#ikesen mitsuhide fic
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writingwhimsey · 11 months
Congrats on your milestone!!!! 🥹🎊🎉 May I request a crack fic with Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi (or your warlords of choice) Body Swap or Roommates? 😂Sorry Hideyoshi 😅🙏🏻
Sorry this one took so long, but well...oh this one was fun! Also... it MAY have gotten a little on the long side *cough* 3500 words *cough* I hope you enjoy! Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide body swap crack for the win!
A Wish Gone Awry
Hideyoshi glared at Mitsuhide as he held him against one of the castle walls. Mitsuhde, looked unaffected as always, giving Hideyoshi a teasing silver smile. “Oh, Hideyoshi I had no idea you felt so strongly about me.”
“One of these days you’re going to have to let me in.” Hideyoshi replied, still angry. “I will find out your secrets and if it’s anything I don’t like…”
The chatelaine sighed as she watched the exchange. “Can you two stop already?” She asked as she came up to them, putting a hand on each of them and trying to force them apart. “We’re all on the same side, so let’s just not try to hurt each other okay.”
Hideyoshi sighed as he released Mitsuhide. Mitsuhide just smiled as he brushed his robes back into place. “You really don’t need to worry about this.” Hideyoshi told her, patting her head in that brotherly way of his.
“Yes little mouse. One would think you’d be used to seeing us like this by now.” Mitsuhide replied, that cheshire smile on his face.
“Well, I don’t like seeing my friends fighting.” She replied, glaring at them both. “Unless this is some kinda weird foreplay for the two of you, I don’t wanna see it again.”
Hideyoshi blinked as he looked at her. “W-what…”
Mitsuhide practically doubled over laughing. “Oh, little mouse, you are so entertaining.” He told her. “I haven’t laughed like that…in a long time.”
She just glared at the two of them, doing her best impression of Hideyoshi’s scold face. “Just TRY to get along will you?!” She was then walking off in a huff.
Later that night, the chatelaine sat out on the veranda outside her room after a bath. Her mind kept wandering to Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide even as she looked up at the stars. As she gazed up, her eyes found a shooting star. Though it seemed childish, she closed her eyes and made a wish on that star.
“I wish Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide could understand each other and learn to get along better.” She whispered to herself. She did not know that her little wish would kick off events that would cause chaos the likes of which she had never dreamed could exist.
The next morning…
Hideyoshi woke and stretched early in the morning. He had been up late the previous night…having to stop Lord Nobunaga from eating too much konpeito…and then having to find another hiding place for it.
Hideyoshi sat up and let out a yawn before rubbing his eyes. He honestly felt even more tired than he thought he would. His neck ached in a way that suggested he had been looking over reports instead of making the castle rounds.
Slowly, his senses came to him and that was when the familiar scent of incense tickled his nose. It wasn’t the usual sandal wood and tobacco scent that filled his room. No this scent…it was the incense Mitsuhide burned.
Hideyoshi’s bleary eyes instantly came into focus the room around him suddenly sharp and clear. “This…this isn’t…this is Mitsuhide’s manor…how in the eight hells am I here?”
The door was sliding open then and Kyubei entered. “My lord, what are you doing in bed? This isn’t like you.”
Hideyoshi blinked. “What…what are you talking about?” He asked. “This…this is some kind of joke isn’t it?”
Kyubei sighed. “My lord, this is exactly why I am always telling you to take better care of yourself.”  He said. “I’ll have the maids get you breakfast together.” He was then leaving.
Hideyoshi was getting up and running over to the desk and picking up a hand mirror. He looked into it and found Mitsuhide’s face staring back at him. “That…that bastard! I don’t know what he did, but I know this was his doing somehow.”
Meanwhile MItsuhide…
Mitsuhide woke with what appeared to be a pounding headache. He was no stranger to discomfort, but it was usually an aching back or neck from sitting up all night looking over reports and sending out letters. This…this felt like stress.
It was then that Mitsuhide was hit with a familiar scent…sandalwood and tobacco. “My, my…” He murmured as his eyes opened. “How did I end up here?” It was surprising to him that as he spoke, he didn’t hear his own voice, but Hideyoshi’s.
“Curious.” He muttered before getting up and looking down at himself. His hands weren’t his own…the body wrapped in a green night robe and not the familiar lithe frame he was used to, but bulkier. He was then picking up a hand mirror when he was ready to test out the theory that had already been forming in his mind.
“Well, well what an interesting turn of events.” He mused as he looked at the reflection showing Hideyoshi’s face.
A maid was coming in then, carrying a tray. “I have your breakfast ready Lord Hideyoshi.” She said, bowing. “The princess is already here trying to get Lord Mitsunari to eat his breakfast. She said that was something she didn’t want you to have to worry about.”
Right…Hideyoshi’s motherhen nature. And our little seamstress trying to help everyone else. He thought to himself. “Yes, yes that is just like her. Thank you.” He said.
The maid seemed surprised by the manner in which Mitsuhide spoke to her, but bowed. “Well… if you need anything just let me know.” She replied before bowing and exiting.
“Oh right, Hideyoshi talks to his maids more.” Mitsuhide mused. “Oh well…of course this is an opportunity I cannot afford to waste.”
Hideyoshi, in Mitsuhide’s body was scouring the castle for that sly kitsune in a Hideyoshi suit. I have to find myself. He thought as he searched everywhere. He had gotten ready and headed out to his own manor as quickly as possible, but was told Lord Hideyoshi has already left for the day.
“Ugh, I have to find that bastard.” Hideyoshi muttered under his breath, still having a hard time believing that every time he spoke it was Mitsuhide’s voice he heard instead of his own.
“It’s been hours…and he;s not even TRYING.” Hideyoshi muttered as he continued to look through the castle for Mitsuhide.
Hideyoshi turned at the sound of the princess’s voice. “Oh….uh…”
She smiled at him. “I hear you’ve been looking for Hideyoshi. You aren’t going to provoke him again are you?” She asked.
“Of course not.” Hideyoshi answered, a frown on his face…er Mitsuhide’s face. Wait…that wasn’t a very Mitsuhide-like answer. He thought. He groaned internally. “I…I mean why ever would I do that?” Hideyoshi replied, doing his best to think like Mitsuhide.
The princess gave him a funny look. “Are you feeling okay, Mitsuhide?” She asked.
“Yes, perfectly fine.” Hideyoshi answered, still having a hard time answering to that name.
“You know, you both really do work too hard.” She said, a concerned look on her face. “I think you’re both a lot more alike than you realize…I just wish you two would get along.”
Hideyoshi felt guilty looking into her eyes. She really was so kind and caring…that’s why he wanted to look out for her. “Do you know where Mit…I mean Hideyoshi is?”
“Last I saw him he was headed into town.” She answered him, her eyes still holding concern.
“Did he mention where he was going?”
The princess shook her head. “No. He seemed to be in a rush though…the maids have said he’s not acting like himself.”
Hideyoshi nodded. Well of course not. Because I’m him and he’s me! He then let out a small sigh. “I wish I could help, but I must be off. I have to find him.” Then without thinking he lifted a hand to pat her head as he always did.
The princess looked up at him with wide eyes. “Mitsu…hide…?”
Hideyoshi let out an awkward cough…once again a not very Mitsuhide-like thing, but he couldn’t think about that right now…also he hated lying and deceit. “I just…thought you looked like…you were missing your big brother.” He said…yes that sounded like something Mitsuhide would say.
“Well…I am…but…it’s weird when you do it…” She replied, though something in her eyes said that the gesture still felt the same. Almost as if she could detect the truth.
“Well…I’ll see you later.” He said before quickly hurrying off. He didn’t want her to know. This wasn’t something that needed to get out.
Hideyoshi made his way into town guilt riddling him at how he left the princess looking…and to top it off he knew he was supposed to take her into town shopping later. That might have been one of the reasons she had looked so sad and concerned. He loved taking her shopping and spoiling her.
“I’ll just have to make it up to her another time.” He thought as he continued through the town. I have to think…where would Mistuhide go upon finding out he was in MY body?
Hideyoshi’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone crying. Hideyoshi, though he was in Mitsuhide’s body, couldn’t help himself from being himself. He made his way over to the sound of the crying and that was where he found several familiar faces…all women he considered friends in the town.
“Excuse me ladies, what seems to be the matter?” He asked.
The women looked up at him, surprise in their eyes. “Oh, Lord Mitsuhide…” Sodoko said. “We… pardon us…it’s nothing.”
“Have you ladies…seen Hideyoshi by any chance?” He asked, almost hesitantly.
“Oh that…ugh…yes we’ve seen him.” Another of the women answered, her voice sounding angry.
“Is…is he why you’re all so upset?”
Sodoko and the other women exchanged a look before she spoke up. “Yes…he was… he was being rather mean. Normally he is kind when refuting our offers…but he practically ignored us all. It’s just…it’s not like him.”
Hideyoshi groaned once again. I knew that damn kitsune would be ruining my reputation. “I’ll make sure to find him and straighten him out for you ladies.” Hdieyoshi said. “I am so sorry for what he has done.” He was then handing them all handkerchiefs he happened to carry before walking off.
The women were all staring after him in utter confusion.
As Hideyoshi continued to search for Mitsuhide, he kept running into various people he knew… and they ALL had an encounter with “Hideyoshi” and were all saying how out of character he was and describing insane antics that Hideyoshi would never do.
“It’s going to take me YEARS to undo the damage he has done in just a single day…assuming I can ever get back to my body.” Hideyoshi muttered as he made his way back to the castle after having learned someone had seen “Hideyoshi” heading back there.
Meanwhile Mitsuhide…
After causing some trouble in town, Mitsuhide in his Hideyoshi suit, headed back to the castle. When he walked into the halls, he happened to see the princess walking around, carrying some missives, she appeared to be delivering. Though she was lost in thought and not paying too much attention to her surroundings.
Oh little mouse…you have made this TOO EASY. He thought with a grin as he walked up behind her. “There you are.” He said, leaning down to speak directly into her ear.
The princess jumped and let out a shriek of surprise. She was then reaching back and slapping his chest almost on instinct. She blinked in surprise as Mitsuhide caught her hand. “H-Hideyoshi?” She asked. “I would…”
“Were you expecting someone else?” He asked, wearing a cheshire grin, somehow making that expression appear on Hideyoshi’s face as if it belonged there.
“I…I would have thought…that it would be Mitsuhide…” She replied, looking so confused.
Mitsuhide grinned. “But it is me.”
“Yeah…speaking of Mistuhide was looking for you earlier.” She replied. “He… he didn’t seem like himself.”
Mitsuhide had to school “his” expression, though amusement still danced in “his” eyes. Oh, I bet he is just frantic. “Yes, well he can continue to look for me for a while.” Mitsuhide replied, relishing this opportunity. “Why don’t you and I take a break together and go into town?”
The princess looked up at him. “I have some work to finish up first…and don’t you have a lot to do? I thought we were going to go shopping later when we were both finished with work?”
Ah, yes, Hideyoshi would make those plans. He thought. “Something has come up then, but I m free for a bit now. Come with me.” He said, reaching for her hand and beginning to gently tug her along.
“Hideyoshi…” She said, her voice sounding so confused.
Mitsuhide really couldn’t help himself now. He pulled the princess to a secluded hallway and was then backing her against the wall. “Don’t you want to spend some time with me?” He asked, lifting a hand to place fingers beneath her chin.
“I…Hideyoshi…what are you….” She replied, her eyes wide and heart pounding.
Mitsuhide really couldn’t stop himself. He knew he was supposed to be Hideyoshi…and Hideyoshi was still in denial of his true feelings for the Oda princess…Mitsuhide was however not under the same delusion. He regularly teased her like this, letting himself enjoy whatever he could from her. He knew Hideyoshi harbored the same feelings for her, but kept himself in denial… insisting she was just his “little sister.”
