#ik thats his character but in my head he watched them grow up in this town so
zombiiefactory · 3 months
im rlly bored so dropping like ages/jobs/prns & whatnot for funsies loll
- 25 years old + she/her lesbian
- works as the waitress at russell’s diner, also sells her homemade baked goods there
- wants to study for nursing
- engaged to petunia
- 24 years old + he/they nonbinary homosexual
- town mailman (mailbunny lol)
- dating toothy
- 22 years old + he/him asexual bisexual
- local grocery store cashier/manager
- dating cuddles
- 25 years old + she/her trans [ mtf ] pansexual
- owns her own boutique
- engaged to giggles
- 28 years old + he/it greysexual bisexual
- stocker/general associate at same local grocery store with toothy
- adhd
- dating sniffles
- 30 years old + he/him trans [ ftm ] homosexual
- is a scientist/inventor but also serves as emergency medical against his will
- autistic
- dating nutty
- 28 years old + he/him heterosexual
- con-artist/scammer as well as thief
- adhd
- 28 years old + he/him homosexual
- con-artist/scammer as well as thief
- adhd
- incredibly closeted trans girl
- dating mime
- 27 years old + he/him heterosexual
- fisherman who sells catch to russell, captain of his own ship
- lives out of town
- 23 years old + she/her bi-curious
- unemployed but currently attending college
- lives out of town
- 26 years old + he/they/it nonbinary pansexual
- street performer/for-hire party entertainer
- autistic
- dating lifty
- 47 years old + he/him homosexual [ recently out of the closet ]
- stay-at-home-father during the day, works at russell’s diner at night as a bartender
- undiagnosed autistic
- married to disco bear
- 1 1/2 years old + he/him
- undiagnosed autistic
- 49 years old + he/him bisexual
- used to be retired but went stir crazy, now works as librarian/book club organizer alongside flaky, babysitter at night for pop + cub
disco bear
- 52 years old + he/him homosexual
- flashy hairdresser (or furdresser in this case)
- 38 years old + they/she nonbinary [ amab ] demiromantic
- owner of their own flower shop,mostly sells what she grows themself, also book club organizer alongside flippy
- 33 years old + he/him heterosexual [ closeted homosexual ]
- handyman idk what else id expect him to be lmao
- 45 years old + he/him bisexual depending on the day
- chef/owner of his own diner, slowed down on the seas due to bodily stress
- 48 years old + he/him lumpy
- farmer for the town/main produce exporter, seems to also work in every other odd spot hes not supposed to for no reason
- lumpy
the mole ( mr. mole )
- 73 years old + he/him ??? [ wont tell you ]
- ex-spy currently retired, likes to take up random jobs for fun even if incredibly unqualified
- can speak chooses not too
more relationship stuff under the cut cause this is already long enough lol
giggles, cuddles, petunia, & toothy have been best friends since early childhood and are mostly all seen together. most residents deem them the “four horsemen of the apocalypse”
giggles & cuddles dated for a bit in their teenage years before mutually breaking it off realizing they werent attracted to the opposite sex
giggles proposed to petunia !!
mime & nutty are best friends, they met as young kids in school and instantly clicked. they have a bit of a gap in their friendship due to nuttys disappearance but are now back together and inseparable !
