like a child eager to hear about a fairytale. “Hondje, there’s so many things going on in that little thing.”
“I know, right?” She replied. “I can’t believe it survived.”
Well, ever since she had accepted being stuck at the 19th century in a mansion full of vampires, she had decided to save the power of her phone. Fortunately, since it had been forgotten and all, it survived at 60% battery.
“Anyways, when I said gallery, I was talking about photos.”
She turned the screen at his direction for him to see. He narrowed his eyes. “Is that you?”
It’s a lot of her. And some had other people with her, while some are just pictures of the skies, the seas, sceneries she saw during her travels.
“This is…” He was so fixated with what he was seeing that he reached out to take a hold of it. “These are so small. I can’t see them clearly.”
“Oh, you can view it.” She tapped again and the photo zoomed in all of a sudden. Theo let out an amused noise, and with that, she also taught him that he could look through everything by swiping his finger either left or right. And he did, taking his time eyeing every picture. “Haha, Theo. Stop criticizing!”
“Who said I was?”
“You had that look on you like the one you always have when you’re looking at art.”
“…Because I am looking at one.”
That response wasn’t what she expected. Her cheeks burned as she covered her face with her hands. “Y-You…”
“That got you to blush? You’re so easy to please.” It was his turn to chuckle at the sight of her lips puffed like that as he turned back to the phone. But after a few swipes, he almost gasped. “H-Hondje…”
It was, in fact, a literal hondje. “That’s my friend’s puppy. She’s such a cutie, isn’t she? She could curl like a little fluff ball on my hands.”
She was aware of his love for dogs. It was worth it to see his usually sharp eyes gain an innocent sparkle on them, and especially due to something cute like a picture of a small snow-white Pomeranian.
And both of them spent the day like that, just snuggled on the comforts of his bed while browsing through her handy “gallery”. He inquired about the context of almost every photo, and she eagerly told him about the stories of her life.
At some point, she fell asleep while leaning against his shoulder. Sighing, Theo moved his arm to wrap around her shoulders once again, placing his cheek on the top of her head. And with his other hand, Theo scrolled through every photo once more, like beholding the life of his lover from before they even met. She still had the prettiest smile, with clothes and food she was used to and places she had known most of her life.
She looks alive.
He unconsciously gripped her tighter, the hand holding the phone dropping on his lap. And as if that wasn’t enough, he gently moved to place a kiss on her crown.  
“I’ll make sure to make you happier.” He murmured. “…so you won’t have to regret being with me then.”
“…But I don’t regret being with you.”
A soft whisper answered back. He gave a small grunt when she placed her hand atop his, the one holding her tight.
“I like being with you, you know.” With half-lidded eyes, the pad of her thumb caressed his hand. And he was filled with a sense of calm, as if her devotion spilled on her feather-like touch. “I’m already happy, being able to be here, right now.”  
“…But don’t you miss home?” Theo wasn’t a good art dealer for nothing. He had a good eye for things that are hardly noticeable, and because of that he caught on to the nuances of her face, each time she took the trip down memory lane.
“I do.” She said, cutting through his heart like a dagger. “But—“
Her lithe arms shifted to envelop him, and with the silliest, sleepiest smile, she said, “I also found a home by your side.”
“I don’t think I could go back to that life without you.”
Theo never liked flowery words. He believed it was all to please people, and yet when she utters them, it feels so genuine.
“…Look at you. You’re so attached to me.” But Theo went to lean his forehead against hers. A victorious grin crept up his lips as he stared at her, the most precious masterpiece, and his greatest treasure. “What a good hondje…”
“How would you like to be rewarded?”
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dreamscapesin1582 · 4 years
[ d-3 ] karmozijn
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prompt: theo & what breaks his heart 
tagging: @delicateikemenmemes​
warning: mention of death and blood
What have you done?
There she was. From where he stood, Theo watched intently as the woman he loved approached from the other side of the aisle with otherworldly grace. Her eyes twinkled with purest love, the most winsome smile played on her lips, her cheeks bloomed with the prettiest of pink—the veil did nothing to suppress her beauty.
He sighed with adoration, yet it came out trembling. Stifled. Troubled.
At the corner of his vision, he caught Arthur’s stare. That unwelcomed emotion behind his stare left something to burn in Theo’s chest, but he tried to ignore it. He’d seen it for several nights now. Not one more.
This will end soon.
She finally stopped walking, standing in front of the altar. Turning towards Theo, her smile remained. Oh, she was perfect. The greatest masterpiece he could ever hope to set his eyes on.