“What? I just want to take you out and spoil you.” Mitsuhide replied, beginning to stroke her chin.
Her breath seemed to catch…similar to how it did when he teased her like this in his own body. It seemed she had strong reactions to the both of them.
“Hideyoshi…” She was then reaching up and smacking his hand away. “What in the hell has gotten into you? You really aren’t acting like yourself at all.”
Before Mitsuhide could respond, Hideyoshi was approaching in his body. “There you are, you sneaky bastard!” Hideyoshi shouted. “And just WHAT are you doing to her?!”
Mitsuhide pulled away from the Princess, smiling nonchalantly. “Nothing to concern you.”
Hideyoshi glared at him before rushing up to him and grabbing him by the ear and dragging him off. He then looked back at the princess. “Sorry, but there’s something VERY important I have to discuss with him.”
The princess watched them both head off, utter confusion on her face. “It’s…it’s like they’ve switched personalities or something…” She muttered in a daze as she worked to slow her clamoring heart.
Hideyoshi dragged Mitsuhide to an empty room in the castle. “What in the eight hells have you done, Mitsuhide?!” He asked once they were alone.
Mitsuhide shrugged. “I was just making sure you were a bit more honest with your desires.”
Hideyoshi looked at him. “I mean what kind of twisted magic or trickery have you pulled off to have us switch bodies? And for what purpose? To utterly ruin me?!” 
“I have done nothing. I have no idea what caused this.” Mitsuhide answered. “I know everyone calls me a kitsune, but I really don’t have any magic. If I did YOU would for certain know now.”
Hideyoshi groaned. “The ONLY reason I am not punching you right now is because I don’t want my jaw to hurt later when I get back into my own body.”
Mitsuhide gave Hideyoshi an amused smile. “You may as well. I earned a few slaps from some of your lady friends in town earlier today.”
“Why you…”
Before Hideyoshi could finish his sentence, the pair were being interrupted by Masamune. “There you two are.” He said, a gleam in his eye. Though he did look a bit confused. From his perspective Mitsuhide was the one holding Hideyoshi against the wall and looking angry. “What is this?”
Hideyoshi instantly let go of Mitsuhide. “It’s nothing. What’s going on?”
“We’re having that banquet for the lass tonight.” Masamune answered. “Or did you two forget? If you still need a moment alone…”
“My, my…” Mitsuhide murmured. “To think we could ever forget something so important.”
“Of course we didn’t forget.” Hideyoshi replied.
“Well come on before she gets to the banquet hall and we aren’t able to surprise her.” Masamune replied.
“Of course.” Mitsuhide replied.
The trio walked out of the hall and towards the main hall. Hideyoshi muttered under his breath to Mitsuhide, “We’ll finish this later.”
They just had to make it through until they could get their bodies back…however long that took. Hideyoshi prayed it didn’t take long.
They arrived at the banquet hall, Hideyoshi almost taking his usual seat before Mitsuhide was pushing him towards the “correct” seat. The Princess soon arrived and a bright smile came to her face as she saw them all gathered. “What’s this for?” She asked.
“A show of appreciation for all of the hard work you have been doing.” Nobunaga answered.
“I made all of your favorites, lass.” Masamune said. “Be sure to dig in.”
The banquet began and soon everyone was digging in. Though it didn’t take long for everyone to notice that Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide were not acting like themselves. They were all surprised when “Mitsuhide” ate his food as a normal person would instead of all mixed into one bowl… ”Hideyoshi” was mixing everything in one bowl.
This…has no flavor? Hideyoshi questioned in his mind as he ate as Mitsuhide. He…he really CAN’T taste?!
Mitsuhide however grimaced as he ate as he normally did. Now that he was in Hideyoshi’s body… he could taste. Now I understand why Hideyoshi and Masamune are always getting on me… this is terrible.
It was at this moment the pair realized that they were being watched by everyone else, their eyes wide. That was when they remembered they were supposed to be the other and acting as the other one did. They quickly swapped trays without a word.
“What is going on?” Nobunaga asked, as he looked at the pair.
“You two haven’t been acting like yourselves at all all day.” Ieyasu added. 
“I heard from the girls in town that Hideyoshi was especially cruel…and Mitsuhide was being nice.” Masamune added.
“And when I’ve talked to you…you both have seemed more like each other than yourselves.” The princess added.
Hideyoshi let out an awkward cough. “Well…uhm you see…”
“It appears we have somehow…switched bodies.” Mitsuhide finally spoke up.
Hideyoshi glared at him. “And how do you expect anyone to believe that?!” He asked.
“They can tell something is wrong.” Mitsuhide replied. 
The others were looking at them, hard. While it didn’t seem plausible…the proof was undeniable. “I would say this was an elaborate scheme by our resident kitsune…” Masamune began.
“But Hideyoshi would never go along with something like this.” Nobunaga declared. “That must mean it is true.”
“But HOW?” Ieyasu asked.
It was then that the princess gasped. “Oh my! This…this might be all my fault.”
“Are you a sorceress little mouse?” Mitsuhide asked.
“No…at least not that I know of. But last night…after seeing you two fighting AGAIN…I…I made a wish on a shooting star that you two could understand each other better… I had no idea that it could lead to THIS! I am so sorry!”
Hideyoshi was patting her on the head. “It’s alright. I don’t blame you.”
“No, you clearly blamed me.” Mitsuhide replied, grinning.
“If it was truly your wish that caused this, then perhaps another wish can fix it.” Nobunaga suggested.
“That would be a logical strategy.” Mitsunari agreed.
“I can try…but I don’t know if that will work.” The Princess replied.
“She did wish for them to understand each other.” Masamune agreed. “You twi might not go back to normal until you DO have a better understanding of each other.”
Ieyasu let out a sigh. “This is all utterly ridiculous…and such a pain in the ass.”
“I’ll go and see if I can make another wish to undo it.” The Princess declared jumping up and running to the veranda.
Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi looked at each other. They could only hope that another wish would correct it. There was no telling if they would ever be able to truly understand each other.
After a few moments the princess returned. “I hope it works.” She said.
Mitsuhide was patting her on the back. “There there little mouse.”
“Why exactly did you make that wish in the first place?” Hideyoshi asked.
The princess sighed. “Because I care about you both and I am tired of always seeing you guys fighting.” She answered. “Especially when you both actually have a lot in common. You’re both so kind…”
“I am not all that kind, little mouse.” Mitsuhide corrected her.
“Not openly, but you are in your own way.” She replied. “Hideyoshi’s kindness is open and warm like the sun. Yours is always hidden behind a veil of deceit to seem like you are only serving yourself, but you really DO care about others.”
Masamune was grinning. “Seems like the lass understands you both even if you don’t.”
Both Mitsuhide and Hideyoshi were blushing and looking away at the Princess’s words. Whatever would come…they both wanted to protect her and would treasure her and her pure heart.
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kaizoku-musume · 7 months
Sitting Pretty
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Entry #10 in @xxsycamore’s Visions of Temptation kinktober event. Link to the fic on AO3.
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing: Mitsuhide x OC
Word count: 2.2k
Prompts: Somnophilia | Cockwarming
Tohru sketched out the floral pattern of the outfit she was designing, explaining her process aloud for Mitsuhide, who was watching over her shoulder as she sat in his lap. She was showing him the fashion of her time, dresses and rompers and crop tops and skirts-everything she could remember, one by one, in roughly two hour long sessions twice a month.
Right now, they were approaching hour one, which is where Tohru always started to get a bit antsy. Mitsuhide had an arm wrapped around her waist, keeping her pressed against him and unable to fidget, which both helped and hindered her. Tohru’s legs were splayed out around Mitsuhide’s as he sat before the low table, and all she wanted was to be able to close them and give herself some relief.
Mitsuhide noticed her flagging attention, because of course he did. “Is something drawing your attention away?” he chuckled, shifting the slightest bit. Tohru bit her lip around a low noise, legs clenching around his. “I wasn’t aware that you find these sessions less engaging than I do,” Mitsuhide adopted a fake pout to his tone before seamlessly switching to a teasing lilt, “What must I do to encourage you to focus?”
“Don’t you get tired of making the same joke every time?” Tohru complained, unable to keep the whine out of her voice.
“Perhaps if you did not have the same reaction every time, I would be less inclined to point it out,” Mitsuhide traced a nonsensical shape on her bare thigh, trailing tantalizingly close to her core. Tohru took a deep breath to stave off asking for relief. She knew from experience that she wasn’t going to get to come before the full two hours. “Good girl,” Mitsuhide praised, and it was embarrassing, the way she flushed with pride.
“Don’t use my praise kink against me,” she grumbled, resisting the urge to adjust herself.  God, she could feel the way she clenched around the cock buried in her at his words. There was no way for her to ever hide anything from him, was there? She shouldn’t have said anything, either, because now Mitsuhide was going to-
“How can I resist when you tighten up so deliciously around me?” Mitsuhide said smugly.
-do that. Grumbling to herself, Tohru bucked down and furiously scribbled out the rest of the design. When did she ever learn? The best course of action was for Tohru to undergo a personality change so she wasn’t an easy target for Mitsuhide, but unfortunately that was impossible. So basically, she had no defense against him, and was in for another hour of torment that she could do nothing about.
Which he started immediately by seemingly absent-mindedly stroking the wrist of her free hand with his thumb. Tohru twitched at the ticklish feeling. Mitsuhide was definitely aiming for her most sensitive spots, trailing his thumb all the way down the length of her forearm before slowly dragging it back up, following the path of her vein. When Mitsuhide asked about her technique for figuring out which pattern worked best with which style, Tohru had to answer on autopilot, too distracted by Mitsuhide’s movements.
And that was pretty much how things went for the next half hour: Mitsuhide would drag his fingers and nails across the areas of her skin that sent a jolt of pleasure straight to her center and ask questions that Tohru struggled to answer. It wasn;t until they were in the final half hour stretch that Mitsuhide kicked up his teasing.
Tohru didn’t have the capability to focus on how much time had passed, so she was always caught by surprise when Mitsuhide shifted gears. Today, he had been drawing swirls on her upper chest when he suddenly swept his hand down to palm her breast. Tohru’s drawing hand spasmed, a sharp line cutting through her sketch of a pair of boots.
“Oh dear,” Mitsuhide tutted, “what a shame. It was a wonderful rendition, and I enjoyed imagining you wearing them.” The arm Mitsuhide had around her waist was removed so he could sweep his fingertips up from her thigh to her foot. Tohru held still despite her newfound freedom. Prior knowledge made her aware that it was a test: if Tohru moved in order to seek her own pleasure, Mitsuhide would drag this out even longer. But if she let him do what he wanted and withstood this last stretch, Mitsuhide would reward her by fucking her at the end of the half hour.
Speaking of stretches, enduring this period was always the most difficult part; Mitsuhide’s cock was spearing her perfectly, her walls expanded to accommodate him, her opening forced wide around the base of his shaft. Tohru felt like a rubber band pulled taut, full of tension eager to release.
Mitsuhide kneaded the flesh of her breast, squeezing and releasing her tit like it was a stress ball, his fingernails digging into her skin, while his other hand lightly tickled her heel and arch. Tohru whimpered, her foot twitching in Mitsuhide’s grasp, but she managed not to grind against Mitsuhide’s cock. She had no idea how he managed to remain so calm and unmoving inside her-Tohru herself was in constant, if minimal, movement, tiny little shifts of her hips.
Mitsuhide circled her nipple and whispered right by her ear, “Have I rendered you incapable of speech so soon?”
“Please, touch me,” Tohru begged, knowing as she did so that if he acquiesced, it would just make it harder for her.
