#ikea pendant
inlibrisveritas · 10 months
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Basement Lookout Image of a basement with a medium-sized transitional look-out and gray flooring and white walls
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championbuttmaster · 1 year
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Basement Lookout
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furniture-freak · 3 months
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IKEA Memphis Smyg ceiling lamp
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emilieshapirostudio · 8 months
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Miami Kitchen Dining Dining Room Combination kitchen/dining area with little eclectic porcelain tile, white walls, and white floor.
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scottstilson · 9 months
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Modern Basement Denver A large minimalist underground basement design with gray walls and a medium-toned wood floor is an example.
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illusionsofinsight · 10 months
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Traditional Laundry Room Minneapolis Utility room - mid-sized traditional u-shaped linoleum floor utility room idea with recessed-panel cabinets, white cabinets, laminate countertops, green walls, and a stack of washers and dryers
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pforestsims · 2 years
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Here's an edit* of ‘NeverDim’ lantern lights made for TS2 by Flem / Holy Simoly, plus my hanging add-on.
All these use warm tea light settings, so IKEA SP is required!
HolySimoly Lanterns revised
✦  Download (SFS)
Includes a few recolours, 2 new and 3 old (edited).
Polycounts: 1230 poly - table & floor lamp, add-on hanging lamp is ~1300 poly.
 * I’ve tweaked all light patterns, floor lamp is now repositoried to table lamp that I have re-cloned from scratch ‘cuz original was just too borked, I couldn’t repo stuff to it. Add-on & recolours will not work with the old version.
* Lightbulb inside the pendant refuses to lit up, it’s barely visible tho so not much of an issue.
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irisunchained · 5 months
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Ikea pendant light for $4 🥲
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guardevoir · 3 months
Arts and crafts convention!
I got dragged to one on very short notice because a friend I hadn't seen in forever suggested I take a quick little day trip to visit her and look at the spinning guild's con booth while I'm at it, and despite being notoriously bad with short-notice plans, I actually fucking got over myself for once!
It was fun! Even if I apparently remain completely incapable of dealing with crowds.
I found myself one of those little 3D-printed articulated dragons/lizards I've wanted since forever, got some assorted bits 'n bobs (like a cheesy metal raven skull pendant that'll go great with my vulture LARP character), and also got to hang out with the spinning folks for a bit.
Tried out a Kromski Fantasia (surprisingly pretty irl, and also a surprisingly nice, agile-feeling wheel for a double-treadle*, but ngl I'm still happy I went with my Kiwi, even if I still think it's comparatively really ugly. Turns out the upside of the rough-hewn boxy IKEA look is that it's incredibly fucking stable and has zero wobbling anywhere compared to the Fantasia or my vintage wheel), tried out one of the Ashford top-whorl spindles (they don't feel as heavy in person as you'd expect them to and I liked them a surprising amount (they are speedy!), but at the end of the day I find bottom-whorl spindles more comfortable to use)
Here's my tiny skein of very badly chain-plied yarn from that spindle:
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(I promise I know how to chain ply better than that (vaguely), but between the sensory overload and the unfamiliar equipment, I'm glad I got a yarn out of it at all)
And they also let me take one of their "blended by random booth visitors" rolags!
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This is very likely to turn into pure mud, but I was intensely intrigued by the mystery of it all.
*I'm sorry, I know people like their double treadles, but I just hate how they feel. If there had been a good, foldable budget option with one normal-width goddamn treadle I would have gone for that one immediately.
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thenordroom · 1 year
Hello! Wondering what you've liked (or are excited for) from IKEA this year? Love your blog, have a great Saturday!
That's a pretty difficult question, but I'll try to answer it as best as I can. You can always click the links to see more of the collections that I mention.
I love the floral and plant patterns from the Winter Collection. As well as the living room with the new sofas and the white table lamp.
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From the Summer Collection I love these rattan chairs.
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From the April launch I love the florals and pink tones.
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These pendants, especially grouped like this look amazing.
