#ik it's sindarized but
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daily-smol-silm · 18 days ago
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Day #209 - Finarfin
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maironsmaid · 3 years ago
For the WIP ask: Tales of Entullome the fallen sounds interesting!
Hey! Uhh how do I say this...
I have no idea what the original ask game was so Idk how I should respond to this
However seeing as I love to talk about this WiP I'll just tell you what it's about :D
Okay the Whole Thing was inspired by the idea "What if the Void was *our* World and by being tossed into it Melkor was reborn here as a human." He had no memories of Arda or anything until Sauron started his whole Human Sacrifices thing in Numenor. This lead to him getting thrown back to Middle earth around the same time of Bilbo giving Frodo the Ring.
The Plot then was something like this
Melkor (Tristan /Entullome) is taken in by a Ranger and teached stuff
He starts regaining memories but they don't make sense. He also starts looking more and more like his "old self" (elvish, tall, grey-ish skin, sharper teeth etc)
He meets some Hobbits and befriends Merry and Pippin's Dads
he starts travelling and goes to Lindon
He finds a big shiny stone at the shores :D
On his way back he meets the Hobbits & Aragorn
Frodo feels like he is very important to the Ring
They go to Rivendell (Maglor is there)
Entullome (quenya for Return of Darkness hehe it's a pun bc the sky went black when he came to Arda) decides to travel to the east
More memories, a Balrog getting woken and an attack of the great Eagles later he stumbles across a crime scene
Let's just say dwarven syndicate, the Arkenstone is a Silmarill and a Sindar who is still bitter about Doriath
He meets with the Fellowship in Rohan
Makes his way into Mordor (idk why or how yet lmfao)
Oh look a great temple for this guy "Melkor" let's take a look insi- whoop who's that twink in armour?
Baam Memories!!
The Ring get's destroyed
Oh did I tell you that Sauron wanted to destroy the Ring himself the whole time bc he was not having a good time without his Valar?
Anyways Sauron is destroyed, Melkor (in possession of two Silmaril) is back, let's get this Party started
With Party I mean Dagor Dagorath
The end
And yes ik I just spoilers the whole story *but* I've been planning this for almost 5 years by now and am not even at the point where Entullome has met the Hobbits so till anyone can read it it'll be some time yet
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smaidjor · 3 years ago
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#like ik its due to the fact that its a minecraft rp but the lmanburg system of government is like 'we have a president :) he makes choices'
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i always know when twitter is being nasty even though i dont have it because my mutuals all start spamming scott appreciation (as they should) and i just join in
350 notes • Posted 2021-09-28 20:13:40 GMT
thinking about how the statue thats supposedly a deer god/protector spirit offered no protection when scott was being chased by xornoth....
thinking about how scott said the guy who he's the reincarnation of combined his powers with aeor....
anyways so who wants to hop on the newest scott headcanon bandwagon: scott is actually just aeor.
that's the reason his kingdom hasn't been protected from xornoth by aeor; aeor has no real power anymore. neither does exor. the reincarnations of their former followers, scott and xornoth, are now the true gods. and xornoth has learned to use their power....while scott hasn't.
366 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 04:42:03 GMT
On Elven Royalty, Hair Ribbons, and the Impact of High King Smajor on Elven Culture (Emptober Day 4: Ribbon)
An essay submitted by a human student in the Cod Empire, many hundreds of years after the death of King Jimmy Solidarity, on the topic of elven culture.
Yes, this is formatted in proper MLA style.
Yes, I hate myself for that as much as you hate me for it.
Wordcount: 912
Content warnings: none.
Actual fic under the cut:
Josh Gelnam
Professor Culelen
Elven Culture and History
Section 2
On Elven Royalty, Hair Ribbons, and the Impact of High King Smajor on Elven Culture
Hair ribbons are a longstanding elven tradition that has carried through multiple centuries, possibly millennia. Elves will wear hair ribbons to festivals and parties, but also to funerals and even into battle. Though seemingly impractical, the tradition is incredibly significant in elven culture, as it has persisted for generations. (Some scholars even say it began in Valinor, homeland of the elves, though there is no definitive evidence of this.)