He honestly tried to smile back. Truly, he did. But he felt something clawing at his throat, clutching his heart with a vice grip. And before he could even move, her figure was eventually overshadowed by a familiar back.
Vincent. Standing beside her, they exchanged a smile before facing forward. And the wedding ceremony began.
Yet at that point, Theo was in a world with only his own voice.
What have you done? He recalled all those moments he held back, let the words he wanted to say to die at the back of his mind. He recalled each moment he let go, stepping away even when every fiber of his being had roared to feel her skin. He recalled the times he wasn’t there when she needed someone, listening to the demon that whispered in his ear instead. That no, it’s not him. It’s not going to be him. Someone else. He…
He always provided her less than what she deserved.
What he wanted.
And so, there she was—
“You’re attending the wedding?” Arthur scoffed at him while Theo kept downing the contents of his glass, and then some more. “You’re a blasted fool, you know that?”
“It’s my brother’s wedding. Of course I need to go.”
“But it’s not just your brother’s wedding, is it? You’re really going to let the truth slap you in the face just like that?”
“…I have to.” Theo confided, the alcohol in his veins giving him the courage to do so. “How else am I going to continue without facing the truth?”
“Question is, will you be able to continue, facing the truth?” Arthur didn’t hold back. Here they were, drinking their miseries away, yet the writer couldn’t give one look at his friend without pity swimming in his eyes. For he knew of the amount of time Theo spent thinking about the woman, the number of whiskey glasses he had to finish laced with the drunken utterings of her name.
“It’s going to burn into your head. Every moment of that day. And you’re going to live with that forever, not leaving you for another moment after. Are you sure you want to live like that?”
…Since when did he ever live without regrets, anyway?
Theo found himself in the same venue, yet there was chaos. People were running about, noise all around. He took a step forward, but he stepped into a puddle of something.
His gaze fell down on his feet.
Red. Red. Dirtied with red.
White. White frills. White lace. Snow white skin.
And more red.
…There she was.
He knelt at the figure in front of him. Her eyes had no twinkle, no smile playing on her lips, no pink on her cheeks—but crimson stained her all over.
Regret. He was the first one here. He was finally here, beside her. Her name left his lips, despite how it hurt to do so. He called out, again and again, to relive every time that he hadn’t.  
Regret. He heard his heartbeat thundering in his ears. With shaking digits, he reached out to her only to see that his hands weren’t clean.
Regrets dropped like pearls of agony on the now tainted carpet. He could almost hear someone laughing down at him. His chest tightened, he suddenly couldn’t breathe.
Was he really too late?
Was he really… Did he… really…?
And he found a certain someone, standing in front of him. The entity of his regrets that bore the same eyes as him, and they were looking at him with horror. It was then that he realized—
“Theo, what have you done?”
Cold. Theo shot up as cold sweat clung on his skin. Out of breath.
“Mm, Theo…?” A soft voice called out. The bed shifted as the woman turned to face him, only to sit up when she realized he was disgruntled. “What happened?”
“…Ah.” He breathed out as her small hand cupped his cheek and gently turned his face to look at her. Even with the dimness of the room, he found serenity in her eyes—an ocean he would always be willing to drown on…
“Did you have a nightmare?”
A nightmare. Yeah. Yeah, it was just a nightmare. It wasn’t… real…
“Yeah.” It came out a murmur as he laid his forehead on her shoulder. Breathing on her scent while his muscular arms naturally sought for her warmth.
“…It’s just a dream, Theo.” She cooed as she hugged him back. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here until you’re okay.”
But Theo thought otherwise. Why else did he dream of that, if not for the ghosts of his remorse haunting him still, the shadows residing on the recesses of his heart, reiterating the very depths they could pull him in…?
Living sans her would break him. The entirety of him.
Perhaps he really was just a broken man with his fragments barely pieced together. Balancing in a thin line, one wrong move would shatter him.
To lose her might drive him to do even the unspeakable.
Because he… wasn’t strong enough.
And perhaps that dream was just his consciousness telling him of his misgivings. That he was doing something wrong. That he wasn’t doing everything he could…
A reminder that he is lacking—
“…I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“Don’t be. I’m glad I get to hold you while you’re like this.” She rubbed his back while he nestled on the crook of her neck. “You can always tell me.”
If I did… would you stay?    