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This solar cell lamp called SAMMANLÄNKAD is truly one of my faves.
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The July launch is a bit bolder in color than I would use, but I do love these mirrors.
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And last, this print/tray from the BASTUA collection is just great.
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I hope this answers your question. x Astrid
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stepfordgoth · 5 months
Genuine question, where do you even buy furniture/decor these days, that isn't IKEA or a secondhand shop/website? Also where do you buy the cool colorful stuff kids used to have in their rooms? I don't think kids decor companies really exist like they did in the 90s/2000s. And also bedsheets. I'm constantly on the hunt for bedsheets that aren't gray or blue or beige or white, and that don't have an ugly pattern on them (to be fair I think my issue with finding bedsheets is probably because I'm picky about the materials, I like percale sheets best and I hate flannel microfiber and jersey. Maybe percale is just hard to find idk).
I want tacky/glam/psychedelic lighting - a pendant type or mobile type lamp to hang in the corner of my bedroom. I want a fuzzy chair! I want wall shelves that aren't boring (although I've considered buying boring ones and painting them).
Everything is just so ugly and minimalist and "grown up" and uniform looking these days and im so sick of it! I want my bedroom to look sort of like a 2002 Delia's catalogue and sort of like a 1979 cocaine den and sort of like a 2007 emo princess bedroom and sort of like Jayne Mansfields pink palace. Does anybody even understand???? I have a vision that is so incompatible with our reality 😮‍��
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harbngers · 2 years
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🪦    »    anonymous  asked  :       📘👕🍾 & rue
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📘   :   what  is  a  memory  that  makes  your  character  feel  proud  ?  describe  the  memory  .
in  a  way  ,  he’s  most  proud  of  his  newfound  independence  .  all  his  life  ,  his  storyline  has  been  intertwined  with  his  family’s  so  horribly  it  felt  permanent  ,  like  the  delicate  chains  of  two  necklaces  knotted  so  badly  that  they  end  up  in  the  bathroom  trash  can  rather  than  lovingly  untangled  .  the  newness  of  new  york  state  and  camp  silver  lake  and  the  people  that  reside  there  is  an  uncharacteristic  choice  for  him  to  make  ,  but  in  a  way  that  most  would  regard  as  positive  .  with  his  parents’  funeral  home  closed  down  throughout  all  of  july  and  into  august  ,  matthias’s  help  wasn’t  exactly  needed  —  and  even  if  he  had  waited  years  for  the  perfect  opportunity  to  pop  up  ,  the  others  too  slim  or  quick  to  grasp  onto  ,  he’d  taken  this  perfect  chance  to  leave  anyway  .  so  he’s  proud  to  have  left  —  he’s  proud  to  have  set  out  to  discover  how  different  the  outside  world  was  that  made  his  elder  sister  want  to  leave  and  never  come  back  ,  not  even  on  holidays  .  perhaps  he  wouldn’t  label  it  pride  ,  but  the  feeling  takes  the  shape  of  pride’s  usual  form  nonetheless  .  
👕   :   what’s  in  your  character’s  handbag  /  briefcase  /  pockets  ?
i  doubt  that  the  camp  silver  lake  shorts  have  ample  pocket  space  ,   but  in  terms  of  things  that  he  always  has  on  his  person  :  a  medical  bracelet  ,  advertising  his  severe  allergy  to  bee  stings  (  but  never  his  epi  pen  )  ,  a  tiny  pencil  that’s  literally  from  ikea  and  he’s  kept  for  like  3  years  at  this  point  ,  a  silver  chain  with  a  st  .  joseph  pendant  hanging  from  it  that  his  paternal  grandparents  bought  him  at  birth  ,  and  a  quarter  to  flip  ,  in  case  he  needs  to  mediate  any  camper  arguments  .
