#ikesen mitsuhide smut
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Finding the Light - Chapter 9
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing : Mitsuhide X OC ( Evelyn)
Genre : NSFW
TW : n/a
AN: This is a long chapter, sorry!
Walking carefully to Mitsuhide’s room, Evelyn gently knocked, holding the serving tray tightly in one arm so she wouldn’t drop it. “You may enter.” She slid the door open and walked into the room. As she put the serving tray on a nearby table, Mitsuhide looked up from what he was writing, still holding the brush between his fingers. He watched her as she turned to slide the door closed again.
“What is happening here?” Mitsuhide asked as he watched her turn around from sliding the door shut. “Drink with me? Mitsuhide felt the concern wrap around him as soon as the words left her lips. She definitely shouldn’t be drinking. With how small she had become, her tolerance wouldn’t be what she was used to.
He knew she had enjoyed drinking in the past when Nobunaga would have one of his big feasts, but she was never out of control; she always seemed to know her limit. “Why?” He asked, still holding the brush. “Why not?” She replied. Mitsuhide studied her as she sat at the small round table off to the side of his room. “Did today make you feel anxious?” He asked as she poured the sake in both the cups. “I’m relieved it’s over, is all.” He glided over to the table and sat where she had set his cup down.
“I know it was hard, but the important thing is you got through it. You didn’t panic. You didn’t shut down. You should be proud of yourself. You did well.” Mitsuhide took the cup and put it against his lips, taking a sip, but was surprised when Evelyn downed the drink in one gulp.
He wanted to voice his concern, but he had to slacken the ropes occasionally, and he poured the rest of the sake down his throat, matching her pace. Evelyn poured them another drink. They had drink after drink, both of them getting quite inebriated. Mitsuhide stuck a piece of cheese in his mouth, and Evelyn watched. “I am happy that you ate today.” She grumbled, “It was only one meal.” He finished chewing and swallowed; clearing his throat, he said. “It’s the most you’ve eaten since you’ve been here. It’s a good start.”
Mitsuhide swallowed the cheese. “Evelyn, why is it so hard for you to eat? You used to love food.” She looked down and tilted her cup so that the sake inside swirled. “Truthfully? It keeps me from thinking about what happened. The pain from the hunger helps me focus on something else.” Mitsuhide gently took hold of her hand to show his support. “We just need to find something else for you to focus on.” She looked up from the cup and at him. “I don’t know what that would be.” Mitsuhide squeezed her hand. “It might take some time, but I’ll help you figure it out, but you’re hurting yourself by not eating.” She sighed, “I know, and I feel it too. I’m not as strong; I’m always tired.”
Evelyn hadn’t opened up like this before. He was going to let her talk about whatever she needed to say. She looked away from Mitsuhide and out the window. Far away, further away than he could ever be. She was lost, and he wanted to bring her back.
As he watched her, he saw tears drip off her face and onto her hand. He immediately scooted closer to her and put his hands on her face to force her to look at him. His thumbs wiped her tears away as he held her face. “You don’t have to be brave in front of me, little one. I can see how much pain you are in.” Her eyes connected with his golden irises. He had a look of seriousness and determination in them. Something that told her that he wasn’t lying. He took a breath as her tears kept coming. “I cannot take your pain away, but I am here for you; I will keep you safe, and I will do everything I can to help you move forward so that you can keep on living.”Evelyn lunged herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck and sobbing into his chest. “They are still out there, Mitsuhide. What if they come looking for me? What if they find me?” Mitsuhide rubbed her back soothingly. “They won’t find you, Evelyn; even if your attackers tried looking for you here, they’d get captured and thrown into the Azuchi dungeons before they could put one foot on the property.” She took some deep breaths, and her tears finally ceased, but Mitsuhide continued his calming efforts.
“Mitsuhide, what does everyone think I’m staying here for?” He pet her head. “They know you are unwell and need to take some time for yourself, and I decided to stay here with you because I don’t trust that you won’t go snooping.” She lifted herself off Mitsuhide and looked at him, “They don’t know any of it?” He combed her hair behind her ear. “No, only myself and Ieyasu, and neither of us has said anything.” She exhaled with relief.
She sighed, and Mitsuhuide raised his eyebrows, questioning her. “What is it?” She swallowed and started fiddling with the sleeve of her kimono. “I want to get better. I want to face my fears. I don’t want to be weak anymore. I have one fear I can never face.” He knitted his eyebrows together. He hated it when she got down on herself, but being attacked had stripped her of everything but her bones. She was bound to get into her head on occasion. “There is nothing you can’t overcome; you are stronger than you think.”
She shook her head, “Not this.” He had an idea of what she was referring to, but he wanted to hear her say it. “And what may that be?” She lifted her head and took another drink. “Romance, intimacy … Sex. “Precisely as he thought. “That is going to take time; you will get there, eventually, when you’re ready.” She shook her head, “Who would want me after I’ve been tainted? Besides, I don’t want to be with anyone like that. I’ve accepted that I won’t have romance in my life.” Mitsuhide hadn’t expected her to be so honest with her feelings. It hurt his heart that she was so afraid of moving forward in that area of her life that she would accept being unhappy. Again, he is reminded that she has changed; the old her would have never accepted this. He has to stop comparing this new her to the old her and take her for what she is now.
“Is that how you truly feel? Everyone deserves love, especially someone like you. Everyone should be able to experience intimacy and sex. It is instinctual, human nature. We need sex as much as we need air to breathe.” She shook her head. “Not me, not anymore.” Mitsuhide took her hand, “Even a woman has sexual needs.” She shook her head in defiance. “I’ll help you face those fears if you’re ever interested.” She looked at Mitsuhide, afraid of what he was offering.
“Mitsuhide?” He gave her a gentle smile. “If you want, I’ll show you there is nothing to fear. If it’s too much, I’ll stop. I would never force or push you to do something you don’t want to do.” He looked at her thoughtfully. He wanted to convey that this was her choice. He combed his fingers through her hair, soothing her and trying to relax her. Then he kissed the top of her head, then her forehead. Then, the top of her hand, as his eyes met hers.
His lips were soft and warm; she had never considered Mitsuhide a gentle lover. She imagined him being rough and fast. Fucking for his own needs, never thinking about his partner. Then again, that’s how she always had sex. Fucking just to fuck and never really feeling that high.
He took her hand in his. “We’re friends, right? You know I won’t hurt you. You know I’ll respect you and your body. It’s a safe option.” He squeezed her hand. “I meant what I said. I will stop, no questions asked. No hard feelings. I’m doing this to help you heal, not to make you fearful. I expect nothing in return; this is for you and you alone.” Her mind was racing, and her heart was beating so fast she thought it might burst out of her chest. “Mitsuhide, I don’t think we should do this. I think we both had too much to drink.” He smiled, “You are probably right, but if the opportunity is there, sometimes we have to take it. What do you say, little mouse?”
She stared at Mitsuhide for a good thirty seconds, mulling over the offer he had given her. He looked sincere, but the one thing keeping her from saying yes was her fear. It was all about the fear. She didn’t want to live in the shadow of her fear anymore. “It’s okay to be afraid. Try with me, and if you can’t, then you can’t; at least you tried. That would be a step forward.” How did he always know what she was thinking? It was aggravating.
“Okay, I’ll try.” Mitsuhide combed her hair behind her ear soothingly. “Okay.” He said as he nodded, confirming her decision. He stood up and held out his hand for her to take. Reluctantly, she placed her hand in his, allowing him to pull her to her feet. Still holding onto her hand, Mitushide looked her over and saw the uncertainty written on her face.
Taking initiative, he picked her up, her legs draping over his arms. She yelped, not expecting him to pick her up. She grabbed the lapel of his kimono in an attempt to steady herself. She must have finally lost her mind completely. Was she genuinely going to allow Mitsuhide to drink in her body and make love to her?
He carried her over to the futon and laid her down delicately. After he removed his arms from under her body, he settled in next to her, turning on his side so that he could get a better view of her. He waited patiently, letting her get her bearings together. “It’s going to be alright, I promise.” She had a petrified look in her eyes, and Mitsuhide cautiously took her hand and rubbed her skin with his thumb. She looked at their connected hands, which had become a regular occurrence. “Then why is this so awkward?” Mitsuhide, still rubbing her hand, studied her.
She was nervous and tense, clutching the blankets and holding her breath. “Evelyn, take a breath. Just breath. You’re fine. You’re not in any danger. You are safe.” She nodded apprehensively. He put his hand on her cheek, turning her head to face him. “I’ve got you.” He said as he looked her over, tracing her jaw with his index finger. He smiled gently at her. He was stroking her long hair to ease her anxiety. Even this kind of intimacy was new to her. He was being so careful, so gentle.
Her cheeks were flushed, and she looked flustered and a bit confused. “I don’t know about this Mutsuhide.” His expression softened, and he put his hand on her cheek. “Look at me, Evelyn.” Her eyes connected with his, showing him her fear. “Let me show you what it feels like to be loved.” She bit her lip, “I-I’m not ready.” He stroked her hair lovingly. “You’ll never be ready if you refuse to try. You must move forward; you can’t live your life refusing to let yourself have intimacy or love. Be kind to yourself.”
She shook her head. “I don’t want to be in love.” Mitsuhide continued stroking her hair. “Maybe not right now, but you will.” He moved her hair to the side and gently kissed her neck. “Trust me,” he whispered lowly in her ear.
She was overwhelmed. Why was Mitsuhide doing this? “Relax, mouse. Focus on me. An immediate blush of embarrassment crossed her face. Mitsuhide smiled. “There you are. Mitsuhide kissed her forehead. “I will be here every step of the way. If you get scared, you can hold onto me as tightly as you need. We are going to do this together because that’s what sex is about. Togetherness” How had she never known he was so kind and caring? Still lying on his side beside her, she looked at him, and he gave her a tender smile, “Turn towards me.” He helped her turn on her side so they were facing each other. He reached between their bodies and took her hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. She watched him do so, and he was silent as she processed what was happening between them. He looked into her eyes and squeezed her hand as he caressed her arm lightly.
He bent his head down and kissed her neck again. He laid kiss after kiss down the side of her neck. Her heart was beating hard and fast. He kept dropping gentle kisses on her soft skin, making the tiny hairs on her skin rise. He pulled away from her neck. “I’m going to untie your obi; don’t be startled.” She squeezed his hand tightly and closed her eyes. “No, look at me. Focus on me. See that I am the one who is doing this. If you close your eyes, the fear might come back.”
She understood his point, so she opened her eyes, watching as he bent over her to maneuver her obi to loosen her kimono. He was so gentle, untying it with ease. He laid back down and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. He opened her kimono to expose her collarbones. He shifted his body, bringing her with him. She laid on her back with him above her, with a sweet smile on his face. He could see the uncertainty flash in her eyes. “You’re doing great,” He reassured her as he bent down to kiss her collarbones. His free hand explored her curves, sliding over her stomach, along her rib cage, just beneath her breasts.
Her chest heaved up and down, and she swallowed thickly. “Evelyn,” He said with his deep voice. “Are you with me?” She blinked as he paused to ensure she was alright. “Y-yeah.” He lifted his head so he was at her level. “It’s okay to be scared. If something becomes too much, you tell me as soon as it happens. Do you understand me? I do not want to be part of your pain.” She nodded. “Say it, so I know you understand.” He had to be sure she understood that she was safe with him and that he would never do anything to scare or hurt her. “I’ll tell you if it’s too much.”
His expression softened. “Good… How are you feeling right now?” She looked straight into his solemn eyes. “Scared and, uh, nervous.” Mitsuhide brushed her bangs back, trying to soothe her. “We’re going to go nice and slow, okay?” As he stroked her head, he looked dead into her eyes. “I’m going to undress you.” She began to understand that he was telling her what he would do to her before he did it, so she was prepared. Her eyes searched his with a conflicted expression on her face. “Talk to me.” He said in a soft tone. “How is this a turn on? I’m pathetic.” Tears filled her eyes, and she turned her head away. He placed his hand on the side of her face, forcing her to look at him. “You are desirable, Evelyn.” She pressed her lips together. “Don’t think about such things; I want to do this. I want you to feel the pleasure I’m going to give you.” She bit her lip, embarrassed by what he said.
He began to open her kimono, revealing her body, as he finally slipped the kimono off her. There were yellowing bruises and cuts that were healing on her body. She reflexively covered her body with her arms. He didn’t try to remove her hands, letting her hide her body.” You’re alright, focus on me.” She kept his face in her vision as she started shaking. “Evelyn, you are safe. I will not hurt you.” She was breathing hard, and panic was rising. He cupped her face, looking deep into her eyes. “Breathe. You’re okay.” She was listening, but the panic was uncontrollable. She started hyperventilating. “Okay, come here.” He sat back on his heels, bringing her with him.
