#ik it's not being used derogatory
Oxnard is such a himbo I love him so much 😭
ox is far from a himbo. sure, he's big, kind, and loves his pack. but he's not dumb. a himbo, must be dumb.
it's kind of a huge point of his character, that his daddy, before he leaves, makes ox feel worthless, like he's dumb, that he'll always get shit. Ox is smart enough at twelve, when the letters from the bank come to call Gordo and ask for help. he learns about cars and later a new computer system. When he studies for the test he passes. he learns everything (he can) about pack.
he may not pick up on social cues sometimes, especially with jessie. but he's not dumb.
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peepee-poopoo-lord · 8 months
can you guys stop being cringe for five fucking minutes
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mlmxreader · 7 months
the cod fandom has a serious issue w saneism
I'm genuinely not joking. so many of you fuckers are guilty of being absolutely abhorrent towards people with personality, schizospec, psychotic, dissociative and trauma disorders and you need to stop before you genuinely harm someone. no, you're not "cute" for it - you're an ableist, nasty little cunt for it.
so, let's go through it a bit; I'm not gonna go in-depth, bc ik some of you lot won't take criticism w/o treating it as a personal attack, and ik a LOT of you don't actually give a shit abt hurting people either. but I'm gonna quickly cover some things that need addressing.
First and foremost: "delulu".
"delulu" is a term that's been shortened from "delusional" to essentially mean "I have a thought/opinion that few others have".
which isn't the correct way to actually use this term whatsoever; according to the correct definition, a delusion is stated to be "A delusion is a strongly-held or fixed false belief that conflicts with reality.", and an example of that would be (for example) if someone believed that their behaviour, thoughts and emotions were being controlled by the government or aliens. THAT is a delusion.
"Soap isn't dead uwu" is not. by using the word "delusion" colloquially and by using "delulu", you are minimising and misusing a term used solely meant for usage within the mental health field. it's not that hard to say "I have the opinion that-" or "I think that-", because what you're experiencing isn't a delusion. it's an opinion.
Secondly: "psychopath/sociopath".
"psychopath" and "sociopath" are widely misused and derogatory terms used often towards people with ASPD to portray them as violent, evil, etc. and within the cod fandom is often used as a derogatory term for villains like Makarov and Shepherd and Graves.
the terms themselves are wildly outdated and no longer used within the mental health field due to their derogatory and untrue definitions; "psychopath" and "sociopath" can ONLY be used by people with ASPD and other such disorders, otherwise, it does count as a slur.
if you cannot reclaim it, you cannot use it.
otherwise, you're only pushing and furthering stigmatisation and stereotypes that render it HARDER for people to seek help and support for their mental health.
Third: "schizo".
"schizo" is a fucking slur. end of. it is a slur against people with schizospec disorders. it's a slur, stop using it.
it's not cute and it isn't funny; the word is a slur, and if you cannot reclaim it then why are you using it if not to treat schizospec people as a fucking joke?
why is our mental health a joke to you when you would kick off if someone did the same to anxiety, or depression?
why is it okay to treat one disorder as a joke, why is it okay to treat schizospec people as if we're second class citizens?
Fourth: "psycho".
the same as above, "psycho" is a fucking slur. stop using it.
the word has a long, long history of being used in a derogatory, offensive and bigoted manner in order to portray someone as being violent, evil or otherwise terrible - "he's such a psycho!", "she's acting psycho!" - and yet, the cod fandom throws it around as if it means nothing despite the fact that one quick look will show that "psycho" is a slur and is as bad as calling someone a "faggot" as a slur.
Fifth: the treatment of Nikto
in recent weeks, Nikto has become sort of the "new" König - he's an object of desire and attraction, which... Sure, whatever.
but Nikto canonically has dissociative identity disorder, a mental health issue that is largely misunderstood and mistreated massively.
the fandom treats Nikto two ways: either his mental illness boils down to "uwu soft baby" disease, or it doesn't exist at all.
that is NOT how dissociative identity disorder works; by treating Nikto as if he's some completely innocent, infantilised, glamourised depiction of dissociative identity disorder, you are further perpetuating that it is NOT a serious disorder and it is NOT something to take seriously.
furthermore, by acting as if his mental health disorder doesn't exist AT ALL, you are also furthering that a character CANNOT be desirable, loved and attractive if he has any kind of mental health disorder.
how would you like it if someone treated anxiety or depression that way?
how would you feel if someone erased depression to make you an object of desire, instead of treating it with respect and decency?
it's not nice, is it?
so why do it at all?
the cod fandom has a massive, massive issue with saneism and ableism, and it needs to stop because all you're doing is being shitty and bigoted towards marginalised people to the point where even something that's supposed to be FUN can't even be that anymore because people with these disorders have to CONSTANTLY be on guard and CONSTANTLY have to deal with stigmatisation and demonisation to the point where no one can be trusted outside of ourselves.
so stop it, have some fucking courtesy for your fellow man and have some respect and decency for once in your lives.
yes, you can reblog, but don't fucking derail.
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bookshelfdreams · 1 year
aaaaah no i saw another "Izzy can't be homophobic you idiot I headcanon him as gay and anyway, he's right to hate Stede for being soft and inexperienced and rich" post send help (ik all of this has been said before and better, I just need to get it out of my system)
First of all, Izzy is a white and maybe not straight but definitely traditionally masculine man in a society where racism/sexism/homophobia/associated bigotry exist. Okay? Okay. These things exist in the ofmd universe, there's no arguing that away. It therefore stands to reason that Izzy, who grew up in that environment, harbours homophobic sentiments, because it is literally impossible to avoid that.
Detesting Stede for being effeminate and gnc is homophobia. Plain and simple. That's the core of homophobia. It's not about who someone finds attractive in their heart, it's about doing gender wrong. It's not so much about who you have sex with, but how you're doing it.
(And this is what Izzy and Calico Jack and the Badmintons and everone who ever bullied him hate about him. It's not that he's upper class. It's not that he's rich. It's this.)
Homophobia and the patriarchy go hand in hand. Under patriarchy, anything masculine is good and superior and anything feminine is weak and detestable. A good man, a proper man is defined by what he isn't (=not ever feminine), and any association with femininity is degrading. This is why Stede is called a woman (derogatory) by people who are perfectly aware he is a guy, why he's called Baby Bonnet: Both these things say You are not a real man. Does anyone who hurls abuse at him think he's gay? Who knows! It's well known he's married and has children, for fuck's sake! But it doesn't matter what's in Stede's heart, it matters how he behaves, how he speaks and carries himself, his interests, his inability to fit it.
Why do you think he's called fat when he isn't as an adult and wasn't as a child? It's the same thing, it's not logical, just a way for people to express their vague discomfort with him in the most hurtful way possible.
The way Izzy talks about him and the way the Badmintons talk about him parallel each other and that's not a coincidence. Izzy talks about Stede as having "done something" to Ed's "brain", Chauncey Badminton says he "ruined" Ed, that he's "not human" and a "monster". This is the exact violent, dehumanizing rhetoric that has forever been flung at gnc gay men, effeminacy as a corrupting, contagious influence, good upstanding manly men being seduced (hah!) into the Gay Lifestyle. You're not a person, you're a disease.
Fop and ponce may be old fashioned but they are also homophobic slurs.
Izzy doesn't detest the upper class. He has no trouble at all weaponizing his whiteness against Ed when he sends the English after him, when he attempts to buy Ed for himself with Stede's life. Izzy can fit into that world well enough to use it for his own gain as long as it will let him, and sure, he'll be crushed as soon as he's no longer useful but that doesn't stop him from aligning himself with the literal enemy, does it? That's what makes Izzy a class traitor (derogatory) btw, and why analysis that tries to paint him as "just a working class guy who hates the rich" a little silly.
