kiredo · 1 year
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店頭:2023/06/15木 - 07/02日 ※月〜水曜日定休 オンライン:6/21水 - 07/02日(予定)



●特別企画「陶器と季節の野菜ディナー」 7月1日(土)18:00〜 5000円税別+お飲み物代 飯高さんの器に合わせて、季節の野菜コースのディナー会を開催致します。飯高さんの器を一品お持ち帰り頂けます。(今年のディナープレゼントはコロッとかわいい一輪挿しの予定です。) ご予約は店頭・お電話・FBメッセージ・InstagramDM・LINEアカウントより。定員に達し次第締め切ります。
◯飯高幸作 (在廊:未定) 陶器/埼玉 茨城県笠間市の窯元で7年間陶芸を学んだ後、独立。2011年4月より、埼玉県越谷市に築窯。埼玉県越谷市にカフェ・工房・ショップが併設した「kousha」をオープン。シンプルで飽きのこない、普段使いの器を作り続けています。 HP:http://iitaka-kousaku.com/ Instagram:@iitaka_kousaku
#koushaceramicworks #iitakakousaku #飯高幸作 #陶器
—————————— 野菜農家キレドのお店 野菜料理とクラフト 『キレド ベジタブルアトリエ』 木〜日曜日営業 11:00〜16:00(ランチラストオーダー14:30) 043-232-3470 千葉市若葉区小倉台5−13−4 —————————— kiredo Instagram:@kiredo_vegetable_atelier kiredo FBページ:https://www.facebook.com/kiredo.vegetable/ kiredoshop  Instagram:@kiredoshop ー kiredo HP:https://www.kiredo.com/ kiredoVEGETABLEAtelier:https://www.kiredo.com/atelier kiredo WEBSHOP:https://kiredo.shop-pro.jp/ ー #kiredo #kiredovegetableatelier #キレド #キレドベジタブルアトリエ #キレド情報 #千葉 #若葉区 #小倉台 #野菜料理 #野菜農家  #野菜お弁当 #野菜カフェ ー
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horikawa-exs · 2 years
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堀川Exchanges オープニングトーク
“営まれるアート、関係の在りか - AIR・移住・交流”
一方、芸術的活動は制限下においてなお様々なレイヤーで展開され、拡がりを見せています。地域に新たな活力をもたらす移住、新たな視点をもたらすAIR(アーティスト・イン・レジデンス)など、きっかけは多様ですがそこには必ずアーティスト・クリエイターらと地域の人々との豊かな関係が存在します。 活動を起点とした交流、逆に日々の交流から生み出される活動、作品。それらを支える豊かな「関係」を醸成し得るのはどのような社会・地域なのでしょうか。
今回は美術家としてグローバルに活動を展開しながらも、京都の限界集落で無農薬農家を営む米谷健+ジュリア夫妻と、日本のAIR情報の総合サイト”AIR_J”から拠点コーディネーター 勝冶真美さんをお迎えし、「関係・交流」とは何か、その価値をどう捉え、どのように維持あるいは活性していくべきかを一緒に探ってみたいと思います。
・日時:2023年1月14日(土)15:00 - 17:00 [入場無料]
・会場:場所:堀川団地 出水第三棟 317号(元 horikawa AC Lab) [ Google Map ]
  米谷 健 + ジュリア/コンテンポラリーアーティストユニット
  勝冶 真美/京都市アーティスト・イン・レジデンス連携拠点事業コーディネーター
・モデレータ:飯高 克昌/NPO ANEWAL Gallery 代表理事
・主催:京都府, 京都府住宅供給公社, NPO ANEWAL Gallery
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米谷 健 + ジュリア Ken + Julia Yonetani
健は元金融ブローカー、ジュリアは元大学の歴史学者という異色の現代美術家(ユニット)。京都府農村在住で、有機農業も営みつつ、グローバルに制作活動を展開。2022年より限界集落の空き家を改修し、Dreams Art Houseを開設。コミュニティベースの活動を展開。
作品は、主に環境問題をテーマにした大規模インスタレーションで国際的評価を得る。近年ウランガラスを使用し、原子力の魅力と恐怖を表現した作品が話題となる。主な展示会に2009年ヴェネチアビエンナーレ(豪州代表)、2013年シンガポールビエンナーレ、2015年オーストラリア国立美術館にて個展。2016年茨城県北芸術祭、2017年ホノルルビエンナーレなど。2020年は角川武蔵野ミュージアムで個展、2020年New York Triennial of Asia、2022年QUT Art Museumにて個展。
WEBサイト https://kenandjuliayonetani.com/
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勝冶 真美 Mami Katsuya
1982年広島市生まれ。広島市立大学国際学部卒業。京都芸術センターアートコーディネーター、民間財団勤務、京都芸術センタープログラムディレクターを経て、現在は京都市アーティスト・イン・レジデンス連携拠点事業コーディネーターのほか、国際芸術祭「あいち2022」など、AIRを中心にアートプロジェクトや芸術祭での企画・コーディネートを行う。これまでの主な企画に日豪インドネシアのアーティストが滞在制作を行った「The Instrument Builders Project Kyoto」(2018、共同企画)、フランスのAIR施設ヴィラ九条山との共同展「Synchronicity」(2022)など。
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飯髙 克昌 Katsumasa Iitaka
都市計画・建築設計を学んだ後、設計事務所勤務を経て、2004年 アーティスト・クリエイターらと共にANEWAL Gallery設立。”外に出るギャラリー”をコンセプトに通りや路地、地下道、廃屋から重要文化財まで都市の様々な空間において文化・芸術と地域・公共を繋ぐ活動を展開。人々のアクティビティによる空間資源の活用と創出、その在り方を模索している。
特定非営利活動法人 ANEWAL Gallery https://anewal.gallery/
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hatahataneko · 6 years
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film0471 2017/7/22
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oyxagonal · 7 years
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
        "... Why are you in the kitchen."
