#ikemen summit
krys-in-the-playhouse · 3 months
[Profile] Houki of Jiyel - IkeSen OC
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Full Name: Houki of Jiyel Preferred Pronouns: She/Her Age: Early 20s Appearance: short, chubby, stocky figure; long straight black hair (that can appear dark blue in some lighting situations); wears thick round glasses; light-medium skin Eyes: Green
Birthday: September 5th, bday twins with Masamune Main Suitor: Mitsunari Ishida Special Interests: Reading, playing strategy games Signature Colors: Blue and Pink
-Originally a Seven Kingdoms: A Princess Problem Custom MC. The basic premise of the game is you're sending your MC to a summit meeting to form alliances with other countries, whether those alliances can be political or romantic in nature happens through raising their stats. At the beginning, you go through dialogue choices that let you choose your character's base nature, intelligence, how pretty they are perceived, how charismatic they are, etc. Then, you are given a basic background based on the stats your character has the most points in. For Houki, since I put a lot of points into her intelligence, her base background was A Minor Lady with a Scholarly Bent. Her home country is known for producing some of the Seven Kingdom's most intelligent scholars, specialties ranging from literature, art, military tactics, politics, etc.
-Since her home game is still in development hell (RIP) and I didn't want to give up on her, I transplanted her into the world of Ikemen Sengoku, complete with her 7kpp original background, she was just worm-holed across the dimensions.
-Youngest daughter of her family consisting of her parents and her older brother, Seishuku. They are a branch family to a much bigger, complex family.
-Avid book lover, spends most of her day up to her nose in paper and ink. If it wasn’t for regular body functions, she probably would spend the rest of her days just devouring information.
-Because of her passionate love of reading, she tends to be neglectful of other obligations that come with being a noble, like forming alliances and being sociable, much to her mother’s dismay.
-Because of an incident involving her cousin Jiya, Houki is unexpectedly forced to represent her country in the Seven Year Summit Meeting. Seven people from each of the kingdoms are sent to a neutral territory island to form alliances to keep peaceful relations going between the kingdoms, especially important as of late as peaceful relations are starting to deteriorate. She’s not exactly happy about it, but she’s taken an ‘it is what it is’ attitude about it.
-While on the island for the Seven Year Summit, a threatening letter (meant for her cousin) comes to her and she cuts her finger on the paper, sending a slow but deadly poison coursing through her. Since she has no idea who sent that poisoned letter, she doesn't know who she can trust at this summit. Forming alliances means there's also the possibility of someone wanting to break those alliances, after all. She goes about her way seeking information about the poison on her own to see if there was a way to treat it before it eventually kills her.
-Since her home game doesn't have a proper ending at this point in time, this is where I'm handwaving her time at the Summit and have her transported into the world of Ikemen Sengoku via magical wormhole. She formed some friendships (and a rivalry) on the island, but this is where her story going, currently.
-Her course from here follows IkeSen's prologue and Mitsunari’s route. She saves Nobunaga, but passes out after the fact because of the poison still in her, plus smoke inhalation didn't exactly help her condition either. Because of this, she doesn't get the telltale meeting with the Uesugi-Takeda forces or Kennyo as what happens to MC in the original prologue. Where they stand with her will be developed at a later time.
-With Mitsunari, he helps teach her the way of the Sengoku era while falling for each other along the way. Houki learns to be a more responsible person for Mitsunari while she gives him more confidence in himself.
-If Houki doesn’t go back to her own world, she’ll stay with Mitsunari, having one son with him. She takes on the chatelaine role, like MC, learning more than she did back at home as a lady that did little more than read all day.
–Her poisoning is eventually cured but the long term effects are hard on her, especially after having her son. After a certain point, she more often stays either in Azuchi or in Mitsunari's province in Sawayama and doesn't see battle as often anymore, due to her poor health. Nobunaga still enjoys playing Go against her fairly often, thinking her akin to a younger sister.
Some other fun facts:
-She had a cat back in her old home. She's black with green eyes and is quite a lovely lady.
-Her other suitor for consideration (for IkeSen at least): Ieyasu. Both are on the down to earth side and like reading. Ieyasu's sharp tongue can be a little too sharp for her at times however, thus why she prefers Mitsunari over him. They can be friends though.
-She is pretty much blind without her glasses. Her palm has to touch her nose for her to see it clearly sans glasses, that's how much she can't see.
-She is named after the wife of one of my old favorite anime/manga characters, Hotohori from Fushigi Yuugi. Her brother is also named after Hotohori's given name, Seishuku.
-Can be technically considered bi-romantic! In her home game, the furthest I could romance one the suitors (before I reached the game's stopping point), Houki was romanced by a warrior princess named Anaele who was only really at the Summit for the free food and to look at all the pretty girls. Anaele repeatedly came to Houki's defense and was ready to kick any dude's ass that so much as looked at a lady wrong. She also taught Houki her first self-defense lessons (to keep these stinky lords from whisking her away when she didn't want to whisked away) and, on the romance path, she was going to forge a sister blade to her own dagger and name it after Houki, in her honor.
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tenjinactor · 5 years
10jinactor (10神アクター) member summaries - matsushima yuunosuke
a summary of yuunosuke’s journey to becoming a member of 10jinactor! first, a general overview of the process: first by being scouted (or having applied directly), then the ikemen summit held at Zepp Fukuoka in august.
the twenty contestants who passed the ikemen summit in august then performed at Sunset Live in september. yuunosuke found out he passed at home with his mom, his eldest brother, ryuutarou, and second oldest brother, kenshirou. kenshirou said the day before ikemen summit the three brothers were going through clothes for yuunosuke to wear. ryuutarou said by the age of eight, he, the eldest brother, had already been overtaken in height by yuunosuke.
after Sunset Live, only fifteen made it through to the final round. the first challenge of the final round was a photoshoot, the second was training at tenjin IMS plus the ikemen ramen battle collaboration with Nissin Raoh, the third was acting with the theme “time bomb.” during the second challenge, a fan asked yuunosuke to sign her phone case, his first autograph, but the ink in her pen had run out.
yuunosuke was part of team E alongside magoshi and oka. the group’s acting was first criticised for not having much personality, so they were sent to properly develop their characters. yuunosuke’s character was yamamoto jun, an inspector. yamamoto jun is from kanagawa prefecture, and can speak french, italian, and german. he is serious and honest, and can’t forgive evil.
the plot of their scene is that yamamoto jun has found a hostage (oka) and a ticking bomb. the villain (magoshi) returns, but yamamoto, having tampered with the bomb’s settings in trying to disarm it, has changed the timings. the investigator shoots the villain, and tries to free the hostage, but the hostage knocks him out. it turns out the real villain was the hostage the whole time.
on november 3, the 10jinactor members were decided. yuunosuke was the third to be announced. cut forward to the filming of the drama Christmas Eve Once Again (mou ichido, christmas eve, もう一度、クリスマス・イブ), where yuunosuke says he wants to put himself out there.
cut back to when yuunosuke was first scouted. he was seventeen, a third year at higashi fukuoka high school. he said that the day before was a holiday for the school festival, and his friend added that yuunosuke had been made mr higashi fukuoka. yuunosuke said when he graduates he wants to be an actor. yuunosuke’s kabedon line was “let’s go home together today?”
cut to the relaxation trip, where yuunosuke kabedon the landlady of the ryokan they were staying at: “i’ll remain in your heart for two days and a night.”
in school, yuunosuke was in class five. a friend said he was good at tests and they had a rivalry.
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matsushimayuunosuke · 5 years
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ikevamp-shrine · 3 years
hi!! mc turning them on without realizing for theo pls?
Thank you for requesting. ❤ please enjoy.. I know I did writing this lol.
Author: @ikevamp-shrine
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Warnings: Slight sexual content (nothing too explicit)
Words: 780
Character(s): Theo, MC
Pairing: Theo x Fem! MC
He had remembered watching his mother from behind the cracks of doors. Staring enchanted and completely rooted to the floor in his awe. Through the mirror of her vanity, past the threads of faded rug on creaky wooden floors he could see the paleness of her skin. Rich blonde strands of hair shimmering like gold in the hungry candlelight, the freckles on her cheeks dotted like stars in the dark abyss of night. Wonderous eyes- comparable to the deep blue stillness of tension in the sea- would never dare stray from the nimbleness of her fingers. Sometimes the nervous pants leaving his parted mouth would drown out the soft crack of her joints inflamed with arthritis and age. At times he held his breath to hear, just to feel as if he belonged there. He swore he still heard them every so often even now… a lapse in judgment, most definitely.
He stood, knees trembling, palms damp against the pine doorframe, entranced with how gently she pouted her lips and painted the darkest shades of rogue he had ever witnessed. He still remembered the sharp inhale his father would take as he sat on the corner of the bed, the preacher just as enraptured as the boy. Theo could still envision the knowing smirk his mother would throw at her husband through the glass; the bed creaks, his father’s heavy steps ending behind the woman. Theo’s heart would pound at the sound of calloused skin gliding over the slight dip of his mother’s shoulders. He would run to his brother when their parent’s lips slotted over the other, never understanding why his father, without fail, became a man weak to lust when his wife sat before the reflective glass. Now, Theo himself understood wholeheartedly.
