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quarterlifekitty · 1 month ago
Sliding into your dms because your pretending to be a man idea got into my brain and won't leave me alone. We'll have to suffer together okay.
Imagine you're a daughter of some lowly destitute baron, he died and now all you have is a house and your brother, Alex. You have to sell the house because your father had debt that hasn't been settled. Luckily, you'll still have money left from the sale. Unluckily, the money is not much. You can either use it to send Alex to the royal academy or you can use it as your marriage dowry, of which your prospect isn't great anyway since you're poor and barely even a noble. Alex wants you to use the money, he's long been disillusioned with the king (Shepherd) and he wants to go help the neighbouring kingdom fight off their invader. He'll sleep easier knowing you have a roof over your head. Still, the thought of being married to some strange old men makes you want to throw up. You think you'd rather die. But you also don't want to stop Alex from pursuing his dream. So you and Alex came up with the idea that will satisfy you both: you will take his place in the royal academy and he can leave in peace, knowing you'll be safer in the academy than alone without a house in the countryside. He'll tell people that he's sent you to live with some distant relatives somewhere.
Years pass and you thrive in the academy. You graduate and despite having no connections or wealth, your capability lands you a job inside the palace. It's nothing fancy, and likely you won't go very far working under a neglected concubine, but she's very nice and funny. The salary is also good enough that you think if you keep working for a few years you can buy a small house and retire back to the countryside. Maybe you'll even stay longer just to accompany your mistress.
All in all, life is nice and uneventful. The great nobles and the king might be fighting, but you and your mistress are so far down the political ladder it barely affects you. Or so you thought and so it should have been, if not for your mistress starting a genuine love affair with Marchioness Laswell.
Your mistress' affection for you causes Laswell to pay attention to you. And unfortunately for you, she's seen the real Alex before. She knows you're a fraud. You think you're done for, but Laswell says she understands why you do it. She says she won't let the public learn your secret.
And she doesn't, because Duke Price isn't the public. He's just a Duke in desperate need of a wife. Someone to help him escape the disadvantageous match that will only put him under Shepherd's control once more. What a good luck he has to meet you, a noble who is unaffiliated with king, at this exact time. Surely you'll be willing to help him out? Being a duchess is certainly better than pretending to be a guy. It's definitely less risky, he says. Do you know that using someone else's identity can get you to jail? What if the king finds out and thinks you're plotting treason? Off with your pretty little head then. Surely being his duchess would be safer. He'll protect you. Take care of you. Spoil you, even. You and your good birthing hips and however many kids you two will have.
TLDR, you pretend to be a guy to escape marrying strange old men only to marry another (worse) strange old man
So first of all. I LOVE THIS. And now for my paltry additions….
I think that once Price found out about you, he became extremely fixated for a number of reasons. One? He’d met you before. He visited the academy as an alumni, occasionally donated to the institute, and would visit to check on the allocation of those funds.
And he remembers seeing you, swimming in your too-large uniform. Absolutely decimating your studies. In his observation of the academy, he’d unwittingly found himself following you around to your different lessons and seeing you sweep the floor with every other student. It was clear you were extremely bright, and he heard the whisperings about you.
A shame about your lowly birth. You might’ve made a fine tactician.
Price, as a rather meritocratic man, wanted to have you in his service as soon as you graduated. But as with many of the finest things in the kingdom, you were plucked up and handed off as something of a present to one of the king’s newer, shinier consorts.
So when Laswell starts her dalliance with that very consort, it sparks a memory in Price. And he asks after you. Which gets Laswell to commit you more to memory when she meets with you. And suddenly it’s quite obvious. She tells Price all about it, with amusement on her face, at one of their weekly meetings.
Suddenly there’s a little click in his brain. Like everything’s slotting into place. He was denied you once, in one way, and it won’t happen again. Now he can have you in all ways. With the forces at his disposal, and your brilliance in tactics and writing, he may well have the makings of some serious political sabotage. With him as your husband, you could soar in a way your class and gender never would’ve allowed. And at the end of it all? You’re quite pretty. A new dress and a circlet for that boyish cut of hair and you’d be bewitching. He was eager to see what those loose tunics had been hiding.
You can’t refuse his offer. Suddenly, Alex is called by letter to care for an ailing relative who has no other means of support. The same relative that had supposedly taken you in. And John quite selflessly takes you in following, and from a public perspective, it all went so naturally after that. What could be more heartwarming and dreamy? A generous noble taking in a common born girl in an act of charity, and the two falling in love, enough to defy the gaps in their stations and marry. It’s the kind of thing that only happens in fairy tales.
