#ii wandering sanity au
The content you've posted of Sickphone4, made me think a lot about ws mp4 again
Its fun to think about ws mp4 the one guy who survived through an end of object kind to just a cough and then just thinking with our phone guy being sick and coughing everything's gonna repeat itself.
Its either that or ws mp4 saying smth in the best way could "Cough., Get River", and in short threatening to chuck dude into a river for coughing /silly
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i just felt like drawin lol
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cookieseals · 8 months
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Sorry for the long wait for me to finish this, I went all out on SE!MP4's design so yea...- Changed some things on his floofy tail...-
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itsnotjustgibberish · 10 months
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Bogland Part II
Bigb, a sailor, finds his way back to [non-specified tropical islands] and meets Cleo. The two of them grow close until tragedy strikes and he kills her. He pleads insanity when put on trial in hopes to lessen his punishment, but is instead treated with electroshock therapy and slowly loses his sanity. He wanders the shores on foot or boat each night, pondering existence and the universe, until eventually a familiar siren song lures him to sea.
They may still reunite in the afterlife, but who’s to say that resentment will not run rampant after such a betrayal?
Based on Miracle Musical’s album, Hawaii Part II! Highly recommend
Bigb takes the role of the main protagonist (or Simon/Resident Minor), Cleo takes the role of the love interest [or Stella Octangula]
This au isn’t inherently shipping; I won’t really consider the content I make for it as such but I’m fine with it being reinterpreted/adding to in that way as long as you’re being respectful of boundaries, and tagging as needed
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Finally some other concept drawings!
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oscconfessions · 3 months
sooo hi
I think it's time yall get informed about some MePhone4 selfcest ships that exist cuz uhh i wanna confess about my love for them:
Snackshot - The one and only two fellas, Acorn4 from the Acorn AU and GKGG MePhone4 is from the II GKGG AU, it's probably the most well known here since i post and wont stfu about them, the gentle giant x short guy stuff.. they heal eachother and stuff from their traumas as their like yin and yang, they balance eachother so perfectly to me
Singer's Corporate Diner - It is with Acorn4 x GKGG MePhone4 involved but with another au called CS MP4/Samsing4 from the Company Swap AU. it's kinda bouncing off of the whole thing of the two helping Samsing4 get out of their troubles and just overall comfort eachother. (So Samsing4 x GKGG MePhone4 x Acorn4)
Universal Feast - This is a ship between SE MePhone4 from the II Starring Exploration AU with Acorn4 again from the II Acorn AU, just more of a ship of dumbass squirrel x nerdy space man
Idk if yall get if the ship name always include smth related to food when it has Acorn4 in it cuz Acorn4 is a fatass... but I love him sm.. He really collects a bunch of bitches by being a sweet ahh guy
The only au I don't use for shipping is for Wandering Sanity MePhone4, bro is asexual and stuck in literally the apocalypse so what kind of girlfriend ya gonna pick up there djgndjgjg
soo have a good day learning about the "mephoneverse"/silly
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ziracona · 11 months
I return! Intro to The Kid Act II. As always, tumblr gets it first. [Fate/GO AU – The Kid (pt: 1, … 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, ?)]{Some spoilers for original Grand Order run/through Temple of Time, vague situational spoilers for later arcs}
The sky is grey.
That’s what I thought, when I got here. I knew there was a sun, because there’s light back behind the clouds, but, I can never quite see it.
That’s not quite right, though.
I’ve been watching it now, for a really long time, and it changes. Sometimes, you can see beyond the clouds that block out the sun, and the sky past them is grey, like a desaturated photograph. But, sometimes, if you’re watching for it, the clouds part, and the sky flickers like a candle, and it’s blue. It’s not a normal change, like weather. It’s a quick one, back, and forth. Like a glitch in the world. Like it can’t decide what it’s meant to be.
I’m trying hard, to think about this, because I don’t want to think about anything else that’s happening.
It’s too much. It’s too big, too awful.
How can a person even think about something like that?
I still don’t get what happened. I don’t get where I am.
I think nobody does.
Well, not nobody, I think, watching the man in white with peach hair, walking nearby, deep in conversation with about six other people. They know what’s going on.
I could ask. A lot of us have. But, what would the point be?
I’m not stupid. I know whatever is going on, it’s really bad. They’re scared, and they’re the ones who managed to snatch us away from…whatever that was, and put us here. If they don’t know how to fix it, no way I could. Maybe it’s better not knowing at all.
So stupid.
I…I keep thinking, “Mom’s at home all alone. I didn’t ask anyone to check up on her. I was supposed to be home two hours ago. She’ll be so confused. What if she wanders out again? What if she thinks we still live Esso and gets lost, wondering where the mountains went? What’ll I do if she gets hurt, without me there to look out for her?”
But that’s so stupid.
She’s gone. She…has to be. There was…everything, is gone. Everything. Everything but the…the fucking 200 people in this weird…thing we’re in. Everything.
And what’s the point, without her?
What does it even matter, if I die? What’s left to go back to? Not just her. …everything. It’s all…
I didn’t hear anybody get close. I must be losing my senses too, not just my sanity.
I look up, and it’s one of this group of whatever they are. She looks normal, but, I remember, before, when the big walls of nothing were closing in around us, she was one of them, running around screaming for people to get close. I think she’s the one I came to.
“You’re hurt,” she says, worriedly, “What can I do to help?”
I stare at her, and forget to answer.
“I-Is it really bad?” She kneels down, and reaches over for my shoulder.
“I’m not hurt.” I hear my own voice. Empty, confused.
“But you’re bleeding?” she says, puzzled. Her hand touches the left side of my chest, and I feel no pain, like I expect, but I look down, and the front of my jacket is covered in blood.
What the hell?!? I think in, as dissociated as I feel, I believe still a pretty fair amount of alarm.
“What?!” That can’t be. I was fine eighteen seconds ago. Wasn’t I?
“What happened to you?” she asks, fear level rising, and she pulls my jacket off, taking a bag off her shoulder and dropping it on the ground. I see a medical kit inside. No idea where she got a thing like that. She sure didn’t have it earlier. “Doctor Roman!”
The man with peach hair looks over in surprise, but not the kind of surprise I expected, which is strange. I don’t really have time to wonder about it. He stops what he was doing and runs for us though, at the sound of the tone in her voice.
“I’m really fine, I think…” I say, still confused, as bad as this admittedly looks for me. The hell would have hurt me? I wasn’t one of the people getting chucked around like a baseball by those freakishly strong guys. All I did was go stand by the redhead when she started screaming and crying. Hard to argue with the massive amount of wet blood on my chest, though. I…guess at least I don’t feel it. ?
“What? What’s wrong?” asks the Doctor, out of breath as he reaches us.
“I don’t know,” says the redhead, who I finally realize has been trying to get my shirt off so she can tell—damn I’m out of it…–and I comply, helping her, “But he—”
We both stop and stare. The shirt comes off, and I’m fine. I’m looking at my bare chest, and there’s not even a scratch. We look at each other, then at the shirt as one, and I see no red. Kind of worried, we make eye contact, and I turn it right-side-out while she goes for the jacket.
How is that possible? Clean—well—as clean as they were after a day of wearing them. No blood.
What the fuck?
None on my hands either. None on hers.
“…He’s? Concussed?” guesses the Doctor, taking a knee too, at least as confused as we are.
“No…he,” says the redhead, looking about like I feel.
“There was blood,” I say, almost to myself, mystified.
“There was what?” echoes the Doctor, looking to me. I shrug. Maybe I’ve gone completely insane. Maybe we all have.
Honestly, that would be a relief. Maybe Mom would be okay.
“He…When I walked up, his jacket and shirt were covered in blood—like—like Billy, the first time I saw him,” says the redhead, looking like she’s worried he’ll think she made it up, “Like he’d been shot.”
There was just blood, not a tear, not a bullet hole in the jacket. Why say ‘shot’? Why…do I…
Weird feeling for a second there. I blink, trying to clear it out of my head, and it goes.
“Huh…” says the Doctor slowly, to her great relief, and my somewhat dulled surprise, completely believing her, “It…could be a lot of things. A temporal fluctuation. An alternate reality, even, bleeding in. There’s a lot happening to time right now.” He’s almost talking to himself, but he turns to look at me then. “Okay look, uh—I know this is a lot, and I know it’s overwhelming, and hard to believe, and I wish I had time to explain, but I can’t—yet—I-I’ll do my best later, just, please. Please take this seriously. If some…” He pauses, grimacing as he thinks about what to say, then he refocuses on me. “If some other version of you. If the version of you meant to exist in time before…that thing that just happened, uh, happened, was going to be shot? It’s possible time trying to rewrite itself—to fix itself to what it’s supposed to be—is affecting you. –Don’t worry, you’ll be alright. Just. Don’t lean into that. You don’t want to be shot. You want to be here, alive, right now, in this place.”
He gestures to the field of swords around us.
“Right? I know everything is overwhelming, and the easiest way to handle that is to try to zone out of it all, but I need you to focus. You not doing that might be having an effect on how…present you are, in a literal sense. And if your other option is shot, you really need to be grounded here. Alright?”
He looks so sincerely worried about me. It’s funny.
“Sure,” I say automatically, “I’ll try.”
He gives a nod, and a worried little smile, then looks at the redhead. “Has this happened to anyone else?”
“Not that I’ve seen,” she replies, “But there’s a lot of people here. I’ll keep looking.”
He gives a nod and starts to stand up, then hesitates and looks at me again, then her, “Take him with you, if—uhm—if you’re alright going.”
“Huh?” I say, having started to zone out again already.
“If you don’t mind,” he says, working to hold my attention, “Go with Ritsuka here, to try and help anyone who was injured. It’ll give you something to focus on, and she can keep an eye, in case that uhm…”
‘Ritsuka’? Why does that…
“Ah,” says the Doctor worriedly. I follow his eyes and look down at my chest, and for an instant, there’s blood, and I feel the bottom drop out of my stomach. Then my chest flickers, like the sky does when it gets blue here, and I’m fine. I look back up at the Doctor. “Go with her,” he says with a lot more force now, like a prescription, and pretty scared by that myself, I nod. He turns to Ritsuka. “Please let me know if that keeps happening, or if it’s happening with anyone else.
She nods.
The Doctor stands back up, and turns back to the waiting group of men who followed him here.
“Wait—Doctor Romani!” she calls, and he stops. That same surprise on his face for just a second before his expression goes neutral, and he looks back at her with the sort of reassuring default smile.
Oh. She got his name wrong. Before. That was why…
“Uhm. Can I do anything to help?” she asks.
The smile becomes more genuine. “You already are. I promise,” he replies.
She nods again, and he turns to the others.
“Is that a bad sign?” asks a man with green hair as he joins them.
“I don’t know,” the Doctor says genuinely.
As they move on, I turn back to the redhead and watch her watching them go.
“Why don’t you go with them?” I ask.
She looks to me then, surprised.
“You’re part of the group. I don’t know what you people are, but you were there, calling us to come to…” I gesture at the space around us. “So, you’re one of them.”
“Oh, uhm. I am,” she agrees. She thinks for a second, then looks back. “It’s hard to explain.”
Big surprise.
“But…there’s things it might be dangerous for me to know. For a good reason, but, I’m not sure how much I’m supposed to tell…other people. I’m sorry.” She does look apologetic.
I pick my shirt back up and pull it on. “Did you people do this?”
“WHAT?” she asks in horror, “No! No, not at all! I would never!”
I come out of the shirt grinning, because it’s such a teenager reaction for her to be having to a situation like this where I can barely think at all. “Okay okay—I believe you,” I say, “But I don’t guess you guys are going to explain any time soon?”
“We’re…trying,” she says, looking around at all the people. Most are sitting down, talking to each other. Some alone, like me, zoned out or thinking. Some trying to help the ones injured by being thrown about. A few more investigating the swords, or walking around, I think trying to see how big this place is. Some were mad, demanding answers and fighting, or scared and hysterical, but that shit died out what must be over an hour ago now.
“Yeah, I guess,” I say, too tired to want to fight. I watch her for a few seconds as I pull on my jacket. I wonder how much you really know. “…Can this be fixed?”
She looks back at me, eyes big and worried.
“Everything?” I gesture, emptily, “It…kind of looked like the world was ending.”
“I think it was,” she says, voice shaky and scared. “But. It can be fixed.” She looks over at the Doctor for a few seconds, then back at me. “Doctor Romani says it might not even have exactly happened yet.”
“Come again?” I say.
“Well,” she says, shifting to face me a little more, “It’s like…you know how in a tsunami, the tip of the wave is the part that hits you first, but it’s not the wave itself—not the real wave, just the crest? Or—maybe more like—you know it’s coming, when the water vanishes, but that’s not the danger yet. Not the actual thing. He says something’s gone wrong, and we’re seeing…the effects, before the trigger. Time is messed up. But, that’s good. Because well, I thought about it, and I'm pretty sure that it means, if we can stop it before it happens, then, none of this will ever be. Everything won’t even really get ‘un-done,’ it’ll just…never have to be like this at all.”
“So…whatever…happened, with the world out there. That big whiteness, burning the world away. That hasn’t happened?” I ask.
She nods. “It’s like…getting pulled into a premonition, kind of. He said it shouldn't have happened, or I guess, it won’t 'really' happen, in linear time, for another two months.”
“So, they’re not really dead?” I ask, sitting up, ears perked.
“They?” she asks.
“-People!” I say excitedly, “My Mom—my friends—everyone! They’re not-?”
She’s nodding.
“Oh thank—why didn’t you people say so?!” I ask, overwhelmed with…I think joy? I almost trip over myself standing up, and offer her a hand. “Come on! Two months? That’s no time to lose! Stand up and fight for it! Just tell me what to do!”