He held her shaking form to his chest as he petted her head. “I’ve got you. He looked down at her, wiping her tears away. “I need you to take some breaths. Do what I do,” Mitsuhide said, taking a deep breath in and exhaling slowly. He kept doing this until she could finally copy him, their breathing in sync. “Good girl.” He connected his eyes to hers. “There you are.” He smiled at her, “You’re okay now.” He smiled that smile he only ever showed for her and leaned forward, lying her gently back down on the futon, her hair splaying around her. He once again tangled his fingers with hers, but he paused. “Would it make you feel less self-conscious if I undressed as well?” He asks, “Your body isn’t bruised and beaten.” She replies, and Mitsuhide shakes his head in disagreement. “Maybe not right now, but I have plenty of war scars. My body isn’t beautiful.” He didn’t wait for her to answer. He let go of her hand, stood up, and undressed slowly, taking each article of clothing off as she watched nervously. He pulled down his fundoshi, exposing his whole self to her.
He was not yet ready to be one with her, but he was letting himself be a little vulnerable, only to help her relax. He climbed on top of her. “Remember to focus on me.” His eyes took in her nude body. “you are most beautiful. Being complimented like that from him felt so good. “You’re drunk.” He chuckled. “So are you.” Then he kissed her neck and put his lips to her ear. “That doesn’t make you any less beautiful.” Her face heated up, her cheeks and ears turning pink. “And cute when she blushes.” Mitsuhide cupped her cheek, taking a long look at her. He never intended to kiss her to keep some semblance of friends and not lovers; instead, his primal desires took over all reasoning.
He leaned his head down and put his forehead against hers, looking into her green eyes. “May I kiss you?” She looked deep into his eyes, making him feel awkward as if she were looking into his soul. “Yes,” and with those words, their noses rubbed together as he positioned his mouth over hers. He pressed his lips against her full lips, feeling their softness.
Their eyes fell shut; his hand went into her hair, and her hands went to the back of his neck. He was gentle, taking his time, giving her peck after peck until he couldn’t contain his needs, and kissed her harder. He broke the kiss, and They opened their eyes silently, gazing at each other. Both realized that this was happening, and there was no going back. He returned to her warm lips, kissing her harder, their mouths moving together in unison. She sighed into the kiss, letting him slip his tongue into her mouth.
Mitsuhide had his fair share of casual flings, but never had he been this intimate with a woman. Mitsuhide wanted this for her, but somehow it had also become for him as well. His tongue tangled with hers as they both breathed heavily through their noses. He could feel his cock hardening as they continued to ravish each other’s mouths. Kissing had never turned him on this much before. He pulled away from the kiss, looked at her, and smiled. “Evelyn,” He said her name in a husky voice laced with desire. “I’m going to touch you.” She nodded in understanding, still feeling high from his kiss. He rubbed his thumb over her bottom lip and gave her another peck.
His hands went to her sides, feeling the curves of her body. Her hands were still on the back of his neck. Her hands found their way into his hair. He smoothed a hand over her stomach. He leaned down, kissing her chest sweetly and slowly, taking in the scent of her skin. He pulled away, looking at her while his hands explored her soft skin. His fingertips ran between her breasts, and her chest heaved harder. With calloused hands from years of using a gun and sword, he ran his fingers over her skin. With feather-light touches, he caressed the contours of both her breasts. Her pupils started to dilate, telling him that she was aroused. He gave her a mischievous smile as he placed his hand on one breast, kneading and massaging. Then, he began to caress the other side.
As he bent his head down, he licked her nipple with the flat of his tongue. She jerked, and he looked up, questioning her. “Uh, k-keep going.” He squeezed her arm in reassurance. Mitsuhide pinched her other nipple and rolled it between his forefinger and thumb. He circled her areola with the tip of his tongue, making her breath hitch. “mmm.” Pleased with the sound of her pleasure, he smiled. He then latched his mouth onto her nipple, pulling the flexible skin with his teeth. She looked down at him with heavy, lidded eyes as he switched sides to do the same thing.
As he released her nipple from his mouth, he looked at her. “How do you feel?” Her breathing came out hard and ragged. “Good, don’t stop.” He chuckled. “I wouldn’t dream of it.” He laid another kiss on her lips as his hand drifted down her body to her legs. With his other hand, he intertwined his fingers with hers. “Evelyn, keep your eyes open and focus on me.” He spread her legs further apart, and his fingers went down her leg, and she squeezed his hand tightly. His fingers slid into her labia. He stopped and looked at her. “Are you doing okay?” She looked apprehensive. “I’m scared.” He knew she was. “relax, breathe, and let me take care of you.” He said as he found her clit and put a little pressure on it. “Ohh, “Mitsuhide smiled, “Does that feel good?” She was breathing heavily. “Y-yes.” He began to move his finger in circles. She bit her lip, and as he looked at her face. Her eyes were clouded over with lust. He switched between rubbing and pinching her clit.
Her hips bucked up involuntarily; she was turning him on like nothing else. His member was fully erect and leaking. Then, he adjusted his position at her center. He lifted her legs over his shoulders and lifted her hips and put his face up to her core and licked up her clit up then down. She tilted her hips, needing more friction. He brought her clit into his mouth, sucking. Her moans were turning him on more and more. Her legs started to tremble, and her body began to tense. He pulled away from her needy core. To look at her, “Are you okay with me putting my fingers inside of you?” Her body paused with his question, and he waited for her answer. Finally, a soft “yes,” but with how meek her answer was, made him question her. “Are you certain? You don’t have to let me.” She cleared her throat. “I’m sure.” He reached up and rubbed her belly in reassurance.
He kissed the inside of each of her thighs. His mouth went back to her clit as he slowly pushed in a finger. She focused on her breathing and soon felt him add another finger. She was becoming so wet, but he wouldn’t comment. He wanted her to feel good. He curled his fingers inside of her and began pumping them as his tongue worked on her sensitive clit.
She curled her toes, and her thighs tightened around his head. Her back arched as her moans sang a beautiful song. He pulled away, cupped her cheek, and bent down, kissing her with a need that he didn’t know existed inside of him. He searched her eyes, then put her hips down and hovered back over her. He kissed her deep and slow, then looked at her. “Focus on me, see me, and feel me. I’m going to go slow; at any time, if you need to stop, then I’ll stop.” He kissed her nose, and then he sat back on his feet.
He put his hand around his throbbing member rubbing it over her clit, eliciting a sweet moan until he found her entrance pressing the head just barely inside. “Look at me.” She squeezed his hand tightly as he slowly pushed in. She felt so good, her walls stretching to allow him in. He pushed in further and further until he was fully inside of her, and he sighed from the delicious feeling of her; it took so much of his self-control not to pummel into her right then and there. Seeing the uncertainty in her expression brought him back to reality. “Are you still with me?” She took a breath she had been holding in and blinked. “I -I’m okay. I just need a minute.”
She squeezed his hand so tightly that her nails dug into his skin. He wanted her to feel comfortable, so he would patiently wait. “Whatever you need.” She swallowed, looking into his lust-driven eyes. She tried to imprint his features in her mind. Finally, She reached up for his face and traced his features with her fingers. She outlined his lips and put her hand on the back of his head, pushing him to her lips. It was a sweet kiss. Their mouths moved together, both melting into the other. Evelyn pulled back to look at him and cupped his cheek. “I’m ready.” Mitsuhide was sure that she needed reassurance that it was him who was inside her and not one of the monsters that assaulted her.
Mitsuhide put his weight on her so they were skin to skin. She reached for his hand, and they threaded their fingers together. With their bodies pressed together, Mitsuhide kissed her forehead. She looked at him expectantly, “don’t look away; keep your eyes on me.” he said lowly, and then he moved his hips, thrusting into her gently. Both of them started breathing heavily, and as he continued with the slow pace, sweet moans began falling from her lips. Likewise, Mitsuhide was sighing and grunting. “You’re doing so well.” He said as he looked at her flushed cheeks. "Kiss me, Mitsuhide.” He did, but it was sloppy and wet as they breathed hard into each other’s mouths. He broke the kiss and put his forehead on hers. He looked into her eyes and saw it the moment it happened. Something behind her eyes changed like a dark veil had been lifted. She took him in completely, letting the pleasure fill her up. She began rocking her hips in rhythm with his thrusts. She let go of his hand to feel his body. First, she held onto his strong shoulders, then she moved her hands to his back, dragging her fingers up and down his back, feeling his soft skin, touching the raised skin from his scars.
Mitsuhide had never been touched in that way before. It was electrifying. Evelyn put her hands on his biceps, and she could feel his muscles flexing as he rocked his hips into her. Getting caught up in the moment, Mistuhide nuzzled into her neck and kissed her there, then gave her a bite, leaving a nicely sized welt there. Both of their bodies were damp with sweat. Mitsuhide could feel her walls spasming around him. He put his hand between their bodies, finding her clit. “I’m going to make you come,” He spoke seductively. He began rubbing her clit in tight circles. He shifted positions, and the angle of his member hit a sensitive spot, and she cried out loudly. He was sure the whole manor could hear her.
Her toes started to tingle, and warmth radiated throughout her body. Pressure started building up. Something was happening to her that she had never felt before. “Mitsu-ahh.” He smiled and bent down to kiss her lips. Her grip on his arms tightened, and her nails dug into his flesh. Her legs began to tremble, and the pressure exploded, making her body stop moving altogether. All she could see was a bright white light, “Mitsuhide, mmmn, fuck.” Her walls clamped around his cock, squeezing it making Mitsuhide shudder. “That’s it come for me.” Mitsuhide slowed his ministrations but kept going to help her ride out her orgasm.
Evelyn blinked several times before her vision came back into focus, and her body, which had tensed during her orgasm, went limp as she caught her breath. He brushed her sweaty hair off her face. She leaned her face up, kissing him passionately, her fingers threading through his hair. He was so close, and she began moving her body with his again. How he wanted to ram into her in that moment and fuck her, but he had to let his needs fall back on the wayside. He would get there eventually. When she broke the kiss, she angled her hips in such a way that his pubic bone was hitting her clit with every thrust.
He noticed how her walls were fluttering again. He had planned on pulling out, but when her walls tightened around him yet again and squeezed his sensitive cock so deliciously, he had no warning before his essence spilled inside of her, causing him to tremble. He bit the side of her neck, then moaned in her ear as he came, and she could feel him expel his seed inside of her. Then his breathing evened out, and he leaned down, kissing her. When his cock softened, he slowly pulled out of her. As he broke the kiss, he searched her eyes. She looked utterly blissed out, making her look incredibly sexy. “How do you feel? “He asked, feeling concerned. “Really, really good. I’ve never had sex that felt that good.” Mitsuhide smiled, “neither have I.” He smiled and kissed her forehead. “I’m glad you’re satisfied.”
Mitsuhide rolled off of her and pulled the blanket over both of them, not caring that they were both nude. Evelyn turned to face him, and he intertwined his fingers with hers, holding her hand while he held her close as they slept. “Mitsuhide.” His eyes were already closed. “Hm?” She drew circles with her finger on his pectoral. “Thank you.” He opened his eyes and kissed the top of her head. “You are most welcome, little mouse. Now, let us sleep.
Next Chapter
#ikesen#ikemen sengoku#ikesen fanfic#ikesen fandom#ikesen mitsuhide#Ikesen Mitsuhide smut#Ikesen mitsuhide akechi#mitsuhide smut#mitsuhide akechi
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Congrats on your milestone, Whimsey!! 🥳🥳🥳
May I please request Clavis, Mitsuhide and Leonardo reacting to reader domming them? 👀🔥
Alright, I finally felt a bit like getting back to working on these requests from my celebration event. And dear Venus this one spoke to me. I hope you like what I came up with!
400 Follower Celebration
Smut/NSFW Headcanon: Suitor reacts to MC/reader domming them Suitors: ikepri Clavis, ikesen Mitsuhide, & ikevamp Leonardo NSFW 18+ content below!
“Oh? You want to take the lead tonight, little bunny?” CLavis asks when you push him down onto the bed and climb atop him, straddling him.
“Yes, and you’re going to like it.” You answer, feeling emboldened.
Clavis grins. “I am sure I will. Have your way, little bunny.” His hands are reaching for your thighs and you stop him.
“Ah-ah-uh.” You say wagging your finger before pushing his hands away. “I didn’t say you could touch me yet.”
“Oh? You really do want to take the lead.” He says grinning. “Whatever you say.”