Mitsuhide laughed softly, kissing the shell of her ear. “What a bold request from my little mouse. How can I ever deny you.” He rubbed the pad of his thumb across her nipple until it hardened. When the bud had sufficiently stiffened, he took it between two fingers, squeezing and tugging in a maddening rhythm. Tohru moaned and leaned her head back on his shoulder, dropping her writing utensil, unable to force herself to draw.
Mitsuhide brought his other hand up the length of her leg, trailing along her inner thigh until it came to a rest at the edge of her mound, mere centimeters above her clit. “Do you think you can handle more?” he mused, his hand dipping down for just a second to tap at her clit. Tohru jolted, her body tensing at the sudden burst of sensation.
It would be an incredibly bad idea to ask for more. Tohru is so incredibly weak to pleasure, and Mitsuhide knew how to play her like a fiddle. Ten minutes hadn’t even passed. Yes, the smart thing to do would be to decline.
“I can do it,” Tohru said, like an idiot.
“My precious bell flower,” Mitsuhide cooed, “so eager to prove herself.” He obligingly drew his hand down to rub at her clit, matching pace with the fingers on her nipple. Tohru whined, fighting hard not to buck her hips into Mitsuhide’s touch. She arched her back, pressing her chest further into his grip in the hopes that focusing on her breast would get her to stop being so focused on the cock buried to the root inside her, filling her to the brim.
Yeah, fat chance.
Despite most likely being aware of her thought process, Mitsuhide humored her and added the scrape and dig of his nails to his ministrations. Every once in a while, he gave a particularly vicious twist and tug. “I do hope you haven’t bitten off more than you can chew,” he said.
All of that just made it worse. Tohru tightened around Mitsuhide, fighting the urge to squirm. This was a horrible moment to remember the last time he made her come from her nipples alone, especially because that seemed to be his goal this time. Her moans grew more and more high-pitched as she approached her peak until Mitsuhide gave one last harsh tug, pinching her nipple tight between his thumb and index finger as he repeated the motion on her clit and sent her tumbling over.
Stars bursting in her vision, Tohru had just enough presence of mind not to move her hips; instead, her upper torso writhed in Mitsuhide’s hold, hands coming to wrap around his wrist. Tohru panted heavily as she came down from her high, leaning against Mitsuhide for support.
Mitsuhide gently gripped her chin and angled her head so he could lean down and kiss her, soft and sweet, his tongue languidly exploring the cavern of her mouth. Tohru sighed, quickly getting caught up in the slow pace of Mitsuhide’s kiss, the way he lavished attention to every inch of her he could.
Which is why it was such a surprise when he traded the position of his hands: the one that had been playing with her left breast moved down to her clit, and the one slick with her juices went up to her other tit. At the touch of his fingers to her sensitive buds, Tohru whimpered into the kiss, overcome when it turned possessive. Mitsuhide nipped at her bottom lip, pressing his lips firmly against hers, tongue sliding against hers in a passionate fervor. 
Despite being a bit sensitive after her orgasm, Tohru easily lost herself in Mitsuhide’s attention. He was gentle with her clit, circling around it and randomly applying light, consistent pressure so as not to overwhelm her. He did not offer the same treatment to her breast. He played with her tit as roughly as he had the other one, though the wetness of his fingertips soothed the way a bit.
Tohru whined, two seconds away from begging Mitsuhide to just fuck her already. She could feel how embarrassingly wet she was, her slick pooling in Mitsuhide’s lap, her wet core soaking Mitsuhide’s cock. She near about sobbed when he collected some of her wetness dripping out the side of her slit, briefly prodding at where his cock stretched her out, to help his fingers slide smoothly across her clit, the slick sounds of him rubbing her just barely audible. The length of him impaled so deep in her felt like a hot brand, radiating scorching heat and hard as iron. Thank god he wasn’t nudging against her g-spot, but it was still agonizing, feeling her flesh constantly parted around him without the friction of movement.
Mitsuhide finally pulled back from kissing her to give her the opportunity to breathe and Tohru wasted no time in crying, “Mitsuhide, please, please, I need you!”
Mitsuhide, in a casual display of cruelty that Tohru had come to expect from him, simply brushed his nose against hers and said, “You’ll give me one more, won’t you? If you continue to be good for me, I might consider it.”
Tohru didn’t want to be good, she wanted to be fucked. One of her hands held onto his left wrist while the other came up to clutch at the back of his neck. She felt like she was fraying apart, and only her connection to Mitsuhide kept her solid and stable. All she could do was babble more pleas and hold on.
To her utter disappointment, Mitsuhide was taking his time this round, winding her up only to back off, slowing down his movements until her next orgasm was in the distance before starting the cycle all over again. Tohru shook with the effort not to roll her hips. She continued to beg and plead for mercy until tears fell from her eyes, but all Mitsuhide did was kiss her cheeks, licking up the salty tracks and offering empty, if sweet sounding platitudes.
Tohru had completely lost track of time, caught in the limbo of her never-ending pleasure. She silently urged time to pass faster, because her only relief would come at the end of the half hour mark. What felt like eons passed before Tohru noticed herself getting close again, only this time Mitsuhide kept stroking her, quickening his pace. “Yes, yes, please!” she shrieked, her limbs tightening in anticipation, stomach muscles contracting as her orgasm drew closer and closer. After a couple more firm, fast passes over her clit, Tohru came, her vision whitening and ears ringing from the intensity.
From far away, Tohru felt Mitsuhide gently work her through it before he moved onto soothing up and down her sides, avoiding driving her past the point of oversensitivity. Tohru rubbed her tear-stained cheeks and eyes as she came down, body twitching with aftershocks, her cunt sporadically squeezing around Mitsuhide’s cock.
“You did well,” Mitsuhide praised, “Even at the height of your orgasm, you managed to remain still.”
Did she really? There was a long moment where Tohru was completely unaware of what was going on, and it wouldn’t have surprised her if she had moved on instinct. It was possible Mitsuhide was lying to appease her. Either way, Torhru would take it-she had no more pride to lose. Two orgasms wasn’t going to stop her from getting what she wanted, not after enduring all that.
“Will you finally fuck me now?” she asked, feeling confident enough to wriggle her hips enticingly. If Mitsuhide changed his mind now, Tohru would just knock him to the ground and ride him.
Mitsuhide laughed and carefully arranged them so that he could lay Tohru down on the blanket spread out behind them, wrapping her legs around his waist as he settled above her. “My darling vixen, I will give you everything you desire,” Mitsuhide promised as he finally, finally moved.
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xxsycamore · 2 years
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featuring works written after July 1st, 2021. You can find my old (misc) masterlist here. Browse my Ikesen fics by tag here: 🏯 #ikemen-sengoku
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••• ━━━━━Oda Nobunaga
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: 💃- Pull them in for a dance when noone else is around
Because, I said So [smut] Tags: Semi-public sеx, Modern AU, Boss/Employee Relationship
Owning you completely [smut] Tags:Bathroom (Onsen) Sex; Slight exhibitionism; Slight scent marking kink; Vaginal sex
Valiance [angst and fluff] Tags: OC; Strong Female Character; Light Angst; Feelings Realization; Love Confessions; First Kiss; War Allies to Lovers
••• ━━━━━Date Masamune
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: 🥺 - Ask them how much they love you 
How The Dragon of Oshu Breeds His Wife [smut] Tags: Breeding; Impregnation; Ovulation; Crying; Gentle Sex; Cunnilingus; Oral Sex; Married Characters; Mentions of Pregnancy; Dirty Talk; Multiple Orgasms; Creampie
Wild like the color blue [smut] Tags: Modern AU, Public sex, Pool sex, Cunnilingus
••• ━━━━━Takeda Shingen
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: 💃- Pull them in for a dance when noone else is around
Captor and Captured [smut] Tags: Kidnapping; Vaginal Sex; Cunnilingus; Femdom; Power Play; Nipple Play; Woman on Top; Alternate Universe - Modern Setting ;Light Dom/sub
••• ━━━━━Toyotomi Hideyoshi
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: Give them: 😘- A kiss on the cheek
Affections at dawn [smut] Tags: Vanilla; Vaginal Sex; Riding; Creampie; Aftercare; Gentle Sex
••• ━━━━━Akechi Mitsuhide
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: Give them: 🌼- A symbolic small flower 💃- Pull them in for a dance when noone else is around 🥺 - Ask them how much they love you
Blizzard incoming [smut] Tags:  Modern AU; Not wearing underwear; Slight exhibitionism kink; Vaginal sex
••• ━━━━━Sanada Yukimura
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: 💃- Pull them in for a dance when noone else is around
••• ━━━━━Kanetsugu Naoe
Tea break [fluff & smut] Tags: This is 90% tooth-rotting fluff and 10% smut; Massage; Body Worship; Blow Jobs; Cock Worship; Established Relationship
••• ━━━━━Mai (MC)
ficlets from my 1000 followers celebration event: Give them: 🧵- A hand-made craft
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otomefoxystar · 2 months
Finding the Light - Chapter 12
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing Mistuhide X OC ( Evelyn)
TW: descriptions of being kidnapped
Everyone looked at Evelyn with worry, but they were all excited to see her nonetheless. She hugged each of them, but they were all gentle when they hugged her back. No one commented on her appearance, which was a nice reprieve. She was sure they were all questioning what happened and why she was so thin.
As soon as Nobunaga entered the room, everyone quieted down. “My lucky charm is back!” Nobunaga announced. She walked over to him, and he gathered her in his arms. “You’re too skinny. Has Mitsuhide been feeding you?” It was a nice reprieve until now. Of course, Nobunaga would say something. He always spoke his mind no matter who it would insult. “He’s been feeding me and taking really good care of me.”  Nobunaga’s eyebrows furrowed. “Why are you so nervous?” She cleared her throat. “It took a lot for me to come.” He looked her up and down, and she knew he wouldn’t let up. “You aren’t going to let me go until I tell you everything, are you?” A smile spread across his face. “Nope, so please do tell, why all the mystery? What’s going on with you?” 
Ieyasu cleared his throat. “Lord Nobunaga, maybe give her time to get settled.” Nobunaga chuckled. “She knows how I am. She should’ve expected that I would want answers.” Looking away from Ieyasu, she was met with crimson eyes surging with concern. “I can’t,” Nobunaga drew her into his strong arms. “You’re not sick; something happened, didn’t it?.” He squeezed her tighter. “I’ll tell you, just not here.” He pulled away and put his hand on her back.  “Okay” 
Nobunaga cleared his throat, and everyone’s attention turned to him. “Let’s start.” Evelyn sat in between Ieyasu and Masamune, and Ieyasu patted her head, then whispered in her ear, “You’re doing well.” She sighed, trying to relax. 
Nobunaga took his seat in facing them. “There’s a group of rebels terrorizing the townspeople. Masamune found where their camp is. We must go in there and persuade them to leave by any means necessary.” Nobunaga looked at Evelyn. “I think you should stay behind this time, Evelyn.” She gulped at the thought of being alone and clutched at the sleeves of her Kimono. Ieyasu grabbed her hand and squeezed tightly.
A knot formed in her stomach, making her feel sick.  “We’ll have dinner together, and in the morning, we’ll leave,” Nobunaga announced before he stood. Everyone stood along with him, and Nobunaga glanced over at Evelyn with a look of unease. “Mitsuhide, Hideyoshi, I need you two in the tenshu,” Nobunaga said as his eyes left her. Mitsuhide looked over to Evelyn and gave her a smile and a nod before he left her behind as he followed Nobunaga obediently along with Hideyoshi. Ieyasu turned to her. “Come get me if you need anything, okay?” She nodded, “I will,” and she exited the room with everyone else.
Evelyn reminisced about living there. She walked the gardens and chatted with Masamune and Mitsunari. The worry was written on their faces the whole time she was with them. Mitsunari had excused himself so he could start planning for their mission. Masamune wanted to make dessert for dinner; he invited her to bake with him, but she turned him down. She wanted to be alone; she didn’t want to see him look at her with worry.