nutty was the only one to know about mimes secret admiration for lifty and set them up together
toothy, nutty, & lifty all play video games together over voice-chat whenever theyre free
flaky & nutty are each others sibling figure stemming from them being neighbors during youth. they see him as the younger brother they never had and he sees them as the older sibling he never had
all the younger residents ( mostly the four horsemen ) all see pop as a father figure. he watched them all grow up and hes their metaphorically adopted dad being completely comfortable to go to him any time they need any sort of help
giggles & russell have a very close relationship, seeing each other nearly every single day of the year. he sees her to be the daughter he never had and enjoys the moments where they get to just talk. even if he doesnt have the proper words at the time
pop & flippy are cousins but treated each other like close brothers before flippy left for the military. their relationship was rocky after his return 25 years later but theyre doing a great job at patching it up
flippy & flaky attempted to “date” for a bit but neither were ready for romance. they pushed the mushy stuff out of the way and are much much happier being best friends. they couldnt imagine a life without each other in it but cant seem to put their fingers on the fact theyre soulmates
russell & handy act like an old married couple they seem to be best buds having a laugh and a beer together one minute but then argue over nothing the next. still incredibly good friends though
lumpy is everyones friend !! even if a scatterbrain, his heart is filled to the brim with love and gets along with every resident he meets
pop & disco have had feelings for each other for decades. each others first love but pop wasnt ready to accept his attraction to men due to his upbringing. he hid himself and married a woman, started a family, pretended to feel happy. his wife unfortunately passed in a tragic accident but fortunately disco was there to comfort pop after the loss. pop at this age decided it was safe to not hide anymore and accepted his love for disco. theyve been married for a few months now
nutty had a love at first sight spark for sniffles after meeting the newly moved in anteater. flaky & mime helped nutty get closer to sniff as he was well too nervous to do so itself
truffles & russell have been buds since truff demanded russ to take him out on the sea and be apart of the crew as a young kid. russell admired the little pigs tough spirit not afraid of a pirate waving a weapon in his face after the rude order and decided to take him up on this letting him sail the seas. he was a good man for just a little thing being quickly taken up under the pirate wing. truffles grew on that ship to become the captains first mate even so much so when russell decided that it was maybe time for him to start thinking about taking a break, he offered the ship to truffles to be the new captain but he declined. a captain should always go down with his lady and russell admired this thought. even if the two dont see each other much anymore with truff being out on the waters, every time he comes back to the dock russell is waiting with big open arms
shifty does not have many friends unlike lifty. hes a small bit jealous of his brother over this. lifty is growing and managing his childhood trauma slowly putting himself together healing from the past while shifty revels having difficulties accepting what happened
lumpy, handy, & russell love hanging out ! lumpy seems to be the glue that keep handy and russell from bickering
pop, flippy, & disco all also love hanging out having laughs and beers together
sniffles isnt great at making friends rather putting his studies above socializing but bonds with toothy over their shared admiration for splendid/nerdy media
flippy & flaky met while flaky was employed as the librarian. flippy thought they were cute but was too anxious/not mentally ready to take that step. pop coaxed flippy into talking to her where they clicked almost immediately. flippy became assistant librarian before taking over with flakys departure
mime is the only one lifty is comfortable enough to be out to. mime buys her gender affirming clothes/does her makeup, they love their princess !!
the four horsemen beg pop to babysit cub as they adore him! but only the girls actually take care of him, cuddles & toothy have more fun teaching him naughty words. they got caught once when cub repeated something and were suspended from watching him
flippy had a secret fling with disco bear years ago
sniffles & handy get along when they want to. handy does admire sniffles abilities but will come over about once a week to nag the anteater about inventing some mechanical arms. sniffles stated he can’t and if he could’ve, he would. handy never takes this for an answer and will be back next week
shifty has had a massive crush on petunia for ages that never goes away, meanwhile lifty is secretly incredibly jealous of her. both avoid her
mr. mole once moved in with handy for a bit as his home collapsed in. handy offered the extra bed and mole took it graciously. turns out, they both have a lot more in common than they thought and became good friends. mr. moles home was renovated allowing him to move back but still stayed in contact with the beaver. they still take roadtrips every now and then just to bond
flippy was unfortunately not invited to pop and his ladys wedding. specifically being banned from attending by her. after the incident, she wanted nothing to do with him. fortunately though, pop and flippy were closer this time and flippy was asked to be best man at he and discos wedding. flippy never agreed to anything faster, it was a great honor
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stampgwifeyera · 8 months
Wolfpire introduction/timeline:
Uhhhhh idk how to introduce things i barely got a C in english but the idea behind wolfpire is like a dark fantasy au of community. the big changes are:
This all takes place in and around Aberystwyth(A-buh-rist-wuth),wales because I'm welsh and also america perplexes me.
Troy is now a werewolf,he lives in his family's pack (it's like a small village in the countryside) after his mom died he was made the leader against his will by his dad since he wanted Troy to grow up faster and become more responsible. Oh and troys ftm now because ik him better then harmon.(also ill be referring to younger troy as troy i wont be giving him a deadname or anything like that because i think thats kinda weird tbh)
Abed is a half vampire, his mom is a human and his dad is a vampire,his mom left (i've said before that she died but i’m changing that) due to similar reasons in the show, abed was always alone since he was home-schooled (as a protective measure), and since he couldn't go to the movies (overstimulation makes it impossible to hide his vampiric side) abed reads screenplays and re-enacts/draws scenes he thinks would be cool. also Since he didn't go to Greendale he instead works at his dads cafe which doubles as a normal cafe but also has a V.I.P area for any other monsters in town who need a place to go and don't need to hide themselves.