("We're not bigots we are just ordinary salt-of-the-earth working class guys who hate the out of touch liberal elite and anyway, they're all perverts" hmmm, where have I heard this before?)
It's baffling to me that people watch this show and genuinely think "Izzy isn't homophobic, he just hates Stede because he's rich" is a good argument like??? Who expresses this exact sentiment in the show????
Look. I know where this comes from. I too read Izzy as queer. But queer people are perfectly capable of being homophobic towards each other.
Izzy can accept Ed having sex with men who are not him. He's fine with that, and sure, that seems to be proof that He can't be homophobic! at first glance. But, under patriarchy, not liking women sexually is - well, maybe not ideal but under certain circumstances acceptable (after all, under patriarchy, not liking women is perfectly reasonable and encouraged, so it's not a huge leap). But what is not acceptable, what needs to be violently suppressed at all costs, is men being insufficiently masculine.
Which is what Izzy detests about Stede, and what he attacks Ed for in ep10. And this is homophobia in a nutshell.
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lostgreekgod · 2 years
sinner's damnation: part 1
a/n: its been SO LONG. and ik I said I wont probably write anymore, but technically I wrote this like a year ago and we've only now come to finishing it. so he's my first collab and probably my last loki fanfic with my best big bro @theaudacitytowrite 😗💞
pairing: loki x f!reader, angst with some fluff in nex's part hehe
warnings: human trafficking, blood, gore, swearing. lmk if theres anything else
link to part 2
words: 4.8k (LMAO sorry)
taglist: @theaudacitytowrite @gaitwae @naterson @queenjosielaufeyson @1marvelnerd3000 @dmltnlvr
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Tony Stark had passed an unnecessary comment aimed at him. Again. Loki did what he usually did in response to that. He got up and left.
A movie night meant being quiet and paying attention to said movie. But obviously, no one followed that rule. Thor had forced Loki into yet another weekend Avenger bonding time, ignorant of his protests, and the God had yet again been "teased" by none other than the billionaire. One thing Midgardians found hard to understand was the fact that no matter how inexpressive someone was, they still had feelings. Feelings that the so-called 'virtuous' Avengers entirely made a point of ignoring.
Another thing - whatever Stark did? It wasn't plain and simple teasing. It was a sly little tactic for their glorious pastime. Bored? Then taunt Loki. Try eliciting a reaction. Did his eyebrow twitch? Did he grit his jaw? Then congratulations! You've successfully won the game of tease-Loki-until-his-face-twitches.
Loki was currently packing up, fuming over the conversation he had just overheard. He was going to leave.
"Don't you think your brother might be... how do I put this? A little too uptight?" Loki heard Stark's voice from the corridors. It had been an hour since he had gotten up and walked away from the stupid movie the Avengers were watching, and he had returned to the kitchen to get his nightly cup of tea. Thor and Stark seemed unaware of his presence as they spoke about him in hushed voices.
"Nonsense," Thor boomed, although he knew he was supposed to be whispering. But obviously, he saw no need for it. He didn't care if Loki heard him. "Loki doesn't care about what you think of him. Hel, he doesn't care what anyone thinks of him. He'll be fine."
Loki grimaced. Thor was right. He didn't care what these measly Midgardians thought of him, right? He shouldn't. Then why was he so affected? Why did it anger him so much, the fact that the stupid metal man could barely contain himself without passing a rude comment at him every time?
"He lives up to his name, Anthony. He's cold-hearted, a snake. He proved that when he stabbed me at like, 8 years old."
Loki’s stomach somersaulted. Did his older brother really think of him in such a derogatory manner? He stepped closer to the wall, trying to catch the rest of their conversation.
"I keep telling Cap we can't trust him. What's worse, Capsicle knows it. Yet he's here, with us like New York never happened," Tony continued, braver than before now that Thor had participated in dissing Loki. "It won’t take long before he betrays us. Again."
Now Loki flinched. Sure, he might have been planning another escapade, but betrayal? Where would he go? Asgard? There was no one for him there. His mother's death had made that very clear. Who would he lead? He did not have an army of Chitauri to serve him this time. He didn't have anybody - no family, no army, no friends. He thought he had Thor to a certain extent but once again, he was wrong. He was alone, and he would remain alone no matter where he went. Hands shaking, he raced to his room, his cup of tea forgotten. He didn't care if his brother could hear him.
Loki wasn't one for spontaneous decisions. He was a planner. An organizer. He hated when he didn't have things planned out meticulously, but right now that was the last thing on his mind. He was leaving. He didn't know where he would go, but it was better than being stuck with people who wished for his absence. He shoved his mother's spell books into a duffel bag as he tugged on the green comforter on his bed. He knew he could conjure one with his seidr anytime, but something told him to take it along - so he did. His eyes landed on a box of his favourite assorted tea bags. Before he could think, he grabbed it. He didn't have anything else left for him in the Avenger compound. He noticed the framed picture of Thor and him on his dresser. Thor was laughing heartily as Loki scowled at him - but he remembered the warmth he felt in his chest. The love he had for his brother. The memory quickly faded when the earlier conversation replayed in his mind. Cold-hearted. Snake.
He zipped up the bag harshly and dashed out of his room. It was only a matter of time until FRIDAY notified the Avengers of his absence. He headed towards the basement, his hands still trembling. He grabbed a set of keys and clicked the button on it. When he first ended up being among the Avengers, he was sent on a mission along with Natasha Romanoff and Sam Wilson. He had watched how Romanoff had handled the automobile they rode in, and by the time the mission was over, he kind of had it figured out. He still had questions about the little stick on the side - how they moved it whenever the terrain changed - but he was sure he could handle it. He noticed a sleek black car that had blinked its lights in response and moved towards it. Shoving his bag in, he started the car. Shutting his eyes for a moment, he braced himself. Thor didn't deserve Loki's companionship.
"Loki!" his eyes shot open when he heard his brother's voice. Had they realized it already? He glanced in the mirror to see Thor running towards him. "What are you doing?" he yelled, his face perplexed.
Loki stepped on the accelerator, the car immediately zooming out of the parking. He glanced back at Thor using the rear-view mirror, only to see a look of betrayal on his features. His heart stung. How dare he? How dare he assume such a look when he spoke so badly of his own brother just a few minutes ago as if nothing ever happened?
The car shot out of the compound, Loki still manoeuvring it rather perfectly despite the slippery roads. He was proud of himself for being able to learn well, just from observation. That was all he had. His mind, his heart, and himself.
"Brother!" Thor's voice boomed from somewhere behind the car. Of course. Loki was no match for Mjolnir. Thor simply shot his hammer into the air, and hurray! Here he was. Loki looked out of his window to see Thor flying next to him through the ice-cold winter night, his face still donning the innocent look of betrayal. Loki felt his blood heat up in anger.
"Leave, Thor. I have nothing to say to you," Loki said, glaring at him. It was rather late in the night, and only a few vehicles were travelling on the road they were on. He was thankful for that. The speed he was going on wasn't exactly safe for a road filled with Midgardians.
"Why, brother?" Thor yelled, his hand grabbing onto the car so he could keep flying. Loki wondered how Thor felt at the moment. Did he even realize how insulting he had sounded? Did he regret talking behind his back? Did he feel even an ounce of remorse?
"You know why, Thor. I am cold-hearted. A snake." Loki sneered the last few words out, his anger riling up when the look of recognition took over Thor.
