#ikeman fanfic
violettduchess · 2 years
Tag list /Requests
Hello and welcome 💜
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Tagging: If you would like to be tagged in any future fics, please let me know! You can DM me or reply here. Please specify if you want to be tagged in everything or just one specific series.
Requests: Please check and see whether or not requests are open. Anything sent while they are closed will not be answered.
Which suitors do I write?
Ikeprince 👑: Leon, Gilbert, Keith, Silvio, Luke, Chevalier, Clavis, Licht, Sariel, Cyran, Carlo, Walter, Matthias
Ikevamp 🩸: Leonardo, Comte, Mozart, Faust, Napoleon, Theodorus, Arthur, Vlad, Isaac, Jean, Vincent, Dazai
Ikevil: Harrison 🦊
I also will take any requests involving my Ikepri OC Leyla Quinn.
Requests are fulfilled at my discretion, as is the order they are written.
Anything I don't write?
Explicit smut
Incenst/ Dubcon / Noncon/ Underage / Yandere
Requests are Reader x Suitor, Suitor POV, or OC x Suitor
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littlegrrl7 · 4 years
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To celebrate my first year of writing fan fiction on A03 and hitting 50 followers on Tumblr I’m going to do something I haven’t done before.
Take requests from my followers.
I’ll do a random draw with a winner for each. Two fictions total.
First way to enter- Give this post a like and a reblog to be entered. I will pick a winner at random on October 31st and they will be able to request a story.
Second way to enter- Hit up my ask box with a story request idea or head canon. I’ll pick the one I like the best on October 31st and dedicate it to you.
Stories will be posted here and on A03

What I will write:

-Any suitor from Ikemen Sengoku or Ikemen Vampire

-NSFW is fine if the winner is 18+ M/M, F/F, M/M/F, F/F/M

-Fluff and Angst (if the winner is underaged please do not choose NSFW) 
-Multiple suitors or shipped pairs

-Your OC with a suitor(s) 

-Any of my OCs with a suitor(s)

- Alternate Universes

I’m pretty flexible and easy to chat with, so if you win, we’ll work it out.
What I will not write:

