oyxagonal · 4 years
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
        A sigh escapes him as the prince stares up at the ceiling from his place on his bed. Softly flickering candles surround him while the faint scent of incense wafted into his nose, but sleep still would not claim him tonight; there were too many thoughts that raced through his head. Another sigh as he covers his eyes with his arm.
        There is a knock at the door, coupled with the soft sound of her voice. As if on instinct he sits upwards as she enters through the door, a somewhat worried expression gracing her features. Kies gazes at her approaching figure silently, the candlelight illuminating her with a warm glow that could barely do her justice.
        Kaede tilts her head in confusion once she is at his bedside, and voices her concern for him and his sleeplessness. Instead of responding, however, he grabs her arm and pulls her onto the bed without a another word. His arms wrap around her small figure as he spoons her from behind, burying his face into her silky black hair. Kaede's scent immediately relaxes him, and he feels some of the thoughts clouding his mind fade away.
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        "..." He is sure that she is confused, along with embarrassed. But he continues to stay silent, finding peace in her presence.
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oyxagonal · 4 years
⟨ kaede ⟩
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     "…?”  She tilts her head in question, but the prince made it clear he’s not saying anymore.  She watches his figure disappear behind a corner, and sighs quietly–well, it must be important if it would take the whole day.  A frown forms, but she turns and heads back her room for the night.  Whatever surprise may come tomorrow, at least it wouldn’t be something bad.  
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    A maid wakes her up in the morning, and she manages to wake up on time despite not being a morning person.  She blinks sleepily as she waits outside of the palace, dozing quietly until she hears footsteps approaching her–a hand comes to rub her eyes as she gives the other a small nod in greeting before speaking.  
   “Good morning Kies-san.  It looks like there’s no rain today–”  A yawn cuts off her sentence as she shakes her head to try and wake up more.  “Where are we going?”
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
        The prince stands behind a corner a few feet away from the princess as she stands outside the castle. He inhales. Exhales. Inhales—deep breaths, he repeats to himself, deep breaths. He doesn’t feel like his heart rate nor his nervousness has settled down in the slightest, but at least his head is a little clearer now.
        'There’s nothing for you to be afraid of. Calm yourself.' Kies repeats these words to himself over in his head, taking in one final deep breath before appearing around the corner and approaching the princess.
        "Good morning." He returns her greeting, glancing up towards the clear summer sky that stretched above them. For a brief moment he wonders if he should be thanking the stars for such nice weather, but the thought disappears at Kaede’s question.
        "You’ll see when we get there. he responds simply. As if on cue, the sound of hooves on pavement echoes from the distance. Soon a fanciful horse-drawn carriage pulls up towards the pair, sleek and black with silvery decorations. The gallant steeds snort as they come to a halt in front of Kies, the sheen of their manes glistening in the light.
        He pats them on on their forehead affectionately—grateful for their service—before opening the door to the carriage. The prince then turns to Kaede, bowing slightly as he extends his hand towards her
        Despite his infamous callous personality, he still was a prince, after all.
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        "Now, your hand... my princess."
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oyxagonal · 4 years
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   "…The whole day? You aren’t busy tomorrow?”  It’s a silly question, since Kies was someone who always thought things through–but his question caught her off guard.  Usually she would just wait for him to have free time if she was in Ocs for awhile.  A day off was something foreign to the hard-working prince.  
  “ Are we going somewhere?”
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
        "The whole day." he confirms as he closes his eyes, satisfied with her seemingly positive reaction.
        "We are. We'll be leaving early in the morning, so be ready by then." With those parting words, he leaves the princess just as abruptly as he arrived, leaving her in her confusion at what just transpired.
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oyxagonal · 4 years
⟨ kovyou ⟩
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
        "... I don't get why you have to make this so difficult."
        The statement is returned by a sigh that is just as heavy as Kies is annoyed.
        "And I'm telling you that you're making it more difficult than it has to be." Miyuki repeats, an expression of both confusion and frustration evident on her features. She sits across from the Ocs prince at a small, out-of-the-way café somewhere on the outskirts of Crema. When Kies asked to meet with her to discuss some personal matters, she did not expect it to be for something like this.