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いよいよ完成間近です♡ サーフボードも蕎麦も手作りが最高です。 サーフボードのご用命は#waicocosurfshop へ #specializesurfboard #surf #surfing #longboard #スペシャライズ #specializesurfboard #epoxy #factory #sakuma #shape #usblanks #鴨川 #オーダー分 #iitaka #akateimodel 9'5”×58.0×7.8 @kitaikebukuro_chyoujuan #ダブルエッジ #キックテール #ディープノーズコンケイブ (Waicoco Surfshop&SPECIALIZE Surfboard) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtEHqK9gjEg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8x9xl9hwvijq
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iitaka-city · 6 years
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This last month of winter hits the city like a punch. Frost-dusted, made a stunning painting. Enchanted snowfall glows in the sunlight, mystically warm at one’s touch. Madam Artume watches idly over this city, drawing the strings of clouds to her will - the people’s will. A city desperate for the last moments of snow before time begs the season’s change. Citizens huddle for warmth, layered under enchanted clothing or walking around with tiny flames in their palms. Unfortunately for students, it’s not enough to put a halt to classes. Still, the spirit of winter runs rampant with joy with borrowed time from a bored magistrate.
For some, a second new year draws near. For others, February is just the stepping stone to spring. For most, they prepare to brave the storm of a human festivity - a day of love or loneliness.
Artume tugs not only the strings of clouds, but also those of a passionate heart. Named after the heart shaped flowers that grow in the caves of Volo, the Eriser festival brings merriment through the ice-painted streets of Iitaka. Profess your fondness to a loved one or take advantage of the many attractions and stalls that line the busy streets.
The Eriser Festival is Iitaka’s equivalent’s mirror of what humans call ‘Valentine’s Day.’ Dedicated to sharing love all around, Madam Artume wishes that the spirit of mercy and kindness lives through all in this special festival. For those wishing for something more, they may wish for the goddess Yrrena to aid in their endeavours of love.
OOC Info:
Welcome to Iitaka! For our opening, we’d like to kick things off with an optional Valentine’s mini-event. The city will be live with festivities - music and performance will run through the streets... the last days will have discounted chocolate if your muse ends up alone at the end of this. 
The goddess Yrrena may also play matchmaker. If you’d like your muse to be cast with a love spell, they will fall in love with another character who has also been looking for love. The charm will end once the Eriser Festival does as well - it is up to the muns whether or not the spell has worked well enough to keep these muses together.
We’ll have other festivals and events in the future, that even you can decide to set up - so please don’t hesitate to ask us about this event or one in the future in our inbox.
Start: 14th February (9am)
End: 17th February (11pm)
All events run on GMT for now.
A closing post will be made on the 18th at midnight which will announce any significant events from this time.
Feel free to tag and plot with those in Iitaka. You may use the discord to find partners or go about things on tumblr as usual.
Please remember to tag “ iitakacityrp “ as usual, but also tag “ iitakaevent1“
If you’d like the goddess Yrrena to play matchmaker, please send in a ‘prayer’ (ask) with “Yrrena’s Ties”.
Will your character find true love at the end of it all? Maybe. However, we’d like to make it known that this event does not have to define your character’s complete canon. Significant events will be added to the finale announcement on the 18th.
Once you’ve read this, please give it a like so we know that you’re aware of what’s happening in Iitaka this February. That being said, we’d like to remind you that our asks are always open and we’d be happy to explain anything further.
A joyous February and the best of luck to you love-seekers this Eriser festival!
