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themsleeves · 25 days ago
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allsports2024 · 1 year ago
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🥋(IJF WORLD JUDO TOUR 2024)🥋 All match will be broadcast live on the link below👇👇 Stream Link👉 http://livesportsntv.com/Judo-Grand-Slam-Baku-2024/?HD
🥋(Judo Grand Slam Baku 2024)🥋 Event Date: 16-18 FEBRUARY
Event Time: 7am (GMT)
Event Location: Azerbaijan,(Baku)
Participating Countries: 60+
hello sir, this game stream is not available on youtube and facebook due to copyright issue But if you are willing to watch the game then you can enjoy the entire game for just 1 dollar by following the link. thank you.
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afganrsva · 2 years ago
Интервью профессора Алексея Григорьевича Левицкого
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theanticool · 2 years ago
It’s forever going to be a shame the IJF just absolutely hates MMA with a burning passion. The success of Ronda Rousey could have been a launching pad for judo (in the U.S) to really take off. Could have had thousands of little girls come into the sport and really propel it to participation level of like BJJ or girl’s wrestling. Instead, they pretended she didn’t exist and banned their athletes from teaching in MMA gyms, changed the rules of the sport to be even less inclusive to different styles, and forced the UFC to rescind their offer to sponsor the European Judo Championships.
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judobirrarock · 20 days ago
here there are new rules.
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thirdd-degree · 6 months ago
Durnkk posting gin the only place ri thjbk theyll see this which is weirdd becahse i told myselrf i wasnt gon a do trjis but i cant
Chat howo cooked dam i if i got a random call from a aPA njmber and h opedd it was themd
In jtitred
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tierras · 1 year ago
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charm by shana sadeghi-ray, 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Palestinian journalists' syndicate via the IJF Safety Fund
march 8 edit: charm is back in stock! 100% of the proceeds from this charm will now be donated to the Gaza Mutual Aid Solidarity
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elodieunderglass · 12 days ago
Just dropping in too say, really enjoying the Killieposting lately! As someone who was never a horsegirl but did read a lot of books about them, I love it.
Anyways, since i know you are also a Diana Wynne Jones enjoyer, I was wondering if you'd ever read Enchanted Glass? feat. an old retired jockey living with a disability caused by an injury from his racing days! It's actually one of my favorite DWJ stories but no one else ever seems to have heard of it (also featuring weredogs, vegetable growing, grief, romance, the failures of the foster system, the king and queen and queen of faerie, and a couple of slightly cringefail wizards types(for anyone interested in such things))
I’m really glad! I start to feel embarrassed but then people send me lovely asks!
I wish I’d written Enchanted Glass(2010), but she got there first.
On balance it’s decent Jockey Representation, with a joke just for me:
“Tarquin’s small, bearded face looked to Andrew to be showing agony. But he reminded himself that the man had been a jockey and that jockeys were used to pain.”
— Enchanted Glass by Diana Wynne Jones
(Killie offscreen plaintively saying that that doesn’t mean they want to be in pain)
DWJ 🤝 Dick Francis with the content, of course, but note the stylistic lack of comma!!! That’s not DWJ’s cadence, that’s a Francis signature. That is LITERALLY a joke just for me. One point for that.
Unfortunately, I do have to condemn this as Problematic, even if it’s Aidan (feral orphan failed by foster system)POV and intended to reveal Aidan’s character:
“Aidan was astonished all over again at the little man with one leg, who energetically heaved himself into the room with his crutches. He should have had the hat, Aidan thought.”
Oh Aidan no -
“He was surely a gnome, beard and all. But his greying head was bare and slightly bald. “You know my brother-in-law, Tarquin O’Connor,” Mr Stock announced.”
Do not -
“Ah, no. He’s Irish. He’s a leprechaun, Aidan thought.”
Why do English people exist? Really? I do understand that this is a feral foster child POV of course, but come on, kid.
“He had been right to think leprechaun about the brave, shrewd little man with one leg. He almost was one. He was full of gifts.”