🍾   :   strive  to  be  someone  of  importance  or  more  comfortable  giving  than  receiving  or  lack  self  confidence  ?
matthias  doesn’t  not  have  self  confidence  .  he’s  grown  up  so  removed  from  other  people  that  he  generally  doesn’t  mind  what  others  think  of  him  .  you  think  his  family’s  possessed  by  a  malevolent  spirt  ?  fine  .  you  think  he  looks  like  ed  kemper  ?  also  fine  .  but  he’s  also  not  striving  for  much  ,  per  se  .  so  for  those  reasons  ,  i’d  probably  say  more  comfortable  giving  than  receiving  .  in  order  to  receive  something  from  someone  ,  you  have  to  let  them  in  enough  for  them  to  recognize  that  you’d  want  that  thing  .  you’d  have  to  have  been  in  that  person’s  mind’s  eye  for  a  moment  —  a  version  of  you  has  to  have  lived  inside  their  head  ,  even  if  only  for  a  second  .  and  that  feeling  makes  him  uncomfortable  .
rue  :   does  your  muse  have  regrets  ?  what  are  some  of  their  deepest  ones  ?
when  he  was  young  ,  matthias  would  go   to  church  with  his  parents  every  sunday  ,  where  he  would  hop  in  the  confession  booth  and  confess  the  same  thing  almost  every  time  :   that  when  he  found  a  stray  eyelash  or  saw  a  shooting  star  ,  he  always  wished  that  his  parents  had  never  met  .  it  was  a  strange  admission  for  a  kid  aged  12  and  onwards  ,  and  it  led  to  a  long  line  of  questioning  aimed  at  the  piker  family  that  resulted  in  more  discussion  of  them  throughout  town  .  eventually  ,  his  mother  stopped  going  to  church  altogether  .  he  regrets  ostracizing  his  family  further  from  the  lake  ozark  population  ,  but  mostly  he  regrets  the  weeks  of  youth  group  he  was  made  to  attend  afterwards  .
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furniture-freak · 4 months
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IKEA Duett pendant lamp from Bent Gantzel Boysen
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Still need two dining chairs and a rug, but the dining/living room is pretty much done.
The mod list:
Re-plastered some damaged sections and around the small window. Skimmed the seams on the ceiling.
Anti-damp membranes and new insulation along all the now-panelled sections.
New studwork and cladding, treated with fire-resistant varnish. We covered our gross back wall, built that structure under the small window, and cut into the room to create a coat cabinet in the hallway outside — the section around the door is completely new.
Hung a new door.
New windowsills. We cut these from one giant piece of countertop, routed the edges in, oiled and installed them.
New shelves, cupboard door and finishing piece along the bottom of the dog's bed. These were cut from the same piece as the windowsills and hung using cut-off coach bolts.
New skirting board and bullnose trim around the door and the TV area.
New paint throughout. White on the ceiling, almond white on the walls, gloss on the old skirting boards and bullnose trim.
New TV (after I gave up trying to fix the old Philips 😔). This lil guy weighs half what the old one did, so we were able to fit it on an extendable arm we can point toward the sofa. Bit of an upgrade.
New shelf in the little cabinet under the TV. The PlayStations live in here. Happy to report the PS4's controllers connect fine with the door closed.
Resprayed the log holder we built seven (!) years ago and refitted it with a new backplate to keep the logs from damaging the wall.
Used another, thicker piece of discount countertop to make our table. Again, we routed the edges, sanded and oiled this. Added some table legs off eBay and some extra support via bolts into the wall. Sawed down our existing IKEA stools to fit under here — gotta buy some proper chairs next.
Replaced the old pendant lamps with angled spotlights and two new pendants over the new table.
New sofa for £200 off FB Marketplace.
Resprayed the frame of that decorative print - black to match our new door hardware and electrical face plates etc. We welded that thing together years ago and originally left it as bare metal with a clear lacquer finish, but that had started to rust, so it needed some love.
New blind over the little window. Cleaned the old one over the big window.
I note we built the TV area and Max's dog bed when we originally did up the house in 2017, so most of the work there was done - just had to reclad/repaint/kick the dog out temporarily to get it all done.