"No," Loki said, interrupting whatever feeble excuse Thor was coming up with. He summoned the energy of his seidr, the green smoke covering the entire car. With a last look at Thor's regretful face, he magicked himself to a different location. He had no idea where he was, but Thor wasn't around anymore. He looked around as he slowed the car, the tall snow-covered trees against the full moon sky allowing a sort of melancholy in the air. He noticed a few snowy hills, and how the temperature was even cooler than where he was just a few minutes ago. Loki breathed deeply, the cool, fresh air letting his muscles loosen up, his ever-buzzing mind stilling for a moment. He flinched when the screen on the console began to make an irritating ringing sound.
Loki pressed on the screen haphazardly, only to freeze up when he heard Tony's voice.
"What the fuck--"
"Let me speak to him," Thor's voice butted in, as grim as ever. Loki clenched the steering wheel harder. Thor did not have any right to be mad at Loki. He didn't.
"Brother?" Thor called, waiting for him to respond. Loki contemplated cancelling the call. As his hand hovered over the 'end' button, Thor's voice rang again.
"Loki, please don't end the call," it was as if Thor knew what Loki would do. When had he become so predictable? That's right. When he started to put down his guard around the other Avengers. But what did that get him? An accusation of betrayal.
"Come back, brother. What do you think you can accomplish by doing this?" Loki inhaled sharply, his shock making him slightly woozy. No apology. Thor knew exactly why Loki had fled. Yet, he did not have it in him to apologize.
"Answer the question, Reindeer Games. We can track you anyway. You either get back here of your own free will, or we come to find you and take you back as a prisoner. Your choice." Loki would have laughed at Tony's empty threat if he wasn't so mad at Thor. Stark was a terrible liar.
"You aren't tracking me, metal man," he said, surprised at how cool his voice sounded. "My seidr masks the radio waves. My location is well uncharted to your measly technology," he sneered, wishing he could see how Tony's face would have pinked in embarrassment.  
"Loki," Thor chided again, almost hesitating. "Mother would be disappointed in you for running away," he whispered, and all the air left Loki's lungs. He could hear the rush of blood in his ears.
"How dare you," he spat, his voice a dark whisper. He hadn't sounded like this since New York. Since his mind was being controlled. "How dare you speak of Mother this way," he growled, his teeth gritting. His hands had gone cold. He stepped harder on the accelerator, not caring about the snow-covered bushes and muddy grass patches he was running the car into.
"Loki. Listen to-"
"Mother would be disappointed in you, Thor. Not me," he interrupted him again, pausing to swallow the large lump in his throat. "You're the one belittling—no, degrading his own brother. Not me." Loki's knuckles had started to turn white. He could barely see where he was going now. It seemed like a hill of sorts, but all there was were a few lone trees and a lot of green shrubs and grass.
“Guys.” Tony interrupted all of a sudden, “We need to calm down for a moment.”
“Stay out of it!” Loki snarled at Tony. He couldn’t understand Tony’s sudden urge to be the peacemaker when he was the one enabling it in the first place. Why was he suddenly so interested in mediating the situation?
“Just hear me out Loki, ok?” Tony’s change of mind and tone made Loki even warier. Stark wasn’t one to extinguish a fight, he was usually the one pouring gas into it so it could explode. The only feasible explanation Loki could think of was that Stark was getting nervous. Nervous about how the others Avengers and the general public would react once it came out that the Monster had escaped the tower. Tony surely tried to keep the damage as small as possible. And he surely wanted to try to stand in the best possible light once the news outlets got wind of it.
“Then go on, Stark,” Loki growled sharply. He had no interest in being painted as the uncooperative one who wouldn’t try to find an amicable solution to their dispute.
“We’re all at fault here.” Tony began sanctimoniously.
 “Are we?” Loki scoffed sarcastically.
“My point is, maybe all of us should calm down first before we say something we cannot take back again, ok?” Tony took it as silent approval as neither of the gods answered, “How about Loki takes a few days off? I have some safe houses around town, some near the beach, some in the valley and even some in the mountains. I’ll send you the addresses and you can choose where you want to stay. As far as I know, you haven’t had a proper vacation since you joined us, have you?”
“And I won’t be generously “punished” when I decide to return?” Loki inquired, sneering out the sentence. He was sick of them. He was sick of how high they thought of themselves as if they had jurisdiction over what Loki’s abilities were.
“We will find a solution.” Tony deflected.
“That doesn’t answer my question.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, did you? ...despite stealing my car.” Tony huffed annoyed.
“I borrowed it.” Loki retorted.
“Sure, call it what you like.” Tony began to grow impatient, “Do we have a deal now or not?”
Loki pondered over his options one last time before nodding.
“I’m okay with this.” he approved, “Under one condition.”
“And that is?”
“You will not contact me. Not at all. I will have my time to think about everything and I won’t be disturbed.” Loki demanded, “I have done nothing wrong in the entirety of my stay, quite the contrary. I deserve a basic sense of trust.”
“Tony, we can’t support such-” Thor tried to chime in.
“Okay, Reindeer Games. But you’ll promise to come back.” Tony agreed.
 “Promise.” With that Loki hung up and slowed the car. He was getting exhausted using his seidr. He needed to conserve his energy. Just as his finger left the 'end call' button, he heard a rustle in the trees. His head snapped to the sound. He saw a flash of something - someone- wide eyes, irises illuminated by the car's headlights - and before he could comprehend what was happening, he had swerved his car right into the person, the car coming to a halt with screeching breaks just a little too late.
You had opened your eyes to a ceiling made of clay tiles. Your head was throbbing, your body aching from the hard ground you had been laid on. Where were you? Your surroundings were so dark, you had to squint to see around. Your blood ran cold when last night's events came rushing back to you.
You were just returning home late from work, shivering as the freezing air found its way under our thick coat. You had already walked more than half of your twenty-minute walk, your cheeks rosy from the cold when a stranger had asked for directions. A handsome man around your age with a dazzling smile on his face. He was charming, apologizing for his interruption of your stroll this late as he asked where to find the nearest pharmacy. He had a huge map in his hands, struggling to keep it upright as he motioned on the map. You joked with him about his ancient approach and asked if he didn’t own a smartphone, to which he simply shook his head apologetically.
“I’m Jack, by the way.” he had extended his hand for you to shake.
“Y/N.” you shook his hand hesitantly.
Despite the at-first queasy feeling in your stomach you decided to help him out. You had been raised to be polite, so it was the least you could do to help a stranger in despair. You studied his map, trying to locate where you were on the map. You scrunched your eyebrows in concentration… then in confusion. The map wasn’t from here but before you could open your mouth to inform him about it, he stepped uncomfortably close, his breath hitting your face. Your eyes wandered up from the map to his suddenly expressionless face. Your stomach dropped and you knew something was going on but before you could even pull out the pepper spray you carried with you for exactly a situation like this, something cold pressed against your ribs. Horrified you glanced down to see the dim light of the street lantern reflecting on the barrel of a gun.
"Make a squeak, and I shoot," he said, pressing the gun further into your coat.
"Move!" he snarled when you didn’t move, his eyes darted all around the streets, jittery; as if someone could catch him in the act even though the streets were empty.
"Okay, okay!" you shook yourself out of your frozen state, wobbly taking a few steps back, the gun never losing its pressure on your ribs.
"Turn around and get going," he barked, gesturing to a nearby van with his gun.
"What do you want from me?" you asked, tears welling up in your eyes. You cursed yourself for not trusting your intuition. You should’ve never stopped in the first place.
"Shut up!" he spat, his crazed gaze landing on you, “One more question, and you won’t ask another in your life.”
That was enough to let you know to shut up. The tears were falling free now. He grabbed the back of your collar and pressed the gun to your back. He pushed you out towards the car, his body covering your back when a car suddenly drove into the street.
"Wipe those fucking tears and look normal, girl, or you won't live to see another day," he whispered in your ear. Immediately palming your face haphazardly, you dried them. Pasting a smile on your face, you folded your arms against your chest and walked down the sidewalk. To the people in the car watching you, it would seem like you and your lover were heading somewhere, his embrace on you as protective as ever. They would probably 'aw' at you and wish they could have the same for themselves. But you knew better.