She looks surprised, then smiles shakily, and takes the hand and stands with me. “Right! Okay. First thing is to make sure everyone is at their best, so we can work together. They have to think of a plan, fast, so only the people whose skills don’t help with that are available to look after all the people here. That’s not many of us.”
“Then we find some people who can,” I say, and I turn to the people around us and cup my hands. “Okay people! The world hasn’t ended yet—we can still fix it! Working on a plan! So organize already! Get up! Anybody who has medical skills at all—CPR certification, medical school, I don’t give a shit! If you can set a bone or fix up scrapes, over here with me! Anybody hurt bad, raise your hand or get someone near you to so we can find you easy! Let’s go already!”
Ritsuka looks at me and blinks, then turns and watches as around us, people confer, and some start to get up and walk towards us, from all around. Hands go up. Her expression changes, and I see the fear fade, and she starts to smile. A real one. A happy one this time.
“What?” I say, smiling back, “It’s our world too. Did you think we weren’t gonna want to help?
“Look—I-I don’t have time, to explain all of this.” This is a living nightmare. I am so beyond lost. I know I’m lucky to be alive at all right now, but this entire situation is a wildly unfair twist of luck, or fate, and I do not feel especially lucky right now. I feel emotionally as if I’ve been hit by a bus that then switched to reverse and backed over my mangled body again just for good measure.
“Well, you’re gonna have to explain more,” says Cú Chulainn.
They’re mad. Everyone is mad. Civilians tried to attack us, despite doing our best to explain what’s going on. I thought the Lancer was going to strangle me for a second when we first arrived. I’m pretty sure I’ve made the little girl cry three times. This is my nightmare. I’m living my nightmare, but I still have a shot maybe to fix it, so I can’t give up and die. I’m trapped. In this extended, long, dragged out version, of my nightmare.
Quit complaining. Think hard. You can do this.
Just breathe. And think. And focus. Put all that wisdom to good use, if ever, ever there was a time…
I feel eyes on me—I mean, everyone, has their eyes on me, but, intently. Trying to get me to look back. And I look over and see my father. At least David’s here.
At least I’m not alone. That’s not something I expected, and it’s the only good thing.
He looks so worried about me, and he’s trying to get me to smile at him, and that’s so sad it makes me want to cry, but I can’t, because I have to hold it together. Oh this is hell.
But still. Even as awful as it all is, I appreciate the attempt, and I do feel, minisculely, better.
I guess all things considered, they’re actually being pretty patient, I think with a sigh, letting some small bit of the tension in me out.
Okay. One task at a time. This can be done.
“Alright. Alright…” I turn to the others. I gave people the bare bones on arrival, but we’ve had so much to do—civilians freaking out, two badly wounded enough that I, as the only doctor on hand, really had no choice but to tend them before doing anything else, and with only so much I could or should say, in front of human strangers. And no one liked that. Me included. But what else could I do? “But I’ll have to give you the short version.”
“Do, then,” says Robin.
“Yes,” prompts Mozart, “How did this happen?”
I run a hand along my face, then look up again and mentally count. “Shouldn’t Emiya be here for this?”
“Emiya isn’t going to be here for anything,” snaps Cú Chulainn, “He’s concentrating on running blade works at maximum efficiency, so we can all stay alive as long as possible. I’ll tell him later. Just go.”
“Okay.” I let out a breath, and after triple checking to make sure we’re far enough now from any humans, turn to face them. “I’m…like you,” I say in defeat.
Cu Chulainn blinks, and looks at Billy, then Robin.
“Like us?” says Billy.
I see something click on Robin’s face, and he looks from David, to me. I nod.
“Yeah. I uh…I a—I was, Solomon.”
There’s silence for a second around the group.
I guess, uh, to my benefit, or, something, the hostility in the air significantly lessens.
“Ohhhhh,” says Cú Chulainn, looking from me to David now too, “This actually explains a lot.”
“Yeah, but not the why he knew about the whole world getting erased bit,” adds Robin with significantly less hostility than before.
“He’s getting to it,” says David with patience he’s clearly trying to will on everyone else.
“Look, the short version is, I won a holy grail war. I got my wish. And…” I shrug, exhausted, “The rumors are true. It’s a monkey’s paw. I wished to get off the throne, live once, and get to move on like a human. It took me off, and for some reason, broke every seal I’d left as Solomon when I did. I knew it the instant I was human again, but, it was too late. I had a lot of demons sealed, from when I was alive. One of them, Goetia, is uh…determined to rewrite history—everything, I guess. I knew he was trying to do…some version of this. But, not enough to know when, or exactly how, or to stop him in time. Especially with…the no magical circuits the grail decided to leave me with, no allies, and no one to believe anything I said. And now, you’ve seen what I was trying to prevent, two months before it should have happened at all.”
There’s silence.
“…Shit,” offers Billy finally. I actually appreciate that so much. There’s about 500 possible reactions to what I just said, and I was afraid of about 402 of them.
“The best I could do, after the Grail dumped me here, was try to find a way to survive it happening, and undo it, because I can beat him, but not until I can find him, and I had no way to find him, until he acted,” I finish, “So. That’s why I know. That’s the short version of my context. As for why this is all happening now? …” I shake my head hopelessly. “It shouldn’t be possible. It isn’t. But…”
Robin waits a second, then turns to David. “That’s all true this time, right? I mean, it clearly is, looking at you two, but, for security’s sake I feel like I have to ask.”
David gives a nod.
“Why can’t we tell Rits?” asks Billy.
“Because she can’t shield her mind,” I say, “I have a way to beat him, if I can get close, but I can onlytry it once, and it will only work if I catch him off guard, and the only advantage I have on him at all right now is that he doesn’t know I’m alive. Given I’ve been playing about 18 steps behind this whole time, I’m not going to tell anyone,” I look at David, “-not even you—what my play is, because if he finds out, it’s all over. You’re just going to have to trust me on that one, single thing. But. Beyond it, I just need to keep me being alive, being ‘Solomon,’ completely off his radar. Please. So, Ritsuka can’t know. She can’t keep herself from being mind read, at her level of mage ability, and I just can’t chance it. Not until I know where he is. Not until I’m sure he doesn’t have a way to use that against us.”
They seem to understand that, thank heaven, and not have a problem with it. The worst I get is Kotarou and Billy looking disappointed.
“Aside from that, I’ll do my best to answer anything I can,” I add tiredly.
“…You said you can’t explain why this is happening now, but, you said before it might be a case of the relativity of simultaneity,” says Salieri, thinking it through for himself, “If you’re right in that hypothesis, and we’re seeing two months into the future…early, essentially, I don’t suppose you have any guess as to why?”
I consider again, just in case something will occur, and shake my head. “It can’t be happening early.” I don’t sound sure in my own ears when the words come out, but…it just. can’t. It can’t. This is the only thing that makes sense. If ‘makes sense’ can even be applied to this state of things at all. “So it’s got to be that. But…no. I don’t know why.”
There’s quiet among us for a second.
“Well…know why or not, ain’t this… ‘simultaneity’ experience…a good thing?” suggests Billy.
I glance at him in surprise.
“Well,” he says again awkwardly, looking to Robin for support, then back at me, “You said you were waitin’ for him to act, b’fore you could stop him. Had to hear the gun go off to aim your own, right? So, if you’re seein’ him make a move, don’t that mean you can find him now?”
I stare at him.
“Right? I mean. Even if it ain’t happened in reality, it happened to us. So, it’s even better than it happening when it’s s’posed to, ‘cause maybe then we stop it ‘fore it happens,” adds Billy.
I AM SO STUPID!!! In the midst of all my terrible little panic, THIS hasn’t occurred to me?!?!
“Oh heaven. You’re right,” I say in the voice of someone not remotely there.
“That’s right?” says David, suddenly excited, “Is he right??”
“YES!” I say, having mentally crunched the numbers at warp speed, and launching forward without thinking at all and grabbing Billy, overjoyed, by the shoulders, “I can’t believe it! You’re right! If I can just get to the right equipment! I could even—none of it ever has to happen at all!—”
I am thinking so fast I want to vomit. This is the best I’ve felt since I was incarnated in this form. Oh, God, thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. I can’t believe it! This is a real chance. It won’t be easy, not at all, maybe not even doable, but it’s a chance. A real chance, to avoid it all. To keep it from happening. Oh, I thought it was a curse, but it’s a miracle.
“Okay,” says Cú Chulainn, more relaxed and almost pleased, “So then, we got an idea, good, but what’s the immediate plan going forward?”
Okay okay, he’s right—slow down—think.
“You said ‘if I can get to the right equipment’,” adds Kotarou, “Is that from this Chaldea place you talked about?”
Mood fluctuations like this cannot possibly be good for the heart.
“How can we get from a reality marble to there?” muses Mozart, turning to Salieri, “I mean, if it’s even still there. It might have gotten wiped like everything else that’s not been destroyed but also been destroyed.”
“Schrodinger’s destroyed,” says Robin helpfully.
Mozart nods.
I’m barely processing this, mind racing. Trying to take a gift and a curse and wrap them together into some kind of horrible, workable reality. Uhg, I’m so close and so far, and… There has to be a way. There has to. So then…
“Well, there should be ways to find out,” says David.
“From inside a reality marble??” says Mozart.
“…There is,” I say unhappily as the numbers I’ve been running fall into place.
They all look at me again.
I return the looks, and let out a tired breath. “You’re not gonna like it.”
I don’t like it, and it’s my terrible plan.
Cu Chulainn gives me a grimace.
“—Wait—I’m sorry—before we switch topics for good, I’m gonna be thinkin’ about this all day if I don’t ask real quick—Why were you at Ur-Shanabi if you were in the middle of a long-con?” asks Billy, raising his hand.
Cu Chulainn, Robin, Salieri, Kotarou, and I point to David, who David points to himself.
“—Oh. Duh. Sorry—carry on,” says Billy, flushing and giving an awkward grin.
“Should we get Ritsuka now?” asks Mozart, “Before the terrible plan we’re all going to hate?”
I sigh and nod. “Yeah. We need her for it.”
I look off into the crowd, trying to spot her again. She wanted to go help people when she was asked to step away, and I see her a ways off, talking to an old man. The young man from before is with her, and they seem to have drawn quite a crowd. I shouldn’t be surprised. She’s really something. I feel terrible I’ve dragged her into all this. Why is it always the kindest people who end up being asked to give the most, over and over again? It’s not even fair the first time.
“We need her for it?” I half-hear Cú Chulainn echo behind me. “Oh…shit. You don’t mean…?”
“…I…I think he does,” says Robin in similar disbelieving horror.
“Mean what?” asks Kotarou.
I can only guess from their tone they’ve guessed correctly. I sigh.
“Mozart, any chance you can find something that passes for a leyline?” I ask, turning back to them.
“IN A REALITY MARBLE?” says the Caster, between disgusted and elated at this insane request.
“That passes for one,” I say, exhausted, “It’s a complex inner-scape. The density of magic must be higher somewhere in here than everywhere else.”
“Oh, you’re really going to do it,” he says in horrid fascination. He turns to Salieri. “The man says such terrible things so casually. I love it.”
“Oh, no,” says Kotarou, looking between us, “No no no. That’s never going to work!” He glances desperately over at Ritsuka. “I-I know My Lord has quite the pool of mana, but, she’s already giving Emiya what he needs for Unlimited Blade Works. Even trying to summon another spirit, inside a reality marble? It…”
“It’s crazy,” I agree, turning to face him, “But. We’re out of options.”
That’s the cold, hard, simple truth.
Cu Chulainn has a scowl on his face, deep in thought. “…I hate to say it,” he exhales, glancing up, “But I think he’s right.”
“Will that even work?” asks Billy.
“Maybe, maybe not, “says Robin, “But right now, we’re on a timer. If…nothing changes, then, eventually, even Ritsuka runs out of mana. And, when she does…”
He glances over at the around two-hundred people we managed to save, expression worried, and grim.
“If we try this, and fail, they die. If we do nothing, they die,” says Robin, “If we try and we succeed. Maybe we all live.”
I nod slowly.
“There’s nothing else we can do?” asks Kotarou, “That… the odds of success have to be so slim. Isn’t there anything more careful? If we mess up here. If we’re…all that’s left.”
“Yes,” says David, moving closer and putting a hand on his shoulder, “But the longer we wait to act, the worse it gets too. The simple fact is,” he adds, glancing to me to make sure this is right, “The only place left out there—places, I should say—according to the calculations he made before, will be Chaldea. And wherever Goetia is.”
I nod.
“We can’t get there on our own,” says David, “We need a spirit with clairvoyance, time travel, or some kind of mechanical, technological marvel that can get us from a reality marble, to one of those two places. And…none of us can do that.”
Billy seems to think really hard, like he’s trying to find a way to do it himself, then sighs and nods at David.
“Okay. Well, Mozart, I guess good luck doing what he asked,” says Robin.
Mozart makes a dismal ‘ha-ha’ sound in response.
“Doctor, we’ll bring Ritsuka. You make whatever preparations this insane plan involves on your end,” continues Robin, “You’ve probably got a little time, because the rest of us need to take a minute to talk about long-term plans, because even if we get a spirit, chances are it won’t be on the first try, and like it or not, the biggest draw of her mana after the reality marble—”
“-ah shit,” says Billy with a grimace as he gets where Robin is going.
Robin nods sympathetically.
I consider saying something to try and cheer them up, but what can I say? I know this situation is grim even better than they do. And…they’re right.
“Come along,” says David cheerily, slinging an arm around Robin and Kotarou, since they’re closest to him, “Let’s do it then. We’ll go with Mozart so he can be part of the discussion while praying to trip over a leyline.”
“Your compassion is overwhelming,” jokes Mozart.
They start off, and David flashes me a reassuring smile over his shoulder.
I appreciate it more than he can possibly know.