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worthyhog0001 · 4 months
The Modern Kitchen Experience: A Comprehensive Buying Handbook
In the dynamic landscape of modern living, the kitchen stands as the heart of the home—an evolving space that combines functionality, aesthetics, and innovation. Whether you're embarking on a kitchen remodel or setting up a new culinary haven, this comprehensive buying handbook is your guide to navigating the myriad choices in creating a modern kitchen experience. From appliances to countertops, we'll explore essential elements to consider for a kitchen that seamlessly blends style and functionality.
1. Kitchen Appliances: Efficiency Meets Innovation
Smart Refrigerators
Modern kitchens embrace technology, and smart refrigerators are at the forefront of this evolution. Look for features like touchscreen displays, Wi-Fi connectivity, and energy efficiency. Brands like Samsung and LG offer sleek options with advanced cooling systems.
Induction Cooktops
Induction cooktops have become a staple in contemporary kitchens. They offer precise temperature control, faster cooking times, and increased safety. Brands such as Bosch and GE provide a range of induction cooktops with varying sizes and features.
Convection Ovens
Upgrade your cooking experience with a convection oven. These ovens circulate hot air, ensuring even cooking and browning. Consider brands like KitchenAid and Breville for versatile convection oven options.
Smart Dishwashers
Streamline your dishwashing routine with smart dishwashers. Look for models with features like adjustable racks, multiple wash cycles, and Wi-Fi connectivity. Brands like Bosch and Miele offer efficient and technologically advanced options.
2. Countertops: Style and Durability
Quartz Countertops
Quartz countertops are a popular choice for modern kitchens. They offer durability, resistance to stains, and a sleek aesthetic. Brands such as Caesarstone and Silestone provide a variety of quartz options in different colors and finishes.
Granite Countertops
For a natural and timeless look, granite countertops are an excellent choice. They are heat-resistant, scratch-resistant, and available in a range of patterns and colors. Explore options from brands like MSI and Levantina.
Solid Surface Countertops
Solid surface countertops, like those from Corian or Wilsonart, provide a seamless and non-porous surface. They are easy to clean, customizable, and offer a contemporary appeal to modern kitchens.
3. Cabinetry: Functionality and Style
Handleless Cabinets
Sleek and contemporary, handleless cabinets contribute to a modern kitchen's clean aesthetic. Brands like IKEA and Eurostyle offer a variety of handleless cabinet options in different finishes.
Open Shelving
Create an open and airy feel with open shelving. It not only adds a touch of modernity but also allows for easy access to frequently used items. Consider combining open shelving with closed cabinets for a balanced look.
Matte Finishes
Matte finishes on cabinets have gained popularity for their modern and sophisticated appearance. Explore options from brands like Schüller and Fabuwood for a range of matte finish cabinet choices.
4. Lighting: Illuminating the Contemporary Kitchen
Pendant Lighting
Pendant lights add a stylish and functional element to modern kitchens. Choose designs that complement your overall aesthetic, and consider adjustable pendants for versatile lighting options.
Under-Cabinet Lighting
Enhance visibility and ambiance with under-cabinet lighting. LED strips or puck lights are energy-efficient choices that provide ample illumination for tasks while adding a modern touch.
Statement Chandeliers
Make a statement with a modern chandelier as a focal point in your kitchen. Brands like West Elm and Hubbardton Forge offer an array of contemporary chandelier designs to suit different kitchen styles.
5. Sinks and Faucets: Practicality with a Touch of Elegance
Farmhouse Sinks
Farmhouse sinks, also known as apron-front sinks, bring a touch of rustic charm to modern kitchens. Consider durable materials like fireclay or stainless steel for a stylish and functional addition.
Touchless Faucets
Upgrade your kitchen with touchless faucets for a hygienic and convenient experience. Brands like Delta and Moen offer a variety of touchless faucet options with motion-sensing technology.