"Get in the car," he said, pushing you to it. The car had vanished into the next street, the road empty again, most of the lights in the flats turned off. No one to spot you. No one to ask for help. Hands shaking, you felt for the handle. You noticed how he was standing in the way of the door. Your heart welled up in hope when your brain sputtered out a plan - you could slam the door into him in the pretence of opening it and run away, as fast as possible. You snuck a glance at him, regarding that although he had his gun at you, he was still looking around in the same frazzled way. Now or never. You braced yourself before opening the door with force and slamming it into his torso. The gun fell out of his hand as he lost his balance. You didn't waste a moment. You took off immediately, darting around the other cars that were parked around. You didn't dare to look back. You heard a shot go behind you and cowered immediately, praying to whoever that this will be over soon. That you will be safe. Just as you turned around the sidewalk to head to your apartment, you crashed right into something. Someone. You fell on your backside, your eyesight going blurry for a second. You glanced up to see him again, gun pressing into your skull.
"Shortcut," he snickered triumphantly, "You can run from me but don’t think for a second you could escape.”
"What do you want from me?!” you sobbed loud, “I don’t even know you!”
"Shut up, bitch." he kicked you harshly into the side, the pain shooting into your side, robbing your air. Before you could say anything, he flipped the gun, bringing it down hard on the side of your head. All you saw next was darkness.
And then you woke up here. Gasping, you registered your surroundings - all walls, no windows. 1 door. Where was he? You ignored the pang of pain going up the side of your head as you turned around. You listened closely, trying to hear for his presence. Nothing. You were alone, in a dark empty place in the middle of nowhere.
Shuddering, you got up and reached the door. Before you could try to jimmy the door open, you heard his voice on the other side. Your whole being froze.
"Twenty grand," you heard him say, your heart in your throat. Had he heard you? Hands shaking, you inched closer, ear against the thin wood. "I won't take any less than that for the bitch, she's a real piece of work." Now that was rude. He didn’t even know you and all you had done was be kind to him. Granted, you had slammed the door into his face but solely out of self-defence.
Some rustling from the outside had you on guard again - you scurried away from the door, arming yourself with nothing but your fists. You waited. Nothing. Stepping towards the door again, you realized that the steps were fading away. He was going away from the cottage. Gasping in relief, you tried to swallow down the fresh tears from ebbing out. You needed a plan. Fast.
"Okay, I can do this. Think. Think," you whispered to yourself, wishing your head wouldn’t be throbbing as much as it did. A head injury was not something anyone should look forward to. You felt for the walls, realizing that they were made of bamboo wood. Patting around, you wondered if you could look for a weak spot in the wood, so you could kick your way out. You sank to the ground, pushing against the wood hurriedly. When your hand landed on one creaky piece, your hope skyrocketed. Maybe you could get out of this. You kicked against it, raising yourself to push it with your hand. Just as you got onto your knees and placed your hands on the wood, you slipped, nicking your palm against something sharp. You hissed, your other hand coming to nurse the wound immediately. It was something sharp... a nail. Perfect, you thought. Assuming the worst, you could at least protect yourself. You took off the fancy dress shirt you were wearing, thankful that you had worn jeans. You wrapped your injured hand with it and felt for the nail again. You held onto it tightly, the flimsy cloth giving you some sort of cushioning against the rusty nail. You tugged hard, your breathing coming in frenzied bursts. You froze immediately when you heard a rustle. Was he back?
Panicking, you shifted positions, using your feet to support you against the wall as you pulled. The rustling was getting closer. He was back. You tugged harder and harder, the repressed tears flowing free now, your wounds aching -
You fell back as the nail finally popped out. Scrambling, you hid against the wall adjacent to the door, positioning yourself to attack with the nail. Just as you forced yourself to collect your bearings, the door creaked open.
"Oh, sweetheart? You up yet?" he teased, his voice mocking as he approached your cowering form.
You lunged at him, your throat erupting in a broken war cry, impaling his shoulder. He roared in pain, his hand darting back to push you away. You reared back as all the air left your lungs. He fell to his knees, gasping, nursing his wound. You realized you had pulled the nail along with you when you lost balance. You pointed it at him and stood up, your legs shaking. You kicked him as hard as you could, eliciting a pained groan from him. He fell on his back, whimpering lightly. Still pointing the nail at him, you fumbled against the door, pushing it open and running out. You were finally free. All you had to do was find someone who could help you leave wherever you had been taken to.
As you stepped outside the cottage the merciless cold encircled you, your breath becoming visible in foggy puffs. Only now you realised that your coat was missing. You began to shiver as you hurried through the thick bushes, scrapping your arms at thorns. But there was no time of acknowledging everything that was hurting right now. You had to concentrate on running, it was vital.
After not even a few minutes of running, you heard him again. Your eyes widened as you crouched behind a tree, gasping for air. He was relentless. Couldn’t he just give up? Were you really that valuable? Sure, you made the perfect victim. Living alone in a big city, with no close friends or family around. Had that man spied on you? Studied your days and waited for the perfect moment to overpower you? You shuddered. You didn’t want to follow your line of thought further. At least not now.
Groaning, you hurried onwards, pushing yourself to run faster, worrying about how quickly the sky was darkening. You needed to find help, and fast.
You heard a sudden noise, a growl. You listened closer, hoping it wasn't a wild animal. Please don't make this worse, you prayed. You almost yelled in relief when you realized it was the rumbling sound of a car. You shot up, running towards the sound of tires against rough terrain.
"Oh, baby girl? Where are you? Get back here, you bitch!" you heard him yell, only leading you to pump your legs faster. Your hand was on fire, hurting from the cut you had gotten earlier. The blood pumping uncomfortably in your veins from running but you had no choice. You got to a pathway, dense trees suddenly clearing up, only short bushes and shrubs around you. You looked around, still listening to the car that was closing up on you. You waved at it, the headlights almost blinding you - but you could never be happier.
"Where are you, you little bitch?" your hunter growled.
Hurry, hurry. Please.
You glanced around, hoping he didn't spot you yet. You still listened as the rumbling got closer. The car was slowing down but not quickly enough. That's when you realized you had turned around to face the speeding vehicle too late. Before you could do anything, it ran right into you, the edge of the automobile pushing you off your feet, heaving all of the air right out of you. You gasped, your head once again throbbing from hitting the ground, hard. Your eyesight blurred, another lump forming in your throat. So this was the end. Just get it over with, you thought.
You shivered when you saw a silhouette above you, dark and tall. But it wasn't him. He was shorter, but this guy? His stance, the way he carried himself was itself different. It radiated power. Not the kind that forced people to cover, but the kind of power you would want to respect.
"Help," you gasped quietly, your eyesight swimming. You could barely see anything now. All that you could register in your mind was the darkness that was taking over it.
“Oh, dear. Oh, Hel. Please don't be dead. Not another one on my conscience.” Loki kneeled next to you, his hands shaking. “Please, please, please.” He placed his fingers on your neck, exhaling in relief when he felt a faint heartbeat.
'Help,' you had whispered to him. His eyes scanned your face, only now registering the gash on your head. As he observed your apparent lifeless form further, he noticed your unsuitable clothing for this season. What had happened to you?
He seemed to set himself on a decision. Thor really thought his own brother would be cold-blooded? No, Loki was far from that. He was going to help you.
His hand moved to the wound as he shut his eyes. Just as he summoned some of his green energy, he heard... a gunshot. Loki's eyes shot open, immediately scanning his surroundings. You had said, 'help'. Was it because someone was chasing you? Loki pondered over that for a moment before another gunshot went off. He scrambled to his feet quickly and gathered your limp body into his arms, gently placing you on the back seat of his car. He was not going to let anything hurt you.