But despite all of John’s political aspirations, he knows it must appear as if nothing is amiss. That means doing what any noble would do with a young, pretty bride. It means spoiling you with all the finery he can… and it means making sure that you’re with child within the year.
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l1linya · 2 years ago
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Of course for those interested but cannot afford due to exchange rates and such, we can negotiate!
Every like and reblog helps!!!
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makorragal-312 · 10 months ago
I have a headcanon where once Buck is more settled into his bisexuality, he would definitely be the type to sport some sort of bi pride jewelry at work and just in general.
Bonus points if it's gifted to him by Eddie or Chris.
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not-krys · 2 months ago
Author Interview 2025
I saw @rjthirsty's post about doing an author interview and I have done another one of them back in 2020, but the questions are different from that old one so I wanted to do this one as well.
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Forewarning that I am going to be pulling from my older works on ao3 as well (and I have been writing for a long time, so there are going to be fandoms mentioned here that I don't write for anymore for various reasons but it does answer what question was being presented. Also, major spoilers for various series, including but not limited to Cybird's Ikemen Series (Ikevamp in particular, Vincent's route if you wanna get specific), Mystic Messenger (Jumin and Zen's routes in particular) and YuGiOh Arc V, in case that's something that needs warning for.
My ao3 and my writing masterlist for your perusing pleasure!
And tagging anyone that wants to do this as well!
How many works do you have on AO3?
93 as of this posting. Most written-for fandom is Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V with 24 fics written. Next most written-for fandom is IkeSen with 14 fics currently, followed by IkeVamp, which has 12.
Your top 5 stories by kudos/notes:
-By Kudos:
1. Manager Princess: 714 Haikyuu!!, Four oneshots combined into one document, all mostly fluff. It's a collection of xReader stories involving a fem!reader being the manager of Aoba Jousai's volleyball team. I think my favorites are the ones with Iwaizumi and Oikawa so I highly recommend those first. Iwaizumi's is a cute fest where reader goes grocery shopping for the team needs. Oikawa's talks about that time he was injured and how that affected and upset Reader-chan, who has a sort of crush on Oikawa but refuses to admit it. 2. Manager Princess: After Hours [Hajime Iwaizumi]: 264 Haikyuu!!. One Shot, baby's first attempts at smut. It's basically a continuation of the Manager Princess Series, but they're all adults now and Iwaizumi and Reader-chan are married now and trying to start a family. Fluff and Smut is the tag on ao3 and that's basically what this is, fluff and smut. Be gentle with reading it as it was one of my first forays into smut writing and I hadn't polished that aspect of my writing just yet. 3. It's Not Like I Would Say No, Kitten: 154 Ikemen Sengoku, Oneshot, Smut, Masamune x AFAB!Reader, vaginal fingering featured. Tis baby's second foray into smut writing. Looking back on it now, it's needs a little more editing than it got, but it was my first fic in the IkeSen fandom, so it does deserve a little treat for that honor. 4. Love At First Sight: 143 Mystic Messenger, Oneshot Fluff, Jumin x fem!Reader. A rewrite of the scene after Jumin kisses MC in his living room to get Sarah Choi to leave. A very calm fic that focuses on sensory details and some cute handholding as Jumin is kind of a mess at this point in canon and he just needs some loving support! 5. A Second Glance: 128 Ikemen Sengoku, four chapters currently, ongoing fic, Hideyoshi x AFAB!Reader, pregnancy fic, one of my more serious fics. In the wake of Nobunaga's death, the reader's life is still full of surprises. Where does she look when she feels she has nowhere else to turn after she loses the love of her life? Taking tidbits from history and putting it gently into the IkeSen universe, this story is about budding relationships after the loss of love and finding love again in a new place, along with some inheritance drama that Hideyoshi is forcing himself into because of Reader-chan carrying Nobunaga's heir. Content warnings for mentions and references to major character death, blood, violence, Mitsuhide flirting with Hideyoshi, and all that fun stuff.