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dreamscapesin1582 · 4 years
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for sebastian’s birthday that should have been posted days ago but apparently it wasnt and i only realized it now alksndihsab
Oh dear…
He sat up groggily, glancing at his window to see the sun was still up. It seems it wasn’t that long when he took a nap.
“I better get up—”
Sebastian snapped his head to the direction of the door to look at the disheveled woman that blasted it open. For a moment, he was too dumbfounded to process what happened.
“I heard you collapsed!”
“…What?” His brain finally resumed working as he pondered who would say such an exaggerated idea. Sir Arthur perhaps? “Who told you that?”
Comte. Of course. Despite the gentlemanly aura he exuded, his sire still had a streak of a jester. And perhaps borne out of his affection for the both of them that he played the joke.
“I just got a cold. Nothing as serious as what you’re imagining… or what you’ve been told.” He explained. “I was told to rest for the day without leaving my room. I’m afraid the residents are disgruntled by my absence, so I should just—”
“Nope.” She quickly strode towards him and pushed him back by the shoulders. “It’s okay. I can handle this—we can handle this. Come on, Sebastian. We’re adults.”
“But—” He understood why she could be optimistic about it. She hasn’t seen the disasters it could cause before—Vincent’s soup, for example—but who knew if things would change? She was a new addition, perhaps even the dark horse that could turn that certain nightmare around. “Are you sure about this?”
“Please trust me! You’ve probably been working yourself to the bone. Gosh, I wonder how you survived all this time…” She muttered until she turned to him again with a smile so bright he was convinced that everything was going to be alright. He nodded absentmindedly. “Rest well, Sebastian.”
Once she left the room, there was change in her eyes. She immediately charged to the place where the big man was currently sipping tea.
“…Before you get angry at me, ma cherie, I sincerely apologize.” Comte presented a wry smile as he placed the cup down the table. “I must say, you still look magnificent, even with the pout on your lips.”
“…Comte, as much as I’m grateful for your hospitality and kindness, you can’t just play a bad joke and call me pretty afterwards.”
“Oh? It seems I took it too far.” He straightened his posture from his seat as he faced her. Hands on her hips, she wondered if he thought telling her that Sebastian lost consciousness and had to be carried to his room wasn’t liable to cause her a heart attack. “How can I be forgiven, my beauty?”
Her eyes lit up at a sudden thought, letting her forget about the count’s supposedly heavy crime entirely.
“Well, there is something I would love your help with…”
Meanwhile, Sebastian felt uneasy in his own room. He sighed, massaging his temples as a throbbing headache kept him from leaving his bed. But despite that, he heard the faint noises of the residents’ movements from outside. From there, he assumed most of them were in the same area.
He tried to reach for his coat, the one pocketing his diary, when the door suddenly opened. He immediately turned back. Leonardo casually entered, disposing his cigarillo as he did. “You okay here, Sebas?”
“Yes, Master Leonardo.” Sebastian pressed his lips together, especially after Leonardo chuckled, knowing the truth. “I don’t suppose I could ask why there is a gathering downstairs…?”
“Ah. Don’t worry, you’re not missing out on anything.” He sat down on the chair near the foot of the bed, Sebastian just watching him. “…just that cara mia took the others to the kitchen for some cooking lessons. You know how that one goes.”
“It’s what I was worried about.” Slumping against the headboard, he hesitated on entrusting her with the rest of the day. But then another laugh escaped Leonardo, and after a few seconds there was applause. “Hm?”
“…guess she succeeded.”
A satisfied smirk on his face, Leonardo leaned back against the chair. Eyes closed. Soon, Sebastian was left with himself again, only then there was a sleeping man in front of him.  He sighed, gaze falling down his open palm, and finally reached out for the glorious pocketbook.
But instead of writing anything, he went back to the very first page.
“Well, this is interesting…” He mumbled to himself as he skimmed through his oldest entries. The excitement from then never really died, no matter how many years have passed. A smile naturally appeared on his face. “Fortunate, indeed.”
Living for oneself is beautiful. It was what he told himself when he cast his identity as Satou Akihiko to start anew. As Sebastian, he saw history come to life. And his heart came alive with it. Each and every day, there was not a dull moment.
…and to share this life with another—?
Sebastian closed the diary as the door opened once more, revealing the van Gogh brothers and Arthur. Curiously (with a touch of horror) Vincent was carrying a tray. “Hi, Sebastian. We prepared lunch.”
“Before you hesitate, I can guarantee as a doctor that it is edible.” Arthur chirped from behind, only to be whacked by the younger brother. “What?”