"Where the fuck are you, you whore?" a voice called out, as menacing as ever.
Aha, so there was the 'someone' you were running from. You were just a random Midgardian - Loki didn't know you. But when someone referred to you in such a derogatory way, he couldn't help his anger from riling up. He would have gone after the man, but he had more pressing issues at the moment. He had to take you to a place where he could help you without any disturbances.
link to part 2
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vampirevatican · 5 months
Obey Me Headcanons
part 1: Language and Race/Ethnicity
DISCLAIMER: keep in mind this is with the thought of them being humans, or mainly for fun nd adding more melanin and culture specifics to the cast
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german white, no debating.
he knows every language and long dead languages
but don't you dare try to get him to understand slang
the second he uses it, it sounds weird coming from him and almost corporate
not that he doesn't know or understand the slang, it just doesn't suit him
this is a black man. a light skinned black man.
not even talking on canon at this point, bc that's obvious
the confidence and amount of flirtation he exudes?? yeah this mfer knows he's pretty and therefore he's a light skin
because it's mammon, i think he knows languages from the richest countries or countries with the most casinos or game money related things?? (which could easily be all with how much he's been to the human world)
multilingual but ik this bastard doesn't practice and probably only knows how to get himself out of trouble, get around and flirt
who am i if i didn't say he knows english, japanese and korean
and obviously it's for the fandoms and content he enjoys
anyway he's blasian bc i make the rules, and there's enough stuff in canon to make me think this
either he's blasian or it's social/cultural osmosis from mammon, but he doesn't use aave wrong...
don't ask me how ik, you just had to be there
anyway if he was white he'd be pasty af, but bc of my blasian headcanon he's a bit tanned and yet not a lightskin
another given but he is multilingual, even knowing dead languages (overachiever/in the pursuit of knowledge)
white, but slavic
russian specifically
as badly as i wanna say he's pale? i can't bring myself to do that, so average
white yes, but french
yes it's because the french language is associated with love why else
i wanna say he knows living languages bc i can see him meddling with humans quite often
this mfer started a war just to goof
skin tone?? a little bit of color to him, bc he's not a homebody
Beelzebub & Belphgor
Hispanic, specifically afro-latin
They know spanish, latin and english
Now do i like the concept of one of them being lighter toned? yes but not light skinned
these two don't have that energy so
beel is brown, belphie is dark
bonus points for vitiligo belphie (yes cowboy/bull things and demon transformation)
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latin. hispanic... this one is a no brainer
ofc he speaks latin, spanish and english but mainly uses english bc he hears that it's the most used language
he is, technically, lightskin but it's not lightskin (derogatory)... do you understand??
he has a charm but it's not like he knows that for certain and is flaunting it the way mammon or asmo would
because of a name like this... id like for him to be black, but a dear friend raises the thought of him being asian
so yes another blasian or just asian, specifically from china
this suits him not only because he looks good in a montsuki (male kimono) but because of age
he is simply, one hell of a butler
if we're going with just asian, i wanna say not pasty skin tone but like... definitely fair
if blasian? then dark skin, i just think it'd go nice on him with his color palette
Simeon and Luke
A dark skinned mother and her black baby
Luke is a sassy but sweet child, i wanna say he's brown skinned or the same tone as simeon?
Simeon is a dark skinned, beautiful, man and you will never take that from me
Luke is learning other languages but he knows english, spanish and japanese
Simeon is multilingual, it only makes sense to me
and... solomon is white
definitely learning dead languages at this point but please don't ask him to translate everything
he knows english easily bc it's his native tongue, specifically BRITISH/OLD ENGLISH
but anything else takes the gears in his mind to start churning so he can't just take something in mandarin and quickly translate it to english
he's pasty... again im biased so not as pasty as levi (if we go with white levi canon) but he's close
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longeyelashedtragedy · 8 months
tbh did not send the Lamps chara ask (shy) however I was seriously considering and someone beat me to it. if you feel like it and have time/energy after the others pending then I would massively enjoy expanded Redders thoughts. and/or JT if you like vintage Chels beyond Frank. ik that the skipper (derogatory) corrupted Grealo but he no doubt sunk claws into Frank first
i can definitely do redders for ya! JT i don't know too much about. i know he has some controversies, but that ain't my business lol. i appreciate how he made franko feel and i'm intersted in how the 2 of them have taken different paths both about how they act toward each other and how they talk about roman abramovich post-ukraine war 😂 (would love to hear more about how he corrupted grealo.) BUT. jamie i've got a lot more to say about.
i feel like if you read jamie's odd autobiography and then think of him through that lens, he's a real diamond in the rough of a fascinating footballer. he seems kinda brainless and vapid but i think some of that is because he has too much going on in his brain to use it for that sort of thought. i don't even mean that as a diss. that's a real thing!!! but let's see...
favorite thing about them: well, he certainly seems unpretentious and easy to talk to, which i like. has some good taste in music, is still close to his parents, always takes franko's side and defends him 😂
so, this next part seems like a weird thing to list as a "favorite," as i'm sad he suffers or has suffered in this way, but out of all the things i've read about mental health, both fiction and non-fiction, jamie's book described some of my specific childhood/teenage Horrors so well it was like i wrote it and i was so surprised that he went through all that and admitted it so unselfconsciously. that combination of talented kid with an idyllic life (this was me, albeit in other ways than jamie lol) who lives in this private world of pure fear. some of the things he mentions, like having to paint his room cheerful yellow to ward off Bad Thoughts and Scary things, and being so afraid when he saw the exorcist as a teenager that he slept with the lights on and couldn't get the movie out of his head for weeks--the isolating strength of these kinds of fears is sooooo fuckin real man. he also describes needing to watch the same movie every day for comfort when he got home from school where he got bullied and teased for being a little different, and his attachments to his toys that he'd have to do little rituals with every day to help him feel Calm, and how he took them to school to try to make friends and kids stole them :( he also describes his older self as having something Dark inside him, like when his close friends would become occupied with a girlfriend, he'd kind of freak out and try to get in the way, because he was afraid of losing their support.
his book also describes very sinister perceptions of the external world too, a lot of kind of scary or just ominous scenarios drift through the book (a creep that tried to grab him in the park, the scary, dark corridors under dean court stadium when his Daddy was in charge of bournemouth--i related to that too--, rumors of some weird creep working at tottenham when they wanted to sign young him?)
i apologize if this is repetitive to anyone reading but i had some very particular Problems as a kid and i've just never seen some of them articulated the way jamie articulates them. and i just found all this so...fascinating. i think it explains a lot about his adult self and provides such a contrast between him and brainy franko (see headcanons section!)
least favorite thing about them: he cut his hair and has a beard! i'm predictable--if a footballer had long hair and now doesn't, this will be my response. otherwise, what's there really to dislike? he's kind of inoffensive imho
favorite line: uh a few
"Frank Lampard has a vision for seeing things." (i-hope he actually said that for real)
from his book:
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and, for the "franko was too old when he was young" headcanons:
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oookay then, anyway:
brotp: idk, who does he hang out with? i like his interactions with the guys on ALOTO even though his main feature is clearly to be the punching bag. maybe with stevie g? with Daddy-Uncle Harry? lmao
notp: his new wife. at first they didn't look as miserable together as he and poor Louise always did, but he just posted a video from their maldives vacation today, and woof--she looks miserable. well, i'm not here for blonde scandinavian models and i think jamie is too childish to do well in a Grownup Married Relationship. again, kind of like with franko, i don't mean childish like... "spoiled entitled manbrat" or "hasn't lost joie de vivre"--more like. is trapped as kid because of his own mind. i think if a therapist saw only jamie and franko as clients, and no one else, they'd be set for life
otp: well...there can be only one. i'd love for jamie & franko to give romeo + juliet their happy ending 😭 they are weirdly...made for each other. and hey--according to the internet it's legal! 🫡👮🏼
random headcanon: so many! lampardverse is sort of all about Jamie in a sense, and i think as a child Jamie so very much appreciated the solid steady presence of his younger cousin. franko's psychological issues are of a very different nature lol, plus we know he's a master of repression (can relate) and we imagine that he'd help jamie with his homework and read him chapters of the narnia book, and eat the food jamie refused to eat.
another one is that jamie is super dependent on his Well-Known Dad. they do a lot of stuff together and idk on ALOTO one of the main purposes seems to get jamie overwhelmed and stressed--because he gets like that very easily--so it feels like Uncle Harry's presence is just. very necessary for him.