He felt utterly exposed- taken advantage of by the woman sitting at her vanity. Oh, how Theo wondered of the thoughts that would run through her mind, knowing his pants tightened and mouth went dry at the sight of her. His knees trembled at the shimmering sheen of skin on her back. The plunging fabric of her dress showed the world small beauty marks along her spine. He wanted to trace the curve with his tongue. He wanted- no needed, desperately craved to have her squirming under him.
Theo could smell the addictive sugar of her blood from the cracked door. His fangs dropped, aching, eyes glowing with unbridled, carnal lust. Fantasies rampaged and hands fisted his shirt, hoping to ground himself from slamming the door open and making her moan until his name was the only thing she knew. Theo cleared his throat, rapping one knuckle against the door, “you ready Hondje?”
She startled, accidentally smearing the red of her lips that smiled broadly at the sight of her companion. Her voice like silk shot him in the gut, leaving him a broken man, begging to be pieced together by the holiness of her lithe fingers. “One moment and I’ll be yours for the night.”
“Careful what you say, girl.” His jaw clenched. She looked confused but quickly recovered when Theo drew closer.
Their eyes met, heat rising, following the blush crawling up the girl’s breast. A thumb wiped gently under her lip, too gently to the point she could mistake it for tenderness. Electrified blue eyes peered into her very soul, the irises seemingly moving, rolling like furious storms of the deadly sea.
She was the ocean he’d willingly drown himself in if it meant he could feel her warmth for just one moment longer. As his fingers caressed the line of her jaw, Theo knew he was a man gone to the innocence and seduction of the woman his heart unknowingly summited to.
Warning bells rang out in her mind. She felt in her very core that at that moment, Theodorus van Gogh was a predator, and she his rabbit prey. The tension held thick in the air: something that MC had only noticed mere milliseconds before. Her heart pounded wildly. Theo’s clothing shifted as he leaned in, her stomach going cold with adrenalin and for a moment she thought he was going to kiss her. He paused inches away from her. Both sets of lips parted when Theo inhaled sharply, his teeth grinding, chest heaving as if he was restraining himself. His whiskey and spice scent enveloped her, overwhelming her in the most delicious of ways, making her dizzy on him. Their connection broke as Theo pulled away. A slam of the door and he was out of sight leaving her breathless and needy.
There was only one thought on Theo’s mind as he stomped down the hallway… ‘I’m screwed’.
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littlegrrl7 · 4 years
A Devil’s Heaven
Smutty excerpt Chapter 26
Ikemen Sengoku - Oda Nobunaga/OC
“I see you are finally awake. I thought you’d sleep all day,” She sipped from a small brass cup and, with a smile, handed him one. He swallowed it and made a face at the thick bitterness.
“It’s an acquired taste.” She turned again as a wooden pole swung free on one of the lower decks. Her Chinese sounded harsh and barking compared to the lilting Portuguese or her pleasantly accented Japanese. Two men saluted her and got the pole under control, raising a smaller sail.
“Captain,” she corrected him gently but without a glance, her eyes still on the rogue pole on the lower deck of her ship. Nobunaga gritted his teeth.
“Captain, where precisely are you taking me?”
“To see the world with me, as you desired.” Her full lips curled upward, and he felt that tug in his groin. Dear spirits, what exactly happened last night? His gut rolled. It must have been that dark brandy. He put a hand to his forehead shading his sensitive eyes from the sun.
“Chiara, I don’t—”
“Captain,” she sounded vaguely annoyed.
“I have a country to run and citizens to care for. I can’t be flitting off with you to see the world.”
At this, she stopped, turning to give him her full attention. “Nobunaga, that is not what you said last night.”
He frowned, still trying to piece together the evening. “I—”
“You said someone named Mitsuhide and your man Hideyoshi could handle things for a while. I sent them a letter this morning before we cast off.”
“I said that?”
Now she definitely looked annoyed. Her eyes left his, scanning the boat.
The redhead looked up from where he was tying off some large ropes. “Aye, Captain?”
“You have command,” she barked, then brushed past Nobunaga, stating in a low voice, “my cabin, now.”
A few of the men looked from the first mate to their captain, then eyed Nobunaga speculatively. Low murmurs started.
“If you hens have time to gossip, then I guess we can send you over the deck for barnacle duty,” Matisse commented loudly as he moved to the upper decks. The men immediately clammed up and got back to work. He eyed Nobunaga curiously.
“Did you overstay the party, Lord Oda?” He smirked.
Nobunaga turned to follow Chiara to her cabin at the rear of the ship.
She motioned him through the door, her lips pressed tight, then closed it firmly behind him.
“Speak.” Her eyes were flinty, his narrowed.
“Chiara, last night. I can’t recall all of it. I remember we came back to your ship, we had sex. Then we drank and talked and—”
Spirits, he had lapped brandy out of her navel. And then she poured it over his cock—
“And?” She eyed him in annoyance.
“And I honestly don’t recall saying I could leave with you. I expected to disembark the ship this morning before you left the harbor.”
“Well, it’s a little late for that now. We’ve been underway for hours.”
“Hours?” his voice rose, alarmed.
“You said, and I quote, ‘let those layabouts take care of the country for a while, I need to conquer the world with my beautiful Captain.’”
“Layabouts? Chiara, I have never in my life used such a word.”
“You were quite drunk.”
“So, perhaps, you shouldn’t have taken my oaths as truth while I was intoxicated.”
“You were quite adamant.” She smirked.
“You need to turn this boat around and take me back! I have responsibilities. I have a summit to be at in less than a month!”
“Tides out, we are already underway,” she clipped as if that explained everything.
He sighed, holding his head. “Chiara, do you recall when we first met, you were concerned that I would simply take you as my own, giving you no choice? You are doing precisely that.”
She frowned at this, then gestured for him to sit in her chair.
“Is it so terrible?” She asked, straddling his lap, her breasts brushed seductively against his chest through the thin cloth. She still smelled heavily of rich brandy and the tobacco they had smoked. Was she still drunk?
He had been smoking?
“Is it?” Her lips were so soft, caressing his neck, then covering his mouth. His mind drifted in the pleasure of it. Nobunaga brought his hands to her shoulders.
“How are you even sober after last night?”
She shrugged, lacing her fingers through his hair. “Come sail with me Nobunaga, I’ll show you the world.”
He let his hands slowly slide down her back to cup her hips.
“Chiara, there is nothing I would love more, but I have to make arrangements first. I have nothing packed with me. I’ve left no direction for my men. You can’t just steal me away.”
“It appears that I can because I have,” she countered playfully. Her hips shifted enticingly on Nobunaga's lap, making promises of encasing him in a tight, seductive heat.
He growled.
“You need to take me back.”
“I don’t need to do shit. You are on my ship. I make the rules here.”
“Oh, do you?”
Suddenly she was lifted into the air. He took three steps and tossed her unceremoniously onto the bed.
“The crew is loyal to me. What are you going to do about it, Nobunaga? Tell me I’m a bad girl? Scold me?” Her eyes lit dark with glee as she turned to him. Chiara’s hands were already at the buttons of her blouse. That gap fell lower, exposing her breasts.
“That is exactly what I am going to do. You seem to have forgotten your manners,  Captain .” His eyes roved over her, and then his hand shot forward, flipping her face down, a mass of golden hair in his fist. He pinned her, the weight of his palm to her shoulder blades. “If you want to act like a naughty girl taking what she wants instead of asking nicely, then that is how you will be treated.” His other hand came forward, yanking her pants down to her knees, exposing the ample round curve of her ass. He noticed a perfect ring of purple teeth marks on her left cheek.
His teeth marks, Nobunaga groaned and his cock gave a hard, lurching throb.
He gave her a few light slaps watching the flesh of cheek roll enticingly with it. His hand went to his buckle, katana sheaths hit the wooden floor as they slid off his belt.
“Wait, Nobunaga!” Chiara squirmed. She tried to twist to see what he was doing when the first crack of leather hit her skin. She squealed.
The second strike hit, and she screamed. Then the searing heat of his tongue soothed the abused flesh. His hand squeezed, palming her right cheek rolling it gently.
“I’m waiting for your apology,” his voice wavered somewhere between pissed off and aroused.
A string of Portuguese came out so virulent he was certain she was swearing. He raised his belt again.
She panted angrily. “You bastard. I—”
His tongue soothed over the abused skin again, and Chiara slumped into the mussed bedding with a moan.
“You?” His large hand rubbed a warm circle on her reddened skin.
“I am not sorry for stealing you from a life you could no longer stand to be mired in!”
“Mouthy girl.” The leather cracked against her flesh again, sending it into a tantalizing jiggle. He followed it up with rhythmic light slaps that had her moaning and writhing despite him still having a firm grip on her hair. Chiara clenched her hands in the bed sheets.
“Stop,” she gritted out, not even trying to look back at him. Nobunaga paused, then raised the belt again. The silence spun out brittle between them, with only her panting breath filling it.
“You know what word to use if you desire for me to stop.” He dragged the leather slowly over her abused flesh. Waiting.
Chiara went quiet.
He adjusted the grip on her hair, softening it just slightly. She turned her head just enough to look back at him. His eyes locked with hers. Those dark blonde lashes fluttered as they stared each other down, neither budging. Nobunaga traced his belt over the soft skin just below her cheeks. Chiara licked her lips, leaning back into it.