Experts are unaware of exactly when or where the tradition of braiding ribbons through hair started, though reports of this have been traced all the way back to King Fingon the Valiant, High King of the Noldor in the First Age of Arda. Though not all elves have always observed this, there are descriptions and records of hair ribbons in some form from every era of the elves, and many different peoples. Noldor, Vanyar, Sindar, and even Silvan elves have been recorded as wearing these adornments, though wood-elves less commonly so than high-elves. In the modern day, both major elven kingdoms retain this tradition.
The ribbons themselves have been crafted from a wide variety of materials, and what is most common varies by the type of elf, their social status/wealth, and the Age they were born in. In the First Age, for example, High King Fingon was observed to wear hair ribbons which had pure gold woven into the fabric. This would be fitting for his status as king, and makes sense for Noldorin culture in that era, which was heavily focused around smithing and other forms of artistry. Noldor royalty would continue to imitate this for some time, but the practice fell out of favor with High King Smajor of Rivendell.
King Smajor was said to be an unusual elvenking in many ways, and his style reflected this. While in the early years of his kingship he wore traditional golden ribbons, in later years he is said to have worn flower crowns and roughly woven brown and green fabrics instead. This seemingly strange choice nonetheless began a trend towards less traditional materials in elven fashion that lasted for centuries afterwards. As a whole, King Smajor was vastly influential in the shift in elven culture in the early Sixth Age.
As the second prince, or ‘spare heir’, King Smajor was not expected to become the High King. However, Prince Xornoth disappeared from public view in 1240 Sixth Age, and their younger twin succeeded the throne instead. At first seen as mannish and incompetent, King Smajor was widely disliked by the elven court when he first ascended. However, as champion of Aeor and the only remaining heir to the house of Elrond Peredhel, he was the only candidate for the throne. Despite the unhappiness of many advisors, he retained the throne for many centuries to come.
Some of the most notable change accomplished during this era includes the end of the Conflict of the Great Stags, the opening of Rivendell’s borders for trade, and the first ever adopted heir of the elves. King Smajor, Champion of Aeor, made peace with Prince Xornoth, Champion of Exor, and ended what was at the time thought to be an eternal cycle of conflict. He also allied with many mortal kingdoms and rulers, including Queen Lizzie Shadowlady of the Ocean Empire, Queen Katherine of the Overgrown, Count Fwhip of the Grimlands, and most notably Codfather Jimmy Solidarity of the Cod Empire. Though the exact nature of his relationship with the Codfather remains unknown, many historians have speculated that they were lovers. The green and brown hair ribbons that King Smajor was fond of (green and brown being thematic colors of the Cod Empire), would seem to support this theory.
Though he was an unusual king, there is no doubt that King Smajor was also an incredibly influential one. Not only did elven fashion change in a direct response to his untraditional choices, the culture of the elves also began a huge shift around this time. Where before, elves had been famously isolationist and kept almost entirely to themselves, during King Smajor’s rein, their trade and interactions with other empires increased drastically. Additionally, elven royalty had long valued blood relation above all other forms, but with the adoption of the future High Queen Mirnen, this began to change.
Today, elven hair ribbons take countless forms, from rough cotton and strings of twine to fine silks and even traditional woven metal. Dyes are made from the many flowers of the Overgrown and even certain kinds of terracotta from Mezalea. Woven copper from Pixandria has become popular in recent years, and the Ocean Empire makes its contribution in tiny pieces of sea glass that are sometimes sewn onto hair ribbons and other elven clothing. Where once, Rivendell had a tradition of blue, white, and gold, there is now a whole rainbow of color, and much of that is due to the un-elven elf king: High King Smajor of Rivendell.
Works Cited:
Falashithiel, Dindraug. Elven Fashion in the Sixth Age . Rivendell Publishing, 2998 Sixth Age.
Silornion, Quentur. “Elven Hair Ribbons: Origins and History.”  Historia Ellon , vol. 14, no. 6, 1581 Fifth Age, pp. 176-180.
Marison, Iaglin. “The Unelven Elf-King: An Exploration of High King Smajor’s Rulership and the Impacts Thereof.” Journal of Interempire Politics , vol. 7, no. 24, 2241 Sixth Age, pp. 34-48.
508 notes • Posted 2021-10-04 21:53:24 GMT
finished scotts episode and immediately knew i HAD to make some rivendell citizen memes
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[image description: the woman yelling at cat meme with the text "my cousin demanding to know why the corruption is still in rivendell" over the woman and "elf king scottsmajor building a cute tunnel for his date with the codfather" over the cat. End image description.]