Incest, pedophilia, non-consent/rape, bestiality, ABO, menstrual blood with vampires (personal gross out)
Word count- My decision. We’ll see what happens. **I reserve the right to refuse anything I find distasteful.
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advernia · 4 years
an ongoing study on ghosts || 3 sentences: lancelot kingsley + a symphony for your glory.
In the beginning he was a fool that moved slow and left his blade too long on his skin, so the angry sharp line he’d just made on the center of his palm readily stained his sword with crimson. The fact that he had to clean his sword after he’d done what he had meant to do was a show of inexperience that he eventually grew out of though, but he never seemed to get rid of the habit of taking a survey of his own hand; eyes having difficulty locating that first scar since it has already been buried and overthrown by others of similar shapes but of greater sizes and differing ages.
Also, what still haunts him on the long nights that follow the day he would make a new mark on his hand isn’t the pain that sears slowly through his worn skin, but the scream of fear that would always accompany the trickle of blood down his fingers - another echoing wail well-matched to the gloom and chill of stone dungeon walls, and another addition to many other cries that ring in his ears each time he tries to slip into a dreamless sleep.
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sophiie2000 · 2 years
Sooo this is my first post! I only started using Tumblr recently and that was to simply read posts by other otome fans!
I really enjoyed reading other's fanfics that it made me start to want to write my own, originally because I was too shy to reach out to any of the bloggers and put in any requests in case I was the only one who found my ideas interesting!
A bit about me, I first played the old school shall we date otome games when I was younger. In the last couple of years I started playing the voltage games on the Love 365 app, the Ikeman series and Tears of Themis.
My personal Voltage favourites are Masquerade Kiss (Kazuomi), KBTBB (Eisuke), Irresistible Mistakes (Toma), Oops I said Yes (Kunihiro), Romance MD (Takado), and Her love in the force (Kaga).
If somehow someone actually see's this blog and wants to talk about any stories or opinions I'd love too!
I'm part way through my own fic at the moment, which I have quite enjoyed writing! However, it definitely isn't as well written as those I've enjoyed reading so far! Who knows, maybe I'll be brave and actually post some of my own fics in the future!
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chaoticfiredreams · 4 years
Songs that remind me of AssClass characters Part 2
Yeah I’m back again and if your going 🙄 I don’t blame you lmao
1. Ryunosuke Chiba - Silence by Marshmello ft. Khalid
It’s so hard when your parents don’t understand or aren’t sympathetic when your going through something and for some reason I just feel this more with Chiba than anyone. Anyone I won’t say much because this song puts me in my feelings and I don’t want to 🥲
“Yeah, I'd rather be a lover than a fighter (Fighter)
'Cause all my life, I've been fighting
Never felt a feeling of comfort
All this time, I've been hiding”
2. Irina Jelavic - Princesses don’t cry by Aviva
I really feel like her background isn’t appreciated or looked at enough. Like this poor girl didn’t have much of a choice on weather she wanted to become an assassin or not, and she’s really young so she was basically groomed to do this which is fucked up in so many ways. I think she’s a lot stronger than people give her credit for, which is kind of her job to be that way lmao
“Cause a princess doesn't cry (no)
A princess doesn't cry (no-o)
Over monsters in the night
Don't waste our precious time
On boys with pretty eyes
A princess doesn't cry (no)
A princess doesn't cry (no-o)
Burning like a fire
You feel it all the time
But wipe your teary eyes”
3. Nagisa Shitoa - Who you are by Jessie J
I personally like Anna Clendening’s cover better but I think this song suits Nagisa because he struggles so much with his identity and people telling him what to be, and sometimes instead of fighting it’s either to just do with people say but he realizes he can be his own person and he can’t forget what he is and what he stands for
“Don't lose who you are
In the blur of the stars
Seeing is decieving, dreaming is believing
It's okay not to be okay
Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart
Tears don't mean you're losing
Everybody's bruising
Just be true to who you are”
4. Isogai Yuuma - in the dark by Camila Cabello
Ok listen listen listen there is so much more to him then that nice ikeman facade and I KNOW IT! He struggles and has so much on his plate I feel likes he’s bound to crack sometimes and I think remember someone on tumblr talking about a traitor isogai and I’m 100% here for it so this song tells how everyone is not what mask they put up
“I can see you're scared of your emotions
I can see you're hoping, you're not hopeless
So why can't you show me? Why can't you show me?
I can see you're looking for distractions
I can see you're tired of the acting
So why can't you show me?”
5. Rio Nakamura - sit still look pretty by Daya
Oooh one of my worst pet peeves is when I read fanfics that portray rio just as a shipper that helps the couple get together like yes that’s awesome and cool but most of the time they also portray her as kind of dumb and I hate that! She’s so much more! She’s really smart and analyzing and observant she just puts up a mask!
“Oh, I don't know what you've been told
But this girl right here's gonna rule the world
Yeah, that's where I'm gonna be because I wanna be
No, I don't wanna sit still, look pretty”
If you got to the end thanks so much and I hope you liked it. My music taste has so much variety and I try to pick the ones I think are most known
This is part one: 
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snakeboistan · 4 years
oooo 10 + 50 for the fanfic asks?? :]
10. How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started?
Motivation, who is she, do I know her? Well, to be honest, when I find myself losing motivation, sometimes I just stop writing and start later when I get an idea on how I should finish. Most of the time I just put on my headphones and listen to music to help me write, IDK why but it’s just easier to continue writing when I listen to music instead of just typing away in silence
50. Can we get a teaser for an upcoming chapter?
Oooh wait let me check my drafts for something...
Here’s something from the Halloween party fic (which also includes Okajima wearing a dress and rocking it so there’s that to look forward to) that I’ll be completing after my current WIP:
Isogai blushed as Maehara preened, tilting his head up with smugness. The blond was clad in black and white-silver armour with scarlet and golden accents. A (presumably fake) sword sat sheathed in a brown leather belt with a golden buckle sat lopsided against the boy’s waist and a red cape was draped over his shoulders. The class representative had a golden crown resting on his hickory locks. Underneath a red tailcoat with gold buttons and edges was a white dress shirt and black trousers that were tucked into boots that reached halfway up to his knee. 
“It was Okano’s idea,” Isogai explained sheepishly.
“It only makes sense that our Ikeman come as a prince,” Maehara said, “and of course, my liege would need his loyal knight in shining armour to stand by his side and protect him from all that comes to harm him.”
Karma smirked as Isogai rolled his eyes, “He’s been like that ever since he put on the costume.”
Thanks for the ask. Answering these are a blast!
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briswriting · 4 years
For a hot second I didn’t realize you were talking about an Ikeman game avshficoco
honestly this is like the second or third time this has happened LOL i am not reading fanfic about the real william shakespeare i swear
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violettduchess · 2 years
Hello, may I ask for an hc for ikepri? This might be a little nsfw so pls feel free to disregard if you're uncomfortable with it
Reactions for the boys with chubby MC with big boobies 😆 the way her boobs jiggling when walking or laughing, or just even breathing their eyes be like 👀 on her chest and starts imagining doing something naughty 😏 All prince pls but if it's too much just the new princes, ty
Hello Anon,
I went with just the new princes. I hope you enjoy it!
Slightly NSFW so the writing is after "keep reading" 💜
Silvio Ricci: 
You have always been different. Your curves developed long before others. You were rounder, softer than the girls with sharp angles and straight lines. Clothing doesn’t sit on you quite the same. Necklines are pushed to their limits, skirts skim over curves, sometimes sleeves are just a little too tight. You may feel self-conscious at times, but that is only because you have never noticed the way the Prince of Benitoite follows your movement out of the corner of his eyes. He may seem disinterested, sipping casually from his wine glass, expression stony with boredom. But this is an illusion.
He looks like he is scanning the room for something of interest, a hawk lazily gliding on currents of air. But that azure gaze sees you, passing over you again and again. He watches as you kneel down to adjust your shoe, the way your dress valiantly struggles to contain your breasts. The candlelight paints you in warm light, gilding you in soft orange, sending sparks off the pink sequins of your gown, the deep blue jewels at your throat and ears. These little pinpricks of colored light dance across your skin, over the curve of your breasts and trap him. 
He is hypnotized by the play of those little candy-colored lights. He imagines what it would be like to try and catch them with his tongue. To pull you to him, his hands full of your softness, to hold you still as he tries to devour all of them. And then devour you.
Keith Howell:
The day is warm, even for Rhodolite. You are standing calf-deep in the cool waters of the pond on the palace grounds. You have no idea that not far away, hidden from your view by the shade of a giant oak tree, the Jade Prince is lounging, trying to stave off the heat as well.
He has always noticed you, but shyness plagues him. Approaching you for more than a polite greeting or an inquiry about the weather sends his heart reeling. Even now with his eyes closed, he is dreaming of you. Of your smile, the one that breaks through any clouds in his mind, bringing sunshine. Of your voice. Of your laughter. Your laugh is one of his favorite sounds. You laugh fully, openly, with your whole heart. Even in his daydreaming his cheeks warm when he thinks of the way others part of you move when you laugh, the gentle rise and fall of your chest, like waves in an ocean. What would it be like to lay his head there? How soft would it be? Or to turn his head and taste you? His hand reaching up, cupping you—
He is shaken from his daydream by the sound of water. His golden eyes open and he blinks, unsure as to whether he is still dreaming. You stand there, your skirt gathered and tucked between your thighs as you wade deeper into the water. You reach down, cupping a refreshing handful of it and then lift your arms, letting it splash your warm face, neck and cheeks. His mouth goes dry as the water dances its way down your body, droplets clinging to you possessively. He is jealous of their contact with you. You splash yourself again and the water trickles down over the slope of your breasts, between them, leaving tantalizing wet patches on the front of your gown, teasing him. He finds himself transfixed, unable to look away. Cruel, cruel water. 
Gilbert von Obsidian:
The night breeze lures you outside, coaxes you to leave your room, book in hand as you slip away from a palace on the edge of slumber. You make your way outside to the ground floor terrace, a wicker chaise lounge with soft cushions calling your name. You’ve brought your chamberstick along to help you see but the silver light of the full moon is bright enough, flooding the area with its soft luminescence. 
He looks down at you from the window of his guest room, a dark shadow behind glass. You believe you are alone so you think nothing of the way your nightgown shifts as you make yourself comfortable, leaning back into the velveteen padding. The thin material, unlaced at the front, slides off one shoulder and you welcome the cool air on your skin. 
The way the moon highlights the exposed parts of your body is arresting, stopping his breath. His teeth sink into his lower lip hard enough to hurt, a groan gathers in the back of his throat. You are resplendent, a rival to Selene herself. His eye wanders over the lines of your calves, the slope of your bare shoulder, the curves of your breasts. His palms burn to touch that skin, all of it. He wants to run his hands from ankle to thigh, to feel the softness there as he tightens his grip, digs his bare fingers into them, pushes them apart. The pale skin of your shoulder and the tops of your breasts are begging for his mouth to mark them, to suck hard enough it leaves a trail of red roses in its wake. He wants to bury himself in you, to lose all the hardened, painful parts of himself in your softness. To satiate his hunger for you right there on that terrace in the light of the silvery moon.
Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @rhodolitesrose @atelier-maroron @queengiuliettafirstlady @somekidnamedkai @alexxavicry@redheadkittys @queen-dahlia
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