You eye him skeptically for a moment. You can tell he’s not going to be able to keep his hands off of you, especially once you start doing all the things you had planned. You had to do something about those hands.
The next thing Clavis knew, you had his hands tied to the bedposts. His shirt was unbuttoned and you were straddling him, running your hands over his chest and torso, teasing at the waistline of his pants. “I’m going to have you begging me to ride you and let you cum.”
His breath hitches as he looks up at you. You lean forward and kiss him, grinding yourself against the quickly growing bulge in his pants. You spend the evening teasing him to the brink, only to leave him wanting.
Clavis is a whimpering mess under you. He’s always wanting you anyways, but with you taking control like this…not to mention how sexy you look in the purple silk and lace lingerie you’re wearing…and all of this teasing.
When you finally give him what he wants, taking him inside you and riding him, he’s a complete mess. “You can’t cum until I tell you.” You tell him, as you begin to ride him. After finding your release three times, you finally tell him he’s allowed to cum.
He cries out your name when he finally cums. He’s panting, his eyes filled with desire and his body coated in sweat. You undo the restraints on his wrists and his arms instantly wrap around you, bringing you close. After that intense session, you know he just wants to be held and loved.
You give him sweet kisses and cuddle him. “Did you enjoy that?”
“Oh…I did, little bunny…once I recover…I’ll return the favor.”
When Mitsuhide came home and you told him, you wanted to take charge and love on him, he was quite pleased. “Having my little mouse take charge? I can’t think of anything better.”
You grin as soon as he agrees. “You’ll submit to me completely?”
“If that is your desire, little one.” Mitsuhide replies. “What do you have in mind?”
The next thing he knows, you have him tied up and blindfolded, his top half bare. You have a few different things laid out, a feather, a cup of cool water, and a few other items, all of which Mitsuhide saw before you blindfolded him. He was eager to see…rather feel…what you had in store for him.
You started with the feather, running it over the skin of his chest and abs. You watched as his muscles tightened from the tickling sensation. He sucked in a breath as you went particularly low with the feather. “I know I agreed to this, little mouse, but if you’re going to touch me, I’d love it to be with you lovely hands.”
“Hmm…not yet.” You reply, grinning, knowing he can hear it in your voice. You tease him with the feather for a bit longer before grabbing the cup of cool water. “You must be thirsty.” You say, taking the cup to his lips and having him drink a little, but making sure that some spills down his chin.
“Oh, look how messy you are. I’ll just have to clean you up.” You lean in, licking off the water from his chin.
His breath hitches. “Little mouse…”
The next thing he knows, you’re pouring some of the water on his chest and leaning in to lick and suck it off. Slowly you move lower and lower with the water, your tongue tracing over each ab. Mitsuhide’s breathing is heavy. He whimpers when he feels you begin to slowly slide his hakama pants off.
“I’m going to take such good care of you, Mitsuhide.” You tell him before kissing your way down to his freed erection. He’s a mess by the time you take him in your mouth, the silken feel of your tongue gliding along his shaft as your mouth descends until he’s hitting the back of your throat and then up again, driving him close to his release.
You keep going getting him close and then stopping before he can cum. You do this a few times before finally letting him cum, swallowing every drop. Mitsuhide is a trembling, whimpering mess by the time he cums. Your name leaving his lips in a cry of ecstasy.
When you finally untie him and remove the blindfold, his arms are instantly wrapping around you and pulling you close. He kisses you deeply and the next thing you know, you’re the one being tied up and blindfolded. “LIttle mouse, I hope you’re prepared to receive what you just gave.”
Leonardo cocks an eyebrow at you as you push back when he goes to push you towards the bed. You flip around and the next thing he knows, you’re pushing him down on the bed. “What’s this, cara mia? You feeling bold tonight?”
You nod. “We’re going to do what I want tonight.”
Leonardo grins. “I’ve never heard any complaints from you before.”
You grin. “It’s no complaint. I just want to be the one taking care of you.”
Leonardo is intrigued. “Alright, whatever you say, cara.”
You grin as you push him back on the bed and climb atop him. “Hmm…now where to start?” You mutter to yourself before leaning in to kiss his neck, giving a playful nibble as you do. You can feel his pulse quicken beneath your lips.
“Cara…” He speaks,his breath hitches.
You grin already, pleased that you were getting such reactions from him. You slowly slid your hand down the front of his body, tracing over his pecs and each ab. Leonardo let out a groan, his hands moving to your hips.
You pull back and giving him a chiding smile. “Nah, ah, ah.” You tell him wagging your finger. “You’re not allowed to touch me unless I say so.”
“Oh, Cara, we’re playing this game?” He asks, cocking a brow.
“Yes, we are.” You answer, grinning. “Now, lay back and let me take control.”
Leonardo grins. “Alright, cara mia.”
You continue where you left off before. Kissing and nipping at his flesh, leaving red love bites in your wake as your fingers trace teasingly low over his abs. You continue to tease him, touching him everywhere but where he really wanted to be touched and stopping and pulling away as soon as he tries to touch you.
You have him a groaning, whimpering mess, begging for you to touch him where he really wants, begging to touch you. When you finally give him what he wants, he can’t help but to call your name as he comes undone.
Afterwards, he immediately flips your positions. “Now, cara mia, it’s my turn.” He says giving you a devilish grin before capturing your lips in a heated kiss that is meant to tell you, he’s paying you back for everything you just gave him.
Taglist: @zulablaise @kisara-16 @otomewonderland @tele86
@lovely-bubb1es @lucyw260 @queengiuliettafirstlady
#400 follower celebration#ikesen#ikevamp#ikepri#ikesen mitsuhide#ikepri clavis#ikevamp leonardo#mitsuhide akechi#leonardo da vinci#clavis lelouch#smut headcanons#headcanons#ikemen sengoku#otome boys#cybird ikemen#cybird otome#ikemen series#cybird#fanfiction#whimsey event
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A Visual Demonstration
Kinktober Day 4: Food Play|Biting/Marking
Pairing: Mitsuhide x Female Reader.
It's everyone's favorite kitsunes birthday today! To celebrate I swapped his place with someone else so that I could release his fic on his birthday (he's the only one though Comte is a close second). Mitsuhide has had enough of a Daimyos lack of sense when it comes to his attention towards you so he decides to 'show' him what he won't listen to. This fic is NSFW so minors do not interact. WC approx 1496.
The sun was setting it's colors blanketing the city in peace and and beauty but Mitsuhide was in a foul mood as he walked back to his manor after having left a most unpleasant council meeting
‘Daimyo Enomoto will be arriving tomorrow morning.’
‘On what excuse this time Hideyoshi?’
‘Well my Lord, something about the taxes in his region but…’
‘But we all know he's coming to see the lass again.’
Mitsuhide sighed, this daimyo was proving to be a bigger problem than he originally expected. He had happened to be introduced to you on one of his previous visits becoming quite smitten and he had been finding excuses to visit Azuchi more frequently ever since. The visit before this he had even lightly broached the subject about taking you as his wife with Nobunaga. When he was informed you were already promised to Mitsuhide he scoffed deeming Mitsuhide unworthy of the honor of having an Oda Princess for a bride, especially one so dear to Nobunaga himself.
Under normal circumstances this type of issue would have been stopped by now but the region Daimyo Enomoto ruled over was quite strategic and he was also an exceptional Lord beloved by his people so they were all trying not to make an enemy of him, plus the man seemed immune to sense in the matter. Mitsuhide wasn't worried though, he knew you loved only him but the Daimyos attention towards you had begun to overstep and his persistence was annoying.
“Welcome home my Lord, how was council?”
Mitsuhide said nothing to Kyubei as he continued walking.
“It went that well did it?”
There was a hint of humor in Kyubei’s voice, making Mitsuhide turn his head towards him.
“Daimyo Enomoto will be visiting Azu-”
Kyubei let out a groan.
“Again my Lord?”
“I would have thought Lord Nobunaga informing him of your arrangement would have stopped him.”
“The man seems incapable of listening when it com-”
Mitsuhide came to a sudden halt and Kyubei stopped at his side.
“My lord?”
Mitsuhide's eyes gleamed with mischief and a matching smile spread across his face.
“His ears may not work but his eyes do.”
Mitsuhide began his walk to your shared room again while Kyubei stayed where he was, he had served Mitsuhide long enough after all to know when he was plotting something.
Mitsuhide slipped silently into the room and quickly spotted you combing your hair. He knelt behind you wrapping his arms around your waist while whispering in your ear.
“I am home little one.”
“I see that, welcome back Mitsuhide.”
He leaned in towards you as you turned your head to face him and your lips met in a kiss then another and another.
“Mmm Mitsuhide.”
He felt you grow pliant under his kisses and he began to stroke one of his hands along your thigh. He deepened your kisses letting his tongue taste every inch of your mouth as his deft fingers untied you obi cord. He slid your kimono off your shoulders then slowly pushed you down against the mats without breaking your kiss. His hands began to roam along your body and his lips trailed down your neck.
As his lips reached your collarbone he began to suck hard on your velvety skin as his fingers teased your hardening nipples. Your body arched into him everywhere he touched and he reacted to your moans and gasps touching and nipping along your skin where he knew you were sensitive yet avoiding where you wanted to feel him most.
“Mi…tsuhide, stop ngh teasing me.”
He smiled against your skin as you squirmed and arched under him.
“I will happily give you what you crave but…”
“In exchange-”
He ran his tongue along your nipple causing you to suck in a breath.
“I can do whatever I want to you.”
Mitsuhide was grinning like the sly kitsune he was as you nodded furiously at him.
“Whatever you want, I'm yours Mitsuhide.”
He leaned down to kiss you and you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer. As the two of you kissed one of his hands moved down over your breast and stomach to your thigh and you opened your legs for him.
“You certainly are an eager little mouse.”
He rubbed his fingers over your clit and down your folds where they instantly became slick.
“My my, perhaps I've teased you too much?”
He was smirking at you as he easily slipped two of his fingers into you.
As he worked his fingers in and out of you his teeth nipped at your collarbone hard followed by his tongue lapping at the marks he was leaving behind. He slipped a third finger inside you pushing and your hips began to move so that you were fucking yourself on them. His lips moved upwards biting and sucking all the way up your neck to just below your ear making sure he would leave marks that could not be hidden. He curled his fingers and your head fell back as you began to come undone.
He felt your walls tighten around him and he rubbed over your clit with his thumb making you buck even more as you continued to ride out your high.
Slowly you came down from your peak and his lips returned to yours kissing you gently. He withdrew his fingers from your core and brushed your sweat-dampened bangs from your face as your breathing began to even out again. He moved himself on top of you and kissed you again, he could see how spent you already were however he had no intention of stopping now and he began kissing down your body towards your clit and you began to squirm under him.
“What are you doing?”
“Surely you can tell?”
“Well yes but, I'm still so sensitive.”
“That is fine.”
“Have you forgotten what you said already little one, I can do whatever I want.”
He saw your eyes widen as you but your lip. He continued his path downwards and when his tongue licked over your sensitive nub you jerked while crying out.
He stopped looking up at you from between your legs.
“My intentions are to tease you over and over again tonight so I suggest you pace yourself.”
He returned to running his tongue along you nub and he felt your fingers grip his hair.
“If you… ahhh… keep doing this I won't be…nngh…fit to be seen tomorrow, assuming…assuming I can even move…Mitsuhide!”
“Then you will be in exactly the state I want you in.”
He sucked on your clit raking his teeth gently along it and you moaned. Your hips were bucking against his tongue and he knew you were approaching what would be your second of many peaks tonight.
The next day some Hideyoshi and Masamune were waiting at the gates to greet Daimyo Enomoto.
“Wasn't Mitsuhide supposed to be here?”
Hideyoshi was clearly annoyed at his absence.
“Well can't say I blame him for not showing up. Really we're lucky he hasn't tried anything with the way he's been going after the last.”
“If I know Mitsuhide he's just waiting for the perfect opportunity.”
The two didn't have to wait long for the Daimyo to arrive. They were in the middle of their greetings when Masamune spotted Mitsuhide, with his arm around you, approaching and he grinned.
“You're late.”
“My deepest apologies.”
Hideyoshi and Daimyo Enomoto’s attention was drawn towards the two of you and both their faces twisted into expressions of shock at the same time when they saw you. It looked like you could barely stand and you had bite marks and red blooms on the skin of your neck that your kimono didn't cover.
“I'm afraid we had a… busy night and overslept this morning.”
Hideyoshi and the Daimyo were still so stunned they couldn't speak but Masamune didn't have that problem.
“You look different today lass, have to say though that shade of red suits you.”