Integrated Sink and Countertop
For a seamless and minimalist look, consider integrated sink and countertop designs. This modern approach enhances visual appeal while simplifying cleaning and maintenance.
6. Flooring: Trends in Modern Kitchen Surfaces
Porcelain Tile
Durable and versatile, porcelain tile flooring is a popular choice for modern kitchens. It comes in various styles, mimicking the look of natural stone or wood. Brands like Emser and Florim offer a wide range of porcelain tile options.
Luxury Vinyl Plank (LVP)
LVP provides the aesthetic appeal of hardwood with added durability and water resistance. Brands such as COREtec and Mohawk offer LVP options that suit modern kitchen aesthetics.
Concrete Flooring
For an industrial and modern look, concrete flooring is gaining traction. It provides a minimalist aesthetic and can be stained or polished for a personalized touch.
7. Backsplash: Enhancing Style and Practicality
Subway Tiles
Subway tiles continue to be a timeless choice for modern kitchen backsplashes. Consider variations like beveled or colored subway tiles to add a contemporary twist.
Mosaic Tiles
Mosaic tiles offer versatility in design with a wide range of materials and patterns. Brands such as Artistic Tile and MSI provide mosaic options that can be customized to suit your kitchen style.
Large Format Tiles
Opt for large-format tiles to create a sleek and seamless backsplash. This modern approach minimizes grout lines, contributing to a clean and polished look.
8. Smart Technology: Elevating the Kitchen Experience
Smart Home Hubs
Integrate your kitchen into your smart home ecosystem with a smart home hub. Control appliances, lighting, and even security systems seamlessly. Popular options include Amazon Echo and Google Nest Hub.
Smart Ovens
Smart ovens allow remote control and monitoring through smartphone apps. Brands like June and Bosch offer ovens with features like recipe suggestions and cooking notifications.
Smart Lighting Systems
Enhance your kitchen's ambiance with smart lighting systems. Control brightness, color temperature, and even set schedules. Philips Hue and Lutron Caseta are leading options in smart lighting.
Creating a modern kitchen furniture experience involves a thoughtful blend of aesthetics, functionality, and innovation. Whether you're a culinary enthusiast or someone who appreciates the heart of the home, this comprehensive buying handbook aims to guide you through the myriad choices available. As you embark on the journey of transforming your kitchen, may your choices reflect your unique style, align with your needs, and contribute to the evolving narrative of the modern kitchen—a space that seamlessly combines technology, design, and the joy of culinary exploration.
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laperditudedeschoses · 10 months
La chance tourne enfin en amour
« Salut les taureaux, j’espère que vous allez bien. On va faire le tirage pour la fin août 2021. Est-ce qu’on pourrait avoir une première carte pour symboliser ce mois d’août ? Wahou, le soleil ! ».
Non, je ne regarde pas la météo. A l’écran s’affiche en plan fixe une sorte de nappe couleur jaune et violet tie and dye, sur laquelle est dessinée un gros visage noir. Deux bougeoirs blancs style Ikea sont posés sur cette nappe. Deux anges blonds sont gravés sur ces bougeoirs. Douceur. Bienveillance. Ils regardent en direction de celle à qui je m’en remets pour m’annoncer mon avenir. D’elle je ne vois que l’avant-bras gauche et les mains qui tiennent un gros paquet de cartes.
Fébrile, je regarde et j’écoute tout ce qu’elle a à m’annoncer pendant 23 minutes et 19 secondes. On part sur un « tirage général et sans colonne ».
Après le soleil, « carte magnifique », « la chance tourne pour vous », la dame sort le 3 de terre, force et courage, « on nous dit de faire preuve de courage et de patience, de prendre soin de soi. » Important en été. Puis elle tire le 6 d’eau, « notion de flamme jumelle », mais il peut y avoir « des peurs qui remontent, des doutes, des blessures ». Mais oui ! Vincent et moi nous sommes séparés parce qu’il doutait. Elle voit juste. Je continue de regarder, je m’accroche. 