“Just stop talking.” Theo took the tray and marched towards the bedside, placing it gently on the nightstand. “Hondje kept barking that we should do something so here you go.”
“Thank you, but… don’t you have work today, Master Theodorus?”
“Yeah, I just came to check in.” He nodded to Sebastian. “…Word snel beter.”
And he left. Arthur and Vincent remained, paying no attention to Leonardo as they made conversation with Sebastian. He was more than glad to engage, oblivious to the fact that they were just distractions.
Theo met with Napoleon and left the mansion together, on a mission given by the current woman in charge. The others had busied themselves on prettifying the dining room, taking turns on visiting the poor oblivious man.
But in spite of that, he may have cared less. It was almost as if his woes were miniscule to the joy brought by actually being able to converse with the people he had looked up to.
And the day ended like that. Sebastian had given up trying to write an entry because of the constant stream of visitors and the headache brought by his cold. He slept soundly through the night, hoping that more than enough rest could allow him to spring back up in top shape.
His condition wasn’t the only thing that surprised him that morning.
“Happy birthday, Sebastian!”
The residents were all there, their presence alone showing him the sincere appreciation. A hearty meal course, perhaps the hard work of Napoleon and the woman who was now making her way towards him.
“…Of course. How were you able to gather them all together like this?”
“How else?” She giggled, nodding to the head of the household who only chuckled at the recognition.
“Oh, but you should have seen the look of dedication in her.” Comte smiled, especially after the disagreeing and exasperated expressions on some of the residents’ faces. “Not once have I seen someone champion over great men like that.”
“A-Anyway,” she pushed something towards his direction, as Sebastian caught it in his hands. A leather-bound notebook. “I had them get this for you.”
He opened it to find that something was already written on the first few pages. Actually, in varied handwriting.
“…You had them write for me?”
“I didn’t force it out of them! They were more than happy to, despite the grumbling of others…” She laughed, proud of herself. But eventually it softened to the beaming smile he had come to like so much. “I knew how much being here means to you. And it makes me happy to see that you are living the best out of your life. So, today, we are going to celebrate that life!”
“I think that was the signal!”
Everyone raised their glasses. “To another year!”
He heard the loud beats of his heart. The same way he found himself being face to face with them for the first time—happy to be there, at that spot.
Was he really seeing this right now? Some of the greatest men of history, raising their glass in cheers for another year of his life. In his hands were letters in dedication to him. Beside him was the one who made it all happen.
“How fortunate I am to be alive right now…” He bowed and stepped forward, entering the inner circle as they finally went on and ate together.
To spend days not knowing what would happen next. The joy of witnessing it. The years ahead seem worth it… knowing that they would be there, too.    
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dreamscapesin1582 · 4 years
[ d-4 ] sterrenhemel
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prompt: theo & vincent
tagging: @delicateikemenmemes​ (im sorry i thought i posted this last night lololol)
“Hou op met huilen, Theo. We’re almost home.”
The young Theo whimpered as he rubbed his eyes with one hand, the other holding on to his older brother. The marmalade skies only radiated the redness below his cheeks, but Vincent smiled and continued to carry him on his back.
It was already dusk when they arrived home. Vincent took Theo to the attic of their house, dimly lit by moonrays. It was their little safe space, filled with their art pieces and other stuff they wanted to keep. Jars and bottles with little pieces of nature inside. Storybooks.  
“Sit down there, Theo, so I could look at your scrape.”
“But I’m okay now… This scratch doesn’t hurt…”
“Don’t be like that. We need to clean it so it wouldn’t turn into a scar.”
Faced with the genuine hurt in Vincent’s eyes, Theo obediently sat by the large window where moonlight entered. He bit his lip as Vincent approached with a chipped bowl of water and a cloth, then knelt in front of him.
When he was about to touch the wet cloth on his knee, Theo suddenly jerked. Vincent looked up. “What’s wrong?”
But Vincent knew him all too well. He only smiled at him and turned his gaze to the window. “Look over there, Theo.”
Theo obliged. He turned his head to the starry sky, bathing him with a sense of serenity as the sight of the crescent moon seemed like it was smiling down at him.
“Could you count the stars for me?”
“Huh?” Theo uttered, but he swallowed the rest of his words as he glanced back to the sight beyond the window. “Okay…”
“Een… twee…” He began while Vincent hummed along softly. For that moment, Theo was so concentrated on his simple task. Vincent would stifle his laughter at the innocent mistakes his little brother made while counting, but he listened intently.