No you were not right Aidan, that’s plain racism, argh.
I like this shoutout to the Injured Jockeys Fund:
“Tark, as Mr Stock heard it, had been lucky to live, trampled and broken in all directions as he was. He’d never ride again. Nowadays, Tarquin lived on his savings and what he got from the Injured Jockey (sic) Fund…”
Still relevant today and a nice touch. Here’s the webpage for the IJF with some up-to-date statistics.
Quick edit to show how DWJ is very good with POV here in Andrew POV:
“Though the life of a jockey was something Andrew could barely imagine himself, he could tell it had been as thrilling and absorbing as his own work on his book.”
Yeah I reckon it might be Andrew lmao. Lmao it is as thrilling as writing an academic text for SURE. So empathetic of you to notice that.
(Love a good DWJ unreliable narrator)
on the whole, not bad Jockey Representation and a book that contains competitive flower and vegetable growing.
Me 🤝 Tarquin having to console ourselves for winning prizes for our cakes instead, due to blatant FUCKING AROUND FROM THE JUDGES. I saw you, Tark, you deserved that win, and I completely understand that cake prizes ain’t shit really, anyone can bake a cake. I don’t care that the fucking king of the elves himself is fucking us around in some kind of climactic scene or something, trust me, that kind of thing takes care of itself, narratively speaking. it’s the fact that you look back at your records for years afterwards and have to remember that ONE year, that ONE YEAR where they DELIBERATELY DICKED YOU OVER - “oh that’s the year that the elf king guy or whatever got mad” FORGET THAT? SO WHAT? GEOPOLITICS?? - I’ll be noticing the blank spot where my prize should’ve gone for the rest of my LIFE?
On balance I do appreciate this book! Thank you!!
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kesagatame · 3 months ago
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terriwriting · 3 months ago
"Grassroots campaign" in support of oil and gas industry actually just Conservative party operatives
According to its website, the Energy United campaign was created by a federally-registered non-profit called the Maple Leaf Institute (MLI), which is registered to lobby the federal government.
Though the Maple Leaf Institute has little presence online, it's led by a team with strong links to oilsands advocacy group the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) and the Saskatchewan Party. 
The institute's four directors are Tim Harold McMillan, Cole David Schulz, Samantha Yaholnitsky and Dale Richardson. 
McMillan was the president and CEO of CAPP from 2015 to 2022. Before joining CAPP, McMillan was a minister of energy and resources and minister of rural and remote health in Saskatchewan. 
He's now a board member of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation and runs public affairs firm Garrison Strategy with another Maple Leaf Institute director, Cole David Schulz.
Before starting Garrison Strategy, Schulz was the vice president of communications at CAPP. He was the chief of staff to McMillan when he was minister of energy in Saskatchewan and was a special advisor to McMillan when he was president of CAPP. 
Richardson and Yaholnitsky were working for the Saskatchewan government at the same time as McMillan and Schulz.
Yaholnitsky recently served as the campaign manager for the unsuccessful Saskatoon mayoral campaign of former Saskatchewan Party minister Gordon Wyant. 
Jarret Coels, campaign director for the Energy United campaign, was the manager of strategic communications for CAPP between 2019 and 2023. He worked in the Saskatchewan government between 2010 and 2019. 
Coels appears to be the owner of another website called A Better YXE, which describes itself as a grassroots campaign and has run dozens of Meta ads about Saskatoon municipal politics, including during the recent municipal election period. 
While A Better YXE says it is not affiliated with any political party, Yaholnitsky previously confirmed she was involved with the page before quitting to work on Wyant's campaign.
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It's great to be able to show that runes were being carved in the Netherlands. This is one of the 23 currently known Frisian rune findings: the Westeremden (a location in the North-East of the Netherlands) yew stick, found in 1918 and dated 5th-8th century.  It can be seen in the Groninger Museum. 