        "... I never did take you for the indecisive type. At least not from what I've heard from Sieg-san." The prince narrows his eyes at the Traümere descendant but she merely shrugs, unfazed as she takes a sip from her mug.
        "It's important. Therefore I simply do not want to make any unnecessary blunders." Kies insists, his gaze fixed pointedly at the carefree woman. He is irritated at how lightly she appeared to be taking the issue, simply not understanding why she was being so uncooperative.
        "It's because it's so important, that I can't tell you what to do." Miyuki retorts with exasperation, returning the gaze with narrowed eyes of her own. "Are you going to hold me responsible if what I say ends up not being accurate? If you don't end up with the result you wanted?"
        Kies is about to counter, but the ringbearer continues. "Look—from what I know, things have been going well so far. Of course, that's only my opinion since I'm not a part of it. Judging from that, I believe you should just continue doing what you've been doing... whatever that may be."
        At this the Ocs prince falls silent, deep in thought. The noise of coffee grinders and the idle chatter of some distant customers fill the space between them, as Miyuki allows for Kies to take a moment to think.
        "Have some more confidence in yourself." the ringbearer reassures with a wistful smile on her face. "After all, what reason do you have to doubt yourself when you've come this far?"
        "... Thank you." the prince responds simply. The young woman only hums in acknowledgement, finishing the rest of her coffee before chuckling in repose.
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oyxagonal · 4 years
⟨ kovyou ⟩
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
        "Kaede." The prince's voice is unusually sharp as he calls for the princess' name, the grave expression on his features implying the serious nature of the situation.
        "Are you free tomorrow? If not, become free. I will need you for the entire day."
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oyxagonal · 4 years
⟨ kaede ⟩
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    “Oh–Good afternoon, Kies-san.”  She replies, turning towards the other’s voice.  She places the watering can down next to the bed of flowers,  before walking towards the prince with a small smile.  The gardeners were nice enough to teach her a little bit about how gardening worked, and how to cut them for bouquets–she was eager to try it out on her own. 
    “I found a book on flowers and wanted to match them to the ones you have.  They had suggestions of which flower would look nice with another flower…”  She trails off, glancing back at the flower bed.  Colorful peonies would make a nice outline with the pink orchids that grew a little farther back.  
   “I got distracted and ended up just listing down all the flowers in the garden.”
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
      "Is that so?" he hums in reply. The corners of his lips are raised in a barely noticable yet pleased manner as he stares at her content expression. Her very being surrounded by flowers of radiant hues and—coupled with that gentle smiles of hers—made her appear more beautiful in his eyes.
      "You're free to do as you'd like, so as long you're not troubling the gardeners." Not that he thought Kaede capable of doing so to begin with. He wasn't one to readily admit his own weaknesses, but there was a reason he wasn't a prince in the countries that specialized in flowers. Kies would not be surprised if the princess already had more of a grasp on these colorful blooms than he.
      He suddenly feels a rush of emotion swell within his chest as Kaede is distracted by the orchids flowering in the distance. Reaching out, he gingerly takes a strand of her hair and brings it to his lips. The faint aroma of flowers fills his nose, which only intensified the feeling within him.
      "Though no matter how nice they end up looking, I doubt they could hold a candle to you, Princess." he adds playfully with a mischievous glint in his steely eyes and a teasing smirk on his lips.
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oyxagonal · 5 years
kovyou [ x ]
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
        The prince was unable to keep the troubled expression from forming on his face, for the princess' unanticipated reaction in his presence threw him completely off guard. Though his eyes never leave her figure as she walks past the two of them, Kaede doesn't give so much as a glance his way before disappearing into the halls of the castle.
        Kies didn't think of himself as a fool. No, he never took himself to be the oblivious type. Not like Sieg, whose fervent desire to play the part of a knight was currently obscuring his feelings that clearly crossed the boundaries of chivalry and well into that of romantic love. (In a way, he pitied Kaede's relative, who had to deal with his dense friend and the troublesome situation.)
        The prince never took her for the jealous type, he would admit that. With the number of princes that Kaede was obligated to rescue with her position as the Princess of Träumere, he wouldn't be surprised if she practically thrived in the crosshairs of jealousy and envy. In fact, it would even be a lie to say that he was completely immune to the green-eyed monster himself.