Masamune broke into a huge grin at the way you blushed and Mitsuhide couldn't help but smile.
“Doesn't she? Oh but-”
Mitsuhide trailed his fingers along a bare patch of your neck making you shiver.
“I seem to have missed a spot.”
His lips were on your neck and he was sucking at your skin before anyone quite realized what was happening.
“Alright that's enough! Keep it indoors you two, especially when we have guests!”
Mitsuhide released his lips from you and looked up to see a frowning Hideyoshi and a crushed Daimyo Enomoto.
“My apologies.”
“Just don't do it again. Daimyo Enomoto if you'll come with me to the audience chamber.”
“Oh, yes... of course.”
Hideyoshi held out his hand towards Azuchi castle and Daimyo Enomoto took off towards it with Hideyoshi following him, but not before he shook his head and glared at Mitsuhide and Masamune the former only shrugging and the later trying to desperately contain his laughter.
Tag List: @queengiuliettafirstlady, @nightghoul381, @oda-princess, @nani-nani-nani. If you would like to be added or removed either permanently or just for kinktober send me a msg. If I forgot anyone please msg me to let me know.
#kinktober 2024#ikemen sengoku#ikemen sengoku mitsuhide#ikesen#ikesen mitsuhide#ikesen fanfic#Ikesen smut
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Hormones are raging so I've been thinking about introducing sex toys to the ikesen boys.... (we'll say they go to the future for a lil vacation/extended period, idk)
[GN reader, nsfw, obvious discussion of various sex toys. Im fairly vanilla sorry. Suitors: Mitsunari, Mitsuhide, Yoshimoto, Kenshin, Shingen]
♡ Imagine introducing vibrators/vibrating toys to Mitsunari.. using it on him, he's so sensitive. He's whining and moaning, a total whimpering mess not even a half hour into the session. He's never realized how many places he's sensitive until you touch it with the toy. Despite how lost in pleasure he is, though, don't underestimate him. The very next day, he's using those same toys on you like he's an expert, mapping out all of your weak points as well until you're both collapsing in mutual pleasure. Although, nothing brings him as much joy as delivering that pleasure to you himself, rather than with a toy.
♡ Using toys on Mitsuhide seems dangerous but all depends on how far you go. Of course he's very curious about all the things people have designed, and can guess the function on most at a quick glance. He'll let you play first. He's very susceptible to cock rings and collars. Even though he exudes dom energy, he does love when you take control, and it's a major turn on for you to use toys on him like that, controlling his orgasm and maybe using him to get off. If you give him the chance, though, he can 100% turn the tables on you until you're a puddle.
♡ Shibari already exists at this point in their time period, but Yoshimoto would still go nuts being tied up and if you introduce fleshlights along with it. You think he can't get any more beautiful but somehow he still exceeds expectations, trying to thrust up into the toy but is restrained by the ties. He loves seeing you take control and control his pleasure with the pace you set with the toy. Loves tying you up right back, seeing you squirm against the binding as he attacks all your weak spots when you can't retaliate and all you can do is moan, using his mouth and fingers on you for several sessions before even thinking of penetrating. Also loves seeing the light marks of the rope/ribbon on you after the fact~
♡ No toys for Kenshin. Gets insanely jealous tbh. At first, he wants to play along, he always wants to make you happy. If you show him the different types of dildos, he'll even use one on you. It's such a different experience for him to see you writhe in pleasure but it's not him thrusting into you, and might get a little sadistic with it. Eventually gets a little ticked, will fuck you himself afterwards to show you how much better he is than that pathetic toy. Might be open to trying double penetration on you as a compromise (and might get addicted to it based on your reactions).
♡ Shingen LOVES toys, loves the fluffy handcuffs and pink toys and rainbow toys and everything people have thought to create. He'd happily spend a week trying out every toy possible on you if you were interested. Maybe not a fan of pain toys, like clamps, but most things are good. He discovers flavored lube and is obsessed with it. Also love love loves the couples sex toys, like the app controlled stuff. It turns him on so much to know he can affect you with just the touch of a button, so that you're already ready to fold by the time he gets his hands on you. Might enjoy the use of plugs, perhaps after sex to keep his cum in you... Also like Kenshin, may be interested in trying double penetration with a toy, but is much sweeter about it lol.
#ikesen mitsunari#ikesen mitsuhide#ikesen yoshimoto#ikesen kenshin#ikesen shingen#ikesen smut#ikesen hcs#i was gonna include keiji but hed be about the same as yoshimoto and shingen#but just know hes there in my heart (and my pants)#ikemen sengoku#the minx can write ✍️#spicy minx 🔥
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thinking about Mitsuhide crumbling under my touch, softly whimpering and calling my name as I wrap my hand around his cock, leaving wet kisses all over his length and sucking on the pretty pink tip as I jerk him off. I think for a moment of edging him but since I managed to force him to sit back and let me take care of him for once, I decide to whisper sweet words of encouragement, coaxing him to cum for me.
Mitsuhide looks beautiful in the aftermath of his peak. His pale cheeks have a rosy color and his golden eyes look content and a little hazy, he looks vulnerable in the most delicious way possible <3
#🦊 — mitsuhide my beloved#❤️🔥 — luna.thirsts#mitsuhide akechi#mitsuhide akechi ikesen#Mitsuhide akechi x reader#Mitsuhide akechi smut
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i'm rewriting the lore of my ikesen OC Misa and I'll give you a small sneak peek... nsfw warning
One of Mitsuhide's hands grip at her hip, while the other slides up her stomach to one of her breats, his fingers pinching and twisting gently at her nipple. She arches into him, her nails digging into his back.
"Mit-suhide, nghhh, p-please..." she starts to beg. Misa isn't even sure what she's begging for. For him to stop? No, definitely no. She feels full to the core but can't help but want more. They're connected in a way she's never been with anyone, like they're one now, moving in tandem as they both seek to draw the pleasure of their joined bodies.
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Author Interview 2025
I saw @rjthirsty's post about doing an author interview and I have done another one of them back in 2020, but the questions are different from that old one so I wanted to do this one as well.
Forewarning that I am going to be pulling from my older works on ao3 as well (and I have been writing for a long time, so there are going to be fandoms mentioned here that I don't write for anymore for various reasons but it does answer what question was being presented. Also, major spoilers for various series, including but not limited to Cybird's Ikemen Series (Ikevamp in particular, Vincent's route if you wanna get specific), Mystic Messenger (Jumin and Zen's routes in particular) and YuGiOh Arc V, in case that's something that needs warning for.
My ao3 and my writing masterlist for your perusing pleasure!
And tagging anyone that wants to do this as well!
How many works do you have on AO3?
93 as of this posting. Most written-for fandom is Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V with 24 fics written. Next most written-for fandom is IkeSen with 14 fics currently, followed by IkeVamp, which has 12.
Your top 5 stories by kudos/notes:
-By Kudos:
1. Manager Princess: 714 Haikyuu!!, Four oneshots combined into one document, all mostly fluff. It's a collection of xReader stories involving a fem!reader being the manager of Aoba Jousai's volleyball team. I think my favorites are the ones with Iwaizumi and Oikawa so I highly recommend those first. Iwaizumi's is a cute fest where reader goes grocery shopping for the team needs. Oikawa's talks about that time he was injured and how that affected and upset Reader-chan, who has a sort of crush on Oikawa but refuses to admit it. 2. Manager Princess: After Hours [Hajime Iwaizumi]: 264 Haikyuu!!. One Shot, baby's first attempts at smut. It's basically a continuation of the Manager Princess Series, but they're all adults now and Iwaizumi and Reader-chan are married now and trying to start a family. Fluff and Smut is the tag on ao3 and that's basically what this is, fluff and smut. Be gentle with reading it as it was one of my first forays into smut writing and I hadn't polished that aspect of my writing just yet. 3. It's Not Like I Would Say No, Kitten: 154 Ikemen Sengoku, Oneshot, Smut, Masamune x AFAB!Reader, vaginal fingering featured. Tis baby's second foray into smut writing. Looking back on it now, it's needs a little more editing than it got, but it was my first fic in the IkeSen fandom, so it does deserve a little treat for that honor. 4. Love At First Sight: 143 Mystic Messenger, Oneshot Fluff, Jumin x fem!Reader. A rewrite of the scene after Jumin kisses MC in his living room to get Sarah Choi to leave. A very calm fic that focuses on sensory details and some cute handholding as Jumin is kind of a mess at this point in canon and he just needs some loving support! 5. A Second Glance: 128 Ikemen Sengoku, four chapters currently, ongoing fic, Hideyoshi x AFAB!Reader, pregnancy fic, one of my more serious fics. In the wake of Nobunaga's death, the reader's life is still full of surprises. Where does she look when she feels she has nowhere else to turn after she loses the love of her life? Taking tidbits from history and putting it gently into the IkeSen universe, this story is about budding relationships after the loss of love and finding love again in a new place, along with some inheritance drama that Hideyoshi is forcing himself into because of Reader-chan carrying Nobunaga's heir. Content warnings for mentions and references to major character death, blood, violence, Mitsuhide flirting with Hideyoshi, and all that fun stuff.
-By Notes Here on tumblr
1. Rub My Belly: 163 Ikemen Sengoku, oneshot fluff, gift fic, Mitsuhide x AFAB Reader, pregnancy fic. Mitsuhide is late coming home one day and he makes up for his absence by being sweet on his pregnant wife. Very fluffy and sweet. 2. Family: 139 Ikemen Vampire, oneshot fluff, Arthur Conan Doyle x AFAB Reader, pregnancy fic. Arthur and Reader-chan check up on their baby by listening to their heart beating. Very fluffy and sweet. Originally for Scummy's Arthur Week back in 2021. 3. That Didn't Stop You Before: 89 Ikemen Sengoku, oneshot fluff, a companion piece to Rub My Belly, it features Mitsuhide and Reader-chan again, but from Kyubei's POV. Extreme family feels with this one, very sweet 4. A Second Glance Part 1: 85 Ikemen Sengoku, the first part of the Second Glance story. This is basically set up for the rest of the story, about how Nobunaga's death has affected everyone in Azuchi, especially Reader-chan. And with the realization that she's carrying his child, she goes into panic mode, trying to figure out what to do. Hideyoshi comforts her and calms her down. Mitsuhide confronts Hideyoshi later about his one-sided love for Reader-chan, but Hideyoshi doesn't want to push too much on her right now and just vows to protect her for Nobunaga's sake. Tis the beginning of everything. 5. Fine, I Give Up: 80 Ikemen Sengoku, oneshot, Mitsuhide x fem!Reader, cute fluff. Reader-chan had a bad day and is now giving Mitsuhide 'The Silent Treatment'. He proceeds to be melodramatic about being pointedly ignored by his favorite toy.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
If someone has a question about the fic, then I'll respond to the question, but usually no. A lot of comments I get are variants of 'I loved this!' and there aren't many more ways outside of saying thank you to respond to it. I love getting the 'I loved this!' comments and its variants, don't get me wrong, but again, there isn't a lot of ways for me to respond back to that doesn't get repetitive after a while and I do feel bad that I don't respond back to the lovely comments I receive more.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I'm more the type to try and give all my fics happy endings as that's what I want to read most of the time, so my angsty endings are few and far between. It's more likely that a fic of mine will start angsty that will get happier by the end. That being said, my angsty-est ending in recent memory is probably Fais de Beaux Rêves. It's a oneshot about Comte staying with an aged fem!Reader in her final moments. It has more of a bittersweet feel than anything truly angsty, I think, as it's more of a very, very tender moment as the circle of life takes its natural course. If we wanted to go full-on angsty, then we'd have to go further back to my YuGiOh Arc V Days, where there are two fics in particular that involve torture and murder (in a sense, tis still YuGiOh we're talking about, so death can be considered quaint compared to what else could happen to you). There was a story arc in the Arc V universe that had a warzone/survivalist storyline with three resistance members that I latched onto in the story's run, but one of the resistance members is kidnapped and held prisoner by their dimension's aggressors. One fic (Innocence) involved torture via forced feeding while the other (Prisoner Princess) involved straight up murder via tearing up a card, neither of which has a happy ending. Just the resistance member being tortured in different ways by a very Gilbert von Obsidian-esqe character (this one is more evil and delights in torturing our plucky resistance member Ruri in different ways). But yeah, those two are probably the angsty-est I've finished a fic that I can remember.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Happy endings are my bread and butter! Being a fluff writer in general, the majority of the time, happy endings are a given. Which means I've written a lot of happy endings! But, I think the happiest ending for my fics is the ending of 'I've Waited For This'. The fic features Theo, by pure coincidence, finding Vincent again after he goes after MC after she falls through Comte's Time Door and back to the future. He reunites with Vincent and his little family, talking with MC (in this case, my OC Abby) about the life they've lived up until that point. The two brothers meet each other at the end of the fic, hugging each other for all its worth, reunited once again. Though it wasn't stated directly in the fic, it's also kind of like Theo finally seeing the fruits of his wish to Comte, that he wanted to give Vincent a better life than he had previously and now he's seeing it after so long of thinking he'd never see his broer again. It's cathartic to both the brothers and I think this is the happiest ending I've created thus far.
