#ik i said there wasn't a point in doing these types of posts but fuck it
leikeliscomet · 3 months
It's okay to talk about how your romantic attraction overlaps with your asexuality. It's not greedy to want representation of both your romanticism and your asexuality together in 1 character. It's not a lesser form of asexual representation if the character has romantic attraction. It's not a lesser form of queer romantic representation if the character is asexual. You are not a lesser form of anything. You don't have to 'choose' whether your asexuality or your romanticism matters more. It's not amatornativity to want an asexual relationship for yourself or express your romantic attraction. It's not allonormative or gross to express your interest in the same gender if you have it. It's okay if sexual/romantic/platonic look and feel completely different to you. It's not automatically 'just sexual attraction then' if it involves anything physical. It's not a privilege to have romantic attraction if it's illegal, moralised or stigmatised despite being asexual. In case anyone needs to hear it.
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funnywormz · 1 year
opinion of you? well tbh not a fan of the excessive lister and rimmer posts from some media ive never seen nor heard of in my life appearing on my dash now but what am i gonna do. unfollow you? fuck to the no i must have pressed follow at one point for some reason and i'd rather fucking die than admit i ever made a mistake.
LOL ik i wasn't meant to respond to these but anon you can totally unfollow me if you want, there's nothing to be ashamed abt when it comes to unfollowing ppl! the internet is for having fun and it makes me feel bad that my posts have been annoying you so please don't feel any obligation to keep following me if you don't want to. tumblr is for enjoying yourself not following ppl out of a sense of obligation yknow! i tend to switch between posting abt different fandoms pretty often, so it's likely that you followed me for something else i used to post abt. ive said to everyone before that they should feel no obligation to stick around if they don't like what i post abt anymore and that is still completely true, i would rather ppl have fun over anything else
alternatively if you're rlly serious abt the no unfollowing thing lol, you could mute the "red dwarf" tag (which is what rimmer and lister are from) by going into your account settings, and under the "content you see" settings there should be a section called "filtered tags". if you type "red dwarf" into there then it should filter all of my posts with that tag, so you don't have to see them on your dash anymore!
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bullagit · 2 years
my friend you are so refined. nice to see posts appreciating stede every once in awhile lol love to clown on the dude but i also feel like the fandom has pushed me into full apologist mode too. like yes he’s wack he has problems but i am also so bored of reading the same takes over and over about why he needs to castigate himself for absolution or be responsible for the actions of other adult human beings lol. ik this is kinda spicy lol but just wanted to let u know ur appreciated
its always rad to know you're not alone in these takes!! i dont consider it spicy at all i think it's completely valid tbh. this got way longer than i planned hold on if u want the tldr its that you are right
anyway at this point im gonna stop even doing the like, "i know stede [xyz about flaw or mistake he made]" preface when i type up meta, unless i'm posting specifically about his flaws or mistakes. 🤷
especially if what i'm writing is about ways stede has been legit wronged, or how parts of fandom only seem to invoke historical accuracy/paying attention to very specific minutiae when it's done in a way that makes stede come across as way more self-aware and self-important than he is in any canon capacity lol. i get tired of meta and interpretations where everything bad that happens in stede's relationships is solely on him, and reconciling is solely on him, and maintaining is solely on him!
these characters are all flawed human beings who bring their baggage to relationships. all of them. and those relationships are two-way streets, from the issues to the repairs. and it's unfair to see it whittled down to like... thoughtful fleshed-out considerations of ed and mary and their circumstances/points of view and how that contributes to their actions, occasionally to the point where even THEIR missteps are suddenly recontextualized to be technically stede's fault. while stede gets surface-level bad faith takes that ignore the context of his actions and the history he has that contributes to his issues. they've all done things that were hurtful, they've all done things they need to work through.
like. just because mary says stede left his family on a whim doesn't mean that's literally what he did! we know full well it wasn't some idle whim he had. the thing is, demonstrably, she and stede do not really know or understand each other. to HER understanding, it was a whim. to stede it was fumbling for hold of a lifeline after a lifetime of slowly drowning. and it doesn't make it less of a terrible thing that he left his family without a word in the night. and it doesn't make it less of a terrible thing that she literally tried to murder him without a word in the night. in the same way that just because they were able to come to an understanding at the very end of the season, it doesn't mean that they could have magically had a satisfying life together If Stede Had Only Been More Open Sooner.
and just because stede did something that broke ed's heart doesn't mean it's stede's fault that ed, a 40+ year old man, attempted the murder of people he knows stede cares about. in the same way that while izzy pushed ed’s buttons and was generally fucking awful to ed in the aftermath, it was ultimately still a choice that ed made to maroon the crew and literally throw lucius overboard!
