merodythann · 23 days
Yuichi Nakamura voicing a pillow in a commercial
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hatsumishinogu · 2 years
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Mada mada, iiko iikotte shite
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jpopstreaming · 2 years
🆕 「 Iiko Waruiko Daisensou」 by Tim&U Available for streaming worldwide!🌐 Added to our weekly playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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gantergg · 1 year
Приветик, житель тумблера, немного обо мне и моем блоге :)
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ имя мое Аня, годиков мне 28 (◕‿◕)
Родилась и жила до своего пленения городом Ростов до 26 в таком жутковатом и слегка я бы так сказала необычным городе Шахты. Всегда жила в своем мирке хикканства, чтения книг, просмотра сериалов, но меня из него вырвали, не сказала бы что насильно, но всё же теперь всё по-другому. в 2021 я решила похудеть, мой вес был 83кг, и вуаля на сегодня я уже вешу 57кг. Это наверное моё главное достижение, то что я делала на протяжении многого времени и мне удалось. У меня есть водительские права, поэтому берегись пешеход! А теперь добавим категоричности моему описанию: ♡ Что же я читаю? ♡ да если честно, всё подряд и психологию, и фантастику, и романы, и детективы, и ужасы. Книжный меломан я такой. Любимые жанры - фантастика и ужасы. Книги в подростковом возрасте были из жанра Академия вампиров, циклов Джорджины Кинкейд и всего такого вамирно-сумеречного. Потом пошла сталкерская тема апокалипсиса и Метро. А затем мне голову Стивен Кинг вскружил. Самая любимая книга - это 'барабанная дробь' Унесенные ветром.
♡ Что смотрит Анечка? ♡ Предпочитаю сериалы фильмам, любимый сериал это "Во все тяжкие", а по жанрам опять же всё подряд, когда-то обожала сериалы по плану Дневников вампира. Детективы и драмы моя любоф. Всё про жизнь и чтобы прям вот чтобы за душу драло.
♡ Во что играемся? ♡
Моей любимой игрой всегда была и будет Dead by Daylight. Еще когда у меня не было навороченного компьютера, я часами могла смотреть стримы по ней. Меня даже забанили в ней, из-за друга читера, но интереса я не потеряла, видимо на долгие годы. Еще мне нравятся игрушки побегать с квестами по типу Ведьмака и Horizen Zero Down(это божественная игруля) Так же играла и мне понравилась Life is Strange. В своё время в универе задротила в доту, фу какая гадость:D ♡ Что слушаем? ♡ Я меломанка. Мой основной плейлист состоит из почти 3тысяч песен. Там рок, альтернатива, клубные, регги, реп и всё всё всё. Любимая группа - Птицу Емъ и Cage the elephant. Список самых любимых треков:
⋆ Pizdec - Tenebrax ⋆ ⋆ Pet Sematary - Starcrawler ⋆ ⋆ На Урале холода - невиди́мка ⋆ ⋆I’m So - Miyavi, NVDES, Seann Bowe ⋆ ⋆Ain't No Rest For The Wicked-Cage The Elephant ⋆ ⋆Криминал - Циркониевый Браслет ⋆ ⋆ Lift Me Up - Moby ⋆ ⋆ After Dark - Mr.Kitty ⋆ ⋆ Maniac - Carpenter Brut, Yann Ligner ⋆ ⋆ Never Land - The Sisters of Mercy ⋆ ⋆ To All of You - Syd Matters ⋆ ⋆ Dead Inside - Younger Hunger ⋆ ⋆ Far from Any Road - The Handsome Family ⋆ ⋆ Капитан, возьми меня в рейс - БЫДЛОЦЫКЛ⋆ ⋆ Герой моих детских грёз - Аффинаж ⋆
♡ Вид деятельности и профессии ♡
По образованию инженер-программист, учили нас в универе всему что угодно по немногу, а потом отправили в жизнь, справляться самостоятельно. По итогу я устроилась в техподдержку ресторанного оборудования на по IIKO и работаю с этим уже третий год. Сижу на чатиках и решаю проблемы людей из рестиков. Уже если честно выгораю, чувствую что нужно менять вид деятельности, поэтому мой знакомый фронтендер подкинул мне идеи. И еще недавно мой друг предложил заняться чем-то вроде администрирования серверов на линуксе, но пока я в раздумьях, хотя он и подкинул мне множество квестов-задачек, связанных с этим, чтобы попробовала и подготовилась к собеседованию. Пока я работаю где работаю, мне платят за это хорошо, мне хватает даже откладывать некоторые суммы на будущее.