-By Notes Here on tumblr
1. Rub My Belly: 163 Ikemen Sengoku, oneshot fluff, gift fic, Mitsuhide x AFAB Reader, pregnancy fic. Mitsuhide is late coming home one day and he makes up for his absence by being sweet on his pregnant wife. Very fluffy and sweet. 2. Family: 139 Ikemen Vampire, oneshot fluff, Arthur Conan Doyle x AFAB Reader, pregnancy fic. Arthur and Reader-chan check up on their baby by listening to their heart beating. Very fluffy and sweet. Originally for Scummy's Arthur Week back in 2021. 3. That Didn't Stop You Before: 89 Ikemen Sengoku, oneshot fluff, a companion piece to Rub My Belly, it features Mitsuhide and Reader-chan again, but from Kyubei's POV. Extreme family feels with this one, very sweet 4. A Second Glance Part 1: 85 Ikemen Sengoku, the first part of the Second Glance story. This is basically set up for the rest of the story, about how Nobunaga's death has affected everyone in Azuchi, especially Reader-chan. And with the realization that she's carrying his child, she goes into panic mode, trying to figure out what to do. Hideyoshi comforts her and calms her down. Mitsuhide confronts Hideyoshi later about his one-sided love for Reader-chan, but Hideyoshi doesn't want to push too much on her right now and just vows to protect her for Nobunaga's sake. Tis the beginning of everything. 5. Fine, I Give Up: 80 Ikemen Sengoku, oneshot, Mitsuhide x fem!Reader, cute fluff. Reader-chan had a bad day and is now giving Mitsuhide 'The Silent Treatment'. He proceeds to be melodramatic about being pointedly ignored by his favorite toy.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
If someone has a question about the fic, then I'll respond to the question, but usually no. A lot of comments I get are variants of 'I loved this!' and there aren't many more ways outside of saying thank you to respond to it. I love getting the 'I loved this!' comments and its variants, don't get me wrong, but again, there isn't a lot of ways for me to respond back to that doesn't get repetitive after a while and I do feel bad that I don't respond back to the lovely comments I receive more.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I'm more the type to try and give all my fics happy endings as that's what I want to read most of the time, so my angsty endings are few and far between. It's more likely that a fic of mine will start angsty that will get happier by the end. That being said, my angsty-est ending in recent memory is probably Fais de Beaux Rêves. It's a oneshot about Comte staying with an aged fem!Reader in her final moments. It has more of a bittersweet feel than anything truly angsty, I think, as it's more of a very, very tender moment as the circle of life takes its natural course. If we wanted to go full-on angsty, then we'd have to go further back to my YuGiOh Arc V Days, where there are two fics in particular that involve torture and murder (in a sense, tis still YuGiOh we're talking about, so death can be considered quaint compared to what else could happen to you). There was a story arc in the Arc V universe that had a warzone/survivalist storyline with three resistance members that I latched onto in the story's run, but one of the resistance members is kidnapped and held prisoner by their dimension's aggressors. One fic (Innocence) involved torture via forced feeding while the other (Prisoner Princess) involved straight up murder via tearing up a card, neither of which has a happy ending. Just the resistance member being tortured in different ways by a very Gilbert von Obsidian-esqe character (this one is more evil and delights in torturing our plucky resistance member Ruri in different ways).  But yeah, those two are probably the angsty-est I've finished a fic that I can remember.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Happy endings are my bread and butter! Being a fluff writer in general, the majority of the time, happy endings are a given. Which means I've written a lot of happy endings! But, I think the happiest ending for my fics is the ending of 'I've Waited For This'. The fic features Theo, by pure coincidence, finding Vincent again after he goes after MC after she falls through Comte's Time Door and back to the future. He reunites with Vincent and his little family, talking with MC (in this case, my OC Abby) about the life they've lived up until that point. The two brothers meet each other at the end of the fic, hugging each other for all its worth, reunited once again. Though it wasn't stated directly in the fic, it's also kind of like Theo finally seeing the fruits of his wish to Comte, that he wanted to give Vincent a better life than he had previously and now he's seeing it after so long of thinking he'd never see his broer again. It's cathartic to both the brothers and I think this is the happiest ending I've created thus far.
Do you write crossovers?
Not anymore. When I was young, I was the type to mash my favorite characters together like barbie dolls in one big messy sandbox and wrote out adventures from there. We called those Crack Fics back in my day. But I've outgrown that style of writing, wanting to settle more into established universes and play in those sandboxes rather than smashing my favorite ones together and seeing what happens as a result of that.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Probably have, but I don't remember what it was about specifically.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Not often, but I do write it once in a while. I'm the type to focus more on the emotions and story involved rather than the acts itself as, for me, it gets repetitive pretty quick. I'm more interested in the why, thus why there's usually a reason when I do a smut fic. Manager Princess: After Hours has the plot of wanting to start a family. Can't say No Kitten has Reader learning to be assertive and Masamune is down for most things so he was perfect for something like that in my mind. The Experiment is about curiosity and exploring things in a controlled environment for my OC Houki and IkeSen's Mitsunari. I have been branching out more when it comes to smut writing, like writing a few more Porn Without Plot kind of stories with Under the Sundress with Shingen and Happy Birthday, Vincent, so there's that.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've had it offered to me and in my fanfic policies on both ao3 and tumblr I say I'm okay with it, but I never heard anything else after that first comment.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
If RPing counts as co-writing, then yes! There's was the aforementioned Crack Fics that involved smashing characters together like barbies. I did that for a good portion of my high school days with a lovely individual on AOL Instant Messenger that I've since lost contact with, but I hope they're still doing well. After that, it was RP sandboxes on Livejournal and Dreamwidth, playing with different AUs and such, so that's what I'm calling my co-writing experience.