        "Forgive her," he offers, turning his head to face his companion. As troubled as he was, he could not simply ignore his guest to chase after her. Not yet, anyway. "She is wary around strangers."
        "Oh no, it's not a problem." the noblewoman reassures with surprised eyes. "Though informally, it was an honor enough just to be able to see the long-lost Princess."
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        "I'll be sure to relay the message to her." he says, leading her out of the library. "You must be tired from all the walking we've done today. Shall I escort you back to your lodgings?"
        "I humbly thank you for the offer, but I will have to decline. I wish to peruse through the town markets at my own leisure and find some souvenirs for my family back home."
        "Of course," he responds with a courteous bow of his head. Within minutes he is at the castle gates, wishing her safe before seeing her off for the day. There was no need to worry, especially when the noblewoman had brought her own servants to accompany her visit here. With that, the prince gives a brief glance to the afternoon sun before he makes his way back into the castle.
        Kies lets out a low sigh as he gazes up at the ceiling, his dark eyes narrowed in thought. Kaede's cold eyes flash before his eyes; he knew jealousy when he saw it. He knew there was little he could do, yet he could not put down the feelings of guilt that clawed at his insides. Putting a hand in his pocket, his fingertips graze the outside of a velvet box that held a pristine and beautiful onyx necklace inside.
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        Would now perhaps be an approriate time? Or was it the complete opposite? He could at least try, right? With that thought, the prince makes his way towards his princess' room, fidgeting with the box the whole while.
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oyxagonal · 7 years
kovyou [ x ]
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
        "You didn't." is all he manages to reply with, voice low and quiet as he watches Kaede's hunched back rise up and down as she attempts to calm herself. Her soft shaky breaths echo throughout the otherwise silent bedroom, and Kies feels himself becoming more powerless by the second.
        The Ocs prince bites his tongue as he struggles to find something to say to her. But what could possibly make her feel better at a time like this? He soon gives up when the best thing that comes to mind is a pointless 'are you okay?,' a question that he already knows the answer to.
        Kies knows all too well the pain of losing someone dear, someone that had been close enough to touch, whose warmth would no longer be able to comfort you when you needed them most. But unlike Kaede, he thinks as he looks over to the princess whose face is hidden from him, he never had the chance to cry. From somewhere deep within him, old wounds begin to open themselves up.
        In the end, the only thing he does is sit beside her on the bed and gently wrap an arm around her. His hand soothingly rubs her shoulder in gentle and slow movements as he stares down at the dark floor. He briefly wonders to himself if this is the correct way to comfort someone, if this is what his sister would have done if she were still here.
        Kies closes his eyes and leans his head against Kaede's in silent empathy, sighing as his hold on her shoulder tightens ever so slightly.
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oyxagonal · 7 years
⟨ kaede ⟩
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    “It’s not…like that.”  She’s quick to reply to his words, but her words get softer with each syllable.  She admires how confident Kies was–always quick to say his thoughts, and held this sort of confidence that made people know it was alright to rely on him.  He was one of the most capable people she had ever met, in this dream world and her own world.  How she wishes she could have a sliver of his confidence, but she is far too clumsy with her words and actions to even stand next to his at times.  
       A frustrated, quiet sigh escapes from her lips as she continues to watch the evening glow give in to the black night.  She doesn’t mind the feeling of the other’s hand tangled in her hair–nor does she hate the feeling of his warmth pressed against her face.  She closes her eyes, as she begins to count the heartbeats of the prince that holds her captive deciding she begins to be alright with it.  
      “It’s not like that, Kies-san.” She repeats her words as she counts the 25th beat of his heart.  Hesitation still lines her words but she manages to string the sentence together without any pauses this time.  Her fingers clench the fistfuls of his shirt so hard that she feels her nails begin to dig into her palm.  The princess feels her cheeks heat up even more–which she didn’t think could possibly get any hotter.  
     “I want to stay with you.”  She whispers quietly, the words she speaks getting softer again.  Somehow she knows he heard her, which was a good and bad in itself.  Her awkwardness rings true in the fact she can’t be honest, and when she was, regret burns through her veins like a poison.  “……I’m sorry.  I can’t…really…”  She trails off as she can’t find the correct words to say too him.  
     “わたしは、あなたを 好きです.”