Annie wasn't able to go to rehab due to her parents, she's constantly tired from all nighters she has to pull for her straight A+’s (or else her parents will kick her out) it doesn't help that she doesn't have a study group to help her.
Other characters pending….
Greendale community college is now ‘greendale paranormal investigators’ a (not so successful) agency that investigates,documents and “takes care of” any paranormal/supernatural activity, it also has a trainee/apprenticeship program.
My best attempt at a timeline of events(this'll be short for now because i don't have too many events “planned” in my head):
Troy and abed first met when they're younger like 5-7, Abed was in his backyard re-enacting a scene from a screenplay with some pebble/rock statues he made, when troy who got lost on a field trip with his family and found abed playing in his backyard and got excited to see another kid his age so he jumped into his backyard and thats when they first met, they talked for hours and hours troy was happy to finally have a person who didn't judge or criticize him and abed was happy to have someone to talk to who wasn't “too busy” to listen to him. I also feel like abed did that speech thing with jeff in ep1 but with troy.
Periodically when he can troy would sneak away and visit abed at least once a week after a while abed starts baking snacks he thinks troy will like, introducing him to Gobi who was worried for troy but also happy that his son had someone to talk and specificity looking for screenplays he knows troy will like so they can re-enact them together. After about 5-6months of this happening though abed notices that troys coming less and less and eventually he stops coming at all… Yeah thats kinda it  😅 i don't actually have much of any other ideas bouncing strong enough around my head sadly :(  if you cant tell already this is still a very massive work in progress.
Where the idea came from:
basically back in October i got a an idea after watching Danny in dywtsadb and wanted to relate that to community so i made abed a vampire (instead of a cannibal but i mean those are basically the same anyway) and i also wanted troy to be a sexy monster but i didn't want him to also be a vamp and the next thing my brain thought of was a werewolf, i feel like that tells you a lot about who i am as a person. link to google doc with all this
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feline-evil · 11 months
I would love to here you info dump about your ocs if you want to?
Grinning evily, I SHALL DO SO!
So ik its been a while since i've really drawn or talked about my boys but a refresher for everyone is i have an OC universe/story loosely titled Flesh and Bone with is a The Thing inspired story featuring my Oc's Clay, Damien and Jack! All three work on a shady arctic base run by an evil corp unbeknownst to them, and after a sequence of horrible incidence and creature attacks Clay is 'killed' only to come back as! Some sort of slopbeast thing monster! He's cool and chill though, not a threat to anyone; hes a wet bag of nerves desperately trying to maintain his shape as the man he was once before, because thats who he is!! It's a story about identity (both in all my main cast being trans men but also in the more metaphorical and subtextual reading of. Clays whole deal lmao) and exploring what that means, and its also about three gay fruits experiencing THE HORRORS!
I have not written it, it's far too big a task rn, but thats the basic idea <3 everyone can always feel free to check the flesh and bone tag or any oc tags (ie oc: damien, oc: clay, oc: jack ect) on my blog to see stuuuuuuff about it!
MORE BELOW THE CUT, LIKE WAY WAY MORE SO MUCH LMAO, and as always heads up for horror themed when it comes to my lil oc's and their world <3
Lately a lot of what i've been thinking about with my oc's has been the physical changes that happen throughout the time they spend trapped in that research base, because they are there for a LONG time they do look different than they do at the start! Obviously there's the general stuff like Damien's hair growing long and the roots showing, Clay's facial hair getting scruffy and his hair getting long and unruly too, jack cutting all his long hair off (too dangerous to wield a flamethrower frequently with all that hair in the way in his learned opinion); but then there's the more physical side of going through this really tough time too, more than just aesthetic changes like hair and clothing changes. The most obvious is yes, Clay IS just a writhing mass of meat that replicates the appearance he wants to be seen as; yes including his clothes his scarf has a heartbeat don't worry about it. But then there's stuff that's not Whatever the hell Clay's deal is; Jack loses a leg, they all gain a multitude of new scars, this is a long, tough situation to survive and none of them are untouched by this- but thats part of the point! You can go through traumatic stuff and you can make it through, it might change you, it might change stuff about you, sometimes in ways you cant undo, but you can still make it through!! And you can still be loved as you rightfully deserved, and you can live a long happy peaceful life!! Thats a big part of the heart of *waves hands* what i am doing in my head with my oc's.