His dick throbbed confined by his hakama. Dear spirits, this woman would be the death of him.
He cracked the belt three times across her ass, relishing the high-pitched cries, the way her back arched as she leaned into it. He glanced down and saw her arousal trickling down her thigh. With a groan, he released her hair to spread those cheeks and taste her. She bucked and twisted on his tongue, and he kneeled on the bed, putting a hand under her to lift her hips higher. His fingers brushed up her back once again to grip that mane of hair.
“More?” he growled the question into her skin.
“God, Yes!” It was more of a high pleading whine coming out of her throat than anything commanding. He raised the belt.
The door opened.
“Captain, is everything alright in here?” Matisse stepped into the room, and his mouth gaped in shock.
Read more on A03 https://archiveofourown.org/works/28048281/chapters/68713227
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janumun · 5 years
General NSFW Headcanons (IkeVamp Jean)
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Author’s Notes: No more Isaac head-canons, but I come to you with this short Jean retreat! 
Had to dredge through whatever dreary amount of Jean content I have in my album to better appreciate our Starless (K)night.
This officially leaves me with only Sebastian who is not on my Ikemen Vampire’s ‘General NSFW’ head-canon roster. Poor Sebastian, I love you and your forehead flicks even if no one else does lol.
Tagging @eleonarain​ for their earlier request for Jean! 
Happy Reading!
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Jean d'Arc
Your first time with Jean – a milestone – is hard-earned; as well as the soldier’s humble, gentle affections for you.
(Similar to Dazai) A convergence point in your relationship, the next step in your physical intimacy is a slow, patient trudge across a summit of hardships and questioning moments; many of which felt like a line stretched taut - too thin - but you persevered, wanting to hold this man and his heart for the rest of your shared eternity.
Coming together with Jean is intentional, thoughtful, forgiving. Like the love you hold in your heart.
His fingers, no longer carrying their share of hesitation, gentle though they are; tug apart your night gown to reveal flesh long held from sight, it causes the vivid blue of his eye to widen before it crinkles at the corner, lovingly, blinded by the beauty that is exposed with each careful drag of fabric against eager skin.
Your hands are coming around his neck to hold on, secure; firm in your desire. Jean meets your eyes. No words are exchanged. Not anymore. Not now.
Your mouths come together as swift as the assured arms that come around your waist to hoist you onto his body, carrying you back towards the bed before he lays you down. A gentle swipe of his palm across your thigh cajoles your legs into falling apart to finally let Jean catch a glimpse of the wet desire that leaves your body for his sheets.
A cool exhale leaves him on a sigh before his hands dip into the mattress on either sides of your body, head settling further down in the space you have allowed him to have, all to himself tonight.
And your cries leave you as adamantly as the mouth that plays at your entrance, worshipful; tasting your essence till you tremble with the intensity of what he does to you.
And when a smooth swing of those powerful hips finally has him buried within you, Jean’s breath leaves him on a wretched gasp of air, wrenched and stolen; the sensation of you all around him overpowering him in his entirety. Chasing your pleas with each desperate rock of his hips into you, the pleasure swells and builds till it finally lets him leave himself; body, heart and soul, within you.
Jean is a gentle, keen lover; punctilious in his methodical, heedful approach to sex with you.
Almost doggedly so, he is patient in his touches and preparation of your body. Your pleasure his first and foremost priority as he sinks his face into the space between your legs, lapping at you with slow, broad licks of his tongue as your thighs flutter beneath his lithesome hands, curved around the space where thighs meet ass.
The press of his fingers is gentle to hold, when your heels unconsciously dig into the sheets, the mattress. Your spine arching off the bed with a silent cry as you ripple around his tongue within your depths, sending wetness gushing forth to cling to his lips.
Flustered and guilt-stricken, when you try to apologize to him, he’s silencing your protests with a shake of his head.
“I would not be a man if I were afraid of letting myself be marked by my lady’s body in pleasure.”
Forthright, honorable; he is a man of his word, taking his duty of pleasuring his Mademoiselle very seriously.
You are a beautiful woman in Jean’s eyes, each and every part of you an honor he considers, to love; but if pressed to name his favorite physical attribute of yours–
Your lips are what have had Jean mesmerized since the day he met you. The words you spoke through those honest lips of yours, incapable of deceiving a soul. The mouth that found it so easy to drop a word of kindness to those you considered worthy of your compassion; as genuine as the warmth that lay buried within those hands that reached to embrace him.
But those lips. When you settle them above his head, kisses whispering of a loving heart; and he is reminded yet again: how you chose to give it to him. To entrust his unworthy hands with something so fragile, yet unnervingly brave. So precious, he did not deserve the benevolence, the solace of your love until you remind him that he does. And it is entirely his.
Jean, you are worthy of being loved.
Your kisses seem to scold in gentle tones as your mouth works above his own, tongues meeting across the pocket of warmth in between you. He lifts his head to chase after you but your mouth is elsewhere already. Branding your affection into the crescent of his neck as you grind your hips into him, moving to capture the short burst of air that leaves his mouth as soon as you do so.
His hands are at your back, softly coaxing you deeper onto him as you kiss away the soiled darkness of his heart and let him believe:
He is worthy of being loved.
Jean is ready to draw his rapier at the drop of a hat and doubly so, if it is to protect your ‘honor’.  
Arthur’s coquetry has more than once landed him at the receiving end of Jean’s glacial stare and his rapier’s even sharper point.
True, his reactions are a tad bit exaggerated when it comes to you, but when Jean stumbles upon you and Mozart by accident, one certain night and witnesses the creases that warm the edges of his friend’s eyes in soft affection, the tiniest hints of a smile playing across his lips before it vanishes just as swift when you lift your head to meet Mozart’s gaze–
Jean has his own share of insecure moments. He trusts you completely and is far more prone to drawing his weapon at men Arthur who would seek to bother you but when it is Mozart he finds standing in opposition, Jean is at a loss.
Far more sparing with words than he usually is, his mind is elsewhere when he has you in his arms, his stare focused at the top of your heaving breasts – right where your heart lies – as he thinks of how well you and Mozart seem to fit, perhaps… perhaps even better than–
Your words are what strike him out of wandering thoughts, starless gaze focusing onto and taking in the worry on your face.
“It is nothing much, mon ange.” Jean whispers quietly, willing it to be true as he places his lips against your forehead.
You may not fully understand the sorrow that darkens his gaze but you inherently realize his need to be held, and so you do, pulling him down in a kiss you hope burns and sears through his worries, until all he remembers is that you love him.
And a part of Jean seems to break into that kiss, thawing, giving way until he reciprocates your feelings with a sharp movement of his hips, driving himself deeper into you. Your cries, the sweetness of sweat-soaked skin as he laves at you; all driving him closer and closer to the pleas that leave your lips.
Jean. Jean.
He believes. He lets go, finding his release within you, your walls clenching down tight as if you wish to keep his warmth within for as long as is allowed the two of you.
 Another thirsty one: Jean is addicted to the taste of you.
The terrible habit of letting himself hunger away till he’s absolutely parched is hard for him to let go of and so, you have taken it upon yourself to see he does not starve himself into frenzy, or worse, death.
Jean is understandably reluctant to feed off of you but when you offer yourself to him, in such trust and subjugation, in love-
Jean’s desire is flaring higher, the need for your blood stronger and so, he takes you.
He kneels at your feet, fingers a delicate circle around your ankle. The gentle scrape of fangs in kisses he lays upon your skin has you shivering in pleasure as he drags the fabric of your skirt high, higher, till his mouth has found its way onto your calf. The stray, torturous catch of fangs against your skin in preparation, his eyes meets yours when you move to sink your fingers into the silken strands of his hair and pull. Jean is drawn to you, teeth piercing skin and you moan, loud and sonorous, letting the pleasure of his mouth wash you ashore.
A/N: Thank you for reading, friends! It’s always nice to hear your thoughts, be it a comment or a reblog.
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mythiica · 5 years
Reader x Nobunaga Oda {IkeSen} - Moonglade
Title: Moonglade Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku Character: Nobunaga Oda Genre: romance, “formal” diction   Warnings: none Word Count: 750 Other comments: moonglade = the reflection of the moon in a body of water; this is for @art-of-love-and-war​! happy birthday <3
It’s later than usual. 
           You can tell just by the position of the moon against the night sky. Stars twinkle as they always do, but you have come to tell time by measuring the relative distance between the moon and a tree at the far edge of the garden. Now, the moon meets the topmost slope of the branches, meaning it is later than usual. 
          He said that he might not be able to make it. There is an important summit tonight, and you know very well that is his way of saying the warlords and I are going to get absolutely drunk before we can kill each other. You still don’t quite understand the politics of the time, despite living in Sengoku for nearly a year, but the one thing you learned: do not trifle with warlords and their sake. 
          The possible worst part of it is: you can hear their collective laughter. There, just behind the sliding doors. Even the echo of the glasses knocking against each other reverberates around the garden and makes it directly to your ears. Light floods from behind you, but you prefer the silver glow of the moon, reflected in the pond. 
          Perhaps you should go to sleep, he’ll understand. 