She found herself in her room, and as she looked around, she remembered the night Mitsuhuide discovered something was wrong. He sat with her and wouldn’t leave until she ate. The very next day, he dragged her to his manor.
She was in such a low state, the trauma of what happened still so fresh. Images climbed into her mind, images she would rather forget. A large, warm hand covered her mouth. A firm chest pressed against her back as they held her arms behind her, making it impossible for her to escape. He dragged her behind the building into the alleyway. A moment later, she was blindfolded. Her heart rate quickened, and her chest felt tight. She had to distract herself and get out of that room. Tears trickled down her face as she walked the halls briskly to seek out Ieyasu and quickly wiped them away.
She found him in the infirmary sorting through his herbs. “Ieyasu.” He placed a jar down, looked toward her, and raised his eyebrows, noticing her puffy eyes. “Do you want to talk about it?” he asked. “Being here brings back the worst memories. I just need a distraction.”
Ieyasu grimaced at her explanation; he wished she didn’t have to suffer. “Come in; you can help me alphabetize these herbs. She nodded and took a jar off the shelf, then placed a different jar in its place. “I’m going to tell everyone tonight at dinner what happened to me.” She said as she worked.
Ieyasu moved another jar and looked over to her. “You don’t have to.” She was quiet for a moment before glancing at Ieyasu. “I need to. Nobunaga’s going to leave me here alone. I don’t know if I can handle that.” Ieyasu turned to face her. “And you’re hoping he’ll take pity on you and let you come?” Ieyasu narrowed his eyes, “Are you really afraid of being alone? Or are you afraid of being without Mitsuhide?” He asked curtly.
“Both?” She wasn’t entirely sure of the answer herself. Ieyasu sighed, “You’ll have to learn to be on your own eventually.” She knew that. She had been thinking that the moment Nobunaga told her she had to stay. “I know and don’t know how I will do that.” Ieyasu sighed, “You just do.” She glared at him. “You want me to be alone when I can’t even sleep through the night? When I can’t stop crying when unwanted thoughts enter my mind reminding me of what happened, of how pathetic I am?” Ieyasu saw the tears fill her eyes, took the jar out of her hand, and placed it back on the shelf. He pulled her into his arms. “I forget sometimes what happened to you. I’m sorry if I was hard on you.” She hugged him back, placing her hands on his back. The rest of the afternoon passed, with Evelyn helping Ieyasu sort his medical supplies. 
A dark curtain was cast over the sky, indicating night had fallen, and Ieyasu walked with Evelyn to the dining hall. Mitsuhide walked in just as she was sitting down. He smiled and sat beside her. She saw how tired he looked and looked at Hideyoshi, who looked just as exhausted. Nobunaga must’ve been going hard on them both.
After their meal and as the alcohol flowed, Nobunaga motioned to her, “Fireball, come here.” Nobunaga said. She walked up to Nobunaga and sat next to him. “My lucky charm” He drapped his arm over her shoulders. He looked at her. “You have this sad aura around you. I haven’t even seen you smile.” She looked down. “I smile…Sometimes.” Masamune looked over to her. “Lass, you smile about everything; you had such a drive for life. Now, you just seem miserable. What has Mitsuhide done to you?” He hoped his little joke would make her smile. Instead, she glanced towards Mitsuhide, who was teasing Hideyoshi and Ieyasu, rolled his eyes at their antics. She looked back to Masamune, “He hasn’t done anything, I’m more concerned about what I’ve done to him.” Masamune grimaced. “That’s not what I meant.” She sighed. “I know Masamune, and I appreciate you trying.”
She couldn’t stand how they were all looking at her. She was going to tell them tonight anyway. No time was better than now. “I’ll tell you all what happened.” Nobunaga moved his arm to wrap his hand around hers. He knew she was nervous; somehow, Nobunaga always picked up on these things. 
Their attention was on her, and it was so silent that the leaves blowing in the wind were heard. “I went shopping one evening, I’ve done it thousands of times, and nothing was different. Everything was fine until it wasn’t. My mouth was covered, and I was dragged towards an alley where I was blindfolded. Then I was carried to some sort of room or building I don’t really know.
” Tears formed in her eyes as she saw all their expressions. She took a deep breath, steeling herself. “My wrists were tied, and I couldn’t break free; I was blindfolded the whole time. Then they, I only know it was multiple men because of their voices. They…” Tears escaped her eyes, cascading down her cheeks. She wiped them away, and Nobunaga squeezed her hand. “They attacked me multiple times.” She wasn’t going to tell them how she was attacked, but she knew they all knew, but they all remained silent, even with the horror written on each of their faces. Even Mitsuhide and Ieyasu looked pained. Then she realized she had never told Mitsuhide how it happened and hadn’t told Ieyasu anything. 
She told Mitsuhide more personal details but never told him this part of the story. “They kept me till the morning; as they let me go, they told me, ‘Go back to your masters like the broken dog you are.’” The tears ran freely now, uncontrollable. Nobunaga shifted and took her in his arms, cocooning her safely into his chest as he rubbed her back soothingly. She cried, and everyone looked at them, stunned. Hideyoshi gave Mitsuhide a concerned look. Mitsuhide closed his eyes and nodded, showing Hideyoshi he knew what happened to her.
Finally, her tears dried, and she lifted her head from Nobunaga’s chest. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to. “He shook his head. “No, don’t apologize, cry if you need to cry. No one’s judging you.”  She wiped all her tears away and nodded as she pressed her lips together. “I’m going to go to take a bath and get some sleep.” Nobunaga nodded, “Sleep well,” She mustered a small smile. “I’ll try.” As soon as she left the room, Nobunaga adjusted his Kimono and ran his fingers through his hair.
Nobunaga turned to Mitsuhide, “How was she when all this first happened? You’ve been alone with her for months.” He sighed, “I’ll admit it was touch and go there for a while. I had to move her into my room because I didn’t trust that she wouldn’t hurt herself. She would hardly eat; it’s just been in the last month or so that she’s been eating a healthy amount. She’s finally putting on some weight. The nightmares haven’t stopped. She wakes up screaming. She’s made a lot of progress, though I’m teaching her self-defense. She’s shown interest in sewing again.” Nobunaga nodded. Not all is lost. It comes in small strides.
“This was not only an attack on her. This was an attack on us; they used her to get to us.” Nobunaga said, and Mitsunari cleared his throat. “If I may?” Nobunaga motioned for him to continue. “Do you think that perhaps the rebels did this to her?” Nobunaga gave him a hard nod. “I was thinking the same thing. We need to strike them down.”
Hideyoshi sighed. “I couldn’t agree more, but how will we know who did it? She heard their voices. Only she will know who did it.” Nobunaga raised an eyebrow, “Fair point, but can she handle it?” Mitsuhide cleared his throat. “She’s stronger than you think; she can handle it. It’ll be hard, but she can handle it.” Nobunaga took a drink of his sake. “Good. Then she comes. I’ll tell her in the morning.” Mitsuhide stood up. “I’ll tell her I was going to see her anyways; somebody needs to be there when she wakes up from her nightmares.” Masamune had his arms crossed, and he looked up at Mitsuhide. “You got your hands full with that lass, don’t you? Good luck.”  
“Are you taking care of yourself too, Mitsuhide?” Hideyoshi asked with concern. Mitsuhide smiled. “Of course, I couldn’t very well take care of her if I wasn’t at my best.” He stood up and sauntered off to her room. 
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not-krys · 2 years
The Traveling Adventures of Mister Fox and Miss Mouse
Few days ago, I was playing a FMK style ask game with @lorei-writes. One of the choices was who I would take a six hour train journey with. And, after I had given the other two choices some thought, Mitsuhide got the train ride choice. After that, the image of traveling in the old American West with him sparked in my mind.
And I tried my best to steer myself away from thinking too much about that concept bc time and energy levels wouldn't allow to make something completely coherent and complex.
And yet here we are, still thinking about an Old West traveling story with Mitsuhide.
Might as well see where this thought leads us.
Warnings: raw, unedited writing. Haven't done a whole lot of research into the old American West so details are bound to be incorrect. Reader will be referred to with she/her pronouns and other feminine aligning terms (Miss, missy, etc).
My Masterlist!
No one has ever said that the life of a detective was ever a glamorous one, especially when a man needed to put food in his belly and a roof over his head. Mitsuhide Akechi was also no stranger to the odd job he didn't care for but needed the cash it provided.
This current job, well, it may have just taken an interesting detour.
Back east, a sleazy gentleman had come to him to find and return his runaway bride, an oil heiress whose family he managed to swindle her out of. He knew this type and, quite frankly, didn't want to take the job because of it, but with the threat of bankruptcy of his business over his head, he had no other choice.
Instead, he took the job of recovering this runaway heiress, finding her trail laughably easy to trace. A common trend of runaway brides had started when the government started offering handouts to whoever wanted to move out west to desert and mountain country, hoping to settle it more with American citizens. Women were especially needed as schoolteachers, so it was his first thought of where he could find his runaway heiress.
Luckily (or unluckily), his hunches were rarely wrong.
He soon found himself on a train bound westward, sitting a few booths down from a young woman with a deep purple bustle dress, her white collar high on her neck and her hat decorated with sprigs of lavender. She matched the description the sleazy gentleman had given him so perfectly, it almost tore his blackened heart that he had found the girl so quickly.
But, he didn't have the time or luxury of moral dilemmas when money was on the line.
He then saw the young woman being boxed in by two other gentlemen, likely either hired by the same sleazy gentleman that had hired him or opportunists seeing a woman alone and sought to take advantage of her. Either way, he wasn't about to have his quarry taken from under his nose, especially not by amateurs.
"Please," he heard her meek voice, trying to be brave in spite of her terror, "m-my husband will be back soon, so please leave."
A perfect opportunity, Mitsuhide thought, as he grabbed the untouched dinner from his table and walked towards them.
"I don't see no diamond ring there, missy," the scoundrel smirked, "you best not be lying to me about no husband-"
"Sorry I'm late, dear." Mitsuhide said, sliding the plate of food in front of her. "The cook was busy with all the orders, and I'm afraid the waiter said they just ran out of your favorite chardonnay."
The girl turned to him, her face still nervous, but glad that someone was helping her.
Her companions, however, were not as pleased.
"Who are you?"
"Why, I'm this wonderful woman's husband." He said cordially. "The meat hadn't been cooked to the way the lady liked it, so I went to get her a fresh one."
His voice dropped lower in the next beat.
"Now, may I ask what business you gentlemen have with my darling wife?"
His hand moved subtly to his belt, brushing back his white overcoat slightly to reveal the holster and pistol at his side. The holster, decorated with stitched bellflowers, gave a not so subtle hint of who he actually was.
The boys paled.
"J-just saying hello, sir."
"Y-yeah, just saying hi, sir. N-not looking for trouble or anything."
"Good," said Mitsuhide with a smirk, "I hope you enjoy the rest of the trip, gentlemen."
The boys moved away from the lady's booth, grumbling but knew when they had been beat. You sigh with relief.
"Thank you, for stepping in."
"No trouble at all, Miss Mouse." he tipped his hat. "They shouldn't be giving you any more problems."
"…'Miss Mouse?'"
"Sorry, just came to mind when I saw you trembling."
You turned your face away, cheeks turning a light pink.
"Is it really that obvious, how nervous I am?"
"A woman travelling alone rightfully has every reason to be fearful." He took the opportunity sit in the seat across from you, giving a small push to his plate of food towards you.
"But, that's your-"
"I lost my sense of taste years ago, Miss Mouse. Complex flavors that are in likely there are wasted on me."
"Still, you need to eat too, Mister…?"