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
       There is no hiding the brief flash of tension that besets his whole body when he hears the words spill from the other’s lips. Kies genuinely can’t believe how surprised he is—it meant that his own doubts in regards to the other were just as deeply rooted inside of his heart as they were for her. He just didn’t notice them, didn’t notice until Kaede gave finally gave words to the feelings whose existence he questioned.
        But he doesn’t have to doubt anymore, because he knows for sure now, that they exist.
        He recalls once calling words a pain to deal with—as long as the feelings were present and mutual, then it was all that mattered, right? But Kaede had shown to him exactly how important communication was, and she is doing it again, for her words had been enough to obliterate any other lingering fears that he had. It made him feel silly honestly, having been so worried that she would disappear from his arms just moments earlier.
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        ”Then there’s nothing for you to worry about, is there?” he finally says, unable to keep the corners of his mouth from turning upwards just the slightest. He desperately wants to pull her back and look at her face—which is probably three hundred shades of red—but instead he settles for kissing the top of her head.
        “Because I love you too.”
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oyxagonal · 7 years
⟨ kaede ⟩
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     Her lips part in protest, but her words of “no I’m not” dies before it can escape.  It was painfully obvious she had been, and still tried to despite being caught in the other’s embrace.  Her body stiffens as she feels the prince’s head move closer to her, nuzzling her shoulder as he finds his place in her hair.  They were definitely too close for her comfort, and she’s grateful these halls were usually quiet at this time.  
    With each heartbeat she hears instead of the other’s low voice, she feels even more heat rush to her face.  It was an uneasy silence for her, but she could tell the older prince was getting comfortable and just simply enjoyed her presence.  A wave of guilt forms–maybe she had been playing tag with him too long…Why else would he decide to do this the moment he saw her?  
       The princess squeezes her eyes shut, as she feels his breath next to her ear.  She chooses to bury her red face into the other’s chest more.  She hears his words so clearly, evident as her breath hitches in surprise.  Her glasses press annoyingly into her eyes, but she prefers that then letting the onyx prince see her face painted with red in embarrassment.  Her hand reaches for the man’s clothes hesitantly, quietly pinching the fabric with her fingers.  
         His words hung in the air for a few more moments, before she shifts her head–causing the ear that heard his thoughts to press against his chest now, allowing her eyes to focus on the window, still avoiding his stormy gaze.  It takes a few moments again to find her voice, before she speaks in reply to his words.  
        “……Are you sure?”  Her voice remains hesitant, as she wondered if she made sense.  Her feelings were always complicated, and in her opinion best left neatly packed away on a shelf.  If she was his, did that make him hers?  Or would it always be a constant state of self-doubt and wonderment of where they stood?  She hates that the other could be so mature about these things, opting to get straight to the point rather than her way of avoiding it–but out of the two, someone had to be the mature one.  
       And it certainly wasn’t her at the moment.  
       “Is my place really supposed to be by you?”
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
        Kies' hold on the princess loosens just the slightest—not enough to let her escape from him, but enough so that she does not suffocate when she pushes her face into his chest. He feels her delicate fingers grasp timidly at the fabric of his clothes, the silence between them swaying between one of dubious calm and subtle uncertainty.
        The prince feels her shift in his arms again, and his grey eyes peer down to see her head turn so her gaze is aimed towards the windows nearby. The blazing reds and oranges of the sunset that filled half the sky earlier are now small flames in the distant horizon, their fading light becoming extinguished by the night that quickly encroaches the hall they stand in. His long fingers tangle themselves in her hair as she asks her hesitant questions.
        "Of course it is." he responds after a moment of silence, voice low and soft against her. Normally Kies’ confidence in himself is unshakeable; he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt to take care of and treasure his things—his country and his people. It is what his late sister taught him, so that he would grow up to hold the title as Prince of Ocs with pride, and he hopes that she is proud of him, wherever she was. But he is no fool, and he knows there is a reason why the princess began to avoid him in the first place. And he also knows, that even if there is reason why his childhood friends call him possessive, he is no jailer. So there is nothing he can do if his things wanted to leave him.
         No matter how badly he wants to hold on to it. 
        "Unless there's somewhere else you'd rather be."