          A flicker of movement  in the corner of your eye catches your attention. It’s just a fish, darting around the said pond, looking for a snack. You’d offer it a piece of bread, but you didn’t take any from the dining hall. Crouching forward, you lean down a bit to apologize. “I am sorry, fish. I’ll bring you something tomorrow.” 
          It’s a bit silly, talking to the animal like it understands you. There’s a feeling in your stomach that tells you it does, in fact, comprehend your words. Its eye meets yours for that moment, before it swims away rapidly to hide under a rock. 
          Now, a shadow cast by the shine of the waning party, stands behind you. 
          “You’ve traded me for a fish, I see.” 
          “The fish was punctual.” 
          Nobunaga Oda laughs and offers you a hand. The smell of sake on his breath is unmistakable, and he seems friendlier than usual. You give him a few fingers. He brushes his thumb against your skin. It’s warm. 
          “I might have finally out drinken the kitsune! He turned in for the night, face redder than I’ve ever seen.” Nobunaga rambles on, like he’s waiting for you to praise him. 
          “I suppose congratulations are in order?” 
          He smiles a bit. “I wouldn’t be against it if you offered some.” 
          You are ready to indulge him, but Nobunaga starts walking and pulls you gently with him. It’s a small trip, and actually ends atop the bridge connecting the ponds together. The two of you are only a meter above the water now, but he loops his arm around you as if to keep you from falling in. His other hand appears from inside his formal robes. “I saved this for you.” 
          A small wrapped package. 
          It sits in his palm, dwarfed by the sheer size of his hand. Even in the dim light, you can make out the intricate design of the fabric and how carefully it has been folded around the surprise inside. 
          “Happy birthday.” 
          The words come from his lips so casually, and so softly, you mistake it for the wind. 
          “I thought you had forgotten.” 
          Nobunaga muses at this and rests his chin on your shoulder. “If it seemed that way, it’s only because I had to amaze you somehow. You’re too good at finding things out on your own. Better than Mitsuhide, I’d say.” 
          You lift the gift and lean your head against his, a silent way for asking permission to open it. Inside, you find a tiny necklace in the shape of the moon. And a few pieces of star-shaped konpeito. (That’s how you know it’s from him. That he chose the necklace and went through the trouble of wrapping it himself.) 
          “We meet by moonlight every night, so I thought it fitting to give you this. Do you like it?” 
          He’s already lifted the chain and moves to place it around your neck. 
          The silver metal glints in the water, just as bright as the moon next to it. “Am I your moon?” 
          You see his smile deepen in the reflection. “You are more than that.” Nobunaga presses a kiss to your jaw. “So long as you talk to me, and not the fish.” 
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not-krys · 4 years
Traveler’s Guide to Krys’s OCs, Volume 1
Because I’m sure tumblr’s gonna crap out with all the images, lol.
So, on a whim, I finally decided to create a basic facts list for my OCs, both for my benefit and for those interested in some of the backstories that I haven’t gotten around to incorporating into proper fics yet.
This first version is for my two IkeSen OCs Houki and Ophelia, my IkeVamp OC Thea, and the OCs featured in two of my fictober fics from this year. Later editions might go into depth about different characters or the ones here if something major develops for them, but that remains to be seen.
Anyway, strap in because this is gonna get long~
Fandom OCS
Houki of Jiyel
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[Picrew From Here] [Original Intro Here]
-Originally a Seven Kingdoms: A Princess Problem Custom MC (A Minor Lady with a Scholarly Bent), transplanted into Ikemen Sengoku -Youngest daughter of her family consisting of her parents and her older brother, Seishuku. They are a branch family to a much bigger complex family. -Long black hair that she wears loose the majority of time. Short stature. Green eyes. Wears round glasses as she's practically blind without them. Early 20s-ish. -Avid book lover, spends most of her day up to her nose in paper and ink. If it wasn't for regular body functions, she probably would spend the rest of her days just devouring information. -Because of her passionate love of reading, she tends to be neglectful of other obligations that come with being a noble, like forming alliances and being sociable, much to her mother's dismay. -Because of an incident involving her cousin Jiya, Houki is forced to represent her country in a seven year summit meeting where seven people from each of the seven kingdoms to form alliances and such. She's not exactly happy about it, but she's taken an 'it is what it is' attitude about it. -While on the island of the Seven Year Summit, a threatening letter comes to her and she cuts her finger on the paper, sending a slow but deadly poison coursing through her. She doesn't try to get help about her poisoning as she has no idea who she can and can't trust at this summit, so she goes about her way seeking information about her poison on her own and if there was a way to treat it before it eventually kills her. -I'll probably make a more concrete timeline about the events eventually, but at some point she's transported into Sengoku Era Japan where she helps Nobunaga escape the burning temple, but passes out both from the smoke inhalation and from the poison coursing through her. -Her course from here follows Mitsunari's route. He helps teach her the way of the Sengoku era while falling for each other along the way. Houki learns to be a more responsible person for Mitsunari while she gives him more confidence in himself. -If Houki doesn't go back to her own world, she'll stay with Mitsunari and eventually marries him. They have two kids together, Shigenari and Tatsuhime. --Her poisoning is eventually cured but the long term effects are hard on her, especially after having two children.
Ophelia of Revaire
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[Picrew Used Here] [Original Intro Here]
-Originally a Seven Kingdoms: A Princess Problem Custom MC (The Ambitious Widow), transplanted into Ikemen Sengoku -Average height with chin-length white hair. Red eyes like Nobunaga, can appear brown in some lights. Age is more or less ambiguous in this game, but she's at least closer to her mid-twenties. -Eldest daughter of her family consisting of her parents and nine children (seven daughters, two sons). Though her family was of the nobility class, they were poor, oftentimes money was spent on appearing rich rather than having basic needs met for the family and the estate. -Because of the family debts, when Ophelia was old enough, she was married to a much older man for his money. The marriage lasted barely a year when her husband unexpectedly died. Though there was a lot of blame thrown onto her for causing his death, she really had nothing to do with it, just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. -In spite of the horrible rumors surrounding her, when her family came to her in financial trouble again, she stepped up to climb the social ladder again, to find better alliances and deals to bring them out of debt, hopefully forever. This was where she heard about Revaire, her home country, looking for candidates to represent them in the Seven Year Summit, and she jumped at this chance. She was still surrounded by those dark rumors of her killing her husband for his money, not to mention the dark rumors surrounding her country in general after the coup that took out it's royal family, so Revaire wasn't exactly looking too hot on the global stage. -Like Houki, I don't have a concrete timeline of when she arrives in the Sengoku, but she tries her best to adapt, she really tries, but Nobunaga finally pushes her past her breaking point and she runs away. -Wasn't originally planning on putting her with a suitor, but Kennyo kept coming up and seemed like a nice fit for her. I'm gonna wait until his route comes out to see if I can come up with a timeline for their relationship officially. -If she doesn't go back to her original world (debatable, since there was so much pain and trauma there, she might not want to go back), she stays with Kennyo and Ranmaru while trying to have a more peaceful life after everything that's happened. -Also debatable if she's eventually going to have any children. I've considered making her infertile and I've also considered sex-repulsed because of her previous marriage or just sex-repulsed in general, but it's still an idea up for consideration. -However, if biological children are eventually brought to the table, there would likely be a lot of daughters because Ophelia's genetics pretty much said fuck off y chromosomes, given the amount of younger sisters she has. (This is, of course, considering if their kids stick to the traditional gender binary, then all bets are off after that point if they decide not to).
Dorothea "Thea" Reid
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[Picrew Used Here] [Original Intro Here] -Custom MC for Ikemen Vampire -Fashion Historian and Seamstress before her trip to 1890s Paris. -Average height with long brown hair that she keeps in a braid if she's not in the mood for some historical hairstyle that's caught her fancy. Bright baby blue eyes that are accentuated by her millions of face freckles. College age (basically early-ish 20s). -Previously lived with her two dads and mom. Her dads Liam and Benito took in her mother, Elizabeth, when she was disowned by her family for wanting to keep her out-of-wedlock baby (Thea). Elizabeth, Liam, and Benito are all poly-married to each other, first with Benito and Liam, then they both married Elizabeth. She and Beni inspired Thea's love of making clothes while Liam inspired her love of history. -Thea prefers to be called that because of a traumatizing school play where, while she loved the blue gingham dress her mom made for the play, the kids kept calling her Dorothy for the rest of the year to pick on her and she hated it. She still hates people assuming her nickname is Dorothy, so she always corrects them to Thea. Politeness when doing so depends heavily on her mood. And, only her parents can call her Dorothea (mostly Liam does. And Elizabeth, when Thea's in trouble). And sometimes Sebastian can call her that too. -Less clear on when she comes to the 1890s Vampire mansion, but it was likely for a school trip or a research trip to the Louvre. -Her main love interest is Theodorus and their romance follows his route, more or less. Because of her background is historical fashion, however, it's not an uncommon occurrence for her to squish his face when he starts going on about artistic talent being just that, talent, without considering the work that goes into shaping that talent. She will help him change the art world in a heartbeat, however. To bring more voices and colors into the art world both via paintings and textiles, it's the best of both worlds. -In another universe, she also has a love interest in Arthur as well. He challenges her, mentally, and he does start to treat her right when she puts her foot down and establishes boundaries. -In another other AU, Thea is in a polycube with both Theo and Arthur, best of both worlds. She and Arthur help him to set up galleries with Theo, while Theo's keen eye for small details has helped them in many a case around town. -Thea feels she's not ready for children and given her mother's past, isn't exactly keen on the idea after what she went through.  Plus, given that one or both her lovers (depending on which AU we're in) are vampires, the conceivability factor is unknown. What can come from a vampire consummating with a human and the two producing a child?  Not to mention medical care isn't what it's like in the modern day, so not only painful but could possibly kill her because she's still a human. Doesn't sound like a fun time. -Worries about half vampire spawn aside, if she does have kids, if it's with Theo, she would absolutely name a son after Vincent. -If she ever does get the chance to go home, she's taking her love(s) with her. If she can't, she's absolutely going to try and find them again in the modern day. They're vampires, so she needs to make up for missing 100 years of loving them.