“Ab,” I say, and he pauses, the others with him. “Everyone. …Thank you.” I really mean that. “I know this situation is terrible. And, intentional or not, I know it’s my fault. I’m sorry. And I’m sorry you all got caught up in the middle of it this way.”
Some of them trade glances, then look back at me.
“Ain’t really so bad, for us. This is still a good summons,” says Billy.
“Besides, you didn’t know,” adds Kotarou, lost in thought.
“Yes. I’ve been pretty happy,” adds Mozart, slinging an arm around Salieri, who seems to momentarily be too deeply lost in thought to notice that or what I’m saying to him.
“Well, I know we have to plan, but I wouldn’t give up on your manifestations just yet,” I add, feeling better, and trying to think this angle over too, “I’ve got a few ideas on summoning from in here. We might get lucky. And, uh, I’ll do my best to give us an edge.”
Robin gives a tired smile, and I get a friendly nod from Cú Chulainn too. They’re all taking this really well. There’s…almost something familiar about it, to me. Telling someone to defend a point as long as they can. Well, that’s not exactly what this is, but. I feel strange nostalgia I can’t place anyway. It’s a good feeling though, and I’ll take whatever luck or good omen I can get.
“Rits! Hey!”
I look up at the sound of Billy’s voice and see him easily even in the crowd, because he’s waving a hand above his head. Also, because Cú Chulainn is by him, and that guy’s really tall and has blue hair.
Actually, I think it’s everybody—oh, uhm, except Emiya. Right, I think, getting to my feet and wiping my hands off on my knees, I better go make sure he’s okay too.
I want to bring him some food, because even thought Heroic Spirits don’t need it, it helps them conserve energy, and he must be getting so tired keeping his phantasm going a long time like this, but, the only food we’ve got is the food people brought with them. We’ve got about 200 people here, but even though we were in a shopping district, not a whole lot of them were carrying food or drinks, and most of the ones who were had a snack, or a partially drunk water bottle. We’re going to have to be careful to conserve what we can.
“Can you stay with him?” I ask, indicating the older man we’ve been helping, “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
My new friend gives a nod. We’d fixed up the gash in the man’s arm already – all that was left is wrapping it with a bandage, and I’m sure he can do that alone. “Yeah, sure. Just don’t be gone forever. The rest of us would really like some idea what’s going on, at some point?” he replies, taking the roll of bandages I hand him.
“I’ll be back,” I promise, “Uhm. Try to…”
“…Not let my mind wander, and start bleeding to death from a gunshot wound?” he jokes. The old man we’ve been helping gives him a deeply concerned look and he grimaces. “Ah. Uh. Sorry—kind of hard to explain. Uh…”
I give him a smile, then turn to face my friends and start walking, hearing him continue to talk behind me. For just a second, I see him glance over and watch us as I go, but then he goes back to trying to explain things to the old man.
“Hey guys,” I say as I join the others.
“Doing some good work,” observes Robin, surveying the crowd.
“Yeah, they’re a lot calmer than before when they wanted to murder us,” adds Billy casually.
“They’re helping a lot now,” I say, “We just explained that there’s a chance to fix things, and people are pitching in.”
“Glad to hear it,” says Robin, “So, uh. Look.”
Uh oh. That doesn’t sound good. They all look…kind of nervous too. “W…What’s going on?” I ask, suddenly deeply worried. They aren’t all here but Emiya, either. Mozart isn’t.
“Nothin!” hurries Billy, “Well—nothin’ bad. Or. Nothin’ so bad-“
“—He’s trying to say, we have a plan going now,” says Robin, “And we need you for it.”
“Oh! That’s good, though,” I say, confused, “Why do you all look worried?”
“Well,” offers David, gesturing for me to follow. I go with them, and we start to walk. “Uh. You know the general situation is that we’re in a reality marble, and if it stops…being projected, we, uhm, die.”
“R-Right,” I ask worriedly, “Wait! Am I running out of manna?”
“Are you?” asks Robin, turning to stare.
“No. I mean. I don’t think so. How would I know?” I say.
“How would we know?” says Robin, mystified.
“Can’t ya…tell?” asks Billy, “I mean. How do you feel?”
“Okay, I think,” I reply. Everyone looks relieved.
“Look, the short of it is, Blade Works can’t stop. Or everyone dies,” says Cú Chulainn, on target, “Supposedly, Chaldea is safe out there. If we can get to it, we could stop being in Blade Works. Which is great, because even Archer can’t do it infinitely.”
“That’s good,” I say hopefully.
“Yeah,” agrees Cú Chulainn, “But we have no idea how to get there from a reality marble. Generally, uh, a reality marble stays connected to reality where it was.”
“So, if he stopped…we’d go back to the city,” I say, heart fluttering and making me feel sick. The image of everything turning white and vaporizing around me is still very fresh in my head.
“Yeah, if we did it right now,” says Cú Chulainn.
“But, Doctor Romani has a plan,” says David with enthusiasm. He sounds so sure of himself, it makes me feel more okay too. “We’re going to summon another servant—one who can help us get to Chaldea.”
“Can you do that in a reality marble?” I ask, eyes wide.
“We’re about to find out!” says David with great optimism the same time Robin says, “God I hope so…” with considerably less.
“Yeah, and the Doc needs your help with that, so we’re gonna go over there,” continues Cú Chulainn, “But. We needed to talk to you too.”
“A…bout?” I ask, uncertain about the look on his face.
“About…” Billy pauses. Everyone stops with him, and they trade looks. He turns to face me, and puts his hands on my shoulders. “Look, uh, Rits. I know you ain’t gonna like this, but we’ve all talked it out.”
I feel very worried about this.
“Summoning a new servant…it’s gonna cost a lot of mana, and, that’s if it works. Or, works the first time,” he continues.
“Even if it does, we don’t know how fast they’ll be able to provide a solution,” says Salieri like an exhale. He’s been quiet, and when I look at him, his expression is very far away. I’m really, really worried now.
“Usually, the smartest thing to do…” Billy pauses, glances at Robin, then Kotarou, then back at me. “…Would be to just dismiss us all but Emiya, right now.”
“No!” I say in horror.
He lets go of my shoulder with one of his hands to hold it up. “But! Uh. We also know with what caused this bein’ so big and scary, keepin’ us, as many of us as we can, around, is gonna help in the long run.”
“R-Right,” I say, heartbeat still racing.
Why don’t they look like that means it’s okay?
“Still,” he says more softly, “We gotta face facts that, unless we get real lucky, we could be stuck here for…days, weeks. And…the longer we’re up, the less energy you got left to keep Blade Works going. The less time all these humans have to live.”
He gestures past me, at them. Trying to make me look at them. I don’t want to. I don’t like this. I hate it.
But, I look. I’ve talked to so many of them the last few hours. Names, faces, fragments of life stories. My newest friend is still only about fifteen feet off, tying off a bandage, trying to make this old man smile. Telling him some kind of story.
My chest aches.
“We’re…spirits.” Billy shrugs, and I turn back to look at him. He’s smiling at me, but he looks sad. They all do. “Worst that can happen, is we go back to the throne. These folks? This is their first life. This is all they got. When it comes down to it, you gotta do things you don’t always like, for the people who need you.”
I shake my head. “There has to be another way.”
“There…isn’t,” says Salieri. He looks calm right now, like when I first met him. Like a teacher. “We’ve talked it out, and, it seems most reasonable to us to be pragmatic.”
“Yes.” David looks sad. He sighs, shuts his eyes, then puts on a smile. “The Caster is almost finished with what he needs to do. After that…”
“After that, he and I will be the biggest drain on resources, because of our class,” says Cú Chulainn. There’s no fear in him, just a little chagrin. Like this is all normal, and okay. “After us, the Assassin, then Salieri. Avengers generate a little of their own mana, so if you cut him off, he can probably hang on for a little while.”
Salieri gives a nod, but there’s a look on his face like he wouldn’t want to.
“Obviously, Archer—Emiya,” says Cú Chulainn like he’s annoyed to call him that, “Can’t go at all, because it’s his phantasm. The rest of the Archers can probably last about a week if they don’t do anything. Gunner might not last quite that long, but several days.”
“You want me to break your contracts now?” I ask in horror.
He looks kind of surprised, glances at the others.
“I mean. If you want to wait and see if we get a miracle at the summoning circle,” suggests Robin Hood like it’s half a joke.
“No,” I say emphatically. I put my foot down—literally, and I’m embarrassed about stomping like a little kid, but I can’t help it! “No way!”
They look at me, look at each other, like they expected this. Like it’s…a problem. But! It’s not – they’re-!
“…Ritsuka,” tries Robin.
“-No!” I cut him off. I can tell some of the normal humans around us are starting to listen, and I’m probably being too loud, but I’m so upset! “Look—I get it!” I say, trying to calm down, and doing a really bad job, “I know this is bad! I saw it—I saw the world getting erased around us. I saw people getting swallowed up! I saw everything bad close around us! I know this is really serious, and really bad! I’m not stupid! But-!”
It's just too much! It’s not fair! It’s not right! It—It’s something more than that that I just can’t…can’t find the words for, but, I’ve got to! So they’ll understand! So this won’t happen! So—
“Look,” I plead, turning to them in turn.
Cu Culainn and Robin look sympathetic, like they’re sorry I’m wrong. Salieri looks sad. David looks pained. Billy looks worried. Kotarou is staring at me, taken aback, so I focus on him first. I think ‘maybe he’ll get it’. Like maybe he can help.
“We’re all trapped here, alone, together. There’s…” I counted, before. I try to remember. “There’s … two-hundred and six people here, including you, and me, and the doctor. Two-hundred, and six. That’s everybody that we know is still alive. If we…hours into being stuck here, start deciding it’s okay to get rid of people, for the greater good…” I shake my head. “No. I won’t do it. –Look, I feel fine. I’ve got energy. Maybe, if…if things get worse, and you’re right, maybe we have to do extreme stuff later. But, that’s not the right way to fight this. We’re protecting everybody, including each other. Everybody we have left. We’re down, to two-hundred and six. I don’t want two-hundred and four, I don’t want two-hundred, I don’t want one-hundred and ninety-nine, when we get to Chaldea. I want everybody.”
They all exchange looks again. Cú Chulainn gets a funny expression on his face.
“We aren’t going to fight a losing battle when we just got here,” I say, calming down a little. Squaring my shoulders and my stance. “Thank you, for offering, but you’re all going to help these people and me a lot better here, and alive. I promise. I can do it. I can keep everybody going.”
Robin laughs, and I’m worried, but, it’s not a mean laugh, and he gives me a tired smile and shakes his head when I look at him, like he doesn’t know what to say.
“Well, I told you that’s what she’d say,” says Billy, taking off his hat to run a hand through his hair.
“Yeah, you did,” sighs Cú Chulainn. He gives me a glance. “You know this is stupid? I can’t make you break a contract I agreed to already, but, if you don’t cut us loose, you’re putting everyone at risk. Idealism can only go so far in reality.”
“Let’s see how far then,” I say hopefully.
He almost chokes on a laugh, lets out a deeper sigh, and grins. “Well, I know when I’m beat. For the moment, anyway.”
“You’re sure…?” asks Kotarou tentatively.
I turn to look at him. He looks confused.
“I mean, he’s right,” he offers.
“I don’t think so,” I say, and I realize when I do that it’s true. That I…I think I’m right. I was upset, and worried, and distressed at first, but, I couldn’t figure out the right thing to say. Now, I think…I think I get it beyond just the feeling it would be wrong, though. “I know…there’s good reasons to suggest that,” I say, turning back to Cú Chulainn, “But…I think, in a situation as bad as this, it’s not just that I don’t want to do it. Or…that I need you, or that it’s wrong, and not fair. I think…it would also be the wrong thing to do, because…because in a situation as bad as this, what matters most is that all of us stick together. All of us—you too. That…we make sure everybody knows, for certain, that everybody is important; them, and the person next to them, and every person here, and…and that we aren’t going to drop them, as soon as they become too hard to carry, or feed, or, take too much energy away from the rest of us. We were…”
I glance back. The people close enough are definitely listening, although some of them are trying to be polite and pretend they’re not, which is nice of them. The old man and my new friend aren’t pretending at all, they’re just watching. My friend has a focus in his expression, and he tilts his head at me when I look his way.
“…All in chaos, before. People were arguing, and fighting. Everyone was scared, and mad, and hurt, and nobody trusted each other.” I turn back to the others. “But look at them now. We’re working together, and everyone is looking out for each other. People with skills to help are helping, and people with food and water are sharing, and people who were alone are meeting the people next to them, so nobody is alone anymore, and, and now we can all believe we’re going to make it. And that makes it so we can. Because we’re not trying to win. We didn’t grab all those people and take them with us so we could forget about them while we try to get to a safer place. We’re trying to save everyone. Every individual. And, that includes you guys. I’d rather be low on resources, with people who know I’m not going to leave them, than have everything I need, and people who know they’re expendable. Because, they’re not.” I smile at them. “Even when they’re trying to be heroic about it.”
“…She makes a good case,” says Salieri. He smiles and turns to gesture to the others. “Morale is more important to the outcome, often, maybe most of the time, than resources.”
“Well, it’s her decision,” decides David graciously, “So I guess we have no choice but to listen to our leader.”
I grin at him.
“Thank you,” says Kotarou.
Surprised, I look at him. He looks overwhelmed and really taken aback, like he might cry. I forgot, this is still like, day one after being kidnapped and tortured for him. No wonder everything is so terrible.
“I…shouldn’t thank you, because I should try to talk you out of it,” he says ruefully, glancing at the ground for a few seconds before looking at me again, “But…Just the same. I….we. …”
I shake my head. “I know you want to protect everyone, even if you have to go. I’m not saying I think that’s wrong. But, I’m not letting anybody get sacrificed because it ‘might’ be better in the long run. I don’t believe that.”