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While there was a time where Oikawa had been honestly interested in the world outside of Iitaka, over time he had become content in living with what he knows and not the ‘unknown’. He’s skeptical of – and some might even say against – the idea that humans and fablekind can be anything other than fated enemies, and believes that it’s within his people’s own interest to keep their distance. ( After all, what could they possibly gain from trying to make connections with them? They were already strong enough and capable without their kind. )
The vampire is currently attending Aurasa University, where he is studying Astrophysics and is Vice-Captain and official setter of the male volleyball team. While he can give off an air of superiority and privilege, he works hard in both his studies and in volleyball and can be considered a star student.
… Of course, one could easily think otherwise if they are exposed to his teasing, prideful, and sometimes insufferable personality first.
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drakonicn-blog · 6 years
“It’s not my job to keep trouble off the streets. I’m only here to deal with it after.”
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No stranger to the dangers of magic, Detective Azuma appears to be the model man of Axius’ police force. Undertaking the dirtiest of crimes however, his informants are exactly the most spic and span of associates.
Tired on most days, he’s used to getting dragged by a band of idiots - that is, both his coworkers and the few that are willing to put up with him. Honest and determind, or uncouth and stubborn - he hasn’t too many redeeming qualities. Well, at least by his own opinion.
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"Many will die for a cause. I just haven’t found the right one.”
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Once a child with hopes for to explore the outside world, Kaede lost his spark and resigned himself to the life laid out for him in Iitaka. Hardened by a past he wants to forget, time is never kind to a kid with dreams.
Having given up on his dream to be a professional swimmer, his passion led him to performance at the Starlight Music Hall where as a clarinettist of their orchestra. The kitsune may otherwise be found wandering the Ue Ma’an markets, searching for a new ingredient to drop in his mix of potions. He’s not a troublemaker. It just so happens that trouble always seems to find him.
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chronicparagon · 6 years
Iitaka City Introduction
Harmony came from a family known to have the ability to communicate with spirits. Similar to shamans, this caused more trouble for Harmony when she left her childhood on the reservation for a better life. She learned about a place like no other, one where she wouldn't be judged for who she is. That place is Iitaka City, which quickly became her home. She's a student at Aurasa University majoring in nursing with the goal to advance her education to be a midwife. She also works at a department store specialized in women's clothing and jewelry.
Iitaka City page: Link
Hello! This is a brief intro of my OC's verse in Iitaka City and I hope to write with you guys in the future!
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kiredo · 1 year
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・収穫体験:キレド畑ツアー【第1土曜】 10:30〜12:00ごろ https://tmblr.co/ZCwctiZUie798y01
・料理教室:珍しい野菜の料理教室【第3土曜】 10:00〜12:00 https://tmblr.co/ZCwcti2guVjX4 午後の部もあり
・野菜とお花の販売会と綴り菜ワークショップ【第4金土】 https://tmblr.co/ZCwctiZUkVS6ai00
・カレーと草木とハンモック【第2火曜】 https://tmblr.co/ZCwctiZUjf6a4i00
[kiredo channel] 畑のある生活のおもしろさを発信すべくYouTubeを始めました。 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzXsynfFkBo8_A8U55Q5pfg/
■お店:キレドベジタブルアトリエ   木曜日〜日曜日11:00〜16:00
■キレド6月展「君のお気に入り」飯高幸作陶器展 店頭:2023/06/15木 - 07/02日 ※月曜日〜水曜日定休 オンライン:6/21水 - 07/02日(予定) ◯飯高幸作 陶器/埼玉 (在廊:未定) HP:http://iitaka-kousaku.com/ Instagram:@iitaka_kousaku
●特別企画「陶器と季節の野菜ディナー」 7月1日(土)18:00〜 5000円税別+お飲み物代 ご予約:店頭・お電話・FBメッセージ・InstagramDM・LINEアカウントより
■キレド7月前半展「soar on the wing」mananiアフリカンプリントお洋服展 店頭:2023/07/06木 - 07/16日 ※月曜日〜水曜日定休 オンライン:07/12水 - 07/16日(予定) ◯manani (在廊:15・16日、他未定) 牛尾瑞紀[マナニ] アフリカンプリントのお洋服・小物/千葉 Instagram:@manani_official
●付属イベント「manani×JEUJYEIコラボアクセサリー」 7/15(土)、16(日) ジュージェイさんがmananiさんのアフリカンプリント生地を使ったアクセサリーを販売する会を今年も開催!ブローチ、ピアスなどなどカスタマイズします。※manani、JEUJYEI共に両日在廊 ◯JEUJYEI (15・16日在廊) Instagram:@jeujyei
■キレド7月後半展「夏のティータイム」後藤義国・レジーナ展 店頭:2023/07/20木 - 07/30日 ※月曜日〜水曜日定休 オンライン:07/26水 - 07/30日(予定) ◯後藤義国 (在廊:未定) 陶器/栃木 Instagram:@yoshikuni_goto ◯後藤レジーナ(在廊:未定) 陶器/栃木 Instagram:@re_goto
■キレド8月展「stoked holidays -ワクワクするお休み-」石岡信之・本郷里奈二人展 店頭:2023/08/3木 - 08/20日 ※月曜日〜水曜日定休 オンライン:08/9水 - 08/20日(予定) ◯石岡信之 (在廊:未定) 陶器/栃木 Instagram:@nobuyuki_ishioka ◯本郷里奈 (在廊:なし) 陶器/福岡 Instagram:@gogorina888
[デリバリー:出前館キレドページ] https://demae-can.com/shop/menu/3272655 こちらよりご注文いただけます。 (木曜日〜日曜日11:30〜15:30利用可能)
その他イベントなど開催しております。最新情報は  Instagram:@kiredo_vegetable_atelier   FBページ:https://www.facebook.com/kiredo.vegetable/
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livedwon · 6 years
"he’s as likely to shank you as he is to quote romeo and juliet at you in a dress and heels. it’s all part of his charm.”