♡ Планы на жизнь ♡ Уже почти два года я живу с молодым человеком, которого люблю всем сердцем и душой, с которым хочу в старости ворчать на остальных. Наши планы в отношении семьи покупка дома, завести ребенка(с чем у меня есть проблема - поликистоз, лечусь) и жить проживать, да добра наживать. Планы на работу - это уйти в программирование, хочу во фронтенд, двумя ногами, буду стараться. Развитие - продолжать читать книги, увеличить их количество и качество. Фигура - похудеть я похудела, но вот закрепить бы всё это спортом, подтянуть. И куча мелочей-хотелок что-то вроде сделать красивую кухню, пересмотреть сериалы из списков желания, которых тьма как много, дочитать все что планировала дочитать, короче выполнить все свои делишки, но они только копятся пока что. А выгляжу вот так вот
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iiko iiko totemo iiko
btw who should be the fox spirit? ivory or ebony dragon?
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lifevessel3298 · 7 months
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Iiko, The Wanderer (before General of Old Afterlife Guard)
Iiko has a tough life in Old Afterlife. First is her family is just disappeared like a wind and she thinks they're dead. Second is greed people uses her trust for their goals and they tried to kill or rob her, now she's don't trust strangers and if you want to be her friend, you need to prove to be worthy for her trust. Her character is cold, concentrated and calm like a water surface. Her weapon is scythe - the gift from Old Afterlife Guard. She protect Old Afterlife many years and she still learning her battle style and be more stronger.
After cataclysm, what falls on Old Afterlife and destroyed all people and Guard is turned into Knights of Forgotten Light, she leaves that place, giving a beginning of finding a reason of life.
Her cloak - is her another gift, what she appreciates it and still wearing it.
Now her goal is find someone and more important - find New Afterlife... if that exist for her.
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xbuster · 1 year
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So the name Ranma chose for his disguise as Ryoga’s sister is... “good girl.” In Japanese, “good girl” is usually written “iiko,” but “yoi” is the original form of “ii.”
Ranma is a Good Girl.
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holidxyy · 29 days
mama, mite, hora boku sugoi desho?
「nadenade shiyou, iiko dane」
ookiku habataku harukana yume o boku, kanaeru kara ne
machigai janai yo machigai janai
dekisokonai dato warawa naide
ne e itsuka no you ni boku o dakishimete hoshii
oite ikanaide soba ni itai
boku wa doushite boku ni natta nda
itami o kazoete
machigai janai yo machigai janai
botan hitotsu de umareka waretara
tsugi wa anata no atari ga ii na
man b quiet
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luna-rainbow · 7 months
Hello! Just picking the hive brain here. I am in the middle of writing a fic where some characters converse in Japanese. The amount of Japanese sentences is not many (less than 5 lines each chapter) and every line that is in Japanese is followed by an English translation in the text.
My dilemma is that I could either write it in romaji/transliterated Japanese, which would make it look more consistent with the English alphabet system that's used for the rest of the fic; or I could write it in proper Japanese text, which would make it much easier to be read by text-to-speech readers. When I've left the romaji in there, it gets totally butchered by "Read Aloud" type readers.
Example original Japanese:
He pulled up the chair at the counter and sat back down. “いい子と思いますよ。” —I think he’s a good kid.
vs transliterated Japanese:
He pulled up the chair at the counter and sat back down. “Iiko to omoimasu yo.” —I think he’s a good kid.
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luvvchiitose · 1 year
Harry Potter and nintama rantarou crossover i–
Do you think those students will enter which dorm?