He looks at me and smiles hesitantly, but it’s a real smile.
I’m really glad. I know he’s had a rough time just adjusting to being up and okay again.
“Well, I figure we got told off pretty good,” says Billy, grinning and slinging an arm around me. I grin back at him. “I don’t rightly know what the proper tactical choice is, but I can’t say I got a problem with this one personally, and I think I trust her judgement.”
“Yeah,” sighs Robin.
“Well, she has proved pretty dependable at that,” concedes Cú Chulainn with a distracted little smile like he’s still thinking about a joke someone told a while ago.
“So, since y’ain’t cuttin us loose just yet, guess we better really double down on gettin’ a good spirit to come help,” says Billy.
“Right!” I say, “Let’s go right now, if they’re ready.” I turn to my new friend and the man we were helping. “Will you all be okay alone?”
My friend waves me off. “Yeah, yeah—I can roll some gauze. Go summon a whatever and save the world or something—I mean the second part; seriously. Get us out of here,” he adds, but I think he’s pleased.
I give him a nod and turn to the others.
“Amadeus is this way,” says Salieri, and he leads us.
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friggsdc · 4 years
Title: little delinquent pt ii
part i | part ii | part iii
Warnings: Female!reader (bat!sis), mostly family fluff, AU, hurt/comfort, language
word count: 4000~
It had Bruce and Dick sharing a look for a moment before the latter spoke up, “It’s not like I’m against continuing to expand the family, but…” he eyed the child you held nervously, “please don’t start bringing home every child you find…” he tilted his head, “he’s bad enough.” Bruce settled a light glare at his first son (that definitely wasn’t what Bruce was thinking), though Dick was stilled by the way your eyes narrowed at him instead.
“His name is Terrence,” that was all you said, brushing past as they were suddenly on guard at the inherited Wayne-scowl on your face.
a/n:  still no jaybird lmao I’m sorry, but I brought in mamabat duke, because he’s the best at being a mamabat without smothering you like your other siblings. Steph too because she’s your sweet bean partner in crime u v u)9 For my sanity, Metropolis is in Deleware across the bay from Jersey (tho Gotham is still north of Atlantic City).
He wasn’t certain if he should be proud or upset at how quickly you’d turned Tim against him, the two of you now working in unison, playing ‘keep away from big papa Bruce.’ No matter when he tried to approach you, something always seemed to happen or come up, and it was actually starting to get on his nerves. Worse was Damian seemed to be joining in, his rebellious nature being nurtured by the influence of both Tim and yourself.
He knew it would be difficult to deal with you and your ability to hide anything, just like you could hide yourself, but… Now he had to deal with more than just you, and Tim wasn’t going to make it any easier for him. Oh no, this was going to be a headache with you two. And Damian… He couldn’t trust that his son wouldn’t give away anything he did to you, his loyalties giving out to the growing childish nature he was developing. Bruce was again at a loss, should he be happy Damian was acting his age, or upset that he was more interested in working with the ‘opposition?.’ 
“It’s not a mission,” Damian had commented, so it was “fair game.”
He rested his head in his hands, fingers lightly massaging his temples as his elbows supported him, propping him up on the ornate desk in his study.  Fucking hell, he had to outsmart both the tech sleuth and the stealth agent of the family. Information was literally their game. Rather than giving into the growing frustration in his stomach, he stood up, now a bat on a mission as he quickly headed down to the cave. He thanked his moody bat heart that it was just two of his kids (he wasn’t certain of Damian yet, the wild card), and not… more…
The League computers would definitely come in handy right about now.
He was gonna go full fucking vigilante detective bat mode on his kids.
He groaned.
[bigR] Dad took off for the League, bet you can guess why.
Flipping your personal phone closed with a light snort, you refocused your attention on buckling the toddler into the hand-me-down car seat. You’d definitely have to get him a new one on your shopping trip, you just hoped Duke’s car could fit everything…
Damian was securing his sword between him and the kid before he crawled in, closing the door and putting on his safety belt. You grinned at him as he avoided your smile, looking away instead, “hurry up.” Shaking your head, you leaned in to rub your nose against Terrence’s own, his chubby fingers coming up to grab at your face, hair, clothes, ears, and earrings ohgodstop. Having cooed at him enough, and having been assaulted by his little nails, scratches now on your chin, you leaned back and out of his reach, closing the door softly.
“Are you sure it’s okay to shirk off for the day? You’re the one usually patrolling at this time…” you headed to the passenger side, “Big guy said it was fine, besides…” Duke smiled and nodded his head towards the car with a wink, “wouldn’t want to leave you alone with a bunch of kids.” It’s not like he was wrong, but you were skilled enough to handle your brother and… son… ah… that was going to get some getting used to. A smile and spread on your face with a light laugh as you climbed in, settling, and closed the door behind you, “ready to get going?” Damian glared at you before refocusing his attention on Terrence, ignoring your obviously dumb question, “Pennyworth mentioned Todd having finally gotten back before I left.”
Duke had started up the car and checked over everything before heading down the manor drive, now officially on the road. Meanwhile, you hummed happily, “guess I’ll have to go see him when we get back.” Damian made a face, “gross.” You rolled your eyes in amusement, “you knew what my reaction was gonna be.”
The two were ridiculous in how they treated each other, honestly.
“It’s still gross.”
The ride down the ocean side drive was calming, the windows lowered to let the cool ocean breeze in. Damian was back to his “poking the toddler’s nose” game, having gotten used to the sound of a baby, and no longer acting like it wasn’t his fault when he made the toddler laugh.
“So, who made you the baby-sitter?” Duke kept his eyes on the road, the ever-responsible budding adult that he was, “Bruce, actually.” He grinned at the way you looked at him, catching sight from the corner of his eye, “surprising, I know. Woulda thunk Tim’d have asked, huh?”
Nodding, you leaned back, “well, I mean, yeah. He’s been pretty upset since the other day, he won’t leave Terrence and I alone at the manor. He’s been staying over...” You might have felt bad for lying to Duke, but the truth was that you were lying to everyone but Tim at this point. Not that it was the first time you’d lied to them. You told the truth so often that they took you at your word, never catching on when you did fib, but you were pretty certain this would blow up in your face.
They’d catch you eventually.
This wasn’t one of those easy to digest lies either, that was the complicated part. It terrified you how they’d react once they learned the truth.
Before that happened, you made the silent determination that you’d make your… son a part of the family. They won’t be able to decide anything for him then, they’d be in too deep, you’d make certain.
Yeah, you could be a little… manipulative sometimes.
Probably something you got from your father.
“What’s up?”
“Oh, sorry, nothing. My mind was just wandering,” Duke frowned a little, flipping on his blinker while coming to a slow crawl, “not believing you.”
Turning your head to him, your grin was a bit scary, “okay, so, I was just thinking about if your car can fit everything I’m going to want to buy.” It was enough to distract him, a groan finding its way out as he pulled into the ticketing line for the ferry.
Now, to really drive it home, you pulled something from your purse and waved it at him, “Is… is that…” he eyed it nervously. “Yes, yes it is, dear brother.” His ears burned as he turned his eyes from you, hand now outstretched in your direction.
“You’re paying the ferry, then…” he muttered.
You put your dad’s credit card on his palm,
“Rich little daddy’s girl.”
This time the snort came from the back seat, “I have one as well, Thomas. You need only ask father.”
Duke sputtered and refused to acknowledge either of you till after having crossed the Deleware Bay.
Rich kids. Honestly.
Metropolis always amazed you, honestly, the bright skies overhead and the amount of people without a care in the world was enviable. Still, it just wasn’t… home. By now you’d developed some serious Stockholm for the cesspit that is Gotham. Even so, you preferred to go shopping here, their selection of high-quality stores mixed with less people recognizing you, and your family, were boons.
As you stared up at the towering high rise in front of you, Damian having disappeared inside minutes before, there was one other reason for coming to Metropolis…
“You’re always so slow! I told you to hurry up!!”
“Who’s slow?! You’re the slow one!!”
“Boys, please—”
The loud sound of twin crashes echo’d out the opened lobby door, the two boys in question bounding out with plenty of energy and two very red chins. “That… looks painful…” you smiled, walking over to check Damian’s face for actual injury.
“Tt, I’m fine.” He smacked your hand away, glaring at the super next to him, rubbing his own, already healing chin. “Hey Jon, enjoying Metropolis?” The bright-eyed boy, sans cape, grinned at you from ear to ear, “There’s so much to do here!” he almost lifted off the ground in his excitement, “but I miss the farm.” A chuckle came from the entrance to the building, deep and warm and just as kind as the child now sticking his tongue out at your youngest brother. On the man’s broad shoulder was an overnight bag, and a sheepish smile on his face as if he felt guilty. 
He probably did, the two boys were a handful.
Duke was leaning against the roof of the car with a huge dopey smile on his face, waving at the man approaching, “Hello, you must be the chaperone, Duke Thomas?” your newest brother nodded enthusiastically, almost at a loss for words, “Yup! I-I mean y-yes, it’s nice to meet you, sir!” Clark only chuckled, far too used to such formalities, “Clark is fine, our families are… close, after all.” He watched the boys pull at each other’s faces in mock battle.
“Ah, Clark! It’s been a while!” the older male smiled as he stopped a few feet from you and the car, hands resting on his hips, “Miss Wayne.” Near immediately, his eyes shifted to the backseat of the car and he leaned against the door, looking in.
“Bruce has another kid? He looks like how I always imagined him to look as a kid, suspiciously innocent,” you froze, and he would have laughed at the thought of Bruce with more secret kids, but he straightened. Looking at you in concern instead, he started, “I know he’s not… the most affectionate father, but…” you quickly shook your head, attempting damage control. “It… no, he’s not dad’s…” You laughed nervously at the look on his face, his hand raising to point at you as his mouth opened and closed a few times, trying to process.
“Yup. He’s… His name is Terrence, and he’s… my… son…” your tone turned warm and kind, and your eyes settled on the babe in the car with all the grace of a mother, just like Lois when Jon had been born, the older super nodded thoughtfully. “I’m glad it’s you, then. If anyone in that family can raise a good kid, it’ll be you.” The two of you shared an understanding smile, though yours was accompanied by a twitch or two, swearing he enjoyed his little joke, before he turned his head painfully in surprise, as if an enemy had suddenly appeared.
Following his sight, you had to laugh at the dark glare on Damian’s face directed at Clark, “well, I think it’s time I take my leave, then.” He scratched the back of his head, avoiding the kid’s gaze. He wanted to inquire more about the new addition to the family, but it would have to wait. Jon gave his dad a huge hug, getting his hair ruffled in the process as Clark waved at Duke, chucking the overnight bag into the car.
With a last good-bye to you, he turned high-tail and ran, as if he were almost eager to get away. Watching him jog slowly inside the building, you almost swore his steps were far lighter than his build, “probably prefers to float…” looking away, you missed him trip.
“Alright, c’mon you two. Get in.” when you’d opened the door, the two boys stared in horror, “I’m not sitting in the middle.” Damian ground out before Jon pushed him with more force than Damian could resist, “HE’S YOUR BROTHER!!! YOU SIT IN THE MIDDLE!”
“Still, you sit next to him…” Jon pouted, and combined with your stare, Damian crawled in with a grumble, “Stupid super.” Jon ignored him without issue, and you’d have to ask Damian about it later, curious as to why his best friend was so used to his insults like it was a common occurrence? Then he climbed in after, shutting the door behind him.
“Nerves of steel, that one,” you mumbled, getting back in the car as Duke laughed lightly, starting the car up before heading a bit further into the city. After a few minutes and a few stop lights, Duke gave in to the side-glances you kept giving him, having caught them from the corner of his own eyes, “what now?” The growing devious grin on your face had him on edge, “speaking of nerves of steel…” a shiver hit the back of his neck, “please don’t.” His begging stopped nothing, “fanboy,” but of course you would, and he did his best to pay attention to the road, “don’t make me ignore you all day.”
“I thought it was cute though? Haha, Izzy would be jealous.”
“It’s… I mean, he was…” his ears were burning, especially at the mention of Isabella’s name, and he pouted worse than Jon had.
“I know, but still. You know you’ve met him before, right?” Duke looked like he wanted to disappear in his seat, “just… in costume…” you hummed in amusement.
It didn’t take long for Duke to pull into the parking lot at one of the high-end furniture stores, resting his head on the steering wheel for a moment after parking. The two boys were already out of the car, bickering and racing into the store, “you have no taste! It’s all dark! You can’t put a baby in a depressing room!”
The two were practically racing at this point, shoving each other back and forth, though Jon often made Damian stumble through raw strength, and Damian often made Jon trip through dirty tricks.
“Aaaaand there they go.” You were already out of the car as you said it, heading to the driver’s backside door. Duke stepped out before stilling, his face falling at the straps in your hand, outstretched towards him, “you have got to be kidding.”
“Nope, you’re the babysitter today, Papa Duke.”
He took the child carrier from you, strapping the pack on with a depressed aura of resignation, “this so doesn’t look cool.” You snickered as you transferred Terrence over to the pack on Duke’s front, “yeah, but people won’t mess with a big guy like you. Besides, I can handle Damian better than you, can you take care of our son?” you teased him.
“Yeah, I can take care of… him…” Duke eyed the child looking around at everything he could, taking in every sight with silent baby contemplation skills, thumb in his mouth.
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell Izzy about us,” you thought for a moment as he ignored your comments, switching tactics. Eyeing him before patting him on the shoulder, you began heading after the two boys, “when you get back, tell Izzy you think she looks like a piece of candy.”
He had a confused look as he followed after you, catching up in a speed walk, “what’s that supposed to mean?”
Not only did his ears turn red, but his entire face and neck burned hot at the suggestive smile on your face, “Oh… wait, w-why out of nowhere though?!”