When i can draw for longer periods again i'd like to make reference sheets with 3 views of each character on each, a before, during, and after.
Another thing i've been thinking of lately is the day comes back after 'dying'! And its both horrific and later funny so i like it a lot.
So. Thing style monster drags him away screaming from the base, he is torn to shreds, the last person to see him alive is Damien and he watches that thing tear him *apart*. Everyones pretty certain he's very dead.
Days pass.
Then Clay wakes up in a hollowed out ice cave, one thats been melted into this larger open space by the pile of dead flesh and meat that has been dumped inside it, the pile that he has also been dumped in. It reeks, its horrific, he has to climb and clamber his way to the top in a state of abject disgust and horror; he doesn't remember how he got here. He doesn't remember anything past that thing getting a hold of him. (Unbeknownst to him he IS that thing but he'll figure that out later, he kind of does know that to an extent but not on any conscious level nor is he willing to accept it to much later, boys in denial. When it killed him and ate his flesh for some reason it fucked the beast up and fully replaced whatever it was before with his memories and consciousness so this is him now, the body he had before is gone, this is Clay now)
The only way out of this cave is a very narrow passage leading up, he starts to try and crawl in. Too tight, he doesn't fit. He keeps trying and trying in sobbing desperation until....he.....does fit. Shoulders give way, he slides in, this gap too small to rightfully fit his head through he is somehow now fitting through. He's going to pretend he isn't, he's not a stupid man but he fully cannot cope with comprehending his body moving as if boneless right now, his brain cannot cope nor begin to even parse the possibility that he is morphing like slimy slipper meatgoop to fit through here. He escapes, collapses out there on the ice for a bit miles from the base. He cries for a bit. Repeats in his head over and over that that hole was big enough for him, it was normal, he crawled normally, it was normal and fine. And then he eventually starts walking through freezing winds and blizzards in the direction he hopes the base is.
Clay reaches the base eventually and climbs through a window, enters the currently empty dining hall. He's back! He is. So so mentally checked out and traumatised and FUCKED from his experience that all he can think to do is just....go back to normal, pretend it never happened. He sits down. Pours himself a coffee in his favourite mug.
Footsteps echo closer, people are coming.....
jack and Damien walk in and freeze. They stare at Clay.
Clay stares at them.
'H-hey!' He says, waving over, 'you uh! You guys are up early!'
(Art of this moment memorialised forever by my beloved boyfriend @subsequentibis btw!!)
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wolfpiretrobed · 8 months
Introduction: (if youve seen this already its becuase im moving blogs)
Uhhhhh idk how to introduce things i barely got a C in english but the idea behind wolfpire is like a dark fantasy au of community. the big changes are:
This all takes place in and around Aberystwyth(A-buh-rist-wuth),wales because I'm welsh and also america perplexes me.
Troy is now a werewolf,he lives in his family's pack (it's like a small village in the countryside) after his mom died he was made the leader against his will by his dad since he wanted Troy to grow up faster and become more responsible. Oh and troys ftm now because ik him better then harmon.(also ill be referring to younger troy as troy i wont be giving him a deadname or anything like that because i think thats kinda weird tbh)
Abed is a half vampire, his mom is a human and his dad is a vampire,his mom left (i've said before that she died but i’m changing that) due to similar reasons in the show, abed was always alone since he was home-schooled (as a protective measure), and since he couldn't go to the movies (overstimulation makes it impossible to hide his vampiric side) abed reads screenplays and re-enacts/draws scenes he thinks would be cool. also Since he didn't go to Greendale he instead works at his dads cafe which doubles as a normal cafe but also has a V.I.P area for any other monsters in town who need a place to go and don't need to hide themselves.
Annie wasn't able to go to rehab due to her parents, she's constantly tired from all nighters she has to pull for her straight A+’s (or else her parents will kick her out) it doesn't help that she doesn't have a study group to help her.