He paused, weighing his options of using his real name or coming up with a fake one on the spot. You would likely figure it out once he seized the opportunity to take you back east regardless, but, luckily (or unluckily), you just giggled and finished your own sentence.
"Mr. Fox."
"Mr. Fox?"
"Yes, if you insist on calling me Miss Mouse, I feel you should be able to take your own medicine, correct?"
Mitsuhide chuckled.
"Very well. Miss Mouse, may I introduce myself as Mr. Fox, a westward-bound traveler seeking opportunity in the wide, wild world?"
You giggled again.
"You introduce yourself well, Mr. Fox. I'm an up and coming teacher moving to the West. The Oda company is hiring in California and with my grant, I'll be ready to start my new life soon!"
A bullet couldn't have hit his heart harder. She was giving him the usual excuse for why runaway brides run from bad marriages these days. His hunch was, unfortunately, becoming more and more correct.
"A teacher? That sounds exciting. All the way out here for a teaching job."
"Y-yes." You turned your face away, looking at the passing scenery. "The Oda company pays well. They're even giving me housing and everything."
"Sounds like you're all set for life, Miss Mouse."
"Yes, yes, I am." Your voice trails off, still paying more attention to the passing scenery.
Mitsuhide turns to look out the window as well, seeing the grassy greenery and pale blue skies passing at a leisurely speed.
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etheralblossom · 2 years
Here's a story idea I'll probably never write but think about often. And I'd love if this inspires anybody
It's a hideyoshi x mc x mitsuhide "love triangle" we have:
Mitsuhide who's long since realized he loves hideyoshi but has resigned to himself as something that will not and cannot happen. Then he has to come that resignation once again with mc. Once again he's found himself drawn to someone so bright and good; everything he is not. But it's fine. As long as the two lights of his life can continue shining he'll be happy. He is to forever be their shadow, how could he ever ask for more?
Hideyoshi who also loves mc for how bright she is. How resilient she is in sticking to her ideals. How she treats life—his life. But he can't be with her. Not with his uncertain future. Besides, he sees the positive influence she has on mitsuhide. She did what he never could, getting him to open up. It's strange. What is this jealousy he's feeling, and towards whom? Doesn't matter. He won't put a name to it, he can't. Instead he'll gladly watch over them and their happiness.
Then there's mc. She loves the support and stability hideyoshi provides. She can't help but want to give him the care he gives to others. She loves mitsuhide for giving her the tools to stand on her own two feet. She loves his hidden kindness, so much so that she's determined to figure him out. How desperately she wishes to remain with the two of them. But she can't, she doesn't belong in this time period. Before she goes she'll help them. There's something there, something unspoken and unbreakable. If only they could finally see eye-to-eye. If she can be that missing piece then she can leave with no regrets. She'll be happy knowing they can finally have a chance at happiness.
It also features:
Mitsuhide making a comparing mc to hideyoshi comment. He does it in both their routes. You know, to mcs he canonically falls in love with. Is there something you want to say mitsuhide?
Mitsuhide jail scene. This also happens in both their routes, clearly it is essential. Have you seen them? There's some major ot3 vibes going on there. If there's any moment where they realize they all have feelings for each other it's going to be here
Ultimate wingman nobunaga. The captain of this ship. He catches on almost immediately that there's something going on between the three of them. He gets both his hands not carelessly throwing their lives away all for the low, low price of getting caught up in something immensely amusing. Win, win! "I see you've taken my hands for your own, mc. Is it my position you seek next?"
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bearsace · 2 years
they always tell you that shingen/nobunaga/mitsuhide/whoever will bias-wreck you but nobody warns you about ieyasu
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the12thnightproject · 2 years
The Kitsune Detective (a.k.a. A Dramatic Pawse, part 3)
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Requested by: @bestbryn
Characters: Mitsuhide, Masamune, Keiji, Mitsunari, with appearances from Ieyasu and Mai
Prompts: This is why we can't have nice things." and "Accidental Confession"
Word count: 2100
Part 1: A Dramatic Pawse - here
Part 2: The Silence of the Maids - here
“Lord Mitsuhide?” It was half a greeting and half a question.
Mitsuhide looked up from Kyubei’s reconnaissance report to see Mitsunari standing in front of him. He’d heard the younger man come in of course, but with Mitsunari, there was always the possibility that he’d walked into the wrong building, and upon realizing it, would turn around and walk out again. And, given the way Mitsunari had greeted him, he supposed there was also the possibility (albeit a faint one) that Mitsunari had forgotten who he was. “Dear me, there must have been some kurfluffle for you to come to me this early in the day. Whatever can it be?”
“It’s Lord Hideyoshi. I… believe he is unwell.” Mitsunari looked down at the floor for a moment, as if trying to choose his words carefully. “I wonder if he was injured yesterday when Shogetsu knocked him over.”
“As I happened to have been a witness to the incident, I can say without a doubt that he was not injured.” Embarrassed, certainly. Angry, probably. But not physically injured. The whole situation had been highly amusing, and Mitsuhide planned to tease Hideyoshi whenever Nobunaga’s right-hand man got too overbearing (otherwise known as, ‘daily’).  “What makes you believe he is ill?”
If Hideyoshi truly was ill, then of course Mitsuhide would do whatever he could to make the man’s life easier. If he needed a healer, Mitsuhide would locate the most skilled practitioner. If he needed rest, Mitsuhide would tie him to his futon.
Hopefully, Hideyoshi merely needed rest.
“It started with the vase. The one that the maids found in pieces the other day. Lord Hideyoshi sighed, and said, ‘this is why we can’t have nice things,’ and when he found out that no one admitted to breaking it, he simply, well, drooped.’” Mitsunari looked like he was attempting to act out Hideyoshi’s drooping posture… which… the less said about, the better (see illustration below). “This morning he didn’t appear to be listening to my reports. He was staring… into the air.”
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Hm. Perhaps if he could discover who broke the vase, and convince them to confess directly to Hideyoshi, that would make the difference. Besides, convincing someone to confess to the crime might be a fun way to spend the morning. With the exception of the tiger incident yesterday, things had been rather dull of late.
And with this, “The Case of the Shattered Vase” was opened…
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Evidence File #1: The Medic
“Stop right there! Do not let that man into this room.” Arms splayed outward, Ieyasu attempted to prevent Mitsuhide and Mitsunari from entering his workroom. “What do you want anyway?”
“Such virulence. I’ve come on a fact-finding mission.” Truth be told, Mitsuhide would have found it easier to investigate on his own, but Mitsunari had been eager to help. Mitsuhide had assigned him the task of taking notes, which, actually would help, as it freed him up to observe each suspect’s behavior.
“You want facts? I’ll give you facts. That idiot,” Ieyasu pointed to Mitsunari, “set himself on fire last time he was in this room.”
Mitsunari looked up from his note taking and flashed a brilliant smile at Ieyasu. “Thank you for putting out the fire Lord Ieyasu. It was kind of you to prevent me from suffering injury.”
“While that is certainly edifying,” and in no way a surprise, “that is not the sort of information I seek. You wouldn’t happen to have any knowledge about a broken vase, would you?” Mitsuhide fixed his keen gaze on Ieyasu, alert to any physical cues of a guilty conscience.
“Hmph. Ask Masamune. I spent half of yesterday afternoon digging a shard of pottery out of the tiger’s paw.” With that, Ieyasu turned his back on both of them, in a curt and firm dismissal.
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Evidence File #2: The One-Eyed Dragon and the Limping Tiger
‘The Mitsu’s’ met with a much friendlier reception at Masamune’s manor, where they were invited to sit down to breakfast. “It’s a bit late, but I bet neither of you remembered to eat this morning.”
“As a matter of fact, I did eat breakfast.” Technically, Mitsuhide had broken his fast with the remainder of last night’s evening meal, which had been the remainder of the previous morning meal, but it had been perfectly fine.
“Thank you, Lord Masamune, but I have eaten breakfast.” Mitsunari suddenly frowned. “Though now that I think back on it, it might have been yesterday, because I was reading ‘The Art of War’ at the time, and that was yesterday’s book. This morning I was reading an account of the Battle of Kizaki.”
Masamune pointed to his table. “Sit. I’ll be right back.” He strode off in the direction of his kitchen.
Although he wasn’t at all hungry, Mitsuhide sat, and gestured for Mitsunari to do so as well. Masamune was more likely to give honest and unfiltered responses if he was half-distracted with feeding them.
In moments, Masamune returned with bowls of stewed vegetables on rice. “It was still on the fire, so it ought to be piping hot.”
While Mitsunari began spelunking for wayward carrots in his dish, Mitsuhide opened the questioning. “How is Shogetsu’s injury? Is his paw healing?”
“Ah well, he’s still limping a bit, but he seemed eager enough to run outside this morning, so the lad should be healed up fairly soon.” Masamune joined them at the table, keeping both company as he ate a second breakfast.
“Poor creature. What happened to him? Was he attacked?” Mitsuhide kept his question casual, then winced when Mitsunari looked astounded.
“Lord Mitsuhide, do you not remember? Ieyasu said he spent half of yesterday afternoon digging a shard of pottery out of the tiger’s paw.”
Half the time Mitsunari couldn’t remember to put on his sandals, and yet he could recall conversations word for word. Mitsuhide waved the comment away. “Oh dear me yes, he did say that. Masamune, do you think it’s possible that Shogetsu broke Hideyoshi’s vase?”
“Kitsune, if you wanted to know that, you could simply have asked me, instead of putting us all through this charade.” Masamune’s growl could have come from the tiger itself. “No, it’s not possible. Shogetsu injured himself on a piece of the already broken vase, because the injury happened the night before last, and the vase was broken the day before that… and you can talk to Mai, to verify this.”
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Evidence File #3: The Chatelaine’s Story
“Hello Mouse. Quite industrious even at this early hour.” Mitsuhide and his not-quite-helpful assistant had found Mai in her sewing room just as she was wrapping a garment in paper. He bowed over her hand. “Such small hand, but capable of beautiful work.”
“I wanted to get this haori back to the customer as soon as possible. He’s throwing a banquet to celebrate his latest grandson. Oh, wait!” With a little shriek, she grabbed the temari ball she used as a pin cushion out of the way before Mitsunari sat on it. “Are you here to order a new kimono, or just to tease me?”
“Sadly neither, although should you be interested in a good teasing, you have only to ask, and I will be thrilled to oblige. After all, you turn such a delicious shade of pink that it’s the highlight of my day.” He grinned as Mai instantly did indeed turn pink. “I have a simple question for you in your chatelaine role.”
“Go on.” She wrapped some twine around the paper, tying the package securely.
“Do you know when that big vase – the one that used to be on the pedestal outside the council room got broken?” Realistically, he ought to have come here first, but Ieyasu’s manor had been on the way.
“Exact time? No.” She muttered something Mitsuhide didn’t catch about her cell phone battery (whatever that was) dying. “One of the maids found it that way two mornings ago.”
“So not yesterday, but the morning before that.” Mitsuhide rubbed his chin. This at least cleared Shogetsu of the crime. “Was anyone else around who could confirm the maid’s report?”
Mai lifted her chin. “My maids do not lie, but if you cannot take her word for it, talk to Keiji. He was out early that morning throwing spears.”
“Was he now?” Mitsuhide gestured for Mitsunari to follow him. “Thank you very much, little one, you’ve been very helpful.”
“Wait… Mitsuhide, you don’t think that Keiji…? Oh. FUDGE!” Mai handed off the wrapped package to one of the other seamstresses, “Hana, can you please deliver this for me,” and ran after them.
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Evidence File #4: The Wild Child
“No! I refuse to let you railroad him into prison!” Mai planted herself in front of a mystified Keiji and glared at Mitsuhide. “Mitsunari, how could you be part of this… this… ooh! This farce?”