Original OCs
Eternity Saga Takashi Imeteri
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[Picrew Used Here] -Fallen angel, blamed for a crime he didn't commit. Is now on the run from Archangels that are after him. -Tall boi, long brown hair with white bangs, hair continuing to whiten as time goes on. Violet eyes, kind eyes. He has two wings, angel wings, that are grey and splattered blood as they literally rip his back up whenever he summons them. Can use healing magic and light spells when the occasion calls for it. -In his mortal life, he was the son of a human and an archangel, something that's generally frowned upon, but Takashi proved himself worthy of full angel status after death, so he was allowed to be an angel because of his kind and good nature. -Seems like the sweetest man you'll ever meet, if a bit of an airhead at times. -Falls for the human Arianna after he saves her. Dotes on her all the time. Would literally fall again if it meant waifu was happy and safe. -Has a younger half-brother, Haiiro, who was created not having emotions. Also dotes on little brother despite the sibling initially trying to kill him all the time. -One of my oldest OCs, both figuratively and literally.  Canon-wise, he's about 10,993 years old, give or take. Out of canon, he was one of my first original characters to RP with when I was a teenager. He was my self-insert character's dad who taught her how to do healing magic. He also helped his son-in-law (Lord of the Ring's Legolas, because that's who my self-insert wanted to be with) take on a Balrog. It was awesome.
Arianna Imeteri
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[Picrew Used Here] -Human that was saved by Takashi from being sold to the highest bidder at a bar. He literally won her by disguising a bag full of keyrings as coins and running off with her before their trickery was discovered. -Shortie mcshortshort. She has long brownish blonde hair. Brown eyes. Takes no nonsense kind of attitude despite the fantastical things surrounding her. -The more I try to figure out about her, the more she starts to feel like a pov character rather than as a character of her own, reacting to the things around her. With later iterations (if they ever come about, lol), I hope to give her more of a backstory as time goes on. -She loves Takashi despite his tendency to dote on her. Probably the most tsun I'm gonna make a character. -Also one of my oldest character, but not in the sense of Takashi's canon age. If Takashi was my self-insert's father, Arianna was her mother. She started off as very sweet and nurturing as well, only to turn more and more bitter and sarcastic as time went on. She just seemed to turn more and more bitter as I aged with my characters, and I like her better with that bit of feistiest in her.
Misc OCs
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[Picrew Used Here]
-Dani was inspired by doodles one day when I tried to figure out maternity wear if I wanted to give the clothes a more masculine look. Dani was first drawn as a preg butch woman that was doing a flexing selfie in a tank top raised up to show her baby belly with muscular arms and a hat on backwards (looking very dudebro-ish, but preg).
-Going down a google rabbit hole to see if I could find references to more masculine/androgynous inspired maternity (alternity) wear, I found there wasn't much at all for androgynous/masculine looks because maternity wear is a heavily cis-feminine field, so a lot of the clothes are going to look cis-feminine.
-Cue me drawing more of Dani with more masculine/androgynous styles with her to see if I could find a way to draw alternity wear for her since she prefers to wear more masculine styles. Her story started developing from there.
-She's on the short side, with short black hair that never seems to do what she wants with it. Athletic build as she loves sports and being generally active. Blue eyes. Early to mid 20s.
-She and her wife, Angie, had finally settled down in their life and decided they wanted some kids together. Still on the fence about if they conceived through in vitro or through… different methods, but either way, Dani is going to be the one carrying the kid (possibly more, if they're up for that).
-Dani and Angie have known each other since middle school, where they became friends. Angie was being bullied at school because she liked feminine things and future wife Dani fought her future wife's bullies. She often pulled off her feminine things her mom made her wear and gave them to Angie to wear as she seemed to like wearing them more. Dani was also her biggest support when Angie was going through the transition process, often complimenting her on pretty or beautiful she looked in one thing or another. Even heavily pregnant, Dani will still punch people for using her wife's dead name and the wrong pronouns.
-When their kid is born, they have a little boy, but if their kid grows up wanting a different gender (or none at all, or even all of them, if they prefer), they're ready to accept their kid for who they are, just as they did for each other.
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[Picrew Used Here] -Angie was created not long after Dani's initial doodle, deciding that a wife would be best for Dani. -Was initially on the fence between if I wanted to make Angie infertile despite wanting kids so bad, or if I wanted to make her a transwoman and not have the right equipment even if she wanted kids. Finally decided to go with trans mostly on a whim after seeing a post saying FU to JK Rowling and her… views, so that settled that. -Angie is tall and blonde with legs for days. Same age as Dani. Grey eyes. She loves cute flowy feminine styles of clothing and she knows how to make her makeup shine. -When she and Dani were in middle school, Angie was shy and often picked on when she said she didn't like playing rough and just wanted to sit quietly at lunch. Dani often came to her rescue, smacking her future wife's attackers with whichever sport item she had been carrying that day. -Angie first realized she was trans when she was over at Dani's house one day and asked if she could try on Dani's uniform, which had a skirt and blouse. Dani agreed, on the condition that she try on Angie's too. So, they switched uniforms. And while Angie's was a bit big for the tiny Dani, Angie seeing herself in a skirt for the first time awakened something in her. That this… felt right. Dani supported her every step of the way, switching to Angie's preferred pronouns immediately and helped her find her new name, giving her cute things to girly up her uniform, and kicked anyone that dared to mock her precious new girlfriend and future wife. -Had long talks with Dani for years about wanting a family, going back and forth on wanting to adopt, in vitro, and using the parts given to them the old fashion way. They ultimately decide on Dani carrying (via in vitro or otherwise), deciding on biological first and deciding later on if they want to keep doing it this way or to go the adoption/fostering route next round. -Can't deny she loves seeing her wife pregnant. When Dani first started visibly showing, Angie kissed her belly so many times that there wasn't a spot that wasn't covered in red lipstick. And for their local pride festival that year, they painted each other's bellies with pride flags and lipstick stains, barely making it to the festival because of their giggling fits while painting and kissing each other. -Angie would do anything in the world for her wife and their kid(s). Dotes on them so, so much, there isn't a drop of doubt about Angie's love in their household. And Dani is much the same way, would do anything to help her wife be happy.
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tateishitoshiki · 4 years
[Translation] Toshiki Tateishi Livedoor Interview (19/12/19)
I translated the interview that was posted on his birthday!
I also crossposted this to my translation blog on Wordpress.
From a firefighter to the world of entertainment――Looking back at Toshiki Tateishi’s journey to where he is now, on his 26th birthday
Celebrating Toshiki Tateishi who’s approaching his 26th birthday on December 19th with balloons and confetti! “I’m happy because it’s the first time that an article about me is getting released on my birthday!” he said, beaming from ear to ear as he did the photoshoot.
His stage debut was Musical The Prince of Tennis 3rd Season (hereinafter referred to as “Tenimyu”) in 2017. His popularity rose after he took part in Mankai Stage “A3!”, and in only a few years, he quickly became known as a popular young actor.
There is such a term as an Akita Beauty, but Tateishi surely classifies as an “Akita Adonis”.
Looks that you can’t get tired of looking at, skin that has a smooth, silk-like clearness, and an atmosphere that overflows with elegance…… It came as a shock that despite having this level of flawless beauty, he used to be a firefighter before going into the world of showbiz.
In this interview, he talked about the whole story of how he came to aspire to become a firefighter, and the encounters that brought him to reaffirm his feelings for singing.
For my birthday this year, I’d like to get myself an electric bike 
ーYou’re turning 26 on December 19th. Congratulations!
Thank you!
ーWe had a birthday-themed photoshoot today, with balloons and even confetti.
I had a lot of fun doing things I couldn’t do as a child (haha)
ーCan you tell us about your past birthday parties?
When I was young, I used to invite my friends from class to my house every year for a birthday party, but when I was in 1st or 2nd grade, my parents gave me a soccer ball. It made me so happy that I kicked it around inside the room, and it ended up landing on top of the cake, which hadn’t even been cut yet (haha)
ーHuh? Didn’t your parents get mad?
It was my birthday, so they couldn’t get mad at me (haha). Though I would say that they’re the type of parents that never really get mad.
ーThat’s such a charming story (haha). December 19th is pretty close to Christmas, isn’t it? Did you ever get only one present for both your birthday and Christmas? 
No, they always made it separate. I have sisters who are 5 and 7 years older than me, so as the youngest child, they were very affectionate to me. I guess I was quite spoiled (haha)
ーDo you plan on getting yourself anything for your birthday this year?