Made of Yew (Dutch: Taxus, or IJf) which is not a tree that generally could be found in this area. The inscription reads like a blessing or spell for luck/happiness. To me, this is Frisian galðr:
ophæmujiBAdaæmluþ wimœBæhþuSA iwioKuPdunale:
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(Source: de Gruyter.)
Elmar Seebold (in 1990) reads:
ophæmu givëda æmluþ: iwi ok upduna (a)le wimôv æh þusë
Tineke Looijenga (in 1997) reads:
op hæmu jibada æmluþ : iwi ok up duna (a)le wimœd æh þusa
(Source) Interpreted as something like:
luck (amluþ) stays (gibada) at home (op hæmu); and (ok) at the yew (iwi) may it grow (ale) on the hill (up duna); Wimœd has (æh) this (þusa)
Modern Frisians translate it into:
op de boerderij (heem) blijft voorspoed; laat het groeien bij de ijf (taxus) op de terp; dit is (eigendom) van Wimoed (Source.)
Interestingly, this 5th-8th century Frisian Futhorc differs slightly from the more commonly known elder Futhark. (Context: the Elder Futhark in the Scandinavian areas transitioned towards the Younger Futhark in the 7th-8th century).
Here are a few interpretations by different writers:
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By Parsons.
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By Grimmsma.
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By Terpen en Wierdenland.
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allsports2024 · 1 year ago
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🥋(IJF WORLD JUDO TOUR 2024)🥋 All match will be broadcast live on the link below👇👇 Stream Link👉 http://livesportsntv.com/Judo-Grand-Slam-Baku-2024/?HD
🥋(Judo Grand Slam Baku 2024)🥋 Event Date: 16-18 FEBRUARY
Event Time: 7am (GMT)
Event Location: Azerbaijan,(Baku)
Participating Countries: 60+
hello sir, this game stream is not available on youtube and facebook due to copyright issue But if you are willing to watch the game then you can enjoy the entire game for just 1 dollar by following the link. thank you.
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thebloodmoonsvault · 5 months ago
Qw’n oto bcvh oc phxy qq v viqyqiuo.
Wb’v vzt pt tixgh, brj. W krpzl kvjm vocxszr bkdg. Q fjitg codh kfmyzbbhy hpln. Ovg D xcvo…rqgi’h! Q vvh bkzfm, dir Q gdr vrovqqb, oa wcs urjb zrns iqy hwuz hphh oxdmh.
Q nzsx wmmqqb hw fcskn ovm ojua, dir ub xcup fsmsn bww rczndbo. L xov’w zjmq msig dh- arhs odmpthy bwqnsvvz. Hph hcwq’n amvnwvj rwbk oskkictrbm. Q’g mcto wokn db i kzozwwsiw…dt wqgm Q fjitg.
Rviw ovm kzzt ln hpdo? Kpdo- BW-
L’h uwqio kut. Acpwc? Q wcwvn oviw roa Ppajr. Rviw- cs- bkzfm’v icbkdbo oztb ra vqp! Cs’a jjh eliua, ijf kutwvj jib ojil! Lo’g brj acfc. Qwumixwdcv- dir prmba? Ppajr rccoyb’b jmce kdg eliua xizmvn vm zvg iejib wj kmh cwuvzzn zdhp izoz, dir vrr-
Wb’v ywajpgbliu. Nozgp zcszh dh akjitgi’h jh. Vbl lo’g shkh bkz awxnhifcs, brj. Xcvo hw uzotot fce hm vrns qq dh.
Ph’n rmdy. Oto jt bkza iuz rmdy.
Ovg dh’a pt ceq nhcsdr ndpzb.
Lo’g oris als-hplmhg. Wcs axi gprpzl ez fqvdbo et bwz, wib lo’g vro.
Hph hcwq’n bww nsbwdbo, ln wb?
L’h gcskcahy hw idl bkvh. Iqy W kdi’h.
Ekzb eh bsb gjkv wj hph goaw gwvh jt lhasvfz, W’u vpdxrnsl wj gbhk ix dir nls hpliua.