(and like, i think there's a lot to be said about the fact that if stede had straight-up been intercepted more permanently in some way, if he'd not shown up bc he was hurt/killed/captured/etc, ed's assumptions-- the fact that he at no point seemed to consider that something could have gone wrong with their little plan-- and ultimate awful reactions would have played out the same way. i think there's a lot to be said about the fact that he historically seems to have trouble picking up on stede's issues; being so in love with the whole forest that he tends not to pick up on the state of the individual trees that form it, etc.
but god that's a whole thing i don't even have energy for that rn)
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shdwwlkrsblog · 3 years
Zombie apocalypse with dsmp (dream smp) members
Just got the idea and yeah enjoy
c!awesam dude in imposter in " realife" better said adding some things to Minecraft, think of it as modpacks
In here are : c!Awesamdude , c!foolishg , c!dream ,
Warnings : blood , weapons , injuries , murder ,
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Shotguns or any other guns weren't effective against the infected of the virus at all but it was effective chopping of their heads , interrupting nerves going to the infected brain and wich was controlling everything , the virus was going for the nerve system and the only way was like mentioned before cutting it's control off. But wich wasn't easy due to its good control of the never system the change of getting bitten was higher and you and Sam couldn't afford getting bitten . A friend of your who was bitten cutter of the bitten part . Their arm. stopping the infection , wich was the only way but the chance of surviving it aren't high due to the high blood pressure the virus gives the body . You looked over at Sam who was looking at his axe sharpening it the wrong way unsharpening it but he seemed calmed . He stopped and dropped the stone looking at his hand blood was dripping down a "oh shit " escaped your mouth before you heard the grunting and moan screaming behind you. those fucks were able to find you so quickly? How ? If their noses are that good surviving is going to be even harder but no time left Sam grabbed you in bridal style picked up few weapons and sprinted away leaving the food behind . "Sam th-" "shhh its okay I know how to hunt" and he continued sprinting until Sam stopped and sat you down "we should be far enough " he said out of breath and sat down next to you " Sam you didn't need to car-" you were interrupted " but i wanted to " he said "bu-" "no but" "but why did you do that ?" You said it really quickly so he didn't had the time interrupting you and he understood everything "i idk i just didn't want you to be in danger and die , i need you . Alive" he confessed an awww escaped your mouth and an blush creeped behind his mask making you giggle "it's not funny , you're important " he said volume rising slightly , "naww someone likes someone " his blush darkened "com'on shut up " "make me" he threw his mask away and crashed his lips onto yours catching you off guard . He separated you both for few second " i love you" "love you too Sammy" you said before he trapped you in a hug
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Foolish was working on one of his new building Projekts in His human form when he heard grunting ,groaning and heavy breathing coming closer he turned around and was met with a horse of zombie but not the normal type those were faster and seemed to be smarter some held things that can be used as weapons but before observing more one of them attacked him but he was able to dogde and sprinted to where you were after reaching your home he broke in the door and panted "everything okay foolish ?" You asked and he shook his head no . " a horde of Zombies came to me and they were coming from the direction where .....the others are . " His face looked terrified and sad " they can't be dead we need to check on them" you said and he nodded grabbing your hand "close your eyes " he said and with a loud bang you stood infront of the prison wich was half destroyed . Sam was fighting some of the infected his chestplate broke as he took another hit . You and foolish ran to him , stabbed the zombies and burned them killed the virus controlling their muscles and nerves. one of them tried attacking you from behind but foolish quickly killed it "those things are really clever " Sam said while taking a healing potion . "If you both would have come a minute later i would end up like the others who stayed here" he said and took his extra iron chest plate out of his inventory and then looked at foolish the down at your hand chuckling , then you felt pressure on you hand and looked down .foolish was holding your hand "naww you both are so cute"Sam said and behind and your partner blushed that's when you noticed . He didn't wore his mask and emerald green eyes were looking into yours . But the sweet moment was interrupted by an explosion and a Wilbur walking out of the smoke " you guys are the only alive things around here " he said and stood next to Sam TNT still in his hand "we need to find a safe shelter is there anything that isn't detroyed? " Foolish asked while looking around eyeing the ruins of the once intact buildings " i don't think so but we can build one " wilbur said while showing a stack of obsidian "where did you get these ?" You asked because it wasn't natural for a Wilbur to have interest in blast resistant blocks like obsidian " idk found them in a chest and yeah thought would be good taking them with me " he said while shrugging with his shoulders " hm anyways we should start going I'm sure more things are infected and on Their way to us " foolish sounded worried and frightened but there wasn't time to think. The group headed towards east maybe we are safe there you thought and grabbed foolish hand making him smile and look down to you