The sparkling dots on the blanket of night was endless. It could already be morning and he still hasn’t counted a fraction of the stars.
“…They’re too many, broer.”
“Aren’t they?” He laughed. “But don’t they look nice, being so many?”
The younger brother deeply contemplated as Vincent’s voice continued on, gently, into that good night. “One star could look pretty on its own, but imagine the scene it would make to have more of them.”
That’s true.
“Ah!” Theo suddenly exclaimed, pointing at the sky. “Shooting star!”
Vincent glanced at Theo, seeing his big, round eyes glitter as it mirrored the stars. There were no more tears, only admiration. It was a nicer look on him, he thought.
“Aw, it’s gone…”
“But you saw it, didn’t you?” He assured with a comforting tone. “You don’t get to see that every day.”
“Mm-hmm. That’s why I like broer’s drawings!” Theo jumped from his seat, leaving Vincent to look up to him curiously. “Because of that, I can see what you see!”
“Yeah! I get to see what looks pretty to you!” He grinned cheekily. “So even if it’s not there anymore, I could look at it again. And then we get closer, because I could also feel what you felt then!”
Vincent could only watch with adoration at the priceless smile on Theo’s face while he continued to sing praises about his brother. The way his whole body became alive at the mere mention of his drawings.
“…I’m glad you feel that way.”
But all of a sudden, Theo realized that he was standing, the throbbing ache forgotten. He looked at his knee to find that it was already wrapped on a strip of cloth.
“When did you…?”
“While you were counting.” Vincent replied sheepishly. “You’ve always poured yourself into everything you do, no matter how small it is, that you sometimes forget about anything else.”
“But that’s just a worrying part of you, Theo.” He added with a troubled smile. “Because sometimes I think you are so fixated on me.”
“That’s because everybody doesn’t see broer as anything but a doll!” He argued back. “Your drawings show so much more! It’s not fair that I’m the only one who sees that!”
Vincent finally stood in front of him and patted his head. Theo only blinked at him. “Broer?”
“Dank je wel, Theo. But it’s okay.” He smiled tenderly, just like every other time, but Theo saw the appreciation in those blue eyes—ones he was so proud to have something strikingly similar—and caught a glimpse of the beautiful world it reflected behind. “I’m okay because I can do art. I could breathe. Although… if it makes you feel better, then I’d draw for you too.”
“Really? You would?”
“Of course. You’re very precious to me, after all.” He said. “You feel so strongly about my art because you find something so fascinating in it, right? And I like that about you, so I would continue to do it.”
Moonlight couldn’t compare to the peaceful look on the young Vincent’s face that night. Theo could still recall it, even up to this time where they were adults, and even past both their lifetimes.
And they continued stargazing, admiring the starry night together. At some point, it became their favorite pastime as children. Sometimes, they’d give names to the stars. Connecting them together to form shapes. Imagination runs wild almost every night, until Theo would fall asleep and Vincent would remain awake a little while, sketching, and then tuck him to bed.
It was then that Theo realized what he wanted to do in his life.
There are many stars in the sky, too many to count. Some twinkle, some glow brighter than the others, some to be discovered. But nonetheless, they were beautiful. Even more beautiful when together.
And Theo wanted to make sure that he was not the only one who would witness that starry heaven.
He passed through Vincent’s room, his door slightly open. There he was, sitting in front of his canvas, painting the beautiful world he found beyond his window.
There he was, his brightest star.  
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dreamscapesin1582 · 4 years
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for napoleon’s birthday~
Sunlight peeked through the gaps of the curtains in Napoleon’s room as the morning of August 15 arrived. But of course, in typical Napoleon fashion, he was not there to welcome it at all.
Meanwhile, his lover was already up and about, excited for the special day. Not even the sun could compete on how bright her expression was as she moved all around the kitchen.
“Good morning.” Sebastian hovered behind her smaller figure as he spied a lot of ingredients laid over her working space, along with a basket at the side. “I see you plan to have a picnic?”
“A nice one.” She cast a wink at his direction while arranging the sandwiches with most effort. “I invited Napoleon to have lunch with me outside today. For now, I’ll allow him to sleep a little longer.”
The woman suppressed a giggle when she noticed how Sebastian’s stoic face screamed that he wanted to be there as well, but fortunately his common sense is pulling his obsessed alter ego back.
“Don’t worry, Sebastian. I shall relay your feelings to him.”
“Don’t be absurd and say things you shouldn’t…” He sighed, but eventually a fond smile appeared. “A simple ‘happy birthday’ is enough.”