Dir Q fvb’b.
Wcsg’uz oto ysig vbl jjbm.
L’qs oro svrpup vcston.
Aibws bkz pmvo W kdi rw do hpln dwlih…qv oc olqs ekvh’a oztb ra hphh o llbbqidsl hir.
…Q gjb’b zvbb wj.
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theanticool · 1 month ago
Ryoko Tani 🇯🇵 - Legends!
Ryoko Tani is a legend of Judo. A 7x world champion, 5x Olympic medalist, and 2x Olympic gold medalist, she’s one of the greatest judoka in history. She’s a pioneer for women’s judo and was partly responsible for the massive growth in girl’s judo Japan over the 90s.
The IJF sat down with her to discuss her life and career.
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theworldibuilt4you · 7 months ago
Y-you think I'm…?
[Fascinating. Fascinating. Fascinating. He called them fascinating, said it so, softly, so fondly. Their tail quivered beside them, and they grasped their hood tight, once more trying to hide the blaze in their cheeks. They tried to answer Casey as best they could despite wanting to simply melt.]
Selkie? …H-human? I-I'm afraid I don't… Know what those are? No suit is pretty weird though…
[A realization hit them, and they shrank a bit.]
W-wait, are you perhaps from a different ecodistrict? Shoot, I'm so sorry, I've never left Reptilia so I'm not familiar with the species or customs found outside it…
Is selkie, like, a term all the humans in your ecodistrict use to refer to us serpentfolk…? Still weird how I've never even heard of your kind, before, though...
"N...No. I... I don't..- Ohh I don't understand..."
[Casey began to pick absentmindedly at their sleeves, sheepishly looking down at the dirt and letting the heels of their boots dig into the faux earth.]
"....I don't... I think something really... weird... is going on. I'm nn..not- saying YOURE weird, no, no thats- not at all, I just-.."
[They bit the inside of their lip in frustration- they really didn't wanna be insensitive here]
"...Where..... I'm from... Theres... there's no suits or... Or "repitlian" people or..- W...we're just... human.. like... like how you would be without... scales..? Or.. or.. God I dont... I dont know, this is all so... Urgh.."
"Homrr wif yvcadivt tt nux mggmcfbziknq qlrttcej yhbpn if f "Gyydim".. ath lrtltl hzifx tw utk sbn azr fg u fiekvjg C qhn'b gmwhx. Bt brqzm by pmbuzy jao iej gynes, jhy kbrg tprd huxx ons yvyvk "cwny" hbrr tces whgh hczfbm. Jbtpbzh nux cwny, hbrr ciascn gnrv ofqe. Phmxyjhyyr fqpywiatl, igqsufm on zd yhbplmqls, uaw.... qcvys bbgeagqm hbm twb xwgveaz rcqycm tpr hchpxpb bk oh bntnvy mih peie yvug... bs gbz. Zupd on n gsngxr ebwr, C fnpxbxs.."
"Znlcqafhcaz... sw ijfs pnrqbzg... C... V wovg bohg mo xed, pog B hiij gyixriy viyfmiwax."
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supernova-mnrls · 7 months ago
#opal #japan #天然石 #jewelry #diamond #silver #装身具lcf #水晶 #ローマングラス #ring #marriage #antique #鉱物 #装身具 #大岡山 #アンティーク #quartz #jewelrymaking #accessory #都立大学 #結婚指輪 #原石 #xmas #order #atelier #handmadejewelry #customjewely #宝石 #マクラメアクセ���リー #macrame
#olympics #tokyo #japan #tokyo2020 #judo #instagood #instagram #martialarts #insta #1judo #ورزشهای_رزمی #جوجیتسو #q8judo #keyvandehnad #judoreferee #iran #ijfnews #ورزش #referee #jujitsujjifiran #judoasia #internationaljudofederation #ijf #europeanjudo #جودو #razmonline #kodokan #judovideo #iranrazm #hallofhonourseurope
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