Other characters pending….
Greendale community college is now ‘greendale paranormal investigators’ a (not so successful) agency that investigates,documents and “takes care of” any paranormal/supernatural activity, it also has a trainee/apprenticeship program.
My best attempt at a timeline of events(this'll be short for now because i don't have too many events “planned” in my head):
Troy and abed first met when they're younger like 5-7, Abed was in his backyard re-enacting a scene from a screenplay with some pebble/rock statues he made, when troy who got lost on a field trip with his family and found abed playing in his backyard and got excited to see another kid his age so he jumped into his backyard and thats when they first met, they talked for hours and hours troy was happy to finally have a person who didn't judge or criticize him and abed was happy to have someone to talk to who wasn't “too busy” to listen to him. I also feel like abed did that speech thing with jeff in ep1 but with troy.
Periodically when he can troy would sneak away and visit abed at least once a week after a while abed starts baking snacks he thinks troy will like, introducing him to Gobi who was worried for troy but also happy that his son had someone to talk and specificity looking for screenplays he knows troy will like so they can re-enact them together. After about 5-6months of this happening though abed notices that troys coming less and less and eventually he stops coming at all… Yeah thats kinda it  😅 i don't actually have much of any other ideas bouncing strong enough around my head sadly :(  if you cant tell already this is still a very massive work in progress.
Where the idea came from:
basically back in October i got a an idea after watching Danny in dywtsadb and wanted to relate that to community so i made abed a vampire (instead of a cannibal but i mean those are basically the same anyway) and i also wanted troy to be a sexy monster but i didn't want him to also be a vamp and the next thing my brain thought of was a werewolf, i feel like that tells you a lot about who i am as a person.
link to google doc with all this
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persephoneofhades · 6 years
blakebat replied to your post “The OT3 feels were strong in this episode, but I can’t help but be...”
personally, i'm more drawn to maddie and ryn because (theres more tension there imo) even tho we know ryns feelings for the both of them are true, ben was sang to. maybe thats why hes drawn to her. while hes was being affected by that, instead of opening up to maddie, he kept his troubles to himself and even pulled away from her because he was so obsessed. and this didn't happen just once. it happened twice. when he first found her and then when she went away.
and then theres the fact even if he doesnt directly hurt mermaids and is long run trying to help them, he supports his friends who do. instead of talking to them like he said he would, he procrastinated until it was too late and people were hurt. ik hes good deep down, but hes been walking the line.
tho i would love for all of them to end up together and for bens issues to be addressed and learned from instead of ignored.
This is such a late response and I’m so sorry, but RL got way in the way with my job and I wasn’t able to actually even WATCH the last three episodes so I didn’t feel like I could answer this without having seen them even though I knew kinda vaguely what had happened.
That being said, I’m all caught up now and Siren may be over for now (I even changed my url to reflect it), but I’m answering this anyway.
I understand where you’re coming from and to a certain extent, I think the show sorta means for you to feel this way.
Ben’s feelings are very clearly made out to be not completely natural and even potentially harmful, both to himself and to others. That’s made ESPECIALLY clear in the last few episodes. So it’s less that Ben’s “issues” are addressed and need to be learned from as much as Ben needs a cure that doesn’t yet exist since he’s essentially been accidentally given a few doses of a drug that he’s deathly allergic to and is now in withdrawal from.
He’s a flawed character, sure, but a majority of his actions from about episode 5 on were influenced by the song. You could also make a pretty strong argument that he was influenced from the second he heard the song back in episode 1, but as Maddie says, he was still acting like himself then and really only started changing after Ryn left at the end of episode 4, the first time he went into withdrawal.
Maddie’s relationship with Ryn is, by comparison, more genuine and healthy because there is no outside influence, however innocently meant. Maddie knows where her boundaries are and has been able to keep a clearer head this entire time which explains why Ben was so flustered by the kisses and Maddie wasn’t. It meant something else to Ben, it probably felt like something else to Ben.
Which isn’t to say he’s completely excused for all of his actions, but the poor dude has a pretty good explanation for his behavior and it’s not like he MEANT to be drugged in the first place. He saw a girl who had just been attacked and tried to help her and got drugged for his troubles because she was curious about him and happened not to be human. 
His actions on the boat I think you’re looking at in a way I don’t really understand, though.