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oyxagonal · 7 years
kovyou [ x ]
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
        "You're avoiding me." The words, low and obvious, come out colder than he means for them to. But they belie the expression on his face, a complicated combination of frustration and sadness—there was only so much of this dreary game of chase he could take, after all. He absolutely hates it, how vulnerable and weak he probably looks right now, but he's thankful that, at the very least, she can't see it.
        Kaede is no fool, and he knows that. They had already been through this before and he is sure that she knows the way he works: be honest with him, or else he won't understand. So when the princess started to play her game of avoidance tag, Kies had decided to wait until she was ready to tell him what was wrong herself. But slowly the long days began to turn into even longer weeks, and the fear he thought had overcome long ago slowly began to creep back into his chest. Kies never thought he'd have to worry about losing Kaede, but suddenly it felt as if one day she would just up and disappear from his life, nowhere to be found.
        The prince buries his face into her dark hair, filling his lungs with her scent. Considering the fact that the princess had been trying to escape from his grasp just now, he doesn't doubt she is uncomfortable. But he isn't about to give her any other options right now; he needs this—deserves this—after being tortured with her absence for so long. Her warmth, her scent... Kies never knew it was possible to miss someone that was in the same castle as him this badly, until now.
        He continues to hold her for a while longer in silence, letting himself become lost in her comforting essence. Shifting his head, he notices that there is a heat radiating from the place where her face rests against his chest. Kies can't see a thing, but the notion of being the cause of the princess' red cheeks is enough to reassure him of his fears just the slightest.
        "Don't forget, you belong to me." he murmurs softly against her ear, more for himself than for her. "Your place is right by my side, even if the world falls into ruin."
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oyxagonal · 7 years
⟨ kaede ⟩
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     She should have expected that answer–but it still manages to catch her by surprise.  Kies wasn’t one to leave people alone should they need help, even if his profile was more aloof than others.  Gratitude begins to swell inside her, but she pushes it down as her pessimism begins to plant doubts in her mind.  
    She wasn’t very optimistic about finding anything new, and the last thing she wanted to do was to waste someone else’s time in pursuit of answers that may not even be here. Lecord theoretically had the kingdom’s archive recorded here, but it seemed like the family she came from was a mystery to everyone in this world.  
   “…Chivalry isn’t dead in this world.  Never change, Kies-san.  It’s a good trait to have.” She replies teasingly, albeit a little forced as she readies her apology talk if and when they turn up empty of information.  A hand goes to the jade pendant and dream ring that hung around her neck, fingers wrapping around the carved jade–
   It’ll be fine.  
   She stops as the carved number of ‘45′ stands out, a small sigh escaping.  She had seen plenty of magic in this world and even used it herself–but for some reason she still couldn’t believe in it fully.  At least she had some acceptance now, but the distant idea that she was in a coma and having a long dream sometimes entertained itself in her head.  
   “An encyclopedia would be a good start.  Can you grab that one?”  She asks, as she points towards the higher shelf.  The book seemed to be leather bound, and thick enough to possibly have a wide variety.  Her eyes scan the shelf nearest to her– Elemental Magic, Spell Books, History of Alchemy…but none seemed to pop out as a good choice.  
   “I’ll go further down to see if there’s any books on magical items or jewely.  Would you mind looking through that one?”  
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
        The prince let out a chuckle at the other's light teasing, but it didn't stop him from taking notice of her usual nervous antics. He'd learned over the course of their time together that whenever Kaede reached for her necklace, it meant she was having doubts and anxieties about the situation at hand. He doesn't say anything though—she wasn't as weak as she believed herself to be, after all.
        Kies grabs the book she motions towards with ease, raising an eyebrow as he looks at the rather bland title: The Encyclopedia of Magical Objects of the World. Well, it was a start at least.
        "Sure." he replies curtly to her request. "Let me know if you need my help."
        With that, Kies moves towards one of the nearby wooden tables and takes a seat, going through the book's pages one by one. The prince is confident that he had been around the ring of Traümere long enough to say that he had a pretty good idea of its powers and capabilities. That being said, though, there were only so many objects that could be considered to be on par with the Traümere ring, and before Kies realized it he had gone through the entire book in about half an hour.