Do you write crossovers?
Not anymore. When I was young, I was the type to mash my favorite characters together like barbie dolls in one big messy sandbox and wrote out adventures from there. We called those Crack Fics back in my day. But I've outgrown that style of writing, wanting to settle more into established universes and play in those sandboxes rather than smashing my favorite ones together and seeing what happens as a result of that.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Probably have, but I don't remember what it was about specifically.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not often, but I do write it once in a while. I'm the type to focus more on the emotions and story involved rather than the acts itself as, for me, it gets repetitive pretty quick. I'm more interested in the why, thus why there's usually a reason when I do a smut fic. Manager Princess: After Hours has the plot of wanting to start a family. Can't say No Kitten has Reader learning to be assertive and Masamune is down for most things so he was perfect for something like that in my mind. The Experiment is about curiosity and exploring things in a controlled environment for my OC Houki and IkeSen's Mitsunari. I have been branching out more when it comes to smut writing, like writing a few more Porn Without Plot kind of stories with Under the Sundress with Shingen and Happy Birthday, Vincent, so there's that.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had it offered to me and in my fanfic policies on both ao3 and tumblr I say I'm okay with it, but I never heard anything else after that first comment.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
If RPing counts as co-writing, then yes! There's was the aforementioned Crack Fics that involved smashing characters together like barbies. I did that for a good portion of my high school days with a lovely individual on AOL Instant Messenger that I've since lost contact with, but I hope they're still doing well. After that, it was RP sandboxes on Livejournal and Dreamwidth, playing with different AUs and such, so that's what I'm calling my co-writing experience.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I don't write for specific ships (or at least I don't anymore). I guess I can say that I like xReader fics, if that counts? Since that's what I've written for the past couple of years in various fandoms? My OCs and their beaus? Do those count? Idk, man, I just live here.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
See, this is why I started the 100 Themes Challenge, so that I can make WIPs and post them regardless of their doneness state (save for, like, one line and not much else kinda WIPs). I'm throwing around ideas and putting them out in the world and if they turn into finished fics someday? Even better. They are all in eternal states of unfinished. If I pick them up again, I pick them up again. If I don't, at least I had a good run with the idea before it puttered into nothingness.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue! People always compliment my banters and back-and-forths between characters, so I'm considering that my biggest strength as a writer. Since my works are usually on the shorter side (usually under 5k unless multi-chaptered), I've gotten pretty good at being succinct with my details. This includes cutting down on 'to be' verbs in favor of actions, staying intentionally focused on one character's POV rather than jumping around to different characters in the scene, and writing summaries.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing things. As I said above, I love doing the 100 Themes Challenge as it gets ideas flowing but it would be nice to complete more fics. Pacing could use some work too.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I'm a sucker for it. I've probably learned more French and Dutch than I'll ever need just because I wanted to sprinkle it into some of my ikevamp fics.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I have been getting into Love and Deepspace lately, so the possibility of writing fic has been going up recently. No promises on it actually happening, but it is a possibility the further along and involved I get in the story.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Now you're asking me to pick my favorite child, lol. Well, since this interview started on listing my top five on ao3 and tumblr, I figure it's fitting to list my top five that I've written, but try to keep it to stuff that hasn't been linked yet in this post. So, with that in mind:
1. Reunion
Midnight Cinderella, Alyn x Custom MC, angst with a happy ending. Alyn is searching for Wysteria's lost princess after she disappears into the night, causing the Princess Elect system to collapse in on itself. After it seems that all hope is lost in finding the girl again, Alyn finds her by complete chance. I remember this one fondly as it was written around the time that Cybird was nailing MidCin's coffin shut when the events were stopped entirely, a sad sign of things to come. I had worked so hard on this, even having giggle fits when I had it ran through a text to speech program at the time so that I could catch errors in the writing, something that I hadn't done before at the time, but it helped out quite bit at the time. I focused more on getting details in the background and set dressings of the fic, it was my favorite baby for the longest time despite being for a very, very small fandom that has its canon meet its end not long after.
2. Smiles
Mystic Messenger, Zen x fem!Reader, very very very fluffy. Inspired by the phone call you get in Zen's route in Day 10 after leaving Rika's apartment for good. Reader-chan isn't in a good place mentally (understandable, given the events that made them leave Rika's apartment) and they wake up alone in Zen's apartment after a nightmare. Zen calls them to tell them he's briefly stepped out to grab some groceries and he comforts them over the phone. It's stupidly cute with Zen being a complete dork in love.
3. First Kicks
Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC), pregnancy fluff. It's not the first time I've written about Vincent and Abby's adventures in modern world, but I like this one in particular as it's more of exploration of what the two of them are like as a couple. They say sweet things to each other, Vincent's eases her anxieties and teases her about stealing his shirts to wear, she tries to be the mature one in the universe but gets flustered when he points out her childishness in stealing his last clean shirt, they get excited when their baby starts kicking, etc etc. Tis very cute, I like this one.
4. Ruri's Misadventures
Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V, Ruri & Yuuto & Shun, survivalist fic, unfinished. When I was looking into the answers to fics with happy and angsty endings, I came across the list for my old Arc V fics and was reminded of this one in particular. Basically, I wanted to create a fic that filled in the gaps that canon left out, basically the day-to-day of the resistance fighters of the Xyz Dimension. Canon was tragically short on the details about the resistance fighters (hell, Ruri didn't make a physical appearance until 3/4s into the series aside from being mentioned by name despite being the entire reason Shun and Yuuto came across dimensions, to try and find her and get her back home). With this fic in particular, I wanted to explore the events leading up to Ruri's eventual kidnapping, which included trying to find shelter and supplies in what was basically a desolate warzone. And I loved writing about the relationship between Ruri and her boys, about how they grew stronger together in spite of the circumstances. It is a little bit older and in WIP Hell like the majority of my long fics, but if you wanna look into a survivalist kinda story (or just liked Arc V in particular of the YGO series(s)), give it a look. Just be forewarned that it can get dark at times (illness, terror attacks, injuries, Yuuto gets a rather nasty surprise in the last chapter that has to do with corpses), this is not happy fic. It has its soft moments, but it's angsty overall, if that's your kinda thing.
5. Bittersweet
Obey Me, Lucifer x Miri (OC), angsty-flavored fluff and timey-wimey shenanigans. Written when Nightbringer was in its early days. Miri has been sent back to the past where the Demon Brothers don't know her yet and are still sore from their fall from the Celestial Realm. She goes to see Lucifer with some coffee and she gets homesick, missing the versions of the brothers she knew, of the Lucifer she once knew. Lucifer comforts her as best he can (she's still a stranger to him at this point), thinking that it's strange that this tiny creature seems so comfortable with him, even knowing how he likes his coffee. This one was my first full Obey Me with Miri and I think it's a neat little story about what you would do if you were flung into the past and met past versions of people you once knew but they don't know you currently and what you could do in that kind of situation. It was also a time before we really knew what Nightbringer was going to be about and it was a fun time to explore the possibilities.
#krys's adventures in fanfiction#author interview#author interview 2025#used the same gif as the last interview#thought it was fitting#and for those wondering#I didn't include the headcanon posts despite being the more popular ones on tumblr#felt like they don't really count as they're not full stories if that makes sense#else they would also be in the top 5#with the ikevamp suitors help you get dressed with 188 notes and the warlords + jealous of the baby at 122 notes
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Requests Temporarily Closed.
[ANGST] Til' Envy Do Us Part || "Ieyasu" (REQUESTED - F!MC) [SMUT] Exploring Curiosity || "Ranmaru" (KT - M!MC) [SMUT] ??? || "Mitsunari" (?) [SMUT] ??? || "Mitsuhide" (?) [SMUT] ??? || "Kicho" (?) [SMUT] ??? || "Kanetsugu" (?) [SMUT] ??? || "Kenshin" (?)
[Opinions] Gay or Nay?: Ikemen Series Edition [Opinions] Would I Punch This Character?: Ikesen Edition
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A Kitsune’s Key Secrets [IkeSen Mitsuhide - NSFW]
Rated: NSFW/18+
Warning Tags: allusions to dacryphilia, mild exhibitionism/public sex, vaginal fingering, orgasm denial
Author’s Notes: 🤸🤸🤸YEEEEEES🤸🤸🤸 Trickster spirit, you shall have, @ihavenotfallenyet
Thank you for requesting, Vero!
[Requests are open, up till the 11th of July, dear readers, if you’d to pop in and ask for something. Happy Reading!]
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Oh, this man is infuriating to be with, in bed; you cannot, for the life of you, figure out how he manages to ruin you with a single look spared your way, even from all the way across the room. Once he actually has you within the circle of his arms inescapable that burnished amber gaze easing, graceful, to find yours — and hold captive — the smile that teeters upon his mouth. You know Mitsuhide’s going to bed you, from that look alone: the deceptive fall of gossamer silver lashes — hiding his gaze from you, as it supplicates in a caress down the line of your body. A quick observation lasting barely moments, but it leaves you hot as if he might’ve undressed and stood you naked, by mere suggestion of a look. You don’t know how he does it.
Watching you as if he could devour you whole; but then the crinkle of amusement to his eyes is soft, as if you might possibly be the last precious treasure on earth, he’s about to hold. Mitsuhide mires you in a constant spin, between tender and merciless. Tucks away the very tears he forces out of your eyes, with a soft hush, a softer laugh and a delicate finger brushing against your cheek.
“Don’t fall asleep on me now, little mouse. You have yet to have me, completely.”
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
The Kitsune’s torture sexual techniques? Nearly fatal for the Chatelaine’s ovaries. His is the most tender of torments: one bestowed with absolute love. Mitsuhide thrives to the salt of your pleasured tears, like no other. He enjoys to prod and poke; re-discover and lay bare all of your places, every single time, rip down all of your pretenses until you’re exposed, raw and teary from his onslaught. Nothing else brings Mitsuhide soul-deep satisfaction quite like testing and teething at the thread of your pleasure… until it breaks. He thoroughly enjoys pushing you just enough to the limits of your endurance, and you bet he’s already memorized how and when exactly your fraying begins. You might try and appeal for mercy (if you’re quick and honest, he might just give it to you) by answering certain questions he’s got for you at the precipice of your pleasure. Expose yourself and blurt out the embarrassing truth: it feels too good, it’s just about breaking your mind.
Continue to lie and deny? You better not expect the intact use of your legs for a few days…
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Despite the entire bank of vital information he feels the need to hold over all others; being somewhat a (false) purveyor of vast networks and sensitive secrets, the man wouldn’t be caught dead with any of his weaknesses on display, or them, ever finding themselves within curious hands. Masamune, in particular, is rather all up and about his relationship with the Chatelaine, but he’s got… ways to deal with the rather persistent Date Lord.
A kiss brushed against your temple, your hair or falling just shy of your ear. To see the color flare deep across your cheeks is all the amusement and enjoyment he’s willing to impart as information, as to the strength of your relationship, in public.
If his sweet little mouse takes pleasure in risky games, he’s all about her wishes, and fulfilling them in the safest possible ways.
Best believe Mitsuhide ensures there won’t be man or beast in sight when he has you bent over the balustrade, breasts spilling over the bodice of your clothes. Tapered digits crooked deep into your pussy, sending arousal gushing down quivering thighs with each cruel propulsion that holds you upon the edge, without mercy.
The moment he so much as senses another person in the area… those adroit fingers are gliding across the part of your kimono, fixing it back in place with quick, gentle strokes.
Whisking his woman away, swallowed into the shadows of hallways beyond, traces long gone from the previously occupied balcony before their intruder even arrives.
End Notes: Thank you for reading!