Ben had just found out that there was a military boat on the water that was trying to hunt the mermaids. He knows they’re trying to lure in Ryn’s sister and Ryn by proxy likely. He runs out to find Xander about to set sail ALSO to hunt mermaids. Ben knows that this is a doubly dangerous journey due to both the mermaids AND the military and he also knows that he can’t actually say that to Xander (or Chris or Calvin who were also in the vicinity and would have likely demanded an explanation) so he does the best he can at the time and just goes along to hopefully help everyone avoid a terrible outcome.
And he fails. Because he is vastly outnumbered and doesn’t totally know what he’s dealing with, but he’s doing the best he can with what information and resources he has. What would have happened if he HADN’T gone with them and “supported” them as you claim? They’d all have been killed, all four of them: Sean, Xander, Calvin, and Chris. They MIGHT have believed him if he told them the whole story, but they clearly already believed there was a mermaid out there and were planning to go exactly BECAUSE of that so confirming their theory wasn’t going to keep them off the water. He had NO good options. None. He goes because he’s now the only one on that boat who has any clue what they might be going up against and the fact he’s still unprepared for the severity of what’s actually out there is not his fault.
I’m not sure what you think Ben should have done in this situation that would have changed anything for the better because I can’t think of one. 
It’s very very rare that I feel the need to defend the white boy in a show this strongly, but Ben just feels like one of the rare straight white male protagonist characters that isn’t a complete pile of shit. 
Maddie is amazing and I love her dynamic with Ryn a lot and I love her relationship with Ben and I love how she stands up for herself and isn’t afraid to call off her relationship with Ben when she can tell it’s no longer working for her even though she loves him. I’d love to see Maddie’s background explored more and see more of her relationship with her dad and continue to grow her relationship with Ryn as well as Ben (especially since Ryn is trying to stay away from Ben, she may end up having to spend more time with Maddie by process of elimination). I’d love to see Maddie teaching Ryn about how to be human now that she’s here to stay. I’d love to see Maddie showing Ryn around town and going shopping with her and getting her to help at the marine research center. I’ve got a lot of hopes for Maddie and Maddie/Ryn.
I’m just not against it including Ben as well and I don’t feel quite as negatively towards him as you do. I just want him to get better and see his relationship with Ryn grow more from there since I do believe he has genuine feelings for her that weren’t all influenced by the song. I want to see him rebuild the trust between himself and Maddie and slowly integrate all three of them together. I want to see him build up a relationship with Helen now that he knows they’re family. I want to see more of his friendship with Xander especially now that Xander is in the know and will know exactly what Ryn is and may be Ben’s only support without Maddie and Ryn. I want to see the two of them team up to help protect Ryn when Calvin’s stunt with the news comes out.
This show has a lot of potential with ALL of its characters, Ben included. So while I understand where you’re coming from, I can’t agree with you.
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ryodan · 7 years
Hey I don't ship sns so I don't really know what goes on but what do you mean by sns = sasuke exclusion and naruto wanking? Just a curious person over here 😅
I didn’t say SNS = Sasuke exclusion and Naruto wanking, I said it’s based off a lot of that. More so the shippers than the ship itself (But that’s really the case with sasuke in a lot of ships and that is why I don’t particularly associate with any shipping fandom..but sns takes the cake lol) . The fandom consists of mainly naruto uzumaki stans (and i love him!! I love the sunshine boy but no fav is perfect) with a blind sense of hero worship. They view Naruto as this untainted perfect guy who can do no wrong, that saved~ sasuke using the power of 
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Like sasukes entire existence revolves around him, like he begins and ends with him, like he is the only thing that matters to him, like he is obsessed with him
(no matter how unhealthy that sounds lol), like sasuke as an entity can only exist codependent to naruto. It’s hard to articulate what point i am trying to get across but some examples I can think of at the top of my head 
-Something they bring up a lot ‘sasuke cared more about naruto than itachi in the reunion arc’ and it’s literally???? Sasuke, was of course worried to hear his best friend is target to a man who murdered his entire family but the entire volume (17) was filled with flashbacks of the time sasuke’s entire family was murdered. He headed towards itachi with his sharingan activated because of the sheer emotion caused by ‘that man’ being there. When he saw itachi it was blind rage and hurt because after all this itachi ignored him…and ofc we all know what happened next. It gets annoying seeing such a massive sasuke moment get turned into hE lOveS nAruTo sO mUCh. I don’t see Sasuke stans attempt to make Narutos rasengan scene about Sasuke?? Why is Sasuke getting mentally tortured turned into lOvE??