        In a moment of sheer curiosity, the prince turns towards the front of the leatherbound book and looks through its details. The date catches his eye—it was written only about 5 years prior to the current year. While the prince wasn't aware of the full details, he did know that the incident regarding Traümere occurred at least 18 years ago. With practically all information regarding the Kingdom of Dreams having disappeared around that time, it was no wonder that the book contained close to no information at all; it was very likely that its authors had forgotten about or possibly had never even heard of the Kingdom of Dreams to begin with.
        With this in mind, Kies quickly returns the encyclopedia to its spot on the shelves before going off to look for his princess to inform her of his realization. It doesn't take him long—they were the only two in the entire place, after all—to find her at a table not unlike the one he was at earlier, deeply engrossed in a book of her own. While he is loathe to interrupt her, the prince does not exactly have much other choice.
        "Kaede, did you find anything so far?"
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oyxagonal · 7 years
"What did one horse say to the other horse? I recognize your pace, but not your mane."
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        He's utterly speechless. congratulations, you've struck it rich
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oyxagonal · 7 years
⟨ kaede ⟩
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     Normally, she wouldn’t mind being in a room full of books–but the intimidating room that was Lecord’s library made her feel overwhelmed to the point where she already felt exhausted despite doing no research yet.  While she could argue that she really was interested in her “family’s” and this world’s history,  there’s a vague hope lingering that the internet could be invented here to help ease the flow of information.  
    “Volker-san said it would be from shelf 45 - 50…”  She mumbles back, a sigh escaping.  Her gaze scans the room, looking for the marker that indicated where the history would be located–but she only sees the roman numerals up to “20″ at first glance.  
   If her “family” was so important to this world, why did there seem to be such little information on hand?  Even Kuyou had only the bare basics of what her duty was supposed to be.  While Lecord’s archive promised a wealth of knowledge, she wonders if they’ll actually give her new information she could use.  
   But she doubted answers would fall that easily into her lap.  
   “The numbers go towards the left so 40 should be around there.”  She turns and starts to walk towards that direction before pausing, turning back towards the jewel prince.  
   “You should ask if they have any novels here.  I might be awhile…Sorry Kies-san.”
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
        "Don't be a fool," he huffs, crossing his arms as he follows right behind her. "Did you really think I'd let you do all the work on your own?"
        While he doesn't deny that the library atmosphere of the place gives him the slight urge to bury himself in one of Fujime's novels, there was no time for leisure when there was work to be done—especially if it was Kaede's. Kies had enough common sense to not sit around when his princess had work he could help out with.
        The prince was aware of how important this would be to her; how could you fight an enemy if you didn't even understand yourself and the powers you had? While ideally her small animal butler—Navi, was it?—would've been the most helpful with this, it was apparent that he had his own reasons for not telling Kaede what she wanted to know. Though it meant that the princess had her work cut out for her, it also meant that he could stay by her side like this.
        And Kies couldn't say that he had any complaints about that.
        "This isn't the only room they have," he starts, motioning his head to the various exits and entrances in the room. "I heard from Miyuki that the archives here stretch in all directions and even underground. If we don't find what you're looking for here, we'll probably have to move to other areas until we find something that'll help you."
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oyxagonal · 7 years
⟨ iitaka ⟩
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❝You’d be surprised.  I don’t treat her like how I treat you.❞  
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
        "That sounds both concerning and disturbing, coming from you."
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oyxagonal · 7 years
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
        "It's a good thing that the people at Lecord gave you permission to access their archives but..."
        Sharp eyes glance at their surroundings—walls and walls are lined with books and documents that stretch towards the high ceiling, the sunlight penetrating through the glass ceiling and filtering down to fill the large space. The country was known for their tenacious pursuit as the recorders of time, but few were able to keep up with the workload that it amounted to. The grand yet orderly room they were in was only a small result of that effort.
        Kies looks back towards the princess with a dubious expression. She had asked him to accompany her here (though in a rather roundabout fashion that was typical of her), and while on one hand it was amusing in a way, it often left him with doubt and hesitation, as he never knew what she was truly thinking.
        "Do you even know where to start?"
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oyxagonal · 7 years
⟨ a NOT sword husband ⟩
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❝I see why she keeps you around–it’s more for looks than personality, isn’t it.❞  
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    ⎯  ✦  ⎯
        "She definitely doesn't keep you around for your personality."
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