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fascin8ing! YMMV.
unpopular opinion: i don't think i have one? are there popular or unpopular opinions on jamie redknapp? hahaha
a song i associate with them: hmmm, not really any? i do have him singing shimmy shimmy ya by ODB at franko in "red red red" lol. but i don't really count that 😂
favorite picture of them: let's do a few!
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gay af behaviors (affectionate)
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whump tendencies
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bougie gay cou-- (cousins? couple? choose your own adventure)
THANKS for coming along on this wild ride!
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nightcolorz · 9 months
🌍 and 🔍 obviously for Armand
Fuck yes tysm anon looooove this animal!!!! "Obviously for Armand" is killing me like yes so true he is my brand
🔎: something about the modern era not referenced in the books that you think [insert character] would find upsetting or confusing + why?
This almost feels too obvious but the invasion of Ukraine I imagine would be pretty triggering and upsetting for Armand. For pretty self explanatory grew up in Kiev under invasion slash power of Ghengis Khan subsequent kidnapping and selling trauma.
On a less serious note I think Armand would find combat video games rlly confusing lmao. Ik this is probably a hot take but I have reasoning ! In devil's minion Armand describes to Daniel how he doesn't understand war or violence between men cuz violence to him isn't something he would ever choose, it's not exciting to him and it doesnt like call to him the way he imagines it does to other ppl, he is only so violent because he was born into violence raised to become used to pain and as a vampire violence is inherent + necessary.
So like I imagine if he found out about first person shooters killing games etc he wouldn't understand why they exist 😭 I think he'd really enjoy the technological and mechanic aspects that go into a game and find them really appealing for that reason (I could def see Armand having a gamer phase) but conceptually killing games would confuse him. I imagine while crushing Daniel in call of duty Armand's questioning him the whole time over why it is so overwhelmingly common for mortals to design experiences were they can fantsize about taking life while Daniel is just like oh my god Armand its not that deep ur distracting me 😭
🌍: if [insert character] were human and so was everyone else, what would their life be like? for example: what would their career be? where would they live? what about their relationship to [insert character]?
Oooo don't u dare activate human au brain (excitement). I love human aus cuz it strips away any supernatural justification for the characters being so fucked up and instantly reduces them to guys who r just like that it's so funny.
I could see Armand as an interior designer, smth sort of formulaic but still artistic. Interior design calls to me for him cuz of his passion for designing his loved ones elaborately lavish living spaces as a form of love language (trinity gate, night island). Obvs I have a human au and my Armand live's in New York, so I'm gonna go with that. Interior designer living in New York Lmao whose in the worst ever pseudo polycule with his old friend (derogatory) Lestat, Lestat's husband Armands ex husband (non literal) slash current boyfriend Louis and his bitch he keeps on a leash and does kink with in non consenting public spaces Daniel.
It feels so silly saying this cuz my fic is literally a social media au but I think that in a general human au Armand would not use social media like he'd have accounts and use the Internet but I can not see him blogging tweeting tiktoking etc. having a social media presence requires a certain level of gratification and enjoyment with sharing urself with others and being a public figure that army doesnt have lmao he hates to be perceived + consumed and thats what being online is all about ❤️
Anyways relationship wise I think Daniel is the most interesting to talk about in a human au cuz there relationship is so centrally vampiric like the whole conflict and crazy devotion comes from that, and in my heart and soul a human devil's minion has the same insanity that is justified by Daniel just being very mentally ill and Armand just being very into bdsm and blood play role play shit, love wins. Kidding they r both very mentally ill, I imagine the vampire conflict would translate into daniel being crazy obsessed with Armand and desperately longing for a deeper emotional intimacy and commitment, maybe even marriage, and armand keeps pushing him away cuz for trauma reasons he likes to keep ppl at arms length, so they r just doing bdsm shit but they r in love and army doesn't know what to do with that cuz the vulnerability of being emotionally intimate is scarier then physical esp when u have the power in the sexual dynamic. also Daniel alcoholism plus Armand every disorder and trauma is a formula for big blow out arguments all the time. Maybe they get healthy one day and adopt some fuck ass kid or two (Benji and sybelle wink wink)
Human au Marius wise makes me shudder cuz the most canon accurate stand in would be Marius adopts Armand when he's a kid or takes him in, fosters him, etc which is pretty hashtag disturbing 😭 but if I were to write a human au that's not millennia gate (my fic) that's what I'd do 😊
Armands history with Lestat and Louis I imagine would be pretty similar to canon just to a smaller less vampiric scale cuz queer ppl r just like that they r all exes they r all dating and having casual sex and marrying. I would elaborate more on this but I would just be semi spoiling my plans for my fic Lmao so ig stay tuned
Anyways love u for this anon I love Armand love that animal he is my fav ever shrieks and explodes
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corvuschriisti · 8 months
(ooc) amendment ;
going to add this to my pinned but as I go through the event i wanted to add a couple things that might be important to note for naesala in particular.
REGARDING GENDER: Naesala exclusively uses he/him pronouns but will often refer to himself, mostly internally, with the more feminine descriptor when choosing between two words (e.g. girlfriend, woman, pretty, etc.). I do not expect your character to know that he uses those, nor would I consider it god-modding for your character to notice! He's not actively speaking his preference aloud so if you have a character who would notice this without it being explicit, feel free to reference. This is mainly on here to explain his gender and how he sees himself.
REGARDING IN-GAME USE OF DEROGATORY TERMS: Naesala will refer to non-laguz characters as 'beorc' unless you've aggro-pinged him, in which case he will use the word 'human'. As stated by Ranulf in PoR that term is only used by characters who hold disdain for non-laguz (beorc), and it is a nasty phrase. He will not use this term unprovoked, whether it be by external pressures or by the thread itself. While the use of 'sub-human' generally means the same sort of hatred for laguz that human does for non-laguz, the word crow is also one that is used to degrade the ravens in particular. The only groups in game that call Naesala / the Ravens 'crows' are generally the hawk tribe and Daein -- anyone else who does only uses that term when they have nothing else to go by (e.g. Ike).
You can use the word 'crow' if your character is purposefully being rude, but know that it is not a kind term -- spare for those in game who use it (e.g. Tibarn, Ulki, Janaff) and Naesala's own self-deprecating monologues I would prefer it is used sparingly.
Thanks for reading!
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starbovnd · 1 month
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moving is SO ASS i havent even started boxing up stuff at the apartment bc Ive been sick for a week (common cold /derogatory)
When my roomate and I initially got the apartment in July 2023, I never really moved any of my stuff in even though the 2nd bedroom was intended to be for me and my stuff, it just ended up being storage while we shared a bedroom (we were dating at that point, we broke up in Feb 2024 and just,, kept sharing the bedroom bc it was most comfortable to us both) so at this point, I'm just moving new stuff back to my parents place. Lowkey that's why I went to my parents place and cleaned out my room, because I didn't want to move all the new stuff I'd acquired in the last year into a dirty room.