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
I don't write for specific ships (or at least I don't anymore). I guess I can say that I like xReader fics, if that counts? Since that's what I've written for the past couple of years in various fandoms? My OCs and their beaus? Do those count? Idk, man, I just live here.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
See, this is why I started the 100 Themes Challenge, so that I can make WIPs and post them regardless of their doneness state (save for, like, one line and not much else kinda WIPs). I'm throwing around ideas and putting them out in the world and if they turn into finished fics someday? Even better. They are all in eternal states of unfinished. If I pick them up again, I pick them up again. If I don't, at least I had a good run with the idea before it puttered into nothingness.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue! People always compliment my banters and back-and-forths between characters, so I'm considering that my biggest strength as a writer. Since my works are usually on the shorter side (usually under 5k unless multi-chaptered), I've gotten pretty good at being succinct with my details. This includes cutting down on 'to be' verbs in favor of actions, staying intentionally focused on one character's POV rather than jumping around to different characters in the scene, and writing summaries.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Finishing things. As I said above, I love doing the 100 Themes Challenge as it gets ideas flowing but it would be nice to complete more fics. Pacing could use some work too.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I'm a sucker for it. I've probably learned more French and Dutch than I'll ever need just because I wanted to sprinkle it into some of my ikevamp fics.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
I have been getting into Love and Deepspace lately, so the possibility of writing fic has been going up recently. No promises on it actually happening, but it is a possibility the further along and involved I get in the story.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Now you're asking me to pick my favorite child, lol. Well, since this interview started on listing my top five on ao3 and tumblr, I figure it's fitting to list my top five that I've written, but try to keep it to stuff that hasn't been linked yet in this post. So, with that in mind:
1. Reunion
Midnight Cinderella, Alyn x Custom MC, angst with a happy ending. Alyn is searching for Wysteria's lost princess after she disappears into the night, causing the Princess Elect system to collapse in on itself. After it seems that all hope is lost in finding the girl again, Alyn finds her by complete chance. I remember this one fondly as it was written around the time that Cybird was nailing MidCin's coffin shut when the events were stopped entirely, a sad sign of things to come. I had worked so hard on this, even having giggle fits when I had it ran through a text to speech program at the time so that I could catch errors in the writing, something that I hadn't done before at the time, but it helped out quite bit at the time. I focused more on getting details in the background and set dressings of the fic, it was my favorite baby for the longest time despite being for a very, very small fandom that has its canon meet its end not long after.
2. Smiles
Mystic Messenger, Zen x fem!Reader, very very very fluffy. Inspired by the phone call you get in Zen's route in Day 10 after leaving Rika's apartment for good. Reader-chan isn't in a good place mentally (understandable, given the events that made them leave Rika's apartment) and they wake up alone in Zen's apartment after a nightmare. Zen calls them to tell them he's briefly stepped out to grab some groceries and he comforts them over the phone. It's stupidly cute with Zen being a complete dork in love.
3. First Kicks
Ikemen Vampire, Vincent x Abby (OC), pregnancy fluff. It's not the first time I've written about Vincent and Abby's adventures in modern world, but I like this one in particular as it's more of exploration of what the two of them are like as a couple. They say sweet things to each other, Vincent's eases her anxieties and teases her about stealing his shirts to wear, she tries to be the mature one in the universe but gets flustered when he points out her childishness in stealing his last clean shirt, they get excited when their baby starts kicking, etc etc. Tis very cute, I like this one.
4. Ruri's Misadventures
Yu-Gi-Oh Arc V, Ruri & Yuuto & Shun, survivalist fic, unfinished. When I was looking into the answers to fics with happy and angsty endings, I came across the list for my old Arc V fics and was reminded of this one in particular. Basically, I wanted to create a fic that filled in the gaps that canon left out, basically the day-to-day of the resistance fighters of the Xyz Dimension. Canon was tragically short on the details about the resistance fighters (hell, Ruri didn't make a physical appearance until 3/4s into the series aside from being mentioned by name despite being the entire reason Shun and Yuuto came across dimensions, to try and find her and get her back home). With this fic in particular, I wanted to explore the events leading up to Ruri's eventual kidnapping, which included trying to find shelter and supplies in what was basically a desolate warzone. And I loved writing about the relationship between Ruri and her boys, about how they grew stronger together in spite of the circumstances. It is a little bit older and in WIP Hell like the majority of my long fics, but if you wanna look into a survivalist kinda story (or just liked Arc V in particular of the YGO series(s)), give it a look. Just be forewarned that it can get dark at times (illness, terror attacks, injuries, Yuuto gets a rather nasty surprise in the last chapter that has to do with corpses), this is not happy fic. It has its soft moments, but it's angsty overall, if that's your kinda thing.