“You forget, I live with nothing but men. Harper’s not around often and Steph is the only female I see on a regular basis.”
“Get some friends,” he groaned.
“That’s what family is for.”
Shopping actually went a lot better than expected, and you were able to get a new car seat at the behest of Damian, “no way you’re using a hand-me-down,” he all but threatened. There were some smaller things you could easily fit into the car, a few boxes, one for a mobile, one for a few bed sets, a giant pregnancy pillow -- regardless that you weren’t pregnant, you wanted the giant horseshoe pillow. Jon was jealous of it, now wanting one of his own, as you picked up some non-essentials.
The bigger things would have to be shipped, a crib for a few months till he was big enough, small bed with side bars so he wouldn’t fall out when ready to swap out the crib. They even had a huge rocking chair! It was probably one of the most comfortable things you had ever sat in, its ability to “rock” you back and forth on its slides without losing much momentum was heaven.
And you could curl up in it.
Somewhere in all the chaos, just as expected, you’d gone and lost both the boys. Or, well, more like they lost you. Duke was still dutiful with Terrence, and he was also really amazing at looking at details and knowing what item was better than the next. Sure, you’d been taught the same skills, but you were preoccupied with Damian and Jon (until you weren’t).
“Hum… hey, I’m gonna go check out next door, okay?” Duke turned to you from the different curtains in his hand, having taken to looking at a few general things for the room; curtains, bookshelves, a desk or two.
Unlike your father and most of your family, you had far more free time to do these small things yourself, never needing to hire an assistant to do all the work. You only needed some help with moving things, of course. It was something you’d picked up from both Alfred and the Kents, the equally uneasy and comforting feeling of being humble.
“Sure, which one?”
“The clothing store, I think there’s a dedicated kid store a bit further down the mall strip, I’ll probably make my way towards that.” Duke pouted, “leaving me alone with the kids?”
“Just one.” To emphasis your point, Terrence decided to start pulling on the same curtain as Duke, though Duke swatted his hands away quickly. A one-sided glaring contest began as the kid kept his frown on Duke, not looking away.
Duke looked around ignoring him, “that’s… true…”
“Thanks Papa Duke!” you gave him a hug, burying your face in Terrence’s and pelting him with kisses, pulling back only when his laughter echoed around the three of you. Duke refused to look at you as you cooed at the child strapped to his chest, awkward, “I hate you.”
“You love me.”
He snorted and went back to picking out curtains, “and don’t you forget it.”
“You have my card still, right?” He nodded, not even bothering to ask if you needed it. He knew you didn’t carry paper notes around, having seen you use your phone to pay for things physically too often.
Taking that as your cue, you turned to leave, “text if you need anything, and keep an eye out for the boys, I’ll… look, too,” and a moment later you were outside the store, stretching in the sun with a big breath of fresh air. Dang you loved Gotham, but also? Dang you loved Metropolis, too.
[steph] hey, herd u like
[steph] have a baby now???!
[steph] ;)))))
The buzzing of your personal phone caught your attention,
[you] tim? also, switching over for a bit.
You switched recipients,
[you] ready.
Turning the phone off and flipping it closed, you began walking in the opposite direction that Duke had been told, popping the back of the case off and pulling out the battery.
You’d asked Tim to redirect a dummy signal for your phone, keeping it within a five-foot radius of Duke for the next forty minutes or so. He’d given you the thumbs up, your telling him everything when you got back being his payment for helping.
He was very curious as to why you were breaking in to the LexCorp building.
The rather fast-paced walk (almost a light jog) to the building wasn’t that long, you’d made certain the stores you chose were close on purpose. Taking out your business phone, you opened it to another text as you started up a rather… illegal app. Your phone’d been rooted from the moment you had it, and it was hooked up to a very specific closed network.
This outing was one of the only chances you’d get, having lucked out with the more lenient Duke, as your other siblings were far more vigilant. Damian meanwhile was distracted by Jon, the two acting more like brawling siblings than best friends. Though Damian preferred the term rivals, but Jon was just happy to have a close friend he could be himself with.
[splr] he couldn’t contain himself
[splr] was vibin’ like flash lol
There were very few people who had access to this phone, and unfortunately for Tim, it was a hazard for both of you to have any kind of connection to him on your work phone. Stephanie however was one of the very few people who got to have that privilege.
[you] remind me to thank him for stealing my thundr
The family had the Bat-computer, Batman had the League’s Womb mainframe, the Robins had their Nest, and you? You had access to something older, reborn too many times, and set up and now maintained by some genius mastermind you’d never heard of. 
It was a mostly defunct information network by this point.
You’d met some really interesting people when you used to tail your father, and through repeated encounters, you’d met even more interesting uh... “friends.” Eventually you weren’t stalking your dad, instead, you were learning to do what you did best: Spy-games and recon.
And you’d impressed the wrong people.
But you didn’t mind, you liked the constant link to “their” information hubs.
[splr] lol
[splr] coffee tmrrw?
The Society’s Networks.
You knew your dad suspected some of your activities, but he never approached you about them. Probably because Batman enjoyed your access to these networks often when they were online, having come to you on multiple occasions to see if you could help with his detective work. 
You were playing double agent, compiling what you could from the chatter picked up from specific phones hooked into the closed channels. Sure, they weren’t always active and so sometimes you had to go with information from recon, but you did what you could, your bias for your bats, and birds, too strong. For your family.
[you] the same-same
[splr] c u tmrw then ;)
[splr] don’t forget the kid lol
Not that you’d ever shown him, if Batman knew what kind of information the Society had in their databases, well… you were pretty certain the world would burn. 
He once said it was best he didn’t know, something about helping to keep a balance between the good and the bad, causing both sides to stay in check.
The database’s app held all kinds of information, and as you downloaded the LexCorp building plans (sans recent modifications), you stared at the towering complex in front of you. Before you went further, you made certain the matrix encryption program was running, after all, “no reason to let anyone know I’m here.”
“Done this tons of times, can totally do this again,” but LexCorp was terrifying, Lex Luthor was terrifying, almost as much as Wayne Enterprises. Here’s to hoping your dad’s technology and Tim’s brain were smarter than anything Lex could cook up.
Besides, wasn’t he under house arrest right now?
It did nothing to calm your nerves.
“Nerves of steel, totally.”
You had to be fast.
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vegalocity · 4 years
Spicynoodleshipping 16/32
Prompt meme
16: Naughty kiss || 32. Getting caught in the act
Not only must you go to horny jail but I give you homework, hidden in this one is a secret in regard to the theatre AU, whoever finds it gets to suggest a musical for me to replace Singing in the Rain in AU canon bc i realized i can’t make those fucking dance numbers realistic with where i have the characters talent levels in this AU
“You know I get that Sandy couldn't figure out the giant puppet in time, but I'm not sure if the 'posion ivy' look really works for The Plant.” Red Son tugged at the neckline of the green bodysuit peering at himself in the full length mirror. He would be more perturbed if the 'poison ivy look' wasn’t exactly what Tang was going for when he'd presented the garb to Red Son. The skintight unitard was the same shade of vibrant green as they'd used on the plant puppets stem, with the lighter yellow green of the bulb on his sternum and shoulders for symmetry, vine patterns and leaves had been hastily yet sturdily stitched up and down the costume to make it look more plant like, and unfortunately, due to the tightness, and the 'strategic vine patterns which would make the best shadows against the lightning and has nothing to do with muscle emphasis don't be ridiculous Red' it didn't leave much to the imagination.
They weren't at tech week just yet, but it was looming overhead and he'd have to get comfortable with wearing the outfit underneath the more standard black hoodie and dark jeans required for an actor working a puppet for the small and medium Audrey II's. After they came up with a way to spare Sandy's sanity on the biggest puppet the idea would be that when the plant first starts speaking he'd be in a proper puppeteer's outfit, then when it gets bigger after killing the dentist he'd take his hair down and unzip the hoodie and roll up the sleeves to show a bit of green, and then at the end show up in full costume, move about freely since the only thing the giant puppet could do was open its mouth enough to make it look like it could swallow Audrey (some college girl who really needed the experience as Mei was needed on tech crew exclusively to make this whole thing work, Red Son had offered to be the one fully on tech crew this production but Mei insisted) whole.
“I compliments your hair!” MK speaks up from his own costume inspection, his was far simpler, just some meek nerd stereotype looking number, a pair of fake square glasses perched on his nose, and hair combed back all neat and perfect. “I think you look nice!” Red Son turned away, but it wasn't any use, granted MK could definitely still see his growing fluster in the reflection of the mirror.
“You look like if someone put Tang and Wukong in a blender and put whatever came out in an ugly sweatervest.” 
MK let out a huff “Red, don't be mean.”
“I never said you don't look good, if you interpreted that as an insult that's your problem... Though I was insulting that sweatervest, it's hideous.” He leaned in to properly examine himself from up close, Wukong had said it might be a smart move to employ some 'extra effects' to really make the look stand out, and in a morbidly amused way he wondered how his parents would react if they found out he'd decided he actually was fond of this place and these plays by showing up on stage in like... green lipstick and fake fangs or something.
He was wondering if he'd even have time to get home and pack his bags or if he'd have to be packed up before opening night when MK's arms sliding around his waist caught him off guard.
“You're a real asshole you know that?” his breath was hot against Red Son's neck, sending a shudder up his spine.
“We wouldn't be fucking if you weren't into it.” MK hummed in response, saying something that sounded like 'fair enough' before pressing his mouth to Red Son's neck, effectively ending the conversation there.
Red Son hummed and lifted a hand to press against MK's head, the other resting on one of his arms around Red Son's waist.
“Careful, if either of these costumes get messed up it'll be our heads.” he found himself lightly jabbing. MK didn't seem to pick up his amusement though, because he hummed against his neck and otherwise stopped his ministrations.
“Yeah we should probably get out of them...” he agreed, and THAT was what made Red Son's face fully flush. That... was not what he was suggesting.
But now the gauntlet was thrown down, and Red Son was helpless but to pick it up.
That hideous sweatervest went first, then the undershirt, then Red Son struggled out of the top half of the unitard, the sleeves and collar hanging around his hips when they reconnected. MK was backed into the counter before the long mirror and hopped up to sit on the ledge, his legs wrapped around Red Son's hips and for once his hair was soft to the touch, though the fake glasses pressed wierdly against his face, Red Son refused to pull away even if it was just to take them off.
Red Son bit down gently on MK's lower lip, just enough to draw a thin whine from him and let his hands wander across the exposed chest infront of him. MK kept his arms around Red Son's shoulders, though every so often he'd feel one of the hands splay across his back and try to somehow get them even closer together.
MK's legs tightened around his hips, grinding them together with a sharp motion, Red Son groaned lowly and felt MK's grip on his shoulders tighten, nails starting to dig in-
The unlocked door opened with a click that went off like a gunshot
“Alright boys, any concerns about the outfi-” Tang, of course it was Tang, who else would walk right into a dressing room uncaring of any changing that may be in progress because his brain is all full of fabrics and measurements?
His normally 'disinterested and unflappable' resting face was gone for once, though the only slightly surprised look it was replaced with implied this was neither the first time he'd caught two actors fooling around in the dressing room nor did he expect it to be the last.
“Well they must be uncomfortable if you're both so quick to be rid of them.” he snorted at his own joke before waving a hand “Get your street clothes on and I won't tell anyone. We're still in Pigsy's time increment for the bet, so if you guys can wait until next week to try again I'll appreciate it.”
And really was there anything to do then beyond do as instructed?
“Oh and Red Son?”
“If I see a single leaf torn off of that costume I will not. be. happy.”
Apparently Tang was once their go-to actor for villains, and in that moment Red Son could understand why.
Send me stuff!
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hi! im new here and just found this through reading your fics on ao3, and I was just wanting to know more about this au, particularly, who are alll the purples you got up there in the banner and whatre their stories???
Ooh you’re in for a heck of a treat when it comes to all my Purples!
From the left to the right:
Lucian Enfuego (aka Afton’d Lucian): A traveling serial killer who ended up being abducted and experimented on by Elder Afton in 1984, his soul being ‘overwritten’ by him over time. Murdered Vincent Heliotrope in 1983 then used his name on a virus that screwed up the Toy Animatronics. Killed the 5 Missing Children and the Butterfly Child in 1987. Was caught and executed for his crimes. His younger sister was the first to realize his soul was ‘stolen’ and spent her life trying to get it back from the Aftons. Referred to as the 1987 Purple Guy. Alex Cho aka Router (the short man): A mercenary, hacker-for-hire, who is also a son of Lucian. He ran away from his mother’s emotional abuse to follow his father’s trail and destroy the evidence that could clear Vincent and Jeremy Sr.’s names, as well as kill the surviving ‘witnesses’ of the 1987 Incident. His work partner (and best friend) is Panther. Was hired by Michael Afton to go to Freddy’s Pizza and retrieve Marionette and Balloon Boy or their data drives containing information about Remnant collected during the 1987 Incident. Ended up killed via springlock failure in Springtrap. Referred to as the Springtrap Purple Guy.
Sydney Elizabeth Michaels aka Panther (the big guy in pink): A mercenary with a tendency to abduct people of strength and essentially brainwash them via torture and Stockholm syndrome to serve as his living weapons. As a teen he was hired by Elder Afton to put Fredbear’s Family Diner out of business; poisoned and killed 11 children there while wearing a pink security uniform for a disguise, successfully shutting down the restaurant. His older brother helped him run away from home to escape police and keep the rest of their family out of trouble. Went with Router to Freddy’s as part of the retrieval job and developed an obsession with Mike’s strength. Ended up killed by Freddy and the gang for trying to abduct him and was soul-bound to a Paper Plate Pal. Referred to as the Pink Guy.