The butler went on to prepare breakfast for the residents while she worked on perfecting their private little date, blissfully unaware of the internal battle that Napoleon was facing at the moment.
He found himself in the throne room he knew so well. Everything was dim. And on the throne he saw his past self, agitated and anxious. He couldn’t move from his seat as he listened to the madness from outside, as if crucifying him as the Nightmare of Europe.    
Never did he know of a silent night.
But in that room, that prison, he heard a faint voice call. He instinctually knew of that sweet, lovely voice. Among the shadows lurking all over the four corners that encased him, a spark of light appeared before his eyes.  
“…Napoleon, it’s time to wake up.”
His eyes finally cracked open to see his beloved’s beaming face, centimeters away. He blinked once only to feel a kiss touch his lips. Now he was awake.
“…Did you just kiss me?”
“Well, you surprisingly weren’t, so I went ahead.” He found the melody of her words most pleasing, even when it was such a dreadfully early hour.
“And we’re supposed to stop there?”
The bed creaked as Napoleon pulled her to lie down with him. She found a smirk flash across his handsome face as he pulled the blanket over them. And then it was just the two of them, in their own little world, catching each other’s stares as if nothing else they have ever encountered could look as lovely.
The tip of his nose rubbed against hers as she giggled. His chest warmed at the sound, making him indulge on the feeling and press a kiss on her lips, then on her cheek, on her eyelids, on her forehead… just peppering her with kisses in hopes of sharing the warmth he felt.
“What a very delighted nunuche…”
She smiled as she tugged at him. “Come on, get up. This nunuche of yours will repay you for the kisses.”
“Oh?” His eyes lit up at the reminder of their date today. “Well, then—”
She stared wide-eyed as he languidly removed himself from bed, the sheets dropping on the floor to reveal him in all his glory.
“…Dress up nicely, okay?”
The sun was already high above the sky when they arrived at the meadows they knew well. Napoleon smiled fondly upon catching sight of the shimmer in her eyes as she excitedly made her way towards the colorful array of flowers. They were pretty, but she was the very sight to behold, as the light of the sun behind her only illuminated her figure.
“See that you don’t trip, nunuche.” He teased as he followed her. She glanced behind her shoulder to pout at him when she finally settled on a spot. Napoleon poked her nose as he chuckled. “Here then.”
Sitting on a blanket they laid on the grass, both of them began eating. They chatted about even the most mundane of things, filling the serenity of the meadows with their lighthearted laughter. Jupiter even visited them at some point and circled above them with a proud screech, as if celebrating the birth of its master. And then she left him for a short while, only to return with crepes in both hands.
“Sebastian told me to relay his greetings.”
Napoleon received the dessert and watched as his lover sat beside him and casually leaned her head on his shoulder. “Oh? I’ll thank him later.”  
“Vincent as well, you should have witnessed the smile he had when he was informed of your birthday. Theo also followed with his good wishes, no matter how nonchalant he was… Jean was hesitant at first, finding the right words to say his best wishes, but in the end all he said was ‘bon anniversaire’… which was fine I suppose. He was very sweet.” He listened intently as she seemed extremely happy at the reminiscence of the other residents greeting him through her. “…oh, and Isaac even worked through his courage to ask me to relay his best wishes for today. It was cute.”
“They could have just told me in person. Why did they have to go through you?” It was her turn to poke at him, trying to smooth the wrinkle that was forming on his brow.
“Because they knew I would have you all by myself today.” She said. “Isn’t it nice, though? It’s just the both of us, in this peaceful space.”
Napoleon regarded her words and stared at the flowers that surrounded them, gently swaying with the breeze. He began remembering several pictures of his dream, which was eventually broken by the light that seeped through her affectionate smile.
There were times he doubted it was really over. And it was difficult to get over the several years he spent dealing with the chaos. One could say it was already etched deep within his bones… like his whole identity was meant to wallow within the shadows and never to rise with the goodness of his heart.
Perhaps that was why he finds himself cherishing these bouts of peace. Moments that seem so simple yet feel so perfect. The best things he could ever find in life that cannot be provided by luxury.
She took his hand and pulled him towards the ground where the sunbeams fall, making him see what was there with him all along.    
“Indeed it is,” he looked at her adoringly, bathed by sunlight, “I am able to find the precious gift this life can give while living under the sun. All the things I could ever wish for is right here.”
And it was the best feeling. Basking in the ambience of sunlight, with his heart warmed with love.
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