THANKFULLY the ladies who work at the landlord office know I've been sick, and when my roommate signed the new lease, they didn't ask too many questions and just said "okay cool" basically B) so now my primary goals are:
-get over the cold -get boxes from gamestop bc they do distro everyday, ik they have boxes and my buddy who works there can deffo hook me up -move back to my parents place
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bifairywife · 3 months
no one touch me i am in inconsolable pain about the possibility that i have netflix writer potential (derogatory)
context and lil list under cut:
(tldr: i finished fate the winx saga and it has a few parallels to some of MY changes for a personal reboot)
I just finished fate the winx saga and my GOD. It's not completely horrible but it has a couple of moments that i just do NOT like 😭😭😭 (overall I'd give the whole viewing experience a 5.7 out of 10)
For majority of the first season i kinda just went through it and i was more invested on the second season cause my fave (flora) is there AND for my floriven crumbs which isn't even crumbs??!!?!? it's an in your face bread slap oh my god
Netflix is just,,,,, so weird. This is an entirely different plot with different characters. Like the only thing they really kept are the NAMES (and some of the power set). Netflix could have just,,,, I don't know,,,, MADE IT UP AS AN ORIGINAL ANGSTY NETFLIX FAIRY SHOW
It really would have worked
Like,,,,,, i watched that show with full faith on the reviews i saw that it DEFINITELY isn't like the cartoon. At. All. It's so ironic seeing "in association with rainbow" in RED and in shots with that angsty grim ass filter that us sucking out any grain of vibrant color
They really just used winx club as click bait for more views istg 😭😭😭😭
I could have just NOT watched the show ik ik ik, but I don't mind watching "trashy" stuff. I don't think it was complete trash tbh, it has some trashy moments and dialogue but it's not total garbage. I just think it really would be better if the show didn't tie itself to a source material they had zero interest in giving justice 😤
Anyways here's a list of my parallels with the show:
bloom and aisha sharing a dorm room
bloom and aisha being besties
flora and stella sharing a dorm room
stella and sky knowing each other before school (BUT ARE NOT EXES IN MY REBOOT OH LAWRD)
Which,,,,,, now that i ranted and listed it all down,,,,, isn't such a bad thing these are pretty basic stuff tbh. Like,,,,,, I've checked my notes and compared the dates,,,,, I've thought of most of these first before the second season was released and i can lowkey live with it ig 🧍 cause i mean:
I have a vision for bloom and aisha roomies idea
There's something about fire and water friendship type of thing
And i actually have plans of making flora and stella become friends and not just dorm roomies 😭😭😭
Royal and royal friendship trope which i think is really neat (I'm surprised they didn't make sky a prince in the fate?? He's a legacy kid there cause of his dad but no royal status)
I've been very vocal about floriven tbh. I published one fic about them for my reboot and a WIP modern au too hajshahsha
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enbyleighlines · 2 years
Some random Tellius thoughts
So for the most part I adore the idea of beorc, laguz, and the “branded” (shame there was never a less derogatory word invented for them) but there are some parts that still make me go like
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Like how the laguz parent loses their ability to shapeshift, all laguz-related powers, and extended lifespan, but the beorc parents… aren’t affected at all? And when exactly in the pregnancy/birthing process does that happen? Does it start at conception? Or only when the child is born? And if it’s not a divine curse, then how does it happen in the first place?
Also why do the laguz have an instinctual fear/disgust of people who are branded? It’s not a taught prejudice; Vika had no idea Micaiah was branded, only that being around her made her jumpy and uneasy. Why is this never explored more fully???
Soren spent a lot of time around laguz in both games. Granted, he mostly avoided them like the plague in the first game, but in the second he is more at ease around them. But are any of the laguz unnerved by him? Logic would dictate that at least some of them were. And at what point — if any — did they grow used to him? Did the fact that he was branded ever become common knowledge?
(In one chapter, if you have Soren use a long-range spell on Micaiah, Soren seems to have no qualms seemingly shouting across the battlefield about how they are both branded, which I find hilarious, tho I don’t think that is meant to be taken literally)
Finally, and this is more wish fulfillment, I wish the branded Had been able to shift— maybe into something in-between a laguz in their human form and a laguz in their beast/bird/dragon form. Something monstrous.
I just want a Soren with horns, fangs, and claws, okay? Is that so much to ask?
Can you imagine how cute it would have been if baby Ike had given his sandwich to a little feral dragon baby Soren? Just imagine it.
(The fact that dragon laguz have no draconic qualities — no horns, wings, or tails — in their human form will forever be a huge disappointment to me. I know Why it’s that way. The Almedha and Pelleas plot never could have worked otherwise. I just like horned characters, and they had the opportunity to include some, and they squandered it.)
Anyway these are just some random/scattered thoughts I had. I’d be interested to hear if anyone else has similar thoughts
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davidjrpalos · 4 months
for years and years and years i felt the same way about the word "queer", it was simply impossible to avoid + everyone called me it anyway by implication. "queer culture" "us queers" etc. had to grit my teeth and learn to get over it bc its obviously a case where my feelings are considered outdated. I'm in my early 20s, not even an "elder queer"...
i say "felt" as though i have stopped grinding my teeth over it lol. i FEEL this way! but it's impossible to avoid being called a queer these days!!! so i had to force myself to understand why people are reclaiming it, and learn to consistently act like I'm on board, because otherwise, per MY honest feelings on the matter, the world is kind of slurring me all the time! so at this point have i reclaimed it too, simply by consensus, by committee, decided for me? idk. had to get over my feelings in the end
ironically i prefer the F slur for jokey self-identification because I'd never see a "fag healthcare" poster at my GPs or "fag politics" on the news, no one would call me that and I'd do my part in not calling anyone else that. self-ID as a faggot lol. can't self-ID as "not a queer, please" anymore really
Tbh I think it’s totally fair for you to still ask to not be called queer if you don’t like it, it can be simple as that and really shouldn’t be questioned, esp since historically it’s been used against lgbt people in a derogatory way. Ik there’s like whole debates on how lgbt people used it first and then it was turned against us but honestly if you don’t want to be called that I think it’s understandable, especially w personal history w the word too. I’m comfortable with using queer for myself esp bc sometimes it’s just shorter to say that than to be like ‘as a gay/trans person’ but i do question sometimes where cis/het people come from when they mention lgbt people as such tho lol. and for fag I really also tried to use it in a humorous way for myself and I have a friend who uses it a lot and it’s funny but, personally it’s really not for me. I heard it a lot growing up and have been called it by immediate family (others people in general as well) and it really bites and I’ve grown to resent it instead of idk maybe even just being neutral towards it, which is ironic bc I don’t care about jokingly calling myself a tranny or smth but that’s not even my humor either tbh. fag/got just bites in an ugly way for me and im over trying to be okay with it just bc its used very liberally among other gay people (which I don’t have a problem w) I’d just rather not be grouped in with the word similarly to how you feel about other ppl using queer in a community/group context.
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jiminrings · 6 months
Hiiii jiminrings aka one of my favorite authors everrr aka supreme ruler of angst and pathetic, sniveling men! I must say I've never read angst quite as cutting as yours, blood running cold, jaw hanging open, you know the type. Thanks so much for sharing your creativity and time with us!!! I really mean it.