“Hideyoshi is sad.” Mitsunari looked at Keiji, then looked to where a cluster of thrown spears had landed perfectly within centimeters of each other. “That said, I do not believe that Keiji is the one who broke the vase. His spear throwing is highly accurate, and as you can see, he is throwing in the opposite direction from the castle.”
“That’s right.” Keiji bowed theatrically to them all. “For I am I, the wild child of these war-torn islands, he whose name is sung far and wide, the roguish misfit. And also, he who can fling a spear at forty paces out.”
He turned and proceeded to demonstrate his ability, sending three spears, one after another, with arrow like precision, to join the cluster.
“Holy cats.” Mai fanned herself as she eyed Keiji’s arms. “Look at those guns.”
“Mai. Those weapons are spears, not rifles.” Mitsunari looked at her in concern. “Are you becoming ill too? Your face is very red.”
None of this was important. Mitsuhide stood his ground, silently, patiently until all three became uncomfortable under his stare and quieted down. “My my. I do not recall, to use your word, flinging accusations about, not even regarding the accuracy of Keiji’s throws. All I wish to ascertain, Keiji, is whether you saw anyone else.”
“I saw no other person.” Keiji picked up another spear and twirled it expertly. “I have no idea what happened to the damned vase, but whoever broke it, did everyone a favor. It was the ugliest thing I have ever seen, and I’ve seen a lot of ugly.”
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Evidence File #5: The Absentminded Strategist
Having decided not to take Mai’s word on the honesty of the maids, Mitsuhide and Mitsunari spent the rest of the afternoon questioning them. Mai, in turn, spent the afternoon loudly defending each maid, and glaring at him. Mitsuhide didn’t have the heart to tell her that she looked about as menacing as a dandelion. Unfortunately, the only thing Mitsuhide learned from that experience was that the presence of Mitsunari made each and every maid sink into a whirlpool of blushes and giggles.
“This has been very educational, thank you, Lord Mitsuhide.” Mitsunari said to him as they toured the scene of the crime. “Who do we talk to next?”
“For the sake of completeness, the next logical step would be to question Nobunaga.” Mitsuhide thought it highly unlikely that the man would break his own vase and neglect to tell Hideyoshi about it, but stranger things had happened.
“Oh please.” Mai rolled her eyes. “I was with him the entire night before the vase broke. He couldn’t possibly have done it.” Then she slapped her hand over her mouth, as if appalled to have discussed her amorous life in public. Perhaps she had forgotten that as thin as the walls were in the castle, everyone in the building… and in nearby buildings… was already well acquainted with her amorous life.
“Are you certain, Lady Mai?” Oddly, it was Mitsunari who asked the question. “I saw him the morning before yesterday.”
“You did?” A certain theory began to form in Mitsuhide’s mind. “Where were you?”
“Right here, in fact.” Mitsunari smiled at both of them. “I was reading The Art of War, and I accidentally walked right into him as he stood there.” He gestured toward the pedestal… in fact the pedestal that until the morning before yesterday, had displayed one very ugly vase. “I apologized… but he didn’t answer.”
Mai and Mitsuhide looked at each other. Then at Mitsunari. Then back at each other. They both sighed.
Mitsunari frowned as if a new idea had suddenly occurred to him. “Do you think… do you think he considered that a grievous insult and that is why he didn’t answer me?”
… and thus, with this accidental confession, the Case of the Shattered Vase concludes.
Coda: Upon hearing the explanation, Hideyoshi cheered up.
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eventinelysplayground · 3 months
An Evening Snack
I started this fic for @lorei-writes and @wordycheeseblob wish upon an aide event with the passion prompt but I stalled half way through and just finished it recently. It's also different from the others I did for the event and not exactly what I wanted but close enough. I'm still not as comfortable with Ikesen yet but I'm getting there so it was good practice. Kyubei and Chimaki 'talk' about Mitsuhide and Mai over a snack. Pure fluff WC approx 865.
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It was late at night and as always Kyubei was taking one last walk around the manor ensuring it was secure before retiring to his room for the day. As he completed the familiar routine he came to a pause at the entrance.
Is that-?
Is what what?
…No, it's nothing.
In truth Kyubei wasn't all that surprised to see the hairpin adorning Lady Mai's hair, in fact he had been praying he was right. Kyubei continued on his rounds, unaware he had started humming to himself until he reached his final stop at the gardens. In this spot too he found himself pausing and remembering the events of the day.
I was the one who delivered it to Lord Mitsuhide while he was imprisoned.
I asked if he needed anything before he left. He said there was only one thing he absolutely had to get…I believe it was his intent to give it to you upon your return to Azuchi.
“Even though I had just been in the dungeons my heart was uplifted as soon as I saw that hairpin, and knowing that was the most important thing to him at that moment…”
Kyubei let out a long breath and was about to head back into the manor when he heard rustling in a nearby bush.
“Chimaki, have you come to visit again already? I'm afraid I have to inform you that neither the Lord or future Lady of the manor are at home right now.”
Chimaki’s tail flicked at Kyubei’s words.
“Lady of the manor.”
Sighing, Kyubei sat down on the steps and looked up into the night sky.
“My lord has always been alone in the shadows, never concerned with the consequences of the way he's chosen to live his life but now…Now he has finally found someone.”
Chimaki moved slightly towards Kyubei and sat down, looking up at him with big eyes. He laughed knowing what that meant and began to rummage around in his pocket finally pulling out a hand towel that held some rice balls.
“Is this what you're looking for?”
Chimaki let out a small chatter and her tail swished elegantly around her.
“Hehe I thought so, guess I know you pretty well now.”
Kyubei tossed one of the rice balls to Chimaki and she began to eat.
“I like to think I know Lord Mitsuhide well too, I've served him a long time after all. He’s always been passionate about the things he does, giving everything of himself in the process. So much so he doesn't even usually bother to take care of himself beyond the bare minimum. Now there is finally something he truly wants for himself, that makes him happy and is a better use for all his passion.”
Kyubei bit into his own rice ball.
“At first I wondered, just what it was he was planning with her. Never expected that it would be this, though I doubt he expected it either.”
Kyubei let out a soft chuckle and turned his attention up to the stars again.
“I worried about him, his way of life was going to end up killing him one way or another. I don't think he will be in such a hurry to sacrifice himself anymore. Did you know Chimaki, he has already declared his intent to marry her to Lord Nobunaga and Lord Hideyoshi?”
Chimaki looked up from her rice ball and blinked at Kyubei.
“I swear it's true, of course at the time he was using it as cover to keep his other deeds undiscovered or so he said anyways but as I said I know Lord Mitsuhide well.”
Kyubei gave Chimaki a cheeky smile and she seemed to smile back at him.
“His passion and kindness always come through in the end, you just need to know what to look for. I suspect Lady Mai has figured that out as well by now.”
The smile left Kyubeis face replaced by a worried frown.
“She is perfect for him, and the only one who is capable of saving Lord Mitsuhide from himself. I hate that she has to carry such a heavy burden alone…”
Kyubei sat silent for a moment then tossed his barely touched rice ball to Chimaki.
“He's so close, she's right there and all he needs to do is not let go of her.”
Kyubei sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. He closed his eyes and sat in silence for a long moment as Chimaki watched him curiously. Finally he let out another sigh before standing.
“She's survived him this long. All I need to do is have faith, right Chimaki?”
Chimaki stood stretching her front legs and letting out a small raspy bark.
“Exactly, it will all work out.”
Kyubei gave a small nod to Chimaki before he walked away. Chimaki watched and waited until Kyubei was gone and then she laughed while shaking her head.
Of course it will all work out silly man!
A sadly sweet smile flashed across Chimaki's face brought on by something she left unspoken.
We kitsune take care of our own after all, even if this one does happen to be human.
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lorei-writes · 1 year
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»All the things we choose to share«
My heart is overfilled with warmth. Sometime when I wasn't looking, this blog has also passed 1 000 followers.
I'm so grateful for everything. This life, this living, is so lovely, even if bitter sometimes.
Let's celebrate.
Event Rules
Event Status: Closed
IkeSen Requests: Closed IkeVamp Requests: Closed IkePri Requests: Closed The Arcana Requests: Closed
Pick a prompt and a character from the lists below, and send me an ask.
1 prompt + 1 character = 1 request; 1 request per ask
You can submit up to 3 requests.
The requests will be written into x Reader drabbles. That being said, a longer fic may be written if circumstances allow.
[Optional] You can choose your own flavouring packet -- fluff / comfort, angst, or thrill.
Words / Silence.
Surprise [wild card for the writer].
All the above prompts work as umbrellas. For example, Touch prompt can mean things such as holding hands, cuddles, sharing the bed, etc.
Available Characters
IkeSen -- Kanetsugu, Kenshin, Masamune, Mitsuhide, Nobunaga, Shingen
IkeVamp -- Arthur, Comte de Saint-Germain, Charles-Henri, Jean, Theodorus, Vlad
IkePri -- Chevalier, Clavis, Leon, Licht, Rio, Yves
The Arcana -- Asra
There isn't a set deadline for the event to close. Refer to this post for updates. Requests may close on fandom-by-fandom basis.
Please, feel free to reach out to me in case of any questions.
As always, boosting would be appreciated ♥
Event Masterlist
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writingwhimsey · 6 months
Smut is In the Air!- A Whimsey Event
So, I came across this smutty one liners prompt list and I have decided to make a little event for it (no reason other than I am feeling in the mood to write some smut stories and it's springtime...mating season).
Select one of the prompts from the list (linked above).
Select a suitor from the following:
Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide, Masamune, Ieyasu, Mitsunari, Keiji, Motonari, Kennyo, Kenshin, Shingen, Sasuke, Yukimura
Comte, Leonardo, Napoleon, Mozart, Arthur, Vincent, Theo, Jean, Vlad, Faust, Charles
Leon, Jin, Chevalier, Clavis
Let me know the level of spice you would like your fic (if you would prefer straight smut or something more suggestive). Most importantly have fun!
Taglist (and a few others who might be interested): @zulablaise @kisara-16 @atinyliliflower @limonzu @tele86 @selenacosmic @tiny-wooden-robot @venulus
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kaizoku-musume · 3 months
Cocktail Hour
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Entry #17 in @xxsycamore’s Visions of Temptation kinktober event. Link to Ao3 here.
Fandom: Ikesen
Pairing: Mitsuhide x OC (Tohru)
Word count: 2.9k
Prompts: Anonymous sex/One night stand | FWB
The wedding reception was just as wild as her brother had predicted it would be; so much so that he’d even been reluctantly drawn from her side multiple times to address his unruly friends’ behavior. And every time he was gone, a certain white snake slithered next to her.
Tohru had been warned up and down about Mitsuhide, knew all of Hideyoshi’s insults-ahem, nicknames-for him. Reading between the lines of what her adoptive brother said, Mitsuhide wasn’t actually dangerous, he just liked to play around with people and was secretive about his personal life. So she hadn’t been concerned when he approached her. If the worst he would do was tease her, she could handle that. It was entertaining to watch him sneak away before Hideyoshi could return only to slip right back to her side the second Hideyoshi’s back was turned.
Contrary to Tohru’s expectations, the trouble wasn’t that Mitsuhide was a reprehensible tease like Hideyoshi built him up to be. The problem was that she was having a lot of fun talking to him. He was a tease, yes. But he was also clever, and knew when not to cross the line from good-natured jokes to mean-spirited comments. He listened closely when she spoke and seemed interested in what she had to say, asking genuine questions under the guise of getting to know her better.
It didn’t help that he was super hot and his voice was like rich cocoa, and his eyes gazed at her like he was sizing her up as his next meal-okay, that was a bad way to word it. Bottom line, everything about him was working for her. And the jerk knew it, always leaning into her personal space with his seductive tone and flirty lines.
“You’re looking a bit red in the face there,” Mitsuhide said at one point, “Letting yourself get distracted at a wedding? Tsk, tsk.”