Les premières cartes avaient un design que je qualifierais de « tarot traditionnel », illustrations d’antan un peu mystiques auxquelles on s’attend quand on pénètre dans cet univers, mais entre-temps elle a changé de paquet. Son 5 de terre ressemble à une couverture de roman Harlequin avec un couple à moitié nu. Sur la carte suivante, la FATALITE, un homme à cheveux longs en costard chute du ciel, en direction d’un quartier d’affaires qui ressemble à Wall Street, avec un immeuble en feu qui rappelle les Twin Towers. Un suicide à New York ?
« Oh wow, l’amour et la fatalité, donc c’est inévitable pour vous les taureaux que cette chance tourne en amour pour le mois d’août, c’est le destin, c’est comme ça ». Ouh putain. « Je vois un homme blond ou une femme blonde ». Merde, Vincent est châtain. Elle continue de sortir des cartes et je continue d’y croire « 6 de bâton, on parle de bâton, on parle de sauter ». Plait-il ?
« 5 de coupe, séparation, chagrin, mais ça veut dire que la séparation c’est terminé, vous êtes destiné avec cette personne*». Je ne comprends rien. Puis elle coupe dix fois environ. La carte ne veut pas sortir, le suspense est insoutenable. Finalement le 6 d’eau s’extirpe. « De la distance », dit-elle. On voit une photo d’homme de dos, il porte un ciré jaune en plastique et regarde voguer sur les flots un voilier trois-mâts du XVIIe siècle. Est-ce seulement possible ?
Bon allez, j’arrête la vidéo.
Je tente tout de même de recouper les infos. La chance va tourner en amour pour moi cet été parce qu’il y a eu des doutes et des blessures avec une flamme jumelle qui ont engendré une séparation et de la distance mais la fatalité que je suis destinée avec cette personne fait que la séparation c’est terminé. C’est limpide. Pourtant je ne me sens pas rassurée. J’ai encore mal au ventre. Que faire de cette histoire de bâton ?
Paris, juillet 2021. En pleine crise sanitaire et chaleur estivale, une innocente trentenaire doute. Elle vient de mettre fin à une relation d’un an tout pile qui semblait être une bouffée d’air frais pleine de promesses, après des années d’échecs et trois mois de confinement en solo dans une deux-pièces. De longues études, dix ans de carrière et six années de thérapie ne suffisent pas à conforter sa décision de rompre. Pour s’assurer qu’elle a fait le bon choix et en savoir plus sur ce que l’avenir lui réserve, c’est sur internet qu’elle se rend. Plus précisément sur Youtube. Parce que personne n’a prévu et filmé une analyse de prédictions spécialement pour elle, elle cherche un dénominateur commun, quelque chose qui lui parle : le signe astrologique.
Miracle, une personne dévouée a filmé plus de vingt minutes de tirage pour son signe. La jeune femme est sauvée !
Cette jeune femme, c’est moi. Et oui, un jour de juillet, en 2021, j’ai tapé dans la barre de recherche de Youtube et sans aucun second degré : « taureau amour août 2021 ».
Et je n’ai pas fait que ça. Pour valider une décision amoureuse, changer d’orientation professionnelle, choisir entre Paris et campagne, fromage ou dessert, mieux dormir ou tout simplement pour m’occuper, j’ai testé un paquet de méthodes plus ou moins scientifiques : tarot, horoscope, chamanisme, hypnose, coaching, psychanalyse, manger sans gluten…
Deux ans plus tard, je n’ai pas encore rencontré ce blond que les cartes ont annoncé, je ne suis pas sûre d’avoir croisé la flamme jumelle, j’ai remis le couvert avec Vincent et consommé un deuxième échec, mais j’ai enfin trouvé le courage de raconter mes aventures et de partager les résultats de mes recherches ! Et il y en a beaucoup …
*à aucun moment je n’ai modifié la syntaxe et les formulations de cette dame, elle s’est exprimée exactement ainsi.
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