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#ikesen mitsuhide smut#ikesen smut#ikesen headcanons#ikesen mitsuhide#ikemen sengoku mitsuhide#ikesen fanfic#ikemen sengoku fanfiction#ikemen sengoku#a pickle writes#scribble offerings!#you are so queu(t)e#was the IKR on purpose 🤣
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I’m so excited that you’re taking requests! May I ask for some Mitsuhide headcanons? Any are fine (although I do love an in-love!Mitsu 👀)! Thank you so much dear!! 💘💞
Omg I was so happy when I got this request cuz Mitsuhide is the LOML. (Also perfect timing cuz I just finished re-reading his route). I’m not sure what kind of headcannons you wanted but I’m just kind of rambling based on the reasons I love him.😂 (+ NSFW)
(Also I wrote these at 3am if there’s any spelling errors pls don’t kill me😭)
Hope you like it!❤️❤️
Tagging: @aurora-morning @writer-akihiko @ikemenvmpire @judgemental-seal @delicateikemenmemes

Mitsuhide is...so incredibly soft. Sometimes when you’re sleeping next to him, he just takes in your beauty and listens to your heartbeat. Knowing you are alive and in his arms, warms his heart more than you could ever know.
He cannot believe that someone who radiates so much love and light would fall for someone like him, but he is eternally grateful that he is blessed enough to have the chance to love you with his entire being.
As much as he teases you, this man LIVES to pamper and please you. Muscle pain after sparring with Kyubei? (Or other activities with Mitsu). Mitsuhide will use his extensive knowledge of the human body to give you the most mindblowing massage you’ve ever had. (And he will equally enjoy hearing your satisfied noises at his touches.)
He is extremely perceptive, especially when it comes to you. If you are upset, or anxious, or in pain, he will know right away without needing to be told and will act accordingly. He will insist on going back to your home and giving you some time away from work so you have a chance to relax with him.
He may be a secretive person but everyone on the Oda Forces knows just how much “Mitsuhide Akechi adores his wife”. He can’t help it, it just slips out. Whether it’s through his words or his actions, everyone in Azuchi knows he only has eyes for you.
Mitsuhide has the utmost respect for you (he chugs his respect women juice daily) and will consider your opinions on his work a great help. There may be some parts of his job that he isn’t allowed to with you. However, 90% of the time he will tell you everything he’s been doing and will ask for your advice.
Sometimes he feels like you know him even better than he knows himself. And he knows that even if the whole world considers him a murderer and amonster, you will always be there to hold him and remind him that you love him and that he is a hero in your eyes.
Even for him, it’s sometimes too much to handle, and on those days he will come and lay down with you, resting his head on your chest as you stroke his hair and allow him to finally rest. He won’t admit it publicly but, being in your arms feels like the safest place in the world for him. He never thought that he would experience the luxury of having such a place to return to after his battles. A true home.
If you like to cook, you better believe Mitsuhide will eat everything you make, regardless of whether he can taste it or not. (He says he doesn’t need to taste the flavor because he can taste the love you put into it.)
He is known for neglecting his basic needs, and while he has gotten better at it ever since you came into his life, his level of self care is still unacceptable.
However, if you come in and insist he take a break because he’s overworking himself, his heart will absolutely just melt at seeing how much you care about him. (Is it the bare minimum? Yes. Has anyone ever taken care of him like that? No.) He is so starved of love and affection that even the most minor things will melt his heart.
Mitsuhide also loves to tease you, just to see your reactions. It’s incredibly entertaining when he whispers a dirty joke to you and smack his arm because “We are in public Mitsuhide.” It amuses him to no end.
He also loves teasing the others with you, and you two make the best pranking team in Azuchi.
You two have increased Hideyoshi’s migraine levels, but he lets it slide after seeing Mitsuhide look so happy for the first time in his life.
Hideyoshi has never seen Mitsuhide smile like that at anyone before, and he’s just glad Mitsu finally has someone to love and depend on. (Though sometimes he wishes that person was him. We’re not gonna unpack all that right now)
Random Headcannon: Modern AU Mitsuhide would be an amazing dancer. Like Michael Jackson type shit.
NSFW Below the Cut
Mitsuhide lives to please you and that translates to the bedroom as well. He is a switch through and through, but he could eat you out for hours. (Lying isn’t the only thing he’s good at using his tongue for).
His favorite place to be is between your thighs with your hand tugging at his hair, bringing his face even closer to your dripping core. You are his priority and he will not partake in his own pleasure until he has seen you come twice at least.
He loves to hear you beg, and will torture you for hours with phantom touches that allow you a small taste of the pleasure he can give. He will leave you desperately wanting more until you are crying his name and begging him to finally take you because you can’t handle any more of his teasing.
It’s truly a game to see how long he can keep his own composure before letting go and loosing himself in mindblowing pleasure. Oh and when he does...when he finally lets himself take you the way he’s been wanting to...you won’t be walking straight the next day.
The expression on your face, and the way you cry out his name with tears of pleasure running down your cheeks when he finally pounds you into the futon send him into ecstasy like he had never known before. He will keep going until your legs are shaking and your voice is hoarse from screaming his name so many times throughout the night.
He has a hidden chest of various toys and ropes, and secretly one of his greatest fantasies is to be tied up, completely at your mercy as you “punish” him for his teasing behavior. Nothing brings him more pleasure than feeling the rope dig into his skin, being unable to move as you teasingly suck him off, stopping right as he gets to the edge. He also loves seeing you ride him, using him as a device for your own pleasure.
Mitsuhide is normally not very loud, however, if you edge him enough, it will break all self control he has as he desperately moans your name and bucks his hips, just to try and finally feel himself buried deep inside you.
Once you free him of his bonds he will immediately flip you over, licking down your chest and throwing your legs over his shoulders as he drills you into whatever surface he decided to rail you on that day.
If you’re not too tired, he will even bathe you himself as he kisses every part of your body telling you how amazingly beautiful you are in the afterglow of your lovemaking.
Afterwards, he pulls you close to his chest and kisses your forehead, as he tells you how much he loves you and how euphoric you make him feel. Nights like these are one of the few times Mitsuhide will fall asleep right away as the languid exhaustion overtakes him.
#ikesen#ikemen sengoku#ikesen mitsuhide x reader#ikesen mitsuhide#ikemen sengoku mitsuhide#ikesen hideyoshi#ikesen yukimura#ikesen nobunaga#ikesen kenshin#ikesen mc#ikesen ieyasu#ikesen masamune#ikesen kyubei#ikesen headcanon#ikesen smut#ikesen mitsuhide smut#ikesen shingen#ikesen kicho#ikesen keiji#ikesen kennyo#ikesen sasuke#ikesen mitsunari#ikesen naoe#ikesen motonari#ikesen imagines#ikesen kichou#mitsuhide akechi#akechi mitsuhide#ikesen yoshimoto#ikesen ranmaru
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Hiii I saw the following celebrationn so i just had to ask for ikesen Mitsuhide only one bed and smut (i am over 18) honestly would live it if it’s their first time so like cute feelings but ofc you are the writer 😁
Sorry it has taken me so long to get to this ask. I've had a shit ton of stuff going on irl. I still have a few more to get to in this celebration, but I want to thank you all for your support for hanging in there with me during all of these crazy ups and downs.
Here we are Mitsuhide and one bed smut...with a modern AU twist. Hope you enjoy!
18+ content, female reader, PIV, fingering, oral female receiving
A Business Trip turns Personal
I sighed as I arrived at the hotel with my business partner, Mitsuhide Akechi. We had been traveling for work and were due to head home when a sudden storm hit. So we had no choice but to pull into the first hotel we could find and hope we could wait out the storm for the night.
“We are gonna get soaked, even if we had umbrellas.” I said as we sat in the car. “The weatherman said we were supposed to have clear skies.”
“It seems they get wrong more often than they get right.” Mitsuhide replied. “We’ll just have to make a run for it. I’ve parked as close as we can.”
I nodded. “Alright.”
We got out of the car, making a mad dash for the front door. I was surprised when Mitsuhide caught up to me, taking his coat off and holding it over the both of us to try and provide some level of protection against the hard rain. Though this did require us to be rather close together… which had my heart racing. I’d be lying if I were to say that I didn’t find Mitsuhide attractive.
Once we made it inside the hotel lobby, Mitsuhide was bringing his jacket down. We were both still rather soaked, but at least our heads were mostly dry. A sweet old lady was sitting behind the front desk. “Oh you poor dears.” She greeted us. “Got caught in the storm.”
“Yes, we were on our way home from a business trip.” Mitsuhide explained.
“I see. Well you are in luck. We have one last room available.” The woman replied, grabbing her book and the key for us.
“Only one room?” I asked.
“That won’t be a problem, will it dearest?” Mitsuhide said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
I was stunned as I looked up at him. “M-Mitsuhide…”
He winked at me as he signed the guest book and took the key. The old lady behind the desk smiled and winked at me. “You two are so cute. Enjoy your stay.”
We were then heading away from the front desk and down the hall, Mitsuhide leading me to the room indicated by the number on the key. “Mitsuhide, w-what…”
“She said they only had one room.” Mitsuhide replied with a shrug. “And she seemed to be mistaken. It seemed easier to go along with it than to worry about anything.”
I just hope there’s two beds. I thought. Being close to Mitsuhide like this was bad enough on my heart. I had always thought Mitsuhide was attractive…every woman in our department did… and they were all jealous of me when I got put on this project with Mitsuhide.
But of course, just like the plot of some romance novel, when we arrived at the room, there was only one bed. Okay all the girls at the office are gonna kill me if this ever gets out.
“Oh look at that only one bed.” Mitsuhide said, his voice sounding rather sly.
I looked up at him. “There’s a couch there, I can sleep on that…”
“Nonsense.” Mitsuhide replied. “What kind of man would make a woman sleep on the couch. I can take it.”
“That wouldn’t be fair to you, though.” I replied. I then let out a sigh. “Well, we are both adults. It’s no different than if I were on a roadtrip with one of my girlfriends.”
“See, we can work through this.” Mitsuhide said, giving me a cheshire grin.
Something about that smile made my heart flutter. “Well….uh I think I’m going to go grab a shower and change in the bathroom real quick.”
“Good idea.” Mitsuhide said. “You don’t want to catch a cold.”
Well, if you keep looking at me like that I’m going to need a cold shower. I thought before heading into the bathroom. Even though I was the one who said we could share the bed… this was so completely different from being on a road trip with one of my girlfriends.
I ended up taking a rather cool shower, trying to calm my racing heart. I changed into a t-shirt and clean underwear before heading back into the room. Mitsuhide had dried off and changed into some casual clothes…looked like a t-shirt and boxers…was I really seeing him in his underwear? To be fair…I mean I was in just a t-shirt and my underwear too.
“Ah, did you enjoy your shower?” Mitsuhide asked.
“Uh…yeah.” I replied, suddenly self conscious about my pajamas. We’d been traveling and staying in hotels for so long now…but we’d each had our own rooms.
Mitsuhide sat down on the bed and patted the space next to him. “Come, we should probably be getting some rest.”
“Right.” I replied as I made my way over to the bed. I mechanically sat down on the bed, my back to Mitsuhide.
“You are not going to get much sleep if you don’t lay down.” Mitsuhide said.
“Nor if you cannot relax.” Mitsuhide said. I could hear him moving on the bed behind me and then his lips were at my ear. “Perhaps I should help you.”
I shivered and shot up. “Mitsuhide…what…”
Mitsuhide smiled at me. “I was merely thinking I could give you a massage.” He said, his voice far too innocent yet not at all. “I do know my way around the human body. Allow my hands to work magic for you.”
“I mean…a massage might…be nice.” I said. “But…I couldn’t ask you to do that.”
“It would be my pleasure.” Mitsuhide said, his long graceful fingers grasping mine and gently pulling until I was sitting back on the bed. He was sitting behind me and then his hands were on my shoulders, gently kneading my muscles.
“This…does feel nice.” I admitted.
“See, I knew I could make you feel good.” Mitsuhide said, his tone rather suggestive as his breath washed over the nape of my neck.
My breath hitched and my heart rate picked up. “Uhm…Mitsuhide…”
Mitsuhide was leaning in, his nose was running along the side of my neck. “Yes…” He replied, his voice husky.
“W-what…what are you doing? I mean…this isn’t…exactly relaxing…me…”
“Hmm, then perhaps you would like this?” Mitsuhide asked as his lips began to kiss along the side of my neck.
I felt electric thrills running through my body from his touch. “I…I think…I am… feeling quite… the opposite…a little…worked up…”
“Then that means my plan is working.”
I turned my head and was face to face with Mitsuhide’s gorgeous amber eyes, which were holding a barely concealed desire. “I…”
Mitsuhide’s slender fingers were beneath my chin, tilting my head ever so slightly and then his lips were on mine. My body responded of its own accord, my lips molding to his as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
When we broke the kiss, I was breathless. “Mitsuhide…”
He smiled at me as he lowered me back on the mattress and hovered over me. “I had been hoping that we could get this lucky to be alone like this.”
“You…have?” I asked.