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" dream please slow down " you were out of breath since 2 hours you've been running behind your boyfriend who wanted to get as far as possible away from the plague or "zombie apocalypse" how he called it . He didn't even took one break from running and you wondered , how can he have that much stamina ? Finally he stopped and you were able to stop too and fell to the ground , before hitting it his arms catched you and he let out an laughter before sitting down with you . " Maybe we should take a break " he said and pulled you in his lap and layed his head onto your shoulder "yeah I need definitely a break " you said and took off his mask . It didn't surprise him since you're always taking it off because it's " more comfortable" cuddling without it but he knows that you bust do it because you love his face . "Dream?" "Yes babe?" You sat up looked into his eyes and said nothing "you horny again ?" He joked and you shook your head " no but do you think the virus will be over soon?" " I hope so babe" he answered " but we need to get as far away as possible i don't want you to die like the others " he said his voice changed into a sad tone . You were there for him the whole time and never left his side he wouldn't be able to live without you he looked at you who was now playing with his mask he smiled , took his mask , Placed it on your face and stood up before picking you up " ik you can't run that's why I'm going to carry you to a safe place " clay started running again and you watched the sky through his mask . Suddenly dream stopped sat you down and shipped his axe " don't look behind you " he growled and sprinted away slashing and breaking of bones was heard and it suddenly stopped , a bumb was heard . you turned around seeing your dreamie on the ground trying to hold away one of the zombies . Suddenly anger formed and the want to kill them .You quickly sprinted towards them but tripped as one zombie suddenly came out of an bush attacking you but there was no time that can be wasted you quickly stapled it slashed its head of blood spilling onto dreams mask . You then ran towards the other zombie jumping at it and tossing it away from him sitting on it you pinned it's arm to the ground like Jesus arms were nailed the the wood and stabbed the hell out of it blood spilling everywhere and a shocked dream but he somehow thought of it as cute and sexy like you're jealous that the zombie was in top of him and not you . The thought pulled an chuckle from him " stop laughing or you're next " you threatened out of fun and walked to him helping him up " are you hurt?" You both asked the same time and laughted "yeah I am and you ?" " No I'm okay " " good ngl it was a bit sexy that you were jealous that the zombie was in top of me and not you " he said and you punched his shoulder playfully " i wasn't jealous !" "You were of else this mask wouldn't be completely red " he said and pointed at it " i was worried " " still looks like jealous to me " he joked and grabbed your hand " but it doesn't matter I still love you " and smiled
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Yooooo first dsmp Post hope ya'll like it , maybe I'll post more like this and make dsmp my main fandom i write for???
Ask box open
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markresonates · 3 years
The way I've witnessed the many changes for Rock Me's posting date is so funny i can't----
yeahhh, i should probably make a statement about this...
i keep overestimating my ability to complete something quick enough to the point where i leave it as is after it's released. idk how long you've been following me but i almost always post things that i edit and proofread in the days following their initial release. ik it's frustrating and annoying, and i'm frustrating and annoying as a writer but i don't want to post this and not be content with the way it is like i've done so many times before. i don't want to go back and do the editing and then reblog it again saying something like "+2k more words added to it, don't hate me you guys!" and i don't think anyone wants that either. i want ROCK ME to be done done, not messy and in need of revising. and what's more, i want to be proud of it.
like i've said many times before, i didn't plan on it being this fucking long what's wrong w me ?? like the narrative wasn't supposed to take place over 2 months, nor was it supposed to be my longest slow burn fic ever (i'm estimating around 24k words but who knows?) yet as i kept writing, i couldn't help but expand upon what i thought up originally for the outline.
so yes, it's very, very funny. ha.ha.ha. and so are the other asks i've received telling me to "fucking post rock me already" or "i'm unfollowing you bc you lied about rock me and i bet it won't even be worth the wait" and many others that sound relatively similar to that.
to those waiting for ROCK ME to be released: please be patient with me. fanfiction writers like me are not obligated to write or post anything. i'd say about 99% of us do this for free as a hobby.
over the past week and a half, i've been setting aside at least an hour of my time everyday to work on writing so i can eventually post for you guys. i've written +13k words within the last 7 days. some of those days i've cranked out up to +4k words, while others i've only managed to type 200 because i'm stuck or i'm short for time. but the continuous pressure to post is nearly pushing me out the door.
i don't mean to sound rude here, that's not my intention by any means. i just want to let readers know that i've been working really hard on this. i'm sorry for disappointing some of you by not following through with the dates i said i would post but please understand i have other things going on in my life and i made a mistake with my estimates that i regret giving in the first place. believe me, i'm bummed i haven't finished this either.
i appreciate all of you who read through this long ask. i really hoped this won't sound like a rant but it kind of does, so i guess i'm sorry about that too. i truly hope you like ROCK ME when it is posted!