William Afton II: The CEO of Afton Robotics and Fazbear Entertainment, owner of Circus Baby’s Pizza World Party and Rentals (Sister Location). Stepped into the position some time after his father’s disappearance and found the secret information about Remnant, transfers, and the experiments to move/copy souls between vessels. Decided to continue the research and find a way to transfer himself from his sickly body into a healthy one. Searched for a low-level employee that could be compatible with his deceased sister’s Remnant to observe if transfer to a living body was possible, unaware his grandfather successfully did so but was unable to record the success. Ended up killed by his sister via Scooping Room. Referred to as Canon Purple Guy.
Emelia Afton: The daughter of Michael Afton who was killed by Circus Baby and soul-bound to her endoskeleton. She was stored in the Underground Facility by her father, who desperately tried to find a way to free her soul and resurrect her in his father’s Remnant research. Years passing with her trapped ended up eroding her sanity and now she only cares for escaping into a ‘perfect’ body that will allow her to be beautiful, using anything and anyone as a means to that end. Normally looks like an innocent little girl ghost to lure others into assisting her before killing them once their usefulness ends. Her ‘adult’ form was created by absorbing a digitized Lucian into herself to take advantage of his knowledge of murder techniques. Soul-bound to Circus Baby v1, later becoming Ennard. Referred to as Purple Gal.
William Afton I aka Elder Afton: The founder and owner of Afton Robotics. Has an aggressive competitiveness and desire to be the best in creating robots and animatronics. Jealousy towards the ones in Fredbear’s had him hire Sydney to force the diner to close so it could be bought up by his shell company, Fazbear Entertainment, and have the animatronics sent to him for reverse engineering. In his pursuit to creating the most advanced artificial intelligence software for his creations, he discovered Remnant and its properties, experimenting on low-level employees and abducted children to learn how to extract and transfer Remnant. His experiment on Lucian, an intern at the time, culminated in a successful digitized download of Remnant and memories, creating the Lucian Master File. Elder’s desire to live longer to continue his research and curiosity on his hypothesis had him attempt to transfer his own Remnant into Lucian’s body. While mostly successful, the transfer revealed a drawback in that loss of Remnant without allowing regeneration or replacement causes loss of sanity in the donor. This discovery was never documented; on the final stage of transfer, Elder released Lucian from containment and was killed by him. His soul torn in two, part went with Lucian to grow and consume him, part remained in the Facility, laying dormant until awakened by Springtrap, where he then hijacked control of the animatronic for himself. Referred to as Original Purple Guy or First Purple Guy.
Elizabeth Afton: Bionics Engineer, overseer of R&D of Afton Robotics, wife of Michael Afton. She’s responsible for researching and building ways for the animatronics and robots to move as fluidly and ‘naturally’ as a human. She has a cold love for her husband due to blaming him for allowing her favored daughter to die at Baby’s hands. She assisted Elder Afton in his Remnant research and went back to it after her daughter’s death to continue it in secret, searching for her own way to continue living longer and restore her daughter. After Michael’s disappearance and William’s death, she followed the trail of outgoing resources from Afton Robotics to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza and Parties to recover Emelia’s Remnant. She was only able to get it back in fragments, so she devised a trap to gather fragments of Remnant from multiple past guards in order to rebuild and stabilize Emelia’s soul. When that plan was foiled, she escaped and decided to continue her search for future host bodies for herself, rebuilding Fazbear Entertainment via video games and using a copy of the Lucian Master File to seek out viable hosts. She plans to use the money from the sales and her newly abducted Reluctant Follower to create another trap to lure in her intended target. Referred to by name.
Michael Afton: Son of Elder Afton, CEO of Afton Robotics and Fazbear Entertainment after Elder’s death. His relationship with his father was distant and strained at best, which worsened after his death as Circus Baby’s programming had her kill his daughter when she wandered over alone. He pulled away from his wife and their relationship grew rocky over the tragedy. Being confronted by Lucian’s sister some time later over the fate of her brother’s soul had Michael searching for whether there was any truth to it; upon discovering his father’s Remnant research and notes, he found a desperate hope that this could be key to reviving his daughter. While he was also attracted to Lucian’s sister for her more vivacious nature, he eventually had to threaten her into leaving him alone so as to keep the discovery of Remnant and soul transfer a secret. He left behind the company and his family after receiving the data on the 1987 Incident in order to find a method of using Remnant to revive Emelia without causing more deaths. Failing that and realizing that Emelia had gone insane and murderous from isolation and desperation, he chose instead to try and destroy everything connected to the Remnant experiments, bringing everything that was affected by it together in one place to be burnt so the Remnant would be destroyed. He was unaware that his wife was also involved. Died in the flames that consumed FFP&P. Referred to as Son of Canon Purple Guy.
Lucian Master File: The ‘pure’ download of Lucian Enfuego’s digitized Remnant and memories. Stripped of anything that could humanize him or create empathy with others, the Master File only seeks to cause as much death and havoc as possible. He generates copies of himself to carry out his plans, assimilating information from them while he remains safely out of sight and harm’s way. The first copy of himself ever created he stripped of similar power to force him to be weaker and gave him over to William Afton II to use in his experiments, which resulted in the copy breaking away from him so drastically he became unique and Master File lost control and connection to him. He only ever assists someone when he feels he’s able to use them to further his own ambitions in the process. Originally the controlling software to Afton Robotics’s main computer, he managed to escape destruction there by coding himself onto chipsets in protected hardware, which later allowed him to escape into the video game software that scanned those chipsets. Referred to as Master File or Glitchtrap.
Phew! i really gotta finish up the wikia articles on everyone.
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happy-meo · 7 years
Masquerade IV: The Dark Side (Jin x Reader x Tae) Part 4
While love may bring out the best in us, it could also bring out the worst.
** If you haven’t read them already, please read the following BEFORE starting this story: Silver Spoon, Masquerade I, Masquerade II, Masquerade III, Masquerade 3.1 & 3.2 drabbles **
Summary: You were never lucky in love. Through disastrous dates, consistent unrequited crushes, and broken relationships, you’ve constantly been searching for someone to give you genuine love and romance. And through it all, one person had remained your constant shoulder to lean on. Although you had never seen his face, he had given you a sense of confidence and a place of comfort in Club Masquerade. The more times you’ve failed in love though, the more you realized that may be no one would ever choose you. However, one fateful encounter, thanks to your dog, made you want to hope one more time. Did fate bring you to the one who would finally end your streak of being broken-hearted? Or had the right guy been with you all along?
Jin x Reader x Tae (ft. previous Masquerade characters, Silver Spoon characters, & Got7 Jackson) Fluff, Smut, Angst, Romance Host Au, Cook!Jin, Vet!Tae, Bartender!Tae
**If you need a refresher on connections, here’s the diagram: Connections **
Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 (Finale)
A/N: Hope everyone’s doing well ~ So happy I could finally sit down and write again! Enjoy :)
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           "Hey Y/N. Can you check this over for me?" Hoseok leaned over as he slid a stack of papers towards you.
           You blushed at his proximity.
           Having a crush on your boss was so cliché, but you couldn't help it. Although he had garnered the reputation of being cold, you remembered the days where he was literally a walking sunshine. You still felt his warmth during the times you were alone like this. You knew he was in there somewhere, and you've often wondered if you would be the one to bring him back.
           "Y/N?" Hoseok waved a hand in front of your face, forcing you to realize you had blankly been staring at him.
           You straightened up, flustered. "Y-Yeah, sure."
           "Thanks. Just leave it on my desk when you're done. I trust your critique more than half of these goons here." He snorted.
           You blushed at the compliment. "W-will do, boss."
           "Thanks." Hoseok clicked his tongue and gave you a quick wink before disappearing.
           You grinned widely. Would you be the one to pull him out of his darkness after all?
           Then along came Park Jimin.
           To say you were slightly upset that Hoseok had so easily assigned you to the new CEO would be an understatement, but you continued to delude yourself that maybe pushing you away was his way to stop his raging feelings for you. But Jimin proved to be even harder to resist, with his bright smiles, cute antics, and his constant attention.
             "Hey, what's a pretty girl like you doing hunched over on a desk so late?" Jimin sat on your table smoothly. "It's a 9 to 5 for a reason."
           "I uh...have to finish up a few more things." You blushed as he came up behind you, reaching around to grab the paper in your hand.
           "Y/N." He whispered, his breath tickling your cheek. "This isn't due 'til the end of the week. Let's go home."
           You felt your skin crawl with warmth.
           "Come. I'll walk you out." Jimin gestured. "I can't have one of my workers staying late. I'm not like Hoseok."
           He was the perfect gentleman, opening all the doors, tucking you into your coat, and making you feel comfortable with his easy going conversation. It wasn't hard to fall for Jimin, not when he seemed to give you his focus and attention even with things unrelated to work, unlike Hoseok.
           You rolled on your back and stared at your ceiling, recollecting the events of the night. When you had planned to go to Burlesque, never in a million years did you think you'd return to your bedroom having been asked out on a date by Kim Taehyung.
           He stepped closer to you, "And where do you stand with that now?"
           You felt magnetized by his gaze so you felt yourself shift closer to him too as you whispered. "I'm a bit more open to the risk if the person is right."
           Tae's lips curled up, "Then would you be open to going on a risky date with me, Miss Puppy?"
           Grabbing the nearest pillow, you covered your face to dampen your squeals. Then you exhaled, letting the momentary excitement die down, allowing your fears to seep in.
           You had been here. A countless amount of times.
           Giddy butterflies. Nerves. The enthusiasm about someone being interested in you.
           But one thought haunted you: How long would this last?
           How long would you see Taehyung through rose colored lenses until they shatter and he shows his true self? Would it be your fault or would it be his? Would he choose you? Would he want to keep you? Would he still be the same person you imagined?
           How many times have you been through this cycle? You fall for someone, and it either ends unrequited with only your delusions to disappoint you like it did with Hoseok and Jimin, or they choose you temporarily. No one was permanent. Nothing was guaranteed. No amount of love and effort could force someone to reciprocate your feelings in the same intensity and manner. It was a terrifying realization that there was nothing you could do, because it was someone else's choice.
           "Y-you said yes?" Jin stammered.
           Your lips curled up. "Yeah...I was surprised too."
           Jin took a few seconds to quell his spiraling emotions. The only sanity he was holding onto was the feeling of your hands in his, knowing you were waiting patiently for him to say what you wanted to hear. It was always odd to him that he knew you that well.
           He looked at you and gently stated. "I'm proud of you for taking that risk."
           Your eyes lit up, and he knew he had hit the nail on the head. Then something faltered in your expression, and alternatively, a flicker of hope sparked in his. Were you second guessing your decision?
           "What's wrong?" He asked, breathlessly praying that you were confused...and furthermore, that you were confused because of him. But he knew that was just wishful thinking.
           With just a word of concern from him, your positive facade crumbled. Jin made you feel so safe that your mouth began moving before you could stop yourself. The thoughts that had been circulating your mind since last night came tumbling forward - raw and rushed.
           "It's terrifying, Jin. The feeling of falling. So many what ifs swim through my mind, like what if this guy is just like every other wrong guy I've fallen for? What if he's nice at the start but once he got what he came for, he leaves me for the next chase? What if he's perfect at the start but what if that affection you thought was devotion turns into possession and obsession? What if it all goes wrong? What if he doesn't like who I am like the others? What if he sees my flaws and runs? What if he sees my strengths and sees them as flaws? What if I get hurt all over again? What if that is how I'm destined to spend the rest of my life? When should I draw the line and surrender? When should I accept that maybe no one out there will love me or even want to love me?"
           Jin instinctively pulled you into his chest, burying all of his emotions to tend to yours. It hurt him more to see you like this, than when he heard you were going on a date.
           "Y/N, you enjoy the journey." he whispered. "Yes, you can get hurt again. Yes, they can turn out to be jerks, but you know, I'd rather live than regret and have what ifs. You were able to figure out and be sure that those men were the wrong ones because you tried to be with them. If you hadn't, you might've been hung up on what you imagined them to be rather than for who they really are. Don't let fear stop you from giving a chance to someone who might be completely right for you."
           You lifted your face from his torso, reveling in the softness in his voice, the warmth of his body. "But how will I know if they're the right one?"
           Jin combed his fingers through your hair, "You won't...not until you get to know who they really are. But I can tell you, the right one will be unlike any of the other guys before. He will make you feel special, loved, beautiful. He will want to know you, and he will see both your strengths and flaws as precious because they make you, you."
           You stepped back to get a good look at Jin's face, "Do you really believe someone like that exists?"
           He cupped your face to stare into your eyes with as much authenticity as he could muster, praying his feelings would get through to you somehow.
           "Well, you never know. He may be right in front of you."
           "Okay, this is the 20th time you've sighed. What is wrong with you?" Crumbs appeared beside Jin, but he wasn't even surprised.
           Jin sighed once again. "I don't really know, Crumbs. I just feel kind of blah and everywhere? I have these feelings but blank thoughts. Has that ever happened to you?"
           He stared down at her pleadingly, wanting reassurance that he wasn't going crazy.
           "Come." Crumbs tugged at his apron and dragged him into the kitchen. "Your moping face will scare away the customers."
           Jin exhaled.
           "And for goodness sake, stop sighing." She rolled her eyes and positioned him in front of the kitchen counter. "Now when I have thoughts I can't sort out, I do what I do best and cook. Put your emotions into your art and it'll give you a reply."
           Jin blinked, "You know...you're actually smart."
           "I'm going to ignore that since you're slightly off today." Crumbs huffed. "Now talk to me when you've got yourself sorted out."
           He watched as Crumbs tended to her own batch gratefully. Her sharp gaze, knowing he was spacing out again, jolted him to look down at the ingredients in front of him. She was right. Jumping into something he loved doing often provided him clarity when things became too muddled. So he let his hands find its way around while his mind wandered.