5. Bittersweet
Obey Me, Lucifer x Miri (OC), angsty-flavored fluff and timey-wimey shenanigans. Written when Nightbringer was in its early days. Miri has been sent back to the past where the Demon Brothers don't know her yet and are still sore from their fall from the Celestial Realm. She goes to see Lucifer with some coffee and she gets homesick, missing the versions of the brothers she knew, of the Lucifer she once knew. Lucifer comforts her as best he can (she's still a stranger to him at this point), thinking that it's strange that this tiny creature seems so comfortable with him, even knowing how he likes his coffee. This one was my first full Obey Me with Miri and I think it's a neat little story about what you would do if you were flung into the past and met past versions of people you once knew but they don't know you currently and what you could do in that kind of situation. It was also a time before we really knew what Nightbringer was going to be about and it was a fun time to explore the possibilities.
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unvsannvs · 6 months ago
Sometimes there are quotes from tumblr posts that are just so deadpool that I have to wrack my brain to remember if he’s said it or not.
I think that’s one of my favourite things about his character.
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stargazeraldroth · 2 years ago
Me most of the time: Shiny hunting is a waste of time. They're just eye candy, nothing more.
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lapdogchase · 4 months ago
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months ago
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Hey now, Let her cook!
#dungeon meshi#chilchuck tims#senshi#laios touden#marcille donato#izutsumi#oyasumi punpun#<- In case you are wondering what the source for the little bird guy is.#Yeah that's right. I'm back to my extremely obscure crossover BS.#Punpun is one of those series that falls under the category of 'Good! but I cannot responsibly recommend this to anyone."#If Dungeon Meshi is like a friend asking you to go on a quick errand and you accidently go on a life changing roadtrip -#Punpun is your friend asking to go on a quick errand and they pull up to the vet and tell you your dog is being put down.#Then they explode into sludge. Melting your car. You hitchhike back but the person who picked you up is an axe murderer.#I could not finish it. My friends who did say it was good. But agree it was for the best I did not finish it.#Hey speaking of tone twists...We are one episode away from one of my favourite chapters being animated!#WHO'S READY FOR THE SENSHI BACKSTORY! WHO IS READY TO CRY!#ME! I AM! I spooked my flatmate with how energetic I was this morning. I'm vibrating with energy I was not designed to contain.#I should talk about today's episode here: It was very good. I love how they animated the familiars.#And!!! Anime only people now are in the loop on the Chilchuck lore. Part 1 of many. He still contains multitudes.#They all do to be honest! If this episode told us anything it was that we still don't know these characters as well as we think!#See you guys next week. I'll be inconsolable.
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pangur-and-grim · 7 months ago
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Belphie looks so handsome today
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mikufanclub · 11 months ago
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nat-20s · 1 year ago
Ten and Donna end up on a fucked up deadly space newlyweds show despite uh. Not being newlyweds but they get almost all the questions right. They start to sweat when the final question is "what's one secret desire you have involving the other?" And Donna writes "sometimes I wish I could occasionally shrink down the doctor real small so I could carry him around in my pocket and make sure he doesn't get lost' while Ten writes "sometimes I wish I was small enough that Donna could carry me around in like a cat backpack or maybe a shirt pocket" and they look at each other like AYYYYYY because not only are they deeply drift compatible they're also fuckin weird about it 💖
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astearisms · 1 year ago
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catalysts, protectors
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hamletthedane · 5 months ago
You know what time it is….
* Regardless of whether you like your actual workplace or specific current practice (e.g. if you hold a nursing degree, you work as a nurse even if it’s in an area of medicine or a clinic that you don’t like)
Survey questions adapted from survey issued by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
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smallmothwindchimes · 2 months ago
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Bruh I spent more time on the suitors' dead bodies than on Odysseus and Telemachus. But like, have this picture of "I Can't Help But Wonder", and also this took 16 hours, please appreciate it.
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fascinationstreetmp3 · 4 months ago
making that last gifset made me notice something
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his wiggles
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