I haven’t thought about it. … But now I think I’d like to get an electric bicycle.
It’s because I went to a photoshoot by bike sometime ago, but I kept getting overtaken and it took quite some time to get there, so it was pretty tough (haha). I’ve also had people around me suggest it, saying, “You should definitely buy an electric bike,” so maybe I will buy one.
ーNow that you’re turning 26, you’ve reached the turning point of your 20s. Is there anything you’d like to do before you turn 30?
I’m not much of a planner, so… (haha)
ーHow about things like what you want to do in a job?
Thankfully, right now, I’m able to work both with music in a group and in stageplays, and I’ve just started working in film… Yeah, I would like to expand my horizons more. 
Ah, I love eating, so I would love to appear in a variety show or something that involves doing food reviews without having to stop working in music and acting.
ーI want to watch a program that shows more of your personality
Yes, please! Something like “TOshiki Tateishi’s TOwn Walk” sounds like fun! (haha)
Playing the role of Yukimura led me to grow as an actor and as a person 
ーYour birthday on December 19th is also the same day as the opening night of Musical The Prince of Tennis 3rd Season Seigaku VS Rikkai The Last Half.
That’s right!
ーYou play the role of Seiichi Yukimura of Rikkai. In a previous Livedoor interview, you talked about asking your manager to let you know if Tenimyu starts taking auditions. What made you want to be in Tenimyu in the first place?
After I quit being a firefighter, I passed an audition and started taking lessons. But, I fell into a slump and shut everything out, and there was a period when I didn’t go to my lessons and instead did nothing but watch movies.
At that time, I thought that watching films and then laughing and crying because of acting is the same as listening to music and then feeling moved. It made me think that I want to be someone like this, I want to try being an actor.
… So, the question is, why did I audition for Tenimyu, huh? (haha)
ーYes. (haha)
I heard that it was a gateway to success for young actors, so I wanted to challenge it.
ーI heard that you were in the swimming club and the baseball club when you were a student, but did you have any experience with tennis?
I didn’t. That’s why I don’t know the rules, and the first time I ever held a racket was in Tenimyu.
But I remember thinking of it this way. It took time to audition, and I got the part through that, so no matter how difficult the training is, I have no choice but to do it! Anyway, instead of thinking that it’s difficult, I desperately, frantically devoted myself to it.
ーGiven that you have a lot of co-stars, did you ever face any troubles occasionally?
I did find myself troubled with personal relationships. We had to make one production with that large number of people, so we were bound to have some conflicts, and now that I think about it, we couldn’t really make it work at first. But as we attended more rehearsals, we overcame our hardships and our bonds were formed.
ーWas there any pressure in debuting with the role of Yukimura? 
Of course there was. Rikkai is the champion school, so there was the impatience that I had to meet everyone’s expectations. I came in with no skills or anything at all, so there was still the shyness at having to act. It made me very worried.
ーSpeaking of Yukimura, being the captain of Rikkai makes him the strongest guy among all of Japan middle school tennis.
Yes. Yukimura started out with scenes wherein he was hospitalized instead of tennis scenes, so that part was difficult.
ーHow was it difficult?
I think it’s relatively easier to portray his strong “Child of God” side where he’s reigning at the summit of Rikkai. But when I had to sing in a scene where he was still hospitalized, I found it difficult to portray his frailty while also preserving the inner strength of his spirit.  
There’s a part where he sings, “Do your best, I’m praying for you,” to his friends in Rikkai, but I guess I sang it too weakly. The director told me, “Yukimura is originally a physically and mentally strong player, so express his hidden inner strength even through song,” so I had a fairly hard time dealing with that.
ーYou gain a deeper understanding of Yukimura while playing his role, but what do you think makes him attractive?
Like I mentioned, I guess it’s his mental strength as a person. His demeanor is fairly gentle, but I think he’s strong and likes tennis more than everyone else. He also has a ruthless side to him, he hates losing, he never wavers… he’s very cool. I respect who he is on the inside, and I think playing the role of Yukimura led me to grow as an actor and as a person.
I thought it’s amazing to have a job where you save lives 
ーI’d like to hear about the time before you entered this world, your firefighter days. Last October, Jun Utahiroba introduced your history in Mezamashi TV’s Ikemen Notebook corner.
A lot of people messaged me to say “I saw you”, and my Twitter follower count increased, haha. It even went trending on Twitter.
ー#Tateishi-kun (#立石くん) and #FirefighterDaysPic (#消防士時代の写真) did go trending on Twitter. I thought it was clever when Utahiroba said, “If he were dripping in sexiness like this, fires would go out on their own.”
He also said things like “Announcing a burning love alert!” haha. I’m very thankful. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Utahiroba again for featuring me in his corner.
ーOkay, I’ll write that down, haha. When you were deciding on your career, you had a hard time choosing between attending university or becoming a firefighter, weren’t you?
When my mom asked me, “Why do you want to go to college? What’s your purpose for going there?”, I couldn’t answer her. So when I thought again about what I wanted to do, I decided that I wanted to aim to become a firefighter. 
ーOf all the jobs out there, why firefighting?
There was a fire prevention drill at my elementary school, and the firefighters that came to lead it were cool. Boys at that age do find things they admire at least once. After that, the film “Umizaru” became popular when I was in middle school. The term “lifesaving” left a huge impression on me, and I thought that while it may be difficult, a job that saves lives is really wonderful. I wanted to have something worth doing like that as my profession.. 
ーYour sense of justice has been very strong since you were young.
Hmm, I wonder. Is it? Haha
ーI heard that the Tokyo Fire and Disaster Management Agency is quite hard to get into. Their acceptance rate is high; did you have to work hard at studying? 
I did, haha. They had a written exam and a physical strength exam, but I started studying since first year high school, had tutorials, and I asked my upperclassmen about it.
ーIt must have been hard to build physical strength as well.
Yes. I was already doing sports, so I had a foundation to build on, but I still did a lot of muscle training and running.
I cried in frustration at the words of an old stranger, one night in Kitasenju  
ーAfter that, you passed the entrance exam in one take and moved to Tokyo.
I didn’t exactly work immediately after I was employed. I went to a fire fighting school to learn the necessary information and skills, and there I experienced living in a dorm. I was raised with two older sisters and I always went to co-ed schools, so I was overwhelmed when I entered, haha. 
ーHaha. They must have been very strict with rules.
There’s a curfew at night and the time when you’re supposed to wake up is also fixed, so it was difficult to live out our lives with all those things decided for us. When we woke up in the morning, we ran and assembled at the oval, and then we had a roll-call. They even had rules on how to fold our mattresses. If you don’t fold it properly, you’ll have to do it over again, so they had very detailed rules like that.
ーWhat left a deep impression on you in your nearly two years of working as a firefighter?
What left the biggest impression was probably the people I met. The instructor and assistant instructor in my class were very compassionate people, and I’m very glad I met them. Above all, I still keep in touch with the assistant instructor. We even went out to drink together around the end of last year, just the two of us. 
ーHe’s still concerned about you even until now.
He’s the kind of person who would talk about things straight and to the point, which is something most adults wouldn’t do. I also opened up to him and talked to him about how I wanted to pursue music. …… Ahh, that brings me back, haha. Which reminds me, I was invited by my higher-up who likes music to perform at a small bar in Kitasenju. That assistant instructor also came to watch.
ーWhat did you sing?
A song by my higher-up’s favorite, Yutaka Ozaki. I didn’t know that song too well, but I tried to copy the way Ozaki sings when I sang it. When I did that, an old man who came as a guest told me, “Is that your real voice? You don’t leave an impression at all even if you copy voices like that.”
… Those words pierced through my chest, and after the live, I cried while eating sushi in front of my assistant instructor and my higher-up, haha.
ーYou cried tears of frustration.
I haven’t cried in front of anyone ever since I became an adult…… but it somehow spilled out.
ーIs that the point when your dreams of becoming a singer were brought back to life?
I suppose so. That time was frustrating, but I’m grateful to that old man now, haha. 
When anxiety and fear turned into “fun”. I found a turning point in Mankai Stage
ーAfter experiencing your debut at Tenimyu in 2017, you gained a sudden rise in popularity by appearing as Itaru Chigasaki in the 2018 production of Mankai Stage “A3!”. Do you remember the time when you got accepted for your role in Mankai Stage?
I went into Mankai Stage after experiencing two musicals in Tenimyu, but at the time, I was still afraid of standing on stage and felt embarrassed to act, so I was very anxious. On top of that, he’s an extremely popular character, and he’s really attractive, so I didn’t know what to do.
That’s why I consulted my co-actors a lot, like Yamato (Furuya) who plays Citron and Ray Fujita who plays Sakyo Furuichi. I stood on stage carrying all my unease at the start, but around the closing night, I felt like I finally had a grasp on Itaru’s character.
Itaru places distance between his colleagues in the Spring troupe and himself at the beginning, so in our first musical, I deliberately made a wall between the cast and myself.
ーWere you pulled in by your role?
It did have quite an effect at the time. I couldn’t really switch between work and private life, so I could only face them wholly. But now, of course, even if a role like that comes up again, I won’t be pulled in by my role, haha. 
ーThere’s a scene in the play where Itaru starts to find theatre fun. Has your own feelings ever overlapped with Itaru’s?
