#ikemen sengoku rp
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ask-ikesen-mitsunari · 6 months ago
*A singular potato lies in a cell in Azuchi’s dungeon.*
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*pulls out sword* Who put this poison here?
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ask-mai · 8 months ago
I’m gunna stay up all night, eeehehehehe (`▽´)
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keiji-corner · 4 months ago
Akira had never been to Sakai. Now she was going with Keiji Maeda? The wild child of the Oda forces?
While she normally worked for the Date she had apparently managed to amuse Lord Nobunaga one to many times. In his opinion her serious demeanor seemed to be the perfect pairing for keeping Keiji in line. (And having him return within the month.)
Fortunately no one in the Oda forces outside of Masamune knew about her unfortunate little fangirl side when it came to Keiji. She was still hoping to keep that side of herself a secret on this trip.
Focusing on reconnaissance and being a professional ninja was definitely doable. Hopefully. Maybe?
“Hello Lord Keiji. Are you ready to go?” She asked stiffly standing beside her horse.
*Keiji chuckled and mounted his own horse. His eyes glanced over her a moment*
"Why, if it isn't Akira herself." He smirked
"Of course, I'm ready to go, Akira."
*He had a mischievous twinkle in his eyes*
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ask-mitsuhide-akechi · 3 months ago
Merry Christmas to all my cute little mice. Were you good little ones this year? If not, no treats for you, and do not think you can decieve a kitsune such as myself. I will see it that only good little mice get rewarded.
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@sh0jun @oda-princess @rubia8
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ask-kanetsugu-naoe · 6 months ago
Is everyone ok with this arrangement?
@askuesugikenshin- “maid” of honour
@rubia8- Bridesmaid
@silkkorchid- Bridesmaid
@ask-mai- Bridesmaid
@colourless-hydrangeas- Bridesmaid
@duuuuuuurje- minister
@ask-sarutobi-sasuke- brides”maid”
@ask-shingen-takeda- brides”maid”
@ask-yoshimoto- brides”maid”
@welp-back-on-my-bs- groomsman
@ask-ikesen-mitsunari- flower girl
@bakersgrief- bridesmaid
@ludivineikewolf- bestman
@sanajeh1909- groomsman
@floydsteeth- walks bride down the aisle
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colourless-hydrangeas · 4 months ago
Concepts for the Ikéseries RP community:
Since almost every guy from the Ikémen series has an RP blog now, why don't we come up with some new concepts?
Spacetime mail: Just a fun little way to send your favourite Ikèmen guy gifts through asks. :)
Multiverse concept: Why don't we make this Ikeseries RP multiversal, rather than making them take place in the same time/place/world? Everything that happens, happens in its own universe. For example, in one universe, Hideyoshi and Mai may be dating, and in another, it may be Nobunaga and Mai.
Timeline shenanigans: Why don't we do modern AU RPs as well? They are fun too!
Tagging system: We could use different tags for different types of RPs. For example, if it is an angst RP, it should be tagged with #angst. If there's gore, character death or mention of war(since Ikeseries games often deal with themes such as these), they should also be tagged accordingly. #nsfw and #sfw tags are self-explanatory. These would also help people navigate the blog better, and avoid seeing things that they do not want to see by filtering tags.
Regarding polyamory: Now that characters have started going on dates and what not(some are getting married too), it is highly probable that they will have more than one partner. Now, why don't we make this thing multiversal too? Like, every relationship is in it's own universe? There will be no jealousy involved, or any sort of conflict regarding cheating.
Regarding ships and polyamory by @masamuneskitchen.
If you want to suggest more ideas, or include your own ideas here(just so we can all see it in one post), please let me know. :)
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dark-ieyasu · 2 months ago
*Arundhati bursts into his room with a frown.*
“I have a headache. Help.”
*And by “help” she means she wants medicine.*
*Ieyasu grumbles under his breath, but he regains himself* "Alright, hold on." *He gets up and places down the pen, before moving to the shelves. Then he takes down the medicine and hands it to them.* "Here you are."
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ask-nobunaga-oda · 3 months ago
My men, I wish you all a Merry Christmas🎄
@ask-mitsuhide-akechi @ask-hideyoshi-toyotomi @ask-ikesen-mitsunari @masamuneskitchen
We will have a banquet tonight to celebrate and everybody shall have 3 days of break, you have been doing excellent work. @ask-mai You shall also join us, fireball. Azuchi shall welcome any other little lucky charms to celebrate tonight, feel free to come.
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just-a-little-silly · 5 months ago
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Belya’s intro!!
My calm, confident, patient fashion girl♥️
Feel free to interact with/ask about her :>>
• Belya’s emoji for interactions/asks is “💄”
i need to stop forgetting to put this on oc intro posts😭 again pls let me know (w/ a comment or DM) if you ever wanna be removed or added!!
@queengiuliettafirstlady @ike-garden2024 @sh0jun @welp-back-on-my-bs
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ask-amaryllis · 29 days ago
This an RP account for my OCs which is all Amaryllis, since they all have the same name plz specify who you are talking to unless you want all of them to answer it
There might be more coming up in the future
Some of them are the same person but different outcomes thanks to the environment around them or completely different person; for example, Ikesen and Ikevamp Amaryllis is the same person who both went into the past but have met different outcomes by doing so. (One got severely depressed while the other is ok)
You can ask their lore, opinions of people, their pairing or etc. I don’t mind that much.
No NSFW since I’m not comfortable with that ;-;
Here is the main account for random stuff : @silkkorchid
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ask-kennyo · 6 months ago
Reblog to ✨️squish✨️ Kennyo.
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ask-ikesen-mitsunari · 2 months ago
Happy New Years! I hope you all are able to achieve everything you work to this year
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ask-mai · 8 months ago
That is true, I tend to sleep and other things myself. I wish I can be around Tumblr 24/7 too lol.
Ain’t that a first world problem 😮‍💨
Remember you can always as me and my boys some questions! We will answer them as best as we can, and when we can ^^
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keiji-corner · 4 months ago
Keiji…. Do you really think you’re really more wild than me in a fight?
Want to fight out? *He laughs a moment*
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yumeriroll · 2 years ago
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“At least you would not have to feel so lonely in this void.”
Kenshin Uesugi (Ikemen Sengoku) x OC Fanart
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ask-kanetsugu-naoe · 6 months ago
Since you and Sho are getting married let's go to a tailor to make your beautiful wedding dress
So you will look gorgeous on your big day ✨👍 ( Yes I am bullying him it's funny 🫶)
Also @sh0jun I will be the brides maid and maybe mitsunari can be the flower girl
Flower girl? Wedding dress? Bridesmaid? How different are weddings 500 years in the future?
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