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uno-writing · 3 years
@queer-verse ‘s ask, it just has a lot of specifics for ep 247 so I wanted to put it under the cut :D🍿🥤🍭🍬🍫🧋
*spoilers for 247 lol*
- Wellston has seen them together other than the staircase scene,,,, (p sure those three specifically weren't together in season 1 or 2) their dynamic is established common knowledge among the student body??? I refuse to believe there aren't already jokes abt it.
- this is the first sass squad ep. We got sass squad. Ik it was implied heavily in the art uru released during the hiatus and it's been built all thru season 3 but we Got It, it's Canon
- sera was not as mad as I thought she would be lol
- John and sera mother-henning over eachother while Arlo third wheels? Uru is a gift that keeps giving
- lol arlos sigh and him chilling in the bg he's so done w their back and forth
- on a serious note they care sm abt each other 🥺 sera wants what's better for john no matter what it costs her and vice versa.
- God I hope that dream from 245 wasn't foreshadowing
- honestly ik that someone's ability getting affected is the Chekhov's gun for this arc but I don't want anything to happen to any of my bbys
- I hate Terrence. Fite me I remember him smirking in an ep he doesn't feel bad for what he's doing at all
- poor remi needs a fuckin break
- Arlo called him and sera "we"
- "but I don't want his number" "I don't want yours either" damn they're really dragging out this rivalry thing huh there's gonna come a point where to their individual horror they don't mind eachother's company ~le gasp~ and the bickering is going to get worse b4 it gets better
- Arlo and John have Canonically exchanged numbers
- pfffffft John getting stuck w babysitting Blyke, r we Gon see that Blyke John wholesomeness? (I want to go in depth abt blykes issues but I'm too tired rn)
- seriously tho, y didn't they assign John Terrence? John can track Terrence even when he turns invisible, surely that makes the most sense. Guess they'll use that another time.
- John is the only only one who canonically swears. Love it. One of the reasons I love him. It's so funny too bc we would've been shocked to see him swear in the beginning of the comic.
- there's also been one (1) canon flirt between the main cast
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- hey remember the fandom calling him asslo? Remember when remi called him asslo and that was the first time we got to his close they are? Remember him hugging remi fybdyjfrukbc
- (uru said spoilers when asked abt romance between the main cast so at least we can expect that. Can't wait to see real flirting)
- sera's outfit is also gorge. I think we've seen her wear it before somewhere but it hits different in this episode.
- also the way John's blue shirt flairs out at the waist like a fucking tutu is sending me
- doesn't matter what he's doing, that thing is at a forty five degree angle from his body
- ooh also John w his his hand in his pocket isnt something I knew I needed?
- and that last panel? If I was Terrence, I would be running far away as fast as possible.
- another super long episode, appreciation for uru and her team
- there's like five people total who like your posts and I'm tempted to tag them u guys the anons aren't fooling no one
- Boba anon 🧋
*Flippin Elaine has had to deal with their bs like 3 times before now
*Tbh, I think I’d hate having a strongish healing ability at Wellston
*I don’t wanna get pulling into all the bs lol
*Yeah, Sera didn’t really react to it lol
*I thought she’d be pissed
*But she was just mildly perturbed
*Arlo’s reactions while Sera and John were arguing k i l l e d me
*I think something’s gonna happen with it bc it showed up in 2 different frames all by itself
*It was so funny
*I think another Chekov’s gun is the Ferris Wheel
*I don’t think Terrance feels bad bc this is what he believes is right
*Like it seems like he’s a bit of an extremist for SPECTRE so I think he just believes that taking people’s abilities and putting others in danger is what’s necessary
*Poor poor Remi
*Like seriously
*She just wants this trip to go smoothly
*Arlo and John are like toddlers around each other
*People’s lives could be in danger and the two of you are arguing about swapping numbers
*And Blyke will probs be around Remi the majority of the time
*Why did they not assign John to Terrance???
*Like it makes more sense for Sera to hang around Blyke bc they’re kinda friends
*Plus, like you said, John can see when Terrance goes invisible
*Like I guess Sera sees Terrance as the biggest threat so she wants to take him
*But still, I think it’d be smarter to put John on Terrance
*Like we’ve seen him text Sera and it’s not that bad
*At least we should get some John and Blyke interactions!!