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[image description: a car swerving onto an offramp. the main freeway is labelled "doing our work". The offramp is labelled "gossiping about king smajors relationship with the codfather". End ID.]
See the full post
606 notes • Posted 2021-09-26 04:07:35 GMT
ive probably said this before but what the FUCK does the hermitcraft server run on. how is this thing so unkillable i break sugarcane and get lag and fuckin. grian hermitcraft creates a million boats specifically to lag the server and still gets more frames than ive ever had
702 notes • Posted 2021-11-08 18:59:26 GMT
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kanafnwe · 6 years ago
17 and 18 for the ask thing
17. Favourite AU setting?
TBH i really really like crossover fics where some tolkien character drops into a modern setting of another fandom,,,call me basic but i also like highschool/college au bc i live for the modernized family drama…and uh, space au ig
18. Favourite crack pairing/concept/headcanon?
i���ve seen a a lot of silm characters being shipped with erestor (glorfindel, ecthelion, maglor, fingon, etc) or erestor being in the silmarillion events in general. and i??? really like that??? even though it’s super random (like. he breathed in lotr and that’s it). ik this is venturing too near to the lotr area but bc of erestor’s vague background there are so many possibilities! i’m here for inserting him during the whole mess in the silm. idk if this counts as crack since it’s pretty popular but from the fact that erestor has a pretty small role yet big fanbase (and i love him!!!) kinda sounds crack-ish…? oh and. i like daeron/maglor and lowkey want a fic about beleg and legolas meeting bc sindar archer elf boyes. it sounds cute
send me asks
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millionsofbooks · 8 years ago
Hhhh so I saw a les mis tolkien au earlier and now I CANNOT STOP THINKING ABOUT ENJOLRAS TALKING SHIT ABOUT THE VALAR LIKE HE WOULD STRAIGHT UP PROTEST FROM THE HALLS OF MANDOS LIKE what are you gonna do, kill me? Wait new tolkien au - they all meet up in the Halls of Mandos. Ok, hear me out. So, everyone is the same people as the other one (sorry I'm on mobile but I'll add a link later) except Jehan is a Nandorin elf not a Maia and Grantaire is a petty-dwarf not an Avarin elf All the elves that live in Beleriand die after they've been turned into orcs (IM SORRY IT'S NECESSARY YOU'LL SEE) Grantaire dies cause of the Sindar being dicks Enjolras, Combeferre and Courfeyrac get killed 'cause they were all like "ummmm I don't remember electing the Valar??? Also why the fuck can't we leave Valinor and don't give us that 'we're not gonna stop you' bullshit there's an entire fucking ocean/ice sheet between us and Middle-Earth there is NO WAY TO GET THERE IF YOU DONT HELP US" Ik people aren't meant to die in Valinor, and, like, I'm sorry, but Marius would find a way Eponine and Gavroche are their pals on the outside who help the jailbreak Anyway going with the version where dwarves go to the Halls of Mahal, Grantaire breaks out of the Halls of Mahal and joins the others in Mandos So, they're all banned from going back (apart from Marius but I'll get to that later) - the Beleriand lot because they were orcs, Grantaire 'cause he's not an elf, and the trio 'cause they were rebelling (yes it actually says this is a reason to be kept in Mandos this isn't me just going on an 'oooh the Valar are evilllll' rampage it SAYS it and ok it says it in LACE but it's never contradicted so shut up) Marius falls in love with Cosette so he's not gonna leave 'till she does Anyway they all meet up and they're like 'hey it is super unfair that we're being kept here' so they decide to start annoying the shit out of Mandos in the hopes that it'll help. Well, they call it protesting, but we know what's really up. Grantaire thinks this is useless and never going to work because helloooo it's Mandos you dumbasses god I'm not even an elf and I know this but I guess he's wrong cause Luthien managed Well these guys aren't as good as Luthien so they don't manage, BUT Eponine has noticed that Marius hasn't come back yet for a rather long time and her and Gavroche manage to break into the Halls (don't question my judgement they could do it) So anyway Eponine and Gavroche help them break out with shenanigans and then they're outlaws which means MORE SHENANIGANS (and Grantaire doesn't die cause then he'd've died twice and no)
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