“Oh, sush,” Tohru slipped her drink in a futile attempt to hide her embarrassment. Getting caught checking out her brother’s mortal enemy by the man himself wasn’t the worst thing that could happen, she just had to keep telling herself that. “It’s practically the point of receptions anyway.”
Mitsuhide’s eyes lit up like a cat spotting a canary. “I don’t believe I’m aware of what you mean,” he lied through his teeth, “Why don’t you inform me?”
Well, shit, she’d walked right into that one. Damn nerves. “Shut up, I know you know. Especially when you’re a groomsman.”
“Mmm, it may have been brought up once or twice,” Mitsuhide admitted, “I do remember Hideyoshi telling me to stay away from you if I knew what was good for me.”
Tohru rolled her eyes, “Of course he did. He still doesn’t realize that the more you tell someone not to do something, the more they want to do it.”
“Is that what inspires your bravery in not running away from me? Rebelling against your brother’s lecture?” Mitsuhide prodded.
“I’m not a teenager testing her independence,” Tohru said. She knew exactly where this was going if things continued in this direction. Maybe that was why she’d subconsciously steered the conversation this way. “I’m past the age of rebelling. If I do something, it’s because I want to do it.” She shifted awkwardly as an awful thought occurred to her. “And it’s not like you need to act out of rebellion, right?”
Mitsuhide’s smirk seemed to soften. “I do enjoy antagonizing our resident mother hen, but if I was interested in drawing his ire, I would have made sure he noticed us by now.”
“Oh. Good,” Tohru brushed her hair behind her ear in nervous relief. So they were on the same page. Probably. She should make sure, right? But how did one proposition a one-night stand without being awkward about it? Tohru didn’t have the sort of experience to be suave.
“Let me guess,” Mitsuhide purred,” your reasonings fall more in line with the point of wedding receptions?”
Well, that was easy, even if it made Tohru red with embarrassment. “Maybe,” Tohru tried to play it cool, then gave that up as a lost cause immediately, “Okay, yes. Apparently I’m okay with being a cliche.” She buried her face in her hands, “Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m going to be one of those people who sneak off for a quickie in a storage closet at a wedding.”
“Oh no,” Mitsuhide whispered in her ear, “I’ve no intention of having you in a dark, cramped space. I want to see the mess I make of you. There’s a bathroom down the nearest hallway-head there first and I’ll join you a minute later.”
Tohru nodded, stomach swooping with anticipation as she broke off and discreetly made her way out of the main room. She glanced back to make sure Hideyoshi was still occupied and saw Mitsuhide approach the eyepatch guy Masa something or other; earlier he’d been trying to pick a fight with whoever would agree to one). Tohru made it to the bathroom with no problem and quickly sent a text to Hideyoshi, claiming she just needed some fresh air and not to worry about her; he’d notice her missing sooner than later and did not need him battering down doors trying to find her.
True to his word, Mitsuhide arrived almost immediately after she sent the text, locking the door behind him. “I didn’t come prepared,” he flashed the shiny foil in his hand before setting it on the counter beside her purse, “Luckily, Masamune is not only reliable in this regard, but he serves a great distraction should you need one.”
“You’re telling me you don’t bring condoms to a wedding?” Tohru kept the mood light with a joke to soothe her nerves, but part of her was truly surprised. Mitsuhide could pull, after all.
Mitsuhide did that thing she’d caught onto, where he read her mind and responded to that instead of what she actually said. He stepped forward and placed his hands on her waist, grip light enough that Tohru could break free if she wanted to. “I’m not in the habit of spontaneous affairs,” he nosed along the side of her head, brushing against her hair, “so no, I do not carry protection everywhere I go. And I have no plans to change that. I consider this a special, singular experience.”
Tohru snorted, “I bet you say that to all the pretty wedding guests.”
Mitsuhide grinned against her cheek, “I assure you, I’m quite particular about my partners.” he took the opportunity to kiss Tohru to prevent her from snarking back, a big sweeping kiss that was full throttle right from the get go. Given his character it didn’t seem like his m.o., but they had little time to get down to business, so Tohru could forgive the lack of a slow buildup.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed back for all she was worth, opening her mouth to allow his tongue inside. Mitsuhide hiked one of her legs around his waist, her dress sliding up to accommodate the motion. He ran his free hand down her stomach and waist, slipping underneath her dress to rest at the hem of her underwear. Tohru encouraged him to keep going by kissing him harder, nipping at his bottom lip.
He dipped his fingers past her panties, coming down to circle her clit. Tohru jerked in his hold, arms tightening around him. Mitsuhide expertly played with her clit, gathering her slick to smooth the way. Tohru moaned into the kiss as he rubbed, pinched, and tweaked. Mitsuhide wasn’t scared to experiment, gauging how far he could go by her reactions (all of which were positive, god, how was he so good at this?).
It wasn’t long before Tohru was close, Mitsuhide applying just the right pressure to get her stumbling to the edge faster than she’s ever gotten before. She was also getting light headed from the kissing, but they couldn’t stop because Tohru just kept getting louder and louder the closer to orgasm she got, and they couldn’t risk anyone overhearing. So when Tohru finally went tumbling over the edge, Mitsuhide swallowed her moan, holding her upright.
Before Tohru had fully recovered, Mitsuhide gently led her backward, guiding her to sit on the closed toilet seat. He knelt on the pristine floor-thank heavens for the kind of venues unbelievably rich people could afford-and lifted the hem of her dress to her hips so he could spread her legs, fitting himself between them. He used his closeness to tug the spaghetti straps off her shoulders and down her arms so he could maneuver the top of her dress down to free her tits.
“No bra?” he said, palming her bare breasts.
“It’s a tight dress,” Tohru defended, slightly breathless, “and I have small boobs.”
“They’re a perfect size,” Mitsuhide squeezed purposefully. He kept a hand on one of her breasts, fondling it, as he somehow managed to hook her panties down and off her legs with his other hand, setting them on the counter with everything else. “You’ll have to find a way to keep yourself quiet this time. I’ll be a bit busy paying your body the attention it’s due,” Mitsuhide informed as he drew a finger up and down her folds. At the same time, he leaned over and latched his mouth onto the nipple not being fondled between two fingers.
Tohru obediently clapped her hands over her mouth. Just in time, too, as Mitsuhide only briefly teased at her labia before he sunk two fingers into her, able to squeeze them in easily after her orgasm. He spared only the briefest moments to stretch her out, spreading his fingers wide apart, before aiming straight for her g-spot. He wasn’t giving her tits a break, either, fingers pinching and pulling, even digging his nails into her skin when he found out she liked that. It encouraged him to use his teeth to bite at her other nipple in between sucking it in his mouth.
Overwhelmed, Tohru sank a hand into Mitsuhide’s hair and held on for dear life, using the other to continue muffling her noises. Her legs reflexively kicked out on every press of his fingers into her, hells skittering across the floor. She was already close again, something she’d never experienced before. But Mitsuhide seemed intent on finding all her buttons, then pressing on them to drive her crazy. And it was working all too well.
Tohru damn near sobbed when Mitsuhide curled his fingers in a come hither gesture right against her sweet spot, digging into it relentlessly. Her hips rocked into the motion, thighs clamping around Mitsuhide’s torso. She hunched over him as the pleasure mounted, drawing tighter and tighter until it finally snapped. Tohru barely had the wherewithal to keep her mouth covered as she came, clutching onto Mitsuhide for support.
“A shame that we don’t have more time,” Mitsuhide said as casually as can be, drawing his fingers out of her cunt and using toilet paper to dry them off. Tohru almost wished he had licked them off-he did seem like the type to do that. “Under other circumstances, I would love the chance to make you come until you beg me to stop,” Mitsuhide added. Actually, scratch that: he was the type to make her lick his fingers clean. She may have accidentally cursed out loud, if Mitsuhide’s smug look was anything to go by.
Mitsuhide undid his belt, pulling his pants down just enough to free his cock. Tohru didn’t have the opportunity to give it a proper look; in a surprising display of strength and fluidity, Mitsuhide lifted Tohru and took her spot, parking her on his lap. “Here,” he handed her the condom, “why don’t you do the honors?”
Tohru would have loved giving him a taste of his own medicine (all right, who was she kidding, she was a sub through and through), but they really didn’t have much time left, so she perfunctorily slid the condom down the length of his cock. Well, maybe she snuck in a few good strokes, but who could blame her? The way he hissed with pleasure was worth it. “Good girl,” Mitsuhide praised. Tohru’s mouth dropped open as she stared at him, gobsmacked. How the hell did he do that?! Mitsuhide smirked as he used his grip on her waist to scoot her forward, letting go of her briefly to guide the tip of his cock to her slit. “Did you think I couldn’t tell?” he asked when he pushed in, so Tohru’s response ended up a garbled string of words.
Mitsuhide’s cock pressed forward until he was fully seated inside her in one smooth glide. Tohru bit down on his shoulder, smothering her whimpers, hands clutching at his jacket. She was vaguely aware of Mitsuhide soothing her, rubbing her back as she adjusted to the girth of him. God, he felt deep. How long had it been since she’d last been fucked? And this well before the main course?
Tohru hadn’t fully adjusted when she gave him permission to move, but that was part of the fun of it. And move Mitsuhide did, starting with a slow, easy grind that quickly built to actual thrusts into her. Tohru’s teeth clamped down on his jacket as she whimpered and moaned, wetting the fabric, but Mitsuhide let her stay there, likely because this time, he wanted to talk dirty just to drive her even more mad. “You’re deliciously tight,” he said as he snapped his hips into her without mercy, “Such a snug little cunt, getting wet at the touch of my fingers. You were made for this, weren’t you? You looked like you were positively aching for it.” 
Sitting in his lap as she was, feet planted on the floor but at the wrong angle to lift herself, Tohru didn’t have much leverage to do more than shift into Mitsuhide’s thrusts, and he definitely took notice. “Poor thing, all you can do is sit there and take it. I didn’t miss that, either, the way you like being manhandled. You can’t hide a thing in your pleasure, can you?” he nibbled on her earlobe, his voice so much deeper when it was heard up close. Tohru sobbed, at the mercy of his pace and words, and just like before, he seemed intent on forcing her into the quickest, most intense orgasm she’d ever had. He kept switching up the rhythm, using his hold on her hips to circle them in a dirty grind before bouncing her up and down his cock.
She needed to get his number. Tohru needed to flirt her way into getting his contact info because she was getting the ride of her life here and it needed to happen again. A bathroom quickie wasn’t enough, and Mitsuhide had made some very enticing promises. And if he would just stop fucking her so perfectly, she could come up with a plan to make that happen.
But her thoughts flew away with every buck of his hips, replaced with pure ecstasy. Tohru shrieked and screamed into his shoulder, sounding more desperate than she ever had before. She could also hear their thighs slapping together, the squelch of her slick as he pounded into her. So much for not making much noise. If someone was outside, surely they’d hear them. Would they be able to tell that Tohru was getting the best orgasms of her life and that she was fast approaching her last one?
Tohru clutched at Mitsuhide’s back as she careened toward that familiar cliff’s edge, tears gathering in the corner of her eyes. Mitsuhide homed in on her sweet spot, grinding into it with the tip of his dick ceaselessly until Tohru came with a silent scream, spasming in Mitsuhide’s hold.
She was all too aware of Mitsuhide still fucking into her, chasing his own-and first, holy shit-release. Tohru was still in the throes of her orgasm and edging into oversensitivity, but there was no way she was just going to be a pillow princess the whole time. Assuming Mitsuhide might like the same type of attention he plied her with, Tohru scratched the back of his neck, nails scraping through his short, fine hair. She lazily mouthed at his neck, sucking gently so she didn’t leave a mark he couldn’t explain later.