*John wasn’t even trying texting
*So John was probs doing in on purpose to mess with Arlo lol
*It flares out bc his plot armor is so poofy lol
*I think Terrance was also smirking bc he knows how badly it pisses Sera off and it makes him feel powerful
*Like he can make her feel angry and scared for her loved ones and can’t do crap to him while she still wants her ability
*And lol
*I’ve got a lot of lurkers on my blog too that don’t interact other than sending in anon asks (which is fine, obviously. Im just glad peeps enjoy my stuff 😅)
*But yeah, the people that actually do like or reblog are the same for almost every post
*Like I think I’ve got about 7 or 8 regular anons (including you lol) that send asks in at least every other day
*Just bc their asks are similar in the way they phrase things or type
*Every now and then it’ll branch out a bit lol
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sincerely-raine · 4 years
Aizawa x Reader // SFW Headcanons
Heres the NSFW headcanons that I wrote before this lol:
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Before dating:
I feel like he would notice his feelings for you early on, but would refuse to accept it for a bit.
Then after he accepts it, straight up confesses but doesn't wanna date because
1. He has a very tight and stressful schedule, and as a rational guy who likes an organized schedule, adding a girlfriend into his hectic life would be hard.
2. As a pro hero, being in a relationship would be difficult, trying to keep your partner away from villains and such. Though he'd want the relationship to be secret, both cuz he's very reserved and as I said, villains, he's still worried about word getting out and you being hurt.
But if you two end up dating anyways, whether it's because he's trying to be less of a worry wart and was convinced to fit time with you into his life...
After dating:
Actually not very cuddley, ik in my nsfw headcanons post I said we was, but hear me out lmao: That stuff would be more of an intimate thing to him, and of course cuddling is a cute, romantic thing so yeah. It just fits together. Anyways...
Sometimes he does like to cuddle or atleast hold hands, but only in private.
I also see him living in a rural area? Like,, near the city, but not in the city itself.
I like to imagine that little scene in the opening credits of...I think season 4? Where he's sitting on a rock in a field, that it's part of his yard.
In that case, visiting, or even living with him, is very peaceful.
Likes sitting next to you on his porch, listening to the crickets chirp, the rain falling, or star gazing with you.
Aizawa is a very compassionate guy (even if he tries to hide it), if you're having a bad day or smtg, he'll always do anything he can to help.
You want takeout? Tell him where you want it from and he'll pay. Going on a walk? He's asking where you wanna walk to. Hell, if you wanna go to (in his opinion) a loud, annoying, chaotic concert, he's fully down for it.
He doesn't really like dates, prefers to just chill with you at your guys' houses.
He probably doesn't have any cats, due to having so little time to take care of him, but after you move in, you convince him to let you two adopt a cat and you promise to take care of it.
He feels bad knowing he's not helping you take care of the cat, but if you also convince him you're fine with it, he'll be like "ight then" and plans a visit to the nearest animal shelter.
This is unrelated to dating, but I see him being anti-pet shopping and only gets his pets from shelters instead of pet stores.
Might even volenteer at a shelter if you beg him to make the time.
If you're a sleepy person too, he likes to take naps with you.
As I said in the beginning, he's not super cuddley, so when you're napping, he'll just casually drape an arm over you and may even touch foreheads with you as you two fall asleep.
But if you deal with insomnia, he'll be 100% there to help you. I don't think he'll stay up too long with you unless it's the weekend and there's no school, but will for around half an hour.
He'll also pay for melatonin if he has to.
Will ask Nezu to let you have a pass to get into UA, just in case something happens. (Especially after the dorms are made and has to live there instead.)
I kinda wanna see him asking questions like "How do you say 'I love you' in (your native language)?" but I don't see him being the type to ask that stuff. *Sad emoji*
Speaking of, if he ever needs help translating, you're the first person he goes to.
And you need help translating, he'll be there to help you.
He likes humor but more of the calm type of humor, especially if it's sarcastic humor.
But his partner can't be shits n giggles all the time, at some points they have to take things seriously, without joking.
Would want a more kind an understanding partner, one he can trust and will always be there for him, and they have to be independent too.
After marriage:
Lol I just requested someone for proposal/marriage hcs. I'll link their post right here:
All I can really say on this part is having kids.
I kinda imagine after he adopts Shinsou and Eri, he'd have an accident pregnancy with his partner (if they have the female reproductive system, if you don't then just ignore this hc lol)
We all saw how he treats these two...he's a simp: father version lmao.
Literally let's them walk all over him.
And I just wanna address smtg before I end this:
"Best girl is Jirou...best girl is Mina" ...Bitch no, best girl is Eri. Eri is best girl. Fuck y'allllll
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