『Hogwarts dorm headcanon !』
Summary: which one of the character will enter Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and ravenclaw! (🍡+🌻)
[Author note: i add the kunoichi too because there's a lack of content of them :(. It's hard to divide them when they all seem to fit into Gryffindor. many may feel that what I put here may not suit some of them but this is what I think is most suitable for the headcanon I wrote for them ]
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⌗ Gʀʏғғɪɴᴅᴏʀ
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• rantarou
• shinbei
• kirimaru
• danzo
• torawaka
• denshichi
• tsurumachi
• heita
𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• saburouji
• sakon
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• sakubei
• sannosuke
𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• takiyashamaru
• ayabe
• takamaru
• mikiemon
𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• saburou
𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• kema
𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦
• yuki
• ukko
• mika
• oshige
⌗ Sʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• heidayuu
• sakichi
• hatsushima
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• magohei
𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• heisuke
𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦
• ayaka
• naomi
• iiko/inoko
⌗ Hᴜғғʟᴇᴘᴜғғ
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• isuke
• kisanta
• kingo
• sanjiro
• ippei
𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• shirobei
• haniwa
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• kazuma
• samon
𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• hama
𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• takeya
• raizou
𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• isaku
• koheita
𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦
• souko
• akko
• eeko
⌗ ʀᴀᴠᴇɴᴄʟᴀᴡ
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• shouzaemon
• hikoshirou
• ayakashimaru
𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• kyuusaku
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• tounai
𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• ohama
𝐒𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞
• monjirou
• senzou
• chouji
𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐢 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦
• tomomi
• shiori
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suzakushimon · 1 year
lb6 vocaloid/utau playlist by me for me
dreamless dreams - Harumaki Gohan
strato stella - NayutalieN
canopus - NayutalieN
tasokare no iiko - Yukuewat
lucid - INE music
replica - sasakure.UK
utage - john
higan - john
shinin butoukai - Amano Kosoado
samsa - teniwoha
sekai saishinkou tokku - rokuro
what’s inside - PinocchioP
quiet room -  有機酸/ewe
momoiro no kagi - iyowa
milk crown on sonechka - yuzy
psi - r-906
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birthday-of-music · 1 year
@mattsblogwherehedoesshit maigo maigo mattadanaka saa pa pa para paranoi a giko giko mai kokoro sentei pa pa para paranoia tairo tairo tatta karamatta pa pa para paranoia sad sad tsuppushita kara pa pa para paranoia saa ba ba bagu saa bagu bagu ta ta tagu saino no tagu mou ha ha hagu kanjou wo hagu hassou kurushii wa iya iya iya iya iya iya maa zekkyou na kanjou rakka papparanoia oboregoe agete wa guruguru maa zettai zetsumei ratta yattara mettara shizume yume yume iya iya iya saa ba ba bagu saa bagu bagu matohazure zure jiai iya iya saa ba ba bagu saa bagu bagu kotae tae dae iya iya iya iya iya iya kurukuru pakkan keihou matte muri guruguru seeno de maware (guruguruguruguru) aaa pakkan keihou yappa muri guruguru anyo ni kusari (guruguruguru) endoresu yami? aha dakko dakko iranai ko da pa pa para paranoia iiko iiko ganbara no hanran adominisatoretaa aa ba ba bagu saa bagu bagu ra ra ragu rantaimu ragu ro ro rogu hankou no rogu ba ba bagu pa pa pa la pa pa paranoia papparanoia papparanoia iya iya saa zekkyou na kanjou rakka papparanoia hidari migi yukue mo guruguru hisan genkai no kuruchatte yattara mettara yami mo yoe yoe inainaiba inainai batten zekkyou na kanjou rakka papparanoia oboegoe agete wo guruguru maa zettai zetsumei rakka yattara mettara kogoe koe hate iya iya iya saa ba ba bagu saa bagu bagu tadare are are hiai iya iya saa ba ba bagu saa bagu bagu kuro mamise risei iya iya iya ima ima ima iya iya iya iya iya iya iya iya iya
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imasallstars · 2 years
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The cover arts for THE IDOLM@STER LIVE THE@TER SOLO COLLECTION 11 albums has been released.