There was. The first performances in Tokyo ended in July, and the Tokyo return shows weren’t until 3 months after, so there was a lot of time in between. I was very frantic at first and it was just a lot, but by the Tokyo return shows, I found it fun.
ーHow did you feel on stage before the Tokyo return shows?
I didn’t know what to do, and I was pretty much just scared. I didn’t get to stand on stage all that much as Yukimura in Tenimyu, so I wasn’t used to the stage yet. I was a lot more nervous as Itaru than as Yukimura, haha. It almost felt like I was making my first stage appearance. From there, the Tokyo return shows passed and I grew accustomed to it little by little.
Apart from that, the Autumn & Winter 2019 performance which ran from January until March was also a turning point for me. Itaru appeared in it to support the Autumn troupe and the Winter troupe, but everyone’s acting made me want to do better too, and I was really impressed.
ーDuring the Osaka run, you also did things like go to Universal Studios Japan with the Winter troupe.
That’s right. We really got along well, and every time we ate during the provincial tour, it was like, the Winter troupe plus me, haha. Ryo Kitamura and Makki (Yoshihiko Aramaki), Kandai Ueda, Ue-chan (Keisuke Ueda), Ryosei Tanaka, would go, “Let’s grab some food,” and invite me. It was a very nice, comfortable place.
ーAnd, you mentioned before that during the the rehearsals for the Spring solo performance in April this year that the words of Director Fumiya Matsuzaki gave you confidence.
Yes. During the break, Director Matsuzaki told me, “The fact that you’re having fun while acting is showing in your performance this time,” and I felt really happy that he went out of his way just to tell me that. That gave me confidence. I really owe Director Matsuzaki a lot as my teacher.  
ーDid you welcome the Spring solo performance with that feeling?
It was the best! 
There were a lot of scenes where Itaru drags the stage, so I really felt like I had control of the stage, and while that came with a lot of responsibility, it was extremely fun. I felt the sense that I was creating the play along with everyone in the Spring troupe.
ー2019 was the year of development for you, wasn’t it?
I was. But Mankai Stage actually started the year before, even though I feel like it’s been three years, haha. I guess, with that, 2019 was quite a fruitful year.
Toshiki Tateishi takes on the “Would You Rather?” challenge!
ーQuestion 1: If you were to have only one friend for a lifetime, would you rather have... A. A friend who always cancels on you at the last minute B. A friend who always gets jealous easily
Will I ever get to meet my friend even if they always cancel at the last minute?
ーYou will meet them, but they will frequently message to say, “I can’t go today,” even if you’re already at your arranged meeting spot.
Then I guess it’s better to have a jealous friend.
ーHow come?
Isn’t it nice, though? You’re very much loved, haha. 
ーThey’ll keep nagging you with questions like, “Who were you with yesterday?”, though.
Isn’t that cute? Haha
If they ask, it would be fine to just answer and say, “I was with ___.” Even if they easily get jealous, I’m sure that if we hang out together, they’ll cheer up about it. Sudden cancellations just ruin plans, so that’s worse, haha.
ーQuestion 2: If you were to get married, would you rather be married to... A. A girl who doesn’t talk at all B. A girl who will talk your ears off for as long as you’re together
There are a lot of things you can’t communicate without talking, so it’s better to be with a girl who talks than a girl who doesn’t. I’d rather not be told something later on like, “The truth is, it was like this, but…”
ーThere are a lot of stories where someone doesn’t want to say something but wants their partner to notice on their own.
True. That’s why I’d be happier if they would just say it.
ーBut if you come home from work all tired, and they’ll keep talking and talking...
Then I’ll make them be quiet. I can’t just let them talk for 24 hours, haha.
ーQuestion 3: If you were to go on an overseas trip, would you rather... A. Be left behind in a jungle B. Be left behind in a desert
Aaaagh… both of those are really scary. There would probably be water and food in the jungle, but there would also be crocodiles and snakes and bears and insects, and there are a lot of dangers. On the other hand, it’s hot in the desert, and there would be nothing to drink, and even in the desert, there would still be snakes and scorpions.
(grimaces) Yikes...
ーIt’s “Would You Rather”, so you’ll have to make do... 
For the desert, it also depends on how long it would take for me to get to a town.
ーPerhaps you might find an oasis along the way.
If I’m allowed to wear proper, durable clothes, I’ll go for the desert. Even if I suddenly get attacked by a scorpion hidden in the sand, my clothes will be strong enough to defend me, haha.
ーQuestion 4: If you were to be reborn, would you rather be... A. A guy B. A girl
Huh, I’ve never thought of that before.
ーIs it because you have sisters? So you don’t have any curiosity towards what it’s like to be a girl.
That’s probably it. I’ve had friends who only have brothers tell me, “Must be nice to have sisters,” but I’d tell them, “Not really,” haha. 
Ahh, what do I do. I think I’d like to be a dolphin or a bird.
ーThat’s a good answer, haha.
Ah, but I don’t want to see the sea at night; it gets scary. Guess I’d rather turn into a bird after all, haha.
ーQuestion 5: What kind of 2020 would you rather have? A. A calm year where nothing good and nothing bad happens B. A turbulent year where you experience the best and worst moments of your life
I wonder how bad the worst moment could be, haha. I’m sure there are people who prefer to live a safe life with no gains and no losses, but that’s scary. … But, yeah, I guess I’d definitely go for a year with the best and worst moments.  
ーYou prefer the turbulent year?
It isn’t time for me to rest yet, I guess. It would be nice to spend my days peacefully someday, but for now, I want to experience a lot of things and grow more. So bring it on, turbulent 2020.
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dis-gizibe · 4 years
Heard a japanese reactor call NCT 2020 a Ikemen G20 summit and now I can’t unsee 
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rikumorimachisgirl · 5 years
We spent a good part of the day on a hike up Mount Takao to visit the Takao-san Yakuoin Temple, one of the oldest temples in the country and is said to have been around since the Edo period. (I need to emphasize this because I love Ikemen Sengoku. Lol!) Anyway, like an Otome game, this mountain has different routes you can choose from to get to the top where the temple is. The easiest route has paved paths and cable chairs that take you to the summit; however, since my family and my boyfriend just bought themselves new Fitbits and Apple watches, they wanted to make things difficult for me. 🤪 of course, they chose a rather difficult trail called Inariyama. These are some pics from the hike. It was so difficult and we took two hours to climb the mountain, but the views and the flowers were pretty.
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And then we reached the temple. We prayed, made our wishes, rang the bell and we were asked to pick out our fortune slips. Mine was really good! I also asked for good fortune for all of you. 💕 we took the cable car going down because our legs... 🤪
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Happy New Year! Now I'm gonna go to sleep!
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krys-loves-otome · 5 years
Fictober 2019, Day 4: “I know you didn’t ask for this.”
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku: Romances Across Time Rating: Mature, but just barely Pairing: Mitsunari Ishida/Houki of Jiyel(OC) Warnings: Pregnancy, Fluff, Semi Naked Hugging. Is there such a thing as fluff without plot? Because that’s what this is. 
Also on Ao3!
My Fanfic Masterlist
Houki often wondered what she had done to deserve someone like Mitsunari. Waking up every morning to his sweet smile and 'I love you' as his first words to her each day melted her heart each and every time. How every night he would remind her how much he loved her again while holding her close while running his fingers through her long black hair. How much she loved holding pinkies with him when they walked through town together, and how he held her when they found something to read together, something she had thought she had to give up when she was called to take her cousin's place at the summit so long ago. To have a husband that loved reading and knowledge as much as she did (if not more so), it felt like she was dreaming.
A dream she certainly didn't want to wake up from. 
But it was morning now, she noted, with the early daylight making the closed screens glow softly.
She also noted that a rather curious hand had snaked its way under her robe and was massaging her soft and slight swollen tummy. 
Not that it was hard to get under her clothes, as she and Mitsunari had forgotten to tie their robes, again, before going to sleep.
She took in a deep breath, feeling the hand pause for a moment, and she opened her eyes, seeing the familiar amethyst eyes close enough for her to see them clearly.
"Good morning, Houki," he said with a smile. "Did you know that I still love you?"
She giggled, both from his familiar greeting and his fingers continuing to brush her exposed stomach, their interest in her making her ticklish. 
"I did," She leaned up and kissed his forehead, brushing her nose with his, "Did you know that I love you too, Mitsunari?"
"I still like hearing you saying it." He smiled softly, catching her lips with his. "I hope you two slept well?"
"We did," her hand reached down to meet his, twining their fingers together. "Did you sleep well?"
"As always, with you by my side." He pulled up their joined hands, kissing her fingers. "It seems we forgot to tie our robes again last night."
"It was late, after all." Houki pulled her hand away and sat up, not seeming to mind her robe was still open. "And we were both very tired."
"Quite," he agreed, also sitting up to fully appreciate seeing his lovely wife semi-bare for him. Seeing her already this round with his child, three, maybe four months now, made her all the more endearing to him. 
She smiled shyly, taking quick glances at Mitsunari as well, noting to herself how lean he was, and how nothing was hidden from her either.
"But it's morning now, so we should get up soon. Breakfast is important, after all."
He nodded, watching as she put on her glasses and stood up, and how she placed her hand on her lower back with a small whimper. Without a word, he was also on his feet, resting his hands on her lower back and massaged her pain away the best he could.