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after destroying the walls to no. 6, the utopian city that had massacred his people and oppressed him — the sole survivor — for years, nezumi became a wanderer. somewhere along his travels, he found iitaka city.
he’s not the most friendly or approachable of the forest folk ( or at all, really ), but he’ll certainly put on a good show at the starlight music hall. just be wary of his enchanting persona, eve. appearances aren’t all what they seem.
*  guidelines    /    stats
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schemingblocker · 6 years
☔ for our muses to share an umbrella on a rainy day. [Might be an interesting way to meet.]
Symbol Starters~
Send ☔ for our muses to share an umbrella on a rainy day.
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Rain —while Kuroo had never been particularly adverse to it, he wouldn’t chance to suggest he enjoyed it. Whenever the forecast predicted cloudy weather, he was swift to add an umbrella to his load to carry to university. Perhaps it was a gamble, yet he never quite saw the disadvantage to the slight inconvenience of carrying the item under his arm to the great discomfort which would follow should the meteorologist prove correct. Generally, Kuroo was eyed with something akin to resentment by his peers who failed to prepare as he did, although he doubted they lived far enough away to warrant a tremendous amount of pity. Those in his acquaintance were instead met with a brief, two-fingered salute before he continued along his way.
However, when his hazel gaze fell upon a girl walking only a few feet ahead of him, heavy droplets of rain beading on the ends of her hair, he was struck by an imminent sense of déjà vu. Her form was a familiar one, even if Kuroo’s attempts to place it were unsuccessful. The situation left him quite uneasy; his ability to maintain order of all those he met was one prided himself on, and this girl was nothing if not an upset. The shorter the distance between them became, the length effortlessly abbreviated by his long strides, the more she fell into place, and the source of his consternation became clearer.
Kuroo had seen her on more than one occasion, and in multiple places. She was present in a few of his science classes at Aurasa, and lived only a few doors away from him in Capitolium. The merger was too intriguing to ignore. Finally in step, he shifted his clear umbrella so that it might shield the both of them. “I recognize you — you’re in my biochem course, yeah? And maybe organic bio, if I’m not mistaken.” Kuroo tilted his head slightly, taking in her profile: she was definitely who he thought she was. Extending the hand not holding the umbrella, he continued, “Tetsurou Kuroo. I’m a chemistry major, and I’m pretty sure you live near me, too.” A subtle grin danced along his lips. “We’ve either been met with a lot of coincidences, or you’re stalking me.”
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#グラッシング#ラミネート グラッシング…樹脂やガラスクロスでブランクスをコーティング、強化していく作業全般のことをさします。 サーフボードも蕎麦も手作りが最高です。 サーフボードのご用命は#waicocosurfshop へ。 北池袋長寿庵本日も17時からopenです。 明日はランチタイム営業してます。 さ、蕎麦打ってきます! #specializesurfboard #surf #surfing #longboard #スペシャライズ #specializesurfboard #epoxy #factory #sakuma #shape #usblanks #鴨川 #オーダー分 #iitaka #akateimodel 9'5”×58.0×7.8 @kitaikebukuro_chyoujuan #ダブルエッジ #キックテール #ディープノーズコンケイブ (Waicoco Surfshop&SPECIALIZE Surfboard) https://www.instagram.com/p/BszUtyPgeWn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ti1vnjdqiefg
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Welcome to Aurasa University @ursusxarctos !
You will join us on the Nursing and Midwifery course.
You have also been accepted into swim team.
We look forward to supporting you in your future endeavours, Harmony.
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iitaka-city · 6 years
Welcome to Iitaka, @m-a-h-ocs !
You will be staying in Lodge 188 of the Lofos district.
You will keep your ability to form small illusions when holding eye contact, but only for up to one minute. Overuse will lead you to a debilitating migraine.
May your future endeavours meet your expectations, Kiyomi.
- Magistrate Aristaeus 
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