This album will feature solo versions of all 765 MILLION STARS idols and only available in purchase in the THE IDOLM@STER MILLION LIVE! 9thLIVE ChoruSp@rkle!! live on the 14th and 15th of January 2023
Princess Stars Tracklist:
Tr.01 Princess Be Ambitious!! ~Matsuri Tokugawa Solo ver.~ Tr.02 Manatsu no Diamond☆ ~Kotoha Tanaka Solo ver.~ Tr.03 SHISHINPENSHIN ~Noriko Fukuda Solo ver.~ Tr.04 Saku wa Ukiyo no Kimi Hanabi  ~Nao Yokoyama Solo ver.~ Tr.05 Curtsy Flower ~Umi Kousaka Solo ver.~ Tr.06 LOVE is GAME ~Yuriko Nanao Solo ver.~ Tr.07 Melody in scape ~Minako Satake Solo ver.~ Tr.08 Memento? Moment♪ Rurururu☆ ~Mirai Kasuga Solo ver.~ Tr.09 ESPADA ~Iku Nakatani Solo ver.~ Tr.10 Give Me Metaphor ~Kana Yabuki Solo ver.~ Tr.11 Sorairo♡ Birthday Card ~Sayoko Takayama Solo ver.~ Tr.12 Spade no Q ~Emily Stewart Solo ver.~ Tr.13 Pan to Film ~Arisa Matsuda Solo ver.~
Fairy Stars Tracklist:
Tr.01 I did+I will ~Subaru Nagayoshi Solo ver.~ Tr.02 Primula ~Shizuka Mogami Solo ver.~ Tr.03 P.S I Love You ~Tomoka Tenkubashi Solo ver.~ Tr.04 KING of SPADE ~Tsumugi Shiraishi Solo ver.~ Tr.05 ReTale ~Megumi Tokoro Solo ver.~ Tr.06 Parade d'amour ~Shiho Kitazawa Solo ver.~ Tr.07 Paradox of Love ~Julia Solo ver.~ Tr.08 Last Actress ~Mizuki Makabe Solo ver.~ Tr.09 Souzou wa Hajimari no Kaze o Tsurete ~Roco Handa Solo ver.~ Tr.10 Kyouki Ranbu ~Momoko Suou Solo ver.~ Tr.11 Criminally Dinner ~Seisan to Evil Knife~ ~Ayumu Maihama Solo ver.~ Tr.12 Shamrock Vivace ~Chizuru Nikaido Solo ver.~ Tr.13 Diamond Clarity ~Rio Momose Solo ver.~
Angel Stars Tracklist:
Tr.01 PIKO PIKO IIKO! INVADER ~Hinata Kinoshita Solo ver.~ Tr.02 CHEER UP! HEARTS UP! ~Anna Mochizuki Solo ver.~ Tr.03 Fushigi Traveler ~Reika Kitakami Solo ver.~ Tr.04 Flooding ~Akane Nonohara Solo ver.~ Tr.05 Shooting Stars ~Serika Hakozaki Solo ver.~ Tr.06 Jireru Heart ni Hi o Tsukete ~Miya Miyao Solo ver.~ Tr.07 DIAMOND JOKER ~Tsubasa Ibuki Solo ver.~ Tr.08 Big Bang's Volleyball!!!!! ~Fuka Toyokawa Solo ver.~ Tr.09 Clover's Cry ~Kami to Kamioroshi no Shoujo~ ~Tamaki Ogami Solo ver.~ Tr.10 St. Million Jogakuen Kouka ~Karen Shinomiya Solo ver.~ Tr.11 Trèfle de Noël ~Elena Shimbara Solo ver.~ Tr.12 White Vows ~Konomi Baba Solo ver.~ Tr.13 Hoshizora no Voyage ~Kaori Sakuramori Solo ver.~
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meandmyechoes · 1 year
Kingohger ep19
i know i said this is the first week i hadn't felt nervous but i turned on the computer to write the little pre-essay and got myself worked up thinking about hcs lol the magic of midnights i guess also i woke/was woken up at 5am this morning
homemade extended nitiasa with Blazar-kun :)
gosh i'm like dying for more Kagu-Yanma common man combo
lmao the throne room has to have best only reliable internet reception
take the crumb of Rita naming Yanma first? But! Rita is on first-name basis face-to-face with the team now!
The OP visual is one continuous shot of them all standing together 😭😭😭😭
"You were worried about me, Kuwagon?" "I'm alright :)" talking-to-the-Shugods Gira is the cutest
Blue and White are making up? YESSSSS Grandson combi? Kidult combi? Prankster combi???