           To you. To himself.
           He knew he had kept his emotions and thoughts bottled up, believing pushing forward was the only way to go. But he wasn't exactly sure why he still felt like he was at the starting line and walking in circles. His bakery was doing well. He was getting enough money to live comfortably. So why did he feel so stuck?
           "Hey." He spoke up.
           "Hm?" Crumbs hummed.
           "Have you ever felt stuck?"
           "Of course. Who hasn't?" She answered so nonchalantly that Jin had to chuckle.
           "Well...how do you get yourself unstuck?"
           "Why're you stuck in the first place?" She raised an eyebrow, giving Jin her full attention.
           Jin kneaded the dough as he pieced his words together. "I just feel like I'm not running fast enough I guess. Everything I want seems to be within my grasp but evading me. With Y/N. With success. With my siblings."
           "Ah. There it is." Crumbs' lips curled up.
           "What?" Jin blinked.
           "Your complex." She pointed.
           "My complex?"
           "You're stuck because you've put yourself inside a box that you don't fit in." She stated.
           "What do you mean?"
           "Jin. You aren't your siblings, and you will never be." Crumbs threw flour lightly onto his face. "So stop comparing yourself to those business goons. You're meant to find success in a different way."
           "I guess." He hummed.
           "In a way you're doing more than them, you know."
           "How so?"
           "Well, they manage different business chains, but do they actually run it?" she smirked. "I think it's tougher to gain the numbers from the inside. It's easy to look at them and review from the outside."
           Jin smiled, "That's a good way to look at it. I would like to see them work here one day."
           "I think it'd be a riot." Crumbs chuckled. "Give yourself credit. What may seem easy for you, isn't for others. And other people's successes shouldn't undermine yours. You're an entrepreneur. You belong to no big company yet here you are, running a well-known, well-sought after bakery."
           Jin reached over pressed his palm into Crumbs' cheek, marking her with flour in return. "You know, you're actually awesome."
           "I've always been." She rolled her eyes. "Who do you think keeps this ship afloat?"
           Jin snorted. "And also, with Y/N...I don't want to just give up like this. Do you think that's low of me?"
           Crumbs smiled and shook her head. "Not at all. It's just a date after all. There's no commitment involved, so you're fair game."
           "I want to put my best foot forward and win her over." Jin stated confidently, feeling a sense of rejuvenation creep into him.
           "Go for it, tiger." Crumbs slapped his back. "I like you a lot better when you're running forward and not standing still."
           Jin grinned. "Thanks."
           "Don't worry about it."
           Crumbs phone rang and she checked it with a sigh.
           "Everything good?" Jin questioned.
           "Yeah. I need to step out for a second." She smiled wryly.
           "No worries. I got things in here." Jin waved.
           She snorted as she took off her apron. "Sure you do."
           "What did I tell you about calling me out during work?" She crossed her arms.
           "I know, I know. I'm sorry. You just keep avoiding me, and I know for sure I can find you here." Jackson stepped out of his car.
           "So? What do you need?" She raised her eyebrows.
           "Here." He handed her an envelope.
           "I don't need it."
           "Crumbs." Jackson exhaled.
           "Tell them to stop doing this, and you stop following them! Have more backbone."
           "I want to do this."
           She shook her head. "I've already made my decision on this matter."
           "I know." Jackson smiled as he stuffed the envelope into her hand. "But so have I."
           Jackson kissed her cheek before hurrying back into his car.
           "Step on it before she breaks the car!" He bellowed with a light-hearted cackle.
           She huffed as she stuffed the envelope into her pocket, watching the vehicle screech around the corner in a hurry. But a small smile splayed on her lips.
           "Stupid Jackson."  
           "Tell me again why we're here?" Dark Angel whispered.
           "We're here to monitor the date, of course." Jungkook hid behind the menu.
           Dark Angel sighed. "I thought we agreed we wouldn't get involved even though we're aware of this love triangle between my family."
           "We're not involved. We're observing. A recon mission." Jungkook's eyes sparkled.
           "It's like you're a cop or something." Dark Angel snorted as she was about to pull off her fake glasses.
           "No! What're you doing?" Jungkook pushed them back onto her face.
           She rolled her eyes. "I hardly think putting on specs is a disguise."
           "It worked for Superman." Jungkook mumbled.
           "Jung--" Dark Angel was about to retort.
           "Shhh! They're here!"
           Dark Angel exhaled but fell silent to appease her boyfriend.
           "Thanks for agreeing to a dog cafe." Tae grinned as he let Soonshim off his leash and you did the same for your puppy. "I feel like Soonshim hasn't been too happy cooped up at home. He's used to being freer."
           "Don't worry. I've wanted to come here, but never got a chance."
           The two dogs immediately began to frolic together enthusiastically while you and Tae watched them fondly.
           "Let's order our drinks." he gestured.
           You nodded and followed his lead to the cash register.
           It was apparent that the worker was intently admiring Tae's extremely handsome face as he was blankly scanning the menu, and while you were a little annoyed, you also couldn't blame them.
           His hair was messily disheveled but fluffy; his bangs falling just around his eye level. He had a casual button up with a design on the collar, and loose black sweats pants that exposed his ankles. On anyone else, it might've been an odd combination of relaxed and formal fashion, but for some reason, he pulled it off effortlessly.
           "Can I have a strawberry milkshake?" He grinned. "How about you, Miss Puppy?"
           You blinked, not having scanned the menu at all since you had been too busy admiring him.
           "Uh a chai latte please." You blurted out the first thing you could think of.
           "Name?" The cashier flashed him a smile.
           Your eyes widened. "Vincent?"
           "Vincent Van Gogh." He stated seriously as the worker wrote down the name as best as she could.
           He glanced at you and playfully raised his eyebrows. You bit your lip, trying not to laugh.
           "We'll get your order to you soon, Mr. Van Gogh. Please have a seat anywhere." She bowed.
           "Thanks." Tae knocked on the counter and gestured for you two to step back outside to watch your dogs.
           "Vincent Van Gogh, huh?" You teased. "I didn't know you were named after someone famous."
           "You know Van Gogh?" His eyes brightened.
           "Of course." You chuckled. "Who doesn't?"
           "You'd be surprised. Back at home, not many people do."
           "Where is home exactly?" You questioned.
           "Daegu. I was a farm boy."
           You blinked. "Oh my gosh."
           "Hm?" Tae glanced over from where he was actively watching Soonshim.
           "I totally forgot you were related to one of the Chairman candidates. I'm so dumb." You winced.
           "Why would you be dumb?" he chuckled.
           "Well, no. I knew you and Dark Angel were cousins and she and Farm Girl are sisters so..."
           Tae shrugged. "They're them, and I'm me. I love them, but they don't define who I am."
           "I mean yes, of course." You blushed.
           He chuckled. "You regretting dating the potential Chairman's cousin?"
           You shook your head, flustered that he had reiterated that this was a date once again.
           "Don't feel bad. I mean Jimin still doesn't know." He cackled. "Poor guy still hasn't put it together, and he's really close to my family members."
           "How did that happen?" You chuckled as you stood beside Tae to check on your dog as well.
           "Well I mean other than Burlesque, Jimin and I don't exactly 'hang out' cause of history." Tae shrugged. "Though I'm not weirded out by it, but I guess he still feels guilty."
           "So you're really okay with you know...seeing your ex-girlfriend and well...Mr. Park?"
           "Yeah totally." Tae laughed. "Receptionist and I are really good friends. The more I got to know the true her and not the filtered version I dated, I knew for sure we wouldn't have matched well together. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the fact that Jimin is still nervous around me. It's nice to be seen as a threat and tease him."
           Your lips curled up. "I guess you're not as nice as you seem to be."
           Tae grinned. "You think so? Maybe I've just learned to unleash it more. I've always been playful, but it seems I've turned mischievous."
           You laughed.
           "Drinks for Vincent Van Gogh?" Another worker stepped forward.
           You and Tae couldn't hold back your chuckles at his name.
           "Thank you." He bowed then he grabbed his drink. "I was parched."
           You two sipped in silence until your pets shuffled over to get your attention.
           "What made you want to bring Soonshim to the city?" You asked as you pulled your puppy to your lap.
           "Actually he was the one that wanted to come." Tae shrugged as he ruffled his dog's fur.
           "When I left, my family told me he was really sad. Then when I came to visit, he wouldn't leave my side so when I asked him if he wanted to come with me to Seoul, he barked. So here we are. Right?"
           Soonshim barked in response.
           "You really are an animal whisperer." You recounted, causing Tae to smile.
           "So tell me, Miss Risk Taker, what's the most spontaneous, daring thing you've done?" Tae questioned.
           You hummed and turned warm. "Mmm...well...umm...I'm actually a..."
           "I'll share one after you." Tae urged.
           "I'm a customer at Club Masquerade." You mumbled.
           You weren't sure if it was your imagination, but Tae's jaw tensed briefly at your statement. But maybe it was simply your eyes playing tricks.
           "Oh wow." He chuckled. "Definitely didn't expect that. Do you still frequent?"
           "Um yeah. Sometimes..." You shyly slurped your drink.
           "I've had sex in that Masquerade Ball place with a random person." He admitted.
           You choked on your drink at his bluntness.
           "Do I win?" He teased.
           You coughed and he handed you napkins with a grin.
           "I call it my dark days..." he dramatically recounted. "You know... post-break up mentality?"
           You snorted. "Yeah, me stumbling into Club Masquerade was one of those episodes."
           Tae chuckled. "Isn't it crazy what we do when we're vulnerable and hurt?"
           "Yeah..." You smiled sadly.
           "Hey, do you wanna just walk around the park nearby?" Tae asked.
           "Sure." You were surprised at his sudden segue.
           "I brought my camera and it's been so long since I've taken pictures." He grinned, holding up a vintage looking hand-held camera.  
           Tae never seemed to fail to surprise you, but then again, everything about this was novel. You shook off the question of how long this novelty would last, and followed him out with your dogs obediently trailing after.
           Enamored, you watched him take pictures of everything, getting low on the ground for a lone flower or attempting to take an aerial shot of the landscape from a tree. You admired his passion and carefree nature. You wondered how the world looked in his eyes as you scanned the empty park, and the changing sky. You thought it would be awkward to just follow him in silence, but it was kind of nice...comfortable even.
           "Wanna see some?"
           Your thoughts were broken by the sound of his voice so close to you. You flinched as you noticed he was right beside you, nonchalantly scanning through his photos.
           "Sure." You tried to sound composed, despite the hammering of your heart at his proximity, especially when he leaned into your shoulder to show you his pictures.
           He grinned. "Here's one of my favorites so far."
           You gasped as you saw your silhouette looking out at the scenery, in deep thought, candid, and dare you say, beautiful. "Wow..."
           "Thanks." He smiled, extremely satisfied. "I usually edit a little, but the lighting was perfect already."
           "How long have you been into photography?"
           "Not long, but once I get into something, I put my everything into it." Tae grinned. "I made lots of photographer friends and they gave me tips."
           "What else have you gotten into?"
           "I sing, dance, rap, act, model, and I try to be fashionable." He listed. "Not that I'm super famous at any of them, but when I see an opportunity, I try for it and do the best I can."
           "Wow...I wish I had time for hobbies." You chuckled.
           "Why not?" Tae shrugged with a smile. "There's plenty of time. What's one thing you like doing?"
           "Huh." You paused.
           You had actually never thought about it. Tae stared at you curiously.
           "You know, I actually don't know. For real." You felt a little embarrassed that something so simple was overlooked. Everyone had a hobby. Except for you it seemed.
           Tae ruffled your hair. "Don't live to work, Y/N. Work to live. We can share hobbies until you figure out what you want to dabble in."
           "Share hobbies?"
           "Here." He handed you his camera. "Take some photos."
           "O-of what?"
           "Anything you find beautiful." Tae shrugged.
           Your heart thumped frantically in your chest as you raised the camera in front of him, because it was an instinct and the undeniable truth. He was beautiful-- inside and out.
           He grinned and posed playfully.
           "Then how about one together?" He raised his arm up to get a good angle, and tugged you close to him, arm wrapping around your shoulders. "We survived our first date. Cheese!"
           You couldn't help but grin at that statement, because well, while some of the time, first dates were a chore or stifling to get through, this was easy. Too easy that it frightened you. But you knew you couldn't run away now.
           You were hooked.
           "Well that was cute as fuck." Jungkook chuckled as he and Dark Angel ended up on the swings a distance away from you and Tae. "Why aren't we that cute?"
           "Because you're a little shit, Jungkook." Dark Angel snorted.
           "Orr it's cause you have no emotion." He huffed.
           "Not my fault you have a libido of a hormonal teenager." She rolled her eyes. "And I can't drop my panties when there are things to do."
           "Oh my gosh." He gasped.
           "What?" Dark Angel worried.
           "We sound like Jimin and Receptionist." He frowned.
           "Don't ever say that again." She shook her head.
           "Okay, let's be cute as fuck now." Jungkook held his hand out. "Watch this sunset with me and be soft."
           Dark Angel chuckled and slipped her hand in his as they swayed in unison. "I guess I have no choice."
           "They'll be okay, won't they?" Jungkook exhaled.
           Dark Angel smiled and squeezed his hand reassuringly. "Our family bond is strong. Don't worry."
           "Crumbs!" Jin burst into the bakery, panting.
           "I hope you're panting because you ran here and not because you just had intercourse." Crumbs scrunched her nose.
           "Oh goodness. No, I was just at the hotel being a waiter. But that's not the point." He rambled. "Wait, why are you dressed up?"
           Crumbs pulled her curls up into a ponytail and removed her jewelry. "I was at a party that sucked so I came out here."
           Jin watched as she chucked off her heels and slipped into sneakers.
           "So? What made you run over here?" She pulled her apron on and sat down on a stool, waiting.