Mitsuhide gasped, “Cheeky vixen,” head tipped back as he enjoyed her ministrations. He lasted only a few more thrusts like that before coming, burying his face in her neck as he rode it out. Just for that moment, Tohru almost regretted the condom, a wild thought of spending the rest of the night with his spend inside her occupying her thoughts.
“Do you think we could do that again?” Tohru blurted. Welp, there went her hope of rationally talking him into it.
Mitsuhide had the gall to laugh at her. “Not tonight, no. But I wouldn’t turn down a future offer,” he said, lapping at the sweat on her neck.
Holy shit, she’d done it. They had to get up, make themselves presentable, sneak out of the bathroom, join the reception, and pretend they hadn’t just defiled this very nice venue, but Tohru had just scored with the best lay she’d ever had. Nothing could bring her down.
The bathroom door suddenly resounded with a series of knocks. “Tohru, are you in here?” Hideyoshi’s voice came from the other side. Tohru froze, still seated on Mitsuhide’s cock with her tits popped out of her dress. Mitsuhide, instead of being any sort of concerned like he should be, gave her a devilish smirk, clearly amused by the situation.
Okay, so there was one thing that could bring her down.
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krys-loves-otome · 11 months
Trick or treat! Mostly treat, please!
Mostly a treat, you say? Which means there is a little room for trickery, yes?
And who is better at trickery than dearest Mitsuhide?
A while ago, I made an attempt of using clusters to try and map out my thinking process when it comes to fic writing, so I could try and visually see where ramblings could take me. Here's the IkeSen portion of that (admittedly quite large) clusterfuck of ideas, based on an idea from an old Fictober prompt: You Keep Me Warm
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So, based on this image and that Mitsuhide is at the forefront of this idea, let's go have a lil wip!
The road to recovery wasn't an easy one, Mitsuhide was quick to realize, when he had found you had thrown your blankets off, once again. Even wrapping you as if you were a small caterpillar in the chrysalis did little to deter you. Perhaps he should next seek out midwifes for advice on techniques swaddling fussy infants as clearly his method was lacking. With a sigh, he knelt beside your bed and corrected the sheets, pulling them over your shoulders. It eased his frayed nerves that you were steadily gaining your strength back, thankfully. What he didn't like was discovering your chilled limbs whenever he checked on your during the night. Doubly frustrating was finding other parts clammy with fever. He wiped your brow with a cool, damp cloth. "…Is cold." you whispered hoarsely, shivering. "You'd be warmer if you kept your blankets on." Heavens above, he was turning into Hideyoshi, he thought with a bitter laugh.
Askbox Trick or Treat!
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otomefoxystar · 8 months
Finding the Light - Chapter 8
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing : Mitsuhide X OC (Evelyn)
Genre: Fluff and Angst
Mitsuhide took Evelyn to town. It was a warm sunny day, and Mitsuhide was hopeful that they could find her some decent clothes to fight in. They came to a small restaurant. I've been told there is excellent food here. When she didn't answer, Mitsuhude looked at her, waiting for a reply. "Never mind," he said when she seemed so disinterested. "Are you hungry, Mitsuhide? If you're hungry, we can go." He raised his eyebrows, "What about you, Evelyn? Are you hungry?" She swallowed. "I will do my best to eat." He cocked his head to the side, "What, no arguing?" She shook her head, "Not today." She didn't want to ruin the day, not when he seemed so happy to take her shopping. He was in a good mood, and she didn't want to ruin it. He smiled and held out his arm for her to take, "Shall we?" She hooked her arm in his and nodded.
Once they were seated, she looked around nervously. "What is it?" She breathed out nervously. "This is the first time I've been in town since…" He nodded, understanding what she was saying. She was scared of seeing her attackers. "You're safe with me. They wouldn't dare encounter you when you're with me, and if they do? That'd be a mistake. I'll always protect you, little mouse." She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "I know, but I'm still freaking out a bit." Mitsuhide took her clenched hand. "Relax, I'm here." She unclenched her hand, and he cupped his hand around hers. Finally, she relaxed as Mitsuhide rubbed the top of her hand with his thumb.
She ordered soup, hoping it'd be easier to eat. "What are we getting today?" She asked with a curious edge to her voice. He cleared his throat from drinking a sip of water. "Well, you need pants and a shirt that are easier to move in." A twinkle lit in her eye. "What? "He paused as he took her in, but it wasn't worry or fear. It was a different emotion, one he hadn't seen from her in weeks. It was excitement, and he wanted to sigh at how good it felt to see a glimmer of her old self, but he restrained himself. "I could make that! All I need is some supplies, and I can make myself some clothes." Mitsuhide smiled. "You don't have to; I was going to have someone make them for you, but if that's what you want to do." She looked at him excitedly, "It is!" He chuckled, happy to see her face light up. He had no problem buying her what she needed if she was that excited by it.
When the food arrived, she took the spoon and stirred it. "I can do this," she whispered so quietly that Mitsuhide didn't hear. He was busy scooping up his food. Evelyn dipped the spoon into the liquid, raised it to her lips, and blew on it. Mitsuhide tried to ignore her but couldn't help but watch her.
Mitsuhide was finished quickly but patiently waited as she ate slowly and meticulously. he was in no hurry, and he wasn't about to rush her. Not when she was finally eating. "We can go." Mitsuhide shook his head. "Not a chance. I will wait until you have finished." He watched her pleased, but she put her spoon down. "I can't eat anymore."
"Are you full or just tired of eating? "I'm full enough; I don't want to push it." Mitsuhide smiled. "Probably wise, how do you feel?" Her lips turned up slightly, almost a smile, but not quite. It was close enough to a smile for Mitsuhide. "Better than how I've been feeling." She hadn't eaten much, but Mitsuhide was pleased nonetheless. Mitsuhide was about to praise her when, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a man in green walking past.
"I'll be right back. I just saw someone I know." She got up and scurried off. She grabbed the man's shoulder, and when he turned around, he saw his friend, but she didn't look how she looked when he last saw her. "Evelyn? Where have you been? I've been worried." She hugged him, and he noticed how frail she felt. When she released him, he took a long look at her. "You look terrible," Evelyn shifted nervously. She wasn't ready to tell her best friend about what happened. "Are you sick?" She was about to speak when Mitsuhide walked up and stood next to her. Sasuke wanted to question her more about her health, but the sudden interruption had distracted him.
"Who is this?" Mitsuhide asked protectively, "I'm Sasuke. Evelyn and I are from the same town." Mitsuhide nodded, "Ah, I see." Mitsuhide now understood the connection between them. If they were from the same town, then they must be close. Sasuke bowed, and Mitsuhide returned the gesture. "Mitsuhide Akechi." Sasuke gave a knowing look. The traitor Mitsuhide Akechi is all Sasuke kept thinking. He had to remind himself that they had significantly altered the timeline, so he needed to stop worrying. It didn't stop him from planning to check on her, though.
Sasuke pushed up his glasses and looked at Evelyn, worry written on his face. You would have to be an idiot not to realize his thoughts. He put his hand on her arm, "Evelyn, can we speak alone for a moment?" Sasuke glanced at Mitsuhide as he said so. "Uh, yeah, I suppose." Mitsuhide squeezed her wrist to let her know she wasn't alone. She looked up at Mitsuhide. Mitsuhide granted her the privacy to speak with her friend. He stayed close by; he wanted to keep his word that he would protect her. He had no idea who this man was and if he was capable of protecting her or not.
"Is everything okay? I came to see you, and you were gone." She shook her head, "I'm not staying with Nobunaga right now. I'm staying with Mitsuhide at his manor." Sasuke eyed her carefully. "Are you safe?" She nodded, "I'm safe, Sasuke; I've been going through some stuff and needed to get away." Sasuke gave her a concerned look, "If you change your mind and decide you want to go back, I can figure it out. The most important thing is your health and well-being; I can tell you aren't doing well just by looking at you." She glanced down, then back up at her friend. "You know me too well." Sasuke shook his head, "it's not that. Something has changed in you. You're different somehow. It's not just your appearance. It's like the light you carry has been extinguished ."
She wondered how he could tell all that just by looking at her. He wasn't wrong; she had lost so much of her passion for life. She couldn't even get through the night without Mitsuhide being near. "I'll tell you, Sasuke. I promise I will, but right now, I can't. I've barely come to terms with what's happened myself." He pulled her in for a hug. "It's okay. You don't have to say anything if you aren't ready. I'll always be here for you. I just need to know you're safe." He stepped back, looking her in the eyes. "I'm safe." He smiled tenderly, "Good. That's all I need to know to put my heart at peace. Can I come see you sometime?" She nodded, "Yes, I only ask that you let me know beforehand."
Sasuke was shocked; she must be going through a lot. She would never have asked for him to schedule his visits before. If anything, she seemed appreciative of his visits; of course, he would comply. He just wanted her to be happy. He smiled at her again, "I can do that." He gave her another hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you soon," he said, turning to leave, waving goodbye as he walked away.
Evelyn just stood there, tears prickling in her eyes. Mitsuhide walked back over to her as soon as Sasuke walked away. "None of that. We're having a good time, right? No crying." Evelyn looked at Mitsuhide, trying to will the tears away, "He's really worried, and I couldn't tell him anything." Mitsuhide patted her head, "You are not ready, and that's okay. One day, you will be. I'm sure he understands that." Evelyn watched as Sasuke walked away. "I hope so."
"Come." He took her hand, and they bought fabrics and supplies she needed to make some clothes for herself. Seeing her interested in sewing again was a good thing; that is not something he would take away from her, so he could be patient and wait to train her. After a full day, Mitsuhide took her home, carrying the supplies for her as they walked back to his manor.
After arriving home, he placed everything they bought in the corner of his room and began doing some work he had neglected. Paperwork was tedious, but if this was what he had to do to help Evelyn, he wouldn't complain...Too much. Meanwhile, Evelyn had gotten into Mitsuhide's alcohol, exhausted and overwhelmed by everything from the day. It felt like too much stimulation in one day. However, she seldom drank by herself. She had always been a social drinker. She put two cups, a bottle of sake on a serving tray and an assortment of snacks for them to share. Although she wasn't entirely sure she would eat them, at least she had the option to eat if she needed to.
Next Chapter
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sumeruin · 2 years
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♫♪: love hotline!!
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♫♪: in celebration of hitting 500 followers, and because valentine’s day is coming up, i’ve decided to host my first collab!! reminder that i am a minor and some of the other writers in this collab will also be minors.
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♫♪: rules!!
♫♪: this is purely a nsfw collab. i cannot stress this enough, all of the fics in this will be nsfw and contain smut.
♫♪: any dark content is ok!! this includes things like yandere and noncon <3
♫♪: open for any fandom and character, within reason. (no writing for any characters that look like children, like sayu, diona, qiqi, etc etc)
♫♪: no format or word length requirement, you can write whatever you want and make it as long as you want, just don’t push yourself :)
♫♪: character repeats and multiple entries are allowed, just try not to do the exact same thing as someone else
♫♪: the deadline for entries is february 20th, and the deadline for fics is march 1st, but this is very flexible and if you tell me that you won’t be able to make it i’ll definitely extend it for you :)
♫♪: if you’d like to join, just send me an ask that says what fandom, and what character/s you’re writing for off anon!!!
♫♪: please tag me in your writing once it’s posted!! i wanna make sure i see it so i can add it to this post <3
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♫♪: participants!!!
@sumeruin (host)
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, zhongli <3
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, itto <3
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, xiao <3
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, scaramouche <3
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, tartaglia <3
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, multiple characters <3
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, ayato <3
@demonskiss (entry two)
♫♪: fandom and character: ikesen, mitsuhide akechi <3
♫♪: fandom and character: chainsaw man, power <3
♫♪: fandom and character: genshin, dottore <3
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