I'll never not laugh at Jeramie calling Racles 'that brat'
Racles stress relief squeeze ball… merch it bandai or you're a coward
hi jeramie you know that iiko grandson of yours called you the culprit 2 episodes ago
they don't have to be showing Jeramie and Yanma walked right past Kaguragi but it's so funny
Suzume can make outward calls the whole time??? (or she's just benefitting from the chaos)
Suzume carrying the whole Shugoddom National Theatre troupe they should've let her train one in those 15 years if only she needn't be kept secret
the reaction difference between improv theatre with kurokos vs. with Shuggodom guards lol
i'm not entirely sure but… if Suzume is helping Racles make sure his guards are safe (because they both know the guards are too loyal to leave their king)…
Douga-san… his old-fashioned loyalty + quick to adapt. lately Douga-san has been shown quite positively huh HEY WHERE'S BOSHIMARU
hi i'd like to donate to the Get Shugoddom's Green Screen A Real Carpet/Brick Road Fund
gawd did not expect my tears to break formation at the orphange reunion
fking flute ver of inferno
the people's recognition *single tear*
this ep is just full power Racles whump huh
Grandson combo
yo nkosopa bgm new arrangement
is racles overacting here 🤔 (racels's second-rate villain act, not yano-san's)
"The King will not escape"… (ep17 title)
??? who's the villain here???
did Jeramie just called Racles worse than 'what came out from the bottom' (shit. he meant racles is shit.)
so Gira doesn't want his brother dead 😏 or does he not want Yanma a killer? 🤔😏
eh iyaiyaiya kingoh can you stop with the tone whiplash??
*claps* good the script remembered to resolve Yanma and Jeramie' conflict in ep13. Grandpa-son combi YESSS
omg Rita-sama 🙇🙇 late to the group henshin and had Morfonia work over time so they can fit Ohsama Sentai into the acronym NERD
[outside the gate] Kaguragi: do we still wait for rita or go in first Himeno: well the boys can't stall much longer i'll have to make sure rita's timing is perfect
[jumping up and down from the awesome fights to OP]
this level of female-female ranger combo action… used to be the crossover extravaganza 😭😭
they can perform such a compliated choreo in such narrow space SAs saikou 😭😭
YES I LOVE THANK YOU FOR BOTH KAGU AND YANMA CROUCHING while dismissingly shooting at MOTW like the grassroots they were
they have six people but divide into 4 groups
literally i'm 3 years old again what's better than Super Sentai
"The only crime I should be accounted for" sigh I know this line will come back to bite us re ep1
Himeno-sama you can't keep acting cute towards Rita to get what you want… They are about to run out of social battery
them getting in each other's way - what kind of basis is this for me to develop a partnership obesession with these two
rita scream i asked for just last night?
duel? DUEL? DUEL??? MY EPISODE 18?? brothers showdown i asked for last week??
they chose a low ground to duel this time
Yano Masato = Tom Holland of Kingohger
that's the same mantle as Lionel's…
ngl slightly disappointed at Suzume's boring white dress
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this man's soul has left his body
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lokisis · 1 year
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i dont know if im gonna Post these any time soon bc i probably wanna edit em a bucnh but i Humaned my sona for knockoff ace attonrye sprites :)
i thinkj later im gonna try to mimic the (hd) style more but for now heres Torch Iiko, official errand girl of japanifornias lapd xp
These are beautiful! Def gonna draw them at some point :3
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demonslayerscript · 25 days
Zenitsu has special ears.
From Episode 12 “The Boar Bares Its Fangs, Zenitsu Sleeps.”
善逸(ハッ!なんて良い子なんだ、こんな怯えた‘音’になってるのに。俺が何とかしなくちゃ。俺が守ってあげないと可哀想だろ!! 享年が一桁とか、あんまりだぞ!!)
Zen’itsu (Ha! Nante iiko nanda, konna obieta ‘oto’ni natteru-noni. Orega nantoka shinakucha. Orega mamotte-agenaito kawaiso-daro!! Kyonenga hito-keta-toka, anmari-dazo!!)
Zenitsu (What a great kid this is! Even though I’m making terrified sounds like this! I gotta find a way somehow! If I don’t protect him, what will become of him? Dying before he reaches double digits would be way too tragic!)
I think red-colored sentence should be “Even though he’s making such terrified sounds!”. As the original Japanese line doesn’t have the subject, we can just guess, so I’m not 100% sure, but I think Zenitsu is talking about Shoichi here.
By the way, blue-colored word “Kyonen”(享年/きょうねん) means “the age the person died”. In Japanese, if we say “彼は享年15歳でした/かれは、きょうねん15さいでした/Karewa kyonen ju-go-sai deshita.”, we understand he already died at the age of 15.
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