I've read some of your previous works, but fail safe has managed to hit different, and that's very hard considering hbjimin!!!!!! and 478jk!!!! (Ik I'm echoing a popular sentiment on here, but you deserve your flowers)
I need to confess that when I first started reading fail safe I felt so taken aback by your oc's characterization, to the point I didn't even like her. But halfway through the first part, I had a big, fat epiphany and realized the only reason I felt unsympathetic towards here was because (SHOCKER!) that's my twin lowkey 😭😭 I was like oh....... so this is how it feels like to have a mirror held up to your face 😂🫵
Even though I've always grown up as a pretty responsible, independent kid who had big dreams and a sense of passion I'm currently at a point in my life where I feel very lost and confused and unsatisfied with my life. I have felt that spark of fashion almost totally dampened, and as a result I feel like (some of) the people around me kinda look down on me a little / are very worried about my near future / are very condescending about where I'm at emotionally and existentialist (basically oc and yoongi's dynamic). Making that connection.... hurt and made reading this fic so much more emotional.
This means I have a HUGE VENDETTA AGAINST FS YOONGI FOR TREATING OC LIKE SHIT AND BEING A CONDESCENDING, PEDANTIC ASSHOLE!!!!! He's borderline demonic, talking to her life that throughout her teen hood, no wonder she has such a negative self-image, in spite of working to build herself up. But the issue is that she's working from such a shaky foundation and she hasn't healed one bit 🥺 kinda feel she's self medicating through her work (like yoongi maybe but I don't care about his bum ass). She's in a very unfair position cause she doesn't have anyone in here corner in terms of like her immediate family circle (except for her mom but she can't talk about it with her cause it will break her heart knowing yoongi has always been like that to her 🥺- like seriously what is his issue???? did he flip on oc cause he has unresolved romantic feelings that he couldn't act on cause of 1. age gap and 2. Namjoon). Speaking on Namjoon, WHAT AN ASS!!!! He gave me ptsd to all the times my brothers chose to be insensitive towards me and not stick up for me.
Overall, there are so many mixed feelings. I understand her still having a complex with yoongi cause there's too many unresolved issues and hurt feelings that have been repressed for too long and that just keeps her on a cycle instead of allowing her to fully let go. So I don't judge her for it cause I've been there, done that.
I'm sooo excited for what's to come. I'm looking forward to the mysteries being revealed (my prediction for second lead is mr. kim taehyung himself), gut-wrenching lines courtesy of your lovely brain, and oc development! I'm ready to scream, cry, run around, jump off a cliff, swim in circles ❤️
I apologize in advance for the long ask. Also, star emoji anon, you're a legend lmao
ok first of all thank u second i love yew n third u don’t know how much this means to me!!!! fs yoongi is rlly up there with his predecessors (hbjm and 478jk) and for him to be the superlative of something (derogatory),,, that rlly says something!! i won’t ever get tired of thanking sweet sweet people like you and ur flowers <3 if i could digest them i already would’ve . STOPPPPP U R LITERALLY TWINS !!!! triplets if u count me n quadruplets if u account for all the other anons that had fs resonate w them!!! i feel you So So much bc we r almost exactly the same!!! being ambitious as a child (i’m the youngest if u couldn’t tell… womp womp) without no clear picture of what you want to be, then turning into someone who has no actual passion at all except for the desire to live a good n secure life… whew!!! thank god i only have irl yoongi on my side though and NOT fs yoongi bc that would’ve been really something 😑😑😑 thank u thank yewwww i actually love it whenever people tell me they have mixed feelings bc oh my god yer telling me that i made you think really hard???? THANK U SO SO MUCH AGAIN!!! never apologize for long asks bc i love them a lot and star emoji anon rlly is a legend n i can confirm that!! LOVE YEWWWWWWW
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bookshelfdreams · 1 year
other translation choices the german ofmd dub makes that I adore:
"lily-livered little rich boy" - "kleines feiges Bonzenbürschchen" Bonze (Bürschchen is like Boy (disrespectful)) being the interesting word here - it's a derogatory term for rich and powerful people who abuse their enormous influence for their own benefit. Out of the mouth of father Bonnet it's an epic self own
"Don' trifle with me" is translated as "Don't play games with me" ("Spielen Sie keine Spielchen mit mir!") which deteriorates into "Nicht spielen!" ("No playing!") said with the same tone of voice someone might use with an unfamiliar but suspiciously growly dog. Amazing 10/10
Mate - Kumpel. Which, ik, is the obvious choice but: Kumpel is originally what miners called each other (and still do afaik). It's not really nautical but does have strong working class vibes, which delights me for reasons of Themes and Motives.
When Izzy spits and mutters "Pirates my ass" in ep2, german!Izzy says Schwachmatenpiraten. (Schwachmat meaning imbecile/idiot/moron) Excellent use of compound nouns, this is my new favourite word.
Speaking of Izzy insults, another fave: at the beginning of ep6, when Ed demostrates a fuckery, Izzy snaps at Stede for failing to call Ed Blackbeard and calls him Banause. This is an insult for people who are uncultered/uneducated and don't appreciate art.
After Calico Jack tries and fails to shoot the bottle he says "Daneben" (missed) to which Buttons replies "Ein bisschen" (a bit). Fun little bit of passive aggression - something or someone being daneben can also mean it's inappropriate or unpleasant.
The quiet, thoughtful way german!Ed says "... du." right before the kiss. He sounds much less certain and more questioning than the og which I feel Very Normal about.
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figueroths · 2 years
Artists self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five arts/sets/edits/gifs that you've done, then pass on to at least five other people. Time to shine and spread some self-love and appreciation 💖
ik it says five but pls understand and respect that i am incapable of making such decisions <3 and also know that I am abt to start tedtalking <3 i am not sorry for any of this <3
this maleficent set - maleficent (2014) makes me feel insane like true love being familial, parental in fact !! uwuwuwuwu is top tier and anyway I love these gifs individually and how they pair!
this aquamera set - I love love love aquamera, and this is so vibrant and fun! using the fish font style on the fish man line was inspired i'm such a hottie for that! an early mistake in blending mode led to the first gif being so fucking extra and mwah tbh good call to just run with it. also just remembering I specifically told @khazadkeit to send me that prompt lmfao brave of them, after all the essays I've written in their dms, to invite in even more rot ryan i am kissing u on the shoulder tenderly
this ginny baker set - someone called this "visually intense" in a way that felt like 15% derogatory so i'm gonna snatch that phrasing and make it 100% affectionate. like there's a lot happening, and it's so rewarding to look at these gifs now and find little layered surprises in the blending or layout or typography! 😌
this nabrielise set - listen I am so deep in the rot on tbsatdh that my body has adapted to it and I need that rot to breathe and function. it's a v simple, v pretty, v tender set and I love it
this made for love set - my most slept on set for a most slept on series. typography? sexy! colors? sexy! blending? sexy! simmer + hazel green? 📢 SEXY!
this first kill set - i misquoted in a tiny way that gets deeply on my nerves but I just think theo and talia have one of the most compelling relationships on the show and I really love the flow of this set. sometimes u make smth and one or more gifs are a little off the vibe but this one's 10/10 start to finish 💅🏽
honorable mentions <3 yes <3 i'm that annoying <3 still no apologies <3
the first gif in this san junipero set is so perfect I wanna get back on whatever I was on when I made that
this whole nick miller set I snapped! just sat down and made that in a few hours, learning how to do stuff as ideas occurred to me like oh? beyond my abilities? ok I will simply expand my abilities then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ignore the rest but the last gif in this mad max: fury road set might actually be the best blending I've ever done I'm counting 4 shots in there plus triple layers on the big guy
light of my life penny robinson!! idk this just sparks joy but also I'm obsessed with the hand(/claw?) at her temple in the first gif
more robinsons! this time judy & john beloveds. fuckdjsklfidng typography is my passion 😐 but anyway the second gif is so dear to me. that episode is so dear to me really and how they let each other go in totally different ways but how teaching her independence is key to his survival later when he's dependent on her abilities it's emo hours 🥺💗
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