“Yes, I was rather pleased when we were paired for this project. I have been attracted to you for a long time.”
Before I could respond his lips were on mine once again. My lips parted of their own accord as his tongue slipped inside to caress my own. Mitsuhide just admitted to having wanted me and we were really here…and he was really kissing me.
Mitsuhide broke the kiss again, looking at me with an achingly tender smile. “If you do not want this just say so and we’ll end the night here.”
“I…I do want it.” I said. “I want you.”
Mitsuhide kissed me again, his hand sliding up under the hem of my shirt and teasing over my bare flesh. Our kiss quickly became passionate as Mitsuhide began to remove my clothes. His eyes drank in my form in the most gratifying of ways.
“You’re even more beautiful than I imagined.” He told me, his long graceful fingers stroking my skin.
Mitsuhide grinned at me. “You are a beautiful woman. I would be insane to not notice you or not think of you or imagine what this moment would be like…and it’s not as if you haven’t had similar thoughts about me?” He added this last part with a teasing smile before taking his shirt off.
He was then reaching for my hand and bringing it to his lips to kiss my fingertips before resting my hand on his chest. “Feel free to touch me as much as you like.”
I ran my hands over his body, feeling every line and muscle as I did. Mitsuhide shivered deliciously under my touch. He was leaning back down to cover me in kisses as I continued to run my hands over his body. I let out a moan when Mitsuhide’s lips enclosed one of my nipples, sucking even as he flicked the peak with his tongue.
“M-Mitsu…hide…” I moaned.
His hands were moving over my curves, fingertips tracing delicately over my most sensitive places. I gasped when his wandering hands found their way between my thighs, fingers stroking my sensitive bud before sliding back and slipping between my folds.
“You’re so wet already…” Mitsuhide cooed as he came back over me, his fingers still working me.
“I…ngh…Mitsuhide…” I moaned as the waves of pleasure washed over me.
“The sight of you writhing in pleasure beneath me…you’re simply irresistible.”
I moaned and arched my back as his long fingers continued to work me. Just as I was about to fall over the edge, Mitsuhide withdrew his fingers. I let out a whimper at the sudden loss of stimulation.
“Mitsuhide…why…” I pouted up at him.
He grinned at me. “Don’t worry, I intend to take care of you.” He told me before moving once again. The next thing I knew, my thighs were resting on his shoulders and Mitsuhide’s head was between my legs. His lips descended upon my heat, tongue snaking out to flick my bud.
“Ah…ngh…” I moaned as the pleasure washed over me once more.
I could feel the coil winding tighter in my lower belly as Mitsuhide performed gymnastics with his tongue. Stroke after stroke, twisting and teasing…the coil winding ever tighter. My back arched and my thighs began to tremble as a powerful orgasm washed over me, Mitsuhide remained between my thighs, his tongue drawing out my release.
I was still trembling and sensitive as I began to descend from my high. Mitsuhide was kissing up the front of my body. “You taste…delicious.” He told me as he was now directly over me once again.
I shivered as I looked into his eyes, burning with desire, lips still glistening with the proof of my release. “I…I wouldn’t know…” I replied.
Mitsuhide grinned. “Well you should…” He was then capturing my lips with his, his tongue diving into my mouth, allowing me to taste my own desire.
I moaned into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around him and pressed myself close. Mitsuhide’s hands moved over my curves once again, pinching and fondling my breasts before tracing patterns over my lower belly.
He was grinning as he broke the kiss. “I hope you know…I am just getting started with you, my dear little mouse.”
I didn’t even know when he had slid his boxers off, but they were gone and the next thing I knew, he was sliding inside of me, causing me to gasp and moan. I wrapped my arms and my legs around Mitsuhide, drawing him in for a kiss. I was in for the longest and most pleasurable evening of my life.
#300 follower celebration#ikesen mitsuhide#ikemen sengoku mitsuhide#mitsuhide akechi#otome mitsuhide#smut#one bed#whimsey answers#fanfic#fanfiction
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mitsuhide W
Kenshin D
Leonardo O
Have a great day! 🙇♀️😻
I hope you have a great day too, lovely anon! 💘
W = Wild card
- It truly does seem like the man reads your mind at times, a fact that is magnified all the more by the precision with which he knows your body
- He has your reactions cataloged in his mind, knows exactly how his breath on your neck will make you shiver, followed by a shuddering gasp at the soft touch of his lips
- He’s memorized the sound of his name as it leaves your mouth in a rush, moaning when his head is between your thighs
- His mouth never fails to make you lose your thoughts, but the steady movement of his tongue on you is unbelievably perfect
- Oh god he’s so good at it, it should be illegal
- The way you tug him in closer by the hair right before you come on his tongue is something he dreams about, will think about it all day sometimes
- Just the rub of his thumb at your wrist - right where it’s most sensitive, your pulse thumping at the pressure - breaks you, and you beg to have more of him, to feel him inside (as if he could ever deny you)
D = Dirty secret
- It’s a particularly poor-kept secret (except for perhaps from Kenshin himself) but he is extremely easy when teased in public
- Easy as in, will pick you up and carry you to a more private location when you push him too far
- It honestly takes almost no effort
- With sake coursing through his veins, he reaches a point where he can’t tear his eyes off you; he’s not subtle at all and you take advantage, gaze going sultry, tugging the hem of your neckline down just a little
- His fingers clench on his cup, burn of the liquor scorching his throat as he imagines stripping you out of your offending clothing
- If you drop your lashes and smirk knowingly, that’s all he needs to jerkily stand and drag you out of the room with him, not even bothering to make it all the way back to your shared room before ducking down an empty hallway and throwing you up against the wall
- Parting your thighs with his own, greedy hands stealing your words away as he finally touches your skin, teeth working sharply at your neck
- Absolutely everyone knows you’re going to get railed and nobody is surprised by the marks on you the next day
O = Oral
- Wow, he is nothing short of a master at making you come, at teasing you while bringing you pleasure
- A skill that he takes great pride in
- It’s almost absurd just how incredible he feels on you, inside you, thick fingers stretching you open; lips alternating between rubbing so gently and driving you mad with smug words
- He loves to watch as well, heat of his keen gaze burning you with its intensity, missing none of your reactions
- Fingers circling slow at that spot inside, crooning low about how he can feel how much your body loves him, his voice as intoxicating as his touch
- Whispering nonsense as you tighten up slowly, telling you that he knows this means you’re close
- He’s absolutely correct
- Literally obsessed with being inside you when your orgasm hits, moaning on you; the clenching of your body wrapped tight around his fingertips making his cock twitch
- After, he’ll lick you until you push his head away, dragging it out for long, agonizing moments
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#Kenshin and mitsuhide in one omg 😍#ikesen#ikemen sengoku#ikemen vampire#ikevamp#ikesen mitsuhide#ikesen mitsuhide smut#mitsuhide akechi#mitsuhide akechi x reader#ikesen kenshin#ikesen kenshin smut#kenshin uesugi#kenshin uesugi x reader#ikesen smut#ikevamp leo smut#ikevamp leonardo smut#ikevamp leo#ikevamp leonardo#leonardo x reader#anon#answered#abc
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Omg he is so perfect 😍
#ikesen mitsuhide#ikemen#ikemen sengoku#ikesen mitsuhide smut#mitsuhide x mc#mitsuhide smut#ikemen sengoku mitsuhide#mitsuhide akechi#ikesen
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A Moment, No More Continuation
This was written as a kofi commission for @nellzzz and she has graciously allowed me to share it here ^_^ Approx. 2800 words continuing the scene from A Moment No More, if MC had not slapped Mitsuhide and left. Very spicy!
The Azuchi castle baths were cold this time of night, and blessedly empty. Mitsuhide didn’t bother with a lantern. He filled a tub and shed his clothes. The cold water cleared his head as he sank down into it. With sand and fragrant herbs, he scrubbed his skin pink. He wanted to be clean, inside and out. But some filth couldn’t wash away so easily.
There was blood on his hands that no bath could remove. He was a man fated to live in darkness. To take on himself the tasks that better men could not do. It had never hurt so much before to acknowledge this … and yet. For her he wished …
Mitsuhide lay back in the water and closed his eyes. Burnished gold dimmed and hidden. His hair spread behind him like a soft cloud of pale silk. He tried to ease his grief, to forget it. To float, untouched by deep emotion. But a warm glow grew at the corners of his vision, banishing that inner darkness.
His eyes opened as he realized it was lantern light.
“Mitsuhide.” Her face hung over his, a study of light and shadows. Loose hair cascaded down her back, curling at her collarbone.
It was a dream made into life. And a joke. A taunt. He told himself to sit up. Say something sharp, witty. Cruel. Then she would leave and he would be alone. Again. He didn’t move, didn’t speak.
He could feel her eyes like a physical touch, the faintest trace of warmth as they slid from his face to his bare chest, his exposed belly, the delicate trace of hair that led down from his belly button. His breath trembled - and hers did too.
Fingers as soft as fine spun silk settled on his cheek, her thumb smoothing a drop of water from his skin. Her lips parted. And Mitsuhide damned all gods and demons as he sat up and kissed her. She was hot to the touch, like embracing the flame. Like holding to the sun.
For one moment he was blessed. And then she pushed away from him. Her eyes were wide with surprise. Her breath came in gasps. “You kissed me!”
He wanted very much to do it again. He could see all of her now. The thin, damp cloth of her gown clung to her like a second skin. He could see every curve and valley of her body and he ached to trace paths on it with his fingertips. With his tongue.
“What did you think, little mouse, when you stumbled on me bathing? Did you enjoy the view?” He tried to purr the words, smooth and in control, but they rasped from his throat with need.
“I …” She looked away. Her hands curled into little fists at her sides.
“Admit it. Tell me you like what you see.” He stood, letting the water cascade down him. The droplets were cold on his now fevered skin. “Tell me, and I promise you I will show you so much more.”
Slowly, she turned to face him again, her cheeks flushed, eyes hot and full of shadowed promise. “What if I do?” The words trembled in the air between them, heavy with equal parts desire and loathing.
Mitsuhide took her chin in his hand. He could feel her breath on his lips as he leaned close. “You should run, little mouse.”
She did not run. Her lips met his, slow this time, tentative. Her fingers tangled in his damp hair.
A tremor ran down Mitsuhide’s spine. A slight scrape of teeth, the press of her tongue demanding entry. The slight sour tang of tea, a faint sweetness. A slow, building warmth like coals given fresh kindling.
Mitsuhide lifted her into the bath, relishing her gasp as she sank into the cold water with him.
She clung to him, pressed close along the length of his body. Her breasts crushed against his chest, soft but for the hard little pebbles of her nipples. Her skin was silk, smooth, feverish-hot.
He fell back, taking her with him, pulling her onto his lap. Mitsuhide broke their kiss to blaze a path down her throat. He bit gently at the line of her collar bone, his tongue and teeth marking lines on the rise of her breasts.
The sound she made sent a spike of aching heat through Mitsuhide’s chest, through his groin. She tried to bite it back, to hold it in, but that only made him want to hear more. His hand slid down her hip, across the sloping plain of her low belly. He cupped her soft mound, his thumb making little circles on her tender skin.
She rocked against him, her body begging for more, for his touch.
A distant part of his mind demanded he stop, stop here and now before this went too far. Mitsuhide silenced it, pushing away the spike of shame he felt as his lithe fingers parted her cleft to stroke the delicate pearl at the core of her. This was not a betrayal, he told himself. She wanted him. And he . . . would not give voice to the warmth in his chest nor the gentleness of his touch.
Mitsuhide shut his thoughts down until there was only the sense of her skin on his, the heat of her inner flesh against his hand, her lips on his. He lived from ragged breath to breath, in just the narrow space of this stolen moment.
His fingers found her rhythm, a frantic pace, a beat in time with her galloping pulse. Her moans became impossible to mask, though she bit his shoulder and used his mouth to muffle them. With each delicate flicker of his calloused fingertips, she trembled and tensed. A keening came from deep in her throat. Her thighs tightened around his hips as she pressed against him.
And then it was his turn to gasp. She rolled her hips forward, rising a little off him. The cool bath water rushed in to fill the space between them, but only for a breath. A heartbeat. She surged against him and the water was replaced by her heat, searing down his shaft as she impaled herself on him. His full length was sheathed in her as deep as he could go.
For a moment, she looked down at him, her eyes bright with victory, wide with hunger, hot with desire. And all he could do was stare up at her in awe, lost in her eyes and the silken fire of her. The moment broke as she arched, shuddering. Her climax reached. Her nails gouged his shoulders and back. The broken, desperate gasp of pleasure burst from her throat, louder, as Mitsuhide answered her desire with his own.