           "Okay, don't laugh." Jin pouted.
           "I am incapable of laughing." Crumbs shrugged. "You have sucked the joy out of my life with your lame puns and dad jokes."
           Jin rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean."
           "What do you need, Seokjin?" She urged. "You know I hate when you're going around in circles like this."
           Jin took a breath. "I need you to help me think of romantic moves."
           They stared at each other for a few seconds.
           "Heh." Crumbs chuckled.
           "You said you wouldn't laugh!" Jin retorted.
           "I don't recall ever saying that." She smirked. "So? Jin who claims he has a face sculpted by the gods needs MY help to think of romantic moves?"
           Jin blushed and huffed. "Well I surely couldn't ask JACKSON, and it feels weird asking my cousin, Jungkook, or Yoongi or even my sisters."
           Crumbs exhaled as she stood up, "Well I'm not sure if I'll be much help either, but let's give it a try."
           "You'll help?" Jin beamed.
           "Listen carefully." She beckoned Jin closer. "There is a fine line between harassment and surprise."
           "What the heck?" Jin raised an eyebrow.
           "Bear with me here." She snapped her fingers as she slipped back into her heels. "There is a secret fantasy where women want to be swept off their feet without warning, kissed in the middle of their sentences, pushed up against the wall and cornered. But the same exact scene can be alternatively perceived as kidnapping, sexual harassment, and bullying."
           "Okay... so...?" Jin furrowed his confusion.
           "It's a delicate degree. First off, they have to know you exist, which you and your girl already have established. Second, you have to be sure there's some sort of attraction there. This is important. If someone we're not attracted to does these forceful romantic gestures, they immediately are labeled stalkers or creepers. On the other hand, if someone attractive to us does it, they're viewed as sweet and romantic, breath-taking even. It's the sad reality."
           "Okay, got it. So what're these actions?" Jin asked impatiently.
           "One." Crumbs stepped forward, causing Jin to stumble backwards, and once his back hit the wall, she slammed her hand near his face. "Close the distance out of the blue."
           Jin swallowed and nodded.
           "Two." Crumbs reached over and caressed Jin's cheek gently. "Make contact."
           "And three?" Jin whispered.
           Crumbs smirked as she distanced herself. "Try one and two first, then I'm sure three will come naturally."
           "Is there something...a little more subtle?" Jin scratched his head.
           "Hm..." Crumbs hummed. "A meaningful back hug is always good. A kiss on the forehead is rare and more genuine in my opinion. Any cute gestures like that that don't exactly lead to sex will probably work."
           "That's it?"
           "Well, I mean I'm just being general here. Every female is different in terms of how often and how much we need these reassurances in physical and verbal form, but yes, we're simple creatures. Plus it helps that you're actually attractive." Crumbs shrugged and kicked her heels back off.
           "One." Jin counted.
           "Hm?" Crumbs turned around, only to find herself pressed against the wall all of a sudden. "Jin?"
           "Two." He touched her cheek cautiously, but gently.
           The two of them stared at each other intently then Jin stepped back with a smile.
           "How was that?"
           "Seems good." Crumbs patted his back. "I figured you'd be fine with your hosting experience. You don't need to be so worried."
           "Thanks. That helped a lot." Jin relaxed then peered over at her groceries. "So what's on the menu tonight?"
           "Mmm..." Crumbs picked up the grocery bag on the ground. "I bought ingredients for pizza. You want?"
           Jin beamed as he rolled up his sleeves. "You make the dough and I'll make the sauce from scratch?"
           Crumbs grinned as she took out the fresh ingredients. "Sounds like a plan."
           "So how're things with Jackson going?" Jin bumped her hip playfully. "He asked about you again the other day. Just give him a chance."
           Crumbs shook her head. "If he gets serious, I MAY think about considering it."
           "He's not being serious?" Jin questioned.
           "Not at all." Crumbs snorted. "Now let's get this done before I get hangry."
           "Oh jeez. I hate when you're hangry." Jin rushed to grab the ingredients and hurried to the stove.
           "Like you're any better." Crumbs rolled her eyes.
           "Hey!" You waltzed into Club Masquerade happily, excited to see Jin after what felt like a long time.
           "Hey!" Jin smiled and embraced you warmly, catching you off guard. He was always sweet and playful, but his hug felt different somehow.
           You brushed off the lurch of your heart at his actions and asked, "How are you?"
           "I've been good. Here and there." He brushed strands of hair away from your face. "How about you?"
           "Working, stressed, but strangely happy." You smiled warmly.
           Jin grabbed your hand and led you to the couch, but instead of having him sit beside you, he pulled you into his lap. Your cheeks turned warm as he leaned his head against your shoulder.
           "I missed you." he stated.
           Your heart raced. What was happening?
           He tugged you a little closer when you didn't respond.
           Your hand instinctively covered his as you leaned into him, reveling in the closeness of your bodies.
           "I missed you too, Jin." You smiled, telling the truth.
           Jin had always been your place of comfort in the chaos of your life. You had always known him, and you knew he would never hurt you, which is rare of you to trust someone so wholeheartedly. But Jin had constantly proven he was going to be beside you regardless of what mistakes you did or what messy state you arrived in.
           However, a place of confusion always wedged itself between you two. Was he acting this way because of his job? Or did he sincerely care for you?
           Of course it made things easier to think of the latter. You knew Jin wasn't desperate for money. He had plenty of other customers, more than his schedule allowed much to their dismay, but he had chosen to keep you through it all.
           This sense of being chosen, being wanted for more than just a few months, a few weeks, always ignited something inside you whenever you were with Jin. So it didn't surprise you at all when you lost control of yourself when he had all of a sudden pinned you against the wall, uncharacteristic of him. You didn't hate it though. Contrastingly, he gazed at you with the gentlest eyes, and he touched your cheek so carefully that you felt like a fragile, valuable porcelain.
           So it was only natural when you leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss against his lips.
           And there was a tense silence as neither of you moved.
           Then in one fell swoop, Jin's mouth captured yours and you felt something more. More than his usual gentleness, more than his usual calculated tender touches. It had happened once before, but now it seemed he wasn't holding back. You allowed yourself to dare to imagine that he was making love to you, rather than having sex.
           He worshipped every inch of you, slowly. His plush lips against your skin set your body aflame. The languid way he was undressing you with his mouth was torturous, yet you wanted to savor it. You wanted him, all of him, for a long time.
           "Jin." You whispered. "Let's extend."
           He hummed as he trailed down lower between the valley of your breasts, before picking you up bridal style. You squealed as he did so. He pressed a button on the wall and a bed emerged from inside. He laid you down gently. You felt breathless already and he had hardly touched you yet.
           "Let me tell them." He stated, his voice roughly hoarse, which only furthered how much he was turning you on.
           You watched his chiseled, toned form walk to the speaker in the room, and after a few hushed exchanges, he returned.
           "All good?"
           "It's all good." He climbed on top of you and caressed your face. "You sure about this?"
           "I want to take our time for once." You whispered. "I want you."
           Jin leaned down and kissed you, unsure of how much his heart could take. He felt like it was going to burst with all the emotions he was feeling for you.
           In a few minutes all clothes were disregarded to different corners of the room, and Jin was feasting on your core, as if he hadn't eaten in days. You groaned, clutching the bed tightly. It felt so damn good. He was rough at points then so careful the next. The push and pull game was making you lose your mental strings at a rapid speed.
           "Jin. I'm going to--"
           "Go for it, baby. Let go for me."
           His voice, his statement, his nickname for you only served to send you over the edge immediately. His name coming out in strangled huffs. You were surprised to hear yourself sound so wrecked, so desperate.
           And you wanted him to be the same.
           So you sat up and pushed him down on the bed.
           "My turn." You licked your lips and covered his length with your mouth.
           His groan and the way his body writhed at the command of such a simple flick of your tongue made you feel good.
           "Keep going. Fuck." Jin hissed.
           You knew Jin hardly cursed, and thankfully so because it was extremely hott when he did. So you continued to bob your head up and down, letting your free hand massage the parts your mouth couldn't tend to.
           He tugged at your hair after awhile, forcing you to lift your head up, surprising you with a raw, passionate kiss. Then his hands found its way to your hips, and you knew exactly what he wanted. Without unlocking your lips, he guided you over his length and eagerly, you sat down. Both of you sighed into each other's mouths, overcome with pleasure.
           When you began to move, each sensation filled you up with highs. You gripped onto Jin's shoulders, not wanting to cum first. But he was working your neck tenderly, only egging you further.
           "Turn around for me." he whispered.
           You nodded, wanting to break the wave of pleasure to get grip onto your control.
           Jin turned you so that your back was against his chest and you were slotted into his length while sitting on his lap.
           "Shit." You cursed. This new position felt ten million times.
           Jin bucked into you as he massaged your breasts, and marked your neck.
           You were so close already that it should've been embarrassing. But you could feel the way he cherished you with every thrust.
           Or was that just your wishful thinking?
           But with every kiss on your neck and with every whispered encouragement and compliment spoken against the shell of your ear, it only served to elate you into your high until you were shaking with pleasure and your body chased the sensation as you grinded into him a few more times.
           "What in the world..." Receptionist gasped, face so close to the monitor, people thought she was reading small print.
           "Wow, that's really...wow...holy shit is that Ji--" Jackson gasped as Receptionist clasped her hands over his mouth.
           She turned off the monitor. "Nope."
           "That totally..."
           "No." She widened her eyes, and Jackson glanced around at the curious looks they were getting.
           "You're right. Good job doing anatomy homework." Jackson gave a thumbs up.
           Receptionist groaned and went back to her planner to look busy. What on Earth was going on with those two?
           The two of you heaved side by side, exhausted yet extremely pleased with the session.
           You rolled into Jin's chest and he easily wrapped his arm around your body.
           "That was great." You kissed his cheek.
           "It really was."
           Jin grinned, praying he had caused you to reconsider. Did his feelings get through to you?
           "Jin." You called.
           "Have you ever wanted to...you know...reveal yourself?" You asked.
           "Many times." He admitted.
           "Why didn't you? You know my face."
           "I wasn't sure if you would feel awkward if you ran into me outside. Some people enjoy the privacy of not knowing who's behind the mask. They feel safer from judgment." Jin explained. "Would you want to know who I am?"
           "Only if you want to reveal yourself." You smiled. "I think I'd like to get to know you outside of here too."
           Jin's heart did somersaults at the possible implication.
           "I think we'd be really good friends."
           "Oh, I'm also going on my second date. Breakfast before work." You rambled. "Since we're both so busy. We figured it'd be the best time."
           Jin knew what exactly he had to do. No more of this subtle mind game. He had to take Hoseok's advice and just reveal himself to you. Take the full-fledged risk.
           "Where’s your date?" he questioned.
           "You're WHAT?!"
           Jin pulled the phone away from his ear as Crumbs yelled at him.
           "I'm going to crash their date, reveal myself, and prove to her that I'm the better candidate. I mean, let's be honest, there are only a handful of people who can outshine my handsomeness."
           "Your confidence never ceases to bewilder me." Crumbs droned.
           "Thank you." Jin grinned.
           "That wasn't supposed to be a compliment." She sighed. "Look, I don't think this is a good idea. It sounds immature to crash their date. It's not like the guy she's dating is doing it to spite you. He doesn't even know you exist. Don't disrespect him like that and embarrass her by making it look like she's two-timing."
           "I won't. I'll just act like a crazed, head over the heels suitor, and introduce myself. She'll know immediately."
           "What? You're going to walk up to her in the middle of her date and say, 'Hi...I'm Jin. I want to take the risk with you too. Choose me over this guy. I could love you better.'?"
           "That's actually not a bad idea."
           Crumbs groaned. "Please Jin. Reconsider."
           "I'm going to do this, Crumbs. I can't lose her. I need to show her who I am."
           "Why couldn't you just pull off your mask after you had sex the other day?! Why do you have to make it so... public?"
           "I needed time to prepare." Jin blushed.
           "Look. I don't think it's a good idea, but you do what you want, Jin. Just be prepared to deal with the consequences."
           "What's the worst that can happen?" Jin chuckled.
           "Good luck then." Crumbs sighed.
           "Here I go." Jin smiled and got off the phone as he approached the diner.
           He checked his reflection before entering confidently. Rehearsing his speech, he wandered around the booths, searching for you. Then he heard your laughter. He grinned brightly and spun around in that direction.
           But his heart dropped immediately and his smile faded. The shattering plate behind him only added a touch of dramatics to the horrifying turn of events he was faced with.
           In front of you, making you laugh, dating you -- the man you had a crush on, the man you returned to the dating scene for, the man he wanted to prove he was better than... it was none other than his cousin, Kim Taehyung.
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burgycreeper405-blog · 5 months
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/j /nf ya to draw ws mp4 sjwnrucnwudbd
He just needs beans and stuff/silly
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a wandering trader- i mean wandering phone that lost his sanity
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cookieseals · 3 months
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here's my main refs for these two Mephone4 aus
Without accessories ver under 'keep reading':
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Link to old refs: here
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cookieseals · 1 day
heya, Wandering Sanity is finally out (currently chapter 1 only)
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cookieseals · 4 months
The main whiteboard art I've done on the last whiteboard i've hosted:
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cookieseals · 8 months
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School doodles, and concepts of what WS MP4 + SE MP4 would likely look like (drawing from memory here)
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cookieseals · 8 months
What do you mean, he does have friends?
Hes got the stick he found on the ground, that's his best friend.
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cookieseals · 8 months
If I were to draw WS MP4 in literally any au interaction, buddy would just be mind-blown.. Well, he would think he's either hallucinating or his mind was playing complete tricks from how insane you could consider him. He's been unable to interact with anyone since he was around 1.5 years old. Basically around the middle of II S1. And now he's 13, Still wandering.
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