 "M-Mitsunari, you…"
"It seems last night wasn't enough to take your pain away," he sighed, disappointed. "I'm sorry, Houki."
She smiled, grateful that he wanted to try to help her at all. 
"You're fine, love." She turned to him, reaching up to him to kiss his cheek. "I know you didn't ask for this, when all we wanted was to love each other." 
She ran her hands down his arms, found his hands again and placed them on her stomach, smiling up at him.
"But, because of our love, we're creating new life, right now. That's pretty amazing to me." Frankly, she didn't think she would have enjoyed the idea of giving anyone heirs when she was still in Jiyel or how much of a frightening reality it had become when she was forced to go to the Summit.
With Mitsunari, however, she could honestly say she was looking forward to it. Being loved and cherished by the man she loved and cherished helped to ease her fears, as it had every other time Mitsunari stayed by her side. With anyone else and she might have been completely miserable. She then wrapped her arms around him the best she could, feeling his bare skin against hers, her tummy against him the only barrier to holding him as close as she used to.
"And that you want to help as much as you can is also pretty incredible."
He mirrored her, putting his arms around her in a tight hug.
"Of course I want to help you. I love you, after all."
She giggled, any minor aches and pains now forgotten, replaced with the warmth that was Mitsunari Ishida.
"Rely on me, Houki. Just as I rely on you."
She nodded, resting her head on his chest, breathing in a contented sigh.
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tenjinactor · 5 years
a comprehensive history of 10jinactor - 2014
dates written in japanese format: year/month/day
14/06/03 - ameblo, twitter announcements of 10jinactor asking for applications 14/06/03 - street scouting begins
14/07/02 - first episode of 10jinactor (10神アクター) broadcast on FBS 14/07/09 - second episode broadcast 14/07/16 - third episode broadcast 14/07/23 - fourth episode broadcast 14/07/30 - fifth episode broadcast
14/08/03 - ikemen summit held at Zepp Fukuoka 14/08/06 - sixth episode broadcast 14/08/13 - seventh episode broadcast 14/08/15 - magoshi takumi’s 21st birthday 14/08/20 - eighth episode broadcast 14/08/22 - ikemen summit photos uploaded to tumblr 14/08/27 - announcement of appearance at Sunset Live 14/08/27 - ninth episode broadcast 14/08/28 - announcement of charity fundraising 14/08/30 - live broadcast charity fundraising on tv 37 14/08/31 - live broadcast charity fundraising on tv 37
14/09/03 - tenth episode broadcast 14/09/07 - the remaining twenty contestants appear at Sunset Live (x x x x x x x x)
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14/09/10 - eleventh episode broadcast 14/09/17 - twelfth episode broadcast 14/09/24 - thirteenth episode broadcast
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14/10/01 - fourteenth episode broadcast 14/10/08 - announcement of Nissin Raoh collaboration 14/10/08 - fifteenth episode broadcast 14/10/08 - popular voting opens 14/10/11 - Sunset Live photos uploaded to tumblr 14/10/11 - handshake event with the remaining fifteen contestants at tenjin IMS 14/10/12 - handshake event with the remaining fifteen contestants at tenjin IMS
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14/10/13 - Nissin Raoh ikemen noodle battle event [cancelled due to typhoon] 14/10/15 - sixteenth episode broadcast (x) 14/10/15 - voting images posted on twitter x x x x x x x x x x x 14/10/22 - seventeenth episode broadcast 14/10/23 - popular voting closes 14/10/29 - nakashima yuuki’s 15th birthday 14/10/29 - eighteenth episode broadcast 14/10/31 - announcement of appearance at japan university of economics festival
14/11/01 - oka shintarou’s 19th birthday 14/11/01 - appearance at japan university of economics festival 14/11/03 - kitada shouichirou’s 17th birthday 14/11/05 - nineteenth episode broadcast 14/11/12 - twentieth episode broadcast 14/11/17 - matsushima yuunosuke’s 18th birthday 14/11/19 - twenty first episode broadcast 14/11/26 - twenty second episode broadcast (x)
14/12/03 - twenty third episode broadcast (10jinactor members decided!)
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14/12/10 - sawayanagi ryousuke’s 20th birthday 14/12/10 - twenty fourth episode broadcast 14/12/12 - announcement of 10jinactor debut events 14/12/12 - Chase Your Dream revealed as the theme song of the tv drama
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14/12/20 - 10jinactor’s debut event at IMS (rehearsal photos, cd prep) 14/12/22 - announcement of tv appearance 14/12/23 - mitsutake shinnosuke, magoshi takumi, sakata ryuuichirou appearance on FBS show mentai waido (めんたいワイド) 14/12/24 - Christmas Eve Once Again (mou ichido, christmas eve, もう一度、クリスマス・イブ) broadcast on FBS
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14/12/25 - announcement of tenjin hatsu uri 14/12/25 - 10jinactor’s acting debut event at elgala passage 14/12/26 - matsushima yuunosuke, kitada shouichirou, sekioka mark appearance on FBS show mentai waido (めんたいワイド) 14/12/29 - sekioka mark’s 23rd birthday
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matsushimayuunosuke · 5 years
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tenjinactor · 5 years
10jinactor (10神アクター) member summaries - oka shintarou
a summary of oka’s journey to becoming a member of 10jinactor! first, a general overview of the process: first by being scouted (or having applied directly), then the ikemen summit held at Zepp Fukuoka in august. oka showed his muscles and won the hyper chanbara game at ikemen summit.
the twenty contestants who passed the ikemen summit in august then performed at Sunset Live in september. oka found out he passed surrounded by his friends. one of his friends said his charm point was he was like a gorilla, then said his real charm point was his sincerity.
after Sunset Live, only fifteen made it through to the final round. the first challenge of the final round was a photoshoot, the second was training at tenjin IMS plus the ikemen ramen battle collaboration with Nissin Raoh, the third was acting with the theme “time bomb.”
oka was part of team E alongside magoshi and matsushima. oka was asked at what time his character was captured and for what reason, and oka replied he hadn’t thought of what time. he was told to think about everything about the character. then, during character development oka was asked what his character’s name was, replying “hito jichitarou” (hitojichi 人質 means hostage). he also said his character went to idiot tanaka junior high school, and he has a tattoo of the name of the woman he once loved, casarin.
the plot of their scene is that yuunosuke’s character has found a hostage (oka) and a ticking bomb. the villain (magoshi) returns, but the investigator, having tampered with the bomb’s settings in trying to disarm it, has changed the timings. the investigator shoots the villain, and tries to free the hostage, but the hostage knocks him out. it turns out the real villain was the hostage the whole time.
on november 3, the 10jinactor members were decided. oka was the eighth to be announced. cut forward to the filming of the drama Christmas Eve Once Again (mou ichido, christmas eve, もう一度、クリスマス・イブ)
cut back to when oka was first scouted. he was eighteen, a first year at fukuoka university where he studied in the faculty of sports. in junior high and high school he took part in eight competitions: 100m, hurdles, 1500m, 400m, shot put, javelin, high jump, and long jump. oka’s kabedon line was “i like you. would you be my manager?”
oka was also part of fukuoka university’s lacrosse team. a teammate said they were on a school trip once and oka was working out.
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tenjinactor · 5 years
10jinactor (10神アクター) member summaries - sakata ryuuichirou
a summary of sakata’s journey to becoming a member of 10jinactor! first, a general overview of the process: first by being scouted (or having applied directly), then the ikemen summit held at Zepp Fukuoka in august. at ikemen summit, sakata sang and played guitar.
the twenty contestants who passed the ikemen summit in august then performed at Sunset Live in september. sakata found out he passed during band practice with his band DeLight.
after Sunset Live, only fifteen made it through to the final round. the first challenge of the final round was a photoshoot, the second was training at tenjin IMS plus the ikemen ramen battle collaboration with Nissin Raoh, the third was acting with the theme “time bomb.” during the second challenge, there was a sakata dokkiri. an old woman asked him to carry 24kg up to the ninth floor. he only carried them up partway one floor before wanting some water. at the top, the old woman revealed it was a dokkiri and that he had been carrying up water the whole time.
sakata was part of team D alongside mitsutake and nakashima. as they said they were slightly embarrassed, they were told to go sing and dance on the streets of tenjin to overcome their embarrassment.
the plot of their scene was mitsutake’s character had found a hostage (yuuki) and a ticking bomb. sakata’s character returns and threatens the investigator, but the hostage tells him to leave him alone, so the villain threatens him instead. the hostage shouts to tell everyone about the bomb and the investigator tries to disarm it. the villain restarts the bomb and runs away. the hostage’s life flashes before his eyes and then the bomb explodes.
on november 3, the 10jinactor members were decided. sakata was the sixth to be announced. cut forward to the filming of the drama Christmas Eve Once Again (mou ichido, christmas eve, もう一度、クリスマス・イブ)
cut back to when sakata was first scouted. he was twenty, a second year at seinan gakuin university, where he was studying psychology. he was taking a break from band practice. in the band, sakata did the vocals and played guitar.
a bandmember described sakata as popular and well-liked. sakata said he wants to work for a music company. sakata’s kabedon line was “let’s go on a date.”
at a DeLight concert, sakata’s mom said that he had improved a lot.
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