His hands went to her hips. Steadying her, holding her against him as he pulled back, thrust deep, driving into her again and again. Mitsuhide’s reason was gone, his cunning and wit, lost. He wanted and he took everything she was willing to give. Bliss came in waves, a tide that pushed them higher. Behind his eyelids, cascades of light pulsed in time to the beat of her trembling form.
Slowly, they went still. Holding each other as if to let go would mean death. Their breath came in panting gasps. Mitsuhide tasted copper and salt. He probed his lip, where her teeth had bit down hard enough to break skin. He smiled, reaching to push damp hair from her cheek.
She studied his expression, something moving in the deeps of her eyes, vast and hungry, insatiable. She kissed his bloodied lips and then pulled away.
Mitsuhide reached for her. His hands moving before his mind processed the intent. “Wait.”
“I’ve been gone too long already.” She splashed out of the tub and onto the wood floor, peeling her wet robe off and throwing it down in disgust. “Is there something here I can slip on?”
He could not help but admire the curve of her hip, the gleam of her skin in the lamp light. He could see the red blooms of his love-bites across her chest and neck. “I think you will need more of a cover than that.” Mitsuhide lifted himself from the bath. “The easiest lie is the one closest to the truth.”
She snorted. “You would be an expert on lying.” Still, she watched him expectantly.
“Are you going back to your room? Or Hideyoshi’s?”
Her answer eased a tightness in his chest he hadn’t realized was there. “Then it’s simple. You tripped and landed in dirt. You came here to wash off.” He handed her one of the bath cloths. “But you forgot a change of clothes, because it wasn’t planned.”
She held the bath cloth up. “Am I supposed to run back to my room in this?”
“No - just to the maids’ area. It’s closer. They will give you a robe. Just be sure to keep your chest and neck covered.” Mitsuhide could not keep the smile from his face.
“You left a mark on me?” She looked down and her eyes went wide. “Oh. My. God. I look like I lost a fight with an octopus!”
Mitsuhide traced the edge of one red-speckled bruise. “But it was more fun than that, I think.”
She slapped his hand away and began to wrap herself with care. “It . . . it was. But -” She fixed him with a glare. “This was a one-time thing. A hook-up. Like Tinder, ok? Never again.”
“Never?” He couldn’t keep the heat from his gaze, though he did his best to hide the tenderness he felt. The soft, vulnerable flesh of his heart.
“Never. And this - it never really happened. No one hears about it. Promise?”
He knew it was cruel, but his smile turned sharp. “There is a price for kept secrets.”
“Mitsuhide! This - it implicates you too! Come on!” Her pleas fell on deaf ears.
“I have nothing to hide. I am not ashamed of what we shared.” He lifted his fingers to his lips and licked them slowly. “I can still taste you on me. Smell you on my skin.” Her cheeks flushed as he spoke, and he did not miss the slight shiver that dimpled her skin. “But you . . . you want to hide this from Hideyoshi.”
She hung her head. “It would kill him to know about this.”
The words came unbidden to his lips, barely a breath. “Do you love him?”
Nausea welled up in Mitsuhide’s gut. A burning bile, an acid that ate at him. Jealousy, guilt, lust . . . love. Love cut him as surely as an enemy’s sword. “I will keep your secret. But you must promise me something as well.” A foolish request, but men in love were always fools.
“What do you want?” Her tone was wary.
“Nothing much. Your time, should I ask for it. Your help occasionally. I was going to ask you anyway. I need an assistant to work through correspondence with me. So this will do nicely. I am guaranteed your silence on the contents of those missives, and I promise you my silence as well.”
She regarded him with suspicion, well-deserved of course. Then she nodded. “Fine. But it’s just business. Got it?”
“On my honor.”
Mitsuhide helped her tuck the edges of the thick fabric, and smeared her gown with mud. Then sent her on her way.
The next day at the Oda council, she had a high-necked kimono and let her hair down. Her hands stayed tucked in her sleeves and though she only gave him a cursory nod as she sat down beside Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide could feel her looking at him throughout the meeting. Watching from under her lashes.
Mitsuhide pretended to ignore her. It helped ease the sharp stab of guilt he felt as he exchanged easy smiles and banter with Hideyoshi.
Hideyoshi, who kept reaching over to touch his ‘sis’ - to pat her head, to smooth her clothes, to rest his fingertips on her arm. As if some part of him knew she’d transgressed, that her skin hid the marks of another lover and he sought to wipe them away with these gentle strokes.
She felt it too - the guilt. Leaning into Hideyoshi’s touches, smiling up at him. Always smiling. Lacing her fingers with his. One of her fingernails was jagged where she’d dug it into his back the night before. The wound still stung.
Golden eyes met amber across the chamber. A tension hummed between them, though only one of them knew why.
Mitsuhide bowed his head, breaking the connection. His silver locks hung over his face, hiding his expression. When he looked up, his mask was back in place. Smile, wide and sharp. Eyes hard.
The council ended and he fled her presence like mist before the morning sun. He hadn’t even remembered to request her assistance from Nobunaga.
“Is something wrong,” Kyubei asked later that day, when he found his lord in the garden, staring emptily at the sweep of sand and pebbles on the walkway.
“No.” Said more harshly than his vassal deserved. Then, more kindly, “What do you think it feels like to go mad?”
Kyubei’s eyes grew wide. “My lord, do you think -”
“It is simple curiosity. Preparation, should I ever need to travel in that guise,” Mitsuhide quickly reassured him.
His vassal nodded slowly, considering. “I imagine . . . it is like being swept aside in a flood. Taken by thoughts and ideas that are not your own. Or . . . no. Perhaps they are too much your own. Influenced by passions instead of verity.”
Mitsuhide nodded. “Excellent. Yes. That was such a good answer that I find myself wanting to give you the afternoon to yourself. Go. Have a drink. Find a woman.” He waved Kyubei off. “You earned it.”
“But, my lord, we have so much work-”
“It will wait.” There was no disobedience when his eyes held that fey gleam.
Alone again, Mitsuhide sat and watched the shadows on the ground. The ponderous shapes of clouds. The frantic fluttering of leaves. He felt fevered. Sick. His skin too hot, clothes too rough. He hungered, but not for food. He thirsted for a liquor other than wine. Guilt lay on his shoulders but it did little too smother the flame in his chest.
I never should have touched her, he thought. For once tasted, he could only want more.
The crunch of footsteps, made him turn. Timid steps, halting. A new servant?
She stood awkwardly on the garden path.
“Why are you here?” Mitsuhide stood and closed the distance between them. He tried to believe the fire in his veins was wrath, though he knew better.
“You said . . . I should be your assistant?” Her head tilted so she could meet his gaze.
Mitsuhide swallowed, reining in the passions that threatened to engulf him. “I did. When I ask for you. But I haven’t asked.” He let a fingertip touch her chin. Her skin was a balm to his flesh. He traced the line of her jaw to her earlobe. He remembered the way she gasped when he bit it. Her breath hot on his cheek.
“I -” She licked her lips. “I made a mistake.” A tremor went through her as he drew a line lightly down her throat.
“Little mouse.”
She started to turn away, pulling back. “I shouldn’t have come. This was stupid. Stupid.”
“Stop.” He grabbed her wrist. He didn’t need to pull.
Her body folded against his, fitting as if she belonged there. Her fingers curled in his hair as she pulled his face down to hers. Kissing him.
Something bright and as golden as his eyes shot through Mitsuhide as her arms held him close. “I knew you couldn’t stay away.”
“I should,” she said, her voice rough and low.
“But you won’t.” Mitsuhide lifted her, felt the way her weight rested against his chest and hips. He wanted her now. Here, in his garden, here beside the bed of blossoming bellflowers.
Her legs hooked around his waist, heels digging into his back. She let out a shivered breath. “Don’t tell Hideyoshi. Please.”
“I won’t tell, unless you do.” His smile was bittersweet as he pressed her back against the garden wall. Into the shadows of the trees, where only dappled light could reveal them. Pain and pleasure in equal measure, he thought, as he untied her obi and bared her skin for his lips and teeth and tongue. It was more than a man like him deserved.
In the light, she would belong to Hideyoshi. But here, in the dark and quiet spaces, he would give her all. His flesh. His heart. His soul. And he would take whatever love she could give him, bloodstained and damned bastard that he was.
#ikemen sengoku#ikesen mitsuhide#angst#ikesen smut#fanfiction#fanfic#otome#otome guys#mitsuhide akechi
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Hen Party - Mitsuhide Akechi x Reader (Ikemen Sengoku)
A/N: This is part of the Summer of Smut 3.0 Content Creation Challenge hosted by @voltage-vixen and @xxsycamore. I also want to congratulate my very dear friend @redheadkittys on her recent engagement - I hope you enjoy this early wedding gift with your favorite suitor.
Pairing: Mitsuhide Akechi x Reader
Prompt: Summertime strip tease
Warnings: NSFW; Minors - DNI
“Please tell me that you do not plan on denying your husband tonight.” His lips were against your ear, his breath fire against your skin, as he pulled your back tight against his chest.
“That’s soon-to-be husband,” you corrected with a smile, twisting in his arms to face him.
“Nevertheless...” He traced the outline of your lips with the tip of his finger causing you to slightly shudder in his arms. “You’ll be away from me this weekend with your friends at your party.” His gaze flicked to your long, slender neck. “I need to be certain that others are aware you are...” He dipped his head to your neck, dragging his teeth across your skin. “Taken.”
Mitsuhide hooked a finger under the sheer fabric of your nightgown, and as he began to slide the silky material over your shoulder, an idea began to brew in your brain. Lifting his hand, you took a step back, away from him, as his face fell with disappointment.
“Still denying your husband, I see,” he frowned.
Your eyes sparkled with mischief as you gazed into his golden eyes. Taking a seat on the edge of your shared futon, you tugged at the fabric of your nightgown, allowing the silk to slip off your shoulder.
“No more denying my husband.” With a flick of your wrist, you shrugged your other shoulder free of the material covering it. Your nightgown now pooled in your lap, you watched Mitsuhide’s gaze fall to your chest, where your breasts were bared for him to admire.
Your hand casually fell to your thigh, your fingers dragging the material up your leg, revealing smooth skin just begging to be touched, licked and kissed. “My neck’s not the only place you can leave your marks.”
His eyes narrowed, partly in disbelief, as if he was waiting for you to remove the candy dangling before his face. But when you didn’t move from the bed, he pounced.
He climbed atop you; his body cool against yours. “Little mouse,” he whispered, his lips dangerously close to yours as his hand massaged your breast. “This is a tempting offer.” He brought his mouth to the soft curve of your neck, savoring your scent before his tongue tasted your sweet skin. “And not one your husband can refuse.”
Mitsuhide took his time exploring your body, leaving a constellation of marks across your skin as your body writhed under his ministrations, moans of pleasure slipping from your lips. Your neck, your shoulders, your breasts, your thighs all were covered with bright pink blooms, signs of affection from your lover.
“Are you satisfied now?” you asked breathlessly as Mitsuhide gazed approvingly at your body.
“Just one more,” he whispered as he brought your wrist to his lips. His tongue tickled your skin before he dragged his teeth across your sensitive pulse point. You sighed happily as he left biting kisses sure to leave a mark. He placed a sweet kiss when he was done, soothing your delicate skin.
You traced the fresh mark with your fingertip, a soft smile spreading on your lips. You were proud to wear these marks. Marks that showed the love Mitsuhide had for you; marks that showed you belonged to him. That weekend, he might not physically be there with you, but he was there with you in your heart and soul and body. Always.
Tagging: @violettduchess @alixennial @redheadkittys @rhodolitesrose @atelieredux @lordsisterxotome @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @lucyw260
#summer of smut#summer of smut writing challenge#ikemen series#ikemen sengoku#ikesen#mitsuhide akechi#ikesen mitsuhide#ikemen mitsuhide#ikemen fanfic#ikesen fanfic#otome#otome games
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Emotional damage
Kicho : Would you guys be there for me if I was going through something? Nobunaga : Nope, absolutely not. Ieyasu : I hope it sucks, whatever you're going through. Masamune : I hope it emotionally scars you for the rest of your life. Hideyoshi : I hope you reach out to me so I can ignore you. Mitsuhide : I can't wait to go to your funeral, knowing I could've changed that outcome.
#ikemen sengoku#ikesen#ikemen sengoku hideyoshi smut#ikemen sengoku nobunaga#ikemen sengoku kicho#ikemen sengoku masamune#ikemen sengoku mitsuhide#ikemen sengoku Ieyasu#ikemen sengoku x reader#iksen x reader#cybrid#otome#emotional damage
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