-They praise Naruto for the first fight and it’s like? How can you sleep on the fact that Naruto just told sasuke he would break every bone in his body to make him understand his feelings of wanting to bring him back…but it’s okay because he said he’s doing it beCauSe HE’s A fRiEnD. 
-’Sasuke wanted to kill Naruto because he is his oNLY frIEND the ONE he CaRES ABOUT THE MOST’ Naruto is Sasukes best friend, given fact. But Sasuke never showed any discrimination in how much he cares about the members of team 7..he loves all of them..any of them would have awakened mangekyo for him as shown when he awoke kagatsuchi during his Bee fight and the fact that whenever he thinks about team 7 he always thinks about all them is further proof. It’s like they are forgetting Sasuke just intended to leave the village quietly but both Sakura and Naruto chased him and he initially told them the exact same thing. ‘dont mind me anymore’ when Naruto attacked him first, sasuke was like ‘i have no choice do i, naruto?’ and bitch punched him into the valley. The fight at first was just a petty sasuke goading his strength to Naruto bc of Itachi’s ignoring towards him..and then escalated to his manipulated past leading him to want to kill Naruto bc the way to awake mangekyo (as he knew at the time) was to ‘kill your best friend’..something he didn’t do because ‘i will not be your puppet’ ‘i didnt want to obtain power doing it the way he told me to’ but nO it’s because he LoVes nAruto MorE tHan AnyThInG THats WHY he ChidOriED hIM and AlmOSt RyukA JUTsud HiM. I do think some factor of it was at the end he couldn’t kill his best friend while he was helpless, but sasuke doesn’t really lie about his feelings- he is pretty straight forward usually.
-They also praise naruto for the land of iron arc but that is arguably his worst moment. Sasuke having just fought danzo made the source of his distress very clear: the massacre’s truth, the massacre being thrown at his beloved older brother, and the way the Uchihas were treated in Konoha prior to the massacre. The moment I knew how much pain it was giving him was when he was shouting ‘how many uchihas did you kill in order to get that right arm?’
and here is where the issue comes in. Naruto knows the truth, Obito told him. Yet, when he seeks out Sasuke he tries to make the issue of genocide #relatable. oh sasook ik about loneliness too, did i tell u about the time i was sO alone??? Haha i could have been like u, nvm that ik about the curse of hatred and watch me not mention the issue of the mass genocide!11! Youre just angry bc u LOVE ur family : )
And his ass gets praised for it??? it’s so confusing??? He just ignored a national crime on behalf of his village (as an institute) and he gets away with it bc yOu are My fRiend
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These are a few examples but I could go on. Idk if they self insert into sasuke, or use him to blindly wank their fav but it’s annoying enough to make me step away from the fandom. Like, chill mate its not that deep. it’s just anime, you don’t have to lie to yourself and keep saying sasuke/naruto hate _ and only love each other!11!! it’s very transparent and almost pathetic. No one ever choked from swallowing their pride and facts are facts even if you turn a blind eye. 
I still ship SNS by the way, it gets a pass because Naruto always tirelessly wanted to understand sasuke..he also wanted to end the cycle of hatred and stop history from repeating itself which is pretty noble. In terms of sasuke, growing up and seeing naruto trying to bond with people gave him hope and I think thats beautiful. The bond they share represents so many themes of the story, it’s kind of like they are a ‘it all leads to this’ type thing. Their dynamic is also hella cute and they had some cute ass moments as kids.The bond is also real deep, its like soul deep. The relationship itself is very unhealthy because theyre both insisting they are right and one of them tries to shove his opinion down the others throat and the other reacts violently to it. After it’s resolve its great tho so there we go it was worth it. I love sns despite how messy it is but the fandom has it’s hand far up it’s own ass and feeds itself its own bullshit. They claim they are ‘real’ fans and pretend they own this fictional ass guy yet use him to wank their fave..yet erase some of his most important bonds and character arcs to wank their fav. It’s ugly and i want no part of it.
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